. . .... "?~:;~! Vol. 20 .... ,.,.9: . . . . . . . ... . ' .?.': :,!i' ... . , ~ . . . : . ...... :: :.,, .,- .:, ._ . .. .... ..:..;..:-.::.. ',!:,.~?.~?. ::.,- ........ . ~ , . NEW HAZE~Tb~;: B. C., SEPTEfViBER 16,.I~/ ,, NOTORIOUS LADY COMING" t } A Fine Picture' for the'::.Fans ..Next . Tueed~venlng " Out In Hollywood the wise ones say' :/_,fhat. old King Babbot has forgotten more ~bbout acting in the'movies and; t knows more about taking pictures th~n any two persons on the lot.. Bagger,- who directed the ~otorious Lady, for Saint E.. Rork as a First Na- tional Picture, was loau~ by Univer: sal Pictures to do the Job. It is des- cribed as an ideal picture for.Baggot's' directorial talents and Basset was en- thusiastic about making fhe produc- tion with Lewis Stone, Barbara Bed- ford and Ann Rork. Baggot got his first stage experience when 18 years old with. the Suburbnr~ Gardens Stock Co., in St. Louis. He then went to New York for .Forham m~d the Shuberts. The~:e he started in the movies as lead opp0site,Florence Lawrence at the Imp Studios--the 1st movie studio in the country. While he has appeared as star or db rector, of dozens of photoplays, the most novel ~ork" of his career was in "'Shadows" in which he had nine dif- ferent roles, being• in fact the only one in the picture. The "Notorious Lady" will be seen at the Hazelton Theatre on Tuesday evening next. CARS LEFT THE RAILS No one was Injured .but Many were Shaken up and Scar~ It was a very.close call • the train crew and passengers On theeast bound trai~r ~[onda'y. mor~..i.ng a.t Mile- 67~ .west of Pacific. Several fisia ca~s: the bag. gage car and mail car left the track The rails al'e quite close to the Skeeoa river where the accident happened an,1 that a lot-of railway equipment dul not go into the river is one.of those mysteries•that are hard to s,)ive. The c'rew was pretty badly shaken up al- though on casualties were reported. The train was held up until foe next lday. A wrecking crew. fron~ S,nit:,~rs lnmdled the ~ob. ,Th~.~'~I~h cars. were sent back to Prince l~!~9{'r, l.,t ~no ~'~,'~I of the tr,dn proceede.1 on it/~ way. 'CAR OVER-THE BANI.~ A cat' being driven by A. E.. Falcon. er left the road on Thursday. evening and rolled'and tumbled down a fifty foot bank. The accident occurred a- bout n half mile tip. the Kispiox road after crossing tbe Skeena river bridge Hugh (Sourdough) MacKay:was with him. They were returning fl,om a trip to First cabin.' MacKay had his one shoulder hurt and .was bruised some what. Falconer .did not get .off. qui'te so easy ns he spent a week in . bed, The era, was rather badly'wrecked,but Tony went out Sunday dad: brought fi!' tu to the garage; . ,. GOT BOATS ON THE RIVER The Hanson: Lu"m~be'r ~ Timber Co. have now tWo boats on the river t6 aid the driving crews to ksep the poles moving dow~ the:stream/iThe boats were built at Hanall and sliipped td Ilazelton and then., trucked over the Bulkley anal. otit'~to :the KSpiox'. ow- lag to low water the lm~les:are moving. slowly, but. the: eompany~is shipping 25 cars a week from c~i~va!e :~,rds:~': team. on Saturda~v..and accomnnnl~: / No.fli .... , . '":'' ."- ..... - " " I' "I!., :,.,':~/ ' ', :, : . Alon- the Skeena' " . . . . ~" " o '., Tin'ace Bo~d Of Trade Will Ended- : Goo~!. progress has been madd' with [ FOr to get 0ne. at Early Date .. the provincial highwa~ At'present' --- - ~ ' " . . . . "~'ae "±'errace ~oaru of Trade held a the "Bear-cat. and.shovel gang are regular monthly meetin~ In the G W camped at the village adjacent .to the V_A. :hall on Tuesday evening and a Sk.eena. Crossing. Considerable rock w~rk has been done .which hag made progress slow, but there will be a fine driveway when completed. It is ex- pected that Griffin's 01d 'camp site will be .reached befo.re freeze up. • D.. W. Pratt is' m¢king extensive im: pro~ements to his propertY,, the old Copper Tavern. New foundations are now under the hotel, a coat of paInt is being applied to tbe roof and walls, and a new cellar for the dwelling is being built.: .Another settler who has shown that he has faith in the Skeena Valley is Wm: Medd of Woodcock. Recently while at Telkwa Barbecue he .invested in a threshing ~hachine which will bc shipped .to Woodcock as soon as the late owner has finished his own crop Mr. Medal recently moved . in from Prince Albert, and being used to farm- ing on a big scale, has introduced the first machine in the district': The Her ald congratulates Mr. 1Qedd on this for- ward ~step. Tom tIartley has taken a well earn• ed trip to the prairies to visit friend~ at Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg and a! other points. One of the prettiest as well as one very fair. number were-Present. The president, J. K. Gordon was away but the meeting was presided Over by vice president. E. T. Kenney. The secre- tary reported progres~ on in'corpora- tion matters, The question of procur- ing a doctor for the district was again brought up and discussed and action was ordered to be taken, ~aere was also a discussion on £0ads and bridges in the district and a request will also be made that parking space at Lakel- Se Lake-be provided nextsummer.: PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Some Want to Disband While Others Say Continue the Good Work The Parent-Teachers Association held the first meeting for the f~l term in l~he School house on Thursday eVen- ing last and there was a,goed attend~ ance. The officers•for the ensuing year were el£~ted :as follows :~. President--Rev. ::W. Allen. 1st vice-pres.~Mrs. E. J. Moore. 2nd"vlee-pres.~Hrs..W. Kirkpatri~k Secretary~Miss. Mallott Treasurer'=.Miss Davis. Program com.--Rev..Robinson. Refreshments~--Mrs. W. Allen. Membership---Mrs. Scaeman. Athletics--Mrs. Holmw0od. After the election of officers.there was~-a lively discussi~n, as to whether Wedding Bells WEINCH-HOGAN On Thursday, September iS.th, in ~howan Memorial cehurch, Vancouver Miss EvaMac Hogan, daughter of MrS M, E. Hogan and the late Rev.. (Fath- er) Hogan,becam e the bride of .Dr. H. O. Wrineh, M. L. A., both of Hazelton and the Hazelton Hospital staff, The contracting parties are well" known In Northern British .Columbia and the news of the marriage will be received with general pleasure. After the wed- ding Dr. and Mrs. Wrlneh,left for a brief visit to Victoria. They will "re- turn to Hazelton about the 21st of the present month. INSPECTING HIS MINES Gov. Davis of the Davis Mines Ltd. at Ka'llum Lake arrived on the delay- ed train on Tuesday morning and pro- eeeded to Cedarvale en the regular a little later in the day where the com- pany has been doing a lot of work on the Seven Sisters group during the last few months. Gov. Davis will inspect the work that has been. done and will then decideon the .future program. It is believed by those who have some knowledge of the work and the appear- ance of the property that the company will make the payment due about this time and that active operat.ions will be carried on ~11 winter. In the past the chief trouble has been that the work Terrace Notes Terrace farmers and gardeners did well at the exh'ibition~tn Prince Ru- err. The displays and exhibits from this district made up half the show, and the exhibitors took away more than half the prizes. Win. Vanderllp and his wife and son / spent a week-end, at Lakelse Lake be- fore going south for the winter. Word has been received of the re- cent m'arriage of ~iss Edna Waldron of Woodfibre, B. C., to Arnold E. Ev- ans of Vancouver. The ceremony .was performed at St,. Paul's church In Van- couver on Saturday, Aug. 27. The bride was a former teacher in the'lo- cal school and has a host of friends here. E. J. France and family moved .to Lakelse Valley on M6nday and are lo- caring on Isaac Martins property. l'~f Wickenden of Ennnanuel Col- lege. Saskmoon, is renewing friend- ships in town and is the guest of Hrs. Greig and .family. He leaves Monday foffthe east to prepare for the opening of the fall term. Miss Fanny ,~IcLaren entertained a number-of girl friends on Wednesday evening of last week ll~ honor of Hiss Gladys Kenney who left the following day for Prince Rupert. . Hr. and Mrs. ~J. K. Gordon left last of the best fitted schools of~he district" or not the Parent-Teachers Assoeia- was always exposed to the weather. Thursday for .Portland, Seattie and i~ .... z ....... ~,,~ ,~ o^.~-._Z,= tion should be continued this fall." It This summer a tunnel site was located other ~ points. Mr. Gor don..will return ,Ml~'~'~I'o~'r;i:vt~;~t;aeh;r 'i;U:;a~;: :was felt the.district.was over-organi, in.the timber, and the snow and cold as soon as businesspermitsbut Mrs. dud' at ,,re~ent'She is=h0idi",- f~th "'ik ~-edandff:the".newly~0r/~ied :W'omafi s wl!l-, not. be a source-or: .t~uble;..-At Gordgn-will-slmud-the-~'inter In the ~h~ ,h.,,,,~ h.. : .. . . .. ' Instltute,.would take on the. work the e ..mine Mr.' Moore:of -Seattle :~ is in south. - • . . : .... '."" - '. -- • .:. . ~.~.'-L- . .• . .. .i ! P.,T:../k.eouhlldrop' out.' There were ~. charge..of- opcrati0ns..A., number of : ............. " ..... .- ~ ". ' .. =. . r At-Dorreen Mrs.- Ashmore has •nr ]10tln,favor..of. continuing as. the Asso., en'are bbeing engaged. , ' , .... ... Tlle •many-friends here of.:Mrs. F.W. ri~'ed .to take charge o~ the .schooii: lcia, tion: hasdone exc~lient'workin:-the. I i , ' ' " " .i'i""~i !).'~.{'" ] ~AykrSyd i~0.'~ ..:Wa~[~£.~:~.i'ta.,~. and Mrs. Ward Treadway has ' returned [past four iyears.. Considerable' !mpr0-] ~o0per Wrinch Will blii!d, an: addi:'~ fb.r,.merl~:i0,f. Terrh'ce, ~H,~,r~t.t0 hear from' an extended trip to Vancouver 'lvement is evidenced both in and onto: l tion to his ~rug store at Hazeltpn for 10f.. tlie death of her sister in Kingston. and Ed~:mnton where she •visited 'mere. ]school ..which can be credited' to "the I the -acc0mmodati.onfof ,the p'0s.t 'offlce~ [0n'tio' ~e u~i Sympathy Wili be extend- hers of her familY; Mrs. Graham ol Association, .The matter, was left OF- IThe addition will be~ 22 x 20 ft. and/ d t ' er ...... ............... ' .. Prince Rupert is at present spending er .for, another, meeting 't0. give mor~ [the entrance ~-ill he from the Side[ " .: : " ~ " ...... a few days with her son George and time,f0r .serious:consideration..: . [stl'eet, although there will be'a ~on-/: H,." .Hot~!de.n ~. ,nqarlng. the temple- his wife. There was a donation made of three nection with the drug •store office"= [tlon of his new hous'~',on .the bench. pictures for the school,room by Capt. I Times are still looking• upin Terrace. On the 5th of November the Ladie.~ Aid of the New Hazelton church wilt give a dinner and hold a sale of work In the church. The ladies met at th 0 home of Mrs, Sawle on Wednesday afternoon, the first • for the fal! tern b Arrangements were then made for tho dinner and. work has been started' on .-v-------- M i s s Andrews of Seattle, is a guest of Hrs. E. T. Kenney. She is now a guest' of her-sister in Prifice Rupert. "'~. li~sso ofDomecreek was a week end: visitor, here: , .,. " i( . , Colthurst and Mrs.'.Geo. Little... Capt- Colthurst was~ authorized, to make a collection for athletim equipment for the school grounds.~ " YOUNG MAN •DIED IN RUPERT It was with a feeling of deep regret the various re, titles that will be of-I K. Hangen of Rupert U;as up Satur- that word was received on Monday of fered for.sale., ': .......... "..... I tlay..iasti ,. ~ : .. the death of Sidney~ Marsh in Prince : . . . " ; ' , ~':" ~ *r' " e.. q R~upert hospital.'early,.that "..morning. " " ; " : ; " "": ' ' "R~DL Hei~wSodof .AnYox ls.a guest Albert Mercer, who has beem fore- at,~Hrs, A.,Carr's. ....... " :., The. decease'd had been' in-Indlfferelit man-at,,the Silver Cup prop,erty for ~i • "' " " "" ' .... : .... : " '.iProf:Wickenden occupied the pulpit health for several months, but.had '~ot few, months,, is..no'w l~t'epariag, for. hi~ .'b ';.. ~,1~.:~,:, ...... +, :~: ...... ~el~tgiven.t0UP'Usk andW°rk untild,ownFridaYto RupertWhensat-he semi-annttal trip.into the wilds of.the in. St. Mattheu s church at both ser- urday. ',He lids b e~en..'empioyed ' in the south fork of the Copper river where vices last Snnday. ' ' ....... saw ~/niil' here and .l~t Xm§b'urY'" sii~ce he has a trap line. Albert has secur. the .fall of 1920 wlieni'he m0~lher~ ed a. new and special camera for bush " Mr. Baker left Satur~la~ for,~Cot- wo~'kto' take alpng. He hope's to gel land.' after spei/~lizl~ the-las~~ two vearv v¢it~ .his Si.~ter-in-law and family, Mrs. in T~rrace I • l~Irs: Baker will follow:. R~ ~ o s . ' .He .was 0f I a .c6ngenia! dis- away et~rly fie'xt week. ...... position and nmde man~ frien~s. ~' He " ' . .,"r"'-= ":..":.!-~ ~':~.;-~' ,GeO~ '-/essler'§ beer parlor at the Mrs'. l~ewick and Mrs. Winsby.we~i ~' ;" '";':' .~,.'r ~ ".' . Was a-natiVe of Grea~ ,Viflage', ~,I1i~. .s. resi~onsible for.a: shower: given MisF Tourists la6~cl has been. 'indefinitely ~vl~er~ he"w~s bornl.fni89.~(i::itiS"i~e: Newiek on..:,Tii~r~dny e~enlng., ,b~l~s ,fl;~ct~0~..of the beet, la~.: His friends latives" ai, e nil in E'astem:"ei~da~a ex. Rock Campboi I at the home of Mrs, suspended,, the result/.of a..minbt; i n- eept.a.slster; Mrs. Roy.Amos•~f Autra: ~ampbell is t6i~:e.;~harr'ied, tfi'~q~,~: !rd~.t:the" @Sl, en.s.[b'..~..~!II not be . for II~, .,~'ash,,.,, ...:~~°rmeriy 0£ Te~ra~,. ......... ~,,. ,,,.,; ,:,~ ::.: ".-.~' ~:.~ H, ',Wrinch:on 0e~b~r. 5th,.in tli'~~?J~t~ i~e'r'~10ngj'. ' " ,.'~:-',? :i , ed Church, Hazelt0n. .... ',:"~ :~ A large numbe~ - . . "'.:' NEARi~Y ALL FAYOB iNC6RPORA; of friends were.~/t, the' show~r",'a'fici •th~ ";' ? '' "' '' 'r "~" I; I: ....... , - Orga- ze :, .:.(:! TION " " " a~id fS~. the winter" ninnthn.: ~ .... ~ ~,..~ ..... canvas:, of;".l ~,ur., ~!. nter ~nt~.s. a~d the. 1 &::.new' i0t of books:has .been. sec~ .:lnd~.~h~.m.e~tbers. ,0~ t h e eMh !arei:l~ .... Ibrl.ae-to-be receiv~ ,nany useful a~f , Con pretty gifts ', . . . . . . :, Slderahle .p~ess :is I " ', ""':""" ~;" .' i"":'"'":"::". ~:!' m. the.)v0r!C of.,prePar!i~'..:f0r ~in~l~0~ ' i " '~]'r~nes st0Yn0ff, o ~ :I ~oth~ea Ira; ~ ,t,on.... H.:: i ed t!.om uni BEAUTIFUL FLowER SERVICE,. Last Sunday night the United .church atHazelton was filled to capacity, the oc-casi0u being the anmml flower ser; vice. The church was beautifully dec- oi'ated:with greens, 'cUt:iflowers and plants. Itev. J. H. Young gave,a very interesting and'beneficial talk on flow- ers, During the service John N~wick sang a solo a~..did also Miss Scott, A nmnber of hymns were included m the musical .part 0f the program. A,W0m ERFUL DISPLAY.. The Prince:Rupert N~vs says :. :~he display of produetd Of the Bulk- Icy. valleY,' the, Skeena valie~. and the Francois and 0otsa. lakes .•district at the' fair this year' is a Wonderful dis- play. Of the •Products of a won'derful co.untry. It :wa~ gathered, and .;bi~0ught l~ere b~, D,I D~ Munro of .!he. I~and "Set- tlement B~ard Who)has put a, lot.of ef, fort:.!n~to.fiihking the:collection a thor.' oUghly, representative~ one. i It wa's. not entered for Competition but.s[mplY':f0'r tl~e ~purpose ibf. sho.'wlng What: tiles~ districts coultl do. " " I .:':.The. disp!ay ;eoVers...ahn0st. one' tilde I and. grasses, ,the the ~world ~at~ I ,qne months'befors he. can "re~nme. hi tile. ode. of.t~q 0t T,;:.lthe This pretty'nearly' ihakes ' Smlth6rs the •, .-, " ~.'~ I..: L eotafii~n~; a y~r," :tloh 'h'as.noW.,'gone.:

Alon- Wedding Bells Terrace Notes · (Fath- er) Hogan,becam e the bride of .Dr. H. O. Wrineh, M. L. A., both of Hazelton and the Hazelton Hospital staff, The contracting parties are

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Page 1: Alon- Wedding Bells Terrace Notes · (Fath- er) Hogan,becam e the bride of .Dr. H. O. Wrineh, M. L. A., both of Hazelton and the Hazelton Hospital staff, The contracting parties are

. . .... "?~:;~!

Vol. 20

.... ,.,.9: . . . . . . . ... .

• ' .?.': : , ! i ' . . . . , ~ • . . . :

. ...... :: :.,, .,- .:, ._ . .. .... ..: ..;..:-.::.. ',!:,.~?.~?. ::.,- ........ . ~ ,

. NEW HAZE~Tb~;: B. C., SEPTEfViBER 1 6 , . I ~ / ,,


} A Fine Picture' for the ' : : .Fans ..Next . T u e e d ~ v e n l n g "

Out In Hollywood the wise ones say' :/_,fhat. old King Babbot has forgotten

more ~bbout acting in the 'movies and; t knows more about taking pictures th~n

any two persons on the l o t . . Bagger,- who directed the ~otor ious

Lady, for Saint E.. Rork as a First Na- tional Picture, was l o a u ~ by Univer: sal Pictures to do the Job. I t is des- cribed as an ideal picture for.Baggot's ' directorial talents and Basset was en- thusiastic about making fhe produc- tion with Lewis Stone, Barbara Bed- ford and Ann Rork.

Baggot got his f i r s t stage experience when 18 years old with. the Suburbnr~ Gardens Stock Co., in St. Louis. He then went to New York for .Forham m~d the Shuberts. The~:e he started in the movies as lead opp0site,Florence Lawrence at the Imp Studios--the 1st movie studio in the country.

While he has appeared as star or db rector, of dozens o f photoplays, the most novel ~ork" of h i s career was in "'Shadows" in which he had nine dif- ferent roles, being• in fact the on ly one in the picture.

The "Notorious Lady" will be seen at the Hazelton Theatre on Tuesday evening next.


No one was Injured .but Many were Shaken up and S c a r ~

I t was a very.close call • the train crew and passengers On t h e e a s t bound trai~r ~[onda'y. mor~..i.ng a.t Mile- 67~ .west of Pacific. Several fisia ca~s: the bag. gage car and mail car lef t the track The rails al'e quite close to the Skeeoa river where the accident happened an,1 that a lo t -of railway equipment dul not go into the river is one .of those mysteries•that are hard to s,)ive. The c'rew was pretty badly shaken up al- though on casualties were reported.

The train was held up until foe next lday. A wrecking crew. fron~ S,nit:,~rs lnmdled the ~ob. ,Th~.~'~I~h cars. were sent back to Prince l~!~9{'r, l.,t ~no ~'~,'~I of the tr,dn proceede.1 on it/~ way.


A cat' being driven by A. E.. Falcon. er left the road on Thursday. evening a n d rol led 'and tumbled down a fifty foot bank. The accident occurred a- bout n half mile tip. the Kispiox road after crossing tbe Skeena river bridge Hugh (Sourdough) MacKay:was with him. They were returning fl, om a trip to First cabin.' MacKay had his one shoulder hurt and .was bruised some what. Falconer .did not get .off. qui'te so easy ns he spent a week in . bed, The era, was rather badly'wrecked,but Tony went out Sunday dad: brought fi!' tu to the garage; . ,.


The Hanson: Lu"m~be'r ~ Timber Co. have now tWo boats on the river t6 aid the driving crews to ksep the poles moving dow~ t h e : s t r e a m / i T h e boats were built at Hanall and sliipped td Ilazelton and then., trucked over the Bulkley anal. otit'~to :the KSpiox'. o w - lag to low wate r the lm~les :are moving. slowly, but. the: eompany~is shipping 2 5 cars a week from c~i~va!e :~,rds:~':

team. on Saturda~v..and accomnnnl~:


No.fli .... , . '":'' ."- ..... - " " I' "I!., :,.,':~/ ' ', :, : . •

Alon- the Skeena' "

. . . . ~" " o ' . , Tin'ace Bo~d Of Trade Will Ended- : Goo~!. progress has been madd' with [ FOr to get 0ne. at Ear ly Date ..

the provincial highwa~ A t ' p r e s e n t ' - - - - ~ ' " . . . . "~'ae "±'errace ~oaru of Trade held a t he "Bear-cat. and.shovel g a n g are regular monthly meetin~ In the G W camped a t t h e village adjacent .to t h e V_A. :hall on Tuesday evening and a Sk.eena. Crossing. Considerable rock w~rk has been done .which hag made progress slow, but there will be a fine driveway when completed. I t is ex- pected that Griff in 's 01d 'camp site will be .reached befo.re freeze up.

• D.. W. P ra t t is' m¢king extensive im: pro~ements t o his propertY,, the old Copper Tavern. New foundations are now under the hotel, a coat of paInt is being applied to tbe roof a n d walls, and a new cellar for the dwelling is being built.:

.Another settler who has shown that he has faith in the Skeena Valley is Wm: Medd of Woodcock. Recently while at Telkwa Barbecue he .invested in a threshing ~hachine which will bc shipped .to Woodcock as soon as the late owner has finished his own crop Mr. Medal recently moved . in from Prince Albert, and being used to farm- ing on a big scale, has introduced the first machine in the district': The Her ald congratulates Mr. 1Qedd on this for- ward ~step.

Tom tIartley has taken a well earn• ed t r ip to the prairies to visit friend~ at Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg and a! other points.

One of the prettiest as well as one

very fair . number were-Present. The president, J. K. Gordon w a s away but the meeting was presided Over by vice president. E. T. Kenney. The secre- ta ry reported progres~ on in'corpora- tion matters, The question of procur- ing a doctor for the district was again brought up and discussed and action was ordered to be taken, ~aere was also a discussion on £0ads and bridges in the district and a request will also be made that parking space at Lakel- Se Lake-be provided nex t summer . :


Some Want to Disband While Others Say Continue the Good Work

The Parent-Teachers Association held the f irst meeting for the f~ l term in l~he School house on Thursday eVen- ing last and the re was a ,goed attend~ ance. The officers•for the ensuing year were el£~ted :as follows :~ .

President--Rev. ::W. Allen. 1st vice-pres.~Mrs. E. J. Moore. 2nd"vlee-pres.~Hrs. .W. Kirkpatri~k Secretary~Miss. Mallot t Treasurer'=.Miss Davis. Program com.--Rev..Robinson. Refreshments~--Mrs. W. Allen. Membership---Mrs. Scaeman. Athletics--Mrs. Holmw0od. After the election of off icers . there

was~-a lively discussi~n, as to whether

Wedding Bells WEINCH-HOGAN

On Thursday, September iS.th, in ~howan Memorial cehurch, Vancouver Miss E v a M a c Hogan, daughter of MrS M, E. Hogan and the late Rev.. (Fath- er) Hogan,becam e the bride of .Dr. H. O. Wrineh, M. L. A., both of Hazelton and the Hazel ton Hospital staff, The contracting parties are well" known In Northern British .Columbia and the news of the marriage will be received with general pleasure. After the wed- ding Dr. and Mrs. Wrlneh, le f t for a brief visit to Victoria. They will "re- turn to Hazelton about the 21st of the present month.


Gov. Davis of the Davis Mines Ltd. at Ka'llum Lake a r r ived on the delay- ed train on Tuesday morning and pro- eeeded to Cedarvale en the regular a little later in the day where the com- pany has been doing a lot of work on the Seven Sisters group during the last few months. Gov. Davis will inspect the work that has been. done and will then decideon the .future program. I t is believed by those who have some knowledge of the work and the appear- ance o f the property tha t the company will make the payment due about this time and that active operat.ions will be carried on ~11 winter. In the past the chief trouble has been that the work

Terrace Notes Terrace farmers and gardeners d i d

well a t the exh'ibition~tn Prince Ru- err. The displays and exhibits from this district made up half t h e show, and the exhibitors took away more than hal f the prizes.

Win. Vanderllp and his wife and son / spent a week-end, a t Lakelse Lake be- fore going south for the winter.

Word has been received of the re- cent m'arriage of ~ i s s Edna Waldron of Woodfibre, B. C., to Arnold E. Ev- ans of Vancouver. The ceremony .was performed at St,. Paul 's church In Van- couver on Saturday, Aug. 27. The bride was a former teacher in the ' lo- cal school and has a host of friends here.

E. J. France and family moved .to Lakelse Valley on M6nday and are lo- caring on Isaac Martins property.

l'~f Wickenden of Ennnanuel Col- lege. Saskmoon, is renewing friend- ships in town and is the guest of Hrs. Greig and .family. He leaves Monday foff the east to prepare f o r the opening of the fall term.

Miss Fanny ,~IcLaren entertained a number-of girl friends on Wednesday evening of last week ll~ honor of Hiss Gladys Kenney who left the following day for Prince Rupert. .

Hr. and Mrs. ~J. K . Gordon left last of the best fitted schools of~he district" or not the Parent-Teachers Assoeia- was always exposed to the weather. Thursday for .Portland, Sea t t i e and i~ . . . . z . . . . . . . ~ , , ~ ,~ o^.~-._Z,= tion should be continued this fall." I t This summer a tunnel site was located other ~ points. Mr. Gor don..will return ,Ml~'~ '~I 'o~'r ; i :vt~;~t;aeh;r ' i ; U : ; a ~ ; : :was felt the .d i s t r ic t .was over-organi, in . the timber, and the snow and cold as soon as b u s i n e s s p e r m i t s b u t Mrs. dud' at ,,re~ent'She is=h0idi",- f ~ t h "'ik ~-edandff:the".newly~0r/~ied :W'omafi s wl!l-, not. be a source-or: . t~uble; . . -At Gordgn-wi l l -s lmud- the-~ ' in ter In t h e ~h~ ,h.,,,,~ h.. : . . . . .. ' Instltute,.would take on the. work the e ..mine Mr.' Moore:of -Seattle :~ is in south. - • . . : .... ' . " " - '. -- • .:. . ~.~.'-L- . .•. .. .i ! P.,T:../k. eouhlldrop' out.' There were ~. charge..of- opcrati0ns..A., number of : ............. " ..... .- ~ ". ' .. =. .

r At-Dorreen Mrs.- Ashmore has • nr ] 10tln,favor..of. continuing as. the Asso., en 'a re bbeing engaged. , ' , .... ... Tlle •many-friends here of.:Mrs. F.W. ri~'ed .to t a k e c h a r g e o~ t h e .schooii: lcia, tion: h a s d o n e exc~lient 'workin:-the. I i , ' ' " " . i ' i " " ~ i !).'~.{'" ] ~AykrSyd i~0.'~ . . : W a ~ [ ~ £ . ~ : ~ . i ' t a . , ~ . and Mrs. Ward Treadway has ' returned [ p a s t four iyears.. Considerable' ! m p r 0 - ] ~o0per W r i n c h Will blii!d, an: addi:'~ fb.r,.merl~:i0,f. Terrh'ce, ~ H , ~ , r ~ t . t 0 hear from' an extended trip to Vancouver ' lvement is evidenced both in and o n t o : l tion to his ~rug store a t Hazeltpn for 10f.. tlie death of her sister in Kingston. and Ed~:mnton where she •visited 'mere. ]school ..which c a n be credited' to "the I the -acc0mmodati.onfof ,the p'0s.t 'offlce~ [0n'tio' ~e u~i Sympathy Wili be extend- hers of her familY; Mrs. Graham ol Association, .The matter, was left OF- IThe addition will be~ 22 x 20 f t . a n d / d t ' e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. Prince Rupert is at present spending er .for, another, meeting 't0. give mor~ [the entrance ~-ill he from the Side[ " .: : " ~ " . . . . . . a few days with her son George and t ime,f0r .ser ious:considerat ion. . : . [stl'eet, although there will b e ' a ~on-/ : H,." .Hot~!de.n ~. ,nqarlng. the temple- his wife. There was a donation made of three nection with the drug •store o f f i c e " = [tlon of his new hous'~',on .the bench.

pictures for the school,room by Capt. I Times are still looking• u p i n Terrace. On the 5th of November the Ladie.~

Aid of the New Hazelton church wilt give a dinner and hold a sale of work In the church. The ladies met at th 0 home of Mrs, Sawle on Wednesday afternoon, the first • for the fal! tern b Arrangements were then made f o r tho dinner and. work has been started' on

. - v - - - - - - - -

M i s s Andrews of Seattle, is a guest of Hrs. E. T. Kenney. She is now a guest' of her-sister in Prifice Rupert.

"'~. li~sso o f D o m e c r e e k was a week end: visitor, here: , .,. " i( . ,

Colthurst and Mrs.'.Geo. Little... Capt- Colthurst was~ authorized, to make a collection for athletim equipment for the school grounds.~ "


I t was with a feeling of deep regret the various re, titles tha t will be of-I K. Hangen of Rupert U;as up Satur-

that word was received on Monday of fered for.sale., ' : . . . . . . . . . . " ..... I tlay..iasti ,. ~ : .. the death of Sidney~ Marsh in Prince : . . . " ; ' , ~ ' : " ~ *r' " e . . q

R~upert hospital . 'early, . that "..morning. " " ; " : ; " "": ' ' "R~DL Hei~wSodof .AnYox ls .a guest Albert Mercer, who has beem fore- at,~Hrs, A.,Carr's. • ....... " : . ,

The. decease'd h a d been' in-Indlffereli t man-at, , the Silver Cup prop, erty for ~i

• "' " " "" ' . . . . : . . . . : " '.iProf:Wickenden occupied the pulpit health for several months, but .had '~ot few, months,, is..no'w l~t'epariag, for. hi~ .'b ' ; . . ~,1~.:~, : , . . . . . . +, :~: . . . . . .

~el~tgiven.t0UP'Usk andW°rk untild,ownFridaYto RupertWhensat-he semi-annttal t r ip . in to the wilds of . the in. St. Mattheu s church at both ser- urday. ' ,He lids b e~en..'empioyed ' in the south f o r k of the Copper river where vices last Snnday. ' ' . . . . . . . saw ~/niil' here and .l~t Xm§b'urY'" sii~ce he has a trap line. Albert has secur. the .fall of 1920 wlieni'he m 0 ~ l h e r ~ ed a. new and special camera for bush " Mr. Baker left Satur~la~ for,~Cot-

wo~'kto ' take alpng. H e hope's to gel land.' after spei/~lizl~ the-las~ ~ two vearv v¢it~ .his Si.~ter-in-law and family , Mrs. in T~rrace I • l~Irs: B a k e r will follow:. R~ ~ o s . ' .He .was 0f I a .c6ngenia! dis- away et~rly fie'xt week. • . . . . . .

position and nmde man~ frien~s. ~' He " ' . .,"r"'-= ":..":.!-~ ~':~.;-~' ,GeO~ '-/essler'§ b e e r parlor at the Mrs'. l~ewick and Mrs. Winsby.we~i ~' ;" ' " ; ' : ' .~,.'r ~ " . ' .

Was a-na t iVe of Grea~ ,Viflage', ~,I1i~. .s. resi~onsible for .a : shower: g i v e n MisF T o u r i s t s la6~cl has been. ' indef in i te ly

~vl~er~ he"w~s bornl.fni89.~(i::itiS"i~e: Newiek on..:,Tii~r~dny e~enlng., ,b~l~s ,fl;~ct~0~..of t h e beet, la~.: His friends latives" ai, e nil in E'astem:"ei~da~a ex. Rock Campboi I at the home of Mrs, suspended,, the result/.of a..minbt; i n-

eept.a.slster; Mrs. Roy.Amos•~f Autra: ~ampbell is t6i~:e.;~harr'ied, tfi' ~q~,~: !rd~.t :the" @Sl, e n.s.[b'..~..~!II not be . for II~, .,~'ash,,.,, ... :~~°rmeriy 0£ Te~ra~,. ......... ~,,. ,,,.,; ,:,~ ::.: ".-.~' ~:.~ H, ',Wrinch:on 0e~b~r. 5th,.in tli'~~?J~t~ i~e'r'~10ngj'. ' " ,.' ~:-',? :i ,

ed Church, Hazelt0n. .... ',:"~ :~ A large numbe~ - . . "'.:' NEARi~Y ALL FAYOB iNC6RPORA; of friends were.~/t, the' show~r",'a'fici • th~ ";' ? '' " ' '' 'r "~" I; I : ....... , - Orga- ze :, .:.(:!

TION " " " a~id fS~. the winter" ninnthn.: ~ .... ~ ~,..~ .....

canvas:, of;".l

~,ur., ~!. nter ~ n t ~ . s . a~d the. 1

&::.new' i 0 t of books:has .been. sec~ .:lnd~.~h~.m.e~tbers. ,0~ t h e eMh !arei:l~

• . . . . Ibrl.ae-to-be receiv~ ,nany useful a~f , Con pretty g i f t s ', . . . . . .

:, Slderahle .p~ess :is I • " ', ""':""" ~;" .' i"":'"'":"::". ~:!'

m. the.)v0r!C of.,prePar!i~'..:f0r ~in~l~0~ ' i " '~]'r~nes st0Yn0ff, o ~ :I ~oth~ea Ira; ~ ,t,on.... H.:: i ed t!.om uni


Last Sunday night the United .church atHazelton was filled to capacity, the oc-casi0u being the anmml flower ser; vice. The church was beautifully dec- oi 'ated:with greens, 'cUt:i flowers and plants. Itev. J. H. Young g a v e , a very interesting and'beneficial talk on flow- ers, During the service John N~wick sang a solo a~..did also Miss Scott, A nmnber of hymns were included m the musical .part 0f the program.


The Pr ince :Ruper t N~vs says :. :~he display of produetd Of t h e Bulk-

Icy. valleY,' the, Skeena valie~. a n d the Francois and 0otsa. lakes .• district a t the' fair this year' is a Wonderful dis- play. Of t h e •Products o f a won'derful

co.untry. I t :wa~ gathered, and .;bi~0ught l~ere b~, D,I D~ Munro of .!he. I~and "Set- tlement B~ard Who)has put a, lot.of ef, fort:.!n~to.fiihking the:collection a thor.' oUghly, representative~ one. i I t wa's. not entered for Competition but.s[mplY':f0'r tl~e ~purpose ibf. sho.'wlng What : tiles~ districts coultl do. " " I . :':.The. disp!ay ;eo Vers...ahn0st. one' tilde I

and. grasses, ,the the ~world ~at~ I ,qne months 'befors he. can "re~nme. hi

tile. ode. of.t~q 0t

T, ; : . l the

This pretty'nearly' ihakes ' Smlth6rs the • • • , . - , " ~.'~ I . . :

L eotafii~n~;

a y~r," :tloh 'h'as.noW.,'gone.:

Page 2: Alon- Wedding Bells Terrace Notes · (Fath- er) Hogan,becam e the bride of .Dr. H. O. Wrineh, M. L. A., both of Hazelton and the Hazelton Hospital staff, The contracting parties are

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -_ . . . . . " ' + : ' " . . . . . ~ ' A

.THE O M I N E C A t t I~RALD. F R I D A L SEPTEY£BER 16, ~ / i i i i

. . . . + + .

.+~-- . .~++ . . . . . . . . . .

Manufacturers of+,. • .... a

H a ns o n R o u G H , D R E S S E D & D I M E N S I O N

Lumber & • T mbor Co :. .... L u m b e r

...... i~ i t '''+ ...... i ' 1 .........

ii i

The ....... ze !~n , .. OsP. I

iTe race " Pnz, : L i s t

Lnndseape" "v iew- -~Hamffn '&*' T h o - ' mpson, F. de Kergemmeauk~ '?-

Live s t o c k - - F , d e Kerg6 inmet f i ix , ' H a m l i n & Thompson. ,,, .,, . . . . . . . +..+ +

B e s t p a i r chi~la--Mrsii-Ghss.:.

_ +

T h e H a z e l t o n Hospital I s s u e s . t l ~ ' • k c t s f o r . a n y p e r i o d + a t $1.~0 p e r

m o n t h i u~advance . : . ~ T h i s r a t e in - ~c ludes . o f f i c e , c o n s u l t a t i o n s , mer i t : +. cines+ as.~'en as ,all co§ts"while in the "hespitaL Tickets are ob-

:talnable inl .Hazlton :at:the drug:'

. . + . ~ + .+ \ . +~ , ' + + ;

I " i I I I - i ,1~

+ P R O V I N C I A L A S S A Y E R

. -'~, ,, t~ .¢:. ~;?+-:'+ ~'~' - ~ .~'; .'.. " Pnc~+ usm s.o~:on .r~lue~. t .

Credit Fanc ie r Bldg. , V A N C ~ V E R , B.C. .- ~ ! .

• . | [ ~ E M L O C K , S P R U C E A N D C E D A R

' ' F L O O R I N G W I N D O I I . . . . . m

I "" " : Hen~|ock " Complete." ...... + .... ~ . . . . . . . . . . a n d S p r u c e . d i f f e r e n t s i z e s

• J

Mill . t " : " .:

HANALL, B . C ; G e t o u r pr ices• b e f o r e o r d e r i n g e l s e w h e r . e +



HAS P R O D U C E D b I I N E R A L S VALUED AS F O L L O W S : - - - . +

P l a c e r Gold , + $78,018,548; L o d e ' G o l d , $ t 2 6 , 9 7 2 , 3 1 8 ; S i l v e r . $80,787,003; L e a d , $106,976,442; C o p p e r , ,$209,967,068; Z inc , $50,512,557; C 0 a l a n d .Coke, $284,699,133; S t r u c t u r a l M a t e r i a l s a n d Miscellaneeus.Minerals,$50,175,407; M a k i n g m i n e r m p r o a u c - t i o n to t h e e n d e f 1926 s h o w

• AN AGGREGATE VALUE 0F $,988;108,470 T h e s u b s t a n t i a l p r o g r e s s o f t h e m i n i u g . i n d u s t r y in th i s . p r o v - i n c e is s t r i k i n g l y , i l l u s t r a t e d in t h e f o l l o w i n g f i g u r e s , w h i c h s h o w t h e v a l u e o f p r o d u c t i o n f o r s u c c e s s i v e 5 - y e a r p e r l o d ~ :

F o r al l y e a r s t o 1•8951 i n c l u s i v e . . . . . . . . $ 94,547,241 F o r f ive y e a r s , 1896-1900 .... " 57,607,967 F o r f ive y e a r s , 1901-1905 96,507,968

, F o r ' f i v e year ' s , 1906-1910 i ~ i ' . i ~ i ~ ' , ~ . . 125;53~,474 F o r f ive y e a r s , 1911-1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 2 , 0 7 2 , 6 0 3 F o r f ive y e a r s . 1916-1920 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189,922.725 F o r f ive y e a r s 1921 to 1925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214,726,650 F o r 1 9 2 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 , ]88 ,842" O

PRODUCTION DURING I.AST TEN 'YEARS, $429,547,755 • + . . , . . . . . . . , < . ; . + .

Lode m i n i n g h a s bn ly been in p ~ g r s s s a b o u t 2~ ¥ ~ r e , ' a n d only ab6d t o n ~ h a l f o f t h e , P r o v i n c e h a s been p rospec ted : 200;000 s q u a r e miles o t unexp£ereo mln~-fil b e a r i n g lands a r e open fo r p r o s p e c t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '

The m i n i n g l aws o f t h i s Province a r e more n~era t a n u the xees tower ~nan' a n y o t h e r P rov ince in t h~ Dominion o r a n y Colony i n ' t h e Br i t i sh F .~p i re . ~/

'+ + " M i n e r a l looat ibas a r e g r a n t e d t o disc.oyerers for .nominal .fees.. "Abeblutefitlbe ~ ,+ a r e ob ta ined b y deve lop ing a u c h p r o p e r u e s , secur i tT ox,.wmcn, m g u a m n r ~ m y c r o w n g~ants .

' ' "~ ~Prac t iMi~ al l Br i t i sh Columbia minera l p r o p e r t i e s o n whicfi. ' deV~opment w o r k h a s b ~ n done a r e described, irt one o f t h e A n n u a l . s p e r m pt r ~ . r a m m e r o f ~ i n e a . These considexi~g min ing mvea tmen to snonla, r e I e r ~o s u c n roporm. They a r e ava i lab le w i t h o u t e .harge on appl ica t ion t ? . t h e .Delmrtme~t..of. Mines, ~ i e to r i a . B.C. " R¢l~orts cove r ing e s c n o t r.ne p~x m m e r a | ~u.rveY x:~sra!cm " a r e publ iabed separa te ly , a n d a r e ava i lab le on a p p h c a u o n . ~ , e p o m o r . t he uemo~- • cal S u r v e y of Canada , W i n c h Bui lding, Vancouver , B.C., a r e r ecommended as va luab le sources o f In format ion .

F u l l i n f o r m a t i o n , t o g e t h e r w i t h m i n i n g r e p o r t s a n d m a p s , may+ b e o b ~ i n e d g r a t i s b y a d d r e s s i n g

The Honourable T h e Minister o f Mines V I C T O R I A , B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A -

Mail your orders f o r V I C T O R Records to

Piman, s Music Store":+ , , - + !PRINC E G E O R G E , ' B . C.

A large stock always on h a n d . . Prompt+ Serv ice . P o s t a g e paid on four o r more .... ..• +:

. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . , ' t ~ + ' , ' : ~ " ' . . . . . " . + '

B , s ~ c o m b h o n e y - - , h . s . M c C d ~ n e l L I: + . . . . . . I GASIANDI01L store or b# mail frbm' the-medl- B e s t q u n r t h o n e y - - M r s . M c C o n n e i l J

. cal s u p 6 r i n t e n d ~ / n ' t ~ a t t h e h o s p i t a l , • H. L. F r a n k . ' ' '- '

' : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. " :'SUPPLY STATION : B e s t p i n t C r e a m - - H a m l i n & T h e m . , +" "+ :'+" . . . . . . . . . ' :

~on, M r s . . H . Ki i ig . • ' . . . . . ' [ . . . . . . . H o m e m a d e b u t t e r - - M r s . J . LiPl , , B . C . U N D E R T A K E R S + A N G U S M o L E A ~ "

= _ _ • 117 Mrs. H. K i n g . ' . ' ." : ~ D o z e n . , v h t e e g g s - - t I a m l i n , & . ~ h o m - [ ~MBALMINO-F+DR'MnP~a~'A+SPECIALTY I t ' r a n er: s o n . M r s . M e C o n n e l l . " - . . , - " " " . / " ' P . O J B b x 9 4 8 ' " A wi r e

D o z e n • b r o w n e g g s - - ~ I r s ; } I . K i n g . ' . . . . . . . . P R I ~ C E R U P E R T . B.C...'. . w l l l b r i n g u s + " ~: i+~' :~ ' : r ' . / . : S t a b l e s G e n e r a l p u r l ~ s e ho r se -~ - J . A. Me- : ~ m . = - - . . . . . .

C o n n e l l , A l e x . K e r r . , ~ " _ , • f - - - - - - -

~ + + + " " d T h + r ~ + . + I j . + r .

A i r m a i l s e r v i c e b e t w e e n W i n n i - U p e g a n d F a r g o , N o r t h D a k o t a , h a s . . . . . . . . . . b e e n i n a u g u r a t e d a n d t h e f i r s t m a i l .~

U n i t e d P r i e e L i s t S m t . . . . . o n A p p | l e a t i o n

f o r W i n n i p e g f r o m t h e S t a t e s a r r i v e d ~ecent ly .+ .i . .

T ~ e , p o t a t o a c r e a g e a l o n g t h e D o n i i n i o n A t l a n t i c R a i l w a y l i n e i s , l a r g e r t h a n l a s t y e a x - a n d a +40 p e r c e n t . c r o p i n c r e a s e i s l o o k e d f o r . T h e r e w i l l l i k e l y b e " l ~ 5 , 0 0 0 b a r r e l s a v a i l a b l e f o r e x p o r t , a s c o m p a r e d w i t h 132 ,000 l a s t yea r~

B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a ' s f a r m s p r e d u c -

P r o m p t Service i s Given to Y o u ' • S e n d " in . Y o u r S a m p l e s

" " . . . . . . C S m l t h e r s , . . 1 L : . ' - " , . , •

e d $71 ,362 ,209 l a s t ~/dttr; b r e a k i n g [ a l l records and g a i n i n g - $ + , 2 0 8 , + 9 + " ' SmU0PSISOF +

I e v e r t h e p r e v i o u s "year , a c c o r d i n g to t h e f i n a l f i g u r e s ' o f t~he P r o v i n c i a l ~ t a t i s t i e i a n , + G . H . S t s w a r t . ' L u r e - L A N D AG+ MEHTS b e r i n g l e a d s w i t h a g r i e u l t u r e s e c o n d .


A new "world r e c o r d i s set-'S00 white Leghorn baby chicks arrived' from the' University,. of. '.British Columbia at Ottawa through the Canadian PRairie Express Company, sa+fe, sound,, and hungry, all+ o~+ them. None had feed or water on their 3,000. mile j0u~ney and .none died or suffered. • .... .

A B a r r e d P ] - ~ o u # h R o c k , •owned' b y t h e U n i v e r S i t y o f S a s k a t c h e w a n , h a s e s t a b l i s h e d a n e w r e c o r d f o r t he ' t h r e e P r a i r i e • P r o v i n c e s , l a y i n g . h e r 3 0 0 t h e g g i n +her p u l l e t y e a r of w h i c h • t h e r e , i s s t i l l a m o n t h to go . T h e w o r l d ' s r e c o r d f o r t r ~ p - n ~ s t e d

r o d u c t i o n is h e l d b y N o . 6, a n g a s s i z , B .C . p u l l e t , w h i c h l a i d 351

e g g s i n 364 d a y s ,

Members o f , t h e . n e w l y - a p p o i n t e d S a i n t John B o a r d o f + Harbor Com- missioners, headed by Hon.+'W. E. Foster,'reeently concluded' a confer- ence w i t h ~ C a n a d i a n P a ~ i £ i c o f f i c i a l s of. M o n t r e a l i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h . t h e p r o p o s e d ' i m p r o v e m e i i t s i n ~,h~ g ~ a i n s h i p p i n g f a c i l i t i e s o f t l i e p o i ~ T h e c h i ~ o b j e c t ' Of: t h e " n e w e o m m i s s i 6 n , - ~ c c o r d i n g to ' M r . • F o s t e r , i s t h e c r e a t - i n g • o f a n a t i o n a l • idea o f a n A l l . . C a n a d i a n trade~rou~e..th~ough the. Port ~f Saint Jdhn. ' +

Scots in Canada are looking for- ward. with keen in~erest to the ~oming Highland Gathering and Festival of Scottish music to be held

- a t Banff September '8 ' to 5 ; the ac ~. tivities taking place.on the ground~ • adjoining the Banff~Springs Hotel; Throu~ph the generosity of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway "officials thi.~ festival has been made possible 'and is along the line of the' Canadian :Folk Song' Festival held at the ~ Chateau Frontenae, Quebec, .in:May

• . • i

+ , .

P R E - E M P T I O N S i

V a c a n t , unreserved , su rveyed C r o w n lands m a y b e p re -emoted by Bri t i sh sub jec t s eve r 18~ +yemm - ',of~, age, , . a n d b y , a l iens cn d e c l a r i n g in tent ion t o becow- Br i t i s~ subjec ts . +¢ondittongI upon ~ res idence , occt~- imtion, a n d improvemen t f o r n g r i c u l t u r a l purposes . ,

F u l l i n fo rmat ion conce rn ing reamlat lons r e g a r d i n g l ~ m n p t i o n s +is g iven in Bul le t in No. '1. ~ L a n d Series, " H o w to P r e - e m p t L a n d , " copies o f w h i c h c a n be ob ta ined f r ee o f c b a r g e b y . ' 'a~ldree~lng-. t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Lunds , • Victoria; B.C., o r t o any G o v e r n m e n t A g e n t . i

' Reco ids Will +be g r a n t e i cover lng Only land su i t ab l e / o r a g r l c u l t u r a l p u ~ o s e s , - a n d w h i d i i s n o t :~imberlan~l, i.e.; c a r r y i n g over {~,000 boaxd f e e t p e r ac re w e s t o f ' t h e Coast ]Range end 8,000 fee t p e r a c r e e s s t of t h a t Range .

App l i ca t i ons f o r pre-emI~tions a r e "to be a d d M s e d t o . t h e L a n d Commiss ioner o f t h e L a n d R e c o r d i n g Division in w h i c h t h e l and applied+for is e i ~ t ~ L a n d axe ,made. o n ,pr inted forms, copies ~£ w h i c h n s n b e ob ta ined f r o m . the Land CommiMioner.

,', ~ e - e m P , tl0~'~, m u k t b e occu~ |ed for ' f ive y e a r s a n d ' i m p r o v e m e n t s m a d e t o . ' . t l i e ' v a l u e ©~ "$10 per++ aex~.' i n c l u d i n g , c l ea r ing and eult~va1~- Ing at~ !e~af,.~ve aeres~i ~ + 9.re a~ .Crown Grat~t can be received.

F o r more ~eta i led i n f o r m a t i 0 n ' e e e t h e B u i l e t i n , H o w P r e - e m p t L a n d . "

: - : P U R C H A S E :

Appl ica t ions a r e " r e , c i v i l f o r p u r c h a s e of .+vaeal~t: ~md~, . .~nr~erved C r o w n lands , no t b r i n g t imber land , f o r a g r i c u l t u r a l pux~esea; min imuln : p ~ e e .0f ' f i r s t - c l a s s (.e,rable) :lanai Is $5 p e r a c r ~ . t e d . s e c o n d - c l a s s (gra~ing) land $2.50 I~e~+. a exe¢ Further i n fo rmat ion regard img p u r c h a s e o r l e a s e , of .Grown lands Is+...~..y, en. in., ` Bulle.tin., .No,+ 10,.+ L a n d Sed~ ..... ' P ~ r e h n n o . a n d I~mm. e. o.f..crown L a m l e . " +.

S M I T H E R S , .B.C. " !,

U,~.++~.~ :+~ . . . . ~..+~~,

1 I + PfliiC¢ Rwert' + l A REAL(GooD-HOTEL 1

P r i n c e R u p e r t ! B, C.

H . . B . R O C H E S T E R , . ' . Manager

Rates st.50 per day up.


Importers a n d : Dea lers in

Wallpapers W e c a r r y t h e

• Burlaps largest and Paints m o s t v a r i e d

0 t l s " s t o c k in

V~rnishes • • NOrthern G l a s s "+~ B r i t i s h

Brushes, Etc.B:+ ~ Columbia

W r i t e u s f o r i n f o r m a t i o n w h e n

r e f iova . t i ng o r b u i l d i n g y o u r t~++:ne

" M a k e Y o u r H o m e • A t t r a c t i v e

BmAvmt DoaR~ D l . ~ t ~ i ~ u ~ e

A . W , E D G E C o . P.O. Box 4t9. Prince Rupert , B.C.

• + : )


+ f " " ~ " " ' Mill, ' f ac to r~ , o r h idas t r fa l siam. art '+limbs+ . . . . ' ', + : m +1 1:+ ":t~ ''+' w h i c h w a s v o t e d s u c h a n . o u t s t a n , ' - , +;, . . . . . . . . ,~. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . : , %: .... , , + - -

• l + ' , ' , I Y . + ; "

+:. ,+ , m t t h e r s + . . . . . : " _ • " i ! . : . , " : . . . . . . . . .

+ m e . . , . + . i++ : + : , . . . +, . in+ success. ' ' ++ mnd, aot.=.diog ao + . . be +u+h m or ' 9 + B ' C '

.... ' ...... S E + '+ V I C E +" , +& ++o + + " " "°°'++' "+m++ o, . + ,+ . • ' ' . . . . . . d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e l o c o m o t i + e i n s l u m + a g o , r++ . 4 • r + • + " + + + +11. " ~ : . q + ~ k' l " "

, , " ..... ' . . . . . +"' "+:" +" . . . . ' • " ' : . . . . • ' ' • ' , C a n a d a i s s + e n i n +k reqU++st b y t h e " , " H O M e S I T E + L e A s e s ++••,.'. . ':-+, ' " :• ~ . . ' : +: • / . •

( P r o m p t , e ~ e + e n t r e p a i r s • to"ail,makes o f ea r s ; , ++speedy ++ a n d c a r e f u l B a l t i m o r e a n d O h i o Rai lw+ay ' to t h e ' 'U+eu+eyed areaS..~ot,+Xeeedlni~ 2O a+~m, ; +:+~ +/'.".' ++'~ -:: . /.,., +v:,+ :• , ' . • +'. I+. • t s x ! ' ~ e ~ i + ' + t 0 X a l i + / ~ m : + : t h e d i s t r i c t ; a n d ~ e g u l a r + s e r v i e e t o t r a i n s ; + ' C a n a d i a n P a C i f i c R a i l w a y . : toe ' send+

w i t f f p r o m p t attentioff:~b~t~r:~ii~d"dmyage~--Tht~,[s + t h e s e r v i c e o f , oneOfengine:itstd,;the,centenary,,latest pa~sengerl.types',6fexh!~it 0f" uponmaY bea !e~eidwelling ~.: ~ +i,bem,slt~;/eondltloi~al+beln+ e r e c t e d , in ' the :=~ +'+All '~'~ : ~ A I ¢ ''~ ''ri~':++"<';'+;~''A !+ i t i ^ " ' " ~ ; r ' ' : , ' :~:'~+ " " ' ' " " ' 're ' • .~'~al l~ l l~J I J . • c t l a t l r : J . l ~ l ~ V + ~ . +

" . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . : . . . . . ' . . . . . . =" ' ' I0como+ives , +I~ich " w i t i . ' . 0 ~ + n '+it, ~mt • ~esA', , t l t le being•+ ,obta inable . , .a t r , ••: . . . . . +. ,.

' T h F a l .er,+ , ' , .~+ . B a l t i m o r e o n S e p ~ + b e r 2 4 t h . .+ T h e mmld+nee,nd:imp++ement"eond|tlons'.:e~e, + " + I - ~ a r d w . r e + ', + . • ' c a n a d i a n Pa 'c i f ic , ; h a S , . a r r a n g e d t ¢ +umtlm a++ the . l and has . been.:: e u ~ '~+ . . . . ++: .:,~ . < , ~ : , .; . . . . -.+ . . . . ' + .. i l + e c o n s f e r + : +,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

, + + , , • / , . 1 '+ ' : - . . + ! . : • . + , . • / , , . % • : ++- ++ . . , e l I ' " , + . ' , i , . ' ~ . ; - " . ( i ' : ' + ! . : ' + " H ~ ] ~ ' L I ~ . O ~ ' .+ ' s " C " + • ' ' : " ' + +'+ t:•. ; ! . , . +~S•+ "2S00"supply oneclassOf +lo¢omotives,its l a t e s t typeSc0mpleteOf the.: v++, , . ~. : +"""+ ,'KEAS+S"+'"- '::: + .• " •+': : +'•. , . / ' . . . . . . '•, +.:- + . . . . . . . . . . • • ' • + • ~ - ' '

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' , ,.,, , , , . , ........ .... ' , ' , • . ,/ , ' ,- •,. p o w e r f u l ~ p a s s e n g e r I o c o m o t l v e : " ' . : i ,m+eu., no t ' e x + ~ I n g . . . . . m0 as+e+' mmv b+t+lea,~ ,~' ++ . . . . . :• ' :~+ :+"• + , J , a v © ~ : x m n + , ~ I t + ' + + ' t ~ + ' " ' " ,,.+ .., bY amp one l e m o n o r e o ~ p m y . ' ' . ' , . ' ~ ' ""<+to .'+~,+ ,'+ +, . , ' , " + + + • , , " , . ,~, , ,

' . • • ' . ,+ '+ '. 4 ,, ' ,:. ' ".' +;..• ' • + ' , +' "" . ., + : , : / " ' +'; ,tJ~'~.~.t~.+ ' . , + t - ' / + ~ " + . . . . . . . !:, , .,: : ( ~+ , . . . . ~,++++.. f+.~,+~,,+ . . . . . ,;~ip+e,, +¢,+..+~+,, ~' .+ '~ , . . . . ~+~ '; ,+ i. . . . . ~+ : -+' , . ' :•. . . . . . . . ' ' . O n e Of t h e s t r a n g e s t att,+mp~m++'atl . , , , , ' : G R g Z l N m m + " ' + + + m " + l ' + + + + . . . . m " " + " + + + " + , , . * • . t , - ~ ; + . . o r + ¶ . - , + . . , + , + + ~ . . . . . . ~ ; . , t . . . . " + + + +~ ' . + + , . . . . . . " + . . . +

, • + , . + : + ' ' ,. . . . . . .~:+. , : " ...... , , •"+ : • • • • ta~Ing, s ' c e n + s I s . anew+be t .nO+made • " : " ............. :.+ . . . . : ' - ' '+:':-+ ..... ~+"++ . . . . " , , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ++ ' • ' + " ' ' " ' " : . . . . : " • " ' ' ' . . . . : . l+ b Y ,~n~i~++: WId~+de~"dYB i l I++CooIa , ' ' . C n d m + t h e . +Gr l~ ing .+ A o t . t h e P m ~ l a + ,+:.+~P.'~+~.!'+;d+!: i+ '+L,+,+; +,, +...?•,, .:.,/:.:: . " L+,+,f,,, :

H a v e Y o u : P a i d , Y o u r Sul en' on +up t o D a t e ? "B.c., .++0+al.+ t+ re-., I.'/dtv+ed ,+.dO.m, +,++ . / : + : :,++:+:+:++++'+ , . +•+ ' , , : • ' : " ' ' , .... "+ , , , • : ' - . . . . . . . " +. ':"~+,'/::' , . . . . ," J,i~ei+ed:thtbee+.•+,.i+At, t h e . . : , r e q u e s t ,:+ o f ( + . ' , + a t t m i / ~ i i t ' m ~ + ' ~ i n d + th'e ' O ~ i i u +, ' + + : + , ~ + ~ ; ~ , , . ; l q ~ s m i . ~ t , '

$2.00 Pays f o r : + + + F u l l : + Y e + .~/m+Mione~.: ++nnua| + , + - , . p - - M + : + ,. + ? J l g J ! l l ~ . , + . J ! . , ; ~ 1 + . l . + . ., • •+ :'. ' , . , " ..•+,.', . ,;+. . . • - + + ' . , e ,+ : '•• • + ' +Haflan+. ,+L,,< , S m i t h =of+:.+h+,+.Nati6nal.+ ........ "+ ......... ' ' • : " ' + ' ' " + . . . . . . + • ' + . . . . +'~ . . . . . . . + " ••+ : ' •

, :+ + a ,, 'Mu~+i i1+cf+ C g m a d + , f i i r ; + W i d + ~ , eft `is ~:. +"+'~" + + + + ~ + 1 + " ' - - " + ~ + . . . . . + + + + + 1 ' + m + + + - - - - +I+' ' + ++++ '1+"+ + ~ +++" + + I + + + m . . . . +'++ ~+ 1~+++~I+ [ . . . . ' + + ~ P + + ~ + + [

-, ~ ~v+~ t+ .+, + , t e e t h e d o,wy.em.. .++ s~+m 4~AA.. q l ~ x t t ~ l e . , ' l ~ ~t-. P n n + d 1 " 1' " + + + ~ . . . . . .: + , - - , ~, , • +' ,; ,+++ ....... • " :+ : " ++ 'tkki+g.a,++++tiff"+f.t:i'e:++i+zl~':;b++ar ++ . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . " ' 1~' . . . . . . " ' : ~ ' m . k k ` i t " 1 ' ' j++ +1 q 1" o w n m ~ , , ~ tor~n,amUmlations for ' ~ . J " + : " "It + " ' ++ + +' +" "h I+ ' + . h ' + .m " • • . . . . . - ...... r +, , .+ ' I ,: ;~,':'++'i :'+ ~:.'.: • " " ' -+: .+ + : + " vOp'~fiafl'on of ~ Soih+'+agl+V~:/:,Vall+ys; '..+ ' " • ' m + ' . . . . . ' + " + + + - - ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ n + ~ m t + : • ~ , . , O ~ 1+~ V ~ : + f ~ ~ m ' '1 : t.: *+/+ + * . , ~ , , :* : + I + ' [' + + ', " . . . . . + + ,+ - ~ ..... , .... ' ......... " ? + , + +~++i~':;the++qi++ds, wh~l~'yaPei+~,n.~!udb I!"+ ' . . . . . " : " •' " +' '+' ̀+ " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . +-+ . m . , + o t t o . c o , , ++,) ~ , e . t + . m - ,+:,.~.',+• mlt~ m • a M ~ b l e . f ~ ,~R im, . ~m~mm, an, ~ , . , .+,,~ . . . . . . .

' " ' " .P ' . / • + , ~ ' ~ : , . " ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ • . " ' ." " ~ . ~ ~ / + r, + ~ ": " : , " / . , " : . . . . / : + ' ~ . ~ :,'.,:~•~L•','+,"~,.:.+::/b~:+.~!/,!~;S'~r'./+'+I:;~.+.'.~:~ . ~ ' : ~ I . ' ~ N . '!,/~t.~+.l,~,.,-~U:-U~',=~,~',:;.m,~:~ ' , , ' ~ " > : :,~+ , Y + , ~ " ~ ? : . ~ , ' , " + / + ~ ~ ) ¶ i : - : ' ~ " ,~ ' " ~ ! ~ : ~. " , ' . ~ . : C ,~-'+ " . '~ ; . +

Page 3: Alon- Wedding Bells Terrace Notes · (Fath- er) Hogan,becam e the bride of .Dr. H. O. Wrineh, M. L. A., both of Hazelton and the Hazelton Hospital staff, The contracting parties are

: . , " : T H E OM..INE..CaHERALD, ' FRIDAY.SEPTEmBER 1 ~ 9 ~ " .

BENSON!.BROS. Auto Ittu . service.

• . " . . . : .

• Between Hazelton and N~w I~azelton and the Railway, or to~ n~y point in the .dis- t r ict--and a t any hour. .'

'Phone Hazelt0n . I short, I long, I short I long -..

Ominec a/Hotel, 2 long ,2 short

"Build ILC.'" '

When '

Grass is 6rccn

The improvement spring grass makes in butter is so striking be- cause of the sharp contrast ' to win- ter feeding. This change c6ntains a lesson• Yellow butter is the re- sult of fresh grass. Now in Fra- ser Valley the grass remains lov- ely and green~ through the sum- mer mohths and this is one of the reasons Pacific Milk is so good.

Pacific Milk Head Office: Vancouver

Factories at Abbotsford and Ladner

J.P. N.P:

Wm. Grant's. AgenCy

l! R E A L E S T A T E

If I l~kZ ELTON .. 13. C.

District Agent for the leading Insurance Companies- (

Life Fire ~. Health Accident

: t





AUTOMOBILE . • . -. .

Only s t rong . ~ re l iable compan ie s r e p r e s e n t e d . b y us.

• . . , ,

Fiato Boats: We are local agents for the new Flare Boats- the great boon for the fishermen, the duck hunter an~ the camper. See k at our office .now, ,.,. ,, ....


B LA CKII EADS Blaekhca¢ls go quickly .by r ," a" simple method that 'Just ~ ~ifs~ solves them. Get .two ounebs

Of ,pero_~Ine po.wder~ from; ~6ur dry,g. gist, rub, this ~f~h', a hbt, ~wfL cloU briskly o~ ~r' ,ihe blarkheads-l-hnd, ~

:.wi!l..,wonde-. ~x~l~ore;. : ~ y ,-,nav~' ~.-;!,;

.'.~I~e Q ~ l ~ c a He~l.d is'.$2.00 a. year


D'mtriet :of C0ast ~ R.ange 5 "'-

Take, notice tha t s i x t y days" after date I, W . H, .Newcoifibe, intend t o up-: ply to the Minis-ter of Lands f o r a license to'prosi~ect for. coal and petro, leuni over 640 acres of laud 'as follows: --Commencing a t . a post planted a t the 'south east corner of section~ 1469, Omineca Dlvision~and marked W, H. N.'s south east:corner, thence north 80 chains i thence, west 80chaiias; thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to point of commencement.

W. H. Newcombe,,~ Loca't~l iuly 151 1927.


. , • . • . . . . . , . . . . .

List of Prize Winners at Terrace Fall Fair

District of coast , Range 5 " ' [Lanfear & French.

Take notice tha t sixty days after [ Two pulletS, not named--Lanfear date, I, W. H..Newcombe, intend to apply to the Minister Of Lands for a license• to p~ospect ~or coal had petr0- leum over 640 acres o f land Os fbllows: --Commencing at ' a post planted at the south west corner of section 1470, Omineca Division, and marked W. H. N.'s south west corner thence north 80 chains'; thence east S0 chains; ~.hence south 80 chains; thence west 80 cl~ains to point of commencement. Located July 15, 192T

W. H. Newcombe


District ef Coast, Range 5

Take notice that sixty days after date • I, W.: H. Newcombe intend to ap- ply to thb Miniser of Lands fo~ license to prospect for coal and petro- leum over 640 acres of land as follows: --Commencing at a post planted at the north west corner of" section 1473, Ofiliraeca DiVision and marked W. H. N.'s north west corner; thence east '80 chains; thence south 80' chains; thence west 80 chains ; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. Located July 15, 1927,

W. H. Newcombe


Distr ict of" Coast, Range 5

T a k e notice that stty d a y s after date, I, W. H. Newcombe intend to ap : ply to the Minister of Lands f o r . ' a license to prospect. 'for coal and petro- lemn over 640 acres of land as follows : --=Commencing ht a post planted at the north' east corner of section 1474, Om- ineea Division, and marked W. H. N.'~ north east corner thence: west• "80 chains ; thence south S0 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. Located July 15, 1927.

W. H. Newcombe I

Taxi Service _ For prompt and etffcient Taxi

.•Service to any par t of the district Phone or call


P h I . '~ , t " ; ' ' I " " one--1 short, I 10ng: 3 short

P otoua h i •


, Films.Developed and Printed Enlargements made. ~ •

Wl~en "'" :'" ...... : ' • in Smithers have your Phot~ taken.

' ..P0st Card"t0Cabinet : :..,Sizes ,

' A.L. Evitt, Smiths m , ,.' ' ,.,,.,.~ . i: ~



Cattle ..... ~..

Best. spring calf, grade--Mrs~ Hani- gun, Gee. Dover,

Best yearl ing, : grade--Alex. Kerr, ~Ir~ Brown.-. • " "

Best milcch cdw" H. A i Swain , Jas. Swan.

Best pure bred cow--H. L. Frank. Best cow in fai~ .--H. 'A. Swain.

• ' Poultry.-" _ _ . . " : . . " . • .

Two hens, any variety not named--


French. . . . . . . . . . Barred Rock, cockeral--Lanfear &

French, . . . . W h i t e Leghorns, t~Vb-~W. 'A. King,

~Trs. McConnelL" Two ducks, any var ie ty~Mrs. Down-

ing. : ~ e s t hens, any breed, special--W i

A. King. " " Best pullets, any breed, spdeial--

Lanfear & French. : Best cockeral, any breed--Lanfear Lanfear & French, special.

White Leghorn, cock~H. A. Swain. Whi t e ,Leghorn, cockeral~Elmer Mc-

Connel, H. A. 8wain. White Leghorn, pullet--W. A." i~in~,

Ein~er MeOonnel. ~ "

White Leghorn, two hens--W. A~. King.

• G r a i n a n d Grasses ! Sheaf whea t~F , Hampton," James

Lever. - •

Sheaf of Oats--. Hamlin & .Thomson, Jas. Lever. ' :.

Sheaf Alaska clover--Jam Leve~, ~Iichaud Bros,

Sheaf red. clover--MiehaUd Bros. 'J. Lever. '

Pint Timothy seed--Mrs. Bohler, Billie Bohler.

Three heads sunflowers---Jas. Lever - Sheaf Tlm0thy'--Jas LeVer, BilHe' Boh le r . " - " ., ~.. • . '.i!

Collection ~rasses and clover--Jas.! Lever. , ' .

Collection: of grains, 1927 growth--~' Jas. Lever.


'Early cabbage--W. C . Lttle, Mamlin & Thomson.

Late. cabbage---Hamlin & Thomson: Savoy cabbage---Hainlin & Thoms~)n Head Let tuce--Hamhn & Thomson

1st and 2rid, Three blanched celery~Hamlin &

Thomson. Two red' cabbage--Hamlin & Thbm-

son, C, H, Thomas.' Six parm!lps--Mamlin & "Thomson,

~Irs. Bohler. Twelve string beans--Mrs. Martin,

Hamlin" & Thomson. • Twelve pods peds--W. C..,Little, H a m l t a & Thomson.. -.

Three cucumbors~W. 0. Little, Mrs. E. M. Smith. •

• Twelve s ta lks rl~nbarb-~Jas, Swan, W: B. Dew. " "

• Six Onions--Billie Bohler, Lanfear [&. Fren, c~. • .

Six ripe tomatoes--Mrs. HI King, ' Hamlin & Thomson, . : i .',

Hamlin & ~k'h0mson. " ' Six green tomatoes~Mrs.. Martin

• Kol i l~abi--C. H. 'Thonms, 'J.:Lev~r. White turntps--Jasi Swan,i H a m i i n

'& Thdms0n. Half long earrots--Ha~filin & Thom-

son, Mrs. Bohler . ' i ' " / :i .~ ~ Tttblb' beets'='Hamiin I . &-i Thomson,

Mrs. Bohlel~. ' ' ( " " ,",.,. ; " :'

' Oauliflo~ er---Jns Le~.er, • W;~ CI 'Llttie

00rn on' cob---Hamlin'. & ThomSUn,' F Fnink,. ~,, .............. ".~ ,, ~;i.:;'-,~i'~. -

Squ~{sli,Mrs. M a r t i n , . . H a m l l n ~ &

RUtab~g~g~Tas., :Swan,~ F;.:Frank. ':.' neouraglng .. fen.,' ;Ptii~/pklns-~-Ja~,,"Swan;.:~W~/,i:i.i!O,!. Little r a t Terrae~ wa/~ Oitron--W. C. :LIt~e;,.,Mrs::',: Dow'nhlg

'ale',the fa'Ir 84". "SWISs ̀ 'ehard-~-Hanfl~i!& :~hom's0iii i

Thomson, Mrs. Downing. A. O. V. named potatoes--~Mrs. Dew,

Hamlin & Thomson'. Netted Gems--F. Fran~, Hamlin &

Thomson. .. ..... : ..... . .' - :.

Gold Coin--M. B. Dew, HamHn & TThomson ~. .............. . ........

Best collection Wgetablcs, g rown 'by school nge--Blllie Bohler, August Lips Bobby Hamer.

Best collection vegetables--Hamlin & Thomson.

Certlf ie4 s~ed potato, Sl~ecial 'Ham- lin & Thomson.

Home.grown seeds--W. ~E, Atwoo~.


Best collection, special--Hamlin & ~homson. • . '" " "

Deep p ie -~-~ ." Har ry King, Mrs. Gee. Dover.

Apple pie--Mrs. Do~ver, Mrs. H.Mlst Lemo~ pie--Mrs. Dover, Mrs. Head.

L ~ y e r cake---Mrs. T. Turner, Mrs, G Dover.

Macaroons--Mrs. Dover, Mrs. Gee. Powers.

Donghnuts~Mrs. T. Turner, Mrs. G Powers. .

'Sponge cake---Mrs. C. A. Head, Mrs. Gee. Dover.

Light colored cake--Mrs. E. iL MoOre Mrs. Gee. Dover.

Dark Cake--Mrs. Gee. Dover, Mrs. Downing.

Cookies--Mrs. Gee. Dover, Mrs. H . •King.

Plain fruit cake--Mrs. Gee. Dover, Mrs. E. J. Moore ........

. Mangels--Jas. Swan, Hamlin & The-i: Fancy loaf any kind--Mrs, i)over, mson. - " ' [ Mrs. Downing. "

Sugar beets--Hamlin &" Thomson, [ P a n of huns~-Mrs. E . J. Moore, Mrs. Jas. Swan. ' .'... ~- - .. .',.. ," .. [ Gee. Powers, . " /.," ,, ,,.

Rutabega~T-Hamltn & TTh'omson [ Strawberry Jam--Mrs. ~t. Thompson Edward HaZier. " " " •

White carrots---Mrs. Bohle r , James Lever.

Red carr#ts--Jas.. 'Lever, Hamlin & Thomson. ~


Display cut flowers---Miehaud Bros. ~. H. Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sweet peas---Miehaud Bros., J. H. Young. ,

Dahlias~W. C. Little, O. H. Thomas Pansies--~. H. Young, Miss Cousin. Carnations--Lanfear &" Fre.nch, J.

H. Young. Zinnias---J. H. Young; Lanfear &

French. ~ix 1Roses--Mrs. It. Brawn. Six cut flowers, any other variety--~

Mrs. R. Brawn, Mrs. C. R. Gi lbe r t . Bouque~ cut flowers--Mrs. E, ~I.

Smith, Mrs. Martin. • . . . . . Best specimen flowering p lan t - -Mrs

H. L. Frank, Mrs. 'H. A. Swain. Foliage plant--Mrs. Jas. Swan, Mrs,

Gr.eig - ......

Six,Asters- -J H..Young, Lanfear & ~rs . C. H. Head. , - French.

An y varie~Y~ ~ r J e ~ M r s i Downing . . . . . - '~" :" ::. ': '-:~i, ' "... " '~-

FRUITS ":~:! ::I ,~ -FAN¢~ WORK ,

Yellow " ' transphrent"Mrs. ar n ,. ":, : • ~. . . . . ,. Capt. Colthurst. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' B e d spread--Mrs. S~ N. Kirkaldy,

1led As t rachan~c . H. Thomas, W. Mrs. Downing. C apman. ' " Centre piece--Mrs. S. N. Kirkaldy,

Duchess 0.f Oldenberg~W. Chap- Mrs. Downing. man, Alex. Kerr. ~ Af'trn()on tea Cloth-2-Mi~s. E. Smith•

Gravenstein--Mrs. Gilbert, J. Swan. Cusbon cover--Mrs. S. N. Kirkaldy, Snow--C. H. Thomas," J. K. Gordon. Mrs. T. Turner. Wagner---J. K, Gordon, L. H. Ken- Pillour case, lace t r immed--Mrs . H.

hey. Mist. • • : Best ~ollectipn apples--W. Atwood Weal thy~W. Chapman, F. Frank.~ M~Intosh~red~Alex. Kerr, J~ :K~

Gordon. Any othery var letyinamed.L.~. H.'

Kenney, Hamlin & Thomson. : " Northern Spy--C. H. Thomas Delicious---~C. H. Thomas, ~Vin~er 'Bahana-~;~as. Swan, .IT. A~

~Irs. R. Braun. J a r CanueI peacches---Mrs. F . C .

Bishop, Mrs. Gee. Dover. Canned cherries--Mrs. C. A. Head,

Mrs. Harry King . . . . . Canned beans---Mrs. Downing, Mrs.

R. Thompson. Crab apple jeliy--Mrs. R. Thompson

Mrs. E. J. Moore; Canned peas--Mrs. H. King, Mrs. 1t

Thompson. Mixed piCkles--Mrs. Downing. Mustard pickles---Mrs. Downing:~ , J a r Helish~Mrs. Downing. Brown bread~Mrs, Downing, Mrs.

Gee. Dover. Loaf white bread--Mrs. G, Dover,

Mrs. ~. Turner. Loaf "white bread--Mrs. Gee. Dover

Mrs. E. J. Moore. "(Both above were, special p~izes by

Kenney Bros.) , Baspherry j am~Mrs : R~' Thompson, •

Mrs. E . J . Moore. . ' .....

Black currant jelly--~Mrs. ~ E.J. Moore MBrs. T.' T u r n e r . . :'-. .,!.. ;=i

Bed currant JellymMrs. E. J . Moore

Swain. • . : , , •.- , . . . . Three:, doilies, ' en~b~'oidered--~l.s. Raspberrie---Jas. Swan, A. T. At~

wood. • . • I talian prunes--Michaud Bros, L. H~

Kenney. Tradgety'P~uii~-Hnnflfii "~' Th'0mson Best collection small f rui t - -Michaud

Bros., Mrs.. Bohler. . : ~ . .", Flemish Beauty pears'--F. l~rank,Ei'

T. Kenney.

Pillow eases, embroidered:Miss R• Deacon.

Furnitfire scarf--Mrs. C. A. Head. Towel--Mrs. L: H. S]nith, ~Irs. H.

Hall iwsll . . . . ,~. One yard lace--Mrs. S. N. Kirkaldy,

Mrs, H, L. Smith, • Yard lace any k i n d ' M r s . H. Halli- we:U, Mi,ss Cousins. '

H. Halliwell. • Paper flowers--Mrs. R. Thompson.

Vanity set, embroldered~Mrs. R. Thompson.

Afternoon tea Cloth, lace t r i m m e d ~ Mrs. H,, L. Smith.

Plhin"Apron--Mrs. G~eig. Fancy apron---,Mrs. Greig, Miss Cou-

: A. O.. V. pears--W. A. King, E. .T. sins.

i Best im'x o f apples--L. H. :Kenney. [Kiri~aldy~ ' : . . 'i: ~':i ,'~ '" O, H. Thomas, (~apt. CoultlmrsL ' [ ' i~nii:ied Woo! s w e h t e ~ M l s s Cousins

Hyslop craig-. W. Chapman, Alex]Miss Deacon. , , ~ Kerr, ., ~ .. •. . . . . . . . . . . , . .~I ~.[~ Chi lds coat, : two y e a r s a n d under--, ~ Transeendent:crabs---Hamlin,& Tho,lM..rs~ Cooper, Mrs ~ G r e i g . : /!i! mpson, E. J. Modre. ~. • .... ' : ' . , p l a in dress, child, under ~ ten-~MrS::~.:,~: "~'~ ., A ~. O. V.-u-Imnfea~ "& French', Mich- [ Greig. . . . . . . . . . ! . : . ,.~ . . '. ,.:.: .:.. ;'. .,i~.~.~?~i,//:

dud 'Bros. " [ ' '.: .Ooa't,ehild thrt~ to. toil" ~M~'. (~0olaer; ':~' r Br~dshaw • plumbbs--Mlchaud PeaCh plUm'~-~as. S w a n , ~1~, Frank [ . M o s t points hpme ~eooking~l~rs....Geo,;:,i~::~l

x ' . • . , : .

, . : . '

Page 4: Alon- Wedding Bells Terrace Notes · (Fath- er) Hogan,becam e the bride of .Dr. H. O. Wrineh, M. L. A., both of Hazelton and the Hazelton Hospital staff, The contracting parties are

'+ HENRY MoTORs I[ ",(, i +?+++ Short SMITHERS, B, C. . , S


f +


Ford Cars Trucks Tractors Accessories

I Parts Repairs Gas Oil

Threshing Machines

~ __ ~ __ ~ ' -_:-

Complete Drug Store Supplies Kodaks, Films and Photo Supplies Developing and Printing for Amateurs

• Mail orders PromptlY Attended to

ORME' LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexal Store

Prince Rupert, B. C. t

v v v ~ ~ - v v v ~ v ~ -~ iw - v v v

Sailings from Prince Rupert for Vancouver and in- termediate ports each Thursday and Sunday, 11.00 p . m .

For Anyox and Ketehikan each Wednesday4.00 p.m.

For Stewart, each Saturday, 10 00 a. m.

For North and South Queen Charlotte islands, fortnightly.


Passenger Trains Leave Now Hazelton: EASTBOUND--7.20 p.m. daily except Sunday WESTBOUND-7.51 a.m. daily except Tuesday

Jasper Park Lodge open May 21st to September 30th

See Canada in Canada's Diamond Jubilee Year, 1867=1927

Use CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS for Money Orders, Foreign Cheques, etc., also for your next shipment.

Fo~ Atlantic steamship sailings or furthest Information apply to any Canadian National Agent o R. F. McNaughton._District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C.

fCanadian Pacific Railway Company S E R V I C E ~ R I T I S H C O L U M B I A C O A S T S T E A M S H I P I

To Ketchikan, Wrangell,Juneau, Skagway. September 5, 10, 17, 26,• i .I To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, September 3, 10, 14, 21, 30. [ The S. S. Princ'ess Beatrice--For Butedale, East Bella Bells, Ocean Falls [ i Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River and Vancouver every Saturday a t |

lla. m. , • | AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Full Informat/on fro~m [

~ W . C. Orchard, corner Th.Jrd Avenue and Fourth Street, Prince Rupert ; .

HAZELTON THEATRE ' +: TueSday, September 20

' Th . .Hotor ous. ?...+.. A Brilliant Drama Of Darkest Africa "

Lewis Stone and Pretty Barbara Bedford

Comedy--DEAR ~ SEASON , - . :~r .~


- . . + , . : • , j " , j . + " +

T h e ¸

. - . • . . . . . . . ' .

Stories Close' to Home

'There have been so many f a t a l ac- cidents in tim air that now the federal governments are stepping In to stop

i tl/e stunt flying and the suicidal hops.

Dr. H . C. ~ ' r inch left Tuesday for Vancouver.

. • , - . , ~ ' .

Wilfred Mendum of the telegraph s taff left Sunda7 for Victoria where he has secured a position with the Ira- perial Oil Co. /

.~irs. Lloyd Wilson left the fil~st of the week on an extended visit to Iowa.

Mrs. Bernie of Smithers.arrived Sat- urday to fill the position of house keeper for Dr. Wrinch. "

Pete kIcNicholl of Pacific was here., a few days this weel~ and expects to remain for the winter.

R.:S. Sargent received word the f irs~ Of the week that his services a s post master a t Hazelton were no longer re~ quired and he was instructed to had over the business of the post office to Cooper H. Wrinch, temporarily. Mr. Sargent has been post, master for many years.

Mrs. Winsbby and sons 'returned ins! week from Port Essington where she visited ~Irs. (Dr.) Large.

At the Prince Rupert fair B. D. Be- den won in the semi-amateur photo- graphers class the following prizes : - - 1st, three land scape any size; 2nd, one ahimal or bird; 2nd, collection of no~ less than eight p ic ture~ l~Ir. B0d'e~. also took first prize for gladolia, for everlasting flowers and for best mix~ ed bunch of sweet peas. - .

The Prince Ruperb fair was the big success this year. "The association is figuring on a surplus big enough td wipe out all deficits, 'The stampede J attracted a lot of coast and eity people] who.do not often see horses and steer~ in action.

H. C. Whitaker has been selected by the public works department to

make the observations when the aerial study of the interor is undertaken.

: iLast: Saturday afternoon tXIrs. J. H. Young gave a/tea in honor of Miss Ma- thor, of Kispiox, and Mrs. Burnett in charge,' with her husband, of the Unit: ed Church work at Kisplox.

John D. Boulding of Duthie Mines was in town a couple of days the first of the week,

Miss Rock <~£ ~an Francl.~co a~':'h'- ed on WedneSday +.q spent q fe~t" week.~ with her mother, Mrs. Campbell of. Hazelton.

Douglas Lay, district, resident min- ing engineer, has gone to Victoria to prepare h i s rcp'ort on the year 's activ~ ities in this district, : . . . .

A' party of three arrived from Prince Rupert on. Thursday morning to begin work on a c0ntract a t the Sunrlse"pro. perty on NineMlle, They will put urn. a, raise fro m. the 10ng .cr0ss ' cuFtu'nne!;

• ~l~e aerial •reco:nnaissance Imrty on •. the'provincial highway from GaUowayj Rapids t oTerrace have Started work and there i s a hope :that' they will be successful. " '(:

Olaf .Hanson ~ s that when the~ poles now on •the Skeena,and:•Kisplox rlvdrs reach c e~larvale yards~and a r e ShipPed ',his company wlll l.have, se~t out:more thani'a .thousand :carioads fills season. ~. That: is~ the l biggest: on e Year's!~ busme~.s.~the ~'company ~has ~, yet


/ : "°

L t . - - - - - - - - " ~ . l The apple crop this year will fun

) 1,250,000 barrels, according to W . H. Chass~ of Wolfville, or a f i f ty percent .increase • over last year, while the crop of the Eastern States is reported only half that of ]as~ year.

The D/epartment of Lands ~ and Forests of the Province of Quebeo have planted 1,600,000 trees thi~:~

~ ear--a record figure and nearly ~uble .that of' last year. Next rammer it is proposed to planl 8,000,000 trees..,


Canada's net debt decreased by $52,498,429 during the f irst four months of the fiscal year. I t now stands at $2,295,335;940. During the corresponding per:od of last fiscal yea r there was a decrpase of $41,251,055. Both revenues dud expenditures show increases.

Tourist travel this season is in excess of previous years and is even more cosmopolitan in its derivations than forn~rly, accordivg to C. E. E. Ussher, ~eneral passenger traffiq manager." of t h e Canadian Pacifl~ Railway, back from v toizr of in. spection of the company's interest~ at •Banff, Lake Louise and othe~ favored tourist spots.

E. J. Chai~bers, President ar~J General iV[dnsg~r ~,, . of the A -~ocia ed Fruit Growers of British'ColUmbia, states that Br~tish Columbia ap£'.e! are now bein~ sent to South A~ri,.a, China, Sweden, Norway, German~ and Denmark, as well as Great Britain, the heaviest market. New York and Chi:ago are big consumer4 of two varieties, the ~,Iclntos'h Red and Delicious, respectively.

A further party of~40 students representing many colleges .in the Br~tish Isles arri.ved on the Cana- dian Pacific steamship Mo~tross and proceeded to the harvest field of Western Canada in the care of the C.P.R. Department of Coloniza. tion and. Dqvelopment. They will be placed upon farms in Saskatch. swan for the duration of the ~ar- ~est by the British Women's, lmmi- gration League.

Construction of the first commer, • cial fish hatchery in Alberta will be started in September,. announces R. T.. Rodd, Dominion Fisheries In- specter. " It will be located at the / mouth of Canyon Creek, on the south shore of Lesser Slave Lake. It is estimated that 100,000,0'00 whitefish will be propagated at the hatchery every year to maintain an undiminished Supply of fish for the many companies o~.erating in the lake.

So great is the,ririterest which•is being evidenced in the , Scottish music festival organized as" par t of t h e Highland Gathering fo r ,Banf f , Sep tember 3-5 that the Canadian Pacific Railway has arranged with th~ Albe r t a Government te!ep'hones to install the. amplifiers of the public address system that were used 'a t the'=Diamond Jubilee broadcast,, so that the :~evening concerts will be heard•not only in the ballrodm of the Banff Springs Hotel, but also in the lounges and in the open a i r ' o n the terrace. :, ' •

Gene'ral industrial transportation and agricultt~ral "outlook (frOm re-, ports ~eaching him: from a l l parts o f Canada) is excellent and" will continue to ;improve as the market

All descriptions of stur:- veyb= prompt ly e~ecpted



hSUpplleS S y u .~ Idren to us b e

fore school opens for their

Scribblers Pens Exercise "Books

" . . $ ~

• Pencils Crayons Paints, etc.

We will order your Text Books

The UptoDate Drag Store HAZELTON, B C.

I Omineca ' Hotel l

I ' C W Dawson: Prop


Dinigg room i n connection

I H a z e l t o n - . B .C. I

.. .. :.


Wanted--Undergraduate or practi- cal nurse, willing to do some home work; also a general cook for,small country i:hospifal. Apply The ~[atron,. Francois Lake HostSita!, South Bank, B.C. 9-2t .

fo r Canadian products.widens, said FOR ,SALF_r--120 acres, lot 5072, E. W. Beatty, K.C., cha i rman and president o f the Canadian Pacific ange 5, C.D.,situated on,north side of

C . .N .R. about, two :mile~ eas t of Dor- Rai!way,.recently at Calgary. "An teen ;:~"all :crown granted ;~ id ,the pr~.: important factor: in the la t terwil l . • , perty!0f the est i i te0f Paul G.,Lmhvl~. be a steadily increasing populahon, Apply to Norman A. Watt, official ~Lx he ~ said. '!~The,~ransportation com- minister, P r i n c e Rupert. 3-10, , panies~:~ o f course, CMy reflect the . : : : ..... + J general ~ Conditions of , t h e country, ' ' -

~and' compared with last year,~their ' " ~ ' .... • gross earnings are •higher, :b~t in. J . B . Agar has enlarged his living ~ • c reased c o s t s beyond their 'contr0! quarters .at the rear~ of h i s hard.~'are imve resul~d in !dwcr net earning~'.q store and is now nicelY'settled..

,.. ] . " , ". ' ~. . " , . . . " .

. r , • . • . . : . . • • • • - • .

: ~ . ' • , . ' ~ 7 • ' , : ' ? ~ , , • / : ~ . . . . • • • t * m