Affiliate Marketing EXPLAINED! Volume I Page 1 of 14 Affiliate Marketing Explained! From Beginner to WINNER with Affiliate Marketing, a step-by-step instruction manual to get you online and making money in no time flat! VOLUME I: Selecting a niche, Finding a product, Keyword Research Presented to you by: www.MakingMoneywithGoogle.net by Mac Cassity & Greg Kincaid

Affiliate Marketing EXPLAINED! Volume I - The Knife Articles · Affiliate Marketing EXPLAINED! Volume I Page 3 of 14 Keep in mind that while you DO want to have your own website,

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Affiliate Marketing EXPLAINED! Volume I

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Affiliate Marketing


From Beginner to WINNER with Affiliate Marketing, a step-by-step instruction

manual to get you online and making money in no time flat!

VOLUME I: Selecting a niche, Finding a product, Keyword Research

Presented to you by:



Mac Cassity & Greg Kincaid

Affiliate Marketing EXPLAINED! Volume I

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Welcome, and thanks for grabbing a copy of Affiliate Marketing EXPLAINED,

Volume I. We know you’ll be glad you did and we promise to give you every bit of

info we use ourselves to make money through affiliate marketing each and every


My name is Greg Kincaid, and together with my partner Mac Cassity, we have

started a thriving internet marketing business that puts money into our pockets

day in day out no matter if we are working on our business or not. This is the

freedom we want to help provide for you as well.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest ways to get started making money online

because you:

Don’t need a product

Don’t ever have to ship or mail anything

Don’t need money to start the business!

Now, while you don’t NEED money, and you CAN do everything yourself, we will

be recommending some tools and resources that you can use to help speed up

your process that will cost money…if you don’t wish to use them, then don’t, we

just want to pass along some of the things that have worked in our business and

we know would work in yours.

So, what is Affiliate Marketing? Simply put, an affiliate is a salesperson. You are

just becoming a salesperson for someone else’s product. On the internet, the

process of affiliate marketing can best be summed up with the following steps:

1. Pick a niche to market to

2. Pick a product to market to that niche

3. Establish a website to promote the product

4. Generate traffic to the website

5. Collect affiliate checks!

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Keep in mind that while you DO want to have your own website, you aren’t

actually SELLING anything on your site. You are simply directing the folks who visit

your site to the actual sales page of the product you are promoting. You are in

effect REFERRING people to visit the sales page. The reason you want people to

visit your site is because you want them to click your AFFILIATE LINK. This is the

link that is generated once you become an affiliate for a particular product and

will tell the company who is selling the product who to pay. The more people that

come through your affiliate link and buy, the more money you make! Because of

this, some will tell you that you don’t have to have your own website…you can

just refer people to the site to buy using your affiliate link. This is VERY hard to do

on a consistent basis and make any more…bottom line is, having your own

website makes things A LOT easier and much more profitable.

Ok, that is your basic intro about affiliate marketing, now, here is a bit about this


As I said, Mac and I are partners and we set up websites to promote affiliate

products. At any time, we might be promoting 5 or more affiliate products online.

We have basically gotten an effective affiliate marketing system locked in that is

bringing us consistent money day in and day out. The amounts vary, but reaching

the several thousand dollars a month mark should NOT take you too long. It has

allowed me to leave my corporate job and payoff some debt…in a down

economy, that is a tough thing indeed, but affiliate marketing works because

people are ALWAYS buying products based on the subjects they are interested in.

If you are promoting a product in a hot market, you WILL make money. This

eBook series will help you to understand the basics of affiliate marketing and get

you up and running with your affiliate business in no time. Each section will focus

on a different aspect of affiliate marketing with each volume building on the last.

We decided to break the info up into different volumes as some internet

marketers only need specific information about a certain aspect of affiliate

marketing and by breaking up the subjects into individual volumes, we were able

to go into a little more detail about each subject as well as offer our own tips and

tricks and case studies to help speed your success. Ok, let’s get started!

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Section 1: Choosing a Niche

Ok, first things first. When you are affiliate marketing, you will be selling a product

to a NICHE. A NICHE is basically just a more defined market that is underneath a

more general one. For instance, let’s take the market of GOLF. The general

subject you would market to would be golfers. A NICHE within golfers is those

golfers who are left handed. So, if you have a product made especially for left-

handed golfers, then you have a NICHE to market to.

Now, many people totally go insane over trying to find the RIGHT niche. They are

afraid that if they don’t find the right one, they will go broke, and more

importantly, they are convinced that if they find the right one, they will be RICH

beyond their wildest dreams! As it turns out, both ideas are pretty much DEAD

WRONG in my opinion. Remember when we mentioned that there are

HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people on the net? Well, pretty much ANY niche will

yield you a return, provided you get in front of enough of them. On the other

hand, it is doubtful that because of competition that any ONE niche will make you

a millionaire. This is why we are going to talk about niche research, but not spend

a TON of time here, and we are going to also recommend you look at affiliate

marketing from the prospective of marketing several, if not MANY products

eventually. If we show you a system that will let you get up and running with one

website and make $100/day consistently, well, how many websites do you want

making you $100/day? Now you are starting to get it, huh?


When I am checking out niches, one of my favorite ways to do it is to head over to

AMAZON.COM. They actually have a built in search function that will allow you to

search through different niches to see which ones are hot or not. To do this,


1. Go to Amazon.com

2. Type in ANY subject (start with what you are interested in, but really you

can put in just about anything, I narrow the search to just BOOKS myself)

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Now, the results will show you how many books are on this subject, and it starts

with the best sellers. This will give you an idea of the types of subjects that golfers

are interested in. In addition, if you look down the left hand side of the results,

you will see all the categories of books about golf. These basically categorize

different golf niches for you. Now, all you have to do is dig a little deeper into

some of the golf niches, pick one that is selling well, and find a product in that

niche to market to. I will go into more detail about product choosing, but this in a

nutshell is one way to get started quickly in choosing a niche.


EBay can be a GREAT way to find hot niches. Simply enter in a subject in the

subject line and you will see ALL the products for sale in that particular niche. In

addition, you can click to see completed auctions to see if products are truly

selling in that category and for what average price. (keep in mind, as some niches

go cold, there may be MANY products up for sale in that niche, but few may be

selling…you have to check completed auctions)

EBay, like Amazon, will allow you to search through general subjects to find

specific niches as well. Take the general subject SCUBA for instance…do a search

for SCUBA on eBay and check out all the sub niches on the left hand side…the

research is done FOR you! What is selling, how quickly, and at what price. Now,

considering that as an affiliate marketer, you might be selling digital products vs.

physical ones, your actual results may vary but this will give you a general idea of

what a particular niche marketplace will yield.


As an affiliate marketer, it is likely that you will spend some time over at

Clickbank. It is the #1 site for offering digital affiliate products online. Down the

road, you might create your own to offer for others to sell, but for now, you are

looking to be a salesperson for someone else.

Once you register, you can check what products are selling and in what niches.

While I didn’t put this one FIRST, as I was not ranking in any particular order, this

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may be the best place for you to start when checking out niches. Honestly, you

can go to Clickbank, pick a niche, and pick a product in just a few minutes. If

others are having success with a particular niche and product, chances are you

can too!


CBEngine is AWESOME in that it takes the activity on Clickbank and allows you to

get even more info about what niches and what products are hot…how many are

having success, etc. I absolutely recommend you check out Clickbank.com FIRST

so you can get a feel for the site and how it works BEFORE heading over to

CBEngine.com as much of the info won’t make sense unless you have an

understand of Clickbank.

Your OWN interests

Personally, I often look to my OWN interests when it comes to choosing a niche. I

have a lot of interests and know a good deal about each of them. Also, the more

involved I am with a particular interest, the more I know about the potential

market. How big it is, what types of products the market will buy, how much they

will pay, etc. I mean, I AM one of the clients I would be marketing to after all!

Make a list of all your interests and hobbies to begin with. Mine looks something

like this:

Internet Marketing

Computers in General


Video games (home systems mainly)

Music (drums & percussion mainly)


As you can see, I have quite a few subjects that I am already interested in. Now, I

just have to narrow each subject down into the specific niches that interest me

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the most and that still have a fairly large number of people as part of the market

and I am off and running! Start making your own list and you’ll probably be

surprised at how much money can be made by you marketing to a niche you

already have an interest in.

Check out GOOGLE

Like I said, I am not one who pays that much attention to competition, but, if you

want to see how competitive or NOT your niche is, just check out Google. Enter

your niche in the search bar and check out the results. You will see paid ads AND

regular search results. If you see a ton of paid ads, this might be a good

sign…while there IS competition, it usually means people are making money with

your niche. Either way, I wouldn’t stake my decisions on whether or not to market

to a niche based on competition, but it CAN give you some insight into how easy

or tough your job may be to make money. The other tip for Google is to type your

niche in the search bar followed up the words “affiliate programs.” This will give

you an idea of just how many affiliate programs there are for that niche and can

help you find products to market as well.

*Special Tip*


many people try to find niches that NO ONE is marketing to…this makes them

crazy and costs precious time and energy. Do what we do: Choose the most

popular ones! While the chances are low you will DOMINATE the market,

popular niches usually have such a big audience that you will still make great

money! We always go for niches that have a lot of completion, and we ALWAYS

make money with them!

*Case Study*

(Throughout this series, we will be including case studies on our own results

from what we will be including. This will help give you an understanding of what

has worked, or NOT worked for us)

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When I was working on trying to find a niche to market to about 7 months ago, I

started doing all the normal research that everyone else does. I checked out

Clickbank, Amazon, did Google searches, and at the time, I was still in the

mindset of trying to find the PERFECT niche. I couldn’t seem to uncover anything

that had lots of interest but little competition (the magic formula most “gurus”

tell you to look for.) I was getting frustrated, and so was my girlfriend…she kept

nagging at me to go and get something for her from the drugstore to help her as

she suffers from ovarian cysts. Well, as I was writing to Mac at the time, he said

his girlfriend was going through the SAME thing…ok, weird as it is, I knew I had

something. Ovarian cyst cures. I did some research, found some products to

promote, and have been able to turn this niche into a VERY nice profit…it pays

me daily like clockwork. Just goes to show you that no matter how much info

you have or how much research you do, you should always keep an open mind

about choosing a niche to promote.

Section 2: Choosing a product to market

Once you have found the niche you are going to market to, now you have to

choose a product to offer. Personally, I think this part is kind of easy. I think once

you read how I do it, you will agree. There simply isn’t much to talk about here.

There are places where you can find out which products sell well and pay you a

lot of money…what other research do you need??? What we WILL do is break

down products into PHYSICAL products (the kind that you can actually pick up)

and DIGITIAL products (the kind you download…this eBook for instance is a digital


Let’s get Physical…

Physical Products

Now, research has shown that physical products can be a little easier to sell than

digital ones. This often has to do with the fact that the physical products actually

DO something. Let’s take the subject of FITNESS for instance, and then break it

down into the niche of MUSCLE BUILDING.

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Just about everyone has heard of BOWFLEX. This machine helps you build muscle.

You can see on the commercial exactly what it does and if you work out with it

regularly, you can build some serious muscle. Well, Bowflex has an affiliate

program! Yes, you can become an affiliate of Bowflex and actually sell those killer

pieces of equipment you see advertised on TV all day. They pay pretty well and

you can bet that if someone is looking to get into shape, and your site does a

good job to send them over to the Bowflex site, a portion of them will buy and

you will get paid. People will have a greater knowledge of BOWFLEX and their

marketing campaign than digital products for instance and this can result in a

higher conversion rate for you. The prices can be higher however, and some folks

don’t want to wait for something to be shipped when they can download

something else RIGHT NOW…so it just depends on the market you hit with your


Anyways, if you are looking to offer physical products in your affiliate marketing

campaigns, you can either visit sites of companies whose products you want to

offer (BOWFLEX for instance) and scroll down to the bottom and see if they have

an affiliate program (most sites will have a link for affiliates at the bottom if they

have an affiliate program) OR you can go to:


PepperJamNetwork.com is THE clearing house for affiliates who want to sell

physical products. Not EVERY physical product that has an affiliate program is

listed here, but there are more than enough that you may never have to visit

another site. Many of the affiliate programs offer fantastic support and service to

help get your business up and running with banner advertising, sales text for your

site, and more. Go check out PepperJamNetwork.com and see what they have to

offer. You will be amazed at how many of the brands and products you

recognize…becoming an affiliate of a well known product can be a great way to

get your business up and moving quickly. You still have to compete with the other

sites out there who are selling the same products, but once we get to keywords

and traffic generation, it will not seem like such an insurmountable task.

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Digital Products

One word: Clickbank. We talked about Clickbank before, and as far as choosing a

digital product, there really is no reason to go anywhere else. Clickbank is THE

largest provider of digital products offered to affiliates in the entire world. Simply

find out what is selling well in your niche, sign up to become an affiliate, grab the

necessary affiliate code and go on to the next step!

Before we move on, here is a quick tip to help you find which products are the

best ones for you to market: Once you are logged into Clickbank, go to

MARKETPLACE and then sort results by GRAVITY. This will tell you how many

people are making money selling this product. You want to choose a product that

has a ranking of more than 20 (any less and it means that not many folks are

having success) but no higher than 100 (it can be tough for you to compete with

more than 100 salespeople all trying to sell the same product to the same crowd.

*Special Tips*

Use Clickbank to find products that have a gravity of between 20-100

Choose products that pay 50% or MORE commission

Check out CBEngine.com and CBTrends.com to find out the latest info on

Clickbank products

When choosing a product, research it online to see what others are saying

about it. Too much negative talk may mean it’s a good idea to pass on

that particular product

Make sense? Ok, choose your product, and let’s move on!

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Section 3: Keyword Research

Here is the quick intro to keywords and most of what you will ever need to know

about them:


Pretty simple, eh? If you keep this in mind, it will help keep you on track and keep

things in perspective while doing keyword research. Your goal is to choose

keywords that the MOST people are searching for, and then get your website to

be one of the first sites that shows up in the search engine results. Now, getting

that to HAPPEN is a bit more difficult, but understanding the process is key. There

are two types of keywords you will need to know about:

1. General or Broad keywords-These are like general subjects. Like in our

example on GOLF, GOLF is a general keyword. Now, it would be VERY hard

for your site to rank highly in the search engines for GOLF and since people

may be searching that term for a variety of reasons, your site may not

appeal to them anyway. This is why you want to get more specific and

choose what are called:

2. Longtail Keywords-These are basically keyword phrases that have several

words that help to describe what someone is looking for. In the GOLF

example, if you chose the niche of left handed golfers, then your longtail

keyword would be LEFT HANDED GOLFERS. This is MUCH more specific

than just GOLF and if your product is geared toward left handed golfers,

then people who are searching that exact term might just be great

prospects for the product you are marketing…

Ok, now that you have a basic understanding of keywords, let’s go about FINDING

them…(don’t worry, I will talk about WHAT YOU DO WITH THEM when we get to

the traffic generation/SEO section)

Start with Google

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I am definitely going to show you some shortcuts to finding the best keywords,

but first of all, let’s start by using the tools that Google provides for us for FREE!


This is Google’s keyword search tool and it will help you get ideas on good

keywords for you to use in your traffic generation campaign. All you do is enter a

keyword or keyword phrase in the box, and the tool with give you info based on

that SPECIFIC keyword as well as other similar keywords and keyword phrases. It

will give you an idea of how much competition there is for that particular keyword

as well as an approximate idea of how many people are searching Google using

that keyword or phrase. This technique is not EXACT, as there are quite a few

variables that are NOT included in the results, but, it will give you the general


a good idea if you are on the right track. The other really great thing is just all the

synonyms you get in the results. This can give you tons if ideas you hadn’t even

thought of yet.

Now, when you get REALLY serious about keyword searching (which you probably

want to do sooner than later) you will want to use a keyword search software to

help you along.

Keyword Research Software

You know the saying, “If you want something done right, you have to do it

yourself?” Well, that doesn't apply to Internet marketing my friend! At least in the

case of certain aspects of it, that is. Keyword Research is a biggie here.

All of the info I mentioned above absolutely will work. There is even PAGES AND

PAGES of more info that you can learn on your own over time to help you get

even better at choosing keywords, but all of it has the same thing in common: IT

TAKES TONS OF TIME! In the Internet world, as in any other aspect of business,

TIME IS MONEY. If you are spending time researching keywords, then you are

NOT spending it on making money. Sure, some can argue that you really are

making money doing keyword research because it will LEAD to money, and I

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agree…to a point. You see, nothing is IMMEDIATE…it takes time to get each

aspect of your business together no matter what kind of tools you use, but here is

why it makes sense to use keyword research software to leverage your time:

Let’s say your goal is to get 5 websites up and running, each making $100 per day.

Now, let’s say that you spend about 4 hours of keyword research per site, per

week to keep profitable keywords coming in for your project. So…you are making

$500/day but you are spending 20 hours PER WEEK just on keyword research

What if you could use keyword research software to dramatically decrease the

time you spend messing keywords? You would still be making $500/day but NOW

you are spending only 5 hours per week with keywords. So…which scenario

makes more sense to you?

As far as software goes, we here at www.MakingMoneywithGoogle.net use:

www.KeywordResearchPro.com .

This software will not only help you find keywords to use for your affiliate

marketing websites but it will give you the EXACT data you need to ensure that

the keywords you choose WILL be profitable. The problem with regular keyword

research is that much of your efforts will rely on trial and error. You won’t know if

the keywords you chose will make you money until, well, you either make money

or you don’t! I don’t know about you, but we are in this business to MAKE

MONEY, not waste time! This is exactly what this type of software was created


Here is a little review we created on MakingMoneywithGoogle.net


If you want to just go ahead and check out the product itself, head over to


By the way, the software costs $176. As I said in my review, that may seem out of

reach for some, but if you factor in how long actual keyword research takes, you

will be able to make A LOT more than $176 by using this software…TRUST ME.

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*Special Tips*

When looking for competition, search using your keyword in quotes. This

will show you how many websites are using that EXACT keyword in

optimizing the site. The more sites that come up, the harder it will be for

you to rank using that keyword. Aim for LESS than 60k competing sites.

When choosing keywords, you want to use those that are being used for

searching at least 1000 times per month, or approx. 32 times per day.

Learn the difference between “browsing keywords” and “buying

keywords.” Browsing keywords are what someone enters into a search

engine when they are simply looking for information. Buying keywords

are used by those who are looking to make a purchase. There are no hard

and fast rules here, but look for anything that denotes price, availability,

location, reviews, customer ratings, etc. as those are buying keywords.

Any keywords about info, history, or queries about the subject in general

are usually browsing keywords.

Longtail keywords work the best…the more specific you get, the more

highly targeted your traffic will be.

USE EZINE ARTICLES-This is perhaps my favorite keyword tip. Go to

www.EzineArticles.com and search for articles about your subject. All you

have to do is right click on a particular article and it will show you what

the keywords are. Do this for several articles and you have a keyword list.

If you take some time to research articles that are getting a lot of hit and

clickthroughs, you can develop a VERY valuable keyword list…for FREE.