AFV Modeller 10-5

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  • 7/31/2019 AFV Modeller 10-5



    Basic BrassContinuing our occasional series on techniques we take a

    look at working with etched metal detail sets. Love them or

    loathe them, these detail sets have revolutionised thehobby and are guaranteed to drive even the most

    proficient user insane.

    The first rules of working with etchings are

    dont expect to use every part on the fret -

    som e parts are just imp ossible to bend to

    the required shapes and always check that

    the part you are about to m ake could not

    be m ade m ore quickly and easi ly from

    plastic - it is easy to begin trying to fold

    everything from f lat sheet when i t isn t

    always necessary.

    ToolsBasic requirements for wo rking w ith

    etched sets are standard m odel l ing tools.

    A scalpel, tweezers, dr i l l bi ts and wet and

    dry sandpap er and goo d qual i ty fine nosed

    pl iers. I was able to f ind a long nosed pair

    which are good for bending longer parts.

    For a m ore advanced approach you m ay

    consider a ho lding too l to help w ith folding

    parts and a soldering iron for a m ore

    robust assem bly.

    To o l c l a s p sThese little clasps consist of just 3 parts

    but they encapsulate al l the frustrat ions of

    working with etched sets and they can

    have you pul l ing your hair out - just when

    you think you have them assem bled they

    explode into their com ponent parts - oneof which wi l l becom e lost. This step by

    step sequenc e should help eliminate these

    problem s.

    1 Cut the p arts from the fret on a f i rm

    surface, scrap plast ic card is good for this

    as i t prevents the parts from distort ing. Cut

    the sprues as t ight as po ssible and clean

    any excess with wet and dry.

    2 - 3 Hold the base p late with the pl iers andbend with your f ingers.

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    1 2

    3 4

    5 6

    7 8

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    4 Fold the handle into a U shape and

    locate the p ins on the strap into the

    handle. Once they have located , cr im p the

    handles together using the p l iers so as to

    hold the strap firmly.

    5 Flip the strap ba ck so i t rests on the

    handle and hook one of the arm s of the

    handle onto the pin on the b ase plate.

    6 Hook the other arm onto the b ase plate.

    7 Crimp the handles together between the

    two p ins to secure the hand le f irmly.

    8 Flip over the strap and close the clasp.

    W o rk i n g t e c h n i q u e s

    We assemb led a mudf lap f rom the

    awesom e Aber 1:16th Tiger 1 set to

    dem onstrate a variety of techniques.

    9 The part is tr im m ed a cleaned up with

    wet and dry.

    1 0 To rol l the hinge along the top ed ge,

    dri ll bi ts make a convenient former, com ing

    in consecutive sizes. The steppe d edg e of

    the folding tool provides a handy supp ort

    to push aga inst.

    1 1 Once the rol l is roughly form ed the

    correct sized hinge pin is inserted and the

    rol l is cr im ped around the p in for a snug f it .

    1 2 - 1 3 to fold longer edges c an be dif ficul t

    with short pliers so a folding tool is used. A

    cocktai l st ick is rolled under the part to

    push the m etal to the desired angle.

    Alternatively a punch and die set can be

    used to ho ld a part w hi lst folding.

    1 4 The basic part after rol ling and folding.

    1 5 - 1 7 90 b ends in long thin parts are

    best hand led by a folding too l. The

    Etchma te used here com es with a folding

    blade which locates into a V shap ed slot

    9 1 0

    1 1 1 2

    1 3 1 4

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    1 5 1 6

    1 7 1 8

    1 9 2 0

    as you bend the part up.

    1 8 You can glue parts togethe r with

    superglue but soldering provides a m uch

    stronger join. Flux is brushed onto the joint


    1 9 Low m elt solder spreads easi ly along

    the joint with the aid of the flux.

    2 0 Any excess is cleaned away using a

    f ile, wet and d ry or by scraping with a


    2 1 The r ibs are f i t ted in the sam e way

    2 2 Assem bling hinges is a f iddly process, I

    begin by c utt ing an oversized pin and this

    is laid o n top of the inter leaved hinges.

    2 3 Bend up the f ingers of the hinge so as

    to hold the pin making sure that the two

    parts of the hinge dont m ove apart.

    2 4 Bend the f ingers f lat and c heck the

    al ignm ent.

    2 5 Use tweezers to tuck the f ingers under

    the hinge pin and cr imp them t ight around

    the pin using pliers.

    2 6 To avoid the risk of solde r running into

    the hinge a sm all spot of solder is adde d

    to the und erside of the hinge and this is

    put in posit ion before being heated by the

    Iron. When the solder m elts the hinge

    drops dow n to be f lush with the surface of

    the m udguard and the heat is removed.

    Ro l l i ng2 7 This tr icky procedure is ma de m uch

    easier if the pa rt is annealed by hea ting i t

    in a gas f lam e and al lowing i t to cool

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    2 1 2 2 2 3

    2 62 52 4

    2 7 2 8

    2 9 3 0before repeating several t im es.

    2 8 Once i t has cooled, rol l the part round a tub e and repe at this

    with tubes of de creasing size, making sure that you rol l the part

    sm aller than the f inished diam eter to ensure a good join.

    2 9 Open out the tube so that the edg es can be joined - this part

    which w i ll be an S m ine launcher, has a stepp ed l ip to help the

    jo in ti ng p ro cedur e

    3 0 With the joint soldered tog ether you f ind that the tube is st i l l

    far from circular so Roll the tube around a simi lar sized form er - I

    f ind a paintbrush handle w ith i ts gentle tap er is ideal for this task,

    unti l a perfect shap e is obtained.