1 mrfimir f 1 1 ammMMfo 'My i mi n. i o r r PRICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY . JANUARY 12, L887. VOL. VI. NO. 10. ATTOBNETS.AT.LAW. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y TO PLANTERS. THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser 1H PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. i i OF LIVERPOOL. VOLNKY V ASHFO&D. CLABKKCK W. ASHrORD. 8. L. STANLKY, OJTN BPrANtK. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fin WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS 410 Front St., San Francisco. 2 tf Aw We have on hand a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding L'APITAL - tlO.000,000 UNION FSD CO., Queen t Edinburgh Streets, WHOLESALE A BKTAIL Dealers iu HAT AND GBAIK, Telepljpne.No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Furnaces, UNLIMITED LIABILITY fnnt f nrnarps.rrorunlete with Asnford & Asbrord, TTORNEYS, COUNSKIXORS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, ETC. Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Pos Office. 43d4twtf JOHN T. DAKE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office No. 12, .Spreckela Block, Honolulu. 176 oct21tf ISAAC K. DAVIS. HKKBT CUWRM. DAVIS & COWELL, MANUFACTDBKBB CV Santa Cruz Liiiie, SUBSCRIPTIONS : Dajly P. C. advertiser, one year...- - .... Daily P. C. A dvekt iskk, six months.. ., Daily P. O. advertiser, three months. H . rr w l r A , IT ITUTKtL'II rtofl inrhnrti Fir will b" effected at Moderate of all ' deserintlou Kates o? Frem gran bars, bearers and trah carriers. Machines of tris make are. now in successful operation at 8pte kelaviile, Makee Sugar Company and other plan.ations. Also, a consignment of .f oo ,. 3 00 .. 1 50 Wm.G Irwin. Claus Spreckela 50 by the uuaeo. urn, q & CQ . ,lwlAvvw Managers for Haw. Islands Island Orders Solicited. Filter Presses, Wkkkly P. C AI'Vehiiskk, one year- - 5 00 tf eign Subscription, Wr. P. C. A. (Including postage.) - 6 50 Payable Invariably in Advance OF ENGLISH I'OKT,.iAH IMPORTERS FIRE BRICKh, 1:IRK CLAY, Etc. 211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, be.. Clay and WR-Hhiii- gi ?n, CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., XT TO" I O N 35 if Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Having all the latest improvements. PLANTERS AND OTHERS te.A tn mil and examine the P. O. Box 2,292. SAN FI.A Clst'0. BROWN, ATTOKE AND CECIL Public, Camplell'B Block, Merchant street 43-lym- Of New Zealand. above. For prices and further particulars ap piy to BUR0ETTE Fays a Tribute to the Memory of Hli Meelc Mannered School Teacher. Bennie Gibbs is one of the darine. venture BANKEES. p.p,tai,. : 10,000,000; Wm. G. Irwin & Co., J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQtnPlf..KNTN, 12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, fc'al Establishetl an Agency at H aT",fTjrJ iiawaiiRn Islands, the uu- - EUEEKA ! M. THOMPSON, ATT0RNE Y-AT- -L AW, 23tt Agents. feigned are VetoPtMjm In dwellings, stores wareuuum r Marine risks on cargo on favorable terms. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU freights, bottomry, pronts ana coninusuu BONE MEAL !! We have received a consignment o the most Agents for Kirby's ttanta Cruz Tanneries. Koi. Harness and all other kinds of leather. 4 se8 ly Losses promptly adjusted & payable. And Solicitor In Chancery Office, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 8 and . Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. tf iortrtf WM. O. IRWIN A CO. ' 3 l Tiio nndpraiVnpd are now. trevjared to re ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer 1. W. MlLLV.it. Economical anl Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter producer iu use. H. H. SLUM. Draw Exchange on the principal parts of the world. J. M. MONSARRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW from the manufactory of Buck unianas San Francisco; Koliala, Saloon. ELLI8&MILLEH Wholesale and Commlssfbn l)en.lri In Hay, Grain and Feed The following is a report of the compo- nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy Will receive deposits on open account, make sis: AND NOTARY PUBLIC. collections and conduct a general banking and 25 and 27 SPEAR RTREKT, Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors Between Market and Mission, SAN FKANUIHCO exchange business. Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter...' 29.18 " " Silicipua Matter 4.65 " " Lime 31.70 " Phosphoric Aoid 23.11 " Orders Sollclle!. 5dec29-l- y eal Estate in any part r the Klngr- - Hnm Rnnirhr HaM Ullll Teased On Commission. R ALWAYS ON HAND. some boys in my memory of school days. Hi' pa was a school director, and consequent! Bennie defied the teachers in the Gibbor. school to an extent that made him heroic it our eyes. It was always understood thai Bennie was to test every new teacher to see how much "sass" he would take before he broke out and left the reservation. One time old Mr. Grayson was sick and a substitute took the school for a few weeks. The substi- tute was a mild looking man, of middle age, somewhat bald, with a thin neck, sandy com- plexion, meek voice and padlock whiskers. Not a boy of us was afraid of such a looking man as that; still, Bennie Gibbs, as usual, took the field for a reconnoisance the first morning. First he dropped a book on the floor. Then he dropped lii3 slate. Then he pushed the big dictionary off the table. Then he whispered. Then ho left his seat without permission. Then he slammed the door like an earthquake when he went into the recita- tion room. Then he whistled once. Then he mewed softly, like a cat. Then he whined like a dog. Then he said "Ma'am?" very loudly and pertly when the new teacher spoke to him very mildly, and we all laughed ourselves tired. Then Bennie coughed like an old man. Then it was time for recess and the new teacher looked at his watch and told us to put away our looks and then he tiptoed meekly down the aisle to Ben-ru- e Gibbs' seat. He took Bennie by both shoulders and churned him up and Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nu ritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 lbs. o this meal is equal to 300 Bs. of oats, or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Loin to Suit Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the best kinds o nay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. Oxide of Iron...' d " Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn NO. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-- tf Carbonic Acid 1.89 ings Department subject to published rules and Fancy drinks of every descripllou Alka Salts 52 regulations. 17oc3tf a specialty. 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Wiiittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PA CIUC R VBBEJl PA INT, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS and AR- TISTS' MATERIALS. 21-2- 3 Front St., t s San I'ranvJsoo Orders Received will have Prompt and Careful Attention. sndAwly Proprietor. Bell Telephone No. P. O. Box No. 415, Chas. . T. Gulick, L.AI2STK fc CO. 2 tf JOHN COOK, W. Gr. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. 21tf NOTARY PUBLIC. House Carpenter & Builder, Agent to Take Acknowledgments to E. II. WINCIIE3T1.K 0. MAIN. John F. Colburn, Importer and Dealer in Labor Contracts. Marriage mjl- - 31 Alaltea Street, .cense Agent. GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, Will furnish estimates and make contracts for Hay and G-2?ain- 5 GENERAL BUSINESS any description of wood buildings. ffl. Q ISWTN. OLAU8 SFRBOKBLS Sc. L ii. So. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of -- AND' Jobbing of ail kinds done, and satisfaction Corner Kins and Maunakea Streets. Main & Winchester, Manufacturers and Impvrtfcis of Harness Saddles, Bridles, Mlili, COLLARS, SADDLERY : .iE, ETC. Nos. 214, 216, 218 and 220 Bait-r- y S treet, Han Francisco. Illustrate dcatiloue sent on applicatioii . 1olrnch2 COMMISSION AGENT, WM. G. IEWIN & Co., guaranteed. 67 tf Boob. News, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Charges as low as the lowest. Flat and Ijtbel Paiwrs, Hinders boards esgTGooda delivered promptly. Twines, Etc. THOMAS LJNDSAY United States Consulate, Merchant street, Hono 37 tf Mutual telephone37. lulu, H. I. 391Jan3tf FACTORS and ComiiilsNinn SUOAR Honolulu H. I. tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., and "Wholesale Dealers In 1miorters Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street Honolulu, H. I. 25tf-w- U Manufacturing Jeweler, W. G. RICHARDSON, .... i A If' RESIDENT AGENT 205 Eeldesdorir Street. rz3 No. 60 Jluuann Street, Honolulu, II. I. Pardcular attention paid to repairing. TELEPHONE 55 NTEEPRIS PLANING- - MILL.- RESTORED MANHOOD 32 tf fetropolitan Market Ieleuhone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. t f:! t'J cuml of The reason that Thousands c-- j-'- 0F MAX- - SEMINAL WEAKNESS, 1 N B.-Sie- elal Attention given to Alakea. near Qaeen St. L'.3 Furnished or Unfurnished, MAOFARLANE & CO-- , DEALERN AND ESi. f eral Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUOKS. Ho. 12 Kaahnmanu Street, HONOLULU. 28-t- f 33-- tf KINO STREET, , ease or trceues . . PiiOSTATOR- - IQ ORATOR ii WIUEA. Price, iiO.OO. Qnide to . Address LIE' ;r of Men, ; Francisco, CaU H00D, and the result (J abiise. -- is owing to a complication colli RHEA. DR. LIEBIO'S II the QXLYcure for PROS TAIL P2.0Q per package, 6 packaga . Health and Self-Analyttte- . BIO DISPENSARY for Disk a 400 Geary St., & i lu:-- tf The Risdon And turned him up and down. 4 COTTAGE ON LUNALILO AND TIKOII STS., furnished complete tor nousejieei ij. then he shook him Iron & Locomotive Works, H. HAOKFELD & CO., of horse and carriage; large pru. - PROPRIETOR G, J. WALLER, i rPR4i. ronnlNSlUK AWEXTS Corner of Beale and Howard Streets, i97-u7- tf Cor. Fort and Hotel ts. until Bennie's hair began to fly out, and then lad and wore out he bent over the shrinking him. Then he said, in a mZG tl yuen m nuiiuiuiu, n.i, To tlie Fnblic. ; SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA m tt mAVTfiD President T. BANNING. W. MAKRTKN8. P OPrKBOKI-- meek, timid way, "The school may have re- cess," and touched the bell for us to go out. We walked out like boys walking to their That niirht Mr. Gibbs went t Ai An. a uam JOS. MOORE superintendent ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO., . . . Y T TT TT TXT Cliolceat Meats from Finest Herd, "OUILDERS OF STEAM XklAi;iilix. t steamboat. Steaxnsriip teacher about it, and that to see the new rmnorters & Commission Merchants. . ir 1 1 tt .nt-- The Pacific Transfer Co., BEAVER SALOOn. uurPD aireei. xiuuuiuiu, 11. a Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. meek man beat him with a cnair leg uuuiuc i i n ui You never saw such Office with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, bnilt complete with Hulls of Wood, iron or onipositc. man. He wasn't afraid of anybody. One day be put the president of the board of cdu-L- t- f ua snhnc, room because be I J NO. T FORT srilKET. Opposite Wilder A Co.'s WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391 visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs milieu and shipping supplied on SHORT criticised the vay the new man taught long di- vision. This teacher, whose name was Moses into the Union army soon Viah Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, VEAL constructed with reterence w ne wac A ..U. . . V ( LI J . . . ' . J . U.H.I haultncr or movine work, all of wnlch'I will iruai- - MUTTON. FISH, etc. H. J. K"oite, Propr, which they are to be empioyea. cpeeu, iu-nae- e and draft of water guaranteed. and when one of our after the war broke out, Dodge, Sweeney ' Cc San Francisco, Wholesale dealers in Butter, Ohf-u- , Lard, and all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENTfi i Il Llbby, McNeill A LU'-- , v'h ramie. Heats. II. M. Inpee's (Eagle I.r.tl; lilea?,' - Ilauis Henry Verbage't Canned Vlfuua nit Ham Sausage. Ana a. W. Home's 'F1 h" Brand of Canned Salmon. 104 mchM 7 G. M. Josselyn & Co., Importers and Wholesale Jealors in Ship Chandlery, 38 and 40 Market St,, han ranctro. orrniTi frTTu vr SiTTfl A MA' Biy w. f . iiKAHAivi, rTopnetor. OUwAO iwLljuo m.- ?1 to. Uve Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to NOTICE and at the did boys, George Slocum, a iuissoun WJr , intn th Confederate army and OPKN FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M nrricr i u plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. "tt""Z;ZZ hard that Meeker FIRST-CLAS- S LIXCHF.S, COFFEE, WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any u"' " - was serving was in Grierson's cavalry, he deserted and came north and shot off three fingers of lus v.a the draft. He said as J. HI. SOPEE, size, made in suitable lengws iur vuuUCu,. uhti Tt rilled. Punched and Lowest Market Prices. New Photograph Rooms. TEA, SODA WATER, GIXGF.R ALE, Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the eround. Successor to son as he heard that old Meeker had enlisted he knew the south had no chance. Meeker is i tt Villi? been preaching in nvno4mm oTTxfrTNfj. Tloiler Work and Cigars and Tobaccos u. A u AV t J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., J tirn.. nindu hv mis eaianusiiiueuii rT VTPTTnT.,i STOUT?. FORT STREET. Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, OF BEST BRANDS the same church for eighteen years, and never J next the Shooiing Gallery. Pictures, Port raits and Views. First-clas- s won. waiisi-- on that quality ol woric dciu hand work. STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, had but one row with the cuoir. . o.. v,a nwached. and they do say Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from guaranteed. 114ap2 A. uuwsalvu). ri sipftin Capstans. Steam Qillt Sf li A. . kJf' ' . " ' - the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety Hawaiian Gazette Block. Winches, Air ana urcuiiui uw, "'" after the most approved plans. All m .at. if fwim 4 Vi 1 m.rlrAt ar. trior that now, if he ordered that choir to sing the doxology to "Amsterdam" or SSTver Street," they'd do it, if it burst . the EiTiploviiieiit Office. of BEST QUALITY ongly ehllled immediately after killing by means nf . RnlUVtsmiiii Pot.nl Ttrv Ai Wor IcorAtnT SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa 27 Merchant St., Honolnln. H-- I. Meat so treated retains all its Juicy properties. cific Coast of the Heme waieiy raoimr. a tm . Piimns. for Irrigation or organ. Robert J. nuraetws m -- j- SMOKERS' ARTICLES. ana ig j uakaimkm' iu w.jt.r.r- - wuwi AFTER DELIVERY THAW rREHHLY- - rpHE UNDERSIGXED HAS MOVED INTO 1 h nmo nt Mr J Tr". Wlama.H. where he City Works' purposes, ouus wjui vuts tnc- - 41 tf JOSnUA HENDY Eagle. z . AVTiv He Followed. KILLED MKAT. 4V-- u brated Davy vaive jiuuuu , oupwui nthcr Diimt). Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant Agents fo Taunton Sheathing Metal Mannfwtnr- - ing Company . l2f-2-t- WATERHOUSE & LESTER, Importers of "Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 22 Beale Street. Shu Franclnco. 7 collect tjills, do Anglo-Chines- e interpreting, and a rr o inrr Vinme to his wife and family. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. renen business. 01 duiwu. Ti. .lnrk. He had a lonely road 1EUMICE & CO. BILLIARD TABLE Room No. 3, upstairs, sprecKiMa iou ( Agent for Hawaiian Islands ) 9ae30-lyd-- w IVTach-in- e "Works For Lease or Sale. from the car and he was making as fast head- way as he could, when be suddenly gathered j ; ;.;. rfint. n. man was following him J. E. T3ROWISJ". on the Premises No. 35 to 51 Fremont Street. SAN FRANCISCO. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call E. E. Mayhew, Accountant, Lawl, Estate and purposely. The faster he went, the faster the rnanwent and they came to a 8?- - "Now." he said to himself, TU find out if nd he started through the Manufacturers of New and dealers in Second from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a hand THE HOUSE AND LOT AT WAIKIK1. AT occupied by G. D. Freeth. AddIt Labor Agent. Accounts Collected. office at of LEVI STRAUSS & CO., 14 and lo Batterystreet, Ba l Francisco Cal. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, LUNCH. A SMOKE. OR A GAME OP FREETH b. PEACOCK. Boilers, Engines and Machinery CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, Merchant street. S65dec20tf 23 Nuuanu BILLIARIS. cemetery The man followed him. ague visions of revolvers behind him, sensations of sandbags and loaded clubs and things grew i.:. vfa ,irvlcrpd around a grave ana 86 Hotel 8tret, Honoluln, II 1., Of Every Description. upon iuui. dodged "u " afU him. He made a de- - his pursuer References Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, B. J. Creigh- - (Opposite Fashion Stablesy IHOIST-BA.TI- E: ton, Esq. Have constantly in stock New ano Second-ban- d tour of a mausoieuiii. Importers of Foreign and D n. -- .Jc UryvcoC Horfery, Ladles and Gent's Fu c; :r- - iole Proprietors and Mannf i i k baited PATENT RIVETED I .' n ? i N 1l1an28 8 P. O. Box 4B3. ooo-aeci- H. J. NOLTE. WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY, 3l-t- f BELL TELEPHONE 53. NOTICE. MACHINISTS' TOOLS, I - IRRIGATING AND PUMPING MACHINERY FOUllUatlOIl TlUlUerS ! ! P. O. BOX 315. v. ; ; i E. OUKRY & BltOTHElt, Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appll- - canon. nd.ijr t T A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF ; iv. untn.i TVlTihnn Con3t)anv. held AND DEALERS IN IMPORTERS and Pistols. Colt Winchester iv;. it - a AfiitA to raduce the riint of instruments t' S5 per month in the districts of We have just received from Australia a few Iron- - Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. Remlng ton, Sharps and Ballard Sporting Itifles. Agents for W. W. GreeBer, Colt, Parker and Remington Breech-loadin- g Double Guns. Colt and Smith fc bark Foundation nmoem Koolau, Eva, wainaeana n'wu. A. JAEGER, N. F. BURGESS, Si KinST St., Honolnln. Wesson Pistols. N. CURRY A BRO., 113 San-so- street. Han Francisco Cal. 16-l- y Secretary Mutual Telephone Co. Honolulu. January 6, 1887. 402-jan-- tf SIZS-16x- 24 lnene.12 Feet'I4ons:.,l shadow was after him, arounu u uu,, At last he turned and face! the fellow What in thunder do you want? What are vou following me for!" " home like this? Say do you always go to 's house to do a job of I'm corns up carpentering, and a man at the car told me if I'd follow you Td find the place. Are you going home at all!" San Francisco Chronicle. lie May Get It All. "So you want my daughterr queried a Chicago capitalist, as the young man finished his addrrf-- s and with folded anus. "I do." "r.tbol'i used to luxury, you knowf "Yes, sir. and she shall have all that heart ' canwUh." 'But you are a poor young man, just get- ting a start in Dakota." ' "Ani I? I nofc- - Otir county has issued bonds to tbe amount of $350,000 for internal iinproven,euts. I am county treasurer and !fct all contracts." "Take Ler, William, and remember that in-t?2- T :ty i the to success." Wall Street IR A d- - Or A Ct "Fl fAnd HxlH lnenes, 16 Feet IMne WENNEE a CO. 92 Fort Strvf. Have on hand New Foreign i.uJ lU-- i I- jewelry. !Watches, Bracelels. :utkUu, Pins, Lock ets; ( lo: k -- , And ornaments of U kiiivin. Silver anil GkI& Piatcv, ' Elejfant Solid Sll' "? Suitable for Pres'-ntatlors- . ' - ENGRAVING AND NATi VE JEWELRY . A Specialty. IXepalrlnfr in all lt t.ra,ifctic. tgr Hole Agents for Ktng'f Xye Prt-B- vtts '48-mar9-- v MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 1STOTICE. -- AND- my line faithfully done. Plans and sntKtions made. Jobbing in all details done a?eshor? noUce. Good work and low charge is my motto. L. G. SRESOVICn & CO., manuiactnrersof Desiccated Cocoanot. Bananas, Pine Apples, Sicily Lemons, Tahiti Orgies and Cocoamm, Nuts of aU kinds, Dates SSSTmi for export a specialty. Long in shipping to China, Anstralia, Mexico, Central America. Eastern States, etc. Tropical imported direct by every steamer. "aUr. . ' O. i'.oi Uat. f. . - i v.. t'. r,4U .nC. 417 Whir it : Ki-.- , pp':v: Pwst Office; 412, 424 and 41 MercSaatsti'eti. j3- - ieZo 8" SAN FHANCIiCO. PjTnese Umbers, aa their same signifies, are nearly as solid and durable as Iron, and for foundation purposes, or others of like nature, cannot be surpassed. GENEEAL EXPEESS. All ocronnu for Adrerttsiug and Job Printing at the .;v:f'i:ly mHS COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXI8T-- X ing between A. BROWN and J. PHILLIPS, under the firm name and btyle of BROWNfc PHILLIPS, having expire" Tl i " buiiness wiU hereafter be 1 c-- - ' PHILLIPS, who will pay al. . ft...... t ,ir.--- i it L. Oflice Telephone 202. Residence 152. W. a. Irwin k, Co. 311nov25t." 'Mf'.'.j this date o -- rented far pay. t collect all bins aue saia nr 1 S37 decStf .1'', M:iicb 2, an. SS2 a . Honolulu, Dec. 31, 1888.

ammMMfo mi 'My 1 mrfimir r r - University of Hawaii · LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQtnPlf..KNTN, 12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, fc'al H aT",fTjrJEstablishetl an

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VOL. VI. NO. 10.



Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays.




Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fin


410 Front St., San Francisco.2 tf A w

We have on hand a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingL'APITAL - tlO.000,000


Queen t Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers iu

HAT AND GBAIK,Telepljpne.No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.


fnnt fnrnarps.rrorunlete with



Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the PosOffice. 43d4twtf


Attorney and Counsellor at Law.Office No. 12, .Spreckela Block, Honolulu.

176 oct21tf



Santa Cruz Liiiie,


Dajly P. C. advertiser, one year...- - ....Daily P. C. A dvekt iskk, six months.. .,

Daily P. O. advertiser, three months.H . r r w l r A , IT ITUTKtL'II rtofl inrhnrti

Firwill b" effected at Moderateof all ' deserintlou

Kates o? Fremgran bars, bearers and trah carriers. Machinesof tris make are. now in successful operation at8pte kelaviile, Makee Sugar Company and otherplan.ations. Also, a consignment of

.f oo,. 3 00.. 1 50

Wm.G Irwin.Claus Spreckela

50by the uuaeo.urn, q & CQ .

,lwlAvvw Managers for Haw. IslandsIsland Orders Solicited.Filter Presses,Wkkkly P. C AI'Vehiiskk, one year-- 5 00

tf eign Subscription, Wr. P. C. A. (Includingpostage.) - 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance

OF ENGLISH I'OKT,.iAHIMPORTERS FIRE BRICKh, 1:IRKCLAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, be.. Clay and WR-Hhiii- gi ?n,


Fire and Marine Insurance Co.Having all the latest improvements.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSte.A tn mil and examine the

P. O. Box 2,292. SAN FI.A Clst'0.BROWN, ATTOKE ANDCECIL Public, Camplell'B Block, Merchant

street 43-lym-Of New Zealand. above. For prices and further particulars appiy to


Fays a Tribute to the Memory of HliMeelc Mannered School Teacher.

Bennie Gibbs is one of the darine. ventureBANKEES. p.p,tai,. : 10,000,000;

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,J. C. JOHNSON & CO.,



12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, fc'al

Establishetl an Agency atH aT",fTjrJ iiawaiiRn Islands, the uu- - EUEEKA !M. THOMPSON,

ATT0RNE Y-AT- -L AW,23tt Agents.feigned are VetoPtMjm

In dwellings, stores wareuuum rMarine risks on cargoon favorable terms.HAWAIIAN ISLANDSHONOLULUfreights, bottomry, pronts ana coninusuu BONE MEAL !! We have received a consignment o the most Agents for Kirby's ttanta Cruz Tanneries. Koi.

Harness and all other kinds of leather.4 se8 lyLosses promptly adjusted & payable. And Solicitor In Chancery Office, Campbell's

Block, second story, rooms 8 and . Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, H. I. tf

iortrtf WM. O. IRWIN A CO.' 3

l Tiio nndpraiVnpd are now. trevjared to receive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer 1. W. MlLLV.it.

Economical anl Valuable Feed for allkinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer iu use.

H. H. SLUM.Draw Exchange on the principal parts of theworld. J. M. MONSARRAT.

ATTORNEY AT LAWfrom the manufactory of Buck unianasSan Francisco;Koliala, Saloon. ELLI8&MILLEH

Wholesale and Commlssfbn l)en.lri In

Hay, Grain and FeedThe following is a report of the compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analyWill receive deposits on open account, make sis:


NOTARY PUBLIC.collections and conduct a general banking and 25 and 27 SPEAR RTREKT,Best of Ales, Wines and LiquorsBetween Market and Mission, SAN FKANUIHCOexchange business.

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter...' 29.18 " "Silicipua Matter 4.65 " "Lime 31.70 "Phosphoric Aoid 23.11 "

Orders Sollclle!. 5dec29-l- yeal Estate in any part r the Klngr- -Hnm Rnnirhr HaM Ullll Teased On Commission.RALWAYS ON HAND.

some boys in my memory of school days. Hi'pa was a school director, and consequent!Bennie defied the teachers in the Gibbor.school to an extent that made him heroic itour eyes. It was always understood thaiBennie was to test every new teacher to seehow much "sass" he would take before hebroke out and left the reservation. One timeold Mr. Grayson was sick and a substitutetook the school for a few weeks. The substi-tute was a mild looking man, of middle age,somewhat bald, with a thin neck, sandy com-plexion, meek voice and padlock whiskers.Not a boy of us was afraid of such a lookingman as that; still, Bennie Gibbs, as usual,took the field for a reconnoisance the firstmorning. First he dropped a book on thefloor. Then he dropped lii3 slate. Then hepushed the big dictionary off the table. Thenhe whispered. Then ho left his seat withoutpermission. Then he slammed the door likean earthquake when he went into the recita-tion room. Then he whistled once. Then hemewed softly, like a cat. Then he whinedlike a dog. Then he said "Ma'am?" veryloudly and pertly when the new teacherspoke to him very mildly, and we all laughedourselves tired. Then Bennie coughed likean old man. Then it was time for recess andthe new teacher looked at his watch and toldus to put away our looks and then hetiptoed meekly down the aisle to Ben-ru- e

Gibbs' seat. He took Bennie byboth shoulders and churned him up and

Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nuritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 lbs. o this meal is equal to 300 Bs. of oats,or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Loin to SuitAlso, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds o

nay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

Oxide of Iron...' d "Deposits bearing Interest received In their SavLoans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

NO. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-- tf

Carbonic Acid 1.89ings Department subject to published rules and Fancy drinks of every descripllou Alka Salts 52regulations. 17oc3tf a specialty.100.00

Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.

Wiiittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-2- 3 Front St., t s San I'ranvJsoo

Orders Received will have Promptand Careful Attention.sndAwly Proprietor.

Bell Telephone No. P. O. Box No. 415,

Chas. . T. Gulick,L.AI2STK fc CO.2 tf

JOHN COOK,W. Gr. Irwin & Co.,

Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.21tf


House Carpenter & Builder, Agent to Take Acknowledgments to E. II. WINCIIE3T1.K0. MAIN.John F. Colburn,Importer and Dealer in Labor Contracts. Marriage mjl- -

31 Alaltea Street, .cense Agent.GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY,Will furnish estimates and make contracts for Hay and G-2?ain- 5 GENERAL BUSINESSany description of wood buildings.ffl. Q ISWTN.OLAU8 SFRBOKBLS Sc. L ii. So.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of-- AND'

Jobbing of ail kinds done, and satisfaction Corner Kins and Maunakea Streets.

Main & Winchester,Manufacturers and Impvrtfcis of

Harness Saddles, Bridles, Mlili,COLLARS, SADDLERY : .iE, ETC.

Nos. 214, 216, 218 and 220 Bait-r- y S treet, HanFrancisco. Illustrate dcatiloue sent

on applicatioii . 1olrnch2

COMMISSION AGENT,WM. G. IEWIN & Co., guaranteed.67 tf Boob. News, REAL ESTATE BROKER.Charges as low as the lowest. Flat and Ijtbel Paiwrs,

Hinders boards esgTGooda delivered promptly.Twines, Etc.THOMAS LJNDSAY United States Consulate, Merchant street, Hono37 tfMutual telephone37.lulu, H. I. 391Jan3tf

FACTORS and ComiiilsNinnSUOAR Honolulu H. I. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and "Wholesale Dealers In1miortersBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu StreetHonolulu, H. I. 25tf-w- U

Manufacturing Jeweler, W. G. RICHARDSON, ....



205 Eeldesdorir Street.rz3

No. 60 Jluuann Street,

Honolulu, II. I.Pardcular attention paid to repairing.



RESTOREDMANHOOD32 tf fetropolitan MarketIeleuhone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

t f:! t'J cuml ofThe reason that Thousands c--


N B.-Sie- elal Attention given toAlakea. near Qaeen St. L'.3Furnished or Unfurnished,


DEALERN AND ESi.f eral Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUOKS.

Ho. 12 Kaahnmanu Street,HONOLULU. 28-t- f

33-- tf


, ease or trceues .. PiiOSTATOR- -

IQ ORATOR iiWIUEA. Price,iiO.OO. Qnide to

. Address LIE';r of Men,; Francisco, CaU

H00D, and the result (J abiise. --

is owing to a complication colliRHEA. DR. LIEBIO'S IIthe QXLYcure for PROS TAILP2.0Q per package, 6 packaga .

Health and Self-Analyttte- .

BIO DISPENSARY for Disk a400 Geary St., & i

lu:-- tf

The RisdonAnd turned him up and down. 4 COTTAGE ON LUNALILO AND TIKOII STS.,

furnished complete tor nousejieei ij.then he shook him Iron & Locomotive Works,H. HAOKFELD & CO., of horse and carriage; large pru. -

PROPRIETORG, J. WALLER,i rPR4i. ronnlNSlUK AWEXTS Corner of Beale and Howard Streets,i97-u7- tf Cor. Fort and Hotel ts.until Bennie's hair began to fly out, and then

lad and wore outhe bent over the shrinkinghim. Then he said, in a mZG tl yuen m nuiiuiuiu, n.i, To tlie Fnblic.; SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA

m tt mAVTfiD PresidentT. BANNING. W. MAKRTKN8. P OPrKBOKI--meek, timid way, "The school may have re-

cess," and touched the bell for us to go out.

We walked out like boys walking to theirThat niirht Mr. Gibbs went

t Ai An. a uamJOS. MOORE superintendent

ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO.,. . . Y T TT TT TXT Cliolceat Meats from Finest Herd,"OUILDERS OF STEAM XklAi;iilix. t

steamboat. Steaxnsriipteacher about it, and thatto see the new rmnorters & Commission Merchants.. ir 1 1 tt .nt-- The Pacific Transfer Co.,BEAVER SALOOn.uurPD aireei. xiuuuiuiu, 11. a Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.meek man beat him with a cnair leg uuuiuc

i i n ui You never saw suchOffice with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, bnilt complete

with Hulls of Wood, iron or onipositc.man. He wasn't afraid of anybody. Oneday be put the president of the board of cdu-L- t-

f ua snhnc, room because beI JNO. T FORT srilKET.

Opposite Wilder A Co.'s

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 6 Queen Street,

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391visable.

STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs milieu and shipping supplied on SHORTcriticised the vay the new man taught long di-

vision. This teacher, whose name was Mosesinto the Union army soon Viah Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, VEAL constructed with reterence w ne wac A ..U. . . V ( LI J . . . ' . J . U.H.I

haultncr or movine work, all of wnlch'I will iruai- -MUTTON. FISH, etc. H. J. K"oite, Propr, which they are to be empioyea. cpeeu, iu-nae- e

and draft of water guaranteed.and when one of ourafter the war broke out,

Dodge, Sweeney ' CcSan Francisco,

Wholesale dealers in Butter, Ohf-u- , Lard, andall kinds of provisions.

SOLE AGENTfi i IlLlbby, McNeill A LU'--, v'h ramie.

Heats.II. M. Inpee's (Eagle I.r.tl; lilea?,'

- IlauisHenry Verbage't Canned Vlfuua nit

Ham Sausage.Ana a. W. Home's 'F1 h" Brand of

Canned Salmon. 104 mchM 7

G. M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Jealors in

Ship Chandlery,38 and 40 Market St,, han ranctro.

orrniTi frTTu vr SiTTfl A MA' Biy w. f . iiKAHAivi, rTopnetor.OUwAO iwLljuo m.-?1 to. Uve Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to NOTICE and at thedid boys, George Slocum, a iuissoun WJr ,

intn th Confederate army and OPKN FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. Mnrricr i u plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith."tt""Z;ZZ hard that Meeker

FIRST-CLAS- S LIXCHF.S, COFFEE,WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anyu"' " -was serving

was in Grierson's cavalry, he deserted andcame north and shot off three fingers of lus

v.a the draft. He said as J. HI. SOPEE,size, made in suitable lengws iur vuuUCu,.uhti Ttrilled. Punched and Lowest Market Prices.New Photograph Rooms.

TEA, SODA WATER, GIXGF.R ALE, Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe eround. Successor toson as he heard that old Meeker had enlisted

he knew the south had no chance. Meeker isi tt Villi? been preaching in nvno4mm oTTxfrTNfj. Tloiler Work andCigars and Tobaccos u. A u AV t J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., Jtirn.. nindu hv mis eaianusiiiueuiirT VTPTTnT.,i STOUT?. FORT STREET.

Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,OF BEST BRANDSthe same church for eighteen years, and never J next the Shooiing Gallery. Pictures, Port

raits and Views. First-clas- s won. waiisi-- on that quality ol woric dciuhand work. STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS,had but one row with the cuoir.

. o.. v,a nwached. and they do say Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected fromguaranteed. 114ap2 A. uuwsalvu).ri sipftin Capstans. SteamQillt Sf li A. . kJf' ' . " ' -

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety Hawaiian Gazette Block.Winches, Air ana urcuiiui uw, "'"after the most approved plans. All m .at. if fwim 4 Vi 1 m.rlrAt ar. triorthat now, if he ordered that choir to sing thedoxology to "Amsterdam" or

SSTver Street," they'd do it, if it burst. the EiTiploviiieiit Office. of BEST QUALITY ongly ehllled immediately after killing by meansnf . RnlUVtsmiiii Pot.nl Ttrv Ai Wor IcorAtnTSOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa 27 Merchant St., Honolnln. H-- I.

Meat so treated retains all its Juicy properties.cific Coast of the Heme waieiy raoimr.a tm . Piimns. for Irrigation ororgan. Robert J. nuraetws m -- j- SMOKERS' ARTICLES. ana ig j uakaimkm' iu w.jt.r.r-- wuwiAFTER DELIVERY THAW rREHHLY- -rpHE UNDERSIGXED HAS MOVED INTO

1 h nmo nt Mr J Tr". Wlama.H. where he City Works' purposes, ouus wjui vuts tnc- -

41 tf

JOSnUA HENDYEagle. z .

AVTiv He Followed.KILLED MKAT. 4V-- ubrated Davy vaive jiuuuu , oupwui

nthcr Diimt).Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant

Agents fo Taunton Sheathing Metal Mannfwtnr- -

ing Company . l2f-2-t-



16 to 22 Beale Street. Shu Franclnco.7

collect tjills, do Anglo-Chines- e interpreting, and arr o inrr Vinme to his wife and family. J. N. S. WILLIAMS.renen business. 01 duiwu.

Ti. .lnrk. He had a lonely road 1EUMICE & CO. BILLIARD TABLE Room No. 3, upstairs, sprecKiMa iou( Agent for Hawaiian Islands )

9ae30-lyd-- wIVTach-in- e "Works For Lease or Sale.from the car and he was making as fast head-

way as he could, when be suddenly gatheredj ; ;.;. rfint. n. man was following him J. E. T3ROWISJ". on the Premises No. 35 to 51 Fremont Street.

SAN FRANCISCO.The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call E. E. Mayhew,Accountant, Lawl, Estate andpurposely. The faster he went, the faster thernanwent and they came to a 8?- -

"Now." he said to himself, TU find out ifnd he started through the

Manufacturers of New and dealers in Secondfrom his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a hand THE HOUSE AND LOT AT WAIKIK1. AToccupied by G. D. Freeth. AddItLabor Agent. Accounts Collected. office at of LEVI STRAUSS & CO.,

14 and lo Batterystreet, Ba l Francisco Cal.CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER,

LUNCH. A SMOKE. OR A GAME OP FREETH b. PEACOCK.Boilers, Engines and MachineryCAMPBELL'S BLOCK, Merchant street. S65dec20tf 23 NuuanuBILLIARIS.cemetery The man followed him. ague

visions of revolvers behind him, sensations ofsandbags and loaded clubs and things grew

i.:. vfa ,irvlcrpd around a grave ana 86 Hotel 8tret, Honoluln, II 1.,Of Every Description.upon iuui.

dodged"u "

afU him. He made a de--his pursuer References Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, B. J. Creigh- - (Opposite Fashion Stablesy

IHOIST-BA.TI- E:ton, Esq. Have constantly in stock New ano Second-ban- dtour of a mausoieuiii.Importers of Foreign and D n. --.Jc UryvcoC

Horfery, Ladles and Gent's Fu c; :r- -iole Proprietors and Mannf i i k

baited PATENT RIVETED I .'n ? i N

1l1an28 8

P. O. Box 4B3. ooo-aeci- H. J. NOLTE.WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY,



Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appll- -

canon. nd.ijrt T A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF; iv. untn.i TVlTihnn Con3t)anv. held AND DEALERS INIMPORTERS and Pistols. Colt Winchesteriv;. it - a AfiitA to raduce the riint of

instruments t' S5 per month in the districts of We have just received from Australia a few Iron--Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. Remlngton, Sharps and Ballard Sporting Itifles. Agentsfor W. W. GreeBer, Colt, Parker and RemingtonBreech-loadin- g Double Guns. Colt and Smith fc

bark Foundation nmoemKoolau, Eva, wainaeana n'wu.A. JAEGER,

N. F. BURGESS,Si KinST St., Honolnln.Wesson Pistols. N. CURRY A BRO., 113 San-so-

street. Han Francisco Cal. 16-l- ySecretary Mutual Telephone Co.

Honolulu. January 6, 1887. 402-jan-- tf SIZS-16x- 24 lnene.12 Feet'I4ons:.,l

shadow was after him, arounu u uu,,

At last he turned and face! the fellowWhat in thunder do you want? What are

vou following me for!"" home like this?Say do you always go

to 's house to do a job ofI'm corns upcarpentering, and a man at the car told me if

I'd follow you Td find the place. Are you

going home at all!" San Francisco Chronicle.

lie May Get It All."So you want my daughterr queried a

Chicago capitalist, as the young man finishedhis addrrf-- s and with folded anus.

"I do.""r.tbol'i used to luxury, you knowf"Yes, sir. and she shall have all that heart

'canwUh."'But you are a poor young man, just get-

ting a start in Dakota." '

"Ani I? I nofc-- Otir county has issuedbonds to tbe amount of $350,000 for internaliinproven,euts. I am county treasurer and!fct all contracts."

"Take Ler, William, and remember that in-t?2- T

:ty i the to success." Wall Street

IR A d-- Or A Ct "Fl fAnd HxlH lnenes, 16 Feet IMne

WENNEE a CO.92 Fort Strvf.

Have on hand New Foreign i.uJ lU-- i I-


!Watches, Bracelels. :utkUu,Pins, Lock ets; ( lo: k -- ,

And ornaments of U kiiivin.

Silver anil GkI& Piatcv,' Elejfant Solid Sll' "?

Suitable for Pres'-ntatlors- . ' -


IXepalrlnfr in all lt t.ra,ifctic.tgr Hole Agents for Ktng'f Xye Prt-B- vtts

'48-mar9-- v


my line faithfully done. Plans andsntKtions made. Jobbing in all details donea?eshor? noUce. Good work and low charge is

my motto.


manuiactnrersof Desiccated Cocoanot. Bananas,Pine Apples, Sicily Lemons, Tahiti

Orgies and Cocoamm, Nuts of aU kinds, Dates

SSSTmi for export a specialty. Longin shipping to China, Anstralia, Mexico,

Central America. Eastern States, etc. Tropicalimported direct by every steamer.

"aUr. . ' O. i'.oi Uat.f. . - i v.. t'.

r,4U .nC. 417 Whir it : Ki-.- , pp':v: PwstOffice; 412, 424 and 41 MercSaatsti'eti.

j3- - ieZo 8" SAN FHANCIiCO.

PjTnese Umbers, aa their same signifies, arenearly as solid and durable as Iron, and forfoundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot be surpassed.

GENEEAL EXPEESS.All ocronnu for Adrerttsiug and Job Printingat the


ing between A. BROWN and J. PHILLIPS,under the firm name and btyle of BROWNfcPHILLIPS, having expire" Tl i "buiiness wiU hereafter be 1 c-- - '

PHILLIPS, who will pay al.

. ft...... t ,ir.--- i it L.

Oflice Telephone 202. Residence 152. W. a. Irwin k, Co.311nov25t."

'Mf'.'.j this date o -- rented far pay. tcollect all bins aue saia nr1 S37 decStf

.1'', M:iicb 2, an.SS2 a .Honolulu, Dec. 31, 1888.


tVARIOUS FORMS OF VERTIGO.LATEST NEWS.THE DAILY is considered that the opiuia certificate

is in the nature of a prescription forEleven Days" Iater Sews.

Pacific Commercial AdvertiserThe Oceanic Steamship .Company's

brigantine J. D. Spreckels arrived fromIS PUBLISHED San Francisco yesterday,w ith dates to De-

cember 31st, being eleven days later AT FISHEL'S STOEE,iYJin AlOKNINti. than those previously received.

some disease, we think this is dealinrather hardl' with the physicians. It isscarcely worth questioning whether thelaw authorizes any regulation of thekind, but the remark may be permittedthat the official fees to an "opium fiend"will be heavy. Every time he replenisheshis pipe unless he buys by wholesale,which the law does not contemplate hemust pay the Government and the Mar-

shal $1 and the physician who furnisheshim with a certificate of opium-necessit- y

another dollar. Then he has to pay forthe dru itself, buying it from a monopol-ist- All this seems very hard. Onewould think that there was no money, in

General Logan's death as a nationalcalamity, and says that in war he was agallant soldier, in peace a forceful states-man, and at all times an ardent patriot.

The "Sun" says his sincerity was sel-

dom questioned and he was in manyrespects a representative American ofthe West.

Jliscellaueous.Severe snow storms have occurred in

England and on the Continent. It is es-

timated that two hundred lives havebeen lost in Southern Germany.

De Lesseps says 137,500,000 francs arestill needed to complete the Panamacanal.

The official organ of the New Bruns-wick Government publishes a significantarticle on Nova Scotia's determination tosecede from the Canadian confedera-tion.

The Campbell divorce case is con-

cluded, both parties being absolvedfrom the charges of adultery. LadyCampbell's petition for divorce was ac-

cordingly dismissed.President Cleveland's health is im-

proving rapidly, and he has been able toattend a meeting of the Cabinet.

Mr. Michael,Davitt, the Irish patriot,was married on the 29th of December toMiss Mary Yale. The marriage tookplaces in Oakland, Rev. Father Mc-- S

weeny officiating.

TERMS OF NrBSi'JilPTIOK,?er ftnoam 6 00

Six months 3 00

Per month....B9Kiib-rlition- s IMyuble AIhuj hIii

Al vain.C'on;muuicetloi)8 from uU psrts of the Kingdom

tjrtl! always be very acrcptnble.Persona residing In nay part vi tne United suites

wn remit the amount of ttiihscriptinn due by itOffice money order.

Matter lutended for iuhli-ii- n in the oditorial

roluraos should be adWrewsed toElUTOH fAVttK- t'OMJf KRflAI. A 1VKKT1.SKB.'

Business commit ideations and Hdvertiaemtntsnould be addressed simply


And not to individual

the opium business under such condi-tions, but somehow a large annual sumis paid for the opium ' license, and wesuppose that the consumers will pay theextra charges imposed by regulations.

Corner of Fort and Ilotel Sts.,

May be Seen one of the most Elaborate

Displays of

DRY &OODSEtc., ever brought to view in

this City.


The news to hand yesterday, thoughour files are incomplete, shows the gen-

eral tendency of the relations betweenthe European "Powers to be the reversePaciiic Commercial Advertiseroi amicable. mis conclusion isgathered from the almost universal dis-

position to the increase of armamentsrather than from any diplomatic nego

Ja now for i.ii-- Y at liu- - Fdtt v i:k J In ff ;

J. H. SUPER Mercuam street(,'RYSTAL. SODA WORKS Ilotel streetT. i. THKCM Fort streetSIMMS' BOOTBLACK STAND Hotel street

Five Cents ;er .'py.

Symptoms Which Sometimes Scare Per-

sons Badly Not Often Dangerous.Vertigo is from a Latin word that

means to turn.It denotes an ailment characterized by

a sudden feeling of dizziness, and attimes by actual falling. Sometimes sur-

rounding objects seem to the person at-

tacked to whirl around, or the floor (orground) to rise up. The fact that ver-

tigo is often one of the earlier symptomsof apoplexy, frequently fills the personwith terror, lest that deadly disease maybe impending. But in the majority ofca&es it has no such significance, noteven as indicating a tendency.

One form of vertigo, a very persistentform, is due to irritation of certain nerveswithin the inmost chamber of the ear,the so-call- ed labyrinth. This was whatDean Swift suffered from so long, and,to the physicians of his day, so unac-countably. One of its symptoms is tem-

porary deafness. This distinguishes itfrom all other forms. '

Another form connects itself mainlywith the eye. Of this kind is the feelingof giddiness which some people havewhen, being on a train at rest, anothertrain slowly passing deceives them intothe idea that it is their own train whichhas begun to move. The giddiness oc-

curs at the moment when the false andthe true sensations become confused to-

gether.In the case of the near-sighte- d, the in-

ternal muscles of the eye, often beingunduly strained in their efforts to con-verge the eyes sufficiently for the sightof near objects, suddenly give way,when the eyeballs turn out and the let-

ters run into each other. This is accom-panied with a feeling of giddiness, eye-ach- e,

headache, and sometimes nausea.A third form connects itself with some

slight disorder of the stomach, and oc-

curs most often when the stomach isempty. Thre is a sudden swimming inthe head, objects seem to revolve, andthe person totters, and perhaps falls.

A fourth form is purely of nervous ori-

gin, and is due to nervous exhaustion. Itmay be caused by intellectual overstrain,long-continu- ed anxiety, physical ex-cesses, or the immoderate use of tobocco,alcohol, or tea. Elevated positions maybring on an attack. It rarely results inactual falling, but oftener in the feelingof being about to fall. Youths' Com-panion.

Cousins' Marriage in Persia.In Persia the marriage of first cousins

is the favorite union. The reason isthat cousins have been acquaintancesand friends from childhood, while to therest of the world, save her brothersand sisters, the young girl is a veiledmystery; so that, unless there is a mu-tual disinclination or too great a dis-

parity of age, the Persian youth looksforward to the "daughter of my uncle"as his future wife. Often the cousinsare betrothed from childhood. As a

tiations made public. As to the latter,advices are silent excepting as regardsrumors. An important change has occurred in the British Cabinet, whichmay not improbably be the precursor ofa Liberal accession to power in the nearfuture. The 'rock on which the Tory

WEDNESDAY January 12th.

Ministry has split is the army and navyREGULATIONS FOR 1HE SALE OF


European Affairs.Lord Churchill has resigned his seat

in the British Cabinet, owing to a disa-

greement with the Admiralty and "War

Office. He considers the estimates ofMr. W. II. Smith and Lord Hamiltonfor those departments excessive, con-

sidering the state of foreign affairs. Mr.W. H. Smith is to take his place asleader of the Conservatives. Otherwise,there Will be no great changes in theconstitution of the Cabinet. Lord Hart-ingto- n

has refused a seat. The Radical-Whi- g

alliance is still unbrokeu.A direct alliance is said to have been

entered into between Russia and Ger-many.

The Bulgarian delegates have beenunofficially received at the Foreign Of-

fice in London by Lord Iddesieigh, whohas also invited them to his countryseat. Anjjfficial reception was accordedthem in Paris.

It is rumored in Vienna that Russiaand Turkey have agreed to send a jointultimatum to Bulgaria ordering the Gov-

ernment to comply with their demandsunder pain of occupation of Bulgaria.

The "Tribune's" London correspond-ent repudiates the idea that the rupturein the Cabinet was caused by dissatisfac-tion with the army and navy estimates,and attributes Churchill's resignation tohis innate democratic tendencies. It issaid to have completely broken up notonly the Government but the Tory part3'as well, and it is expected- - to take allheart out of the Irish landlords. A gen-

eral election is expected. Sir M. Hicks-Beac- h

has resigned the Irish Secretary-ship and accepted the Exchequer.

The German students in Switzerlandhave been ordered to rejoin their regi-ments immediately. Many officers onfurlough have also been recalled to Ger-many.

An income tax is proposed with theview of meeting the cost of increasingthe German army.

It is authoritatively stated that Mr.Parnell is convinced that the position ofthe Irish tenants is worse now thanwhen he introduced his anti-evictio- n

bill. That the plan of campaign has, asasserted, procured extensive abatementsin rents where everything else hasfailed, he regards as improbable. Hethinks it remarkable that the Govern-ment should propose a coercion bill, asthe entire absence of crime leaves no ex-

cuse for coercion. The suppression ofthe Irish National League would inevita-bly result in the formation of secret so-

cieties that would rival one another inthe commission of crimes, and thusnecessitate the landlords asking Parlia-ment for further coercive powers. "Thepresent situation," says Parnell, ""points

estimates, Lord Churchill deeming theextent proposed by the respective headsof those departments uncalled for in viewof present foreign relations. Other groundsare suggested for the rupture, but theseare publicly announced, and it is prob HEADQUARTERSable they constitute the principal causeof the disagreement. That the latePrime Minister is in a great measure a

-- FOR-democrat at heart is no new thing, andthis would naturally induce him, in pur


The Popular Millinery House,

Honolulu104 "Port Street

suance of such principles, to take excep-tion to any unnecessary exjenditure forwarlike purposes. In the event of theLiberals again coming into office, withGladstone atheir head, the prospects ofpeace being maintained so far as Eng-land is concerned will be greatlystrengthened, but it is of course doubt-ful how far the present administrationmay have committed themselves in theirforeign olicy. The influence the changeis likely to have upon the Irish questionis foreshadowed already. The landlordsare not slow to discern that the coercivemeasures in support of their positionmaybe brought to a close in the nearfuture.

In the death of - General LoganAmerica loses one of her foremost poli-ticians,o- ne

who by natural force of charac-ter,integri- ty

and honesty of puriose, with-out any abnormal intellectual attain

1ST. S. SCI-IS-, IPropi-ietoi- v

rule, classea do not mingle in marriage.The sons of merchants wed merchants'daughters; the young tradesman mateswith his like, and so with the membersof the servant and soldier classes. Chi-

cago Herald.

ments, has risen from obscurity into a

Supreme Court January Term.BEFORE JUDD, C. J.

Tuesday, January 11th.Keliikanakaole vs. Kawaa, ejectment.

Mr. W. A. Kinney for plaintiff; His Ex-

cellency Antone Rosa for defendant. De-

fendant's plea in bar is argued and sub-mitted.

The King vs. Kaohele. Defendantwas the principal witness for the defensein the case of the King vs. Haoleliilii,robber, in which the latter was sen-

tenced on Saturday last to four years'hard labor, and was arraigned on acharge cf perjury in the second degreewhen testifying in that case. His Ex-

cellency Antone Rosa for the Crown.He pleaded guilty, and was sentencedto six months' hard labor.


In re estate of George E. Sherman, de-

ceased. Probate of will. Mr. C. Brownfor petitioner; Mr.. W. A. Kinney forcontestant. Continued by consent tothe 24th instant.

In re estate of Domingo Lopez .Ramos,deceased. Administration. Mr. C.Brown for petitioner. Ordered that let-

ters of administration issue to J. P.Mendonca under bond of $1,500.

In re guardianship of Pakuakini (k), aminor. Petition for guardianship. Mr.L.A.Thurston for petitioner; His Ex-

cellency Antone Rosa for contestant.Continued indefinitely.

In re estate of Kate May, deceased.Petition for administrator's discharge.Ordered that the accounts of T. May beapproved and he be discharged.

Wood vs. Dillingham. The matterhad been referred to the Master to takeevidence and ascertain the value of thepremises in dispute by reason of perma-nent improvements placed thereon bydefendant. Having taken voluminousevidence, Mr. Wm. Foster submitted hisreport.


Tuesday, January 11th.One drunkard was fined.Chas. Peterson, E. Smith and L. Be-verin- o,

charged with disturbing thequiet of the night, pleaded not guilty.Fined $2 each and costs.

Eugene St. Mark was charged withassault and battery on Captain Schauer,on the bktne. Wrestler the previous day.He struck the Captain on the shoulderand threatened to kill him, having aknife in his hand at the time. Fined$10 and costs.

Ah Lin was charged with being acommon nuisance. Nolle pros, entered.


Duck Leim vs. Wong Wo Yuen, as-

sumpsit for $31. Mr. J. A. Magoon forplaintiff; Mr. W. R. Castle for defend-ant. The motion for a non-su- it waswithdrawn by defendant's counsel.Judgment for plaintiff for $31 with costs,etc. Appeal noted to the Supreme Courtat Chambers.

Union Feed Co. vs. G. II. Luce, as-

sumpsit for $156 20. Mr. F. M. Hatch forplaintiff; His Excellency Antone Rosafor defendant. The motion for a non-

suit by defendant's counsel was sus-

tained. Costs, $4 90.


We are now sbowftrgsasplandld line of EMBROIDERED 8111X3 in white and colored,w.nd COMBINATION DRESS SCIrS.

Cashmere and TT tin's "VeilingsIn all colors at special prices. CHAMOIS AND UNDRESSED KID GLOVES. We call special at-

tention to our line of

Corsets and Ladies' Miislin Underwear.

position where he was resjected through to the probability of the Governmentbeing obliged to introduce a bill reducingout the nation.

We till i nx Hells.Last evening Mr. Edmund II. Hart,

one of the obliging operators of vlhe Ha

In our "By Authority" column weprint the regulations for the sale of

opium, promulgated by His ExcellencyMr. Aholo. The Minister of the Interioris empowered by law to make "rulesand regulations for the proper regulationof the sale of opium or its preparationsunder the Act." lie is not empowered,however, to enlarge upon or add to thestatute. Hut His Excellency Mr.

- Aholo has done so, and there can belittle doubt that in this regard he hasgone outside and beyond the law.

There is some excuse, perhaps, in thefact that the law itself is unworkable;hut it does not therefore follow that theMinister of the Interior should supple-ment the statute and make regulationsto take the place of law. This, how-

ever, is what Mr. Aholo apjears to havelone under section 8, which gives himgeneral power to make regulations forthe sale of opium. In our judgment theregulations in question are not worth thepaper they are printed uion, and theirobservance may subject the license tothe penalties under the Act. It is noexcuse to say that the law is defective init? machinery. Those who are nowattempting to amend the law by regula-tions would not listen to reason while thebill was before the Legislature, but n-isted

upon passing it as it stood. Per-haps this is saying too much, however,

that Mr. Cecil Brown moved theprovision authorizing the Minister of theInterior to formulate rules and regula-tions under the Act ; but most certainlythis does not empower that Minister tosupplement it. The rules and regula-tions must be in accordance with lawand not supplemental to or in excess ofit.

The rules in question do not confinethemselves to regulations within thestatute ; they go outside and supplementthe law. For example, the law con-

templates one licensee, one officialrecord and one place where opium maybe sold ; the regulations promulgated byMr. Aholo authorize the licensee to int

agents who are to be empoweredto sell opium throughout the Kingdom.We fail to see any authority under thelaw for such a regulation. On the con-

trary, the law proceeds upon the theorythat there shall be one license and oneplace of opium sale, and that there shallbe one book of record of sales, and oneonly. His Excellency Mr. Aholo, how-ever, supplements the law by regulation,and authorizes the licensee to appointagents for the sale of opium, but he doesnot enjoin them to keep books of record.If the licensee does so he will probably,come to grief, and the Minister of theInterior will not be able to help him.

Another point deserving of mentionirises out of No. 5 of the resolutions. Itjnposes a charge of $1 for each licensejo be issued by the Marshal,under sectionT of the Act, "one-hal- f of which fee shallbe for the benefit of the Hawaiian Gov-ernment, and the other to the Marshal."We are amazed at such an official re-elatio- n.

Section 7 of the law provides

waiian Bell Telephone Company, wasunited in marriage to Miss Annie K. Special Bargains iu LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HOSE, in cottbn, Lisle thread and eilt PrILove, at fct.. Andrew's Cathedral. The

A Know Lined with Amber.Most smokers are proud to own a real

amber mouthpiece. What would theysay to room,, 75 by 100 feet square, 1 nedon all sides with amber clear to thelofty ceiling? That is what some Amer-ican tourists saw the other day ' atTsarskoe Solo, an imperial summer pal-ace near St. Petersburg. The preciousfossil gum was cut and dovetailed so asto make beautiful figures of cupids,fruits arid flowers. The whole is in thehighest state of polish. Chicago Her-ald. -

Making Thistle-Ball- s.

One of the occupations of piazza-lounge-rs

at the summer resorts this sea-son is making thistle-ball- s. The prettyfluffy things are much admired, as adecoration for the parlors of city homes,and, as they are not very easy to con-struct, the chance is that a cluster ofthistle-ball- s tied with a satin ribbon willbe a gift welcome to many a lover ofodd embellishments for a room. Chi-

cago Times.

ceremony was performed in a very im (ETMRS. MKLLLS' dressmaking establishment on Ujp premises. 7ipressive manner bv the Rev. Alexander

CIGARSMackintosh. A large number of peoplewere present in the church to witness.the ceremony. The bride was givenaway by Alex. J. Cartwright, Esq., andlooked very nice in her bridal robss. Asthe bridal party left the church Mendels-sohn's "Wedding March" was played onthe organ. A reception was held laterat the residence of the bride's parents,Mr. and Mrs. James Love, King street.The friends of both parties attended inlarge numbers, and offered their con-gratulations. The presents were verynumerous.

JeiltWan Storm's, which havo justComposer Strauss' Methods.Strauss is said to compose in a very

unmethodical way, jotting down hi3ideas on any piece of paper lying nearhim, and not infrequently on a bank-note. His careful wife generally in-

spects his cuffs to see whether they donot bear traces of her husband's genius.

Chicago Times. .j

HOLLISTEK & C0.S,109 Fort Street,


rents to the standard fixed by the recentdecisions of the Land Commissions;also admitting leaseholders to its bene-fits. The Government's illegal methodof reducing rents through General Bull-er- 's

action failed, except where 'assisted'by moonlighters or the 'plan of cam-paign.' "

The anti-re- nt agitation in Ulster isspreading, and many tenants are joiningthe movement for lower rents.

England is actively making prepara-tions to'place her armament on a warfooting.

Uneasiness is , felt in Paris over therapidity with wjtiich the Government iswTorking to place the armament of Francein the most complete condition possible.

It is reported from Rome that Italy isarming.

Advices from Berlin state that Ger-many is increasing her troops in Alsace-Lorrain- e.

Sonic of the English " papers predictGladstone's return to office within twomonths, and many cool-heade- d observersare of the same opinion.

Death of General Logan.Senator John A. Logan died at his

residence in Washington at three min-utes'befo- re

3 p. m., on December 26th.His death came with startling sudden-ness to his friends and family, as it wasnot anticipated by his physicians forsome time longer. However, the lurk-ing tendency to brain complicationswhich had been present in a greater orless degree with constantly increasingseverity led them to expect the "worst.Shortly after the sad event becameknown the front of the residence waslined with carriages conveying sympa-thetic callers. The remains were con-

veyed to the Capitol on the 30th in-

stant amid the silence of thousands inthe rotunda. The deceased was born inJackson county, 111., February 9, 1826.

Mr. John D. Spreckels, in speaking ofthe death of General Logan, said to a"Call" reporter : "I believe our countryhas sustained a ;reat loss in the death ofGeneral Logan, a loss, in fact, that itwill be difficult to overcome. He hasalways been a man prominent in publiclife, and his well-know- n integrity hasmany times reflected itself in wise coun-sel in the halls of Congress. "While Idid not personally have the pleasure ofmeeting him while here during the en-campment, yet I recollect how cordiallyour people received him, and I believeit was well deserved. I do not call tomind anyone in the ranks of the Repub-lican leaders who can fill the vacancy

a. a. it.The following officers of Geo. W. De

Long Post, No. 45, Department of Cali-fornia, were installed by P. P. C, N. B.Emerson, detailed as installing officer,last night: P. C, P. P. 0., R. W.Laine ; S. V. C, V. V. Ashford ; J.V. C,J. T. White; O. D., F. Turrell; O.-G- .,

W F. Williams; Q. M., R. Jay Greene;Adjutant, James F. Noble; Chaplain, F.H. Boehm; S. M., F. L. Clarke; Q. M.S., John Ross.

After the installation ceremonies thePost Commander alluded feelingly to thedeath of Comrade John A. Logan, thefirst Commander-in-Chie-f of the G. A. It.It was voted that the members of thePost wear the usual token of mourningin honor of their late comrade.

Let lie HaveLOVE JOY & CO.,

"Wine and. Spirit Merchants,No. 15 Nuuanu: Street.CIGAR!

(hat any person obtaining a physician 'acertificate that he is entitled to con Havintienlarged and renoate thr -- tor

supply all good in tLeir lii?at"tai .i.v rej artd to

Water Notice.Mr. Chas. B. Wilson, Superintendent

of Water Works, gives notice in our "ByAuthority" column that all applicationsfor water after this date to be suppliedto shipping must be sent to the office of

the Water Works between 9 a. m. and2 p. m. of each day.

. m m

Rev. W. B. o'leson.

Rev. W. B. Oleson, formerly Principal

sume opium shall "obtain a license from

BOYAL CLUB GUST."Special attention is calledto this extra quality ofiperior articlft. wiA, being theirown i importation and a veryA full assortment of California M ines and all t x .always in stock. Also, eermin, lxnls A" " Sorterof the Hilo Boarding School, has re

turned from San Francisco by the bark

Another "hinain-i- i Escapes.A Chinaman named" Ah Mung will be

brought before the Police Court to-da- y,

charged with escaping from justice.Some days ago he was committed totake his trial at the Supreme Court forhousebreaking, the circumstances al-leged in connection with this havingbeen already reported. It appears thatwhile being escorted by an officer fromthe rolice Station to the jail in companywith several other prisoners he made hisescaie, but has since been recaptured.

tAu Ocean Rare.What bids fair to be an exririn

e ana pints.

Cordials, Liqueurs Bitters, Etc.entine Discovery, accompanied by hiswife and family. Jir. Oleson is the new ted

Principal of the Kamehameha Island.ordersfpromptly attended to and goodslcarefully packed for shitmfnt.i eifpnoiiM mm. 159janl.

rPHE ABOV2 REQUEST IS IIEAED DAILY INA cigar stores, saloons and other places where

cigars are sold, for it is an undisputed fact thatmost smokers prefer a mild cigar, and that thosewho have for a long time smoked strong cigars,principally imported Manilas, will, after havingthoroughly injured the stomach and impaired thenervous system, surely want a mild cigar if theycould find the right kind.

How many thousands of smokers who sufferfrom loss of appetite, headache, nervous irrita-bility, asthma, etc , and who have tried all pos-sible remedies without success, might he curedif they knew that their sufferings were caused bythe intemperate use of stroDg cigars, and thatthey should only smoke mild an properly pre-pared ones.

It is a fact that not all mild cigars agree wellwith smokers, fur iui most cases there is a lackot care in the selection of the tobacco, and oftenthe necessary experience for it is wanting, yelthere is one braad which suite the L.ost fastid-ious smoker, and that is


"Sampler' Health Cigar,Which is made from mild, Aromatic and particu-larly selected and prepared tobacco, and com-bines all the qualities which may be expectedfrom a health cigar. It causes no bad effect ofanv kind, is a?rreeable t TiA taatc .... n

1. O. Box 137.

the Marshal or his deputy as herein-after provided, authorizing the intendingpurchaser to me opium or any prepara-tion thereof." Now, it so happens thatthere is no "as hereinafter provided,"and the section in question was amendediu the Legislature by striking outauthority to the Marshal to charge fiftvcents for each such certificate. Yethere we have His Excellency Mr. Aholonot only giving half a dollar to MarshalKaulukou for each opium license, butexacting another half-doll- ar "for thebenefit of the Hawaiian Government,"which is (sufficiently guarded by thelicense, revenue stamp and import dutyon opium. This is thrift- - with a ven-geance; but somehow it is thriftlessthrift, because it does not call upon theMarshal for an accounting. There is nocheck established "to the benefit of the

Hawaiian Government," and no agentis mentioned ffor the receipt, custody,

School, now in course of erection..Thoughtful Employers.

The San Francisco "Call" of Decem-

ber 20th says that "Messrs. John D.

Spreckels & Brothers distributed threehundred pounds of turkey among theiremployes on Christmas Eve. The tur-

keys were all of the finest bronzeLEWI8 -- & CO.,

Ill lorl Smt-Im,M- ,m ),,Staple and Fancy Groceries

... orace will commence at noon to-da- y,

when the Oceanic Steamship Company'sbrigantines Consuelo, Captain Cousins,and W G. Irwin, Captain McCullochwill both leave this port for San Fran-cisco. The capabilities of the two ves-sels are very closely matched, and aclose race is therefore anticipated, bothCaptains being sanguine of success.

sjecies.caused by General Logan's death, and itwill no doubt require considerable studyto solve the problem. His los3 will bo :o:- -

to the end and possesses a fine aroma. No Jkeenly felt in his own State, which hehas so faithfully served for years, but as FRESH (jOOpS

. v.. a viui.t, ;;... .. r. - --r banda full and complete .line of

Foreiyu Money Orders.Applications for ' money orders on the

United States, Great Britain, Portugal(including the Azores and Madeira),Germany, Hongkong and China, perilariposa, January 14th, will be receivedat the Post Office up to 4 p. m. w.


By t . c:- - unci 7.soldier and statesman the whole countrywill mourn and keep him and his career

and accounting of this half-dolla- r opiumfund received on its behalf.

The sixth regulation provides that themedical fee shall be $1, which fee shallbelong to the physician. Now, when it

smoker eoouiu iaii to give

EngeJbrechfs "Sampler' Cigar

A fair tiial, and benefit himself at the earntime. I05mar29

The Ere win or Malt Ifiuora.Wre understand that Mr. Gilbert Wal-

ler lias received the license for thebrewing of malt liquors in Honolulu.

alive in memory. J Provisions, LEtx Etc.61 Satisfaction gu.:rameod. Telethon No. 210. j P. 0. Boi No. 297, ' -

The New York "Tribune" speaks of


BY AUTHORITY. iLOCAL AND GENERAL. A&vtrtwmsnXsHaw bark Thos K Foster, F W Ku?g, from Vic- - I

toria, B C, due Dec 25-3- 1 i

RM SS Mariposa (Am). H M navward.from I f'f v" 7','Miss ZvL'Uie Z'logarj, tliethe Colonies, en route to San Francisco, due Mr. liobrrr f WmimIiio i in ! Hve-stoc- k of The Now Yoik

Brit bark Marvba Fisher, from Glasgow, due ! town. Times, Iv---; on,?. I for tho past J

Jan 15-3-0 f fivo rprrr; i;i hnid:"-- n !.-- .- m.7 it. i 2 ;

T7-i',- ",t3-:- .- Ti.,: . t. n-- tl 1..-- '.. ..."imci 0 " " j still unr.i.-!ip.- u 3Jiw rr.r-- m u builu- - j

A,iC jury win sit at the bu-- ; part c Stasia iuativl fiho Ivjugbt jtctprc-m- Court to-da- . , enough ground to build the house on.

The Australia arrived in San Francisco j and seemed to care nothing for anytilingDecember 29th , seven dayi itt--m H02.0- - more.lulu. "j The house itself is the most hideous

Am bark Titnour, Brewer, sailed from EoaionDec 17, due May 1--

R M S S Alameda (Am), II G Morse, from SanFrancisco, en route to the Colonies, due Jan-uary 22

Am bktne S K Castle, H L Hubbard, from PortTownsend, due January 20-- 30

Am bark C O Whitinore, T Thompson, fromPort Townsend, W T, due January 15-1- 5

Haw S S Australia, H C Houdlette, from SanFrancisco, due January 12th

Am bark Rlikitat, R D Cutler, from Port Towns-en- d,

W T, due February 10-2- 8

Brit bark Lady Lampson, Marston, from New-castle, N 8 W, due February 10-2-8

Mr. Mark Kobiinori's new ,tern-uht- cl ! ,m u Snuy au arcmteci


or builder. It is built of red brick. 13steamer will tuuke n trial trip to Ewa onThuridav

The following rules and regulations for thegale of opium or preparation of opium under anAct entitled "An Act to regulate the importationand sale of opium in this Kingdom," approvedOctober 15, A. D. 188C, are now publish s

required by law:First That said Licensee or his agents shall

not sell, give or furnish any opium or prepara-tion of opium to any native Ilawaiian or Japaneseor to any other person who has not received acertificate from some physician, stating thatopium is the poper remedy for the disease fromwhich the bearer is suffering.

very narrow and has what we arepleased to call a French roof. Miss Mor-gan confesses to being a coward at nighttime, so she has iron bars at every win-dow in the fir.it story of her house,which gives it very much the appear-ance of a private insane asylum. Thegreater part of the first floor inside is de-voted to a plunge bath. There is no

EXPORTS.For San Francisco, per barkentine Mary Wink-elma- n,

January llth H Hackfeld & Co, 9,2.bags sugar; J T "VVaterbouse, (J72 do; M S Grin-biui- u

& Co, 3,"67 do, and 1,500 bags rice. Ton-nage, U28 tons. Domestic valu, .31,461 50.

The sailing oi the !.riganlinei AVm. ('.Irwin and Consuelo has been io.-?lione-

until noon to-da- y.

The iiistailation of ofik-eT- s of th' o.W. De Long 1'oit for th? enduing yi :r w asheld lat evening.

PASSEXOERS. liin up telephone '.&' if yon want 1 go mbut there h a hole the ceil- -"it I staircase, mwill haveanywhere in a liat-k-, ui.il vouSecond That said Licensee shall keep in said AEB1VALS.From Wairaanalo, per steamer J A Cummins,

January llth Hon J A Cummins and wife, Mrs

ing leading to the second story, andwhen Miss Morgan retires at night she

P Kiln) m


Maria Eahia, Misj Katy Harvey, and 10 deck i

Honolulu a record book in both the English andHawaiian languages, in which shall be enteredthe names of all persons to whom said Licenseeand his agent; haye sold opium or any prepara-tion of opium, with tho date of such sale, the



at a moment s notice.The schooner Haleakala brought live

more Chinamen from Mr. C. Afong'splantation on Hawaii.

The uual services wiil he held at theLyceum and the vestry of the Fort-strc- et

Church thi- - evening.The brig J. I). Spreckels and the barken-

tine Discovery brought 87,000 biic-!:.-s fromSan Francisco yesterday.

The Australia, due to-da- y, will bring

runs up a ladder, which she pulls upafter her, and closes the trap-doo- r. Thiswould to a very secure place to sleep inif there were bars at the second storywindows also, but there are not evenshutters. Miss Morgan decided, for rea-sons of safety, to have no piazza; butshe has what is a piazza in every re-

sect except thai it lias no boarded lloor.There is a roof running around threesides of the houe, supported by round

passengers.From San Francisco, per brgrtne J D Spreckels.

January llth G W Bennett and wife, W Koe andAllen Craptrec.

From San Francisco, per barkentine Discov-ery, January llth Rev W B Oieon, wife and 6children, Miss Mary Robertson, VV G Needham,A E V Gibbs and EE Addoms.

DEPARTURES.For Kauai, per steamer Iwalani, Januaiy llth

Mrs Frank P Hastings, Miss Rose Makee, MissGreen, H Drvsdale, Chas Johnson, Alex Young,J F Hackfeld, U W Dimond, and about. 70 deckpassengers.

For San Francisco, per barkentine Mary Wink-elman, January llth John Megurth.

-- : o:- -

Tlie Fine Exhibit Made at the Fair byfresh fruit, vegetables and fi b on ice for

j iron posts, winch ani climb with perfect

ague burglar canease unless Miss

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength end vvholcsoiacr.es?. Slore economicalthan theonlinary kinds,r.r.d cannot bescld in competitio i with the multitude of low test, shortweight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold onltBIcans, lionsu lUKixa ruwca Co.. 100 WalHWN. Y.id wtf JT '

Lewis & Co., Fort redericlfisbiirg Brewinar Co.Morgan takes the precaution to greasethem every night. New York Cor.Boston Gazette. :o:- -

Honolulu Carriage Co.One of tha most novel and unique exliil.iU of the Mechanics' Fair wag that d theiredencjisbnrg Li-- er liiwiug Co. It was hi the form of a bower, tho mof being formedcf hop Tj.-ies-

, while around the sules were arranged the various packages of the faruou.iiredericksbur- - bcr. Tlu.s company wan tlm pioneer in tho man a fact tire of laer on tl.v.oaM. ofcrwming many obstacleis thev liave succeeded in producing an t .tjx.rt

quantity sold, the name of the physician issuingthe certificate on which sale is m. de, and thedate of such certificate. Such book shall alwaysbe open to inspection at any time of any memberof tbe' police force and the- Minister of theInterior.

Third That said Licensee or bis agents shallfive to each person purchasing opium a receipt,stating the datu of such purchase and thequantity of opiura sold.

Fourth That said Licensee shall have author-ity under said Act to appoint by written author-izrvtio- n

agents for the sale of opium or any prep-aration thereof throughout the Kingdom, for theacts of which agents he shall be responsible.Notice of the names of such agents hnd the lo-

cality for which they are appointed shill be filedin tbe office of tbe Interior Department, and acopy of such agents' authorization shall be de-

livered to the Sherin" or Deputy Sheriff of suchlocality respectively.

Fifth That the Marshal upon production of acertificate, as required by Section 2 of said Act,shall issue to the applicant tbe permit requi.edby Section 7 of said Act, unless such applicanttie a minor, woman, a native Hawaiian or aJapanese, for which permit the applicant shallpay a fee of one dollar, one half of which feeshall be for the benefit of tbe Hawaiian Govern-ment and the other to the Marshal.

Fixth That the fee for the physician's certifi-cate in said Act provided for shall be one dollar,which fee shall belong to tbe physician.

Seventh That said Licensee shall pay into theInterior Office, in advance, at the beginning ofeach year during the continuance of this Li-

cense the sum of thirty thousand dollars as re-

quired by said Ac , by himself or ihruugii hisduly'authorized agents.

L. AUOLO,Minister of In teiior.

yger In ot SurpassedStan: Corner Fort mid Merchant St.

The police should take notice that IV.ddyHyaii, having served his sentence on thtreef, is around town again.

The Oceanic Company's steamship Aus-

tralia is due to-da- y from Sau Francisco,with dafes to the 5th instant.

Mr. J. II: Soper" and the mate of- - theJohn I.). Spreckels have the thanks of theAdveutisek for late news favors.

Call at the store of II. rk Mel a tyre ilrosearly after the arrival of the Australia to-

day and get some freh California produce.Messrs. Davis A; Wilder will receive by

the Australia to-da- y fresh California fruit,iish and vegetables on ice. Leave ordersearly.

The postponed regular meeting of St.Andrew's Church Association will be held

evening at the residence ci Mr.T. May.

The Woman's Church Aid Society willhold their regular monthly mectiiig onThursday, at half-pa- st 7 o'clock, in Jhe old

The steamer J. A. Cummins arrived Januaryllth, three hours from Walmanalo, with 172 bagssugar and several packages general merchandisefrom Ahuimanu.

Tbe barkentine Discovery has made the bestpassage on record for some time pant, and it isperhaps the next to the best on record, whichwas made by the brigantine W. G. Irwin.

The American brigantine John D. Spreckel?,Captain Charles S. Friis, arrived January lltl122 days from San Francisco, with a full cargoof general merchandise, including 32,000 bricksfor George Lucas, 89 pigs for Mr. A. Craptrte.The Chief Officer reports having left San Fran-cisco December 29, 188H. Experienced calm andfoggy weather the first two days out, ilieneofresh northeast breezes to port, fine weatherprevailing. The John D. Spreckels is dockednear the Oceanic Company's wharf.

The American barkentine Discovery, Captain

If you want a First-clas- s C?;irriagr, will, goodhors s, rf liulile and sohcr drivers,

Queer California Wells.At Oecanside an artesian well was

sunk to a depth of about 400 feet. Norise of water was found, and the waterin tlie well now is said to bo brackish.At Frazier, a little further south, thewell went down all right, and a rise ofwater was struck at about 390 feet. Atabout 100 feet a stratum of cement wasencountered, which' fourteen feetthick. "When the tools got through thisstratum they struck a hollow or caveand dropped quite a distance, and thewaters of the well rushed down into thecavern. The bottom of the well wasplugged up, and the supply of water nowis mineral, and is being used to. cure theills that afllict the liuraan family.

At TX-- Mar, still further south, J. S.Taylor dug a surface well on the edge ofthe bit tit, so near tlie edge that therewas barely room for a man to stand be-

tween the vell and the jumping-of- f

place, and from this position he could

By ar.y othr-- r made iu the Uuiled Stales. A prof of tliU U seoi. in tbe fact tbr.t Ha irgoods are sy.ld es far K.tst despite Eastern competition. How can tly dothis arter puyin,; ftvisht ov?r 3,000 i;lei of railroad, it may bo In first nlaeohopn are bt-trc- r and ch-ap- or bere ti.na in the East; ag.-iin-

, California barley is tho bentgrown iu tl o United Htat b;u l!:-- : cliiet reason in the superior quality of the brew. AhrLfy use only the ii:to-:- t artedt.i water and the verv hint material, and have all tfio U-H- t

ar.d latoit Qjaelmu-ry- .il ;ir-- . ab!.-- produce mi article that

OITKS COMPETITION.TJuar Export Lager is so penVt.t 'h-i- i will ntiy nurr.bjr of vcarn in anv climate,and is sold lircly in Mexico, Ar.iriH.i, tbe Islands, Svuth America, and in shortthrouguout the Western JIm).,p!i te. In three years their output has quadrupled; lastyear it amounted to 33,000 barrel, and hin year will exceed that amount.Siuce writing tbe above we. Jf-a- tl-a- t ilw Piedericksburg Brewing Co. was awardedthe brst prize, a silver medal, " ;or the lwsi Export La.;er," also the tint prize, anothersilver.medai, for tbe " best li g c User." Journal of Coimncrca, San Francisco. 3

KfiiXT itf 'iVI'ilaiu400 Jan2i)

D P.John Lee, arrived at this port January llth, at3 p. m., 10 days aud 19 hours from Sau Francisco, with a full cargo of general merchandise,iucuding 53,000 brinks for Mr. E. B. Thorn is, anda deck load of 2,000 redwood posts. Sailed from

church building Physician and Surgeon,

Residence ami oiiice, 10 Eiii: Street.OFFICE HOUHS From 9 to 1Z a. ii.

atThere will be theSan Francisco December 31st; experienced calms:::oAndrew's Cathedral this eveninand light northeast winds the first day out,

Interior OfSce, January lit, 18S7. 4..D janlljnmp down upon tlie blow. a, j

distance ci i)t"?y feet, and yet tho weiliv.-0-

3 only cigl: s f ul deep and contained J

o'clock, conducted by llev. (Jeorge Wal-

lace. Choir rehearsal will follow.

QlLii.g ix -- r.. appointed SOLE AGENTS for tbe Hawaiian Islands for the abovacelebrated g Company, we are now to till all or !rs for tlu-trad- o atifaruilj-- consunipiion Ht b.'droek iir;iires.

MSETH &, PEACOCK,At noon to-da- y .ue. srs. l A'.auis ir ;

CX 1 A lb ' A it 1 1 i.Z.1 y - i i 1 1 Oil ibCtOn and after this date all applications for

Water to be supplied to shipping from the Hono-

lulu Waterworks must be tent to the office ofthe Water Works between tbe hours of 9 a.m.and 2 p. m. of f ach day. (Telephone number,lotb companies, is 222.)

CILVL B. WILSON,Bupt. of Wuier Works.

Houolulu, January 12, 18!7. 4v8 ji19

23 XuiMiiti Street, Honolulu.3G0dcc23 d w1f BOTH TELEPHONES No. 46.

a ooa supply oi water in j;t sand-to"?- e.

Li ;t caved off,ti.ldng with it tiif s.iJ9 and bottom ofthe well, and the oth jr side of the wellis sti.l visible in t'10 side of the bluff.Another well, some distance back, fur-nishes good water.

At Coravada Beach, at San Dlgo. awell has beeuvput down 440 feet, all theway through sand aud quicksand, andit now lias in it 400 feet of salt water.Iliverside Press.

P..O. BOS 50i.

Co. wiil sell the entire nursery ?tock o.Mr. Ik Lycan. The Lae of the Morri-plac-

at Kalihi will also be sold at the ?.a:attime.

Mr. C. Johnson, head car-rente- r of th.'Ihteriland Steam .Navigation Companyleft yesterday with six as-i-ta- nt by thesteamer Iwalani to repair the wharfNavviliwili, Kauai.

The S. F. "Call" of December 2-t- h says:"The new barkentine S. N. Castle, whichwas recently built and launched by HadBros., at Port Blakeley, is now loading lum


The uew and Al steel steriusLip


San FruitciMco, Cal.,ihinufacturei-- of all kinds of LAUNDRY md TOILET

Ol tli Ocijnio SteamsLir 0irini!!r. will be due OAPsat Jlouelulu from fcSycim-- uisl A uokiarmon of a! c.:t

Tax C'tllr-lor.- Xoiic.The Tax Collector will commence collecting

taxes in the district of liilo, Island of Hawaii, atthe following placrs:

from Kamaee to Ookala, at the North UiloCourt House, LaupaLoehoe.

in Hilo Town.On sugar plantations taxes w ill be collected at

the office of each respective plantation. Noticewill be given beforehand to managers by theTax Collector, or by his order, what day heshonld.call to collect taxes.

F. PAHIA,Tax Collector of Hilo, Hawaii.

Hilo, December 1, 188G. d4wtf

aCGet cur quotatifci-- before placing jour orders. 2J8 tebl(J

Salo of 3Iorj'tiiie ami Laudanum."It may surprise some people to know,"

said 'a " leading druggist to me to-da- y,

"that it is the practice of respectabledruggists to sell morphine and lau lanumto people whom they know to be con-firmed opium-eaters- . One reason is thatit would be impossible to keep them fromobtaining these drugs some way or other.Another is that even if we were able toshut off their supply, it would simplykill them. So every druggist has a few

thence fresh breezes from north to east, andfine weather to port. At midnight, January 5th,passed a large bark steering to the southwest,supposed to be the Hawaiian bark Thomas 1'.

Foster, F. W. Rugg, Master, from Port Towns-en- d,

W. T., bound to this port with lumber, now32 days out. The Discovery is docked at theFish Market wharf . Captain Lee is accompaniedby his wife and family this trip.

The American barkentine Mary Winkelman,Captain Backus, sailed January llth for SanFrancisco, taking from this port 13,191 bagssugar and 1,500 bags rice. The domestic cargowas valued at $81,464 50.

The schooner Waimalu arrived January llthfrom Kuau, Maui, with 1,330 bags sugar from theGrove Ranch sugar plantation. The sugar wasplaced on board the bark Saranac.

The American brigantinea W. G. Irwin andConsuelo will both sail at noon to-da- y for SanFrancisco.

Three of the Oceanic Company's brigantines,the Consuelo. Wm. G. Irwin and John D. Spreck-els, are now in port, which is an unusual occur-rence.

The barkentine Wrestler will leave early nextweek with sugar for San Francisco.

The Amelia will now load sugar for Sau Fran-cisco.

Tbe bark Caibarien has completed unloudiugcargo, and will be moved into the stream to-d- ay

to be cleaned. She will load sugar for SauFrancisco after the tern W. S. Bowne.

The schooner Haleakala arrived January llthfrom the Pepeekeo sugar plantation, Uilo, Ha-

waii, and will leave again to-da- y wiih a cargo offertilizers.

The schooner Josephine brought 18o bags ricefrom Ewa, Oahu, January llth.

The barkentine Planter finishes dischargingcargo to-da- y, and will soon load sugar for SanFrancisco.

The schooner Mokuola brought 270 baKs ricefrom Ewa, Oahu, January llth.tmmammmaKmammmatmtm mftfWHJUiiJLiii1 mm w,rmm



customers who he knows are killing. Aim win ter.ve for tlie nb"e port with mails andpiwsengt'rs on or nlxnit that date.

For freight or pos.satre, hs.v?fi sUPKKJORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AGEKTS.


E. WlSjiMAN,ciierul i;i:sin-- Arnlv

Block, Mcrcliaiif Street, Houolulu.ICSTABLISIIED 187U.

All water rates due on term ending June 30,

1887, must be paid at the office of the HonoluluWater Works before the lath day of January,1887. All rates remaining unpaid January 15,

1887 will be subject Ul additional 10 per cent.Parties paying rates will present their last re-

ceipt.CHAS. B. WILSON,

Superintendent Honolulu Water Works.Approved: L. A1IOLO,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, December, 188C.

For Sydney and Auckland.

ber on the Sound. She will be commandedby Captain Hubbard, late of the Cai-


t'ruellj-- to A iii:m7.Ed. P. C. A. Sir: Will you allow me

space in your journal to call attention toan outrage which should at once bo puta stop to. At the Kalihi slaughterhouses there li a paddock adjoining theroad used to keep tbe cattle in beforethey are killed. For the past week ormore this paddock has been a mud pud-

dle. The poor beasts have to stand inabout twelve inches of mud; in fact insome places it is even deeper. The cat-

tle are driven in from the country in themorning and have to stand in this slushand dirt for about twenty-fou- r hours,the hot sun beaming on them through-out the day. The poor animals cannotlie down, and they look as if they weresadly in need of water. I have passedby there two or three times of late andthe sight is pitiMo in the extreme. Itis the grossest kind of cruelty to dumbanimals. Yours, etc., Visitor.

Our correspondent notices a pregnantevil. Nearly everyone who drives alongthe Kalihi road has seen dumb animalsin the slaughter-hous- e yard either bakedand parched under the hot sun, or stand-ing knee-dee- p in tenacioua mud. In

liooks and accounts and collcciioas MtenJed to proraptly.jsen Telephone 17a. . . Box :JM. 7J Mutual Telephone 372.

POUT OF HONOLULU. II. 1. The new and fine Al steel steamship


Tuesday, January 11.

Stnir J A Cuiumins, Neilsen, from Walmanalo,Oahu

Am bktne Discovery, Lee, lO'.j days from SanFrancisco

Am brgtne J D Spreckels, Friis, 12'2 days fromSan Francisco

Schr Haleakala, from Pepeekeo, Hilo, HawaiiSchr Waimalu, from KuanSchr Josephine, from EwaSchr Mokuola, from Ewa

Of tbe Oceanic Steamship Company, will ledue at Honolulu from Sau Francisco

or or about Are Bhowing a fine line oi

January 22, 1887.

--Also, HOiJQ real- -And will have prompt dispaten with mails nmlpavsengers for the above port".

For fieiarht or passage, having SUPKRlOltto

Wm. (t, Irwin & Co.,

S IE1ARTI?1CKK.Tuesday, January 11.

Stnir Kilauea Hou, Cameron, for Hamakua,at 5 p m

Stnir Lehua, Clarke, for Hamakua. at 5 p mStmr C R Bishop, Chaney, for Kilauea and

Kapaa, via Waianae, at 12 mAm bktne Mary Winkelman, for San Iran-Cisc- o

Schr Caterina.' for WaianaoSchr Mana, for Honomu


DAVIS & WILDEE, Grocers,

either case the chances are that thestock in question has been driven a con-

siderable distance before reaching theirdestination, and are therefore heatedand feverish. Mud poultices or a pro-

bation in a hot yard, blinded with dustand without water, are not conducive tothe healthfulness of their flesh whenslaughtered. Some police ofiieial shouldhave control of the slaughter-house- .

The abuse in question would not existunder proper supervision, but it con-

tinues, winter and summer, withoutcheek. Kb. P. C. A.

Fred'ricksbiirg Brewing Co

Yuen Kee & Co. have removed to Hotelstreet.

Undressed kid gloves, ladies' underwear,pmk, white, cream and blue cashmere justreceived by last steamer, at C. J. Fishel's.

Hats, hats, hats a ladies' good straw-ha- t

in black, white, brown or ecru, in allthe leading shades, at $1, at Sachs' store.

The largest assortment of children'slawn and chambra lace "edged hats, Nor-mandy bonnets in silk, lace and embroid-ery, can be found at N. S. Sachs' store.

Oriental lace skirting in berge, ecru andwhite, with edging and all-ov- er laoe tomatch, white and colored embroideredsuits, special bargains at Sachs' store. ?

Messrs. Wing On Wo fc Co., of Mauna-ke- a

street, beg lenve to notify the publicthat they have just received a large 'pian-tit- y

of XXX and other choice brands ofManila cigars, of the lest quality, for saleat moderate prices.

Tlie John I). Kiireckels.The Oceanic Company's brigantine

John D. Spreckels arrived yesterday, lL'1

days from San Francisco. She left thelattter place Decemler 29, 1SS6, andwould have brought the mails, also apajer mail for Mr. Sopor, but for onereason. On lie day of departure, shewas anchored in the stream, when a

themselves with opium, and with thevery opium which he is selling them.

But these poor creatures are very sensi-tive about their vice, and never confessit. They always make some shallow ex-cuse for buying so much opium, andeven after they become satisfied that weknow what the3r are doing, they neverconcede it in any way. It is a singularphenomenon that just as all insane peo-ple have a proclivity to lewdness, so allopium-eater- s are liars and thieves. "Vehave to wait on them, and we treat themkindly, as afilicted people, but we keepa close watch on them, and never letthem get out of sight, for if we do weare sure to miss some small article whenthey have gone. I can t say that opium-eater- s

are becoming more numerous inChicago, but the reason may bo that so

. many are now resorting to hypodermicinjections." Chicago Journal.

Medical Fractice in Kussia.The practice of medicine in Russia is

exceedingly onerous and unremuuera-tive-.A physician who fails to respond

to the summons of a patient is punishedby a fine of from 5 to 100 roubles. Ifthe case wa-- ? a dang'-rot- one, and thephysician knew it, he may "be impris-oned in the jail for three months. The.legal fee for an ordinary visit is from7 1-- 2 to 1j (rents; for an accouchement,73 cents. These laws are strictly en-

forced. An elderly German physician,an invalid, was called, on a stormy win-ter night, to attend a case seven milesdid ant. He objected to go unless hewas reasonably remunerated, naminghis fee. Tlie messenger left to ascertainwhether this amount would be paid, butdid not return. The physician wa3 sub-

sequently arrested, tried, and condemnedto eight days' imprisonment. Besides,he had to pay his lawyer 230 in ad-

vance. Science."Working ll tlie Cactus riant.

A company has been formed in Mexicoto work up the cactus plant. The oil ia

to be used for lubricating purposes, thefiber for cordage, the leaf for paper andthe fruit for eating purposes. The fruitis so juicy that it often takes the place ofwater for both man and beast, and somevears ago, when the drouth came overSan Luis Potosi, thousands of cattle weresaved by eating the fruit Exchange.

Vliat It Means.The SnringSeld Union reminds the

Jadieu that tlie feminine exclamation,"Dear me sbz!" is derived from theLitan phrase, Deus me sustinet! or Godhelp ;ne:

Heading ly Twilight,Speaking of blindness, one of tha fre-'que- nt

causes is the habit ofreading by twilight. This is so commonthat one i3 not surprised at the early useof- - spectacles. Cor. Cincinnati En-quirer. '

Not a life of enjoyment, but enjoy-ment of life, is the true motto. JewishMessenger.


V4e Lenvlitar To-l- y.

Stmr Waimanalo, for KoolauAm brgtne Consuelo, Cousins, for San Fran-

cisco at 1 p inAm brgtne W G Irwin, McCulloch, for San

Francisco, at 1 p raSchr Moi Wahine. Staples, for Hamakua, Ha- -

Schr Hawaiian!, for Koolau, OahuSchr Rainbow, for Koolau. OahuSchr Haleakala, for Pepeekeo, Hilo, Hawaii

Heeia, for lioolanSchr Mokuola, for Ewa

Tlie Lager Beer of the aloe Krewery

Was Awarded the First PrizesAt the Expositions of 1885 and 188C.

II. V. and I!. C'lul.The regular annual meeting of the II.

Y. and B. Club was held last evening,and was attended by a large number ofmembers. A great deal of importantbusiness was transactedand the clubwas hown to be in a flourishing condi-tion. The following gentleigen wereelected to serve as officers tor the ensu- -

Free tli & Peacock,37G HONOLULU, AGENTS.

message was receive 1 from the headsstatiiiK that tbe weather was be-mni- n- in" term: Commodore, .1.11. Paty; Vice


xelN lu Port 1 10111 Foreign Ports.Am bktne Discovery, J Lee, from San Fraa- -

C,Am brgtne John D Spreckels, Charles Friis,from Sau Francisco

Am bark Karanao. D W Shaw, from New ork- Haw b.irk S:-r-- f Devon, A IoeII, Iron Fan- -

niAn- - KhiiUAfe:c"ry. Panno, from Newcastle,NAiijVbkin Eureka. H Meyer, fro'm San Fran--

Am lWtn Wrestler, C Sohnauer, from New-cat- l'

yn bktne Anielia. Wio Xcwhall, froja Port

To'wiiseod, via Uilo. HawaiiAm tern W S liowue, A U Paul, from Sun

fcrancisco .Chilian corvette Pilcomayo, L A Ooni, Troni

Valparaiso, via Easter IslandAm bk Martha Davis. T M Benson, from BostonAm bktne 1 l.inter, W It Perriman, from San

FranciscoAm brgtne W Irwin, J E McCulloch, from

Sau FranciscoBri stmr Explorer, Golman, from Apia, via

TutuilaAm bark Calbaiien, O A Perkins, fioii :5a u

FranciscoAm brgtne Cousuelo, J E McCuU.h, from San


ISo. 5S Jort street.


Fresh Stock of Goods.

'OHOCEB.TiZS, --:otii Staple and Fancy,. . lu cv-r- y varV'.,, tl " ; II. TEAS of tlie LigbeBl rpraJea,

llack Green and Blended.Ameriean and EiigUs!! ti-.- l lumies. A full line of CRO.TSF Iz EI.iCZ'WELL'S preserves,

spices and coudimcnts always in ciot i. and cn iuvoice to replenish kow due.

Sole Agents for

Fresno No. 1 Family Floru?.Immensclv snreiior to Golden Gat? aud other brands In Its purity, vrLiteness and glutinous prflp-- e

rUes. UNEQUALLLD for b read-makin- g, and preferred by all our customers.

Our Buffalo Hums are -- SuperiorTo the Star, Pupep, or any' otber broarbt to this ?nartet,. ROLL BUTTER, OYSIXRS. I RESHSALMON, VEGETABLES and FlttlTS receivf-- a on 10 li by every steamer-- , ten In season. EAR-LE-


. .; LOWEST ARK ST. 'RATES.' . ;

Island orders for Families and Plantations filled with care and satisfaction guaranteed,

r. O. Bos; 503. . 7itf Uotb Telopbone, 3fof 130,

and if she Commodore-- M. V. Rooinson ; Captain,to get rou-- h at the bar, did j

not wish to be detained for a day or two, jH- - Wodelionso, Jr. ; Secretary and

she had better get away. The John D. Treasurer, Ih I. Spaulding; Measurer,"V. II. liaird; Executive Committee, JSpreckels at once put to sea, leaving the

mails behind.That desirable buildin? lot sitnated on the

north s:de of King street, adjoining the resi-dence of the Hon. Paul Neumann.

The lot is 200 feet deep with a frontage of 150feet, completely fenced, with water laid cnthroughout. For further particulars apply to

M. Dowsett, C. B. Wilson, James Ci.Spencer, II. M. Y.'hitney, Jr., and F.Drown. A vote of thanks was tenderedto the numerous Hawaiian friends 0? theclub who took part hi the minstrel enter-tainment, and after a similar 'ote to theretiring ohieers, the meeting ad !oumed.

Fortification of Victoria, 15. C.

The San Francisco "Evening Post" ofDecember 30th says: "The BritishGovernment is building a battery of 80-to- n

guns for the defense of its navalstation on Vancouver Island, and the G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

h i janCtfCanadian Pacific Railway is prenariasr : Another tt'cidinir,cars for transporting them. Large ship- - ' At 7 o cl xk this evening --Mr. Jas.ments of war material are also about to F. .Morgan will be united in .iqirriajiQ tobe made. A stone dock has recently Miss Margaret' T. Love at. the Romanbeen built at Esquimault. and Great Catholic Cathedral. A n.i1i;r.., .:n k,

cmelH i.xiH-rlv- i Troiu Foreijru Forte,Bnt bark Gleiigaber, Rollestou from Liver-coo- l,

due Jau 15-3- 1

Haw - scbr General Siegel, Sanders, fromFrench f rigate ShoaH, due Sot 20-3- 0

GerViark Hydra, from Hongkong, due January1-- 15

German bark Hercules, Schaefer, sailed fromLiverpool October 9th, due February 20-2- 8

Am wh bark Hunter, Geo W Jenks, from theLine Islands, due March 10-3- 1

' r - - 111 vv in 1 . -

Britain will soon have a first-clas- s navalBV A BOOKKEEPER OFEMPLOYMENT years' experience. Can f urDisii

local references from prominent business men.Aidrejs, I. EDO LB, this office. 3y5;'aaitf

held at 8:33 o'clock at the residence ofhe biide'3 mother, 'o. 12 Emma street.depot there."




FRKISTH & PEACOCK,Wholesale Wine uutl Spirit Slerchants,

Win. G. Irwin & Co

H. JE. Mclntyro fc 13ro.,IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN .

Groceries Provisions and. FeedEAST CORNER JFOKT AND EING STREETS.

New Goods received br every packet from the Eastern Staiesmnd Europe. reBh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders fatthfully attended to. and Goods delivered to any P 01 "1H

The Cheapest and Best Ornaments for aPlace Good Suggestion.

Trees are the cheapest ornaments foreither large or small places. A compara-tively cheap house surrounded by fintrees and shrubs will present a morebeautiful appearance than a very costlymansion standing on naked ground.Persons of means who have good tastebuild country residences in natural for-

ests or groves, bsing careful to remove aportion of the trees if they are very thick,and to rrune others so as to let in the

Observations on the Habits of theLuscious Bivalve Peculiarities.

Of all the vast army of oyster-eater- s

but very few give any thought to thecultivation of this shell-fis- h or ever stopto consider what an important industryit is. It requires the investment ofmillions of dollars of capital and the em-

ployment of thousands of men, and i3 abusiness that is constantly and rapidlyincreasing. From a purely local tradeit ha3 gTown to enormous dimensions,and to-da- y the markets of the Atlanticcoast ship extensively to Europe, Cali-

fornia and all the cities of thi3 country.The nrincioal ovster marts of the coun

23 UNTi-man- ii street Honolulu, H. I.OFFER FOR SALE-- :o:-

C apl7Telephone No. 92


Sole agents for J. J. Melcher's " ELEPHANT " GIN, Pellisson's uncolored,unsweetened, pure old BK ANDY only two qualities shipped, 7 and 10 years old.Hy. W. Smith & Co.'s

THISTLEDE W WHISKY,We offer for sale at reduced figures, a large and well assorted stock of

ALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bondor duty paid.

-- :o:-


In Jtarrels,Half Barrels,

And nd Boxes.CUBF

To Half BarrelsAnd Boxes.


GOLDKX C. COFFEKla Half Barrels


S731. O. Box 504. Telephone So. 246. Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,Water Filters and Coolers. American Cordage, Barbed and Plain Annealed Fence Wire.

Fence Staples.

:o :- -


try are at Boston, Providence, NewHaven, New York, Philadelphia, Balti-more, Crisfield and Norfolk.

Large quantities of oysters are broughtevery spring from Chesapeake bay tothe north and planted here. The reasonfor this transplanting is that oysters inChesapeake bay are very cheap, andeven after adding the cost of transport-ing and planting the northern dealerscan sell them at a profit for a lowerprice than the native oyster. They arevery hardy, thrive well here and theordinary oyster-eate- r can not tell thedifference between them and the na-tives.

One peculiar feature is that oysterstransplanted to waters where there is amarked change in temperature willthrive well enough, but will not propa-gate. Thus, oysters from our Atlanticcoast when put into English waters, oreven in the Pacific at California, will notspawn, nor will Chesapeake bay oystersspawn in Long Island sound, but oystersfrom the sound will propogate in NewYork harbor and surrounding waters.

To cleanse the oyster as well as to


1887. Fourtli Year of Publication. 1887.THE HONOLULU


Soap.blue mottled,

kamtly laundry.

For tlie Holidays:

Meriden Silver Plated Ware,A new invoice in latest patterns. Carriage Paint for use in the country, without varnish. A new

Invoice of the celebrated

Dillingham Patent FlowsHorse Hoes and Cultivators, Harrows, Hoes, Lubricating Oils, etc., etc., etc.


NurceMHorft to JHllliiffliain '. autl Samuel Xott.

Salmon. For the Year of Our Lord 1887, Containing an

1 Pol ATI tOases Corned Beef. iiSLlUllUllllCal, YJl 11 W lUUdU&iadlllj i uaicuu 1freshen and fatten it, the planter takes

FOR THE YEAR AN- - HonoluluFort StreetFlour. 66

Official and Business Directory of Honolulu

it near where a clear, pure stream offresh water empties into the salt waterand lets them remain there over onetide. The oyster fattens quickly, anda few hours in fresh water will serve tomake the poorest oyster plump and solid,and purge it Qf impurities which it mayhave absorbed. An oyster will growthin more quickly than it can be fat-tened, and it is very sensitive to sudden

Cs Medium Bread. TOOKTHKK WITH


FUEL- -chanxres or shocks. A heavy thunder Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAWN ISLANDS,

clap will kill an entire boat load and the LFBRICATIKGapproach of a boat to an oyster bed will


Have eompleted and oiler lor Kale the following Holler.

1 PAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS Sr.X?iKi,'",,!:1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also

1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft, x 4 It.

64 je27-8- 6 Apply to Tlie Honolulu Iron Works Co.

cause each oyster to close his shell. AnLime and Cement.oyster can not see, and this knowledge Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers toof any outside influence or pressure can

only be attributed to its remarkable sensi make this Almanac and Directors the most uselul and comprehen

sunlight. In most parts of the countryland in the vicinity of lakes and riversthat is covered with pine shade trees hasbecome very valuable property. It iswanted by city people who can affordcountry residences and who do not wishto wait for trees to grow.

That many persons have planted toomany trees about their dwellings, haveplanted them too near it, and have notexercised proper judgment about select-ing varieties are matters of common ob-

servation. In some cases they haveburied their houses out of sight. They,have planted trees so thickly that theyhave shut out most of the sunlight, --andprevented the free circulation of the air.They have caused so dense a shade ontheir grounds that grass and flowers willnot grow. They have rendered theirhouses dark and damp, and have causedthe ground about it to be constantlymoist. Their trees are so thick that onlythose on the borders of the lot have achance to grow. Some who have notconverted the house lot into a wood lothave planted trees that are not veryornamental, but which afford a vastamount of trouble. They drop theirleaves, not only in the fall, but duringmost of the growing season. Some ofthe trees are preferred by insects, whichcover their leaves or branches withnests. Others are liable to have theirtrunks pierced- - by borers, while stillothera throw up sprouts from theirroots.

Trees for a house lot should be hardy,cleanly, not liable to attacks of insects,and long-live- d. They should have finefoliage, but it should not cast so dense ashade as to prevent grass, shrubs, andflowers from growing near them. Treesthat invite and harbor' insects orwhich are liable to shed theirleaves at any time if the weather is un-favorable are very objectionable. Those'hat send out suckers from the base ofthe trunk or sprouts from the roots areniso objectionable as they hardly everpresent a fine appearance. Trees thatare so lofty as to injure buildings in casethoy break or blow over, or which shadethe roof of the house and cast leaves on

are also among those that should be' carded. The sugar or rock maple is

- ,aost free from objections. The foliage; fine during the summer and is still

aiore beautiful during the autumn. Thethree-thorne- d acacia is another excellenttiee for the house lot. It produces onlya partial shade. It is a handsome, cleantioe, not liable to attacks of insects. Theonly objection to it is its thorns,which, when they become very large,are liable to fall to the ground, whenthey become dangerous to persons andanimals.

An English landscape gardner haslately been writing in praise of fruittrees for planting on the house lot, es-

pecially if it i3 the only ground ownedor controlled by the occupant of thehouse. He says that many varieties, ofapple, joar, and cherry trees are quitej omara ntal as any of the trees planted

solely for the purpose of adornment.They have fine forms, produce agood shade and have not only fine foli-age but beautiful flowers and fruits.The trees are useful as well as orna-mental. They supply food and ministerto our desire for beauty. An Amer-ican gardener, however, strongly con-demns fruit trees for planting on thehouse lot. He states that many of thefruit trees raised in this country, andiaore especially in the west, are liable tole sickly and are generally short-live- d.

Many of them harbor insects that feedon their wood, leaves, and fruit. The"wind-falls- " from these trees are an an-noyance to those who wish to keep theirgrounds in good condition. If the fruitthat falls is not immediately gathered itwill rot on the ground or attract numer-ous insects. Chicago Times.

tiveness. A sudden cold storm willmake a fat ovster thin in a very short

sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,Galvanized Iron Roofing,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home andin Foreign Coun5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-fo- lengths.


time.Oysters spawn at different seasons,

taking on fat rapidly. A planter under-standing the business, having: bed3 lo

tries.Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latest

moment. 4

Article3 of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Send in your orders for copies early.

Sugar Bags.Sizes 22x30, 20x34, 20x32.



May 8th. Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages :

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,

Cordage.Manila and Sisal, Panana Twine, Whale Line

JH.A-0- - A.lNr &d CO.Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.--IMPORTERS OF- -

m m m m m i m m m B .ifASSOBTEB fXJDIXWfflSttto,25 "A TENTH, (suitable for camplngand surveying parties.)

22 J

cated in various depths of water, mayhave oysters in proper condition for thetable the year round, a few feet indepth hastening or prolonging thespawning period one or two weeks.

The spawn of oysters make a thick,cloudy appearance in the water, whichis scattered far and wide unless thespat find some body to which it can at-atta- ch

itself. Last season a lot of spatwas carried by the currents and tidesfrom the spawning beds on the Con-

necticut coast to the north shore ofLong island, where they lodged on thegravel of a beach, where they were after-ward discovered, taken up and plantedin the private beds of planters in thatsection.

That oysters can be grown in differentshapes is a well-know-n fact to planters.Planted thickly on a muddy bottom theywill grow long and thin, while plantedthinly on a hard or gravelly bottom theywill grow round and thick, and one canthus have his oysters shaped accordingto his taste.

Dealers and people who know say thatfor mere purposes of eating the oyster isjust as good during May and June as atany other time, though it is currentlybelieved that the oyster does not sharethese sentiments. Any one who haseaten them fresli from the waters on asummer morning will always believethat the oyster's desire for seclusion isdue simply to laziness and a wish tosneak out of what i3 hi3 proper work.New York World.

MenHanl If 03 Fine Ctiftiom-iiktiil- e i'lot ni 11, Famishing Oootlu


TKl'NKS, VAL1SFS, ETC. Islam! oidets (solicited and promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaran-teed. 7 tf

WHICHGrrancLWill be Sold at the l owest Market Rates.'Opening !


tXiniiteui. M. W. McChesney Sr Son,Couiniercicii Advertise! 42 and 44 tiirei Street, Honolulu.



'o(tou Kubber Lined

FITIE HOSE,Fcrt Street, above Hotel,

Patu.rd.ay Night itUDner nose, Hove t'artB. L.racking, Rubber racUns, ei"X 5ainlTinuwtt ea trenprullv Knimn VI u I

STEAMER KINAU,(Lorenzen, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Afakena, Mahu-kona- ,

KawaihaeLaupalioehoe. Hilo and Keaubou:Commencing on MONDAY. July 26, 1886, and

on every alternate Monday at 4 p. m.,the Kinauwill make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching Keau-ho- u

on Wednesday morning, where horses andcarriages are in waiting to convey passengers tothe VOLCANO IJOU8K(tive miles in the saddleand nine miles by carriage).

Pusseugers by this route will have two daysand two nights at the VOLCANO HOUSF.


The Kinau will arrive In Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On II;lo trips, willeave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinan WILL TOUCH at Honokala andPaauhan on down trips from Hilo for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.

W. T. Y. SCHENCK,Han Franrlwo.

36 California street.DECEMBER 11th. 114 fet23 fi7;


li prepared to do titi kinti.so

Commercial & Lega1 WorkHaving just lieoeiveil a Conipielc-- and Now.8sortnient of

Job Types ami Ornaments1876. GEO. W. LINCOLN, 1886.

Ilaving refitted and remodeled the premises,the proprietors are prepared to furnish the best

Amines, Liquors,.AJ.es, Cigars, Etc.,

Purchased by MR. DODD on his late trip to theStates.

BUILDER.75 and 77 Kinp-- Street, - - " Honolulu,

Bell Telephone No. 275. cr, Mutual Telephone 'o. 63.

Thanking oir many friends far past patron-age, and cordially inviting them to call uponus in our new quarters, we are, respectfully,


Proprietors.354 declO-t- f

STEAMER LIKELIKE.(Davis, Commanaer), , -

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m torK&unakakai. Kahului, Huelo. Hana and

Klpanulu. every week; Keanae, Mokulau and Nuuevery other week. Returning, will stop at theabove ports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only

STEAMER KILAUE A HOD,fCameron, Commander


Genius of a French Artisan.It is related of Gen. Von Manteuffel,

the late German military governor ofAlsace, who hated all that was French,that he once at a public dinner engagedin a dispute with a French diplomat whomaintained the superiority of the Frenchworkmen over the artisans of all othernations. "A thing so ugly does not ex-ist that the skill and genius of a French-man can not make it a thing of beauty,"he said. Angered at this contradictionthe old soldier pulled a hair from hisbristly gray mustache and, handing it tothe Frenchman, said, curtly: "Let himmake a thing of beauty out of that,then,and prove your claim."

The Frenchman took the hair andsent it in a letter to a well-know-n Par-isian jeweler, with a statement of t hecase and an appeal to his patriotic pride,giving him no limit of expense in exe-cuting the order. A week later the mailfrom Paris brought a neat little box forthe general. In it was a handsomescarf-pi- n made like a Prussian eagle,that held in its talons a stiff gray bristle,from either'end of which dangled a tinygold ball. One was inscribed Alsace,the other Lorraine, and on the eagle'sperch were the words: "You hold thembut by a hair." Chicago Herald.

Bismarck and His Dog.When Bismarck goes to Gastein he al-

ways stays on the upper floor of an oldhaber-dasher- 's shop adjoining the Babe-schlos- s.

There is a little garden attachedto the house, and here in a tent the IronChancellor sit3 for hours with his favoritedog, the Reichshund, crouching at bisfeet. Chicago Tribune. ,


er and. Coal.IITTER-ISI.AN- D Will leave regularly for Labalna, Paauhau, Ko-holale- ie,

Ookala. Knkaiau, Honohina, Laupahoe- -Doors, Sab and TilinrU n ,,.,Corrupted Iron, VortlZZZryri Pin- -.more. mucl. superior to Iron, and com but !i"Steam Navigation Co.


itut;, naaiau anu unoiura


(Clark, Commander)Will leave regularly for same porls 'as KilaueaHon.

Of the Latest Stvles. from the most Celebra ted Foundries of "the United States,

and employing only Experiencedand i'aaty Workmen, wu are

'prepared to turn out

Letter Hearts.Bill HeatM.

Circulars.Xote IIeals.

Ktaten.entet.Ill 11m of LnulHtr

Contract..Mortsase itlauliN,

Leases,Shippfuj? Contracts,

In Hawaiian 4 Eng'lih)


Blank (lisrks.Stock Certificate.

Meal eck.Milk Tickets.

limik Check

Orders. .

Receipts,"Marriage CertiHr

DIIlm,,Cn a 1 os." ties,

f.-l-f riirsr

And in fact everyth:. which ; firet-efc- ss

office c-- f. :'


A Dispelled Delusion.The shining metallic incrustation found

upon the teeth of some of the cattlewhich are pastured along the banks ofthe Carson river has been popularly pro-nounced to be a coating of gold and sil-

ver deposited upon the teeth from themineral impregnation of the-wat- er andgrass, attracted through the magneticaction of the animal's body. Some ofthis bullion incrustation or deposit wassubmitted recently to Professor F. E.Fielding, chief assayer at the Consoli-dated California and Virginia assay of-

fice, in this city. Upon critical analysisof the material he pronounces it to bepure calcium of sulphide, with not theleast trace of either gold, silver or quick-silver. Thus another hopef ul delusion isdispelled, and the contemplated sourceof revenue from scraping the animals'teeth periodically rendered useless andworthless. Virginia City Enterprise.

Direct Descendants of Aaron.Among the few "Aaronide" Hebrew

families which have preserved some-thing like a detailed genealogy is thatof the chief rabbi of Great Britain, Dr.Nathan Adler. Until a comparativelyrece;t period, it is said, a complete ge-nealogical tree, reaching back to Aaronth high priest, was in possession ofthe family, but it is now lost. New YorkTribune.

Wealth of the English Church.During the last thirty years the ag-

gregate of the personal estates a worn toas belonging to deceased bishops of theEnglish church, was $11,075,000. Asforty have died during this period, theaverage wealth was f?6,8?5. At thesame time there are thousands of brill-iant and devoted men serving as curateswhose salaries are smaller than those ofa, lackey.

A CJnllty conscience Makes Cowards."Hey,here! You've got my umbrella. I've

found it at last, have I f exclaimed a lage-size- d

man, in a loud and menacing tone, "ashe stood in a doorway on one of the principalstreets one rainy morning recently whilo anumber of pedestrians were hurrying past. Adozen men turned at once on hearing hiin,anl came toward hi':i, holding out their um-Lrclb- .s

and lriaking profuse apologies. Withthe. air of an injured individual, the largeman selet ted a fine silk one from among ther umber, aiiu the procession moved on again.

dik-a- o Tribune. i


mandeWill run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona

and Kan, Hawaii.

STEAMER MOKOLU,(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves for the following ports every alternateMonday at 5 p. m.:Commencing August 2 To Lenal, Kamalo. Pe-ko- o

Lahaina. Olowalu. Returning to Lahains,Pukoo, Kamalo, Lanui, arriving at Honolulu Sat-urday morning.

Comnencimf August 9 To Kaanakakal, Kmn- -lo. Pukoo. TIalawa. AVnilan. !tktirin Valonn...

' I ... ii. in mjj . f ' 'iff.-'i?ar,',- x

STEAMER IWALANI,J Returning to Pnkoo, I.ahxina. Olowalu, Lahulua.1 Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakakai, arriving at Hono-- i

lulu Saturday morning.FKMAN .... -- .......-. I'ornmandeWill run regularly to Nawi:; lii, Koloa, Eleele

and Waimea, Kauai.

A Vermont Cat.A. Lapell has a knowing cat in his grist

mill that has been there long enough to befamiliar with the business. Upon openinghis place of business one morning Mr. Lapellfound the cat had caught a rat and placedthe same on the scales to be weighed. Theslide on the weighing bar was at the exactweight of the rat two pounds. Whether thecat climbed the scales after placing the raton the platform and actually weighed therat Mr. Lapell is not prepared to say.Scranton (Vt.) Courier.


B- - The Company will not be responsible lori any freight or packages anless receipted for, nor

fcr personal baggage uniess plainly marked. Not; responsible for money or jewelry unless placed Inbarge of the Purser.

All possible care will he taken of Live Stock, butt the tompmy will not assume any risk of accident.; SAM'L o. WILDER, President--f 8. B. ROSE, Secretary.I OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.I

65-- 1 y Mar c


.Commanderv f oFRANK GERTS,Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukul-hael- e,

Ilonokaa and Paauhan. Hawaii.

P .Importer ani MauBfaclorerJSTEAMER JAMES MAKEE,

Stoves, Ranges ami Hoiiselfeepiiis Goods.WEIR.. IGATION COMPANY,

An Appropriate Diet."I smelt cake baking this morning, Maria.

What kind was it?" inquired Mr. Jinks."Rnnnee cake, dear. Shall I put eome on thetable for dinner i" ''No," said Jinks, gloom-ily, '"save it till 8omc of ur relations cometo see us again. It'll be more appropriate."Merchant Traveler.

Will fja regularly to Kapoa, KanaL

Ot all Descriptions of

B O GTS & S M O E S"O'OrJrrs from the oilier Islands si. :.-- (..

A'o. 114 rrtHt., Iloiii.I ni":.59-tf- wt

:. i?.nt.r1 K.eep ari. for sale, STEAM,R. FOSTER,T.Secretary.

President. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and fcWet Jj( Vui'S . Ena, i&SHJ.x an LA.."ifj CO u,, and a generalM'toitmc&t of JAK 1:.cn. sag lj
