Q/ou are (Envilecí l>y. (ÜLáR, sosicrucians to unite with them in their jascinating researches, investigations, and studies of the universal iaws of nature and the mysteries of lije in every branch of human improvement and development. THEREFORE... Tou are cordially requested to subm.it this Cuestión' naire, with your personal answers, so that the Dean of Students and the Directors of Education and W catión may ta\e the proper steps to admit you to Student Membership and prepare The Way for your proper place in the Rosicrucian System of personal progress and attainments. T he M embership C ommittee of AMORC

AMORC Letter and Application Feb 10 1936

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720 Pure Sufi presents rare AMORC Letter and Application Feb 10 1936

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  • Q /o u are (Envilec l>y.

    (LR,sosicruciansto unite with them in their jascinating researches, investigations, and studies of the universal iaws of nature and the mysteries of lije in every branch of

    human improvement and development.

    THEREFORE. . .Tou are cordially requested to subm.it this Cuestin' naire, with your personal answers, so that the Dean of Students and the Directors of Education and W catin may ta\e the proper steps to admit you to Student Membership and prepare The Way for your proper place in the Rosicrucian System of personal

    progress and attainments.

    T h e M e m b e r s h ip C o m m it t e e

    ofA M O R C

  • STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL(Picase Wrte Answers Plainly with Pert and In\)

    Date of Birth?.........................................(Day, Month, and Ycar)


    Place of Birth?..................................

    Religin in which you were born?.

    Present church affiliation, if any?....


    Married?. Number of children?.


    What is the extent of your education?.

    Have you any Academic or Honorary Degrees?.

    Have you been a student of any Mystical, Metaphysical, or Spiritual

    Philosophy, and how long?.___________________________________

    Are you a member of any Secret, Fraternal, or Philosophical Societies?

    Do you affirm your conviction of the existence of a Supreme Ruler,

    Divine Mind, or God?...........................................................................

    Do you pledge your allegiance to the present laws of the Const

    tution while they exist?.......................................................................... .

    Are you prepared to consider with an open mind all new facts re'

    garding life and the Universe?.................................................................

    (Signature).................................................................................................(Full T^ame as Christened)

    NOTE:If you have a recent snapshot or photograph of yourself we would appredate receiving it. Size not to exceed three inches by five inches.

  • ACCEPTANCE OF THIS INVITATIONPlease Read Ver y Carefully

    To th e R e c o r d in g S e c r e t a r y o f th e G r a n d L o d g e o f AM ORC of North and South America, A M O RC T e m p l e , San Jos, Calif.

    Respected Sir:I hereby accept your cordial invitation to unite with the Rosicru-

    cians in their researches, studies, and individual experiments, as out- lined in your literature. If I am found worthy of receiving the First Principies and prvate studies, I will abide by the ancient pledge made by all Neophytes, to wit:

    I will \eep confidential all reading matter, lessons, and discourses sent to me, and will carefully examine them to determine each step I am to ta\e in being prepared for a more practical and masterful position in Life.

    In accordance with the ancient custom, I herewith dnate and endose Five Dollars as a contribution to THE RO SICRUCIAN FO UN D ATIO N , and will voluntarily dnate and contribute to this Foundation the sum of Two Dollars monthly, beginning with the first month after I have been accepted into the organiz,ation. This I will voluntarily continu as long as I desire membership as an Active Student.

    It is understood that if I am accepted, I shall receive weekly dis' courses, monographs, and prvate papers, and the monthly magazine, and enjoy all the benefits of Membership, without the payment of any fees or charges except the voluntary contributions to the Foundation, as stated above. It is further understood that if accepted my membership shall be exclusively in the Grand Lodge of AM ORC and my rights and interests confined thereto. If I am not accepted, I will be confidentially notified by the return of this Questionnaire and my donation.(Make checks or money orders payable only to AMORC Funds )

    (Do not send currency in unregistercd letters)

    (Signed)................................ .......................................................... -..........(Spell your name as it should be used on all mail)

    Address for all MailPrint Your 'Words:

  • F O R Y O U R D E C L A R A T I O N(Use this space to State your motive in petitioning for Rosicrucian Membership)


    Be Sure to Send Your Remittance with This Application.



    Membership Entry............... ...................... ........................ ......................R E M A R K S

    P R I N T E D IN U . S . A .

    Matriculation N o....................................... Key..... ....... .........


    W. M. Kohler Feb. 10, 1936414 Brdwy.,Rochester , N. Y.

    Dear Mr. Kohler:

    You have written to the Scribe of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, asking for our SealedL Book. Let that serve as our introduotion.

    The book is enclosed. I only wish that I could deliver it to you, personally, so that I could meet you and talk with you about your ambitions and desires, andTiow the Rosicrucian teachings will make them possible for you.

    Are you weary of reading books that tell you about the wonderful things accomplished by the master minds of the past? Are you tired of hearing what can be done with the raystic laws of mind and matter, without being told how YOU can do these things, easily and surely?

    If you are like thousands upon thousands of others, you will want to be MASTER of your own life, your own career. You will cease believing the fantastic tales of the adepts of the Far East and the Mystics of the Orient, and will demand that you be shown how to perform these great demonstrations of occult power.

    For ages man has accepted the doctrines of church and school on faith. Today man demands the KNOWLEDGE of the methods for self demonstration. His life and his fate are in his own making. He no longer believes that God has damned some to hell and elevated others to Heaven before birth. He wants to rise, master, succeed and create for himself. He has discovered that it is his Divine Heritage. Telling him that it is possible for mans mind to accomplish miracles without explain- ing how and revealing the secret laws, has brought discouragement, sorrow, failure, and doubt into the hearts of millions.

  • 2Lecturers, teachers, writers and selfappointed guides continu to talk about what CAN BE DONE, and leave a host of hopeful but blind searchers for the knowledge that is practical.

    Perhaps you ask yourself,wIs there some truth in the claims made and stories told? Can I learn whether there is truly an unusual knowledge, a secret power?"

    READ THE SEALED BOOK CAREFULLY. When you havefinished, dont wonder.... "sha11 I look into thisfurther?"....that hesitancy is one of the very things that holds back so many in attaining their ideis in life. Why let time and circumstance shape the course of your life? Just as the sun, moon, and planets are governed by definite laws, so you, too, are sub.ject to certain natural principies. Understand the fundamental laws of life which affect you, direct them, and bring into realization your innermost desires.

    _____ I M u g h . this.. i a . only . a .brlef.-imtling-- oiLjriiat, THEROSICRUCIANS can do for you in your search for the higher things in life, this letter constitutes an invitation to you to avail yourself of the further opportunities presented in the book.

    Let me hear from you soon, not only out of courtesy because of the invitation, but because you have at last decided to awaken those qualities that will make life what you wish it to be.

    Written this day in faith by,

  • FROM



    Strictly Personal and Prvate

  • From

    Supreme Secretary

    AMORC,Rosicrucian Brotherhood

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos,

    California, U.S.A.