AMSL Summer Internship

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  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Summer Internship

    Allengers Medical Systems Ltd.

    Presented by -:

    Rajneesh Kumar

    MBA (Operations)


  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    About AMSL A well known name in the Indian as well as Global

    medical industry.

    Established in 1987 by a group of engineers

    Manufactures X-ray based medical equipments X-Ray Machines(LF/HF)

    C-arm Image Intensifiers (LF/HF)


    Mammography Systems Cathlabs (Mobile/Fixed)

    DSA Systems, DR Systems, Remote Controlled RF Table.

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Contd.. Have 18 branches in India

    Exported to around 65 countries

    Head Office in Chandigarh

    3 Manufacturing units 2 in Derabassi

    1 in Baddi.

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Sales Operations The sales of the machines takes place in the following


    1. Order Booking through sales representative or


    2. Order fulfillmentSales Support & Logistics

    3. ManufacturingProduction Department

    4. Warehousing & Transportation Dispatch & Logistics

    Department5. InstallationInstallation and Servicing Department

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Logistics Basically refers to the warehousing and transportation of


    Two types

    Inboundfor the inward movement of material (RawMaterial)

    Outboundfor the outward movement of material (Finished


  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Logistics Operations at AllengersThe various tasks performed by Logistics department are as


    1. The order booking documents are checked

    Purchase order Payment Receipts

    Credit Worthiness Form

    AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board) Approval

    Declaration Form

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Contd..2. Advice Creation in ERP Systemputting the order

    information into the ERP system

    Customer s details

    Machine specification

    Tentative delivery date

    3. Payment entry in ERP SystemThe details of the

    payment are entered into the system.

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship



    4. Creating the priority for the productionThe priority

    list is made on the basis on

    Companys policies

    Customers requirements5. Forwarding the orders to production department

    6. Planning the dispatches

    7. Sending the DI to the production facilities

    8. Filing the documents for future references

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Project To look for any possible improvements in the logistics


    The daily processes were observed

    The basic functioning was analyzed against the standardprocedures

    The problems areas were identified

    Possible remedies to overcome the problem areas were


  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Observations On an average 3-4 orders per day were received

    Average time taken to enter the order into the ERP system

    is 1.5 - 2 hours (approx.)

    A monthly meeting and a weekly meeting every Saturdaywas held between logistics and production

    Filing records were maintained manually

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Problems Areas Insufficient information about the order which sometimes

    consumes time

    Time taken to enter the order into ERP system was


    Tracking of order documents was sometimes a problem

    The weekly production & logistics meetings for Baddi

    plant were not scheduled

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship


    Suggestions Sales executives should be instructed to fill the form

    carefully so that the logistics people get the full

    information about the order

    The number of meeting for Baddi plant should be


    To solve the order documents tracking problem

    New system developed using Excel sheet

    Every person in the logistics department had excess to theexcel sheet

    Movement of documents was tracked using the excel sheet

  • 8/4/2019 AMSL Summer Internship
