WINOGRADSKY REVIEW AMD biofilms: using model communities to study microbial evolution and ecological complexity in nature Vincent J Denef 1 , Ryan S Mueller 1 and Jillian F Banfield 1,2 1 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA; 2 Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Similar to virtually all components of natural environments, microbial systems are inherently complex and dynamic. Advances in cultivation-independent molecular methods have provided a route to study microbial consortia in their natural surroundings and to begin resolving the community structure, dominant metabolic processes and inter-organism interactions. However, the utility of these methods generally scales inversely with community complexity. By applying genomics-enabled methods to the study of natural microbial communities with reduced levels of species richness, a relatively comprehensive understanding of the metabolic networks and evolutionary processes within these communities can be attained. In such well-defined model systems, it is also possible to link emergent ecological patterns to their molecular and evolutionary underpinnings, facilitating construction of predictive ecosystem models. In this study, we review over a decade of research on one such system—acid mine drainage biofilm communities. We discuss the value and limitations of tractable model microbial communities in developing molecular methods for microbial ecology and in uncovering principles that may explain behavior in more complex systems. The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 599–610; doi:10.1038/ismej.2009.158; published online 18 February 2010 Keywords: geomicrobiology; population genomics; community proteogenomics; virus-microbe interactions; CRISPR; recombination Editor’s note Professor Jillian (Jill) Banfield was invited to contribute a Winogradsky review based on her recognized contributions to the field of microbial ecology using the acid mine drainage (AMD) biofilm as a model microbial community. During her studies of this defined community she and her co-workers established the new field of community proteoge- nomics, developed binning techniques for microbial community genome assemblies and recently determined the importance of CRISPR elements in shaping the community. Insight gained from the AMD biofilm community has led to increased understanding of how microbial populations evolve within communities and have established a paradigm for exploration of more complex microbial ecosystems. Introduction Model systems and the real world Questions relating to microbial evolution and ecology are often approached using model organ- isms (e.g. for studying the relationship between sequence divergence and sexual isolation (Roberts and Cohan, 1993) and model consortia (e.g., to study the balance between bottom-up and top-down controls on community structure (Bohannan and Lenski, 2000)). While these studies have been invaluable in furthering our understanding of the natural world, they capture neither the role of the uncultivated majority within communities nor the fact that (micro)organisms generally occur in communities made up of natural populations with inherent microdiversity (that is, not clonal popula- tions; reviewed in Wilmes et al. (2009b)). Studies of natural microbial consortia Analysis of whole ecosystems with all of their attendant diversity is a hard problem. There has been progress toward addressing ecological and evolutionary questions in situ using marker gene- based culture-independent methods (Horner-Devine et al., 2004). Despite some success, genomic hetero- geneity between strains with nearly identical (Konstantinidis et al., 2006) and identical (Simmons et al., 2008) 16S rRNA genes complicates interpreta- tion of marker-based patterns. Evidence that fine- scale heterogeneity is ecologically relevant in Correspondence: JF Banfield, University of California, 369 McCone Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720 USA. E-mail: [email protected] The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 599–610 & 2010 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/10 $32.00 www.nature.com/ismej

AMD biofilms: using model communities to study microbial evolution …gdrusche/Classes/GEOL 295 - Geomicrobiolo… · microbial evolution and ecological complexity in nature Vincent

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AMD biofilms: using model communities to studymicrobial evolution and ecological complexity innature

Vincent J Denef1, Ryan S Mueller1 and Jillian F Banfield1,2

1Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA; 2Department ofEnvironmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Similar to virtually all components of natural environments, microbial systems are inherentlycomplex and dynamic. Advances in cultivation-independent molecular methods have provided aroute to study microbial consortia in their natural surroundings and to begin resolving thecommunity structure, dominant metabolic processes and inter-organism interactions. However, theutility of these methods generally scales inversely with community complexity. By applyinggenomics-enabled methods to the study of natural microbial communities with reduced levels ofspecies richness, a relatively comprehensive understanding of the metabolic networks andevolutionary processes within these communities can be attained. In such well-defined modelsystems, it is also possible to link emergent ecological patterns to their molecular and evolutionaryunderpinnings, facilitating construction of predictive ecosystem models. In this study, we reviewover a decade of research on one such system—acid mine drainage biofilm communities. Wediscuss the value and limitations of tractable model microbial communities in developing molecularmethods for microbial ecology and in uncovering principles that may explain behavior in morecomplex systems.The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 599–610; doi:10.1038/ismej.2009.158; published online 18 February 2010Keywords: geomicrobiology; population genomics; community proteogenomics; virus-microbeinteractions; CRISPR; recombination

Editor’s note

Professor Jillian (Jill) Banfield was invited tocontribute a Winogradsky review based on herrecognized contributions to the field of microbialecology using the acid mine drainage (AMD) biofilmas a model microbial community. During her studiesof this defined community she and her co-workersestablished the new field of community proteoge-nomics, developed binning techniques for microbialcommunity genome assemblies and recentlydetermined the importance of CRISPR elements inshaping the community. Insight gained from theAMD biofilm community has led to increasedunderstanding of how microbial populations evolvewithin communities and have established a paradigmfor exploration of more complex microbial ecosystems.


Model systems and the real worldQuestions relating to microbial evolution andecology are often approached using model organ-

isms (e.g. for studying the relationship betweensequence divergence and sexual isolation (Robertsand Cohan, 1993) and model consortia (e.g., to studythe balance between bottom-up and top-downcontrols on community structure (Bohannan andLenski, 2000)). While these studies have beeninvaluable in furthering our understanding of thenatural world, they capture neither the role ofthe uncultivated majority within communities northe fact that (micro)organisms generally occur incommunities made up of natural populations withinherent microdiversity (that is, not clonal popula-tions; reviewed in Wilmes et al. (2009b)).

Studies of natural microbial consortiaAnalysis of whole ecosystems with all of theirattendant diversity is a hard problem. There hasbeen progress toward addressing ecological andevolutionary questions in situ using marker gene-based culture-independent methods (Horner-Devineet al., 2004). Despite some success, genomic hetero-geneity between strains with nearly identical(Konstantinidis et al., 2006) and identical (Simmonset al., 2008) 16S rRNA genes complicates interpreta-tion of marker-based patterns. Evidence that fine-scale heterogeneity is ecologically relevant in

Correspondence: JF Banfield, University of California, 369McCone Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720 USA.E-mail: [email protected]

The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 599–610& 2010 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/10 $32.00


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natural populations (for example, Hunt et al., 2008)underlines the need to extend analyses toward thewhole genome level. However, the complexity andpoorly defined structural and functional boundariesof most natural microbial communities have pre-cluded most ecological and evolutionary studiesfrom achieving the level of detail possible forlaboratory isolate-based model systems.

Clearly, systems with reduced complexity, eitherdue to low species richness or dominance of one or afew populations, offer a special opportunity foranalyses of community functioning. For over adecade, we have used molecular methods to studyrelatively low diversity biofilms that grow in thesubsurface, where microbial activity stimulatespyrite (FeS2) dissolution to form acidic, metal-richsolutions (Figure 1a). Such solutions form naturallywhen sulfides are exposed to air, water and micro-bial communities, and are often an undesirableeffluent from mining sites (acid mine drainage,AMD).

AMD biofilms: a tractable model microbialecosystem

BackgroundAt our field site within the Richmond Mine at IronMountain in northern California, chemoautotrophicbiofilms establish and mature at the air–solutioninterface of streams and pools that overlie sedimentcomposed of quartz and sulfide (primarily pyrite)minerals (Figure 1b). Carbon fixation in AMDbiofilms is driven by oxidation of iron released fromthe dissolving pyrite surface, which is coupled

to proton gradient-driven ATP formation. Theby-product, ferric iron, reacts with pyrite surfacesulfide/sulfur groups, stimulating further mineraldissolution (Figure 1a). In this environment, air,water and minerals sustain life, without measurableinputs from sunlight. Thus, the biofilms can beviewed as a relatively self-contained ecosystem inwhich there is tight and clearly defined couplingbetween inorganic and biological processes (Bakerand Banfield, 2003; Druschel et al., 2004) (Figures 1and 2). Because microbial activity drives mineraldissolution, similar consortia are harnessed forbioleaching-based recovery of metals from sulfidephases (Bosecker, 1997).

It has been about 15 years since our group andcollaborators first performed molecular studies onAMD communities that grow underground in theRichmond Mine. Initial 16S rRNA gene clone libraryand fluorescent in situ hybridization-based analysesrevealed lower complexity than most natural sys-tems (Figure 1c). We attribute the relatively lowdiversity, now evident at all taxonomic and trophiclevels (Baker et al., 2009), to the low solution pH(typically 0.3–1.2), high metal concentrations, andlimited resource diversity. Low diversity and abilityto resample defined structures and reproduciblestages of biofilm succession over time (Wilmeset al., 2009a) make AMD communities amenabletargets for detailed cultivation-independent studies(Figure 1).

Many of the features contributing to the reducedcomplexity of AMD systems separate them frommost other environments. This raises the questionwhether processes and interactions within thisunusual growth environment are representative of

Figure 1 (a) Schematic illustrating important features that make the AMD system a good model for studying microbial communities (forexample, relatively low species complexity, defined ecological succession patterns and trophic levels, tight biological–geochemicalcoupling, high biological productivity). (b) Picture of in situ biofilm developmental stages. (c) Rank–relative abundance curve for theAMD system communities. Sequencing reads from three Sanger sequencing libraries (B100 Mb each) that overlapped with a 16S rRNAgene were identified based on the best match in a database specific for the AMD system using BLAST. Proteomics data were analyzed byassigning each identified protein to the corresponding organism and calculating its relative representation as a fraction of all proteinsidentified. Error bars indicate the s.d. for each rank across samples. Although diversity is lower in the AMD system, the relationship issimilar to various more complex systems (see for example Fuhrman et al., 2008).

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those that occur in other environments. For example,as discussed further below, reproducible patternsof community assembly are observed. This maydistinguish the AMD system from others, since qitslower source diversity might drive these stableand predictable patterns (Curtis and Sloan, 2004).Nonetheless, evidence suggests community assemblyin more diverse systems to be a non-random process,which can be predicted based on environmentalparameters (Fuhrman et al., 2006; Horner-Devineet al., 2007). Moreover, despite conditions perceivedby us as ‘extreme’, primary production rates in theAMD system are high, comparable on a g C m�2 y�1

basis to rates for many terrestrial and ocean ecosys-tems (Belnap et al., 2010). Rates are also similar on aper cell basis to those achieved by microbial primaryproduction in the ocean (Belnap et al., 2010).Interestingly, this implies that carbon fixation ratesin B100mm thick biofilms are broadly equivalent tothose achieved across the ocean photic zone. Com-parable levels of ecosystem function across a verylarge range of species richness and physical scaleincreases our confidence that ecological principlesinferred in the AMD system may predict patterns inmore complex systems.

No model system can be expected to capture allfeatures of other systems. Therefore, an important

question is whether basic biological processes differfundamentally across ecosystem types. To answerthis, one may take advantage of model systemtractability to generate simple and clearly definedhypotheses to be tested across a range of environ-ments. By understanding unique features ofthe systems where each hypothesis is tested, onecan gain insight into conserved features acrosssystems and into contingencies specific to sets ofsystems. This philosophy echoes abovementionedapproaches used in model organism-based research.Moreover, new methods are almost certainly bestdevised and tested in less complex systems, therebyproviding templates for approaches to interrogatemore complex and less well-defined environments.

Early research: addressing biological questions whiledeveloping novel approachesThe first molecular studies in the Richmond MineAMD system changed our thinking of whichlineages were directly responsible for mineral dis-solution at low pH (o1.5), switching focus from therelatively culturable Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans(g-Proteobacteria class) to various less easily culti-vated Leptospirillum species (Nitrospira class)(Schrenk et al., 1998). They also revealed the

Figure 2 Ecosystem models beyond the ‘black box’. Combining insights from cultivation-dependent and -independent studies,metabolic roles can be assigned to the different members of the community (different symbols as per legend, symbol size indicatespopulation size). Insights from population dynamics and proteomics data allow the determination of the relative roles of differentpopulations (difference in thickness of the arrows, full lines¼ input; dotted lines¼ output). There is a division of metabolic roles as afunction of biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. As an example, we here show shifts across different biofilm development stages.Parts of the nitrogen and sulfur cycles, the recycling of carbon after biofilm collapse and geochemical processes associated with theplanktonic and sediment compartments still need to be linked to the specific populations involved. Quantifying fluxes of carbon andnitrogen through the system will be a focus of future research.

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importance of archaeal mixotrophs belonging to theThermoplasmata class (Edwards et al., 2000). Using16S rRNA gene clone libraries and fluorescentin situ hybridization, these initial studies were alsoable to link aspects of community dynamics toenvironmental parameters. For example, seasonaldrops in pH and increases in conductivity, resultingfrom the winter rain-driven displacement of highlyconcentrated AMD deep in the underground system,correlate to increases in the relative abundance ofarchaea (Edwards et al., 1999; Bond et al., 2000).

The ability to understand the physiological andecological basis for spatiotemporal patterns incommunity structure is limited because manyAMD community members are difficult to isolate.Arduous work to culture Ferroplasma and Leptos-pirillum species has classified these as mixotrophsand obligate chemolithoautotrophs, respectively(Johnson, 1998; Edwards et al., 2000; Dopsonet al., 2004; Tyson et al., 2005). The need forunderstanding the metabolic roles of all communitymembers motivated the development of approachesto recover genomic information directly from theenvironment (Stein et al., 1996). The comparativelylow species richness of AMD biofilms made themideal candidates for an effort to recover near-complete gene complements for all abundant organ-isms in a microbial community.

Community metagenomicsUsing Sanger sequencing of a small-insert library(sequencing of both ends of B3 kb inserts) 76 Mbp ofdata were acquired from a biofilm community fromthe Richmond Mine. These data were assembled togenerate near-complete composite genomes forLeptospirillum Group II and a Ferroplasma type IIpopulation, as well as partial genomic data sets forthree other populations (Tyson et al., 2004). TheLeptospirillum sequences provided the first genomicinsights for a member of the Nitrospira phylum. Thegenomic inference that the Leptospirillum Group IIIpopulation has the sole ability to fix N2 in thecommunity was used to isolate this organism, nowdescribed as Leptospirillum ferrodiazotrophum (Ty-son et al., 2005).

It is important to note that relatively deepsequence coverage (B6–25 times) enabled recon-struction of near-complete genomic representationsof the dominant organisms in several AMD commu-nities without reference to isolate genomes. In fact,using B400 Mbp of Sanger sequencing data frommultiple libraries (cumulatively, less than theequivalent of one plate of 454 titanium sequencing),it has been possible to recover B12 near-completebacterial and archaeal population genomic data sets(Tyson et al., 2004; Lo et al., 2007; Dick et al., 2009).Several of these population genomic datasets havebeen analyzed to infer metabolic niches (Baker et al.,submitted; Goltsman et al., 2009; Tyson et al., 2004)(Figure 2). The most detailed annotation has been

performed for Leptospirillum Groups II and III,which allowed us to describe how these organismsfix carbon and generate energy through novel ironoxidation pathways (Goltsman et al., 2009).

Insights into the biology of lineages that areunrepresented in current isolate-based genomicdatabases are the major advantage of communitygenomics methods. At first, it was unclear howbroadly applicable these techniques would be forthe reconstruction of population genomic data setsfrom natural communities in other environments.However, as evidenced by multiple studies since,the approach has been successful across a range oflevels of system complexity, either when applieddirectly (Legault et al., 2006; Martin et al., 2006;Woyke et al., 2006; Chivian et al., 2008) or tomolecular enrichments that focus on a segment ofthe whole community (Baker et al., submitted;Hallam et al., 2006; Pernthaler et al., 2008).

Bacterial, archaeal and viral population metagenomicsSome of the most interesting findings from deepgenomic sampling of AMD communities relateto evolutionary processes inferred from within-population genetic diversity. The dominantLeptospirillum Group II population displayed lowpolymorphism frequencies (0.08%), whereas apolymorphism rate of 2.2% was documented forthe archaeal Ferroplasma Type II population (Tysonet al., 2004). Closer inspection of the sequencingreads revealed that the archaeal population con-sisted of multiple strains with mosaic genomesresulting from extensive homologous recombinationinvolving approximately three closely related butdistinct sequence types (Tyson et al., 2004). Adetailed analysis of the Ferroplasma type I popula-tion revealed similar patterns. It was proposed thatthis process maintains diversity in the face ofselection events, and thus confers increased popula-tion-level resilience to environmental perturbations(Allen et al., 2007). Despite some skepticism aboutthe initial results (Delong, 2004), similar findings,mostly based on multilocus sequence typing, haveemphasized the importance of recombination as anevolutionary process in other natural populations.These include findings for Sulfolobus icelandicusfrom hot springs (Whitaker et al., 2005), Halorubrumin hypersaline environments (Papke et al., 2004),and medically relevant organisms such asPneumococcus (Hanage et al., 2005).

Although deeply sampled community genomicdata sets were clearly treasure troves for molecularstudies, using them to answer evolutionary ques-tions required new methods to visualize and analyzepopulation genetic data. Eppley et al. (2007b)developed the program ‘Strainer’ for this purpose.Strainer was used to comprehensively analyzesequence variation and recombination patternsin two Ferroplasma populations. These authors showedthat both intra- and interpopulation recombination

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rates followed a log-linear relationship with sequencedivergence (Eppley et al., 2007a). Eppley et al.also documented recombination across the speciesboundary, possibly initiated within genomicregions that shared unusually high sequenceidentity. This is in line with a recent modelinvolving temporal fragmentation of speciation(Retchless and Lawrence, 2007).

Allen et al. (2007) evaluated the form of popula-tion-level heterogeneity by comparison of environ-mental population sequencing reads with thegenome of a Ferroplasma acidarmanus fer1 isolateoriginating from the same site some years earlier.The finding of high levels of within-populationvariation resulting from phage, plasmid and trans-posase insertion and deletion are substantiated bydata from other systems (Coleman et al., 2006;Cuadros-Orellana et al., 2007; Rusch et al., 2007).

Genome-wide determination of the rates of synon-ymous vs nonsynonymous polymorphisms in thedominant and deeply sampled bacterial populationwas used to evaluate evidence for neutral vsselective processes (Simmons et al., 2008). On thebasis of the absence of strong indications of positiveselection for the maintenance of variation, theauthors suggested a population natural history inwhich allopatric speciation was followed by migra-tion into the same location and recombination(Figure 3). This evolutionary model is in line withinferences made previously for the archaeal popula-tions in this system (Allen et al., 2007).

Extremely high population-level diversity, near-ing cell individuality, at the clustered regularlyinterspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)locus, was an intriguing finding from two popula-tion genomic data sets for different LeptospirillumGroup II strains (Tyson and Banfield, 2008)(Figure 3). The locus and associated proteins arenow known to be involved in bacterial and archaealdefense against viruses and phage (Makarova et al.,2006; Barrangou et al., 2007; Brouns et al., 2008).Comparison of the set of spacer loci (regionsbetween the repeats transcribed as CRISPR RNAs)and the organization within and between theLeptospirillum populations indicated unidirectionallocus expansion and provided evidence for lateralgene transfer of the locus. Notably, inferences aboutlocus and virus–host interaction dynamics based ondata from these natural populations are completelyconsistent with those from laboratory studies inwhich loci in Streptococcus thermophilis are acti-vated by phage challenge (Barrangou et al., 2007;Horvath et al., 2008).

Given that spacers in the CRISPR locus derivedirectly from viral genomes, they could be used toidentify and assemble viral genomes from thecommunity genomic data sets (Andersson andBanfield, 2008). The deeply sampled virus popula-tion genomic data sets revealed extensive recombi-nation among closely related virus types.Correspondence of the recombination block size to

the CRISPR spacer length for one AMD viralpopulation suggests that viral recombination canresult in evasion of the CRISPR-based host defensesystem (Andersson and Banfield, 2008). Morerecently, the CRISPR locus carried by plasmids inthe AMD system was shown to target the proteinmachinery of the CRISPR locus of other plasmids(Goltsman et al., 2009), indicating a broader role ofthe defense system (for example, in plasmid–plasmid competition). Such analyses have begunto bridge the gap between evolution and ecology byproviding insight into the molecular dynamicsresulting from predator/prey interactions, and byconclusively linking phage/viral populations withtheir hosts (Figure 3).

Metagenomic analyses of less abundant organisms incommunitiesIn obtaining a system-level understanding of ecolo-gical function in the AMD model system, mostattention has been focused on the abundant organ-isms (comprising more than B10% of the commu-nity), on the basis of the assumption that themajority of biological processes will be carried outby a few abundant populations (for example,paralleling the macroeconomic Pareto principle;Dejonghe et al., 2001). Nevertheless, it has beenshown that a relatively low-abundance organism(B0.3% of all cells) can carry out significantfractions of metabolic fluxes (Musat et al., 2008).We have made progress with analysis of lessabundant AMD community members. For example,Baker et al. (2006) discovered an enigmatic group ofultra-small archaea, represented by only a fewsequence fragments, some of which contained rRNAgenes o85% identical to any known sequence.Subsequent three-dimensional cryogenic electrontomography revealed that these tiny cells containan average of only 92 ribosomes and have largeinternal tubular organelles of unknown function(Comolli et al., 2009). Intriguingly, these communitymembers seem to be highly targeted by viruses, andoften by multiple morphotypes simultaneously. Thecombination of cryo-electron microscopy andtargeted metagenomic analyses (Baker et al., sub-mitted) holds promise to unveil unexpected detailsof biology of low-abundance organisms.

The ability to interpret metagenomic sequenceinformation to achieve ecological and evolutionaryinsights depends highly on methods to assignsequence fragments to organisms. Thus, we usedcurated composite genomes for nine archaeal, threebacterial and many virus populations, in combina-tion with thousands of unassigned fragments fromstrain variants and low-abundance organisms toevaluate sequence-binning techniques. Dick et al.(2009) reported that a particularly effective methodis based on emergent self-organizing maps (ESOM)of the tetranucleotide composition of genomicfragments (Teeling et al., 2004; Abe et al., 2005).

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This study also provided insights into the sources ofgenome signatures that distinguish coexisting po-pulations (Dick et al., 2009). ESOM-based clusteringrevealed several clusters of genome fragments that,based on marker genes, could be assigned to specificlow-abundance (percent-level) bacterial and archaealpopulations. Despite the inability to assemble these

fragments into large genomic stretches, insights intothe biology of the minor community members can beachieved based on the analysis of the binned geneinventories (Dick et al., in preparation) (Figure 2).

Surveys of biofilm community composition fromacross many Richmond Mine environments, opti-mized by new genomic binning approaches, havedocumented B20 predominant taxa, with eachcommunity usually dominated by only 4–6 taxa.We now know that AMD biofilm communitiesinclude representatives from at least two archaealand eight bacterial divisions, as well as plasmidsand viral (phage) populations (Andersson andBanfield, 2008). In addition, microscopic and 18SrRNA-based analyses have documented severalfungal and protist species in mature biofilms (Bakerand Banfield, 2003; Baker et al., 2009). These resultshighlight the existence of multiple trophic levelswith top-down predation, emergent patterns oforganization (Denef et al., 2010; Wilmes et al.,2009a), succession, metabolic state switches onmaturation (Mueller et al., submitted) and ecosystemstability founded on diversity (Denef et al., 2010)(Figures 1 and 2). These are the hallmarks of acomplex biological system. For this reason, weconclude that the AMD system is not ‘simple’(Handelsman et al., 2007). The already apparentparallels with other environments (reviewed above)are strong indications that ecological and evolu-tionary insights from the AMD system will indeedbe broadly applicable.

Functional analysis of microorganisms in communitiesthrough proteomicsPossession of a gene does not equate to genefunction. Community proteomic analyses (also

Figure 3 Insights into links between evolutionary and ecologicalprocesses at different levels of resolution. (a) Although insightswere derived for many archaeal and bacterial populations, thisfigure just focuses on the dominant Leptospirillum Group IIbacteria. Two populations that derived from a common ancestor,as well as variants arising from recombination between them, arefound in the Richmond Mine. Rectangles group the population(s)for which more details are shown in b–e. (b) The ecologicaldistribution of the two populations and their recombinantsprimarily correlates with biofilm developmental stage (DS) andtemperature (T). (c) Proteins encoded in hypervariable regionswere rarely identified by proteomics, indicating that many havelittle or no role in environmental adaptation. Differential expres-sion of shared genes is implicated in ecological divergence.(d) Population genomic analysis of single-nucleotide polymorph-isms (SNPs) indicated variation within one population is notmaintained by positive selection, but rather reflects allopatricdivergence, migration and recombination, with some loss ofvariants. (e) Variation approaching the individual level isapparent in the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromicrepeat (CRISPR) loci, which provide immunity against predationby specific viral/phage variants. Patterns of variation indicate thatviral predation can shape population and community structure.Similar ‘hot spots’ of variability are found elsewhere in thegenome, for example, at loci encoding cytochromes involvedin Fe oxidation, raising questions about their potential role infine-scale environmental adaptation.

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referred to as environmental or metaproteomicanalyses) provide a route to link genetic potentialwith activity. Community proteomic analysis wasachieved with unprecedented depth by using theextensive set of gene predictions from an AMDbiofilm to identify proteins through mass spectro-metry-based methods capable of high mass accuracymeasurements. In the initial study, Ram et al. (2005)extracted proteins from a biofilm similar to one forwhich genomic data were available, digested theproteins into peptides, separated the peptides bytwo-dimensional liquid chromatography, measuredmass to charge ratio (m/z) values for peptides andtheir fragmentation products (high-throughput ‘shot-gun’ proteomics) and identified 42000 proteins.This identified protein set comprised B50% of thepredicted proteins from the dominant organism, butonly B5% of proteins from the least abundant of thefive genomically characterized members. Deep cover-age of the proteomes of low-abundance members isoften elusive, even in more recent analyses. There-fore, methodological advances, particularly thoseinvolving better protein/peptide separation methods(VerBerkmoes et al., 2009a, b), will be essentialfor obtaining comprehensive proteomes from morediverse samples.

Despite current technical limitations, importantinsights have been gleaned from community pro-teomic studies. The first such study on the AMDsystem identified hundreds of proteins of unknownfunction that were previously classified as predictedproteins (Ram et al., 2005). It is notable that severalwere located in genomic regions associated withmobile elements that, in general, do not have manyproteins that are identified by mass spectrometry.However, some proteins of unknown function werevery abundant, and were targeted for detailedanalyses using cultivation-independent biochemicalmethods. This study led to the characterization oftwo cytochromes involved in a new iron oxidationpathway (Jeans et al., 2008; Singer et al., 2008).Visualization of newly identified cytochromes inintact biofilms revealed high concentrations of theprotein only at the interface between the lowersurface of the biofilm and the solution, indicatingspatially heterogeneous activity levels at the tens ofmicrons scale (Wilmes et al., 2009a). Comparativelyhigh levels of sequence variation have been docu-mented in these cytochromes relative to the rest ofthe genome. This finding suggests that cytochromesequence variation has a role in adaptation to redoxgradients within the biofilms (Singer et al., sub-mitted; Jeans et al., 2008; Singer et al., 2008). Thistype of ecological differentiation based on cyto-chrome fine-tuning is supported by experimentalstudies of Springs et al. (2002), which detected large(B160 mV) changes in redox potential of cyto-chromes that differ by only a few amino-acidsubstitutions.

Proteomic data have been invaluable aids to meta-bolic interpretations based on genome reconstruction

(Goltsman et al., 2009). For example, high abundancesof pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase and otherfunctionally annotated proteins were used to deducecore metabolic pathways, including the route forcarbon fixation, in Leptospirillum Groups II andIII. Microscopy of intact biofilms showed thatLeptospirillum Group II initiates biofilm colonizationand that Leptospirillum Group III generally occurs asmicrocolonies or single cells dispersed throughout thebiofilm (Wilmes et al., 2009a). Observations such asthe high numbers of sensory genes and abundantexpression of these as well as motility proteins in thisorganism are consistent with these ecological patterns(Goltsman et al., 2009) (Figure 2).

Ecological insights can also be achieved usingproteomic analyses of large numbers of biofilmcommunities. For example, we have quantitativelyanalyzed protein-abundance patterns in specificorganisms across a range of environmental (inor-ganic and biological) conditions. Notably, protein-abundance patterns of the dominant organismwere most highly and significantly correlated withcommunity composition, which is linked to changesin organismal membership over the course ofecological succession (Mueller et al., submitted).In addition, abundances of proteins from less wellrepresented populations correlated with inorganicparameters, suggesting distinct environmentalniches for these members.

Strain-resolved proteomicsShotgun community proteomics potentially can beused to distinguish expression patterns for closelyrelated orthologous proteins to understand theimportance of strain-level differentiation. A singleamino-acid substitution in a peptide almost alwayschanges the peptide mass (isoleucine/leucine beingthe exception), precluding peptide identificationand reducing protein identification rates (especiallyfor relatively low-abundance proteins). Thus, as thesequence of an organism in a sample diverges fromthe sequences in reference databases, protein iden-tification is restricted (identification at o85%amino-acid identity is generally precluded) andabundance metrics become inaccurate (Denef et al.,2007). The high mass accuracy of current massspectrometers allows for the discrimination of allpeptides originating from closely related organisms(thus proteins), so long as sequences for alternativepeptides are available. To take advantage of thiscapability, we have created databases of potentialprotein variants in the AMD system by teasing apartsequence variation that underlies the compositesequences in metagenomic data sets.

In several studies, we have distinguished single(Ram et al., 2005) and groups of closely relatedcandidate proteins in natural community samples(Lo et al., 2007; Wilmes et al., 2008; Denef et al.,2009). By performing this analysis at the peptide,protein and genome level, it is possible to infer the

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genotype of a microbial population in a genomicallyuncharacterized sample. A first application of thismethod revealed that proteins encoded in somegenomic regions matched one candidate genometype, whereas other regions matched a second,closely related genotype (B95% amino-acid iden-tity). The approach, referred to as proteomics-inferred genome typing (PIGT), provided evidencefor recombination involving sequence blocks of tensto hundreds of kilobases from two closely relatedLeptospirillum Group II populations (Lo et al.,2007). PIGT on a more extensive sample set led todetection of multiple new genotypes comprisedof different mixtures of the end member strainsequences (41000 proteins evaluated) and providedsupport for the notion that homologous recombina-tion is used as a strategy for fine-scale environ-mental adaptation (Denef et al., 2009) (Figure 3).Very recently, the PIGT approach was expanded tocarry out proteomic analyses of another system(Geobacter-dominated communities) for which me-tagenomic sequences were not available (Wilkinset al., 2009).

The ability to detect recombination directly in theenvironment using a high-resolution, culture-inde-pendent method is closely linked to the ability todetect changes in protein-abundance levels, andthus activity levels, with strain-level resolution.Previous studies have focused on the role of genecontent differences between related strains/ecotypes/species in ecological divergence (for ex-ample, Kettler et al., 2007). In the AMD system,strain-resolved proteomics was applied to evaluatethe relative roles of lateral gene transfer and changesin gene regulation in ecological divergence of twoclosely related populations (differing by 0.3% at the16S rRNA gene level) (Figure 3). Proteins sharedbetween populations were commonly identified andshowed divergent expression levels, even whenthese populations co-occurred (Denef et al., 2010).Such findings illustrate that very closely relatedorganisms can have distinct ecological roles,and indicate a key process in lineage divergenceis proteome optimization, presumably driven bychanges in genome regulation. The importance oflooking beyond traditionally defined phylogeneticgroups to understand ecological and evolutionarydynamics is currently being addressed in a variety ofother systems as well (Hunt et al., 2008; Wilmeset al., 2008; Konstantinidis et al., 2009).

Bringing complex biofilm consortia into the laboratoryfor hypothesis testingCharacterization of a series of environmental com-munities, as described above, is insightful by itselfand is also crucial for the generation of hypothesesthat can then be tested in controlled laboratorysettings. The power to address biological questionsusing laboratory-grown communities derived fromnatural inocula is well established (for example,

Fernandez et al., 1999). For the AMD system, wehave developed methods to reproducibly growmultispecies biofilms in laboratory bioreactors.Proteomic methods have been key to optimizinggrowth conditions and verifying that communitiesare comparable at the functional and compositionallevels with natural biofilms (Belnap et al., 2010). Animportant advance in this study was achieved bymixing 15N-labeled laboratory-grown biofilms withthe natural biofilms samples with which they werebeing compared. This allowed for relative quantifi-cation of peptides from laboratory-grown and nat-ural communities using spectral peak areas detectedin the mass spectrometry experiment. The ability tomanipulate these laboratory-grown biofilms offersimportant experimental opportunities that are beingexploited in ongoing research.

Future studies in the AMD model systemThe overall tractability of the AMD system formolecular studies makes it a logical target fortranscriptomic and metabolomic analyses, as wellas studies that incorporate the roles of eukaryotes.But when such data are on hand, will it be possibleto integrate metrics of activity and interaction intopredictive models? There is no question that thereare remaining barriers that need to be overcomebefore this goal is achieved in the AMD (andprobably all other) systems. Among the most press-ing of these is the gap in knowledge associated withthe many proteins of unknown function. We hopethat heterologous expression and subsequent bio-chemical screening of a large fraction of these,which have been targeted based on integration ofmetagenomic and proteomic data, can help to revealtheir functions (Yakunin et al., 2004; Kuznetsovaet al., 2005). Another challenge will be to defineecosystem indicators (for example, biomarkers inthe form of metabolite, protein or transcript pools)that signify ecosystem state or the onset of atransition. Such methods can be developed formodel systems such as AMD biofilms, and couldultimately find application in very complex envi-ronments where comprehensive analysis is neitheraffordable nor practical.

Scaling to more complex systemsIt took 25 years to make the leap from thecomprehensive sequencing of the first DNA virus,bacteriophage phi X174 (Sanger et al., 1977) to thehuman genome (Lander et al., 2001; Venter et al.,2001), which is approximately one million timeslarger. Just 3 years after the first AMD metagenomicdata set was published, the amount of sequencingattributed to a sample set had increased about100-fold (Tyson et al., 2004; Rusch et al., 2007)and soon the factor will exceed 10 000 (for example,the Terragenome project, which aims at obtaining acomprehensive metagenomic data set from soilVogel et al., 2009).

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The current expansion of sequencing capabilitiesclearly places almost any system within the reach ofmetagenomics (Wilmes et al., 2009b). In addition,subcompartments of very complex systems can beanalyzed using molecular enrichment or screeningmethods (Hallam et al., 2006; Pernthaler et al., 2008)and single cell genomics (Marcy et al., 2007).Although there are some important issues regardingthe accuracy of next-generation sequencing technol-ogies, which currently limit their utility for popula-tion genetic analysis (Harismendy et al., 2009), thecombination of new technical developments and co-assembly of multiple data types should address thisproblem (Reinhardt et al., 2009). Beyond this, thechallenges with working with such vast data setsand complications due to the presence of manyclosely related genotypes are not yet fully appre-ciated. Bioinformatic tools and approaches, such asthose being developed and refined through applica-tion to the AMD system, provide a starting point.However, it remains to be seen whether clearpatterns and principles can be extracted fromterragenome-scale efforts applied to complex, hetero-geneous, and temporally varying environments.A limitation of the AMD system is that it may notanticipate the level of difficulty that will beencountered in this transition. However, progressin systems of intermediate (and even moderatelyhigh) diversity levels provide some encouragementthat scaling of methods across complexity levelswill be possible (Gill et al., 2006).

At the functional level, continuing advances inproteomics (Sowell et al., 2008; Verberkmoes et al.,2009a,b), transcriptomics (Frias-Lopez et al., 2008)and imaging techniques (Huang et al., 2007; Behrenset al., 2008) will provide deeper insights intoecological and evolutionary questions for systemsthat are currently only being characterized usingphylogenetic markers (Cruz-Martinez et al., 2009) orgene surveys (Tringe et al., 2005). Integration ofthese methods with cultivation-dependent methodswill further our understanding of microbial andglobal ecosystem functioning (Mou et al., 2008).


The many features of the AMD system that render itparticularly tractable for molecular-level, cultivation-independent analyses allow for identification ofevolutionary mechanisms underlying strong androbust ecological patterns, despite the inherentlynoisy natural environment (Figure 1). Already,parallel findings in more complex systems areconfirming the broader relevance of insights we havegathered regarding: (i) the character and ecologicaland functional roles of different forms of genomicdiversity within and between populations (Figure 3);(ii) the interaction between bacteria, archaea, theirphages and viruses (Figures 2 and 3); and (iii) relativerates of mutation and recombination (Figure 3). Such

insights significantly advance our understanding ofmicrobial physiology in the environment and thedriving factors of community assembly, while layingthe groundwork for the development of predictivemodels of community composition and metabolismin natural settings (Figures 1 and 2).


We thank Mr TW Arman, President, Iron Mountain MinesInc., and Mr R Sugarek (US Environmental ProtectionAgency) for site access, and Mr R Carver and Mr D Doddsfor on-site assistance. The contributions of many students,postdoctoral scientists, staff members and collaboratorsare gratefully acknowledged. The research was madepossible by grant support from the US Department ofEnergy Genomics:GTL Program, the National ScienceFoundation LExEn and Biocomplexity Programs and theNASA Astrobiology Institute.


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