Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak rimpang Jeringau (Acorus calamus L.) terhadap pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli Abstract: Jeringau (Acorus calamus L.) is an herb that is used to treat diarrhea, tapeworm and dysentery. If it is mixed with several other materials, it can help women after they are giving birth. This study was done to evaluateA. calamus’s antibacterial activity to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Ethanol and water were used as solvents to extract the Jeringau’s rhizome. The method used to test the antibacterial activity performance was the paper disk diffusion method in 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% v/v (ml/ml). The positive control was cloramphenicol, and the negative control was aquades. Based on the fitochemical test, A. calamus’s extract contained secondary metabolites compounds, such as alkaloid, flavonoid and polifenol. The results showed that there were inhibitions activities from the ethanol and waterextract toward both of the tested bacteria. Water extract had smaller inhibition zone compared tto the ethanol. Different types and concentrations of solvents have

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Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak rimpang Jeringau (Acorus calamus L.) terhadap pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coliAbstract: Jeringau (Acorus calamus L.) is an herb that is used to treat diarrhea, tapeworm and dysentery. If it is mixed with several other materials, it can help women after they are giving birth. This study was done to evaluateA. calamuss antibacterial activity to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Ethanol and water were used as solvents to extract the Jeringaus rhizome. The method used to test the antibacterial activity performance was the paper disk diffusion method in 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% v/v (ml/ml). The positive control was cloramphenicol, and the negative control was aquades. Based on the fitochemical test, A. calamuss extract contained secondary metabolites compounds, such as alkaloid, flavonoid and polifenol. The results showed that there were inhibitions activities from the ethanol and waterextract toward both of the tested bacteria. Water extract had smaller inhibition zone compared tto the ethanol. Different types and concentrations of solvents have different ability in inhibiting the growth of S. aureus and E. coli. The 100% concentration of both ethanol and water extract performed the highest activity to inhibit each bacterium growth.Keywords: Antibacteria, Acorus calamus, Jeringau extract, ethanol extractPenulis: Anisah, Siti Khotimah, Ari Hepi Yantihttp://www.e-jurnal.com/2015/03/aktivitas-antibakteri-ekstrak-rimpang.htmlJudul : Isolasi dan identifikasi minyak atsiri rimpang jerangau (Acorus calamus L,) serta uji aktivitasnya sebagai antibakteri

Pengarang : Yoenoes, Syahrial;Achmad, Suryadi;Sibarani, Jufri

Sumber : Media farmasi

Penerbit : Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar

Kode Panggil : 615.105 Med f

Tahun Terbit Artikel: 2005

Volume : 13

No : 1

Halaman : 81-85

Kata Kunci : Acorus calamus;Bactericides

Sari : Telah dilakukan penelitian Isolasi dan identifikasi minyak atsiri rimpang jerangau (Acorus calamus L) serta uji aktivitasnya sebagai antibakteri. Tanaman diambil secara purposif di Kecamatan Medan Marelan dan penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi, isolasi, identifikasi komponen minyak atsiri dan uji aktivitas. Isolasi minyak, dilakukan secara penyulingan uap dan air terhadap rimpang kering. Uji aktivitas minyak atsiri, adalah sebagai antibakteri dengan metode difusi agar menggunakan bakteri standar Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. Sedangkan identifikasi komponen minyak atsiri, untuk mengetahui jumlah komponen minyak dengan menggunakan kromatografi gas. Berdasarkan hasil uji simplisia diperoleh kadar air (6,98persen v/b); susut pengeringan (8,11 persen b/b); dan kadar abu (5,85persen b/b). Kadar minyak atsiri yang ditentukan mengunakan alat Stahl adalah 0,92persen. Uji aktivitas sebagai antibakteri, diperoleh KHM adalah 2,80persen. Konsentrasi minyak atsiri 6persen setara dengan konsentrasi Eritromisin stearat 7 miug/ml yang memberikan hambatan pertumbuhan bakteri 10,83 mill. Hasil analisis minyak atsiri secara kromatografi gas terdeteksi sebanyak 46 puncak dan ada 6 puncak yang kadarnya relatif tinggi diduga adalah Asarone 82,0persen; Calamendiol 5,0persen; Calamene 4,0persen; Calameone 1,0persen, Methyleugenol 1,0persen dan Sugenol0,3persen (Pengarang)

Abstrak : NULL

Data Lengkap : NULL

Telah dilihat sebanyak : 123 kali

Source: http://isjd.pdii.lipi.go.id/index.php/Search.html?act=tampil&id=50214&idc=14