Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You" © 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva 1 Kristen Howe: Hi, this is your host Kristen Howe and I am so excited to welcome you to this call. Today on Manifest Everything Now I am so pleased to welcome Laura Silva Quesada. Laura is President of Silva International and the daughter of Jose Silva, founder of the original Silva Mind Control Method. Taking her extensive personal experience and insight into the life changing techniques started by her father, and adding the latest and findings and studies from human mind, intuition, neural training, alternative health, NLP, and spirituality fields, Laura will share with you the science of bending reality to create your ideal life. Now, during today’s call with Laura, you’ll discover the Holographic Universe, the concept of the Reality Architect, that there are six major obstacles that hold us back from our inner Reality Architects, the solutions to these six obstacles, and you’ll received and experience a live mediation the Mirror of the Mind Technique. Laura, thank you so much for joining us today, and welcome to the call. Laura Silva: Thank you, I’m so happy to be here Kristen, it’s a real pleasure. Kristen Howe: I’m so excited to have you here. Your energy is so fantastic. If you could take just a few minutes before we really get into all of this amazing Holographic Universe stuff and tell us a little bit about you and some of the turning points that you experienced that allowed you to manifest your current high level of success. That would be fantastic. Laura Silva: Well, there have been quite a few turnings points. I know people always think it’s kind of odd that I had some challenges in my past being the daughter of Jose Silva, founder of the Silva Method and Positive Thinking, but in all actuality, we’re all human, and sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we don’t follow great advice and want to recreate the wheel, so in my long ago past, I had some challenges. I had some challenges as far as my life, my love, my health, in every area of my life. I had made some wrong decisions, and took

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Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


Kristen Howe: Hi, this is your host Kristen Howe and I am so excited to welcome you to this call. Today on Manifest Everything Now I am so pleased to welcome Laura Silva Quesada.

Laura is President of Silva International and the daughter of Jose

Silva, founder of the original Silva Mind Control Method. Taking her extensive personal experience and insight into the life changing techniques started by her father, and adding the latest and findings and studies from human mind, intuition, neural training, alternative health, NLP, and spirituality fields, Laura will share with you the science of bending reality to create your ideal life.

Now, during today’s call with Laura, you’ll discover the

Holographic Universe, the concept of the Reality Architect, that there are six major obstacles that hold us back from our inner Reality Architects, the solutions to these six obstacles, and you’ll received and experience a live mediation the Mirror of the Mind Technique.

Laura, thank you so much for joining us today, and welcome to the

call. Laura Silva: Thank you, I’m so happy to be here Kristen, it’s a real pleasure. Kristen Howe: I’m so excited to have you here. Your energy is so fantastic. If

you could take just a few minutes before we really get into all of this amazing Holographic Universe stuff and tell us a little bit about you and some of the turning points that you experienced that allowed you to manifest your current high level of success. That would be fantastic.

Laura Silva: Well, there have been quite a few turnings points. I know people

always think it’s kind of odd that I had some challenges in my past being the daughter of Jose Silva, founder of the Silva Method and Positive Thinking, but in all actuality, we’re all human, and sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we don’t follow great advice and want to recreate the wheel, so in my long ago past, I had some challenges.

I had some challenges as far as my life, my love, my health, in

every area of my life. I had made some wrong decisions, and took

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


some wrong turns, then really was pretty much in a dark deep stage of my life before I finally went back to practice the Silva Method Techniques, did some meditations, started with a programming such as the Mirror of the Mind Technique that we will experience later on, and sure enough, started to experience my life change. It was changing right before my very eyes.

My health started getting better. I was able to work better and

achieve great success in my work. Financial state was improving, my relationships got better. It’s one thing after the other. It was a process, it took time, but every day it got better, better, and better.

These are the kinds of tips and tools that I always bring into every

conversation, every explanation, every course I teach because I know that if I was able to change my life and turn it completely around to the point that I have everything I could possibly think of, I have health, and a wonderful love of my life, and great children and great abundance, and I do what I love to do.

If I could do that, then I know for a fact that every single person

can, and it’s their birthright to have it all. That’s always my game, or my aim I should say, is for everyone that goes through the Silva program, or programs, learns how to achieve the life their own design, and live it the way they love to live their life fully and completely. That’s my goal for everyone.

Kristen Howe: Well, what a fantastic goal that is. I think that’s amazing.

Actually, just hearing that, I can’t wait to jump in, and I love that you’re coming from a point of you’ve experienced what all of this can do for your life, so I think that gives it that added impact.

Laura Silva: Not only does it give it added impact, but it also allows me to

know how to guide people to achieve the same or better than that. Kristen Howe: Exactly, that’s perfect. So tell me about the Holographic Universe.

What exactly are we talking about with that? Laura Silva: Well, according to this theory which is created by Quantum

Physicist David Bohm, and Neuroscientist Karl Pribram, the world we live in is actually sort of a giant 3D hologram created by our minds. Outside our minds, the world is nothing more than pure

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


energies and vibrations, and reality as we know it is nothing more than a construct of our minds.

In other words, Kristen, we create the reality we live in. And as

the ancient Indians said, “The entire world is nothing more than Maya,” or another way of saying that is that the entire world is nothing more than an illusion. But the theory goes much deeper than that. Bohm and Pribram also suggested that if the world is really an illusion, then this perfectly explains existence of countless phenomena that modern science still can’t fully explain. These phenomena like ESP, and psychic abilities, out of body and near-death experiences, psychokinesis, the placebo effect, and mind-body healing seem to distort and manipulate the hologram of reality.

I’ll give an example. I mean, those of you who have been

following the Denver Bronco’s quarterback Tim Tebow, I think so many people are connected to Tim Tebow know that he’s an uber religious Christian, and now his stats even appear to be of a divine. It’s kind of odd because call it coincidence, or whatever you want, but it turns out that Tebow’s statistics during his team’s overtime win during the playoffs match that of a famous bible verse he used to reference in writing on his face which was John 3:16. Oddly enough, Tebow threw for 316 yards during his team’s win, and if that isn’t enough to have you believing in divine intervention or whatever it may be, Tebow also threw for ten competitions during his 316 yard performance. That would be an average of 31.6 yards per completion. And to top it off, it turns out that the TV rating systems for the last 15 minutes of the game registered a solid 31.6.

I mean, come on. How do you make that happen? If it’s not

because there’s either some kind of intervention of some sort, maybe, maybe not, but it most certainly seems that Tim Tebow is quite a Reality Architect, and that’s what we’re talking about. We’re talking about people really being able to manipulate or distort reality in a way that suits or fits their beliefs and their structures.

So think about that for a moment. What if your world, your

thoughts, your life was simply a function of your own personal hologram? And what if you could reshape that hologram kind of

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


like Tim Tebow did? What impossible feats would you achieve? What kind of people would you be meeting? What countries would you travel to? Who would you wake up to next to every morning? How would you change your life, or how would you change the world?

Here’s the truth Kristen, there’s a Reality Architect in everybody,

and all you need to do is wake up. And it’s time to wake up. We’ve been asleep far too long.

So back to that question, why exactly haven’t you awakened the

Reality Architect in you? Well, there’s reasons why. I can explain or talk about maybe six major obstacles that we can pretty much go through to understand better how to overcome those boundaries or the reason why we haven’t woken up to the Reality Architect inside each one of us. Do you want to go through that?

Kristen Howe: I absolutely would love if you would go through that. Laura Silva: Great, okay. Obstacle one is that you haven’t been holistically

educated in the science of manifesting. There are plenty of books, lots of teachers, and there’s many programs out there that teach you how to wake up to your inner potential and live your ideal life. But most of them are incomplete and don’t give you the big picture.

Some talk about mediation, but completely ignore the importance

of emotion infused visualizations. Now that’s really important because emotion infused visualization seems to be where the magic is at. One thing is to simply picture things, and one thing is to really step into the experience, experience it fully and completely with all of your sensory mechanisms, and then project outward emotion, coherent emotion that’s a part that you want to achieve.

Other programs talk about manifesting, but they don’t train you to

work on your belief systems, and if you don’t work on your belief systems, nothing is going to happen. A true Reality Architect is going to have such strong beliefs, like Tim Tebow for example, that reality around him is just going to adjust to his beliefs. Your beliefs are powerful. They’re really a force to recon with, and

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


those beliefs that you have are going to govern your living experience and/or create the life that you live, your living experience. So you really need to understand, restructure, and work with belief systems.

And other programs are so tediously time consuming. They

require hours and hours of struggle and practice every day. That’s a big no-no if you’re a busy career or homemaker like myself. I don’t have the time to meditate for hours day in and day out. I mean, that’s just not how I operate optimally, so I know that this can be a real problem.

Obstacle two is that your belief systems have been sabotaged.

Since the day you born, your parents, teachers, mentors, and the media have conditioned you with a certain set of beliefs that silently influence your reality today. Some of these beliefs are good, but some, like believing money is the root of all evil, or that hard work is the only path to success, can be really damaging, and limiting. So when you’re unconscious of these beliefs, they can wreak havoc in your life. They can hold you back in your career, sabotage your relationships, mess with your self-confidence and self-image, and even damage your health. And yes, they can hold you back from ever awakening to your inner Reality Architect.

Now, obstacle three is that you’ve been ignoring your

subconscious mind. And of course, that’s where we always come in; the Silva Method is very strong about addressing the subconscious mind. You surely know that your thoughts create reality. We’ve talked about that over and over and over again. That’s not a secret or a mystery, but did you know that it’s not just your conscious, but also your subconscious thoughts that control your life? Even people who are passionate about personal growth often make this mistake and they end up focusing too much on logical reasoning and conscious commitments to themselves.

When you fail to program your subconscious mind, all of those

hidden negative beliefs and paradigms embedded in your subconscious will silently sabotage your reality. So we need to be really conscious of what’s really going on deep within, and if not, they’ll sabotage your reality even without you realizing it.

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


But don’t worry, as you’ll see soon there are solutions to each of these obstacles, but let’s move on to obstacle number four. There’s six of them I want to touch upon.

Obstacle four is that you don’t have an optimized daily routine.

When you need to clean your body, you shower. When you need to clean your teeth, you brush them. But what do you do throughout the day when you need to clean your mind? So when you feel unfocused in the morning, do you take the time to set your intentions before you even start your day? Do you meditate when you’re stressed out in the afternoon? Do you visualize just before bedtime?

We’re all trained to believe that stress, frustration, and worry are

normal human tendencies, but you know what? They’re not. True Reality Architects rarely experience these emotions because like athletes, they’ve developed a set of daily habits that train their mind to retain positive stamina all day every day. So again, we’re going to address these different obstacles along the way.

Five is that you don’t have a strong support network. Now, it’s

been said that the five people closest to you are the sum of your future success. The question is, are your friends, family, and coworkers helping or holding you back? Now that’s something we really need to look into, and I’ve done that myself in my past. I really took a really close look at who I was really close to and how that was really supporting my goals and my dreams because a lot of the people that were closest to me, were not helping me in the least bit.

When you seek their advice, are they telling you the right things, or

are they programming your subconscious with negative beliefs? So we’ve got to be really clear about that. Even though they have the best intentions for you, the people around you can be unknowingly hindering your progress because of their own damaged beliefs and shortcomings.

Now the last obstacle is that you’re moving too slowly. Every now

and then you’ll get an epiphany or a breakthrough that takes your life to the next level. Sometimes it’s an amazing idea. Sometimes it’s realizing the personal limitation that you need to fix. The

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


problem is, without any guidance or intuitive knowledge these breakthroughs often take too too long to surface. Many people spend years wallowing in the same indecision.

I know people who have had the same problem for the greater part

of their life. Enough of that. Enough of wasting time and missing out on opportunities. And we really need to focus on how to get past all that and make great things happen in our lives.

So these are the six obstacles that may be holding you back from

awakening to your inner Reality Architect. And if you ignore them, they could hold you back from your true potential for the rest of your life. The good news is, there is a solution for each one of those. After spending about five decades, I mean, nearly 50 years working with – it’s really hard to say now, but six, eight million people throughout the world, my father found a way to overcome these obstacles. So you want to take a look at some of the obstacles again, but this time with my father’s suggestions. Do you want to do that?

Kristen Howe: Absolutely. I’m sure everybody listening does too. Laura Silva: I hope so, yeah, because I think it’s really valuable that we come to

understand what’s holding us back and then how to move past those obstacles.

So here’s solution one, holistic education. From deep immersive

meditation exercises to effective visualization techniques, to the three steps of desire, belief, and expectancy, that’s a very strong process that utilizes subjective energies.

My father created a complete process for every aspect of

manifesting, and really finding that true Reality Architect inside you. The thing is that the Silva Method and all of its programs are programs about manifesting. Manifesting health, manifesting great relationships, manifesting the career of your life, find your true love. It’s about problem solving, but problem solving is manifesting solutions and outcomes. Best of all, the Silva Method and all the programs that we have, are very, very practical. It only takes about five minutes a day of mental practice, of internalizing your focus and really concentrating on your outcomes, your

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


dreams, and your goals. Five minutes. Now everybody, everybody has five minutes a day, probably several times throughout the day.

Solution two is to strengthen the belief system, or your belief

systems. My father found that it was possible to weed out and remove negative beliefs through positive programming exercises. We really start off with things like mental housecleaning, and positive thinking, working with attitudes, and also working with your belief structures, and emotional states. I mean, it’s really important that you start off with the right foundation in order to make all things happen.

These exercises use specific words, tone of voice, and instructions

to penetrate deep into a person’s belief system and eliminate the negative beliefs from deep within. And once these negative beliefs are replaced with positive one, manifesting becomes that much easier. Not only that, but those negative beliefs, those limiting beliefs, can be weakened to a point that they crumble. And once they crumble you’re left with the potential of creating very good positive and resourceful beliefs that will attract what you want more into your living experience.

Now, solution three is engaging the subconscious mind. By

guiding a person to the Alpha and Theta levels of mind, or frequencies of brain, my father was able to create a direct line to the subconscious and superconscious. And just like having a hypnotist who can help a person quit smoking, it allows the person to swiftly change the way their way minds think and function. The key here is learning to speak the language of the subconscious to symbolism and imagery. It’s really important for us to understand, I mean, we use words when we communicate with others. Sometimes we use sign language if we can’t hear, or maybe we use hand and sign language, whatever it might be, tactile language, but there’s a specific language that allows us to communicate with others. But when it comes to your subconscious mind, that specific language to communicate best with your subconscious is in symbolism and in images, as well as emotions and feelings.

So these are the things that we come to understand in the Silva

Method and the result is a deeper understanding of one’s true self

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


and better control over thoughts and actions. Solution four is optimizing daily routines. The common

perception of personal growth and meditation is that it takes hours of focus effort every day to see even the slightest results. Well, you see, my father found out differently and that’s why he called what found the American Dynamic Meditative System because it’s very dynamic, it’s to the point, it’s effective, and it’s quick. He believed that it’s possible to experience profound results in just a few minutes a day. The solution, a set of quick yet powerful mind empowering techniques, and things Zap meditations, and one minute meditations for staying focused, energized, and positive throughout the day.

That’s what I do. That’s what I found is the most effective for me.

I will not spend 30, 45 minutes or an hour in deep meditation but maybe once or twice a week. The rest of the time, I just do my Zap meditations, one minute meditations, and I get focused and I keep present in my every existence within me and outside of me and around me the goals, the solutions I want to manifest, the outcomes that I want to achieve and they’re always in my mind, always present, and then I just reel them in and I make them happen.

I’m really good at manifesting, but it’s for that reason. I focus on

them all day throughout the day, in and out through these Zap meditations. It takes so little time to do and they’re very effective. This means that anyone can easily weave them into their daily schedule and practice them even during lunch, or standing in line waiting to pay for something, or waiting to make a deposit, whatever it. Everybody has time to do that.

Solution five is a strong support network. My father was a firm

believer in the power of collective intent, that many people focusing on a desired outcome amplifies its probability. That’s why you turn the Silva Method into a thriving global communication or a community that communicates with hundreds of thousands of people throughout the day all the time. And that really is powerful.

These people are able to get together through the Internet, and

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


seminars, or events throughout the year, whatever it is, and usually the Internet, over 100,000 Silva students and practitioners interact daily on blogs and Facebook. I mean, I’m telling you, it’s so exciting to go onto Facebook and talk to our followers and practitioners and be able to answer questions and connect with them. Like we’re doing right now, this is really important for me to be able to reach out and connect with our listeners. This means that people are always able to reach out to instructors, and members, ask questions, and get support, and even build deep friendships with like-minded people no matter where they are in the world.

And that takes us to solution six, personal growth in record time.

What are the biggest gaps holding us back from manifesting our ideal life is answers. We need answers. Answers to what’s the next step to taking in my career? How do I go about attracting my soul mate? How do I increase my income? How do I heal my body? I mean, what are the answers? People, if they know how to do it, more than likely they will. But a lot of people although they want to so badly, don’t know how to get there. So we can certainly help people get to their outcomes. Get the answers they need to manifest their dreams or goals and think of solutions.

Reality Architects have a way of doing that, and a way of speeding

up the answers that come to them. It’s not just about coincidences or synchronicities, it’s also about intuition. And we in the Silva Method have the best process for developing the intuitive part of our bodies or of your beings. Reality Architects literally wake up in the morning with answers to their questions and challenges. My father found a strong connection between intuition and manifesting, and those manifestations, so to speak, is what he focused on and started train people on how to do it as part of the process.

The Silva Method trains people to become naturally inspired and

intuitive so they can make accurate decision and find the right answers much easier than most anyone else can. And we see that throughout the world, and not matter what it is, we find that people who have gone through the Silva programs can truly have a very deep understanding of their internal reality that is directly reflected in their external reality. So if you have a lot junk going on inside,

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


you probably have a lot of junk going on outside. So now that you know how the Silva Method breaks through your

limitations and wakens the Reality Architect in you, you think it’s time to experience an exercise that takes all these six elements of my father’s method and actually puts them into practice?

I mean, I don’t know, what do you think? Do we have time for

something like that? Kristen Howe: We absolutely do. If you’re willing to give your time to do that, I

know that we are all onboard and ready for you. I think this is great.

Laura Silva: Well, that’s what I really would like to do. I really like to share

probably what is the most practiced exercise or technique that we have in the Silva Method. That’s the Mirror of the Mind Technique. The Mirror of the Mind Technique is that one technique that I use daily. For me, it works like magic.

Someone once asked me, “Do you always get what you want?”

And I said, “No. No. I don’t always get what I want. I usually get much better than that.” So always when I’m working on outcomes, on goals, on manifesting my dreams, desires, I always have in the back of my mind, “I’m going to manifest this, or better than this.” I want to leave the door open to greater possibilities that maybe I haven’t thought about. And so I really always focus on outcomes, outcomes, and outcomes, benefits and benefits. Outcomes and benefits, and I keep my focus on that all the time. I move in that direction, so it’s really important to keep that in mind.

The Mirror of the Mind is the technique that I would really love to

share with our audience because it incorporates so much of what is the Silva Method, and we do it at an internalized state of mind that utilizes Alpha frequencies because we’re able to slow down our brain frequency during meditation, relaxation, paced breathing, and the like.

So let me explain what we’re going to do and then we’ll do it,


Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


Kristen Howe: Sounds great. Laura Silva: Okay, there are three steps to the Mirror of the Mind Technique.

It’s really simple. One, of course, involves meditation. Step two is to identify the problem. We need to know what is going on, what’s my problem, what’s my present situation like because unless we know what the present is or the problem is, how can we move forward? So we say, “Here I am, Point A, and I want to go to Point B,” so to speak. Step three is to find the solution or to come up with different outcomes or solutions to that problem or to better our present state.

Let’s talk about step one, meditation. When you have a problem or

you have a goal that you want to manifest, and let’s say you have this problem that you can’t seem to deal with consciously, especially if you’re feeling really conflicted or stuck and don’t know what to do, then the Mirror of the Mind is perfect.

You first relax your body and your mind, and I’ll guide you with a

3, 2, 1 method that allows you to settle in. Number three is deep breath is to relax you body, a second breath with number two is to relax your mind, and the third breath is just to simply just kind of find that space inside in order to get ready to apply that particular technique, so we call that the 3, 2, 1 method.

When you practice by yourself, and I encourage everyone after this

call to go and practice by themselves, if you don’t want to use the 3,2, 1 method, that’s fine. Just use any method that you’re comfortable with that allows you to internalize your focus. And once you have internalized your focus, then deepen your inner state of mind by simply relaxing, let’s say, your eyelids, and allowing that feeling of relaxation to flow slowly downward throughout your body all the way down to your toes.

Now remember, relaxation is a wonderful feeling, and it’s also a

very healthy state of being because you cannot be stressed and relaxed at the same time. It’s one or the other. So that’s why meditation is so important to helping you strengthen your immune system and really helps you think more clearly as well.

Now, step two, identifying the problem. When you have reached,

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


for example, a nice level of relaxation within, at that time you project or imagine the problem on a mirror with a blue frame around it. This is your mirror of the mind. This blue framed mirror is to be projected onto an imaginary screen that’s in front of you, past your eyelids, and slightly above the horizontal level of sight. It’s kind of like a movie screen or a theater screen, and we call this area in your mind a mental screen. So you’re going to project the image of a problem framed in blue to denote that it is a problem onto this mental screen.

Now the frame of the mirror can be amplified in size to fit a small

scene or a large scene, a person or several persons, whatever it is. You have a lot of flexibility with your imagination. Now, you play out the problem noticing everything you can about the situation and everyone who’s involved. In other words, make a brief study of the problem and picture it. Some of you will picture as far as maybe like a movie, that’s fine. Others maybe a still picture, that’s fine too. It doesn’t matter. The most important thing to do is to acknowledge that a problem exists and be able to picture it in your mind every so briefly even. It doesn’t matter. That helps.

Now, once you’ve done that, you move onto step three, and that’s

finding the solution or coming up or picturing the outcome. When the problem has played itself out fully, and it takes just a few moments to do that, then you take out an eraser, an imaginary eraser, and completely erase the problem from within the frame. Then you move the mirror to the left and change the frame from blue to white, and allow the solution to begin to emerge and project that onto the white framed mirror of the mind.

Now, think of solutions and outcomes. If you’re not quite sure

what to picture in the white frame, then picture benefits. Imagine yourself without that problem. Imagine yourself enjoying the benefits of having reached that goal. I would picture and focus on benefits and outcomes.

Once you have the solution and things become very clear, then just

kind of take a deep breath, enjoy what you’re picturing and then step into it. Step into the image as if you’re one with it and you’re in the experience of the outcome. You’re experiencing the outcome, or you’re experiencing the solution in every detail, and

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


allow your body, brain, and mind to memorize that wonderful feeling of accomplishment. At that point, you can express emotionally how gratifying it is and how much gratitude you have that you have achieved that goal, or you have solved that problem. You stay with that feeling of gratitude and allowing the coherent emotions to flow outward.

At that point in time, whenever you’re ready, you can easily open

your eyes and come out of your meditation. That’s how simple it is. I’m telling you, it’s going to take us about maybe no more than ten minutes, and probably less than ten minutes to do this. So now that you know how the Mirror of the Mind works, the next step is to do it, so how do you feel about that?

Kristen Howe: I feel great about that. I think it’s amazing and so valuable. Laura Silva: How about we do it now? Kristen Howe: I would love that. I was hoping you were going to say that. Laura Silva: Okay, good. So I’m going to ask all our listeners to pick a problem

that they want to solve, or even a goal that they would like to manifest. So I’ll give you a few seconds to do that. I mean, just pick anything that’s really, right now, you’re experiencing in your living experience is a problem or something that you really, really want. Got it?

Kristen Howe: Got it. Laura Silva: Okay, great. Now, close your eyes. Take a deep breath, and while

exhaling mentally recall the number three, three times. And as you do that, relax your body completely. Relaxing and releasing tensions and pressures as you go. If there’s any part of your body that takes your awareness towards it, then focus on it and relax it. Breathe deeply, slowly, and rhythmically throughout the entire exercise. Nice deep belly breaths. Relax.

Now take another deep breath, and while exhaling mentally recall

the number two, three times. And relax your mind by thinking of anything that makes you feel tranquil and passive. Spend a few moments in a tranquil and passive scene. Enjoy it breathing

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


deeply, slowly, and rhythmically. Now take another deep breath, and while exhaling mentally recall

the number one, three times, and relax. Now, let’s deepen your inner state by relaxing your eyelids. A soft

smile always helps to relax your eyelids and the muscles of your face. Feel how relaxed your eyelids are and allow this feeling of relaxation to flow slowly downward relaxing your tongue and jaw, downward still throughout your body, relaxing your neck and spine, shoulders, arms, and hands, down your chest and abdomen, going slowly downward. Slowly downward all the way down to your toes.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be deeply relaxed, a very healthy state

of being. Continue to breathe slowly, deeply, and rhythmically. Now project or imagine an image of the problem or present

situation on a mirror with a blue frame. This blue framed mirror can be amplified inside to fit within its frame a small scene or a large scene, a person or persons.

Now project this blue framed mirror on an imaginary screen

similar to a theater screen that is front of you past your eyelids and slightly above the horizontal level of sight. We call this area in your mind a mental screen. Study the problem scene, play it out. Notice everything that you can about the problem situation or the present situation. Notice who’s involved. Especially notice the role that you play. Be honest with yourself. If you’re having challenges picturing then describe it to yourself in detail. Listen to that inner voice. Notice the feelings that are associated to having this problem or being in this present situation.

Now that you have studied the problem briefly, and that’s all you

need to do is to acknowledge it, identify it, take out an imaginary eraser, and completely erase the problem image. Then move the mirror towards the left of your mental screen area, change the frame from blue to white. White denotes the solution or outcome. And allow the solution to begin to emerge on the mirror.

What do you want the solution to be? How would you look if you

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


had already reached your goal? What benefits would you be enjoying if you no longer had this problem, or if you had already reached your goal?

Make the image clear. Make the feelings strong. Hear the words

in your mind very clearly of the wonderful life you now have achieved because the solution has presented itself to you, there’s no longer a problem, or because you have reached your goal.

Once you have the solution or outcome image very clear in your

mind, then imagine stepping into the solution image or the outcome image, and becoming one with it. Experience it fully and completely with all of your sensing mechanisms. I mean by that, what do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel and taste and touch? Who is there with you if someone is? What are they saying to you? Allow your body, brain, and mind to memorize how wonderful it is to have achieved your goal, to have solved your problem. It’s wonderful.

Continue to breathe deeply and slowly and rhythmically as you

experience deep gratitude for having already achieved this outcome. It’s so wonderful. Notice the benefits and experience them as if you are in the experience. Whether it be health, or more money, love, deep happiness, joy, a better career, freedom from that problem, and a knowledge of how to do it again, a knowing that you are in charge of your life and your living experience. Enjoy this feeling.

Imagine yourself through time moving into the future with things

only getting better, better, and better. And always keep in the back of your mind, “I will manifest this or better than this.”

Now gently open your eyes and come out of your meditation. See

how easy it is? Kristen Howe: Wow. Laura Silva: You’re going to love this technique. Many Silva Method students

tell us that they get instant results from doing this exercise, like instant mind shifts, or profound personal realizations. So I’m going to ask all of our listeners to expect, because expectation is a

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


powerful, powerful subjective force. Expect inexplicable coincidences and synchronicities, inspired ideas popping into your head. Expect the right person coming into your life at the right time, or to randomly stumble across a book that changes your life. But I’m also going to ask you one other thing. This is a really important training trip that my father taught us. You need to build up your belief by recalling past moments or experiences when you were successful at manifesting something that you desired.

So I’m going to ask you right now, once again, just to close your

eyes briefly. Really, close your eyes and take a moment right now to remember a time when you did achieve something that you really wanted, or that you did solve a really challenging problem. We all have this in our past experiences. We’ve all have had times or moments that we felt so great because we did it. We really and truly did it. So I want you to recall one of those moments where you can feel the passion, feel the joy of that moment.

Maybe it was getting a raise at work, or going on a date with

someone who you ended up being with for a long time, or maybe even married, or connecting with your best friend from high school. Maybe it was being able to reduce that excess weight around your belly. Whatever it is, think of that moment, feel the joy, feel the passion, the emotions that are attached to that.

Now open your eyes and in your mind, or out loud, or with a piece

of paper, describe that moment. Speak out loud to yourself; write it down, whatever it is. This is really important for you to do because this will allow you to tune into the reality that you are a manifester. You are a Reality Architect. That you have within you any and every resource that you need to make anything happen.

This is positive reinforcement. You’re enhancing your belief

system by bringing back to mind a memory of past successes. And it’s really important that you always and only from this day from forward, concentrate on just past successes and how wonderful it is to achieve, and also whenever you think of this particular goal or problem that we worked on right now with the Mirror of the Mind exercise, only always from now on think of the outcome and the benefits that you have already achieved in your future, but it’s going to be happening in your physical reality, but only focus on

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


those outcomes and benefits. Okay? Promise to do that? Kristen Howe: I absolutely promise to do that, and I know that everybody else

here is going to absolutely promise to do it. Laura Silva: That’s what I hope and expect from all of you. Kristen Howe: Well, good, good. I love it. actually what I would like to ask you

about if you don’t mind is you mentioned that some people will experience sort of immediate mind shifts and things like that, but can you think of some of the – and I’m sure there are so many. There have been millions and millions of people that have used the Silva system, so can you think of some of the most amazing, maybe two or three turnarounds that you’ve seen from people where those stories just really pop out at you in terms of people who have applied what you’re teaching?

Laura Silva: Oh, definitely. I mean, I hear stories all the time. I hear the best

stories from Silva graduates and Silva practitioners. It’s really quite amazing. I mean, I have even heard stories from people who have not quite gone through the programs, but have just listened to the free lessons and downloads. I mean, I have this one man who is separated from his wife because of work reasons and she’s pregnant and he was even a Silva graduate at this point in time, but he did become one.

He was so concerned being at a distance from his wife, and he said

that his wife being in her last month of pregnancy suddenly couldn’t feel the baby moving. This had been something that in her family had been experienced still births and things like that, so they were terrified about that.

I always tell people, “Watch what you’re afraid of because even

those things you tend to attract into your life because what you think about, you bring about.” So really, stop fearing things and clear those fears and those challenges of those kinds of things from your living experience.

But in this particular case, this particular woman stopped feeling

her baby moving when the baby had previously been very, very active and she was terrified. So she talks to her husband on the

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


phone, expresses her concern, her fears. She’s really in tears. He’s so far away from her, and he feels he can’t help her, but then he remembered what he learned and he said, you know, “I went into my meditation and I went deeper and I pictured our baby in my wife’s belly. And I started to tickle my baby, and started to play with my baby, and I started to tell my baby how much we loved him and how we were so looking forward to meeting him. I was playful with him.” And about five minutes later he said, “She calls me up and she goes, ‘Oh, don’t worry! The baby’s moving like you can’t imagine.’” He was already felt so at ease.

Now mind you, this is something he did from thousands of miles

away. I mean, it was really quite remarkable and these are the kinds of stories that really move me because it really made a difference for them as young parents bringing in the first life into this world that it really settled their concerns and made them feel empowered that they had a way to connect subjectively and at a distance. When the intention is strong and the need is there, and the desire is there, magic happens. He obviously believed it. So because of all these different ingredients come into play, he was able to expect the outcome and it did happen.

I think about a woman who came in who was a Silva grad. She

came back to repeat one of the live seminars, and she had developed a tumor in one of her breasts. She was very concerned about that tumor. So when we went through what she was doing subjectively with her mind in her exercises and her imagery, we noticed that there was an element of disbelief.

She had a doctor who was working with her, and was very

supportive of meditation and guided imagery along the concepts of psychoneuroimmunology, and he said to her, “Margaret, I’ll let you work on this particular situation, and as long as you show me a sign that we’re moving in the right direction, I’ll let you continue,” and said, “Okay.”

She did everything she could. She, of course, followed her

doctor’s recommendations with traditional medicine, but she did a lot of alternative applications as well with her nutrition, her meditations, her guided imagery, exercise. I mean, she did it all. When you’re in that situation you can’t afford to not do it all.

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


So she did her imagery and I asked her, “Well, what are you

exactly doing?” And she was picturing in her blue frame the tumor as she knew it to be. It was a sizable tumor. And in the white frame she imagined a breast with no tumor, completely healthy. And although it seemed like she was doing everything right, it was really something because nothing seemed to be changing. There seemed to be no measurable change in the right direction.

She was going to go see her doctor again. I think it was going to

be like two or three weeks into the future, so she had about a good two to three weeks to work on it. When I asked her, “Gee, Margaret, how much do you believe that you can go from that size tumor to no tumor,” her body kind of collapsed a little bit and she said, “Oh, my God. It’s just kind of hard to believe. It’s so big.” And I said, “Well, that’s your problem. If you don’t have belief, it’s not going to happen.”

So I said, “How about we do this?” And I want our listeners to

listen carefully, what she did was that she reduced the size of the tumor in her mind to just be measurably smaller. All that meant was the doctor could determine that they were moving in the right direction and he was going to allow her to continue programming with her mind in the same manner instead of going in with invasive surgery, do a mastectomy, or whatever. So I said, “Just picture it measurably smaller in the white frame.” And she said, “Wow. I can do that.” And she said, “I feel confidently.” Then I said, “Well, then that’s what you to do.”

So she changed her images from that tumor to no tumor, to the

tumor to measurably smaller, and sure enough, when she went back to the doctors about three weeks later, he came in so excitedly and said, “My goodness Margaret, the tumor is measurably smaller.” Almost using her own words. It was really quite stunning.

So now she’s got a new challenge. Her new challenge, and I

choose to call them challenges instead of problems because you will find a solution when you’re speaking it, her new challenge was the new sized tumor. So now she did another blue frame – only in this situation with progressive programming do you do

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


another blue frame. In any other programming, you just do it one time and you always only focus on outcomes whenever you think about it. But for her, she had a new challenge. It was a smaller tumor, but she still had it.

So she put the tumor in the blue frame in the new smaller size, and

then in the white frame, again, still measurably smaller. And she achieved that and she continued to achieve that outcome every time she did this until the tumor was so small that the doctor went into the breast, was able to clean out the area with no complications, and she has been healthy for years since then.

So again, this is called progressive programming of using the

Mirror of the Mind, and you only apply this when you have like really big problems, a large amount of weight to reduce, a really serious challenge that may take time to overcome, whatever it might be. In her case, disbelief for example, she couldn’t believe that she could go from that tumor to no tumor.

Now, people who do believe it can get it done, but she didn’t

believe it, and because she didn’t believe it, she did the progressive program which she did believe she could do. So belief is a very powerful force. If you don’t believe what you’re programming for, then you’re sabotaging your outcome and you’re limiting the direction from where you’re going to get your end result.

So make sure that you truly desire it. Make sure that you believe

that you can do it, that you’re worthy of it, that you deserve it, that it’s possible, and then expect, expect it to take place without any, any essence of doubt whatsoever. Expectation is powerful. So desire, belief, and expectation are subjective energies that when they come together are a strong force and we often call that faith.

If you don’t have those three things, those three subjective

ingredients, then you don’t have faith. You’ve got to have all three. So make sure that you at least make a little run through, how’s my desire, how’s my belief, do I expect it to happen? Yes, boom, go for it and you’ll see magic happening.

Kristen Howe: It’s so powerful. When you say it, it makes so much sense, so I

love that. That’s why I get so excited about what we’re doing

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


here, and having you and being able to access the amazing information that you have. Just by the way everybody, there is so much more you can learn from Laura and from the Silva Method.

I’ve actually asked her to create a special offer for everyone who’s

listening to this call. I highly, highly encourage you to go check out Laura’s special offer right now. I’m going to give you the link so that you can experience all of this and all of these life changing results for yourself, www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva.

Laura, can you let everybody know what they’re going to find

when they go to that link? Laura Silva: Well, they’re going to find our latest most popular product at a

really fine reduced price. I mean, really you’re going to learn how to become that Reality Architect and you’re going to get it for like way low of a price.

It’s a download, you get it for $97, and it’s really pretty amazing.

You have so many different new exercises that we have never put together before, and you’re going to find these exercises are going to make a huge difference in your life.

For example, we’re going to have an “Introduction” to the whole

program. We’re going to talk about “The 8 Keys to Perfect Meditation”. “The Actualization Process”, which is your personal coach to success really because once you know how you make things happen, and all of us have that process, or have that specific step-by-step things that we have done, we do it unconsciously but now it’s time to know consciously what your process is all about because you keep manifesting.

Remember, you are a master of manifestation. You manifest

things day in and day out, but you do it unconsciously. So now I want you to be conscious and very competent about how you go about your manifestation, and that’s what you’re going to recognize. You also the nine ingredients for perfect manifestation, open-eyed meditations, which is really powerful, you can enter that internal state and program for goals and outcomes.

Part three, we give you “The Power of Your Purpose”. A lot of us

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


live day in and day out without really knowing why are we here? What are we here for? What are my talents and gifts good for? And each of us has specific talents and gifts and a purpose for why we are here. And to wake up every morning living your life’s purpose can only be energizing, motivating, and bring passion and joy to your living experience, and we all, we all need to live with passion and joy and doing what we love to do. We also talk about how to tame the Monkey Mind, and we’ll have an exercise to do just that, to tame the Monkey Mind and keep your focus on the very things that you want to focus on.

Part four has to do with engaging all of who you are in spirit, mind,

body, and emotions. We are like four bodies that need to work together congruently to achieve outcomes. And unless you know that your spiritual part, your emotional part, your physical part, and your mental part are all very unique in and of themselves, we need for them also to support one another along the way. So you’ll be able to engage yourself fully in anything and everything that you do.

In part five, we talk about the law of allowance, and allowing

ourselves to be happy, to enjoy love, to be living with abundance. We will learn and tap into what it takes for us to allow ourselves to have it all. Sometimes people feel guilty about having it all, having too much money, or too much love, or too much happiness, and that’s hogwash. We deserve to have it all, and we need to allow our self to do that and give ourselves permission to do that. There’s special exercises with everything that we talk about.

Part six talks about your thoughts being really something we need

to focus because your thoughts become things. Your thoughts manifest into a physical reality, so we need to be very much in control of our thoughts and our thinking images. We need to be very much in control of the images that result from the thoughts that we create. And we’ll even guide you to create what we call a Strong Attractor Image, your target image that will be guiding you every step of the way the rest of your life.

Also about Choice Points, we’re always confronted with Choice

Points. We have a very small window of opportunity in most cases to take our lives in one direction or the other direction, that’s called

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


a Choice Point. You’ll come to understand and learn how to identify those Choice Points and make better choices and decisions to really swing your life, and really project your life into a wonderful direction that you have chosen.

In part seven, we wake up to our greatness, and we begin to

conceive, believe, achieve greatness because we need to wake up every morning and say, “I expect great things to happen today,” and seek them out, search them, and create them along the way. So we will be able to tap into that greatness, the greatness within us, and have it ever present in our every day living experience.

In part eight, we really dive into all the details of “Mirror of the

Mind”, and how to work with the power push, how to work with coherent emotions, how to move the field into manifestation. We talk about the loss of reciprocity, and the six universal laws that are engaged in the Mirror of the Mind. We don’t have time to talk about right now, but certainly, I mean, there’s so much that is part of this one exercise that we just did that works so well, we’ll also talk about gratitude and the role that the energy of gratitude plays in all of our manifestations.

You’ll have so many different exercises that are going to help you

to achieve your outcomes. We have a brand new step-by-step manifesting curriculum that will be provided to you. Ten brand new and updated Silva Mind Empowerment Tools for meditations. You’ll have a collection of Zap meditations and Stoplight meditations that you can apply even when you’re waiting at a stoplight. You have eye-opening insights on manifesting and cutting edge research on the human mind. I mean, there’s just so much. I wish we had hours to explain it all, but there truly is so much.

The exercises that you learn, or the Actualization Process, or the

Life Purpose exercise, the Monkey Mind exercise, Engaging Yourself Fully exercise, From A Distance exercise, a Target Image exercise, Choice Point. The Integrating Greatness exercise, the Gratitude, and the Money Magnet exercise, that’s a bonus at the very end. It’s a great, great exercise that we have been experimenting for years and people will say, “Wow, with this exercise, abundance just started to flow into my life.”

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


We have so much to offer here for $97. It’s a download; I think

it’s a great bargain. Kristen Howe: Wow, I mean, it’s amazing, and just hearing it all I’m like, “Well,

there’s absolutely everything that anybody would need to transform their life and start experiencing results right away.”

Now let me ask you a question because you’ve mentioned positive

expectation, correct? Laura Silva: Exactly. Kristen Howe: So what could people positively expect to start experiencing right

away, not months from now after they’ve gone through everything, but what’s something that they could start to experience right away?

Laura Silva: Empowerment. That is the main thing. Empowerment is probably

the most valuable outcome that you’re going to realize and achieve almost from the very beginning because you are going to learn how to be the master of your life, and how to live the life of your design. Once you know the “how to do it”, of course, you’re going to do it.

You will be empowered with ways of thinking more resourcefully

and effectively, belief structures and how to work with your belief structures and change them and modify them and restructure them, how to work with emotions and coherent emotions, how to use imagery in a way that you are going to secure the manifestation of what you want or better than that.

That is all about empowerment, how to solve problems, how to

make right choices and decisions. Open up the door to your intuition and your subjective reality. I mean, really, you’re going to be a master of your internal experience and then restructure that internal experience so that the external reality is going to match that wonderful internal experience that you’re having. And you will be empowered to do all of that.

Kristen Howe: That’s wonderful and so, so important. Empowerment, I agree

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


with you, the key to all transformation that we’re looking to experience and the lives we are looking to design.

Let me give everybody the link one more time, it’s

www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva. Laura, you’ve been so generous with your time. Do you have any

final thoughts you want to share with everyone before we take off for today and say goodbye?

Laura Silva: I’ll tell you something, I mean, I am so sure that our listeners will

make great changes happen. My father was so firm that if you don’t get what you want out of this, we’ll give you back your money. That’s how sure we are that you will make positive change in your life happen, and that you will be empowered and you will take charge.

I mean, really, we just can’t afford to give up our health to health

institutions, our moneys to financial institutions, our life to government and politics. Come on, it’s your life. You’ve got to live it the way you want to live it, and you need to have the tools that you can utilize to empower you to do that with confidence and throughout the rest of your life. We want lasting and profound change to happen. And if you don’t get that, we give you back your money. That’s what I really and truly want for you, and that’s where my heart is at.

Kristen Howe: And that’s amazing. And it’s so clear that that is your passion, and

you truly are looking to over deliver as you did today on the call. I mean, you completely over delivered, so I thank you so much for absolutely everything you shared with us today. It was, as you said, I expected great things, and I got even better. So you already gave us that on this call, and I so appreciate you. I look forward to the next time that we are able to speak to each other.

Laura Silva: And you know what? We’re pretty accessible, so if we can help

you further, just drop us a line, send us an email, get on Facebook. I mean, we really reach out and make it easy for us to be available to you, so please do that.

Kristen Howe: Well, wonderful. Well, thank you so much Laura. You have a

Manifest Everything Now Laura Silva and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Manifest the Life You Want, NOW By Awakening the Reality Architect in You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved www.ManifestEverythingNow.com/silva


wonderful day. Laura Silva: You too, and happy New Year to everyone. Kristen Howe: Thanks so much, you too, bye-bye. Laura Silva: Bye.