TANK MIX COMPATIBILITY GUIDANCE USE PESTICIDES SAFELY. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND PRODUCT INFORMATION BEFORE USE. Monitor is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. Monitor contains sulfosulfuron. All brand names used are trademarks of other manufacturers in which proprietory rights may apply. © Monsanto UK Ltd 2012. ALS INHIBITOR RESTRICTIONS DO NOT apply MONITOR to wheat previously treated with other ALS inhibitors (eg. Lexus, Atlantis, Dagger, Quantum, Ally and other sulfonylureas), and DO NOT follow Monitor with other ALS inhibitors in the same crop. DO NOT apply Monitor more than once to any crop. Minimum period-days Minimum period-days BEFORE MONITOR AFTER MONITOR Topik, Hawk 7 14 HBN (>1.0 L/ha) and ethephon- based products (Cerone/Terpal) 14 14 CMPP / 2,4-DB 7 14 MCPA / 2,4-D 7 21 Other products 7 14 TANK MIX RESTRICTIONS Unless indicated above DO NOT MIX MONITOR without consulting Monsanto UK Ltd as they may be physically incompatible or antagonistic, resulting in poor weed control. † Avoid extremes of acidity in the spray volume. A pH between 6 and 8 is preferred for optimum efficacy. Use buffers to rectify spray pH where appropriate. * It is recommended that the sowing of Winter Oilseed rape is preceded by cultivation to a depth of at least 10 cm FOLLOWING CROP RECOMMENDATIONS This Autumn Winter wheat, Rye, Triticale, Oats, Winter barley (soils <60% sand), Winter oilseed rape* , Winter beans, Winter peas Next Spring Spring wheat, Spring oats, Maize, Spring barley, Spring oilseed rape, Spring peas, Spring beans, Vining peas, Potatoes, Spring linseed, Grass leys Next Autumn Winter barley (soils >60% sand), Winter linseed Following Spring Sugar beet and all other crops not otherwise specified For further technical information contact the Monsanto Technical Helpline on (01954) 717575 or e-mail [email protected] www.monsanto-ag.co.uk Herbicides Physical and biological compatibility. Cheetah Super, Mecoprop-P (<1.0 l/ha), Hawk (+ mineral oil),* HBN ( <1.0 l/ha), Starane (<0.5l/ha), Stomp, Topik (+ mineral oil)*. Physically compatible.** Axial + Adigor*, Bacara, Foundation, Platform S, Tigress Ultra. Incompatible. Aurora, Grasp + Output, Lotus, Dagger. Fungicides Physical and biological compatibility. Acanto, Acanto + Opus, Agate + Amistar, Alto 240 EC, Amistar, Amistar + Folicur, Caramba, Charisma, Colstar, Contrast, Corbel, Eclipse, Ensign, Foil, Folicur, Fortress, Helix, Landmark, Opus, Orka, Patrol, Radius, Sanction 45, Sportak EW, Unix, Veto F. Physically compatible.** Alto Elite, Aviator235 Xpro, Boogie, Bravo, Bravo + Flamenco, Bravo + Landmark, Bravo + Torch Extra, Bravo + Opus, Bravo + Unix, Brutus, Credo, Cyflamid/Vegas, Dithane 945, DOE 1762, Ennobe, Flamenco, Flexity, Furlong, Guru, Helix, Imtrex, Laminator, Mirage 45 SC, Opera, Opponent, Phoenix/Arizona, Plover, PrioriXtra, Proline, Prosaro, Sahara, Seguris, Sphere, Sportak + Fortress, Stiletto/Capalo, Swing Gold, Torch Extra, Tracker, Unix + Opus. Incompatible. Sportak Delta + Fortress, Comet + Opus. Plant Growth Regulators Physical and biological compatibility. Adjust, Chlormequat, Meteor, Moddus, Terpal, Moddus + CCC. Physically compatible.** Canopy, Stronghold. Incompatible. Cerone, Upgrade. Insecticides Physical and biological compatibility. Hallmark, Toppel (cypermethrin). Incompatible. Dursban WG. Trace elements Physically compatible.** Broadacre 2.0 kg/ha, Headland Jet Mn, Coptrel 500, Croplift, Ferleaf, Foliar Potash, Magflo 300, Magphos K, Mancozin, Mancuflo, Mantrac 500, Mn Liquid, Phosamco, Seniphos, Stopit, Sulphur F3000, Zinphos, Zintrac. Incompatible. Strongly acidifying trace elements, Manganese Sulphate, Thiovit. Adjuvants Physical and biological compatibility. Abacus, Actipron, Actirob B, Agrimax, Cropoil, Cropspray IIE, Frigate/T80, Galion, GS 800, Headland Fortune, Jogral, Phase II, Toil, Torpedo II, Viking. Incompatible. LI 700, Acidifying surfactants†, Designer, Silwet L-77, Slippa, Transcend. Other mixtures Physically compatible.** Bravo + Amistar + CCC, Bravo + Meteor, Bravo + CCC, Bravo + Moddus, Bravo + Opus Team + CCC + Moddus, Lyric + CCC, Lyric + Moddus, Sportak Delta + CCC, Sportak Delta + Meteor + Starane, Meteor + Cheetah Super, Orka + Adjust. Tested in mixture with Monitor @ 25g/ha + Frigate @ 0.2% Tested in mixture with Monitor only *Antagonism on Wild-oat control has been observed. Mineral oil should replace Frigate as preferred adjuvant with Hawk or Topik mixtures. Use Adigor with Axial. **Biological compatibility not confirmed. Monitor Quick Guide to Grass and Broad-leaved Weed Control in Wheat MON0212 2012

ALS INHIBITOR RESTRICTIONS TANK MIX COMPATIBILITY … · Fortune, Jogral, Phase II, Toil, Torpedo II, Viking. Incompatible. LI 700, Acidifying surfactants†, Designer, Silwet L-77,

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USE PESTICIDES SAFELY. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND PRODUCT INFORMATION BEFORE USE.Monitor is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. Monitor contains sulfosulfuron. All brand names used are trademarks of other manufacturers in whichproprietory rights may apply. © Monsanto UK Ltd 2012.

ALS INHIBITOR RESTRICTIONSDO NOT apply MONITOR to wheat previously treated with other ALS inhibitors (eg. Lexus, Atlantis, Dagger, Quantum, Ally and other sulfonylureas), and DO NOT follow Monitor with other ALS inhibitors in the same crop.DO NOT apply Monitor more than once to any crop.

Minimum period-days Minimum period-daysBEFORE MONITOR AFTER MONITOR

Topik, Hawk 7 14HBN (>1.0 L/ha) and ethephon-based products (Cerone/Terpal) 14 14CMPP / 2,4-DB 7 14MCPA / 2,4-D 7 21Other products 7 14

TANK MIX RESTRICTIONS Unless indicated above DO NOT MIX MONITOR without consulting Monsanto UK Ltdas they may be physically incompatible or antagonistic, resulting in poor weed control.† Avoid extremes of acidity in the spray volume. A pH between 6 and 8 is preferred for optimum efficacy. Use buffers to rectify spray pH where appropriate.

* It is recommended that the sowing of Winter Oilseed rape is preceded by cultivation to a depth of at least 10 cm


This AutumnWinter wheat, Rye, Triticale, Oats, Winter barley (soils <60% sand),Winter oilseed rape*, Winter beans, Winter peas

Next SpringSpring wheat, Spring oats, Maize, Spring barley, Spring oilseed rape, Springpeas, Spring beans, Vining peas, Potatoes, Spring linseed, Grass leys

Next AutumnWinter barley (soils >60% sand), Winter linseed

Following SpringSugar beet and all other crops not otherwise specified

For further technical information contact the Monsanto Technical Helpline on (01954) 717575or e-mail [email protected] www.monsanto-ag.co.uk

HerbicidesPhysical and biological compatibility. Cheetah Super, Mecoprop-P (<1.0 l/ha), Hawk (+ mineral oil),* HBN ( <1.0 l/ha), Starane (<0.5l/ha),Stomp, Topik (+ mineral oil)*. Physically compatible.** Axial + Adigor*, Bacara, Foundation, Platform S, Tigress Ultra. Incompatible. Aurora,Grasp + Output, Lotus, Dagger.

FungicidesPhysical and biological compatibility. Acanto, Acanto + Opus, Agate + Amistar, Alto 240 EC, Amistar,Amistar + Folicur, Caramba, Charisma, Colstar, Contrast, Corbel, Eclipse, Ensign, Foil, Folicur, Fortress,Helix, Landmark, Opus, Orka, Patrol, Radius, Sanction 45, Sportak EW, Unix, Veto F. Physically compatible.** Alto Elite, Aviator235 Xpro, Boogie, Bravo, Bravo + Flamenco, Bravo + Landmark,Bravo + Torch Extra, Bravo + Opus, Bravo + Unix, Brutus, Credo, Cyflamid/Vegas, Dithane 945, DOE 1762,Ennobe, Flamenco, Flexity, Furlong, Guru, Helix, Imtrex, Laminator, Mirage 45 SC, Opera, Opponent,Phoenix/Arizona, Plover, PrioriXtra, Proline, Prosaro, Sahara, Seguris, Sphere, Sportak + Fortress,Stiletto/Capalo, Swing Gold, Torch Extra, Tracker, Unix + Opus. Incompatible. Sportak Delta + Fortress,Comet + Opus.

Plant Growth RegulatorsPhysical and biological compatibility.Adjust, Chlormequat, Meteor, Moddus, Terpal, Moddus + CCC.Physically compatible.** Canopy, Stronghold. Incompatible. Cerone, Upgrade.

Insecticides Physical and biological compatibility.Hallmark, Toppel (cypermethrin). Incompatible. Dursban WG.

Trace elementsPhysically compatible.** Broadacre 2.0 kg/ha, Headland Jet Mn, Coptrel 500, Croplift, Ferleaf, Foliar Potash, Magflo 300,Magphos K, Mancozin, Mancuflo, Mantrac 500, Mn Liquid, Phosamco, Seniphos, Stopit, Sulphur F3000,Zinphos, Zintrac. Incompatible. Strongly acidifying trace elements, Manganese Sulphate, Thiovit.

Adjuvants Physical and biological compatibility.Abacus, Actipron, Actirob B, Agrimax, Cropoil, Cropspray IIE, Frigate/T80, Galion, GS 800, HeadlandFortune, Jogral, Phase II, Toil, Torpedo II, Viking. Incompatible. LI 700, Acidifying surfactants†, Designer,Silwet L-77, Slippa, Transcend.

Other mixturesPhysically compatible.** Bravo + Amistar + CCC, Bravo + Meteor, Bravo + CCC, Bravo + Moddus, Bravo + Opus Team + CCC + Moddus,Lyric + CCC, Lyric + Moddus, Sportak Delta + CCC, Sportak Delta + Meteor + Starane, Meteor + Cheetah Super,Orka + Adjust.

Tested in mixture with Monitor @ 25g/ha + Frigate @ 0.2%

Tested in mixture with Monitor only

*Antagonism on Wild-oat control has been observed. Mineral oil should replace Frigate as preferred adjuvantwith Hawk or Topik mixtures. Use Adigor with Axial. **Biological compatibility not confirmed.


Monitor Quick Guide to Grass and

Broad-leaved Weed Control in Wheat




Improves wheat performance• Increases yield• Improves harvest efficiency• Breaks the cycle of weed seed return

Flexible to use• Wide application window • Wide range of tank mixing options

Fits the rotation• Wide range of crops, including oilseed rape, can be planted in

the autumn

KEY FEATURES• Stops Brome, Couch and other grass weeds in winter wheat• Effective control of Cleavers and other broad-leaved weeds• Reduces the competitive effect of weeds to preserve yield• Reduces lodging to optimise harvest timing and efficiency• Wide application window from 1st February until flag leaf emerging, allows

choice of optimum climatic conditions• Extensive range of tank mixing options means no need for extra passes• LERAP B

OPTIMISING USE• Ensure accurate weed identification• Integrate cultural control - stale seedbeds and break-cropping• Apply Monitor when the weeds and crop are actively growing• Warm temperatures during and after application with moist soils are ideal

conditions. Avoid drought conditions, waterlogged soils, frost and strong, cold winds

• Always use an appropriate adjuvant (see tank mix compatibility guidance) • Use partner herbicides in mixture and sequence with Monitor as required,

eg. flufenacet+pendimethalin or triallate for Barren and Great Brome • No rain for 4 hours after application• Wash spray tank thoroughly after use

WEED CONTROL Monitor at 25g/ha + Frigate @ 0.2% (or other recommended adjuvant) in 200-250 litres water as a Medium spray, (BCPC category). Application timing from 1st February and between GS13-39 of the crop

Species *Control Recommendations

Soft Brome S Apply at crop GS30-33; or crop GS33-37Rye Brome for optimum reduction in weed seed return Meadow Brome Rough Stalked Meadow-grassCanary GrassLoose Silky-bentBarren Brome MS Apply at crop GS30 for optimum yield benefit

and reduction in lodging; or crop GS32-37 for optimum reduction of weed seed return;

Common Couch MC Flexible timing between crop GS21-39 and Onion Couch MS weed GS25-37Volunteer Barley MS Apply at weed GS25-37 Italian Rye-grass MS Apply at weed GS25-32.

Good control under favourable conditions. Resistant populations will not be controlled

Annual Meadow-grass MS Apply at weed GS25-32Black-grassWild-oatsCreeping Soft-grass Yorkshire FogBlack BentFalse Oat-grassGreat Brome MS Apply at crop GS24-30 and up to weed GS32Perennial Rye-grass R

EXPANDING GRASS WEED CONTROL • For Black-grass use Topik + Actipron• For Wild-oats use Cheetah Super + adjuvant


Species *Control

Cleavers Flexible crop GS23-33, up to 3 whorls of Cleavers SCharlock, Chickweed, Common Orache,Scentless Mayweed, SShepherds Purse, Field Forget-me-not, Volunteer Oilseed rape, Fools Parsley, Volunteer Beans, Willow-herb, Mouse Ear Cress, Scarlet Pimpernel, Venus's-looking glass, Pale PersicariaBlack Bindweed, Common Fumitory, Knotgrass, Field Pansy, MSCranesbill, Redshank, Common Fumitory, Flixweed, Wild Radish Fat Hen, Common Speedwell, Common Poppy, Red Dead-nettle, MRHemp-nettle, Cornflower, Field Penny-cress, Parsley Piert, Sugar beet, SunflowerLinseed, Groundsel, Perennial Thistle, Sowthistle, Bistort R


Monitor +HBN +Mecoprop-P +Starane25g/ha up to up to up to

1.0 L/ha 1.0 L/ha 0.5L/ha

Speedwells R S MS -Cleavers (>3 whorls) S - S SScentless Mayweed MS S - -Black Bindweed MS S MS SCommon Fumitory MS S MS MSKnotgrass MS S MS MSField Pansy MS S MS -Common Poppy - S - -Fat Hen MR S S -Red-D/Hemp-nettle - S MS SCranesbill MS - MS -Corn Marigold no data M - -

*SUSCEPTIBILITY RATINGS:- S = Susceptible (80-100%. MC = Moderate Control, reduction in plant biomassbut incomplete control and re-growth is likely to be seen in the following year. MS = Moderately Susceptible(50-79%). MR = Moderately Resistant (30-49%). R = Resistant (10-30%). The information above is forguidance only, final levels of weed control will depend on rates and conditions at application.

FARM ENVIRONMENT SCHEMES• Monitor is suitable for use under some Entry Level Stewardship Scheme and

Campaign for Farmed Environment options.