Ambassador Network Guide Your guide to spreading the ripple effect ShareIIN.com [email protected]

Ambassador Network Guide 2014

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AmbassadorNetwork Guide

Your guide to spreading the ripple effect

[email protected]

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Table of Contents













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WelcomeAs an Ambassador, you are a representative of IIN and play an integral role in spreading the ripple effect of health and happiness around the world. You have the power to make a positive difference, one person at a time.

To help in this endeavor, you now have access to a wide range of resources including custom banners and links, informative webinars and videos, and a supportive community to motivate you. You will also be rewarded for each person you inspire to enroll at IIN.

In this guide you will find everything you need to know about being a successful Ambassador, so read carefully and save it for future reference.

Thanks for joining us and sharing the IIN love!

IIN Ambassador Team


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Getting StartedGet started by following these 3 simple steps


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Read emails from the IIN Ambassador TeamThe best way to stay informed and maximize your Ambassador earnings is to simply read the announcements that come straight to your inbox. Add [email protected] to your contacts list to ensure the emails don’t go into spam. The emails will provide you with the latest updates, announcements, and resources to help you spread the word about IIN.

Visit shareIIN.com frequentlyThis exclusive website was created to support you in sharing information about the program, introducing friends to the IIN Ambassador Team, and house helpful, inspirational content for your own business. Bookmark our blog and check it often for IIN updates and exclusive offers to share with friends.

Join the Ambassador Facebook GroupThis is a private group for Ambassadors to not only connect, but to also receive important announcements and updates directly from the IIN Ambassador Team and fellow Ambassadors.




Getting StartedGet started by following these 3 simple steps

If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to email [email protected] for personal support.


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Step 1: Be open and share

The first step in becoming a referral magnet is your willingness to open up and share information about IIN and your experience as a student. It can be as simple as posting on Facebook about what you’re learning in the curriculum or announcing that you got your first client.

For example: “I just listened to the most inspiring lecture from Deepak Chopra about (blank). So grateful for IIN’s curriculum. This school is amazing! I can’t wait to be a Health Coach and help others become happier and healthier too.”

In addition, tell your friends and family what you’re up to. You never know who you might inspire to consider this education for themselves.

Step 2: Listen & Notice

As you begin opening up about Integrative Nutrition and what the course has to offer, take notice of how people respond. You may get comments on your Facebook post or a friend may show a lot of interest in the idea of becoming a Health Coach too. Those are your referral opportunities.

If you’re not sure whether someone is a potential referral, here are some key questions to keep in mind when considering if they’re a good fit for IIN:

• Are they already involved in a holistic profession and interested in expanding their client offerings? • Do they have bigger health concerns and interested in exploring alternatives to traditional medicine? • Do they have a job they’re not fulfilled by, but truly have a passion for health and wellness?

By taking time to listen carefully and respond accordingly, you will be much more likely to refer successfully.

How to ReferHere are 5 essential steps to referring


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Step 3: Introduce Your Friends

When your friends or acquaintances are ready to speak to someone at IIN, introduce them to our IIN Ambassador team via email. You can use one of our email templates or simply CC [email protected] when writing them an email. A member of our team will answer any remaining questions and connect them to our admissions team when they’re ready to take the next step. We’ll also ensure that you’re listed as that person’s referrer so you are eligible to receive a referral reward if they enroll. If you don’t introduce your friend to us via email, remind them to mention your name as their referrer at the time of enrollment.

Step 4: Use your shareIIN Toolbox

Whether you already have a website or blog, or simply want to share IIN via email or social media, we’ve got you covered. From custom banners and links to print materials, there is a plethora of options for making sure you are set up for success! Explore your shareIIN Toolbox for a full range of resources to spread the word online – don’t worry, we’ll show you how!

Step 5: Follow up

Sometimes all it takes is a friendly reminder to motivate someone to take action, so make sure to check in with your referrals to see where they are in the decision-making process and offer your support. You can also check the status of your referrals on your Referral Tracker, and reach out to them with the click of a button using our email templates.


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How to Keep Those Referrals Coming


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Get clear on the basics of referringWatch our Ambassador 101 info session to get more familiar with everything the Ambassador Network has to offer.

Spruce up your websiteAdd an Integrative Nutrition Banner to your website or blog, or add a “Become a Health Coach” page where you share your experience about IIN. When someone clicks on your banner and submits their information, they will receive exciting and informative content about our school. They will also be linked as your referral so you’ll get credit if they enroll. Making your IIN experience prominent on your website will ensure your visitors are conscious of where you got your training.

Share Your Ambassador Savings Offer Your friends will be able to save $500 off the cost of enrollment plus an additional $500 off if they pay in full, for a total savings of up to $1000! You can share the value of this offer with anyone at any time via private communications, but please refrain from mentioning the actual savings amount on social media or your website. This cannot be combined with other offers, but know that your friends will always get the highest possible savings happening at the time of enrollment.

Host a workshopOrganizing a group event that will not only provide valuable health and nutrition information, but also details about Integrative Nutrition, is the perfect way to seamlessly integrate referring to IIN into your business. Both potential clients and potential referrals are likely to attend this event. So when hosting one, be sure to share how you discovered IIN, how it impacted your life, and how you recommend anyone passionate about wellness explore what the course has to offer.





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We make it convenient and easy for you to stay informed about the status of your referrals after you’ve introduced them to IIN.

- We’ll send you email notifications to let you know: • when we have received your introductions to IIN • when one of your referrals has enrolled • when your referral reward payment is on the way

- You can check on the status of your referrals at anytime by going to your Referral Tracker. We recommend that you visit the tracker often, and follow up with contacts by using one of our email templates or sending a personalized message of your own.

Referral rewards are processed within 90 days of your referrals’ enrollment date, assuming your referral has remained in the program. In order to receive your reward you must submit the necessary personal information to make sure your rewards are processed on time. Take a moment to do this right now to avoid delays when you get a new referral.

Track Your Referrals


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Stay Connected Above all, the Ambassador Network is a community. We encourage you to get involved and connect with other Ambassadors so that we can collectively inspire each other to do great things and make a real difference in the world You never know who could be your future business partner!

Here are the best ways to connect:

FacebookThe Ambassador Facebook Group is a great way to connect with fellow Ambassadors as well as Ambassador Network staff.

Every Friday between 9am and 5pm EST, you can let us know what exciting things you’re up to and ask us questions directly on the Ambassador Network Facebook wall. Don’t have anything to share? Join us anyway and be inspired by what your peers are up to.

Use our hashtag #IINAmbassador to connect with other Ambassadors and share special news about IIN.

Ambassador BlogWhen you’re ready, let us know about the amazing things you’re doing so we can feature your success story on our blog. Simply fill out this form and we’ll be in touch!

Please contact [email protected] with any questions or comments regarding the Ambassador Network.

Thank you for joining our inspiring community!