AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration

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  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    Device terminology

    # (eneric terminology ' )hysical de%ices ' )orts ' &e%ice dri%ers ' *ogical de%ices ' +de% directory ' ,irtual de%ices

    # )ower -+ /specific terminology ' C C ' 1ystem planar ' I3 ' 1ystem ports ' (4 ' I,

    ' )CI

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    System configuration and device overview

    # $nderstanding the configuration of the system is important. ' 6he configuration should be documented and updated on a regular

    basis.# ll de%ices ha%e attributes! some of which can be changed.

    ' lsattr! lists de%ice attributes ' chde%! changes de%ice attributes

    # Most de%ices within I4 are self configured! through cfgmgr.# &e%ice states can be controlled using mkdev and rmdev

    commands. ' Including %irtual de%ices

    # emember7 n I4 partition does not need to ha%e anyphysical de%ices.

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    Device commands

    # prtconf ' *ists ma8or system configuration items such as system model!

    firmware %ersion! processor type! number of processors! processorcloc speed! cpu type! total memory si:e! networ ! filesystem! pagingspace! and de%ices information

    # lscfg ' *ists de%ice information including physical location codes

    # lsde% ' *ists de%ice information including the state of the de%ice

    # lsslot

    ' &isplays all specified hot plug slots and their characteristics# chde% ' Changes the characteristics of a de%ice

    # lsattr ' &isplays attribute characteristics and possible %alues of attributes for

    de%ices in the system

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    prtconf "! of ($

    # 1hell script which collects system information# prtconfSystem Model: IBM,8204-E8A

    Machine Serial !m"er: $2A%&2'rocessor (ype: 'o)er'%*'+ E

    !m"er +f 'rocessors: 2'rocessor %loc. Speed: 4204 M/%'1 (ype: 4-"it

    ernel (ype: 4-"it3'A Info: 4 sys 24*52

    Memory Si e: $ 2 MB6ood Memory Si e: 2 6B7irm)are ersion: IBM,E3920*0

    et)or. Information /ost ame: sys 24*52 I' Address: 0; ; $;44 S!" etmas.: 2$$;2$$;2$$;0 6ate)ay: 0; ; $;2$4 ame Ser5er:

    &omain ame:


  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    prtconf "( of ($

    I S(A33E& ES+1 %E 3IS(

    (he follo)in< reso!rces are installed on the machine;@ - > Added or deleted from eso!rce 3ist;

    > &ia

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009


    • lscfg can be used to display ,ital )roduct &ata ,)&D information for

    de%ices. ' C s need this to order and replace failed components

    # lscf< -5 -l ent0 ent0 1 9 ;&20; $ &9%-' -%0 -( 2-'ort 0 00 000 Base-

    (D '%I-D Adapter F 4 08?02G

    2-'ort 0 00 000 Base-(D '%I-D Adapter: 'art !m"er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;09 $2? 7 1 !m"er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;09 $2?

    E% 3e5el;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ 984$ Man!fact!re I&;;;;;;;;;;;;;;H3 02 et)or. Address;;;;;;;;;;;;;00 A 4? 8 8 +M 3e5el;Faltera"leG;;;;;;;& 02 0 /ard)are 3ocation %ode;;;;;;1 9 ;&20; $ &9%-' -%0 -(

    # lscf< -5 -l ent0 ent0 1 9 ;&20; $ &9%-' -%0 -( 2-'ort 0 00 000 Base-

    (D '%I-D Adapter F 4 08?02G

    2-'ort 0 00 000 Base-(D '%I-D Adapter: 'art !m"er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;09 $2? 7 1 !m"er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;09 $2? E% 3e5el;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ 984$ Man!fact!re I&;;;;;;;;;;;;;;H3 02 et)or. Address;;;;;;;;;;;;;00 A 4? 8 8 +M 3e5el;Faltera"leG;;;;;;;& 02 0 /ard)are 3ocation %ode;;;;;;1 9 ;&20; $ &9%-' -%0 -(


    P.ysicallocation code

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009


    • lsdev displays de%ice information including the de%ice state

    # lsde5

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009


    # &isplays dynamic reconfigurable slots! such as hot plug slots!and their characteristics

    # lsslot -c slot# Slot &escription &e5iceFsG1 8 7;00 ;&'M0 B8-' -% 3o

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    # chde5 -l rmt0 -a "loc.*si e>0rmt0 chan0rmt0 chan5aria"le len

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    Device states

    # $ndefined ' 6he de%ice is un nown to the system.

    # &efined ' 6he de%ice is now to the system but it is una%ailable for use.

    # %ailable6he de%ice is a%ailable and ready for use.

    # 1topped ' 6he de%ice is una%ailable but remains nown by its de%ice dri%er.

    # 6he mkdev and cfgmgr commands ma e de%ices a%ailablefor use.# 6he rmdev command can ma e de%ices una%ailable for use

    and completely remo%e them from the system.

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    %dev directory device configuration and control

    # 3n $niA platforms! access to de%ices is pro%ided through special de%ice

    files that reside in +de% directory.# lsde5 -%c tapeK ls -l de5 rmt0

    de5 rmt0 not fo!nd

    # cf

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    Device addressing

    # 6he address of a de%ice allows you to identify its location.# 6here are two types of &e%ice addressing.

    ' )hysical location codes refer to a specific component. ' ssigned by the system firmware

    # Aample. hdis 0" $E< 0.00@.&F (( 4/)2/&5 1 1 &ri%eD

    ' 3perating system location codes also refer to components but use adifferent con%ention! assigned by I4. ' Fot as useful or meaningful as )hysical codes on )3 5 or

    )3 ; systems ' ,irtual de%ices do not ha%e I4 location codes.

    ' 9oteC ddress con%entions differ between models and typesadapters! 1C1I! non/1C1ID

    # Aample. hdis 0" 00/0

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    P.ysical location code examples

    # )hysical location code format

    ' $nit type.Model no.1erial no/additional de%ice information# Aamples"

    hdis.0 1 8A0;00 ;& 66 D-'2-&$ SAS &is. &ri5e

    SAS 'lanar F'2G, &e5ice slot reference $, dis. is in the %E%

    ent 1 8A0;00 ;& 66 D-' -%4-(2 2-'ort 0 00 000 '%I-D Adapter

    System planar F' G, %ard slot o 4, 2 nd port, Adapter is in the %E%

    hdis.0 1 9 ;&20; $ &9%-' -%04-(2-38-30 Bit 3 & S%SI &is.

    'lanar F' G, '%I slot o 4, 2 nd port, S%SI I& 8,0, &is. is in anattached S%SI 9 -& 20 I + &ra)er;

    hdis.$ 1 8A0;00 ;& 66 D-' -%9-( - $00$0 90E80 229-340 402 00000000 7% S%SI &is.

    System planar F' G, %ard slot o 9, 'ort , > !niL!e name of an7% adapter F)here the 7% adapter is in a remote stora

    31 I&; (he dis. is a lo

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    -irtual location codes example

    ' ,I31 -MC profile,irtual 1C1I adapter definition

    ' ,I31 partition

    5host0 18204;E8A; $2A%&2- -% 2 irt!al S%SI Ser5er Adapter

    irt!al Ser5er adapter, irt!al F3'A G I& , 5irt!al card slot FAdapter I&G 2

    5host0 18204;E8A; $2A%&2- -% 2 irt!al S%SI Ser5er Adapter

    irt!al Ser5er adapter, irt!al F3'A G I& , 5irt!al card slot FAdapter I&G 2

    # !name A32 sys 24*5 *(

    5scsi0 18204;E8A; $2A%&2- 2-% 2-( irt!al S%SI %lient Adapterhdis. 18204;E8A; $2A%&2- 2-% 2-( -38 0000000000 irt!al S%SI &is. &ri5e

    irt!al client dis., irt!al F3'A G I& 2, 5irt!al card slot 2;

    # !name A32 sys 24*5 *(

    5scsi0 18204;E8A; $2A%&2- 2-% 2-( irt!al S%SI %lient Adapterhdis. 18204;E8A; $2A%&2- 2-% 2-( -38 0000000000 irt!al S%SI &is. &ri5e

    irt!al client dis., irt!al F3'A G I& 2, 5irt!al card slot 2;

    ' Client I4D partition

    9oteC In this eAample! the -MC profile is reJuired toshow the client ser%er %irtual dis relationship.

    -irtual devices are easily recogni edby t.e virtual ID reference8 1.isvalue is t.e

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009


    @. hat does the following location code meanK

    2. hat is the purpose of a de%ice ma8or numberK -ow would you

    locate the ma8or number of a dis ! hdis @alse" cfgmgr is a binary eAecutable that runs at systeminitiali:ation time to configure de%ices on the system.

    =. hat commands can you run on I4 to document the systemconfigurationK

    fcs0 1 8A0;00 ;& 66 D-' -%9-( 46" 7% '%I E press Adapterfcs0 1 8A0;00 ;& 66 D-' -%9-( 46" 7% '%I E press Adapter

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    ).ec2point solutions

    @. hat does the following location code meanK

    Port ! of a 4;b >ibre )ard connected to planar ! card slot 3 in Power55# ),) "U 70#$

    2. hat is the purpose of a de%ice ma8or numberK -ow would youlocate the ma8or number of a dis ! hdis @alse" cfgmgr is a binary eAecutable that runs at systeminitiali:ation time to configure de%ices on the system.

    =. hat commands can you run on I4 to document the systemconfigurationK prtconf lsdev lscfg lsslot lssattr

    fcs0 1 8A0;00 ;& 66 D-' -%9-( 46" 7% '%I E press Adapterfcs0 1 8A0;00 ;& 66 D-' -%9-( 46" 7% '%I E press Adapter

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    ,xercise 6

    System configurationand devices

  • 8/19/2019 AIX SYSTEM & Device configuration


    IBM Power Systems

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

    Unit summary

    -a%ing completed this unit! you should be able to"

    # $nderstand de%ice terminology

    # &ocument the system configuration

    # $se popular de%ice commands

    # $nderstand de%ice configuration and control

    # Identify de%ice locations

    ' Interpret physical and %irtual location codes