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AMORC We Are Here Why Lecture monograph 39

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720 Pure Sufi presents AMORC We Are Here Why Lecture monograph 39

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Supplementary MonographP R I N T E D I N U . S . A .

T he subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of same, not to be the official Rosicrucian teachings. These monographs constitute a series of supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian O rder, A M O R C , both to mem­bers and non-members, because they are not the secret, private teachings of the O rder. T he object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various fields of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, it is quite probable that the reader will note at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organization is not endorsing or condoning them, one must take them merely for their prima facie value. Throughout the supplementary series the authors or translators of the subject will be given due credit whenever we have knowledge of their identity.


"C o n secrated to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian"




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AMORC - Rosicrucian Order ANALYTICAL DISCUSSIONS (Supplementary Lecture)

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¥ E A R E H E R E— ¥ H Y?¥e all know owners of material wealth who are not owned by it, who use it for the good of their fellow men, who understand it as a means of greater opportunity, and, who, as stewards of God, put it to use wher­ever they believe it will do the greatest good.It is true, too, that many good people are sick. Sometimes the gentlest and sweetest woman lives through long periods of Illness. However, there is some cause back of it. Somehow, somewhere, there has been a broken law. It is not necessarily a transgressed law of physical health on the physical plane, but more likely some broken psychical law which re­flects its effects upon the physical body. She has been troubled or grieved or worried; she has no comprehension of psychical laws, and un­fortunately has to pay the penalty of breaking them. She has sorrowed, perhaps, and Nature demands— in its progressive march of triumph over self— faith in its final beneficence.It should be remembered that rich or poor, sick or well, experiences come as lessons to the soul as they are needed. The physical plane is the growing ground for souls so that just living along we naturally grow thereby. As Peter wrote in a letter: "Lay aside all malice, andall guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and evil speakings.....that yemay grow, thereby." ¥hen we once learn that soul growth is a serious part of the real business of life, we shall be less casual. Growing is not accomplished by fixing the attention upon the things of the outer world to the exclusion of the inner. One’s behavior and pursuits in the outer life need to reflect and be influenced by the glowing inner Spirit. Soul growth takes place as the developing individuality ad­vances, and it is Incumbent upon everyone to look inward to perfect the end in view. It is our business to find how far we have come on the road all are destined to travel. It is our business to prepare for a fresh start, going forward with strong, steady strides, and covering greater distances.Every human being produces the causes that determine his own set of ex­periences, and his character is the outcome of how he meets them. The rate and quality of the soul's growth is determined by the rate and quality of man's physical, mental, moral, and spiritual activities. He Is the individual who builds and must build his own character to an even higher altitude; his object should be to raise himself to the purity and perfection of Spirit.The law of soul growth lies along what has been called "the straight and narrow way." Straight and narrow as it may be, it is the only path that leads to the goal of life. It is the only one that can be trod with permanent content. It is the only one that can give lasting satisfaction and happiness. It is the one alone--even at the present time--that can give to the traveller "the peace that passeth under­standing. "

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COOPERATION WITH GOD’S PLAN FOR THE EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN BEINGWe are here— living, conscious, responsible beings. We look about. We observe parents straining every nerve to feed, clothe, shelter, and educate their children--who grow up, find mates, and rear another fami­ly. They, in turn, bend their backs to the bringing up of a new set of offspring, who grow up, find mates, and have children, and THESE in adult life continue the process.What d.oes it all mean?That it is simply a weary round of bringing forth generations to replen­ish the earth is absurd I Such a conclusion insults the Intelligence expressed thru all nature--the process includes something of deeper significance.I recently visited in Cuba a factory in which raw sugar is made from sugar-cane. The mammoth lifting machines raised, at a time, one-half a carload of sugar-cane to the trolleys, and they carried it over to immense rollers where the cane was crushed. In great tanks the ex­tracted watery sugar syrup was purified. In large boilers most of the water was evaporated. In vats the sugar was crystallized out of the thick syrup— molasses. In centrifugal machines--or "whizzers"--"raw sugar" as it is known in the market, was separated from the molasses. Every piece of apparatus in the vast system of machinery Is there for one specific purpose--that of fulfilling its own individual responsi­bility as a part of the one great plan--to make raw sugar from sugar­cane .What do we observe in human life? The perpetually bringing forth of generations--one after another, never ceasing. That is the machinery of life. Man’s surroundings, his conditions, serve as machinery for the growth of souls. And the work to be done thru its use is definite­ly defined. The machinery exists to carry out God’s purpose--"His in­creasing purpose."

"Yet I doubt not thru the ages one increasing purpose runs

And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns."

There is a purpose! There is a plan!The Ego is resident within the physical body, living on the physical plane for a purpose. The realities of existence are not limited to the material--the material, a realm planned to give scope to the soul’s activities. And these activities of mind and character come as rigidly under law as matter.A law underlies the unfolding of the rose bud into full flower; we rec­ognize that. A worm within its fold prevents its perfect development; we know that. Cruelty,, weakness of any description in the moral fibre mar the beauty and harmonious development of the soul. That is equally

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the lav. Nature’s law on psychical and spiritual heights is uncompro­mising and clearly points the way to God’s plan for the evolution of His human family.The race evolves only thru the advance of the individual. Without your assistance the world cannot progress. You--even you--have the power to hold, back for a moment the Divine Plan for human evolution. Your duty is a double one— to yourself and to the other members of society. Your first responsibility is to build up the one human being for whom you are responsible— yourself. You are the only human being who can keep your body in tune for its higher duties, who can discharge your intel­lectual, moral, and spiritual obligations. If you are to cooperate with God’s pian--if you are to use your time, your thoughts, your ef­forts to fulfill His purpose for you, you will offer all that you are, dedicate your life, consecrate your soul to the achievements of His will.Cooperation with God’s plan for His human family requires the use of all the faculties and powers with which man is endowed above the animal. Each human being is a necessary unit-~since the progress of the race is built up from the growth of the individual man, woman, and child.Cooperation is man’s parti The Plan is God's.If- we could but understand! What the All-Wise wants for us is actually what we want for ourselves. If we but knew! If we could but compre­hend how small the price. We are lured into by-paths, thinking we see greater ease and easier pleasures by a shorter and less difficult route. And we find what we took for ease--stagnation or insidious retrogres­sion; what we took for pleasure--bitterness. Man may voluntarily give his love or he may withhold it. A freely given love is the only kind conceivably valued by our Divine Father. If we refuse, we cut our­selves off from the rewards and suffer from broken law. And in the end we are forced to return to the main way. There is but one way— the road upon which we conform to the Law of Growth."The highest product, man, is the result of the spirit working intel­ligently within. But man attains his highest, and becomes perfect only thru his own voluntary cooperation with the Spirit."All this book contains up to now leads to one question. We may well shut ourselves away in the silence of the closet to pray for guidance, for upon our answer rests our future--our happiness--our well-being. Upon our answer rests the degree of our growth and of our evolution as human beings.Shall we or shall we not voluntarily cooperate with God for the evolu­tion of the human race?

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