Allen Say Author Study Grade 3 ONLINE RESOURCES PACKET

Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

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Allen Say

AuthorStudyGrade 3



Page 2: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

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ISBN 13: 978-0-66364-175-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10   14 13 12 11 10

Page 3: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Allen SayResources

ASSESSMENT AND PROGRESS MONITORINGMonitoring Student ProgressWriting an Opinion (Pre-Assessment Prompt)Writing an Opinion (Post-Assessment Prompt)Writing an OpinionRubric: Elements to Include in a Response to Literature

LESSON RESOURCESLesson 3: What the Text Says—What I Am Thinking What the Text Says—What I Am Thinking (completed)Lesson 5: Books by Allen SayLesson 7: Comparing and Contrasting Venn DiagramLesson 8: Getting to Know the Main CharacterLesson 12: Identifying ThemesLesson 13: Picture Walk

Page 4: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Monitoring Student Progress

Monitoring Student Progress 1/2

Student Name/I.D. Number


Name the title of the book and the author

Provide an introduction to the topic or book

Express an opinion and provide organizational structure

Provide reason for opinion

Use linking words (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons

Provide a sense of closure/concluding statement

Week 1

Name the title of the book and the author

Provide an introduction to the topic or book

Express an opinion and provide organizational structure

Provide reason for opinion

Use linking words (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons

Provide a sense of closure/concluding statement

Week 2

Name the title of the book and the author

Provide an introduction to the topic or book

Express an opinion and provide organizational structure

Provide reason for opinion

Use linking words (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons

Provide a sense of closure/concluding statement

Page 5: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Monitoring Student Progress

Monitoring Student Progress 2/2

Student Name/I.D. Number

Week 3

Name the title of the book and the author

Provide an introduction to the topic or book

Express an opinion and provide organizational structure

Provide reason for opinion

Use linking words (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons

Provide a sense of closure/concluding statement

Week 4

Name the title of the book and the author

Provide an introduction to the topic or book

Express an opinion and provide organizational structure

Provide reason for opinion

Use linking words (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons

Provide a sense of closure/concluding statement


Name the title of the book and the author

Provide an introduction to the topic or book

Express an opinion and provide organizational structure

Provide reason for opinion

Use linking words (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons

Provide a sense of closure/concluding statement

Page 6: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Writing an Opinion

Pre-Assessment 1/1

In the book, Allen Say introduces us to a young man, an artist, just passing through. Imagine the character, this young artist, in your mind and think about what you see.

You might imagine what he does and what he thinks. Consider his actions, thoughts, and feelings. Think about what the book is about.

Think of all the things this young man said and did in the story. What is your opinion of this young man? What kind of person is he?

Tell how you know. Imagine you are telling a friend about this character. Be sure to tell who this young man is, what you think or feel about him, and why you feel that way.

Make sure you state your opinion clearly and provide reasons and details to support your opinion. You may want to use words that connect your opinion to your reason or reasons.

Be sure to provide a sense of closure to your writing. Your response should also include the title and author of the book.

Page 7: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Writing an Opinion

Post-Assessment 1/1

Think about the characters in the book. Only one is the main character. Think about this main character.

Think about what the story is about. When you think about this main character and all the things she said and did in the story, what is your opinion of her? What kind of person is she? Tell how you know.

Be sure to tell who the main character is, what you think or feel about her, and why you think or feel that way.

Make sure you clearly explain your opinion and provide reasons and details from the text to support your opinion. Try to link your opinion to your reasons using connecting words.

Remember to include the title and author and to give your explanation of your opinion a sense of closure by providing a concluding statement.

Page 8: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Rubric: Elements to Include in a Response to Literature

Rubric: Elements to Include in a Response to Literature 1/1

Element Yes No

The title of the book

The author’s name

Introduction to the topic or book

An opinion about the book, or an aspect of the book or story, and an organizational structure

Words and phrases from the book to support the opinion

Reasons to support the opinion

Words (because, therefore, since, for example) to connect the opinion and reasons

An ending or concluding statement that provides a sense of closure

Page 9: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

What the Text Says—What I Am Thinking

Lesson 3 • Getting to Know the Author 1/1

What the Text Says—What I Am Thinking

Name Date

Grandfather’s Journey

What the text says: What I am thinking about the text:

Page 10: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

What the Text Says—What I Am Thinking (completed)

Lesson 3 • Getting to Know the Author 1/1

What the Text Says—What I Am Thinking

Name Date

Grandfather’s Journey

What the text says: What I am thinking about the text:

• He wore European clothes for the first time, and they are very different from the traditional clothes of Japan.

• “The more he traveled, the more he longed to see new places, and never thought of returning home.”

• “He thought about his old friends. He remembered the mountains and rivers of his home…but he could not forget.”

• He could not forget the sights of his new country.

• “… he longed to see California one more time. He never did.”

• The narrator leaves home to see California for himself.

• “The funny thing is, the moment I am in one country, I am homesick for the other.”

• “I think I know my grandfather now. I miss him very much.”

• I wonder how he felt wearing very different clothes for the first time?

• I wonder how I would feel wearing clothes from another country?

• I think Allen Say is telling the story about his grandfather.

• I wonder what he might be thinking about the landscapes, big cities, factories, towering mountains, and clear rivers he is seeing?

• How are these sights different from the sights in Japan, and are they new to him?

• What might he be feeling and thinking being alone in a new country?

• Does the grandfather miss his own country of Japan?

• I think the narrator (Allen Say) understands how his grandfather loved both countries.

Page 11: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Books by Allen Say

Characteristics The Bicycle Man Grandfather’s Journey



New Words, Interesting Language, Words and Phrases





Books by Allen Say

Lesson 5 • Creating an Attribute Chart 1/1

Page 12: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say © 2010 America’s Choice


father’s JourneyB


Tree of Cranes



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Page 13: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Getting to Know the Main CharacterBook title: _________________________________

’s feelings, thoughts, and actions Text that validates or supports our thinking

Getting to Know the Main Character

Lesson 8 • Describing Characters 1/1

Page 14: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Identifying Themes

Possible Theme Statements Yes No


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1. A tribute to a grandfather and a grandfather’s love of two countries.

2. How people struggle with two cultures in their lives.

3. A young man comes to understand his grandfather’s desires and struggles of living in two countries.

4. When the narrator takes a trip to a new county, he becomes homesick and restless.

5. Taking a boat across the ocean can be very exciting.



Identifying Themes

Lesson 12 • Discovering Themes Common to the Author 1/1

Page 15: Allen Say - Niagara Falls City School District

Author Study: Allen Say Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Picture Walk

What I See What I Am Thinking What I Am Wondering

Picture Walk

Lesson 13 • Using Illustrations to Understand a Story 1/1