Al834 11 Meeting of Jebruary 19, 1926 Present: Messrs . J ranklin Vonnegut, Pr e sident; Stempfel , Lieber, Pantzer , Rath , Richardson. Mr . Rath re p orte d that arrangements for a tour of a Normal College team have been completed. The class will consist of twelve men and twelve women and will be accompanied by I .Tr. Rath, Ers. Rath .liss Ledig, and tbe pia - nist . The itinerary is as follows : April 9, St . Louis; April 12, D etroit; April 13, Akron ; April 14, Cleveland; April 15, Buffalo; Ap ril 16, Pittsbur gh ; Ap ril 17, Cincin- nati. The secretary was in struc ted to get out the neces - sary publici ty material , photographs, etc ., and was authorized to spend approxi m ately 1 )300 . 00 for this purpose . M r. Rath also reported that the technical commit tee of the American Turnerbund wants a clas s of students to atten d the Louisville Turn.fest to act as judges an d give one or more numbers on the program . The expense is to be paid by the Louisville committee . Mr . Rath was given full author- ity to make the necessary a rrangements. Further r.Tr . Rath reported that two students have entered the College at the beginning of the second semester, to continue courses begun last year: Ur . Da l ton and Mr . Mum - enthaler, and that Mr . Chambers and H is s Mada jesky have left the school at the end of the first semester. The salary of tho pianists uas inc reased from $1.50 to $ 1.75 per period of 50 minutes . The following bills were approved : 1eiskopf Sporting Goods Co Samuel French Selmier Towel Supply Co C ha s D Zacher & Sons Harcourt Brace & Co Bookwalter-Ball - Greathouse Houghton Mifflin Co Lea & _eb iger A ALetter Shop The Hacmillan Co Harc ourt & Co The Century Co Kreis Transfer Co American Book Co Ginn & Co J B Lippincott Co Alex Taylor & Co C Otto Janus Mind & Body Publ Co A S Barnes & Co Louis H Chalif H Steichmann Purchases for Students n 11 11 (Athl) Tl 11 11 n n ff n ti 11 n n 11 " l1 n IT I! 148 75 33 00 18 00 243 00 35 20 27 00 248 45 1 93 6 75 121 29 7 98 40 44 5 83 19 49 10 25 72 50 11 56 10 00 43 00 107 25 5 40 6 '77

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Al834 11 Meeting of Jebruary 19, 1926

Present: Messrs . J ranklin Vonnegut, President; Stempfel , Lieber, Pantzer , Rath , Richardson.

Mr . Rath reported that arrangements for a tour of a Normal College team have been completed. The class will consist of twelve men and twelve women and will be accompanied by I.Tr. Rath, Ers. Rath (chaperone~, I·.liss Ledig, and tbe pia­nist . The itinerary is as follows : April 9 , St . Louis; April 12, Detroit; April 13, Akron ; April 14, Cleveland; April 15, Buffalo; April 16, Pittsburgh ; April 17, Cincin­nati. The secretary was instructed to get out the neces ­sary publicit y material , photographs, ~rograms; etc ., and was authorized to spend approximately 1)300 . 00 for this purpose .

Mr. Rath also reported that the technical commit tee of the American Turnerbund wants a clas s of students to attend the Louisville Turn.fest to act as judges and give one or more numbers on the program . The expense is to be paid by the Louisville committee . Mr . Rath was given full author­ity to make the necessary arrangements.

Further r.Tr . Rath reported that two students have entered the College at the beginning of the second semester, to continue courses begun last year: Ur . Dal ton and Mr . Mum­enthaler, and that Mr . Chambers and His s Mada jesky have left the school at the end of the first semester.

The salary of tho pianists uas increased from $1.50 to $1.75 per period of 50 minutes .

The following bills were approved :

1eiskopf Sporting Goods Co Samuel French Selmier Towel Supply Co Cha s D Zacher & Sons Harcourt Brace & Co Bookwalter-Ball - Greathouse Houghton Mifflin Co Lea & _eb iger A ALetter Shop The Hacmillan Co Harc ourt Bra ~ e & Co The Century Co Kreis Transfer Co American Book Co Ginn & Co J B Lippincott Co Alex Taylor & Co C Otto Janus Mind & Body Publ Co A S Barnes & Co Louis H Chalif H Steichmann

Purchases for Students

n 11


(Athl) Tl






n ti





" l1




148 75 33 00 18 00

243 00 35 20 27 00

248 45 1 93 6 75

121 29 7 98

40 44 5 83

19 49 10 25 72 50 11 56 10 00 43 00

107 25 5 40 6 '77

1 8

Smith-Hassler-Sturm Co H Ste i chmam1 Elm Park Hotel Franz Radloff Co The Williams & Ililkins Co Hans Ballin The Sportswoman C Witter Shortridge Echo Continental I.1fg Co 'ii K Stewart Co Indiana Paper Co Vonne gut Hardware Co Harry G Sargent Paint Co :ii'leury-Electric Stokes Pharmacy Frank Richards Arthur Paetz John S Foltz Underwood Typewriter Co Bookvml te::c-Ball-Greathouse A A Letter Shop Athenaeum Indiana Kentucky A A U ~est ern _Union Telegraph Co H Steichmann




The Board. then adjourned.

Athl Comm If Tl

Camp Tl

Library Tl

" 11

Advertising Supplies







Repairs Tl



Printing Tl

Rent Dues Clock Serv Postage Janitors Stenogr. Misc ell.

26 85 162 50

65 30 11 50

6 75 8 25 2 25

10 00 5 oc

19 68 . 6 65 22 20 21 77 19 35

5 30 8 00

10 00 8 40

75 12 50

6 25 2 25

125 00 7 50

18 00 29 72

248 00 176 00

15 90


Meeting of April 23, 1926

Present:- Messrs. Franklin Vonnegut, Lieber, Stempfel, Rath, Pantzer, Richardson.


Mr. Rath reported that commencement will be held May 27, and that Dr. Henry s. Sherwood has accepted the invitation to address the meeting.

Mr. Rath also made a report on the tour of the students which was successful.

A leave of absence for May 12-15 was granted Mr . Rath to enable him to attend the convention of the American Phys­ical Education Association in Newark.

The secretary was instructed to go to Camp Brosius to get the camp in order for the class and arrange for necessary improvements; he was alsm authorized to purchase an auto­mobile for the camp.

The following bills were approved:

Louis H. Chalif Purchases for Selmier Towel Supply Co Students The Palmolive Co n

C Otto Janus t1

Beach's Bookshop 2 Ginn & Co " Em-Roe Sporting Goods Co (Athl) " Smith-Hassler-Sturm Co " " H Steichrnann " "

n Students' Tour Chas F Bret zmann 11

Bookwalter -Ball-Greathouse " ti

American Educational Ohio Schools ·

11 Printing Digest Advertising

The Indiana Teacher C Witter Athenaeum


Harry G Sargent Paint Co Indiana Paper Co The Sterling Watch Co RemingtonTypewriter Co Bertermann's H E Wasson Co W K Stewart Co Em-Roe Sporting Goods Co H Steichmann



The Board thm1 adjourned.


" Library Rent, etc. Supplies

" " 11

" TT

" " " Postage

Stenographer Janitors

7 11 12 00 24 50

5 00 14 25

1 19 11 10

174 50 18 00

270 ,20 127 50 103 60 270 47 14 25 12 00 15 00

2 00 125 00

6 31 30 50

2 70 6 00 3 50

10 40 16 24

1 20 6 68

16 34 44 00 74 00

120 Meeting of May 21, 1926 • .

Present: Messrs. F . Vonn egut, Lieber, Rath, Pantzer, Rich­ardson.

I Mr . Rath reported the detailed program for the commencement. A demonstration by the graduating class will be given Fri­day afternoon O:!ay 27), the Alumni Dinner at 6, and the commencement at 8:15. The class will leave for camp Sunday , May 29.

Mr. Rath was authorized to get estimates on painting and cleaning of the College rooms and to let a contract for the work after consulting with Mr . Vonnegut. The Turnverein is to be asked to pay part of the expense of renovating.

Mr . Lieber explained that some renovating is also necessary at the dormitory; he was authorized to issue orders after consulting ~ith Mr. Vonnegut.

Hr . Rath reported that approximately fifty students will at­tend the Turnfest at Louisville, 32 of them having be en engaged as judges.

The secretary repo rted on his trip to Camp Bros ius and rec­ommended the purchase of a supply table on wheels at $51, of a bread slicer at $85, and t be building of a refrigera­tor in the mess hall to cost about $150. He wa s authorized to make such purchases anC.. order the i mprovement.

The treasurer and the president were authorized to make a loan at the bank , if nec essary, to pay for runn ing expenses .

The following bills were approved:-

Ho"J.ghton Mi fflin Co Purchases for A A Letter Shop Students Louis H Chalif « Selmier Towel Supply Co 11

M D Baumgartner " H Steichmann (Athl.Comm.) " Bookwal t er-Ball-Greathous.e Students' Tour

" 11 11 Printing

The Holleni)ec:ij Press n

Emil Rath Traveling Expens. Continental Mfg Co Supplies Smith-Hassler-Sturm Co n Em-Roe Sporting Goods Co n

Goldsmith Bros. 11

W K Stewart Co Library C Vii tter " Pau1 Eberhardt " Southern School Journal Advertising Amer Physical Education Assn " Amer Ecl uca tional Digest 11

Ohio Schools 11

Indiana Teacher " H Steichmann Stenographer

" Jan.132.00; Post . 79.66; Miscell . The Board then adjourned .

1 68 9 00

119 13 10 00

5 40 120 00 252 29

47 08 6 25

79 19 9 00

32 10 16 48 16 50

3 75 5 45 2 50

15 00 20 00 l& 25 12 00 15 00 88 00

3 52


L Meeting of ·october 2, 1926.

Present: Messrs. Lieber, Stempfel, Vonnegut, Rath, Dr. Pantzer, Richardson.


Mr. Leo. M. Rappaport appeared before the Board tp pro­pose the building of a cottage on the hill at Camp Brosius, ~etween the old cottage and the mess hall; he proposed to ~ay for the construction which will cost appvoximately :jj)l700.00, and to receive credit to this amount on any board bill at the Hotel Camp Brosius until fully re-im­bursed. He further proposed to furnish the cottage at his own expense. It is to be understood that Mr. Rappaport and members of his family, or his guests, will have first choice in the use of the cottage; however, when not so used, it may be rented, by the Normal College, to other guests. The Board took this offer under consideration.

Requests by lviiss Elaine Scanlan and Miss :Ma r y Schneble for reduction of tuition fees because of attendance of Turnverein classes, were not granted.

Mr. Rath reported that the cla s s consists of 144 students, 58 men and 86 women; the Junior class consists of 12 men and 26 women; the Sophomore class of 19 men and 23 women, and the Freshman class of 27 men and 37 women.

Mr. Rath also reported that the laboratory of the Indiana University School of Dentistry will be used for our Labo­ratory work, and that Mr. John A. Moffat has been engaged as instructor · in Public Speaking.

He further reported that nine men have applied for the scholarship. Upon recommendation of the Administrative Board, the Board of Trustees granted the scholarship to Karl Bauer of the Cleveland Socialer Turnverein, Fred Strauch of the Turnverein Lincoln, Chicago, and George Wallenta of the Vorwaerts Turnverein, Chicago, for the two-year course, and to Henry Holz of the Arbeiterturn­verein, Boston, and Hugo Peuser of the New Ulm Tu~verein, for the elementary one-year course.

Upon recommendation by Mr. Rath, the Board decided to arrange for a reception of the new students and get-ac­quainted dance on Saturday, October 9, and to allow $60 for expenses caused thereby.

Upon recommendation of Mr. Lieber, the Board decided to redeem t he Camp Brosius subscription of Mr. Arthur D. Reisner amounting to ~~150.00, because of Mr. Reisner' s illness.

Mr. Lieber reported that the note for $2000.00 held by Mrs. Henry Hartung, has been renewed for one year.

The secretary was instructed to ask the National Executive Committee of the A. G. U. for payment of the deficit caused by the Students' Tour, amounting to $413.00.

1 2

The Board decided to have a grease trap installed at · the kitchen in Hotel Camp Brosius.

The following bills were approved:

The Macmillan Company W B Saum ers Co Henry Holt & Co A G Spalding & Bros The Carlin Music Co World Book Co The Vestoff-Serova School Louis H Chalif H Steichmann Selmier Towel Supply Co S Rosenthal & Co Dr C B Sputh (Examinations) Dr Jane M Ketcham " Dr A S Johnson " JDr W E Gabe " American Public Health Association C Witter Modern Hospital Publishiµg Co The Playground The Sportswoman H Steichmann A A Letter Shop Bookwalter-Ball-Greathouse Pr Co The Athletic J ournal The Kreis Transfer Co Indiana Paper Co W K Stewart Co H t Wasson Co Remington Typewriter Co Bertermanns Continental Mf g Co Harry G Sargent Paint Co Arthur Paetz John S Foltz Erich Schelski Fleury Electric H Steichmann

" II


The Board then adjourned.

Purchases for 131 17 Students 110 00

Tl 69 12 n 12 96 II 18 00 n 36 31 II 81 10 n 14 50 " 8 77 n 2 00 II 801 41 " 30 00 TT 15 00 II 10 00 II 10 00

Library- 5 00 n 1 95 " 3 00 " 2 00 Tl 3 00 II 4 10

Prin._rting 2 00 II 116 98

Advertising 32 00 Hauling, etc. 10 65 Supplies 2 50

" 3 00 " 1 67 Tl 3 00 " 20 00 " 12 73 " 35 60

Repairs 5 45 • IT 12 40

" 1135 15 " 5 90

Janitors 104 00 Stenographer 22 00 Postage 37 77 Miscellaneous 22 49

A1834 128

Meeting of November 23, 1926.

Present: Messrs. Lieber, Stempfel, Vonne gut, Dr. Pantzer, Rath.

The secretary read a communication from t he National Executive Committee of the American Gymnastic Union noti­fying t he Board of Trustees that Mr. Carl H. Burkhardt has been elected non-resident member of the Board for the unexpired term of Dr. Carl Ziegler, resigned, and that Dr. H. O. Pantzer has been -elected for t he unexpire d term of Mr. Franklin Vonne gut, resigned.

Upon motion of Mr. Lieber, second ed by Mr . Stempfel, the Board el ected Dr. Pantzer _president.

Upon motion by lvlr. Stempfel, seconded by Mr. Vonnegut, 'fhe Board elected Dr. Carl B. Sputh dean of the department of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene.

Mr. Rath reported that Clar ence Overman, Junior, has been chosen coach for basketball and baseball, without pay, but ~ that as a consideration he be given time to pay his school bill. Approved.

The Board decided not to collect the customary fee of $1.00 from graduates of the Normal College visiting at the women's dormitory during Thanksgiving home-coming.

Upon motion by Mr. Lieber, seconded by Mr. Stempfel, the Board decided to pe rmit Mr. Rappaport to bui l d a cottage at Camp Brosius, according to his proposition submitted at the previous meeting.

The foll©wiil.ng bills were approved:

Charles H Elliott Co The Mumil Publishing Co Mildr ed E Tuttle A S Barnes & Co Th e Vestoff-Serova School Scott Foresman & Co Lea & Febiger Alex Taylor & Co E P Dut t on & Co John Jos McVey W B Saunders Co Harcourt Brace & Co D Appleton & Co The Century Co Smith-Hassler-Sturm Co Louis H Chalif Henry Holt & Co H Steichmann

Purchases for 152 00 Students 99 02

" 87 50 " 201 00 " 1 10 n 44 80 n 86 40 " 10 91 II 28 20 IT 105 00 " 100 00 IT 108 60 n 67 66 " 60 80 " 89 70 ll 50 49 " 24 85 " 25 69


Dr Floyd J Barkman (Examinations) Dr Edwin N Kime " C Otto Janus (Insurance) The Akron Surgical Rouse * Selmier Towel Supply Co * R Steichmann (All-Student Ass'N)

" C Witter A S Barnes & Co Athenaeum Bookwalter-Ball-Greathouse Pr Co Stat e Telephone Co of Wisconsin Arthur J Rae der Arthur Paetz Remington Typewriter Co John S Foltz The Kreis Transfer Co The Wm H Block Co The H Lieber Co Maas-Neimeyer Lumber Co HaITy G Sargent Paint Co W K Stewart Co The Physical Educator Ath:Emaeum H Steichmann




The Board then adjourned.

Purchses for 10 00 \.__) Students 10 00

1l 720 00 " 12 80 n 10 00 II 60 00

Mattresses 43 30 Library 3 10

Tl 5 25 Rent 125 00 Printing 93 50 Camp 2 10

II 15 65 Repairs 1 50

II 16 85 lT 1 50

Hauling etc 3 75 Supplies 1 75

lT 4 25 IT 8 50 IT 3 40 " a 90

Advertising 25 00 Entertainment 22 50 Stenographer 88 00 Jani tors 150 75 Posta ge 9 37 Miscellaneous 8 , 38

A1834 12 ~

Meeting of November 27, 1926

Present: Dr. Pantzer, Messrs. Vonnegut, Stempfel, Lieber, Rath, Richardson, Sputh, Kindervater, Stecher, Suder and Burkhardt; also Dr. Herman Groth, representative of the Executive Committee, A. G. U., and Mr. Julius Strass of Chicago Turngemeinde.

Mr. Rath reported the results of the deliberations of the Administrative Board with the non-resident members, and submitted the following recommendations:

1. That a summer session be given next summer. Adopted upon mdltion of Mr. Lieber.

2. That a boys' and girls' camp be conducted in connection with the students' camp if a suitable place can be rented. Adopte:i upon motion of 1.ir. Lieb er.

3. That a placement bureau of the Normal College be est­ablished. Adopted upon motion of Mr. Steeber.

4. That an office assistant be engaged to make it possible for the secretary to devote more time to the placement bureau and propaganda. Upon motion of Mr. Lieber, this recommendation was adopted in principle with a view of studying the figures to determine whether or not it can be carr;i!ed out. ·

5. That the tuition fee (regular) be raised to $200 per year, and the dormitory fee to $105 per quarter, begiu­ning September, 1927. Adopted upon motion of Mr. Vonnegut.

6. That fencing be dropped from the curriculum exc ep t as a special subject for elementary and scholarship students to be taught by upper classmen. Adopte d upon motion of Mr. Burkhardt.

? • That a permanent instructor in the department of letters and general science be added to t he faculty. Adopted upon motion of Mr . Stempfel.

That s./Students possessing musical ability be encouraged to continue t heir studies unde r direction of the Normal Col­lege, and that extra credit be given f or such work. Adopted upon motion of Mr . Kindervat er .

9. That the noard of Trustees appoint an advisory committee to which the Board may refer matters upon which special advice is desired. Adopted upon motion of Mr . Stecher.

10. Tbat the Board of Trustees recommen d to the Nati onal Executive Committee of the A. G. U. the following: Non­resident ~embers of the Board of Trustees shall be limi t ·ed to t wo terms in off ice (eight years); t hey may be again elected after an interval of t wo years. Adopted upon motion of Mr. Kindervater.

11. That the Board recommend to the National Executive Committee of the A. G. U. the foll owing: To appoint a com­mittee of three to investigate conditions in the Normal College with the view of giving adviee to the Executive Committee as well as national conventions of the A. G. U. regarding the need of enlarged facilities. Adopted upon motion of Mr. Burkhardt.

12. That the Board recommend to the National Executive Committee of the A. G. U. the follmwing: To study, in con­nection with a scheme for the pensioning of Turnverein in­structors, the Pennsylvania Teachers' Retirement law with a view mf instituting a pension system for Turnverein and Normal College employes. Adopted upon motion of :Mr. Lieber.

The Treasurer, upon motion of ~r. Lieber, was authorized to pay the claim of the Pennsylvania and Chica go, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroads for transportation of students to the Turnfest in Louisville and return, and to ask the Louis ville Turnfest Committee for reimbursement.

Mr. Kindervater, Mr. Suder and Dr. Groth expressed them­selves as highly pleased with the work observed ' in the classes during their visit.

The Board then adjourned.

Al834 12fi7

Meeting of December 14, 1926

Present: Dr. Pantzer, Messrs. Vonnegut, Lieber, Steropfel, Rath, Richardson, Dr. Sputh.

Pursuant to a resolution adopted at the annual meeting, the secretary of the College was authorized to engage another off ice assistant so as to enable him to devote more time to extension and propaganda work.

Mr. Steichmann was granted a leave of absence for next summer, for a European trip.

The following bills were approved:

Weiskopf Sporting Goods Co A S Earnes & Co The Kreis Transfer Co Hq.:rrper & Bro Emil Rath Frank Selmier Towel Supply Co H Steichma.nn Louis H Chalif The Mumil Publishing Co The Palmolive Co Smith-Hassler-Sturm Co The Survey A S Barnes & Co Amer Child Health Association Paul Eberhardt The Hollenbeck Press Bookwalter-Ball-Greathouse Henry Suder W A Stecher A E Kindervater Carl H Burkhardt Em-Roe Sporting Goods Co F M Bachman Co Fleury Electric Narragansett Machine Co Continental Mfg Co Fred Medart Mfg Co Arthur Paetz Smith-Has sler-Sturm Co The Taylor Carpet Co Underwood Typewriter Co Techent'in & Co H Ste i chman:ri



" Tl

The Board then adjourned.

Purchases for Students

" " n

" 11



" "

Library " " "

Printing "

Travel Expens IT

n fl

Supplies " " Tl





Repairs Tl

" Postage Stenographer Jani tors Athl Comm Miscellaneous

155 00 2 08

11 13 36 00

155 40 11 20

_.4 70 86 36

9 60 24 50

5 75 5 00 3 00 2 00

10 50 50 74 59 75 38 00 52 00 36 15 43 71

4 00 2 50

14 37 4 79

15 95 1 10

10 50 3 30 1 75 8 00

13 35 6 60

46 00 66 00

160 14 8 71