Spanish 135 - Amherst College- Fall 2011 Próspero García SPANISH 135: SPANISH COVERSATION FALL 2011 Lecturer: Próspero García Email: [email protected] Telephone: (413) 542-5398 Office: Grosvenor House 24 Office Hours: Wednesday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm or by appointment . (ESTATUA DE LA REGENTA EN LA PLAZA DE LA CATEDRAL DE OVIEDO) COURSE DESCRIPTION 1 Spanish 6 is an advanced conversation course designed for students who want to improve their communicative abilities in Spanish. A variety of cultural texts will be the base for classroom activities. This course combines a content-based language instruction with an interactive task-based approach. Students will be expected to actively participate in a variety of interactive small and large group activities such as: dialogues, conversations, interviews, film reviews, group discussions and presentations. These activities are designed to improve your conversational skills as much as other language skills necessary for the development of fluency in speaking Spanish. In addition you will also improve your practical knowledge about culture and language. Your participation in these activities will require you to use Spanish in various situations that reflect normal use of different varieties of Spanish. The class will be conducted entirely in Spanish. OBJECTIVES The main goal of this course is the study of the fundamentals of Spanish: conversation, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary 1 This syllabus, particularly the activities outlined in the course calendar, is subject to change at any time to accommodate class activities. Please check often with your instructor for changes in dates, activities and/or requirements.

Amherst College · Web viewSPANISH 135: SPANISH COVERSATION FALL 2011 Lecturer: Próspero García Email: [email protected] Telephone: (413) 542-5398 Office: Grosvenor House 24 …

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Spanish 135 - Amherst College- Fall 2011

Próspero García


FALL 2011

Lecturer: Próspero García

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: (413) 542-5398

Office: Grosvenor House 24

Office Hours: Wednesday from 1:00pm

to 3:00pm or by appointment.



Spanish 6 is an advanced conversation course designed for students who want to improve their communicative abilities in Spanish. A variety of cultural texts will be the base for classroom activities. This course combines a content-based language instruction with an interactive task-based approach. Students will be expected to actively participate in a variety of interactive small and large group activities such as: dialogues, conversations, interviews, film reviews, group discussions and presentations. These activities are designed to improve your conversational skills as much as other language skills necessary for the development of fluency in speaking Spanish. In addition you will also improve your practical knowledge about culture and language. Your participation in these activities will require you to use Spanish in various situations that reflect normal use of different varieties of Spanish. The class will be conducted entirely in Spanish.


The main goal of this course is the study of the fundamentals of Spanish: conversation, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building, grammar and culture. The objectives are to help students to develop the four skills in the Spanish language at an advance level, as well as a basic awareness of the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Your ability to understand and communicate will develop along with your knowledge of the vocabulary and grammatical structures of the language.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will have:

1. Improved your communicative abilities (oral and written in Spanish),

2. Expanded your vocabulary in Spanish so as to enable you to understand and

accurately read in Spanish a variety of texts: films, articles, interviews, literature

pieces, and other material.

3. Improved your pronunciation.

ENTRANCE REQUIREMENT:Completion of SPAN 05, Placemente Test, or Language Coordinator Consent: Victoria Maillo ([email protected])


You are expected to attend class every day, to participate actively and to attempt to speak Spanish as much as possible. Although you will make mistakes when you speak Spanish, bear in mind that the more you speak, the more you will gain in your Spanish ability.

The material that will be covered in each session is indicated in the attached schedule; make sure that you study the material before coming to class. You will be required to work in pairs or small groups. Your active participation in-group work is required to be successful in class.

Learning a foreign language is a sequential process: it is, therefore, critically important for you to study and review carefully every day throughout this course. In general, your approach should be to preview grammar and vocabulary of each chapter before it is introduced in class so that you are familiar with what is to come. It takes time to process both grammar and vocabulary, so the sooner you begin working with the material in a given chapter, the better.

During class the listening and speaking components will be emphasized; the reading and writing components will be mainly practiced at home. YOU SHOULD ALLOW TWO OR THREE HOURS A DAY FOR THE STUDY OF SPANISH (AT LEAST TWO HOURS OUTSIDE OF CLASS FOR EACH HOUR IN CLASS).

Required materials:

1) Textbook: El ventilador. Curso de español de nivel superior. 1st Edition. María Dolores Chamorro, Gracia Lozano, Aurelio Ríos, Francisco Rosales, José Plácido Ruiz, Guadalupe Ruiz. Published by Difusión.

2) Photocopies of La infanta baila.

- A bilingual dictionary English-Spanish is recommended.

- A binder for the course portfolio.


Components of the final grade


Participation, Attitude & Attendance


Quizzes (oral and written)


Exams (Midterm & Final = 5% each)


T.A. Classes (includes assignments, attendance, progression, portfolio, and participation)




Final Interview


Final Project


Writing Assignments (Compositions and other)


Attendance to 5 events


Grades are reported in the following categories (Amherst College): A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, Pass, F

Grading scale





















Participation, attitude, and attendance (15%):

The participation grade includes attendance, preparation for and participation in class, good attitude and timely completion of compositions and exercises, etc. Class participation is always expected and extremely welcomed. Please notice that participating in class does not mean getting all the answers right or speaking proper Spanish, but rather TRYING to do so. A student who participates often and, say, gets “all answers wrong” will get exactly the same credit as a student who participates and gets all answers right (i.e. full participation credit). As a reminder, this grade is given at the end of the semester, and it really makes a difference in the final percentage.

Your participation grade also includes attendance to five events organized by the Spanish department. Attendance to at least three Spanish Tables and two departmental activities is mandatory. The Spanish Table is held every Friday at Valentine’s Mezzanine. The purpose of this weekly gathering is to promote Spanish language practice and networking among students and faculty in an informal and fun environment. Other activities offered by the Department of Spanish will be announced throughout the semester. These might include movies, field trips, and parties, among others. Failing to attend to, at least, 5 events organized by the department will result in a significant reduction of your participation grade.

As a reminder, this grade is given only at the end of the semester, and it really makes a difference in the final percentage.

Student responsibilities in the course:

1 Reading and preparing the work for class as indicated in the syllabus or in class.

2 Actively participating in class activities, including discussion of the course topics, as well as group activities for practicing the language. These contributions are very important.

Exams (10%) and Quizzes (15%)

They are designed to test your knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, culture and reading comprehension. They should compel you to return and repeatedly engage (rather than forget) material studied earlier. There will be a Midterm exam and a Final exam. The first exam covers the lessons we have covered up to that date and the Final covers all the lessons.

In order to evaluate progress in your ability to speak Spanish, you will have oral exams (recorded in a Blackboard-Wimba Voice message) and two interviews with me. Dates for these exams and the specific guidelines will be announced later in the semester.

Writing Assignments (15%)

Writing Assignments are a very important part of this course. They are important to practice grammatical structures, spelling, etc. as you may have done in other—previous—classes. I will expect you not only to write in clear, understandable Spanish, but also to be aware of the writing process itself, and of the choices you make (or do not make) when writing. Please check the Style Guidelines for Writing Assignments in this syllabus in order to comply with them. Writing Assignments are scheduled in the following manner:

1. First Drafts are corrected by me and are worth a 40% of your final grade.

2. Second Drafts are corrected by the TA and are worth a 60% of your final grade. Please notice that you MUST attach (STAPLE!) the corrected First Draft to your Second Draft. Also, be aware that the number of words on the Second Draft (450) is higher than on the first one (400), so you need to expand beyond the corrections. The TA will focus on correcting your style, guidelines, etc. You will receive two grades, one for the First Draft and another for the Second Draft. By combining both grades, you will get the definitive grade on each assignment.  

Portfolio (In a binder)

This eight-part binder will collect all of the work that you do for this course. It will include a copy of the Syllabus plus…

a) Textbook Assignments.

b) Compositions.

c) Answers to questions about La infanta baila.

d) Answers to questions about the movies.

e) In-class activities (Handouts, homework & other exercises assigned in class).

f) Exams and quizzes (All exams and quizzes given by the Professor & the TA).

g) Vocabulary covered in clas.

h) Activities and vocabulary covered in the TA section.

The Portfolio is a mandatory assignment for the TA class. It will be checked and graded several times during the semester. The Textbook exercises must be self-corrected with a red pen. You will find a copy of the answer key posted in CMS. Contact your TA if you have any questions regarding the Textbook exercises.

T.A. section (15%)

Students meet with the Language Assistant once a week. Attendance is strictly enforced, and absences count as part of the total in the course. These classes are extremely important to meet the objectives of the course. Notice that the number of students is much lower (by half) than in regular classes. This allows a stronger focus to be placed on listening and speaking than on grammar. The T.A. reports your attendance, participation, textbook completion and progress on a weekly basis to me. At the end of the semester the T.A. will assign you a grade. This grade is at the TA.’s discretion, although I reserve the right to alter the TA.’s grade if I consider it necessary.

The textbook assignments/portfolio should be handed in directly to your T. A., who will then grade them, notify me, and return it to you with his/her corrections.

Final Project: Salir del cuadro (20%)

The guidelines for the final project will be announced during the semester.

Homework (5%)

Homework needs to be completed on a separate sheet of paper, placed in the binder, and handed in the days indicated on the course calendar. Whenever you have a textbook assignment due, you must correct your work using the answer key posted on CMS and clearly mark errors with a red pen. This type of homework will be graded for completion and correction. However, some of the exercises have multiple valid answers (open ended questions), and they will be graded based on their completion and the effort put on them.

Final Interview (5%)

At the end of the semester your will have an interview with me. This interview is designed to assess your knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and culture covered in the course, as well as your fluency in Spanish.

Course Policies


Due to the emphasis on oral practice and pair work, attendance is mandatory and will be checked daily. Should you miss more than three class sessions for any reason; one point will be deducted from your final course grade for each additional session missed. Leaving class prior to class dismissal will be counted as an absence. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed when you are absent and to come to the next class prepared to take any quizzes or turn in any homework assigned for that day. If you know you will be absent on a given date, you must communicate to me before the absence to make arrangements for making up missed work. There will be no make-ups for missed quizzes or tests. Athletes, musicians, and other students involved in school clubs or organizations that require travel should consult with me at the beginning of the semester regarding their absences.

Please note: I understand that some absences are unavoidable and because of that I reserve the right to determine on a case by case whether any circumstances make it appropriate to waive provisionally the policy described herein. And remember that absent students are responsible for inquiring after any material and class discussion missed.

Late work policy:

All work is due on the date indicated on the course syllabus during the scheduled class meeting time. Late work will be marked down 5% for each calendar day (including weekends) that the work is turned in after the due date. After two weeks (fourteen days) has passed the work will no longer be accepted and the grade will remain a zero. Early work is always accepted.

Honor code:

While you are encouraged to work and study together with other students, academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their own thought, research or self-expression. Academic work is defined as, but not limited to tests, quizzes, projects, either individual or group, classroom presentations and homework.

Violation of the Honor Code include, but are not limited to using translators, either electronic or more proficient speakers, copying homework assignments from other students, copying ideas or facts from another‘s paper during a test situation, giving or receiving facts or ideas verbally or in writing during a test situation, and using notes, textbooks, or reference materials on test, daily quiz, or examination unless the use of such material is specifically permitted by the instructor.

Cell Phone Usage:

Out of courtesy for all those participating in the learning experience, all cell phones, laptops, tablets, and pagers must be turned off before entering any classroom, lab or formal academic performance or event.

Freedom of Expression:

Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class. In any classroom situation that includes discussion and critical thinking, there are bound to be many different viewpoints. These differences enhance the learning experience and create an atmosphere where students and instructor alike will be encouraged to think and learn. On sensitive and volatile topics, students may sometimes disagree not only with each other but also with the instructor. It is expected that faculty and students will respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions.

Extra credit:

There will be no extra credit assignments for this class.


All writing assignments and compositions must be written in an acceptable way, and therefore must abide by the following style guidelines without exception. Please notice that I expect you to familiarize yourself with college / academe’s guidelines and abide by them. This will help you in the future if you need to write assignments, final papers, etc. for other, more advanced, Spanish classes (or any classes, actually).

• All assignments must be typed and double-spaced (for corrections). Please note that NO SINGLE SPACED COMPOSITION WILL BE GRADED.

• Font: Times New Roman (12 pt.) recommended, but you may use similar ones.

• Please write your complete name and date (in Spanish). The format for the date in Spanish is ALWAYS as follows:

11 de junio de 2011

• Include, at the top of the page, the word-count, with the actual number of words you have written (Microsoft Word does this automatically). Do not tell me how many words you should have written, but how many you actually have.

• You may use both sides of the page to print your writing assignment (it saves paper and makes it easier to correct). If you choose not to do so, make sure both sheets are stapled. No loose sheets are EVER accepted.

• Orphan lines (i.e. last line/ two lines of a text hanging over a new page) should be avoided. Review your work and edit it! If your complete writing assignment consists of 80 lines, you may not have 79 on one page and 1 in the next one. Take something out, edit, or add some lines.

• Never use words in ENGLISH, not even in parentheses or as an explanation to the Spanish text, unless I advise you otherwise (some assignments may be written in English). This, of course, does not apply to English words used in Spanish (e.g. whiskey) or Proper Nouns (e.g. John Smith, Discovery Channel, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Matrix…). In the case of Proper Nouns, please do not attempt to offer a Spanish translation; you will never get it right!

• All assignments should be Spanish spell-checked.



• THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: ALWAYS READ your assignment after you print it at least once (I would say twice). The computer will—for sure—change some of the things you have written in some of the assignments. I cannot hold your computer responsible, so please review. Also notice that if the computer changes a word and you do not correct it later, it gives a very poor impression of your work, and it automatically tells me you have not reviewed it!

Essay Topics and dates



Date to be handed in during class

1rst DRAFT graded by the


2ND DRAFT graded by the T.A.


Composición 1: Preséntate a ti mismo

12 de septiembre

400 words

19 de septiembre

450 words


Composición 2: Tu reacción a la noticia de los visones (Taller de escritura Pág. 22)

23 de septiembre

400 words

3 de octubre

450 words


Composición 3: Las claves para entender tu país (Taller de escritura Pág. 98)

14 de octubre

400 words

24 de octubre

450 words


Composición 4: Tres textos académicos sobre el mundo hispano (Taller de escritura Pág. 162)

28 de octubre

400 words

7 de noviembre

450 words


Composición 5: Protesta contra la publicidad engañosa (Taller de escritura Pág. 60 )

11 de noviembre

400 words

18 de noviembre

450 words


Composición 6: Explica qué y por qué lo hiciste (Taller de escritura Pág. 66)

30 de noviembre

400 words

9 de diciembre

450 words


Nombre y Apellido Amherst College

Lecturer: Prospero Garcia Fall 2011

Español 135 Borrador #1

20 de octubre de 2011 Numero palabras:___

Las vacaciones de Pepito

The writing assignments should be double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides. Use a 12-point Font in Times New Roman.

Follow standard rules for Spanish grammar.

Calendario Español 135

LA: libro del alumno






7 de septiembre

Presentación del curso, del syllabus y del libro de lectura: La infanta baila.


En esta unidad aprenderás a:

· Charlar sobre la importancia y el significado de los nombres.

· Analizar los recursos para dar énfasis a lo que decimos.

· Comprender la utilidad comunicativa de la diferencia entre Indicativo/ Subjuntivo

· Uso del Subjuntivo en la formulación de deseos y objetivos.

· Comprender una película y realizar un debate.

· Componer palabras a través de la composición y la derivación.


8 de septiembre

Presentación de la sección


9 de septiembre

Saber hablar: 1.1.

· LA: Pág. 12

· LA: pág. 13 y 14, 2 a, b y c

· LA: pág. 16, Radio Ventolera

LA: Pág. 17, a y b.


12 de septiembre

LA: Hacer pág. 44, y leer págs. 45, 46 y 47 (los cuadros amarillos).

Composición 1ª :Tema libre. 400 palabras

Saber hacer 2.1

· LA: pág. 45

· LA: pág. 46

· LA: pág. 47

· LA: pág. 48

LA: Pág. 49, a, b y c.


14 de septiembre

LA: Leer y repasar págs. 172-178

Saber gramática 6.1

· LA: Pág. 174, 1

· LA: Pág. 175, 1 y 2

· LA: Pág. 176, 3 a y b

· LA: Pág. 178, 6c

LA: Pág. 177, 6 a y b

LA: Pág. 179, a




LA: Pág. 22, leer a y b

LA: Pág. 23, leer a

LA: Pág. 18,1

LA: Pág. 19, a, b y c

LA: Págs. 20, a, b y 21. a,b

LA: Pág. 22, b

LA: Pág. 23, b c


16 de septiembre

Ver El rey pasmado (en streaming)

Contestar preguntas (en CMS)

Debate película y corrección de preguntas


19 de septiembre

Composición 1 b . 450 palabras

Leer: La infanta baila (Págs. 1- 33)

Contestar preguntas (en CMS)

Discusión: La infanta baila y corrección de preguntas


21 de septiembre

Repaso Unidad 1

Quiz Unidad 1

Unidad 2

En esta unidad aprenderás a:

· Hablar sobre nuestra forma de comunicarnos.

· Uso del Subjuntivo cuando discutimos la verdad de las cosas.

· Analizar los recursos para suavizar lo que decimos.

· El vocabulario descriptivo en textos literarios relacionados con sensaciones e impresiones sobre la realidad.

· Acercarse al mundo del turismo.

· Realizar entrevistas de trabajo.

Sesión de TA

LA: Leer pág. 140 y cuadros de la sesión 5.1

Saber palabras 5.1

· LA: Pág. 141, 1a, b, c y d.

· LA: pág. 141, 2 a, b y c.

· LA: pág. 143, 4

LA: pág. 145, a, b, c y d


23 de septiembre

Composición 2a : Taller de escritura, pág. 22. 400 palabras

LA: Leer y hacer Escenario pág. 24, 1a pág. 25, 2a y 3a pág. 26

Saber hablar: 1.3

· LA: Pág. 25, 1 a y b

· LA: pág. 26, 2b y 3a

· LA: Pág. 27, 4 y 5

LA: Pág. 28, a y b

LA: Pág. 29, a y b



26 de septiembre

LA: Estudiar Pág. 181 (cuadros amarillos), hacer 2a y b Pág. 181. Leer págs. 182-184.

Saber gramática 6.2

· LA: Pág. 180

· LA: pág. 181, 2c

· LA: pág. 182, 3 a, b y c

· LA: pág. 183, 4 a, b y c

· LA: Pág. 184, 5

LA: pág. 184, 4 d

LA: Pág. 185, a


28 de septiembre

LA: Hacer Pág. 182, 3b; Pág 183, 4b y c;

Pág. 50 y 51, 1 a y b. Leer cuadros amarillos de la sección 2.2

Saber gramática 6.2

· LA: pág. 183, 3 c y 4 a

· LA: Pág. 184, 5

Saber hacer 2.2

· LA: pág. 51, 2 a, b y c

LA: Pág. 54, Radio ventolera

Sesión de TA

LA: Pág. 152

LA: Pág. 153, 1d

LA: Pág. 154, 2 a, b y c

Saber palabras 5.3

LA: Pág. 153, 1 a, b y c y d

LA: Pág. 155, 3 a y b

LA: Pág. 155, a, b,

LA: Pág. 156, Radio Ventolera


30 de septiembre

Repasar los cuadros amarillos de la sección 2.2

Leer La infanta baila (Págs. 33-75)

Contestar preguntas (en CMS)

Saber hacer 2.2

· LA: Pág. 53, 3 a y b

LA: pág. 55

Discusión la Infanta baila y corrección de preguntas


3 de octubre

LA: Hacer pág 114

Composición 2b . 450 palabras

Saber entender 4.2

· Pág. 116, 2 a y b

LA: Pág. 119, a, b, y c


5 de octubre

Estudiar unidad 2

Quiz unidad 2

Unidad 3

En esta unidad aprenderás a:

· Familiarizarse con expresiones coloquiales referidas a animales.

· Uso del Subjuntivo cuando comentamos o valoramos informaciones.

· Reflexionar sobre el uso de los marcadores discursivos.

· Discutir sobre cuestiones relacionadas con los animales y la naturaleza.

· Como se reflejan las creencias y costumbres en la lengua.

Sesión de TA

LA: Pág. 146 y pág. 147 (cuadro amarillo).

LA: pág. 148, 2b

Saber palabras 5.2

LA: pág. 147, 1 a, b

LA: pág. 149, 3

LA: pág. 148, 2c

LA: Pág. 150, Radio Ventolera a y b

Pág. 151, a, b y c

Entregar Portafolio al TA


7 de octubre

LA: Pág. 18, escenario

LA: Pág. 19,1 a, b y c

Entregar primer borrador de historia del proyecto final: Salir del cuadro

Saber hablar: 1.2

· LA: Pág. 19,1 d

· LA: Pág. 20, 2 a

· LA: Pág. 21, 3 a

LA: Pág. 22, Radio Ventolera

LA: Pág. 23, b


8 – 11 de octubre

Mid-Semester Break


12 de octubre

LA: Pág. 186, leer texto del estudiante.

LA: Leer cuadros amarillos de sesión 6.3

LA: Pág. 187, 1 b y c

LA: Pág. 188, 2b

Saber gramática 6.3

· LA: Pág. 186, 1

· LA: pág. 187, 1 d

· LA: Pág. 188, 2 a y c


Sesión de TA

Ver: Samy y yo (en streaming)

Contestar preguntas (en CMS)

Debate película y corrección de preguntas


14 de octubre

Composición 3 a: Taller de escritura, pág. 98. 400 palabras

LA: Leer cuadros amarillos de sesión 6.3

Saber gramática 6.3

· LA: Pág. 188, 3 a y b

· LA: Pág. 189, 4 a, b y c

· LA: pág. 190, 5 a y b

LA: pág. 190, 6 a y b

LA: Pág. 191


17 de octubre

LA: Pág. 56 y pág. 57, 1 (leer con atención y hacer 1b)

Leer cuadros amarillos de sesión 2.3

Saber hacer 2.3

· Pág. 58, 2c,d y 3 a

· Pág. 59, 3 b, c, d y e

LA: Pág. 60, Radio Ventolera.

LA: pág. 61, a, b y c.


19 de octubre

Repasar unidades 1-3

Repaso para el examen parcial


Sesión de TA

LA: Pág. 88, pág. 89, 1 a y b

Saber cultura 3.3

LA: Pág. 89, 1 c

LA: Pág. 90, 4 a y b

LA: pág. 93, a


21 de octubre


Unidades 1-3

Examen parcial

Unidades 1-3


24 de octubre

Composición 3b . 450 palabras

Ver película: El método (en streaming)

Contestar preguntas (en CMS)

Debate sobre la película y corrección de preguntas


En esta lección aprenderás a:

· Debatir

· Cohesión y precisión del vocabulario en textos académicos.

· Reflexionar sobre el uso de los conectores discursivos.

· Reflexionar sobre la gramática y cómo solucionar los problemas más comunes.

· Uso del Subjuntivo para no identificar objetos, lugares, modos, tiempos o cantidades.


26 de octubre

Entregar segundo borrador de historia de Salir del cuadro.

LA: leer pág. 30 y pág. 31 (la carta)

Saber hablar: 1.4

· LA: Pág. 31, 1

· LA: 32, 2 a

· LA: Pág. 33, 4 a

LA: Pág. 34, Radio ventolera, a y b

LA: Pág. 35, b, c y d

Sesión de TA

LA: Pág. 158

Saber palabras 5.4

LA: Pág. 160, 2 a, e

LA: Pág. 161, 3 b y c

LA: 163, a, b y d

Entregar Portafolio al TA


28 de octubre

LA: leer pág. 62 y cuadros de sesión 2.4. Hacer escenario Composición 4ª: Taller de escritura pág. 162, 400 palabras

Saber hacer 2.4

· LA: Pág. 63, 1 f

· LA: pág. 65, 3 a, b y c y pág.66, Radio ventolera.

LA: Pág. 66, 3 e

LA: pág. 67, a, b y c


31 de octubre

Leer La Infanta Baila (Págs. 75-95)

Contestar preguntas (en CMS)

Discusión La infanta baila y corrección de preguntas


2 de noviembre

LA: leer pág. 193 y cuadros de sesión 6.4 y Hacer Ej. 2 pág 193

Saber gramática 6.4

· LA: pág.193, 2

· LA: pág. 194, 3 a y b

· LA: Pág. 195, 3 c y 5

LA: pág. 197, a

Sesión de TA

LA: Pág. 164

Ver película Ver Va a ser que nadie es perfecto (en streaming)

Contestar preguntas (en CMS)

Saber palabras 5.5

LA Debate película y corrección de preguntas: Pág. 165, 1 a, b, c y d

LA: pág. 166, 3 a, b, e

LA: Pág. 169,a,b,c y d

Entregar Portafolios al TA


4 de noviembre

Entregar borrador guión del proyecto

LA: leer pág. 132, hacer escenario

Saber entender 4.5

· LA: Pág 132, escenario

· LA: Pág. 133, 1 a y b

· LA: Pág. 134, 2 a, b y c

LA: Pág. 136, a, b


7 de noviembre

Estudiar unidad 4 Composición 4b.

450 palabras

Quiz Unidad 4

Unidad 5

En esta lección aprenderás a:

· Lenguaje periodístico y su vocabulario

· Uso del Imperfecto e Indefinido en contextos especialmente conflictivos.

· Uso de los pronombres personales

· Analizar las estrategias para actuar con cortesía.

· Al- Andalus, su legado cultural

· Debate sobre inmigración.

· Analizar personalidades.

· El lenguaje no verbal


9 de noviembre

Training on how to use Photoshop to extract people from images

Between Nov. 3 & 14 students will create all 10 images for their stories and record their audio.

Sesión de TA

LA: Hacer pág. 95, 1 y 2

LA: Leer textos pág. 96 y 97

Saber cultura 3.4

LA: Pág. 97, 3 b y c

LA: Pág. 98, Radio Ventolera


11 de noviembre

LA: Leer pág. 68

Composición 5ª:Taller de escritura, pág. 60.

400 palabras

Saber hacer 2.5

· LA: Pág. 69, 2 a, b y c

· LA: pág. 71, Radio ventolera, a, b y c

LA: Pág. 72, a, b y c



14 de noviembre

LA: Leer pág. 216 y cuadros de la sesión

Saber gramática 6.8

· LA: Pág. 217, 1 a

· LA: Pág. 218, 2 a, b , c, e y g

LA: pág. 221, a


16 de noviembre

LA: Hacer pág. 127, Escenario.

LA: Leer pág. 128 3a Leer La infanta baila (Págs. 95-116)

Contestar preguntas

(en CMS)

Saber entender 4.4

· LA: Pág. 127

· LA: Pág. 128, 3 a y b

· LA: pág. 129, 6 a y b

Discusión La Infanta baila y corrección de preguntas

LA: 131, b

Sesión de TA

Training on how to create Power-point slideshows that incorporate all the pieces of your final project.

10 images for your stories and audio are due this day


18 de noviembre

LA: Leer pág. 198 y cuadros de la sesión 6.5

Composición 5 b. 450 palabras

Saber gramática 6.5

· LA: pág. 199, 1 a y b

· LA: Pág. 200, 3 a

· LA: pág. 201, 4 b y pág. 202, 5 a

LA: pág. 203, a y c

19 – 27 de noviembre

vacaciones de acción de gracias


28 de noviembre

Leer La Infanta baila (Págs. 116-149)

Contestar a las preguntas (en CMS)

Discusión La infanta baila y corrección de preguntas


30 de noviembre

Composición 6ª: Taller de escritura, pág. 66,

400 palabras

LA: Hacer pág.37 a y b

Saber hablar 1.5

· LA: Pág. 38, 2 a y b

· LA: pág. 39, Radio Ventolera, a y b

LA: Pág. 40 a y c

Sesión de TA

Ver El concursante (en streaming)

Contestar a las preguntas (en CMS)

Discusión de El concursante y corrección de preguntas


2 de diciembre

Completar actividades de repaso (U: 4 y 5)

· Repaso unidades 4 y 5


5 de diciembre

Estudiar unidades

4 y 5

Segundo midterm

Unidades 4 y 5


7 de diciembre

Leer Infanta baila (Págs. 149-187)

Entrega de proyectos finales

Discusión La infanta baila

Sesión de TA

LA: Leer Pág. 100

Saber cultura 3.5

LA: Pág. 101, 1 a y b

LA: pág. 103, 4 a

LA: pág. 103, radio ventolera a y b

Entregar Portafolios al TA


9 de diciembre

Ver película: Hablé con ella (en streaming).

Leer LA pág. 108, y hacer pág. 111, 3 a

Composición 6b. 450 palabras

Saber entender 4.1

· LA: pág. 109, 1c

· LA: Pág. 110, 2 a, b y d.

· LA: Pág. 111, 3 a y b

· LA: Pág. 112, Radio Ventolera.

LA: Pág. 113 a y b


12 de diciembre

Presentaciones finales


14 de diciembre

Presentaciones finales

� This syllabus, particularly the activities outlined in the course calendar, is subject to change at any time to accommodate class activities. Please check often with your instructor for changes in dates, activities and/or requirements.

� See for future reference the grading criteria for participation.