CHALLENGES OF PULSE PRODUCTION Agronomic Technical Bulletin David Annis, Technical Agronomist March 2018 Leguminous crops harvested solely for dried seed are called pulses. Pulses are the edible seeds of plants in the legume family. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognizes 11 types of pulses. The most recognizable of the pulses are dried beans, peanuts, chickpeas and lentils. In the western United States, cool- season food pulses, including dry peas, lentils and chickpeas, are an important cropping component. The two principal growing regions include the Northern Plains (Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota) and the Palouse (eastern Washington, northern Idaho and northeastern Oregon) (Richmond et al., 2009). Western Canada is a major pulse production area. Canada ranks first in world production of lentils and dry peas (FAO). These cool-season plants do well in climates with less than average rainfall. Pulse crops can be planted on land that would otherwise be leſt fallow, potentially offering grain growers a second cash crop without the need for additional land. Pulse crops offer other tangible benefits as they increase biodiversity and improve soil health in marginal conditions (Altobelli et al., 2016). Photo used with permission of Alberta Pulse Growers.

Agronomic Technical Bulletin - Tiger-Sul · 2018-04-19 · Agronomic Technical Bulletin David Annis, Technical Agronomist March 2018 Leguminous crops harvested solely for dried seed

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Agronomic Technical Bulletin

David Annis, Technical Agronomist March 2018

Leguminous crops harvested solely for dried seed are called pulses. Pulses are the edible seeds of plants in the legume family. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognizes 11 types of pulses. The most recognizable of the pulses are dried beans, peanuts, chickpeas and lentils. In the western United States, cool-season food pulses, including dry peas, lentils and chickpeas, are an important cropping component. The two principal growing regions include the Northern Plains (Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota) and the Palouse (eastern Washington, northern Idaho and northeastern Oregon) (Richmond et al., 2009). Western Canada is a major pulse production area. Canada ranks first in world production of lentils and dry peas (FAO). These cool-season plants do well in climates with less than average rainfall. Pulse crops can be planted on land that would otherwise be left fallow, potentially offering grain growers a second cash crop without the need for additional land. Pulse crops offer other tangible benefits as they increase biodiversity and improve soil health in marginal conditions (Altobelli et al., 2016).

Photo used with permission of Alberta Pulse Growers.

NITROGEN FIXATION AND PULSESMost legumes have a symbiotic relationship with Rhizobium sp. bacteria. While these bacteria are native in the soil, when the legume plants are inoculated with the crop-specific strain of rhizobia bacteria, nitrogen (N) fixation increases significantly. These bacteria form a symbiotic relationship with the plant soon after germination. Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) have a less efficient type of rhizobia bacteria and can only provide about one-half of its nitrogen needs.

If sulphur (S) concentrations are low, N fixation can be negatively affected (Joseph and Verma, 1994). Inoculation and adequate nutrients maximize nitrogen fixation. The benefits from inoculation will be higher when available N is low, seed is inoculated, and soil test phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and S are at adequate levels. As a rule, if the same legume crop has been grown in the same field within the previous three to five years, inoculation is not necessary.

SULPHUR INTERACTIONIt is important to understand the role of S in pulses. A S deficiency in a pulse may reduce the amino acids cysteine and methionine, which may reduce the nutritional value of food/feed. Sulphur is involved in the formation of chlorophyll (Mehta et al., 1979) and plays a dominant role in improving the quality of pulses (Pasricha et al., 1993).

In regions where S-deficient soils occur, research demonstrates that legumes (especially pulses) are particularly responsive to S. Aulakh and Pasricha (1979) reported that the residual effect of 35 lbs. S/ac (40 kg/ha S) applied to chickpea and lentil crops almost doubled the grain yield of the following crop of mung bean. In a research study in 2002, an application of S to chickpea showed a significant economic return on the investment at a ratio of 2.46 (Rego et al., 2006).

Sulphur concentrations in most pulses should range from 0.2 to 0.4 percent. When determining S concentrations in pulses, sample the top fully developed leaf at first flowering. If a nutrient deficiency is suspected, sample as soon as the problem appears. Plant samples should be taken from good as well as poor areas for comparison. Within all soil zones, various combinations of high rainfall, high yield potential, low organic matter, topography and coarse texture predispose fields to potential S deficiency. As such, producers must be aware of the potential soil conditions that tend to have S deficiency (Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, 2001).

Soil tests are not a reliable indicator for S recommendations. Apply S based on prior crop performance and uptake rates. Sulphur bentonite can be applied to the soil in order to provide enough S to the plant for uptake years. Research data has shown that about 70 lbs./ac (78 kg/ha) S bentonite applied before planting provided enough S in the soil for a three-year pea rotation. Sulfate (SO4) fertilizers cannot provide a long-term supply of S to the plant. With high pulse prices, maximizing yield with proper fertilization can easily pay for itself.

Tiwari (1997) studied the interaction of S with other nutrients. He reported that S had synergistic relationships with N, P, K, magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn). In peanut research evaluating S levels, Reid and Cox (1973) noted that S is deficient in most soils of the world where peanuts are produced. They state that S has received less attention than most nutrient elements and that it is probable many responses attributed to other factors were responses to incidental S fertilization. TIGER sulphur fertilizers are sulphur bentonite products that can supply season-long S supply and micronutrients for maximum pulse production.

COMMON BEANS AND COWPEASCommon beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are grown largely for their dry, edible seeds. They are best suited to regions with yearly rainfalls of 20 to 60 inches (~500 to 1500 mm), with good soil drainage. Cowpeas can be planted on soils with poorer internal drainage. Common beans, due to their sensitivity to high soluble aluminum and manganese at lower pH levels, grow poorly in very acid soils (below pH 5.6). Cowpeas are more tolerant of soil acidity as compared with common beans.

NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTSCommon beans will usually require some N, as they are less efficient at fixing N. Cowpeas are very efficient nitrogen fixers and seldom require any additional N. Phosphorus is often the major limiting nutrient due to their high P requirements. Where P and/or pH levels are low, consider applying P in a band near the seed. Potassium is needed for N fixation; however, deficiencies typically are not common in beans. As such, little research has been conducted on pea or lentil responses to K. Magnesium deficiency may occur in very acid soils or those high in calcium and potassium. Common bean sensitivity to micronutrients varies by variety. They are mostly susceptible to manganese (Mn), Zn and boron (B) deficiencies.

PEANUTS (GROUNDNUTS)Mature, shelled peanuts contain about 28 to 32 percent protein and vary in oil content from about 38 to 50 percent. Most other pulses have a fat content ranging from about 2 to 11 percent of total calories. Peanuts are unique in that they contain 70 percent of their total calories as fat. Peanuts have good drought resistance and heat tolerance. Peanuts do not tolerate poor internal drainage; however, they grow well in acid soils. A pH around 5.5 is optimum, but peanuts will tolerate soils as acidic as pH 4.8. Soils that crust or cake are unsuitable for production and should be avoided.

NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTSWith N fixation, peanuts can usually satisfy their own N requirements. Waterlogged areas may suffer a rhizobia die-off evidenced by the yellowing of the plants. The southeastern United States land-grant universities do not recommend application of fertilizer N on peanuts (Clemson University, 1982; Cope et al., 1981; Donohue and Hawkins, 1979; Hanlon et al., 1990; Plank, 1989; and Tucker and Rhodes, 1987) with one exception. Auburn University recommends Spanish peanuts be fertilized at 20 lbs. N/ac (Cope et al., 1981). Inoculation is recommended in Florida (Whitty, 1991) and Georgia (Plank, 1989) if peanuts have not been grown on the land for the preceding five years. A pH level over 5.5 will increase the likelihood of Mn deficiencies, while very acid conditions favor Mn and aluminum (Al) toxicities. Peanuts do not usually respond to direct applications of phosphorus and potassium unless soil test levels are very low. Research has shown high potassium levels in the top 3 inches of soil can increase the number of unfilled kernels due to decreased calcium availability. Peanuts have a very high calcium requirement. Calcium deficiency manifests itself as light green plants with a high percentage of empty pods. Calcium is not mobile within the plant. Each pod has to absorb enough calcium for its own needs. Boron and Mn are the two micronutrients most likely to be deficient in the crop.

Regardless of the pulse crop, implementation of a well-planned nutrient management program significantly contributes to optimized crop yields. Utilizing the 4R Nutrient Stewardship best management practices provides a framework to achieve cropping system goals, such as increased production, increased farmer profitability, enhanced environmental protection and improved sustainability. Pulse crops can suffer if nutrients are not plant available. Sulphur, a secondary nutrient, is necessary for the plant to fix nitrogen. Sulphur should not be limiting and should be available season-long. Tiger-Sul® products can provide the necessary sulphur and micronutrients for maximum pulse yields.



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Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. 2001. Sulphur fertilizer application in crop production. [Online] Available: https://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex3526/$file/542-10.pdf?OpenElement [20 Feb. 2018].

Altobelli, F., Amanullah, B. Anna, C. Teodardo, C. Lucrezia, C. Ruth, G.S. Prasad, G. Fernanda, M.R. Pillai, P. Michele, P. Brajendra, V. Ronald, V. Dharmesh, V.A. Kumar, W. Liesl, and X. Maria. 2016. Soil and Pulses Symbiosis for Life.

Aulakh, M.S., and N.S. Pasricha. 1979. Responses of gram (Cicer arietinum L.) and lentil (Lens cultinaris L.) to phosphorus as influenced by applied sulphur and its residual effect on moong (Phaseolus aureus L.). Bull. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 12:433-438.

Clemson University. 1982. Lime and fertilizer recommendations based on soil-test results. Circ. 476. Coop Ext. Serv., Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC.

Cope, J.T., Jr., C.E. Evans, and H.C. Williams. 1981. Soil test fertilizer recommendations for Alabama crops. Circ. 251. Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL.

Donohue, S. J., and G. W. Hawkins. 1979. Guide to computer programmed soil test recommendations in Virginia. Pub. 834. Ext. Div., Va. Polytech. Inst. & State Univ., Blacksburg, VA.

Hanlon, E.H., G. Kidder, and B.L. McNeal. 1990. Soil, container media, and water testing--Interpretation and IFAS standardized fertilization recommendations. Circ. 817. Fla. Coop. Ext. Serv., IFAS, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville, FL.

Joseph, B. and S.C. Verma. 1994. Response of rainfed chickpea to jalsakthi incorporation and P and S fertilization. Indian J. Agron., 39: 312-314.

Mehta, U.R. and H.G. Singh. 1979. Response of green gram to sulphur in calcareous soils. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 49: 703-706.

Pasricha, N.S. and R.L. Fox. 1993. Plant nutrient sulphur in the tropics and subtropics. Adv. Agron., 50: 209-255.

Plank, C.O. 1989. Soil test handbook for Georgia. Ga. Coop. Ext. Serv., Athens, GA.

Rego, T.J., S.P. Wani, K.L. Sahrawat, and G. Pardhasaradhi. 2006. Macro-benefits from boron, zinc and sulfur application in Indian SAT: A step for grey to green revolution in agriculture. Journal of SAT Agricultural Research 2(1): 1–21.

Reid, P.J., and F. R. Cox. 1973. Soil properties, mineral nutrition and fertilization practices. p. 271-297. In Peanuts -- Culture and uses. Am. Peanut Res. Edu. Assn., Stillwater, OK.

Richmond, D., and K. Dew (Eds.). 2009. Chapter 3: Production. Retrieved February 16, 2018, from http://www.usapulses.com/chapter-3-production.htmlTiwari, K.M. 1997. Sulphur in balanced fertilization in Northern India. Proc. TSI/PM/IFA symposium on sulphur in balanced fertilization. Feb 13-14. At New Delhi. pp: SI-I/I-SI-1/15.

Tucker, M.R., and R. Rhodes. 1987. Crop fertilization based on N.C. soil tests. Circ. No. 1 (rev.) Agronomic Div., N.C. Dept. Agric., Raleigh, NC.

Whitty, E.B. 1991. Peanut production guide. SS-AGR-41. Coop. Ext. Serv., IFAS, Univ. Fla., Gainesville, FL.

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