ALAN DUNDES on Whether Weather 'Proverbs' Are Proverbs

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  • 7/30/2019 ALAN DUNDES on Whether Weather 'Proverbs' Are Proverbs



    On Whether Weather 'Proverbs' are Proverbs

    Traditional sayings about the weather, wise or otherwise, have commonly but wrongly been

    considered proverbs by folklorists for more than a century. A host of titles attests to thepurported existence of weather proverbs. Reinsberg-Dringsfeld published Das Wetter im

    Sprichwort in 1864; Richard Inwards, Weather Lore: A Collection of Proverbs, Sayings and

    Rules Concerning the Weather appeared in 1869; and Rev. Charles Swaison, A Handbook of

    Weather Folk-Lore: Being A Collection of Proverbial Sayings in Various Languages Relating

    to the Weather in 1873. Other sources include C. W. Empson, "Weather Proverbs and

    Sayings Not Contained in Inwards' or Swainson's Books," Folklore Record 4 (1881), 126-

    132; Alexis Yermoloff's comprehensive Die landwirtschaftliche Volksweisheit in

    Sprichwrtern, Redensarten und Wetterregeln (1905); and William J. Humphreys, Weather

    Proverbs and Paradoxes (1923).

    Standard surveys of the proverb genre include mention of so-called weather proverbs. F.Edward Hulme concluded his Proverb Lore (1902) with a discussion of weather proverbs (pp.

    264-269); Archer Taylor devotes a substantial section of The Proverb (1931) to weather

    proverbs (pp. 109-121); Rhrich and Mieder in Sprichwort (1977) list "Wettersprichwort

    (Bauern-regel)" as their first example of special forms of proverbs (pp. 7-10). Articles on

    weather proverbs have even appeared in Proverbium, e.g., Nai-tung Ting, "Chinese Weather

    Proverbs," Proverbium 18 (1972), 649-655 which would suggest at least tacit acceptance of

    this subgeneric category. Wolfgang Mieder's superb International Proverb Scholarship (1982)

    contains more than forty references to collections or discussions of weather proverbs.

    From this admittedly cursory bibliographical survey, one can safely surmise that 'weather

    proverbs' constitute a legitimate subtype of the proverb genre and further that the study of

    them falls appropriately under the rubric of paremiology. I believe this is a generic error and

    that what are commonly called weather proverbs are nothing more than superstitions. What

    has tended to confuse folklorists is that whereas superstitions are more often than not free

    phrase, weather superstitions frequently occur in rhymed fixed-phrase form. In other words,

    they are superstitions with the textural features of proverbs (and riddles). It is likely that these

    textural features are present for mnemonic purposes. It is easier to remember a fact if it is

    couched in rhyme. The point, however, is that a rhymed superstition is still a superstition, not

    a proverb.

    Let us take a representative instance. There is a venerable folk belief that a red sky in theevening signals fair weather to follow while a red sky in the morning predicts bad weather.

    Two distinct 'proverbs' based on this belief are to be found in The Oxford Dictionary of

    English Proverbs, Third Edition (1970). They are: Sky red in the morning is a sailor's

    (shepherd's) warning; sky red at night is the sailor's (shepherd's) delight. Evening red and

    morning grey help the traveller on his way; evening grey and morning red bring down rain

    upon his head.

    This is an old tradition going back as many have observed to a New Testament version

    (Matthew 16:2-3): "When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And

    in the morning, It will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering." The Biblical

    text provides a useful terminus ante quem for this belief which is one of the numerousweather sayings which has been tested by meteorologists and found to be relatively accurate.1,6,2,00/WEATHER.html#note1,6,2,00/WEATHER.html#note1,6,2,00/WEATHER.html#note1,6,2,00/WEATHER.html#note1
  • 7/30/2019 ALAN DUNDES on Whether Weather 'Proverbs' Are Proverbs


    The full text of this article is published in De Proverbio - Issue 11:2000 & Issue 12:2000, an

    electronic book, available from and other leading Internet booksellers.

    What this means is that there are numerous texts included in the Dictionary of EnglishProverbs, and no doubt other standard collections of proverbs as well, which do not belong to

    the proverb genre at all. For example, in England, in the spring of 1983, I collected a number

    of versions of "One for sorrow, two for joy; three for a girl, four for a boy" which is allegedly

    recited upon sighting one or more magpies. A longer form is found in the Dictionary of

    English Proverbs which begins "One (magpie) for sorrow; two for mirth; three for a wedding:

    four for a birth..." A female informant explained to me that inasmuch as magpies tended to

    cluster in pairs, the rhyme had sexist overtones -- boys likely than girsl (three magpies). The

    very structure of the rhyme would tend to support such an assertion to the extent that sorrow

    and girls are aligned in contrast to joys and boys. Whatever the chauvinist implications of the

    text may be, it is clearly a form of divination. Hence it belongs to the genre of superstition

    (where there are many signs of whether a future baby will be a boy or a girl). The fact that itis in rhyme does not make it any the less a sign superstition. It is not a proverb.

    With similar reasoning, I would argue that most of what proverb scholars have referred to as

    'medical proverbs', e.g., An apple a day keeps the doctor away,6are simply rhymed folk

    medical superstitions. If A, then B. If one eats an apple daily, one will be healthy. Finally, I

    do not really believe that the folk consider weather and medical rules as proverbs. It is rather

    the folklorists who have wrongly constructed such erroneous classificatory categories. To the

    original question raised: Are weather proverbs proverbs? I would say emphatically "No!"


    Previously published in Proverbium 1 (1984), pp. 39-46.

    Permission to publish this article granted by Proverbium (Editor: Prof. Wolfgang Mieder,

    University of Vermont, USA).

    1 See, for example, Spencer Russell, "A Red Sky at Night..." Meteorological Magazine, 61

    (1926), 15-17, and Paul J. Marriott, Red Sky at Night, Shepherd's Delight? Weather Lore of

    the English Countryside (Oxford: Sheba Books, 1981), pp. 309-311. For representative

    discussions of the scientific merit of such weather signs, see Georges Tibau, "Zestig Vlaamse

    weerspreuken onder de loep van de statistiek," Volkskunde 78 (1977), 33-59; and M. G.

    Wurtele, "Some Thoughts on Weather Lore," Folklore 82 (1971), 292-303.

    2 See R.-O Frick, "Le peuple et la prvision du temps," Schweizerisches Archiv fr

    Volkskunde, 26 (1926), 1-21, 89-100, 171-188, 254-279. For the structural formula, see pp.

    5-6. See also Eleanor Anne Forster, The Proverb and Superstition Defined. Diss. University

    of Pennsylvania, 1968.

    3 For a discussion of the definition of sign superstitions, see Alan Dundes, "Brown County

    Superstitions," Midwest Folklore, 11 (1961), 25-56 (see esp. pp. 28-31). The theoretical

    portion of this essay was reprinted in Alan Dundes, Analytic Essays in Folklore (The Hague:

    Mouton, 1975), pp. 88-94.,6,2,00/WEATHER.html#note6,6,2,00/WEATHER.html#note6,6,2,00/WEATHER.html#note6,6,2,00/WEATHER.html#note6
  • 7/30/2019 ALAN DUNDES on Whether Weather 'Proverbs' Are Proverbs


    4 Ronald Baker makes a similar case in "'Hogs Are Playing with Sticks -- Bound to Be Bad

    Weather': Folk Belief or Proverb?" Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore, 1 (1975):

    65-67; reprinted in Readings in American Folklore, ed. Jan Harold Brunvand (New York: W.

    W. Norton, 1979), pp. 199-202.

    5 Marriott, op. cit., p. 111, 159, claims the saying is true "because at the end of March andduring April they arrive in ones and twos, only coming in force from mid to late April."

    6 This and other examples of medical 'proverbs' may be found in Archer Taylor, The Proverb

    (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1931), pp. 121-129.

    Alan Dundes

    Department of Anthropology

    University of California at Berkeley

    Berkeley, California 94720
