AGELESS ARTS M A G A Z I N E Volume IV August 2014

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Volume IV August 2014

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The Entertainment Industry is intense, many are passionate and competitive. This issue captures diversity and

competition. We have a battle between the city of Spokane Washington designated by (S) and the state of Wyo-

ming designated by (W), these are some of the best works in the respective area, please feel free to vote on who

did better on the ATG group in Facebook. Also, we have budding you ng talent, global and national sensations,

and also older beauties. We have something for everything so please appreciate the passion, competiviveness,

and hard work featured!

Thank you,

Abel Carv

President and CEO

ATG Productions

Anthony Aguirre COO

Jacque Russell Vice President (Owner Jacque Russell Imagery- www.jrussellimagery.com)

Misty Chapman Recruiting and Retention Officer

Jamie Garnier Director Sales/Marketing, CFO


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Creative Collaboration………………...…...Page 3

Phillip Harnden’s Quick Tip……………...Page 10

Realistic Body Image..……………………Page 11

Youthful Thaila…..……………………….Page 15


Tori Cadawaller…………………………..Page 23

Sage and Her Truck….………….…….....Page 25

Summers with Fae………………………..Page 29

Jamie & Wyoming Models………………Page 39

Cassandra Dhaenens………….…………..Page 48

Desirae Start……………………...……….Page 53

Briana Patik………………………..……..Page 60

Nicole Jacobs…………………...………..Page 66

Easy Living ……………………………...Page 71

45 is the New 25………………………….Page 77

Viva Las Vegas…………………..………Page 79

Matthew Angelo………………………….Page 84

Wyoming Invasion………...……………...Page 31

Cover Feature, Spokane vs Wyoming

Photography by: Mark Anthony & Phillip


Models: Cassandra Dhaenens & Jamie


Cover Designed by Cassandra Dhaenens

Briana Patik

Page 60

Desirae Start

Page 53


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Creative Collaboration

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“This shoot and its concept came about from a discussion between myself and the model

which initially centered around her skills as a makeup artist and my photographic skills. This

was all done virtually since we live in different states and had never physically met. Over

time the discussion turned to her acting as both the model and makeup artist. We then used

Pinterest boards to develop ideas for the shoot that inspired us both.

I felt Gianna had the skills and looks that would allow for a variety looks from art nude to

glamour. In the end she proved to be up to the challenge and really made this effort work.

I sensed from the start that we could create some images that would we both artistic and in-

spirational. We had a very open discussion and did not place any real boundaries on genres

or styles. I feel that open discussion ultimately lead to us being very comfortable when we

finally met.

Due to the fact we lived almost 4 hours apart lead to the idea of renting a studio for the day

and creating as many looks as we could. After a bit of time we decided on a date and were

able at the last minute to secure a studio that was half way between our two locations.

In the end this was a true partnership and collaboration. What you see here is a sample of the

images we produced that day. I hope these images and the story behind the shoot inspire you

to challenge yourself and create great work.”

Model: Gianna Rose


Boston, MA

Photographer: JD Liddil


New Haven, CT


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Realistic Body Image As I stand in the magazine isle at the store I am disgusted by tag lines trying to pull me in to buy their magazines.

Lean Body Secrets,

Drop 2 Sizes Fast,

Reset Your Weight,

20 Minutes to a Better Body,

22 Weight Loss Tricks That Work

and Amazing Abs in 16 Minutes.

I understand that these tag lines are used to pull one in to want to purchase and read the magazine for a minute I

get hooked on its amazing and inspiring info that will change my life right there in the check out lane, But it is all

a marketing ploy.

What I see in those magazines is empty promises, $5 wasted, beating myself up when what they have suggested is

not working out for me no matter how hard I want to succeed and then the inevitable eating my feelings, depres-

sion and staring back at square one.

I don't need a tag line that is a bold face lie, I need REAL. Real people, their stories, someone who has had strug-

gles with weight and is working through it, whose progress I can see in each issue so that I know I am not alone in

my own battle with the bulge.

Being surrounded by covers that show off bikini clad celebrities who have been photoshopped, airbrushed and

have either won the genetic lottery or have a trainer on hand 24/7 does not want to make me drop what I am doing

and go for a run, it makes me want to grab the candy bar just inches from where that magazine lived at the check-

out lane.

If fitness & health magazines really wanted to reach out to the core of those who buy their magazines with false

hope then here is my suggestion... from a real person.

-Real life situations

-coping with stress and real life issues that may cause gain

-healthy, quick and realistic meals on a budget (aka- something someone can feed their family too)

-real people doing exercises

-following real people with their weight struggles and how they have coped

-have a section for those of us who have allergies and sensitivities

…..and why not start young. Have a kids and teenage version as well.

The possibilities are endless if you inspire and help people feel good about themselves. These companies could

profit on actually changing lives instead of giving false hope. In the end, everyone will win.

Kelly Lynch-Chevalier



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Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/


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Photography by: Tami Vandegrift

Model/HMUA: Kelly Lynch-Chevalier

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By: Patrick Barnes

Jeff Nicholson, a singer who started singing and taking piano lessons as a kid always wanted to be a professional

singer. To be a singer, an actor or a model is the dream of many young people. Jeff’s story is an example that it’s

worth fighting for your dreams and to live that dream. But also, that it’s never too late.

As a young adult Jeff relocated to Nashville, TN. The “Music City”. Anybody who wants to become an actor goes

to Hollywood. And anyone who wants to become a singer goes to Nashville. Especially the Country Music sing-

ers. But there’s not much difference between the two places. As many unemployed actors you can find in Holly-

wood, as many unemployed singers you will find in Nashville. And that hasn’t changed until today!

But Jeff started to make his way. In the early 1980s he participated at a singing competition at the Nashville Pal-

ace, which is a restaurant and concert venue in Nashville. It was the same time when a young man named Randy

Ray was hired at the place as a cook and singer. And it was the same Randy Ray who was challenged by Jeff in

the competition and lost. Just some years later the same man would be known as Country Super Star Randy


Encouraged by this success, Jeff made his way in Nashville as a studio session singer and cut numerous demos for

songwriters. Those songwriters would write songs and seek for studios who can record these songs, so the writers

or their publishers could pitch them to the major labels. And hoping that one of the big stars would like it and sing


As many young singers in Nashville were waiting to be discovered to be the next Randy Travis, Jeff was waiting

for that moment too. A young impatient singer, who was full of hope to make it, when he came to this city, ended

bitter and disappointed. Instead of finding the managers he was hoping for, he found the dark side of life. In-

volved with the wrong people and drugs he literally dumped nearly 20 years of his life. Of course he sometimes

would see the end of the tunnel. But involved with the wrong people, they just switched off that little light of hope

Jeff saw every now and then.

In one of these light moments he recorded some songs, he and a friend of his wrote. But he also recorded a very

special song, which meant a lot to him, and still does. At this session “Purple Rain” - Prince’s hit single – was rec-

orded be Jeff Nicholson, as a Country song. He knew that this was something special, although he just recorded it

to have his OWN recording. Not just a demo for another songwriter. But he still wasn’t around the right people,

and his life continued with a lot of wrong decisions.

It took him some other years to finally reach end of the tunnel. And as he opened his eyes he saw the light. He

knew it was God, giving him a second chance. Jeff knew that this was real and took the chance. Just some time

later he was rewarded for this decision to go another way. Realizing, that it’s never too late to change and to be a

better person, he also realized that it’s never too late to live his dream.

At Waylon Jennings daughter in law’s 2014 birthday party in Nashville Tennessee, he met a Country Singer who

just signed a record deal with a new record label from Memphis, TN. First he was a little surprised, that it wasn’t

Nashville. But that particular singer was Jimmy Miles who went #1 on the Independent Hot Country Charts in

July 2014 and when he heard Jeff singing at the party, he promised to introduce him to his manager and owner of

Mid South Music Records.


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Jeff became a chance and was invited to sing at a huge benefit concert in Memphis, TN, which was organized by

Mid South Music Records for Tornado victims in Mississippi. This performance led to a meeting with Mid South

Music Records’ owner T.M. Garret, who wanted to see Jeff in a personal meeting.

They discussed a possible deal and decided to set up yet another meeting on June 26th 2014. This date made Jeff’s

dreams come true. After all the years he waited, after so many years he literally wasted, he finally was rewarded!

It was the day he signed the record deal for Purple Rain and a full album!

Purple Rain was released on July, 28. You can purchase it on www.jeffnicholson.us, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify,

Sony Music Entertainment, xBox Music and many more.

INTERNET: www.midsouthmusic.us

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/midsouthmusic

TWITTER: www.twitter.com/midsouthmusic

REVERBNATION: www.reverbnation.com/label/midsouthmusic

YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/channel/UCO__jtTM8reyFrVuwNci7QA

LINKEDIN: www.linkedin.com/pub/t-m-garret/80/517/783

SKYPE: midsouthmusic

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Youthful Thaila


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“Thaila and Keith met in February of this year while shooting a a retro clothing range for Bombshell cloth-


It was Thaila's first time in front of a camera as a model and Keith's first catalogue shoot. Since then they

have collaborated on other projects both professionally and on a personal basis.

18 year old Thaila from Cambridge, New Zealand is currently studying, while helping to care for foster

children with her mother Bianca.

Keith is working to try and establish his photography business, Shifting Light Photography, while also

working in a full time position within the textile industry. “


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Tori Cadawaller (S)


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At 12 years old, Tori Cadwallader is already show-

ing her modeling skills. Tori has always shown an

artistic flair as she has loved drawing, singing, per-

forming and fashion since she was very young.

Though she had mentioned modeling and had even

participated in a runway show at the age of 10, it

wasn’t until winning 4th Runner Up for National

American Miss’ Top Model for her division in the

Washington state 2012 pageant that the idea of be-

coming a model really started to resonate with her.

Tori went on to participate in 2 more pageants in

2013 as a means of practicing modeling, public

speaking, performing and interviewing skills and

won titles in each. As Petite Miss Washington Pre-

Teen 2013, Tori put in numerous hours volunteer-

ing. Her favorite charity is SpokAnimal. So when

she heard that Wendy Jordon from Artistic Expres-

sions Performing Arts Academy was putting on Ca-

nines on the Catwalk/Divino runway shows to sup-

port SpokAnimal, Tori was eager to participate.

Though she has had several photo shoots with some

great photographers already, it was her photo shoot

with Mark Anthony that really solidified her desire

to model. Her favorite shoots are when the photog-

rapher will allow her to be creative and include her

in creating the art!

Model: Tori Cadawaller

Spokane, WA

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions

Spokane, WA



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Sage and Her Truck (W)

“I had an awesome time shooting with my truck,

Casey Legler and Michael Hatcher! Out in the

beautiful Wyoming back roads. “

Model: Sage Peterson

Casper, WY



Photographer: Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher Photography

Lingle, WY




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Summers with Fae (S)


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“Each of these shots are some of my favorite ones from this summer

and last summer with taking this style. Swimsuit is so much fun! One

of the things I love about is how it allows those who may not have

been comfortable in a swimsuit be able to find a new level of comfort.

It can bring out the warmth in someone's smile and afford a sense of

peace at the same time. Each time I get to work with someone new it's

a whole different outcome but with the same results; we have a fun

time and get some beautiful images. “

Image 1

Model: Lindsey Wells

Image 3

Model: Bethany Tarnowski

Image 4

Model: Brynne Gadbury

Image 5

Model: Ariana Melekian-Davies

Image 6

Model: Amber Logsdon

Image 7

Model: Ashley Start

Image 8

Model: Andrea Brown

Image 9

Model: Christina Poindexter

Photographer: Fae Rogers

Blue Eyed Films & Photography



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Jamie Garnier & Wyoming Models (W)

Model: Jamie Garnier

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography



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Model: Alex Dannels

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


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Model: Sage Peterson

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


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Model: Amber Carpin

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


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Model: Teka Perry

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


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Model: Casey Dawn

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


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Model: Kayla Burg

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


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Model: Tomi Smith

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


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Cassandra Dhaenens (W)

Model: Cassandra Dhanens

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions



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Model: Cassandra Dhanens

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Model: Cassandra Dhanens

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Model: Cassandra Dhanens

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Desirae Start (S)

Model: Desirae Start

Spokane, WA

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


Just Thinking


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“I am oldest of 7 children, married for 34 years. I have had 9 children (8 Living), 5 girls 4 boys, ages

18 to 34. I've been a house manager/caregiver for 10 years taking care of 6 elderly people. I sell my re-

finished furniture and other items I create at My Favorite Things in Post Falls, ID. Love to sew, run,

hike, bike, garden, and anything that keeps me active. Two years ago I discovered Photographic and

Runway Modeling. This year I have already reached goals that I thought would be unattainable. Was

published on the cover with a feature article of a International Magazine. Participated in many runway

shows and will model for STRUT, Fire On The Runway and Runway Renegades. I am also the Wash-

ington rep for The Emerald Girls. Currently working on costume designs for Go Go dance competition

and the "Beyond PInk" fashion runway fundraiser. Life at 53 just keeps getting better, age is only a

number. What you put into life is what you will receive back, stay positive and dream big! "

Star Searchin Final Competition

Model: Desirae Start

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Modeling for T. Worley & Co. Event Planning and Design

Model: Desirae Start

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Promo Photo for Canine's on the Catwalk

Star Searchin Semi-finals

Model: Desirae Start

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Runway Fundraiser INCED (Inland Northwest Coali-

tion for Eating Disorders)

Canine's on the Catwalk 2014

Model: Desirae Start

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Lake Couerd' Alene Group Swimshuit Suit

Lake Couerd' Alene Group Swimshuit Suit

Model: Desirae Start

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Test Shoot for Imaginary Closet the Airship Oz Collecion

Model: Desirae Start

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


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Briana Patik (W)

Model: Briana Patik

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography

http://307photo.com/ 60

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Model: Briana Patik

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


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Model: Briana Patik

Photographer: Phillip Harnden

307 Photography


“Phil and I took most of the photos I was really cold shy nervous but Phil got me to open up taught me some

poses the one with me looking at the tree was really fun and I look so happy there.. he told me to look at the

light only using my head then the camera then down at my body that was one pose my body kept but my head

made each one look different When I was sitting Phil's chair my feet were super cold cause the snow if you

stepped somewhere wrong it was knee high deep the wind was blowing taking my breath away hoping i still

looked good posing (: “

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Model: Briana Patik

Casper, WY



Photographer: Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher Photography

Lingle, WY



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Model: Briana Patik

Casper, WY



Photographer: Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher Photography

Lingle, WY



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Nicole Jacobs (S)

Model: Nicole Jacobs

Spokane, WA

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


Popping the Poppy Fields


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Model: Nicole Jacobs

Spokane, WA

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


Sitting Pretty

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Model: Nicole Jacobs

Spokane, WA

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


Heaven's Gate

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Model: Nicole Jacobs

Spokane, WA

Photographer: Mark Anthony

Anthony Productions


Staircase to Heaven

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Specialties Include:

Nutritional Mindfulness Support

Guidance Recovery

Relaxation Therapy

Breath Work

Yogic Stretches

Energy Prosperity

" manifesting journeys -transforming self love and life style awareness"

Shaina Wolff


Relaxation Therapist


[email protected]


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Easy Living

Model: Brandi Lankford

Photographer: Tammy Smith, Easy Living Photography

North Carolina


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45 is the New 25 By Abel Carv

With the average life expectancy going up, quality of living improving, and the population’s

general health improving, there is beginning to be an upward skew in the age of models. For-

merly models traditionally retired in their late 20’s early thirties, now models are modeling

into their forties and even fifties.

These 45 year old models seem to be taking over, dominating ads, runway shows, and compe-

titions, they are here to stay. They often show that they have as much energy as the younger

models as well as maintain their will to model and drive. The benefit to these models are that

they usually have more modeling experience, more life experience, or both., which could

prove to be a wiser investment than finding and using new, young models.

When you can get a model with as much energy and drive, combined with more experience

and maturity, why would you want to invest in the younger models? Many promoters and ad-

vertisers are noticing this and the older models are now getting the gigs that were formerly

for the younger models, say 25 years old, this also requires younger models to need to acquire

more skills and experience to achieve a high level. If you are a promoter or advertiser, con-

sider the benefits of using an older model. If you are a model, consider your age, skill, and the

relation between the two!


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Viva Las Vegas

Photographer: Mike Lee

Originate from: Hawthorne, Ca, 90250

Now in: Las Vegas, Nevada

Website: www.polarpics.net


Halen Arrow Minor

Jesse and Ms Kate

Megan Jane

Sara Boucher


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Photographer: Mike Lee

Originate from: Hawthorne, Ca, 90250

Now in: Las Vegas, Nevada

Website: www.polarpics.net


Tiffany Fuller

Mandy Anderson

Tanya Ballinger

Mtv Reality Star (Aloha)

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Photographer: Mike Lee

Originate from: Hawthorne, Ca, 90250

Now in: Las Vegas, Nevada

Website: www.polarpics.net


Angie Phillips

Erin Jill

Elizabeth Larson

Shannon Haffa

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Photographer: Mike Lee

Originate from: Hawthorne, Ca, 90250

Now in: Las Vegas, Nevada

Website: www.polarpics.net


Heather Faze / Yvonne Drake

Billy Owen / Dayarina Owen (Airbrushing by:

Rick Bishop Sr.)

Billy Owen (Airbrushing by: Rick Bishop Sr.)

Taylor Rae Duffy / Snakes: Johnothan Wallace

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Matthew Angelo

Obsession: A Monologue

What will I do to win your love?

How far will I go?

If I follow you will you turn and see me?

I can stand outside your window.

Maybe I can call out your name.

Shout it into the wind.

I'll leave notes on your car.

Flowers, I know you'll love those.

I'll them on your doorstep.

When I call, I'm too scared to talk.

You will only hear my heavy breathing.

You sound worried, scared even.

I won't hurt you.

You just need to understand my feelings.

No, don't call the cops!

They'll take me away from you.

My love, why are your crying?

What about the knife?

It's for your protection.

You belong to me.

Other men don't deserve you.

They don't care like I do.

No, I won't go.

Stop crying dammit!

We are meant to be together.

I said stop crying!

You know it makes me angry.

Why do you have to make me mad?

Don't you love me?

Have my letters meant nothing?

I'm sorry baby.

I didn't mean to hit you.

You just get me so mad at times.

Now baby, put down the gun.

We can get through this.

We were meant to be together.



Gazing out the window of my soul I see you

A perfect reflection to my imperfect self

For how should an unworthy man be worthy of your love?

I see your smile, it brightens my days

We share a part of this world that no one is allowed in.

Locked in from the tribulations of hate and society

Here we are unchained

Free to be us

Free to fly

From my lips I hear your voice

It speaks love even though my heart is deceitful

But will my heart remain so forever?

I your words echoing softly

Forbidden in the pleasure it brings

Ecstatic in its purity

Sanctified in our love

Unburdened by our desires

Satisfied in vice

I smell your scent

Pheromones running strong, running pure

How can this cause my adrenalin to rush?

A hormone laden scent across my nose

Awakening our souls

My mind is aware

Rushing in a sea of memories

Happiness is ours alone

Shameless is our grace

I run my tongue across your body

I taste the salt of your skin

Shall I go mad with passion?

Your body shudders under mine

Desires become overwhelming

A quick flick of my tongue

An orgasmic ride of pleasure and pain

A hard bite

A sudden gasp.

Holding you tightly you fit perfectly against me

I can feel your heart beat

Will it beat with mine?

I wrap my arms around you

Squeezing tightly, not wanting to let go

You seem like a caged bird wanting free

I let go to only have you come back

In sync our hearts beat together

A rhythm of souls entwined 84

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For more photos and hotter photos like thesef rom this

shoot and for more works authored by Matthew An-

gelo, check out the September issue of Ageless Arts



Matthew Angelo

Fort Collins, CO


Jacque Russell

Jacque Russell Imagery

Cheyenne, WY


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Models: Cassandra Dhaenens, Jamie Garnier , Gianna Rose, Kelly Lynch-Chevalier, Thaila, Tori

Cadawaller, Sage Peterson , Lindsey Wells, Bethany Tarnowski, Brynne Gadbury, Ariana Melekian-Davies,

Amber Logsdon, Ashley Start, Andrea Brown, Christina Poindexter, Alex Dannels

, Amber Carpin, Teka Perry, Casey Legler, Kayla Burg, Tomi Smith, Desirae Start, Briana Patik, Nicole Jacobs,

Brandi Lankford,Halen Arrow Minor, Jesse and Ms Kate, Megan Jane, Sara Boucher, Tiffany Fuller, Mandy

Anderson, Tanya Ballinger , Mtv Reality Star (Aloha), Angie Phillips, Erin Jill , Elizabeth Larson , Shannon

Haffa , Heather Faze, Yvonne Drake, Billy Owens, Taylor Rae Duffy , and Matthew Angelo

Photographers: Phillip Harnden, Mark Atnthony, JD Liddil , Keith Maynard, Michael Hatcher , Fae

Rogers, Mike Lee Tammy Smith, and Jacque Russell

Writers: Abel Carv, Phillip Harnden, Kelly Lynch-Chevalier, Matthew Angelo

Musicians: Jeff Nicholson

Advertisers: One Way or Another Remodeling, Ben 10 Computers, OneLove Wellness Company, Legal

Assault, Contessa’s Court, Funky Mouth Guards, Skyline Productions Photography, and Midsouth Music En-


Staff: Abel Carv, Anthony Aguir re, Jacque Russell, , Jamie Garnier , and Misty Chapman

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© 2014 ATG Productions

Prepared by MagCloud for Jacque Russell. Get more at atg-productions.magcloud.com.