Alien Earth Defence 24 Aug 2013 RQ = Reader Question C = The Committee RQ: When are the aliens going to make first contact with the human earthlings? 'We, the human race, are suffering badly especially our younger generation. The use of sarin in the Syrian war is gut wrenching and saddening. Humanity needs help from the outside world :( C: We must clarify the words, as others have said on and to your Earth; alien is foreign to you and many of Earth's inhabitants are alien to you, the animals. Extraterrestrials are visitors from other planets and systems and they are simply off the Earth, not alien to your structure and existence. The similarities will surprise you. Different body chemistry and appearance is what shall be encountered, the differences lesser by much than encountered bewteen animals of Earth and you, the humans. Extraterrestrials have been making contact for millions of your Earth years and do it now. We suggest you wish appearance and interaction that shall be similar to the encounter and meeting between all humans. This will commence in a larger way during the next several years of Earth time; these encounters have already happened and many in your governments have been through the experience of such encounters. We suggest the most rapid way to increase our presence is to stop caring; give it little importance. It is the focus placed upon this revelation that holds it back, for your fixation will derail your courses and history, materially and detrimentally.

Alien Earth Defence

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Alien Earth Defence 

24 Aug 2013

RQ = Reader Question      C = The Committee

RQ:      When are the aliens going to make first contact with the human earthlings? 'We, the human race, are suffering badly especially our younger generation. The use of sarin in the Syrian war is gut wrenching and saddening. Humanity needs help from the outside world :(

C:         We must clarify the words, as others have said on and to your Earth; alien is foreign to you and many of Earth's inhabitants are alien to you, the animals. Extraterrestrials are visitors from other planets and systems and they are simply off the Earth, not alien to your structure and existence. The similarities will surprise you.

Different body chemistry and appearance is what shall be encountered, the differences lesser by much than encountered bewteen animals of Earth and you, the humans.

Extraterrestrials have been making contact for millions of your Earth years and do it now. We suggest you wish appearance and interaction that shall be similar to the encounter and meeting between all humans.

This will commence in a larger way during the next several years of Earth time; these encounters have already happened and many in your governments have been through the experience of such encounters.

We suggest the most rapid way to increase our presence is to stop caring; give it little importance. It is the focus placed upon this revelation that holds it back, for your fixation will derail your courses and history, materially and detrimentally.

We understand the reaction to our suggestion humans should care little. Yet in your thoughts, you know this to be true; imagine a national election among several tens of millions where only a handful of votes are cast, the constituents on strike, as you would say. No candidate could assume power within a system without votes, the outcome illegitimate.

In this way, providing little attention will bring visits to the peak in short order. We know this is very unlikely; and from great fascination to fear will be expressed.

You suggest the use of gas to kill in the Syrian conflict will be solved by extraterrestrials; does the desire

to kill fade with removal of the tool of execution? If extraterrestrials solve this example of genocide, what will resolve the next? Are humans incapable in this way? To suggest abolition of weaponry without explanation to successful defensive users is to say the saved must be sacrificed to please the weaker? You are far stronger than you know.

As the ability to act this way is of Earth, so is it the ability to act another way not also of the Earth? This conflict will resolve when victims choose it. Look to your hearts, not the Heavens for the escape. It shall emerge and surround you, as you allow. 

CommentsCristina 24/08/2013 7:15pm"We suggest the most rapid way to increase our presence is to stop caring" - I actually asked Elisa once if the committee are extraterrestrials beings :)))))))))))))))))))))))

And, funnier, I like them sooo much, more than i like humans :P Boy oh boy ! Their answers resonates 100% with my heart :P

Patrick 24/08/2013 10:12pm

The Committee are most certainly not extraterrestrials, they are my GAGs.

Cristina 25/08/2013 6:52am

Oh, can you explain more? Who are they? How they look like? 

How did you get in touch with them? - this process I pretty much know it, only wondering if it was some special event?

- you can email me the answers if you don't want them public, I'm just trying to figure out some details for myself eg why I like them so much :P

Patrick 25/08/2013 10:19am

GAG means Guardian Angel Guide. They have always been around me, just as GAGs are around everybody, always. There is no getting in contact, only recognition of presence.

Cristina 25/08/2013 3:30pm

for some reason I can't reply near your last comment - software bug? :)About GAGs, I kind of know how it works but i realized some people

channel actual extraterrestrials and THOSE are their guides :P BECAUSE they are souls who used to incarnate many

times on certain planets, guides will be from those planets :)So I was wondering about Committee... Also... I read there are soul

groups, committees taking care of many soul groups... From there is the name you gave them? :P 

I needed to understand why they resonate so much with my own :) I'm reading channelings from many people, but CE and Committee

are the closest to my thoughts...

garrett 24/08/2013 7:33pm

i'm Glad :)

MoFoKai 25/08/2013 7:37am

Oh boy.. so we’ll have to look to ourselves to resolve Earthly conflicts within the confines of earth's freewill in the hands of human earthlings. That is morbid and depressing considering how ego driven humans are when we place ourselves out for a returned favour. Too much money and power corrupts the mind. A fine example would be Bo Xilai, a Chinese politician, a disgraced communist party boss stripped of all power for corruption and the alleged murder of British Citizen, Neil Haywood. I am sorry but I'm kind of a pessimistic guy. I am a glass half empty person. The world is going down the toilet. 

This just in, Saturday, 24 August 2013 08:03 

CIA commandos, US special forces entered Syria: Report 


Posted by David Icke,

Patrick 25/08/2013 10:45am

Pessimism is OK but don't lose faith; Syria exists for observers because electronic media are bringing the news. Before it was possible to see news the same morning, if not live feeds of an immediate aftermath, how did most of humanity ever know?

There was a recent high profile case in Florida, USA that had everyone from the wo/man on the street to national elected officials forming first opinions. When it went to court, the outcome was the polar opposite of what initial narratives strongly suggested. There was intense media coverage throughout, yet many conclusions were far off base once facts were presented.

For humanity, could this be happening with Syria? Are things better, worse or simply far different offered in the press?

Humanity will solve its own problems, just as it creates them. This operates at all levels, from one person and families to entire continents and regions.

Power and wealth CAN corrupt but does that mean those things are inherently bad or just misused in a few high profile cases? Every sane person knows violence is bad but knives don't stab by themselves just as guns don't load, aim and pull their own triggers. Can we extrapolate to everyone because of a few?

What rings true for me is what The Committee said about solving a genocide; who solves the next if this one is solved for us? Why are leaders prepared to execute hundreds or even thousands of citizens, intimidating the entire populace, to hold power? Until the criminal is examined and understood, taking away the tool will not solve what motivates the act. Extraterrestrials are not going to stop Syrian actions, this is our created situation, we have the ability to resolve and avoid.

MoFoKai 25/08/2013 2:48pm

A while back ago I read an entry post regarding the committee's view on the frictional Prime directive issued order in the Star Trek universe, quote 

'' In the universe of Star Trek, the Prime Directive, Starfleet's General Order number 1, is the most prominent guiding principle of the United Federation of Planets. The

Prime Directive dictates that there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations. At its core was the philosophical concept that covered personnel

should refrain from interfering in the natural, unassisted, development of societies, even if such interference was well-intentioned. It has special implications, however, for civilizations that have not yet developed the technology for interstellar spaceflight ("pre-warp"), since no primitive culture can be given or exposed to any information regarding advanced technology or the existence of extra planetary civilizations, lest this exposure alter the natural development of the civilization. '' - Wikipedia

Reply: Paraphrasing a sentence from this article. 

'' If extraterrestrials solve this example of genocide, what will resolve the next? Are humans incapable in this way? ''

Now this evokes part of the prime directive order quote. Maybe it's true the universal law of non - inference does apply in this part of our milky way galaxy for a purpose?


Next question.. 

Paraphrasing another sentence from this article

Extraterrestrials are visitors from other planets and systems and they are simply off the Earth, not alien to your structure and existence. The similarities will surprise you.


Reply: Sounds like we have an advance copy of an Earth-liked civilization that has a humanoid looking extraterrestrial that does not thrive on $ as a way of life on

their planetary star system. Do they have their own version of '' Internet '' like we do here on Earth? Do they have computers, smartphones, computer games, movies etc; as a form of entertainment on their planet? Hmm.. makes you wonder.. - Mo