Your Photo Here Please use a Black and White Head shot ALLISON AYRES Embracing the past and looking forward to the future, Groundswell Station will be a collective of people seizing the moment. The co-working collective will bring the Fort Collin’s historic Trolley Barn back to life and operation. Inspired by it’s future users, Groundswell will be rich with passion, enhance creativity and be a force for good for the community. The co-working space will be a reflection of “Bold Intentions,” designed with dramatic contrasts of old and new, patterned with a purposeful ebb and flow that awakens a swell of energy and ease of it’s users. The old and the new buildings side by side will represent the rich history and bright future of Fort Collins, It will be a place of progress and wonder for everyone to enjoy, a place to cultivate connections and actualize dreams. X G S Groundswell Station A Co-Working Collective Building A (Original Building) Building B (New Building) 1 2 19 20 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 23 23 25 21 22 22 22 26 27 28 29 28 28 28 28 30 31 32 23 33 34 35 1. Vestibule 2. Reception 3. Fed & Full Restaurant 4. Fed & Full Kitchen 5. Restrooms 6. Utility 7. Printing Lab 8. Computer Lab 9. Open Co-working Space 10. Auditorium 11. Storage 12. Meeting Room 13. Mechanical 14. Electrical 15. Podcast Rooms 16. Art Room 17. Administration 18. Screen displaying current events and showcasing members/businesses = Rendering 19. Entrance with fireplace seating 20. Tamping Grounds Coffee Shop 21. Administration 22. Restrooms 23.Meeting Rooms 24. Library auditorium Staircase 25. Lower Library 26. Utility 27. Electrical 28. Private Offices 29. Mechanical 30. Printing Station 31. Kitchen 32. Open Offices 33. Storage 34. Brainstorming Corner / Box 35. Screen displaying current events and showcasing members/businesses = Rendering 24 Main Level Furniture Plan 1/16” =1” Loft Furniture Plan 1/16” =1” Open Office + Brainstorming Library Auditorium Stairs Open Co-Working Tamping Grounds Seating Tamping Grounds Coffee Shop Lower Library Island LOCATION: Fort Collins, CO 34

ALLISON AYRES35pytx37zdp5j4hfr35of829-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · Embracing the past and looking forward to the future, Groundswell Station will be a collective of people seizing

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Page 1: ALLISON AYRES35pytx37zdp5j4hfr35of829-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · Embracing the past and looking forward to the future, Groundswell Station will be a collective of people seizing

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Embracing the past and looking forward to the future, Groundswel l Stat ion wi l l be a col lect ive of people seiz ing the moment . The co-working col lect ive wi l l br ing the Fort Col l in ’s h is tor ic Trol ley Barn back to l i fe and operat ion.

Inspired by i t ’s future users , Groundswel l wi l l be r ich wi th pass ion, enhance creat iv i ty and be a force for good for the community. The co-working space wi l l be a ref lect ion of “Bold Intent ions,” designed with dramat ic contrasts of o ld and new, patterned wi th a purposeful ebb and f low that awakens a swel l of energy and ease of i t ’s users . The old and the new bui ld ings s ide by s ide wi l l represent the r ich h is tory and br ight future of Fort Col l ins , I t wi l l be a place of progress and wonder for everyone to enjoy, a place to cul t ivate connect ions and actual ize dreams.

Room Room

1/16" = 1'-0"1 Poster Furniture Plan

1/16" = 1'-0"2 LIBRARY / LOFT 1/8 for Poster


Groundswell StationA Co-Working Collective

Building A (Original Building) Building B (New Building)

12 19







12 12 12






23 23


2122 22















1. Vestibule2. Reception3. Fed & Full Restaurant4. Fed & Full Kitchen5. Restrooms 6. Utility7. Printing Lab8. Computer Lab9. Open Co-working Space10. Auditorium 11. Storage12. Meeting Room13. Mechanical 14. Electrical 15. Podcast Rooms16. Art Room17. Administration18. Screen displaying current events and showcasing members/businesses

= Rendering19. Entrance with fireplace seating20. Tamping Grounds Coffee Shop21. Administration22. Restrooms23.Meeting Rooms24. Library auditorium Staircase25. Lower Library26. Utility27. Electrical28. Private Offices29. Mechanical30. Printing Station31. Kitchen32. Open Offices33. Storage34. Brainstorming Corner / Box35. Screen displaying current events and showcasing members/businesses

= Rendering


Main Level Furniture Plan1/16” =1”

Loft Furniture Plan1/16” =1”

Open Office + Brainstorming

Library Auditorium StairsOpen Co-Working

Tamping Grounds Seating Tamping Grounds Coffee Shop

Lower Library Island

LOCATION: Fort Collins, CO


1/16" = 1'-0"1 LIBRARY / LOFT