Patron Mary McFarlane at the Opening of NZ Division II April 2012 To be presented at the Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual Meeting at Moana Pool, Dunedin, on Sunday 17 th June 2012 at 2.00 pm

AGM 2012 draft - Swimming Otago · Swimming New Zealand Incorporated Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual General Meeting 2.00pm 17th June 2012 109 th Annual Report to be presented

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Page 1: AGM 2012 draft - Swimming Otago · Swimming New Zealand Incorporated Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual General Meeting 2.00pm 17th June 2012 109 th Annual Report to be presented

Patron Mary McFarlane at the Opening of NZ Division II April 2012

To be presented at the Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual Meeting at Moana Pool,

Dunedin, on Sunday 17th June 2012 at 2.00 pm

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Page 3: AGM 2012 draft - Swimming Otago · Swimming New Zealand Incorporated Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual General Meeting 2.00pm 17th June 2012 109 th Annual Report to be presented

Swimming New Zealand Incorporated

Swimming Otago Incorporated

Annual General Meeting

2.00pm 17th

June 2012

109th Annual Report to be presented for the 2011–2012 season in the Meeting room at the Moana Pool, 60 Littlebourne Road, Dunedin, on Sunday 17th of June 2012 at 2.00pm.

The order of business at the Annual General Meeting shall be:

1. Roll Call of Delegates.

2. Proxies.

3. Apologies for absence.

4. Tabling of club annual reports and the notification of the names of delegates appointed by clubs for the ensuing year. No club that has failed to provide copies of its report shall be permitted to participate in the meeting without leave of the meeting.

5. Confirmation of minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting.

6. Presentation of the Annual Report.

7. Presentation of Financial Report and approval of affiliation fees and charges.

8. Election of Officers.

9. Honorariums.

10. Consideration of recommendations of Life Membership and Blazer Committee.

11. Consideration of motions and recommendations, of which notice has been given.

12. General Business.

The Chairperson may vary the order in which the business is taken for any reason deemed necessary.

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Swimming Otago Officers and Officials 2011–2012

Patron Mary McFarlane

Life Members Graeme Collie, Danyon Loader, Daphne Loader, Jeannetta McArthur, Mary McFarlane, Trish Purdie-Smith, Graham Price, Kate Price, Ruth van Welie, Allan McMorran, Michael Dodds

President Mandy Grainger

Immediate Past President Alan Hale

Senior Vice President Lynn Robertson

Vice President Patricia McNaughton

Secretary Colin Walker

Treasurer Kathyrn Duncan

Management Committee Vicki Bown, Michael Dodds, Alan Hale, Sue Maclaurin, Sharon

McKinnel, Susan Sawtell, Terry Wall,

Auditor Justin Stent

Solicitor Stephen Grant

LM & Blazer Committee Michael Dodds, Daphne Loader, Mary McFarlane

Referees Panel Michael Dodds, Alan Hale, Allan McMorran, Graham Price, Peter

Ross, Ruth van Welie, Colin Walker, Vicki Bown, Kay Alexander

Funding Kathryn Duncan, Lynn Robertson, Terry Wall

Competition Susan Sawtell, Michael Dodds, Patricia McNaughton, Terry Wall,

Colin Walker

Volunteers Mandy Grainger, Vicki Bown

Promotion Michael Dodds Colin Walker

Development Sue Maclaurin, Sharon McKinnel

Equipment Mandy Grainger, Terry Wall

Registrar Patricia McNaughton, Alan Hale

Technical Committee Alan Hale (Convenor), Michael Dodds, Colin Walker, Kay

Alexander, Vicki Bown

Otago Selectors Kay Alexander, (Convenor), Colin Armstrong, Colin Walker Alan

Hale (Recorder)

Country Club Selectors Peter Ross (Convenor), Sharon McKinnel, Colin Walker (Recorder)

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President's Report

Thank you for the opportunity to present this the 109th Annual Report As I write this report we have just had presented to us the recommendations from the Review of the state of Swimming New Zealand. If these recommendations are adopted by 2014 Swimming Otago as a single regional body will no longer exist. Change is inevitable and as a sport we need to move forward, to ensure we can continue to grow and compete on the world stage. As I reflect over the past year there have been some major highlights and some things that we have not done so well. I am sure those of you that were here will remember this time last year we sadly remembered the life of our Patron Bob Smith (he died 2 days prior to the AGM). While remembering Bob it is also important to note other swimming identities that we have farewelled over the course of the year, each club will know their identities, (as does Swimming New Zealand) however one of the Otagos losses pool side this year was Punch Tremaine (Bernard). Swimming Otago was well represented at his funeral and I am sure you will join me in offering our condolences to Dot and the family. The highlights of the year I would like to warmly welcome Mary McFarlane to the role of Patron, Mary is still very active in all aspects of Swimming competitions and many will recognize her as the wee lady who starts the races, Kiwi know her has a member of their club. I know her as a very reliable and extremely knowledgeable source of information, Swimming New Zealand know her for her ability to officiate at National competition and a member of the Blazer committee. Welcome Mary. Moana pool has hummed with Swimmers from all over New Zealand on many occasions this year starting with the Otago/Canterbury Champs (the carnival committee report within the document will give you more detail for all the competitions), this was followed by South Island champs and then we hosted the National Div 2 competition. All events were very well run and a credit to the organizing committees. I am very conscious of all the time and effort it takes preparing for events this large and most of this is achieved prior to the meet even starting. Thank you to all who helped. It saddened and frustrated us all when we reviewed the officials (time keepers, IOTs, JOs and referees) lists and found that had we had to rely on Otago only officials for these meets we would have had to cancel them. Otago champs on its own would have been a non event. Our Swimmers and coaches continue to be our main highlights and Otago swimming once again has every reason to feel proud of the achievements of all of you in particular the records broken (I seem to have signed many certificates) the selection for national teams and the gaining of coaching awards.(Andy Adair is now one of only 7 Coaches in NZ that has gained the gold certificate) Congratulations to you all on your achievements from personal bests to New Zealand recognition. Results of the regional, national and international competitions are well presented in the latter pages of the report As demonstrated in the annual financial report we are all reliant on the funding of some sort this year we were well supported by the Lion Foundation for the grants received these assist us in running Otago regional events and sending a regional manager to National meets. Special thanks to you. I am also happy to report the Swimmers development fund is growing thanks to the committee who oversee the fund. Swimmers who meet the criteria are able to look forward to the fruition of this venture.

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Once again this season has not been without its challenges, not just Swimming Otago Management committee but everyone in the sport. My opening statement last year was “Activities within the 2010-2011 year reflect the ever changing world we live in and appear to be a precursor to some of the changes we can expect to see within swimming from the management of swimmers to the existing regional structure”. This year there has been at the request of the Swimming New Zealand board and regions a formal independent review of the Swimming and Swimmers in NZ by an independent body. The outcome was recently released and individuals, clubs and regions have been encouraged to provide feedback. We await now the outcome of the feedback and direction from here. I personally am disappointed by the proposed dropping of Learn to Swim in 2010; the 2011 road toll was119. The lives lost from drowning were 123. It is imperative that someone at a national level drives Learn to Swim and in a manner that is affordable to all. The DCC has thrown some curve balls this year with the proposed charging of clubs for lane use within club time and the allocation of pool space and coaching structure at Moana pool while these are not challenges that Swimming Otago as a body can solve but as individuals and clubs you have all had the opportunity to feed back and the reduction in the price of lane charging indicates you are a powerful voice. The timing equipment is also proving to be a challenge there is more information in the report on equipment. This weekend I have been at Moana pool at the Neptune carnival and as I was looking around the pool I was reminded that I often hear prior to and during an AGM the statement there are not enough Management members that have kids swimming. The inference is we do not know what is it is like to have a competitive swimmer in the current environment. The management committee may not have competitive swimmers now but they have in the past and are the nuts and bolts of every meet that is held in Otago. They are the ones that organize the events, set the pool up, put in the electronic equipment, make themselves be available to be key officials, and are the ones that are still there at the end of the meet putting it all away again. They would like more assistance if you would like to give back to the sport that gives to your children. They are also a team I as the president of the region cannot do without. Thank you to each and every one of you for your contribution to making Swimming Otago the sound region it is. Mandy Grainger President

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Portfolio Reports

Volunteers Report

Competition involves the support, time and effort from many people. Before the event even starts, people have considered the format for the swimming races, organised a group of club representatives to ensure duties are covered for the entire competition, arranged the officials appropriately and have checked that the automatic operating equipment is functioning accordingly. And then the meet starts..........

These wonderful people are called VOLUNTEERS. Within Otago this sport would not exist without you. Being a volunteer can vary from feeling like a rewarding role at the end of a successful swim meet to a thankless task, e.g. when one has to go out at the end of a busy day to a planning meeting, or as a parent you have to get up to take your child and others to the pool at 5am. Swimmers, coaches and teachers please remember to thank the volunteers who have given up their time to make this sport successful for you. I thank you all.

Swimming requires more volunteers than the other sports for each meet As the person who is often challenged with allocating out the roles to ensure the meet can run so that your child is not disadvantaged as they compete I am often disappointed by the lack of people who put their names forward prior to the meet instead we often feel on the day we have to coerce into assisting on the day. I am sure this is as frustrating for you as parents as it is us who want to get the kids in the pool swimming.


This year we have purchased new Watches they are nice and compact. Our electronic s are slowly coming to the end of their useful life we have a good team of volunteers who continue to patch them so that your child’s time will be a recognized national time should a record be broken.

The business case for new equipment is written and applications to funding bodies have been submitted, the quote came in at Three hundred and twenty thousand dollars not much if you say it fast but in the current climate hard to find. This will give us timing equipment for both ends of the pool a must if we are to continue to run national meets at Moana and other pools within the region (yes we want mobile timing equipment), we have also asked for a new state of the art score board. If you or your club feels you can assist in the purchase of the equipment please talk with either myself or the treasurer

Technical Officials

The Technical Panel of Alan Hale, Colin Walker, Allan McMorran, Michael Dodds, Vicki Bown

and Kay Alexander.has meet during the year in an effort to become more active in encouraging more parents to be officials at swimming meets and to improve the mentoring system and communication between key officials. The database of officials is being updated and it is hoped to add the names of those who are just starting to be mentored to it, so that they can be monitored to ensure they become qualified. The panel has also looked at some of the information and log books used by other regions in the hope of using them in our mentoring system.

Lynn Sutherland of the NZ Technical panel held a seminar at which 12 people attended. Those who attended gained information on number official positions. Lynn Sutherland also attended one of our Technical panel meetings where a number of technical issues were discussed and Lynn agreed to raise some issues that need to be changed at the next NZ Technical panel meeting.

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We are still struggling to get parents offering to become officials and we are looking at ways of helping Clubs to encourage parents to become involved. This work is still in progress. There is still an urgent need to get more people involved in the key positions of Starters, JOS, Recorders and Referees.

The panel recently sent out information to clubs about an interpretation of the breaststroke rules and the role of the technical panel in an effort to improve communication. Clubs are encouraged to discuss any technical matter with any member of the Technical Panel.

With Division II being held in Dunedin in April a number of Otago Officials were given the opportunity to gain experience in some of the key positions of a National meet. This was a great opportunity for our officials who gained valuable experience.

The mentoring system has seen a number of new officials qualify in the 2011/2012 season. Congratulations to :- Desiree Crooks (Kiwi), Ian Van Staden, Peter Deans, Matthew Heaton (Waves), Wayne Paul (Queenstown) who qualified as IOT’s and Colin Armstrong (Neptune) on qualifying as starter.

SNZ appoints officials to its National meets and this season Otago officials appointed included Alan Hale, Allan McMorran and Mary McFarlane. Alan Hale was also appointed to the Oceania Championships in Noumea .


This has been another busy year for this portfolio. We have continued to produce a varied calendar that tried to provide opportunities for all levels of swimmer. Due to the lack of a 50m pool in Christchurch the Aquagym Challenge Meet was held at Moana pool in October and in January a combined Otago & Canterbury Championships were held. The combining of the championships meant that the meet was extended by 2 sessions and a complicated method was used to allow each region to get their own results. It was a big learning experience and feedback from clubs in both regions will be considered and used to streamline the meet in 2013. In February 2012 the South Island Country & Town Championships were held at the Cromwell pool. Thank you to Cromwell Swimming club for their organization and hospitality. The Division II Competition was held in April at Moana Pool. It has been several years since a national meet was last held in Dunedin. Michael Dodds and the organising committee should be congratulated on all the hard work they put in before and during the meet to make everything run so smoothly. Everyone at the last session of the Competition was able to witness the unusual result of a triple dead heat for 1st place in the boys 16-18years 50m freestyle final. After that, hopefully it won’t be too long before Dunedin is able to host another national meet.

Finally a big thank you must go to all officials who give up considerable amounts of their time, the small group that make sure the electronic timing equipment continues to work and those who take on the responsibility of organizing meets. Without you the events on the calendar would not happen.

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The past year has seen massive upheaval and change within New Zealand swimming and other leading sports. SPARC, the NZ Academy of Sport and the SNZ High Performance arena have all undergone major revamps. These agencies are responsible for developing and supporting the country’s elite athletes. The latest SNZ review has made several recommendations involving massive changes within SNZ management, regional areas and implementation of policies. If adopted in its entirety, it will mean SNZ will no longer be responsible for delivering “Teach the teacher” courses such as ASTA, ASA and Bronze, Silver and Gold Coach accreditation.

On a more local note, the South Island coaches have been fairly proactive in working together for the betterment of coaching skills within the South Island, although this does seem to have slowed down recently. However, the main area of concern is the grassroots level of swimming – the swimming clubs. It has been very difficult to get any information from the swimming clubs and delegates on the types of development they would like. These could be development courses for 4 different groups:-

• Volunteer learn-to-swim club night instructors

• Squad coaches (professional & volunteer)

• Swimmers

• Or a combination of all As the majority of swimming clubs in Otago operate a “learn-to-swim” development programme using volunteer instructors on club nights, it would be great if they had a mentoring system where they had access to answers for their queries regarding swim teaching. To this end we tried to establish a “Volunteer Instructor Database” so they could receive emails regarding technique skills etc. However only Dunedin, Kiwi, Port Chalmers & Zenith clubs responded (that’s only a 25% response rate). We are here to help but we do need input from our Otago members.

In order for Otago to increase its swimming numbers and improve its overall performance results, we need to keep striving for excellence in coaching skills, technique skills and new improved ways to achieve these. Chinese proverbs offer much wisdom: Tell me and I’ll forget, Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I’ll understand I encourage all Otago swimming clubs/coaches/volunteers/swimmers to keep striving for improvement. In conclusion I would like to finish with another wise Chinese proverb: Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.


This year we were successful in obtaining funding from Lion foundation towards pool hire and medals towards all meets held within Otago. We are very grateful for this support, as this year our swim meets have benefited not only our Otago swimmers, but also aided our Canterbury swimming neighbours who have not had an easy year. Dunedin Masters ran the masters South Island Competition and were very appreciative of the support from Swimming Otago and gave a generous donation which helped Swimming Otago purchase the new stopwatches. Currently we are in the process of applying to a variety of funding agencies for a full revamp of out timing equipment, hopefully the 2013 report shows we have been successful.


It is appropriate to acknowledge the support given by the various newspapers and particularly the Otago Daily Times in promoting the various meets run in Otago. While we would like to have more promotion of the sport this is limited by what the editor is going to allow at the time the information is available. It has been good to see some more articles in the paper in the last two months. There has been limited promotion from a regional prospective but it is acknowledged that various clubs have been promoting the achievement of their swimmers at various meets which helps keep the profile of swimming in the public arena.

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Life Members of Swimming New Zealand in Otago

Maurice Duckmanton, Danyon Loader

Holders of Swimming New Zealand Service Awards in Otago

1958 D P Mitchell

1962 A Thomas, C Ingram

1963 C W Ingram, M Collins

1973 Bernard Tremaine

1989 Eunice Landers

1990 Bob Smith*

1994 Graham Price*, Kate Price

1995 Jeannetta McArthur, Mary McFarlane

1998 Norman Duxbury, Doug Smith

2000 Jill Clarke, Lynda Hall, Daphne Loader, Allan McMorran, Trish Purdie-Smith, Heather


2002 Bill Caradus, Phyll Esplin, Ruth van Welie

2003 Michael Dodds

2011 Susan Sawtell, Colin Walker

* denotes honours

Holders of Swimming Otago Service Awards

1961 A McGuiness, J Nelson, F Godfrey, Dave Kilpatrick

1963 C Bragg, J Connor, S Olds, A McIntosh, K Gemmell, George French, J Wallace, M

Pipsen, J Walker, P McAllister

1965 A Hall, Ron Smith, D Mitchell, J Swann, J Roberts

1967 H Morrison

1968 W Robson, Charlie Sonntag, D Marston

1969 A Randall, R Bell

1970 J Nixon, M Bell

1971 W F Thomson

1972 E Gunn, Geoff Allen, B Boberg, J Gunn, Betty Norris

1973 J McConnochie, A Williams, J Chambers

1975 Vic Boyens

1977 Joy McCready, Eunice Landers*

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1980 Roz McKenzie

1981 T Allington, R Meinung, M McIver, L Conroy, L Holmes, Frances Langsbury

1982 Tom Griffiths, Bob Smith, Lois Lawn, Glenys Low

1983 Graeme Collie*, Mary McFarlane*, Jane Smith

1987 Jeannetta McArthur*, Lynette Willocks

1988 Doug Smith*, Dorothy Johnston

1989 Graham Price*, Kate Price*, Barbara Ballantyne

1990 Norman Duxbury*

1991 Kieran Hurring, Doreen Ansell, Dorothy Johnston, Heather Third*

1992 Allan McMorran*, John McMorran, Graeme Waide, Lynley Smith, Denise Smith

1994 Tony Casey, Brian Seymour, J Campbell, Jill Clarke*, Daphne Loader*

1995 Ann Hanley

1996 Ruth van Welie*, Lynda Hall*

1997 Trish Purdie-Smith*

1998 Merv Aitchison, Jenny Carroll, Rick Clarke, Michael Dodds*, Phyll Esplin, Wendy Martin

1999 Peter Loader, Marie Smith

2000 Trish Quinn, Gary Marks

2001 Sharon Booth, Sharon Taylor

2002 Bill Caradus, Stephen Grant, Marg McMillan, Peter Ross*, Debbie Ross

2003 Jill King

2004 Gary Marsh, Sheryll Ford, Sue Maclaurin

2005 Colin Walker*, Susan Sawtell*, Gael Gutschlag, Di Ferris, Debbie Davidson

2006 Christine Thompson

2007 Karen Ramsay, Peter Weekly

2008 Alan Hale, Christine Jopson, Frank Wylie, Mandy Grainger, Pam Linwood, Sharon


2009 Sue Barrett, Mac McDonald, Marie Roxburgh, Terry Wall

2010 Steve Sawtell

2011 Lynn Robertson, Debbie Tyrrell

* denotes honours

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Our thanks goes to Alistair McMurran and the reporters and photographers of the

Otago Daily Times for their continued support in reporting swimming events and our

swimmers that are entered in them.

Thanks also to reporters in Central Otago and South Otago who cover mainly the

Country Club events and swimmers. We really appreciate your involvement.


Swimming Otago would like to acknowledge the generous financial sponsorship that

has been awarded us through the following funding bodies – Lion Foundation,

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Swimming Otago Membership to SNZ

Club 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12

Alexandra 87 70 50 89 101 112 60

Clutha United 82 78 76 82 55 50 12

Cromwell 130 134 96 127 113 108 107

Dunedin 115 113 124 129 106 190 193

Kawa Dolphins 39 38 48 25 0 58 0

Kiwi 114 113 164 171 136 156 155

Milton 92 82 82 91 0 63 36

Neptune 143 99 160 151 218 188 284

Port Chalmers 84 63 72 92 99 105 98

Queenstown 136 161 221 191 164 97 127

Taieri 105 110 134 138 122 129 125

Wanaka 61 41 55 110 68 67 75

Waves 36 99 122 118 135 126 134

Zenith 136 104 102 137 127 118 124

Totals 1360 1305 1506 1651 1444 1567 1530

Management Attendance at Meetings 2011–2012

Management (11 meetings)

Delegates (2 meetings)


Mandy Grainger 11 1 1

Lyn Robertson 8 1 3

Patricia McNaughton 9 1 3

Colin Walker 11 2 0

Kathryn Duncan 8 1 4

Vicki Bown 7 2 5

Michael Dodds 10 1 2

Alan Hale 10 2 1

Sue Maclaurin 8 3

Sharon McKinnel 9 1 2

Susan Sawtell 11 1 0

Terry Wall 9 1 3

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Attendance at Delegates or General Meetings

5 November 2011 Cromwell 24 18 March 2012 Lawrence 6

Swimming Otago Delegates Attendance at Meetings 2011–2012

Delegates Present Apology Proxy Alexandra

Shane Allen 1 Lynda Cook 1 Gerard Pearson 1 1

Clutha United Leanne Lawrence 1 Karen Ramsay 1 1


Mike Patton 1 Anna Harrrison 1 1 Marie Holden 1

Dunedin Christine Johnston Kevin Phillips Karini Wallace

Kawa Dolphins

Dwight Aide Shane Pearson

Kiwi Maria Godfrey 1 1 Sue Mclaurin 2 Patricia McNaughton 2


Alan Robinson 1 Malcolm Lowrey

Neptune Colin Armstrong 1 Margie Murray 1 Julie McMahon 2

Port Chalmers Kathryn Dawe 2 Licia Mihaka 2


Colin Walker 2 Frank Wylie 1 1

Christine Thompson 1 1

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Swimming Otago Delegates Attendance at Meetings

2011–2012 (continued)

Present Apology Proxy


Tracey Thomson 1 1 Gaile Medder 2 1 Rosemary Ellis 1 1

Wanaka Christine Humphrey 1 1 Nicki Bradley 1 1 Leanne Ray 1


Terry Wall 1 1 1 Diana Evans 1 Matthew Heaton 1

Zenith Sharlene Gillespie 1 1 Brent Wolf 1 Michelle Slater 2

Club Voting Entitlement at the 2012 AGM

The voting entitlement is based on Rule 7.01 (a) of the Swimming Otago Constitution.

Management Voting Entitlement at the 2012 AGM

All members of the Management Committee are entitled to one (1) vote.

An individual who is both a Club Delegate and member of the Management Committee is

entitled to two (2) votes.

The President has a casting vote.

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Swimming Otago Club Contacts


Alexandra Gerard Pearson P O Box 223, Alexandra 9340

[email protected] 03 4487742

Clutha United Taryn May 100 A Wilson Road Balclutha 9230

[email protected] 03 418 3348

Cromwell Mike Patton P O Box 298 Cromwell 9310

[email protected] 03 445 1425

Dunedin Christine Johnston 2 Tensing Street, Dunedin 9010

[email protected] 03 473 0225

Kawa Dolphins Steve Silvey 77 Halfway Bush Road, RD1,Dunedin 5076

kawadolphins@gmail .com 03 4764394

Kiwi Maria Godfrey 3 Wales Street, Dunedin 9010

[email protected] 03 476 5171

Milton Alan Robinson 227 Manuka Gorge Highway RD1 Milton 9292

[email protected] 03 417 8744

Neptune Julie McMahon PO Box 567, Dunedin 9054

[email protected]

03 47308157

Port Chalmers Kathryn Dawe 3 Blundell Avenue, Port Chalmers 9032

[email protected] 03 472 7649

Queenstown Pauline White P O Box 1992, Queenstown 9348

[email protected] 03 442 0252

Taieri Gaile Medder P O Box 268, Mosgiel, 9053

[email protected] 03 489 6373

Wanaka Leanne Kent

42 Studholme Road, Wanaka 9382

[email protected] 03 443 6700

Waves Pam Adair P O Box 2340 South Dunedin 9044

[email protected] 03 474 0033

Zenith Pam Linwood 36 Broughton Street, Dunedin 9012

[email protected] 03 455 2440

Swimming Otago Colin Walker PO Box 79, Dunedin

[email protected]

03 442 8450

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Swimming Otago Cups and Trophies 2011–2012

Otago Championships Swim Otago Centennial Trophy (Senior Male Most Points) ...........................................Kurt Crosland Swim Otago Centennial Trophy (Senior Female Most Points)........................................Katie Kenneally

R A Baker Challenge Cup (Female Open 100 m Free)....................................................Katie Kenneally Newtons Coachway Cup (Female Open 200 m Free) ......................................................Sarah Cutler Kiwi Challenge Cup (Female Open 1500 m Free)...........................................................no swimmer Gaeleen McGuinnes Memorial Cup (Female Open 100 m Back)....................................Kate Godfrey P A Mathieson Memorial Cup (Female Open 100 m Breast) ..........................................Katie Kenneally E C S Falconer Trophy (Female Open 100 m Fly) ..........................................................Katie Kenneally Myers Trophy (Female Open 200 m IM) .........................................................................Katie Kenneally

Presidents Cup (Male Open 100 m Free) .........................................................................Braden Doyle W S Roberts Cup (Male Open 400 m Free) .....................................................................Troy Balvert Mrs Tom Batt Memorial Cup (Male Open 1500 m Free) ................................................Troy Balvert Brown Brothers Trophy (Male Open 100 m Back)..........................................................Kurt Crosland A J Holloway Memorial Cup (Male Open 100 m Breast)................................................Mathew Glassford E C S Falconer Trophy (Male Open 100 m Fly) ..............................................................Rhys Applegrath

Kaikorai ASC 50th Jubilee Cup (Female 14/15 years Most Points) .................................Sophie Gibson

Taieri ASC Trophy (Male 14/15 years Most Points) .......................................................Phillip Baxter

The Nawa Kira Shield (Female 12/13 years 100 m Free) ................................................Kenzie Findlay O’Connell Cup (Female 12/13 years 200 m Back) ..........................................................Alcie Moran Hanley Family Trophy (Female 12/13 years Most Points) ..............................................Kenzie Findlay

Taieri Trophy (Male 12/13 years 100 m Free) ................................................................. Jeremy Hopkins Geoffrey Chambers Memorial Challenge Cup (Male 12/13 years 100 m Breast) ...........Tame Govaerts Otago Centre Trophy (Male 12/13 years Most Points) .................................................... Jeremy Hopkins

Neptune Jubilee Cup (Female 10/11 years Most Points) .................................... Cecilia Crooks

McArthur Cup (Female 10/11 years Aggregate Breast)...................................................Gabby White

Wm Moffat Memorial Cup (Male 10/11 years Most Points) ...........................................Gregor Findlay

Terry Wall Memorial Trophy (Girls 9 years & Under 100 m Breast) ............................. Jasmine Murray Ron Alexander Trophy (Female 9 years & Under Most Points)...................................... Jasmine Murray

Terry Wall Memorial Trophy (Boys 9 years & Under 100 m Breast) .............................Max Wolf

Thomson Cup (Male 9 years & Under Most Points)........................................................ Max Wolf Alex Greig Challenge Shield (Club with Most Points) ....................................................Waves

Otago Country Club Championships

Championship Shield (Club with Most Points)................................................................Queenstown

CU General Insurance Co Trophy (Club with Most Points in 14 years & Over).............Queenstown

Junior Cup (Club with Most Points in 13 years & Under) ...............................................Wanaka

Toko Freestyle Relay Cup (Open Freestyle Relay)..........................................................Wanaka

Otago Winter Championships

Iron Man Trophy (Male Open 400 m IM)........................................................................Matthew Glassford

Iron Man Trophy (Female Open 400 m IM) ....................................................................Kate Kenneally

South Island Championships

Moana Pool 25th Jubilee Trophy (Female Most Points) ...................................................Katie Kenneally

Moana Pool 25th Jubilee Trophy (Male Most Points) ...................................................... Jeremy Hopkins Jack Turner

Special Trophies

Festival Cup (Male Open 100 m Handicap)..................................................................... Jack Turner

Zenith Alternate (Female Open 100 m Handicap) ...........................................................Kate Godfrey Dennison

Naylor Cup (National Record or Closest to One) ............................................................Kate Godfrey

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Swimming Otago Holders of New Zealand Open Records as at 24th

April 2012

Long Course Female

Elizabeth van Welie 200m Fly

Short Course


Danyon Loader 400m Free, 1500m Free Female

Katie Kenneally 200m Breast

Swimming Otago Holders of New Zealand Age Group Records as at 24th

April 2012

Long Course

Male 18 years

Matthew Glassford 200m Breast Female 17 years

Phoebe Williams 1500m Free Male 17 years

Danyon Loader 200m Free, 400m Free, 200m Fly, 200m Individual Medley Female 16 years

Phoebe Williams 1500m Free Male 16 years

Danyon Loader 400m Free, 200m Fly Female 15 years

Anna Wilson 800m Free, 1500m Free, 200m Individual Medley, 400m Individual Medley Male 15 years

Danyon Loader 200m Free, 400m Free, 800m Free, 100m Fly, 200m Fly, 400m Individual Medley

Short Course Female 18 years

Katie Kenneally 50m Breast, 200m Breast Female 17 years

Anna Wilson 100m Breast, 400m Individual Medley Male 17 years

Danyon Loader 200m Free, 400m Free, 800m Free, 100m Fly, 200m Fly Female 16 years

Anna Wilson 800m Free Male 16 years

Danyon Loader 400m Free, 800m Free, 1500m Free, 100m Fly, 200m Fly

Otago Representation at International Swim Meets

2011 World University Games 14-19 August 2011


Kate Kenneally, Troy Balvert

IV Commonwealth Youth Games 7-13 September 2011


Kate Godfrey 8th 200m Back, 10th 200 Individual Medley

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Otago Representation at New Zealand National Swim Meets

NZ Division II 20-23 July 2011 Swimmers:

Cameron Bennie (Alexandra) Emma Patton, Cassie Hislop.Nikalya Bolch Jack Harrison and William Harrison (Cromwell), Jessica Bungard, Victoria Clarke, Saskia Turner, Samuel Armstrong (Neptune) Tane Duncan (Wanaka), Eilis Doyle, Olivia Stevens, Bailey Brandham Matthew Gillespie, Warren Van Staden (Waves)

Otago Team Manager

Jo Patton Managers/Officials:

Janene Bennie, Anna Harrison, Sheryl-Anne Newman, Tania Stevens


Pete Ross, Leanne Thompson, Barry Dick, Jared Sandri, Rhys Pryde-Wall Results:

Cameron Bennie 1st 200 Back, 1st 100 Back, 2nd 200 Fly, 3rd 100 Fly, 3rd 400 Free

Nikayla Bolch 3rd 200m Individual Medley, 2nd 800 Free Bailey Brandham 1st 400 Free, 1st 1500 Free, 2nd 200 Free, 3rd 200 Back,

3rd 50 Free, 3rd 100 Free Tane Duncan 2nd 400 Individual Medley, 2nd 200 Breaststroke Jack Harrison: 2nd 200 back, 3rd 100 Back, 3rd 400 Individual Medley Cassie Hislop 3rd 200 Fly Emma Patton 3rd 200 Back, 2nd 200 Fly Olivia Stevens 2nd 200 Fly, 3rd 200 Back, 3rd 800 Free Warren Van Staden 1st 400 Free, 2nd 50 Back,3rd 200 Individual Medley, 3rd 200

Free, 3rd 100 Back Relays: 14 and Under Boys Free 3rd

Jack Harrison, Bailey Brandham, Cameron Bennie, Matthew Gillespie 14 and Under Boys IM 3rd

Jack Harrison, Bailey Brandham, Cameron Bennie, Matthew Gillespie

National Points Trophies:

Top Club Points

Waves: 10th Cromwell 21st Neptune 22nd Alexandra 30th Wanaka 30th

NZ Short Course Championships 6-9 August 2011 Wellington Swimmers:

Jack Harrison (Cromwell), Phillip Baxter, Lil Clearwater, Tegan Duncan, Matthew Glassford, Kate Godfrey, Ben Gray, Yuriya Jeremy Hopkins, Katie Kenneally, Robert Murray, Emily Poon, Ronald Poon, Aleisha Ruske, Adam Simpson, Han Zhang, (Neptune) Sophie Gibson, Patrick Harris, Lauren Kerr (Queenstown), Kieran Applegarth, Rhys Applegarth, Troy Balvert, Sarah Cutler, Braden Doyle, Carina Doyle, Ester Fogarty, Jordan Fogarty, Emmabeth Jensen, Hamish McCulloch, Phoebe O’Leary, Kieran Oswald, Jessie Schneiders, Lulu Schneiders, Ben Simmers, Jack Turner, Warren Van Staden, Thomas Wardhaugh (Waves), Stefannie Gillespie (Zenith)

Otago Team Manager

Sharlene Gillespie, Tracee Harris

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Anna Harrison (Cromwell), Kathryn Duncan, Margie Murray (Neptune) Caroline Gibson (Queenstown) Tracey Bansgrove, Richard Fogarty (Waves) Sharlene Gillespie (Zenith)


Andy Adair, Gennadiy Labara, Pete Ross, Frank Wylie Results:

Kate Godfrey 2nd 200m Back Ben Gray 2nd 200m Fly Stefannie Gillespie 3rd 400m Free Patrick Harris 3rd 200m Back Yuriya Hiratani 2nd 50m Free Jeremy Hopkins 2nd 50m Free, 3rd 100m Free, Emmabeth Jensen 1st 400m I Individual Medley, 1st 50m Free, 2nd 200m Free, 2nd

200m Individual Medley, 3rd 800m Free, 3rd 200m Back Katie Kenneally 3rd 100m Breaststroke, 3rd 200m Breaststroke Aliesha Ruske 1st 200m Fly, 3rd 100m Fly Jack Turner 2nd 1500m Free, 3rd 400 Individual Medley Han Zhang 1st 50m Breaststroke, 1st 100m Breaststroke 1st 200m

Breaststroke, 2nd 200m Fly, 3rd 100 m Fly, 3rd 200m Individual

Medley, 3rd 400m Individual Medley Relays

Neptune 3rd 4x50m Medley Relay. National Points Trophies:

Top Club Points

Neptune 7th, Waves 15th, Queenstown 40th, Zenith 59th, Cromwell 71st

NZ Open Water Swimming Championships 14-15 January 2012


Troy Balvert, Natasha Davidson

NZ National Juniors (Wellington) 18–19 February 2012 Swimmers:

Hannah Begg, Jessie Dick (Alexandra) ,Trent Dickie, Ella-Rose Lawrence (Clutha United) Cecilia Crooks (Kiwi) Devon Familton, Nicole Ruske, Meg Sycamore (Neptune), Ryan Clark, Cameron Moran, Isaac Norton, Nathan Scott, Gabby White, Sienna Strachan (Queenstown) Courtland Ellis (Taieri) Gregor Findlay, Sophie Fairbairn (Wanaka) Timothy Chirnside, Caitlin Deans, Jack Divers, Erin Ford, George Gray, Kou Kitahara, Semolina Schillberg, Samuel Wardhaugh (Waves) Tame Govaerts (Zenith)

Otago Team Manager

Matthew Heaton Managers

Carol Forbes (Neptune, Kiwi, Zenith) Mat Begg (Alexandra) Nyree Dickie (Clutha) Pauline White(Queenstown) Richard Fairbairn (Wanaka) Susan Deans (Waves) Rosemary Ellis (Taieri)


Gennadiy Labara (Neptune, Kiwi, Taieri, Zenith) Barry Dick (Alexandra) Sharon McKinnel (Clutha) Brenda Wylie (Queenstown) Fi Hezinger (Wanaka) Amber Davidson (Waves)

Results Regional;

Kou Kitahara 3rd 50m Breaststroke Nathan Scott 3rd 50m Butterfly Caitlin Deans 2nd 400m Freestyle Courtland Ellis 2nd 50m Backstroke, 3rd 400m Individual Medley, 2nd 200m

Individual Medley

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Sophie Fairbairn 1st 50m Breaststroke, 1st 100m Breaststroke, 1st 200m Breaststroke,

Gregor Findlay 2nd 200m Backstroke, 2nd 100m Backstroke Tame Govaerts 2nd 50m Breaststroke, 3rd 50m Free, 2nd 100m Breaststroke

Results National;

Caitlin Deans 3rd 400m Freestyle Courtland Ellis 2nd 50m Backstroke, 3rd 400m Individual Medley, 3rd 200m

Individual Medley Sophie Fairbairn 2nd 50m Breaststroke, 2nd 200m Breaststroke, 2nd 100m

Breaststroke Gregor Findlay 3rd 200m Backstroke, 3rd 100m Backstroke Tame Govaerts 3rd 50m Breaststroke, 3rd 50m Freestyle, 2nd 100m Breaststroke

Regional Relay Results

Girls 12 & under 200m Freestyle Relay 3rd

Caitlin Deans, Devon Familton, Nicole Ruske, Semolina Schillberg Males 12 & under 200m Medley Relay 3


Gregor Findlay, Courtland Ellis, Tame Govaerts, Nathan Scott National Points Trophies:

Top Club Points

Wanaka 25th, Taieri 29th, Waves 33rd, Zenith 37th, Queenstown 62nd

NZ National Age Group Championships (Wellington) 5th


March 2012. Swimmers

Campbell Pearson (Alexandra), Jack Harrison, Emma Patton (Cromwell), Sam Armstrong, Benjamin Gray, Robert Murray, Aleisha Ruske, Han Zhang, Phillip Baxter, Yuriya Hiritani, Emily Poon, Andrew Trembath, Tegan Duncan, Jeremy Hopkins, Ronald Poon, Saskia Turner (Neptune), Nikayla Bolch, Sami Ruby Hotop, Sophie Gibson, Lauren Kerr, Patrick Harris, Rebekah Paul (Queenstown), Tane Duncan, Kenzie Findlay (Wanaka), Sarah Cutler, Carina Doyle, Matthew Gillespie, Anna Macdonald, Jessie Schneiders, Olivia Stevens, Thomas Woodhaugh, Catlin Deans, Kendall Evans, Thomas Heaton, Phoebe O’Leary, Lulu Schneiders, Jack Turner, Chris Dickie, Esther Fogerty, Kate Holden, Kieran Oswald, Ben Simmers, Warren Van Stadem (Waves) Stephanie Gillespie (Zenith).

Otago Team Manager

Kathryn Duncan Managers/ Officials

Gerard Pearson, Anna Harrison, Kathryn Duncan, Brent Duncan, Yiwen Zheng, Janine Paul, Phillipa Findlay, Matthew Heaton, Tracey Bransgrove, Stephanie Gillespie, Alan Hale


Andy Adair, John Cornfort, Barry Dick, Gennadiy Labara, Peter Ross Frank Wylie Results

Carina Doyle 3rd 400m Free, 2nd 100m Free, 1st 200m Free, 2nd 800m Free Jeremy Hopkins 1st 200m Individual Medley, 1st 50m Back, 1st 100m Back, 1st 400m

Individual Medley, 1st 200m Free, 1st 100m Back, 1st 50m Free, 2nd 100m Free, 2nd 200m Fly, 3rd 100m Fly

Sophie Gibson 2nd 200m Fly Aleisha Ruske 1st 100m Fly, 2nd 50m Fly, 3rd 200m Fly, Thomas Heation 2nd 1500m Free Medley


Boys 15 and under 200m Medley Relay 3rd

Andrew Trembath, Han Zhang, Philip Baxter, Ben Simmers National Points Trophies:

Top Club Points

Neptune 12th, Waves 15th, Queenstown 36th, Alexandra 65th, Wanaka Zenith 75th

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NZ Opens (Auckland) 15th


March 2012 Swimmers

Andrew McMillan (Cromwell) Kurt Crosland, Matthew Glassford, Benjamin Gray, Robert Gray, Kate Godfrey, Katie Kenneally, Nick Tyrrell (Neptune) Sophie Gibson (Queenstown) Rhys Applegarth, Kieran Applegrath, Troy Balvert, Sarah Cutler, Braden Doyle, (Waves)

Regional Manager

Debbie Tyrrell Coaches

Gennadiy Labara, Andy Adair, Frank Wylie Manager

Denise Balvert, Caroline Gibson, Marg McMillan Officials

Alan Hale, Allan McMorran, Mary McFarlane Results

Kate Godfrey 2nd 400m Individual Medley Matthew Glassford 3rd 200m Breaststroke Kurt Crosland 2nd 50m Backstroke Troy Balvert 3rd 800m Freestyle Stefannie Gillespie 2nd 1500m Freestyle Katie Kenneally 2nd 200m Breaststroke, 3rd 50m Breaststroke


Waves 800 Freestyle Relay 2nd Neptune 400 Freestyle Relay 3rd

National Points Trophies:

Club Points:

Neptune 6th, Waves 19th, Cromwell 26th

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South Island Meet Results

South Island Championships Invercargill 23-25 September 2011 Swimmers

Sydney Cook, Campbell Pearson (Alexandra), Jack Harrison, William Harrison, Emma Patton (Cromwell) Luke Nie ( Kiwi) Lil Clearwater, Tegan Duncan, Kate Godfrey, Lauren Greensheilds, Yuriya Hiratani, Katie Kenneally, Emily Poon, Saskia Turner, Samuel Armstrong, Phillip Baxter, Matthew Glassford, Benjamin Gray, Jeremy Hopkins, Robert Murray, Ronald Poon, Adam Simpson, Nick Tyrrell, Han Zhang (Neptune) Nikalyla Bolch, Tinkerbell Brinsley Turner, Baille Downing, Sophie Gibson, Sami Hotop, Lauren Kerr, Alice Moran, Rebecca Paul, Isabella Reid, Ben Dennison, Gary Dennison, Patrick Harris, (Queenstown) Victoria Clarke ,(Taieri) Kenzie Findlay, Hailee Humphrey, Tane Duncan (Wanaka) Sarah Cutler, Natasha Davidson, Caitlin Deans, Carina Doyle, Eilis Doyle, Esther Fogarty, Olivia Gold, Kate Holden, Emmabeth Jensen, Anna Lindsay, Phoebe O’Leary, Jessica Schneiders, Lulu Schneiders, Olivia Stevens, Kieran Applegarth, Rhys Applegarth, Troy Balvert, Bailey Brandham, Chris Dickie, Braden Doyle, Michael Gray, Thomas Heaton, Hamish McCulloch, Jamie Mowat, Keiran Oswald, Ben Simmers, Jack Turner, Warren van Staden, Thomas Wardhaugh (Waves)

Otago Team Manager –

Jo Patton Managers:

Lynda Cook (Alexandra), Anna Harrison (Cromwell), Sue Dennison (Queenstown), Debbie Tyrrell (Neptune) Leigh Duncan (Wanaka)

Coaches: Andy Adair, Amber Davidson, Rhys Pryde –Wall, Gennadiy Labara, Peter Ross, Frank Wylie


Rhys Applegarth 2nd 200m Free, 2nd 400m Free Troy Balvert 1st 1500m Free, 1st 400m Free, 3rd 400m Individual Medley Phillip Baxter 2nd 300m Breaststroke, 2nd 200mButterfly, 2nd 100m Breaststroke Bailey Brandham 2nd 1500m Free Nikayla Bolch 2nd 100m Breaststroke, Caitlin Deans 3rd 400m Free Chris Dickie 2nd 100m Butterfly, 2nd 50m Free, 3rd 100m Free, 3rd 50m Breaststroke Braden Doyle 1st 200m Free, 1st 100m Free, 2nd 50m Free Carina Doyle 3rd 200m Frees, 3rd 800m Free Lil Clearwater 2nd 50m Back Matthew Glassford 1st 100m Breaststroke, 1st 200m Breaststroke, 2nd 200m Individual

Medley, 1st 400m Individual Medley, 3rd 50m Breaststroke Sophie Gibson 1st 400m Individual Medley, 2nd 50m Butterfly, 1st 100m Butterfly, 3rd

50m Back, 3rd 200m Back, 2nd 200m Butterfly, 3rd 400m Free, 3rd 100m Back, 3rd 200 Individual Medley

Kate Godfrey 2nd 100m Back, 2nd 200m Back, Lauren Greenshields 1st 100m Breaststroke, 2nd 200m Breaststroke, 3rd 200m Individual

Medley, 2nd 50m Breaststroke, 3rd 100m Individual Medley Em Jensen 1st 100m Free, 2nd 400m Free, 3rd 100m Butterfly Patrick Harris 1st 50m Back, 1st 100m Back, 1st 200m Back, 3rd 200m Individual

Medley Thomas Heaton 3rd 1500m Free Jeremy Hopkins 1st 400m Individual Medley, 1st 200m Individual Medley, 1st 50m

Butterfly, 1st 100m Free 1st 200m Free, 2nd 100m Back, 3rd 200m Back, 2nd 400m Free

Kate Kenneally 2nd 100m Individual Medley, 2nd 200m Individual Medley, 1st 400m Individual Medley, 3rd 100m Free, 2nd 100m Butterfly, 1st 50m Breaststroke, 2nd 100m Breaststroke, 3rd 200m Breaststroke

Phoebe O’Leary 3rd 400m Individual Medley Emma Patton 3rd 400m Individual Medley Campbell Pearson 3rd 50m Back Jessie Schneiders 3rd 800m Free Ben Simmers 1st 50m Free

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Adam Simpson 2nd 400m Individual Medley, 2nd 200mButterfly, 3rd 200m Individual Medley 3rd 100m Butterfly

Jack Turner 3rd 1500m Free Nick Tyrrell 1st 50m Butterfly, 1st 100m Individual Medley, 1st 200m Individual

Medley, 1st 200m Back, 2nd 100m Back, 2nd50m Back, 2nd 100m Butterfly, 3rd 200m Freestyle, 3rd 100m Free

Han Zhang 1st 200m Breaststroke, 1st 200m Butterfly, 1st 100m Breaststroke, 2nd 400m Individual Medley, 2nd 200m Individual Medley, 1st 50m Breaststroke, 1st 100m Individual Medley , 2nd 100m Butterfly, 3rd 50m Butterfly,


Otago Girls 13 and Under 200m Medley 3rd Otago Boys 13 and Under 200m Medley 1st Otago Girls 14-15 200m Medley 3rd Otago Boy 14-15 200m Medley 2nd Otago Girls 16 and Over 200m Medley 1st Otago Boys 16 and Over 200m Medley 1st Otago Girls 13 and Under 200m Free 3rd Otago Boys 13 and Under 200m Free 1st Otago Girls 14-15 200m Free 3rd Otago Boys 14-15 200m Free 2nd Otago Girls 16 and Over 200m Free 2nd Otago Boys 16 and Over 200m Free 1st Otago Girls 400m Medley 1st Otago Boys 400m Medley 1st

Otago Girls 400m Free 2nd Otago Boys 400m Free 1st

South Island Country and Town Competition (Cromwell) 25-26 February 2012 Swimmers:

LauraBecker, Brooke Bennie, Erin Bennie, Aisha Born, Sunaina Born, Shay Braden, Annalisa Cook, Sara Griffin, Amelia Pascoe, Keryn Tubbs, Ryley Wilson , Carter McAuliffe, (Alexandra) Kate Willocks (Clutha United) Tia Clark, Sarah Hogan, Georgia Johnstone, Sean Tan (Cromwell) Matthew Robinson , Nicholas Robinson (Milton) Mila Jojic, Conor Horn , Greagh Williams ( Neptune) Molly Stephenson-Morely, Griffen Hill, Oliver Walker (Port Chalmers) Victoria Arkell, Britta Collins, Abbey Downing, Ella Gibson, Sophia Harris, Alexandra Hull, Molly Law, Sophie Millar, Caitlin Paddon, Alex Rosie, Jessica Scott, Liberty Vile, Rhiannon Waite, Lily Yochay , Ethan Cruise, Ben Hull, Mitchell Mawhinney, Jock Rosie, (Queenstown) Kristin Dore, Sarah Dore, Brianna Thomson, Caitlin Thomson (Taieri) Devon Allen , Jackie Heaton , Nicole Heaton, Teigan Tarapi, Gabrielle Trotter, Natasha Whyte , Ben Carr , Geoffrey Kemp, Gene Turner, Rowan Whyte ( Waves) Ellese Andrews, April Carter, Shaneil Coupe, Annabel Fairburn , Samantha Garrick, Grace Heather, Jasmine Murray, Caitlin Sanders, Shanae Sanders, Lamie Toepfer, Wilfred Spearing (Wanaka)

Otago Team Manager Susan Mawhinney


Janene Bennie (Alexandra), Margie Willocks, (Clutha United), Sharon Ross (Cromwell), Sandie Robinson (Milton) Jeanette Horn (Port Chalmers) Susan Mawhinney , Caroline Gibson (Queenstown), Tracey Thomson (Taieri), Ross Whiting (Waves ) Richard Fairburn y (Wanaka)


Barry Dick, Sharon McKinnel, Peter Ross Licia Mihaka, Frank and Brenda Wylie, Tracey Thomson, Amber Davidson, Fi Hezinger


Ellese Andrews 1st 50m Backstroke, 3rd 50m Freestyle Victoria Arkell 2nd 100m Backstroke

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Laura Becker 1st 100m Freestyle, 2nd 50m Backstroke, 2nd 200m Freestyle, 2nd 100m Backstroke, 2nd 100m Backstroke,

Shay Braden 1st 100m Butterfly, 2nd 200m Butterfly Ben Carr 2nd 100m Backstroke, 3rd 100m Butterfly April Carter 3rd 100m Backstroke Tia Clark 3rd 100m Freestyle Shaneil Coupe 2nd 50m Breaststroke, 3rd 100m Breaststroke,

Kristin Dore 2nd 50m Freestyle, 2nd 100m Backstroke Abby Downing 2nd 50m Breaststroke, 3rd 200m Breaststroke Ella Gibson 1st 200m Butterfly, 2nd 50m Butterfly, 2nd 100m Butterfly, 3rd 50m

Breaststroke, 3rd 100m Individual Medley, 3rd 200m Individual Medley Sophia Harris 3rd 100m Backstroke Grace Heather 1st 200m Freestyle, 2nd 50m Freestyle, 3rd 100m Backstroke

3rd 50m Backstroke, 3rd 100m Freestyle Jackie Heaton 3rd 100m Butterfly Nicole Heaton 1st 50m Backstroke, 3rd 100m Individual Medley Griffen Hill 1st 50m Butterfly

Alexandra Hull 1st 50m Breaststroke Ben Hull 2nd 100m Individual Medley, 3rd 50m Backstroke, 2nd 50m Freestyle,

3rd 200m Individual Medley 3rd 50m Butterfly

Geoffrey Kemp 3rd 50m Breaststroke Molly Law 1st 100m Freestyle, 3rd 50m Backstroke, 3rd 50m Freestyle Mitchell Mawhinney 3rd 100m Butterfly Carter McAuliffe 2nd 100m Butterfly Sophie Millar 1st 50m Backstroke, 1st 200m Freestyle, 1st 50m Freestyle, 1st 100m

Freestyle, 1st 100m Backstroke, 3rd 100m Individual Medley Alex Rosie 1st 200m Breaststroke, 3rd 200m Individual Medley 3rd 100m Breaststroke Jock Rosie 1st , 100m Butterfly 1st 200m Butterfly2nd 200m Freestyle, 2nd 200m I

Individual Medley, 3rd 200m Breaststroke3rd 100m Individual Medley, 3rd 50m Butterfly

Sean Tan 3rd 200m Breaststroke Brianna Thomson 2nd 200m Individual Medley, 2nd 100m Butterfly, 3rd 100m Individual

Medley Jamie Toepfer 3rd 50m Butterfly Gene Turner 3rd 100m Freestyle Rhiannon Waite 1st 50m Freestyle 1st 100m Backstroke 1st 100m Butterfly

2nd 50m Backstroke, 2nd 100m Individual Medley, 2nd 50m Butterfly Greagh Williams 1st 200m Individual Medley, 1st 100m Backstroke 2nd 200m Freestyle

3rd 50m Backstroke 3rd 100m Backstroke Rowan Whyte 2nd 200m Freestyle


Mixed 13-14 200m Medley Relay - 3rd

Mitchell Mawhinney, Brianna Thomson, Greagh Williams & Sophie Millar. Mixed 10 & under 200m Medley Relay –1


Nicole Heaton, Alexandra Hull, Rhiannon Waite, Molly Law. Mixed 10 & under – 200m Freestyle Relay Otago A 1


Kristin Dore, Nicole Heaton, Geoffrey Kemp, Molly Law Otago B 2


Annabel Fairbairn, Alexandra Hull, Tia Clark, Rhiannon Waite Mixed 11-12 - 200m Freestyle Relay

Otago A 2nd

Ben Carr, Ellese Andrews, Grace Heather, Ben Hull Otago B 3


Ethan Cruise, Laura Becker, Katie Willocks, Gene Turner

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Regional Points

Southland 1st, Nelson Marlborough 2nd, Canterbury West Coast 3rd, Eastern Districts 4th, Otago 5th Club Points (7 Swimmers and over)

Queenstown 1st, Wanaka 9th, Alexandra 10th, Waves 11th Club Points (6 Swimmers and less)

Taieri 4th

Other Otago Meets

Otago Spring Champs: Cromwell, 5-6 November 2011 Results:

Cromwell 16th Anniversary Trophy (Female) Kenzie Finlay (Wanaka) Cromwell 16th Anniversary Trophy (Male) Tane Duncan (Wanaka)

Country Club Championships (Alexandra) 27 November 2012 Points:

11 & Under: 12 & Over: Wanaka 152 Queenstown 210 Queenstown 115 Wanaka 124 Alexandra 97 Alexandra 86 Clutha United 46 Cromwell 71 Port Chalmers 27 Milton 6 Milton 12 Clutha United 1 Cromwell 6

Overall: Queenstown 325 Wanaka 276 Alexandra 183 Cromwell 77 Clutha United 47 Port Chalmers 27 Milton 18

Meets Hosted by Swimming Otago

Otago Primary Schools: Moana Pool, 31 March 2012

Otago Secondary Schools: Moana Pool, 30-31 March 2012

NZ Division II Moana Pool 11-14 April 2012

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Otago Long Course Age Group Records at 31st March 2012


9 & U 50 Free 35.51 25 Jan 08 ALX Emma Dick

100 Free 1:18.78 12 Feb 00 WSC Amaka Gessler

200 Free 2:49.47 16 Feb 08 ALX Emma Dick

50 Back 41.42 15 Feb 97 WSC Terri McDonald

100 Back 1:30.37 17 Jan 08 ALX Emma Dick

200 Back 3:28.41 23 Oct 09 ALX Jessie Dick

50 Breast 46.55 25 Jan 08 ALX Emma Dick

100 Breast 1:40.49 2 Dec 95 TAI Renee McCambridge

200 Breast 3:32.70 17 Jan 08 ALX Emma Dick

50 Fly 38.01 12 Feb 00 WSC Amaka Gessler

100 Fly 1:43.04 17 Jan 08 ALX Emma Dick

200 IM 3:11.43 16 Feb 08 ALX Emma Dick

10-11 50 Free 30.81 15 Apr 04 NEP Emma Edge

100 Free 1:07.36 1 Dec 11 WVS Caitlin Deans

200 Free 2:21.13 1 Dec 11 WVS Caitlin Deans

400 Free 4:51.71 1 Dec 11 WVS Caitlin Deans

800 Free 10:32.01 29 Oct 11 WVS Caitlin Deans

1500 Free 20:24.20 18 Jan 07 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

50 Back 35.82 13 Dec 02 CRM Jessica Drake

100 Back 1:16.99 22 Oct 00 WSC Christina Johnston

200 Back 2:46.23 8 Feb 03 CRM Jessica Drake

50 Breast 38.41 28 Jan 10 ALX Emma Dick

100 Breast 1:24.97 28 Jan 10 ALX Emma Dick

200 Breast 3:01.40 9 Mar 82 KIW Amanda Love

50 Fly 33.58 21 Feb 09 NEP Aleisha Ruske

100 Fly 1:16.64 5 Dec 87 NEP Joanne Duncan

200 Fly 3:00.19 17 Feb 07 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

200 IM 2:48.10 25 Jan 91 ALX Elizabeth Van Welie

400 IM 6:01.94 18 Feb 06 WVS Jordyn Fogarty

12-13 50 Free 27.91 1 Mar 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

100 Free 1:01.04 1 Mar 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

200 Free 2:10.65 3 Mar 09 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

400 Free 4:31.45 3 Mar 09 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

800 Free 9:14.69 3 Mar 09 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

1500 Free 18:00.63 29 Jan 09 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

50 Back 33.18 16 Mar 01 WSC Christina Johnston

100 Back 1:10.58 10 Aug 06 WVS Phoebe Williams

200 Back 2:30.04 19 Apr 06 WVS Phoebe Williams

50 Breast 36.41 1 Mar 11 ALX Emma Dick

100 Breast 1:19.16 18 Jan 91 KIW Amanda Love

200 Breast 2:50.70 7 Jul 93 ALX Elizabeth Van Welie

50 Fly 29.85 1 Mar 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

100 Fly 1:06.63 1 Mar 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

200 Fly 2:29.96 9 Dec 11 QTN Sophie Gibson

200 IM 2:30.53 10 Aug 06 WVS Phoebe Williams

400 IM 5:14.89 21 Feb 93 ALX Elizabeth Van Welie

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14-15 50 Free 27.28 12 Apr 98 TAI Lara McCambridge

100 Free 58.45 19 Mar 93 NEP Anna Wilson

200 Free 2:06.73 23 Jan 93 NEP Anna Wilson

400 Free 4:17.54 17 Mar 95 NEP Anna Wilson

800 Free 8:52.31 18 Mar 93 NEP Anna Wilson

1500 Free 17:03.95 28 Jan 93 NEP Anna Wilson

50 Back 31.90 3 Dec 09 NEP Kate Godfrey

100 Back 1:06.30 3 Mar 09 KIW Kate Godfrey

200 Back 2:21.04 3 Mar 09 KIW Kate Godfrey

50 Breast 34.45 3 Apr 93 NEP Anna Wilson

100 Breast 1:14.30 19 Apr 92 NEP Anna Wilson

200 Breast 2:41.16 18 Apr 92 NEP Anna Wilson

50 Fly 29.34 7 Mar 06 QTN Annabelle Simpson

100 Fly 1:04.08 4 Mar 89 TAI Sharon Hanley

200 Fly 2:20.24 17 Aug 89 TAI Sharon Hanley

200 IM 2:18.66 19 Mar 93 NEP Anna Wilson

400 IM 4:55.43 20 Mar 93 NEP Anna Wilson

Otago Long Course Opens Records at 31st March 2012

Female 50 Free 26.50 30 Mar 00 TAI Lara McCambridge

100 Free 57.78 30 Mar 00 TAI Lara McCambridge

200 Free 2:03.13 7 Apr 01 NEP Karen Tait

400 Free 4:16.43 19 Apr 01 NEP Karen Tait

800 Free 8:52.31 18 Mar 93 NEP Anna Wilson

1500 Free 16:49.91 18 Jan 10 WVS Phoebe Williams

50 Back 30.29 25 Mar 12 NEP Kate Godfrey

100 Back 1:04.88 25 Mar 12 NEP Kate Godfrey

200 Back 2:18.09 25 Mar 12 NEP Kate Godfrey

50 Breast 33.01 22 Mar 96 NEP Anna Wilson

100 Breast 1:11.08 23 Mar 96 NEP Anna Wilson

200 Breast 2:33.64 3 Mar 09 NEP Katie Kenneally

50 Fly 29.20 4 Mar 08 QTN Annabelle Simpson

100 Fly 1:02.68 8 Apr 01 NEP Elizabeth Van Welie

200 Fly 2:11.62 19 Sep 00 NEP Elizabeth Van Welie

200 IM 2:17.00 22 Mar 96 NEP Anna Wilsom

400 IM 4:44.56 4 Aug 02 NEP Elizabeth van Welie

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Otago Long Course Age Group Records at 31st March 2012


9 & U 50 Free 33.45 20 Oct 06 KIW Ronald Poon

100 Free 1:10.40 14 Oct 75 KAI Dean Terito

200 Free 2:33.30 20 Sep 75 KAI Dean Terito

50 Back 39.53 17 Feb 07 NEP Ronald Poon

100 Back 1:25.70 29 Sep 75 KAI Dean Terito

200 Back 3:17.48 27 Jan 11 CUS Trent Dickie

50 Breast 45.02 18 Mar 95 KIW Charlie Piho

100 Breast 1:36.50 27 Sep 75 KAI Dean Terito

200 Breast 3:46.77 28 Jan 10 QTN Isaac Norton

50 Fly 38.27 17 Feb 07 NEP Ronald Poon

100 Fly 1:24.02 17 Feb 07 NEP Ronald Poon

200 IM 3:04.93 18 Jan 07 UN Ronald Poon

10-11 50 Free 30.36 16 Aug 97 NEP Liam O'Brien

100 Free 1:06.20 10 Feb 77 KIW Andrew Smith

200 Free 2:21.80 16 Jan 77 KAI Dean Terito

400 Free 5:03.45 23 Feb 95 NEP Sam Caradus

800 Free 11:19.86 5 Aug 10 WVS Thomas Heaton

1500 Free Standing time

50 Back 35.38 20 Feb 10 ALX Campbell Pearson

100 Back 1:14.08 25 Oct 92 NEP Colin Wilson

200 Back 2:38.98 8 Jul 95 NEP Sam Caradus

50 Breast 38.50 21 Feb 09 WSC Matt Henderson

100 Breast 1:26.65 29 Jan 09 WSC Matt Henderson

200 Breast 3:02.04 21 Feb 09 WSC Matt Henderson

50 Fly 32.66 20 Feb 03 QTN McGregor Fea

100 Fly 1:11.88 27 Feb 97 CRM Andrew McMillan

200 Fly 2:45.12 16 Feb 97 CRM Andrew McMillan

200 IM 2:42.63 7 Jul 95 NEP Sam Caradus

400 IM 5:57.99 14 Aug 08 NEP Ronald Poon

12-13 50 Free 26.00 6 Mar 12 NEP Jeremy Hopkins

100 Free 57.58 6 Mar 12 NEP Jeremy Hopkins

200 Free 2:03.43 3 Mar 89 ZEN Danyon Loader

400 Free 4:18.09 21 Mar 96 NEP Jonathon Duncan

800 Free 8:54.94 20 Mar 96 NEP Jonathon Duncan

1500 Free 17:01.35 23 Mar 96 NEP Jonathon Duncan

50 Back 30.56 6 Mar 12 NEP Jeremy Hopkins

100 Back 1:04.27 15 Feb 96 NEP Jonathan Duncan

200 Back 2:19.76 6 Mar 12 NEP Jeremy Hopkins

50 Breast 34.12 17 Jan 11 NEP Matt Henderson

100 Breast 1:12.60 10 Dec 11 NEP Han Zhang

200 Breast 2:40.27 6 Mar 07 WVS Blair McGregor

50 Fly 29.22 15 Dec 05 QTN McGregor Fea

100 Fly 1:01.30 17 Feb 89 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 Fly 2:16.90 31 Aug 97 NEP Sam Caradus

200 IM 2:19.65 6 Mar 12 NEP Jeremy Hopkins

400 IM 4:58.35 6 Mar 12 NEP Jeremy Hopkins

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14-15 50 Free 25.33 6 Mar 12 WVS Ben Simmers

100 Free 53.57 1 Apr 91 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 Free 1:53.64 15 Mar 91 ZEN Danyon Loader

400 Free 3:55.98 22 Sep 90 ZEN Danyon Loader

800 Free 8:05.32 13 Mar 91 ZEN Danyon Loader

1500 Free 15:35.08 16 Mar 91 ZEN Danyon Loader

50 Back 28.71 6 Mar 12 NEP Andrew Trembath

100 Back 1:01.02 5 Apr 98 NEP Stephen Borkin

200 Back 2:09.50 4 Apr 98 NEP Stephen Borkin

50 Breast 31.72 25 Jan 12 WVS Chris Dickie

100 Breast 1:10.60 7 Jul 89 ZEN Craig Ford

200 Breast 2:33.19 7 Mar 97 NEP Matthew Dodds

50 Fly 26.82 17 Nov 07 QTN McGregor Fea

100 Fly 56.38 15 Mar 91 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 Fly 2:05.20 21 Oct 90 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 IM 2:10.84 11 Apr 98 NEP Stephen Borkin

400 IM 4:32.96 21 Feb 91 NEP Danyon Loader

Otago Long Course Opens Records at 31st March 2012

Male 50 Free 24.11 25 Mar 12 NEP Kurt Crosland

100 Free 50.81 12 Aug 95 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 Free 1:47.63 20 Jul 96 ZEN Danyon Loader

400 Free 3:47.97 23 Jul 96 ZEN Danyon Loader

800 Free 8:05.32 13 Mar 91 ZEN Danyon Loader

1500 Free 15:27.36 6 Apr 94 ZEN Danyon Loader

50 Back 25.96 25 Mar 12 NEP Kurt Crosland

100 Back 55.40 25 Mar 12 NEP Kurt Crosland

200 Back 2:08.46 1 Dec 11 NEP Kurt Crosland

50 Breast 30.09 25 Jan 12 NEP Kurt Crosland

100 Breast 1:05.10 1 Apr 09 NEP Matthew Glassford

200 Breast 2:17.10 1 Apr 09 NEP Matthew Glassford

50 Fly 25.51 18 Mar 93 ZEN Danyon Loader

100 Fly 54.35 14 Aug 93 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 Fly 1:57.93 30 Jul 92 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 IM 2:05.71 20 Mar 93 ZEN Danyon Loader

400 IM 4:28.00 13 Aug 93 ZEN Danyon Loader

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Otago Short Course Age Group Records at 31st March 2012


9 & U 50 Free 34.43 28 Nov 10 KIW Cecilia Crooks

100 Free 1:18.02 17 Jun 89 ALX Elizabeth Van Welie

200 Free 2:51.51 17 Jun 89 ALX Elizabeth Van Welie

50 Back 41.92 30 May 09 NEP Nicole Ruske

100 Back 1:30.78 27 Feb 10 ALX Annalise Cook

200 Back 3:19.42 10 Oct 09 ALX Jessie Dick

50 Breast 47.02 10 Nov 95 TAI Renee McCambridge

100 Breast 1:42.67 8 Sep 07 ALX Emma Dick

200 Breast 3:28.81 3 Nov 07 ALX Emma Dick

50 Fly 39.33 9 Sep 94 NEP Carly McDonald

100 Fly 1:47.02 6 Nov 99 WSC Amaka Gessler

100 IM 1:32.75 8 Sep 07 ALX Emma Dick

200 IM 3:18.39 3 Nov 07 ALX Emma Dick

10-11 50 Free 29.96 30 May 09 NEP Aleisha Ruske

100 Free 1:06.21 30 May 09 NEP Aleisha Ruske

200 Free 2:19.87 23 Sep 11 WVS Caitlin Deans

400 Free 4:48.52 23 Sep 11 WVS Caitlin Deans

800 Free 10:05.44 21 Mar 07 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

1500 Free 20:07.92 19 Jun 11 WVS Caitlin Deans

50 Back 35.99 4 Nov 00 WSC Christina Johnston

100 Back 1:14.40 2 Dec 00 WSC Christina Johnston

200 Back 2:46.76 4 Nov 00 WSC Christina Johnston

50 Breast 38.47 22 Nov 09 ALX Emma Dick

100 Breast 1:24.48 5 Dec 09 ALX Emma Dick

200 Breast 2:59.00 26 Feb 82 KIW Amanda Love

50 Fly 33.26 30 May 09 NEP Aleisha Ruske

100 Fly 1:14.69 30 May 09 NEP Aleisha Ruske

200 Fly 2:57.16 3 Mar 07 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

100 IM 1:17.37 13 Feb 10 ALX Emma Dick

200 IM 2:44.76 2 Dec 06 KIW Emily Poon

400 IM 5:45.43 21 Mar 07 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

12-13 50 Free 27.72 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

100 Free 59.63 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

200 Free 2:09.15 11 Dec 08 NEP Emily Poon

400 Free 4:28.73 26 Jul 08 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

800 Free 9:10.48 24 Sep 06 WVS Phoebe Williams

1500 Free 17:44.40 14 Sep 08 WVS Stefannie Gillespie

50 Back 32.00 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

100 Back 1:07.33 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

200 Back 2:26.67 24 Sep 06 WVS Phoebe Williams

50 Breast 36.11 6 Nov 10 ALX Emma Dick

100 Breast 1:18.53 20 Oct 97 NEP Simone Hudson

200 Breast 2:50.60 15 Jun 85 CRM Joanne Third

50 Fly 30.06 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

100 Fly 1:05.34 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

200 Fly 2:31.02 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

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100 IM 1:09.64 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

200 IM 2:28.25 3 Jun 11 NEP Aleisha Ruske

400 IM 5:13.08 24 Sep 06 WVS Phoebe Williams

14-15 50 Free 26.31 6 Aug 11 WVS Em Jensen

100 Free 57.58 23 Sep 11 WVS Em Jensen

200 Free 2:02.41 6 Feb 93 NEP Anna Wilson

400 Free 4:12.61 7 Feb 93 NEP Anna Wilson

800 Free 8:48.16 5 Sep 08 WVS Phoebe Williams

1500 Free 17:02.35 14 Jun 08 WVS Phoebe Williams

50 Back 29.95 27 Sep 09 NEP Kate Godfrey

100 Back 1:02.89 27 Sep 09 NEP Kate Godfrey

200 Back 2:16.43 4 Sep 09 NEP Kate Godfrey

50 Breast 33.01 6 Jan 93 NEP Anna Wilson

100 Breast 1:13.41 10 Jan 93 NEP Anna Wilson

200 Breast 2:34.93 10 Jan 93 NEP Anna Wilson

50 Fly 28.73 11 Dec 08 NEP Frances Newbold

100 Fly 1:04.37 11 Dec 08 NEP Frances Newbold

200 Fly 2:20.27 5 Sep 08 WVS Phoebe Williams

100 IM 1:06.62 27 Sep 09 NEP Kate Godfrey

200 IM 2:17.41 6 Feb 93 NEP Anna Wilson

400 IM 4:50.46 7 Feb 93 NEP Anna Wilson

Otago Short Course Opens Records at 31st March 2012

Female 50 Free 26.31 6 Aug 11 WVS Em Jensen

100 Free 56.95 12 Feb 00 TAI Lara McCambridge

200 Free 2:02.41 6 Feb 93 NEP Anna Wilson

400 Free 4:12.61 7 Feb 93 NEP Anna Wilson

800 Free 8:37.20 13 Jul 93 NEP Anna Wilson

1500 Free 16:53.54 26 Aug 98 ZEN Katrina Van Petegem

50 Back 29.86 6 Aug 11 NEP Kate Godfrey

100 Back 1:02.70 9 Sep 11 NEP Kate Godfrey

200 Back 2:12.70 6 Aug 11 NEP Kate Godfrey

50 Breast 32.04 27 Sep 09 NEP Katie Kenneally

100 Breast 1:08.99 27 Sep 09 NEP Katie Kenneally

200 Breast 2:27.19 27 Sep 09 NEP Katie Kenneally

50 Fly 28.73 11 Dec 08 NEP Frances Newbold

100 Fly 1:02.32 28 Sep 01 NEP Elizabeth Van Welie

200 Fly 2:10.56 28 Jan 01 NEP Elizabeth Van Welie

100 IM 1:04.12 1 Feb 95 NEP Anna Wilson

200 IM 2:13.61 14 Feb 95 NEP Anna Wilsom

400 IM 4:36.84 31 Jan 95 NEP Anna Wilson

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Otago Short Course Age Group Records at 31st March 2012

Male 9 & U 50 Free 33.96 4 Nov 06 KIW Ronald Poon

100 Free 1:14.16 4 Nov 06 KIW Ronald Poon

200 Free 2:43.48 3 Jun 06 KIW Ronald Poon

50 Back 40.82 25 Mar 00 RAQ Luke Aston

100 Back 1:25.29 2 Jun 07 NEP Ronald Poon

200 Back 3:09.92 2 Jun 07 NEP Ronald Poon

50 Breast 45.12 2 Jun 07 NEP Ronald Poon

100 Breast 1:35.89 2 Jun 07 NEP Ronald Poon

200 Breast 3:20.97 2 Jun 07 NEP Ronald Poon

50 Fly 37.69 2 Jun 07 NEP Ronald Poon

100 Fly 1:31.10 9 Sep 06 KIW Ronald Poon

100 IM 1:21.86 2 Jun 07 NEP Ronald Poon

200 IM 2:56.60 2 Jun 07 NEP Ronald Poon

10-11 50 Free 29.61 30 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

100 Free 1:04.99 30 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

200 Free 2:20.87 16 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

400 Free 4:58.55 30 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

800 Free 10:27.78 20 Nov 10 WVS Thomas Heaton

1500 Free 19:23.19 22 Jul 95 NEP Sam Caradus

50 Back 34.74 22 May 10 ALX Campbell Pearson

100 Back 1:13.52 4 Jun 95 NEP Sam Caradus

200 Back 2:40.66 30 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

50 Breast 38.70 30 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

100 Breast 1:26.79 9 Aug 08 WVS Phillip Baxter

200 Breast 2:59.68 9 Aug 08 WVS Phillip Baxter

50 Fly 32.63 3 Jun 95 NEP Sam Caradus

100 Fly 1:14.59 4 Jun 95 NEP Sam Caradus

200 Fly 2:48.08 30 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

100 IM 1:13.32 4 Jun 95 NEP Sam Caradus

200 IM 2:38.60 30 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

400 IM 5:36.54 30 May 09 NEP Ronald Poon

12-13 50 Free 26.21 30 May 09 NEP Cameron McMahon

100 Free 57.32 5 Sep 04 KIW Rhys Applegarth

200 Free 2:03.68 5 Sep 04 KIW Rhys Applegarth

400 Free 4:15.85 23 Oct 88 ZEN Danyon Loader

800 Free 8:58.05 1 Jun 97 NEP Sam Caradus

1500 Free 17:04.38 24 Jul 04 KIW Rhys Applegarth

50 Back 30.95 23 Sep 11 QTN Patrick Harris

100 Back 1:05.57 23 Sep 11 QTN Patrick Harris

200 Back 2:18.53 6 Aug 11 QTN Patrick Harris

50 Breast 33.09 6 Aug 11 NEP Han Zhang

100 Breast 1:10.46 6 Aug 11 NEP Han Zhang

200 Breast 2:32.78 6 Aug 11 NEP Han Zhang

50 Fly 29.07 10 Dec 05 QTN McGregor Fea

100 Fly 1:02.70 3 May 97 NEP Sam Caradus

200 Fly 2:18.88 6 Aug 11 NEP Han Zhang

100 IM 1:05.75 3 May 97 NEP Sam Caradus

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200 IM 2:17.65 1 Jun 97 NEP Sam Caradus

400 IM 4:52.17 27 Sep 96 NEP Sam Caradus

14-15 50 Free 25.28 23 Sep 11 WVS Ben Simmers

100 Free 54.93 17 Jun 89 ZEN Craig Ford

200 Free 1:57.24 25 Sep 05 WVS Rhys Applegarth

400 Free 3:58.86 2 Jun 90 ZEN Danyon Loader

800 Free 8:30.60 31 May 08 WVS Adam Simpson

1500 Free 16:09.97 14 Jun 08 WVS Adam Simpson

50 Back 28.23 20 Sep 96 NEP Colin Wilson

100 Back 1:00.38 13 Sep 93 NEP Simon Walker

200 Back 2:11.15 17 Jun 89 ZEN Craig Ford

50 Breast 31.40 25 Oct 09 MIL Callum Stammers

100 Breast 1:08.64 17 Jun 89 ZEN Craig Ford

200 Breast 2:27.63 6 Aug 11 NEP Phillip Baxter

50 Fly 26.63 13 Dec 07 QTN McGregor Fea

100 Fly 59.32 1 Dec 07 QTN McGregor Fea

200 Fly 2:10.52 29 Aug 98 NEP Sam Caradus

100 IM 1:02.76 1 Dec 07 QTN McGregor Fea

200 IM 2:12.97 1 Jun 97 NEP Jonathon Duncan

400 IM 4:40.16 29 Aug 98 NEP Sam Caradus

Otago Short Course Opens Records at 31st March 2012

Male 50 Free 23.35 31 Aug 94 ZEN Zane Kubala

100 Free 49.30 4 Feb 95 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 Free 1:45.23 12 Feb 95 ZEN Danyon Loader

400 Free 3:40.46 11 Feb 95 ZEN Danyon Loader

800 Free 7:53.12 29 Aug 98 ZEN Danyon Loader

1500 Free 14:54.38 2 Feb 92 ZEN Danyon Loader

50 Back 25.71 27 Sep 09 NEP Kurt Crosland

100 Back 54.34 27 Sep 09 NEP Kurt Crosland

200 Back 2:01.59 23 Sep 11 NEP Nick Tyrrell

50 Breast 29.90 27 Sep 09 NEP Kurt Crosland

100 Breast 1:04.01 27 Sep 09 NEP Matthew Glassford

200 Breast 2:15.15 27 Sep 09 NEP Matthew Glassford

50 Fly 24.64 6 Feb 93 ZEN Danyon Loader

100 Fly 52.78 7 Feb 93 ZEN Danyon Loader

200 Fly 1:54.21 13 Feb 93 ZEN Danyon Loader

100 IM 56.28 27 Sep 09 NEP Kurt Crosland

200 IM 2:00.89 29 Aug 98 ZEN Danyon Loader

400 IM 4:23.04 23 Aug 00 NEP Matthew Dodds

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Club Report Section 2011-2012 Season

Annual Report of the Alexandra Swimming Club I have much pleasure in presenting the annual report for the Alexandra Swimming Club for the year 2011/2012. Now in its 92nd year, club membership stands at around 90 swimmers inclusive of club night members during the summer months. Competitive squad membership, under the guidance of head coach Barry Dick, sits at 17 swimmers and Development squad membership, under the direction of coach Shane Allan, is currently fully subscribed at 26 swimmers, aged 8 years and above. The club continues its strong tradition of teaching throughout the summer months via its club night program while providing support and coaching throughout the year for swimmers from both training squads. All of this is only possible through the generous support and efforts of club families and individuals who volunteer their time, energy and enthusiasm. On behalf of all the swimmers who are fortunate enough to benefit from the efforts of these supporters within our small but loyal local swimming fraternity, I wish to thank them, in particular the volunteer coaches, club coaches and hard working committee members (past and present) and parents who continue to offer their support. With the prevailing demands upon personal time that exist, one of the main focuses for the club during the next 6-12 months will continue to be the recruitment of new committee members. This will enable the workload to be spread to a greater degree, thereby enabling the club to better focus on core activities while also enabling it to explore new opportunities and further encourage more swimmers into its competitive program. The usual challenges remain of keeping costs at an affordable level where-ever possible and the continuing importance of securing funds by way of club fund-raising initiatives or funding applications. Operational costs and securing pool access at peak times remain a key financial focus and management issue for the club. Whilst pool hire charges, travel costs and geographic factors coupled with simple demographics remain a significant hurdle to growing the sport within the immediate district, on the positive side, the club has the luxury of two very experienced and dedicated coaches along with a group of supportive and dedicated parents, a number of whom regularly have been putting many long hours into the affairs of the club. This is clearly not sustainable in the long term and creates a higher risk of committee churn if the demands of the club dominate their other daily activities. Processing meet entries, ensuring club accounts are maintained in a sound financial state, planning and co-ordinating home & away meet gathering and providing technical support and expertise, both at home and away at local, regional and national meetings. Such activities, all to often unnoticed, continue to ensure the viability of the club and the smooth running of events by all those who attend these throughout the year. It is with regret that the club committee has been informed that its Treasurer of the past 18 months (Sara Dick) has indicated her intention to stand down at the forth-coming AGM. Sara had the unenviable position of taking on the treasurer's role at relatively short-notice and coming to grips with the clubs accounting system while inheriting a back-log of manual receipting, so it is due to her efforts that the club accounts have continued to operate. It has clearly required many long hours of work to maintain and action all aspects of the position. This is something that the committee is very mindful of and the intention is to try an identify any further efficiencies and reduce manual processing where possible and split the role if practical or aim to make it more managable and less time-consuming. This will provide some relief for the treasurer-elect and/or their backup. While Sara has indicated her desire to continue to be actively involved in club activities at competitive meetings. The committee would like to

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formally acknowledge the significant effort in the role of club treasurer, wish Sara well for the future and thank her for her dedication and commitment over the past year. Joining the committee over the past year has been Karen Begg, Bronwyn Rees and Wendy Biggs. It has been great having Karen, Wendy and Bronwyn joining the committee and while Wendy has taken on the role of club secretary, Bronwyn undertook the administration of club night swimming registrations and co-ordinating the club night coaches. The remaining members of our committee are our two experienced coaches (Barry Dick & Shane Allan), Robyn Braden (our confectionery sales champion), Lynda Cook (club recorder and anchor-woman of all things related to technical officials) and Janene Bennie (who also moonlights as the assistant Development squad coach in her spare time). The twice-weekly club night swimming program has continued to prove popular and it was pleasing to see the significant progress that many swimmers had made over the summer months when competing at the club champs in March. The club continues its long tradition of providing an alternative and informal introductory swimming program for young school-age children, a number of whom subsequently decide to join and train with the clubs development squad. Shane Allan continues his role of Junior/Development coach and currently has a (winter) squad of approximately 25 swimmers, focusing on technique and stamina. All going well, a number of swimmers will be joining the competitive squad in the spring. Barry Dick continues his excellent role as coach of the Competitive squad swimmers (currently 17) whilst honing his Bronze Accreditation coaching skills. The club had swimmers attending all National meets this past year, including NZ Juniors and National Age Groups, and the DIV II (both in July 2011, Rotorua, and in March in Dunedin). There were many creditable performances at the National meets with some excellent national placings and meet records which reflects all the hard work that the swimmers and coaches have put in over the past 12 months, especially in light of unplanned injuries and illnesses that interrupt training programs. As in 2011, the club was again represented at the National Age Group training camp in May which is a great reflection on club and swimmer. Once again we had a good turn-out at regional meets. The novice meets held in Central Otago over the season continue to prove popular and we plan to continue to provide these meets for club night swimmers whenever the opportunity presents itself. Once again, club night has gone well and we thank all the parents and supporters, without whom it would not be possible. The dedicated team of Coaches, many of whom return season after season, do a fantastic job with our younger swimmers and the evidence is in the progress they have all made over the season. Challenge Cup was again well attended this year with around 130 swimmers attending. While this was a little down on 2011, the club was testing the water with a new timetable over the Waitangi weekend. This was in part because the holiday weekend fell favourably in 2012 and also permitted swimmers who attended Otago Champs, one last opportunity to qualify for following national meets. It was pleasing to note that Swimming Otago and Swimming NZ accommodated national qualifying times received by swimmers attending this meet. A sausage sizzle to feed hungry mouths, a huge array of great spot prizes (provided through the very generous support of local businesses), along with the usual team prizes and individual cash prizes in the greatly entertaining SKINZ racing, meant that a great time was had by all who attended the 2012 Waitangi Challenge Cup in February. Next Challenge Cup has now been scheduled for early spring (September 7/8), prior to NZ Short Course champs as the committee felt that a February date would not sit as well with other events already scheduled for 2013. The format of racing was also amended this year, with the addition of a distance event on the Friday evening. This proved a very popular addition and the club plans to continue with the new format and is also considering the inclusion of a (new)

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'Masters' category at the September spring meeting. There also appeared to be general support for an opportunity for limited time-trialling at the end of the final session. Club Champs proved very successful this year with a good turn out of both competitive and novice club swimmers after it was decided to hold this over four nights, across a two week period and incorporate an expanded race program. This covered a greater number of strokes across a greater mix of distances than in the past, so providing greater range and a wider scope for judging overall ability. Many new club records were set this year, a good reflection on the continuing efforts of the swimmers and their coaches. Prize-giving had a 90% turn-out which as the club's patron (Brian Seymour) noted during the evening, bodes well for the future health of the club. In summary, the 2011/12 season has been another very successful and rewarding one for the club. Although the unfortunate events in Christchurch and continuing disruption has been a cause of concern for the short-term viability of the Mainland swimming competition, it has had a positive in respect of drawing the swimming community closer together. The club is supportive of the Canterbury clubs an appreciates that there may still be some refinement required to accommodate all the needs of both Otago and Canterbury swimmers at future Otago/Canterbury Championship event, it is unanimous that this should not be at the sacrifice of development swimmers in either region who have in the past looked to the Otago Champs as the pinnacle of their competitive swimming year. For these less experienced swimmers who form the grass-roots level of future NZ competitive swimming, it is equally important for them to feel part of the Otago or Canterbury swimming community. Communication between the club and council pool management has greatly improved and while it is unlikely that there will be any significant further reduction in pool charges, the club is planning on making a submission to the annual plan seeking a return to pool entry charges as apposed to pool hire for training sessions (the exception being event hire for meets). This is to reduce the overhead in administering monthly lane hire charges, invoicing and receipting. The 6-monthly ‘meeting of heads’ (Pool Users Forum), including all pool user groups and council pool administrators, continues to provide an opportunity to air ideas and put forward suggestions for improvement, although time will tell if anything concrete comes of it. The new (council supplied) lane ropes at recent meets have been a great safety improvement for lane swimmers. The club was successful earlier this year in securing funding for replacement stop-watches for use at club and local school swimming sports events. The club continues to provide support and equipment to schools and thanks must go to Lynda Cook (club recorder) for the many hours that were spent assisting with the Dunstan High School swimming sports in preparing psyche sheets, timetabling and compiling results. While club fund-raising continues to be an issue of some importance given the existing high costs for training, pool hire and travel to competition, the club does have one small but (generally) reliable revenue stream, its vending machine. Otherwise it remains reliant upon one-off fund-raising initiatives or the support received via community grants. The club was unsuccessful in securing funding to support for its team traveling to attend the Otago Championships this year however the committee agreed to provide a subsidy and the resulting team atmosphere proved a great success. In summary, the club has a very positive outlook for the coming 12 months. It has a strong and vibrant core committee but still requires additional members (for subgroups) to assist with task specific roles (eg. fund-raising activities, event management, etc). The club has a loyal following in its summer club night program (fully subscribed), and promising development squad and a small but core group of competitive swimmers. The past performance of club swimmers speaks for itself given its size, with representation on the Otago records register. Its focus is one of education and competition, with specific events being targeted as premier events

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(eg. Otago Swimming Championships is considered to be the annual focus for all club competitive swimmers). The club web site went live in late 2011 and whilst still in its early stages of development, it is providing a useful information portal for its members and members of the public as a general point of inquiry and contact in regards to club activities and timetables. The club continues to have a good supporting relationship with neighboring clubs in the region and it is hoped that this can be developed further over the coming year where new opportunities arise for combining initiatives and sharing resources across Central Lakes District clubs. The committee is now looking towards a positive 12 months ahead and is in preparation for its AGM, to be held on June 26th. Gerard Pearson


Annual Report of the Clutha United Swimming Club

It has been a very messy season for Clutha United – We have not been able to run swim club due to not having a pool. We have been expecting the pool to open first week in June but it looks like there are more hold ups. “ I have heard the tiles are not sticking due to the colder temperatures? “ Our fingers and toes are crossed at this stage for it to be open by August so our competitive swimmers can get a fair go with their training and our club can get back into learning kids to swim. Hopefully Swim Club is all up and going in October. We will be looking for coaches to help take groups as we may be short. We have some committee members interested in helping coach and need to be onto it early to see who else out there is available. We were unable to hold club champs this season, but managed to hold South Otago Primarys at Milton Pool in March. This went well and Many Thanks to all involved, especially the parents who helped out with timekeeping; special mention must go to Karen Ramsay, Ingrid Hurring, Raylene Stammers and once again Sharon McKinnel. All of these people no longer have swimmers in the club but are always willing to come back and help run meets –we do appreciate your experience and commitment. Thank You to All. A small amount of fundraising has been done this year with limited swimmers. This involves some sausage sizzles, selling chocolate, raffles, private catering and services to the dance club. We have also been involved with the council, applying for grants to complete our pool. A special Thank You must go to Nyree Dickie for doing a lot of this ground work. 2012/2013 season looks promising for us to get back on the Otago Calendar and run our Club Carnival with a greatly improved 25 metre pool. Well done to our competitive swimmers and their coach. It has been a very trying season with two of our swimmers qualifying for NZ Juniors and two for South Island Country and Towns and NO POOL! Travelling for an hour each side of training is not always ideal. We have trained in Gore, Owaka, Milton and a private 10 metre pool in Balclutha. This does show the commitment and dedication of the coach and the swimmers. I am confident this season will be a breeze for training and we can leave the 2011/2012 season behind us. I would like to make special mention to Bruce and Leslie Martin for welcoming us into their home to use their personal pool for the past two seasons. Many Thanks for their kindness. Congratulations to Trent Dickie and Ella–Rose Lawrence for qualifying for NZ Juniors held at Wellington. Trent qualified for 6 swims and Ella 5. Both achieving some great PBs. Also to Katie Willocks for attending South Island Country & Towns and also doing some great PBs. Cassidy Robinson also qualified for 1 swim for South Islands. I am very proud of you all! Well done!

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As a small club we would also like to acknowledge Swim Otago for all the work they put into swimming and giving our children the opportunity to participate in events without people like you our children would be missing out. Many Thanks from Clutha United. To finish off our season I would like to Thank our small committee without you there would not be a club, and once again I cannot Thank Sharon enough for being so dedicated to our swimmers, she has a wealth of experience and knowledge that we truly appreciate. Thank You. Moving forward I am sure the 2012/2013 season is going to be a fun and successful season for Clutha United Swim Club. I know that I will enjoy not having to travel so far and not having to fill the car up as much! Thank you once again and all the best for the season ahead.

Leeann Lawrence


Annual Report of the Cromwell Swimming Club

It has been another successful and busy year for the Cromwell Swimming club. Thanks to the hardworking committee for ensuring the smooth running of all aspects of the club over the 2011/2012 season. Due to a huge fundraising effort the Cromwell Swimming club uniform has been updated and our swimmers are all looking sharp poolside. Our competitive squad has continued to be small over the last year, but has had lots of success to be celebrated. We had swimmers competing at the 2011 and 2012 Division 2 Competitions, 2011 NZ Short Course Champs, 2012 NAGS and 2012 South Island Country and Town Champs. Club swimming has continued to be really strong over the last year with around 70 swimmers swimming twice a week over Terms 3 and 4. We have had a strong group of development swimmers during this time and there is a group of over 30 swimmers continuing to swim over the winter. The Cromwell Spring Carnival was as usual a highlight for the club. Numbers were down a little on previous years, but the racing was still good and the event ran smoothly. The Cromwell Swim Club was also proud to host the 2012 South Island Country and Town Meet. This meet was a great success and the Cromwell pool proved itself fast with many meet records and Div 2 times achieved over the weekend. We welcomed Andrew McMillan back as a club member this year and were proud to see our club uniform worn at the NZ Open Championships. The club is looking forward to having Cromwell represented at the London Olympics later in the year. On a committee level congratulations to Cromwell Head Coach Peter Ross who was made a life member at our AGM.

Mike Patton


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Annual Report of the Dunedin Swimming Club It is my privilege to report this year’s progress for the Dunedin Swimming Club. It has been another very successful year for our club with membership at capacity and our level of coaching remaining high, plus every family seems to be very happy with our services.

200m Passport

Our passports are working well with all children in the Main Pool working towards one of the goals in this passport. Children seem proud of their achievements and their passport. The committee is now considering a Learners Pool passport so every member would be working towards a passport goal.

Pending Lane fees

The Dunedin City Council has recently indicated that it will be charging all clubs $5 per lane from Jan 2013, this charge equates to $17 per child annually. While club is holding financial reserves for equipment and technology, this lane charge will need to be passed, as our first fee increase in four years.

HEHA Grant

Karini Wallace was granted $1500 from the Southern DHB in August 2010. This grant is to promote healthy eating and healthy action (HEHA), principally aimed at māori. Our club fully supports Karini’s initiatives.

Swimming NZ

Earlier in this financial year Swimming NZ was looking to consolidate all clubs membership and finances to an on-line system with their goal being to save volunteer hours in the background. Our committee and particularly myself feel our club would not gain any efficiencies from this nationwide consolidation. With the Swimming NZ board resignations during 2011 this national consolidation has gone quite.


As expected our year end expenditure was normal so last years over spend has been corrected in our main bank account. I wish to formally thank every coach and the committee for the time they have volunteered during the year (over 700 hours), without their commitment we truly don’t have a club, it is therefore an honour to work along side you all. Kevin Phillips


Annual Report of the Kawa Dolphins Swimming Club

I am delighted to be able to report on another successful year for the club. Membership was slightly down on last year, but still a healthy 54 children from 32 families. Our core role is to teach children to swim. It is great to see all children making progress in this regard during the year, and seeing year on year progress. We also continue to see our coaching capability increase. Rueben Anderson, Nathan Derrett and Annabelle Weston all completed the ASTA course this year. Ellen Gipp and Adrienne McLellan completed their practical record keeping and have been assessed; we are confident they will achieve qualified Assistant Swim Teacher status as a result.

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Our range of water based activities was as broad as ever. Club members attended four scuba diving sessions at Dive Otago, with great participation from all age groups and parents as well. This is now becoming an established part of our winter calendar. We practised our underwater hockey skills as usual this year, and enjoyed a great day out on the harbour with the Waka Ama crew. A special thanks to Sue who developed a really enjoyable programme for those of our members who wanted to learn diving skills. We continue to provide access to swimming for children of all abilities and experiences, many of whom have not been able to fit in with other organised swimming arrangements. Our diversity is becoming a key strength, which aligns well with our family focus and the contribution we get from current and past senior members. as well of course as parents. Many of our new members come via word of mouth referral, which is a great vote of confidence in the club. Finally, some thanks: to all the coaches and committee members, who provide week in week out support for the club, especially Timothy Ball for overseeing all our coaching activities; to the unsung helpers, senior students and parents, who do a lot of unofficial work; and of course to the families, parents and caregivers who take time out to bring children along. Steve Silvey, Club President 2011

Committee Members

Voted onto the Committee for 2012 were the following: President: Steve Silvey Vice President: Timothy Ball Treasurer: Campbell Weston Secretary: Rowan Stanley Committee Members: Sara Hall, Mary Dalton, Anne Cathro, Adrienne MacLellan, Sally Clayton, Dwight Adie. Fees

Membership fees for 2012 remain unchanged at $65 per annum or $20 per term.

Steve Silvey


Annual Report of the Kiwi Swimming Club

Kiwi Swim Club continues to flourish as a successful Learn to Swim club in its 90th year of existence. Numbers joining the club and returning from last year remained high with a constant demand for more places throughout the year. Our fantastic group of volunteer coaches is well organized by our coach coordinator Tina Evans. We said farewell to Tina at the end of the year as she set off for her new life in Australia and thank her for all her efforts during her time with Kiwi. Our coaches provide a high standard of coaching to all our children and we appreciate their hard work through the year. It would be impossible to run our club without the generosity of all our volunteers. Evelyn Parr continued her excellent work with our Development Squad swimmers. We had a good increase in the number of swimmers entering competitions and eventually moving onto a more professional coaching programme. Evelyn also finished her time with Kiwi and moved to Australia during the year and will be missed too. We thank her for all her efforts with our swimmers during her time with Kiwi. Lauren Greenshields has taken over the Development Squad and is doing a fantastic job with the children.

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Ribbons Nights continue to be held once a term and they continue to highlight the progress our swimmers are making. Thanks go to Tricia McNaughton for organising these nights and also to all the parents who help with timekeeping. Kiwi Challenge Meet was again held in November as our main event of the year. This meet is well supported by swimmers from all around the South Island and continues to be an important meet for young swimmers in the region. Kiwi thanks all our parents and committee members who helped to make this event a successful and popular event. Kiwi has a fantastic committee who all work hard for the benefit of our club. We are lucky to have a dedicated group of volunteers especially these days when it is hard to find people who can give their time so generously. Sadly during the year Kiwi lost a long standing member of our committee. Dr Robert (Bob) Smith passed away in June and will be sadly missed.

Maria Godfrey


Annual Report of the Milton Swimming Club

After a long delay because of renovations to the changing rooms and the main entrance the Milton swimming pool finally opened on Friday the 20th February. It was decided to hold a very short and compact season over 7 weeks with 6 weeks for coaching and a week for club championships. Because of the short season fees were set at $20.00 per swimmer which encouraged some new families into the swimming club. After a hurried ring around over a weekend the club had 5 swimming coaches and 70 swimmers registered in the learn to swim and competitive training groups. The Milton Swimming Club would like to once again thank their coaches (Sharron Ferguson, Boo Nichol, Anne Taylor, Malcolm Lowery and Alan Robinson) for all the time that they give in coaching the children.

With no local pool to train in the club only had 2 competition swimmers (Matthew & Nicholas Robinson) travelling firstly to Moana Pool once a week and then to the Taieri Pool twice a week to which we are truly grateful to the Taieri lifeguards who ensured we had a lane to train in and allowed us to warm up there each day before competition at the Otago Champs.

The travelling and training paid off with success firstly at the Otago Country Club Champs where Nicholas won the under 9 boys 50m backstroke event. Next were the Southland Champs where Nicholas won 2 silver medals (50m Backstroke, 100m Backstroke) and a bronze medal (50m Freestyle) Matthew won 2 finalist ribbons. More training over the Xmas break and Nicholas continued his good form with a gold (50m Backstroke), and 2 silver’s (100m Backstroke, 100m Freestyle) and once again Matthew gained 2 finalist ribbons. Both boys finished the season off by qualifying for a number events at the South Island Country and Town Meet with Matthew finishing with 2 very close 4th placing’s.

The club season finished in Mid April with the club champs where 26 children competed across the age groups. Even with a short season most children showed a big improvement in times for the events they same.

A prize giving was held at the Milton Bowling club where the coaches presented certificates to all the children in their swimming groups. This was followed by the presentation of the competition ribbons and cups along with the Diligence trophies.

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With all the office bearers stepping down from their position’s next season a few more parents will have to step up to the ensure the future of the Milton Swimming Club. Financially the club is very strong and have a good set of training equipment along with some excellent coaches the base is there for a good 2012/2013 season.

Alan Robinson


Annual Report of the Neptune Swimming Club

It is with pleasure I submit the Neptune Swim Club Annual Report for the 2011-2012 season. Neptune continues to be a vibrant and popular Swim Club, with a large Club Swimmer session on Monday Nights and strong Competitive Swimmer group associated with the Otago Swim Coaching Academy. As of May 2012, we have 123 Club Swimmers and 58 Competitive Swimmers. Demand for membership in Neptune has exceeded our ability to accommodate everyone. As consequence, we have had to continue with our Membership Waiting List in 2012. Monday Night Club: Monday Club Nights has a strong focus on coaching the Club Swimmer group, from learn to swim, to ready to begin professional coaching and the transition to competitive swimming. We have 10 lanes of Club Coaching at the various levels, and it is excellent to see the steady progress the Club Swimmers are making, as they continue to develop their technique and their stamina. Neptune acknowledges the excellent service that our Monday Night Swim Coaches bring to the Club. Thanks you so much, to Jill Clarke, Aleisha Clarke, Nicky Hayde, Sasha Hayde, Jess Mollison, Becky Oswald, Trudi Taig, Keegan Taig, Eilish Thompson and Nick Tyrrell who have provided such superb coaching in the Main Pool & the Dive Pool, and Evelyn Armstrong and Sheryl Watt who teach the beginners in the Learners Pool. Our Coaching Team provides that best quality swim coaching that you will find anywhere. Competitive Swimmers

The Neptune Competitive Swimmers have represented the club very well at all levels of competition. We have had a number of swimmers selected into various regional and national teams and development programmes. Kurt Crosland and Matthew Glassford have qualified for the New Zealand Oceania Championships to be held in Noumea, later in June 2012. Han Zhang, Jeremy Hopkins, and Ronald Poon were selected to attend the 2012 South Island Regional Age Group Camp in May 2012. Kate Godfrey was selected to attend an Outward Bound course in Anakiwa in April 2012. National Meets attended:

2012 NZ Junior Champs: Neptune was represented by Devon Familton, Nicole Ruske, and Meg Sycamore. 2012 National Age Group Champs: Neptune was represented by Jeremy Hopkins, Andrew Trembath, Tegan Duncan, Saskia Turner, Emily Poon, Han Zhang, Phillip Baxter, Yuriya Hiratani, Robert Murray, Benjamin Gray, Ronald Poon, Aleisha Ruske and Sam Armstrong. Jeremy Hopkins was the top Neptune swimmer, earning 7 Gold and 2 Silver Medals in the 13 year old age group. Jeremy also set 6 new Otago Long Course Records.

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2012 NZ Open Champs: Neptune was represented by Matthew Glassford, Kurt Crosland, Kate Godfrey, Katie Kenneally, Nick Tyrrell, Robert Murray, and Benjamin Gray. Neptune was placed 6th in the competition, and 8 Otago Records were broken by Kurt Crosland and by Kate Godfrey. 2012 Division II: Neptune was represented by Ben McMahon, Alice Moran, Ayaki Iwahashi, and Greagh Williams. 2011 South Island Champs: Neptune was represented by Sam Armstrong, Phillip Baxter, Lil Clearwater, Tegan Duncan, Matthew Glassford, Kate Godfrey, Benjamin Gray, Lauren Greenshields, Yuriya Hiratani, Jeremy Hopkins, Katie Kenneally, Robert Murray, Emily Poon, Ronald Poon, Adam Simpson, Saskia Turner, Nick Tyrrell and Han Zhang 2011 NZ Short Course Champs: Neptune was represented by Phillip Baxter, Lil Clearwater, Tegan Duncan, Matthew Glassford, Kate Godfrey, Benjamin Gray, Yuriya Hiratani, Jeremy Hopkins, Katie Kenneally, Robert Murray, Emily Poon, Ronald Poon, Aleisha Ruske, Adam Simpson, and Han Zhang. 2011 Division II: Neptune was represented by Jessica Bungard, Saskia Turner, and Sam Armstrong. International Meets attended:

2011 McDonalds Queensland Swimming Champs: Neptune was represented by Matthew Glassford, Kate Godfrey, Benjamin Gray, Jeremy Hopkins, Katie Kenneally, Robert Murray, Nick Tyrrell, and Han Zhang. The highlights of this meet was Kate winning a Silver Medal in the 400IM and a Bronze Medal in the 200 Backstroke, and Han finishing 4th in the 100BR and setting an Otago record with his time of 1:12.60 Kate Godfrey was selected by Swimming New Zealand to represent New Zealand (along with 7 other swimmers) at the 2011 Youth Commonwealth Games at the Isle of Man in the UK in September 2011. Kate made 4 finals, winning bronze in the 4 x 100 Medley Relay and breaking the Open SC Otago record in the relay lead 100 back in a time of 1.02.70. Katie Kenneally was selected to swim in the World University Games in Shenzhen China, in August 2011. We congratulate each and every Swimmer who has represented Neptune at a National or International meet and given their best. We are all very proud of your achievements! Neptune Queens Birthday Carnival:

The Queens Birthday Carnival continues to be a very popular and well supported swim meet. This year is the 29th Annual Queens Birthday Carnival, and we are continuing with the new format, of 5 sessions from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. The money raised at this meet is a vital source of funding that supports all our club’s activities throughout the year. The 2012 Queens Birthday Meet has 31 Clubs entered from around the South Island, with 301 swimmers entered in 2,627 Individual Events and 66 Relays. At the time of writing this report, the 29th Annual Queens Birthday Meet has not yet occurred. Thanks to: The Neptune Committee is a well-organised and well-functioning group of people. Neptune Swim Club could not run without the dedication and hard work of Julie McMahon, Margie Murray, Kay Alexander, Evelyn Armstrong, Debbie Tyrrell, Kathryn Duncan, Carol Forbes, Gerald Duncan, and Sheryl Watt. I thank the Committee for their encouragement and support over this past year.

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Special thanks from the Committee go: To Sharyn Bungard who has recently retired from the Neptune Committee. To the Otago Swim Coaching Academy, to Gennadiy Labara, and to his OSCA management committee, which provides the professional coaching services to our Competitive Swimmers within the OSCA squads Gennadiy is a superb coach and the Neptune swimmers in his care are receiving world-class coaching and are continuing to excel in the pool. To the supportive and dedicated group of parents who regularly assist with the running of swim meets, both our own and to those of other Clubs. These parents give up their time to help by officiating as time keepers, I.O.T.’s, Judges of Stroke, in the Control Room, managing the catering that keeps everyone feed and watered. You are the unacknowledged Stars of the Club, on who much depends. Thank you so much. Our thanks go to the Moana Pool Staff, especially Karin Staufenbiel and the Reception Staff, who make our Monday Club Nights and annual Queens Birthday Meet run so smoothly. We are most grateful for the facilities at Moana Pool. And finally, the Neptune Committee would like to formally recognise the contribution made by Ruth van Welie and Graham Price to Neptune Swim Club. Ruth and Graham (both Life Members of Neptune) have recently stepped down from the Neptune Committee after many years of dedicated service to the Neptune Swim Club. Both Ruth and Graham have shared the benefit of their wisdom & experience wisely, and left us with a good understanding of managing a swim club the size of Neptune. We wish them all the best for the future, and will miss them very much.

Colin Armstrong


Annual Report of the Port Chalmers Swimming Club As usual our Club started the season in October 2011 and saw a large number of new entrants with varying levels of confidence. Licia Mihaka (our Head Coach) was ready for the Season with the lesson plans and group lists for our coaches. We had a great group of swimmers attend the Coastal Development Meets and they all enjoyed themselves. Their behaviour on poolside was excellent and they represented our Club extremely well. Our competitive squad attended various competitions and all managed to achieve personal bests for their races. Three swimmers qualified for the SI Town & Country competition and while only two could attend this was a huge milestone for our Club as it has been a number of years since we have had a swimmer at this meet. Griffin Hill achieved a record for his age group in 50m Butterfly and is currently undertaking winter training at Moana Pool. We held our annual triathlon in February and had an increase in athletes to compete. A huge thank you to NZ Water Safety for supplying each of our competitors with goggles and supporting our Club for this fundraiser.

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Our Club Champs were again held on a Saturday and we combined these with a BBQ lunch. We had some of our parents compete in the Open Mens and Womens race, and with lots of cheering from the kids those swimmers that hadn’t raced in over 20 years managed a length of breaststroke. As for the others we made them swim two lengths of freestyle. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Official from Swim Otago who came and helped us with our Club Champs (and apologise because her name has escaped me). This was a great day for our kids and a perfect way for us to show what our small Club can do. All in all we have had a very successful season and we are looking forward to another busy season in 2012/2013.

Kathryn Dawe


Annual Report of the Queenstown Swimming Club

At last year’s Annual General Meeting the Management Committee was left to appoint a President which I agreed to do for one year provided someone became Vice President who was prepared to take over the President’s role for the 2012-13 season. On behalf of the Queenstown Swimming Club Management Committee and swimmers it gives me pleasure to present the 2011-12 Annual Report. This season has been one of consolidation and improvement to the running of the Club by changing the ways some things are undertaken.

Club Swimming

I would like to thank Sherryn Smith, Susan Mawhinney, Leigh Sontag, Sharon Burke, Alice Hutchens, Donna Baldey, Olivia Robins and Jock Rosie who have coached our club swimmers at the Wakatipu High School and Alpine Aqualand coaching approximately 100 swimmers. We are managing to hold our numbers which is good. A number of these swimmers attended ribbon nights and the Club Championships at the end of the season. It was good to see these club swimmers trying so hard at ribbon nights and in many cases showing good stroke technique for their age. This reflects the good level of coaching being provided to these club swimmers. It is disappointing that there was not more club swimmers’ attending the Central Novice meets in term 4. Sherryn Smith has advised she is standing down from the Coaching Coordinator position but will remain as a coach. I would like to thank Sherryn for all her work in coordinating the club swimmers and coaches for this part of the club.

Competitive Swimmers

Frank and Brenda Wylie have coached the competitive swimmers at a Senior and Junior level this season providing the programmes which has allowed our swimmers to reach their goal of attending National meets. This season has seen an increase in the number of affiliated competitive swimmers which has resulted in more swimmers attending the various swimming meets throughout the season.

Otago Country Clubs

A strong team of swimmers attended the Otago Country Club Championship hosted by Alexandra. The Club was successful in winning the 14 and over and the overall Club points Trophies. Well done to the swimmers and a thank you to the parents who helped at this meet.

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Otago Champs

This year saw the Otago Championships combined with Canterbury and because of the format it was difficult to sort out the top 3 Otago placing’s for each event. Sophie Gibson is congratulated for winning the 14-15yrs age group most points trophy, Alice Moran 200m Backstroke trophy and Gabby White the aggregate age group Breaststroke trophy. While there are a few matters which will need to be changed if the meet is to remain as a combined Otago and Canterbury Championship it did give the swimmers an opportunity to learn about swimming fast in the morning and then having to back it up and swim fast again in the evening for those who made finals.

South Island Country and Town

Jock Rosie, Alex Rosie, Alexandra Hull and Sophie Millar are to be congratulated for their effort at this meet in breaking a number of records. The following swimmers achieved top 3 placings. Victoria Arkell 2nd 100m Backstroke Abbey Downing 3rd 200m Breaststroke, 2nd 50m Breaststroke, Ella Gibson 3rd 100m IM, 3rd 200m IM, 2nd 50m Butterfly, 1st 200m Butterfly, 2nd 100m Butterfly, 3rd 50m Breaststroke, Sophie Harris 3rd 100m Backstroke, Alexandra Hull 1st 50m Breaststroke, Ben Hull 3rd 50 Backstroke, 2nd 100m IM, 3rd 200m IM, 3rd 50m Butterfly, 2nd 50m Freestyle, Molly Law 3rd 50m Backstroke, 3rd 50m Freestyle,1st 100m Freestyle, Mitchell Mawhinney 3rd 100m Butterfly, Sophie Millar 1st 50m Backstroke, 1st 200m Freestyle,3rd 100m IM, 1st 50m Freestyle, 1st 100m Backstroke, 1st 100 Freestyle, Alex Rosie 1st 200m Breaststroke, 3rd 100m Breaststroke, Jock Rosie 3rd 200m Breaststroke, 2nd 200m Freestyle, 3rd 100m IM, 2nd 200m IM, 3rd 50m Butterfly, 1st 200m Butterfly 1st 100m Butterfly, Rhiannon Waite 2nd 50m Backstroke, 2nd 100m IM, 2nd 50 Butterfly, 1st 50m Freestyle, 1st 100m Backstroke, 1st 100m Butterfly

South Island Championships

The following swimmers achieved top 3 placings. Nikayla Bolch 2nd 100m Breaststroke, Sophie Gibson 1st 400m Free, 2nd 50m Butterfly,3rd 50m Backstroke, 2nd 200m Butterfly, 3rd 100m Backstroke, 3rd 200m IM, 3rd 200m Backstroke, 1st 100m Butterfly, Patrick Harris 1st 50m Backstroke,1st 100m Backstroke,3rd 200m IM, 1st 200m Backstroke

Division 2

The following swimmers achieved top 3 placings at this meet Bailie Downing 1st 200m Backstroke, 1st 100m Backstroke, Ryan Mawhinney 2nd 200m Butterfly

Bailie & Ryan both represented Otago in relay finals too.

NZ Juniors

The following attended this meet in Wellington Ryan Clark, Cameron Moran, Isaac Norton, Nathan Scott, Sienna Strachan, and Gabby White.

NZ Age Group/Opens

Nikayla Bolch, Sophie Gibson, Patrick Harris, Sami Hotop, Lauren Kerr, Rebekah Paul attended NZ Age Groups with gaining Sophie Gibson 2nd 200m Butterfly. Sophie Gibson also attended the NZ Opens meet


It was good to see some more parents coming forward and trying their hand at officiating. It is hoped you will continue next year. It is necessary for more parents to become involved as officials at swimming meets due to the high number of helpers required to run a meet. I wish to thank those parents who took on the role of Team Manager at the various meets in organising the swimmers and making sure they were at marshalling on time. Your efforts are appreciated by the swimmers.

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This year has again seen a considerable amount of fundraising taking place to provide funding to help offset the costs for swimmers attending National Meets. A special thanks to Sue Dennison for all the organisation and hard work she has put in to this portfolio. While in this position Sue has certainly raised the level of fundraising and the profile of swimming in the community. As costs associated with competitive swimmers continues to increase the current level of fundraising will need to continue.


I wish to thank the members of the Management Committee for their hard work and support during the season. It was a pleasure to have members being prepared to provide constructive debate and taking on tasks and following through with them. Sue Dennison and Bronnie Kerr have advised they will not be seeking re-election and so I wish to thank Sue for all her work in fundraising as well as organising accommodation and other matters associated with Regional and National meets and Bronnie for setting up the online accounting programme and allowing invoices to be generated and internet banking to occur. The committee is committed to improving its processes and will continue to do so in the coming year and we look forward to your children continuing in the sport of swimming.

Colin Walker


Annual Report of the Taieri Swimming Club

It is with pleasure that I present the Taieri Swimming Club Annual Report for the 2011 – 2012 season. Membership

Once again we were able to bring new swimmers off the waiting list into our Learner/Improver groups, although we still have some on the waiting list. We had a full squad which was well attended and a small number of competitive swimmers who trained elsewhere. Coaching

Amelia Cruize was Squad Coach for the season and she was assisted by Michelle Summers and Rod Grant. The Learners/Improvers groups were coached this season by Fraser Robertson, Graeme Turnbull, Fiona Shea, Laurence Simpson, Peter Bylsma, Aleisha Pickering, Jessie Cox, Paul Bolton, Craig Christensen, Ainslee Grainger, Rod Grant, Dawn Coates and new coach this season Jacqui Gulliven. Our back-up / reliever coach was David Sawtell. Our grateful thanks go out to our volunteer coaches for their time and effort so generously given. It is our volunteer coaches who we owe the success of our club to. Fund Raising

We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance received from Bendigo Valley Sports & Charity Foundation for Taieri Carnival expenses, for the purchase of a new training platform for use in the water with our smaller swimmers, for the purchase of service badges to be awarded in accordance with a new "awards" rule change which is being proposed at this year's AGM, and for the purchase of "Taieri Swim Club Coach" polo-shirts presented to our coaching team at the beginning of the season.

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The Taieri Carnival, our main fundraiser for the year, was again a great success receiving lots of positive feedback. We wish to again thank the generous support received from local businesses, our club families, swimming officials and all those who gave up their time to help out on the day. Thank you all so much.


A number of our Taieri swimmers qualified and represented our club at regional and national events.

• Otago Champs – 13 swimmers attended

• South Island Town & Country, Cromwell – 4 attended

• Div 2, Rotorua in 2011 and Dunedin in April 2012 - Vicki Clarke attended both of these meets.

• NZ Juniors, Wellington – Courtland Ellis attended again this year after qualifying in 13 events. He gained eight top ten placings from nine events swum including a silver and two bronze medals. Well done Courtland!

We have a number of keen young swimmers coming through and showing interest in the competitive scene, encouraged somewhat by swimming in the Coastal Development Series and the Taieri Carnival where we had 42 club swimmers competing. We had 8 swimmers attend the Kiwi Challenge Meet in November, 4 at the Cromwell Spring Carnival in November and 1 at the Alexandra Xmas Challenge Cup in February. Taieri swimmers also attended the Waves winter meets. Acknowledgements On a sadder matter, we note the passing of our long serving patron, Mr Hugh Morrison. Mr Morrison was a great supporter of our club often attending club events and showing his encouragement and support of our young swimmers. He sponsored the Morrison Sportsmanship Trophy which included a season's club membership. We also wish to acknowledge the sad passing of Mr Punch Tremaine who, for a number of years, coached our Taieri Squad swimmers.


We have had a busy and successful season with great improvements and successes achieved by many of our swimmers. Thank you to all committee members who volunteered for jobs, made themselves available at club sessions, assisted at club events and attended meetings. Thanks go to Tracey Thomson as Secretary and Sheryl-Anne Newman as Treasurer for all your support and time. A special thanks goes to Susan Sawtell, our Registrar, for the many hours she has given to organising our young swimmers. This has contributed greatly to the success and smooth running of the Taieri Swimming Club. Thanks also to Steve and David for their support. In conclusion, the club is in a comfortable financial position with a number of keen young swimmers, dedicated coaches and supportive parents. Gaile Medder


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Annual Report of the Wanaka Swimming Club It is with pleasure that I present the annual report for the Wanaka Swim Club for the 2011/2012 season. Congratulations to our competitive swimmers who have represented the Wanaka Club at a huge number of national, regional and inter regional events throughout the year with much success, winning medals and achieving PB’s . It is great to see our younger swimmers coming through, as they are the backbone of our club, as it is very hard for us to keep the older swimmers as they tend to head to boarding school. A number of our parents have become involved in the official side of swimming with a couple doing starting, another doing IOT duties and another assisting in the office with all the computer and recording side of things. I hope they all enjoyed the experience and will continue to do so next season. Fundraising has been an ongoing task all year with the Club involved in a number of events. The Warbirds Airshow was our biggest fundraiser and raised a substantial amount for the club, along with the River Run Trail Series and a number of sausage sizzles. A huge thank you to all involved in making these such successful endeavours. Our Club Champs were held at the end of March, with a good turn out of all ages, and it was pleasing to see so many PB’s and to see the younger swimmers with huge grins on their faces as they got out of the pool. Thank you to our coach Fi Hezinger who has had a fantastic first full season with the Club, and has seen her swimmers on the podium at national and regional events. And has also seen a couple of swimmers set records at the SI County & Town meet. Fi has managed to keep her squad highly motivated and striving to succeed every time they swim, and to still have smiles on their faces. (Quite and achievement) Finally to the Committee a huge thank you for all their hard work and support during the season, you all make my job easier and help the club run smoothly by fulfilling your various roles. The success of every club hinges on the support of all those involved. Wanaka Swim Club is lucky to have support from its parents and a very dedicated committee, and this can only reflect positively on our children’s enjoyment and achievements in the water what ever their ability.

Christine Humphrey


Annual Report of the Waves Swimming Club

The Waves Swimming Club has continued to develop strongly with our swimmers achieving at a very high level throughout the season.

National and International Meets

Our swimmers attended the following National and International Meets: NZ Short Course, World University Games, NSW Open Water Champs, NZ Open Water Champs, NZ Juniors, NZ Age Groups, Division II, NZ Opens and Oceania’s.

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Troy Balvert represented NZ at the World University Games in China in August, 2011. A big thank you to Swimming Otago for their financial support of Troy’s “User Pays” contribution.

Highlights were

Otago Champs

Waves won the Otago Championships for the 7th time in a row with a dominant display across all of the age groups and overall.

National Age Groups

Nineteen Waves swimmers plus Emmabeth Jenson from Adelaide made up our team for National Age Groups in Wellington and we saw some great swimming over the week. 74 Personal Best times from 127 swims including 40 finals resulted in us winning the following medals: Carina Doyle – Bronze in the 400 Fr, Silver in the 100 Fr and the 800 Fr and Gold in the 200 Fr also scoring a FINA points high of 761 in her 800Fr. Thomas Heaton – Silver in the 1500 Fr. Emmabeth Jenson also had a great meet in her lead up to the Australian Olympic trials winning Gold in the 400 IM, Silver in the 100 Fly and 200 IM and Bronze in the 200 Bk and 50 Fr.

The other highlight was an outstanding swim in the 50 Fr by Ben Simmers who broke Josh Fea’s 2004 record with a time of 25.33 seconds.

All round a great effort from all of our swimmers to finish 15th club nationally.

NZ Open Water Champs

The 10km race was held on Saturday 14 January, 2012 in very cold and windy conditions. Troy did extremely well placing 5th overall and 4th NZ’er. On Sunday in much better conditions Troy was the 5th NZ’er in a very tight finish and Natasha swam very well to record a time of 1 hour 19 minutes.

Caitlin Deans

Caitlin was in great form during 2011 2012 breaking several Otago Age records during the year. The highlight was when she broke the 10–11 Year Girls Otago record for 200 Fr with a time 2 22.98 – this record was the oldest record in the Otago still standing – it was set in 1974.

International Team Selection Troy Balvert was selected on the NZ World University Games team that travelled to China in August, 2011. Carina Doyle was selected on the NZ Outbound Leadership course held in April, 2012 and Troy also made the Oceania Team that travelled to Noumea in May, 2012. New Zealand Squad Selection

The following swimmers are members of the following NZ Squads: Age Development Lulu Schneiders, Thomas heaton and Caitlen Deans. Carded Athlete Troy Balvert

General Finally, I would like to thank my committee and my coaches for all of their efforts and enthusiasm during the year. Andy Adair


Page 52: AGM 2012 draft - Swimming Otago · Swimming New Zealand Incorporated Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual General Meeting 2.00pm 17th June 2012 109 th Annual Report to be presented

Annual Report of the Zenith Swimming Club

It gives me pleasure to present the Zenith 46th annual report. 2011/12 Committee:

Pam Linwood (President), Alison English (Treasurer) Michael Schultz, Brent Wolf, Sharlene Gillespie, Michelle Slater, Paul Mulholland, Red Harvey, (Resigned Feb 2012).


Current: – My thanks goes to the following for their ongoing dedication and commitment to being at club on a weekly basis - Michelle Slater and Sharlene Gillespie (Club Captains); Alison English, Sian English, Hanna English, Andrew Conijn, Lynn Pope, Sharon Milne, Jake Shearstone, Stef Gillespie, Brittany Wolf, Hoani Langsbury, MJ Moffat, Lyn Sheridan, Tane Duncan, Kate Holden and Milly. Thanks also must go to those people that have stepped up over the past 12 months and willingly assisted in a coaching role when asked to do so.

Roll at 1 May 2012: Competitive: 2; Non-competitive: 91

Meets Attended over the past 12 months:

Neptune’s Queen’s Birthday Meet, Waves Winter Meets, Kiwi Challenge Meet, Coastal Development Series, Otago Champs and Taieri Carnival.

For the first time in a number of years we have had two swimmers enter national meets – Stefannie Gillespie competed at the National Short Course Champs and the National Long Course Champs. She received a bronze medal for 400 Freestyle at NSCC Tame Govearts competed in the NZ Junior Championship meet. He received 2 bronze medals for 50M Freestyle (28.67Sec) and 50M Breaststroke (36.59Sec) as well as a silver medal in the 100M Breaststroke (1:21.59).


My thanks goes to the Committee, coaches and those people who support club on a weekly basis to ensure the best learning opportunities and outcomes for all swimmers. We currently have members in the Learners Pool and in both the shallow and deep ends of Moana Pool and it always give me pleasure to see swimmers move from one level to another. Alongside weekly coaching, Club Champs, Ribbon nights, fun nights, swim meets and access to the Dive pool all provide opportunities for swimmers to develop new skills and have achievements recognized. Despite challenges such as the recent introduction of a lane fee for Clubs, Zenith maintains a strong membership and with the continued support of long standing members/supporters it is in strong position to remain a sustainable club as we move towards the 2012/13 season. Pam Linwood


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Page 54: AGM 2012 draft - Swimming Otago · Swimming New Zealand Incorporated Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual General Meeting 2.00pm 17th June 2012 109 th Annual Report to be presented
Page 55: AGM 2012 draft - Swimming Otago · Swimming New Zealand Incorporated Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual General Meeting 2.00pm 17th June 2012 109 th Annual Report to be presented
Page 56: AGM 2012 draft - Swimming Otago · Swimming New Zealand Incorporated Swimming Otago Incorporated Annual General Meeting 2.00pm 17th June 2012 109 th Annual Report to be presented