Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 1 Atmospheric Chemistry Division National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR/ACD Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange Alex Guenther Scientist III Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions Group 24-26 October 2001, NSF Review

Alex GuentherBiosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange1 Atmospheric Chemistry Division National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR/ACD Biosphere-Atmosphere

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Page 1: Alex GuentherBiosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange1 Atmospheric Chemistry Division National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR/ACD Biosphere-Atmosphere

Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 1

Atmospheric Chemistry DivisionNational Center for Atmospheric Research

NCAR/ACDBiosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange

Alex GuentherScientist III

Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions Group

24-26 October 2001, NSF Review

Page 2: Alex GuentherBiosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange1 Atmospheric Chemistry Division National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR/ACD Biosphere-Atmosphere

Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 2


Chemical Environment

Physical Environment



Air pollutants



Radiative balance

O3, NOx, CH4

RONO2 , OH, N2O, CO, CO2

Trace gas deposition


Biosphere-atmosphere trace gas exchange, earth system coupling and human forcing

Trace gasEmission

Page 3: Alex GuentherBiosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange1 Atmospheric Chemistry Division National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR/ACD Biosphere-Atmosphere

Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 3

Satellite derived estimates of global distributions

Tower-based flux meas.







Leaf Canopy Landscape Regional/global

Enclosureflux meas. systems

Analysis using ambient

concentrations, isotopes and oxidation products

• Process studies

• Regional/global modeling

• Model evaluation


Trace Gas Flux Studies

Aircraft and blimp-based flux measurement systems

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 4

Research Activities and Products

Instrument Development

Flux Measurements

Database and Algorithm Development and Evaluation

Emission Inventories (IGAC-GEIA)

Emission Models (BEIS/GLOBEIS)

Coupled Models (CCSM, WRF)

Flux Measurement Systems

Tools for Universities and Others

Measurement Database

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 5

Flux System Development and Technology Transfer

Enclosure Systems • Automated multi-enclosure system with online GC and

fast response VOC analysis • Inexpensive leaf cuvette measurement systems

Eddy Flux Systems• Relaxed eddy accumulation • Disjunct eddy accumulation and eddy covariance

Tethered Balloon Sampling Systems• VOC samplers, integrated ozone, CO2, T, RH

University Users & Technology Transfer Recipients: Georgia Tech., U. Colorado, Wash. State U., South Dakota Tech., U. C. Irvine, U. C. Berkeley, Philadelphia University, U. Wisconsin, U. Wyoming, ETH-Zurich, Edinburgh U., Lancaster U., U. Witwatersrand, U. Sao Paulo, U. Aviero

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 6

LBA (Amazon)

La Selva (Costa Rica)

1996-2001 NCAR/ACD Tropical BVOC Studies



(C. Africa) (S. Africa)


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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 7

Tropical BVOC Investigators

NCAR/ACD staff: Bill Baugh, Guy Brasseur, Jim Greenberg, Alex Guenther, Peter Harley, Lee Klinger, Sasha Madronich

NCAR/ACD students and post-docs: Brad Baker, Sue Durlak, Bai Jianhui, Pierre Prevost, Janne Rinne, Dominique Serca, Perola Vasconcellos, Lee Vierling

University Collaborators: Paulo Artaxo, Clobite Bouka-Biona, Deborah Clark, Nick Hewitt, Toni James, Jules Loemba, Hank Loescher, Yadvinder Mahli, Williams Martins, Luanne Otter, Sue Owen, Emiliano Pegoraro, Elmar Veenendaal, Oscar Vega

Other Collaborators: Chris Geron, Juergen Kesselmeier, Luciana Vanni Gatti, Qing Jun

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 8

Why Investigate Tropical Biogenic VOC?

1. Large fraction of global biogenic VOC emissions

2. Strong vertical transport

3. Rapid land use change

Isoprene from tropics (79%)

Isoprene from other regions (21%)

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 9

NCAR/ACD Enclosure Measurements

Tropical rainforests

Costa Rica: 50% (weighted average)

W. Amazon: 40%

E. Amazon : 25%

Congo: 20% (weighted average)

South China: 15% (weighted average)

Tropical savannas

African savannas (3 types): 5-15% (weighted)

African savannas (4 types): 25-50% (weighted)

Australian savannas (2 types): 55-70% (weighted average)

What fraction of woody plants emit isoprene?

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 10

Isoprene Emission Response

Temperature growth envir. Light growth environment






30 35 40 45TM (oC)






n a






TD (oC)






0 500 1000 1500 2000

PPFD (mol m -2 s-1)






n a






Do tropical and temperate plants respond similarly?

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 11

NCAR/ACD Eddy Flux Measurements

July 8, 2000





4 9 14 19

Hour of Day







C m-2


















W m


Isoprene flux

Sensible Heat Flux

Tropical Isoprene Flux SummaryCosta Rica: 1.5-3 mg C m-2 h-1

E. Amazon: 1-3 mg C m-2 h-1

Congo: 1-2.5 mg C m-2 h-1

Botswana: <0.5 mg C m-2 h-1

S. Africa: <0.5 mg C m-2 h-1





9 13 17

Hour of Day



e (m

g C




Maun, Botswana

Tapajos, Brazil

Diurnal VariationsMean Midday Net Flux

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 12

NCAR/ACD Concentration Measurements

Average midday mixed-layer isoprene from aircraft and blimp sampling

W. Amazon: 15-34 ppbC (forest)

8 ppbC (pasture/forest)

E. Amazon: 2 ppbC (pasture/forest)

Congo: 5 ppbC (forest)

Central Africa: 2 ppbC (degraded forest)

Characterizing the combined influence of regional

emissions, transport and chemistry

Oxy-VOC over tropical landscapesHexanal, hexenol, hexenal: 0.1- 1.5 ppbC

Acetone, methanol, toluene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde: 1 – 10 ppbC

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Modeling BVOC Emission Distributions

Foliage density

% broadleaf tree foliage

% shrub foliage

Floristic regions

at 1 km2 spatial resolution

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 14

Characterizing Tropical Floristic Regions(regions with genetically related vegetation)

1. NCAR/ACD/BAI studies (14)

2. Other tropical studies (4)

3. Studies from similar regions (17)

4. Default values (8)

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 15

NCAR/ACD Tropical BVOC Publications

EXPRESSO special section of J. Geophysical Research 104 (1999)

NCAR/ACD authorship on tropical BVOC papers

• 7 published (5 EXPRESSO, 2 LBA)

• 6 submitted (2 EXPRESSO, 1 LBA, 1 China, 1 Costa Rica, 1 SAFARI/KALAHARI)

• 10 in preparation (5 LBA, 4 SAFARI, 1 China)

The authorship of these publications includes more than 35 university and other collaborators

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Alex Guenther Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Exchange 16

Future Directions for Biosphere-Atmosphere

Trace Gas Exchange Investigations ACD MIRAGE Initiative

ACD Reactive Carbon Init.

ACD Bio-Chem- Climate Init.

NCAR Biogeosci. Initiative

NCAR Wildfire Initiative

Aircraft flux measurements

Landcover change: plantations, crop, urban

Climate variability, stress (flood, fire, frost)

Reactive C and N interact.

Terpenoid, oxyVOC, org. N, O3, NH3, NOy exchange

Secondary org. aerosols

Trace gases (C, N, O3) and the carbon cycle

Community Climate System Model (CCSM)

Weather Research and Forecast Model (WRF)

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 17

Atmospheric Chemistry DivisionNational Center for Atmospheric Research

ACD Participation in NCAR Initiatives

1) Biogeosciences Initiative

2) Wildfire Initiative

Elisabeth A. HollandScientist 3, Global Modeling Group, affiliated with Biosphere, Atmosphere Interactions Group, ACD, and Land Section in CGD

23-24 October 2001, NSF Review

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 18


Chemical Environment

Physical Environment



Air pollutants



Radiative balance

O3, NOx, CH4

RONO2 , OH, CO2 ,N2O,NOy

Trace gas deposition


Human forcing and chemistry coupling

Biogenic VOCEmission

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 19

Carbon Assimilation


ClimateTemperature, Precipitation,Radiation, Humidity, Wind

ChemistryCO2, CH4, N2O

O3, VOCs, NOx, aerosols

MicroclimateCanopy Physiology

Species CompositionEcosystem StructureNutrient AvailabilityWater

DisturbanceFiresHurricanesIce StormsWindthrows

EvaporationTranspirationSnow MeltInfiltrationRunoff

Gross Primary ProductionPlant RespirationMicrobial RespirationNutrient Availability


Species CompositionEcosystem Structure


Surface WaterSubsurface WaterGeomorphology
















l Wat










Bud Break

Leaf Senescence

















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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 20

Fit with NSF Geosciences Plan

NSF Geosciences Beyond 2000: Understanding and Predicting Earth’s Environment and Habitability, section on Planetary Metabolism:

“Understanding how the fluxes of mass and energy among various components of the solid and fluid Earth link to biological activity on and beneath its surface represents a fundamental goal of current research. This understanding of planetary metabolism bears directly on key scientific questions concerning the co-evolution of different components of the Earth system including life, as well as on the most pressing environmental questions of our time. Present understanding of these issues is very incomplete; the attack on the problem will require extensive interdisciplinary collaboration and will rely upon the achievements of all. This attack will employ a hierarchy of models; it will include interdisciplinary problem analysis and the synthesis, interpretation, and application of global-scale data sets, including those obtained by continuous monitoring from space and from new land and ocean-based observing systems. “

This plan fits with two of the ” five primary challenges facing researchers in the study of planetary metabolism:

1.determining how the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur are coupled;

5.developing sufficiently sophisticated models to explain historic events and predict future changes in planetary metabolism.”


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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 21


• Decade of land model development led by Gordon Bonan has produced the state of the art model for surface energy, water and carbon dioxide exchange and a framework which facilitated the implementation of surface chemical exchanges.

• Component models of reactive C and N exchanges have been developed by Alex Guenther and me and are ready for implementation in the land model. This effort was conducted in parallel with Gordon’s effort.

• The growing number of measurements of surface fluxes and concentrations of reactive carbon and nitrogen are now available for model evaluation.

• Fast track development of this model coupling will give us a tool to articulate and refine key global science questions for the next 5-10 years.

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 22

Wet and Dry Deposition Fluxes for the U.S.

dry deposition flux of particulate NH4+

dry deposition flux of gaseous HNO3

wet deposition flux of NH4+ wet deposition flux of NO3


dry deposition flux of particulate NO3-

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 23




0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0












wet deposition of NH4+ wet deposition flux of NO3

- dry deposition of particulate NH4+

dry deposition of particulate NO3-dry deposition of gaseous NO2

dry deposition of gaseous HNO3

Wet and Dry Deposition Fluxes for Europe

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 24

Model Comparisons

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 25

Societal Relevance

• The coupling of biosphere feedbacks to the chemical and climate system was identified as a key gap in our understanding of current and future changes in atmospheric composition in the IPCC 2001 report.

• The coupling directly and indirectly impacts concentrations of key greenhouse gases specified in the Kyoto protocol: CO2 , CH4, N2O, and O3,

• This will provide us with the tools for evaluating future climate, atmospheric composition, and air quality needed for integrated assessments.

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 26



Alex Guenther, Bill Baugh, Doug Kinnison, J.F. Lamarque, Danny McKenna, Robbie Staufer, Xuexi Ti, Stacy Walters, Christine



Gordon Bonan, Sam Levis, Phil Rasch, Peter Thornton

University Collaborations:

Inez Fung, UC-Berkeley

Bill Parton, Colorado State University

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 27

Science Questions

• How do the bio-atmospheric cycles of carbon and nitrogen interact to influence the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere

and climate?– now?

– over the course of recent decades?– pre-industrially

– and in the future?• How is this coupling influenced by key processes?

– urbanization?– wildfires?

– land cover change?– human activity?

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 28

Biogeosciences Initiative: Measurements

• Goals of Measurement Component:

– Sensor development

– Deployment on airborne, surface network, balloon platforms

• Instrument Development Goals:

– Continue improvements to airborne CO and CO2 trace gas measurements, initially funded by the NCAR Directors’ Opportunity Fund, and internal ACD and ATD funds.

– Conversion of an existing O2/N2 shipboard instrument for airborne operations.

– Development of an improved chemical/meteorological tethersonde, applying the same technology to improved chemical sensors for ATD’s surface flux system. These advances may lead eventually to new capabilities for dropsondes and surface towers.

Collaborative effort involving ACD, ATD, MMM, and RAP

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Beth Holland NCAR Initiatives 29

ACD Wildfire Research

Research Questions

•Are there relationships between the processes controlling oxygenated VOC emissions from ambient temperatures and wildfire heat stressed vegetation ?

• Do VOC emissions have a significant role in wildfire combustion physics ?

• Are the landcover databases developed for biogenic emission modeling useful for wildfire modeling?

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 30

Atmospheric Chemistry DivisionNational Center for Atmospheric Research

MOZART and future global

tropospheric modeling in ACD

Danny McKenna

Division Director

24-26 October 2001, NSF Review

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 31

MOZART:Model for OZone And Related chemical Tracers

MOZART was developed by ACD as a contribution to NSF’s Global Tropospheric Chemistry Program (GTCP).

MOZART was to develop a community tool capable of:• Understanding the influence of photochemical and transport

processes on the global distribution of chemical compounds in the atmosphere.

• Quantifying the global and regional budgets of these compounds

• Assisting in the interpretation of field measurements and in the assimilation of space observations

• Predicting the evolution of the atmospheric composition in response to natural and human-induced perturbations

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 32

MOZART Development and UserCommunity


– Danny McKenna

– Louisa Emmons

– Doug Kinnison

– J.F. Lamarque

– Xuexi Tie

– Stacy Walters


– Phil Rasch

Other Institutions

– Guy Brasseur (MPI, Hamburg)

– Denise Mauzerall(Princeton)

– Mike Newchurch (University of Alabama)

– Don Wuebbles (Univ. of Illinois)

– Derek Cunnold (Georgia Tech)

– Larry Horowitz (NOAA GFDL)

– Claire Granier (NOAA, SACNRS)

– Didier Hauglustaine (SACNRS, Paris)

– J.-F. Muller (Belgian Inst. Space Aeronomy)

– Martin Schultz (MPI Hamburg)Web Page… http://acd.ucar.edu/models/MOZART/

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 33

MOZART is a Community Model- Three Versions -

• MOZART-1: is a Global Tropospheric Chemical-Transport Model

• Brasseur et al., 103, No. D21, J. Geophys. Res., 28265-28289, 1998.

• MOZART-2: is a revised version of MOZART-1

• Improvements in the surface emissions, chemical mechanism, and advection.

• Description paper (Horowitz et al., JGR, in preparation, 2001).

• Release by January 1, 2002.

• MOZART-3: extension of MOZART-2. Stratospheric and Mesospheric chemical and physical processes.

• EOS/Aura pre-launch algorithm development.

• EOS/Aura HIRDLS data assimilation.

• The MOZART-3 framework “test bed” for WACCM chemistry development

• Estimated release Spring/Summer 2002.

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 34

MOZART Structure

MOZARTVersions 1,2,3

Analyzed Met. Fields


Climate Model Met. Fields

e.g., MACCM3

MATCHTransport + Physics

Preprocessor Incorporates:1) Machine Architecture2) Chem. Mech./Solution Approach3) Emissions4) Wet/Dry Deposition5) Advection, Diff., Convection6) Input/output

Data Assimilatione.g.,


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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 35

MOZART-2 Description

• Resolution (typical) – 278,528 Grid Cells:

• Surface to approximately 40 km altitude – 1-2 km resolution

• Horizontal Resolution: 2.8° X 2.8 °

• Dynamical Processes:

• Met. Fields: Driven by MACCM3 or Analyzed Fields (e.g., NCEP)- winds and temperatures

• Advection: Flux-form semi-Lagrangian advection scheme of Lin and Rood [1996]

• Convection: Rediagnosed from MATCH using Hack [1994] for mid-level convections and Zhang and MacFarlane [1995] scheme for deep convection

• Boundary layer exchange: Parameterization of Holstag and Boville [1993]

• Wet and Dry Deposition:

• Wet deposition:

- Represented as a first-order loss process within the chemistry operator, using large scale and convective precipitation rates diagnosted by MATCH.

- Highly soluble species are removed by in-cloud scavenging and below cloud washout (Brasseur et al., 1998)

- Mildly soluble species removed by in-cloud scavenging (Giorgi and Chamedes, 1985)

• Dry surface deposition: uses the approach of Wesely [1989]

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 36

MOZART-2 Description Continued

• Chemical Constituents and Mechanism:

• Approximate 65 Chemical Species:

• Contained in Ox, NOx, HOx; plus CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C2H4, C3H6, C4H10, isoprene, terpenes

• 133 gas-phase, 2 heterogeneous, and 33 photolytic reactions

• Source Gas Emissions:

• Surface Emission: CO, NOx, CH4, CH3OH, C2H6, C3H8, C2H4, C3H6, C4H10, C5H8, C10H16, CH3COCH3

• NOx Lightning Emission: 5 Tg N yr-1 [Pickering et al, 1998]

• Aircraft Emissions: CO, CH4, NOx (0.44 Tg N yr-1) [NASA, 1995]

• Stratospheric Constituents Constrained for:

• NOx, HNO3, N2O5, CH4, CO, and N2O (middle atmosphere model STARS, Brasseur et al., 1997),

• O3 below 100 hPa (Logan, 1999) to the thermal tropopause; above 100 hPa (HALOE data, Randel et al., 1999),

• 10-day relaxation time constant is used for all species.

• Computational Costs (using the current Blackforest configuration)

• 1 model year 1.0 wall clock day (5 models years per wall clock day soon!)

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 37

Examples of Problems Addressed with MOZART

• Comparison of simulations of key tropospheric constituents with


- Ozonesonde data, ground-based CO, Aircraft NOx etc…

• Analysis of field observations and other measurement programs:


• Analysis and assimilation of space observations:

- MOPITT (CO) and GOME (NO2)

• Impact of aerosols on concentration of gas-phase compounds

- IPCC Intercomparison

- Sensitivity study with TOPSE NOx data

• Long-range transport of emissions from Asia and other industrial regions.

- Tagged CO source regions.

- Mauzerall et al., , J. Geophys. Res., 105, 17,895-17,910, 2000.

• Role of lightning and biomass burning on ozone.

- Hauglustaine et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 3305-3308, 1999.

- Hauglustaine et al., J. Atmos. Chem., 38, 277-294, 2001.

- Tie et al., J. Geophys. Res., 106 (D3), 3167, 2001.

• Impact of tropospheric O3 on agricultural yields in China

- Mauzerall et al., 2002.

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 38

MOZART-2 AccomplishmentsComparison of O3 with Ozonesondes (Logan, 1999)

Ozone (PPBV)






Horowitz et al., JGR, in prep., 2001.

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 39

MOZART-2 AccomplishmentsComparison to surface CO CMDL Data






Horowitz et al., JGR, in prep., 2001.

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 40

MOZART-2 AccomplishmentsComparison to Aircraft NOx Observations

Al t




NOx (pptv)

Horowitz et al., JGR, in prep., 2001.

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 41

MOZART-2 AccomplishmentsTOPSE Campaign, Ozone Change

Emmons et al., JGR, in prep., 2001.

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 42

MOZART-1 AccomplishmentsBlack Carbon Intercomparison, IPCC 2001




g C


Observations (ng C m-3)

Several types of aerosols are currently calculated in MOZART, including • Sulfate aerosols

Sulfur surface emissionsGas-phase sulfuric acid Aqueous phase chemistryWet and dry depositionsTransport

• Blackcarbon aerosols

Surface emissionHydrophobic and hydrophilic

conversionWet and dry depositionsTransport

• Ammonium Nitrate Chemical transformationTransport

IPCC Climate Change 2001, Chapter 5, Figure 5.10.

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 43

MOZART-2 AccomplishmentsCO tagging

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 44

• Continued support for MOZART

• Progressive migration to a new Earth System Transport Model (ESTM),

- MOZART Chemistry / Solver

- MATCH transport & physics

- CSM Land/ocean models coupled to emission modules

• CCM-Chemistry as above, but…

- CSM dynamics & transport

Earth System Transport Model

Common Framework for Offline CTM and on-line GCM

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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 45

On-Line Chemistry Mode


AtmosphericModel (CCM3)

Land Use Model

Ocean Model

Emission Model

Deposition Model


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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 46

Chemistry Transport Mode with Interactive Land


Land Use Model

Emission Model

Deposition Model


Analyzed Met. Fields, Ocean Datae.g., DAO, ECMWF, NCEP


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Danny McKenna MOZART and global tropospheric modeling 47

Potential Chemistry / Climate Studies

• O3 Budget of the Troposphere

- Trends in relative contributions from stratosphere and human induced change.

- Temporal changes in the stratosphere flux of O3

- What influences ozone more: climate change or emission change?

• Influence of oxidants on aerosol formation

- Changes in the availability of SO2, O3, H2O2, HNO3, & NH3

- Feedback to cloud scale and large scale dynamics

• Influence of Climate on Greenhouse and other gas emissions.

- Land use and climate change influence CH4 and N2O production.

- Feedback onto primary production and emission.

• Influence of O3 loss on composition, climate, and transport

- Can O3 loss stabilize the Arctic Vortex?

- Can trends in CH4 and N2O be simulated?

- Can O3 loss influence tropospheric temperature trends?