All Final DAta

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  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    Hyderabad prelims 2010

    1.DoubleClick is a subsidiary of a search giant which acquired it for its ad

    ser!ices in "arch 200#. $ame its present parent company %&'(oogle

    2.)dentify this De!ice%

    &'&ma*on+s ,indle -eader

    ./ord"ole is a game application originally found on which famous

    communication de!ice%

    &'lack erry

    . ack Dorsey in 2003 made the first attempt to start it. 4ater he went on to start a

    pro5ect called 6deo which became a company later. &nd finally he together with

    7!an /illiams started this company in 6ctober 2003. /hich company8website did

    they start%&'9witter

    :./hose idea is this%

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &'&lan 9uring

    6.How do we better know Satyanarayan Gangaram who started the telecom revolution inIndia?

    A:Sam Pitroda. Idea!ad is a range o" la!to!s "rom which com!any?A:#enovo$.%hich com!any ac&uired Sybase' an ()*+S com!any' in +ay ,-- "or /S0 1.$billion to enhance its database systems?A:SAP2. 3oybook is a la!to! "or en4oying the latest entertainment in s!ectacular H) "ormat.%hich com!any manu"actures it?A:*57-.ame this (obot?

    A:Sony8s Aibo.I" A!!le : iPhone' then Google:99999?A:eus,.+eeGo is a #inu based o!erating system "or mobile !hones by which com!any alongwith Intel?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta



  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    hubaneshwar 20101.&ccording to 6;ford Dictionaryit is a digital recording of a internet radio

    station/hat is being referred to%

    &.s logo which made "p players and it is a competitor to



    :./hat do we call "icrosoft /indow ? )ntel C

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A.+icroso"t Silverlite6.Ehe $.;

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    ,-.5lectronic 99999 Inter"ace.It is widely used in !ublic !laces like (ailways "or ticketsor en&uiries and AE+Fs.A.5lectronic Eouch Inter"ace

    Coimbatore 2010

    1.)dentify the logo%


    2.&lienware is the subsidiary of which )9 giant%


    ./hich was the 1stbollywood mo!ie to stream on Aoutube while the film was

    released in theatre% B H)$9' )t sounds like a position in football


    .)dentify the personality%

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &.te!e obs.

    :.7;pand &&E%

    &.&synchronous a!ascript E"4.

    6.5!and ASP?A.Active Server Pages.

    .Identi"y the logo?

    A.+icroso"t Sur"ace.$.Ehey made %alkman and invented

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    -.n which great !ersonalityFs birthday was the Google8s home!age like this

    A.Sir Isaac ewton..%hich India IE com!any designed banking so"tware "or State *ank o" India?A.E

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A.Samsung.1.%hich com!anyFs old logo is this?

    A.#enovo.6.%hose tagline is B%here the in"ormation livesC?A.5+

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    2. &fter selling kype he went on to start oost with his friend =riis. $ow he along

    with anus =riis manage &tomicoF company a !enture capital. $ame the person%

    &. $iklas Gennstrm


  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &. &lan hugart KeagateL

    -.Identi"y this

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A.3ames Ghosling >3ava

    1.Identi"y this logo?

    A.%iki#eaks6.Identi"y this !erson'who is the "ormer President o" *ell #aboratories and

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta



    1. /hat begun in 1J3# at the @ni!ersity of Hawaii under the leadership of $orman

    &bramson and others Bincluding =. ,uo $. (aarder and $. /eldon %


    2. /hich =amous Company was originally known as "ooreM$oyce but was later

    renamed as %


    . )dentify this%

    &.$etwork 9opologies.

    .. 7;pand )

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    2. Also' there was a &uestion on a logo with a cou!le o" DFs in it.

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &'Ninod Dham

    :. /hich apanese company name>s 7nglish translation refers to Plea!e luck to

    hea!en>%& ' $intendo

    6. Ehe eact de"inition o" this word is Bedible !art o" a nutC. Ehis is the layer whichconnects the a!!lication so"tware and hardware. ame this?A : Mernel. Ehis was earlier named Phoeni' later renamed to Dire*ird even then' due to trademarkissues' it was renamed to something else. %hat?A : Dire"o$. %hat is this in %indows S?

    A : *lue Screen )eath

    2. Ehis country has recently declared broadband access as one o" the basic "undamentalrights a!art "rom li"e and liberty. %hich country?A : Dinland-. Ehe creator o" was !aid a mere 0=1 "or creating this. It later became a !art o" dailywriting.Scott Dahlman was the !erson who develo!ed this later. %hat?A : Simley N emoticon. iPhones and iPads cannot !lay "lash videos. *ut they can !lay OouEube videos asthey are encoded in com!ression technology.%hat is here?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A : H.,6=,. Ehis website was shot to "ame a"ter it re!orted a newsbreak on the helico!terbombings by the /.S. at *hagdad. A"ter this ha!!ened in early ,--' it started receivinghuge visitiors. %hich website?A : %ikileaks

    ;. Ehe latest edition is called Droyo. Ehe "uture iteration o" this is named asGingerbread. %hat is this?A : Android S=. Ehis com!any is the "irst in India to !rovide !rivate cloud services. It was also IndiaFs"irst !rivate ISP. ame this com!any?A : Si"y1. Ehis device is banned both in Morea and Israel. (ecently' this ban was li"ted and theseied devices were returned. Ehe O Oankees stadium banned the use o" the deviceinside the stadium as it "elt no one is concentrating on the games because o" this. amethe device?A : iPad

    6. Ehis language' when created was commonly re"erred to as the Lwrite once' read manytimesF language so as to re"er its cross !lat"orm nature. %hat language?A : 3A@A. Identi"y this ebook reader?


    $. Akebono and Monishiki were two workstations at Stan"ord. Ehese are named a"tersumowrestlers due to the huge amount o" data handled by them. %hat !ortal started itsli"e in these workstations?A : Oahoo2. Identi"y this Damous Dounders?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A:(obert oyce and Gordon e moore >Intel Dounders,-.Identi"y this @ideogame develo!ed "rom Atari com!uters?

    A:Pit Dall

    TCS IT WIZ 2010 Mumbai PrelimsQuestions

    9C )9 /)G 2010 "umbai 7dition was conducted in ' )ndian 7ducation

    ocietyandra on 2#th$o!ember2010.) thank Harsh ,hara for sharing the


    1.)dentify this

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &.Carol bart*

    2.7!an /illiams is the founder of which great website%&.9witter


    &.(oogle 9ricycle Kit is used to capture images in streets to make mapsL

    .9his gaming portal has a special section for girls and it brought runescape to



    1.Identi"y the

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A.Eata Sky6.5!and (DI)A.A.(adio Dre&uency Identi"ication.%hich com!any bought the rights "or the name Palm!ad?A.HP$.Picture o" some old mathematicianJname was too tough , rememberK2.Google has a !rogram through which you can detect a !erson anywhere in the world?aKGoogle #atitude bKGoogle ogle cKGoogle 5arthA.Google #atitude-.Ehere were $ names and , le"t blank...&uestion they le"t this grou! to "ind somethinghuge in micro!rocessors?who are they?A.oyce and +oore.Identi"y this game?

    A.)EA,.Identi"y this logo?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A.ew one

    1.%hat are inkey'blinkey'!inkey associated with?A.Pacman

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    . /hich company is C&D associated with and who>s the person who has shifted

    from it to yahoo%

    &.&utodesk and Carol art*

    . )dentify this person%

    &.Ninton Cerf

    :. & "otorola phone associated with Neri*on wireless and lucas film%

    &. Droid

    6. ame the P,P engine "rom +ark Gorton.A.#imewire. Identi"y the

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    $. Aero' "irst smart!hone "rom which /S com!any?A. )ell2. ame the big so"tware com!any that lost a lawsuit to a

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    ,-. Akio +orita and +asura Ibaku associated with?A.Sony

    ,ochi 2010

    1.)dentify% Kclue' Hungarian mathematicianL

    &.ohn !on $eumann

    2.reaburn capital and =ile maker are subsidiaries of which company%


    .9he name of what is deri!ed from picture and element%


  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta



    6.+oon base al!ha is a game "rom 9999?>a clear hint was given that this com!any hadnothing to do with gamingA.ASA.(amu yalamanchi "ounded which social networking site?A.hi1$.Identi"y this logo?

    A.+y S!ace2.RR identi"y this symbol?A.Eilde

    -.5!and @P.A.@irtual !rivate network.Ten is "rom?A.

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    =.n ,st +ay ,--' the R i am "eeling #uckyR *utton in google was changed to Insert acoin. Google was celebrating the ;-th birthday o" a game. %hich was the game?A.Pacman1.%ho is the author o" this book?

    A.Andy Groove6.Alan shugart invented this and some descri!tion was given like it ke!t on reducing itssie...A.Dlo!!y disk.REhe #egend o" the micro kidR was the advertising cam!aign o"?A.+icroso"t$. Ea!ulous was "ounded in Debruary ,--$ with the s!eci"ic intention o" develo!ingso"tware a!!lications "or the iS !lat"orm. How do you know Ea!ulous now?A.GoGo A!!s

    2. %hat is s!ecial about the book by )ouglas Ho"stadter RDluid

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &'&pple (enius./hich /eb ite tells that Disco!er what+s happening right nowF%


    ./hat is the current name of erry+s and Da!ids (uide to )nternet%


    1.Give the "ull name o" Ankit'the Damous 5htical Hacker "rom Gu4arat?

    A:Ankit Dadia6.Identi"y this logo?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A:ing Social etworking Site.Dull "orm o" %i+a?A:%orldwide Intero!erability "or +icrowave Access$.How we better know RState%ide Attention on Public Grievance by A!!lication o"EechnologyR o" Gu4rat?A:S%AGAE

    2.Identi"y this logo?


  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A:(ocket +ail;.5!and TDS?A: Tettabyte Dile System=.Identi"y?

    A:Sam Palmisano1.Identi"y this Social etworking site logo?

    A:Dour S& #a!to! !er #P

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta



    2.)dentify the company from Canada lackberry %


    ./hich "obile phone uses -etina display technology %&'iPhone 4

    =.Lothing #ike AnythingF is the tagline "rom which com!any ?A:Micromax1.L%hatFs the !oint o" o!tion whenUCis the tagline "rom which com!any ?A: monster.com6.Identi"y the "irst browser to have s!eed dial and mouse gesture "eatures ?A: Opera.%hat is the IndiaFs ,-0 la!to! !ro4ect name ?A:Saakshaat$.%hich is the Dirst game to be im!orted to /S "rom (ussia ?

    A:Tetris2.+obile+e is "rom which com!any ?A:Apple-.Ehis com!any is called #ogicool in 3a!an' what in India ?A:Logitech.EelePresence is a Eelecon"erence !roduct "rom which com!any ?A: Cisco,.Identi"y ?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A:Apple appstore;.Galay is the brand "rom which mobile com!any?

    A: Samsung=.5!and HE< ?A:High tech corporation1.%ebS ?A:Palm6.%hat is Si ais ?A:Game controller.)ecision engine ?A:Bing$.%hat is the name given to - to the !ower o" googol ?A: Googleplex

    Delhi Finals

    -ound )'Cloud Computing B?10 Q Nisual -ound

    1.)dentifyM&pple+s ocial $etwork 4ogo


  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    .(eleased In ,6th 3anuary'/sed In Announcing Ehe %inners At An Award DunctionI!ad,.Painting *y +icheanangelo Showing God *reeding Holding Adam8s Hand An*reeding #i"e Into HimJDrom Ehe Genesis " +an.'Ins!ired %hat?okia8s

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    -ound )'Cloud Computing B?10 Q !isual round

    )dentify this

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &.Ronald Wayne

    =.Google doodle having nature' identi"y the man ?

    A.Charles Darin

    1.%hat is this?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A.iPhone! antenna pro"lem spoo#

    6.whatFs signi"icance o" this logo ?

    A.HP "ought Palm recentl$ an% change% the logo to HP st$le

    -ound )). &utomatic Computing.%hatFs blingtronics ?

    A&'t is a eara"le electronics ma%e o# gol% or %iamon%s,.

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    ,.%ith which state in India did E

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    ,.P34/P36/A36/516Published in 2- by iklaus %irth ?pas!alGreek letter "or L"iveF ending with BiumC ?p$ntium*ase , number system ?"inaR$

    i!!on )enki Mabushiki Maisha ?%ec

    Answer : !$R%

    ;.716/'16/812/A12Dounded as Gra!hics Grou! ?pIxar

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &.)t is a Dish /asher which works from wind power

    ./ho makes this%


    =.%hat is this?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A.It is a ;) deskto!.>lyk below !ic

    1.%hat is this?

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A.It is an tube which uses vacuum to enhance sound6.%hat is this technology?

    A.;) +otion Ehis technology is used in the movie A@AEA(

    -ound )). &utomatic Computing

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    .Pen Point was the "irst S to be written. Dor what kind o" devices were they written?A.P)As,.)erived "rom an ancient "airytale'this term re"ers to something that isused to navigateyour way through a so"tware a!!lication. %hat is theterm?A.*readcrumb

    ;./sually' large cor!orations kee! ac&uiring whatever com!any that they think is acom!etition to their business. Ehey kee! eating whatever comes in their way. %hat termcoined by amco Inc.' is used to describe this strategy?A.Pacman strategy Jamco Inc. develo!ed the Pacman gameK=.It started out as .com and later became a merger between .com and

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    ComQ etwork technology !roducerX the three coms are com!uter'

    communication' and com!atibility.

    &ccentureQ "rom RAccent on the "utureR. Ehe name Accenture was !ro!osed by

    a com!any em!loyee in orway as !art o" an internal name "inding !rocess

    J*randStormingK. *e"ore 3anuary ' ,--' the com!any was called Andersen

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    &sk.comQ search engine "ormerly named a"ter 3eeves' the gentleman8s gentleman

    Jvalet' not butlerK in P. G. %odehouse8s series o" books. Ask 3eeves was shortened

    to Ask in ,--6.

    &susQ named a"ter Pegasus' the winged horse o" Greek mythology. Ehe "irst

    three letters o" the word were dro!!ed to get a high !osition in al!habetical

    listings. An Asus com!any named Pegatron' using the s!are letters' was s!un o""in ,--$.

    &9U9Q the American Eele!hone and Eelegra!h

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    was merged into HewlettPackard JHPK. It was generally called )5< JRdeckRK' but

    later tried to rebrand itsel" as )igital.

    DellQ named a"ter its "ounder' +ichael )ell. Ehe com!any changed its name

    "rom )ell

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    HoneywellQ "rom the name o" +ark Honeywell' "ounder o" Honeywell Heating

    S!ecialty ;2

    )nfosysQ An Indian so"tware ma4or. RIn"ormation SystemsR

    ,odakQ *oth the Modak camera and the name were the invention o" "ounder

    George 5astman. Ehe letter RMR was a "avorite with 5astmanX he "elt it a strong

    and incisive letter. He tried out various combinations o" words starting and ending

    with RMR. He saw three advantages in the name. It had the merits o" a trademark

    word' would not be mis!ronounced and the name did not resemble anything in

    the art. Ehere is a misconce!tion that the name was chosen because o" its

    similarity to the sound !roduced by the shutter o" the camera.

    4eno!o (roupQ a !ortmanteau o" R#eR J"rom "ormer name #egendK and RnovoR'

    !seudo#atin "or RnewR. Ehis

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    4ucent 9echnologiesQ a s!ino"" "rom AEZE' it was named #ucent Jmeaning

    RluminousR or Rglowing with lightRK because Rlight as a meta!hor "or visionary

    thinking re"lected the com!any8s o!erating and guiding business !hiloso!hyR'

    according to the #andor Associates sta"" who chose the name. It was taken over

    by Alcatel to "orm Alcatel#ucent in ,--6.

    "otorolaQ Dounder Paul Galvin came u! with this name when his com!any Jatthe time' Galvin +anu"acturing

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    9witter social networking and microblogging service. Ehe name was derived

    "rom the original idea 8Ewitch8' which didn8t bring u! the right imagery.

    @buntu =oundationQ named "rom a Tulu word J[\nt\K that translates as

    Rhumanity to othersR.

    @nisysQ "rom /nited In"ormation Systems' the new name "or the com!any that

    resulted "rom the merging o" two old main"rame com!uter com!anies' *urroughsand S!erry >S!erry /nivacNS!erry (and. It united two incom!atible ranges. Ehe

    newborn /nisys was brie"ly the world8s secondlargest com!uter com!any' a"ter


    @erion Q a !ortmanteau o" veritas J#atin "or truthK and horion.

    NirginQ "ounder (ichard *ranson started a magaine called Student while still at

    school. In his autobiogra!hy' #osing +y @irginity' *ranson says that when they

    were starting a business to sell records by mail order' Rone o" the girls suggested:

    8%hat about @irgin? %e8re com!lete virgins at business.8R

    NodafoneQ "rom @oice' )ata' Eele"one. @oda"one made the /M8s "irst mobile

    call at a "ew minutes !ast midnight on 3anuary 2$1.

    /iproQ "rom %estern India Palm (e"ined il #td %i!ro Eechnologies. Ehecom!any started as a modest @anas!ati and laundry soa! !roducer and is now

    also an IE services giant.

    Eero;Q named "rom erogra!hy' a word derived "rom the Greek eros JdryK and

    gra!hos JwritingK. Ehe com!any was "ounded as Ehe Haloid

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    A. Bluetooth


  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    $.%hat was "ounded by Anurag )od and Gaurav +ishra and had the tag line LEhe IndianSearch 5ngineFA. Guru4i2.#arry 5wing was the creator o"?-.Eoyota D team has which ma4or chi! manu"acturer as a s!onsor?


    12.%hat s the /ni&ue umberical label that identi"ies a com!uter on a etwork?;.Steven S!eilberg had a !roblem with the naming o" this gaming console which wasthe successor "or Sega Saturn. %hich one?A. )reamcast=.I)

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    15.%hats the name "or the !art in modern com!uters that holds many o" the crucialcom!onents o" the system' while !roviding connectors "or other !eri!herals.A. +otherboard6.5!and ASP in terms o" what a so"tware com!any may !roduce.A. Active Server Pages.%hich

  • 8/13/2019 All Final DAta


    20.I) #ogo
