E P I S C O PA L P A R I S H A L L S A I N T S All SaintsJune 8 - August 3, 2014 PENTECOST

All Saints' Magazine - Pentecost (Jun - Aug 2014)

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News and inspiration from All Saints' Episcopal Church in Carmel-by-the-Sea

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All Saints’ Episcopal ParishP.O. Box 1296Carmel, California 93921-1296information@allsaintscarmel.orgwww.allsaintscarmel.org831.624.3883All Saints’

June 8 - August 3, 2014



Letter from the Rector


Dear Reader:

This photo of a white heron flying over the Big Sur River was taken by Mother Cynthia last fall. A few of us spotted the same bird again at the May parish picnic. Even though it is not a dove, it reminds me of the Holy Spirit anointing Jesus at his baptism. It lifts my imagination to see God present in the midst of our lives. What about you?

June and July promise to be fun months that are busy, but bring a little summer relaxation. This newsletter reports on several highlights of Eastertide. Note especially the hugely successful Small Bites for Big Hunger. I want to personally thank the leaders and all who participated. You will also read various invitations to participate in the life of All Saints’. Don’t miss the class on Life Together, the reception for Rev. Gwen, the parish camping dates, and the youth news.

I pray that you will witness God’s presence in the midst of these events, or at least feel the breath of fresh air as the Spirit flies gracefully downriver.

In Christ’s love,

ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION: The All Saints’ Magazine is published seven times a year, corresponding with the liturgical seasons. The next edition will be available on August 3, 2014. We welcome your submission of articles, and ministry event and opportunity ads if submitted by July 20, 2014.

Use of all ads and articles will be determined by the staff and editorial team. Please send all submissions via email to the Parish Administrator at [email protected].

All Saints’ Episcopal Parish | P.O. Box 1296 Carmel, California 93921 | 831-624-3883 | www.allsaintscarmel.orgOffice Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and

Friday 9:00 a.m. - noon


LETTER FROM THE RECTOR . . . . . . . .

VESTRY NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

COMMUNITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

DISCIPLESHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

OUTREACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

STEWARDSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .











www.AllSaintsCarmel.org 3


Current vestry work includes the following. Feel free to attend our regular June and July meetings, held on the last Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the library.

• We elected Susan Britton to an unexpired term on the vestry. Welcome, Susan!

Mrs. Susan Britton (831) 659-0444 - [email protected]• We called Jennifer Suttie to serve as the new

Youth Leader. Welcome, Jennifer!• We are working to prep the chalet for rental.

Both the Building and Grounds Committee and Dick and Elizabeth Barratt are dedicating much time and expertise to this project, and we thank them.

• We are working with the All Saints’ Day School board in their effort to subdivide the additional parcel of land that was donated in the past decade.

• We are preparing to initiate a parish-wide

communication process for listening to and engaging the congregation.

• The board we recently displayed at the back of the church for recruiting volunteers was successful. We thank those who continue in the ministries we are promoting, and rejoice at the additional volunteers.

• We decided to hold a picnic in Santa Lucia on August 3, and to hold another picnic in Carmel in the fall.

• The vestry evaluated our year-to-date finances. We decided to continue the administrative position at nineteen hours per week, use an independent contractor for communication at no more than seven hours per week, and continue the youth leader position that Robin is vacating. This action reduces the overall salaries for the combined three positions by twelve hours per week until such time as we determine that we can hire a communication person or increase the administrative position.

MID-YEAR PLEDGEIf you are new at All Saints’ or have not yet completed a pledge of financial support for this year, now is your chance. We are holding our mid-year pledge drive to let others join us in making a financial commitment to All Saints’. All of your giving supports the ministries and activities by which we glorify Christ and lovingly serve others. Fill out a 2014 pledge card or simply contact the office.

Mid-Year Pledge Card Please fill out the pledge card below and return it to the office at your earliest convenience or and place it in the collection plate.



City: State: ZIP:

Phone: Email:

I/We Pledge: $ per week / month / quarter (circle one) I/We plan to make our annual pledge of $ in the month of q Contact me so that I may use my credit card

PO Box 1296, Carmel, California, 93921-1296 � (831) 624-3883 � [email protected] � www.allsaintscarmel.org





We already have several baptisms scheduled on the Day of Pentecost (June 8) and beyond. If you or a loved one is interested in being baptized, or would like to attend a baptismal preparation class, please contact the office.

THANK YOUBy Robin Denney

It has been a joy working at All Saints’ these last two and a half years. The time has flown by. Thank you each for making me feel welcome, and for all you do to encourage and support the youth and their activities. When I came to All Saints’ I was not sure whether or not God was calling me to the priesthood. In my time here I have been blessed to work with the youth in a pastoral role, as well as supporting the parish as a part of the staff team. Engaging in ministry together here and elsewhere, I have come to discern a call to the priesthood. I now head off to Virginia Theological Seminary for the next three years to study for a Master’s of Divinity. I appreciate your continued prayers and support as I embark on this new journey. I will continue to stay in touch through articles in the seasonal magazine, and my email address will remain the same. Thank you also for continuing to encourage and support the youth of the congregation and their new leader, Jennifer Suttie.


Twenty members enjoyed a picnic at Santa Lucia on a beautiful spring day in May. This date was chosen in coordination with the schedule at All Saints’ Day School, in hopes of bringing the two All Saints’ communities together. Feedback from families was that end-of-school activities precluded participation. There were two youth present, but neither were from our school. Picnickers suggested to the vestry members present that we hold another picnic at our traditional date on August 3, during the week Santa Lucia is reserved for parish campingSunday, June 8

8:00 a.m. • 10:30 a.m. • 5:30 p.m.All Saints’ Episcopal Church





8 3 1 - 6 5 9 - 2 3 8 4w w w . c v r o u n d u p . o r g

O r i g i n a l A r t w o r k © 2 0 1 4b y P a t r i c i a G a g l i o t i

FUN for the Whole Family!

Silent Auction!Fabulous Vendors!Great Food!

Kiddie Korral: F r e e a c t i v i t i e s f o r c h i l d r e n a g e d 3 & u pS t i c k h o r s e R a c e s , D u m m y R o p i n g , A r t s & C r a f t s & M o r e !

S U N D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 4• 4 - M a n T e a m B r a n d i n g • R a n c h H o r s e

• R o p i n g : L a d i e s / M i x e d , J r / S r , B e g i n n i n g• “ O l d S t y l e ” R e a t a R o p i n g

• B u c k a r o o • R e i n i n g

S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 4• R a n c h C u t t i n g • R a n c h T r a i l

• R a n c h P l e a s u r e • R a n c h e r ’ s C h o i c e• R a n c h S o r t i n g

• 3 - M a n C a l f D o c t o r i n g



Our All Saints’ creative group, the Salon, meets frequently to share and celebrate each others’ creativity; always over a delicious meal. They’re a multi-talented group of poets, writers, photographers, painters, and even a quilter. Monday evening, May 8, the group met at Portabella Restaurant in Carmel. Robert Nielsen shared his new series of photographs

mounted on a professionally designed frame. Patty Gaglioti shared her latest news. Two of her paintings have been selected by the non-profit organization sponsoring Ranch Roundup to represent and advertise their event. The roundup event will be held at Carmel Valley Trail and Saddle Club September 13-14, 2014. Artist Patti Gagliotti donates

artwork to support local non-profit club


All Saints’ Campground in Big Sur is still available for rental many nights this summer. There is space for small groups to camp June 15-21, July 11-12, July 24-27 and August 4-7. Paul’s Meadow is available to Parish Members most weekends. Additionally, the whole campground is available July 20-23, September 1-6, 8-11, 14-25 and 27-31. October has many open dates and is often a beautiful, sunny time on the coast. Call the church office for details! Also, the week of July 28 through August 3 is reserved for Parish Camping. Anyone can come camp on any of those nights for free. Call the office to let us know how many people are in your group.

August 3 PicnicSanta Lucia , At Noon


Santa Lucia is reserved for you and your All Saints’ friends from July 28 to August 3. Reserve a camping space for any of the days that work for you by contacting the office.





Lucille Burton RenoAugust 2, 1926 to May 9, 2014

W. Thomas LundellDecember 4, 1928 to May 26, 2014


All Saints’ is like a big hug, like a Disneyland of learning, like hanging out in your backyard. All Saints’ is like snuggling in bed, like soaring on a trampoline, and like a birthday party.

But you graduates will soon walk out the door of All Saints’. You’ll drive away with a smile and a twinge of sadness. Soon the music will fade and the lights will come on, because the play starring you has ended, and the applause quieted.

Graduation for me was most like Fan Lake, where my grandma and grandpa lived in a cabin in the woods, with a dock for fishing and swimming, and an old gold mine. Walking into the mineshaft meant leaving the brilliant sunlight behind and following a path chiseled through rock. The miner had followed a vein of gold into the depth of the mountain. It wouldn’t take long for the light to fade into deep darkness. We always carried flashlights, but what I most remember was turning off the light, and being surrounded by the true adventure of not knowing, of imagining the pickax hammering away at the stone and the miner collecting the shiny gold into a mound of precious metal.

You might feel like you’re looking into a dark cave, because you don’t know what awaits you. You might feel like you did when approaching the Spider Caves of Yosemite. For you are Forty-niners, those gold prospectors of California history, who headed into the exquisite beauty of the Sierra Mountains. Hidden treasures, the thrill of discovery, and the excitement of excellence await you.

Eventually the miner at Fan Lake lost the vein of gold. At the end of the tunnel was a cavern, created by his digging left, right, and upwards. Eventually, he gave up, sold the property to my grandparents, and moved to another mining prospect. Grandpa and

my dad built the cabin and a new adventure began.

Today’s Gospel image is also a good one for you, and for us all. For we are like the disciples who left their fishing nets, their friends, and the seashore they dearly loved, in order to follow Jesus into an exhilarating future. They discovered God’s love in a future of high adventure. It was a future filled with confusion and wonderment, deep joy, sorrowful defeats, countless challenges, occasions of song, moments of silence, and breathtaking victory.

Graduates, God leads you into a future of loving and learning, a future of seeking and serving, a future of rejoicing and maturing. We are proud of you and we love you. We delight in your future, even as we’ll miss you in this place. We’ll miss you until you come back to visit, which we hope you will do often.

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• Yours are the eyes through which his love has to look upon the world.

• Yours are the feet on which he has to go about doing good.

• And yours are the hands with which he is to bless us now.

The Pentecost gift of the Holy Spirit both comforts and challenges. The Spirit brings us the comfort of feeling God’s presence, and inspires us to make the world a better place. But the Spirit also challenges us by being elusive and disconcerting. The Spirit challenges by leading us to grow, to risk making mistakes, and to love others.

In June and July we will baptize a number of teens and children. In baptism we celebrate God in the midst of life. In fact, the baptized become vessels of God in their daily lives. We are privileged to bear God’s Spirit, but we are also challenged to make God present.

The great feast of Pentecost propels us to recognize God in the middle of life, like the dove descending from heaven. The Holy Spirit also mandates that we make Christ present. One very practical way to make Christ present is by remembering, invoking, and praying wherever we are. Such a ministry of presence is the heart of Pentecost, and the heart of the Gospel. It is disconcertingly simply, yet joyfully profound.


On the Day of Pentecost we transition from the Easter message of “Christ is risen!” to the invocation “Come, Holy Spirit.” Both expressions point to the presence of God in our lives. Pentecost celebrates the way that God dwells in our relationships and inspires our behavior.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer defines God as “the transcendent in the midst of life.” He reminds us that we engage Jesus Christ at the center of life, and not on its fringes. His point is well taken, because the meaning of the Christian faith is not so much getting to heaven, or discerning God through miracles, as it is lovingly serving God in our daily lives. The Gospel story from Christmas to Pentecost underscores God’s desire to be involved in our lives.

St. Teresa of Avila summed up the Christian faith with these words: “It’s heaven all the way to heaven.” These comforting words remind us that Christ is at the center of life, not relegated to some remote corner of it. Teresa also challenges us to seek and serve Christ in all persons:

• God has no body on earth except yours.• No hands but yours. No feet but yours.


Join us on July 13 to celebrate Rev. Gwen’s loving service at All Saints’. We knew when she arrived that she would only be with us for the duration of her husband’s interim at the Unitarian Church. We quickly fell in love with Rev. Gwen, and so now we send her with our love and blessing to her new life in San Francisco.




The early Church summarized in a pithy and radical way God’s purpose for Christians. They wrote as graffiti “God became a human so that we might become God.”

The Pentecost language of being “born from above” reflects God’s desire to guide and form us. Paul hit the bulls-eye when he exhorted, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2).

My personal pledge is to be guided and formed by the living God who is present through worship, study, and prayer.

Guidance and formation come from the presence of the crucified and risen Jesus Christ, and I hope to be guided and formed for the rest of my life.


The first of these goals feels like it touches the center of my being. Even though I’m far from this ideal, it defines why I pray daily, why I participate in the liturgy, and why I study the Bible. The gracious presence of God also motivates me to hike, watch movies, play with my grandchildren, and read novels.

This first goal affirms that I dwell within the grace of God. Worship, study, and daily prayer are means of returning when I stray. These disciplines remind me that I cannot be truly loving, grateful, or generous without the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Another important part of this first goal is the pair of words guided and formed. These words balance and complement each other. To be guided by Jesus Christ means letting my actions be inspired and directed by God and by the teaching of the Church. I want to act and talk like a Christian.

Yet, there is a correlation between what we do and who we are. Since my words and actions derive from who I am, formation is of equal importance. Formation is important because people will learn most about the Christian faith by recognizing the image of Christ in us. They will recognize God’s faithfulness by feeling the love of Christ through our words and deeds. I desire to make Christ present in my words and actions.

To be guided by Jesus Christ means letting my actions be inspired and

directed by God and by the teaching of the Church.

• To be guided and formed by the worship, teaching,andpresenceofthecrucifiedandrisen Jesus Christ

• To welcome and respect each person as bearing the image of God

• To participate in a lifelong dynamic of formation, maturation, and healing

• To lovingly serve others and to strive for social justice

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For me, going to a Friends of St. Benedict meeting is very similar to finding an unexpected spring of sweet water in the desert. I can discover refreshment and life-giving water from a sacred source.

Our meetings are simple and challenging at the same time. We begin by worshipping God in the chapel with Evening Prayer. We pray and read the designated psalms quietly together, and then we listen and try to resonate with the selected scripture in the Lectio Divina manner of the monastics. It becomes a solemn and beautiful ceremony to honor our God.

The second part of the meeting is spent hearing the words of Rule of St. Benedict and studying the commentaries upon that Rule. In our discussions we apply his teachings to our own lives, to our church, and to our civilization. We seem to never weary of trying to align our own spiritual lives with the

wisdom of this remarkable saint.

The third part of our session is spent learning about the lives and the teachings of holy men and women from our Christian history. We have spent time with the Desert Fathers of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries, with Hildegard von Bingen, and with St. Francis of Assisi, to name but a few. We also are reading books by modern mystics, such as Thomas Merton and Esther DeWaal.

Our leader, Bill Reed, has spent many years of his life teaching religious studies. He is a wonderful educator, an inspiring facilitator for our discussions, and a loving and wise mentor. We are blessed to have someone so gifted as a spiritual guide.

I recommend this experience of praying and thinking and

paying attention to the deepest parts of our soul to all who are seeking a contemplative and thoughtful new way of communicating with God and our community. Please join us once a month.

We seem to never weary of trying to align our own spiritual lives

with the wisdom of this remarkable saint.

LIFE TOGETHER By Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Join in a congregation-wide reading of this popular (and non-scholarly) book.

Sign the covenant to read Life Together with fellow parishioners by e-mailing your intention to [email protected] or by signing the covenant.

Read Chapter One (about thirty-five pages) in May and June. We’ll hold optional discussions on June 1 and 22, and read the remaining chapters in the Fall and beyond.





The El Camino Real Diocese is offering our youth a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break cultural barriers while learning about themselves and the deep faith of the people of El Salvador. We think this will be a trip each individual will cherish for a lifetime and we hope it will set the scene for a balanced perspective. Youth from El Salvador will join with youth from the Dioceses of LA and El Camino Real. They will go on a pilgrimage together to visit sites of spiritual significance. The sites will include the martyrdom of Oscar Romero, and the Jesuit Priests. Then the youth will go on retreat together and discuss the issues they face on a daily basis and themes around vocation. Unlike many mission trips, the youth will not be building anything. The point of the trip is pilgrimage, personal engagement and breaking down cultural barriers.


God the Holy Spirit is associated with fire, ever since the Pentecostal tongues of fire. But the connection goes back even to the fires on Mount Sinai, where Moses dares to approach God. “Our God is a consuming fire” (Deut. 4:24). Yes, there is danger in approaching God seriously because the flames of His Glory will consume all egotism, maybe quickly, but


All Saint’s Youth Program has entered the 21st Century! I am very excited to announce our new curriculum - Echo the Story 12: a 12-session overview of the Bible for youth. The complete Echo the Story experience helps youth discover meaning and identity in the biblical narrative using video, sketch journals, and guided discussion. We review the bible stories in a short video and then share the stories with each other using our own life experience. The youth discover themes that connect the whole biblical narrative and find deeper personal meaning in the stories. In quiet reflection we then draw the stories; retelling the story in a new and creative way.

The curriculum guides us to explore 12 Bible stories from the beginning of the bible all the way through the early church. The sessions are one hour or can be combined for our youth retreats. We will have a lot of fun sharing our observations and insights while we learn about each other and the mysteries of God’s grace. The youth have a unique opportunity to explore faith and interpret scripture together, and connect the bible to their own lives. The activities are engaging and I am sure the discussions will be very lively. We can’t wait to get started!

more probably slowly and surely. But the purification is like a refiner’s fire, extracting pure silver from the dross, so that the true self, created and grounded and flourishing in the Creator, will emerge. We can find joy, even through the flames, as God becomes our source, continually giving us new life, dying and rising in the communion of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Fire of Love, teaching us how to love and be love as God’s children and to embrace His whole creation in the same Spirit.

Go back to T. S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets” in “Little Gidding, part IV” and read about this mystery of death and renewal by the grace of God the Holy Spirit. The dove descending breaks the air with his Pentecostal flames to renew in us the image and likeness of God. Eliot writes, somewhat ironically: “Who then devised the torment (of the fire)? Love. Love is the unfamiliar Name…” that becomes familiar. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and enkindle in us the fires of Your Love.





God was surely in the midst of life for this year’s Small Bites for Big Hunger. Thanks to our event team, chefs, wineries, attendees, and donors, we earned approximately $20,000 for your Outreach Commission to fund its community support efforts. We opened our doors on Friday night to about 150 people who came in to enjoy food from our five chefs/restaurants and tastings from our five wineries, setup around the perimeter of Seccombe Hall. We even had an olive oil tasting at the Ventana winery station. In the middle of the hall we had arranged our silent auction items, ranging from restaurant gift certificates, to ceramic pigs and a hand-made table runner, to hand-crafted jewelry, to face tattoos!

Later in the evening, our MC Al Alvarez and our auctioneer Hans Lehmann auctioned off five items, including golf at Tehama with Mike Carter and culminating in a dinner at Hans’ house, purchased again by Rusty Ward.

We sold 175 tickets, 55 silent auction items, and 5 live auction items. Sponsorships and donations to our cause were an important addition this year to our income. Again, thanks to everyone.

You may recall that your Outreach Commission replaced the annual rummage sale with this event in 2012. Since then, we’ve cleared close to $20,000 each year, far in excess of what the rummage sale brought in. In fact, since we began, we see increasing numbers of nonprofits in the area conducting similar events. Our 2015 Small Bites event is scheduled for Friday, May 1. Plan to join us!


We sent a final donation of $400 to complete our contribution for the teacher’s salaries, paid in full by the California Friends of St. Patrick. One of our partners sent an extra gift to Père Lazard so that all of the teachers and the sixth grade class could participate in a continuing education field trip. At our last meeting we also discussed the critical need for repairing the deteriorating school buildings. Contact Rosemary Smith at 625-7622 if you would like to become more active in this ministry

As a fundraiser for this trip, the youth would like to offer those who support them a share in their trip. They will sell the shares for $100, and upon return, will provide a wonderful dinner and presentation with photos and insights from the trip. Please consider supporting your spiritual community and the youth of All Saints’ Parish in this exciting opportunity. The food promises to be DELICIOUS and the investment in our youth will last a lifetime. We need to raise $1,500 per participant.





Le Salon des Artistes has created a new set of Note Cards for the Church. Many of the cards are representative of the church and the grounds, but this time our artists are also sharing their vision of Gods’ creation through the use of various mediums. Le Salon des Artistes is blessed to have photographers, writers, poets and painters. The joy of coming together with friends of like mind is a large part of what the community of God is all about. We gather to share our common interests in the arts often making reference to the majesty of the greatest creator.

Perhaps you have some hidden talent or just a desire to talk and share experiences of a creative nature. If so, please feel free to join this group of friendly creatives for an evening of stimulating conversation over a glass of wine or a light pot luck supper.

SAINT URIELRodney Warren


THE APPLE TREEValerie Warren

MORTIECynthis M. Spencer

ALL SAINTS’ DAVIDAlexandra Collard

THANKING SOME OF OUR MANY VOLUNTEERS• Please thank the following people for serving on one of the recent search committees: Al Alvarez, Julie

Aulenta, Reed Cripe, Robin Denney, Ed Fincke, Frank Graham, Rick Matters, Bill Mattmiller, Dave McClendon, and Jim Shillinglaw.

• Join in thanking the youth and their parents for hosting a reception for Robin Denney.• Thank you Don and Susan Britton and Gwen Romano for hosting recent receptions and a picnic.• We thank Josh Green for serving as a man of many talents, from web management to cleaning bathrooms at

Santa Lucia.• Bless you, Nan Walker, for joining the team of office receptionists.• Praise and thanks to our choir members of all ages, who will be enjoying a summer break.


Several search committees are working on behalf of the vestry and rector. We called Jennifer Suttie to serve as the next youth leader at twelve hours per week. A committee is concluding the search for a long-term administrative coordinator, at nineteen hours per week. The vestry extended an agreement with Wendy Loftin to serve as our independent contractor for communication (at no more than seven hours per week). Yet another committee recently held two interviews for the position of Santa Lucia caretaker and camp host.


YTD Actual YTD Budget Operating Income $93,731 $105,686Other Income $86,193 $81,585 Total Income $179,924 $187,271

Operating Expense $118,790 $117,086Other Expense $60,699 $68,694 Total Expense $179,489 $185,780Net Income $435 $1491


Our Mission & The Church


Diocese of El Camino Real Gathering of Healing Ministers

Healing Ministers from around the diocese will gather to share ideas and practices on healing ministry. The purpose of this day is to share experiences from our various parishes and discuss how to increase congregational acceptance and participation. The Rev. Canon Jim Thomas, Ph.D., will offer an inspirational talk on The Healing Process. We will have an opportunity for small group discussion on Healing Ministry: parish practices, strengths, and challenges. Please join us if you would like to learn more about the healing ministry.

The event is hosted by Saint Andrew’s Chapter of The Order of St. Luke.

Saturday, June 14 --- from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church13601 Saratoga Avenue, Saratoga

Location: in the Center


News & Upcoming Events



Please welcome Jennifer Suttie as our new Youth Leader. Jennifer has been a part of our parish since 2009, when she moved here from Perth, Scotland. She has been assisting me with the youth program for several months and has grown the youth program in just a short time. Jennifer brings many skills to her role as youth leader, including a great sense of humor and enthusiasm! She loves bringing the message of Christ alive for the youth with fun activities and a listening heart. Her focus in the next few months will be to roll out our exciting new curriculum that will bring the bible lessons into the daily lives of our youth. She is also an integral part of the fundraising for the Sierra Service Project and El Salvador Mission Trip this August.

Jennifer brings two very important individuals into the youth program- her 11-year-old daughter, Andi Jo, who also serves as an acolyte and helps with

We will be holding Sunday services at the outdoor chapel of Santa Lucia June through August. Join members,

campers, and the small Big Sur congregation each Sunday at 10:00 a.m.



Thursday, June 12 - 9:00-12:00Glen Deven Ranch (Palo Colorado)

Saturday, June 28 - 8:30-12:30Andrew Molera State Park, Big Sur (with Picnic at Santa Lucia Mission)

Tuesday, July 1 - 8:30-11:30Palo Colorado

Godly Play, and the youth group Mascot, Buddy, their Labradoodle. Jennifer is very approachable and believes every person in our Parish has something to share with our youth. Please introduce yourself and let her know how you would like to be a part of the youth program.

Dolor adipiscing: Cynthia M. SpencerOffice: 520-260-5158Cell: Mobile PhoneEmail: [email protected]

Healthy Saints Hike North of Asilomar Beach Pacific Grove, CA May 26, 2014



Building on nine seasons of talent and tradition, All Saints’ will offer Bach to the Future in the summer of 2014. The two one-week sessions offer music and fun for children going into kindergarten through the eighth grade. Each session will include plenty of singing and music-making, drawing, and dancing. The children will also explore history and languages, and interact with singers and instrumentalists from the Carmel Bach Festival!

Summer program for children in elementary school going into grades K-8 in the fall of 2014:

Week I: Monday, July 21 – Friday, July 25, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Special presentation at All Saints’ on July 27, 10:30 a.m. Cost: $150

Week II: Monday, July 28 – Friday, August 1, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Special presentation at All Saints’ on August 3, 10:30 a.m. Cost: $150

Children may register for one session or they may attend both sessions.

Led by Carteena Robohm, Founder and Director(831) [email protected]

Bach to theFuture 2014

10th Anniversary


June 8 Day of Pentecost with BaptismJune 10 Book ClubJune 18 Friends of St. BenedictJune 22 Life Together DiscussionJune 26 Carmel Chamber Smart CoffeeJune 27 I-HELP dinner and overnightJune 29 Vestry MeetingJuly 3 Carmel Chamber Smart Coffee July 4 Church office closedJuly 7 Le Salon des ArtistesJuly 8 Book ClubJuly 13 Goodbye reception for Rev. Gwen after the 10:30 liturgy

July 16 Friends of St. BenedictJuly 21-27 Bach to the Future children’s music campJuly 25 I-HELP dinner and overnightJuly 26-Aug 3 Youth Mission Trip to Navajo July 27 Vestry MeetingJuly 28-Aug 3 Bach to the Future children’s music campJuly 31-Aug 3 Parish Camping at Santa LuciaAugust 3 Picnic at Santa LuciaAugust 4-11 Youth Mission Trip to El Salvador

All Saints’ ParishDisciples Glorifying Christ and Serving Others





All Saints’ Episcopal ParishP.O. Box 1296Carmel, California 93921-1296information@allsaintscarmel.orgwww.allsaintscarmel.org831.624.3883


Dolores & Ninth • P.O. Box 1296 • Carmel, Ca 93921 • [email protected] • Fax: 831.624.1459 • www.AllSaintsCarmel.org


8060 Carmel Valley Road • Carmel, CA 93923 • 831.624.9171 • www.asds.org


46896 Highway One • Big Sur, CA 93920