American Immigration By: Sophia Roces

American immigration

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  • 1. American Immigration By: Sophia Roces

2. Immigration Periodization Period of Colonial Immigration (1607-1775) Period of Immigration Regulations (1775-1820) Period of Asylum Immigration (1821-1848) Period of Industrial Immigration (1849-1920) Period of Restricted Immigration (1882-1964) Period of Modern Immigration (1965-2000) 3. Colonial Immigration (1500s- 1775) Groups of settlers from Europe came and established colonies in different parts of America. 1620 Plymouth, Massachusetts Religious Freedom 1607 Jamestown, Virginia Fortune & Gold 1598 Spanish Southwest Proselytizing 1608 New France Fur Trade 4. Colonial Immigration (1500s- 1775) Increasing numbers of people came to America in indentured servitude or slavery 20 African slaves arrive in Jamestown (1619) 5. Immigration Regulations (1775-1820) Revolutionary War (1775-1783) War of 1812 First few immigration regulations: Naturalization Act of (1790) Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) Prohibition of slave imports (1808) Census of immigrating aliens required by shipmasters (1819) 6. Asylum Immigration (1821-1848) Irish Potato Famine (1846) Crop failure in Germany European Revolutions (1848) Irish, German mass immigration to America 7. Industrial Immigration (1849-1881) Gold Rush lures many immigrant workers, especially Chinese (1849) American census begins surveying the nativity of citizens (1850) Homestead Act land provisions attract European immigrants (1862) Irish and Chinese workers hired to build transcontinental railroad (1863) 8. Restricted Immigration (1882-1964) Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Alien Contract Labor Law (1885) Establishment of Bureau of Immigration (1891) Ellis Island opens (1892) Literacy test instated for immigrants (1917) Emergency Quota Act (1921) Establishment of of Border Patrol (1924) Immigration Act of 1924 Oriental Exclusion Act (1924) Alien Registration Act (1940) 9. Modern Immigration (1965-Present) Immigration and Nationality Act (1965) Refugee Act (1980) Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (1996) Patriot Act (2001) 10. Conclusion Continuity Immigrants come to America looking for economic opportunity, religious freedom, and freedom from political unrest Nativism Change Fluctuating numbers of immigrants Periods of open doors for immigration, and periods of stringent limitations on immigrants 11. Works Cited http://www.history.com/topics/u-s-immigration-before-1965 http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/immigration/timeline.html http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/historyonline/immigration_chron.cfm http://www.ushistory.org/us/38c.asp http://www.pbs.org/itvs/thecity/america1.html http://www.flowofhistory.org/themes/movement_settlement/uspolicytimeline.php http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/presentationsandactivities/prese ntations/immigration/timeline.html