Amicus Attorney Link Guide: CompuLaw Applies to: Amicus Attorney 7 (Standard and Premium Editions) Amicus Attorney 2008 (Premium Edition) The Amicus Attorney-CompuLaw Link lets you create and modify CompuLaw ® Court Rules-based Events directly from your Amicus Attorney Files and Calendar. Creating a CompuLaw Event requires a different procedure from the standard way of creating Amicus Appointments and To Do’s. CompuLaw Events are created and modified using specific functions accessed from the Amicus Files and Calendar modules. These functions are available only if the required software has been properly installed and configured. CompuLaw Events are treated as a special class of Amicus Events. Each set of CompuLaw Events is treated as a group. Each Event in a group contains information that relates it to the other Events in the group. A new Reference field allows additional information relevant to the CompuLaw Event to be tracked. When linking Events in Amicus Attorney, CompuLaw Events can be used as Master Events, but not as Dependent Events. Offline users can create CompuLaw Events but cannot perform maintenance routines or modifications. Contents What you need .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Setting the Jurisdiction and Assigning CompuLaw Rule Sets ............................................................................................. 3 CompuLaw Events .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Creating CompuLaw Events................................................................................................................................................ 7 Modifying CompuLaw Events ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Deleting CompuLaw Events .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Using the CompuLaw Date Maintenance Feature............................................................................................................. 14 Amicus Attorney Link Guide: CompuLaw © 2008 Gavel & Gown Software Inc. 1

Amicus Attorney Link Guide: CompuLaw · Amicus Attorney Link Guide: CompuLaw ... Codes. Appropriate CompuLaw Court Rule Sets for your ... using files in the Workstation install location—typically

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Amicus Attorney Link Guide: CompuLaw

Applies to: • Amicus Attorney 7 (Standard and Premium Editions) • Amicus Attorney 2008 (Premium Edition)

The Amicus Attorney-CompuLaw Link lets you create and modify CompuLaw® Court Rules-based Events directly from your Amicus Attorney Files and Calendar.

Creating a CompuLaw Event requires a different procedure from the standard way of creating Amicus Appointments and To Do’s. CompuLaw Events are created and modified using specific functions accessed from the Amicus Files and Calendar modules. These functions are available only if the required software has been properly installed and configured.

CompuLaw Events are treated as a special class of Amicus Events. Each set of CompuLaw Events is treated as a group. Each Event in a group contains information that relates it to the other Events in the group.

A new Reference field allows additional information relevant to the CompuLaw Event to be tracked.

When linking Events in Amicus Attorney, CompuLaw Events can be used as Master Events, but not as Dependent Events.

Offline users can create CompuLaw Events but cannot perform maintenance routines or modifications.

Contents What you need.................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Setting the Jurisdiction and Assigning CompuLaw Rule Sets ............................................................................................. 3 CompuLaw Events .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Creating CompuLaw Events................................................................................................................................................ 7 Modifying CompuLaw Events............................................................................................................................................ 11 Deleting CompuLaw Events .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Using the CompuLaw Date Maintenance Feature............................................................................................................. 14

Amicus Attorney Link Guide: CompuLaw © 2008 Gavel & Gown Software Inc. 1

What you need

• Amicus Attorney 7 (Standard or Premium Edition) or Amicus Attorney 2008 (Premium Edition) • CompuLaw Court Rule Database (CRD) Engine™ installed on the Amicus Attorney Application

Server and on Workstations where Offline usage requires CompuLaw functionality

CompuLaw licenses—After your Amicus Attorney evaluation period, the firm must obtain a sufficient number of CompuLaw licenses equal or greater than the number of Timekeepers who are licensed users in Amicus. Licenses are available for purchase through the Gavel & Gown Customer Account Services Team (800-472-2289). Note that if additional Timekeepers are added in Amicus Attorney before sufficient CompuLaw licenses are obtained, no Amicus Firm Members will be able to use the CompuLaw features.

CompuLaw Court Rule Sets™—Sample Rule Sets are provided for use while evaluating Amicus Attorney. After your evaluation period, the firm must have at least two Rule Sets with valid Access Codes. Appropriate CompuLaw Court Rule Sets for your jurisdiction(s) are available for purchase through the Gavel & Gown Customer Account Services Team (800-472-2289).

Installation at the Server 1 In the Windows Start menu at the Amicus Attorney Application Server, choose

All Programs > Amicus Attorney 7 > Install CompuLaw Engine or All Programs > Amicus > Amicus Attorney PE Tools > Install CompuLaw Engine

• The installer prompts for a password—type GGV51A45BC3D67AC.

• The installer then prompts for your CompuLaw Serial Number—if your firm is evaluating Amicus Attorney and also wishes to evaluate the CompuLaw Link, simply press Cancel. Otherwise, enter the Serial Number for the CompuLaw licenses you purchased through Gavel & Gown.

2 (If evaluating, skip this step.) Once you have installed the CompuLaw CRD Engine and entered your CompuLaw Serial Number, you will need to enter your Security Codes. Choose All Programs > Amicus Attorney 7 > CRD Security Codes from the Windows Start menu and enter them.

3 (If evaluating, skip this step.) Load your CompuLaw System Rule Sets and enter their access codes. From the Windows Start menu, choose All Programs > Amicus Attorney 7 > CRD Maintenance . Then, in the CompuLaw Court Rule Maintenance screen: • Choose Load on the File menu. Locate and load each of your Rule Sets. • Choose System Rule Sets from the View menu. In the Rule Set List, right-click on each Rule

Set, choose Access Codes, and enter the corresponding Access Code.

NOTE: If upgrading from an earlier version of Amicus Attorney already using the CompuLaw Link, you may use your existing CompuLaw Serial Number, security codes, and access code:

• To find your Serial Number and security codes, go to a Workstation running your earlier Amicus and, from the Windows Start menu, choose All Programs > Amicus Attorney V > CRD Security.

• To find your access codes, go to the Server running your earlier Amicus and, from the Windows Start menu, choose All Programs > Amicus Attorney V > CRD Maintenance. Right-click on the Rule Set you installed and choose Access Code.

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Installation at Amicus Workstations with Offline components 1 From the My Application - Offline Settings view of Preferences, click Install CompuLaw. This

installs the CompuLaw CRD Engine.

• The installer prompts for a password—type GGV51A45BC3D67AC.

• The installer then prompts for your CompuLaw Serial Number—if your firm is evaluating Amicus Attorney, simply press Cancel. If not evaluating Amicus Attorney, enter the Serial Number for the CompuLaw licenses you purchased through Gavel & Gown.

2 Load your CompuLaw System Rule Sets, as directed by your Amicus Administrator. (If evaluating Amicus Attorney, this step is not necessary.) IMPORTANT: These Rule Sets must match those loaded at the Server.

Licensing CompuLaw later If you wish to license CompuLaw after first evaluating it , or you have purchased additional licenses and thus need to re-license CompuLaw, complete the following steps:

1 At the Amicus Server, browse to the Server install location—typically \Amicus\Amicus Attorney 7 Server\SmartClient\Server) or \Amicus\Amicus Attorney PE Server\SmartClient\Server Then double-click on Numgen.exe

2 In the dialog that appears, enter your Serial Number provided by CompuLaw. Click OK.

3 Copy the crdeng.vsn file from the same folder and paste it into the \ClawProg subfolder, replacing the existing version.

4 From the Windows Start menu, choose All Programs > Amicus Attorney 7 > CRD Security Codes. Then enter your Serial Codes.

5 If CompuLaw has been installed at any Amicus Workstations with Offline, repeat the above steps at each of those Workstations, using files in the Workstation install location—typically \Amicus\Amicus Attorney 7 Workstation\Offline\SmartClient\Server or \Amicus\Amicus Attorney PE Workstation\Offline\SmartClient\Server

Setting the Jurisdiction and Assigning CompuLaw Rule Sets CompuLaw Events can be created on a File only if a CompuLaw Jurisdiction and/or User Rule Sets have been assigned to the File.

• Assigning a Jurisdiction automatically assigns one or more System Rule Sets, which are Rule Sets that are provided and maintained by CompuLaw.

• User Rule Sets are Rule Sets that are created and maintained by your firm. Please consult your CompuLaw documentation for instructions.

To set the appropriate Jurisdiction and assign one or more CompuLaw Rule Sets to a File:

1 Open the File Details window and choose CompuLaw > Set Jurisdiction on the Action menu. The CompuLaw Rule Set Selection dialog appears.

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If Rule Sets have not been previously assigned to the File, the list of Rule Sets will be blank. You may select a Jurisdiction in order to have applicable System Rule Sets assigned and/or you may assign one or more User Rule Sets. Otherwise, the current assigned list will be shown at the right.

Selecting a new Jurisdiction will remove all previous Rule Sets from the current list, including User Rule Sets, and replace them with the System Rule Sets for the new Jurisdiction. In addition, all outstanding To Do’s (those not marked Done) and future Appointments generated from the previous Rule Sets will be deleted.

However, selecting a User Rule Set simply appends it to the end of the list.

Clicking the appropriate Clear button removes the System and/or User Rule Sets from the list.

IMPORTANT: If you assign both System Rule Sets and User Rule Sets, then be sure that the System Rule Sets appear first in the list. Failure to do so may result in incorrect calculation of Event dates.

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2 To assign the System Rule Sets for a Jurisdiction, click the “Select a CompuLaw Jurisdiction” option. The Jurisdiction Selection dialog appears.

In the tree structure, navigate to the Jurisdiction that contains the Rule Sets that you wish to use by clicking the plus (+) signs. Select the Rule Sets list for that jurisdiction by double clicking it.

The Rule Set Selection dialog reappears, with the applicable System Rule Set(s) for the Jurisdiction shown in the list at the right.

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3 To assign a User Rule Set created by your firm, click the “Add a User rule set to the list” option. The User Rule Set Selection dialog appears

Double-click the desired Rule Set. The Rule Set Selection dialog reappears, with the selected User Rule Set shown in the list at the right.

4 Click OK.

IMPORTANT: If Rule Sets have been previously assigned to the File, and Events have been created from them, a warning message will appear. If you click OK in this message, all future Events on the File (Appointments after today and outstanding To Do’s) will be deleted. You can now proceed to create CompuLaw Events based on the File’s new Rule Sets, as described in the following section.

CompuLaw Events CompuLaw Events are treated as a special class of linked Calendar Events in Amicus. A File may have one or more Groups of CompuLaw Events on it. Each Group contains a Primary Key Event, whose date determines the dates calculated for all other Events in the Group. For example, “Date Of Trial” (CompuLaw Key Code $TR).

A Group typically includes one or more dependent Events, whose dates do not determine the dates of other Events. For example, “Last Court Day Before Trial To Serve (By Mail) Notice Of Motion For Summary Judgment And Supporting Papers”.

A Group may also include one or more Secondary Key Events, whose dates are determined by the Primary Key Event and, in turn, determine the dates of further dependent Events. For example, “Last Court Day To Complete Discovery” (CompuLaw Key Code $EDC).

If you assign a time when creating (or editing) a Key Event, that Event will be created as an Appointment rather than a To Do. Dependent Events are always To Do’s.

A CompuLaw Event may be associated with only one File.

CompuLaw Events may be edited in Amicus, just like other Events. However, if CompuLaw Events need to be rescheduled, then it is best to use the Modify CompuLaw Events feature to ensure proper recalculation of Appointment dates and To Do deadlines.

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Holidays CompuLaw Events are generated using the CompuLaw-defined holidays appropriate for the chosen Jurisdiction.

Creating CompuLaw Events You can create CompuLaw Events on a File from the Files and Calendar modules in Amicus.

Step 1: Generate dates 1 Choose to create CompuLaw Events on a File:

• If you are working in the Files module: Open the File Details for the File on which you wish to create the CompuLaw Events. Choose CompuLaw > Create Events on the Actions menu.

• If you are working in the Calendar: Choose CompuLaw > Create Events on the Actions menu. In the Select Files dialog that appears, select the File on which you wish to create the CompuLaw Events, and then click OK.

2 If Rule Sets have not previously been assigned the File, the Rule Set Selection dialog appears. For instructions on how to select Rule Sets, see “Assigning CompuLaw Rule Sets to a File”.

3 The Key Code Selection dialog that appears lists the Rules appropriate to the currently selected Rule Sets.

Navigate to the desired Rule and double-click the corresponding Key Code for which you wish to create a group of Events.

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4 The Add a Key Date dialog appears.

If necessary, edit the date (Key Date) for the Primary Key Event that will be created.

If you wish to create the Key Event as an Appointment, select the Appointment option and specify the Key Start and End Times. (The default duration of the Appointment is determined by your Calendar preference in Amicus.) Or, if you wish to create it as a To Do, select the To Do option.

When finished, click OK.

The Create CompuLaw Events dialog appears, showing a list of the Event items that have been generated using the CompuLaw Engine and applying the Key Date you selected.

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The complexity of the list depends on the Key Code(s) selected. It can be as simple as just a Primary Key Event, or a Primary Key Event with a couple of dependent Events. A more complex list could contain several Secondary Key Events and related dependent Events.

The date column shows the date and time for Appointments, and the Deadline date for To Do’s.

From the Create CompuLaw Events dialog, you may optionally change the following settings in the Events to be created:

• date (and optionally, time) of the Key Event(s) • Firm Member assignment • To Do start dates, and “Done” status of past To Do’s • CompuLaw Event Group Reference information

These settings are described in the following steps.

Step 2: Change Key Dates (Optional) Before you create the CompuLaw Events, you can adjust the dates of Key Events (“Key Dates”) if you wish.

NOTE: CompuLaw Key Events assigned a time will be scheduled as Appointments; Key Events that are not assigned a time will be scheduled as To Do’s.

1 To set Key Dates, click the Change Key Date button in the Create CompuLaw Events dialog.

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2 The Change a CompuLaw Key Date dialog appears, showing a list of Key Codes derived from the group of generated dates.

Select the Key Code for which you want to change the Key Date.

3 Adjust the date and/or time in the boxes below.

4 Click OK. The Create CompuLaw Events dialog reappears, now showing the recalculated dates for Events dependent on the one you adjusted.

5 Repeat this procedure for other Key Dates in the Group, if necessary.

Step 3: Change People Assignment on the Events (Optional) By default, all Firm Members assigned to the File will be assigned to the CompuLaw Events you create. You can adjust the Firm Member and Contact assignments for all Events to be generated, if you wish.

Click the appropriate Select People button in the panel to the left of the Event list in the Create CompuLaw Events dialog. In the Select People dialog that appears, select the People that you wish to assign to all Events in the Group and click OK.

Step 4: Change start dates and Done status for To Do’s (Optional) By default, To Do’s will appear in the Calendar 7 days before their Deadline, and To Do’s with a Deadline in the past will not be automatically marked Done. Selecting the “mark Past To Do’s Done” option might be useful for those who are starting to use the CompuLaw Link in the middle of an ongoing court action.

Adjust these settings as appropriate in the panel to the left of the Event list. This will be applied to all To Do’s in the list.

NOTE: Changing the start date of the To Do’s does not affect their Deadlines.

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Step 5: Enter a CompuLaw Reference description (Optional) If you wish, enter a CompuLaw Reference description in the text box provided. This description will appear in a separate field in the Event Details dialog of each Event belonging to the CompuLaw Group, and after each Event’s Title in the Calendar views. This field can be used to include additional information pertaining to the CompuLaw Event—for example, indication as to whether the Event relates to the plaintiff or the defendant.

Step 6: Create the Events You can now create CompuLaw Events from the generated dates.

1 The entire list of generated items is pre-selected. If you want to create Events for only some of the items in the list, select those items by clicking them. To select items that are contiguous in the list, hold down the Shift key as you click the first and last item in the range. To select items that are non-contiguous, hold down the Control key as you click each desired item. (If you change your mind and decide you want to create Events for all the items, click the Select All button.)

NOTE: After you create the Events for the Group, any unselected Events will not be available for creation later.

2 Click Create Events to schedule the CompuLaw Events in Amicus. The dialog closes.

Modifying CompuLaw Events You can make changes to the details of CompuLaw Events that have been created in Amicus. Most changes (such as editing the title or associating a Contact) can be done in the same way you modify regular Amicus Appointments and To Do’s.

However, we recommend the dates of CompuLaw Events be changed only via the CompuLaw feature. This will ensure that the new dates are correctly calculated and scheduled. If, for example, a trial date is delayed by a week, you need to reschedule not only the Appointment for the trial but also some or all of the dependent Events leading up to the trial date. The Amicus-CompuLaw Link makes this easy and quick. When you change the Key Date for the trial, all of the Events that are dependent on the Key Date are rescheduled for you.

Modifying CompuLaw Events via the CompuLaw feature To reschedule CompuLaw Events, or to make certain general adjustments to the Events in a Group:

1 Open the relevant File Details dialog.

2 Navigate to the Events > All File Events brad view.

3 Find a CompuLaw Event in the Group you want to modify. Select the Event and choose CompuLaw > Modify Events on the Action menu. Or, double-click the Event, and click the Modify CompuLaw Events button in the Event Details dialog that appears.

The Modify CompuLaw Events dialog appears, listing all the Events belonging to the same Group as the Event you selected. This dialog is similar to the Create CompuLaw Events dialog, described earlier.

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4 As desired, you may:

• Click the Change Key Date button to reschedule Key Events (and recalculate the future Events dependent upon them).

• Select the Replace Assignments checkbox to edit the list of Firm Members and/or Contacts assigned to all of the Events. Note that all existing assignments in the Events will be replaced, including any assignments that were made in the Events via the usual Amicus controls.

• Select the Replace CompuLaw Reference checkbox to edit the description in all Events in the Group. Note that all existing Main Notes in the Events will be replaced, including any that were entered or edited via the usual Amicus controls.

• Select the Change To Do’s Schedule checkbox to edit the start dates of all outstanding To Do’s in the Group.

5 Click Modify Events to change the CompuLaw Events in Amicus accordingly.

Non-date related modifications of CompuLaw Events As stated earlier, we recommend that you only reschedule CompuLaw Events using the CompuLaw-specific dialogs provided. Rescheduling a CompuLaw Event in Amicus using other methods will result in the Event being excluded from future recalculation when using the CompuLaw Change Key Date functions.

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You may change many other attributes of a CompuLaw Event directly in an Amicus Event Details: Title, Appointment Time and Duration, Category, CompuLaw Reference (above the Location field), People assignments, and Reminders directly in the Amicus Event Details dialog.

• CompuLaw Key Events—You cannot change the Date of an Appointment or Deadline of a To Do, or File assignments on Events. We recommend that you do not change the Description of Events--if you do, the Event cannot be updated automatically by any Rule Set Updates applied in the future.

• CompuLaw non-Key Events—You cannot change File assignments on Appointments and To Do’s. We recommend that you do not change the Deadline on To Do’s—if you do, the To Do can no longer be rescheduled by the CompuLaw feature. We also recommend that you do not change the Description of Events.

You may link a CompuLaw Event as a Master Event to non-CompuLaw Events, but not as a Dependent Event. You cannot set view or edit Restrictions on a CompuLaw Event.

Working Offline A user can create CompuLaw Events while Offline only if the CRD Engine and current Rule Sets are installed at the Workstation. An Offline user cannot assign CompuLaw Jurisdictions and/or User Rule Sets to Files, or use the CompuLaw Date Maintenance feature.

IMPORTANT: If the firm applies an update to the CompuLaw Rule Sets at the Server, the same update must also be applied at each Offline Workstation. For details, see “Amicus Workstations with Offline components” on page 15.

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Deleting CompuLaw Events CompuLaw Events can be deleted from the Files and Calendar modules, just as you delete normal Amicus Events:

1 Double-click on the Event to open its Event Details dialog, and then click the Delete button. Or, right-click on the Event and select Delete.

2 A warning appears, asking whether you wish to continue with the deletion of this CompuLaw Event. Click OK if you wish to delete the Event.

You may select multiple CompuLaw Events and delete them together provided there is not a Key Event included. Key Events can only be deleted on an individual basis.

IMPORTANT: If you delete a CompuLaw Key Event, all future CompuLaw Events dependent upon it will also be deleted. Past Appointments and Done To Do’s will not be affected.

Using the CompuLaw Date Maintenance Feature When updated CompuLaw Rule Set(s) are received from CompuLaw, apply them at the Server. From the Windows Start menu, choose All Programs > Amicus Attorney 7 > CRD Maintenance or All Programs > Amicus > Amicus Attorney PE Tools > CRD Maintenance.

Then use the CompuLaw Date Maintenance feature in Amicus to initiate changes to your CompuLaw Events according to the updated Rule Sets. This feature automatically changes Events as appropriate. Depending on the extent of the update, it might:

• Reschedule future Events. • Create new Events. • Delete future Events. • Modify the CompuLaw Formula Descriptions stored in the Main Note of Events.

Events in the past (and non-Key Events on which a Firm Member has changed the date in Amicus) will not be modified during the Date Maintenance process.

IMPORTANT: We recommend that this utility be run after an update has been applied to the CompuLaw Rule Sets. The process might be lengthy. It will automatically update ALL Groups, even the ones on Files the current user is not assigned to.

To use the CompuLaw Date Maintenance Feature:

1 IMPORTANT: Ensure that all users are Online.

2 Choose CompuLaw Date Maintenance on the Actions menu in the Calendar module. A warning appears, stating that the process of verifying CompuLaw Events may be lengthy, depending on the amount of information contained in the Calendar.

3 Click Yes to continue.

4 Once the process is complete, a dialog appears, informing you of how many CompuLaw Event Groups have been verified.

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Amicus Workstations with Offline components If the firm applies an update to the CompuLaw Rule Sets at the Server, the same update must also be applied at each Offline Workstation. You may apply the update the same way as you did at the Server. Alternatively, you may simply copy the \SmartClient\Server\CLAWDATA folder from the Server to the \Offline\SmartClient\Server folder on the Workstation.

For further information, contact

Gavel & Gown Software Inc. Phone: 800-472-2289 416-977-6633 Fax: 416-977-2563 www.amicusattorney.com [email protected]

Copyright © 2008 Gavel & Gown Software Inc. All rights reserved.

AMICUS and AMICUS ATTORNEY are registered trademarks, and DO is a trademark of Gavel & Gown Software Inc.

CompuLaw, CompuLaw Court Rules, CompuLaw Rules Sets, and CompuLaw Court Rules Engine are either registered trademarks or trademarks of CompuLaw LLC.

Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

All other trademarks referenced are the property of their respective owner. Gavel & Gown Software Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks other than its own.

June 2008

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