[Type here] September/October Issue #6 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT MEMORY TEST TREASURER’S REPORT ALOHA ROLL CALL OF OHANA MEMBERS REMEMBERING KENNY WONG KENNY WONG & FLASHBACK PHOTOS TEST ANSWERS OFFICERS & DIRECTORS President Gervin Miyamoto Vice President Henry Ah Loo Secretary Alice Ome Treasurer Hope Ah Loo Director Bryant Carvalho Director Chester Hughes AHA HUI O NA MAKA`I HAUOLA The Association of the Police

AHA HUI O NA MAKA`I HAUOLA The Association of the Police

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September/October Issue #6






President Gervin Miyamoto Vice President Henry Ah Loo

Secretary Alice Ome Treasurer Hope Ah Loo

Director Bryant Carvalho Director Chester Hughes


The Association of the Police

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Aloha Aha Hui O Na Maka`i

(Hauola) Hui Members:

Your Aha Hui O Na Maka’i Hauola Board of

Directors have been meeting by Zoom, telephone

and email during these trying times of COVID. We

ask for your patience and want you to know we are

attempting to plan events in a safe environment

within COVID Protocols. Please pray that there

will be no “Breakthrough Cases” amongst our

vaccinated members. I know you understand that

your Health and Safety are our primary

concern. Until then, we will keep in touch and hope

you stay safe.

Here is a tentative schedule of an upcoming event:

On Friday, October 29, 2021, we will celebrate the

75th Anniversary of Aha Hui O Na Maka’i Hauola-


Our history, “On October 29, 1947, forty-five

members of the Honolulu Police Department met at

3:00 p.m. in the police station annex, located at 842

Bethel Street. They met with acting chairman

Detective Jack BOTELHO on a proposal to start an

association to honor all men (and women) in the

department with at least 14 1⁄2 years of service, and

especially Officer Thomas PHILLIPS for his

present service of over 20 years” HPD Newsletter

Police Chief Dan Liu then incepted the Old Timers

Club, now known as Aha Hui O Na Maka’i Hauola.

In honor of that we want to celebrate the

75th Anniversary of Aha Hui O Na Maka’i

Hauola---HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hui!!!

We are hoping to host a Hui Birthday Luncheon

(site to be announced) on October 29, 2021 Friday,

provided the Covid protocols permit. We will be

notifying you via our email and newsletter. Until

then, take care and stay safe.



1. Plop plop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is.

2. Think outside the box.

3. The quicker picker-upper.

4. The king of beers.

5. American by birth. Rebel by choice.

6. Must see TV.

7. The taste of a new generation.

8. How do you spell relief?

9. Ingredients for life.

10. Obey your thirst.

11. Eat fresh.

12. We’re looking for a few good men

13. It’s everywhere you want to be.

14. What’s in your wallet?

15. Don’t leave home without it.

16. The most trusted name in news.

17. It keeps going, and going, and going...”

18. Fair and balanced.

19. “Strong enough for a man, but made for a


20. Give me a break! Give me a break!

21. Zoom, zoom, zoom.

22. Be all that you can be.

23. I’m lovin’ it.

24. M’m! M’m! Good!

25. “Silly rabbit…

If you have something you would like to share (a

memory/memories, joke, quiz, recipe, photo, etc.) or

something you would like to see featured, please feel

free to reach out to the Newsletter staff at

[email protected].

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VISIT OUR CLUB WEBSITE AT ahahuionamakaihauola.com


July 2021 financial summary showed a

checking account beginning balance of

$5,649.93 no transactions occurred.

leaving an ending balance of

$5,649.93, and a balance of $2,709.68

in the savings account.

The August 2021 financial report showed a

checking account beginning balance of $5,649.93

with income of $445 and Clock & Trophy Shop

expense of $88.90, leaving an ending balance of

$6,006.03 and a balance of $2,709.68 in the savings


REMINDER: Don’t forget to pay your annual

dues! Send to Hope Ah Loo at P.O. Box 822339

Pearl City, Hi 96782. Make checks payable to Aha

Hui O Na Maka’i Hauola. Dues are $15 dollars per

year. If your dues are not current and you are

unsure of the amount of dues that are payable,

contact Hope at Ph. 808-258-4868.

Deacon’s Corner

This morning’s gospel reading is from

St. John. We hear Jesus talking about

real friendship. Real friendship involves

love. Many of us use the word love, too

freely. Rarely do we actually think

about what real love means. Love is hard to describe

because when we do try to explain what it is, we give

examples of what love looks like. Some examples of

love are in St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians and gives

us a list of what love should be.

Love is actually something that we show others by the

way we think, talk and act in our daily lives. It is almost

impossible to give love a dictionary kind of definition of

the word.

Love makes us happy, so we are to love others like the

way God the Father and Jesus do. Their love is truly a

great example. It is only when we love like them that

we will be truly happy and have joy and peace in our


Jesus calls us His friends and tells us everything about

His Father. Why? Because He loves us so much, Jesus

wants us to be kind and loving to everyone, even our

enemies. This is one command that He wants us to

follow: Love one another as I love you.

A question for all of you, “Is loving people easy to do all

the time?” No, it’s not. Jesus realizes that fact. But He

wants us to always think about how much He loves us

and then try to love others in the same way, even when it

is hard. We can always ask Jesus for his help because

He is always with us and will give us the courage and

strength to love not just the nice people but the difficult

people too.

Today, let us try to remember how much you are loved

by God the Father and His Son Jesus and then try to love

others in the same way. Our prayer for today is, “Lord

God, I am happy to be with You.”


It is a sad occasion when someone who is so dear

and so close to our hearts has passed on in this life.

In celebration of their life for those who have

recently been called back to our Father’s grace, our

condolences and prayers go out to their families. In

loving memory, the following have been recently

added to the honor roll:

Preston Ota passed away on June 5,

2021. He retired as a Sargent.

Alapai Dickson left HPD early in career.

He passed away on July 6, 2021.

Greg Bentosino retired D8-CID passed

away on July 7, 2021.

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Retired Lt. Kenneth Chang D6, passed

away on July 15, 2001.

Retired Det. D3 James Kawai passed

away on July14, 2021.

Edwin Awakuni passed away on

August 19, 2021. He retired as a Lt.

in Community Relations.


The past year and a half have been very stressful for

everyone. Just when we think we are heading in the

right direction in terms of this pandemic, BAM! We

seem to be worse off than when we started in 2020.

We know we should try to be positive and not dwell

on negative things and at times it can be difficult.

So, to try and help put a smile on your face or a

chuckle in your heart, we thought we would reflect

on someone who always looked at life with a

cheerful attitude in spite of the difficulties he faced.

KENNETH S.Y. WONG By Joseph Aveiro

Kenny Wong worked for the City of Honolulu as a

Custodian. He was assigned to HPD in 1970.

Kenny was born with Cerebral Palsy, but that was

not a hindrance to him coming into work every day.

His attendance record was awe inspiring.

Kenny was well liked by almost everyone at HPD,

from the Chief on down to the rank and file and

civilian personnel.

Kenny and I attended Kawananakoa Intermediate

School in the 1950s. Kenny was very close to the

Vice Principal at the time, Mr. Au. Kenny helped

create the position of “Hall Monitor” for himself

and proudly wore a yellow JPO type sash over one

of his shoulders with the title “Hall Monitor”

printed in broad letters. After completing 9th grade,

we lost touch as Kenny attended McKinley High

and I attended Kaimuki High. However, as the

Good Lord would have it, we met up again in 1970

at HPD.

In 1987, Columnist Bob Krauss of the Honolulu

Advertiser featured an article about Kenny and his

effervescent outlook on life. He was always the

prankster and putting a smile on even the gruffest

personnel at HPD.

Here are a few pranks done by Kenny and done to

Kenny that will definitely make you laugh.

At a few of the staff meetings, he would come in

early and sit on the chair that the Chief would sit in

with his feet on the desk. He would greet all of the

commanders as they came in to the meeting. When

the Chief (Francis Keala and later Doug Gibb) came

in, he would then leave. The Chief(s) took his

antics in stride and would have a smile on their


There was one memorable encounter with Kenny,

retired Major Robert (Bobby) Thomas and myself.

Bobby and I were in the elevator along with a few

civilian personnel. The elevator stopped on a floor

and Kenny was standing there waiting to board, he

looked at Bobby and I and asked, “Where you two

Mahus going?” Nobody in the elevator said a word,

including Bobby and myself and we could sense

that the civilian personnel were feeling

uncomfortable. The elevator stops on the next floor

and Kenny attempts to get out before the door

closes, but because of the Cerebral Palsy, just as he

exited, he hits the wall just outside of the elevator

and falls on the bench and then to the ground. He

looks up at Bobby and I and had the nerve to ask us

to help him after calling us Mahus, needless to say

we told him “Go screw yourself” as the elevator

door closes. The civilians in the elevator couldn’t

wait for us to get off on our floor.

He was made the personal bodyguard of myself

when I was head of SSD. Some of the SSD officers

equipped him with a bullet proof vest, a riot helmet

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and allowed him to hold an AR-15 at port arms and

snapped a photo of him that was posted on the SSD

bulletin board.

He would walk around the 3rd floor with his large

rubbish container on wheels and would give us the

“bird” on many occasions as we walked by him.

One day, he did it again and me and another SSD

officer lifted him up and put him in the rubbish

container and left him there in the middle of the

floor. Other officers walked by as he asked for help

to get out, but no one assisted as he pranked them

numerous times. Finally, a few civilian personnel

assisted him in getting out of the container.

Back to when Kenny and I were at Kawananakoa.

My two good friends, Kenneth “Black” Nakanishi

and William “ Antelope” Solomon and I would cut

class often to swim at nearby Kapena Falls. One

day, we were called in by the Vice Principal Mr. Au

and were told that he knew we cut class to swim at

Kapena Falls and for that we were made to dig

weeds (100 weeds from each of us) during the 5th

and 6th periods as the students in the classrooms

facing the grassy area watched and laughed at our

punishment. Well, Kenny confessed that it was he

who told Mr. Au about our cutting class. Yes, he

had it in for me, even in our younger days.

Most don’t know, but Kenny was very religious and

attended church on a regular basis in Nuuanu. He

would catch the bus from his home in Alewa

Heights and get off at Nuuanu Ave. and Judd St.

and walk to church. As you may know, my son

Kurt passed in 1984 and is resting at Oahu

Cemetery near the church Kenny attended. I visit

my son’s grave on a weekly basis and would

occasionally find flowers placed there. One

Sunday, as I was walking to my son’s grave, I saw

Kenny put flowers in the vase and after walked to

his church. He was a prankster with a very kind

heart and I will always hold him close and never

forget him.




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Front row: Gordon Moore, Harold Falk

Back row: Harold Kawasaki, Chester Hughes, Robert Kane,

Eddie Ross, Jimmy Femia, Jeremy Postmus, Ersel Kilburn.


1. Alka Seltzer

2. Apple Computer

3. Bounty Paper Towels

4. Budweiser

5. Harley Davidson


7. Pepsi

8. Rolaids

9. Safeway

10. Sprite

11. Subway

12. US Marines

13. Visa

14. Capital One

15. American Express

16. CNN

17. Energizer Batteries

18. Fox News

19. Secret Deodorant

20. Kit Kat Bar

21. Mazda

22. US Army

23. McDonald’s

24. Campbell Soup

25. Trix Cereal

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VISIT OUR CLUB WEBSITE AT ahahuionamakaihauola.com

Aha Hui O Na Maka`i Hauola

P.O. Box 822339

Pearl City, Hawaii 96782