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A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of Strata One (S1)








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Dio Reza Ardivi, An Analysis of perlocutionary acts in Despicable Me Movie:

SuperBad, SuperDad and the movie Despicable Me 2 Movie: When The World

Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian?. Thesis: English Letters Department,

Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

In this research, the writer discusses the using of illocutionary acts in all

utterances in the movie Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and the movie

Despicable Me 2: When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian?. The

aims of this research are to find background the unexpected perlocutionary acts.

The writer uses qualitative descriptive analysis method. The writer collects

the data from watching the movie and the script, then describe the background of

the unexpected perlocutionary acts. Based on the theory, the data are analyzed one

by one to know background of the unexpected perlocutionary acts in this movie.

From the data analysis, the writer finds the reasons of the unexpected

perlocutionary acts in the movie Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and the

movie Despicable Me 2: When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian?

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I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of

my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the

award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the next.

Jakarta, December 2015

Dio Reza Ardivi

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In the name of Allah, the most gracious, praise, and gratitude be to Allah

for giving the writer ability and health to finish this thesis. Shalawat and Salam

always send to our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who has guided us

from the darkness to enlightenment in the world.

The writer would like to express my gratitude for my advisors Dr. Frans

Sayogie, S.H., M.H., M.Pd. and Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd. who always give

inspirations, encouragements, critiques, and sincere guidance for me to finish the


The writer also would like to take this opportunity for expressing my deep

and sincere gratitude and thankfulness to:

1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag., The Dean of Faculty of Letters and


2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Department.

3. Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum., the Secretary of English LettersDepartment.

4. All of the lecturers in English Letters Department for their valuable


5. All the librarians of Adab and Humanities Faculty and State Islamic


6. My beloved parents: Nohan and Yusnaeni Indriani for their limitless support,

pray and endless love.

7. My friends especially Happy C Family for their support and suggestion in

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writing my thesis.

Jakarta, December 2015

The Writer

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ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………... i

APPROVEMENT………………………………………………………. ii

LEGALIZATION………………………………………………………. iii

DECLARATION……………………………………………………….. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………..... vii


A. Background of the Study………………………………………..... 1

B. Focus of the Study………………………………………………... 3

C. Research Question………………………………………………... 3

D. Significance of the Study…………………………………………. 4

E. Research Methodology…………………………………………… 4

1. The Objectives of Research…….…………………………..... 4

2. The Method of Research…….……………………………….. 4

3. The Technique of Data Analysis....………………………….. 5

4. The Instruments Research……………………………………. 6

5. Unit of analysis………………………………………………. 6


A. Previous Research………………………………………………... 7

B. Speech Act………………………………………………………. 8

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1. Locutionary Acts..……………..……………………… 9

2. Illocutionary Acts…………………………………….. 10

3. Perlocutionary Acts…………………………………… 11

C. Classification of Illocutionary Acts …………………………. 12

1. Representative ………………………………………… 12

2. Directive ……………………………………………… 13

3. Expressive ……………………………………………. 13

4. Commissive …………………………………………… 14

5. Declarations …………………………………………… 14





A. Data Description………………………………………………. 16

B. Data Analysis…………………………………………………. 19


A. Conclusion…………………………………………………….. 28

B. Suggestion…………………………………………………….. 28

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………. 29

APPENDIX…………………………………………………………… 32

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A. Background of Study

There is a thing in human life that can be a special tool in life. It can help

people to socialize and communicate with other people. That is a language. Every

country on earth has a language. They are very proud to use and introduce their

language to other people. So, as Wardhaugh said, “The language will be a

precious thing to the people who use it.”1

In this contemporary world, the use of languages has grown rapidly. Humans

tend to use language as a form of expression of what they feel or what they think.

Conversation is the thing that we usually do in social life. It is conducted in our

daily life because it is the central or the most basic kind of language usage of

human. A good conversation is when the hearer understands the purpose of the

speaker’s utterance. It will be a problem if the hearer has a wrong interpretation.

In this century, the use of language is spread in movies. Movies are growing with

the supports of advanced technology. With these technologies, we will create

more real and vivid visuals. These will enhance or encourage human to make

more movies, and the support of the use of language can make them to be an

interesting. In this case, the speech plays an important role to make films to be

more attractive and interesting because it helps human to say something but mean

differently. In a movie dialogue, sometimes, we will see an actor stating his

1 Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Socialinguistics 5

th ed.(Oxford:Blackwater


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intention with a strange utterance. It confuses the viewers. So, how the viewers

understand the movie if they do not understand all the meanings of the utterances

that take place in that movie?

In 1960, a group of English philosophers, led by J.L. Austin, developed a

framework for understanding how language is used. It is called speech act theory.

This theory treats speech as action taken by the speaker in the context associated

with a receiver.2“ Pertuturan merupakan seluruh komponen bahasa dan non

bahasa yang meliputi perbuatan bahasa yang utuh, pelaku didalam percakapan,

bentuk penyampaian, topic dan konteks.”3 In other words, speech act theory tries

to explain how speakers use language to achieve the intended actions and how the

hearers infer intended meaning form what is said.4 Speech act is divided into 3

types: locutionary acts, illocutionary acts and acts perlocutionary act.

The lack of understanding towards an utterance always happens in conversation

because there is always a purpose or objective from the speaker. So, every

utterance that we produce or hear has meaning according the condition.

Utterance can be found in the dialogue of a movie. To analyze the

perlocutionary acts, the writer has chosen the data derived from the movie script

Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and Despicable Me 2: When The World

Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud

because this film gets award like BAFTA awards, and Kids Choice Awards and

3Kushartanti, PesonaBahasa.(Jakarta: PT GramediaPustakaUtama, 2007),h.109.

4SararFarourAltikriti, Speech Act Analysis to Short Story. Journal of Language Teaching and

Research, Vol.2, No 6. 2011.p.1374.

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also the funny character in those movies; which are the minions. In this movie,

there are some unexpected perlocutionary act reaction of the illocutionary acts of

the speaker?

.The films show illocutions that have different perlocutionary act. It will be a

big problem for children if they do not understand why these situations happen in

those movies.

As we know, we have to be careful when explaining something to the children

because they do not know the purpose of the utterance of adults. Therefore, in this

research the writer would like to find the reasons why some illocutionary acts

found in the movie Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and the movie

Despicable Me 2: When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian cannot

fulfill the expected perlocutionary acts of the speaker.

B. Focus of Study

In this research, the writer will focus on the unexpected perlocutionary acts

reaction of the speaker’s illocutionary acts using Speech Act Theory by John L.

Austin and John Searle in the movie Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and

the movie Despicable Me 2: When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a

Villian directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud .

C. Research Questions

For analysis, the writer makes his research through the following question:

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1. Why do the hearer in the movie Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad

and the movie Despicable Me 2: When The World Needed a Hero, They

Called a Villian not give the expected reaction of the speaker’s

illocutionary acts?

D. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that through this research, the readers will get more

knowledge in the fields of speech acts especially on locutionary acts,

illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. Moreover, the research is expected

to give contribution for people to understand the processes of different

perlocutionary acts. The research also is expected to give a deeper

understanding of the plot of the whole story and the messages delivered in

Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and the movie Despicable Me 2:

When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian..

E. Research of Methodology

1. Objectives of the Research

The purpose of this study is to describe the use of perlocutionary acts in

the movie Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and the movie Despicable Me

2: When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian.

2. The Method of Research

Based on the research question and objective of the research above, the

method used is descriptive qualitative. Descriptive qualitative is the method of

research used to describe nature phenomenon happened and relevancies between

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one phenomena and others.5 The method of descriptive qualitative is used by the

writer is content analysis. Content analysis is any technique for making inferences

by systematically and objectively identifying specified characteristics of

messages.6 This method is used to look for the processes of the different

perlocutionary acts.

Then, the writer will describe the data which will answer the research

questions of data analysis which will answer the two research question of data

analysis above.

3. The Techniques of Data Analysis

Collected data is analyzed using Speech act theory by J.L. Austin and John

Searle. The research is approached by following steps:

a. Watching the movie Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and the

movie Despicable Me 2: When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a


b. Reading the whole dialogue on script.

c. Taking notes and marking the dialogues related to locutionary acts,

illocutionary acts, and perlocutinary act on script and analyzing them.

d. Taking the conclusion of data which have been collected.

5 Muhammad Farkhan. Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. (Edisi Revisi, Jakarta:

Adabia Press. 2011), p.4. 6 Ole R. Holsti. Content Analysis. In G. Lindzey & E. Aaoroson (eds), The Handbook of

Social Psychology. (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 1986), p. 601.

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4. The Instruments of Research

In this research, the writer uses himself as the main research instrument

through reading, identifying, collecting the dialogue and making it as data by

using Speech act theory based on J.L Austin and John Searle concerning

locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutinary act in the dialogue

5. Units of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this research is scripts from movie Despicable Me

1: SuperBad, SuperDad directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud released in

2010 and Despicable Me 2: When The World Needed a Hero , They Called a

Villian , directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud and released in 2013. Both

films were distributed by Walt Disney Picture.

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A. Previous Research

The idea on writing this thesis is based on some linguistics books that

supply relevant information to the topic. The writer listed some of the result of

previous studies by several researchers that had ever been read by the writer. The

following related research of the perlocutionary acts research was conducted by

Kang Qiang with titled „On Perlocutionary Acts‟. His research tells us about

introduction of perlocutionary acts and gives explanation about the kind of effect

of perlocutionary acts in people, the theory, and the aspect of perlocutionary acts.1

It means his research focuses in giving explanation about perlocutionary acts


The study was conducted by Yuanita Devy Kuspriyanti and Dewi Retno

Sari with the title „Illocution and Perlocution Analysis on the Main Character

Conflicts in An Ideal Husband‟. In this study, the researchers focus on the main

characters conflicts in An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde. This research uses

descriptive qualitative approach. As the data, the researchers used the fragments

of the main characters in An Ideal Husband drama‟s script. Based on the result of

the research, they found out that asking, command, and giving explanation were

1 Kang Qiang. On Perlocutionary Acts. Journal of Language and Literature Vol.6 (1), 25

January 2013 (China: University of Changchun , Changchun), pp.60-64.

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caused conflict on the main character. They also found representative, expressive

and directive, which used by the main characters.2

P.E Akhiemien, student of Lagos State University, was conducted

„Perlocution: Heeling the “Achilleas‟ Heel” of Speech Act Theory‟. This paper

sets „Heel the “Achilleas‟ Heel” of Speech Act Theory‟- perlocution. The paper

addresses that the cause of perlocutionary act derived from the illocutionary act

which is in combination with the context of utterance. A major finding of this

paper is that previous Speech Act analysis did not give context a serious

consideration in their study of perlocution leading them into philosophical blind

alleys. The paper therefore argues for a serious consideration to be given to

context for an accurate description perlocutionary acts.3

1. Speech Act

The theory of speech act improves from development of study pragmatics

which has known as study of ability in language usage which has to adjust with

the context.4 The differences between the theory of speech act by Austin, Searle,

and others in giving classification speech act will be useful for understanding the

words of speech act.

The theory of Speech act was introduced firstly by Austin in 1956 that was

created from his thesis. J.O. Urmson published it in a book “ How to Do Thing

2 Yuanita Devy Kuspriyanti and Dewi Retno Sari. Illocution and Perlocution Analysis on

the Main Character Conflicts in An Ideal Husband. Journal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

Vol.1,No.1, April 2013 pp26-32 (STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo) 3 P.E Akhimien. „Perlocution: Heeling the “Achilleas‟ Heel” of Speech Act Theory‟s.

Vol.XXXV ,2010 (Nigeria: State University of Lagos, Lagos), pp.1-16. 4 Tun Nur Afizah Zainal Ariff dan Ahmad Ibrahim Mugableh, “Speech Act of Promising

among Jordan,”h.248.

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with Words?”5 Then, this theory was developed by Searle to publish a book

Speech Acts: “ An Essay in the Philosophy of Language”. He argues that the

communication is not just symbols, words or sentences, but it would be more

appropriate if the so-called product or product of emblem, word or phrase in the

form of speech act behavior.

The actual speech act considers five aspect situations of speech that

includes: speaker and hearer, the context of the speech, the purpose of speech,

speech acts as an action / activity and verbal utterances as acts of products.6

Speech acts are the basis for analysis other pragmatic topics as presupposition,

conversational implicature, cooperative principle and politeness principle.

Pragmatic assessment that does not base its analysis on the speech act is not a

pragmatic assessment within the meaning of truth.

1. Locutionary

Locutionary acts are basic actions in an utterance; act says something with

words and meaning of the sentence in accordance with the meaning of that word

in the dictionary and the meaning of the sentence according to the rule.7 Focus

locution is the meaning of spoken utterances, not questioning the purpose or

function of the speech. For examples:

Diana: the time now is 07.00 a.m. Sonia!!

Sonia: Ok. Let‟s go to school.

5 Jacob L. Mey, Pragmatics: An Introducing 2

nd ed.(Oxford: Blackwater Publisher, 2001),h.92.

6 Geoffrey Leech . Principles of Pragmatics .New York: Longman Inc. 1983. P.4.

7 Kushartanti, Pesona Bahasa. (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007),p.109.

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Based on the example, we know that Diana tells to Sonia that the time is

07.00 a.m. So, the meaning of illocution is the time is 07.00 a.m. because

locutionary only focuses on the meaning of utterance.

2. Illocutionary

Pragmatics considers the language in a more concrete level than grammar.

In short, speech is considered as a form of activity or a speech acts. In Austin‟s

opinion, Illocutionary is doing something that had the purpose and function or

power of speech. 8 So, it means the utterance of speaker has hope to the hearer to

do something.

Illocutionary acts are speech acts that serve to tell or inform something and

used to do something. For examples of illocutionary act is "hot air". This

utterance has purpose that the speakers asked the hearer to open the door

immediately, or turn on the fan. So it is clear that the speech contains a specific

intent addressed to the hearer. For example in a dialogue:

Diana: the time now is 07.00 a.m. Sonia!!

Sonia: Ok. Let‟s go to school.

Based on example above, we know that Diana tells to Sonia that time is 07.00

a.m. But, based on illocutionary acts‟s meaning that Diana invites to Sonia to go

to school because the study in school will begin on 07.10 a.m. This explaining

shows that illocutionary acts and locutionary acts are different.

8 Stephen C. Levinson, Opcit., p. 236.

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3. Perlocutionary

The utterances of speakers often have an effect or influence power. The

effect produced by the utter something that is by Austin called perlocutionary.9

The effect or reaction of the hearer from the utterance of the speaker is an act of

perlocutionary. There are some verbs that can be sign of perlocutionary act. They

are persuading, receiving, pushing, annoy, frighten, delight, embarrassment,

attract attention, and others. Examples:

Diana: the time now is 07.00 a.m. Sonia!!

Sonia: Ok. Let‟s go to school

Based on the example, the answer of Sonia is the effect from the utterance of

Diana or known as perlocutionary acts.

Sometimes, in the conversation, we face an illocutionary acts which has a

different perlocutionary acts. It happens because a factor, situation and social

relationship of the hearer. Example:

Sealer: cookies for sale!

Jony: I am sorry. I have a bunch of bread

In other situation with different person:

Sealer: Miss, we made cookies. Do you want buy them?

Rosy: Hmmm…the smell is good. I take all them.

9 Joshua c. Stone, Triadic to Trinitarian: Kevin J. Vanhoozer’a Application of J.L. Austin’s Speech

Act Theory, Eleutheria: A Graduated Student Journal. Vol. 1. 2010. P.63.

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Based two conversations above, we know that the sealer gets different

perlocution acts from different buyers. From the first buyer, he cannot buy

cookies because he has the bread. But, the second buyer buys the cookies because

he does not buy anything to eat and he is interesting with the smell from the


For the conclusion we know that situation of hearer is the reason why the

different perlocution acts happens in conversation.

B. Classification of Illocutionary Acts

In connection with the above definition of speech acts, illocutionary acts

are classified into five types by Searle. The five types of illocutionary acts are

representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarations.

1. Representative

Representative is a speech act that binds the speaker to the truth of the things

he said.10

This type of speech act is also referred to as assertive speech acts. That

includes this type of speech act is a speech states, demanding, admits, shows,

reports, testified, speculating. 11

For examples from the movie Despicable Me 1:

SuperBad, SuperDad " recently, an entire top-secret lab disappeared from the

Arctic Circle. ". from that example we know he reported a lab was disappear from

the Arctic Circle. The speech includes speech acts containing information

representative because the speakers are bound by the truth of the contents of the


Charles F. Meyer, Introducing English Lingusitics. (New York: Cambridge University

Press.2009),.p.50 11


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speech. Speakers are responsible that the spoken utterance was indeed a fact and

can be proven in court that the studious sister and always get first rank in his


2. Directives

Directive speech act is a speech act that has purpose to the hearer does

what the speaker says. Directive speech act also known as speech act impositif.12

For example to the speech acts of this kind include speech asking for, invite,

insist, suggest, urge, enjoin, charge, commanding, urging, pleading, challenging,

and gesture.13

For example from the movie Despicable Me: “You can leave now.

". That utterance means than a minions has to leave him because he is very busy

now. The examples included in the speech act type of directive because it is

spoken utterances that the speaker intended to perform the appropriate action

described in his utterance help repair tasks. Directive speech is an indicator of the

presence of an action taken by the hearer after hearing the speech.

3. Expressive

This speech act is also called evaluative speech acts. Expressive speech act

is a speech act that the speaker intended that his utterance interpreted as an

evaluation of the things mentioned in the speech, including speech thanked,


Jacob L. Mey, (2001), op.cit.p.120 13

Kushartanti, (2007),op. cit. p.110

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complain, congratulate, flatter, praise, and criticize.14

For example “Yes, that's

good “. That utterance from the movie Despicable Me is a kind of people‟s way to

praising of someone does. Hence, the utterance "I work hard for money, but the

results are still not able to provide for the family". The speech is expressive

speech acts complained of which can be interpreted as an evaluation of his

utterance, namely the search for money that the results are not always able to meet

the needs of family life.

4. Commissive

Commissive speech act is a speech act that binds the speaker to carry out

all the things mentioned in the utterance, for example, swear, promising, stating

ability, and vow.15

For example from the movie Despicable me: "Oh, yes. My

pinky promises. ". That utterance means he will fulfill what he promises to

someone. So, this statement makes binds the speaker to carry out the mandate as

well as possible. This had repercussions for him to fulfill what had been his


5. Declaration

Declaration is the speech of making an official statement about something

(status, state, etc.). This type is an impressive speech with intention, deciding,

cancel, forbids, grant, permit, classify, lifting, forgive, and forgive.16


following example from the movie Despicable me: “Yes, I have been recruited by


Jacob L. Mey, (2001), op.cit.p.120 15

Sahar Four Altikriti, Speech Act Analysis to Short Story. Journal Language Teaching and

Research, 2011.p. 1376. 16


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a top-secret agency. It means he decides to receive a new job to be a top-secret

agency. This kind of illocutionary act also makes a new status of someone like

marriage or divorce.

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As in the previous chapter, the focus of thesis research is unexpected

reaction acts of hearer from illocutionary acts of speaker. This chapter will

explain analysis of the script of the movie Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad

and the movie Despicable Me 2: When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a

Villian which were directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud.

Table 1. Table of different Perlocutionary Acts

No Data


Classification Timeline

1 a. Children: Cookies for sale

(offer cookies)

Gru : Go away. I'm

not home

b. Children: We're selling

cookies so, you know, we

can have a better future

Vector: Ooh! Wait, wait!

Do you have coco-nutties?



00:06:01,356 -->


(00:06:05,360 -->


00:25:08,960 -->


00:25:12,297 -->



a. Gru : Cookie robots!

Dr. Nevario : Who is this?



00:25:47,249 -->


00:25:49,292 -->

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b. Gru : Cookie robots!

I said cookie robots.

Dr. Nevario : Okay. I'm on



00:34:38,446 -->


00:34:46,746 -->


3 a. Gru : Okay, bedtime.

Children: Aw!

b. Gru : Come on now,

it's bedtime.

Children : But we're not




00:39:56,847 -->


00:39:58,432 -->


01:02:09,595 -->


01:02:25,194 -->



a. Agnes: Will you read us

a bedtime story?

Gru : No!

b. Agnes: Will you read us

a bedtime story?

Gru : Fine



00:40:31,132 -->


00:40:31,132 -->


01:02:27,989 -->


01:02:52,346 -->


5 a. Gru: So, good night, sleep

tight, and don't let the bed

bugs bite

Children: He's just

kidding, Agnes.

b. Gru: Good night, sleep

tight, don't let the bedbugs




00:40:41,976 -->


00:40:55,406 -->


00:31:05,947 -->


00:31:08,867 -->


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Children: Whoa!

6 a. Children: Oh, come on. It's


Gru: No! Stop! No one is


getting out there! Ever!

b. Lucy: This is fun

Gru : Yes. Surprisingly, it




00:23:52,973 -->


00:23:56,852 -->


00:56:10,826 -->


00:56:12,160 -->


7 a. El Macho: Oh, oh! I'm

sorry. Pollito is usually

very friendly.

Gru: Well, we really

should be

going. Girls, come on.

b. El Macho: Lucia, I

apologize. The same thing

happened the other day

with Gru, and...

Lucia: Oh, well, speaking

of Gru, um, have you seen

him? I really need to talk

to him.



00:48:09,804 -->


00:48:18,896 -->


01:13:17,560 -->


01:13:28,988 -->


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B. Data Analysis

From the data above, the writer analyzes the script of the movie Despicable

Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and the movie Despicable Me 2: When The World

Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian which were directed by Pierre Coffin and

Chris Renaud. The writer uses the theory of Speech act introduced by J.L. Austin

and John Searle which consists of locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and

perlocutionary acts, but in this research the writer focused on perlocutionary acts.

It will be analyzed through the locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and

perlocutionary acts. These are the analyses:

Datum (1)

1) Addresser & addressee: Gru and Children

2) Setting: In Gru’s home

3) Relationship: Gru as Buyer and Children as Sellers

Children : Cookies for sale! (Offering)

Gru : Go away. I'm not home.

Children : Yes you are I Heard You

Gru : No. you did not. This is a recording.

The utterance Go away. I'm not home means he does not want to buy the

cookies because he buys a muffin from bread shop before. So, he orders the

children to go away from his home.

1) Addresser & addressee: Vector and Children

2) Setting: In Vector’s home

3) Relationship: Vector as Buyer and Children as Sellers

Children : We're selling cookies so, you know, we can have a better future


Vector : Ooh! Wait, wait! Do you have coco-nutties?

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Children : Yeah.

From the fact above, we know that the answer of hearer is not like what is

expected by the speaker because the first person has a muffin before. However,

the second person really likes cookies. So, those reasons are background why

those illocutionary acts do not fulfill the expected of perlocutionary acts.

From the context, the same illocutionary acts is offering. Based on the

comparison of the conversation above, we can conclude that the perlocutionary

act is not like what is expected by the speaker in the different condition. Gru

already have a cake while Vector has not it because it will be different

perlocutionary act.

Datum (2)

1) Addresser & addressee: Dr. Nevario and Gru

2) Setting: in Front of Vector’s home

3) Relationship: Dr. Nevario as friend and Gru as Friend

Gru : Dr Nefario! I'm going to need a dozen tiny robots disguised as


Dr. Nevario : What?

Gru : Cookie robots! (Asserting)

Dr. Nevario : Who is this?

Gru : Oh, Forget it.

Gru gives explaining that he wants cookis robots. However, Dr. Nevario

answers Who is this?. The answer of Dr. Nevario tells to Gru that he does not

listen clearly. So, the communication between them does not work well.

1) Addresser & addressee: Dr. Nevario and Gru

2) Setting: Gru’s home

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3) Relationship: Dr. Nevario as friend and Gru as Friend

Dr. Nevario : A dozen boogie robots! Boogie! Look at this. Watch me!

Gru : Cookie robots! I said cookie robots. (Asserting)

Dr. Nevario : Okay. I'm on it.

Gru is disappointed with Dr. Nevario that he wants cookies robots not

buggies robot. So he says “Cookie robots! I said cookie robots” to give

understanding to Dr. Nevario. Based on the fact, Dr. Nevario has problem in

listening. So, he does not listen well. However, when meeting directly, he will

understand the purpose. So, those reasons are background why those illocutionary

acts do not fulfill the expected of perlocutionary acts.

From the context, the same illocutionary act is asserting Based on the

comparison of the conversation above, we can conclude that the perlocutionary

act is not like what is expected by the speaker in the different condition. The first

conversation occurs over the phone so it can happen any time of hearing to

communicate while the second conversation happened to meet in person and the

speaker can explain it well. Therefore there will be different perlocutionary act.

Datum (3)

1) Addresser & addressee: Children and Gru

2) Setting: Gru’s home

3) Relationship: Children as his children and Gru as their father

Gru : Wow, wow

Edith : It was your cousin’s idea

Gru : What? Okay, bedtime. (Ordering)

Children : Aw!

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Because the children know that time is late night and they are tired. So,

they only say Aw. It means they understand what Gru’s purpose from his


1) Addresser & addressee: Children and Gru

2) Setting: Gru’s home

3) Relationship: Children as his children and Gru as their father

Gru : Come on now, it's bedtime. (Ordering)

Children: But we're not tired.

Gru : Well, I am tired.

The utterance But we're not tired has meaning that they do not want sleep

now because they are not tired.

From the fact above, the answer of hearer is not like what is expected by

the speaker because the children are not tired and time does not show lately. So,

those reasons are background why those illocutionary acts do not fulfill the

expected of perlocutionary acts.

From the context, the same illocutionary acts is ordering. Based on the

comparison of the conversation above, we can conclude that the perlocutionary

act is not like what is expected by the speaker in the different condition. The first

conversation aims to protest over ignorance that they do not have a second

conversation while mean that they do not want to sleep now. Therefore there will

be different perlocutionary act.

Datum (4)

1) Addresser & addressee: Gru and Agnes

2) Setting: Gru’s home

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3) Relationship: Agnes as his child and Gru as her father

Agnes : Will you read us a bedtime story? (Requesting)

Gru : No!

Agnes : But we can't go to sleep without a bedtime story.

Gru : Well, then it's going to be a long night for you, isn't it?

Based on the conversation above we know that Gru refuses what Agnes

request because Gru is busy with his job to prepare stealing the moon. So, he says

No! to Agnes.

1) Addresser & addressee: Gru and Agnes

2) Setting: Gru’s home

3) Relationship: Agnes as his child and Gru as her father

Agnes : Will you read us a bedtime story? (Requesting)

Gru : Fine

Agnes : What about good night kisses?

Gru : No, no. There will be no kissing or hugging or kissing.

Based on the utterance above we know that Gru will read a bedtime story

before they sleep. It happens because they will disturb Gru in his work if he does

not read it. It always happens to all parents in this world because children need

something to make their sleep quietly. So, that the reason is background why

those illocutionary acts do not fulfill the expected of perlocutionary acts.

.From the context, the same illocutionary acts is requesting. Based on the

comparison of the conversation above, we can conclude that the perlocutionary

act is not like what is expected by the speaker in the different condition. The first

conversation aims to avoid a troublesome job because there are many things to be

prepared while the latter aims to make children go to bed and do not interfere with

the work unfinished. Therefore there will be different perlocutionary act.

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Datum (5)

1) Addresser & addressee: Children and Gru

2) Setting: Gru’s home

3) Relationship: Children as his children and Gru as their father

Gru : So, good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite


Children : He's just kidding, Agnes.

The conversation above is Gru only jokes to the children that the bugs will

bite them when they sleep. It is a way of parent in education of their child. But, it

will be worst way to give education for child because they will be scary of the

bugs or they will not sleep well.

1) Addresser & addressee: Children and Gru

2) Setting: Gru’s home

3) Relationship: Children as his children and Gru as their father

Gru: Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs blah-blah-blah (Threaten)

Children: Whoa!

The utterance Whoa! Is the fact that the children study from their

experience. So, they will not afraid again. It is the reason why those illocutionary

acts do not fulfill the expected of perlocutionary acts.

Sometimes, the way of giving education to our children is not always

right. So, as good parents, we must make different or interesting way in education

our children.

From the context, the same illocutionary acts is asserting. Based on the

comparison of the conversation above, we can conclude that the perlocutionary

act is not like what is expected by the speaker in the different condition. The first

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conversation occurs as a form of Agnes entertaining conversation not to be afraid

while the second occurred because the children already know the actions of

ignorant Gru to scare them. Therefore there will be different perlocutionary act.

Datum (6)

1) Addresser & addressee: Gru and Children

2) Setting: Gru’s home

3) Relationship: Children as his children and Gru as their father

Children: Oh, come on. It's fun. (Praising)

Gru: No! Stop! No one is ever getting out there! Ever!

Gru is angry because he is scary that the past will happen again in date. So, the

plan of blind date is not fun

Addresser & addressee: Gru and Lucy

Setting: Lucy’s home

Relationship: Lucy as his friend and Gru as her friend

Lucy: This is fun. (Praising)

Gru : Yes. Surprisingly, it was.

Gru agrees with Lucy because he loves Lucy. What they did with Lucy is

very fun because also he will be with Lucy. Love changes a person with also his

world. So, it is background why those illocutionary acts do not fulfill the expected

of perlocutionary acts.

From the context, the same illocutionary acts is praising. Praising is shape

of expression of psychological attitude of the speaker. Based on the comparison of

the conversations above, we can conclude that the perlocutionary act is not like

what is expected by the speaker in the different condition. The first conversation

occurred with a view rejected as a bad thing happened the past while the second,

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Gru enjoyed it just happened because Gru liked it. Therefore there will be

different perlocutionary act.

Datum (7)

1) Addresser & addressee: Gru and El Macho

2) Setting: El Macho’s restaurant

3) Relationship: El Macho as his friend and Gru as his friend

El Macho: Oh, oh! I'm sorry. Pollito is usually very friendly (Apoligizing).

Gru: Well, we really should be going. Girls, come on.

Gru knows that El Macho’s pet see him last. So, he must leave quickly from that

restaurant. So, he only says Well, we really should be going. Girls, come on.

1) Addresser & addressee: Lucy and El Macho

2) Setting: El Macho’s house

3) Relationship: El Macho as her friend and Lucy as his friend

El Macho: Lucia, I apologize. The same thing happened the other day with

Gru, and.. (Apoligizing).

Lucy: Oh, well, speaking of Gru, um, have you seen him? I really need to talk to


Based on the context above we know that Lucy looks for Gru. So, she does

not care the asking pardon of El Macho because he really wants to meet Gru to

State her feeling. The fact above is the reason why the perlocutionary act is not

like what is expected by the speaker. Sometimes, what people think, make people

forget something or situation. This phenomenon always happens in our life.

From the context, the same illocutionary acts is apoligizing. Apoligizing is

shape of expression of psychological attitude of the speaker. Based on the

comparison of the conversation above, we can conclude that the the

perlocutionary act is not like what is expected by the speaker in the different

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condition. The first conversation occurred to avoid or run away from problems

before getting caught by El Macho while the second conversation occurred

because Lucy rush to immediately meet Gru therefore he ignores the existing

problems. Therefore there will be different perlocutionary act.

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A. Conclusion

In process of understanding the utterances in movie, there are many

problems which is faced by the spectator especially the children. The common

problem is the children cannot understand the purpose of conversation because

they are not used to talking to adult. Based on research questions in chapter

one, in this part the writer gives an answer about why the hearer in the movie

Despicable Me 1: SuperBad, SuperDad and the movie Despicable Me 2:

When The World Needed a Hero, They Called a Villian did not give the

epected reaction of the illocutionary acts of the speaker.

After analyzing the data in chapter three, the writer draws some

conclusions about his research. First, from selected data of some illocutionary

acts, the writer founds the perlocutionary act is not like what is expected by

the speaker in the different condition because from the past, the experience, or

the background of the hearer.

These factors are very big influence of the perlocutionary acts that are

expected by speaker. So, the reason the answer of hearer is not like expected by

speaker relates the condition of the hearer.

B. Suggestion

Through this research, the writer suggests the other researchers can deeply

analyze the data resulting in unexpected perlocutionary acts based on context in

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different media such as the advertisement, social media, or other written media.

Moreover, for the researchers who are interested in speech acts, it is good to

examine more on perlocutionary acts because there are only a few researchers

elaborate on it. Then, the researchers who are interested in this topic, can analyze

participants of the study from the past, the experience, or the background of the

character to get the information in understanding of the conversation in the movie.

Finally, the writer hopes this research will be usefull for the future

improvement of pragmatics study, basically perlocutionary acts theory used in this

movie, especially Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta.

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En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Despicable_Me accesed at 07.58, November 21st 2014.

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A. Synopsis Despicable me

A mysterious criminal mastermind has stolen

one of the pyramids in Egypt, sparking a fit of

jealous envy in evil genius Gru (Steve Carell),

who hasn't managed to make headlines since

he and his minions swiped the Times Square

JumboTron years back. Ever since Gru was a

little boy, he dreamed of going to the moon.

Now, if Gru can just build a rocket and get his

hands on a powerful shrink-ray, he can

cement his reputation as the greatest thief who

ever lived by stealing the Earth's satellite right out of the sky. But immediately after

Gru heists the shrink-ray, the cunning super-nerd Vector (Jason Segel) swoops in and

snatches it right out of his hands. Now, in order to claim the moon, Gru must first

reacquire the weapon from Vector. Armed with the knowledge that his nemesis has a

mean sweet tooth, Gru adopts cookie-selling orphans Margo (Miranda Cosgrove),

Agnes (Elsie Fisher), and Edith (Dana Gaier) and commissions a new line of cookie

robots from the evil Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand), his personal weapons specialist. But

as Gru and his diminutive yellow minions prepare to carry out the biggest heist in

history, something strange happens. Gru discovers that the three little girls who have

come into his life are much more than simple pawns. They actually seem to care

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about Gru, and it turns out the scheming evildoer makes a pretty good father. When

Gru realizes that his upcoming moon mission clashes with a ballet performance by

the girls, he must decide what's more important -- being a present parent or cementing

his nefarious reputation once and for all.1

B. Synopsis Despicable Me 2

Once upon a time, Gru (voice of Steve

Carrell) dreamt of stealing the moon - these

days he's a single adoptive father of three

precocious girls. Having given up his

spectacular life of crime, Gru now aims to

produce a delicious new line of jams with the

help of his tiny minions and his old pal Dr.

Nefario (voice of Russell Brand). Feeling

unfulfilled in his newfound role as a jam-

maker, Dr. Nefario announces that he will be

departing for more evil pastures just as Gru is approached by the Anti-Villain League

to capture the mysterious culprit who just stole a top-secret research lab filled with

PX 41 -- an experimental serum with the strength to transform harmless animals into

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ravenous monsters. The AVL is certain that the culprit is covering his tracks by

posing as a small business owner at a local mall, and assign their best agent Lucy

(Kristen Wiig) to aid Gru in identifying him. Meanwhile, Gru's oldest adopted

daughter Margo (voice of Miranda Cosgrove) falls for rebellious teen Antonio (voice

of Moises Arias), the leather-jacketed son of boisterous Mexican cantina owner

Eduardo (voice of Benjamin Bratt). Now, with Gru's paternal instincts kicking into

full gear just as a dastardly plot begins to unfold, the devoted new father must divide

his time between saving the world from an enigmatic super-villain, and saving

Miranda from total heartbreak. All the while, a suitable mother for the girls may have

been standing right under Gru's pointy nose the entire time.2

24 Rovi. Despicable me 2 Synopsis. Fandango. Access from


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Datum (1)

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Datum (2)

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Datum (3)

Page 49: AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIErepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/32873/1/DIO REZA... · AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE ... tend to use language


Page 50: AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIErepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/32873/1/DIO REZA... · AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE ... tend to use language


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Page 51: AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIErepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/32873/1/DIO REZA... · AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE ... tend to use language


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Page 52: AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIErepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/32873/1/DIO REZA... · AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE ... tend to use language


Page 53: AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIErepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/32873/1/DIO REZA... · AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE ... tend to use language


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Page 54: AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIErepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/32873/1/DIO REZA... · AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE ... tend to use language


Page 55: AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIErepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/32873/1/DIO REZA... · AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE ... tend to use language


Datum (7)

Page 56: AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIErepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/32873/1/DIO REZA... · AN ANALYSIS ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN THE MOVIE ... tend to use language