All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds

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Page 1: All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds
Page 2: All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds

All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds. All praise belongs to Allah to whom belongs everything there is in the heavens and the earth, and to Him submit

all. He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth, and when He decrees something He says be and it is. And may peace and blessings of Allah be upon the

Seal of the Messengers, the most noble of all Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad, and upon his family, companions and offspring. May peace and

blessings be upon them all.

My dear Muslim brothers all over the world,

May peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you!

The news of the painful calamity that has befallen the oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters in Burma, Indian Assam, and Sri Lanka would have surely reached you. In a matter of just a few days thousands of Muslims are slaughtered like sheep and no one budges an inch. The so-called big powers of the world that don’t hesitate to spend millions to send an experimental mission to Mars, fail to spend the most minimal resources to stop this oppression and injustice that takes place right on this earth. International organizations formed under the guise of sympathy and consolation for victims of oppression that would otherwise expend all efforts to save an ill tiger somewhere in a zoo in Africa, fail to go beyond issuing a statement of condemnation on the harrowing genocide of thousands of human beings. The same western governments and NGOs that use all resources available to prove the innocence of a girl imprisoned on charges of desecration of the Holy Quran and set her free; that raise great hue and cry over the migration of just a hundred and thirty Hindus to India from Pakistan, the same governments and NGOs seal their lips on the killings of twenty thousand of Muslims in Burma and Assam, the destruction of their houses and shops and the eviction of hundreds of thousands of oppressed from their homes.

The same America that imposed sanctions on Burma for several years just because the opposition parties there did not have political freedom has no qualms about the fact that the Muslim population of Burma is deprived of even the freedom to live. The same United Nations that immediately came into action for the protection of Christians in East Timor, expended all efforts to help the Christians of South Sudan to secure an independent state and that writhes in the grief of the Christians of Nigeria; the United Nations which possesses such a sensitive conscience that it cannot swallow the destruction of shrines in Mali…the conscience of this United Nations is not even pricked by its role of a silent spectator in front of the forced expulsion of Muslim minorities from their homes and the massacres of defenseless Muslim populations in broad daylight.

Local and international media outlets that exaggerate in their headlines the accidental killing of a single person in an operation of the Mujahideen, repeatedly air the wailing voices of his family members and in total disregard of the real purpose and objective of the operation focus all attention on this mistake as if the entire operation was designed by the Mujahideen to kill this innocent person; the media which on so many occasions fabricates false reports to defame the Mujahideen…these

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same media outlets feel no shame whatsoever in presenting the unprovoked, unjustified and merciless genocide of thousands of defenseless women, children, old and the youth as “mutual ethnic strife” in a small sequel in the news and in doing so set aside all journalistic ethics and norms.

My beloved Muslim Ummah!

This is the reality of the international system set up under the leadership of America! In this system the protection of everyone’s religion is important, violating the life, wealth and honour of everyone is prohibited…except Muslims! Whether the issue is of the Muslim minorities of Burma, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand, the Muslim population of East Turkistan and Philippines, the oppressed Muslims of Chechnya and Bosnia or the Sunni populations of Iraq and Syria, as long as it is Muslims who are being butchered, neither the conscience of the world is awakened, nor does the so-called global community come into action.

This system has only been designed to keep us subjugated and shackled in chains. Pitiful indeed are those timid souls suffering from an inferiority complex who despite all the Muslim blood that has been shed and despite the fact that the veil has been lifted from the vile face of this global order, invite people to end this oppression by using peaceful means alone. This path to which they invite us is not only rejected by the Shariah but also by common sense! Someone possessing even a grain of common sense will not advise the oppressed to kneel before the oppressor and beg him to get his rights back. Force is only confronted with force. If this is not done and the might of the oppressors is not broken the earth is filled with corruption. Allah the Glorious says in the Quran:

الَّذين أُخرِجوا من ديارِهم بِغيرِ حق إِلَّا أَنْ ۔ذُنَ للَّذين يقَاتلُونَ بِأَنهم ظُلموا وإِنَّ اللَّه علَى نصرِهم لَقَدير أ ا اللَّهنبقُولُوا رلَا يلَوو ما اسيهف ذْكَري اجِدسمو اتلَوصو عبِيو عاموص تمدضٍ لَهعبِب مهضعب اسالن اللَّه فْعد

زِيزع لَقَوِي إِنَّ اللَّه هرصني نم نَّ اللَّهرصنلَيا ويركَث 40,39الحج: (اللَّه(

“Permission (to fight) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged; and surely, Allah is able to give them victory. Those who have

been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said: "Our Lord is Allah.'' For had it not been that Allah checks one set of people by means of another, Sawami`, Biya`, Salawat, and Masjids, wherein the Name of Allah is mentioned much, would

surely have been pulled down. Verily, Allah will help those who help His (cause). Truly, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.” (22: 39-40)

If this Ummah does not help and protect one another, if it does not help its oppressed brothers and unite against the disbelievers, the result will only be its ruin and destruction. The Beneficent Lord says:

) كَبِير ادفَسضِ وي الْأَرةٌ فنتف كُنت لُوهفْعضٍ إِلَّا تعاءُ بيلأَو مهضعوا بكَفَر ينالَّذ73نفال: الأو(

“And those who disbelieve are supporters of one another, (and) if you (Muslims) do not do so (protect one another), there will be tribulation on the earth, and great corruption.”


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These painful events have also made clear that it is vain to expect any good from OIC, its member countries and the governments and armies of Muslim countries. They are themselves slaves of someone else. They were formed by the imperialist powers and their basic purpose is the protection of the interests of these powers. Their guns can point at Muslims, but it is impossible that they press the trigger for the protection of Muslims.

If after the help of Allah from the Unseen, there is any glimmer of hope for Muslims in all corners of the world, it is those Mujahideen who are fighting against this new world order set up under the leadership of America and Israel that has enslaved this Ummah. The freedom of this Ummah from the shackles of this system will alone bring glad tidings of freedom for the oppressed of this world. We have strong hope from the Merciful Lord that this day of bringing oppressors to justice and delivering mankind from the slavery of man is not very far.

My dear Pakistani brothers,

On this occasion it is important to mention that the Pakistan army is equally responsible for the painful incidents taking place in Assam and Burma. Yes! The tale of the injustices committed by this army is very long, but this black episode of history has been scrupulously kept hidden from our view.

The Muslims who are being targeted today in Burma and Assam by the infidel populations of these countries include a large number of Muslims who held on to their deep love for Pakistan until the independence of Bangladesh and opposed separatist tendencies. But when 90,000 armed Pakistani soldiers in the leadership of General Niazi surrendered to General Arora in Paltan Ground, Dhaka, it not only paved the way for the division of Pakistan into two, but also destroyed the lives of thousands of these Muslims who had supported Pakistan for years considering it the realization of their dreams. Therefore, after the separation of East Pakistan, their fears came true.

Muslims who had been supporting Pakistan became targets of revenge attacks that took place to avenge the atrocities committed by Pakistan Army in Bangladesh. To escape from these revenge attacks, some of these Muslims migrated to Assam and the rest to Burma. Today this helpless Muslim population is all alone in the world. Neither do they get to see peace in Burma and India, nor does the Bangladeshi government open its doors for them to return home. The government of Pakistan and the army too don’t take any steps for their protection.

Here it is worth asking: what is so special about the Pakistan Army that to sustain this army and meet its expenses the people of this country must pay heavy taxes from their hard-earned incomes? What service has this army done for Islam and Muslims? On which front has it saved Muslims from the evil of disbelievers? When has this army which prides in its power and military skills successfully defended the religion, lives and wealth of Muslims? Whether it be the wars of 1948, 1965, and 1971 or the battle of Kargil, whenever this army has come into action against the disbelievers it has faced defeat.

Yes, if it has succeeded anywhere, it has succeeded in breaking Pakistan into two pieces. It has succeeded in toppling the Islamic Emirate. It has succeeded in hunting

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down the Mujahideen. It has succeeded in uprooting the population of its own country in the tribal areas, Balochistan and Swat. It is Allah alone Who can rid the people of this region from this curse!

Indeed, the protection of Muslims of South Asia, including Pakistan, is only possible when that great Islamic Empire is restored whose capital was at times Kabul and on other occasions Delhi, which ruled according to the Shariah and under whose merciful shade not only Muslims but the disbelieving subjects too lived a life of peace and tranquility.

Concluding my talk, I will like to give this message to the Buddhist populations of Assam, Burma and Sri Lanka that we have still not turned our guns against the followers of Buddhism. And I don’t think you have the strength to bear even a few blows of Allah’s Mujahid slaves. Therefore, by transgressing against our Muslim brothers don’t push yourselves in a war which you lack the guts to fight till the end!

I would like to remind the Burmese government that your country has barely started to come out of international sanctions and you face a long journey ahead before your economy even begins to stand on its own feet. Therefore, don’t act in a way that jeopardizes your peace, economy and national security. Don’t think that the blood of Muslims will continue to flow like this and you will not face any hindrance in your journey to progress.

I also warn the Indian government that after Kashmir, Gujrat and Ahmadabad, if you wish you may add to the long list of your evil deeds Assam as well, but don’t forget that taking revenge for every single oppressed Muslim living under your subjugation is a trust on our shoulders. These arrogant actions of yours only provide impetus for us to hasten our advance towards Delhi. They only serve to assure the millions of honourable Muslim youth living in India that success in this world and the hereafter is impossible without adopting the path of Jihad and Fighting.

I would like to request the scholars and people of Bangladesh to step forward and help the oppressed Muslims living in their neighborhood and increase pressure on their heedless government to open its borders for Burmese Muslims and stop its oppressive actions that only make life more difficult for the oppressed Muslims of Burma and Assam.

In the end I would like to give this message to all oppressed Muslims living in all of South Asia, including Burma, Sri Lanka and India, that news of your condition makes our hearts bleed. But at the same time, our Jihad against America and its proxies for freeing you from the clutches of oppression gives some solace to our hearts. Inshallah we will continue to fight with patience and resolve against this global Crusader-Zionist-Polytheist alliance that has oppressed the entire Ummah including you. We will continue to fight until this Satanic alliance is destroyed, mankind is delivered from its evil and the reins of power are snatched from the hands of stupid and corrupt people and given to the believing slaves of Allah.

We firmly believe that the remedy for your suffering lies not in mere protests or passing resolutions condemning this oppression. To undo the wrongs committed against you and deliver you from oppression we will have to prepare strength

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according to the teachings of Shariah, remain steadfast on the path of Jihad, and offer our blood in the lands of Jihad until Allah gives empowerment to his slaves on this earth and Islam is given victory once more. If we adopt any other path it will be tantamount to taking the path of self-defeat after shying away from the hardships of Jihad. May Allah protect us from returning to such humiliating paths after He has guided us to adopting the path of honour and victory! Ameen.

May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.