All About Spiritual Healing

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Mixed spiritual healing modalities.

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Page 1: All About Spiritual Healing
Page 2: All About Spiritual Healing

UCM 2013 Winter/Spring IssueServing Those Who Serve: Healing Focus

Table of contents:● Introduction of Magazine: Editor

● Headquarters Highlights

●Presidents Message Rev. Sandy Clark

●Dean of Education Rev. Angela DeBry

●Minister Transitions

● Regular Columns

●Ministerial Mentoring Rev. Tom Garry

● Charter Corners Rev. Doti Boon

● Pages from our Past Revs. John and Sabara Watson

● Spotlight on Rev. Bea Baechle

● Special Articles

Eternal Pilgrim A poem Rev. Alice


Ascension in Nature Rev. Eve Wilson

Strategies for Emotional Healing Rev. Janet Childs

Three Dimensions of Healing Rev. Hal Isen

Page 3: All About Spiritual Healing

Universal Church of the MasterWinter to Spring Issue: Healing

This issue is a Healing Focus. Healing is both a noun and a verb, an activityand a journey. When we first enter the Healing journey it is often toexperience an intervention in which the mind body connection is mademanifest in some way. We connect with it either as a recipient, a healer orboth. It is exciting, sometimes the first doorway to our spiritualunderstanding. During this long and wonderful journey it appears that werelate to healing in many ways. It helps us to discover ourselves andultimately to release ourselves. It shows us the reachable powers for good,and helps us to move into the Divine oneness.

There are multiple tools and like most metaphysical tools they work moreand sometimes less, depending on where we are personally and how thisparticular intervention resonates with our own energy.As you read this issue, search for self in the articles, one will be yours, askthat you can be with whatever is there for you. Most of us reading thismagazine have already discovered that reality is malleable, and healingmakes it more so and then attaches to our own personal ready point.

Happy reading. Mary

(photo is our NC healing / memorial garden in the Spring)

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Some exciting things have happened at Headquarterssince our last issue, many of which are posted on theUCM Web page, please check it out if you haven’t beenthere lately, www.u-c-m.org.

The staff has been busy processing renewals both from ministers andstudents and we thought that you might be interested in where UCMministers are located, so we developed the following information:

49% of our members are in CA; FL and MI have 10% each, AZ 7%international is 4% with NV 3% and the balance in All other states.

The Board of Trustees is in the process of calling each of our 239 votingmembers, those calls will continue through March. The membership seemspleased to hear from us, and to share their thoughts and prayers for thegood of UCM.

We have completed the initial balancing of the 2012 financial reporting, thesummary of which will be presented at the annual Meeting.


Save the DayUCM Annual Business Meeting:

May 18, 2013

Location: Center for Creative Living

1461 Koll Circle; San Jose CA

Fundraising: Silent Auction

Rev. Debbie Uharriet, Conference Chair

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Headquarter HighlightsThe Presidents MessageRev. Sandy Clark, D. D.

Happy New Year to all of you. I spent the New Year’s Holiday week on a paddle wheelboat cruising down the Mississippi River from Memphis to New Orleans. Now I know thetheme of this issue of our magazine is ‘Healing’ and when originally booking this trip,healing was the furthest from my mind, but in being home, and in light of myexperiences of the week, healing is exactly what “spirit” had in mind.

Many of you are aware that I have been traveling over the New Year’s holiday for sometime now, it all started when I was asked if I would like to go to San Antonio, Texas forNew Year’s, and my response was who goes to San Antonio for New Years? Well I went,had a marvelous time and ever since have traveled over the New Year’s holiday. RoseParade, Buchart Gardens, Nashville and more.

We flew from San Francisco to Memphis arriving one day early so we could visit“Graceland” before boarding our boat. Now I was not too excited about touring Gracelandbut said I would go. Well was I surprised, I actually enjoyed the Graceland Tour! I cameaway with a much different perception than when I had arrived. I cannot say exactlywhat I expected, but I will say I got in touch with a person not a “superstar”.

After boarding the boat and finding our stateroom I was relieved to discover I did notfeel claustrophobic as our room was inside with no window. Even though the room wassmall I was comfortable.

One reason we took this trip was for the music, as it was billed as Big Band Music fromthe Glen Miller Band. However we were delighted to discover that a very large number ofthe passengers were from a Dixie Land Jazz group, who when the ships musicians werenot entertaining, entertained with their own groups! And they were good! There was ajam session each morning and anyone who had brought their own instruments could joinin. One lady who turned 90 on the trip would bring her banjo, and she could, I believe theterm is, strum! We were surrounded with people enjoying what they were doing andsharing their joy in music.

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Now you may be wondering what does all this have to do with healing and what processdid I use. I did not really realize at the time what was happening to me as I wasenjoying the trip, people, music, plus being away from my “normal” routine.

It was not until I returned home, immersed back into my routine that I discovered somechanges in myself and then during a meditation saw a much bigger picture of what thattrip experience really was for me, not just a cruise down the Mississippi!I was born in Minnesota, near the beginning of the Mississippi River. Water is a clearingsymbol, and I spent seven days in a boat on the water! Just makes sense that somethingis going to be washed away, and I was able to release a lot of emotion and “things” thathad seemed important to me and now no longer are. It is not that I have forgotten oram not doing things, they just no longer have the emotional pull that they had before.

Did I meditate on the trip asking for the release of certain things, not specifically,however before the trip while still home I had asked Sprit for help.

Our prayers and requests are answered, sometimes not quite in the way we expect, butthey are answered.

As we all walk along our pathways this year may we each be guided in our highest andbest interests.

With Light and Love,


Headquarter’s Highlights Continued

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Headquarter HighlightsDean of Education

Rev. Angela DeBry, H.H.D, D. D.

UCMAn Exceptional Education Program

1908 – Present – And BeyondFrom the Desk of the Dean

When Reverend Garry, Th.M. our editor, told me that this issue was on the Healing Arts I was thrilled. Somany of the members who are drawn to the UCM Education Programs either through the MinisterialCredentialing Program or the Theology Degree Program come because they are truly spiritual healers and theyare looking for a safe place to practice their particular belief.

We have sponsoring ministers who have a spiritual healing charters that teach their students such disciplines asHuna, Reiki, Color Energy Therapy, Tai Chi, Matrix Healing, Vortex Healing, Ascension Training and so manymore. Our students and teachers practice Yoga, Tai Chi, Feldenkrais, Touch for Health, and multiple forms ofmeditation. They bring wisdom and spiritual healing traditions from so many cultures, Hinduism, Buddhism,Christianity, Wicca, Islam, Judaism, just to touch on a few. Thanks to the foresight of our founding ministers,who made spiritual healing a part of our By Laws, we are able to offer the spiritual healer a home where theymay be trained and operate legally their spiritual practice.

Many of our ministers are what I call “solitary practitioners”. They do not have a charter or a group but havebecome ministers specifically to practice their spiritual healing modality. Some specialize in clearing work.They go to homes, businesses and such and clear the energy for the individual and set a healing space for thatplace. Several of our ministers do what some call Ley Line work. This involves balancing the energy field ofMother Earth so that she may heal from traumas such as oil spills, fires, floods, etc. There are also the ministerswho practice the laying on hands healing arts such as Reiki, Color Energy Therapy, etc. rather than teaching it.

Our graduates also appear in the more traditional healing models at hospice centers, pastoral drug and alcoholcounseling, grief counseling, funeral parlors and as critical incident debriefers for first responders.

If you are called to service in the healing arts and are looking for a home to express your particular spiritualgift, if you are looking for an individual teacher in the Credentialing Program or a Theology Degree to helpyou develop the spiritual healing gifts that you know you have, we would love to work with you.

For our members who have a spiritual healing gift that they would love to teach as a sponsoring minister wewould love to help you design a sponsoring program.

Please contact me at [email protected] or [email protected].

Reverend Angela DeBry, H.H.D., D.D.Dean of Education

●  We have awarded  certificates this quarter and enrolled three new degree students

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Gone On - Is Not GoneWe, who are the members and ministers of this UCM family, understand the continuingexistence of those who have crossed over from this spiritual plane. We draw guidance andinspiration from those who have described this spiritual path through the vibration of theirconsciousness and we are grateful for our connections with kindred souls on both sides of theveil. May remembering strengthen us in our commitment to loving service to Humankind.

The following members have passed on since our last edition.


We are always

sheltered beneath

His wings.


Reverend Jacoby "Robert" SumrallJuly 2, 1938--Feb. __, 2013

Florida••• Rev. Robert Sumrall was ordained in 1994.• He and his wife, Rev. Shari Sumrall, held UCM Charter #750 for Church ofLight.•Though recent health issues limited his participation,•Rev.•Robert has done healing, messages and sometimes sermons forSunday Services.• He worked at psychic fairs and with Rev. Shari in classes, circles, weddings and private readings.

Reverend Lynn WinchJan. 21, 1944--Nov. 7, 2012

Tucker, Georgia••• Rev. Lynn Winch was ordained in 1987.• She was an internationally known medium and healer.• She was also an astrologer,numerologist, did readings, insight and release work.• She was UCM State Agent in Georgia. ••• Rev. Winch dedicated herself toprayerfully helping where needed: for the highest and best for all souls, for our country, all countries and for UCM.

Reverend Michael McLaughlinDec. 27, 1949--Aug. 29, 2012

Alexander, Arkansas••• Rev. Michael McLaughlin was ordained in 1996.• At that time he wrote that he had spent 20+ years in recovery for•variousaddictions and had done years of therapy and introspection.• Spirituality permeated every part of his life.••• Rev. McLaughlin receivedhis BA in psychology from Antioch University and was a•graduate of the interdenominational chaplain program at Alta Bates Hospitalin Berkeley, CA.• When he relocated to Arkansas, Rev. McLaughlin represented UCM as State Agent.

Reverend Virginia VeachJuly 7, 1932--Feb. __, 2013

CA••• Rev. Virginia Veach was ordained in 1979.• She held UCM Charter #737 for Universal Fellowship.••• She began her professional career as a physical therapist, received a Masters in clinical psychology, a Ph.D. in Transpersonalpsychology and became a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor. In the 1980s she was a national speaker and edited apsychology newsletter. • As far back as she could remember, Rev. Veach was a "sensitive" and was gifted as a healer and medicalpsychic.• She studied with Revs Jack Schwartz and Howard Thurman, Buddhist teachers, psychic surgeons in The Philippines, Tibetandoctors and Native American healers.

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Ministerial Mentoring

Rev. Thomas Garry, D. D.President and Founder Center for Infinite Growth

The theme of this issue of the magazine is Healing. Healing is the way thatmany of our ministers were drawn to the church. It was my path to UCM.Historically healing was employed by the clergy as part of their ministry. InChristianity, the admonition of the Master was to go forth to teach and toheal. This then is the authority upon which many have traditionally drawnthis inspiration and in this country it provides the legal authority for yourhealing work.

My interest in healing began at an early age and has continued throughoutmy life. Once you become aware of another person’s need, your intrinsicdesire to help becomes manifest. This is a God inspired gift, which is thesource of the healing. It is important to consciously practice in that manner,so that your own personal energy does not become depleted. The energybegins to flow when you connect, with a desire to help a person who has ahealing need. The affirmation is not my will but Thine, in asking God for thehighest good in this co-creative act. Frequently the intuitive awarenessgrows to enable one to understand the parameters of the need.

Some ministers dedicate their life to their healing work, all ministers shouldconsider including healing in their daily practice of prayer and meditation.The word minister simply means to serve, and this is a blessed form ofspiritual service. Healing is a natural act; its beginning is timeless, practicedby primitive peoples in most cultures throughout the world.

Remember, worrying about someone drains their energy, praying for themincreases it.

I would welcome your input or requests for discussionof topics that would meet your needs. You can reach me attpmg1111@charter .net.

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Let’s start with some of the most wonderful features, the advantages, for youand your community.

Under UCM’s umbrella you will be granted a 501(c)3 tax deductible status,guaranteeing your congregation a tax deduction for all monetary donations.You will however have to register your own charter with the IRS. Headquarterscan guide you in this simple process. In the upcoming years this will be veryimportant and UCM will fight for you to keep this status.

You can have charter meetings in your home, in a local community center,offices, fraternal halls (Elks, Moose, Kiwanis, etc.) or school. You don’t need togo out and buy a church.

Teach by your example. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Charter CornerWhy Don't you Have a UCM Charter?

Rev. Doti Boon

Many UCM ministers are unaware of how exciting it can be to have a charter.Having a charter is a wonderful way to gather spiritual friends and family togetherin one place for prayer, community, support and love. A charter fosters supportgroups interested in discussing our Father/Mother God in all aspects.When I communicate with our world-wide network of ministers I am surprised athow little they know about the benefits of having a charter.

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Why would you start a charter?

The following are some ideas for starting a charter.

Reach out to friends that are interested in learning more aboutvarious religions and form a religious study group.

Talk to people around you, at your gym, school, work, bank, dog park,etc. that enjoy the latest spiritual or metaphysical books, movies, classes,etc.

Start giving metaphysical, religious, spiritual or informative classes.Most of all – inspire people by your loving, supportive energies and wisdom!

All you need to start a charter is to:First choose a name that reflects what you want to do as a UCM OrdainedMinister,(Reverend)..

Be willing to facilitate spiritual meetings, services, retreats, Goddess circles,a healing network, book club, or ministerial students.

Check out some of the wonderful names used by our charters:

Temple of Love and Healing, Center for Infinite Growth, Goddess Temple,Center for Creative Living, Temple of Light, Alternative Healing Connection,Haven for Spiritual Travelers, Memorial Chapel, Golden Light of ChristChurch, Blue Rose Ministry and many more.

Legally it is necessary to submit the By-Laws required in your State orCountry. UCM headquarters will help you with this; they have a template.

You will need a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, thePresident is the individual who has established the Charter, must be anordained minister in good standing.

You must hold at least an annual Board Meeting with recorded minutes andensure that your finances are managed in compliance with the state andfederal guidelines.

Charter Corner Continued

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I would like to share some of the wonderful eventshappening at my Charter CCL, in San Jose,California. Hopefully it will give you some terrificideas for your future charter.

Celebrated Hanukkah, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day,Independence Day, Veteran’s Day, Martin LutherKing Jr., Kwanzaa, Chinese New Year, St. Patrick’sDay, Imbolc, Beltane,Yule and all of the turnings ofthe Wheel, and other holidays.

They taught ministerial classes including manyfacets of world religions, metaphysics andspirituality, recorded music and metaphysicalCDs, sponsored an orphanage, sponsored talks byinternational speakers, Goddess retreats,organized a choir, put on concerts, Christmascaroling, sponsored Christmas giving to thehomeless and destitute, started anOutreach of time and energy to hospices, folks withAIDS, children in need, etc. organized psychic fairs,peace meditations, healing circles through Reiki,Kundalini, Vortex, massages, prayer, chakra,Akashic records, tarot, channeled and flowerreadings, formed women’s groups, men’s groups,Sunday school, taught Classes in higherconsciousness,Course In Miracles and Aquarian Gospel.Communicated with Spirit Brothers, Workedwith Folks in Recovery, organized DrummingCircles, sweat lodges and facilitated weddings,funerals, baptisms Taizeservices and naming ceremonies. They also tookgroups to sacred spots around the world and didritual, healing and reclaiming ceremonies.

Do you feel you could do some of these? Would youlike to have a voice in your community? Youprobably “feel a stirring” or a “calling to serve” insome capacity or you would not have become anordained reverend in the first place.

After reading this are you inspired, excited andspiritually connected to the One! I know I am.

Might you even consider exploring a Charter foryour group. We hope so.

Charter Corner Continued

CCL Sanctuary

CCL Prayer Flags

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Pages from the PastBy: Revs. John and Sabara Watson

UCM has a rich and wonderful past, our goal in the magazine is

to maintain a connection to that past and its teachings. We are

very excited to have the Revs. John and Sabara Watson

volunteer to manage this column. As many of you may know

John is the son of one of UCM’s Presidents Birdie Peterson.

He has saved many of the earlier articles and he and Sabara

have agreed to review and forward them to us for sharing.

We have learned a little more about Sabara this issue.

My name is Sabara. •Yes, that's my birth name.

It took many years to understand why I came in withthat name and that is who I am! •My heritage is fromScotland, Ireland, England and America. I first encountered Spirit•at the young ageof three after a traumatic accident/injury. •I became aware of a loving presence andwould talk to her often. •When my family would ask who I was talking to I alwayssaid "my sister". She is a calm, understanding, loving presence in my life.

In 1993, after a series of life changing events, I began a new life journey. •I was"gifted" a session with a local psychic/medium who was known as the "DreamWeaver." I wanted to know more! •Thus began a•deeper study of spiritualism, healingand consciousness awareness. I resonate with the Native American and CelticShamanic practices of nature, earth and spirit, as well as guides and ancestors.

In 1999 I began attending a small spiritualist Church called "The Spirit of Grace"which was a UCM Charter run by Ken (deceased) and Ollie Keck. •While attendingChurch I met and married Rev. John Watson who has taught me so much and helpedme become a UCM Ordained Minister.

For nearly 20 years I have studied, taught and shared spiritual information. •Mylifelong "Sister" is always with me and brings forth love and guidance from theDivine.

We are so appreciative of the work that Revs John and Sabara are doing to keep usconnected to the Pages of our Past… Mary.

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This issues article is by Rev. Richard Smith: Information about him from his memorial in theUCM Centennial Book.

Rev Smith was ordained on May 7,1984 and held a Church Charter for the Center of EternalLight in Ft. Myers, FL. For many years he studied and taught the Meta-Sciences and HealingFocus. He studied with healers throughout the world, including “Daskalos” in Cypress andSwitzerland. He also became an active practitioner in the Academy of Future Science, TheBook of Knowledge, Keys of Enoch through the teaching and writing of James Hurtak, PhD.

Richard became a member of the UCM Board of Trustees in 1998 and served with excellenceand dedication, traveling from Florida to Northern California for the quarterly meetings.

Richard continued his spiritual work even to the day of his physical passing on February 1, 2006.Since his passing a number of friends and fellow ministers have confirmed experiencing thewarm friendly energy of his continual spiritual presence. The Garry’s have been so blessed.

His article follows.

UCM Quarterly, Spring 1993FROM THE HEART

By Rev. Richard Smith

Jesus taught, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” We, however, looking elsewhere, towardteachers, from the outside, to find our solutions to everyday problems. These everyday problemsare given to us as an opportunity to grow. We must begin to search for answers within ourselvesand the solutions will come through meditation and prayer. This is the key to set us free.We must also become aware of all events within our lives on a conscious and subconsciousnature. Take time each day to expand the outer consciousness by reviewing daily events, bybeing more aware of your surroundings in nature, and projecting love to all around and toyourself. As we expand and gain knowledge, it is then time to share this knowledge with alllife.From the book, The Quest by Tom Brown, Jr., “It is not enough to seek the things of the spiriton a personal level. To do so is selfish, and those who seek the spiritual realms for themselvesare not working to change the spirit that moves through the consciousness of man. Instead theyare running away, hiding from their responsibility, and using their wisdom for their ownglorification. Spiritual man must then work for a principle, a cause, a quest, far greater than theglorification of self, in order to affect the spirit that can change the course of man’s destruction.To work only for self, to cloister oneself in the seeking of spiritual rapture, is to run from thisresponsibility.

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Trying to live a spiritual life in modern society is the most difficult path one can walk. It is thepath of pain, isolation, and of shaken faith, but that is the only way that our vision can become areality. Thus, the true quest in life is to live the philosophy of the earth within the confines ofman. There is no church or temple we need to seek peace, for ours are the temples of thewilderness. There are no spiritual leaders, for our hearts and the Creator’s are our only leaders.Our numbers are scatted; few speak our language or understand the things we live. Thus, we walkthis path alone, for each vision, each quest, is unique unto the individual. But we must walkwithin society or our vision dies, for a man (or woman) not living his or her vision isliving death.”

Within the present conditions that exist we have all come to that place in the development of thehuman family where there must be a reckoning, one point upon which all may agree.Out of all this turmoil that has risen from the social life – racial differences, the outlook upon therelationship of man to the creative forces of God and his relationships one with the other – mustcome some common basis upon which all agree.

You say at once, such a thing is impractical, impossible! What has caused the presentconditions, not alone at home, but abroad? It is the realization that was asked some thousands ofyears ago, “Where is thy brother? His blood cries to me from the ground!” and the other worldanswered, is answering, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

The world, as a world, has lost its ideal. People may not have the same ideas, but all people mayhave the same ideal!

As the spirit of God once moved to bring peace and harmony out of chaos, so must the spiritmove over the earth and magnify itself in the hearts and minds and souls of men to bring peace,harmony and understanding.They can then dwell together in a way that will bring that peace, that harmony that can onlycome with all having the one Ideal, not the one idea, but the ideal of “Thou shall love the Lordyour God with all your heart, thy neighbor as thyself.”

This is the whole law, the whole answer to the world, to each and every soul. That is the answerto the world conditions as they exist today. It shall be brought about as you each in your ownrespective sphere put into action what you know will fulfill that. As has been from the beginning,the little bit of leaven raises the whole lump.

Man’s answer to everything has been power – power of money, power of position, power ofwealth, power of this, that or the other. This has never been God’s way, will never be God’s way.

Pages from the Past Continued

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Spotlight on:

Reverend Eve Wilson: ANatural Born Healer: By Rev.Bea Baechle

Some people are born to heal, and Reverend Eve Wilson is one of them. Hernatural, intuitive ability to heal revealed itself at the tender age of 12. Afterwatching a massagedemonstration on a television show, Eve confidently offered to give her dad amassage when he got home from work. Regular massages and energy balancing workover the yearstransformed his stiff body and dissolved a fatty tumor the size of a softball from his neck.

“By the time I was 16, I was holding family meetings and counseling people,” said Eve, “And by the time Iwas 19, I was getting hired to do massage, because I was good at it, and I could tell people what theirdisease looked like. It was just natural to me; I could see people’s energy.” For the next five years, shespent time in a spiritual community where she was trained in basic energy balancing. At age 26, she quitboth her jobs as a massage therapist and as a social worker, due to circumstances that she couldn’t livewith any more.

“I started crying and talking to God, asking, ‘What am I supposed to do?’ The answer that came was,‘Advertise as a healer.’ And I asked, ‘What will I do?’ And the reply was, ‘You will know.’” So Eve advertisedas a healer, clients came, and she strengthened her healing techniques along the way. “People got better,they came back, they invited their friends, and within six months of beginning my practice, I was a full-timehealer,” noted Eve.A year later, people asked her to teach them. With strong guidance from Spirit, she began her HealerDevelopment Program.

Eve Discovers UCM

Once Eve started teaching people, she sought a legal umbrella for her students to practice healing. At thattime in her home state of Michigan, several people had to hire a lawyer to defend themselves for practicingalternative health care and healing techniques without a license.

As she started investigating alternatives, she found UCM and visited a small independent spiritualistchurch in Live Oak, Michigan, where the head minister, Reverend Beverly Birk Carey, had been ordainedthrough UCM. Eve’s papers from her previous spiritual community transferred to UCM, and she becamean ordained UCM minister in 1989 so she could legally certify her students as UCM healer practitioners.

Twice she had to deal with custody issues, once with her own daughter, Kara, and once with one of herstudent’s children. In both cases the fathers tried to discredit the mother’s spiritual work to take custodyaway from them. Their attempts failed under the legal protection of UCM.

“UCM is well-accredited and founded,” said Eve. “I’ve seen others taken to court for practicing healingillegally. I didn’t need a lawyer as part of UCM.” In addition to UCM’s legal protection, Eve loves theecumenical nature of UCM, the high integrity she feels about the people affiliated with the church, as wellas the flexibility UCM offers for each minister to pursue their spiritual work as they feel called to do by God.

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Spotlight on: Continued

Thriving Healing and Teaching Practice

For the past 16 years, Eve has certified an average of three to five healing practitioners per yearthrough UCM, and people have attended her intuition development, self-healing and empowermentclasses locally and remotely by phone or Skype from all corners of the world. She realizes that one ofthe reasons God brought her from the crowded Detroit area to Ann Arbor, Michigan, a less populatedarea with many alternative healing options, was to provide an impetus for her to expand nationally andinternationally.

“Sometimes when you’re doing really well with what’s easy and convenient, you don’t do what youknow you should be doing,” commented Eve, who lives in a town house with her two healer dogs. Tohelp spread the word about her classes and her extraordinary healing work, Eve submits articles inalternative health magazines like Body Mind Spirit Guide, populates her own website with in-depthspiritual wisdom, and just started tapping social media methods with a Facebook page.

The greatest testament to her gift, however, is the decades of personal success stories she can shareabout helping individuals, couples, children, families, pets and the personal, planetary and cosmicascension process.

Eve’s Healing of a Child

One of Eve’s favorite healing cases involved the grandson of one of her graduate students. The babywas diagnosed with cystic kidney disease at just five months old and had a life expectancy of just oneyear. When asked to work with the child, Eve connected telepathically with his higher self.

“He was a master teacher in a little sick body, but he was socheerful,” remembers Eve. “He said, ‘I’m here because I’mteaching my family. My disease is for their benefit.’” Eveasked him if they could resolve the issues he’d like to bringto focus in the family, would he be interested in healing andliving a normal life? And he answered, “Yes.“So Eve began working spiritually and telepathically with theissues that involved his parents andgrandparents, explaining that for this little boy’s health toimprove, he required them to deal with certain things.

“I would work with them and resolve some things, and thenhe allowed me to work on his body,” said Eve, noting that one of the most serious symptoms of thisdisease is the cysts that fill the kidneys and prevent filtering properly. “We worked with that and thecysts stopped growing. We didn’t get the ones that were there to go away, but as his body got bigger,his kidneys grew, and he was able to function.”

At one point when an issue with the grandmother arose, the young boy was diagnosed with leakingheart valves related to the disease. Eve worked with the family to address the issue and againreceived his permission to work with him. At the boy’s next doctor visit, they saw no evidence ofleaking vales and shrugged it off as a misdiagnosis. Today he is a normal, healthy 9-year-old, withperfectly functioning kidneys, and the doctors say he couldn’t have had the level of severity of thekidney disease they originally thought.

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Spotlight on: Continued

Eve’s Healing Techniques

Today Eve combines a number of specifichealing techniques in her work. She avoidshands-on healing, because she finds itworks better to take the healer out of themiddle of the actual process. Her clientstypically give her a list of issues toaddress, from physical and emotional tofinancial.

She connects to their higher selves and thenworks with etheric surgeons and the “KarmicBoard” to find the place in their soul’sdevelopment where things can shift if theyaddress a particular issue or block. Eve definesthe Karmic Board as a group of divine beingsand ascended masters who are supervising ourevolutionary process here. With the qualities ofunconditional love and wisdom that weassociate with beings such as Jesus, St.Germaine, Quan-Yin and Buddha, the KarmicBoard has the authority to deal with soulcontracts across all lifetimes to help her clientsunderstand what they can learn from theircircumstances.

Eve compares our spiritual journey here to aworkout gym. Just like exercise equipmentprovides theoppositional force of the equipment to build acertain muscle, certain challenges in your lifehelp build certain soul muscles or soul qualitiesfor our higher consciousness. Once those soulqualities are built and developed, it’s time torework those soul contracts.“I also work with soul groups,” explained Eve.“When you look at the whole world, you look atfamily, community, country, culture, and thewhole planet. Although we’re all connected indifferent ways, I see different focuses of thesesoul groups, so when I’m working with differentindividuals, I get to work with a lot of deepplanetary issues that have been here sincebefore the earth existed. There may be a wholesoul group that’s ready to shift.”

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Ascension Work

One of the most rewarding aspects of Eve’s healing practice has been the ascension work for individualsthat she has integrated into her Healer Practitioner Certification in the past four years. By helping studentsovercome and heal old sufferings, she witnesses the beautiful Holy Spirit energy coming in—a reunificationwith God—where it doesn’t hurt anymore, and they really see God in everything.

There’s no absolute evil; there is only God’s growing us and teaching us. Everything has a purpose,” saidEve. “When the suffering is gone and we have an understanding that we’re building a body for God to livein, to manifest in, and all of this world is going to be turned into the body of God—that’s the very best,that’s the frosting on my cake,” said Eve.

Eve has also brought together the most skilled individuals from all her classes as an Ascension Grouptrained to work on broader levels.•“When spirit calls us, we meet and work on the planetary ascensionprocess—treating the world as an individual and each group within it as an organ in the body of the planet,including animals, the water, etc.• It is always satisfying to help this way.• We see great and positivechanges.• We also see that due to his and other work people do to bring God into the world, the planetaryshifts are 70 percent less severe than they would have been otherwise.”

This editor is very excited to announce that RevEve Wilson has agreed to write a regular column

about healing for our UCM Magazine.

You can reach Eve via e-mail, [email protected] orby phone (734)780-7635. Visit her website atwww.spiritualhealers.com for The Weekly Word for Healingand Ascension Blog, healing and inspirational articles and

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Eternal Pilgrim

Now child of Mother Earth and Father time

Bound to this mound of rock by ticking clock

A weary soul enclosed with walls to climb

Not always so, for ears have heard last lock

Of birthing Door in times before, to mourn

The final light from God’s clear sight, to right

Man’s willful ways, walk rough-hewn paths, well worn

By pilgrims in pursuit of Divine Light,

Pure essence of each entity, whose thread

Weaves all together, spanning pristine space Across

vast galaxies. Once more I’m led

To bring God’s Peace within this earthly place.

What gifts for temporal lives, sage lessons learned ?

Sweet Lotus Crown–-true blissful treasure earned!

We are always looking for good poetry andwere delighted to receive this submissionfrom Rev. Alice Theriault of San Jose.Alice has years of service to this spiritualcommunity and devotion and teachings ofthe Mother Mary.

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Reprinted with the authorization of from Body MindSpirit Guide www.bodymindspiritguide.com

People and all of nature are ascending to a higher vibration where we can experiencemoreenlightened levels of consciousness and greater intuitive awareness including telepathyand spiritual vision. These changes will help people and nature interact in mutuallybeneficial ways.We already see indications of this change in the way people care more about animal’srights; recognizing they have many of the same needs and feelings as humans. Anotherindication is the increasing number of people communicating telepathically with animals,as healers and animal whisperers.

Audubon Magazine ran a story in December called Planet of The Apes. I will excerpt: “InRwanda a tracker monitoring a wild gorilla family saw several young apes team up tobreak a poacher’s snare by jumping on the tree branch that held it taut and untying thenoose. Spying a second trap, theyscored two for two. Researchers noted the gorillas “impressive cognitive skill”. Thesewere the first juveniles to dupe trappers by destroying snares.”

In Scotland, The Findhorn Garden Foundation has for over 30 years been growing thebiggest vegetables ever seen on a formerly barren piece of land.Their secret to success isworking hand inhand with the angels which guide the plants and the nature spirits. If you haven’t readabout their story, please do, it is ground breaking work pointing toward the type ofrelationship that people will be able to have with nature consistently as we all progress inour evolution.

As a healer I am privileged to work with animals. I’ve seen what happens when theyreceive upgrades to their brains and central nervous systems during their healings,allowing higher intelligence to express through their bodies. Two of my favorite examplesare a gerbil who incidentally, following much healing to cure brain and nerve damageafter being poisoned, would come when she was called. Following her child up and downstairs and around the house she amazed visitors. The other is a cat who would standcrying outside of a door that was cracked open and wouldn’t even use her paw to letherself into the room. For me to talk with the cat to find out why she was peeing onthings, the etheric surgeons had to upgrade her brain and central nervous system. Shewas the only non-telepathic cat I ever met, but not anymore! Following our work shewent directly to a door and opened it.

Ascensions in Nature, Eve Wilson

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Ascension in Nature: continued

Integrating a young pet into your home is much easier when you can talk with ittelepathically. You can explain what you want and why and can seek agreementand mutual understanding. As a healer, I may if appropriate, invite the pet’shigher self to have the etheric surgeons improve their capacity for understanding.This can create an amazingly smooth relationship. Likewise their humans oftenneed upgrades in understanding and compassion!

Upgrades like these have become increasingly common in recent years as theascension process has picked up speed. They are given at the request of aclient’s higher self when they are ready for these improvements. The ascensionprocess will include many upgrades for all of us when we are ready. Our brains,nervous systems, endocrine glands, and chakras are among the first upgrades tohigher vibration which we get. These upgraded systems allow higher levels ofconsciousness to wake up in our bodies, which helps us integrate our true natureand wisdom into all aspects of our lives.

We will see similar changes happen for all lifeforms here on earth over the next few decades.Many people can sense the intelligence in trees;especially certain trees which express a greatdegree of love and higher consciousness.Having had many conversations with trees, Ilook forward to hearing that with their ascensionmore people will be telepathic and able conversewith them. I once met a tree in Michigan’sUpper Peninsula who was a teacher for othertrees. She spoke to me with greater clarity andpower than any other I have met. All aroundher the younger trees were unusually awake andcommunicative. Although lacking in herwisdom, they were friendly and chatty. It mademe wonder if in cutting down older trees, wehave robbed young trees of their teachers.However, the trees are ascending as well, andso I know we will enjoy more and more

opportunities to learn and share with them in the future.

As animals and plants pass away, they will return in new world bodies capable ofadapting to the changes in climate as well as consciousness on the planet. Ihave been clearly told by the soul of the planet that all life forms which haveappeared to be extinct will return in the new higher vibration world. Nothing willbe lost except the darkness of separation between us and the inclination togratuitously use the natural world. In place of that we will increasingly have aworld community of common purpose and mutual respect for every level of life.

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Strategies for Emotional HealingRev. Janet Childs

MA, Diplomat AAETS (American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress). Director of Education, Training and CISM(Critical Incident Stress Management), Centre for Living with Dying program of Bill Wilson Center

We often meditate on spiritual healing and physical healing, and in the process, we canneglect emotional healing. As spiritual beings, we may also hold the unrealisticexpectation that all our emotional trauma dramas will be released if we believe enough.If we are spiritually sophisticated enough, we will be magically healed. As Director ofthe Bay Area CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) Team of the Centre for Livingwith Dying program of Bill Wilson Center for the past 35+ years, I have borne witness tothe power of community and individual action steps to transform trauma into meaning aswe build the 'new normal' together.

Our team has developed four steps to facilitate this process, as it helps to have astructure to manage the chaotic waves of feeling.

As caregivers, we may have a delayed reaction to stress (definition: our natural responseto any loss or change). So as we are assisting others we many not realize the depth orpower of our own personal impact - or response- until it shows up later in a convolutedway. Then, it can potentially cause more secondary trauma, as we may judge our self forhaving a reaction now, when we were 'fine' initially. These steps can be done individually,or in a group process, as we ' stand beside' one another in our journey towards emotionalhealing. We are putting a period at the end of the sentence, and we are lifting each otherup to the new level of wisdom and compassion our hearts have to give. Although wecannot control what happens to/for/with us, we can control how we respond to it.

Four simple steps create a progression of healing. We may need to do many cycles ofthese steps as we progress:

Acknowledge: Bringing to reality the validation of what has happened.:The first step in dealing with difficult feelings, such as grief, anger, pain, guilt, sadness,etc, is to acknowledge that you are experiencing them. Listen to your body-and differentsensations and feelings your body is experiencing. Attempt to quiet the ' rational mind'that will sometimes try to convince you that you are fine- that nothing's wrong. Acceptyour feelings, whatever they are. Try not to judge them (C'mon, you don't have theright to feel that way), transcend them (I'm too nice a person to have these feelings) orfeel like you have to act them out (well, if I feel that way, I guess I'll just have to killmyself, or kill someone else). Feelings are irrational ... sometimes we may never knowwhy we are feeling a certain way. The important thing to remember is whatever feelingsare present, are okay.

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Express: Details, thoughts and emotions:

The next step in healing feelings is to get the feelings from inside the body to the outside.An ancient Chinese proverb states, "A feeling held inside increases its strength a thousandtimes". This is where it can be difficult to find a safe person and place to do this. Talkinghelps; especially talking about the details of the feelings – the horror, the guilt, theincident, or the aftermath. Letter writing to the person you are having the feelings aboutalso helps, even if this person might be dead or far away. Even letter writing to yourself ishelpful (the origin of diaries or journals). Drawing, painting orartwork is a good way to get feelings out, but be sure to make it a free flowingexperience where you are not judging your "creation". The healing is the doing, not thefinished product. Hitting pillows, banging on phone books with rubber hoses, running, ordoing anything physically active is another outlet for feelings. Screaming, yelling andcrying are other healthy releases.

Act: Trans-formative steps to create the new normal:The third step in healing feelings is to do something active to begin the healing process,sometimes this can begin in expressing the feelings, lighting candle, doing a ritual (visitingthe grave, planting a tree, having a celebration of life), wearing a ribbon or some otherindication that we are in a tender, vulnerable place or creating a book of memories.Sometimes, we need to burn or bury what we need to let go of as a physical way torelease. With guilt, sometimes we need to do some act for atonement to begin thehealing. However insignificant or silly it seems, allow your own creativity to tell you whatyou need to do. You know better than anyone else what would make you feel a littlelighter, a little more resolved, a little better.

Celebrate: Reconnecting to what is good and meaningful in our life. After the hard workof healing feelings, it is vitally important that we give ourselves a reward. When workingwith feelings, it is good to focus on them for a limited period, and then give oneself abreak. During this break, do something fun and life affirming just for you. You can sharetime with others or just allow you to do something nurturing or ‘selfish’. When we dealwith feelings we tap into a special part of us that is very childlike. And while we are verycapable adults most of the time, it is important to acknowledge and support that littlechild of our hearts and to move on with the joy and meaning our life can give us. Andremember, this does not take hours of therapy, feelings do not last forever if they areallowed to come out and we are not only our feelings, we are complex, multifacetedhuman beings who have the ability to deal with our feelings in a positive empoweringway. Enjoy the experience of responding rather than reacting to difficult changes in ourlife. We can nurture our emotional healing in a beautiful way.

Strategies for Emotional HealingContinued

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Three Dimensions of Healing •by Rev. HalIsen

heal : .. to make sound, well, or healthy again; restoreto health..to cure or get rid of (a disease)...to restore ahealthy condition....to free from grief, troubles, evil,etc.....to make whole...._______ Webster's New WorldDictionary.

The infinite, unchanging, ever-present PRESENCE of AWARENESS is the Source ofALL Life. It is the limitless Field of Being on and within which all experiences--thinking, feeling, sensing, and perceiving (inwardly and outwardly)--- arise.

Check this out for yourself in your own experience.

Do you know or are you aware of anything other than the experiences of thinking,feeling, sensing, and perceiving?

Inquire for yourself: is not objectless Awareness present before a thought arises,while it is forming, and after it dissolves back to nothing?

Is it not then obvious that the still, silent Awareness you are which is present before,during and after thought cannot itself be a thought?

Ask the same question to yourself regarding feelings, body sensations, andperceptions (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching).

Do not all these experiences arise, manifest, and dissolve in Awareness? Check thisout in your own direct experience.

In your direct experience (not in your thoughts or beliefs) does not this openAwareness, this empty, limitless Field of Being give rise to the unfolding of all forms,from the gross to the most subtle energies?

Is Awareness perhaps analogous to a computer screen on which programs and filmsplay, but on closer examination the programs and films with their drama and actionare realized to be merely modulations of light, color, and form of the screen ofAwareness itself?

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Three Dimensions of Healing, continued

The• "I AM Something" Healing Dimension• - Conventional Duality:

When infinite, formless Awareness is identified as the thought, "I AM separate," then thetrue nature of "I" becomes veiled, and "I" appears to constrict and becomes identified as afinite cluster of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions. This condition of being aninside "separate self" existing in a independently existing "separate outer world" is thefundamental human presumption which ---though contrary to our own direct experience---isindoctrinated into most human beings by the age of two. This presumption that "I AMSomething," a separate "me" made of a mind/body that exists in an outer worldinstantaneously gives rise to a perceived world of duality; a world of limitation, subject andobject, knower and known, birth and death. It is a "reality" in which survival of the separateself and the striving for Ideals (what "should be" and is not) becomes the default purpose forliving.

In this "waking sleep" state in which one's true nature is veiled, there is an ongoing sense ofseparation, fragmentation, and lack. There is an addictive need for striving and "self'-improvement toward an imagined future (someday). In this conditioned state, physical,emotional, mental, and even spiritual suffering is guaranteed. The sense of the seamlessoneness and interrelatedness of all expressions of life is veiled in this constricted state offinite identity.

If I believe that "I am the body" (a perceived conditioned reality of naive materialism,where I identify myself as a separate physical "some-body"), it is appropriate for healing totake the form of fixing or correcting the symptoms that I experience as a body, be it abroken bone or physical illness.• When I believe that "I am the body" then dis-ease in thebody is often considered to be caused by the "attack" of some outer agent. In this perceivedreality, illness of the body is not ever considered to be an attempt of infinite intelligence torestore balance, but is perceived as a war to be waged with an outer and often mysteriousintruder. Thus, at this dimension, the often used phrase heard in relating to a dis-ease orimbalance is, "A war on....." (pick your disease or illness). In this belief in a world ofseparate independently existing objects, we are always at war with some version of "not-I."Of course, in this dimension we will "find" the "cause" of these symptoms in the form ofsome germ, virus, DNA problem, or other condition, etc. and attempt to treat it.• Allopathicmedicine is a good example of a healing paradigm at the level of "I am the body," wheretreatments and procedures have been developed to focus on and treat symptoms in anattempt to relieve suffering and maintain health.

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At the"I Am the body" level of identification, the perception of an imbalance at themental/emotional/physical levels is often treated as if the body is the source of the problem,rather than an expression of the problem. Chemical solutions are then often prescribed in anattempt to either balance or suppress the imbalance. In contrast, healing practices such asChiropractic adjustments can provide a bridge in which the relationship of the physical bodyto emotions, energy flow and nutrition is recognized and included in a healing treatment.

When I experience myself as "I am the mind" (as thoughts, feelings, images,sensations, or the energy that underlies these various forms), there is a shift from "I amthe body" to "I have a body." In this perceived reality, there is more space to see thewhole body/mind as a continuum in which imbalances can be addressed not as separatephenomenon, but as an intimate interrelationship of the arising thoughts, sensations, andperceptions. Integrative medicine and mental and emotional healing modalities of variouskinds have successfully attempted to do this.

Some of the most powerful healings I have witnessed have occurred as a function of simplyhaving the willingness to stop resisting what is, allowing and embracing what is present,seeing the perfection under the appearances, letting go of trying to be the "healer", andsurrendering to the power of prayer or intention to "let go and let God." Over the years, Ihave personally been privileged to be with clients and seen the effectiveness of variousmental/emotional/physical techniques such as Hypnotherapy, imaging, and other deeprelaxation methods in the successful releasing and dissolving of decades-longmental/emotional issues, which in turn allowed the body to spontaneously go back intobalance and heal itself at the physical level.

The ability to be aware of and work with the "energetic body" allows for remarkable healingsof mind and body to occur. The recognition and treatment of the "vital force" inHomeopathy allows for healings that may not be available when only addressing the personas a physical body. The recognition of the mind, emotions, and physical body as expressionsof an energetic interrelated system allows for multi-dimensional healing where there is no"do-er" present, but rather a loving, allowing intention to surrender to the infinite, ever-present Awareness that gives life, and let it guide what happens. In my personal experienceof utilizing such energy methods as EFT, TFT, TAT, Reiki, and Quantum-Touch, I haveexperienced the healing of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual planes of Being, notonly in those in close physical proximity, but also with clients at a distance. After all, it isALL one seamless expression of "I"!

Three Dimensions of Healing,


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The• "I AM Nothing"(No-Thing) Healing• Dimension - Enlightened Duality: At somepoint in one's spiritual journey, the identification of oneself as a separate physical, emotional,mental, and even as a separate spiritual self begins to fade. There is a process of inquiry inthe East called "Neti, Neti" (not that, not that), which is a deep experiential engagement inrealizing that one is not any of the forms of mind, body and world that we have beenconditioned to believe that we are. The mind cannot take this part of the journey, for thoughtcan only imagine objects and concepts, it cannot experience objectless "I Awareness" asitself.

Thought can only imagine a concept or image. It cannot directly experience the context inwhich it itself appears. It is through Awareness itself knowing itself that one comes to realizethat ALL forms of what we have identified with are transient, coming and going, arising fromthe formlessness of Awareness, manifesting, and dissolving back into the formlessness, andthat only the Awareness that is observing it all is unchanging and ever-present. All of thesurvival conditioning of the imaginary separate self--- including the separate self's attemptsto look good, avoid rejection, get approval (from others, self, or God), be important, not beignored, avoid pain, have control, avoid being non-disturbed, and gain comfort --- begin tolose their allure and their power to veil our true nature from us.

Sometimes this letting go happens very gradually. Sometimes it may happen suddenly anddramatically. It may seem to happen as a function of meditation, deep inquiry into thenature of Being, and/or as a function of participating in enough "healing sessions" to realizeone day that there is no "me" doing anything to a "them," only the letting go of all illusion ofbeing a separate person "doing" healing, and an openness to receive and allow to flow thegrace of the infinite Wisdom which is the Source of life. Sometimes this shift happens with nowarning at all; someone, who a moment before had never even questioned the purpose ofliving, is taking a walk to the store to get a frozen yogurt, and it is just their time to wakeup, frozen yogurt in hand!

This "I Am Nothing" non-event is a radical and irreversible healing. It is the dissolving of ouridentification on all level of appearances with the illusion of being a separate self. It is thecollapse of identifying oneself as a perceived object composed of physical, emotional, mental,or even energetic attributes. You realize in your direct experience that you were never bornand you will never die. What experience that what you ARE is ever-present and infinite. Fearsdrop away: the fear of dying, the fear of not getting what "you" want, the fear is losing what"you" have. This awakening non-event is not a state. States come and go. This healing is theunveiling of our true nature; the awakening from the dream of being anything other thaninfinite Awareness itself.

Three Dimensions of Healing, continued

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This healing is a dimensional shift from experiencing being a separate mind/body in aseparate world, to being the Awareness, the "I AM" in which mind, body and worldarise as a seamless experiencing in each flowing moment of NOW. With this shift,there is a cessation of striving, a relaxation in body and mind, a sense of wholenessreplacing the sense of lack inherent in the illusionary separate self, and a stillness andopenness to all the appearances arising, manifesting, and dissolving back to theformless in the Awareness that "I AM THAT I AM". There is a sense of awe, ofgratitude, of love and compassion. You know yourself as the aware screen on andwithin which all of life's appearances arise from no-thing into the appearance of "tenthousand things", and you can embrace the whole movie appearing on the screen thatyou are in all of its forms. What is present and unveiled is the happiness and peacethat are the inherent qualities of your true nature.

From the space of "I AM Nothing," all of the tools, knowledge, etc. of healing that youhave learned and experienced are still available to you if appropriate, but rather thanbeing in the service of an illusionary separate self attempting to resist what is or fix aproblem or "save" someone (and believing that it is the "cause" of a healing), all thatis known is now held in the service of and is an expression of love, compassion,happiness and peace. You know and experience that everything is already perfect, thatnothing is missing, and "others" are seen as what they are, expressions andmodulations of the same "I" Awareness that is perceiving them. The dimension of "IAM Nothing" is also referred to as the Path of Wisdom or Understanding.

The• "I AM Everything"• Healing Dimension - Non-Duality: This dimension isthe last step in returning home to what you are and where you have alwaysunchangingly been. In the dimension of "I AM No-thing" there is the experience ofbeing the infinite witness/observer of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritualforms and worldsarising within it. Yet, if one inquires deeply, you will see that there is still a very subtlesense of separation present in the sense of all the experiences arising within and onAwareness are held as distinct from Awareness itself. Sometimes those whoexperience "I AM Nothing" may hold "mind, body and world" at a slight distance, as ifthese are separate or could contaminate the screen of "I Awareness" on which theyarise.

Three Dimensions of Healing, continued

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In some Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, this separation is built into theteaching, causing in some cases a withdrawal or retreat from "the world" in attempt tomaintain a "pure" Awareness in Being. This withdrawal may be completely appropriate asa stage in the journey home to our true nature in order to distinguish that Awarenessis unchanging, ever-present, and limitless, and that all forms of mind, body and worldthat arise within Awareness are ever-changing, coming and going, and limited.

However, the final step that collapses all apparent duality no matter how subtle is toengage in a rigorous but loving experiential contemplation with the question, "What isthe substance of mind, body, and world?"

Start by realizing through direct experience that you (or anyone else) have neverexperienced a mind, a body, or a world. These are labels, concepts veiling your directexperience. Have you ever seen a "mind?" Has a surgeon ever found a "mind" in abrain? Look and you will see that "mind" is a catchall label for thoughts, sounds, andimages that come and go with no volition needed on your part.

Then observe that "body" is a label also for a multiplicity of sensations and perceptions,and allow yourself to experience what those are, unburdened by the story, memories,and beliefs you may have attached to them.

Then ask yourself, "What is the substance of the "world? What is the world made of?" Bydirect experience, do you know anything other than sensations and perceptions?

If you get this far, it is time to hoist a flag with the word Ken Kesey painted on the frontof his Merry Pranksters Electric Kool Aid Acid Test bus---"FURTHER."

Now, take your multi-dimensional inquiry to the next level: Have you actually everexperienced, and can you actually hold on to a thought, sensation or perception as if theyare a stable "thing"? Or are they more a verb than noun, more a moving process than astable "thing"? Is it not more accurate (look in your own experience!) to say that there isAwareness of thinking , that there is Awareness of sensing , and Awareness of perceiving, and it is all ever-moving, ever-flowing, arising and dissolving in Awareness?

The dimension of "I AM Everything" is also referred to as the Path of Love. When Love ispresent there is no experience of apparent separation.

Three Dimensions of Healing, continued

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And if this is so, then look now in your direct experience at what the substance of thethinking....sensing.... and perceiving is made up of.... Is it anything other than theKNOWING of it?...the AWARENESS of it? (Check it out).

It is ALL AWARENESS KNOWING ITSELF! All of the "forms" on the screen of Awareness aremodulations of Awareness.

If you experience this, you ARE this. (Thought and feeling can't take you home, they aremade of Awareness. Only Awareness can take you home to itself.)If you engage in this inquiry fully, making sure that you are testing out the answersexperientially rather than based on thoughts, beliefs or concepts, the final veil ofseparation can fall away, and you will realize you ARE whole, complete, limitless peaceand "you" have always been HOME!

What will then be left is to live from this truth...to KNOWINGLY BE THE PRESENCE OFAWARENESS. The only healing remaining to be done will happen naturally as you allowyourself to begin the day reflecting on and experiencing the truth of your Being. Sit... Bestill.... Be aware that "you" are beyond thought...that "you" are aware "I AM and I AM awarethat I AM"....Don't just think it...experience the truth of that beyond words andconcepts...Awaken to, identify with, and abide in your true nature each day .... experienceand allow the ever-changing arising of thinking, sensing and perceiving on and within theunchanging, open, space of Awareness you are. Live each day from this truth, with noresistance to what arises (including any resistance to what arises!)....Don't follow anythought or sensation...let them come and go...and you BE the unchanging stillness in whichthey arise, manifest and dissolve...Don't think this...experience this for yourself....thePresence of Awareness that you are will begin to permeate all forms of thinking, sensing andperceiving, allowing all of the old conditioning to dissolve back to the formless and allexpressions of your Being to resonate with and be in the service of limitless, ever-present,loving "I".

"Thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions may be agitated or calm but I, the presenceof Awareness that knows them, do not share their qualities.I am the open, empty, aware space that cannot be agitated by any appearance of the mind,body or world and hence peace is My Nature”________ Rupert Spira

Three Dimensions of Healing,


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