All Star Gifts

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  • 7/31/2019 All Star Gifts


    All-Star Gifts



    This set o activities has been designed to initiate

    discussion between adults and young children about

    poverty. Children are encouraged to see that steps

    are being taken to alleviate poverty, and that they can

    be a part o that process.

    This resource is designed or use with students in grades

    K-4; however, the material is easily adapted or use withother age groups. The activities complement socialstudies and language arts programming.

    All-Star Git Scramble

    Farm animals: Nutritious ood year ater

    year Kids in school: A place to learn and

    play Child drinking water: Better health

    or everyone

    World Hunger: Good NewsBad News

    1. Happy ace 4. Sad ace

    2. Sad ace 5. Sad ace

    3. Happy ace

    Hidden Hunger

    There are nine kids in the picture.

    Three would suer rom hidden hunger.

    True or alse: All the answers are true.

    Gits That Beat HungerThe frst puzzle is a picture o a goat.

    The second puzzle is a picture o a hoe,a wheelbarrow, and a bag o seeds.

    Copies o the World Vision Git Catalog*(available by request at,

    one or each group o our to six participants.Alternately, you can view the catalog online

    Copies o each handout ound on pages 27,one or each participant

    *Through World Visions Git Catalog, groups and individuals

    can make a lie-changing dierence or children and amilies

    in need around the world by mak ing a donation or a specifcitem. Git s support World Visions existing community

    development eorts and are one way that car ing individualsand amilies can have a direct and intentional impact on the

    lives o others.

    All-Star Gifts

    CC124372_0512 2012 World Vision, Inc.

  • 7/31/2019 All Star Gifts


    All-Star Gifts All-Star Gift Scramble

    PAGE 2Permission to reproduce is granted. CC124372_0512 2012 World Vision, Inc.







    Connect each git tag and ribbon to the git that

    it describes. You will see how these gits help the

    people who receive them.

  • 7/31/2019 All Star Gifts


    All-Star Gifts World Hunger: Good NewsBad News

    Lets learn a little bit about hunger around the world.

    Read each hunger act below. Is it good news or bad news?

    Put a happy ace beside the good news and a sad ace beside the bad news.

    1. Enough ood

    The amount o ood grown

    around the world is enough

    to eed everyone on Ear th.

    3. More hungry Americans

    More and more people in the

    United States need help rom ood

    banks to eed their amilies.

    5. Fewer hungry people

    There are ewer hungry people

    in the world today than when your

    parents were your age.

    2. Many go hungry

    In Arica, one out o every

    three people is hungryand

    this number is getting bigger.

    4. Many are poor

    More than a billion people

    live on not much more than

    a dollar a day.

    PAGE 3Permission to reproduce is granted. CC124372_0512 2012 World Vision, Inc.

  • 7/31/2019 All Star Gifts


    All-Star Gifts Hidden Hunger

    PAGE 4Permission to reproduce is granted. CC124372_0512 2012 World Vision, Inc.

    How many children can you count

    in this picture?

    Can you spot the ones who are not eating well?

    YES NO

    Hidden hunger makes kids be small or their age

    have a harder time learning

    have less energy

    get sick easier

    have a shorter lie

    T F

    T F

    T F

    T F

    T F

    Circle the correct answer:

    No? Thats because hunger can sometimes be

    hidden. You cant really see it. Kids who suerrom hidden hunger might look okay, but they arenot getting the vitamins and minerals their bodiesneed to stay healthy and grow properly.

    Find out how this aects these kids bytaking this True-or-False quiz.

    In some developing countries, one-third o the

    children this age arent healthy because theydont get enough ood or the right kind o ood.How many children would that be in this picture?

  • 7/31/2019 All Star Gifts


    All-Star Gifts Gifts That Beat Hunger

    PAGE 5Permission to reproduce is granted. CC124372_0512 2012 World Vision, Inc.

    Did you know that kids like you are

    giving gits to help fght hunger? Check

    out these gits that provide healthy

    ood or amilies around the world.

    People in America loved giving this git

    last year. They knew that a amily inneed could use it to make money at

    a local market, or or a healthy drink.

    Cut out the pieces and put the puzzle

    together to see what the git is.

    Connect the numbers

    to see which git helps a

    amily grow healthy ood

    year ater year.

    seed s 12








    12 13

    14 15SEEDS

  • 7/31/2019 All Star Gifts


    All-Star Gifts Water Is Life

    PAGE 6Permission to reproduce is granted. CC124372_0512 2012 World Vision, Inc.

    Everybody in the world needs clean water to drink.

    And every plant needs water to grow! Color in the pictures below

    to see how having clean, sae water can change a whole community.

    When water is hard to fnd

    What a dierence sae water makes!

  • 7/31/2019 All Star Gifts


    All-Star Gifts For Someone Special

    PAGE 7Permission to reproduce is granted. CC124372_0512 2012 World Vision, Inc.

    I you could send an item rom the World Vision Git Catalog

    to a child or amily in another country, what would you write

    on the git tag? Decorate the tag below with a specialmessage or drawings.

  • 7/31/2019 All Star Gifts


    About World Vision

    World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, amilies,

    and their communities worldwide to reach their ull potential by tackling the causes o poverty and

    injustice. Motivated by our aith in Jesus Christ, World Vision serves alongside the poor and oppressed

    as a demonstration o Gods unconditional love or all people. We envision a world in which each

    child experiences ullness o lie as described in John 10:10, and we know this can be achieved

    only by addressing the problems o poverty and injustice in a holistic way. Thats how World Vision

    is unique. We bring 60 years o experience in three key areas needed to help children and amilies

    thrive: emergency relie, long-term development, and advocacy. And we bring all o our skills across

    many areas o expertise to each community we work in, enabling us to help care or childrens physical,

    social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

    Partnering with World Vision provides tangible ways to honor God and put aith into action. By

    working together, we can make a lasting dierence in the lives o children and amilies who are

    struggling to overcome poverty. To fnd out more about how you can help, visit

    Ending global poverty and injustice begins with education: understanding the magnitude and causes

    o poverty, its impact on human dignity, and our connection to those in need around the world.

    World Vision Resources is the publishing ministry o World Vision. World Vision Resources educates

    Christians about global poverty, inspires them to respond, and equips them with innovative resources

    to make a dierence in the world.

    World Vision Resources

    Mail Stop 321P.O. Box 9716

    Federal Way, WA 98063-9716

    Fax: 253.815.3340

    Email: [email protected]





    CC124372_0512 2012 World Vision, Inc.