American Foreign Policy in the PCW (or unipolarity) Week 4-5

American Foreign Policy in the PCW (or unipolarity) Week 4-5

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Page 1: American Foreign Policy in the PCW (or unipolarity) Week 4-5

American Foreign Policy in the PCW (or unipolarity)

Week 4-5

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Overview : New World Order ? • The collapse of the SU created a massive shift in the international

balance of power and left the US as the sole remaining


• Early conflicts like the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait that led to the Gulf

War and clashes in the former Yugoslavia brought the US together

with new allies ( including Russia) to solve international problems.

• President G. H. W. Bush defined the shift as a "New World Order“

• At this unipolar moment, whether the US should work to promote

security/stability ( i.e.prevent ethnic conlicts , proliferation) or

democracy or open markets ?

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“ What we may be witnessing is not just the end of the Cold

War, or the passing of a particular period of post-war history,

but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of

mankind's ideological evolution and the universalization of

Western liberal democracy as the final form of human

government.” The End of History

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“The tendencies of what I am here calling the forces of Jihad and the

forces of McWorld operate with equal strength in opposite directions,

the one driven by hatreds, the other by universalizing markets, the one

re-creating ancient subnational and ethnic borders from within, the

other making national borders porous from without. They have one

thing in common: neither offers much hope to citizens looking for

practical ways to govern themselves democratically.”

Jihad vs.McWorld

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“…The fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be

primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among

humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation

states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the

principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups

of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global

politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the

future.” The Clash of Civilizations

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Chronology of key events

1991 - US forces play dominant role in war against Iraq, which was

triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and ended with the expulsion

of Iraqi troops from that country.

1992 - Democratic Party candidate Bill Clinton elected president.

- US intervenes Somali for humanitarian relief

- Congress passes NAFTA, intended to create free-trade bloc

among US, Canada and Mexico.

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1993 June: Air assault on Iraq September: Oslo Accords on Middle EastOcotber:18 US military personnel killed in Somalia

1994 April : US forces leave Somalia September : US invasion of Haiti October: North Korean nuclear

agreement 1995 August: US diplomatic initiative in Bosnia

and launched a limited bombing campaign against Bosnian Serb positions. November: Dayton Peace Accords

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Dayton Agreement (21 November 1995)

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1996 November: Clinton re-elected

1998 April: Good Friday ( Belfast) Peace Agreement

August: Missile attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan.

December: US-UK air strikes on Iraq

1999 March: NATO air strikes – without UN mandate- air strikes on Serbia begin.

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US plays leading role in NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia in response to Serb violence against ethnic Albanians in the province of Kosovo. (1999 March-June)

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“America's primary interest

is to help ensure that no

single power comes to

control this geopolitical

space (Eurasia) and that the

global community has

unhindered financial and

economic access to it."


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Hindrances for FSU to develop and export resources

• Know-how• Viable transport routes • Energy politics as highly

politicized issue

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Aims of SRSA

• Energy supply diversification

• Breaking Russia’s monopoly

• Bolstering independence of FSU

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2000 July: Israel-Palestine peace talks begin to

Camp David

November: Republican Party's George W

Bush wins presidency.

2001 July: US tests its controversial missile

defence shield, or "Son of Star Wars".

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11 September attacks2001 11 September - Co-ordinated suicide attacks on

various high-profile targets, prompting the US to embark on a ''war on terror'' which includes the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

2001 October - US leads massive campaign of air strikes against Afghanistan and helps opposition forces defeat the Taleban regime and find Saudi-born dissident Osama Bin Laden, who is suspected of masterminding the 11 September attacks.

2002 January - State of the Union address: President George W Bush includes Iraq, Iran and North Korea in what he describes as an "axis of evil".

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Iraq war2003 March - Missile attacks on Baghdad mark

the start of a US-led campaign to topple the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. US forces advance into central Baghdad in early April.

2003 1 May - President Bush declares that the main part of the war in Iraq is over.

2004 May - Furore over pictures showing the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in US custody.

2004 July - Senate report says US and allies went to war in Iraq on "flawed" information.

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Bush second term

2004 2 November - Presidential elections: George W Bush wins a second term.

2006 March - Congress renews the USA Patriot Act, a centrepiece of the

government's fight against terrorism, after months of debate about its impact on

civil liberties. The government agrees to some curbs on information gathering.

2006 November - Democratic Party wins control of the Senate and House of

Representatives in mid-term elections. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld steps


2007 January - President Bush announces a new Iraq strategy; thousands more

US troops will be dispatched to shore up security in Baghdad.

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Lehman collapse

2008 September - Turmoil in the US and international

financial markets as major Wall Street investment bank

Lehman Brothers collapses and other big US financial

players face growing troubles as a result of the "credit


-With hundreds of billions of dollars wiped out in bad

loans and a prolonged property slump, the US faces its

worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

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2009 June: Obama delivers speech in Cairo seek

a new beginning between the US and Muslims

around the world.

2010 April : US and Russia agreement on a new

nuclear arms reduction treaty to replace the

1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

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2010 November - Republicans make sweeping gains in mid-term

elections, regaining control of House of Representatives.

2011 May - US forces kill Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in an

operation in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.

2011 December - Last US troops withdraw from Iraq

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2012 January - Obama unveils new defence strategy with greater emphasis on Asia.

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The US on Syrian Crisis

2013 September - UN weapons inspectors conclude that chemical weapons were used in an attack on the Ghouta area of Damascus in August that killed about 300 people, but do not explicitly allocate responsibility for the attack.

2013 September 8- US Secretary of State John Kerry says he and Arab League foreign ministers have agreed that the Syrian president's alleged use of chemical weapons crossed a "global red line".

2013 October - President Assad allows international inspectors to begin destroying Syria's chemical weapons on the basis of a US-Russian agreement.

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