•••?•'" G0MffllN8 MORE >: Airy OXHEB PAFJEK. :i; 4 if* h VOL. XIX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 6. 1890. NO. 27 rpaiaaaxD xnm FBIDIT ST . 1-JtRafS Of .BOBBOWFTIOK. :• ,• ,.;- BMIKADVANCS. "Vni'^ioi l.',.......'...^.: 13.00 811 BOITII .... 1.00 ADvraiiii(o urai, "8' " • :. •i.-l-i : ••.-'..-. ; 4 dowwa. . ' - ' 75 II 16 - aw , 8 76 3 SO .4 16 CIS .eso 8 00 tssoi too 6 50 .8 00 10 90 12 SO lux. 4 50 6 SO SOO 11 00 W40 is it SCO 4 CD STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, Tur,torn ABH Bsnx law Boomo. Zinc, Sheet Lead,- : Lead Pipe, Pumps, *c. THE" GORTON oDBjuin;:ihik ••mum ABPEOIAMt. eootiooo :;.; nan IS aurn m mm. - f oPWIAIilBT pUjwottnUiiM lMf u lbs •': in Wwr»a «t, mxtlooi to "gnotj'« (Me. 1 LidlM««a C b l l W i Hair CalUm««pMi»I- cm.* Oheap r.tM. SontfieraPMifio ito..».H*irlm, Ai.'»Q.»'l tatb , >13 Braulnjr, Nair.Xort; B. J. piit«aaiiat;niUi. ---• M J AiaCHRISTENSEN, flUOTKB urn BquorrbB IK OHAKCtat, - Oootritll Ulna .od m.lorUU liralibrd. Blone«nd brick wor>, pl.lterlnfmJJobWBI prempllr adonilel lo. dnUra left >t o j offloa ..«. K » a Bt, nwt Ouial' Btaln, Hill. tM»Wa ittiiy^; :• v tslwift]ionhnd*tth«ioWHioaahf)Tn)M« Work Jon. al tha ahortaii poulbla riotloa nd lallilactlon juirantHil.; Oanllaman'l olothlnt dytd, CIUIUKI and pnmd. - « o ladlai' dntl food.. « call II nllojMd. ! . ; ^ mtii™WiinieBiii»toMlf B bla twti aH ptlCT. D" k-.p. t Ik to»««mikB»wiii«. pt •««•- ^|ii^*B»mtii™Wi % ; ;iid uiualBB bla twti aH ptlCT. D" k »'^™. but ioooa at Ik. to»««mikB»w 'Vis All tnlBtl bj mill »1M »e«lr? prompt 3-fcn»»i' ' : V ^ M V/:~ v ; ''•' • • • • ': I*"*". i' 1 * " ' • ' ' ' '' '• ' ''. . *s> i 8 ; »*B»,Ti»l Oiaoi, N. J, U m a r Jar «; ',:: mlmiBdiominwuulonwilhBBnodUt^Jo! fainter, 1 Decorator, Grataor ^^^iiN»i6ai«^>i»i«it«n«l;.»** v,%lol!«lt«ra««^^ftr Xrifi; 8bn>ba,TU», A*, on ;>'^'ial«yi>rnlw«ffl»mlaa)OB: •:' \• ' ;'•• * '• ' KI.-3-*ttu TioMr. IIOTBl work of •?• :•*•*•£; ilsST i f e ; 5 i « » l arerjlalBi«la>l or It JBB»B.' » «o> ^llay^; :::: ^ : y : - : -- i -"-':-,;:g-; DESIRABLE BB8IDESCE -'The bonu oorner'of ilftPitUn iod Paqnao t'~-*V> !: ''iSeaM»<"»» nartte,n.ariM>plj.t> — .- r v •i.6o8ta.,Doiier,e«t.tf»tBn»»iil.ug»j>xa S.E.BEMETT, IHBIJBB T0DB FMPBBTT WITH, U.laadiBg Enroptui Bad AnflN Iwo CoMBinlM. - .oasts promptly adjusted an. paid IR oash. ; RBAVL. ESTATE FOR 84IJE. ••••'• HQUSB namti '•> ;• ' laoln biljftDg lot* ud faroa on eaiy Utui. HOUSE FOR RENT OK 84I.B ' f to l o u on bond an 'PP. THE BANK, ',''• DOVBK. lickwell St., Dover, N,J. D¥EB and CLEANEtt. Striot HHntion (ton, to cuitom work. ~ir cutorowt. jiifCir* ELEVAT0B TO EVEBT FL00B. 8HIHT MANUFAeTUREHS, MEN'S FURNISHERS, 831 BROAD St. .MllT AM IJBT BTOOE In Ul» «Uv. CHIPMAM'8 TOHiO, : / cbassw.; ;< Dyspepsia, B1OLD8PI0- lAXl^SHT Hoyie or Rooms Wanted. ABT rerwB eBTing'Bbirata wllli cor 5 roam*, r tba aaau number of rooma in blBok. oan itattw Mil •0H ^ fcreB&nu. ror:thB 3 aala. of onr Horn* Qrowo Hnravrratooa, MOST UBEBUU, TEBltt. - > oriw 17.11 •• - -\ \ , ProfPMt atari. DoTar, H. HoUetlabiW <lnii.tbBtallpanonii foiblddan trMPMBlac on B17 pnvlaaa ttni *&? ^ rWisa; auaiii pinwm. b;i««a ; -aDa BARGAIN ROOM PRICES! NEW DEPARTURE, Haying completed and fitted up one room, exolasivelj known w a BABGAIN EOOM, in my new nix-story building, 27 and 29 Campbell street, conneoted by bridge with the main Building, 73 Market street, I shall oiler tbo following goods at tke prices advertised: . 1 "Walaub Bedroom Suit, (8 pioooB,) Horule-top, rega- lar price t l l S ; will be sold «*.»7B.; l'Solid Ohorry Bed- room Suit, (8 piecos), Oral Plato, Bevel Edge, regular - prioe 176 i will be Bold at $50. 1 Antiqno Oak Bedroom Bait, regular price J22.50; wil)>o sold at *15. 1 Parlor Suit, (7 pieces,) in MoLnir Hash, regular price $76; will be sold at 155. .1Parlor Bait, (7 pieces,) Plash Trim- . mings, regular.price $50; will be spld at {30. Carpet - . Bod Lounges in Body Brussels, my own make, regular pricw J12; will be Bold »t (8. Valnut Msrbk-top Side Board, regular price $30; will be sold at $20. 1 Oak Chiffonier, with Glass, regular wrico $17; will bo sold at 110. Willow Booking Okoirj regular price $8; will bo sold at $3.76., Cane Seat Chairs, regular prioe 76o.; will ; be sold at 60o. 'Extension Tables, 6 foot Drop-loaf, reg- . ular price *6; will be sold at 5i. Slat Bed Springs. »1. : iTelyetOorpet, regular prioo par yard $1.25; will be sold at'$l, Body BroSBeb Oarpot, rcRttlnr prioo por ynrd f 1 i will bo Bold ot 75o.' Tapesby JJriiMola Carpet, regular, ', price per yotd 76c; will bo sold &t GUo. 'Extra Super,. . All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regular priea per yard 75o.j •will be Bold ot 50o. Cheap Ingrain Carpet, regular prioo per ; wiUbe Bold at 25o. ' " • BXFC ANATION IN EiEGrARD TO THE-BARGrAIN ROOM. In order to getridof goods that do. not soil off rapidly, and to ran off job'lbtfl that I bought bolow rogali-r pticos. . All goods marked in plain figures. It-will pay anyone to %7iait tbis roomi' whether you buy or hot, to see what a *. large amount of'goods onn be purchased for BO little moaey, as it is the only one ol the Hnd in the State. GlYEM IF DJESIRED.) IE1VEPH0NB «80, GOODS DBttVXMID HIM 0P CffiASM. 10 AS*rAHT.OFIBXBTATJI, L. LEHMAN'S NEW STORE, X STREET, ipp, Central Railroad Depot, DOVER, N. J. SEEN THOSE PRESENTS BAKING- POWDER ? nothef stock of those Brass Hoop Cedar jnst received! NEWARK,^*; OULTfiapi OF nuiuimiii«a» ill Annie* I S I tfiriMTInfill,M»»»l««il«««i;»a»Ttl«t JUSI22 JTHISCUt .SOtiD-FOR A '- !••*»"» i«Meit **• »tow inihe - liiMlyoecajied u ftnunuif ftrou,»ndVllop«ii . J : E8TAillIBBB«NIV.wllli •loiblata;'»rarra«llSil il i £ k « a «»»aia;<>l cnilim wori''iaa «r« iBJa-lQiiim"!"""" iHMtf.-i^i^/^hij TWO DOLLARS vl A PAIR OFF ;'-!BTTJrMC"S SBKO.E5S! "V7e UaTQ ; di80ovored these goods aro too high priced, and the qnan- ity i&quired to make a complete aasortmenl in aU widths, makes ifc nprofitable to haudlo tliem. If you find your size in the following it, onr loss of 12 apoor will be jour gain: WE HAVK LADIES' BEST FEENOH KID OPEEA BUTTON BWjDTu-i 1>A1H 2 , ; U r A I E l ] i I PAIU III 1 1 fALJt 1; 11'AlU r>(. *O>,:*'. B " 8; 8 » S|;2' " B; 2 " Cj; 1 " fl. D .?' 1 «.9ir 1 » fij s " Si; 1 " Hi'A '• 6, T 2 " 5i; t '• G. . ,,;'! AT H A PAIR; FOEMER PEIOE «(i. WOMEN'S PfiENOH KID POINTED TOE BUTTON, D Wunn-1 PAIR 911 I>Ain 8); 8 l'Alll 4; i TAIB 0; 1 TAIB 0. .0 V 1 1 ' " 2ij 8 " 8j 1 " li. J>£» i •• «j a " si 11 " m " oi. ; :• AT 13.A PAIE; FORMEE PRIOE $5. BRIGHT D0NG0LA OPERA BUTTON. -1} I'AIB 2} [ 9 PA1H Ef; 1 TAIB 0, 0 WIDTH-1 PA1B 9| ; , 1 -. 3H2 " Sit I " 6. U T 63'A PAIR; FORMER PIUOB $5.25. CUBB BTOHI T 4 I X IB THIK0B TDiT ITTSiOX ODK iTTEITIOlf AND 8XCITK COMMENT. f ciDoct belp the (eollac tfaut it was a mis- l o not ID hava tppttfnud a resident or tiro FDofer tmouft tbe oonaas enntEcrstors of Eandolph towoihip, Tbe census ef a totro this alia IS a very importunt matUr, and a fimllluitj wilk tbo |>*ople would bare wade mraor mom enttly olitaiofid. Hoverer, i fsntleben fippolufd aro well qaa)i(ied Uclr work, tad sbauld bi resdend over (stance potalble to bolp them .a their pm lit pfinforoitttloo, ta ardor tbat ufall end itnplsto centus «f tie town msjbe obtained. '•" How mmoy people do jou »ay there *ra Ii 3oV6t1 BemembDr before bojlnnlng 70a >j the corporation boondflrltts—tint soire irU of the bnllt up «i>cUon» lie oaUfde. lt\iatro«lijbebngi toas eaold beoonnUid bnTe DO doubt we wonld foot up a total filiation al 4,300, but under tba draum anoes I am doubtful it tbe llsure will ex- ltd 3,700. Goe low iiottr I am rfgbt. t U t Bar. Dr. fi. i mdidate forCoualy Hupe'lntendento! Pab- Hohooli. The Dogtor it t> man ol p DslapublioaH'ilra,* ripe totoUt*al oal- ired %eotlenan. Us fa In every wny fitted tba iiotltloii, u d dutlog tbe tlm« he fats id I fcfti jiiren luoti oarefnl »od wlae l d U l 8TEA1T GOAT DOUBLE SOLE BUTTON. U-^J FAIK at; 3 PAIR &t; 1 FAIR 0. O WiDTfl-1 PA1B at; 3 PAIR 5. 1, " a>{ 3 •' Bljl " 6. ^ AT $S i. PAXBi EEDUOED FROM$5. OALXJi WHILE WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. HEAGAN& Co. Tfl|E LOW PRICES ..•'.:•.'••"•';?•• '- -OF— " GROCERIES frani sny quarter. It woutt iffbrd [rft.IHea.toa to a great mat>)* lilenas to bare ntslnediD lie pei-Uon.- Dnrlog the recent exearalon to Lake Hopat- • nnmW of geptleicen expressed a IsU ibat they miibt be abla to TI»K Luke Ippsloong twenty flTflyesti bonce and wit' ed tbo molts of the iraproTumenU ttiatwitl be made In tlis lnterral. Hoono o u possibly Doooeire wkic tfanifortDsUom will itthe«in tbe next qnmer of otntory ira thfl prsdUtloa tbat it will be the e»Ujst Ulc« resort In tbe Unit aod tb.it tlio uc'i will foot np many tnlltlooi of dollirs. f J, Utrrej Colo, tbfl Uendliaia wife mnr- irer. behares blmsolf wtille la Rtau prison, ,tid £*U Ibe discount on his time allowed for [ood coDdnot, be will ba about H jean old rben be igaio beoome* afroi nan, and may .TO mauy yens of llfo before klm. lint It 111 not bring his yonnfl wife b»ck to life tain, and to tbo meantime a pnblta expense lone tnoaaaods wilt bare been laoumd it» trial and punishment—all bcttause a nan MOtatneaabtstotlie death penattj If when t kills aonenody bo happeni to be lUfferini; nanUl pwsjjili, iap«rtndiM<L bj too icnt libations at tbe shrine of itscobtis. J«- Don't forget that we giva 8J pounds of Standard Granulated '..... •__i_;—" * i? fl o^ pnrohasGr of onp pound of. apj of - ----- JDlBLlVBBUsDilfliBB JiLK OVSR TIIH COUNTY. THE^CrtE/MPESTQROCJER INTHJE COUNTY, |U8SBX 8TBEET, OPP. CESTBAJ, B. B. DEPOT, ^ ^ ^ ^ t y y h x m . , ; pay •*.'•.-'• ;•• •.••;. - ; Principal ATarchBine 4G4 Broool gt,, and53Oranno f I., Newark, '. Or BliiBCH 8TOB8. BPimiT, K.J. ' for Infanta and Children. A CLOTHING HOUSE POSSESSING THOEOUGH KNOWLEDQE, . •AMPLE BA.0IiilTJE8,: •• IJABGE ESPEEIENOE, ABUNDANT CAPITAL, HONEST OONTIOTIONS, d the GRIT *'to stand by them, OOQ bo o£ REAL BERYIGE to •? y'" ; \O0XHINGBniEBS'V ''''" . i - t v . . . ' . : . , ' i . There ate SOME PEOPIiE, and HOT afeweithoi, wlio boli<iVo,WE })OBEO88 tlio qnnlifications hero iuen- ' tiooed. And their nnmher increases &s the yean pass. Wo liold most of oar old trade, and oon'aiantly attract now. TVhat enables oa to do this ? TVoll, the five requi- sites of sacooea montioned aboyo pat ns in a position to '•- constantly ofiVr•;'» trado-ftttractimg artiole in Oiotiing. Talking of trado-cttraetora brings yividly before us our ^ino of Men's Ail-Wool Biuinesa Hnits at $10. We'll gaaranteejthat 113 dnd'oven $15 is being paid out daily - for "Suits of no better material and not as "well made. We thinl if yon'll look at them you'll agreo -with us, and we . ' know Uial'if you're needing a Bait about this price you'll buy one.,.- •• ;' • , :. - 850A 852 BROii St., J. j. GOLEMAN CVTa» BOTEH.F. J. i Uii OoMlloni ntraetBtiksn, k «l«rtilaor.™rj • bnUaiaRi, Jebblniftipeoialiy. v>-BLATiiBoanHa.-.' •.;:....;.:••.• ;w»W^iiIalieil_(rim)h^bo_il^J^ rnutv itng UDJ more to itjla tnat oondttlon a Anil b«i« MtM to b» ft vary »1rsnge y. Dole is probably ponoised of ialU* miiBtottiept tbo expmici o! his trial id pay tut ooit of bla imprisonment. Bat title be Is liTlngM tb« expense ottbepeoplf ;ba State bis nonty may be Investedat greit «nd a«ooaiiU»w qaite a snog sum (ot im to oojoy when 'he geta ont Then an jmoitrange pbues of IDJMUCS eonneoted ib Iba dealing oat of Juetloe to Dotu oirn, bout of at leaat font g wbo bftfo llnd in bapp;nottlook for li»JtiioaWijr «l JCIH*. Tbe j w* !*&%* ind U n , Vreetnaa Wood, Jt«r. Df. aid Hra. G. M*alo, Hr. «dl t n . E . E, JuktOA ui r. and Mri, Wm. A, Diotunon. TLe i p i ot tia t.i&t ptople mil asftegata oTtt 000 'sari, and *• a n happy to i»j tbat all ate 11 itreMrred,' mentally and p j Cbne of tbe four gentlemen an mil ao gaged ,ln lin*laea*, ud tb« «tber, Jadgi pMlt hM a mlnJ •* o J e w a o b*U, aithjog • u t i e a e use b u lndaoed falm W retire m MUTO bulaua Ufa. A more oenpttent [iiuttt at latelllareat Udlti nnd «npal>le ewlTii tbu (b« paitnen of tbua l 1 do not t»)l«ra ean bo found In tbe eom* tDBDlty, Mr.radMil,. D.rW T.ckor, wbo i[deJuitoatofthoU)irD,hu»e klao paued e goldeo viddiof ntck and wottUUj enjoy ,beftniwbrtt.«lrreapeo(ed line. It U iel im Jon can (ltd fit« aau). wujlt* ullhto !ba radiu ol a mite. ' twtnaoutba jU depeelU oioeed lt\t hue redtboaMDd. tone were e B - i g i i s b e ettabliabmetit of tkl» bank woald affaot ho other bankluK Imtllntiof s in the t lartioalirly tbe Union BaokatDoTerantl tbe Iron Bapk at MorrJetown. Yet tbo aUteoaenta botb these oonrerns alow deposit* fully tip tbelrstandaxdaodezetedlPgtbeirBferaga :bo faot Is tbat there was room for a baDk f: loonton wftbont affvotloK any of theetka iksoftheoonnty. B m Tbo total depoilt* In all ibe banlti of tbe ly indicate that tbe bOBlneaa of all >• taotly laornulDg, nod ft oarreipoodint pro»perily tbrongbont the wunty. Tli taiemeota of depodU were •• follows ktlonal Iron Dank, Horrletown, IOCS 668 U \ ttiocal Uoton, Povar, »BW,0Q8.« j Firtl Natlonui, Horrlstowa, t$S2,B88 80. Pint N*Uon«.t1M*dt*OB.tl70,m26; Fir«Nation*! BoentoD, «63,CO380. Tbeie ooublned make fmoui total ot (l.MTjU&tQ- <iSW m of muoey If Ing re*dy to It drawn pun for butinm atii ti»de pnrpoaei. Tntre li notblng nor* ex»»pon.tiog to th< leeal merobaot than t o i M > atrangor, wbo yi ao runU or taxei, and oontrlbutet nolb- ig towards bearing tbe bnrdeni of tbe oom- inaUy, jet drawlog beapa af good oub out t tbe oommnolty by selling under tbe pedlar lioenie aratem. Tbtro Is one ooncern ttat a license of onij aiO a y«ar, under wfalob mo wagone and men through tbe jty all tb« joar round and fell almoit erjlbing In tbe way of houiebold fnrnlti lejr do not sell tbe same qo«liti«t of goodi iy ebeapar than tbe loeal marobaoU do, but peraaaal appliotUoa at bouefl and tb( aUtunl Qitury of the Imlalment ajatem, y obtaLa a Taat Uedo. Y«t \U«y tlo &o trlbut* one dollar to tbe ccmamnhy irbtri M loeal merobaot eontribuU* » handled. 1 an injuitioe to the iatUr and tbe HCBDM for >ll>Dg gsneraV marcbaadtaa from W#gi Id beinoiotasd eonalderably. The UaeketUtawD Oawtio replfci th»t It 'as right for Fowler t« « i u t a twiff on mia iIlk tat thfl bei)«Qt 9f a 1&eu>rj in fail jbLioftood, ereo tboPgtt be did rote galnat » tariff on ererytbl&g else, nod do- da &U sotlan on the strength of Banooak'a ^ranoe that the tariff la a "local iuue." rt tbe QiwLU tit Hues exactly by tbla illns- raUoa Jmt tbeeort of "Local luao 1 - It Is, nuaa- T proteatlon for a little faotory in Buuex eoantT t&at doee&'t employ a B * » of hwdi, d free trade for all, ths great indnstriu ol nation. Wanton butty tlitaka for web oonclw dectaratioB of the great Oenoeiatlo of ** tariff Mlorm." A few days elnte the Mew lork Weria lent an agent to Dorer to inquire of tha news- dealers tbe reason for the treat falling off of tbe sales of tbat pwper. Tie agent found it oae osnie was tbe World's process of |UB»lng tbe newsdealers » tbeio wai oo roflt In handling the aheet, and tbat another Mse was tha TUJT masifeat dJitCtt of tbe adlug publlo with too atnailesa rot which II thes np dally and aaka int«UI|«nt paapte i aaoept at newa, Freeholder Wells Lawroaoe, of Uendbam, me of the active iapport«rt ot tbe<(0)WO project, was In town the other evening id asurbed that td«n w«old nfttb* a ftianf« the action ef the Board—that th»y wanld ,tud by tbe duU.O9 ftln*dy matte. When fb RssertloB wna made to him that be asuld iot find 100 tn-»ky«rs in tbe eountj ontalde HorriBtowo that wonld faror the project ted it was doubtlw* true, .then at sort ot rcpreaentatlreo of the people are Bey, It they refuse to deny what they COB- edeii the almoatunftnimonartqaeat of those rho toot tbe biUa 1 If they «ra all of tha pielaa or Mr. Lawreaeathoy donbtteaa think tbat the people hare no wlefaei .hfj are bonidtonspeot. ^ My frlood, Mr. A. B. gcailni;, of liandolpb Tinue, bu » Tery inteMitlng and T»tnab)s lltctlon of ooloe and papar oarioocy. imOLg Ibe, paper OQrrenojr are oolanial nrreooT of tbo fiuttes. notes oimaoy of tbe ..ikt , Inoladlng tboid of UorrU oonnt?, Iderabte eollsotlop of tbo paper money used by the Bouthern Canlederaoy, end all tbe Yauloua sblDplasters Issii«I by mtnt dnrlBg tbe wfcr. Ilia oolns Inelttde many intareillag foreign pUceafwtnalt parU of tbe globe, ind be OHa oallrotiooof tokoni txatUK pallUoal and o.U« eianta In tbU itry dnrlng tie last trindred years. But Lfttacat TMlaable p u t ol tbe txblbit .1 ft illicUon of AtDerioan cent*.'Ha kaamany llit costs luned l»y V*B oolDnics, tut o&t every yeir's coinage itata tbe tint the iTeramtnt began to osln oeota ID 17B3 to tbe AIMIC time, as lrell u nil Uofaalf u n » tbat ttrn coined. lie bas _ ,lon ef Eagllib, 8wtob, Irloh «od,Welsb oop- Alter BBT. Mr. Tomliaaon'e nenorUl ad- rosiat Hillbrook, wherein U duorodited IB pBtrloUam oi tbose engage*! In the great ifllot, onoef Ills listeners muatkad after lelt tbe church I "I bad ».broiler vbo 'as starred to death la AndorsonTille prison. [e«M offered hU freedom If he woald enter ie ConferaU urrloe bat 4ealin»d to aooapi preferring to die rather tbtu-to Uke np mi agilott hli oaaoUy, I Tioudae IE Mr. omlluson would call tbat patriotlsse 1" ~ hoatd think hs woattL . . - - Ibe Christian AiToort* oppom the aboli- in of c.plUl punishment In New TorkStato, ttflWiDfihat it will stimulate mnrderona loeda. Pr. Unokle/. the editor, is a reildeot if UorrU) oonoty aad bu probably asUotd iffeet In eammnnitj- where they haf oeawd to bang people for murder, • : v Tbe eitste of BtnyTwaat Buibrrford near aflby. above Waterloo, it one of the BrcMestofiUkindintiieUtah). It about 0,000 acres and U mainly a gatse, pie* wrro, COOHIDIDB deer, Engllsb pheasants indotbof BUM*, Ha alto breed* fsnoy oatUe and horsw, and » gintUnan who Tlsited the plaee last week tolli mt be baa aevent b&&- draddogi of flno strain!, most of then fined In ktnto!* nyide of ittie itDolng. the porpoiM of his garoo pteserre be If hsT> Ing consUODtta eight mllesof boar! learn, sixteen feet In height. Tneiocnrrenoe of Memorial Daj rcmiEtla me thst nothisj prnntloil bu jet been dene tonatd the -motion of mmonnnent to the memory of the man who repioiented Ban* dolpn towosbip in Ibe great ttrnggla for tb( erpetolly of the Union. No oommaaltr thai hare ever beard ef aent ft larger proportion ol ber sons to tho front, or offered a greater •aeriDoe In tbe gooa oanse, u d U la not ored table u> tu th*t we have f*Usd to set up an enduringM*mox.al ta their patrlotiaiarrtoe. If ibe matter were taken promptly la hand the amount DUUIK; to defray the owt ooc be rtrj qnlekly railed. If He ftter inland d o t t l t i t ihottld tie dene BOW, nbli* thti still remain irlth ui considerable nnabers ol o\4 f ttftraat. -wbtvao hearts-would Ve glad- daned before tbej paae awayfcytils endeoot ol onttappreotiUon anf A finaer DOTOT boy happened (a bo In Zlei Orleans reoently, snd havtBg a enriae.tr tc •se where Jefferson D*TI< tu barted weal ont to view tb« spot, Arrif Ing at tho oem» tery ha accosted » « « o whom, he mot In tbl fuhlon: " Cm yon tell me whete J«ff, Dit! Ij boned!" Th* man Xeired him btnghty nawatabment foe a nantat replied, "W« o*11 htm Mr. DSTII dtrm he: %\x.". •' I ianV laid the Dottr toy as be paietd on, Ioarlng the man gulng after him In mingled wrath and. annrn, ' , . ' " ' " - " ' be lint eUtenent of t a i a«w HtUIoaal k in'Bowitqn, nnklUhtd list *e«k.»tiovi tbatiltbcugli it bM btta la b u i a m ool At i;301'. M. tba psrade ru formed, wilh tbe right of tie line reitlug no Warrei ttraet. aader C«pb D. fi. Atlea, com minding, with Lieiit.P.V.Wo!fessafd Tbe proeewienWM headedfaytbo Derar Hand, whloh pneeatod anprnbeiof seleatloitB of oew tnaalo for the >n, and tbd oommtint was geusral that it>y never played belter At tbe right of tbe lice wa* Company O, Dting as eacort, oommsnded by Captain and [ayor H. 0. Bennett, and they presented iBir nsnsl Une appearaoM, Next in line came tbe aid r e U n u o f JM.- Dn.it i'wt, Ha. SI, a A B , aader dltM> tiottof OonndeThoi Bcaitsrgood, who eon Banded La stued ot Coumandti frank ntler, whose position as leader of the i»nd remind bUpTMeawwHu, that erganlia- n. Before itartlng they wire pbot«gnpbed Cotter, and then tba ladles ol MoDarlt liellef Corps lalrlj loaded thsa withthe floral trophies of pi we to lay upon tbo glares T their oonrados in war Among tbeio *u arm ehala Completely oorerod with mwi, which woa hitnte bj twe of tha - rttersns. Across It wnj laid the sword or ;be late Hargeon Cfaamhre, and it was marked " Tha Vaoant Cbaii"—« silent bat eiprestiTe ueraorlsl to these whose places »n now ruent in many bBosobolds. Host of the reterani begln^toenowthfoiailuof time, but boy e 101 bind still an elastlait/ of step, Md rbylha of motion totso stralas ot eaartUl male, whleh were learsed !• bloody OABI* Igoa and will norar t» forgotUn, ttcDarlt Cimp uf 1L0 boas of \uler*Bi •Lift. C. i'. iUrtlll, ctuce next, proMaling a 117 creditable appoaranse and oarryingi like t. veterans, a proftulon of flowers supplied the ladles of tbe Eel lei Corps The members or the Conmoo Co no ell, la larriagB*, brought up the rear of tha pr** ICIllOD. Tbe Hoe olaiaroh took tUe varlons oriaalsa- ions Bttt to the Onbard Sbreot Cwelery, rhloh was entered with reretied ame> and rhile tbe b u d played dlrgei the Tetonns nrfonned the tender and tnaohiasT taeasiwUl if placing flowers «id flags npon tha graves thoie who btive passed beyond aaorUl r*U Jl. Tben tbo proeewian narehed anoas town to tba Loenst EUl Cemetarj end. formed A ilmllar aerrioa there, while a lelfcll ptoMtdftd to at, Hity t QaouUry and renderedihehousgeof aarrirlngooMTMlsa to s who, rut in that peaeefal taelMUt. patrlotioUakcomplBled all repaired to » Opera Uonse, * ben tbe pnblio aarrioea ere held, beginning at tare* o'clock Tbe Optra Home waa filled with pespla u d numbers weioanablo to gain admission. The exercise* throughout were intersperted with nnslo by the Dover Band Her Dt II, C Uegte made a fuvent prayer In opealm Md Adjutant Alonio B. Bearing, to whtn great [edit is duo for the eollcuum u d pmerr•• or the facts, nad the nagniflfsat klatery nbodled la fiandolph towmhip's nil of TbeoiaUonwasby rriaolpaJO.V.Hanill, Ethe Dorer pobllo aahool, and waa f Nwde4 rthe following eloquent Ufoduetory t , Out mite we ba<r« gul»t4»dou f,wi*. ss mote we have seised /rasa natnre'e oat- ,U«ohtd haatii h « «a>Uea( •fiTulvit >f Wtam loo* the workttg* of thenewrct- _ law Will require m largo eipeiea in the KUngnpofpolliaKplaovs. A» itwoulAnot be .wlso to go to iba uneaiaa ef flttlag np ;heaepiHea for every reearriBg eleoMoa, bey will no doibt have to be aade ef a per* neat chatMtw ud that will Kqilre isiderabl« evUay, wkloh aboittd bo taken a otn«ld«rett«& W o n thatttt>,<X%jail U Irmly fastened npoa u, CSBIOS 8«perliitendent Porter. I DOtioe, has laatonoted ennmtratora, In OMH where peo- ple lefnse to answer tbe qaesUOBi referring to tUssasee And debts, to enter la the proper Dolnnn thewordi *'E«fiuodwaniwM,'*Bdd- tbat all legal ptooetdliga agalaat ioeh will be inBtltnted by tbe Washington efDee brongh the DspaHnent of JosUoe." As the iamBrator*.are all sworn toseoreeyaniosn- rareal enoh Infonnallon u they obUIa, wonld be well for all tntereat«d to, tot (11 the idltlonsof the law and answsr tha qne*. ie, eTon If the j do not It lu tbem. A HU!e obatinaeyin this HstUr might oast more is loss ot time and »o»6y, U «»y usthlug ol tht severs flue that may be impoMd, than thfl lltle s*U*(K)tlom)bWt(id by lefoatog in an- wer woold be worth. A CUKBBTOKB OBaxnvift: >god andsomewhat ftt porary, tbe Ban nor, hai been mak.og M I * dorable ado of lataj about tbe burdenaom on tin plate imposed by tke Mfl&lMloy riff, which might n*ke m silk pan ooat a seat MOM at flrat than itdoee BOW, bat whioh ould rwult ID tbe bolldlng B P of a great In- doatiy and ft home competition tbat would cheapen the artlsle, as inthe ease of rery ether utlole protected by tbe tariff, lot after ventljig Iti wrrow otaoatovtrthe ible loss of a few oeate to a, honseholtl In jultftlSMHtbnnU with tha pcrteatlw [formation that an *Jditlonal tax of H0,«O t . t l s i U ; « w for an uifiteeMaty JivU wUl oaly a bagatello for the peoplo of Morri tnnty \t »ay. Thepondes&altT ol tfa* Baa- t'fl loxlo la truly wonderful for help and oomfoit nonB can be bid,— dosoriboi toe condition or tbote persons who said to be "going down hlJl," or "going Into a dooliue." Ther» li anlndeaorlbable weakneis of tbs Biitom, a R«nenl hok of Ullty. Tbeyca&not tell what the matter ii with them. Ther only know ibat ther feol lienblelDmbdaDdbody. They aro filootajr md deipondtnt. They ha.ro. tried this and rened7praioribodbylhelrfileDdsorth aort. They b i n failed to noetve aay btn> eOt from them. TOOT resoh (he oonolualou tb tbeio la no belp lor them and tutt tbey mail die. - Now tho faot !• that the troubk originates, in nine cuei out often, in Itnpnre blood. There ii poiBononc, effete natter In ft tbat ought to be Ratridof. Snthutrcautlu be done 1 Simply by taking Dr. Pleree's Ool. don Hoaioal DIico»*ry, whlob sola on tbB blood and vanoni orgnnB of the body In mob a vaj bit tbe mm or wDronn mlag it seemstob aade over—reconstructed. • It Is guaranteed to benefit or euro all d i e s of diaeaie for whli It ii recommended, or monoy paid for It wtl bo rofandedj T i t Hew Wsewvery. Voa bsvo beard jonr Trienda and nolghbo talking about It. Yon maj yourself be one tbe mtvay who know from personal eiperiea jtut bow good a thing It U. If yon have OT.. trfod li. yon are one of itl sUuoob friendi, btcauae tha wonderful thing about it Is, that «hanonoe given r trial,Dr. King's Now DU ooTeryever after holds a place in the faonse, If j o a hs-TU QBTM u « d It and should no if. Dieted with a oonjrh, m\Hcr acr Throat, tung or Obeit troublet tsoan a, bottle, it QOOB B glre It a fair trial. Itlsguannteedeverytl or money nfandea. Trial botUei free, at a Klllgore's Drag Btore, DoTor, and F. H. •Ten. Una* Uing Store ObtiVer" - Imeklaii's ArnUa lalv*. The beat nlre la the world Tor Cnti, Bi jraiBBB, - tle«»»' EWl Bbeoin, Eerer Bora, fetter, Chapped Hands, OhllbUlni, Corn, sod all Skin EmpUoni, ud podtlrtly > IttaguruttMl CiTeperfoot*aitisbeUoB,or monsyrtftuia M o a U eanti t w box. Tot ula by Bob KUlgora. t ' TUe HMUS ftMtt Hwten. ' Vtx lUutntsd ttlniUit ttoA to Ftti XZMOAUL BAT. L a ou«iiriKCB or rni piTaiorio uiv- OUUDIDOTZS. Hemorial Day waain mmr H«Dft«t«»bato ifnlnne. Tis Wrapurat are wasjuacrliblfffr miort and tbe elonda while akteldisf all •* it doon from the rays of tlie SOB, klodiy- ltbheld tk«ir noUUre u d did sot dkwpea .be ardor of tha f>*tr.«l(c oocaelen la Dover most of the DIIMB «f baalMBa wen closed, id there WMa large assemblage of people fn iwn to WIUMS the beentifsl and Imprwelie l W the menny of onr henle tea*. A ' reet sii tender oereanwy haa hew p«t> ft graoaful aai gnolfU NlkW ^ ;-Bi)t aaw, Mput at UM «MW»1^V> rtuoe of this d*yt ** •** mti •* ***^ >auo before we I all keek iato UM cil- ents of our daily 11 vet, to llager a MMit ta tbe ohurmMl circle of tha MMtiM wUok tae occasion raviree aasi MMI the leeeou *t patriotUm Md Mlf-seoriliee, «f WUly oaar* . of paUsnco, endaraaot aatl tetttMe which wine to us fraas •r*rr hillvw of (raw tart over wkloh wo have aeattsitd tke a al atdilng grabtada ud ttaAajMrt Trito M UWM loaaeaa are, laalllar ta •U, ttm tlwnpaUUow o f « « «aeara vf •lnee fltst theeo pllgrikmsges kagaa. ., M aavwha repeated too oftaa| Mver learaealtoa wall. Per tkeoa aea llvei a*4 labored, tolled, aa flew! anddied fsr tke motry and for as j thattbeeatloa May live, Itallbertlea and pririlege*. lu UOgrtty ad honor betmrhentaCs. Bat while wa ahoald U guilty of the haaest ifrt.Ultt4f.4l4 we torn*, tbalt seTvieea aai ilr eaerifleas, or lagleot the aisspla eer«< loalftl whlth b u bets performed to-day, let • not delude annelvaa with tha idoathat aar pnrpoM ia to do tb*m honor. They art beyoid nil that Neither hoaor or dlatiMoi, praise oreeasnre, nor aajthlag that we eaa or d» shall toaoh them any wore forever, ito their elased ears shall sever eater aoejga rvoloM ol men i dfa aha'l not .atem nor i n n disturb tbat etsnel allenoa; whathcr ;kere ba Tattle ol aoiketiy aid rear ef oannea ' or only the flbtUt of leaves and sighing of wind* In the "trte tope abort tbetm, harly- bor)y;of war or hom^raw of peace, they •hail sleep antnindW of II all Te tkeir ilghtlesa eyoi alial! never eone tha •Jttwa luU ot all the Howata of aptlagUtMTaalun* e profusely Inviihed oa the eod above them ( the IVanTtvnte^onjon toHHMUnv la ika chamber of their long waiting shall aaver greet thefeilead auaaa. Mot in thw an garUnda, or wreaths, or facer*, pagaaata or ' ipbkn worts of praise, or all tb« nalau* nd fragraaea j o i fcara soared mfom taa Uf [eaithwhtnintbelrbodletlla. Whibj wa «allse tbat their isctBortal aplriU live for. aver, and afua fni ty tbat they BUT bovtr round tu as wa Uy tha floral offeriag oa thafr lowly bed, yet our reverent homage kM kaea pkdd to tbat shadowy creation of e*r lmagla»* which we eall their memory; to that idcflaable aoxathlog, aaapprealable to tts bat dearly discernible to tha spirit, rbleh like «ae elDore'a white winged angela Irradiate* aid tranaflgnraoftaBagwia hlitotf. Only the tatmoiy of the juat nielli aweet and blossoms is the dart." le&e {ran u they I M not forgottea. Trmnslatfld to the Valhalla of heroes. U i j are embalmed la ou> kearta ud garlucad la sH.cllon. OldHidloTaaratnetotkaiMaMiT of fsllen eomrodes It la to that arciaa and psrpittul Meoot. their memory, tbat we have made aar offs^ Ingi to-day, Intboperfomanoaofthiakair-' and alt«cUnr lasplrlog daty wa IUTOohletlr doae honot to aarsalvaa. For we psy onnttvea tha bighatt honor udblt whenrespoadiBi to o n sobleak aspirations and purest pBrpoaes, to oar tatciu and nevftx tatisfted losg-og to :oaoh the plane of a dlvinar and a truer life. iske this pilgrimage " A peer* th«repy onr splritnsl ktnsblp with Iho gnat noils wbo preferred djtsg fer ethers to living for than* ires. Orsatar lo*e than this hath. 10 Man* 80let nj is assared that whUo wa CM da nothing ior them, ihay bare by no n e a u lert iff, nor shall they aver oesao their doing for os. Iiaylag down Ibfllrllfea for oather shall lira on; Hie on in bHght and bonefieeatex* ample*, M Incentives te that a&aelBah patriot* an! naaly oearage whloh redeem onr human nature u d make n nation truly p u h And what BOM Issplrlng tbottght oaatlota bftlor him who l»js dow& lib fer U* hUow man than that his love bftooaea thowby la* ' ~ SAdbls atawi-y SaperpetTulbomdlo- Uoa. To onr short algfata&d weaker faith the %ni of lilt ueat'ni end ol all opportunity for loving ssrr.o*. Hat to aneb a Barrow i\tw how aalHriBntla the u s war we derived to* day front the InflaBoou noon onnalTea ef Ito . Knl auoolaUona. Tbangk dttad, oar martyrs serve n ntill And they wUl USH remains in human hearto the capacity to be iaatraetad and tallt up by tbeinflaenoa of lofty example*, •» VO hew wa lore tben I They 4Ud lor the Irtfc 8«ma where the blUowg a « uTl°c4 ta»*fo»m! Borne in the arms or their kladrel at home, Br*ve-hesrt«d heroes, they died la their 'primal * Honor and tame he their mead for all tima I « nnxB naxl

Airy OXHEB PAFJEK. :i; BARGAIN ROOMtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-06-06.pdfThe Dogtor it t> man ol p DslapublioaH'ilra,* rip e totoUt*al oal-ire d %eotlenan

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Page 1: Airy OXHEB PAFJEK. :i; BARGAIN ROOMtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-06-06.pdfThe Dogtor it t> man ol p DslapublioaH'ilra,* rip e totoUt*al oal-ire d %eotlenan

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rpaiaaaxD xnm FBIDIT ST


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FURNACES,Tur,torn ABH Bsnx law Boomo.

Zinc,Sheet Lead,-

: Lead Pipe,Pumps, *c.


oDBjuin;:ihik ••mumABPEOIAMt.


:;.; nan IS aurn m mm. -

f oPWIAIilBT pUjwottnUiiM lMf u lbs

•': in Wwr»a «t, mxtlooi to "gnotj'« (Me.1

LidlM ««a CbllWi Hair CalUm««pMi»I-

cm.* Oheap r.tM. SontfieraPMifioito..».H*irlm, Ai.'»Q.»'l tatb, >13 Braulnjr, Nair.Xort; B. J.p i i t«aa i ia t ;n iUi . ---• M J


flUOTKB urn BquorrbB IK OHAKCtat,

• - Oootritll Ulna .od m.lorUU liralibrd.Blone«nd brick wor>, pl.lterlnfmJJobWBIprempllr adonilel lo. dnUra left >t o j offloa

. . « . K » a Bt, nwt Ouial' Btaln, Hill. tM»Wai t t i i y ^ ; :• • v

tslwift]ionhnd*tth«ioWHioaahf)Tn)M«Work Jon. al tha ahortaii poulbla riotloa

nd lallilactlon juirantHil.; Oanllaman'lolothlnt dytd, CIUIUKI and pnmd. - « oladlai' dntl food.. « call II nllojMd.!.;^

mtii™WiinieBiii»toMlfB bla twti aH ptlCT. D" k-.p.

t Ik to»««mikB»wiii«.pt •««•-

^|ii^*B»mtii™Wi% ; ; i i d uiualBB bla twti a H ptlCT. D" k» ' ^ ™ . b u t ioooa at Ik . to»««mikB»w'Vis A l l tnlBtl b j mill »1M »e«lr? prompt •3 - f c n » » i ' ' : V ^ M V/:~ v ; ' ' • ' • • • • • ':

I * " * " . i ' 1 * " ' • ' ' ' '' '• ' ''. .

*s> i 8 ; »*B»,Ti»l Oiaoi, N. J , U mar Jar « ;',:: mlmiBdiominwuulonwilhBBnodUt^Jo!

fainter,1 Decorator, Grataor

^ ^ ^ i i N » i 6 a i « ^ > i » i « i t « n « l ; . » * *v,%lol!«lt«ra«« ftr Xrifi; 8bn>ba,TU», A*, on;>'^'ial«yi>rnlw«ffl»mlaa)OB: •:' \• ' ;'•• * '• '

KI.-3-*ttu TioMr. IIOTBl work of •?• :•*•*•£;


i fe;5i«»l arerjlalBi«la>l or It J B B » B . ' » «o>

^llay^; : : : :^ :y :- :-- i-"-':-,;:g-; DESIRABLE BB8IDESCE

-'The bonu oorner'of ilftPitUn iod Paqnaot'~-*V>!:''iSeaM»<"»» nartte,n.ariM>plj.t> — .- r v •i.6o8ta.,Doiier,e«t.tf»tBn»»iil.ug»j>xa



U.laadiBg Enroptui Bad AnflNIwo CoMBinlM. - •

.oasts promptly adjusted an.paid IR oash. ;

RBAVL. E S T A T E F O R 8 4 I J E .

••••'• HQUSB n a m t i '•> ;• '

laoln biljftDg lot* ud faroa on eaiy Utui.


f to lou on bond an


lickwell St., Dover, N,J.

D¥EB and CLEANEtt.

Striot HHntion (ton, to cuitom work.~ ir cutorowt. jiifCir*




831 BROAD St.


CHIPMAM'8 TOHiO,: / cbassw.; ; <



Hoyie or Rooms Wanted.ABT rerwB eBTing'Bbirata wllli cor 5 roam*,r tba aaau number of rooma in blBok. oan

itattw M i l


^ fcreB&nu. ror:thB3 aala. of onr Horn*Qrowo Hnravrratooa,

MOST U B E B U U , T E B l t t .- > oriw

17.11 •• - -\ \ , ProfPMt atari . DoTar, H.

HoUetlabiW <lnii.tbBtallpanoniifoiblddan trMPMBlac on B17 pnvlaaa ttni

*&? ^ rWisa; auaiii pinwm.b;i««a ; -aDa


NEW DEPARTURE,Haying completed and fitted up one room, exolasivelj

known w a BABGAIN EOOM, in my new nix-storybuilding, 27 and 29 Campbell street, conneoted by bridgewith the main Building, 73 Market street, I shall oiler tbofollowing goods at tke prices advertised:

. 1 "Walaub Bedroom Suit, (8 pioooB,) Horule-top, rega-lar price t l l S ; will be sold «*.»7B.; l'Solid Ohorry Bed-room Suit, (8 piecos), Oral Plato, Bevel Edge, regular

- prioe 176 i will be Bold at $50. 1 Antiqno Oak BedroomBait, regular price J22.50; wil)>o sold at *15. 1 ParlorSuit, (7 pieces,) in MoLnir Hash, regular price $76; willbe sold at 155. . 1 Parlor Bait, (7 pieces,) Plash Trim-

. mings, regular.price $50; will be spld at {30. Carpet -. Bod Lounges in Body Brussels, my own make, regular

pricw J12; will be Bold »t (8. Valnut Msrbk-top SideBoard, regular price $30; will be sold at $20. 1 OakChiffonier, with Glass, regular wrico $17; will bo sold at110. Willow Booking Okoirj regular price $8; will bosold at $3.76., Cane Seat Chairs, regular prioe 76o.; will

; be sold at 60o. 'Extension Tables, 6 foot Drop-loaf, reg- .ular price *6; will be sold at 5i. Slat Bed Springs. »1. :iTelyetOorpet, regular prioo par yard $1.25; will be soldat'$l, Body BroSBeb Oarpot, rcRttlnr prioo por ynrd f 1 iwill bo Bold ot 75o.' Tapesby JJriiMola Carpet, regular,

', price per yotd 76c; will bo sold &t GUo. 'Extra Super,.. All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regular priea per yard 75o.j •will

be Bold ot 50o. Cheap Ingrain Carpet, regular prioo per; wiUbe Bold at 25o. ' " •



In order to get rid of goods that do. not soil off rapidly,and to ran off job'lbtfl that I bought bolow rogali-r pticos.

. All goods marked in plain figures. It-will pay anyone to%7iait tbis roomi' whether you buy or • hot, to see what a *.large amount of'goods onn be purchased for BO littlemoaey, as it is the only one ol the Hnd in the State.





ipp, Central Railroad Depot, DOVER, N. J.


nothef stock of those Brass Hoop Cedarjnst received!


OULT fiapi OF nuiuimiii«a» ill Annie* IS ItfiriMTInfill,M»»»l««il«««i;»a»Ttl«t



'- !••*»"» i«Meit **• »tow inihe -

liiMlyoecajied u ftnunuif ftrou,»ndVllop«ii

. J

: E8TAillIBBB«NIV.wllli

•loiblata;'»rarra«llSilil i £ k « a «»»aia;<>l cnilim wori''iaa «r« iBJa-lQiiim"!""""iHMtf.-i^i^/^hij


"V7e UaTQ;di80ovored these goods aro too high priced, and the qnan-ity i&quired to make a complete aasortmenl in aU widths, makes ifcnprofitable to haudlo tliem. If you find your size in the followingit, onr loss of 12 a poor will be jour gain:

WE HAVK LADIES' BEST FEENOH KID OPEEA BUTTON• B WjDTu-i 1>A1H 2,;UrAIEl]i I PAIU III 1 1 fALJt 1; 11'AlU r>(.*O>,:*'. B " 8; 8 » S|;2' " B; 2 " Cj; 1 " fl.D .?' 1 « .9 i r 1 » fij s " Si; 1 " Hi'A '• 6,

T 2 " 5i; t '• G.

. ,,;'! AT H A PAIR; FOEMER PEIOE «(i.

WOMEN'S PfiENOH KID POINTED TOE BUTTON,D Wunn-1 PAIR 911 I>Ain 8); 8 l'Alll 4; i TAIB 0; 1 TAIB 0.

. 0 V 1 1 ' " 2ij 8 " 8j 1 " li.

J> £» i •• « j a " si 11 " m " oi.; :• AT 13.A PAIE; FORMEE PRIOE $5.

BRIGHT D0NG0LA OPERA BUTTON.-1} I'AIB 2} [ 9 PA1H Ef; 1 TAIB 0, 0 WIDTH-1 PA1B 9| ;, 1 -. 3H2 " Sit I " 6.




f ciDoct belp the (eollac tfaut it was a mis-l o not ID hava tppttfnud a resident or tiro

FDofer tmouft tbe oonaas enntEcrstors ofEandolph towoihip, Tbe census ef a totrothis alia IS a very importunt matUr, and afimllluitj wilk tbo |>*ople would bare wade

mraor mom enttly olitaiofid. Hoverer,i fsntleben fippolufd aro well qaa)i(iedUclr work, tad sbauld bi resdend over

(stance potalble to bolp them .a their pmlit pfinforoitttloo, ta ardor tbat u fall enditnplsto centus «f tie town msjbe obtained.

'•"How mmoy people do jou »ay there *ra Ii

3oV6t1 BemembDr before bojlnnlng 70a

>j the corporation boondflrltts—tint soireirU of the bnllt up «i>cUon» lie oaUfde.lt\iatro«lijbebngi toas eaold beoonnUidbnTe DO doubt we wonld foot up a totalfiliation al 4,300, but under tba draumanoes I am doubtful it tbe llsure will ex-ltd 3,700. Goe low iiottr I am rfgbt.

tUt Bar. Dr. fi. imdidate forCoualy Hupe'lntendento! Pab-

Hohooli. The Dogtor it t> man ol pDslapublioaH'ilra,* ripe totoUt*al oal-

ired %eotlenan. Us fa In every wny fittedtba iiotltloii, u d dutlog tbe tlm« he fats

i d I fcfti jiiren luoti oarefnl »od wlael d U l


1, " a>{ 3 •' B l j l " 6.^ AT $S i . PAXBi EEDUOED FROM $5.



Tfl|E LOW PRICES. . • ' . : • . ' • • " • ' ; ? • • • ' - - O F — • " •


frani sny quarter. It woutt iffbrd[rft.IHea.toa to a great mat>)* lilenas to bare

ntslnediD lie pei-Uon.-

Dnrlog the recent exearalon to Lake Hopat-• nnmW of geptleicen expressed a

IsU ibat they miibt be abla to TI»K LukeIppsloong twenty flTflyesti bonce and wit'ed tbo molts of the iraproTumenU ttiatwitl

be made In tlis lnterral. Hoono o u possiblyDoooeire wkic tfanifortDsUom will b«

itthe«in tbe next qnmer of otntoryira thfl prsdUtloa tbat it will be the

e»Ujst Ulc« resort In tbe Unit aod tb.it tlio

uc'i will foot np many tnlltlooi of dollirs.

f J, Utrrej Colo, tbfl Uendliaia wife mnr-irer. behares blmsolf wtille la Rtau prison,

,tid £*U Ibe discount on his time allowed for[ood coDdnot, be will ba about H jean oldrben be igaio beoome* afroi nan, and may

.TO mauy yens of llfo before klm. lint It111 not bring his yonnfl wife b»ck to lifetain, and to tbo meantime a pnblta expense

lone tnoaaaods wilt bare been laoumd it»trial and punishment—all bcttause a nan

MOtatneaabtstotlie death penattj If whent kills aonenody bo happeni to be lUfferini;

nanUl pwsjjili, iap«rtndiM<L bj tooicnt libations at tbe shrine of itscobtis.

J « - Don't forget that we giva 8J pounds of Standard Granulated'..... •__i_;—" * i?flo^ pnrohasGr of onp pound of. ap j of




^ • ^ ^ • ^ t y y h x m . , ; p a y •*.'•.-'• ;•• • . • • ; . -;

P r i n c i p a l ATarchBine 4G4 Broool gt , , a n d 5 3 O r a n n o f I., N e w a r k ,

'. Or BliiBCH 8TOB8. BPimiT, K.J. ' •

for Infanta and Children.



d the GRIT *'to stand by them, OOQ bo o£ REAL BERYIGE to•? y ' " ; \O0XHINGBniEBS'V ''''"

• . i - t v • . • • • • . . ' . : • . , ' i • • • .

There ate SOME PEOPIiE, and HOT a few eithoi,wlio boli<iVo,WE })OBEO88 tlio qnnlifications hero iuen-

' tiooed. And their nnmher increases &s the yean pass.Wo liold most of oar old trade, and oon'aiantly attractnow. TVhat enables oa to do this ? TVoll, the five requi-sites of sacooea montioned aboyo pat ns in a position to

'•- constantly ofiVr•;'» trado-ftttractimg artiole in Oiotiing.Talking of trado-cttraetora brings yividly before us our

^ino of Men's Ail-Wool Biuinesa Hnits at $10. We'llgaaranteejthat 113 dnd'oven $15 is being paid out daily

- for "Suits of no better material and not as "well made. Wethinl if yon'll look at them you'll agreo -with us, and we .

' know Uial'if you're needing a Bait about this price you'llb u y o n e . , . - •• ;' • , : .

- 850A 852 BROii St.,

J. j . GOLEMANC V T a »


iUii OoMllonintraetBtiksn, k«l«rtilaor.™rj

• bnUaiaRi, Jebblniftipeoialiy.v>-BLATiiBoanHa.-.' •.;:....;.:••.•

; w » W ^ i i I a l i e i l _ ( r i m ) h ^ b o _ i l ^ J ^


itng UDJ more to itjla tnat oondttlon a

Anil b«i« MtM to b» ft vary »1rsngey. Dole is probably ponoised of ialU*miiBtottiept tbo expmici o! his trial

id pay tut ooit of bla imprisonment. Battitle be Is liTlngM tb« expense ottbepeoplf

;ba State bis nonty may be Invested atgreit «nd a«ooaiiU»w qaite a snog sum (ot

im to oojoy when 'he geta ont Then a njmoitrange pbues of IDJMUCS eonneoted

ib Iba dealing oat of Juetloe to

Dotu oirn, bout of at leaat font gwbo bftfo l lnd in bapp;nottlook for

li»JtiioaWijr «l JCIH*. Tbe j w* !*&%*ind Un, Vreetnaa Wood, Jt«r. Df. aid Hra.

G. M*alo, Hr. « d l t n . E. E, JuktOA u ir. and Mri, Wm. A, Diotunon. TLe i p i ott ia t.i&t ptople mil asftegata oTtt 000

'sari, and *• an happy to i»j tbat all ate11 itreMrred,' mentally and p j

Cbne of tbe four gentlemen a n mil aogaged ,ln lin*laea*, u d tb« «tber, JadgipMlt hM a mlnJ •* oJewao b*U, aithjog• u t i e a e use b u lndaoed falm W retirem MUTO bulaua Ufa. A more oenpttent

[iiuttt at latelllareat Udlti nnd «npal>leewlTii t b u (b« paitnen of tbua l1 do not t»)l«ra ean bo found In tbe eom*

tDBDlty, Mr. rad Mil,. D.rW T.ckor, wboi[deJuitoatofthoU)irD,hu»e klao pauede goldeo viddiof ntck and wottUUj enjoy

,beftniwbrtt.«lrreapeo(ed l ine. It U ielim Jon can (ltd fit« aau). wujlt* ullhto

!ba radiu ol a mite. '

twtnaoutba jU depeelU oioeed • lt\t hueredtboaMDd. tone were e B - i g i i s be ettabliabmetit of tkl» bank woald affaot

ho other bankluK Imtllntiof s in the tlartioalirly tbe Union BaokatDoTerantl tbeIron Bapk at MorrJetown. Yet tbo aUteoaenta

botb these oonrerns alow deposit* fully tiptbelrstandaxdaodezetedlPgtbeirBferaga

:bo faot Is tbat there was room for a baDk f:loonton wftbont affvotloK any of the etka

iksoftheoonnty. B m

Tbo total depoilt* In all ibe banlti of tbely indicate that tbe bOBlneaa of all >•taotly laornulDg, nod ft oarreipoodint

pro»perily tbrongbont the wunty. Tlitaiemeota of depodU were •• follows

ktlonal Iron Dank, Horrletown, IOCS 668 U \ttiocal Uoton, Povar, »BW,0Q8.« j Firtl

Natlonui, Horrlstowa, t$S2,B88 80. PintN*Uon«.t1M*dt*OB.tl70,m26; Fir«Nation*!BoentoD, «63,CO380. Tbeie ooublned make

fmoui total ot (l.MTjU&tQ- <iSWm of muoey If Ing re*dy to It drawn

pun for butinm atii ti»de pnrpoaei.

Tntre li notblng nor* ex»»pon.tiog to th<leeal merobaot than t o i M > atrangor, wbo

yi ao runU or taxei, and oontrlbutet nolb-ig towards bearing tbe bnrdeni of tbe oom-inaUy, jet drawlog beapa af good oub outt tbe oommnolty by selling under tbe pedlar

lioenie aratem. Tbtro Is one ooncern ttata license of onij aiO a y«ar, under wfalobmo wagone and men through tbe

jty all tb« joar round and fell almoiterjlbing In tbe way of houiebold fnrnlti

lejr do not sell tbe same qo«liti«t of goodiiy ebeapar than tbe loeal marobaoU do, but

peraaaal appliotUoa at bouefl and tb(aUtunl Qitury of the Imlalment ajatem,y obtaLa a Taat Uedo. Y«t \U«y tlo &otrlbut* one dollar to tbe ccmamnhy irbtri

M loeal merobaot eontribuU* » handled. 1an injuitioe to the iatUr and tbe HCBDM for>ll>Dg gsneraV marcbaadtaa from W#gi

Id beinoiotasd eonalderably.

The UaeketUtawD Oawtio replfci th»t It'as right for Fowler t« « iu t a twiff on mia

iIlk tat thfl bei)«Qt 9f a 1&eu>rj in failjbLioftood, ereo tboPgtt be did rote

galnat » tariff on ererytbl&g else, nod do-da &U sotlan on the strength of Banooak'a

^ranoe that the tariff la a "local iuue."rt tbe QiwLU tit Hues exactly by tbla illns-

raUoa Jmt tbeeort of "Local luao1- It Is, nuaa-T proteatlon for a little faotory in Buuex

eoantT t&at doee&'t employ a B * » of hwdi,d free trade for all, ths great indnstriu olnation. W a n t o n butty tlitaka for web

oonclw dectaratioB of the great Oenoeiatloof ** tariff Mlorm."

A few days elnte the Mew lork Weria lentan agent to Dorer to inquire of tha news-dealers tbe reason for the treat falling off oftbe sales of tbat pwper. Tie agent found

it oae osnie was tbe World's process of|UB»lng tbe newsdealers » tbeio wai ooroflt In handling the aheet, and tbat anotherMse was tha TUJT masifeat dJitCtt of tbeadlug publlo with too atnailesa rot which IIthes np dally and aaka int«UI|«nt paaptei aaoept at newa,

Freeholder Wells Lawroaoe, of Uendbam,me of the active iapport«rt ot tbe<(0)WO

project, was In town the other eveningid asurbed that td«n w«old nfttb* a ftianf«the action ef the Board—that th»y wanld

,tud by tbe duU.O9 ftln*dy matte. Whenfb RssertloB wna made to him that be asuldiot find 100 tn-»ky«rs in tbe eountj ontalde

HorriBtowo that wonld faror the projectted it was doubtlw* true, .then

at sort ot rcpreaentatlreo of the people areBey, It they refuse to deny what they COB-edeii the almoatunftnimonartqaeat of thoserho toot tbe biUa 1 If they «ra all of thapielaa or Mr. Lawreaeathoy donbtteaa think

tbat the people hare no wlefaei .hfj arebonidtonspeot. ^

My frlood, Mr. A. B. gcailni;, of liandolpbTinue, b u » Tery inteMitlng and T»tnab)s

lltctlon of ooloe and papar oarioocy.imOLg Ibe, paper OQrrenojr are oolanialnrreooT of tbo fiuttes. notes oimaoy of tbe

. . ik t , Inoladlng tboid of UorrU oonnt?,Iderabte eollsotlop of tbo paper money

used by the Bouthern Canlederaoy, end alltbe Yauloua sblDplasters Issii«I bymtnt dnrlBg tbe wfcr. Ilia oolns Inelttdemany intareillag foreign pUceafwtnalt parUof tbe globe, ind be OH a oallrotiooof tokoni

txatUK pallUoal and o.U« eianta In tbUitry dnrlng t ie last trindred years. But

Lfttacat TMlaable p u t ol tbe txblbit .1 ftillicUon of AtDerioan cent*.'Ha kaamanyllit costs luned l»y V*B oolDnics, tut o&tevery yeir's coinage itata tbe tint the

iTeramtnt began to osln oeota ID 17B3 to tbeAIMIC time, as lrell u nil Uofaalf u n » tbat

ttrn coined. l ie bas _,lon ef Eagllib, 8wtob, Irloh «od,Welsb oop-

Alter BBT. Mr. Tomliaaon'e nenorUl ad-rosiat Hillbrook, wherein U duoroditedIB pBtrloUam oi tbose engage*! In the greatifllot, onoef Ills listeners muatkad afterlelt tbe church I "I bad ».broiler vbo

'as starred to death la AndorsonTille prison.[e«M offered hU freedom If he woald enterie ConferaU urrloe bat 4ealin»d to aooapi

preferring to die rather tbtu-to Uke npmi agilott hli oaaoUy, I Tioudae IE Mr.

omlluson would call tbat patriotlsse 1" ~hoatd think hs woattL . . - -

Ibe Christian AiToort* oppom the aboli-in of c.plUl punishment In New TorkStato,ttflWiDfihat it will stimulate mnrderona

loeda. Pr. Unokle/. the editor, is a reildeotif UorrU) oonoty aad bu probably asUotd

iffeet In • eammnnitj- where they hafoeawd to bang people for murder,• • : vTbe eitste of BtnyTwaat Buibrrford near

aflby. above Waterloo, it one of theBrcMestofiUkindintiieUtah). Itabout 0,000 acres and U mainly a gatse, pie*wrro, COOHIDIDB deer, Engllsb pheasantsindotbof BUM*, Ha alto breed* fsnoy oatUeand horsw, and » gintUnan who Tlsited theplaee last week tolli mt be baa aevent b&&-draddogi of flno strain!, most of thenfined In ktnto!* nyide of ittie itDolng.the porpoiM of his garoo pteserre be If hsT>Ing consUODtta eight mllesof boar! learn,sixteen feet In height.

Tneiocnrrenoe of Memorial Daj rcmiEtlame thst nothisj prnntloil b u je t been denetonatd the -motion of m monnnent to thememory of the man who repioiented Ban*dolpn towosbip in Ibe great ttrnggla for tb(

erpetolly of the Union. No oommaaltr thaihare ever beard ef aent ft larger proportion

ol ber sons to tho front, or offered a greater•aeriDoe In tbe gooa oanse, u d U la notored table u> tu th*t we have f*Usd to set upan enduringM*mox.al ta their patrlotiaiarrtoe.If ibe matter were taken promptly la handthe amount D U U I K ; to defray the owt oocbe rtrj qnlekly railed. If He ftter inlanddott l t i t ihottld tie dene BOW, nbli* thtistill remain irlth ui considerable nnabers ol

o\4 f ttftraat. -wbtvao hearts-would Ve glad-daned before tbej paae away fcy tils endeootol onttappreotiUon anf

A finaer DOTOT boy happened (a bo In ZleiOrleans reoently, snd havtBg a enriae.tr tc•se where Jefferson D*TI< t u barted wealont to view tb« spot, Arrif Ing at tho oem»tery ha accosted » « « o whom, he mot In tblfuhlon: " Cm yon tell me whete J«ff, Dit!Ij boned!" Th* man Xeired himbtnghty nawatabment foe a nantatreplied, "W« o*11 htm Mr. DSTII dtrm he:%\x.". •' I ianV laid the Dottr toy as bepaietd on, Ioarlng the man gulng after himIn mingled wrath and. annrn,

• • ' • , • . ' " ' " - " '

be lint eUtenent of tai a«w HtUIoaalk in'Bowitqn, nnklUhtd l i s t *e«k.»tiovi

tbatiltbcugli it bM btta la b u i a m ool

At i;301'. M. tba psrade r u formed, wilhtbe right of tie line reitlug no Warrei ttraet.aader C«pb D. fi. Atlea, com minding, withLieiit.P.V.Wo!fessafd Tbe proeewien WMheaded fay tbo Derar Hand, whloh pneeatodanprnbeiof seleatloitB of oew tnaalo for the

>n, and tbd oommtint was geusral thatit>y never played belterAt tbe right of tbe lice wa* Company O,Dting as eacort, oommsnded by Captain and[ayor H. 0. Bennett, and they presentediBir nsnsl Une appearaoM,Next in line came tbe aid r e U n u o f JM.-Dn.it i'wt, Ha. SI, a A B , aader dltM>

tiottof OonndeThoi Bcaitsrgood, who eonBanded La stued ot Coumandti frank

ntler, whose position as leader of thei»nd remind bUpTMeawwHu, that erganlia-

n. Before itartlng they wire pbot«gnpbedCotter, and then tba ladles ol MoDarlt

liellef Corps lalrlj loaded thsa with thefloral trophies of pi we to lay upon tbo glares

T their oonrados in war Among tbeio * uarm ehala Completely oorerod with

mwi, which woa hitnte bj twe of tha -rttersns. Across It wnj laid the sword or;be late Hargeon Cfaamhre, and it was marked" Tha Vaoant Cbaii"—« silent bat eiprestiTeueraorlsl to these whose places »n nowruent in many bBosobolds. Host of thereterani begln^toenowthfoiailuof time, butboy e 101 bind still an elastlait/ of step, Mdrbylha of motion to tso stralas ot eaartUlmale, whleh were learsed !• bloody OABI*Igoa and will norar t» forgotUn,ttcDarlt Cimp uf 1L0 boas of \uler*Bi

•Lift. C. i'. iUrtlll, ctuce next, proMaling a117 creditable appoaranse and oarryingi liket. veterans, a proftulon of flowers suppliedthe ladles of tbe Eel lei CorpsThe members or the Con moo Co no ell, la

larriagB*, brought up the rear of tha pr**ICIllOD.

Tbe Hoe olaiaroh took tUe varlons oriaalsa-ions Bttt to the Onbard Sbreot Cwelery,rhloh was entered with reretied ame> andrhile tbe b u d played dlrgei the Tetonnsnrfonned the tender and tnaohiasT taeasiwUlif placing flowers «id flags npon tha graves

thoie who btive passed beyond aaorUl r*UJl. Tben tbo proeewian narehed anoas

town to tba Loenst EUl Cemetarj end.formed A ilmllar aerrioa there, while a

lelfcll ptoMtdftd to at, Hity t QaouUry andrenderedihehousgeof aarrirlngooMTMlsa to

s who, rut in that peaeefal taelMUt.patrlotioUakcomplBled all repaired to» Opera Uonse, * ben tbe pnblio aarrioea

ere held, beginning at tare* o'clockTbe Optra Home waa filled with pespla u d

numbers weioanablo to gain admission. Theexercise* throughout were intersperted withnnslo by the Dover Band Her Dt II, CUegte made a fuvent prayer In opealm MdAdjutant Alonio B. Bearing, to whtn great

[edit is duo for the eollcuum u d pmerr••or the facts, nad the nagniflfsat klatery

nbodled la fiandolph towmhip's n i l of

TbeoiaUonwasby rriaolpaJO.V.Hanill,E the Dorer pobllo aahool, and waa f Nwde4r the following eloquent Ufoduetory t ,

O u t mite we ba<r« gul»t4»dou f,wi*.ss mote we have seised /rasa natnre'e oat-

,U«ohtd haatii h « «a>Uea( •fiTulvit >f Wtam

loo* the workttg* of thenewrct-_ law Will require m largo eipeiea in the

KUngnpofpolliaKplaovs. A» itwoulAnotbe .wlso to go to iba uneaiaa ef flttlag np;heaepiHea for every reearriBg eleoMoa,bey will no doibt have to be aade ef a per*

neat chatMtw u d that will Kqilre •isiderabl« evUay, wkloh aboittd bo takena otn«ld«rett«& W o n that ttt>,<X% jail U

Irmly fastened npoa u ,

CSBIOS 8«perliitendent Porter. I DOtioe, haslaatonoted ennmtratora, In OMH where peo-ple lefnse to answer tbe qaesUOBi referringto tUssasee And debts, to enter la the properDolnnn thewordi *'E«fiuodwaniwM,'*Bdd-

tbat all legal ptooetdliga agalaat ioehwill be inBtltnted by tbe Washington efDeebrongh the DspaHnent of JosUoe." As theiamBrator*.are all sworn toseoreeyaniosn-

rareal enoh Infonnallon u they obUIa,wonld be well for all tntereat«d to, tot (11 theidltlonsof the law and answsr tha qne*.ie, eTon If the j do not It lu tbem. A HU!e

obatinaeyin this HstUr might oast more isloss ot time and »o»6y, U «»y usthlug ol thtsevers flue that may be impoMd, than thfllltle s*U*(K)tlom)bWt(id by lefoatog in an-wer woold be worth.


>god and somewhat fttporary, tbe Ban nor, hai been mak.og MI*

dorable ado of lataj about tbe burdenaomon tin plate imposed by tke Mfl&lMloy

riff, which might n*ke m s i lk pan ooat aseat MOM at flrat than itdoee BOW, bat whioh

ould rwult ID tbe bolldlng B P of a great In-doatiy and ft home competition tbat would

cheapen the artlsle, as in the ease ofrery ether utlole protected by tbe tariff,lot after ventljig Iti wrrow otaoatovtrthe

ible loss of a few oeate to a, honseholtl InjultftlSMHtbnnU with tha pcrteatlw[formation that an *Jditlonal tax of H0,«Ot . t l s iU;«w for an uifiteeMaty JivU wUloaly a bagatello for the peoplo of Morri

tnnty \t »ay. Thepondes&altT ol tfa* Baa-t'fl loxlo la truly wonderful

for help and oomfoitnonB can be bid,—

dosoriboi toe condition or tbote persons whosaid to be "going down hlJl," or "going

Into a dooliue." Ther» li an lndeaorlbableweakneis of tbs Biitom, a R«nenl hok of

Ullty. Tbeyca&not tell what the matter iiwith them. Ther only know ibat ther feol

lienblelDmbdaDdbody. They aro filootajrmd deipondtnt. They ha.ro. tried this and

rened7praioribodbylhelrfileDdsortha o r t . They b i n failed to noetve aay btn>eOt from them. TOOT resoh (he oonolualoutb tbeio la no belp lor them and tutt tbeymail die. - Now tho faot !• that the troubkoriginates, in nine cuei out often, in Itnpnreblood. There ii poiBononc, effete natter In fttbat ought to be Rat rid of. Snthutrcautlube done 1 Simply by taking Dr. Pleree's Ool.don Hoaioal DIico»*ry, whlob sola on tbB bloodand vanoni orgnnB of the body In mob a vaj

bit tbe mm or wDronn mlag it seems to baade over—reconstructed. • It Is guaranteed

to benefit or euro all d i e s of diaeaie for whliIt ii recommended, or monoy paid for It wtl

bo rofandedj

Tit Hew Wsewvery.Voa bsvo beard jonr Trienda and nolghbo

talking about It. Yon maj yourself be onetbe mtvay who know from personal eiperieajtut bow good a thing It U. If yon have OT..trfod li. yon are one of itl sUuoob friendi,btcauae tha wonderful thing about it Is, that«hanonoe given r trial,Dr. King's Now DUooTeryever after holds a place in the faonse,If joa hs-TU QBTM u«d It and should no if.Dieted with a oonjrh, m\H cr acr Throat, tungor Obeit troublet tsoan a, bottle, i t QOOB Bglre It a fair trial. Itlsguannteedeverytlor money nfandea. Trial botUei free, at aKlllgore's Drag Btore, DoTor, and F. H. •Ten.Una* Uing Store O b t i V e r "

- Imeklaii's ArnUa lalv*.The beat nlre la the world Tor Cnti, Bi

jraiBBB, - tle«»»' EWl Bbeoin, Eerer Bora,fetter, Chapped Hands, OhllbUlni, Corn,sod all Skin EmpUoni, u d podtlrtly

> IttaguruttMlCiTeperfoot*aitisbeUoB,or monsyrtftuiaM o a U eanti t w box. Tot u la by BobKUlgora. t

' TUe H M U S ftMtt Hwten. 'Vtx lUutntsd ttlniUit ttoA to F t t i


a ou«iiriKCB or r n i piTaiorio u i v -OUUDIDOTZS.

Hemorial Day waain mmr H«Dft«t«»batoifnlnne. Tis Wrap u rat are wasjuacrliblfffrmiort and tbe elonda while akteldisf all •*it doon from the rays of tlie SOB, klodiy-ltbheld tk«ir noUUre u d did sot dkwpea

.be ardor of tha f>*tr.«l(c oocaelen la Dovermost of the DIIMB «f baalMBa wen closed,

id there WM a large assemblage of people fniwn to WIUMS the beentifsl and Imprwelie


W the menny of onr henle tea*. A 'reet s i i tender oereanwy haa hew p«t>

ft graoaful aai gnolfU NlkW ^;-Bi)t aaw, M put at UM «MW»1^V>

rtuoe of this d*yt ** •** mti •* ***^>auo before we I all keek iato UM ci l -

ents of our daily 11 vet, to llager a M M i tta tbe ohurmMl circle of tha MMtiM wUoktae occasion raviree aasi M M I the leeeou *tpatriotUm Md Mlf-seoriliee, «f WUly oaar*

. of paUsnco, endaraaot aatl tetttMe •which wine to us fraas •r*rr hillvw of (rawtart over wkloh wo have aeattsitd tke

a al atdilng grabtada u d ttaAajMrtTrito M UWM loaaeaa are, laalllar ta

•U, ttm tlwnpaUUow o f « « «aeara vf•lnee fltst theeo pllgrikmsges kagaa.

. , M aavwha repeated too oftaa| Mverlearaealtoa wall. Per tkeoa aea llvei a*4labored, tolled, a a flew! and died fsr tke

motry and for as j thattbeeatloa May live,Itallbertlea and pririlege*. lu UOgrtty

ad honor betmrhentaCs.Bat while wa ahoald U guilty of the haaestifrt.Ultt4f.4l4 we torn*, tbalt seTvieea aai

ilr eaerifleas, or lagleot the aisspla eer«<loalftl whlth b u bets performed to-day, let• not delude annelvaa with tha idoathat aar

pnrpoM ia to do tb*m honor. They artbeyoid nil that Neither hoaor or dlatiMoi,praise oreeasnre, nor aajthlag that we eaa

or d» shall toaoh them any wore forever,ito their elased ears shall sever eater aoejga

rvoloM ol men i dfa aha'l not .atem nori n n disturb tbat etsnel allenoa; whathcr;kere ba Tattle ol aoiketiy aid rear ef oannea '

or only the flbtUt of leaves and sighing ofwind* In the "trte tope abort tbetm, harly-bor)y;of war or hom^raw of peace, they•hail sleep antnindW of II all Te tkeirilghtlesa eyoi alial! never eone tha •JttwaluU ot all the Howata of aptlagUtMTaalun*e profusely Inviihed oa the eod above them (

the IVanTtvnte^onjon toHHMUnv la ikachamber of their long waiting shall aavergreet thefeilead auaaa. Mot in t h w a ngarUnda, or wreaths, or facer*, pagaaata or 'ipbkn worts of praise, or all tb« n a l a u *nd fragraaea j o i fcara soared mfom taa Uf[eaithwhtnintbelrbodletlla. Whibj wa«allse tbat their isctBortal aplriU live for.

aver, and afua fni ty tbat they BUT bovtrround tu as wa Uy tha floral offeriag oa thafrlowly bed, yet our reverent homage kM kaeapkdd to tbat shadowy creation of e*r lmagla»*

which we eall their memory; to thatidcflaable aoxathlog, aaapprealable to tts

bat dearly discernible to tha spirit,rbleh like «ae elDore'a white winged angelaIrradiate* aid tranaflgnraoftaBagwia hlitotf.

Only the tatmoiy of the juatnielli aweet and blossoms is the dart."le&e {ran u they I M not forgottea.

Trmnslatfld to the Valhalla of heroes. U i j areembalmed la ou> kearta u d garlucad lasH.cllon. OldHidloTaaratnetotkaiMaMiTof fsllen eomrodes

It la to that arciaa and psrpittul Meoot.their memory, tbat we have made aar offs^Ingi to-day, Intboperfomanoaofthiakair-'

and alt«cUnr lasplrlog daty waIUTO ohletlr doae honot to aarsalvaa.

For we psy onnttvea tha bighatt honorudblt whenrespoadiBi to o n sobleak

aspirations and purest pBrpoaes, to oartatciu and nevftx tatisfted losg-og to

:oaoh the plane of a dlvinar and a truer life.• iske this pilgrimage " A peer* th«repy

onr splritnsl ktnsblp with Iho gnat noils wbopreferred djtsg fer ethers to living for than*

ires. Orsatar lo*e than this hath. 10 Man*80let nj i s assared that whUo wa CM danothing ior them, ihay bare by no n e a u lertiff, nor shall they aver oesao their doing for

os. Iiaylag down Ibfllrllfea for oather shalllira on; Hie on in bHght and bonefieeatex*ample*, M Incentives te that a&aelBah patriot*

an! naaly oearage whloh redeem onrhuman nature u d make n nation truly p u hAnd what BOM Issplrlng tbottght oaatlotabftlor him who l»js dow& lib fer U* hUowman than that his love bftooaea thowby la*

' ~ SAdbls atawi-y SaperpetTulbomdlo-Uoa. To onr short algfata&d weaker faith the%ni of lilt ueat'ni end ol all opportunity forloving ssrr.o*. Hat to aneb a Barrow i\twhow aalHriBntla the u s war we derived to*day front the InflaBoou noon onnalTea ef Ito .

Knl auoolaUona. Tbangk dttad,oar martyrs serve n ntill And they wUl

U S H remains in humanhearto the capacity to be iaatraetad and talltup by tbeinflaenoa of lofty example*, •»V O hew wa lore tben I They 4Ud lor the Irtfc

8«ma where the blUowg a « uTl°c4 ta»*fo»m!Borne in the arms or their kladrel at home,Br*ve-hesrt«d heroes, they died la their

'primal *Honor and tame he their mead for all tima I

« nnxB naxl

Page 2: Airy OXHEB PAFJEK. :i; BARGAIN ROOMtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-06-06.pdfThe Dogtor it t> man ol p DslapublioaH'ilra,* rip e totoUt*al oal-ire d %eotlenan


The Dover Printing CompanyPDBUSHKBI AND FnamirroM.

Friday, June 0, 1890.JlOVfcB'B SCHOOL CBHSOS.


Tl>i'«cl>oo! fi'URuiol Duvor.juR. roiuplnl.ilby ibe DiilrlcL Clrik, U»r. VnA. Noon., U ialisa). >to dbundmt jnttiiioution nod endorse

of tb* cei)tu» ot lait je«r. Tbe ceaaui tain aby O»p. D. 8. il'on two ; M r a .go •bowfJthat tiin-o were l.VJJ Abildr«u of icbool *&fn tbe town. The e«o»n» tn]t*o on* jrnir a Dshowed, thatth«* wets then onij 1.047 ohlliireu ID tbe town, oru fnlltDRoirolSO, dopltetlin ( u t thi.1 it Lutl torn tUe n«nU*t jett Itgrowth Inthflliiwo'* hhlury. 11/ the moil u n l l h .]U.T? lllb ttilk (»»Ud lift BftUtbt DfKraut luaiij ol'lUren Hist tiad been mils*wblot remilifil in 'dd.uR fit) u o i t nanifs IIbo Hit and earing the town nenrljr $350 IDiDtoind from the Buta, wbion would oerUlulrhare been lent but for ibe work done bj tinEHA. Tlis addition of theae Dimes l>WBglth* censes of tut je*r up to 1116 OT II 1MSthan It wai tb* prerloni jear. Howmore had been missed will oeter bo knawn.lor no one will balfovo th»t aftiabout arty lew baasu Jo tbe o*mmunliy tbatjearlbe snrolrtr nl Its aofaool cblldion waileia tban tbs j«ar l>Mur*.

Tbe oeoiua jnst tikeo, b Offerer, throw/•ouo l[(fn ufoa tba o>»tt«r, from *1

Ctads. Tba presSBtDUlrietj p

ik, KB*. Mr. Bloom, who buthe matter bsyotj the obtai


\1,!!C8children of inhool acu ia Dorar.

B ol SI OTii- Itu ctnBni taken Vj Uipl.b lAllen tw

j pmo, Tba number of lunar*

built tn Doierjfar before U*t wae Jnat »bodrultle tbu number .mill Ian ve»r, i* t&st itl»oerUlnlj/air to e til mate tbit »t least ballof ib.B.Doreaii0 was tnado fn (be jemt ilr»lnsted. Tlili sUBiiia W e idiioi »t leaat Tort;toouretmaerntinn Iran scour*t© cessui badbeen takec, Initsnd or tue IOM tb»t wmshown; ttatt Is we should b»T« bud »total olnt IfMt 1,107, iuausd of 3,017 u Ont tikoiorl, iI0»» wm shown Btti'r tbe lu»t uatuer-found bj tlia KKA mra fulilinl. As we recetialinait (5 uiame /rom tbe Gute acbool fund,

, Wort tbiEBA beg*n It* in»ct[Ratiua Ion orgGOO to ttioiliatiioEat «»eU to the dUtrlctMtnount tbat would tbua h*U lb« olt*uraatanc(M iDillrJTiO at W

a, «o«Id iadloate. the work of tbeA U I J «3SQ ofre bean loat, but

oat in the (JhtrJot b j tb<iutoiupKent tiliiujj of tbe ooaius last jeai(luit nan usver bo rf torerocj.

We nnlj- imullili ttfie now ninunmt tad.thai iheoonrrti tbuKui took In the wittamay I'"1 [»Uy ju«t1Qedt and without porsoaulvltaporitlon of any aort ICATS It with tbepeople >a a lea>on abowipg how neotsauj It1B to eelset eonpeUmt people to fill publicplaooB. We ar« very glad to be able lo teatlljr%a tbe oirefolneia, aoaaraor and inUIlixwhloli Her. Mr. Bloom bu broosbt to tbeptTlormkDce of bit dntlea n Dlitrlot Oletk,and wo oongratnUte blui iipoD the •nooeiifnlenDmeraliOB ol Ue lohout oontat. W« nu;•Jao c«O[t«tutatc tbe people of tba district,b«i*aaa.tb« maltotli lBlaWH will kWe Udistrict tboneitj*»r about (150 more fromtfctflt«,tesq>p*!>piUtlon tfaMi it lectWaprcient year, bealdea gUfng to t ie town theettdlt it abould reoelie la tbe matte

Ihl S(»t, SehoUllblpi.DjuUwottUQ 8UU, ptued liateli Slit,

1U», • JIOB BOliolmlilp i t the SUM Oolleie,{UnlttetitiQteBti&DBebocil, HtwBraoiwIck, N.J.,H(opentJi to amdenw in eaob JitomblyDliuiot ol om SUte. Any yonnu mm who lanow, or In September will lie 10 j w i o f age,

w d Heehanlei f 2, a oourae. ln Ohgntlitr/ andAKrlsnUan; 9, • eaarai la Klwtrioltj { 4, aapaclftl eoorw in Agrionitare, Stadeata who•pply are examined In, 1, Aritbemttte; 9.lligter Atftgebra through Qaadr»lle Kqu»-tlom; S, the whoto at Plane a*om«tfj; 4

5 a h 6,D[Btaiiu h Grammar! 5, a t porthDUoltidUtitea, « d 7, th

p y C l F l t U M a p t T )and Uhmhtrj, The law profldei that vtaanman than on« pwpitlj yatliBri u&dldilfor •ppolntmentfrott tb» l i n t Aiumfcly Diit t t t h l l p th l t t \\ bttt«t thftlb l l

i the «»tBlfiatton, \\\ wbo piti t I h d f b

p , \ wbo p t•bwllnoeWe appointment ID the order of tbe

CBUra nnmtwr (00) bira beea tppoioUd IrcuIts Bi»tB. .Tbtiela BD ioubl taatall wboanable to pui tte eianlBatl*B will tbli jmunoalTBappolLtTODtlron tbe Bute Baperln-tendaak Tbe ei»wlnaUon will b» writtenand will be nnlforsi Utongbsat tba SUtt,bold a>t lio Oonntj Co art Iloaae of e«cb

. edonty «n (bo ima daj. Tbli aifforde *n op-pcrlnu tj for atndeiita woe wUb a collegeedaoatlon Baeh oibai narerbefaM been glTenlathliSUU. Itls tibehopedti.t ma»y of

l r i h h l f ltoo li t •»holariofonr«ob5oli will availtbimielvaiof tbe opporlunltj that afford«d% 1 h S

Xtrrlitova Taku a HaniA «»11 b u bten iiiowi, BIBDBII eieloairelj

br icildeoU ol Moniitowi, lor •. nMtlDf tot ibe ldIn tbb L J W O B noit llsodajr•feilog,f « tbs pnrpoae of ocnilderiog tbe new |40,-W0 jtll r«Jeo'. It la ambnwod tLat tblanHting !• deBi£D(d (o taie fa?orobh« totlobl o t t o natter. Ti l l i»all rlfLt,bat lborB*reroartMB otler townshipa ia tbe county, »nditlsiafetoprwutae that In no one ol themejDid a pulilio tuMticg of a iy propsitloni b»liddtotBkoBiuilu-MtUo, TboiTtuatlan la•Impljtbht Tbecitj ofMoniitowD, which-would be beaatlDed and bnmlltted by tbe•reetion of mob a it mot me, dealtet It; tbepeople ot fourteen townthl^a wbo will bartobelpr«atthebtllautieHpha..f»lljopp4»ttoltonthegroand that aosh a great public••pendttate ta not now » »«e«*t[tj. and tbkttlili Aouctr doe* cot need t IninrloiB bnlld-in ( u d eoatlj m t b l i n j to ttalnUJn % y *wlyaverno of only 93 prlaonara, aaoat el whom»ts kcootHDOdnUd »ttdt bbttu with thepretextfiellltlee t b u tboy srarworelii theirhoaDi. We*Sil(e»DejtW<idDe*aajirbethirthi Fmboldera will hoed the alreidj e i -p m u d dealre of «11 the people, or the wlah oftfa* people of only one towmblp.


v «ib*poo Ihera w n D« Ueooratiunwn« tiere, but ovvr *t Hlauboi

loaetl, tbe furuwn (i»i waiand aouie or tbe IMFM atsd prir^ts rwndopoodliplujcd tbe aura and atrli>M. Too W.T. IT. mad Botoe of tbo O A R boja d»o*ted Hi' KfHT«« in tlio Kuohope Union (*(i

1 irouloierlo thueveolDE u d foamraogood BatuirlUo bad mvked e*o

ioldif r'» sra*o (bat bad no bt*dttoa», wtipiloted wblte, u d in t/aiV loV

bad jirluted tbe name »nd rejclmeat of eac

* F. WliBole', Uo, C , alat V. J., bj tS»waj.lhm,lttr» W b w l « t * j

d ! • Co. U , U-b N. J. Tiii.lieodUtd betuie U (t*U ou Ua.

Ui ) (l O l k b Cbi'Ut-r li

C , 33. N. J.; Qldtwu KUk, U. «. A ; Gao.lUbcixk. Co. H . iBM S. J; Ufa**. Ltwl:8. A., TeUr.o of ISM; J«pth» Kfc'dwln, V,A. doteotl'e; A. C. 11,11, Uo. 1 \ 15fi N, JWilliam Hawk, V. B. A.; Aaron fitteopi;" . K , » i h N. J. Ilium HI; no LtaiUtoo*

thei« ^r*rr*, Tb«ro wert itones to tltoo; I t i

tlaldwln. Jjtnub WojiUtun, Joiiu fttaUamn.'lie j jmu tif Kiolmtd Vb.lltpa, * nativeObarl«|towr>, » • • • , wlio diod ID ltHtl •«B7 ;«»n. n u tWcoralul tAw by llio »4itfauugb tbvra ia uuLliiog ua t in bronn a«i

a aUb u Ull b* w*a « »oldUr I ecotuhs waa tbe Urat "forifatkot of tho bantto 2a to iteep ID tbu ceaietery. It WM W>

Yaa rerilj tbli la ft urtot conntifollows who oautnd »!l tbfi aorruw i

iaratloD,only tbodty before badallie to Qeo. 11, E. Lou-tbo gt«»t«

traitor of then all. Tfaa citj of Bbbnjoo'ii draped Iron one end to the otltt v\l

rebel Jliga-thej BT«U atauk ODD intobTOLia bftttd of Qaotj* W*»bl^Btoo. 1looked down frjio bis homo ID tho aklea,• m tli* %9iv%* on la tb*t city on tbat d*ywonder *bat hethonBhtol thaoountry «befoncdeCf AndOtiBen.1 ttoatar— «hoUftujbowt—jiild ta A ipeeeb on tbe oooali••II Lea liatl known tbo borrora ' -•traction ba woKtd netur ba*n aunWby lie aauld not Utlp bluiaelf.telt>itr*pkuJ to Grant: " H tblus"»Lea will •uir.mdu." Urutitiiwered, 'TuilttilDKB." And Lee could nut gtt »w«; ironl i e aru.ttr CaptulD wbo returosd bimeuneutaN-eil RWOTQ. Uo.rJfi of reoonst;titJn 1 I'ulut thorn ont, ttoner. Wm$ e*iitcht T«t«lliau yet down i l tb te»» bonoiPbera wu« , t .ua wban yoor oiro lebellimOIIKQ« would h u e been oat oat to atop jaj^bbllBK 1'on "Jay tiask tba Lord y.•elielleu«Ki,lnat tbe United StotM, oryoa-K and ibo prating foula wbo tiollgbtlo ypleryotu'«rj would h»ve beeo food for Iirowa ortbe wornit belora aDy oilier mt!inJer 1IO*T«P bad aut tbroujth wltb theloDilruutlSD. Tlcni )• no obJeoUoo to 3ioatberu (Ootlemen raiaing monuaeaxaLen and Jackion, »ud J*fl" DaTla or lierud

Did, If jou want to apsad yoar mottb»t w»j, but p\>-a» to ten>»a.bt»T Lbat it widealded by the anord 10me qu»rWr ofoeiitar; a^o tu»l tbit **» » n*Uon wit]gr#*t big ti. and It b»d oaljr ODD flij uad tlw*a tba iUr< and ttttyea, it *oV ui«a daU>ll4uataDjrotbii lu ibla counMy bareal' ebgut hlu an tin aoot," If bo w>rn 4|I,|»tiuU. Id a I dai itsko uetiododloD* 1 tiutliu "World," of Haw York, aaid tho utDn

d»y Hint tba people who were making ttiiblj((oit tnu about ttio nbel yelLto-diy arttboioyrlio attld fartbeal awa/ from it wbeaIt meant •gwetblog, How mnoh of it dia tbojoaog gentlemen b«ax wbo write tbe WorledltorlnUt

Condnotor K J. Bays to (0 lake 07},

Raw, I . a', Coodlot, of tba Bwobope l>ryWtkn OUor«b, pEe*obt>d m sKeall«at »

non Sunday moiD'nj from tbo Uxt, <-Hi

At ths siietltig of tba V. P.8 0 E- ot tbiStanhope Preabj tartan Obarob l u t SuodajorenlDjt Uiis Annie Out read a npoit fromtbe CoDTemlon ol tbe dooietfeio, SDUBI and

nun, held at Deokertowa lu t wock,itbiiMb?wtd a, good dful of ad.TkBeen.oittooletlea and a good deal of attention to whiw u done at Ibe aonTsnUon en tha p u t 1iha ditegtte fton Utnaloj.0. It wm W 0:oelloit report.

juiina Day aocon,paii.a4 t i e 0 _ ..tbeooiuetatttoereolDgiBrvloatntbeobapi' u t Sunday evening.

Oilta Lodge. Ha. 41,1. O. 0 if, ti talkli^«oat boylaj »tot u d baildlott * •Ian wia hall orar It big enough for a lodge room.

Uuon Ketlali baiy puttlntop tbdeollt i l of tbo now Co-aperitive Swrept i"or

tforrii, whlob la Ut iwnllsw up Ibe otber t«ntvrea.Some of yaur readers may h*TO thombt

thej read aj l u l letter that I unit hut L' IT drank tbe night t went to Novtoi

1 can profo that 1 did not diiDk *D;ttiiuB stranger tban kin. Boppanih'c coO'iwbltetbM*, TboteHergotatiivdia tbeEiIlloe.DattitDt Clork Viaak I. Dajli Inform _

thorn *ra ] » tblldren ef aobnl aga In tblitokoot dUuiet. a«d I cm wmtmbw Kh*ntbsrawM DMhool boaio andreiy fiwohldioa htre. Than at« 253 ohtldnn Itstuttbo *g** of S and IB In tba Netoonjc dUttii•nd Sunhope can only eonnt S10. fltunhowill bito to lock ont or her jo»ng rlralwlleaio fair la tba thade, - • • •

. Barry HIIMII ta W M I •aanaientor ftOyran tjwctblp lo « » e o m t j or Sttwei. .bmo ntthoard that ho bm n o foul ol as'oranksyat wbo think ha U Milng qa«atton<tor fala own Information, Tslaii ona el ITnoIiflam's Inqaliltlfe yean i let oi gtva faimallth» ln(o.iQatii>s baittnti and 09 tlianklo1

bar* ao good an old inola.Gooduntot Tbotou Catnangh m i thatlorcd paaa called o*ar Ua feooe toLvaaaagh "or a«m«t*ilat t<i cat Hot

Mti Catanitigh nferred blm to Mr. C L . _nagb. wbo w u lying 00 tha loungs u d wh(tanb to tha window j u t tbea. Mrt, C. aayitbtt wallo tba colored nan talked he pot hbands on tbe fence and abe MW a t>nuelet ODeach wriit. Tbe cbain that oounooUd thenwsalone. Any oolsred masbrok* Jail Utely I

AD agept for the Pradential Jnenrtnee Oo.haibtuD working tblt town and luai ~itdiog al

nke Uo

AUtlltto ipoiU atThe loot TBOU hddio fioonton on Dtwort-

lion Daj prjTed t e i j iotneatlog and tao-oeaafQ], Ibere bilug Un entile* u d also ooa- itutinu,wlthtti«

ftrtt teat - i ' . A. Gantbir, FMtlne Atb-Utloi, fltit; Joatpa Ctilltn, secoad) Wtn.Fare*!!, third.

S«o«&d fa«»tr-l>w.i Qnntner, Untt W n .Lswi*, I.IIj Pieaanre Clab, aesond,- V, Black-wori, p M b n t Atalu'aoa. ttlrU.

Tblid beat—Ubu. Uiawbatn, AiliogtoaClnb, flnt; »eae Dope)., Mooad; Tfaoi.LMnard, third.

Tbobeit wlnuati tben t

ldlD_ . a went up to Like

p g flibitig Wednteday and la tfceetIng he undertook tn tump on 231 . t Uad;o ael ben* a Utile qulokn-. Be triednako tba engine but mtued hii h ild and felliDder the wheel*. Oa» l « i « u «ot oft* modtwo toea off tbe hoi 00 tba otlier. Tb»jbmugbt blmto Stanhope *iere Dr. Naldc'aaud Ua>rry fli«d aim up «o be wont to tbBboipltal oa 10. Uo alvayi aeemed likeqalet yonnji nan who atended to bla ownbniloeu and bla nave wat Qalsk. He WMnot quite quick eoaugb for tbe engine of 231.

On Decoration D ' f the plot where Anoiduitala barlad w u nicely doeonted, therebeing * aplnndld ia«e ol Uvwmn among tbadftcer«tton*. &tm* vuJa i , wbo oagtat t> Indrnmmed ont of decent eoelety, atele thedawett. Th*jb»db«lUiki*p»bi3ywlio do(bli kind of tb'Dg. There Ia «100 floe far Itand tbft law will be cnlswiod If ta« p»rtle*-rho dooe Ibe ataa'lng e n be found «nt-

D; J.

1 tba flaal heatfar the pilie*. P. A. Gattbw, of the Pa* t intAthleUoa, won the fint prU«, a aihor waterpltahar; Lawla OuntheF eaplnrcd tb.•wood prlift, a gold modal, u d Cbaa. Heaob-an,ofU>iArltr&tas Clab. took third prlio,a illTer goblet. F. A. Onntbir, who won tb)tnt place with e«», ii uld to be one ol ttttfineat Tuonan t U t fau keen teen In tbU HO-Un In ft long time, Aoothec t«M hat ba«t.• i t down for to-morrow.

Mlu Dell Hovell,of Newton, and Dr. FrcHBaigerly, of Btoad Brook, w e n tba gautiol M(M Anna Hawell Decoration. D»y.

Mr. tad Hra. Bttjbaa Dorland Bade a trito ITublBgtea taapendDeoonitiin DOT wit,rriesda.

U r Oliver Wller asd Cheile* BoHen, ofew York olty. tajoj^d a far daya flabini

•lib Dr. MUierlMt werk.air. u d Mn, jeua BUbf, or Haolet^lown

were t i» iQveta of Hi, aid lln. A. J. B»a49anday.

Mr. u d Mem. Qtdwa Wt*k u 4 e •> tnavtitlt with frlMda 1m BooitM l M t week.

Dr. li. A. Btai t t i , et S O T U , W U in * wforaaaoriaUylhlaweelc

Dr O. » . Mill*r haa opfloed aa offloe at tbaoroetBtni Odd' L k f th n.

t ble rul<k

O Millr haa opfloed aa offloForoetBtniM, Ondd'i Lake, for the a

Tax Col'eelor Drake U I lJ b l

A IT»wTbe type aelfmg maebloa auafutnred b j

tbe Kwktw.y MannfaClariDg Co. i . beinglmprared u d will nan be naanfutniad oaft larga teals, Ita maehaDlan li net ao eom-ptleatcd aa ona would aippoie. Ita weightla only abont tblity ponoda; stUebed to •type c u e u d operated by a good tionpoaltorit I M a capaolty of S.500 eni per boor. Itwill Mil at •SOQJflr

Ce«ut at pWillie blutlog la tba tatno Ue Hnfffana,

far the Pfteiale and DaUwue eitintloa, aTBIB ol eemest nek wu opened. Is the aeufntoralhe maanfaoliue of.fi/atelaaaeenieatwill be one of Peapwk'a ch pMa.PeapAtkeeaiantWu nied Is ooutnetlog UMKorria u d Gtaex Cut] , but onlng to » t i c iof ftollltiot for cheap uuiperttlioa (t baabeen at Uielj lo*t •Igat ol by U>» preteat

a U i ' " " " " "

l l n XL, L, * W. Xxtoafoi.XtUtatd that tb» Delawaw, Lackaw,

• a«d VfMtemBaMlroadbaa.'atonrtd'Ue xlgbt

lor Drake U Inprarlet ble rul<dense; aJeo bnlldlng ft neat picket fenceabout bla prenitea.

Statloa A(»nt Brown, ol Doter, w u latown eiaroiiiog bla promidDg colt lu t week.

Mr. BUpkin Dorlmad It eoaaatd U hli•one vltfa * pftisfnl oarbnnDie.

Ol UU ftnnwtbec&f eewals tbLa laraeatatLrielnlty hare died with eotne kind of d i u u ethithaiptuiledthaowften. ThUwHkGao.Watk b u loit two Talaable eewa u d thedlaeaMpomtaatroagly Uwarda plenro-pma.-•oola. It wanld be well to Inteatlgate tblanatter by BOBB ptr«oa wae aadaratande tbeaymptoma. It would fee dreidfal if tbepiaoro-pteano&U thosld get ft footholdamong the oowa in UU aeotiea, H neat of tbe

t IB aold to tba creuterlM aved 1» ihlpped•T«I tb» eonalry. Ho blana rag be at*

to the owidon't tblak. wa bats a, naa !• ttl i tow* tbatfaai ever aaen • cue of pliaro-pnen moula,and It would be wall to Uteiilnvt* far MparUea oonoaned.

Tba tine baa b*ea appointed for thtdedt-atiea ef tbe tew PieabyUrlaa Church, Jooa

Uth. Tha t>Mt«r. Bar. Oeo Swpheu, haaDolltoled by ToinuUrljiaburiptlMil tventy-Ova hoadted dollan lor the balldluc faid,ontttte of tbU t o n Uoie, betides Oftoaahandrad dollure rebwribed bj the people oftWa tows. 8u


wbo paid U' Lt

d UtV,ltow» ft

vliU l u l wee!

lated tuaiuly "I xbo working ttani <Utr LodRn. No. llll, wllb, eeter«l tjrttbirum Aik. OoKax and MOD i [or Lodgcu.

tbeir arriral tba pirtt wa« reocired byooonultleaof Cit*»n«" I<oJeeand t-ioortedtha Central Holol, wborn an excellent lappwas serrad tty t>ia popular landlord,It rook i, wbo la a luae'br of tbd art of ei

1 ever ready lo acorns modal*ble do"ra. Attft ibe lnn«i

had W n satWUii whli tha iiood tbinm Pipared, tl oy marobrd to tbe half, a. ii 11 '

v^ry dlinus tlixtnwaj1 BttrmiMticit of ixtt'irrbtuL Untsed uttlt's to

worked tbo fint anil ft toed ilfgrMi withci.ndldaUe jr^tcled by tbe LodiP.eieeulloo waa iinjeed masterly, rrflocftreitt credit on ILeuiMlTM aDd bent-tit toinenib-ri of lb^ Lwlgr. Among tlioia .t • era »evorul ol tbtmnailer* of ltiLodjte, bpt oot •• many «t ib-rn would I11

,lltb«dD(tr»iinil, Altbouglitilk bomo tbKjr did uot go till tliitcerI wHltnupluiViH.. I ib^i'lilfcttjioltTBl

for Ibelr troub'e. flie tiiui Is BJ well driluttvr tbe ui>Dt>)Eriaat.b o. A. W. b t i ) { lLey .irinjt out *H iba beiutioi cf tbe dfgi

to i.erieoiion. Very fev LoJ«e« la tbe Utaic^flboaitofiDoh swell drilled team as "Uitf Lodge, or «ucb a splendid lot of on

Itpslotia ie Uootclugai the u o fucioijMr, Br*uo ispueblPK it fur all be la nUe boa life paio-c aiuiitn ongaa"1 l o w l

igpktt rf-«, eipeot* « fttrgfi lotol mat hitfali weuk and bapes lo tie nlilu to DORII

isDalnotutuormr* ia four or 11 TB wetki.Al. llrauaa bae bouglil a boiae and 01

and Ittande 10 tnjoy hltuiolf.tow Trltr, ol ill* older of

Men, bave leaned Irom Olllceoi' lodge tball for Tuanday eratLtng ot utoh week.

Tb*> oaiumptioa tbat tlia paopt* of Roawa; furor ibe usw|.O,lK)UJltil U not ourrX do not lEdow oi IIHK a Uuisn Ui-jiiyoitba (iltoo who fnror it.

Ourereatly titoinneil t)mo»muv, Dr. JW. .ituknon, ntiulnod to tue ullutted apttbreo »ooru jettra Ht>d lou ou Tubtditj-, UJivery ifa(iecttb»ic i* nut a b* V*t pmser'Ee&tleinau ol bin aite la Morrl* ooanty.• Oar ulgbt watobaiKU, IJeti*^* 0t6*0i t

tuted tbo otliet night «, toloratl HUM. cmLanr. Hobbies, and bald him on tbe eaijilctliut be «ft* »c ttoantd [nitotet (ram

buthevrjved bl* innooence 1wai releated.

1Ue proportion to vreot ly au bio rip tinMEd.UEdiQlroDtoi ttlggoit's Hotel woifford ns * jjreat dust of pieaanre daringBummer evening*. Lsto« bavelc

ArooBg viators la Uookaway 00 DecoratliDay we noticed lltr. U. T. Olttbi, late putot tliflM. B- Ubaroh [ Mr. Fmderlck Dairyplo. of too Treasury Cepartmeot, WMblton, wbo « u tbo Ru*»t ol Ur. Ho»glani\• nd Ur. John I.onnabury, of Toledo, Uwho waa enteiuined bi Mr. Tbo*. U. iloiUad. *>

_ _ i.lj ooLOiuealbatweneiir* better ctMerraacs of Wenaorlal I]*y ia

' icetbau Ibeoae o t lu t Vtii*j tbe »u*lboth oboir and bt>nd writ rioollout

ujadi a, litvt'Til pr^jj»oda-crBiurj Ji. B, Striit te«iDI tue Inn moatiiiu. Tiie 10IUrtbeltocktVfy UeuorlMl Atsoaiatlo:Uidfortbe0tuufngypar. t'reiideui

Hon. Jobn Norrla; Vice Freildent. A. U. T*;lor; BecreUry, C. h. Deaoh; Treaiurer,Wrigbtltraeoi UiitorUn.IIoo.K. P. Ualse;A committee on tto loldlen' monanent, iIte orect»d tlia oomtne year, waa electedfollowi 1 Dr. Jobn VV. Jaokaon, John NonHablon Hosglacd, Jr., A. 11 Taylor andKaufman. Itockiwty's splendid RollHonor, was next i*ad ly E, I1. Btaob,illttorlu-i of tbe putt year. Tbo a cameoration, 1>* U*v. Q. W. Llajd, ol Oi&oohv!wbosepatriotlau, DDdertrylDg olrentnataocdurins the «ur, It a aiattet ot hUtaty t& 8asex oouniy. Hla addreu was tbrllllng!eloquent, tlob \u pattloilo laspintlcn, anrentier to lti tribute to those who had dfeithe gelid ottuio, Another yeiy abls and

eailrn addresi waa nude nt tbe illc ofpropoied monnmeDt by Uor. Wm. MaOalThs grarai of tbo 88 mldltn wbo reat fn tBookitway oemtterj ware decorated withproloaion otbe»nt\fal flowers, Tbere ia proably not another o«010lory of Ita ilse In8Utowtort«oinn-y raurana ate bulled.

JnndnrataDd ihntbeMonnmentCommltj>po.ntbd will iaakt> an earaeit rffi

je»r lo bring to a comptitlon tbis loog Inllcet]of oro]oat, aad u % Btate l%w peiniU town•blps to raise money by t>i Tor this pnrpose,tbry *»" andearoc next Kptlng to In-ioee apolitical parties t> iote upon tbstr ttckt•oeh an avproptiatian ui may aa deemed mlolent whan the V'ans are ptrfeoted. ""ftmoanttboagbttobeneoruirr Is vsrioieatlmttad at i n n *l,o0o to (3 000,

7he Koikawsy aud Mt Uope ulubs w;

town.Mr. VanDoyoe, ot UoontOD, li iu|»rtDti

Ing tbe Hoik of enlarging tbe penatock atU. a, A i s u d Tool Worn.

KIM Ida, Nnaam U spe&dlng t. few &wltb Meads la Kowsrk.

Keekawaj* hsit tba Uuktttita<elnb at llaokettitiwn on Deoatatbo Day Ia aoore of 80 to 1(1. and tha U'oord nine. b«itbe Do»er nine tba aana d»y, Id to 4

Her. H. T. Qlbbs pmashod 10 bla eld congrcgatlon lMt Saoda; e*enisg-.

1 haar tha Mt. Hopa nine beat tba Deuvilll u t Salnrday, bat with oaly ons rna tt sparBookaway and penTllIs will playon flatn

Tbe goods ol tbe Lak« HopauoDg Iron CtitOretu'isloan forge, are advntlsed toold at Conatable'aaa'o oa Bvtardar-

ItUtepotl*dtl i tttt» wmks ot the Booljway AIiDofaotorlflR Co, will lea*ed to aiother coojnaaj.

Wblle umpiring n game of bill .ant Sitla; Warren IL Waer had tUs urUlaxs Q( Ilose broken—» rcry fun I prnoiodinx even foi' Cbloksn."

alHMlhu tbeoby both oboir aC. V. Aoil'irda

S K E M A B T T A L L I TFrlanda from tbe State of N»w York an

bafng eatDrUintd \,y Urt, A, D. Hagu a.dangbler.

l'outtobagi h » c already abirpentd tb<rlndera u d ars making ready for a lM<mMre.Cfeu. Dawoe, ofH*ek*ttttown, ia r

Iting list IOD, A P. Down*, ofonr rillaga.Aren ia on tbe H/ now aoporinMndi«am beaten. We belloTebe would make

Ittvb companion for Nellie B y , u h* aeet_to be Oilttaf 'rom one place to another. Taea4oienpot»»»»oi l ly no»\>»r Bold already.

We decidedly draer the line at ail bvolt ienttand lltbltlng rod men.

Mr, E C. Wlae,ofPbltade!pnl9,wniaile ftQdU lor the p u t weak ia out lawn,Mr. John Alpioga. of Port Morrla, (pent

lew dajs t u t week with bia friend, O. B. Cooll tbteptace . '

QoiU » number at onrcbureli going peep!itwndod tbe Initallatlon urrlcei at LowiGalley l u t Sitblutb erasing. •

E«T, B . B . Collim u d wife nre apendlng 1daya wltb Mr. u d Mra. Hartley «tJarse<

MrIra. Hjrda ba< In her garden some v r y fl•puitntsaot the xh&bub plant. A ainglaleaf from tha aboTB nanad garden aaauared

loatauta laagtb. b j 31 Inolit* la wWvh,tsBUItc wai 2t)lDflbM IOOK bj ] ) JneheaameUr and. w u of anneTMlalj. Wao «anjatllTCtlidMu's isrtlea will ba obaarred nas

iday evening la tbe Pnabyteriaa Chi . __What a baautilal day l u t fiabbaU was for

.be baalBBlng ofSaamsr.'Mr. VernonIJaiT*r4,ofLi>iigBraneb,speol

lut Baboatb with Hkas Sjde. ' .aonaafUas ar« now tba torment of tbe ladiMbo h « o raoeiVj cleaned their window

| " T . Wtlhh haa U.gDO bl . nunda H MI1 eonnerator, and we belief* tbtra laid dta! ot n d Una about than quaetfoas.

Chere la pat orally much dissatUtaoUoa eon-eralng somaot thaqa««tloni,bat aa tbe laweqain* u a w e n to all these qnutioni under

ipenaltrofVfiOOfloe.ltwoalil U nnwlat tooslitilfrcm AO; pataosal MOUTBS, J*«T;kalesa, Tice, liewara, or a fl.ving brick m» hurled at JOB irom aertain quarters. -

A . T - Swam and bride hava ntnroedJenrcta, add Hr. 8waru' brotbtr J H I H ao*•on.pantedtl.eaa.Tfco hu>t on fladtowSfcy waialmoti mrixar-

able, u d la the •?enlng we bad a very hear;able, and l»uow*r with

g we bht»l llabtI l b t H

w a g ,TheHorrieConat;IltbtBHa«lely will bold

l itng noil Toeidar at the PraibjU-h

TLAM.Ber. W, B, Kewuna, of Broadway, H. J.,

nonduwithftTiittDaBMirdpy laatDaath hu again rtalted tha faoiM if Mr.oDUD d b U t h U

. ,X. T.,7tB-6wp*Mton BtWft, TUapiwti-eallj git'ui tkat nnvtliti- w«d wltt bi fcuUti KUi»r» PaJU.froiB SalTalo. The Eil*aa4 New Totk Central find plenty of bul-k«M bntweea tb«; two pofnti, tnd low the

, l^ekawuiia. ia going; Ja for p tbarw of the

U D j e t , udbuUt«aftwkjhU»Id»tdaflghter, Sadie. We ejaapathlM with him1 hie bereavemeatHut ef the fiihaman around hum an dir

liad fliian. Ibey gutrallT Hah for liter.

Ji« intag off; :la tlia demand foi Ffaraaa *. Co-aDre«8alU.They are tbe lenof•bid Btad^urUn fnFine' IUady.to-pa*-cn -BUak Crau Solta.P l a i 3 a f l n B 3 0 « 3 I tU Dorv Ciatalan ud Quta1 ranlaJura.

Ohranb) nual oatmb poftlffely cwtd byHrt B d |

' HAVOHBieHT.farnara are all Uirongk plkntlng

Uri. SylTeatar JUke la fiaiUag frlsada at

Oorpnbllo aebool will o lou oa Vrfday lorBmniaac vvoatiun.

. 0. Mwghright, or N Y. Otty, waa laa on Sanday.

Edwin L.ke, of Mtwatk, la vUlllBf hUpitfitaatKaagbrigbt

Mn. KlIuDaonanitn Is TW ling at Milltownffe noticed J. F. Unxrell rtdlox oat In hi

B»W cart on Bottdaj.Ur. EnosNeighbour sp«nt finnday with bfi

gtaadlatnar. DiKl .

FASXKB.TbafarmtnaraaLoattckdyto plow «orn.Mr. Albeit Sana attended tbe panlle n « t

ini.tMoirUtown, Wednesday. Down Wltbtbejalll

Ur. and Mra. T. fi-yo^ar King. «( 61100a-

oIU^MiriaaraundiJy. *"' " t t l ' » i0*Uesiri. Ella* W u k n d Q u . UUdebL

at lmd.dth iK.o iJ ' . Lodge at Clinton, l u tWtdieidty BTeolnE.

Hews l e w soarca BOW. JOHITTA Cowwtn.

•flMnj» « good elothaa wrtagav t t 6:' H, Berry

«VO»*aiIftrdwu«Stere>Slgi of t u Padlock,Defer.


nipnolallr '"r tbw>« who <neiiBp «KU t'lf \lol«ii» at 1

diy. Ttinro werr nil day uiofltiug* of IboP. 8 .0 . E. contention lo atund; tbnralaliiTtte dug at tlin publio•ehooi, afoot raoa<

t ie ball greuadi, aad a church feitliitl.Tho annual May ooorention of tbe I

County V. P. H. C. V. tlolop w u beld la (Iplace on Uf coral loo Dry, btRinnlns willmoroioe tettlou ut 10 o'clock in tbn SoloraiiCbnrcb. Tba oxerdiei tbroaghojjt the twere of an unmually interoatlns Datore.(leTo..onnl meatinc WM lield at 10o'dlmk,by Ur. Ubaa Unuo. of Cbesler, folbwud

Tlioa. (;aiW, ur UounUiii, ttn-l Ur. H.U**ry,o( |tov«r(fc»t.tcl:*«ty, M*. UuotnuJeultia, of DoTor. apebt an "Our CouU< ion " and ti. K Nicoll, of Hauid't, aa '• TlMode] i'reililcnt." "Tbe Model UbnlrmaiwHtheeabjoct KITOO K«r. Hr.>>annelee,Uomnowa. The two uiiouiu rrporte litbe aooletlos af tbe union «bo>ed an inurecf nrmbmblp In all tba ioctst!e« U'idesBdtnlaalofl af Ibree new sooleUea la the aalAt 12 o'clock luBcb wai curved In tbe leotroom ol tbs Tiftibyterian tlhnrob. Ton 00Teuiioii renonveuBil at 'J o'clock in tb« t*i

Mr. Sarah D. Wbyie. of Jer.-y City, spabout -the Jaatoc EJoaletl • Tuo U«r.Btoddard, of Snceuuntia, aad tbe ifev. Cbu.U. Ualiani, of i'arilppnoj. wrre givenlanie vnbJBot, "llow tbce^clety h«» belmy ohnrnli." Fiom 3 c'olork until 4 tbe eferonoes were beld in iho mrlou« rooini of Icbupel—rcotu A bomg aialgnrd tbi _room, room 11 tbeinlnutnlMiroom,androoiC Ibe ladfea parlor. Tbe 1'rsyer JdiotlnOonimltte* Couiarfitoo win Ud Vy 11ST. V.Jobosoo, of Wow Milford, Conn.) ttiat ofU^koat CumuiUtes bj Usv. Prank E»otof Jameiburjr, N. J.; tbe Houlal Commit MMUr. L U I'iarftQa, of Uaitiiluwa, andUe*. Joo. T. Ivotr. of Jjlii.totb, N. J,, I'IJ«nt ol tbe Htate Union. Ur Wlllard Haulton, af Nuwartii addrensif Ibo meeting- <•• What oun 1 d o M an »iti*e nemlier•' Wfautoau I da as aa MiuoUU) mealwsa taken ap by Rw W. J.l'eck.of OoiL 1., nod tbo prtjur uoMinK of 1000 by UtW, W. Hallow*;, Jr., of Ifovor. i be Qitlou lloi s i iAO olotod tbo Blteruuon snaalAlter a colUUon, tbo 0011 Tention aaicmb>t 7 u'«loelt in iha trekbyUrlan Cboi-ob.UMiio serriue *** buld, led by Uer. i'rrmkrCict«tt, of Jatutiibaig, K. J. Aa :lollowed hy Jter. Geoige K. l'*j«on, 1w i j . ca -Vbrlitiai Kadtaior 1'itualter wh.ab • oouiecr-iioo aiettiOR WM bel.Whlab otoaed tbe oonVicMoB, Mr.Hummond, 1'ioildont of f*a County Unitlisdobargsof all Ibe ineattDga. Tba» waiprcient aoaie 300 delegate*, inoluilidg deligat«s from Nttprark, Uontolalr, lUtktown and Oxford.

A more «ppi\)prlate day for tip raitingofctlonn) iUg Tor onr pobHo rniboul couldhavebafloselBoted tjan tbe day abasDecoration Day. Al 10 o'clock tlieJobn ihli'oat, beaded by Jlemo^'s baud, l«lt tbalirooms »itl oatvbiM. to itiD iciiool l>0" "wiitro »large number of citliete wrrjbl^d to wltDcta tai udGitt&nyr Ur. HiXonln, 1'iu'^of tbe Uu»rJ at Kdiiostton pi.Idett. ()a tha jilitttfrtn wntn i i t i^ i tlHoard of ICduCKtivo and tfja spoakeri. Tl

liar, gooob «e»onain, ol (lie nJptniUhumb 1 ilogtaK by tUd acbool, " ftjy ttou'ttaofTbto" Mlw Mellle Oordoa geTebrief hlitory of onr Dug. Tha origin, of tbDatlonal long. "TlieHtarSpROgled Hinnor,wai giren by Ur. L, J, Whitney, IViaelpal <theaabos], a lu i wlilob Ue *1JJTD pleto wirendered t>y tbe aoliool, VDTlvg tbe nuglcef tbe iong Uio Hag waa slowly rahod totop ol a large pole In the tabool yard, by JlehQlan, namely'. Lint* M*w,li*m( Udffelr, Able PoiBjnn* a id Harry Uonk.Whta the. tl»g teaub«d ttie toji of tto pitbrto hearty obeera were g\tta. A pleoe «tilled •• AaaoolaLioni OoQooatod with oaFlag," w u n a d by Blie Haute Cou4lou,amthe band pUyctt "lially ruuoit t i« KUj,afur which tba scbolsra sang "Ifjll Colon

. Mayor Garriiua aad Ur. Joltali*ri»ih dellfered the addrcuei.

Tha oomiaeDotment exercliea of car pub]ichool will be beld i s the frMb/IGOnnrcb, Thortisy ersnlng, Juae lD.h.

Ur. Abi»m Ktaf ilaiid l iu purctiitaedboose •nd lot adjoining Mr. Jjamoell).

in William ttio.Lare being olroalatei aikiag tt

Uoumttn Connoll to oloia t ie barber ahoj•Dd other plotoi of btulntu on S do days.

The an&.itnarj nerciies ot the Vtttikirlan 8 on day school will be bald In 1aharoh on Buudnj *T*nlng vext

Ur. Hpallmsyer, of Orange, alll deliverItslttia In tlu Hatbadlrt Chanh In ibetf'fatore, for tbe benefit of tbe Y. M. O. A.

Cards are oat for the wedding al tit, H*Jte<Hammond t i Wise Cora Uellewood, i sTieabiterlan Cbarob. at C;liV. U tila cing Saturday. AI10 tOe marilage pf JfiFrank Woodruff, of Xa*ark, to Mils CirriUrlmei, Is the ume Ctinrcb. JaaeVl.h.

•TAXHOPX. ^LBDosoritiinUfty wrt let t

hope Uufoa C'eoietiy were In alt reipecti thiboit ttint we l u t e jet. There w u a UtVJ.mistake about the time bat it oatn* 001 alright, by toe eoolnua ol M»»J WtUoa. UQImaoder of Us Cspt ar!Kg4 i w ; of Mewl«whowupreiont wltb a uaoitc* ol hit OOBrades. Tn»y arrived at IiflO leataad efo'clock. About three bondred pMpla werpreient al 8 o'clock, rjlatiroi sod fr oidi 0the aoldleri liiried Intro Venstflty ; WhiMsJ Wilioo retnrned from dinner with tldetail of bis Poet, they bad already de«-.tad tto graves with fUga, tiattfcey mntitbitrite of the O A. It. aad placed a booqi

of fljwtTtoniftiiiatMfi tumiihtd l>y ttoU.T, If, ol fltaobopr. Thlrtioa gravss *<lonad and Uai ifuomUd *.'.u Stia BJlowen. "" •

FrsdUani«la.Bn,wkokecpithaWt«lUt.ran b j f red Hut, dccesi«d, tut a (cod rif ODitom alrsBdr and promlim ta tta « Inr•ailne.i (his Hammer Mr. AIPP. ot also

doing* lively Iradfl. ai well as a enuberother hcto'i wound U k a IlopaloooH, ThBudiJ'slj.kebutel BIII bsd a great minigoeita l u t Saturday and Uanday.' All tbi

otais and {wording hoom • irjund laid UkeiromUsto ba we.) patran»«d thli year.Children's D»y will be cbierrcd In (be U,Clinrohof a«vnbop< on Bnniiy Jane i t i

lost Tbo prograoime will bejutluogcooogl

Jtia reporttd that ibe Forclte Powdsr O<bava ofartd ta remove the pl*tt forudt tupMUbl l l t jUtbat the lmpro, IWUAuoclittoa will give nearly that turn ftl e u to vaoitoHarry Uiitolt ti arvand taking t'Jo

af llyran towmblp. A«

Th» htB.Tj ttint hate diuagtd tba roidiooBaldcrably. The road muter baa com-mencMd to inpate ttem—ot » any rate h u

snameaced totalkabontlt.Gao. Ayera ia olf aniof ont tbe oU'etu u<

o:tlng faU older mill lo ordtr, 1B antlolp«tioif • large apple trap tbia joar.Mr. Ed, Lamion nnd wile baf0 betn flail

•iblBnnole.Qeo.Ayera, the p u t week.Hra. Polly Ljon, wldowof tut late Jobs'I

'ton, w u burled on Sunday, SJIth ult , at Mlbrook. The loners] w u Iwgelyattaoded.

Hr. and Mra. K. F. Tottoa and their aoMow«teia»gnwu»1 Wtn.AycraonBaaday.Muter Leo ataja wiUtbii graadmthcr Ayeforthapeeaut.

Thoa, Fallow l u m o r e d from JofanA. Bri-Dt'a bonte ta l u u Ljou'* plaw, on

Jouph Fredo'rirkt, from Ut . Hop* »T«nn*,rUIJtmtown, t u renloi the bo tue, of fanelo, Daild Cooper, and saw b u LlU>nmberofliaardara. .' ; . -Angaitai Caitsrlloe, tbo Milkman, bo!en lmprorlDg the proper^ lately parobaeed

»y bint oa tbo baoki ot Dan Lraok, n u r hla.'a«# H d fauqnlta uexteaalre track garden

ted. "QuV'tBoaoofoat go-ahead oltl-a.

John Stewart h u left home, having eeenredalloatloftcaalt. Kftna'i plaea at laonla

Oharlla Ayera b u alao maved* t> H

• ' BDITiaBflnrjAlUDbrudud family, of Brockljo,

ire now ooonpylsg their Eopatuong ooltue.Samuel JnlU, Hra. I ilpp, of Brooklyn, andP.Msrrltt, of Haw Toik, were la i:B1U0

A week ' -Tbe warm weather it rmthorenMuraglnj to

laker Brat, u o » j be rtadlly i w a b y toaright amllu wblob Bioh oae now wttara. W«roat tha pleawnt weather wltL eoaUadt, d

also their bnalnau lnortate.Muter George Lowe atnd Miu May Lovepent Decoration D«j in Morri.town.A nnnber of goofr and ehattela will bei)d at tha "Ueirltt Baatlo Farm"oaTnea-sy, Jane loth, at lea o'aloik. The tale will•elude a uamber ol One oowa and norm.Miu Carrie Worthlngton, of Kenrll, w u

ae Ifl*it of ttn Uluea Lowe l u t 8*tirdey.We bad aTery aetcra aUra here oa Wei.

eadty Munlog, A t » e ia front of toe reit*denoe of Ut. Cbailea Dohm wai itnok withlightning, and a quantity el window g'an

Mr. J . D . Salmon, of Jersey City, I pout t u teok with hla pan&ti. of thia plue.Mra. II. Dauimore, of Hapataiae, ipeataanday with her mother, Mr*, a UoncTMr. Airon Siepbcoa aid wife were vultiag

Erieada in Buabope l u t Bnnday,liuanoixm.

A Pnaebar Injarsa,XTindall, well known in

iw putor or Ike DIo<imnEdala M. I tjBnrcb,WAikl«ked^theateinaelibjtbBldadtato' M BOMS, whilt.TUttlng B»T tLiaxf[JtU, at HewfoaBdlaad, on the 38tk oik H«

Mffsrittf «tuld«ahly, bat tha pkjtletaB,u »et ba«B all* to utwtaln tha ftaaiot efUimaHoiarj^fittMtxEaKlito. _. \

S«frlg«rato»,Oil 8l«vw. Oa*o.l»t SUvw in \wt* larldtj.

vp Mower*. Atao tbe n»l«Urat«l DI-IHITK

10, at tbs Plamblog MtublUbnitot ol D. H,Allen, Uoier, S J

A SlUmltna fto*«loii.Do you et>J>y 800*3 ht*lth ?" atked Brown

o! hu Iricna Jonea. Tbo reply vl JooeB vrisabort, sbarpand to the point. " Wby ofooune1 do, wbnt fool dtrtm'iT" Evendne eojojHRoodbfsl.h wbenbehailt. liottomepeopledi>nat bave It to ocjoy. Blck Lciiftcho, bl1-•oniDffB, ooDstlpttiOD, drntiRHl liv*r, tod aliott of ills, rc«I and imsftintry. aro tbetrlicr-iltgu, Tbuuaanili ot\)i'n\ma corciotl pruvrut(beta dlstresilDfr ctiupUints l>j (stfnff Cr,Plerco'a l'lruiut PorRitlve J'ul.'uW. Htntll,•ugRHicatfld and eai; to tako; nan a Hon.

PMlttvalr Delirious.Bo delightful to tbe taite aro Hirabor^ PJKi

tbat they could be Jilaoril upon tbo table furdoss' rt, acil no one wo old iCfpcot thai lb*y..^,3 niore'litp wrjiiaporfor eryiililiasd fruit.This properly tl whU uiikca Un-m Ka f.ntiulti--tlllilidipiand ohlldicn fcr tlin eata u! con*



7ncDtji.flreooDtB. DuaooneFig. At all dregKieti. Mtik Drag Co., » . Y, For rale 1>;BJbort KiJJtfore, UoTar.

Hum * BuUtl orguu ud HUM.




BLiCKwiLL S T . , DOVER, S. 3.

(Not loPardu. & CKarl'eJ

M A K I U U I J .flIMAfON8-ADAM8-At tha U. B. p,v^,u.

aia.in Kyokawsy. H»y Bl«f. l y Kev. Wm,

bnth ol DoTpr, •- . "**

PORTEB-LONO-At the II E. p.nouaKein ilockawar, Jnae lit, bj Her. Wm. Mo-

aod nl»tj* £, l oiiit, of ttDokawaj,IAYI1AI.T—MAItai[ALIr-Io DOYPT, T&iri

bj Its?. Fred. BUwm, T'bwidor* KijJviTt. _

Sminlli *** Vl°'* **" *"1 0(

IUv. J. H BooOald. Watson A U.rtwD, ofUarrlstowa, *fld Minnie A. Obimboriif-, of

FOR SALE,O3)K JKU8EV OOW wltb call bjherstfi

- ,, u. it. wioQins ,17-lwp '•' Ilj-ftibfro Valitij, N. J.

For Sale or Exchange.Tbs labicrlbar offdri for aala oliesp a l«am

«f woiklog hpraos, or will eiohiuijo fcr outhor» inltable lor )mgg«. A)«o small pigfor sale. Apolylo V. U. UOWEJth,

Or C, B. Jaw**, Porer. Vf-lt

Horn UDLCTcppoittfiBl. Mwj'.Cliarob,nciver^lliud bon» oo road lo Fort u n mHooio coou io . Oil, roosn, Him cook boiuaaoRBeDlcd f flood birs on tbo ptemlK.; all inrp!(ndldcofldilioo, aroaod. well laid cot mi10.1 (tailed. Alao, lot ol HDUKUUW ?ornl.lor. | a DOIISK ti jean old, gooa raadUor,«oood la tliapeacd rorm | a • ogle cnrriacia IDgood ooodillon I a Ml. iloslo t i t o s . . i «,Sk»jaudilefgb. To boiold oo aooonat of ovaeileafing Ibla part ol m a oooolrr.

« 8 » P AlfllED OILBB.

An auction sale ofline water front traotsand eleVated villasites at Lake Hopat-oong, -willbeheld JuneIStb., at ;:the Mt. Arl-

Ston Hotel. The sale.. HI comprise some ofthe most valuable anddesirabjeupropertyaround the Lake, andon liberal terms. Formaps aa'd particularsaddress < •/"."..

D. B.;SMITH,857 Broadway, N. Y.

FRAZEE, CONNET & Co.Cintral Dry Goods Store,

No. 683 BROAD St.,. BaWnnWnt P«k Hid Collar Sto.

BARGAINS IN SHOES.120 paira Child's Grain Tipped 3utton Shoes, Heal and Spring

Heel, sizos 8£ to 10J, at 76o

100 poita MIBBBB' Otain Tipped Button Shoos, sizes 11 to 2, at 95o.

100 paira Ladies' Fine Dongola Button Shoes, Box Too and

Common Souse ntylos $125

7a pate Ladies' Roe Dongola Button Shoes, with Patent

LeatborTipa 178

100 pairs Touths' A Oa]J Lace Shoes , 0B

80 " Bojrf « " '• " Upeolo 100

00 " Men's " « •' « « " :

60 " " " " " •' " " 1.50

00 " " " " Oxfordties 1.25

UO •< « Tine Oalf Laos Shoes 2.00

apse aro all now goods end are worth 25 per cent more than above

prices. Wo have the largest stock of '


(at Ijtidios, Misses aad Ohildren, Men, Bojs and TouttiB, that wo linvo

ever shown, and at prices louver th&n ever before.




Finest Creamery Butter, Ferris & Co's

Hams and Boneless Bacon,

and everything to bo found in a nret-olaBs OJIOOEIII STOIUS at lowest

prices for reliable goods.


Ladies' 5-Button Kid Gloves 59c. per pair,<< 8- " length, Mousquotare '

Suede^Gloves, - - - 75c. per pair.Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests, ISc. each.

DKESS GINGHAMS!We have placed on sale a handsome line

of Dress Ginghams, in all tbe newest stylesand colorings, plaids and stripes, regular12i». goods at



AT OOo. MSB lABD j REDpOBD FEOM 75o. , " "

" Mo." $1.10" 1.25" 1.35" 1.45•' ' 1.60

U0 .1.85.'1.451.C0.1,76. J ,1.90. -, ,

LAWN" MOWERS!' , ' , -IS inoh, $5.50. 14 inoh, $6.00, ,

THE BUCKEYE MOWER \Prioe $42.50. / ' ,\'--






6UBEZ O T J R . >•



(Eight Pieoes,)

W I T H 22x28 '




MONDAY, JUNE 2d, 1890.










Hardware and Iron,Agricultural Implement*, Seeds u d Fertilizers,

uoimniTowir, so-, a-,?** HARVESTING MACHINES,


FOR SALE 1JKJ. r ' i '! i" •*••• im. '•!!'" M'-i«™. ami

rmnntwIliMDu . , , awUiilft for tw<ne*l

BimtDtiebMptSS ^

peabmrjj fO.WiJtno-Bome nice, bright 170 itrtw,

A. JUDSOW COE,md BoU Xitats Agant, Bargm fit.


G O A L , W O O D .


f l ie IK ou H roeSIDES, SKtSB utD TALLOW,

^ Bt L. D . BCHWABZ,



Hot Water,

Hot Air,


7 ?V*, V1*

Please write to us and we will come arid ^see you and give you an estimate.- J; ^ ^ :



KENVIL LUMBERStock on ban] a. folloM, ux& har U Q H

Hemlock and Spruce LumberWhite and Yellow Pine. ' . •

North Carollns and Norway PineOak, Ciiestnnt and R;ach, -,, ', Fine, Cypress and CallfoniU

Redwood Shingles, ' •Booflng and Sheathing * „„

Windows, Baors and Bli"Mouldings, Pickets,.

Best Lime and Rosendsle Cement," - 'English and Domestic Portland Cement,

Calcined Plaster,Adamant Plaster for Walls.

Marble DuBt and Shore Sand \ \ «, ,,Plastering Balr and land Plaster, V

Bed Brick, Fire Brick F i ~ "• * 'Crockers' leiillizers "A

late, Drain Pipe, . » « " « « « * « : .Bcady-atixed Paints.

White lead and Oils,GIOBS In all slze«.

" Sing Shot for Potato Bugs, <•-Seasoned Cord Wood,.'; *

lehlgu, Scranton ""-•Blliimlnoas <


Page 3: Airy OXHEB PAFJEK. :i; BARGAIN ROOMtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-06-06.pdfThe Dogtor it t> man ol p DslapublioaH'ilra,* rip e totoUt*al oal-ire d %eotlenan


THE 3 1Friday.ii

' Bnteredftttber'oialiaeofid-alaMinatt

wmmme6,j^9CtOSUe at Voter, M. J

Common O«ucil Hobday atoning

The priM olloe in Uaoatoti U «' P « 100.. p o u n d s , • . . , : . ; •'- * - ••' . • • " " - • . .,

The "Ever Gltrfanu " arrive* four weeks

. ••' Hotel Dmlin, srt Like Hop*U»ng, will• • • . • • o p e t t J a a e a S l h , - \ - ; ; " : - , > - - . r •-;..

. Oorarbor Abfaett h u slftnofl the new; Ballotbill and ijuaowHaw,. .; . . . . . ;

•' The i«\iow; »bo was algbing for Bummer: osgbt to. be satisfied with tile./-;/: •-, - , "'

;V-"r-The nweiiry nwji to^ y ! d f t 4 y

- ?.-.*-' shown £y,M.eld.eep, icfts HBlketUtvac,;; '', The UooutooH. K.BBOa.j wbool oloatt,

'•'.-, . a)I(fl h j lbe|r Jbatlvai laet Friday evening.

' • the pTO«nt torW.o£Hotrfs tiet•',.'.;. ,Slre'i2rof.-,iaya" MnV'JBoaailhd-. Wllkej,

•••-;'•'•;• nenxWlika*, soi Gesilp, Jr., to Hartford,'. ' j , :Tbe.'«s»ln*tiim"of- ooDity teachers Ii;- "'.'beleK bald loi DOT" to day. u d twnonow.., " . - • TU Q. A. B. and Royal Arcanuu, of Boon-

, ' t3D, will oiiiUluiBl^oUns tbo 4th aUalj.• : ' FrwholdBr HKksr, ol Beentoa, pleked a

;'V'^qaart of itrawbeniBa Jnso ale garden a week

: i . The Hfcsth Hona"",SohooleyV Heuntali,v ,;WllloppDJaBoI0lbandti)6Dorina<iortJi

;& : ^ p i fc Baiter upsot to begin-re:

- .< -u. sing tl»« PettOran silk mllloniol! Una «" . i ' i

i V / ' . w * * l t . > ; - f ' , ; ~ . - ' i : . : ; -'.•• •.. C, i ••'•--•'• V : . .-';-::':i;::^ii8V^c»n^-M,:a.'.bhuroh pwpla ban-', > decided to bold their u u l 4th cf JBIT fei

eold Phobe J. Bryant aH l l L k e S o p k t M b r

rI, W< CflDriUt TTi!! WiRsialled psstor

rth*BUnhop»Prtibyt*rl*i Cbntobon Jone•lb. R«r. J. M. UoptlBfl wUl ptiiwh the

urmoD, thooturga to tba (ooplewitl hoHer. Dr. DDtUr, »nd tbt chug* to tbs

paiTot b b U b t l f O «A nUhtblMttlng oereni »t tke ruldaoeflof[rt, Beajjb, 00 Onhird-ittett, praanttdrea laadwoio flovern on Toetdaj eroniot

ad {am ta«n tb» lolUwlag &tgbk,,wUekrengMwtljadmlnd.* The »tmt pUnt p«-|aoade!gbtfi0tfUiIuou6Ulj(bl fait j«w.{Bsrenl t n u ia B O T « wort blown dowa bj

the wUS ,on ffadutdv "wnlng. At OD«ti tbe eeatnl lUtion of tka Eleotric Light

piwr.wM to filled wltb liibtnlag thate n«D bad to lea.fe tbe balldlaf. Tba

ittest Ughttiig clroolt WM ooialdenbly

^ y p a W w M bt run (

, l b » P , L. fc W. Kteaslon to ftepack by^Ijiipjbft;..,;;;-;.; '.>v*{»V ^ "•-• :c"':•"••"; . '-^TBiHiaborf p»pit«im bai resume* bail--'••- »'a^ ic f lu ib» •aflafemtot oi nartiaa iron

*ote fulorreiiM, o)

B at Nttrton bwbeen,* o l i lack

Early on WediewUy morning a Haw Yoikpoliceman heard a orowcawiotfin a basehient30 fttulberryatioBt. Tbe re he found Uri.>te Baai acd her threa children cuddled>getbir, and near by in an old oats was the

i l l were removed to the police itsAtanid yesterday morning appeared 1B : tbeombi. Tbe poar woman aald that ale hadjmeUomBtanbope, M. J., whare ebe.hed

;-. been 1odt|li? ^ b f t l

,:\t*o[i(n*dhrthe » U M O on Dteontloa Day

;.-• Jobo H. Helton bHgU tba itwlcln :h8

. ••ilorB of Tbto. 0«l iu at P « p M t «nd bagna

;-:,''':St.ob«ip*hM-312 Mhwlohlldreo. M lo-!^/t'r««M of 93 PTCf laat jrear, vTfa«Keteoai dla-^ r i f l t ^ ^ e h U a w w v - ^ V - ' : ; ; ; ; • •••;••v"- : C>»rit<j .B.jrat«Mid hi. Loa*e.idiot^ ; > • CJIcton; » « • * , .WocrUtowB, to Cjrollue

o3WHJ«IJroi.rwoP the 3:33ol iu U i U t i ; lat* U CBDAM P»ik OB

j j o o l h voted;:t0«nltewJUlbaB**Md JK.'E. aoheol la aa

^ t f ^ i U l d ^

"/',-.:\ • Afataljtunp, \ ••.W.Qntek>a jeang nan, who h u been

[it«4 at wmkio tie ikblty el Jfmt Minis.Htuuope for the PndentiaMBBgMBoepeay. went fliblig at L*ka Hopitoong on

Wedneidsj with 1'ater HoBotier. Thty » •turned to Landing la the evening and Qaloktriad tojonp on the englB* of a passing train

aik tie engineer to slow op, eo that Ur.i'mer.: who to lame, »lght:get «n the

ibooee.' Be allppea, bewiw, and "fell.tweeti the wbotli, wbloh onl off his right

and levered two toes from tbe left foot.was eeat to the hospital: in Patenon,

ten he died at an early tour oa Thursdayirnlng.,,.'aia parentsreside In Flemlngton.

• ' OtlsUaalOaiesu. . 'latheCoB)t«>QaarterBeaaioBB last Hon.-

•ba MoCarty, tb* trMop wbo w u St.-loied for breaking Into a beaio at Portieu, waa tried and acquitted 'or lack of

. K. WUiluu wu triad for Wealing andttlng a boaee at Whlppaay, and,beingivtotea weieeotHeed by Judge Chltds to

aaothe imptiwnunt in the oonntv jail. '•BIITC1>1B, charged with-Vkap*:«mxU

(-••75.000 forValsjilBBFljaa* ales trio ilihU,''.•v'-"''TweP»iaU«f";VUw1'U tb. tiltl* »f asfeatsji^li the Jiae maihar.af Harper's Weekly


„„.___„, r__. , — . ^Jtiatag'wBre" ,^plea«e^^|^^^^:^;v-^';•/'/•.A'naBibfretPrestyUrlaafaBiillMlB towa">»>• arraaie-JUMeaiTeasa-snlBrUlBeoaj

b o a 0 1 ^ Doior~»inat H « P M B U M Hilleki l d t lo «M qiiM » «Bb«r of

^'.-•Tl,. llcnUtiw. CtK.OB 0«>i.iill, Wktief a>U(nlijtU'rHiiil}balldiif<aNbin<iI

S S S t e i M d r i j ; o l Mwriitowi;lilll n i l « tJ uctloi tfiorrolf til hi., bloodri U t « . ,

fMTorll of iihloh'torkVprIiH:at tbo: nolnt

$t$^IB>UitComoiBiadi lTrioH,| - MHl OB Bis J>J«V"Hl tbi »«•!« ll m»«k w^•('• lunid'olunalwaM Ui .« i» l l j plaied

§Sim»piiiiiiini.^ifiionl.Uiii;l,.,;<«IpnoiitfO Duij.W.llbuk, thom»l ( i• Jtopruktoflbo D u n l l . tMUlrj, »Ub •

r¥;Wog> window, to

. o ~ « i o H w o « , ;i l * ! , bi VMr.rE, P-, A1U..

.A fciiitlj-ofg^jjj;iiot*i«i

': li. ii<..ilj>l.««i U n i U

Sl^aaded'^ollajV Hotel, :Dr;:E. L. Cook, H.jcr; y B«aat*>*a «*.•«, and their excellent BBBSIO•S^^^w^eaiMOl^*^^

TheHlbeinla hen4,wWph;U__t s i reoeirod aew cilforms.

.Mlu Kctllo Uellek waefastalied ti.li Kg u a (oital eletk In theS>ovai p»t-olHrm«mb«r ibo ioe cream and eunwb

reelt>al at 1b« Y M. C. A. roosui Vri3ta. A good time for alL

SoBie lea bouse* at tbe dreamery ol Awtn-i n KaBghrlgbt en Ue Bactln yiwoCaUfoB, were atruok bjr llgbtolug

lantd, on edotBdey evealng. 'The 73d anntversai; of tbe Marrh Co

Bouletywill be hold at German ValleyTho wrtjto will bi

Mr. V, V. ADSU optned;.hU uloon u inttaraut on TaM^ajr. avening, vbea b«

u Terj fioa oollatioa to bit iri«nd»,ha OOfer Band enllTeaad tho MOMIOII with


Oank, of tbla plftU, 'wkoM foota the nllraad reeeatlj, waa takaa to

. jMeph'a Hoaplui, Patcreon, lut Balur-7. Ztli hoilerOI tba foot «l!l have tabspnl»Wd. Hit eoQditbn Ibli moulng

tU " " \ :

( p p g ,atralgbtcacd"tIt«iiiMl*M up u thej did »t tba

l l i t

aMt Oonntj Blbla Borltty m««U>ianlKjj* on Wodneadar. JUOB 3Stb, »t IQtiOM. UBT. W.W. n.llowiy. Jr., of Dover,

Brpwiah tifl»nnnol a»tu*$t Md U«». Dr.. W. Motktt, ot tb* AmAi B

Bound o[ juMlitl naiio a quarter ol aego, and at tbeaoinoiand "Forward, Harobr'weteas prompt W obey u in daja ol yie/bea the orsel war wai open us, a&d londlotoed, bard xuBtoheB of eonmon ooonrrenoe.The oblldran bearing the bemlfol garUndimarohad rety nleely and by their qtflet,

oondnol did tbemiolTea crtdit.roiobiDg the oemelery tbe oolanu

waa baited, tbe ranks of tbe reterana, y u iopened facing Inward and while tho leog MnS>f cbllilnn Hied through the opened rank*

the vitezans wltb nnooionsd beedB waved(heir Oags over tbe p»tly line of llower

. dtiorted, r bvaband. Sbu waiand needy and bad been able to get

money to leed herself and betliitdren. She WM compelled'»ys. TiiB eut} b/tbo obllilrea'wu njerred

j9vol«tf f«it >b.« XfuTMitlou pt tfiue'JiyUblldran and the mother w u held. ;rpon io^ulrjf w« Jeata tii*t sits. HUM ia allruid laebrlftte aad baa given her bus-

When all bad p i u i d i i d were ballad tbit re turned in Uialr plua on tbe right,

g nAotbeT *nttMi», *Ad ibe tefidai-,rlng, boiuUrnl 'ior*lee of dMuratmg the

graraa of tne noble 4"*d waa wo*, lnpraaliflly rendered, Ai tbetpait of tkeoolatnc

Moipoied of the left ot.iha TflUrani, and (haight of the floral dirhlos. reached k g w

deoeralod, lbe line wai halted, the Teter-|B«bontfuMl. when the two Towrani andre) ehildion neatoil, led by tho prMldoiit,IftMd their tekaoi upon.tte grare, whileie name of the dead loldlor w u announcedbo TetonuiB planing two fl*t*i KCI tueuotl-lre& n. large wreath and banquet upon i trweLtj.flto graiee were thai (Ueoiftdiet), inirder HIOIIOWB: MaJ John Logan, arevetan

1813, Ca]itvX>o|a.iu*B, Legan. tioo.T. W.'ogan, Comeliiit Pickuaon, rotoran ol 1S13,kb»n T. Vi-etawi, 1'ndettck Uatt, Jonaa

HaUo el 2318, Sinnito Mouli, Dul«l Jone«(arluJl. P^adtn. Wm. A. Dccku, U e lB, WiUlaaBoii,' Dt, J»mo» Ueiley, Vft*\ojUonial. TimolUy Huraj . Patriek Peppw,vid Fluke; Vim. H. Cue, Wm, O. L'aea,

loiaph 11. Darla, Jamu Unrriun, Joaopb W.lncs, Wm. MoDaofi*! All fed UeDoogal aad,'orp. Charles. W.Bnck.Tbleloviagierrloe lasdeiud, the Uatbjdiat

Chnroh wejioon Qlled, even ta the altar atapa,UUbro and ell itendlas m v > . The. aet^i

uraigod by, the. palnatskliig opmniittco,re ubit appropriate and pl*aaioi(. ' - '

Thn band rdndrred exotllA&t eertfee byy g t Vary fiiis plecao. 1'be thcif,' OP-

lor the tfflstfut uAniitaent rf HE. M.'K»ier, aTcUran ol the^lat* war, added aaobthe bjinty, fltneM end Iniplratian of theUIOD by sioglsg a number of oboioe eelto-iB, not forgetting, or omitting the erer

ipfrlnj byniB-4'America." The Koll oftor, wbloh oontaiaa tbe uetoei of 73 deadIUTJ loldlor*, »nd whioU in orJornoj to

italn tiin crowded audlaaeo too long*, hidaougwbat abbrorUted bom tho orgiial

soord nade by tbe palnaUklng blatoriaa ofVeteran Hemcrial A»«EOI»UOD, waa read

*C»ptU,B.-AUetu : -:.. , , :; . ; •Throeyonngmluas, BadlBWilliamien. Hty

,ipaogh and Annlo Curl, eaofa raad olooly ap*«ra•ileetodforth* oeo*«loo, a&d Oapt. 0.

Merrill made an addroie wbloh for Iti to&*petrTotlam, lU oplrlt of devotion to oor

ooe flag and one country," ha tender ex-rniloniof wjard for tha noble dead, aadiliruel with aaob patbetla cloqnenee^wlllit soon be forgotten by the patrlotle paople

tlile beaaUfal, puoeial yilleie. Tbeooin« prayer wat'aiaide by BftT. Mr. Hill,Dreheullle,' aad Sht owrloe wai.eloeidb t b

[» a MBBiiileMloa to oae'of tbe ocuatypeta lMt;wwk'a pnmlawt oltlaen «f H«r-

rtitowa'ge,™W a'oogeat n«Ma f«r b&JIdlegu e 4 ^ « w i u n u

Tbe aiaoelalfoi, appreoiatlng fnlty - tbeitrlotio spirit wbloh aoloa^d all who bad w

irllllngly oantiluiitol In- BBJ :wey to tilepeaatUnl aerrioe,' poblloly ibaaked them(hreagn tbelrjraaldeBt. > '-''-. l

Tbe aerTleee were oontiaued to a later hoarhen w*i Intended, but eTeiythlng-Wee ioletjltlngand-sbenied ee ntoeeaary to »akererfset the pio via loos ol tbs prOgamas, tbat

aaTOjosDUted a&ytblng woaid bare aaatrid.eoiae e»te»t the'be*»,ty and birnoBy ef

iy i j' •abWltUajt ^ f»y batdeiB of taxaVoa for thU porpeea^I saalre aew * little tallifr for* h w » « Wleaa^ frok'etoteewe iaaetloa. ;• The pna>

U l U ^ 6 h f h t b

'»H»1 Tmte* fa a f : . .Dr.PifllQhwrliMopeBed In Hew Yoik

tabllBbBwifbt tmaUag petienta Wtte»f th F t t h d O

wf Ug pB u d doge, after the Faatenrmethoda, O s e

f t h e p B t l e n U t n a W t h U w e e k > 8t«pkta! 0 1 B l l n f , a ( MorriB PlUai, in t U th l d f c l U l t i

g gjB*fnr^»>ivTb*lulma] WM kllledat osoeWe brain ii being oniiljiifld at the Amerl-Yaiefinar/College, la yiflj-tcaitti atr» f

' BMUOBB at tbe Teit Oflee,V

ViFMiaiHUrHsl iek lee i iBebe i l i ihae beata eonaldonble'lBertaa* ef ropitlatioa

aoea oi the IneiMaabf buiuMi «t thp1 poetM . Wkpohe Husnad Dhatga'aboat;t«on agv tbora w«ra 9lU oall i»i«a, of whlahwer«Tacut/and^l<Mk boiDl, d whltb

f witereeaat;Wtkiog830boK*arented. Helie beea WBpellcd to add 90 oelt boiee, mile

» iittl of 898 cell *t& lack. bo«B, all of

,A Joskey e B p j : r , T ^ibs Moniatcwn Dri<ing;P«k,,waa.oadljttil \j a kick from a fieiooi; herae on

'd l «two bcrto<> and tbe on•

ie W r, )oting irtoiouJj ajpoii aBterlag.ibvgateol

U't?MfcVt.Ttie ata«^waa';tkn»wa' OHI >y.»oli Jo. Ibo face aid WMnKMueione for aona

ZIBO! y ,Zine n d troi Company et Kewten, Botwxcounty,' t u beai Resided In faror of thepUtDtiff, »h1eh,>ti *h6W. • THi-Mit:baibeen In the eoam for oTor.Wn yeus,"ud t »beei Bgaie eppttled, Tbe' aoBpenlce trn

ghting;«w th»>WBn«rrtiIp of » » « 'SUM ore.

'•JTbMiPrwbjierjai^MoreU aad Orange .Willhold its flnnner vetting at Hradbam, tn theB W Ckvtoh, on TiTeedaj nait, at 10:30 A. M.

•aongthewporU ,to;b«;pre«oted will bsii»V of the .ComBBtiialonerB to the Oenaral

Iwenbly. Tbe Mremaar Of iaitallipg Btv.3ao.P.HeVieaaps*torol Hrai CSiiroa wVUL*keP1«*at330or«"P. M. '• •'^\- & :• • • _;.;.

^l-'~niXlBfliUa'KTbeaeacalrenaiea/flf the lorriv«sof the

litsBoginient, HewJeraiyVolnnteere, enejpanj ot w,hieh waa raleed in Dover, .will

„ bald.:ia'. Aaron Wilkea • Poet vBoeni, onBroad .Streak Trenton, oa'Thueday, JsneWlh, a iWA. lL ,¥orB time than »sn.l willba derated to the tranustlen of business) andtraig'roal grastlnga.

ThiFoapaeklx ..The a*» extanalon of the P«ee»iq A> -JDet

wan railroad from BonarfiTim to Pe.paok,pnaled forward' elmaltinwtiBlj

^wW«W4«tieleBE.t>«-lUt, Tbe Ira**being made ai'neirljdlreatMpwalble, Therenree ol Peipaek eretk will be ehanied to

i l W o t the oompuiy and

od t t a . w >^mnmnUHloni respeoting the new ranJalKftll ofwWob,a»Mpt :«na 1WB« B I T . D ITwl«Inf.>f MorriBtowa, are epnejaadto.Uiprojoss. Oar >ant ol apaoe prevenu lmWU*'tlroVfiM>7;bottbaT>«targiiM«"iiUi

both eidaa are gln»(*n tbe report of tba Mi

v V : ^ ? f O h M . r a T > ^ ;jTarinir'i iBparttoalaValionJd ba greatly (&•

temte i U the pnbllo nia «t the Uarrlit K«-tio #etm, neu SreksaTllle Station next Tntday^for It offer* tbom an opponulty toenrebloejad,cattle, good home and firi

^'U well: M baneta,, wagone

pat Plereia * 'Co'^-xU, n Olothlen,

At«little bslon aiz o'slook In jtifHamoriiti Duy tba HOB WM formed nadort l t t f l f Lirnt. V. V. VTDIIB, f n a i d u . ofba Veteran Memorial AuoelaUoa, ab'y

litad b,T CapU a K Herrill, u d tlie oomiltteol airugaiaeDti. lathe lollowisK gcder:tiabajid; ratsrui *o airy Ing fltft; ohlldrtnr ibodilTennt Bandaj wbwrk, ttaU with m

wreitb orbaaqnet; Iadt»# ef the fionl o*m-ii oB ] o'tuui ctDuaJIjrTie UdlM did not ooalliiotbciiiulraa Wtb«

procuring Md irrugtng ol tba flowon, wbioble»alifullj don*; but t t» j altog to4, wblt« kod. Hoe b d V

worn by tba old aoldlcra upon tbi*l i

At»li o'clock, »1I b»!ng inband (truck up ua luplriog aJr, thet l " i

, ttoter«na

TBS nisno isuov. -IXltltKABU; OiTCUXB *WD f ACTS OF 1KTKRBIT

jopaB Beuos ioToatfibroK black 1ru duljr VBbcnd In last Friday, and I

Unpatooog llteistlj swaroia* wltb flsinrnBuoowr4vi tralo* left them by acorea aad Ittaxed tbe aapadty of all the resort* now op ea

provide then with aaooniniodations.: Toprovide All with boat* was impossible antMabloa Smith, at Kolan's Point, oonld bavlet fl((y more boata than be bad.

Uaole John 0. Wroe, ol Dover, tad lbreatMt sport oi any lingl* fi*horu>*>a obom we bars brnrd. He isn't verasd ia tb

* of reels, Jointed rods, and otb*r new4*Mkle, buthoellpp*dnp lo the laki

quietly tbe alght before wltb Jila oldfublonedpolsa and aanpaly of good lire bait. Ue wa{

in tbe flsfalog grounds and In worklojtrln at dajligbt, aad be cane home at nboi•jjth SO pickerel and 90 jellow bui, all olfine alia. Nunb'n of his pickerel ran Inrelght from two ta three aod e litlf ponndi

I tbe fuoy aeglera wondered how hiigbttnem, ,

As msal ftsh Comulaaloner H. 1>, Protblnglei the ilat of anglanet bftko Ilopstoonj

eo Memorial Day, ttkiog twcsty-aereo blackranglog Jroai two pounds to fl»a ponadi1UDV. Kr. l"reto*t,ri Moirlrtawn, with

tli guide, Hablon Decker, tvok fllteeo baoiind tWin'T seven plckevtl. In fast ull.tbaBgieri b»d go»d sport. Ur. Ftatblogbai•yi that plckeiol fl*bin)( wa* atnr f ' t o

' ae io0n as tbs waUr lowers tbe bass fUh-lngwmitfprove, . ~

Ed. L. Uloksma, L. W, Tbnrber aad Pird, of Daver, got about twenty-ftve

Ubt&e benedtollon b . Fethtr Bto»'1 '"/

Kd. Hoekwell, Jr., or HnrdUwn, flapliisr beutiful pickerel tbat tcgetbec weighedvelva pounds, and Freehold"Tliee. llrt '«m»da«ryflsolot : •The ltrgut Bib taken is tbe lakt forBy, aral indeed foralougtiuojeotedltelto

lie Ik*, a" Kipvil boy, who oiplored antaotb. ptck,wtl «&fthUix H<n »od *> ballinda-a teoord tbat will probably hold

;oo4foMliOBiasDD. • > .Clark D. 8lmpion,ol WoDdport,oaugbtQne

ftbo i»r£*stb«Moa ta* opening d*y, bar-ig tared to hie suing » •nall-momU ,walgh<

Tbs moat uolabie oabb. we bave: brurd ofinoa tbo opening day .'was made on UonJay>y tlittM vetorsnanglore of JVood port, JoboioiIbaniberlainandAaroaBraiB. Ttoywentoai the motoing anil eawe labeloio two o'«took!th aiity poands of b«Wi ths lorgctt otiilob. weighed three and a half ponnda.it Is aald Fish Warden Prothlngbatn ha*ina- legal aotloa against tfas D»C«itroemlail ff orka and Forclte Powder Com-ay for patlnUng tn& waUri of the ttke withids,- It U farther sUloJ that he found thata watei near tbe worki timed bine lltmcaip*r to loti and that lire bsstatd other flsb:oug«6 in'*o the |*cilut«<l_i;atH in oitlcu

A Ere pound bhok tme of thearletj. wu oangtt by 0. £. Uattaolomew Injake, Bopateang, ueeoratlon Dar. Mr-lartoolonew wai one of a patty of three'biob took altegetber HTODly-llre tlih. Tbe

>rls« at the day, lioweier, the flih above « •[«red to, WM iakea trolling at duk'wlth aliveablaor.' Mr."I!nrtbol»i»ew lonndtbattbobaes bit readily at pbantome, sbincra, or smell•nbnib; bnt ahtmsed perk. . .:. / '. Aftfon Kanouse, of Hlbetoln,' went np tbeiibeiala broek on ToMrti.y nf Iwt vttek and

igbt a Wont ,11 Inebae long. When lieuidltbA waa aitonlebed • U» find a fallwn field tnoaee Inalde of it. A gentleman

hotc v«ra<iltj la noXto be doablad told DSancsays theto i n namb»rs ot porsona in

Blbarela who will TOBOU for tbe truth of the• U t e u n t - •'• '•.'•• • .*'•':• • - • • • . ' • .•.

We doubt U tbore la a tront'IUher In. lbetate who hM talun aa many or as floo troutlie ataaon itoai local brooki MEmHolIyi

ol Weodpoifc Thi nnniber ot apeatmene habat Uken of the weight ol i t jeait a pouod

*'abairinl|bttMManted by dotes*. IllsiLoi have newly all been maje In tbe Wei-

Ion breok,'wbloh baa beea very prollfle etroot tai* y«*r'' Eire olio knows a thing or

ftintertrilng Wack ban, and heapanl. HUnllek, ol. Unrdtown, are anoh

llllul aiechaaloa tbst tb>y naiko tkelr ownpbaatotn wlaaowe ol rarloas kind* of naUl,and hare batter

^ D » u M e r r h w .Tb* obieITMe>« ol Mtaaorial Day at tie»aaty a>ai wab InteneUna; M l approprlele

k At ftSO:AV n;~a •oiamn HI|hl l by t b

y b r V D e M n j a e , v l iobaTetarwof U**ap,:^A..6ataX»l(iae eorered with taeAourl.iMO>«;Md wlU'etaoked ama at thebnea

fooyatood (a the eeatoi alile.1.••.^fter.its*s the ehwlr aaog *>Kaaror II j Ood'to'

hW," aad an able aad petrifttio aanao* weah ^ b j B E f « n . 7arre»; oUeraty

Tk. sodftlM of Uw ehareb. attended• a a r f l e e I n a 'b«dj .*~ •;'••"•;:.'-:,:!•'.••'•="• ; ."-'-.'

Atten o's]otlcthe,ehl!dreaott!ie Prl«wryobool on Speedweil Aye. msrebad.U theall or Taibert JPoat, haariaga prafaaioa efleeoUfnl flowert, which the Talorane hore tobe Tirlom oeueUirlcB, aoeomDanied by tka

f w Q and Morrli l'lalni baadi, and,leeoratedtha irave* of departed [bomradai.

Tho public MtTloea were held In' the Lj-nat a P. Hi aad Miyot Wttta preelded.oration was by IfaJ. Gen. 0. 0 . Howard,wai one of the beet erer heard lathtt

Itj. 'At.tbe coaolielon the.oerenony elcooraUog tbt Soldien', Ho&tinient os the

park took pjaea', the yMerens were treatedribe leAlu si the IJojel l«|toa to a OneliaUoM spread in tbo noabl.tka BepRbll*a omli. ,E«-jhnaWr YonBgblobl presided,3 pttrloilo after dinner Bpeoohaa were madeDr. I'leraon, Qea. Bowatd/BaTft alao-

iaaglt'», Adama »od Hrdm.B, Dr. OwfcoJ3baplala'Sead, Paal Biyerej.nd A4«J. Dal.V p i C ^ T h ' U U i Huray.'of slorrlstown,«ans patrloile -eeleetloBi,; aadi: lutruntnUl•nnsffl was' randBTwl by B«y,' a«d Mta. Bhar-

i and tbeir little danghUr Ada. ,^.",:

BIBOI ol Dnier Will play tha Hlbenla e!a_b forbe sJaoaat pnneeed by MBBS ffleada of tbet t p t i B p a y " T y " ' '' 'Three gaBH'of.bsseiball were, played Ii

Uonietown lait Friday,- -Ths-.Morrl') »1BLb««lbeY.M.0 . A-clneby aioore ef 16 to13 in the allerawo, sft«r beatlog the.Baxlti-daa Lodge bine In the isornlngby a eoord_bl

Xh. KccQrd nine el Kock»wV came ta Do-on ftKmoriil D«j and beat a Bite of oura lads bya aoore of.10 to 4 The B«eords

think they eaa boat any aiqe in tbe etanieoinpoeedot players ncder 17 yeara of age.;: Tbe Port Orani team went to Clinton onbeo«ratloii'Dajr?.whbre It breportod tbsywere beaten by; tbe leam'of, tbaiplaot by

The Boekaway alab unt the HaokettitownIab,t4 BaekettttoWB, «n Memorial D . j . :' Tht Blaek EUmonJs, of Port Orant, were

[e haveplajed tbe • Hibernla'- nine oa thsformu'e greabd, bal lbs BlberVU nine failedto app'sar and the Fart. Oran b«T» <Blalasedth*» gitne, 0 to 0; ••;/ , : • ; ' • - • . - • : i-The BUek DU«ond» and VolnnUwi. .

P{trtUram,nlayedoB8atordayiut,theBlaclDiaaonds winning hy aeoore of 15 to JL

TbeOlinlon nine are ezpeeted to play ai

•••• •Kmk9tapu-r-r'.---J:''-\

Bobbie tilobards, ion of air. Bobsrt Blah*rds, and fred., aon of Ht..J. B. fijohanl^

were rat'rldlag on Tnaioaj, w<th tbB ponyof tbs latter bltobed t« the oartof the former.At tba PnebjteifM Oharoh tbe'pony tookfright and ran awayj'oOKlng down Bladkwellstreet.' throngh tbe ee^kr of the town at a

11 Tiers old, ,WM «ns,ble to'otep bin; batB.Uh.r of the littls ladB lost tt»Ir nervethroa'gh lri»l»t;. Vred ttiag >»Hiratly WUiseat and Bobble, itindlng nprtgbt 1« th»\s«rt,kept lha pony la tba middle ofI'tka" sireet,looklog neither to tka right er ML And aotber weal for b»lf ^inUe-in exhibition ofbeyiih skill u d serre that w u admire J 1>ygreat many people, -When near the" point itbe moanlalaa nMn,nid to be a tram]eanght tbs eartaa It passed and wctkiniblBDMlf forward asueeded In flfaeckng tbipeoy.; ThiplBeJcofthe rssoierand tbattb« bo'yis'otierTM eemnieadationV: ' : ' : ,:

of tie (4 K Bait Sals (lor mri) it FienonGo's, the DoveV' Clothiers aad dent*' F&Ubin.>BnndrediofoloUilBg bnjenbiTcTlaitad. n* tlnea'tha tnangntatton ol. tbhl mar[Blauaalr, VDoVtfall toaeainle Bait.; V,*

IOM paiobaaed at eUres.','with then) (hM witb

Despite tbe eeol wtither ef lu t WcdneadBjrTanlog, tha ./air ol the QirlB' Hlielon Band.f the Prtibf tetlan Obnnh, of Flanderi, w udceided inoeeH., A ntunbe^ of i>oyet P «lew«e;siwng;|ke;f^to|iThitbbl

>]f>Qbllo msnUDl(*J'll'>d loprolestaj[«iniitlonof tbe tcwbeldere in approprlatin

aaewj . lUblat Morrle-

rn oa Vfaanndnjt ftf^raooB, and tba larjte•m wa* filled wltb people, loolndlnelUtlra uKlwsoi (tttm all parla of tbeoonmtjQBB of sUndlag and loUlligenoa ta the

lommnnltlu *tb»y represented, wbo ar<tarly opposed to tbe project, opon tbi

iromd that It ll not naedfd at tbla time.Ex-Major Jo*. P. BBtHrai, ot aloiHitown,

called tbetnoetlng U> "order and floraloi'eddiliBii, KHJ , of; QhflBUiiie, for Presl-

lent. ' •"• ; . ' !Hr.illllardwaeeltoiied tinaalmouily, and

using tbe ebnlr aald !>• presumed that allireeei't understood tbe dbjeot o[ tbe meeUag.'earn gathered boreaemt'KeDBof tbe coBBty

tsenUrourproUetigaiDit tbe ezpeodofalariteaniouttfrlBionfif foraa objeof

r uuuetetiMy a^bji* tine. II* e]»1 gentile• of (bo1 gainer et tbis time,by poor erops, »*Hng him ]HS ablertr bsloreto lUod • bany bmdaa ofn. The fanple ig cot want to be con.

jderet! voa-profntt^*, bat tb^y believei a t alteratloBa 1B • fte;^onrt Honsa, wf 'ran be Bade at alight *«pena«, wilt pro tidemob ipcremcd loooamodatiaoi aa nmy be

John N. ConktingY.c? Uorrlitoirn, , . .ibosen Se«reiary and tba ealftsr tbe meeting

" . _ . '.-•'•' it-' _ 'Mr. T&OJtUo Little offered aootobjostlone

o hla nime bwlog ne«n appended to tbe callorthlsmeetlBgvluxintbii knowledge, but

:, A. A. V'DaBihowMJiBw it bad bun aople oiutaVu b[ongUt»boutbya oonfuilon

i signed ibo nmoustrance, bnt hadQitwl ta anoie frlonds favoring tbo prcjtot_>t Ibtj attend tbis Dueling, awnriafc them

they would be he»rd. Dg bad I«Mned tbattbis propoeed eipenilUnre of mon'ej did not)riHin*t« with th*Do«rd.«f Freeboldera, bat

th#M(.M* County Cbutties Aid Asso-lUtloa, wbo tad utg»d tt»m to ttka ifae

He mored Llbat the gentian„, , ._ .-r<..jeatlng- tint aoolety—Prof.

Jhsrlton Lewli, tvr. lli.'^rdtaaB atid otberaglviB opporbniy & enter In a fall and

ilr diacmaioo.Mr. Vaioi eild Ibo oall for tbe tneetlng badsen ilgoei 1 / BiTeral'sandred oltiiona ofa oonoty. It might .be a Wiie thing to dirert

t from Ibo i-nrpote for which It was origi*iitlly iotindeil, bat If they wera golae to torn

Dto a<ieb«ting«0(jlety,noootiolasluu<!oal4reaobtd ba|ore many Weatnt deifrod IdTB lor their houcs, and same limit aboBld

ir, Llllie tbougbt if ebuuld baa, mtttlugdlioufciaPf »D<I tb*t the dUoQiilonshnHldfell ainVfree, .-''.'-* '••' . ; '

Obaneelloe 11.0. PUnej espresiod theeUnftbitllr. Vaiee'a position wat eatlrelrigbL.Tboeewbo eatled. tbe moiliBg bn*ebe first right and tbeir>otion ii not ta beailed in qneatbn,: If ibjdody elto Is to»tdhey are osard ol graoa and not of right »oilbcae who oalted the meeting aaootd not baoolded. lie biUted that tboae fkrorable tobe project bod oone prepared for snub a[laoasBlon, while (he otbeti haJ not.. De

(he d*WW ahoutd ho Una-

_ motlf'a that tbe flritUlf hoar be ''giventhoie favoring tbe prcjiot waaairrle<I,andr. JobnE; Tiylbr exposed the deslto.ot

oanuocted w!Ui.U»£h»rMe» Aid Auo*rathWDr. CharttoB Lewis should oe-tbetlme..' :-" • '-'V "; ' •'••.. -.-.;': kowls llreC oslled w o o Freeholder En-

mofl. Durk«s toaut«thid reason of the HoardtbcIr»oUon;'';.i.-.CilY;*'.. • • • •lr. Borke said tbe Freebolden at tbolrit'tneetlDgfortbepresoiit llioal year bad

ia4e the'-app»inl)itloilvitpon ibe. rooow-euds'tloa of tbo old Board. It It a matter

bat baa bosn nniter /dlaeuslitn for SO»B'ear*. BeshowadhoVla the buildingoltbe

irilTa reitdaboa .they had ptoi!d»d u o »m for Jnroti. ' They fopnd more vault

. » wa* aeedid fdrithiproteetlon of'theountj tcDords, and thli would H. | Q IM the,te orarnrt of [be present,jiil. lao wall otlie Bherifa nsldeaefv jr)ll Jorni a part or therail et ths proposed,BIVVJI]!. -Iks law.re-nlrastbal prlionirjrMiierl0 yeMeof

shall BDt be eonaned With priioner. over tbat

p . e ; B w g ; | ; f ^the* eilerteiBBeat Wae to ' luade 'to

fi l e r t e i a t Wae to b t a d e t

eh»M a pwt or the whole ot th» f urnitoratbo pulpit of tb« D»woharchrMdtLi

ilpte fa* asoteded the aust aaagnlne bopei" T b » y » » 0 7 d rte net. was

iBda the y»B"I ladies are *nobled toentire gift ol the fnnlture, eeaBbting of

en ehalra Md tb« leotoro, totting aboutilgaty-Uireedollan.•. .!', L'; .;.;.'•'••:' ., ::• On Sataroefi after the reinler neetlng of

lbe aoslcty, tbe "Baal" west ti; tht, parsofi-ige u d presented to Hn. Stepboiir, the pai*era *|fe, a qnUt, iho work cf Mrs. u. II.

— ' " aad. rt'WIlbelminaj-tlieir'-Ut'letia lavaly doll donated by llanBBVawwk, . Money .had. been rmUeJ

y aahsoriptlon at tbi lair OB the'^ailk' '..;;Ani»b*rofD*ver|>«ri(m#g»«eroa*ty oon-

tribated' bolh Money and faoej artlolee totha fair, to wbou tbo society wish to «*te'o4tbilr iearty tb»nke.. The fallowing la a Ilit

'the eentrlbtitore, not taelaaing the hamsl iadn' Hre. Olara Jtlebanls, Hn . Betnur,:iia I*es, and Hisa Holan; and Ueasra. JohnQifaaon, T. A. DlexanoB, Wm. tt; Baker;

l iH; blokerton, atitcbill, aimpwtt. ("tiakHBmnieV B. H.; Berry, Dbmlelok, Vender.heof, Lyon, andLehniBir.of Poreri and Mr*.Bli i i ldh E. flowell, Mrs; B. P. Sroca, M"

mul l ;W. Ba;uhora. and Ulaa EilsabetbInrpbj, u l lltisri,: EabM fe Co., L. fi.'lint tt Co., A, y.ntrahatg fc Co., Besj.Isyo, and Raines Trapha^en, ot Xswarki "^

A FreUy U i taalale l»sJ«.e». ' ."Hr. Stepfaw C. Berry hae bnUifnpoa hiirsperjy, on' the axtenelon of MoVailaa St.,

Wrcsldmoe'tnat'la baiU upon sensibleeoaiforlable prlseleW, and jet baa a

BBOdern and v « y vxeUj appeannee,' One cflttsttiklng featurta is that no natter, froaiwhat lido BTlew la Uken the boase ie haud-

e ee.d attraetlte In Ua aMhtUeltuml pte<, wtil* nothlBg la tbe waj of oc&fort,vflulenM ui laaridwd for tbe.mere

eike ef arehiteetnrAl besutj. The roans areall of goodfy' alie and ' DonreDleEt, arraige*n u t aad eiefc onei tommaadi itirerj hand*

. ', Ttoioanaatlons eretremenatni,nullt apparently for all time, and from tb<oonimodiotu 0«Har to the rOemy attla notblBg

BOB to kara been left nndeoe to stoore tbe-nfoita of living, miking it la overr nan

a taosiBl, ooanabB eenie honee ol nine rooms.The ihurior la flotibed in cberrj and is Mneat la Bp(tearanoe; u it i i . obnysoleDt. inarrucemeow: The. home': w u designed andeooBtnotad by Wlleox fc Berry aad i a a

lit to their iktU.a*;dn

in Us LiUruy J1.U. ," •l d from the press of At T>.

panUtlBd'"lj«h'of JofBialen)," atlae of Paul. The author Is Elwird l^yaoBarry, eon ef Kev. Ohu. T.'Barry, of OaH-well, and graiidwn.of Mr. Tltni' Berry, olD*Vr. The i'FOslni obtptMl. altbooih n»lenlllfllsntlj alwUar te ansR.it the copying a\m style of asUiorahlp, yet reotnd ooe of (JenXaw. WalUee'a fetsana itery ef;" Ban liar.Too deserlctlre part* ara Tirld, tba eharM*ten are strongly drawn, and ft keea eenie rUtenatlaawakiaedaitheostaet. We eoigraialkte air. Berry npoo the Boceajui hs t i

i d U ; t « b H f e & i t u!t tetinang rf &l« i i d e v , U y ; « , t g rfliterary e*ru*f and trait his book may

f it I d f th dthe Bseednf merit itibllo.

"*:/-•']• ,-yfaauMg Higher.Eonors. ;•,--Kr.Joa.II. tambert, of tbli plao^ d m

the tlmeho bas bald a cletktblp In the IntoDspartoent at Washington, OM derated

his apare "ionxa to.the atody of Uw latheLkw/DspartBantof tho National OnlTeiaUfwm whlob h« graduated a y « r ego withd'gree of Bachelor it taws. .Being deilroi©fbljttaer h*non»na BMsUr pwfletBoty,

lnM pnnaed. a poitgradnata eonrsetie aataa DnirenitT. and on Monday of tilweek gradnttBd'*nh the bilher degtea <KuUter Uwe,."Hijwat alto a"nieno'wtbe Joint ifieeattTa ComoltUe fn chargethe ootEBenoeaent ereroliee We boogrsidate him alnotrelj' upon ibe dbUBctloah a a g i m e d . . , - " • / • / , . . • • • . . , - • . . . " ' , • •

' VTha blggsst snrprue yet U the denaidthe Cnmwsll ablr«.f Tbe snrpriie aai tnadii s nestle t« kwp up with tbo brlik dean


or Ton COUKT:

{also tbe Mparstlo'areooBmanBedtbe

t»*,ieiis, MU.ao7 b t j l i ;

.w jalt WTOU ba {ftU0*«d\y tbe aBpoln&t ,of s.-.Wardea-(:'aBd b'yTaUiit dlsolplln

l d t d U i ' t W ' bt n Md 1» tWoipetdltarVs. -..<.'• -. -.

pt, .jCbailtoit lJewU, wh» bae'e, world wide*pltali6a lor eli work In the eanai or prisonvferm,['aald that for year* 'ago hla" attention

iwalM to tbo oondltlon;io(. the"MarrUl j fail, aa Cbalrinan* o? ,ah«rll|MAl'lAM«U|lo»

i U pills >Ith whloh haw

aniy Joll hat tha repnUtMiiief^belngMt Jail for abamlnaUonand'eoKoptiooy 'ooanty In tie' Doited fltetes • ha»lng the

rultb and IntelllBenpe p( Herrli eoan^y.. Iti aa open deflastw to tbo lefra of tbe Statene Is- liable' to-'lDdlolaeot M v . publEo

w.:Tharslanoeeparatlon f Joffendtre - frosn faardenad yi eriminals,.: noseparation of. theaeiee, and no separation,

fthoie.-DaV: oonfloted.from tboie -whoTP ,boei|\ebnrieUdi -Urf'-Wiijd' Mtno. ot

;he rflsflta of tbis laok oi separation.' Be;b*a eoBpilmented tba ooonomy and wisdom

at htemirlfli ibe •dtnliil'Btratlen.ofitheoancsB^of tlonls oeanif,">sd wenton tobte tbat prison reforni H dentiinled. l aitit thai t» Qndlag It* WP j into tbe l gtiofeTiirj BtAt*. The preesnk jail.dofist and oarniot itFord maj f eblllties at all foritnoilng laboi'froB tbi priwneri pnt lot*; UsoharsoterlHed It us ajpiaoetowWoh

e ttied te gtt oomoaitted,: beoaaid they

* ttetfaasdncr»l power «j l le spake "ot tho moral power of labbi

n the reformation o( . . !. . .itiion diaolpllne, conBlndlag with • plea toreiooo the Manly from dligraeo bv the ntaln*taJciniof tblBJ.IlMapflJtbomosaJB".^ '

Tbeodere.YonngB protwteS esa farmer andt Ui-peyer and dlsiehtod Iron, the epeeohi w r i o u s l y t n a i t . ' f;- • :',-'n'/\'"'•'•;••'•> '•:- > ''•' Wm. E. Oollls, of CtoJtur, gate bu IQUOI

for *»1t]eoiin|;t)*tb\i approprUUDnnt tbhpartionlar t > e , wben beeaaeeof bad cropsand othir rsaSDne tbe. retnrns fwm "farm

growing betTloT., H* d'd'not believe, taerewas • faiiber la the ooanty wbo .wanted tonainUin a tntstooo.' Toe' preiant,'qiatterslonid and sbonia ba badeA»nirbrtable for a

r. jearaand give ibo people^ little re;>oat»Ua tuutloni .:.'"v,*f''S:,-^^ [':.

:iV« 'Hr. Pitoey iaid Hr. Oe'ljes hsd^traok' tbiay note of .the situation: jThtta at* nose In

Horciseoupt/ who want ta^efade their du-tles, yet ha did sot nndcrataad-that tbeyparUoalarly dwlred to te'modtls.: Wblifleoraptltnenttng Dr.' Lawii'h'e »1d he did notbelieve that It waa any of lh>;httaiDus ot tbopnblle to nrdrmorioiniils; and that snobeffort! were ell humbug. Qeivantedtokoow

- u d to pat the qaeitjoa' t)pDr.'Lewls-byrhat anthorily tbe Board of Preebotder*au!d vork thoie oo^mltted; to. Ihe'eoiiotyali.V'By.ao doing yon at onofl wake tip the

labor organisations tu oppoiittto.j.Tie, Statepri«n, wlth'aU IU uFpllaaoBii;i« a dead IOBI,and be went OB to ibow.bow Imppislblowonld be in » eoantr jail-toi wbloh peopliare commKtid generally for only a faw dByi

Ilih any Ucd otUbot anil .aakep»r*~ BegudtnglbeiepcrsUon ortbapriioen, bo wanted to know tow in any womcoi oi

i nndrz 10, we ba>e committed here. BiuotooBvlnoedthttitirMnot praotio*bl<

totahDtbe whole front of 'this balldlng*aidevoteIt.tosneh u»«*. Be'o&araoUrlsed.th<expendltors • for, thewltboatexeiieaor preoedsat, aid showed boithe apartmintaVaoattd by the' Sb rilT conti- "•' librthBdetentlpnotjnrenlleiam

lls w u told by-oBei oi the ICirboldrri tbli moroiBE tbat tfaU was the otUsl plan bt, the Board. .The: prlsonnri arW eomfottable-TlB faetitc '" "and then. Ii plenty oi roomjail, BothatforafBwyeiMlt will aniw«r a1tbe ttqalttment* of la.Wi«a4.iaan,llty. Ithtie tax«, WD are eoif/paying are onlordinary. What under beavena wUl tbe oxtrordfnaryiuil; BB bid not mnah regard fopeople wn« were atfwajB wanting te,apen<

p p j ythat tbe awoont of Il&f ntei Jott, aa statedMr. Barke/waa the w o u t of'tbei flrnt yiof high Ucenees, and not the aaoanti.oeired whw the 'eematy; expenditues w»<

K -w« upend #40,000. thU>«ar

oo\ aaliauad tliat they wonUd it at all. Tha PS0PU 0¥ I0I7B AJ0VJAOTAM0M.inber of wltneaaaa, j illu and d*bto;liunnd iB BO liiIlBiUuiaiailr email tbat

irotlda lor them wnnld not refiulrn onn-baliroom set t t liberty by tbe vaeatloB of tho

BbsrilTa quarters- Bofonoation of prlsonorstbe Idea of working them are both iu>-ilicftbl* baeaBse ol their smell nntnburs

and the *bort time of detention. Tbe point*et Mr. Pltney'a apeeab were froynently ap-p.eaded.

Ur. Lewis; toiaitala bis argameat abonlie reformatiDn of flrimlnali, quol*d aoanitnita from Eogiiili prlaans and tba Elmltarormitory.Ur. tltney dented tbo imputation that betd uld tlie jouDg and imnstare oonld> reformed, oriliatwoikisjc of iirlaaiiDrawu

mprutloble. Ua rof«rred totare tiere, wbicli would not p*y far the keep-

V np of tbe waobiaerj f bealdei, tboy ,it be ooBjnelied lo work before tht-yo*lf ttd. Tie Elwltw. E«fonn»U)rj, i|<iolftd

IJ Pr. Lewl«, la a plao« for tbn Toaag,rbere they are OOD fined a inffiolcnt time for

It Director George II. failika of tbe growing county expenditures,iua Wu. II, Howell Rki Director the »p-

roptiittlom were bat WQ.WQ anil ha tairiobiiiuoMsaor abaUnee of 917,000 ateadoIlbArrcr. TbeyuarthatDr,Jack-was Director tbe appropriations were

>boDt tb* same and there w u ft baJanooor |8,W0. Wbsn [be tpsaker wet SI*tbo appropnatlom one year were only

[50,000 and yet tfaey led an unexpended btl-e. Ue i*U tbe Ux-payris ot BenoverlUd to pretoet Bgalnsc tbo raisins of

H0.0W tbie year in addition to tbe annulipprnpriatlonB,wbloh bare been iBorauod lo02 000. lie thought it would he well to liveithla their nua.ui (ot a lew j a m and aecn*inlale a balance before beginning thla woriBi PMoboldcr liana, ot Wasuluglou, madi

oneremarka explanatory ol the lanroaie efipproprUtlons, but waa BOt ia sympathy with

mw Jail project. He Uionjht tho vsoaitaomt oDuli be arringeA lor pilaovers itittleexfeme. He nctlODd tbat erery report

tba Jill pbjaioiao always deiorlbed tbeealtb of tbe piUoners u good.Ur, Vauoe said tlioy bad tbe high authorityr the Board of Freonoldors tbomioivea tbat

UherllTa reildenoe and vacatingbe rooms be ooaniiiod tbey would bore ample•Jem lor tbo ascuutmodatlon of priioctri.

r tbia Ibey «quired #25,000 »nd«6,000 «d-ional for relltting Ihu J«il. If tbej bm:iOH this (33,000 oat of tht pookule of ti

eople lor Botblog, and oar Jail Ie tba disgracei Is deploted, then wa hare nesa robbed. Usrent ca to ahow bow tbeie apaitmpnta, withItloexpenee, would provideallrtquiromsnUrtheaeiiBratlou of the prisoners Thla Iily * staoB'Of "temporary detention and wenut required to build a Stale prison ara

itormitery. fie offend ihe fo)lo<rloit roe^itlnn, whlor w « rec«tveil wJlhapplaBte:

LVBD, Tbtit we deetu tho approfria-tOtt.OcO tty tbo Board oi b'teebolders,> wDitruotlOD of « now jail, at tbUbe uuwiae and uaoalled hr, addinguarilj to tliB burdens already tbrawo

ion tbe taxpayers ot tho ooaotj, aud weoteet agafnit Ik 'Jr. Lewis sekMt thwe opposed to lbe reso

in to IBBVB the ball with him, and sixilked ont , - - - : - •

Theodore Little, alter ibowing the•e»t eoit tbat bad been gone to In i«mcdolliiB

Uoart fioueeaod Jail, nad qnated Iromtbenrt ut tbeFioeboloora tosn mide tba state-uttliat no addition to the jail would loruiesent be needed. Us bad ttvoi bere

iloro tbo Jail w u buUt aad bad never bearda eugle complaint of alokao'is arising from

Ue thon'analysed tbe'nuubor'of oota-menU, abawiog vk«t oaly lSutaort ware

immlUed during a j w r , aod their are»scme wu only'lire and a hotf dayi; that

had bean only aix wltneiies oommltediUrlng the year, and tbat only one ol theaerag a loinalu. lie then went on with an in-Bie*U»g doHilptloa In detail of the manyOOUB now vsoant, or bat little used, In ttieulldinK, Bbowing a nambsr of comfortable

tmonu that oould be arranged for the'itentlon., and leparallon of .females', end

enilH. A verj large loom hM ,beenoted to tbe exolnBlTe aee ot tbe Vreehol<i,~ woo mtOt only once a nientb, whener loonia might ha*e been tued /or tbatposii aud tbe aew sheriff's nsideooe U ao

jmofltons tbatthere are bsttew nea wbe,n afford ta iaraub It tbroag&out>

•oar Llndilori of Oreen Village, spoke foriarmeri, •bowing tbat tbe; wonlibave

to paj about one-halt of tfaspronoeed "130,1)00tax thli rear, and oiling the large '^aanilty 61larai prodaou ttwonld take lo'iaUe tbq #03,.

that'would be rt9.aliau.ef,ts«a. .Aitar.fnjtbor. remarksj by Mr. Wsa. K.otlla and others ilr. .Vanoe'e solut ion waer'tled by a riiliig > o » , every person in tbe

ptlBg for IE axeepk JCieahdtder Bmka.' jl.ft Waa raeoJved that .a odmuuttae be »p"loioted' by: tho Cbalr'-to nominate to this

tlnga DonbiUtee*of two from eseh town-.•to present theaction, ef this meeting aad

peoptato th*> BoardThs'Ohalr appoiated uaaeb

imlttee J u . P. Sullivan of Horriitown,Johu W. Jaakuu ef Book'awayi 0*0.' B.

&m!th of Hanover, Dr. John B. fitiger, ofHendbsoi, J. fl Paulmler of Chitham andA.F,I4BdileyotPaBaalo. , •

This ,'ooiutnUtee, wt)«<l«tB.tJy

bore bj tbeappolntnlehtof thetolloW'm l t t w e l •" • ,••:' • ••. •'• - •'

Doonton—John U Keoouse, Newton Kltoh-

ChBtham—Oarnot B, Meeker,' Ueory M

Ciwtor—Wm. Ei Collea, Jaa. 0. Tawg'tr,;Uanover-rVm. Wllwu, Wn. K Bates. -Jefferson—Albeit Eiobards, Iloraoe 0b»m.

vAAa;i•.•-•'•;' •'•'•'• -.'• ' . ' • , • - • • - • • ' - - • • ' - '."

Hendham^John JB. Pltnry, E j . Bond. .MontTille—John Norwood, Qatfet Jasouoa.HorrlfrrJobn T. PooW, H. C. i'ituoy.Mk Olive—D, A Hloholaj, UftTid H. Wolto.PasaalG-Oieitr Llndilfy, Mr.'Bon yon.I'<qo*onoo-Jobn F. Post. ^ 'Randolph—Andrew K. Diker, Cbas, Hn c i o a , . . . • , - . . ; . • • • • • * . . • ; ••' ,••.-

Bobkaway-£. D. QalBey, Jona O Dill.Kozfaury—Joslah Uesker. Wmi H. Oreon.vWubiogton-Joba 0.: Wetan, - Wnv. Del-oker.' • * '•• "•'-"• ' " •"' •

MtBHSSTiKo w c r i U U M B TO i a u u rm x r IMDIVIPDUJ.

Ibv. Ur. Cole and wife, of KerlUo, are *ttt Taljor. ,Mr. and Mn. E. V. Lord, of HorrisLowa, »ra

t Alia*tie City.Rev. I.H. PolhenuB and family, olMewark*

w et Oak ItUge,Bor. Pr. Vntei, ot Htwuk, will pass tbo

er at Sparta.Mn. W. U. Piekslaj b u been visiting

i iu New York.Mn. Cbai. Pearae ie rltltiag her pacenta.!r ludMn.J!. F, Oracr.Mr. C A. UnddlDgton baa returned to Dover

HUT. and Uri. if.Vutlloraa will htoato etaoketlsUiwn for lbe Summer.Mn-ErowlCumb*. Ht Freedom, U havingir ryea trraud by a oltr apeolalltLUer. l>r. Igleban aod family, or tfawark,

'III speed the Uunimar iu»r Oak UldgeQea. and llr* Abnor Doobledty have re-

to Uendbani from Wubington, D. aDr. Bmty , cf Suacasaoni, Is sojourning: In

'irglaia. Be will retain »Uu'. 1Mb «1 Jnne.Mr. Win, U. pool and family, formerly 9f•la plaoe, La» returned bore from Wubinj

Rasliier null lira. Jubn B. Bjr»« ectendedleir wedding toar ae far aa Washington,

Obu tt, Drake, Principal of tbi lit. F l e w"" school b u beeo eagiged for another

MM J. N. Fldgcrald and Mm. A. L. Brlooud fitnllv, of Vewerk. haveeomeontto Mt-ebar.Ui» Drake, of UaokettstowB, l iu Veen theurn of MiM Giaee £, Hard, Handolph

Sobuyler D. JaokaeE, of Kewatk, hairented a furauibsd boaae in Uordatowr for;be Somreer.

.'he widow <»( Capt. D. H. Trlmmtt,merly of OioJcattltown, b u reaelred »

ienelo»of«3,ioO.Dr. Ifaiker and Alderoiaii Voote, of llorrii-

»wn, aregolacto Lako Edward, Uuudii, oitrout flihlngexonrsion.fidward Ueribant, of Mt. i'rwdom, h u

a position as book-keeper with the Ioeompany In ttorrUtown.Kev. Oliver Crane, of Alorrfatowii, nturned

a the Umbrla, on Sunday, from a trip to[gypt aad tbe Holy land.John Hunl, formerly of Dorer, bnt nowItk V. Henry liotUshlld 4tCo., atheehold,J., wasintovalastwaeic

ia believed that Blahnu Wlggsr, of tblilooasa, will be appoiott<i to thu vacantirohbliboprlD or Miiwankee.Ulu Katie Aamorm.n, a higbljr tospeeted

fouog lady, died very itiddentlf at Let hnmenear Mendtiam lutFrf day eveolug.

Ur. i\ E. Hauls, lbe JUormtown draggiat,ailait Friday elected fir.t V,coP«.iden(rtho Suts PbarniuouUoal Au»elition.UaUtj HainmoDd, of Boantoo, nad an In.jBtingpapBroa "Local Field Work-'atmeeting of Uo Kutuc County ¥ . V. ti. 0. E,

Jobn Ueld baa reoiod liU Uadiion reaidenoeCbai. W. Nauau, ot licooklyu. Mr. Helddfamlljr will ipend tbe tlumuiBr la S<»t-

lire. UABOsh h.t tbe venerable wife of Hr.itor Pleury, ope o( atorrtitown'a oldest-tanta, died oo Wednesday morning In her

Dengreumu n. F. U»rtloe, of Nevada.iniB visits are always appreciated, epeuta1 daja the latwrpanof Uat-wwk wltb Mr,i. U. Caaterline,

tffedsrlok Dromon, Preililent of the N, Y.naohlog Olub, ipeat Moadny night with a.rty of lrleuda at tlio DIOIIIB, ind nturnedr vny ofDorer on Tu«eit»y, wltb thelroonoh

Hoar.Frank S. Talutor, ot Morrlatcwn, b.m ao-ptad the patltlou a&d entered apon theIUBS of clraughisman for the stetronolitanilpboae and Telegraph Company of New

OK oity.Ur. John W. Cliff, of the Haalson EagU.i i beea appointed Doonly Grand Itsgeut ol

Jtoyal Aroaucu) for this dl.Ulot, tmbrae-: OouoollB at Madlaoo^alorriaMire, Dover,illipiborg and elsewhere,

Cards am oat innoanoiog the »arrisge ofbomas K. Colt, too 61 the late Colonel Colt,: Orange, to Mlu Hand Oallagber, of Hadl-a, in the M. K. Chnroh In thai borough on

'wlnesday etanlog, Jpflolltb. -Col. », i i . Parker, of tbo Ordnuoe Depart-

i(, paid a visit ot impoctlon jeatertay togovernment powder depot, iBreferenoe to

o propoied location tbere of tl

Oae of iWlargeat attee e n r Teeotlon te.tbai' of E, l>. Merritt, Kaq.

htob wllltakff plue at DrakesTltlb. stationj , beglanlog at 10:30 A. M. I

Ml" bo a partlonlarly line opportunity tora flnt-elass Btook as a number of tbgiV aid balle wilt Da effered,

lU h« well worth securing- "by tboetho desire to Imprcre the breed of tbeiv oat-i.- Afjsk lot of bsrau/la' alaoto beofft'the sama time, and adoien vehloieaof allnda-^InelniliagBtage, village cart, pbioton,niage, bofgtes.' spring wagon and. farmigons. Then, In addition to them, thera

ill be a gnat lot oi farming utensils, andItoniehold furnltnre, vaklog a sale tbst isertain .to : afford. bargalna' to" pnroh;Ue».

Bead theadurUutbtat on the lu t page olh paierfor full ,'pattlanlari, and lie ireadlnesi 'to aeonto tonoo'of ths b i i) f l e r e d . ' , ; ' . - , ' ' - \ - . • ' • ' . • ' • . : • _ - .

tai Cats.

yimsclfu together of lato lor tbe esmplet

lestrnoUon ol all the jonng; ehiekaaa la thatocallt\y.~. As a ninlt auoh a general deatrni•ion of ofalcks waa i m r known before In tbi

inanity. All tbe hem are in monrnlnfor nnmbira of tbem lost thelra entire broodand the families of the othere wire fionsldebly deolnatod by tboia feline imitators of

Herod. Tho owners oi tbe poultry ruolyepon meMarea of.retailatien, and began

ihootlag all oaU that f e&tnred within ruga>f their gone, Within a law days thft «naT)f mldnigbt flerenaders on Fiirtiew HUl il r f by eerenteen.:........; •: /•

, HandHmB goda Tenafauiu.: local dnggUte,* Bob«tt KUlgorn

Wm. H. Qooddle, bmve eaeh received » hand-SOBO marble aodB fountain. That of Ur.Killgore has bleelc marble aides and top.ia'front of brown nnrble and Uexlcwn onj:It b saraionnted by a cabinet eontalnlng avery bandabme mirror. S t . Qooflale'a fpun-tain Is ot variegated Tennewea marble, bnlltin the eottage style and fluked with ornimental tewers. . £ ioh Is a handBone additloito tha atoro Uooeoplea, ^ '

: .-" MieeJoys'Olotnlng.' • .Beal Bloe lu quality, trimming and lewinj

and with the rigbt. atyls' about it,' Ton eaialways RBt tbat lortat rierson & Co*s, tbi

sr Clolblera and dsnta*'FuralBben,yoailalwtyi get It of them tor e« UtUe aaoan beBclil. • ' i1 ' :

,. •»• • • —, '. BO Cants

bnj i tn Iron Axle Eipres* Wagon at Beat Co'a Sardwato Btof*. Dorer, If. J.

•'. :••-.. ".-•"• SztrallnsQllt EdgsDft'ry BatUr, In One Ponnd Brlel35cents aponnd at piekeru&'a. '.'

,:/ ; . ; ; ; , i * e « C B m i a i . t \;.10 wnU per yard, or7boentep»rpalr, at

; Bsibire Bton, Dorsr, #. J. . ; . ,


pp a n tberewderdepot, tie). P»k«rD t m d f i d ;

e naralg hlsatay» lDuvf t, made m»ay tiiendaj who tue alwtya

ouedtoioablin.Tbe venerable UeajBtsln W. Button, or H treedou, wbo has boon a life resldeat of thisolnlty, attained lo hie Mm binhday on

iuidaj, when fas was vlelted md coograta-ited by a number of rotatlvu and friends.Ie WBB leit lu a somewhat enleebled sUto by

attack of tbe grippe, not la now leaprov

Mrs. Uatale E. fiioouHeld died at tbe m i -ne* of tor father, Hr. James Branaia,oa

toldatreet,lutTaoidiy,*ged Myears. Baowaa la every aease a aaoei eatiwable W y ,grtetly; beloved by/hsr family ..ad i l > r f ,<"rtW of trlende, Ud her death bring, a deep

t>d abiding sonow. tiou|b teatMrsd andVMtened>y tbe nsmoirles of her goodly Ilia.Tao death Is anBoBueedln BrldgeMrt,imWlaiUfrlday, ©f samnel' 8. -CegUl. sonaaneiriMv V, M. CogUl, of the HoasBlonto

-atom, UewaabatUyeanofagaand bad«n (ailing shoe u attackorths grippe, five

nonthaago.. ABridgepertpaperiayBi "Theronng nan poiaeesed a brlgbuesi of intellectmd panonat UeJU wnleb greatly esdeatadAm W his aoeooutof. I I I W I I of at atodlou

dleposltlon aad ranked foremost aauBg blaolaasmates until felling health eeaipellea hlBretirement from sobool.". Be was ansphew\t Mrs. 0 . B Freeman; ind the family'ormerly lived ia Dover, w U w they b a naany frieode.

•MratalBaBkCashlar,UaSundsy atUrnoon Lewis J.Hann,Cash,

tbe WasblngtonXatlonBlBank,Wtly, eommltted en. aet which waj reaalt

thodoath of his wlie and, la. Us .aoltenalty of halng bar murderer,. Ths haa.

>anil and wife bad quarrelled aver nona trlv-al houHbold matter, when Bana ohokid hlarlfoand the broke B<ray irom bin aaditaited.to inn downstairs. 11* followed andticked her down the stepa. Bha fell end, It

believed,broke her back. Shell In a very•ItloM condition. Her dopMltion h u heeaiken by Joetloa Van D/ke, aad Is In aoeord*

ritb the above statement. The, brutal-hubendlaihe eon of « 4 a d g e Bann, whQwe* formerly owbler ol the stase bank. BaUaaid'to be very pemriou* u d close In

iseboldmatters. ,.... ^ , . '.

ICE COLD SODA?(All Flavors)







and GENTS' FURNISHERS, hare now ontheir counters the largest and most com-plete line of Men's, Boys' and Children'sSpring Suits, comprising all the lateststyles in cut and desirable patterns thatthe market affords. (No store.ia NorthernNew Jersey can show a larger stock orone tbat is better assorted.) Our Hat stockis also complete, which includes the popu-lar Derby and Crush Hats, and all thenovelties in Soft Hats.



" AdrianceBuckeye" Mower

Ohildrea'a Day ua Bevti.Tbo PreibjUnan Bnnday aebool will ftb-irve' Children's Day with "a special anditerestlng aervloe In tbe eharoa on Sunday

noon, at 9il5 o'clock,the Virtt M. K. Ohqrclt t ia puMt vlll ut)

" to tne morning by B«r. 0. H. Doaaa,im Nova Sootla/aiow at Drew Seminary,the afternoon the aebool will have a varied

ad eBteilalnlng program of ViereUw/ anda the evening theie will be brief addresaaa•y tbe'pastor of tbe Swedish H. E. Uhnrob,ly lior. Hr. Doane and by Bor. Ur. Day.

At tbo fioooad H, B. Oburob the pastor willpreach to tbe children lo tbe morning, sad

e ipeolal exercises of tbe school will be heldthe afttrnoen. In tha ovenlng tbenTwlU

be a prtU* aerr ioe , ' . - . , " ' . " ;

; i . - . , : A Party of ratoraaalaas,. ./<.-'.'A bMdsome Bteam' launsh belongtna: to Mr.ibortTlit, the Paienon allk saanaiMtaior,

insted through DOT or last evening, hy wajr>f tbe Morris Canal, en route to Lake Bopatr

<ng, wheie MV. Tilt haa • splendid eottageid boat house, Hon. 0 . A. Bobart, OeL Joe.

IV, Congdon, Ur. £obirt Boppii aad otbezill known; gentlemen aeopmpialad . the

Uunoh ai far aa Dover, where they sniped atJolley'a Dolol and relnrcod to PaUnon byrail. -

ADRIAJNCE PLJLTT & GO, Pougbkeepsle, New T o r i ,' B o m . o t the n u o n i why Ibo F i m u i a prefer titem i '•j+•' •'*:

Tho; ore very simple, contain few parts. Are tho best bracedmi strongest Uavo tiio only perfeot doulle-joinMi FingerUET. Thoy iira tho Lightest Draft. Tliej Imio the longoii • '" 'record. Tholr avenge life ii doable that of others, and


. Solo Agents for Dorer, K. I. SIQIf OF THE PADLOCK.



. A CorsUd Flaoe.Sinoe tha reranaoe U t ie E u to the happ j

crew ol lather* on the Davit Expeeu, it Ulaid that qnite a nombtr of railroad menbaTBBzpnessdadielre to lie traDBferrtdtolerrloe on that lnoky train.: i t U rnnoredlor instanoe, that Condaator iiatee Dercarel,

bola too square a aan to aeek another'spmlUon, l u BBTortbelew expressed a desire

transferred to tbat train should * va-eanoy bappea t? oooar In tbe ftatore.

• • " ; . : • • • • » * '. ; — ' '"•'

A tfemplmtnt from Old Jrimdi. .CaUraot Sow Conpasy. of GaoketUtowD,

aoeowpanlail hy tbe fcnnd oi tltat place. Tia-PoTtrJaiteTsslnE aad tendared a eer-

taade to Dr. and Mt*. B, L.' Cook. TheDoctor, who Is an old w umber of t lo hoe*

pftnj. inTlled tbem fn aad entertainedthem, lrltb. nfresbeafi&U. Tbs baid dla-

inrsBdexeelleat nnilo end thaTlall of tbefiremen fiom HaokBttatown waa Bppnotated.



An Opptrtnnlty Hot to 1» Wifletted.If yon want Io buy blooded oowe or balls,

bor»Bsr torrUges, wefone, haneu , farmatenaUei or honiehoid fnraltBre. do lBtnuM,the groat anetion lale'at the Herritt HoVtlbFarm, mar DrekiiTtite aUtloo, naxt Tues-day, i>t 1D:3O o'olosk. It will be a Stu.VfjfportnnUyfor huiBlns.. Bead the adTertUe-tnaat on tbt, last pig* ol tbli paper.





Th« 8j i iomSt . i l rrino, tbt b«l I« lh»norklt, at « r j low prioe. 8. H. Hurr A

I U f l » B l f U F


Page 4: Airy OXHEB PAFJEK. :i; BARGAIN ROOMtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-06-06.pdfThe Dogtor it t> man ol p DslapublioaH'ilra,* rip e totoUt*al oal-ire d %eotlenan

CoverUHarded lo-«l».v l»j tbeAmcaui o f l '

t i «]™w tin I'lTr-rl-r -ml 'ia»'i'J ol t i e menwlinfiove LliuiraerflD'HBud VITB» Wtbaooun-

to war, tt ey wmr» tud'lj a»akeLea from tbip-irMiita of P"<*«. a-iU W i m * t d i r e , aggrw

t»untj'a participation b* said ;"Thfrs tt-i. a emnurt'* iietltailon M t<

wbalto d c aid »lm •fion't* t » k s the lead lidoing.!. Tim', moBiet.1 *aa t o . long inlayfor tbe a'ifent pa noilmn of many

' b u i wiioaeloipiillpacBbrooicdnodeiay and« « * U.«'«"<l t i i i to rtalnienU which wertrT.rmt4i! lu »lb«r countW, »«d Co, U, ol tin•11 H.J.V. . a»4 Oo. 1, et <Vo SI roatal-eimany UcirlBOoncIv moo. Who ti*»frrgottcitbe Dir-eViPtt at Morrtrt«*u, April 22<1, '"1« b t D «1GUO W M raii'd on tl u apnt I T thi

tuliconui.v, r HOT. Otb» (

Uriiradel W l o baa torguit« Ku.rnj'a Brl-gad* o r - n o c k w ' . Old Guard!" Co. K,the ti. J 7th, wa« lue Otal eompanj composedof Morrl. county mtin e ic iua i i e l j TheyabondJ ttielr UjbUpg namlitie* at Willl:burR where they were live boura underin tbe aioond b.ttla of Hull Kan, at I"utekaburg, Channel! or. rWe, Goltj.burg,Gold U-rbor and maiij o l trr ImportantbaUIui "I Ibe Army ol ibf l'o!

Uaadolpb, lWxbn-j- and 1«Utc«d tj tlio duptha of their bearta, »nJCapt J'rleo wai drilling Ibeboj ioo the greenIstioatttf tlitj Ctnakw weetine; home, Beirand (.••• were n<bUng (or tbe loro or com

reward I'TIIUO would fall m» i° t ''1 or tbBocoeaa.cn ol e»iu>tl tli»V fol«nw**l io laworder, ot tb» w.r ineetiujtt. of tbeeolliitn:'ol lliree wootb. men. ol the tliriUlnfi actaad UcldontB at'eudlog tbo reoru t ug «t tbi11th, H>th, '-!7in, 311 and 8U:b itfKirocnta,tLo p.tba" and itndtrntas with wblcbbadB"OurI3o>a"uoodliy "

Tut orator n u t told eloquently ol tinaervioes renilurol I'.v tbc*o toon, their illtlon nail Irjyalt;, nod of tbe oeselflah l«bonand lolty patriotism of the woman of tbiioonntr. I" cooclualon be inndfl » imPlantperoration to the memory of tboie who Silljeataafto w * » culled "Oar Uoji." l l w a eaipUndid I'ffirt from beginning to end aiW«oDly Kfreithatauava «Ut no. permittopnbllebit entire.

ItbT Win 11 oMl Dittoed, ot Mt. Krecdoifollowed ID a brief bnt elaijuent and pa trio tiladdveftt. in iVao eour** of whleU lift .**ftt»*olo!JHoDarit 1'et.t with a valuableaonrenlroi tbiwar In llie luape of a garel, IBB aa»o ol TihSiwaa Bide from a tr«o oat on Lookout Montain and the haadle [rou i cane cat on tlUltlft field of Oo'iyabnr*1. rnponolndiugbiaddrci* be rrci'ed tba follonlnff origlmpoem.

"BTBKW TIIKH WITH FLOWKHBflaUiir lht» Iliwrr* au«l malii tia |IIBS<

Lit lh»u in iifKois* and br.uty e iKvnt rrmembrrlre (he ?cara are fai t .

Hlice tli«y fi u&bt for tlin right and ID bat-tit thuy fell,

L i t oa rx-i'olioIlia worda of t t e pktriota,l , ( t us 1*11 net tbe Into atory to tell—

Bow tliRt It> TOuroliiPf!, in Bating, «nd dj.nTney gave but one nnavor to tbs re be

" T i n tbe Union forever." " TboBtarspan-gled banner,"

Wai their watch word br day and IIRHIWObj nUbt,

Wbettior wrary fay marching, by light Ing,

'Twaa e*<ir the s a n e : "For God and t

How Mitiful, bow truaiful, bow hopeful ei

Tboaocomraileanf >poui#, »on)f n'riota of aWbtth'r Jaclny ibb (oo U tlie mldit of th.

battle,OraUodliiKHiiilokMi, "Jnatllke a ato

wall."Their IOTOOI life, otbinne. wife and motbi

Ktptthcm not luck In our nntloii'a dnadhour;

Tbty atawerH •oefaerrrnlly, " We're comlFather Alxafaatn.

Wt' i t com!rig, we're coming, a bnnditbooiand tnore."

Oot ntllon acc«pt(d tue llffa wtioh the;offerfd

And vow In tbla lcento" Tbpy wem brate, tt uj were Into, jea IOJI

and (tUUful,Their Tirtnee we'il Uod far np to tbe akie

Ho bring na Ibe gulandf, bedew them w

And t&rt a ftidjcr Io \\ fi Hn'n* (>s liigli,TLat Iheta wlioi* gr»v*a yon ihui atrew w

Uay U crowned aa "11 rave J l t w a " la th<aweet by-and b j .

Tray tbat lbs blood tbty abed on I tie 11t r j 1 . altar.

To earo tbla nation and re to a" a rarr,May atone In rang meaiora ior tdelr al

their foiblei,Asd ibat tbe 8a»IOHT'B blooJ mar (ITace tbi

laat trace.Bo let ua ettma near with our grateful oblatlor

Aid arotnUa ttirlr com'adti, tlieir frlendiaad thalr Joaa.

Tbat we'll ater krei> treah In the mlndaoar cblldtea,

Thcli worda and t ie l t df caaaa well aa tinw w a ;

And that abeulil onr nation tVr cil l ua

Ws'tt to a'a naltk.7 moj t U i i i u l l j Mlb>-That I l i lo i or dying, at borne or In batl'o.

We'll iliout for our couoWy and lUj—JItor aye.

Tbe ez«>ni«H were brought U a coaolm'<witb tba benediction, pmoounccd )>r U«Wm. Day.

Wbentheae latoreatlno; »erTlc» v o t c c ittludud all theorganUiUoDB paritolpatlDs;tbe lerncee proceeded to UeDavft Qawbttetbe ladl t i ol tbe IlaUef Dorpa bad piTided a eompllmeBlnry dinner lor tbe rate*ana, tt. ninth tbam alUr tho patriotic Ubonof tba day. Tbla wai a new feature Is oon>nwUon with Ibe obaerranot of kleaoriatDay In Dover, but It prortd n moat pieawnt• i d incoeiifat OTcnt in arerr parllonlar.raaponas to an appeal tarn tbe tadli>a tlelttttat bad aeot In a wondroaa abnodaeceedlblea.uiidtlietbrre«reattableawbiohwei••read protanted a beaullfa) appearance.

There ware meaU and Oih of all klodiabandanoe, bread, biacnila aad aandwiahibaked baana and rctlabni, t«a and cutTu,plea. cakm,pnddlBga and frnlta. Tbeladlcewho wrrod tba tab.lta wore a u b u of thenatfooil cobra and eapa lormed of natl< _fl«H. UUfat imated that folly t b « e bun-dred partook or the *<*>d !».!-=i ta bounUfulloj iwrl i td b j \ht palitatlt yecpla ot Soand when tbera ware a» soro to bo fad tbereyetienm!n»4» CDBaiaerabl* qmaiity iblw, which w u dlatribnted amooff tbilaMilie*of wortnypeopte. Tbevelerana ....lend la their pralata of the eonplimaat paidthem, and were ol the opinion that tbe dayw*» one of the saoat plaaaaat and profitablentmorial oeeaalom we b»re a « r had.

The Vint SUp.Porhapa ytaaiernt . down, wm't cat, o»i,'t

•leep, can't llitnk, oan't do nijtbing to jonr,u,M»tut on, ttwl jon wonder * ,n t aiU yoo.Van •hoold heed the warning, you are Uklngthe firatttep into Herront Proitntloa. Tooneed a Noire Tonlo and in Klccttla Bitlera youwill flnii Ibe oiMt rsmfOy for reitoring yoornertona fyiiem to Itt nornial, health? condi-tloti. SnrpniinK romlli follow Iho n»o at tbiiRreat Nerve Tonie and Utoratite. Yonrappo-tite relnrna. good digeallon ia tcitorod, anitbe LIrcr and Btdnoya rciaine totllhyaotloo.TrrabolUe. Prica 50o. kt Hobort KitlRore'iDng Blorr. Dorer, and P. N. JCDUDI' DrogBlore, Cheater, H.J.

BttddraOeaUiHeart diieuo Ji developed, br tsodeta oi'

Illation, tod It Increaitng to u akimiog eitent. Lot him who wipfol i the eiiittuco •tbla oan«e of ind Jen dtatb tike Dr. FtlntBtmedy *nd let a,tl petwnt nad t l , trealtion "Heart DlacaM." At til Drofrgliti; or willta wat on vplic»lton by Utok Dmg Co., H,

j I . JTor u l e at Uobett Kjllgore'i Corner DragStore, DOTH.

Fotud ta Leaf a Ham*.Over CO people wero forced to kava tbel

liOKiti yeitt'idaT to call m\ their flrrggliV'i fora ms trim package of Une'a Family Pedl-elne. If -yon blood ti bid, yaor liver andkldDajBont of order. If you are oomUpiladanrt liavo W-hobe and an nnaigbUy com-plexion, don't fill to call on any dnnciday for a Irej timplo of tbla grind nttodj ,Tbelaoloipnlf t l t . £rerronalikMlt.alia pukage SO tec(a-

Wka. Babyvaa afafc,« ( m t emm aha w a CUM, aha oUad ftr Oatea\

UMM b | t n t & T U t l i « Cuta.^ 4 t l X X •

report of the Gounty Collectorfor the Quarter Ending May12th, 1890.

OO, Uli(iEllT8>t.b. 11. Ti balanco.

W. B. Suiiili, Ooilwlor,Qto. E. B<]Qlre, "O«o. A. Drake. ••

114 305 73GOOOO

1.000 00600 0070000

60,771 00

7 87John H, M. Derrr, old

torlal inld,»H. H- Iteoii, old tnatertal aold,£ . O< CbaptikT], State Bui>*t, 0,752 fitJohn Moriii, Golloctor, 691 HD. U . Duflie.Tr. Pour Hont*, 18S 79D.U.DuBlo, •' •• " 8885I. W. Cor*, Bbt tiff, adracee, 500 00Quo. E . a'lioire. Coil'otor, 6001»Wm.H.Binilb, •' * BfOOOB , B HarricQn " 1JO000D M. Duffle, T i w a r e r .Tbofl. Starker, old mat. told,Jkmoa AnlboDj, DoHfiolor, ?B3 IBD . M. UnllKTrtutirer, ST 89E. u . U a i t . O o n u y dlerK,K A. Uiokor, nlil mat aoL, . . .I W, Cory.UhtrHT.flno-.coaU, l.SM 81

» » •• Pro>o. focH, 82DWWm. Gill, old material fold. 9 SB

KW 63*70

CAUDT E0D6a*HP*Mt.'ob. 13. I . W. Oarr Rberlff, $18125

Boot. i. PttUUpa. tt R5OeorKoE- VnorhteH. 1303Horrnlonu E. L. H.

_. . lwVsfcn>lPrlnti«B, 2MWBlato Sclicwl T a t ' C7JJ^H1flap'. Count T nchoiilii, 314 UQ

Pobr IIi>uei*, '"132 jSSlliildfca'B Home, " aim

oHcraandOflljtrB. 88170ElnotioDH. n . f e ? nlonuti- Bridsos, Q'WJf u

inacy, i.UOW

G«o. W.Smltli,Ttioc Moikell.fi. fl. Atno,

Kay Bro*.,

I."w. Oory?BheriiF,Mar. a Janiti D^HRI.B,


\ Uurna."''


a ooSI 00

Will In II. Unit on,Morrliluwn a L Oo.I. ff. Cory,

Hay la Trmpllna41Volili,

801 5 0

ia 3uM43

3fldfO17 351G0OIB 05Uaitin Vaoilprhoof,

UorrlaLnwn E. L. H.A P. Co.. 33 81

AlDiifBlownf], L.Co., >BT1Mntri* AnawloctDO., 1005! • * . Gory, tariff, - - ". tt. vary,**B.B. DillI, w Oiry,I f f . Cory,

Pel*. 12. WillintiiOoRhlan,I. M.Maltox,Draco k liannoll,

Feb. 13. I. V. Cory, Bherlff,


*1.881 4!



1218 48ltUOO150 00

O.A.Unlr,E. B, Molt, Clerk,Q tin lea l^ lahl , ,Edward Tattle,Wm. Voorlieoi,

Joha tf. lUbbltt,

ia. JMv" doe, ' *'Jo li" Cli«pmiD,h. H. Loreo,E. II. Tntllo,B. L.Wlli(aran(*Wlla)E. E. Wii Hani,E. fi, Molt,Wm. ff, B°en,W. ff. Culler,1. A. C\m,0. B, a»B«,B. I'. Byt*m.Wm,Voorli(H3i,

Habfon Iliie'r.Um«u Hut ,1. w, Corr,I. W, Cor;,I. W. Oorr,V. B. CUrlt,I , W.BabbUi ,

• J. W. FatitUer,Wm. MoLsan,

Apr. 19. Francis Clilldf,

May 12.[i E . PletlOD.f. W, Oory, SlierliT,

I. W Cory, "I. W. Cory, "I. W, Ooi», "I. W, OO(T! "J. W, Dot,

C8 60118t10 DO84 007100

875 00S3 S349 S3WOOGO 6050 00BBBO60 00

76097 8043 00

C34OO1G35S 7 M

6 8J


IS 45

gia» ooaif)4MOT

»aoas oa

»5tHCHMUTTALt.Feb. 13 W. n.Eu»loe,> * 8 7(1Apr. 13. M. B^.Onmmlnifi, IS 00

awnojtiaj,.Fob. 12. E A.,Yeflhto,

ASTCBTKtHO AND JBIHXIHO,F«b, 12. Vopt Brot. m o oliar. 13. Joilini Drown, GO CO

Birfou AOIIft, 20 30P. L. Oarnimn. 31 7-1Honircoll 4 TIHyor, 43 01

Apr. 13. Co*or PriMluR Q>., SO 76

Feb. 13. R-BrfDPe. OoK (10,373 07H.L Dacltim.Ool. ROM SiJea. An'hnnj, » fl.-WHt

Wm. .....

H , L Ooolt,11 * " 3 701MO. A. DrakP, " 9,fHHtOOWm If. Rmllli, " 9OIB37J H. Mil Wire, " 1.7Jfl(19

lir 13. Deo. E. Qreoi«, " 8,83841167,523

IOP'T O/>UKTT ICH0QL8.. 'b. 19. VI. IT. RlrlianiiinD, tAOflMir.II W.r,. R.Hitet), 700

O. P. Hot-rill. flOOB. 0. MeRlC, fnpt, 820 00

o o o o n m iso roir XOBTZMR.Feb.ia a, k.n*v\n, « «nn

J H (TRnllcr.Jnlio B Rtlocr.llocr.

n. IkaL



GOO10 00SUS1000ft 00(lift

Wm. A. XmnaL. -Jamoa O. Haun,KIrn»r Klna;,a A. looter,

Mir. 19. J. a. Heian,

a . A. Becker,J . Bord IUsk,

&pr. 12. John Cook,

Te\ 13, J*nwa a»rdn«r, *» 01n.ViaKosl«ndiCo. S3G6L. M. Lorer, 81 00K-igar IJiiBt, 34 00ObarloaB.Norrif, 18 83A. A.Eimbatl, 98 MHanA.UUtn, 1900O J I H F . Miller, GIOOJamei O. Tattle, 38 68

Bfar .13 .1 . U.Irtree , 3800J i n n i Oarrtnor, SO 74TlrannftOoi 1800J H. Diokenno 4 Co., S3 30S3 30

H9I83 3039 00m«son

at eouasSI 00S6 7Btoo

13 CO80 34658383 28MOO1300M M8109

400IS 001300aa w8Q0O28 OO3310

1501 nSUI3B7B SO

>. 13, tt. HoaRiind, Oo, OOV (SO 00JohnH.U.Borry, 68MVia. QiU. 6308D. M. Dafflo. 83 M

r. 11 U. noaglaad, Oo. Ool, 7S 00

( 9 00CMenflOQ6(0

M10 U970a oo

BitODOlIL•Junei Gardner,

Uay 13. Gso. A. Oammlni,v . n.8»Ttt.Btmnei M.Bo.ton,1L K. BhsbudJ,Btmnel Pe«r,A. A.KImball,Thomia Kineaid.

onuiaxM'i BO;•b.11 E . D . l ivlwj, Tr.

,pr. 13. " " "

XLEonoil.' e b . U J.n.Polbcmof.

O. V. Striker,K. IV- Kimbill,Wm.N. ru.ii ,O. B.Kithell ,

[ar.12, JohnCnl'en,•J. Il.Hnff.JonnA.rarrell,Hotel B.Fidjter,Uonoe Poll*,John OonkUng,Willh H. Pntwo,wm. H. Benediet,John A.BaldtilD,


i r . 12. Geo. D, I l c e k w ,


H ,130 03


L. II. UitowK.M.D,,)S8 West J c n o r S t - >

,K.J.,JanB 38tti, 1B89.JI b H f

Hod of tUrlRRi' Ec*dacho TrooLoi. Tlio e m e rmiiro beadiobei, c p c c U ]r BUDII *a iffoot HenOUB ^omfiD, tliao aujHilcgl »m acqualolewith, and if tbla ofrliQcato mil be Ills meatof hrlontOK tt to tUo (uotLble attoattoa•uffercra frem that trouble, 1 nUail foel thtli*vo dons tbem a iBrvlco, L. It. Cn9*H,

PRICE, 25 CENTS.yon .M.v nv


Sussex Street Bakery, Dover,




ana the

Gluten Hsalth Bread.

Onlora for Cain, CoQlcctionorjr. oto.. IDUpilci and delivered ul short notioo. We re-apootrnllv •ollcit * trial a t t t o Uaadcof thepeople) of Du>or, «nd irill do onr Qlninit t ouitpl; t l imi to tuslr complete iMiflfectloa




- A K P —


S U S S E X STHEET, D O V E n , XT. J .

In atookedwUn tho best or ercrything ID tb(«

tnd Mldit llilng price*. Gilljtjia e u a -

Ine my flock and prices. All Roods dellrered

any ps.rt of the torn at abort cotleo.


New Jersoy Business COIIBQU,7UaVfUBBOAI> Sr.. SKWARK,

b u opened witb increaiea nnmlwri, ihowingthe popular rarolot In referaooe to tbo abano-

'of iLoOoIlogo, ' 'rouog peraona aeeklDBaPrtetlcalBoslnilooatron iboold a n i l ihamanlTea of the op.rtnnlty preaentMl, and Httar Ike Oolle£B at

baoe. befort e v e n anliabie Mat 11 oeonnied.Oonna id DnilOQu Btndios, ghortiuid.Tjp*

«rlUK|r.a«rman tod OrawiDfc,flntpitmiami for Frofni loi i i . anfl Bloden^

. imanibip, P«n Drawing andBtndenlw Book-koeplog. Tbe oafj Ootlecet*VifteBoif oalfior tbe flnMt eatalogne «



OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Cirpeater and Builder,




l i l KOMPHKSSOKH, ot high-

BJVGINE6, duplex

und ecoiiouiical*

PU>1P8« douDle oretnete.

Once a Luxury,

Now a Necessity

aiMand imall.

H»TJ anil Lff>ht OasllDRa la Iron. B r u s ,nd PLoipbor BrotiKe, forfiiDRfl of erory dc

icriptlun; OOILEBS. UOMEDDIU, tabular andrfKbt.

Tlie Equipment of IronMines a specialty.






ifiaQturcd bv 1'icreo. Bntlflr .V Pierce Man-




Insurance and RealEstate Business

t tho 0 U > AND BBL1AULE AGENCY, enwill also luolmic

Civil and Mining Enginoorlng,

urroylng and mapping, Tbo banilling of allindt or properly, iiegottaUon of loaui andilloctioDS ot ienl«,

OFFI0E—National Union Bank Unilding,4. T. B u m . tino. E. JiRKiiti



/"1ONTAINB I. g i e i t cr namlict of ilptitab\ j fcuttue* tbau any other healer made.

SO C I A L L Y tlPulgnRd for w«rmiDK prlf i terfiidcuoea lu oily or coantry, liotela. club


fend for olrei i lau. Rallmatr^ fr.o. lloaullKn«tM>tced. Urf i ea tBtwin H c U t r l inilnefdlu tlio B U i e . Correapuudence ID lint ted.


Qeueral Agent for Centnl and Karthorn MewJoriwy. .

G E R M A N V A L L E Y , K. J .T 3 E 0 . HAUOHB1011T, Sa.,

BEN. P. CBANEboKi l e a n to an-DOODCO t o l h e m t i i yreaderi of tha IBUBEa« that Lo c»iIlium r i A K O SDBpANB ar tbi


Batoy, RUrllcR tad Clilongo OottiRo OrRta*.Aa these Rsotfi arc well knoan all over tlioworld il]ci need no ootnrnont .

Peler'ii tailtog ot Olsmloil Undo, MottoQooki and Blieet Muaio at libdial cll«eoiiola.

WciU to me for c lwolna *nd «et a RoodUnon Itpa mntonra and beautiful oardi free.

Store at Wm. A. Jaektton'a lUauurantDtaekvall atnet, Dover, N. J.

ilEN. P. 01UNE,, Defer, N. I.

l o i BB '. Newton, K. J.( 0 1 5 )



Headquarters at Paterson,





A uofcr unequated for brilliancyand pirily.

The famous waters of SaratogaandtheApoUinarrieoutdmeforbartable or carbonating purposes. Pronouncedby physicians to contain greatmedical properties for kidney troMtand general debility.

We shall add to our many &mn<of the most celebrated Lagers in ttmarket (he Rochester Bohemian Stthis season, a car load being on throad now for Dover which tviU tornbe ready, for sampling. We don'tdance " second fiddle" to any one, butare found the quality of ourshall make them tale the lead.

Watchmaker and Jeweler,Blackwell Street,


Headquarter* 'or DiamoueG..IJ and Sllrcr H'alcliti,

Click., Jcweby,


• .' OPTICAL GOOD?,Alto Mall Un" or Art IV.

liefl, Oari liad .Ivory, Boyai

mMiI ^Qoaiplrle. aMorfuienever offered.in Daver. Pr/eeion all goods low. " • :

B E P H B t k t t OP Tmt WATUBES k S P E -' OIALTT. W i t d w . »JJ on In.t.ilntntfc

GENERAL BEVISIONIKotwitbstaading our piionn are nlwajB found as low as ilio lowetl

yet we propose to mako a GENKIUI. 8lAlfaaiss,i]i;prioes thronglioaloar entire atook Macy groat bargains will be fqnna, snoh os perhap:were nBTer heaid of in Dover before. We give no fignre» here, but «visit to onr store^will convinoe any ono tbe wftj bur goods are markecthat we aie surpassed by none. Do not be surprised at oar lowprices. We moan bttri-acsa and we aLall sell goods at romirkably lowprices. : - .. -;.;;::,,. ,.








Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &cBRACKET AND SCROLL SAWING DONE TO ORDER.

CUAL. » 0 0 D AND BDILDlNPr MATERIALeJwaja oa band. IICTIOC; late ly «w«t*a % larg* Coal Trt*«» wi th C O T S U D POO.UET

and a .eapte l trefo i ie l .nDdn'daara , we e a s a a p p l 7 . a u e w t o m e i a with . - - ; , -

«DRT AKD SCREENED COAX,ar*l»a daatiHnc to ianl tkab m torn' » B fca»e It a e r f U f d u d l e i t t d •Itfcait


Bgoki,Jas. S.

1 Stajloiiery.Newsp»por»

-and Cigars.'

Next to Eowden's Meat Market. Sussex S t , Dorer.

Blank Booka. BUUonarj' In til itrlM u d priow, Lav Bknki of t l l U n i j FoeketM M I . 4 c Ek&J<Mi Baojo String!, BritlgMi'StTsand ill i tptb* for tbo banjo; Qnltan.nltar Siringt, Brldsos. fuiiVfrU patia for Uia gnitir.. TIBUIV ptrifffiii Bowfi Ecjji. IU

4 M M , Aa. - Writing P»pets Ia nndlwt ttrlotr, Ttsau'- PtSntiSs,' £miBt*hi Tens of allklnda.' Eaior^IlarcirfitxoTALitlttiBrniha^-POiAet'KiiitM^a^ U» cde-bratad Tory numEBatan, Babb«r Sbunpa any kind you «vtt*tthJalavMitiflai«. Kt ~

-~ - — r. MMraoh»mr,PJr«aar*o]altj. 1 kaap tho oholo«t brand.

AH tha DilIyrE»enlng, W«eHy;Honthly/aiiilSuiiifay Papers


ego Exprcka* O:Vt

-jblnatOD Hpl • UMVoflalo EipruBa" 8.25

^•ton U x p r c i t 8:15SctanUic Ex .* .11:17JoverAooom. 11:2b

r.H.'over kacQta. 13:46

ilraBc* 1;3Pitou Mail a-.iirofTD E i p r c i f i;H

'ketutowu 8pl.» 6;Mlover .*---

iuton Aooorn. 81 (0Hllkfixpnaa* 10.08

Via. JJoonton Branob.

NOI. 710. TIT. HO BItDAD St ,oir vniincctcil « i l l l Itio BPptr floor* ot

KOI. 707, 7(10, 711 niicl 713 Or»»d Bt.

Witli «iia RHit inemM otrnoffl *a bwe1 adu inma JpcliJod Important chaDffCa wnlcba want all or our i»troui to know ot and '#•

ice. JkuWuu >re dt!«iro to cull vaiieoiat altolion to our new dtuirtmotita of

Oil Cloths, liinoleums,

,& qanlo ,o-i)ar a fvtr dam pie hi.Tfio«f tvuat a groat uavlnf; uau be rtiling pucoliasa* »t our «*ltbLt.bmai


21c , 30o., 6Oo. anil Mo.; worth from 10J, to OOoa yard. Uoamlra* amf Jolutleai Mdlltifie »1aso.] Korib iOa. a j*rd,Ooco* M I U 1 D R S 1 7 yd. tvlilo at Bio. yd.;

Napier Willing* 1 jd. WUB at DID.: worth iSo.aoeoiMUi at 85a.; wortU 13c

Hwjfnx l logi 10(33 (ncbPf at aOa.Bmvrna Bugs 211x01 iuolioa at S1S8;

LKrmu C.rpot Pqnarca wUti lioaraere:l-yBjOB-.tafiiiiWDMblS.

Vanstlaii Blair turret i vO. wfjii at )5i

Baa BITOCinwiSworpjriat 11.08; wortti $2.50OIL OLOma 4.ND UHOLE


.ji3.-lji1,«ldB(>tlOlorbin»\jlff>»riely.4Bo. yd 1 jtia. «Ua His p*t|ornoil Oil

Cloth wordi rd.67o.jti.~a jil i . w'deLiaoleniu, Uteitoirpet

i lUrui, irortli 11.95.t l .P8vd . - l jdd. wids oitrilieLr/L'noleaorlti(3^0

SCREENS, KEt^WQS, Set,25a. for w!ro nindow garoam adjmtable

It .Wfonriretlwrall isoiEplolo, iloor fraInjt at>7c,

lDo for H<ii'7()iv«rpna fraaio'.aj . Hiuiro loot ror windtir a ri«a wlro,B9i3. i«i 8 jO. pie e ol wovqnlic noUlDg;

nAllilOCSa, TilUNKI, Ao.Wo, for cood isllor lledh'minnckf.U.S5 Tor full nfto fifexican hatuniooki.t l OSfGrltdlc* and ucnU1 trm-llmg Unnl

ompokillon wfili cuinparlmcnti.laD^furziDoBiiati'BafiulslilinDli.worthli(3 89. I* 03 lor UTRQ tint ducli apd leatlie

-Dvcred fltt ton or Tull Buatoga Itarrol tfljttunkl, mtiitb *J to «Q.




LS.PIiAUT&Oa707 to 719 BKOAD St,,

NUWAItK, N J.\jff~ MAll. OSDEBS r i l X U l .

S3&$2SHOESu»!S(.1 - « I . 7 B t l l lOB F O I t MIS8EB,



OR. EDWARD'S COUGH SYRUPthe moat aooMufol me-Uotns in a n for'CoWiOonguf. Boaiacne>a, Aatbmai lpllaeDBt"Bronobftli, Whooping Cough, Croup, and all

"H»TIEJJ n u d Dr. Edwird'a^Ctmjtb 3rrraj tatnllf, I find « w B —••- • - • ' -

tUiddibeifOdit la rfoomtno, J. F.el.nxhnjiBD, fiiiluo,.>*1 can ctieerlnllT anile In

r.Edwwdi1 Tir, Wild Oberrj. ud'Btaplta.mgh Ssrop, aa t a t f fwtm wmeaj tor pal .

_ o n a t j aiaeaaei. baring uied tt ID my fimltj,- P e r , J « n « A. E . Ooraett, Niw Bilttmon*,

^ Tba SEe. a i» enlarcod Bo'per « n t . V

A'or. Sussex and Black well Sis.

atUlmaJntaiaa hltt*puUtloii &tii*pr»i Cald



^llsbury's Be8t,Vlqlaand

Most Beautiful Brands!


o'doorB weit or tbg Po»t omoe, Dortt.H I.,ilmmlionel/Air&libeiriiid fltlodup,«na tlo w t p I s o a v l i o r e t o t t t t t U


>TJiu.noni . ' . - i.''"

. Confecttonory,

( M r . and all HaeaDabla flellctolw, "



(Honnia AND jrB3FxiivJ8iOH.)lot ID Kew York, root nfjlj i iclay S t . ami

ftwt uf CLrtflLoplicrHt.B D a H E I t ARItANGEStEKXS.

ummaaoluK U0N1WY, 11 i.1' lUlli, 1800.


ja roLUinn'.EAtTIIOUND 1. U. .VX.TB3ttNO A.

6:36 I

IniTtloEio.H -kitlat'ii 8pMD o w ExpreM


10:IBlOlBH kitlatii 8pM lOilB

D o w ExpreM 11:10

Slrafra E i p r e u - a r t MSaatoB E i p r e B i 5;299ontiitun nix.* 0iB9OoieiExpieaa t.nT%ettd town Eip.7^19Wait). IIUBalat a 00


Duver. Moirlitown.B;65A M. 7J-

IlLift1:16 p. K.fl:10 ••DM •'Ilittt "

0:OS A, M. 0:81 A.8:58 •• 0:99 '

10:88 •• Jilia11 d3 «« liS5r.

1:36 P.M. 9:001:57 " 5» 'S:H » C:3.oao •• 7:«i1:81) » 8:t»8:1(1 " 10:10

LKiVfi NEW VOUK FOll DOVER.4-1 4;10. 7i53*, 7:», fi:C0», y:10, U-SO, lOilO,, M.; 13:00 «. , 1:00*, 3;3D, i:10'. .4:80, 6:10,fit). 7:00*. 8;0O\ 8^0 am) 8:0t»i-. u .•VI*. BooDton Branab,

CHESTER BRANCH.Wutaard. BtatUmi. Btetunni

?.M. F.K. " A.M. P.M.10:32 8:05 C:17 CLeater 7:35 13:00 4:1010:22 2:57 0:00 llorton 7:33 13:011 4;9010:12 2:63 6:04 lronla 7:37 12:13 4:310:02 3:47 5:53 SUOCJUUDO* 7:13 1S:18 4:4•J;W 343 fi;GS UoUalaivlUe 7rl5 13:23 4:5(3:40 3:85 6:17 1'ort Oram 7^3 12:30 6:10j;35 a:SO C:42 Do?oc 8;(N W.S6 ~ 'Ttia. HuketUloira Eiprem atopi at Port

Oratn eoiog £aal at 7:38 A. V.; fiOlng Wflat7:2(3 P. 11.

Eailroid of Hew Jaraey.

Cisco Ubttfor piMengei t ia ini . to taioeffoe

m m s a u HTaTtoxiii HEW TOBE, root of Libert j St., North rlrei.LEAVE.

lith AOhnntnot" S.I I? 620 It.SOfl60 P.1&

4.03 f:0y SE8U.1O ' 1.81-

( . . . fl.80 B.81 8.09BoondBrook.. . . . 7.3d HUM «.83 ,— ' * " 1 8.05 1D.I0 B.H (

„ . , . . . . B.25 11.00Uonat&ValleT... S.E21U7NlURhrlgbl 8.89 11.11Bllttet 8.4'Jll.lfiF landor i . . . . : . . . . BAH 11.16Oarr'a ;...;. 8.18 11.32


fl.it'S D.I


_ ?.©iKiuEenrll 8.H 11.80 1,10 7.0C U 0tTop&taonR Jnaa.. 11.85 LU 7.18 10.Port Ortm 9.C3 11.88 4.3S 9.17Itorer 0.1D 11.48 4.80 7,91aoflkaw*7..Arrt»e D.17 11.60 4.93 7.39

jnnVaUoy....X. 7.80flJ611;104.15 B.ObMterFornaoe M l 8.4511^0 iM S.(Obester 7.47tMUJUMO 7J

fiDHDA» OKLr—QBrman Vallay <J:4S r. 1Oheiter Pornaoe. CJSS p. K,| Cheater 7iMp.


Booluwar. . . . . . .Do«rPorlOratnHopatoong Jnno,K«TU...f.Orakwtll „Oary'aFlaQderiBartloy . . . . . . . .

Kiddle Vallar...7arnoyOaUfon , _.ntB!iBrl3Relrri»6 7 6aBonna Brook... . BBSBUaabetb........ E67tfcmuk - «*«TrenUn


,. fi>85 U S S.23 5.45. S.43 1.40 B.B0B.r4. 0.47 1,46 8,85 5,68

... 0D1 ICO. 603.. ftOO 1.S7 HG6 09

. . C68 3 48 0 13. . 7 04 S CO fl 17. . . 7 0 8 EC0fl,S3. . .7 .19 101818

.. 710 tCfiflW

... 7 34 . 1 1 6 45. 7 81 4 Ifl 6 M

7S8 11=17 0-

*£B7.IBg7esosis^s:t*2«H (a

Bl lnuaf lreen . . . . 9(W T.S01014S4tl>&Obeatuo.ati 7 37- York 1.90 t i l l B9& 0

Ob0iter... . . . lMaro7OJt 810 10'B | H 6Oheaterrnraaon 710 8IH0JS1 Sfil «Qem.DTal l«r . .Ar 7 80 §C6 II 03 4 M fl •

„ DWAia Om,T—Cheater flIO r. * i Oheii?ornaee 1 )6 7. kt., Qcrman Valley l l f i ,

. Tralna loe>TA Dav«r forMinnUMik aiAHopatMiK 6.4J, A M j UD, and 7 (X) Pt'or«llBt»tlODitoOEdeDate.*3i x ;1 .Or

Con«ijano«a can be in-oonred at 0*rmValier to and A o n Hchnolitr'a JlonnUln tVlandoralo and from Bc^d5 . Lake.

Train leavinR Roekawar at S.]))i> u <fiteta lo t LcBg Branch, Owan Qrovf, A

KABTON CONSECTIOir-Contuotiani«d« at Higb Bridjre to and fans Eari

^•if^iirarB roa THE

Duplex AutomaticHeaters,

iplH Stvauii and Dot Water Coaler*. TLoj_ a made o i wTDncbt bo^ltr Iron, b»To 00pper fl(Wai'»nd elafm anperior.tr in tbo folowlnKpolnUt^GrMteoonomrrn faell f l u

plloltj of < unatrtsptlon I No tinaceeaa.bl«" ital fiolonjEflnea or heating anrfa«edlf

All Undi "cf PlnmblnR. R^n6rB t c j S t t M 1Iron WDrknttiraotpr; oi«ont«L In it™*

RtUevta U w V j Blvra tfakt prepoiala trillbo ireeired for lh» bnildfnfr of a bridge atIEGNU..N. J . , n w t D. t . Brianl**. Tbo

l •• l f Ilit lii- for Ibe M a u n Work ot tbaabutment wall* m d tbe Qredln/r or "tie *r>proubca , i l i o tlio Wood Work 0 0 i i i d bridEai

Ptana and aneelflGAU jna'nav bo aocn l y ap .pftfng to Prceboldar Ocp. r i e r w a li ~ : '

Tbo propaul i mil be reooifed at thi

MONDAY,:Iio OommUtoe t w

J c r t l l b.ilft , . . / . ' .

Oth;Vb.it i l g b V i o Tf]

. V T I C O I U . ,

•••i-' VreelioWoii1

Girl Winteddo g e e oral bODaowotk..'

lnqnJr*'of .*- .






Se«tU and Fertlllxen,


Assn HOT Konit uA the jo iningOoontiM of :


emu Harrow, Wbeel XnlUnUm, 111;ter *. Wool • Mowers RMten andBloderej Home Bum,-laurlou «•]TeJdert, l e w anil TrMil Hme P«w

• » * > . • . • . " . . .





Fire, Lightning or Tornadoes.

In protesting joar bomiie ai buajnou n oAmerioau OBVIWl u d home entorpHa.. :

Block Inaund agaiwt llgblaliig unjirbere,id agalDat fire I D toy privete barmi otabln in Hev Jpiwy. :

8PE0IAI*.—All rPBtdetioe. inroredYnn get & FnoTQOKlFH D!


QnotfPi PoBTBim. T o n U D

Mason and Himlln Organs,KE4L ESTATE AQESOV.

Orders by mall will r«Ml»e wttllerf aUmUonl:

A B 1SB UoouiriT N 7

EoltUpma.a»a ako eiinsr tb Iruk S H .lot, >Dd ran. from Ihnui (IIalum, . i l l p ' X

rMttoaoori iMrlD tfaei . .



In Chancery of New Jersey.To JaniBlAtifttiatinaLoitiBt jtnd Mirill* Loriir.

i Y vlrtno of » order of tt* O«\iii ol Ohm-r oery ot New Jeraey^ made pa lbs dar of

tho Jato Leroof, In a M D M whorttu PredetlokH.Beacb, Trtutea or « iUto or Harriet HofT,d e c « « a , i ( coinpfainaat.'ud yonandotbartir« deteadtnU, yon v e lequtrri \o tppeir,pleid, annrer op detnnt, to tue bill oti*J1complaioanta", on or before the ninth daj oJo)/ next,' or tho Bajd bill wlil be tikeo aiwprniew ajTtinrt jnc*•' ''~: • ••'••;•••: Th6 «aid •till l» ahd W o'iUU, . \kwlwj o(tboooust a i to tbapafiosotdriDTMtmontota aniq of money Wqasatlj*J by i«td UactUlRon to her Exeontori ia trait tar Cbailea A.Klnnej ind bit wife and obtldren Io obtain anknthfiiitmttTB inlerDrolaUoo ol tatt will, andthat the oonrt rinar direst Ibe. paid troaUe,irbobMUkea tbeplMaoC u l d K i w a t o t i t o


, N. 7.:


Sirloin " 14o.

Bound ; 1 ' 12J0.

Chuck v " 10c.

Bib ft»«st, v 121c.

All otb«r cat* in proiMJrtlo*. ',

Alio GHOCER1E8 a. frtat lr ndnoed prioeiGlre tne a Mil an* U oonTlnced ol Iba

J.Wesley Sammis,Ho, 4, Brick Blook, Dorer.



DHK8B LIMIHOS, • U 0 K 8 ,


•»teri»l for Tnoj Work IA BABOAIK Ul


Auo 1 v l H u>> or 9*»oi AMI BrArxa


B0OKB AMD (JAMES., « 5 iltlCK BLOCK. p n v i i t , M. J

NEW AND BEAUTIFULSpnng and Summer Hats


- I I Till—

T 1A »~pT*li—i11.' S T T 3 _ i J 3 S


LOWKBT PRICKS.A wrdlal UTiiMloa la extanded to tL_

ladle* ot U O T « H . TfainUy to i W t out i l a na a i ln>p«ot U v good*


(N. . i l j Opp. Cealnl B £ D.pot,)

OBADf, U A N t E & CO.,

POST 0BAM", H.; J ? 'SUIJUtl IK '

Mo. I Northampton County, Pa.,

ROOFING SLATE,111 ilzci conilaiit j on hand ftoofa p j t on


that theirbobMbt

Ibe. paid trould-Kiwato

a for wliat utvbatperaoD«r pwion«:»Da for wliatueiha-"all pty tbe um^ tun toanted u ten i l there

1.. Anfl ?utt aTfl-nivle tldloadanti beota'ejuaaratlteoulldrenofLaamiiuZxuIer.ded'dnbo vaa a CnngUttt cf «ai£ Obutw i , S.HDVJand the aald monw » ia claimed, abonld bopaldto youMiofiiff - '

lb, 18W. 'rriiiDini.fi.

Estate of John Bo^b, dee'd.T>TIBStJJiKT to iba order t>i tneBortogattIT-. ol the Oouijt/ of Vonitf, made on tt«


will be (never oarnd of Ilia er ker Mlla.thenbr asalnal the Kmentri

Sated the lontb da r VAD

Pomploo Flilna. -IBHlm) •ssfeor

by'tba Barngmte, and m m t o d f o r ' t o T t t a B A s ItotheOrphana' Ooturt of tb* O m n i i o f Mdptii,lothe Orphana Ooturt oroa Monitiy the an^nth


D * W April l«tb~

Ouiniiof ta

k DIDlMMIf. UT1B14

Notice of SettlementH0U01 It lioitib} gU«n thai tba amovnta ot

ika •nb#criU)r,E*ccator of WiilJam MarteulidsoMiod, will tie audited and aUttd bi tb«n ate, andreportDct for Mtll«Mat ta tfa*

i»' Conrt of the Coaotj of Hortli, onLjr the uvtnlh fl» * of JuMl April 2S lh , i r


haa wnnMwnn.j loMted nla oflca in l ioOl, »I . opml.eUel'oalOflo«,lniooBMBT».?can.aLyou'a Klore, and invlUe a ekara of tk«-'nib11apatroa&ie laMUcoattaue atnoratofore, toof«iouljlcodaurktMtnudatalaurtotMi MwmotUtUMalw»rab«an ThoIMt Uteaa«a»Ml| • luKabUtanfartotrtlficttUMaof M«tB tHIIkaraataJ*asa aoue of ikem In Dorm thai kava kaaa iotaUfcU nd tba wtanraair »Uarar* aan o r m thai kava kaaa i o t a

tba wtanraair »Uarar* aaI work warraau* M good aaatnoH eta«rl«nDa «f aSetlf Mwn «D»fc|ea Me to rafar l(a*«

U n y n•uo9 aa erer " AJI worbprMMUtl A LuatnoH a«rl«nDa «f aSetl«an .a Uaektttatown «D»fc|ea Me to rafar( l(a*«arr . fa tbDnunda fnr whoaa I fatf* 4«ework

.jrlarsaroltlaa. rieali fat for Uttractlenofthautts, a.t,«Maa followa 1 ^

V n a n u baa beea » j ova AfuiUjr

of tbe fnatittite for tne paat twelra Ttan IIi i a Knat p luann to itMWKwud U » M mthoroufblvooMiMUntand wHa»l> Jmtlat.


ilTae4nalDtu0awI.lt Dr. VHMuikMut-

fandlyof Smitna at WatttlM, iad w»i-wlab

j o . letre Haekettatown we i r . ( I * ! * . * willl eeo in . ruDorer 8 l n o e r e l j j « » T .

D l F«SM4>.—Dear Sir If lh« OH of»>J u » I. of n j l u e n t u . reteMaiM. n•rewelooioetouolt. O.B B . U . » » , I K D .

A few nemea of Uover people fer ^bom 1



(Baeowor M Bmlli * loklurt,)


»B.U,romai0» or BTOJi», ,

DyorderorR P.U.rritt XM Ini|llHDO...ndeliUUI,.llI beT3.noaf PDblla Tenriae oa the i


H,'foil.w.l lor I^e

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.' Beleeomineaelng,

Watches,: Clocits, Jewefry,Alao MUSICAL IK8TRUBHN1HI

PP.. J,:

WILGJOX & BERRY,(nrooBioii',»*•,T. B.;nunra,) ^- :;.


lanitveeiasattoni for btUidliun, wnineti— J i i f n a u r l a l i n t r n f i b e d , -.• • •,--.;• ,<,'•

Ing pMD>rtlr attraaea io.3 BOOV^-Wa rmnlab flnfr«liai abtaLoBBl.t.notibjgooaiaeolunlau*- ~ita! BbeuUxv raper n n ea litad.



BAY HOltSRIBbaiorhiik! Oiefr.rid.Ji:^

bIabiJj«r.olJ..::«;K™JS3!'iJSpiK'.•••BTADK POHT.lifiinJ,tl,b"''O jemold.G f' ' ' - , • . • • ' ' . . 4 - . - i ; ; r ' - J i - ^ v ; ^ - ' ^ * ' " > • * * • ' ' " ' • - -

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Bpcinit W050D, a Bnirle.
