Aliens in Palestine

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  • 7/31/2019 Aliens in Palestine


    Aliens in Palestine

    "An interstellar message"

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    Books Orb Editions

    Why is the man rejects the possibility that in the scriptures there is sufficient evidence

    of extraterrestrial life? Why deny flatly that evolved beings traveling through time

    space? Perhaps, would that same thought did not have before stepping on the lunar soil?

    So what prevents us from recognizing that divine intervention was the epic galactic

    greatest of all time? The terrifying thought to conclude that we are not alone in this vast

    universe unexplained!


    To begin this work which will be a different hypothesis of the scriptures, we must

    understand that having captured and indoctrinated as it would be indisputable veracity

    of it. This is because we adopt unique and irrefutable truths to those that are forced upon

    us through the centuries. Give a concise insight to a world that explores progressive andcertifies every event based on results. The alien theory in which I affirm is the most

    rejected by the world, yet modern science has been obsessed about it. This is the

    essence of Yahweh alien and company, flatly denying the ancient religious ideal. So,

    why much of humanity denies the possibility of other beings traveling through time?

    Does that same thought did not have before stepping on the lunar soil? In turn there are

    those who flatly deny the existence of intelligent life in the universe, but joyfully accept

    our lives as the universal miracle of all time. Therefore now that thought is not

    anachronistic? With this philosophy we have to accept that God created the infinite

    universe to provide the man with the miracle of life. By this I mean that not even the

    center of our galaxy, why we still feel so important and special? Imagine the entire

    universe continually evolving, and God's creative energy walking around with Adamand Eve in the Garden of Eden. Beautiful and poetic but unrealistic. Now, what do you

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    mean by alien man? What fear we believe generates advanced equipment? Let's use

    math and the answer will be correct. Alien means everything that exists outside the

    earth, ie the Sun, Moon, Mars, stars and everything else that makes up the material

    universe. Regarding the second question emerges the vanity of man and the terrifying

    thought of deque conclude we are not alone in this inexplicable blue sky. So, the first

    indication comes from the enigmatic alien God's rest on the seventh day of universalcreation (Gen 2:2). This statement is inconsistent with an omnipotent supreme being,

    but with an alien warlord tired. If coming to earth by them was traveling at the speed of

    light through wormholes, which is essentially a "shortcut" through space-time, it

    becomes clear physical, mental wear none. Moses declared to the Lord in Psalm when

    he wrote "Certainly thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it happened,"

    90:4. With this definition the above stated early in the preceding paragraphs. Travel at

    the speed of light in the cosmic ocean for seven years amounts to over 500 years land

    that is why the Psalm says a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday happened.

    Saturday was sealed in the Israeli mind for being the day that the Lord finished his

    creation, but actually the Sabbath is the memory of coming to earth by the army of the

    Lord. So important was this day that he wrote "If thou turn away thy foot from theSabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day, and call it" delicious "," holy "," glory

    of the Lord ", and shalt honor Him, not doing thine own roads nor finding thine own

    pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord

    "Isa.58: 13.14. In these two passages emerges first in the pride of the Alien to have

    reached safely to the earth, and secondly the notorious error of our ancestors to say that

    on the seventh day (Saturday) God had completed his creation, as cosmic manifestation

    that continues to evolve toward a distant future. It has the scripture visitor upon arrival

    the army planted a garden in Eden, that is, built a military base in the east which was

    surrounded by four rivers, the Pison, Gihon, and Euphrates Hickedel (Gen 2:10). Lord

    made it clear he did not visit the land alone, but did so with an army wonderful. This

    inference emerges when ordering pluralizing "Let us make man in our image, after our

    likeness" 1:26. Dust of Eden was where they collected DNA to clone Adam, the first

    alien experiment on the ground, so the Quran says

    "Verily We created man from an extract of clay" 23:12

    . The extract of clay is the aforementioned DNA. So, about Eva can say that completely

    anesthetized the man, who fell into a "deep sleep" 2:21

    , And later removed from his rib the genetic code necessary to form the female. To

    finish the surgery says the word that Jehovah "closed up the flesh in its place" 2:21, ie,

    sutured the cut of the transaction in the flesh of Adam. In the place where these beings

    who came

    "A far country" Isa 13:5, "from one end of heaven is leaving" Sal 19:6included animals with certain powers. The snake who has been mistakenly identified as

    the symbol of evil, was endowed with the gift of speech. This proved that Jehovah had

    lied to men when they said they would die from eating the forbidden fruit. The snake

    was explicitly saying "not surely die" 3:4 by that fact, but will be awakened to the

    reality of life cease to be humanoid. Therefore, when opened the eyes of man, the man

    said "this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh" 2:23

    . And now the Lord was facing a dilemma: the man had discovered the true knowledge

    and thus evolve mentally and spiritually. Yahweh knew that and he told his men "man

    has become like one of us, knowing good and evil" 3:22. After marriage the great

    disobedience heard "the voice of Jehovah God walking in the garden in the cool of the

    day" 3:8. So, this military leader was walking with his inferiors in the garden andordering exploring new ways of conquest in the land. The only thing they had in mind

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    was his own glory and reverence. Jeremiah told "cursed who trusts in man" 17:5. So,

    with this statement we must imagine the anger that must have felt when Allen learned

    that the two men created by obeying it ended a vicious snake. So magnanimous was his

    anger he said nastily, "Cursed is the ground because of you" 3:17. After adamantly

    blaming Eve, as a woman who bears the sin of all mankind, as the death of Jesus, he

    calmed down and fired "for the man and his wife coats of skins and visited" 3:21.For the narrative emerges a fleet consisting of workers of all kinds such as; riders "rode

    upon a cherub, and flew, flew on the wings of the wind" Ps 18:9

    As well as scientists, doctors, tailors, etc.. So, the advice of his wise messengers

    (angels) allowing blessed Adam to name every beast, and to every fowl of the air and all

    cattle of the field. Subsequently dismissed from the garden and placed cherubim

    (spiritual beings) to the east and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the

    way of the tree of life (Gen. 3:24). It is clear that the cherubim were merely aliens and

    the flaming sword must have been a huge laser sword that served as a sign of the

    conquered territory. Mormon describes the seraphim and "each one had six wings: with

    two he covered his face with two feet, and with two he flew" 2 Nephi 16:2. Thus began

    the epic galactic greatest of all time. Thousands of years later illustrates the writer of thebook of Acts

    "You have come to Mount Zion to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,

    the meeting of thousands of angels" 12:22. Now therefore, why the apostle identifies

    Mount Zion to the heavenly city of the living God? Mount Zion was ruled by aliens

    who possessed advanced technology to our own time. So, how could the ancients

    understood such magnificence? Because this is that the writer states the mount of the

    living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, bringing together thousands of aliens. Countless

    ethereal descriptions that arise from the Bible, two of which I detail below the "all

    Mount Sinai smoked, because Jehovah descended upon it in fire. The smoke went up

    like an oven, and the whole mountain shook violently. The sound of bocinase became

    increasingly strong. Moses spoke and God answered him with a voice of thunder "Ex

    19:18.19. This appointment will note the arrival of a powerful spaceship, which shook

    the old with speakers (speakers). This theory takes shape when the priest announces

    Yahweh future extraterrestrial exploration on earth. He says writing "in that day shall

    messengers go from me in ships" Ez. 30:9. Ezekiel saw the words of this military leader

    since he saw one of these and the well illustrated "a great eagle with great wings and

    long limbs, filled with feathers of various colors came to Lebanon" 17:3

    . Now, how do you suppose a man from the time of Ezekiel describe even a simple

    commercial airliner? Would have no choice but to liken to a large bird with large wings.

    He also told the prophet that future aliens will return from a distant planet where they

    are "a mighty, ancient people, whose language ignore and not understand what you say"Jer. 5:15. It is therefore as the Lord reveals future advents aliens to our planet, but

    despite being a conqueror of worlds, said "I will gather the remnant of my flock out of

    all countries whither I" Jer. 23:3. Then there is the possibility that a genealogy of man

    has evolved from the ape and one of the disobedience of an alien project. If this

    hypothesis is correct there is no doubt the universe is home to billions of natural races

    and scientific experiments, and the Koran confirms "Among His signs is the creation of

    the heavens and the earth and all living creatures that has been distributed between the

    two. He has the power to gather them when you like "42. Then it happened that when

    humans began to multiply on the face of the earth disobeyed the orders of the military

    angry that no doubt put an end to all living things. Before that event Noah built an ark

    of wood three hundred cubits long, fifty wide and thirty high. The same came to him,his wife, sons, daughters and two species decade animal (male, female). The writers

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    were not specific regarding this subject. First the famous flood never happened, because

    it was a global flood caused by nuclear weapons collapsed the huge alien Laurentide ice

    in North America, which represented the largest increase in freshwater in the world of

    the past 100,000 years and had place it between 8,740 and 8,160 years. This event was

    accompanied by catastrophic tsunamis, and seeing the men who went up the ground

    water understood that it was because of a great flood caused by God. The missiles wereseen by Zechariah aliens who illustrated "I see a flying scroll, twenty cubits long and

    ten cubits wide" 5:2. This description clarifies the original the angel when the Prophet

    confirms the disaster to come, "this is the curse that spreads over the face of the earth"

    5:3. Moreover, the ark built by Noah was a dimension too small to collect two of every

    animal species and in turn your whole family. So, the decision of the Lord was to

    remove DNA of each species for conservation in the ark. It would thus have plenty of

    room for many genetic codes. After the cataclysm it cloned many of the animals on

    earth. In writing you can see that this act was that of an omnipotent God because "God

    remembered Noah ..........." 8:1. Thus, if the waters were sent by God, how could he

    forget all about the ark? Perhaps the Lord was busy meeting the demands of their

    (angels), or perhaps distributing his army across the land. Zechariah says he saw atnight a man riding upon a red horse and he was among the myrtle trees that were in the

    ravine, and behind him were red horses speckled, and white. He asked the angel, who

    are these? And the angel said, "are what the Lord has sent to patrol the earth" 1:8.10.

    After this invasion the Genesis account that the whole earth had one language and one

    speech, so the men decided to build a tower whose top may reach unto heaven. Jehovah

    then told his army "down and confuse their language so that they may not understand

    the speech of his friend" 11:1.7. Thus it was that spread throughout the land without

    being able to perceive these extraterrestrial experiment which had been subjected. But

    what really happened? In this case some type of drug used similar to that used for the

    cure of sleep, with the difference that it acted immediately. This hypothesis is

    strengthened when Jehovah says the prophet to pour out His spirit on all flesh "and

    these young men shall see visions" Joel 2:28. That's how visitors to the old drugged for

    submission to their haunts. The Bible relates that the sun was risen upon the earth when

    Lot entered into Zoar. Then "the Lord rained from heaven burning sulfur on Sodom and

    Gomorrah, and destroyed the cities and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of those

    cities and the fruit of the earth. Then the wife looked back from behind him, and she

    became a pillar of salt "Gen 19:23.26

    . Here, then, emerges first fingers massive destruction cities that were attacked by an

    asteroid that crashed to earth for more than five thousand years, and the Lord and

    company did nothing to prevent the disappearance of these. Near the pillar of salt stood

    the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were in a valley in the Dead Sea betweenIsrael, the West Bank and Jordan. It is the lowest place on earth and is about ten times

    saltier than the oceans. Therefore, no living thing in him, except some microbes, but

    also the most striking theme is the salt dunes that form with the wind in human form (a

    pillar of salt). This was the way they were aliens to solve our daily problems. Again

    Horeb when Moses appear on wearing his father's sheep in the wilderness and

    "appeared to him the angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in the midst of a bush. By

    looking, behold, the bush burned with fire, but the bush was not consumed "Exodus 3:2.

    The Prophet tried to approach the living and said "stay away, remove the shoes from off

    thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground" 3:5. Now, what happened

    in the bush was an act of God or an illusion? Perhaps, are the contemporary magicians

    are not trained to perform these illusions? They have been engaged in the bush above,however, are nothing more than a magic trick. Also why the angel of the LORD asked

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    to remove shoes? Would be irrational to think that was a part of Mount disinfected

    every germ and / or bacteria? Our metabolism constantly fight against viruses and

    bacteria that live in our environment, however ill every year because of them. So, for

    the Martians our most ephemeral and mild diseases deadly weapons would be against

    his nature. So is more than clear because he said "take off your shoes from your feet."

    Moses, Aaron and seventy-two Jews more saw the God of Israel and "under his feet wasa pavement of sapphire like the very heaven for clearness" 24:10. Here, then, is

    optimally tested the visitors with their feet not touching the ground floor. In turn this

    tiling may have been some small transport vehicle, which got on and off of their ships.

    The leader of the expedition "Lord of hosts" declared "slow to anger and abounding in

    mercy" Num 13:18

    but their behavior shows the opposite. Let's see: Paul recalls as being egocentric, wrote

    "For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, For this very reason you got to show my power in

    you and that my name might be proclaimed throughout the land" Rom. 9:17. What

    catches the attention of this story is the obsession of God to demonstrate his power to a

    mere mortal like Pharaoh. So drop the supernatural theory of the one true God, creator

    of the Big Bang by the military leader of a fanatic. He was also a compulsive killer whoattacked as the psalm with "an army of destroying angels" 78:49. It also happened to

    Nadab and Abihu the sons of Aaron took a censer and unconsciously put fire and

    incense above and left him for offering. Because of this act "out of the LORD a fire that

    burned and killed," 10:2. He offered up by these men was not allowed, but still, is this

    of how to react is appropriate for a God of love? On another occasion it happened that

    the Semitic people complained and

    "Lord heard him and his anger burned. It went on including a fire that consumed Lord

    one end of camp, "No. 11: 1. The impact of the grenades at the camp clarifies the true

    nature of this alien. By this I mean that was to be intolerable, to the point that Mary and

    Aaron murmur of Moses; it down in the pillar of cloud and stood at the door of the

    tabernacle. From there he called to say that the prophets would be called through

    dreams, visions, etc.., But that Moses would be different. Scripture says "The Lord

    spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend" Ex.33: 11. Aaron and

    Mary then left and he saw she was leprous

    (Numbers 12:10). Also emerges from this story that many human diseases, including

    leprosy could be invented by aliens. The above is magnified when the Jewish found a

    man gathering sticks on the Sabbath. He was imprisoned and condemned by the Lord

    himself, who ordered "that man must die irreversibly" Num 15:35. So, it is

    incomprehensible behavior of this being, that in each of his appearances showed their

    pitiful sight nature. It tells the word that there was a cataclysm, which was caused by the

    artillery of the Lord against the rebellion of Korah, whose meaning was Greek goddess(maiden). They say that

    "The earth opened her mouth and swallowed them, their households and all Korah's

    men and all their goods" Num 16:31.32. According to the illustration of the earthquake

    suffered by rivals of the Jewish people was caused by the power of God, however the

    most sensible hypothesis was given above. His behavior was so uncontrollable that

    poisoned the waters of Red Sea caused the ten plagues of Egypt. This theory takes

    shape when we read in Revelation "The second poured out his bowl into the sea, which

    became as the blood of dead, and all the sea creatures died," 16:3

    . To pass on the poison the waters were poisoned fish and disintegrated leaving the sea

    red with blood, except for the frogs, which fled to the land pollution. With the stagnant

    water by the plague, presents the perfect place for the multiplication of lice, flies andmosquitoes. Without clean water domestic animals begin to die of various infections

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    and contamination due to fever was present. Ulcers arise from lethal poisoning, while

    the air brought all kinds of toxic gases to intermingle with the moisture in the

    atmosphere produced ice (hail). Lobsters come simply to climate change and thus

    destroy everything. As for the death of the firstborn is true that it was because of their

    own culture. They had a privilege double portion of food, this time poisoned and rotten,

    so they were the first to perish. After this savage killing Pharaoh allowed the withdrawalof the Jewish people. When he left "all the hosts of the LORD left the land of Egypt"

    Exodus 12:41 And "The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them

    the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light "13:21. The engine start must

    have been similar to earthlings rockets, so the ancients illustrated as a cloud. With

    respect to the pillar of fire that were potent course incandescent bulbs which, when

    mixed with the smoke was described as a pillar of fire. When the Semites migrated to

    desert the king decided to return them to slavery and became "Lord withdrew the sea by

    a strong east wind that blew all night. That dried up the sea and the waters were

    divided ...... At daybreak, the sea returned with full force .... For returning the .... There

    was not one of them "Ex 14:27.28. One wonders, what Jehovah military system used to

    generate a tsunami with these characteristics? He announced to the prophet-like chaosfuture detailed "shake the earth like a drunkard" Isa. 24:20. This being so fanatiz the

    Semitic people, who did know each book of the Bible. By way of example expose Lev.

    26:12, 1Ch. 17:22, 1 Kgs. 9:3, 2 Sam. 7:26, Zech. 8:7, Jer. 44:2

    , Etc. The Jews despite having been freed from Egyptian bondage, Moses reproached

    fact have led them to a desert devoid of food. Due to this reason the Lord promised "I

    will rain bread from heaven" Exodus 16:4

    . In the evening quails came up and covered the camp, and morning dew around town.

    When this ceased, appeared on the face of the desert a round thing, fine as frost on the

    ground. The children of Israel were wondering, what is this? According to the Bible

    Moses said, "is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat" Exodus 16:15.

    Now then, what food was he that came down from heaven? Without a doubt it was food

    from the countless alien ships circulating the Palestinian sky. The house of Israel called

    "manna" because it was like a coriander seed, white, and taste like wafers made with

    honey. These two foods that were eaten by the Jews for forty years. Then comes this

    question, why God was limited so long to grant the same food? Due to the above they

    started screaming "Our soul is dried, beside this manna, before our eyes!" No. 11: 6. As

    stated in the words our guests were greedy beings. The priest tried food from another

    planet "son of man, feed your belly and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give you. Ate,

    and was in my mouth sweet as honey "Ezekiel. 3:3. Also, John was fed like a scroll

    (Revelation 10:10). They were also carnivores, tells Genesis that "Cain brought of the

    fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. And Abel also brought of the firstlings ofhis flock ..... and LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering "4:3.4. This passage

    is magnified when Noah built an altar and took of every animal and every bird gives the

    corresponding holocaust. Illustrates that the Lord saw writing "sweet savor" 8:21. Was

    also present when the father of faith was sitting in the tent door. This at the sight of the

    Lord and company ran and fetched a calf for his servant to prepare it. To all this, "he

    stayed with them under the tree, and ate" Gen 18:8. Now, how did the entity that created

    the vast universe to share with Abraham a generous lunch? This illustration makes a

    grand gateway to the world of the unknown. The Semites entered the Desert of Zin and

    pass that there was no water. Complaints were felt to the point that the Lord said to

    Moses, "Take the rod .... And speak to the rock ..... give it water, "Num 20:8. The

    Israelites drank Lugo, this military act incomprehensibly, he told Moses "you did notbelieve

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    in my .... This generation shall not enter upon the land which I give them "Num 20:21

    . Now, this being derogatory is ensaaba with the meekest man in the world, with one

    who spoke face to face for forty years. This inconsistent reaction agrees closely with

    that of a common space, and not that of a holy God. His arrogance knew no bounds

    when he said to Moses for his people loved,

    "Depart from among this congregation, and consume them in a moment" Num 16:45. Inthe event extinct Semitic fourteen in 1700, not counting those who perished in the

    rebellion of Korah. It emerges at a glance expressed the essence of a living being in no

    way resembled that of a forgiving God. This fact becomes evident when

    "The angel of the Lord came and killed a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the camp

    of the Assyrians, and they rose in the morning, everything was dead" Isa. 37:36. With

    respect to your form be, it should say it was dispersed. He asked soothsayer Balaam the

    Mesopotamian region, "Who are these with thee?" Num 22:9. It also becomes clear his

    sadism with the Israelites when they began to interact with the daughters of Moab. This

    so enraged retail hang commanded all the princes of the people before their eyes in

    broad daylight

    (Numbers 25:4). It was disgusting when men did not allow the descendants of Aaron,which default would have approached him for giving (Lev.21: 21). In turn his

    malevolence is revealed the son of an Israelite who had problems with a Jew. They

    quarreled in the camp and the son of the Israelite reacted inappropriately. By his

    conduct the Lord ordered him out of the congregation (Lev. 24:10.11). He was also

    irrational when seventy thousand men exterminated because of David. The psalmist

    puzzled by the event lamented saying, "I sinned, I did wrong, what made them sheep?"

    2 Sam. 24:17. It also increased its madness when Diola order to hurt Amalek (people

    living in the desert), to destroy all that he had no regrets. Among them were men,

    children, babies suckling, ox and sheep, camels and donkeys (1 Sam. 15:3). The most

    striking aspect of this character was the indifference in certain circumstances. For

    example, "Saul inquired of God: Should I go down after the Philistines? You give them

    into the hands of Israel? But the Lord did not answer that day "1 Sam. 14:37. Now then,

    what happened with this dedicated God did not respond to the appeal of Saul? David

    was also indifferent. The Psalmist implored him "How long Lord? Will you forget me

    forever? How long will you hide your face from me? "Ps 13:1.2. To continue to be

    added that would be inadmissible to think that every time identified with the name of

    the Lord it would be the same being. This meant that the name was used to remember

    the various investigations wing land. If not, why his acting and speaking were not

    always the same? For example, Adam never called him by name, whereas Moses did all

    the time. The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah were presented in the same way (questions

    and visions). Ezekiel with the ultimate manifestation alien described in the Bible. WithJonah was very peaceful, so much so that endured answering the complaints of the

    Prophet "You do well to be angry?" 4:4. Here, then, I explained the different

    personalities of these galaxies that they called "the Lord of hosts." Regarding the

    physical description arises

    "And He was grieved in his heart" Gen. 6:6, "see my back, but did not see my face,"

    Exodus 33:23, "the Lord put forth his hand" Jer. 1:9, "I have put my spirit upon him"

    Isa. 42:1, "My eyes are open and my ears attentive" 2 Chron. 7:15. Here, the image of a

    human being, eyes, heart, back, hands, face and spirit. For these reasons, it becomes

    clear the next verse "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" Genesis 1:26.

    Also see a huge man with particularity, says the Lord "Mine is silver and the gold is

    mine saith the Lord" Hag. 2:8. On top of this passage we can understand the cause ofthe great effort put forward by the visitors. Beyond conquering various planets in

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    different galaxies, emphasizes primarily silver and gold. Despite these strange acts the

    most striking of this God is found in their sexual appetite, and by human jealousy. It

    tells the script that there were two women in his youth fell into fornication with the

    Assyrians, Egyptians. One is called Ahola and other Aholibah. These women

    maintained carnal relations with the aliens, because the Lord said "both were mine" Ez.

    23:4. This idea took shape when the God of Israel angered because of his infidelitiesand states that the surrender to the disturbance and predation. He added that the mob to

    stone and through with their swords, they kill children and burn it home (Ezek

    23:46.47). With this reaction showed a remarkable consistency to that of a man driven

    mad by his passion. He himself argues

    "God is jealous and avenging" Nah. 1:2. It is necessary to clarify that men were

    attracted to these beings. Genesis tells that two angels stayed at Lot's house and the

    village men surrounded the house demanding his departure. It is obvious that humans

    would not welcome them, but intergalactic sex. When male Jehovah's perceived human

    thought "they smote them with blindness" Gen. 19:11.

    It should be added that their bodies had different forms, ie, men hosted by Lot were

    identical to men, because they were mesmerized at the sight. It also illustrates the word"seven are the eyes of the Lord" Zech. 4:10, and "there were giants in the earth in those

    days," Gen. 6:4

    , And these same left their offspring "was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on

    the hands and twelve feet, twenty-four in total. Also descended from the giants "2 Sam.

    21:20. Scientists say that having the right conditions for life on Mars, would measure

    about three feet and twelve feet, with a very thin complexion to ours. This would be

    because of the severity of that pose, so having evolved on a planet like Jupiter would be

    small and obese. Furthermore not all visitors were giants or man-like from his hips

    down, fire, and from the hips up glow

    (Ezekiel 8:2). Something very significant in the writing emerges when Jacob wrestles

    with the angel of Peniel and this because of their weakness by saying bless

    "I no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men and

    have prevailed" Gen.32: 28. This appointment is evidence of an entity known to be alien

    and not an angel, powerful God, therefore, the blessing expressed by this was not just a

    good exhaust. Not only by dreams or visions of the aliens were communicating, but also

    personally made (Ex. 3:4). But the Bible also says that were identified by their name

    floats "the Lord of hosts" (Isa. 3:1). Now, the manifestations perceived by the ancients,

    do not match human telepathy? As for the language used by them, we should highlight

    the variability of languages to which they had access. That is, were reported in Aramaic,

    Hebrew, but tells David

    "I heard a language I did not understand" Psalm 81:5. The king lived prophesied byIsaiah when he said "foreign language, will discuss" 28:11. Surely the true language

    was extraplanetary. Culminating in the Old Testament we must bring up the character

    feared by the Jewish Christians. As in any army there is always a soldier with a special

    personality. The austerity and arrogance was the starring role he played Satan or Satan.


    (1 Chr 21:1) illustrated the same story as in (2 Sam. 24:1). One book says that Satan

    incited David to number the King Semitic people, while the other has the Lord burned

    with anger and stipulated that census. Significantly, this case demon acted according to

    the command of Yahweh. The obedient soldier guarding the conquered people of other

    intergalactic, as there are indications of other gods in antiquity. Now then, do these gods

    would not be rivals of the Lord? Let's see what the Bible says: "one day came to presentthemselves before the LORD the children of God, and Satan came also among them.

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    LORD said to Satan, 'Where are you? Satan answered the LORD and said, From

    roaming the earth and walking around on it "Job 1:6.7. It emerges that Satan told

    traveling freely by land and by sea, the scripture says "the Lord had a great fish to

    swallow Jonah, and he remained in the belly of the fish three days and three nights"

    2:1 . The question now is a big fish or a huge submarine? The illustration of the writing

    is flawed because no man could have endured three days inside the belly of a whale,especially when "And the Lord commanded the fish, and vomited out Jonah upon the

    earth" Jon. 2:10. Of course, the submarine arrived at the banks Jonah (on land). Lord

    also failed to seize all humans because many people had already been conquered by

    other aliens, that is why the prophet said, "You only have I known of all the families of

    the earth" Amos 3:2. This statement takes shape when it arises from the Koran

    "We wanted access to heaven but we found it full of guardians" 72:8. Perhaps they

    belonged to the belief of Baal who was supposed to be the "son of god" El ". In

    Canaanite mythology was called so (El) to the deity, was known as "father of all gods,"

    the supreme god, 'the creator', 'the kind'. Moloch was a Phoenician and Carthaginian

    deity, god of fire who sacrificed human victims, mostly children. Dagon was also

    Philistine deity which is supposed to be a fish god, a fact not in the least surprising,since it seems to have been the main deity of maritime cities. God Milcom of the

    Ammonites (1 Kings 11:5, 33, 2 Kings 23:13; Sof. 1:5). Nothing is known about this

    god of extra-biblical sources, although the name appears on stamps Ammonites and a

    stone inscription from the 4th century BC found in the excavations of the citadel of

    Amman., etc. These aliens had conquered the Philistines, Ammonites, Canaanites, etc..,

    And that is why David wrote

    "Who in the heaven can be compared to Jehovah?" Psalm 89:6 "Lord, there is none like

    You among the gods" Ps 86:6. Continuing with the analysis of Satan, told in the book of

    Zechariah annoyed Lord Satan so that he said "The Lord rebuke thee, Satan! LORD that

    hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! "3:2. As expressed in the word comes another idea

    about the identity of Satan. Well, that team needed a class like this soldier, who

    tormented the former with its air strikes. The Qur'an mentions this fact, says "This is

    Satan frightening" 3:175. In turn Paul claimed "Satan himself masquerades as an angel

    of light" 2 Cor. 11:14. This means that it was not always bad, but at times behaved like

    the best angel of the Jewish God. This battle must be experienced to be the cause of all

    the disasters described in the Bible. Because he was branded as detailed as the devil,

    however he identified himself against Joshua "as a prince of the army of the Lord" 5:14

    . David also recognized as being important before his God, he wrote

    "They repay me evil for good and hatred for love. Put on the wicked and Satan at his

    right hand this "Sal.109: 5.6. It is clear that to be on the side of the defendant, was

    merely an inflexible alien army soldier accuser. Has the gospel that Jesus "was there inthe wilderness forty days. He was tempted by Satan "Mc. 1:12.13

    . Here, then, appears again on orders from their leader. This time he attacked the

    beloved in order to prove worldly. So, after seeing the strength of it "the devil away"

    Lk. 4:13. It is time to analyze the contacts extraplanetary in the New Testament. The

    apostle writes that the angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Nazareth. At the

    same dwelt the virgin Mary who was about to marry Joseph the carpenter. It happened

    that "The angel went to her and said, Hail, favored one! The Lord is with thee: blessed

    art thou among women "1:26.28. Writing continues by stating that "the angel said: Fear

    not Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And now you will conceive in your

    womb and bear a son, and shalt call his name Jesus "1:30.31. So, Gabriel appears before

    Mary unexpectedly, at a time when the virgin was lonely. Mary was astonished at suchan event, to which Gabriel reassures her blessing her in the name of the Lord.

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    Imagine for a moment an event of this magnitude for a young virgin who is suddenly

    face to face with an alien. Now then, what credible witness could have provided the

    virgin knowing your primitive mind? Perhaps, could he have thought that it was an

    angel of God? Never! The word is clearly seen the speed with which Gabriel is

    presented to the mother of Jesus. Get to the holy home without being seen by anyone,

    and leaves the same way. So Mary is troubled and scared by something that occurswithout permission, or because they did not possess the corresponding human form?

    Luke writes, "Mary asked the angel: How shall this be?, Since I am male. The angel

    answered and said, The Holy Spirit will come upon you "1:35

    . According to the angel, the holy spirit to Mary and this cover will be pregnant. But the

    virgin, was the first woman to receive this blessing? No way! In The Bible emerges

    Manoah's wife was barren and because of this the angel says "You are sterile and have

    never had children, but conceive and bear a son" Thu. 13:3. So it was that visitors gave

    life to Samson, in the same way they did with Jesus. He had the gift of strength, and the

    same is said when a young lion came roaring toward him, and he tore it as a kid (Judges

    14:5.6). Also wiped out a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass, and rose to the top

    of the mountain the gates of the city's two pillars and bolt (Judges 16:3). Abraham'swife did the same, we read "Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for

    Sarah as he had promised. Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in old age "Gen


    . Here it appears that neither women had intimate relationships with their spouses, but

    the Lord made with them as promised. Without a doubt this to be evolutionary infertility

    treated surgically and old age. In the contemporary world are ruled by heavenly

    miracles scientifically established facts. He suffered by these women would be called

    today as artificial insemination. To proceed you need to understand that if Jesus was not

    born a man, but visitors beings would be under the belief of a galactic experiment. The

    angel says "there is nothing impossible with God" Luke. 1:37. But, if so God would

    have to work daily on our problems, however they continue progressively. So, this

    passage should be interpreted as follows "there is nothing impossible for science." It is

    therefore unacceptable that Gabriel took the trouble to offer an empirical explanation to

    a woman who would conceive by alien science. If these facts are possible for the

    modern world, the more for people who enjoy the ability to travel light years through

    space. Matthew Joseph has to learn that his fiance was pregnant tried to leave secretly

    so as not defame, but the carpenter follows the angel of the Lord who says her son is the

    Holy Spirit (1:20.24). The aliens have the power to control the dreams of human free

    will, so much so that Joseph most humiliating completely forgets that can support a

    person. Lucas subsequently shown that in the same region where he was born the

    blessed, there were shepherds watching their flocks and came to "have an angel of theLord and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified" 2:9.

    Emerges that with each former angelic appearance and greatly feared. This was because

    the Martians were presented in airships illuminating acres, "and the glory of the Lord

    shone around." Imagine for a moment these men, who used to stone their women to

    death for fornication, living a totally supernatural situation for a brilliant mind at the

    time. Therefore, it is very logical that the ancients attributed to each episode atypical,

    excessive greatness of God. Write the evangelist "and suddenly there was with the angel

    a multitude of the heavenly host" 2:13. This means that after the meeting between the

    angel (alien) and the shepherds introduced a fleet of flying saucers, to which Luke

    describes as the heavenly hosts. Then ends "it happened that when the angels went away

    from them went up to heaven" 2:15. This hypothesis increases when Matthew recountsthat wise men from the east were brought to Bethlehem of Judea by a starlit night. That

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    star "went before them, till it came and stood over where the child was" Matthew 2:9.

    Astronomy teaches that the heavens two thousand years ago was similar to today, then

    what the Evangelist refers star? What a meteorite or an asteroid? Impossible, since none

    of these stops on the home of a child. It is therefore very likely to be one of many

    spacecraft heading to the famous wise men. The above is evident when the word says

    "the star stopped." According to Mark the beloved was to be baptized at the Jordan andcame to pass that when the water the heavens opened and a voice from the said "you are

    my beloved Son, unto thee I have gratification" 1:10.11. The aliens declared through

    powerful speakers creation earthling. If Christ was a reasonably advanced experiment

    that had all the virtues and for having. Isaiah reveals that these DNA intermixed

    "There is beauty in it," 53:2. With this the prophet emphasizes the spiritual beauty.

    Jesus was also passionate about the Lord showed it in every act, word, but mostly what

    he said when he identified as "I am" Jn. 18:5 name by which Jehovah appeared to

    Moses "I AM" Exodus 3:14. In turn tells the Jews "before Abraham was, I am" Jn. 8:58.

    But despite such statements as significant emerges from the same gospel which

    pronounced "My Father" or "Father" one hundred and ten times. Continala history in

    the desert and tells "After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry" Matthew4:2. This quote shows the emancipation and spiritual elevation of the Nazarene, who

    can as fast during this period of time? He also says the scripture that Jesus took three of

    his disciples and ascended the mountain to pray and I prayed he was transfigured before

    them and His face shone like the sun, and his raiment was white as snow, "and Elijah

    appeared to them Moses, who spoke with Jesus "Mc. 9:4. Now therefore, be said that

    this event had happened centuries ago. The Torah says that Moses "down from the

    mountain to the skin of his face shone for being with God" Exodus 34:29. So in this

    verse there is a mistake of the evangelist, because Moses and Elijah had been the

    ancestors of Jesus. So how did they talk to the blessed if they were dead? Also how

    could recognize the faces of these emblematic icons, if they lived centuries ago? The

    Koran also says that when we see God "will be shining faces" 75:22. Jesus was and is

    the quintessential rabbi of Israel, so he could perfectly tell his disciples that these two

    beings were these prophets, as waging alien conversation. For this hypothesis is as

    accurate as possible, the evangelist writes, "As he spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed

    them: and behold a voice from the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son" Matthew

    17:5. The author states that a cloud of light spoke, but what modern man lived such a

    situation? None! One should be prepared mentally to all existing hypotheses until there

    is empirical evidence that refutes. Other enigmas about the ethereal nature of Jesus is

    the power possessed by it. Let's take a look at these facts: Marcos1: 42 healed a leper. In

    John 5:9 healed a man who for thirty-eight years he was sick. Matthew 9:7 illustrates

    that the beloved rose to a paralytic and Lucas8: 55 shows that raised the daughter ofJairus. Behold, a transient exposure of the healing power of the Nazarene. So, if the

    scriptures are true one wonders, can a common be raised to such an extent? Impossible!

    Anyway, just an extraordinary feats can make these. Because this is that the possibility

    is exaggerated for the Christ the experiment has been universal for excellence. It

    narrates the book of Acts that Paul walked to Damascus, and suddenly heard a voice

    from heaven told Saul, Saul why do you persecute me? Paul falls downhill and blinded

    for three days (Acts 9:7.9)

    . The visitors surrounded the apostle with a blinding light and then identified with the

    name of Jesus and flatly forbid them to continue their life of crime. Now therefore, what

    we must give consistent interpretation to this event? Very simple, with each event that

    caused injury to his purposes, immediately intervened to assert its authority. I confirmthe words of David "the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he

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    will deliver" Ps 34:7. He expressed the magnificent Mormon when he relates, "I saw

    him again the heavens opened and angels descending upon the children of men, and

    they ministered" 1 Nephi 13:30. Now, to address the future resurrection of the dead is

    important to bring up the following statement of Jesus to Pilate, "you would have no

    authority against me, if it were given thee from above" Jn.19: 11. He emphatically

    stated that if expired in Roman hands was only for a reason, raised the third day, Iexperience promised by the old "behold, crucify him, and after being laid in a sepulcher

    for the space of three days, rise from the dead, with healing in his wings "2 Nephi

    25:13. But how do the experiment? The foregoing question is ancient. The unbelievers

    say the Qur'an

    "Do be resurrected and return to life again? Still after our bones have turned to dust?

    Exclaim: This is truly impossible! "79:10.12. But cloning humans was known in

    antiquity as resurrection, so Ezekiel early illustration of an act of cloning, see "The hand

    of the Lord came upon me and carried me away in the Spirit of the Lord, and put me in

    middle of a valley which was full of bones. And I did pass by all around them, and

    behold, there were very many upon the face of the field, and certainly very dry. And I

    said, 'Son of man, can these bones live? And I said, Lord GOD, thou knowest. He saidto me, Prophesy upon these bones and say to them: O dry bones, hear the word of the

    Lord. Thus saith the Lord GOD to these bones: Behold, I will make breath enter you,

    and you will live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and

    cover you with skin and put breath in you, and ye shall live, and know that I am

    Jehovah. So I prophesied as I was commanded: and there was a noise as I prophesied,

    and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. And I looked, and

    behold, sinews on them, and the flesh came up, and skin covered them above: but there

    was no breath in them. And I said Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say

    to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, and breathe upon

    these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath came

    into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great army. 37:1.10.

    This will clarify the future resurrection of the dead. They promised to return in a very

    particular, he claims the word

    "Lest I come and smite the earth with a curse" Mal 4:6. The mass extermination is

    evident, since humans attack irreversibly. If realized a future galactic war, the seer

    wrote "many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake" Dan. 12:2. He

    apparently saw the end of mankind from a dissimilar to that of their colleagues. He in

    his book made it clear that life on earth depended on the grace of the aliens. So great

    was his vision that described the threatening words of a Martian "nobody helps me

    against them except Michael your prince" 10:20.21. So, two aliens brutally overthrew

    Persia and Greece. So how many ships will need to exterminate our future generation?Not much, really! Also there is this reality in the Book of Mormon says

    "The Lord and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole earth" 2 Nephi 23:5

    . As for the resurrection of Christ should be added that the aliens involved clinically

    blessed with a medicine so advanced that the third day he woke up. Thus was founded

    the world's most popular faith. The Gospel of John prophesies the future between

    humans and extraterrestrial sightings, says "from now on you will see heaven opened,

    and the angels of God ascending and descending" 1:51. Luke tells that women entering

    the tomb they found the body of Jesus and suddenly appeared beside them two men in

    shining garments (24:3.4). Once again the visitors controlled his perfect creation, so

    much so that writing relates that after the resurrection, he exhorts his disciples and "was

    received up into heaven" Mc. 16:19. After the abduction by the ship, Christ met itscreators, and because of this because he told his apostles "where I go, ye can not come"

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    Jn. 13:33. What a truth! How could imagine his followers travel the vast cosmos? When

    seized the anointed with just thirty-three years old was fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah

    which says

    "He will prolong His days" 53:10. This leads to believe that Jesus formed a new life in

    another world with his new family. He predicted

    "See his offspring" Isa. 53:10, which makes clear an intergalactic genealogy. Now then,does the rapture of Jesus was first performed on earth? No way! The word says that

    "Enoch was translated that he should not see death, and was not found because God had

    translated him" Heb. 11:5. In the above cambimosle transported and transposed to

    reach the conclusion that Enoch was taken away by aliens. "He walked, therefore,

    Enoch with God, and disappeared because God took him" 5:24. Elijah experienced

    similar situation as he was walking with Elisha and "a chariot of fire and horses of fire,

    and parted them both asunder, and Elijah ascended to heaven in a whirlwind" 2 Kgs.

    2:11. This demonstrates a fact that snatches men from the aliens is not modern but

    ancient theory. In Matthew 13:45 there is a similar statement where Jesus says that a

    man seeking pearls (worlds with intelligent life) and discover all it has sold over you.

    This would imply that advanced beings conquered multiple worlds and the Nazareneknew reliably. He once said

    "The kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered fish of

    every kind. When it was full, they drew to the beach and sitting gathered the good into

    vessels and cast the bad away "Mt 13:47.48. At the rapture added conquests of good

    beings. Of course, the bad will be less suffering in their worlds, while the good ones

    will leave forever. Jesus described this truth when he said "in my Father's house are

    many mansions" Jn. 14:2. Therefore, the idea that visitors come from a huge home

    planet where intelligent life to spare. But what emerges is an indication of writing about

    this? Illustrates the evangelist "at that time shall two be in the field: one will be taken

    and the other left" Mt 24:40. So, is that it magnifies the teleportation, two men walk

    together, and one suddenly disappear without the other receives nothing. In the

    apocryphal gospels are supernatural events, such as "the angels who guarded the Virgin

    Mary went up to the third heaven where Jesus was accompanied by his angels and heard

    what was happening" Barnabas 8. The writer describes that Jesus was in the third

    heaven, and he requested permission to visit his mother and his disciples. This concurs

    carnally with Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel (Ber.10) and should be ruled out a

    third spiritual sky. So if the first heaven is our planet, home to the second and third

    heaven material? What the moon or Mars? So, Jesus traveled through the universal ether

    with their creators and suddenly reacted very earthly remembers her mother and friends.

    After talking with Mary requires its guardians "and the angels appeared as four suns

    dazzling" Apoc. Ber. 1:17. This hypothesis takes shape in the apocryphal of Barnabaswhere it says "you let me, oh master, go a question as when habitabas among us?" 1:21.

    Bartholomew also illustrates "when El Salvador led us to Mount Olivet, spoke in an

    unknown tongue, and said: Anethovath. And the heavens and opened from end to end

    and his clothes were white as snow. And El Salvador rose to the empyrean to the

    strangeness of our eyes "2:16. According to the apostle Christ uttered a word

    unintelligible to them, so what language used to open the heavens from end to end?

    Perhaps, could the teacher speaking in an alien language? Here, further evidence of this

    ancient enigma. Also Valentino tells that after the resurrection were all together in the

    Olivet and Jesus departed and "the sun rising in his career ordinary issued an

    incomparable light. Because the light coming from the lights and came upon Jesus, and

    surrounded it completely. And there was something away from his disciples and shonein a way like no other. And the disciples did not see Jesus, for the blinding light that

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    enveloped ..... And it came to a big flash light came on Jesus and wrapped it slowly.

    And Jesus increased in space. " The author is explicit about a grand description of

    unknown events for which they were participants. Now, these galactic science education

    left some similar to ours? Let's see: First of all please note that the kingdom of God

    means more than the infinite universe, so he said

    "The kingdom of God is among you" Lk. 17:20.21. Genesis also says "In the beginningGod created the heavens" 1:1 which makes it clear that it was Jehovah who created the

    universe but God. It also adds perfectly to the Big Bang theory which holds that there

    was a beginning. In turn science insists on the theory of parallel universes, actually

    appears in the Quran "It is He Who created seven heavens in harmony," 67:3. After the

    big bang came the quarks, electrons, photons, protons and neutrons. We are now

    billions of degrees and says the Koran "directed his will to the sky, it was smoke" 41:11.

    Begins to run out the clock due to cosmic expansion and the Book of Mormon


    "Stretched out the heavens" 2 Nephi 8:13, so the temperature dropped to a billion

    degrees, and exposes the word "heaven and earth were joined together and separated"

    Cor. 21:30. Jesus teaching exceeded "What we will compare the kingdom of God? Whatparable will help us to represent you? It's like a mustard seed, which when planting is

    the smallest of all seeds on earth, but when it is sown it grows and becomes greater than

    all herbs, and puts out great branches, so that the birds of the air may lodge under the

    shadow "Mc. 4:30. To make sense of this parable we must consider the elements

    possessed by Jesus to illustrate the universal greatness. He took the example of the

    surrounding material world of his day, so the earthly nature was his main objective. So

    it looks like a mustard seed to the first embryonic cosmic creator of the heavens. But

    what are these two? The size of the mustard seed is almost imperceptible, as was the

    first and only creator embryo. Also one of them came from another universe as the

    vegetable. This made branches, in the same way that form in the cosmic ocean worlds,

    so that birds (men) to live in its shadow. That magnanimous universal description! Then

    began the balance through the power of gravity, and that reality was within Jesus that

    said "the kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three

    measures of meal, till the whole was leavened" Mt . 13:33. So it was that gradually took

    shape early universe (equilibrium). Now we find an immeasurable and vast sky, so

    Jeremiah said "if you could measure the heavens" 31:37. It should be clarified that

    happened billions of years of existence had to go to universal man appeared on earth .

    The Qur'an confirms "Do not spent a long period in which the man did not exist and

    was not even mentioned?" 76:1. How accurate are the teachings of the holy book!

    Jeremiah also told the natural laws of physics when he stated "the laws of the moon and

    stars" and Nephi 31:35 "the stars and constellations" 23:10. Jesus expanded the field ofevolution as follows

    "So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground, and should

    sleep and rise night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows, he knows how. Because

    the earth bringeth forth fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear

    and when the fruit is ripe, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest has

    come "Mc 4:26.29. So the teacher defined the natural process of survival equipment;

    while sleeping secret life flourishes. We have come to the birth of our planet occurred

    4,500 million years ago and David knew it, "In ancient times, founded the earth" Psalm

    102:26. The earth floats in space for the universal gravitational law and Job described it

    "hanging the earth upon nothing" 26:7. Our planet is not a sphere but an oblate spheroid

    due to rotation about their axes, and Isaiah God exalted her as follows "He sitsenthroned above the circle of the earth" 40:22. With respect to the shape of our planet

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    "The earth was without form and void" Gen. 1:2. Also teach that we were created by the

    dust of stars, and we will return to dust of stars. Now, what visitors unveiled on this

    issue? Scripture says "The Lord God formed man of dust of the earth" Gen 2:7. Then

    spread with Solomon, who wrote "all things were made of dust and to dust all return"

    Ecl.3: 20. There are countless quotes that are identified by modern science, to the point

    that Jesus poeticized the discovery of the earth. Matthew illustrates "the kingdom ofheaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and then hid. And with joy

    goes and sells everything he has and buys that field "13:44. Consider this parable: the

    land is a treasure trove for advanced beings, so when it was discovered they were filled

    with joy and left all their worldly goods to conquer it. Continuing this work is important

    to note that the Jesuit teachings were promulgated by religious men who could not read

    a single syllable of the most famous alien project in history. As expressed in the word is

    apparent at a glance that was blessed with the divine eye of man's scientific future, he

    said "every scribe instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings

    out of his treasure things new and old "Mt 13:52. So what resemble the type and the

    scientist? The scribes were doctors of law, that is: wise men who taught the people

    according to their thoughts. Similarly happens with the scientist (parent) that histreasure (wisdom) illuminates the world. So when he said the new and old discover

    emphasized that the creation, perpetuation and destruction of the material universe. His

    futuristic vision was so perfect that the primitive human spirituality perceived over time,

    "the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to another people" Matthew

    21:43. This stated that the teachings aliens had come to an end. So decisive was the

    same for more than two thousand years they have lost all interest in our spiritual and

    material development. If it is crass to say that Jesus was an alien project because he said

    "my kingdom is not of this world" Jn. 18:36. That's how magnified ethereal essence. He

    alleged that after his departure would take command of exploration with the Lord, "will

    see the Son of man seated at the right hand of Power" Mt 26:64. Emerges from the holy

    scriptures future universal cataclysm. He strongly predicted "the sun shall be darkened,

    the moon will not give its light, the stars fall from heaven" Matthew 24:29. Now, to be

    as accurate as possible with this prophecy is important to change the order of his words.

    Christ said that the stars will fall from the sky (meteorites, asteroids) and hence in

    terrestrial soil collapse "fell from heaven a great star burning like a torch" Apoc. 8:10.

    So great is the impact that "the earth shall remove out of place" Isa. 13:13 and arrive 'the

    sound to the end of the earth "Jer. 25:31. Logically a catastrophe similar to the

    disappearance of the dinosaurs carryover "famines and earthquakes in various places"

    Matthew 24:7. After the collapse will happen as in prehistory, the sunlight can not

    penetrate the dust cloud created by the asteroid (the sun will be darkened). It also

    generated violent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions devastating cosmic radiation, rise inglobal temperature, and therefore "the grass withers, wither the green shoots and all"

    Isa. 15:6. The devastation is imminent and the psalmist described it "fall at thy side and

    ten thousand at thy right hand" Psalm 91:7. So, after the destruction caused by a

    celestial star, which is one of the most respected theories of modern science, we must

    decipher the time the giant impact. Jesus said on this subject "of the day and hour no

    one knows" Matthew 24:36. The words of Christ are those used by scientists, who insist

    that it is impossible to know exactly when it will be the universal cataclysm. So

    accurate was the prophecy that they announced the name of the meteorite or asteroid

    destroyer, says

    "The name of the star is Wormwood" Rev 8:11. Following this event the earth will

    survive, but the man must be extinguished. Jeremiah wrote, "I looked and there was noman" 4:25. Also not forget the death of the sun, which will result in thousands of years.

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    In his agony will expand and grow to the extent that

    "The sun shall be sevenfold" Isa.30: 26 (the sun becomes a red giant star) and therefore

    burn up much of the solar system. Imagine for a moment alastro King appearing in the

    blue sky with a size seven times greater than normal. Unbelievable Truth! Certainly

    after this event the atmosphere will overheat and "sea water shortage, and the river will

    run dry and" Isa. 19:5. The prophecy of the Old Testament goes hand in hand withcontemporary science which holds that our planet will die without leaving a trace. So

    again Isaiah's vision was perfect, he wrote "of the past will not be remembered nor

    come into mind" 65:17. If in the distant future new visitors chose as the site for solar

    system exploration will not find more than a black dwarf (death of the sun). And now, a

    new hypothesis emerges on galaxies M31 (Andromeda) and the Milky Way.

    Astrophysicists say that they will collide in about three billion years, as they approach a

    speed of ninety miles per second. Isaiah predicted the following way "will shake the

    heavens" 13:13. Culminating in cosmic lessons raised in the holy scriptures will travel

    billions of years into the future. Science claims that when energy is depleted elements

    will shrink the universe (Big Crunch), so their stuff will end up focusing on only one

    previous point, similar to that existing before the Big Bang. In other words, gravity willprevent the expansion of the cosmos, so that it will begin to shrink (contract) to finally

    die. This truth is illustrated Isaiah "the heavens shall be rolled as a scroll" 34:4. It is

    time to analyze the Apocalypse, futuristic book revealed to John on Saturday on the

    island of Patmos, the apostle tells us that while he prayed he heard a loud voice like a

    trumpet saying, Write on a scroll what you see. When he turned around he saw a man

    like a son, dressed in a tunic reaching to the feet and girded about the chest with a

    golden girdle. Goes on to say that his hair was white and his eyes are like blazing fire.

    His feet like fine brass burning, and his voice as the sound of many waters. His face like

    the midday sun and his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword (Rev. 1:13.16). Now, this

    being was not the same as the seer was Daniel? Let's see: "I raised my eyes and looked,

    and behold a man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with gold of Uphaz. His

    body was like beryl, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and

    his feet like in color to polished brass, and the sound of his words like the voice of a

    multitude. And I Daniel alone saw the vision, saw not the men who were with me, but it

    took them a great fear, and fled and hid. I was then myself, and saw this great vision,

    and there remained no strength in me, my vigor was turned to frailty, and I retained no

    strength. But I heard the sound of his words, and at the sound of his words fell on my

    face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. And behold, an hand touched me,

    which set me on my knees and the palms of my hands "10:5.10. Very likely indeed! The

    effect of vision impacted identically with the two men. He says the word

    "I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face buried" 10:10and John "when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead" 1:17. Continues to count that put

    his hands on him and said "fear not. I am the first and last, the living. I was dead, and I

    am alive for ever and ever "1:17.18. Here, then, this claims to be living when Jesus says

    "I died" John says however that revelation is given through his angel (1:1). In Chapter 2

    promises to the church at Ephesus that to succeed in tribulation "will give to eat of the

    tree of life within the paradise of God" 2:7. But this tree is not the same in the who fell

    into sin Adam and Eve? Thus, Revelation hereby confirmed at the beginning of this

    work, the tree of knowledge was in the air base built by the Lord. John continues to urge

    the church of Smyrna and promises "He who overcomes shall not be hurt of the second

    death" 2:11. It is clear that the statement made by this clever is the rapture of the clones

    future land into a new world. This truth becomes visible in the last days of humanity,when rescue the persevering. The living were revealed to the believers of Pergamum the

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    trouble on some believers who followed the doctrine taught by Balak, which exalted the

    false teacher Balaam. He exhorts them to repentance, and also to adhere to the doctrine

    of the Nicolaitans, threatening to return to war. He claims that the winners will receive

    the hidden manna, and a small stone with a new name written that no one will know, but

    the recipient (Rev. 2:14.17). No doubt the manna which boasts the living being is only

    an alien food ever tested by the Jewish people. As for the new name inscribed on thestone can be said to be the future identification of human clones in the new world. He

    also wrote to the church of Sardis a few faithful will be dressed in white and neck

    erased their name from the book of life

    (Rev. 3:5). It is necessary for this work to clarify that the book mentioned in the great

    revelation is to be used to enroll the rescued clones in the future life, and they never will

    be deleted (forgotten). Later emerges that the book to which we refer is "a book written

    within and outside" 5:1. Therefore, it magnifies the alien conquest, as the book of life

    was already registered names. Disclosure continues saying that the winners of the

    Philadelphia church will be rewarded with a tattoo on the body that says the LORD,

    THE NUEVAJERUSALEN and "my new name" 3:12. Appreciate the reader the puzzle

    left by the writing. The claims Jesus living in the world to take a new name. Now, thislike the Son of Man he wrote to the church at Laodicea and calls them to repentance

    (3:20.21). Promises the faithful eat with them on the throne when it was delivered.

    Continues the intergalactic contact, and John tells that he saw a door standing open in

    heaven, and a voice from (a speaker) told

    "Come up here ....." 4:1. Thus, viewing a spaceship when the apostle describes a throne

    set in heaven and one sat on the throne. Also accompanying twenty-four elders dressed

    in white with crowns on their heads. Now, watch the reader detailed in the disclosure

    "The throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices" 4:5 Before the throne

    there was a sea of glass like crystal. So what could give viable explanation to this

    appointment? Surely the thunder and lightning were nothing more than noise and heat

    produced by the engines of the ship. As the sea of glass like unto crystal, a large

    window can be added according to the color of the sea. John says that around the throne

    were four living creatures full of eyes before and behind

    (4:6). So, a living full of eyes all over his body? Possibly, but it would have to have a

    brain so big to control all its members would not support his body weight of your brain.

    So I think more telling is four fantastic robots. If the above was irrational, what

    theological or empirical interpretation we would give to the passage of Revelation

    outlined below? "The appearance of the lobster will be like horses prepared for war. On

    their heads were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. They had

    hair like women and their teeth were as teeth of lions. They had breastplates like

    breastplates of iron "9:7.9. Therefore now codified as robots or illustration ofNostradamus? Reports that among them was a Lamb standing, as slain and is written in

    Revelation this lamb was Jesus (5:6.10). Apparently I was blessed with the aliens on the

    ship, but if so because John did not recognize him. Undoubtedly the lamb with seven

    eyes and seven horns is a representation of Jesus' ministry on earth, because the apostle

    is unknown. On the ship he saw "myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands" 5:11

    of aliens. Word has it that advanced beings marked with a stamp on the front of 144,000

    of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Well evidenced that the 144,000 Jews are going

    to be caught by visitors. Those chosen will have the opportunity to meet a new world,

    perhaps THE NUEVAJERUSALEN. After that he looked and saw a great multitude of

    all nations, races, peoples and languages and no man can number These are the Lord

    forgive repentant. Travel to other planets where they will have no hunger or thirst,because the lamb will lead them to springs of living water (7:16.17). Supposedly, the

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    site chosen by aliens to deposit human clones will be totally different from the desert to

    which they were accustomed and acclimated Semites. That is why he promises not to

    suffer more hunger or thirst. Chapter 8 changes strongly the theme of revelation.

    Describes a future natural disaster caused by a star from space. The same impact in the

    ocean and its expansion will cause the water from becoming bitter, will hail, fire, and a

    great mountain collapse into the sea. Because of that incident the third of the sun, moonand stars darkened. Now then, is this vision had been prophesied by Jesus and Isaiah?

    Sure! Jesus had predicted that the stars fall from heaven, the sun would be darkened and

    the moon shall not give her light, obsessive monologue of the futuristic visions of

    Isaiah. So is optimally proven that visitors constantly tried to explain the uncontrollable

    fury of cosmic nature. Continues illustrating that two witnesses prophesy for 1260 days.

    They will fight against a future beast emerged from the abyss. John says that they will

    die and on the third day and a half will arise and go up to heaven, and a great

    earthquake will devastate the tenth of the city exterminating seven thousand men

    (11:2.13). The curious thing about this view is that the earthquake will happen after

    these two envoys are raised to heaven. So what would be laughable to admit that the

    messengers will be taken from a spacecraft, which will be launched air missiles causingthe earthquake? No way! We must not forget that all the events described and analyzed

    in the Apocalypse happen later to the sound of the trumpet. Now then, what does the

    sound of trumpets? Ad! Time-out! Alien Attack! John describes a war in heaven, in

    which a red ship identified as a red dragon that throws stars (pumps) to the ground. It

    also appears in writing that a woman will conceive a male and that the Lord will hide in

    the desert to feed over 1260 days, and after this event Michael and his fight with the

    dragon alien to throw to the ground. But who are the beast and the dragon? The apostle

    is revealed in Chapter 12 versculo9 when he says "and the great dragon was cast out,

    that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was

    hurled to the earth and his angels were cast out with him "So, we must remember that in

    the distant future an evil being from another planet will appear on earth with a huge

    army, using the name of the Lord. He then says that she flees from the snake (Satan) in

    a ship described as "two wings of a great eagle" 12:14. This alien bombard the sea so

    that will be generated tsunamis and earthquakes, but say the word that the water because

    the land will yield completely swallow rivers. Now, emerges a beast from the sea (sea

    military) like a leopard and the dragon gave his power and all the world wondered after

    the beast (13:1.3).

    So, men all over the world worship the evil Alien? Humans enthralled say "Who is like

    unto the beast, and who can fight against it?" 13:4. The beast will act and speak against

    the Lord for forty-two months, and will beat the Saints in war and conquer every tribe

    and people and nation (13:7). Now the Revelation clarifies that the worshipers of thebeast will be men whose names are not inscribed in the book of life of the Lamb (13:8).

    Thus, these are the men who inhabit the earth after the 144,000 departing to the new

    world. It also ensures that another beast emerges from the earth, that is, a man adored

    the evil aliens, who will behave peacefully and speak with fire. This evil man will

    mankind worship the conquerors of the land. Have all the mental and spiritual gifts to

    deceive the world to such an extent that will build a monument in honor of the beast.

    Revelation says that it "had the wound of the sword and revived" 13:14

    . But the sword wound was not on the side of the body of Christ? And who was the one

    who revived (resurrected)? Then, it is shown that future Martians will come with the

    fury of the beast, but one with the image of Christ. Also note that we will live in slavery

    those who do not receive a mark in their right hand or forehead. But this brand is aname, or the number of a name, so that they tattoo the 666. Chapter 14 tells us that the

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    lamb will be in Mount Zion redeemed with 144,000 which "are those who follow the

    Lamb wherever he goes" 14:4. It is thus as it is proved conclusively shown above.

    Visitors will be faithful to 144,000! In 16 shows the battle of the great day of God

    Almighty in a place called in Hebrew Armageddon (16:16). Then visualize a woman in

    the desert dressed in purple drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. This has a

    tattoo on your forehead that says "Babylon the great ....." 17:5 and is identified as "thegreat city which reigns over the kings of the earth" 17:18. Exalts the triumph of the

    lamb against the beast and the ten kings of evil. Now, this great city is Babylon? Of

    course! John claims that aliens completely destroyed Babylon, illustrates "And after

    these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power, and the

    earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying,

    fallen, is fallen is Babylon the great, ............, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that

    mighty city, for in one hour your judgment! Alas, alas, that great city, dressed in fine

    linen, and scarlet, and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls! For

    in one hour so great riches is come to naught "18:1.17. The total destruction of the

    future Babylon will be based on that

    "She was found the blood of prophets and saints" 18:24. Then currency"Armies in heaven" 19:14 commanded by the "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF

    LORDS" 19:16. Here, then, arises the following question, does the King of Kings is

    Jehovah or Jesus? Let's see: She reports that will be the beast and the false prophet with

    an army of clones ready to fight, and they will be cast alive into the lake of fire. The

    power of Christ bend the Martians impostors, and John sees that the dead because of the

    rule with the blessed faith for a thousand years. This is optimally proved that a return

    will be that will go through the Lord Jesus Christ. Continues the apostle describing the

    alien world as follows "I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and

    first earth passed away, and the sea was no more" 21:1. According to this vision is the

    new holy city Jerusalem, and ensures that you have twelve gates and a huge protective

    wall. It will be engraved with the names of the twelve apostles, in memory of Jesus'

    disciples. Have a measure of twelve thousand furlongs and the material used for

    construction will be jasper. It will also be of pure gold and is adorned with all precious

    stones known to man, and clarifies that there is no temple. This award is offered by

    aliens under the 144,000 who are sealed

    "Written in the book of life of the Lamb" 21:27. However, in the middle of the avenue

    of the city will be "the tree of life" 22:2 which derive from the famous genealogical tree

    of knowledge. Then I shall largest alien sightings in history. Ezekiel tells us "to pass in

    the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the

    captives by the river Chebar, the heavens opened and I saw visions of God. In the fifth

    year of king Jehoiachin's captivity, five days a month, came the word of the Lord to thepriest Ezekiel son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; was there

    upon him the hand of the Lord. And I looked, and behold from the north, a whirlwind,

    and a great cloud with fire surround, and a glow around him, and in the fire something

    that looked like glowing metal, and in it the figure of four living creatures. And this was

    their appearance: they had the likeness of man. Each one had four faces and four wings.

    And their feet were straight, and the soles of his feet as floor standing calf: and they

    sparkled like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human

    hands, and their faces and their wings on all four sides. Their wings were joined one to

    another. They turned not when they went, but each went straight forward. And the

    likeness of their faces had the face of man, and face of a lion on the right side of the

    four, and face of an ox on the left in four, also had on four faces of an eagle. Thus weretheir faces. And their wings were stretched upward, each two, which came together, and

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    two covered their bodies. And every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go to

    them, walked, and when they were not returned. As for the likeness of the living

    creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like torches vision who

    walked among the living creatures and the fire was bright, and the fire went forth

    lightning. And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of lightning. As I

    beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures,the four sides. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of

    beryl. And they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was like a

    wheel within a wheel. When they went, they went upon their four sides and they turned

    not when they went. And their rims were tall and frightening, and full of eyes round

    about them four. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them, and

    when the living creatures rose from the earth, the wheels rose. Wherever the spirit was

    to go to them, went whither the spirit moved them who should go, the wheels were

    lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When

    those went, these went, and when those stood, separated them, and when those were

    lifted up from the earth, the wheels rose along with them, for the spirit of the living

    creatures was in the wheels. And over the heads of the living creatures appearedexpansion by way of the terrible crystal, stretched over their heads above. And under

    the firmament were their wings straight, the one toward the other, and each had two

    wings covering its body. And I heard the sound of their wings as they went, like the

    sound of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, like crowd noise as the sound of

    an army. When they stood, they let down their wings. And when they stood down their

    wings, there was a voice above the firmament that was over their heads. And above the

    firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne that looked like a

    sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of

    a man about it. And I saw as the color of amber, as the appearance of fire round about

    within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from his loins even

    downward, I saw that looked like fire, and it had brightness round about. Like the

    appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the

    brightness round about. This was the vision of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And

    when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and heard the voice of one speaking "1:1.28. With

    these maxims and the promise of the second coming of Jesus ends the great revelation

    of the Bible. But why the beloved meant so much to these Martians? He said well

    "No one light a lamp and then cover it with a vessel, or puts it under the bed, but puts it

    on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light" Lk. 8:16

