i AN ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF JAKARTA ROTTERDAM SISTER CITY PROGRAM (2008 2014) By Najla 016201100032 A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Diplomacy 2015


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PROGRAM (2008 – 2014)




A Thesis presented to the

Faculty of Humanities President University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Diplomacy




I declare that this thesis entitled ― An Analysis of the Effectiveness and

Efficiency of the Implementation Jakarta - Rotterdam Sister City Program

(2008 – 2014) is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of

work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university

to obtain a degree.

Jakarta, April 10 2015





This thesis entitled “An Analysis of the Effectiveness And Efficiency of the

Implementation of Jakarta - Rotterdam Sister City Program (2008 – 2014)”

prepared and submitted by Najla in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Bachelor‟s degree in the Faculty of

Humanities President University has been reviewed and found to have

satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore

recommend this thesis for Oral Defense.

Cikarang, Indonesia, April, 10 2015

Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D

Thesis Adviser




The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis entitled “An Analyses of the

Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Implementation of Jakarta – Rotterdam

Sister City Program” that was submitted by Najla majoring in International

Relations from the Faculty of Humanity was assessed and approved to have

passed the Oral Examinations on April, 2015.

Hendra Manurung S.IP., M.A

Chair Panel Examiner

Isyana Adriani, M.Si


Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D

Thesis Adviser


ABSTRAK Judul: “Analisa Efektivitas dan Efisisensi Jakarta – Rotterdam Sister City

Program (2008 – 2014)”

Kerjasama luar negeri dalam bentuk city diplomacy telah berkembang pesat di

belahan dunia, demikian juga di Indonesia. S ister City Program istilah yang

digunakan untuk suatu hubungan kerjasama luar negeri antar kota oleh

Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta, menjadi satu fenomena yang mengesankan bagi

berkembang nya hubungan luar negeri hingga menyentuh lapisan Pemerintah

Daerah. Sister City Program memiliki sifat saling membantu dalam hal ini, kedua

kota bersama – sama menyusun suatu program yang bermanfaat pada

pembangunan kota, atau dapat dikatakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari masing –

masing perencana. Pada kesempatanh ini, skripsi ini akan menganalisa seberapa

efektif dan efisien Sister City Program yang dilaksanakan Jakarta – Rotterdam

pada tahun 2008 – 2014. Rotterdam sebagai kota yang terbilang sukses dalam

pengembangan kota nya, menjadi pilihan Jakarta untuk dapat bekerja sama

dengan baik dalam membantu percepatan pembangunan. Skripsi ini akan

menggunakan analisa terpadu yang mencakup prinsip; Consistency, Mutually

Benefiting, Incidental,Evaluation, dan Innovation. Berdasarkan data primer yang

ada, skripsi ini akan membuahkan hasil analisa yang mendeskripsikan efektivitas

dan efisiensi dari kerjasama Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam.

Keywords: Jakarta, Rotterdam, Sister City Program, City Diplomac


ABSTRACT Title: “An Analysis of the Effectiveness And Efficiency Jakarta – Rotterdam Sister

City Program (2008 – 2014)”

Foreign cooperation in the form of City Diplomacy has been growing rapidly in

the world, as well as in Indonesia. Sister City program is the term used for foreign

cooperative relationships between cities by Jakarta Capital City Government

which became a phenomenon that is impressive for foreign cooperation

development that able to touch Local Governments layer. Sister City Program has

an objective to assist each other. The cities together compiling the programs that

are beneficial to the development of the city, or it can be said according to the

needs of each city. Furthermore, this thesis will analyze how effective and

efficient the Sister City Program implemented by Jakarta - Rotterdam in 2008 –

2014. Rotterdam as a city which was successful in its urban development has

pulled Jakarta to be able to work well together in helping Jakarta to accelerate the

development of city. This thesis will use an integrated analysis that includes

principles; Consistency, Mutually benefiting, Incidental Evaluation, and

Innovation. Based on the existing primary data, this thesis will produce results

that describe the analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of Sister City

Program that held by Jakarta - Rotterdam.

Keywords: Jakarta, Rotterdam, Sister City Program, City Diplomacy



Thesis is a long piece of research, consultation, reading, discussion and

hard work. It is full of tensions, pressure, emotions, struggles and happiness. One

cannot easily ignore all of it. However, it is not the journey that I am really

grateful for, but the companion offered by people around me.

First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT for what I am now is

nothing without His blessings and guidance. Secondly, I am really thankful for

my family who supported me unconditionally. Thank you for all the opportunities,

advices, and your love.

To my thesis advisor, Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D, thank you so much for your

kind advices and passionate guidance for us. Thank you very much for listening to

my problems. You are very lenient towards my mistakes all this time.To my

wonderful lecturers Mr. Eric Hendra thank you for everything, your kind advices

and encouragement for me. It boosts my confidence and gives me courage. Thank

you very much sir.

To my fellow thesis fighters from IR, thank you for everything we shared

this past few years. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my

eternally malformed and twisted friends, who have such a bizarre sense of humor

and way of life. You are all always there for me, through thick and thin, mostly

thick though, but you will never leave me behind.

The last but not least, thank you so much for the knowledge and

experience from Jakarta Capital City Government. Thank you for Mr. Basuki

Tjahaja Purnama, Mr. Sakti Boediono, Ms. Sarwo Handayani, Mr. Yudi

Hermawan, and Mr. Robert Silalahi for all the knowledge and information in

completing my thesis. I hope Allah SWT repay all your kindness.

Jakarta, 10 April, 2015




Figure 1.1 Logical Flow of Theoretical Framework

Figure 1.2 Decentralized Cooperation meets peace building

Figure 1.3The Sister City Program Effectiveness and

Efficiency Factor

Figure 3.1 Research Framework

Figure 4.1 Term of Reference (Jakarta – Rotterdam)

Figure 4.2 The Sister City Program Effectivenes Factors

Figure 4.3 Consistencies of Programs

Figure 4.4 Term of Reference (2008 – 2015)

Figure 4.5 Incidentals in Period

Figure 4.6 Evaluation of Sister City Program Jakarta

Rotterdam (2008 – 2010)

Figure 4.7 Operation and Maintenance, Evaluation of Sister

City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam (2008 – 2010)

Figure 4.8 Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on

Operation and Maintenance, Institutional

Knowledge /Capacity Building, Evaluation of

Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam (2011

– 2012)

Figure 4.9 Development of a Coastal Defense, Strategy

Evaluation of Sister City Program Jakarta –

Rotterdam (2011 – 2012)

Figure 5.0 Capacity Building in Integrated Urban Water

Management, Evaluation of Sister City Program

Jakarta – Rotterdam (2013& 2014)

Figure 5.1 National Capital Integrated Coastal

Development (NCICD) Programme, Evaluation

of Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam

(2013 & 2014)


Figure 5.2 the Improvement of Relevant Programs

on Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam

Figure 5.3 Conclusion of Analysis

LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 The List of Sister Cities until 2012

LIST OF PICTURES Picture 4.1 Enjoy Jakarta

Picture 4.2 The City of Rotterdam


DKI : Daerah Khuus Ibukota

JCDS : Jakarta Coastal Defense Strategy

MIS : Management Information System

MOU : Minutes of Understanding

MOA : Minutes of Agreement

NCICD : National Capital Integrated Coastal Defense


SCP : Sister City Program

TOR : Term of Reference


TABLE OF CONTENS DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................ i

THESIS ADVISER ............................................................................................... ii

RECOMMENDATION LETTER ....................................................................... ii

PANEL OF EXAMINER .................................................................................... iii

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... iii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ iv

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ vii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. viii

LIST OF PICTURES ......................................................................................... viii

LIST OF ACRONYMS ..................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Study ........................................................................ 1

1.2 Problem Identified ................................................................................ 12

1.3 Statement of the Problem .................................................................... 13

1.4 Research Objectives ............................................................................. 13

1.5 Significance of the Study ...................................................................... 14

1.6 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................ 14

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study ..................................................... 18

1.8 Definitions of Terms .............................................................................. 18

CHAPTER II ....................................................................................................... 19

LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................... 19

2.1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 19

2.2. Alexandra Sizoo (2008), City Diplomacy: The Role of Local............ 20

Governments In Conflict Prevention, Peace-Building And .............. 20

Post-Conflict Reconstruction. .............................................................. 20

2.3 Rogier Van Der Pluijm (2007), City Diplomacy: The ........................ 21

Expanding Role of Cities in International Politics. ............................ 21

2.4 Cecile Barbeito Thonon (2006), City Diplomacy Practices, .............. 22

The Peace Building Tools and Initiatives of European ..................... 22

Cities. ...................................................................................................... 22


2.5 Fons Van Overbeek (2009), City Diplomacy: The Roles and ........... 23

Challenges of the Peace Building Equivalent of Decentralized ........ 23

Cooperation. .......................................................................................... 23

2.8 Jakarta Capita City Government (2003), Regional........................... 27

Autonomy in the Sister Cities of Jakarta ........................................... 27

2.9 Chapter Conclusion ............................................................................. 28

CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................... 29

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 29

3.1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 29

3.2 Research Method .................................................................................. 29

3.3 Research Framework ........................................................................... 30

3.4 Research Time and Place ..................................................................... 35

3.5 Research Instrument ............................................................................ 35

3.6. Research Design ................................................................................... 37

3.7. Chapter Conclusion .............................................................................. 38

CHAPTER IV ...................................................................................................... 39


SISTER CITY PROGRAM JAKARTA - ROTTERDAM ............................. 39

4.1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 39

4.2. The Profile of Jakarta and Rotterdam ........................................... 39

4.2.1. Profile of Jakarta ........................................................................... 39

4.2.2 Profile of Rotterdam ....................................................................... 41

4.3. Sister City Program between Jakarta and Rotterdam ..................... 43

4.3.1 Historical Background ................................................................... 43

4.3.2 Term of References of Sister City Program between .................... 44

Jakarta and Rotterdam .................................................................. 44

4.4. Analysis of the Implementation Sister City Programs ...................... 49

Jakarta – Rotterdam ............................................................................. 49

4.4.1 Consistency ..................................................................................... 49

4.4.2 Mutually Benefiting ....................................................................... 54

4.4.3 Incidental ........................................................................................ 56

4.4.4 Evaluation ...................................................................................... 58

4.4.5 Innovation ...................................................................................... 66

4.5 Chapter Conclusion .............................................................................. 67

CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 70

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 70


BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 72

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 76




1.1 Background of the Study

After the end of the Cold War, the traditional diplomacy does not longer

apply in the world of global politics and international relations. World has

increasingly demanding the diplomacy changed to be more evolved. The issue of

social, cultural, economic, environmental, human rights has become more

important than the traditional issues such as political issues and security. The

pattern of international relations and global politics were also changed through the


Diplomacy has expanded not only through the multiplication of national

and interstate entities; there has also been a great increase of functions. The

themes of diplomacy used to be politics, strategy, military balances and territorial

issues. The horizons have now been broadened to include preoccupation with

economic development, financial relations, oil prices and availabilities,

environmental dilemmas and other matters once defined as “low politics”.1

The pattern of international relations and global politics has changed to

make diplomacy as a major element for a state in the international arena.

Diplomacy is an essentially political activity and, well resourced, and skillful, a

major ingredient of power. Its chief purpose is to enable states to secure the

objectives of their foreign policies without resort to force, propaganda, or law.2

Along with globalization, the world no longer has to fight and take up arms to

1 Eban, A. (1983). New The Diplomacy: International Affairs In The Modern Age. New York:

Random House. 2 Berridge, G. (2005). Diplomacy Theory And Practice Third Edition. New York: Palgrave



achieve his goal. Diplomacy can be exerted in many forms; through peace talks,

written constitutions, field experiences, etc.3

Globalization has made the communication style and all diplomacy

approaches towards more friendly. It is becoming the reason and the main factor

for many countries in the world to cooperate with each other based on

interdependent of each State to another State, both natural resources, energy,

information, technology, and trade. As more nations, people, and cultures adapt to

the ever-changing international community, diplomats, politicians, and

representatives must meet and deal with accordingly to the needs and wants of


Furthermore, diplomacy in this globalization era has brings patterns of

interaction in international relations that led to the effort to make the world

become integrated with one another. Because it essentially globalization can be

conceptualized as a fundamental shift or transformation in the spatial scale of

human social organization that links distant communities and expand the reach of

power relations across regions and continents.5 In this term, the development of

science and technology are also supporting the globalization process by offering

the opportunity to help regions and continents in having better diplomacy


In this terrific condition, the entire state is continuing to move forward and

demanding in rapidly improvement of segmentation in various elements. Not only

applies to a State, the globalization also has given chance for every city to

improve their diplomacy activity that are significant and unlimited. In addition,

the revolution of communications, privatizations, decentralization and increased

democratization, among other aspects, has led to the formation of relationships at

the local level.6

That is what makes City Diplomacy becoming the new

phenomena in the middle of globalizations‟ today

3 Matthes, D. (2010). International Symposium On Cultural Diplomacy . Culture, Globalization,

And International Relations , 2. 4 Ibid

5 Baylis, J., & Smith, S. (2006). The Globalization Of World Politics An Introduction To

International Relaton. Third Edition Edited. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford Univeristy Press. 6 Franco, Mario and Elsa Marmelo. (2011)"Sister City Relationship As A Form Of Inter-

Organizational Cooperation." Exploratory Case Studies In The Portuguese Context: 75 -89.


The presence of local government is automatically becoming the one of

new actors in the international arena. The actor of international relations is not

merely state as the main actor but it can be sub-national actors such as province

and city.7 As we know that every country consists with many provinces, as well as

the potential owned by every region are also different.

The dynamics of development has demanding local government to

implement any efforts to use the potential of State assets and resources to support

it. In addition, participation in the implementation of cooperation with foreign

parties also became the main weapon for City Diplomacy. It is marked by

numerous international agreements that have been made between local

governments in various cities in the world which are interconnected with each


Foreign cooperation is increasingly being developed by the actor of City

Diplomacy in the world is often called as Sister City. In these circumstances,

sister-city relationships refer to a long-term partnership between communities in

different cities or towns based on mutuality and equity.8 Sister city relationships

have evolved from their beginnings as a facilitating instrument of international

friendship and cultural exchange at the local level, to a powerful tool for capacity

building, learning, and economic and social development in developing


Basically, this cooperation is about link between the city governments.

The partnership has been widely agreed on measures aimed to realize fraternity,

peace, understanding, togetherness, and also encourage development in various

sectors in each city. Nevertheless, more than 70% of the world‟s cities have been

engaged in some form of international cooperation with others, be it a sister-city

7 Purnama, B. T. (2014, 11 3). Local Government in International Relation. (Najla,

Interviewer) 8 Ringrose, N. (2000). The Challenges of Linking: City-to-City Cooperation as a Development

Modality for the 21st Century. New York: United Nations Development Programme. 9Villiers, J.C. (2009) . Success Factors And The City-To-City Partnership Management Process –


Strategy To Alliance Capability. Habitat Internasional, Vol. 33. 149-156.


or friendship city relationship. Indeed, more than 11,000 pairs of cities in some

159 countries have entered into sister-city relationships.10

The phenomenon of international relations between cities has been

growing rapidly in many countries, as well as in Indonesia. Until now there is a

lot of agreement and cooperation between major cities in Indonesia with major

cities abroad. Various policies and advice has been issued by the Government to

the Government of the city that can take an advantage of this relationship to

accelerate the growth of cities. One of this growing relationship also developed by

Jakarta Capital City Government with major cities in the world.

Until this year, Jakarta has Sister City as many as 21 cities, ie: Seoul,

Beijing, Tokyo, Bangkok, Berlin, Moscow, Rotterdam, Budapest, Al - Qud's As

Shareef, Istanbul, Kyev, New South Wales, Los Angles, Casablanca, Hanoi

Pyongyang, Paris, Jeddah, Islamabad, Arkansas, and Maputo.11

Forms of co-

operation are quite diverse ranging from training, official visits, projects,

seminars, sports tournaments, exhibitions, agreement, anniversary celebrations of

the city, sanitation and hygiene programs to handle the environment, arts and

cultural performances, to program a comparative study of local government.12






1 Jeddah, Saudi


Joint Declaration – 10

March 1979

Inactive 1.Dispatch of personal


2.Arrange technical

guidance and work

training on city

arrangement and


3.City reforesting

4. Land scaping and



Tjandradewi, B.I. (2009). City-to-City Networks: Asian Perspectives on Key Elements and

Areas for

Success. Habitat International, Vol. 33. 165-172. 11

Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer) 12

Sarwo Handayani, H. o. (2014, 10 28). Sister City oF Jakarta. (Najla, Interviewer)


2 Seoul, South


Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) –

25 July 1984

Active 1. General System

Administration and


2. Management and

Urban Planning

3. Organize on Traffic

and Transportation

4. Supervise and

Organize on


5. Development of


6. Art and Cultural


7. Raising of labour


3 Islamabad,


Joint Declaration – 25

October 1984

Inactive 1. Raising on Good

relations and

understanding others

2. Improvement on

knowledge of District

Government sector

3. Cultural Exchange

4. Founding of Young


5. Commerce and


4 Rotterdam,


MoU – 1 Agustus 1986 Active 1. Information

Management System

2. Technology of

Solid Rubbish and


4. City Cargo


5. Waste and River


6. Revitalization of


Sunda Kelapa Port

7. Museum


8. Water Management

9. Exchange Program

10. National Capital

Integrated Coastal


5 Tokyo, Japan Joint Declaration – 23

October 1989

Inactive 1. City management

2. Cultural

3. Arts

4. Sports and other

sectors that approved

by both city's


6 Los Angeles,


MoU – 27 January 1991 Less Active 1. Commerce and

economy development

2. Trip and Tourism

3. Environment

sanitary and city


4. Cultural and Art

5. Youth, Education

and Technology of


7 Casablanca,


MoU – 27 Mei 1991 Less Active 1. Exchange of expert

in order to Developing

City Management

2. Commerce and


3. Administration and


4. Cultural and arts

5. Youth and Sports


8 Beijing, PRC MoU – 4 Agustus 1992 Active 1. City administration

2. Society sanitary

3. City development

4. Tourism


5. Small industries

and Handicraft

9 Berlin,


MoU – 13 April 1994 Active 1. Urban Planning

2. City Public


3. Drinking Water and

Waste Management

4. Economy

5. Cultural

10 Arkansas,


MoU – 17 November


Inactive 1. Commerce and



2. Investment

3. Arts and cultural

4. Cancer hospital and

Child Medical


11 New South



MoU – 30 May 1994 Inactive 1. Investment

2. Development of

Economy and City

3. Geography

information system

4. Education and


5. Tourism and Zoo

12 Paris, France Mou – 8 September 1995 Inactive 1. City arrangement,

Traffic and Public


2. Protection of living



3. Organization of city


4. Education for

Technical and Staff


5. Development of

Cultural, Education,

and Sports

13 Bangkok,


MoU – 21 Januari 2002 Active 1. Commerce and


2. Tourism promotion

and management

3. Traffic control

4. Urban planning

5. Human resource

6. Administration of

District's Government

14 Hanoi,


MoU – 23 November


Less Active 1. Urban planning and


2. Economy and


3. Training

4. Tourism, cultural

and Sports

5. Cooperation on

other sectors that

being Approved


15 Istanbul,


MoU – 30 Oktober 1998 Less Active 1. Urban planning and


2. Economy and


3. Training

4. Tourism, cultural

and Sports

5. Cooperation on


other sectors that

being Approved


16 Kyiv, Ukraine MoU – 30 May 2005 Inactive 1. City transportation

2. City Park and

Recreation Areas

3. Commerce

4. Cultural Activity

5. Tourism

6. Sports and Arts

7. Urban


8. Approved sectors

17 Maputo,


MoU – 28 November


Active 1. Commerce and

Small Medium


2. Tourism promotion

3. City planning and


4. Reforesting and

city park


5. Street

Constructions and


6. Sports, culture, and

Social Activity

7. Cooperation

between Districts'

House of


18 Moscow,


MoU – 3 January 1998 Active 1. City management

2. Cultural

3. Arts

4. Sports and other


sectors that approved

by both city's


19 Budapest MoU - 2 February 2009 Active 1. City management

2. Cultural

3. Arts

4. Sports and other

sectors that approved

by both city's


20 Al Qud‟s Al


MoU - 22 October 2002 Inactive 1. City transportation

2. City Park and

Recreation Areas

3. Commerce

21 Pyongyang,

North Korea

MoU - 10 May 2012 Active 1. City management

2. Cultural

3. Arts

4. Sports and other

sectors that approved

by both city's


Table 1.1 The List of Sister Cities until 201213

From the figure above, we can see that there are three categorizes of

activity level which are; Inactive, Less Active and Active.

“Inactive could be seen from the activity that never running after the

agreement, there is no consistency to continue the programs until it is

done. For Less Active, it is describing the activity where the program is

already agreed into Term of Reference, but there is no significance

movement starting from where the Term of Reference was made. Active

as what is name is has a role to produce a significance movement and

relevant activity to the Term of References that has been made. “14

As seen from the figure above, there are 8 cities for inactive cooperation, 9

cities for active cooperation and 4 cities for less active cooperation. There are

13 Government, Jakarta Capital City. The List of Sister Cities. Jakarta: Bureau of Gubernatorial

Affairs and International Cooperation of DKI Jakarta,2012 14 Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer)


some different kinds of the programs as well as adapted of city needs and partner

cities capacity. Warm relationship and active cooperation that is implemented in

the form of co-operation sister city has the principle of consistency, reciprocity,

mutual benefit, and refers to the objectives that have been agreed.

In this opportunity, the cooperation that will be discussed is the Sister City

Program between Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta and Rotterdam is the one of an

active Sister City Program looking from the category of level activity and the

programs that figured out from the list. As Governor of Jakarta stated that Jakarta

have the similarities from Rotterdam as the gate and center of international

economy. Governor of Jakarta stated, Jakarta has much to learn from Rotterdam,

many things can be learned from Rotterdam, because in terms of the urban life,

Jakarta has a lot of similarities to Rotterdam.15

Jakarta and Rotterdam has run a Sister City Program from the date of

August 8, 1986 through the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in


Cooperative relationship between Rotterdam is one of the most active

sister city, especially for the cities in Europe and America. This can be shown

from the continuity of sister city program that held by both cities, which is

conducted every year in the form of Term of Reference (ToR).

Sister city program between Jakarta and Rotterdam has given rise to

success that helped Jakarta to increase the quality of urban life.

“We can say that the sister city cooperation between Jakarta and

Rotterdam has spawned many success; Waste And River Management,

Management Information Systems, Management Museum, which has

provided significant results for the development of the city. (1) Waste and

River Management has been able to push the performance of the

Department of Cleanliness to improve the economic, efficiency and

effectiveness of waste management performance. (2) Management

Information System has successfully made entire service data management

and information system integrated across all sectors in Government. (3)

Museum Management has improves management museums in Jakarta to

be more professional and increasing the readiness for tourism from all


Purnama, Basuki Tjahaja. Local Government in International Relation Najla. 3 11 2014. 16 Government, Jakarta Capital City. Evaluasi, Pelaporan & Dokumentasi, Kerjasama Sister City/

Sister Province, Jakarta: Bureau of Gubernatorial Affairs and International Cooperation of DKI

Jakarta, 2005


states. That is how we can see, this relation has brought a thousand of

advantages that Jakarta could earn, not material but from the changing.17

Until now the cooperation between the two sides continued to thrive in the

Jakarta government's efforts to optimize the urban services. Jakarta and Rotterdam

Sister City Relation has taken place in many programs. That is why all other

programs will be analyzed in Chapter IV later in this paper, in order to find the

effectiveness and efficiency of Sister City Program between Jakarta and


1.2 Problem Identified

The phenomenon of international relations between cities has been

growing rapidly in many countries, as well as in Jakarta. Various policies and

advice has been issued by the Government so that the City Government can take

advantage of this relationship to accelerate the growth of the city. But on the other

hand, partnerships unknown the city and widely understood, even it is only

limited on most levels of government.

This thesis will bring more information about the partnership with the city

to review the background of the development of sister city as well as a variety of

benefits that can be obtained through a concrete cooperation programs and

managed well. The focus of this thesis study is one aspect of the effectiveness and

efficiency of Sister City Program (SCP) Jakarta – Rotterdam..

This thesis also analyzes the program through the guideline that will

elaborate further in next section. So it can be used as consideration for the

Government of Jakarta in managing similar programs in the future. Within the

implementation we will find the results of Sister City Program Jakarta –

Rotterdam, problems, chance and challenges.

Sister City Program Jakarta - Rotterdam has also helped, especially for the

Jakarta. Jakarta Capital City Government to learn a lot in terms of the


Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer)


development of the city. In this case, the existence of this cooperation program

has provided a lot of benefits for Jakarta, ie in addition to the benefits of acquiring

knowledge and mastery of high technology for the Government of Jakarta, also

benefits in terms of cost efficiency required for the implementation of the


Thus it can be said that through the program of cooperation in the

framework of cooperation of sister city managed well, can have a positive effect

in the urban social development. Therefore, the thesis will analyze about

effectiveness and efficiency of Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam, with any

activity expected really useful in an effort to accelerate the development of the


1.3 Statement of the Problem

As have been elaborated above, the topic and question for this research are

defined as follow:

Topic: An Analysis of The Effectiveness And Efficiency Jakarta

Rotterdam Sister City Program (2008 – 2014)

Question: How Effective and Efficient the Implementation of Sister

City Program that Held By Jakarta - Rotterdam?

1.4 Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are:

To identify and understand the historical background of the sister

city program between Jakarta - Rotterdam.

To analyze and elaborate the effectiveness and efficiency of the

programs implemented by Jakarta and Rotterdam.


1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study are:

Provide information about the history of Sister City cooperation

between Jakarta – Rotterdam

Provide information about Sister City program implemented by

Jakarta – Rotterdam

Provide analyses about the effectiveness and efficiency of the

implementation of Sister City program between Jakarta -


1.6 Theoretical Framework

Figure 1.1 Logical Flow of Theoretical Framework18

To better understand the Sister City Program, between Jakarta and Rotterdam,

the writer used the explanation from Neo-Liberalism theory and narrowed to

some other concepts of international relation.

What is Neo – Liberalism? Well since it includes the word Neo it should be

something New, and we are talking about liberalism, which means here that we

18 Processed by the writer


are talking about a new kind of liberalism. Liberalism itself is the need of liberty

and equity in all aspects of life. But when we are talking about Neo – Liberalism,

we are going into a new concept of Liberalism, which emphasizes the economic

factors of a state and its citizens. According to David Harvey, Neoliberalism is in

the first instance a theory of political economic practices that proposes that human

well-being can best be advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms

and skills within an institutional framework characterized by strong private

property rights, free markets and free trade. The role of the state is to create and

preserve an institutional framework appropriate to such practice.19

In here, states

are trying to reconfigure its institutional framework to fit the new kind of

Liberalism adopted by them because Neo – Liberalism doesn‟t need the

intervention of the state inside the market and whatsoever and giving full

autonomy to private sectors.

Hence, it is inevitable for Diplomacy to step in and gather all of those interest

into a cooperation among parties of interests to ensure that the points of Neo –

Liberalism is safeguarded and the interest of the corporat is also fulfilled. The

local governments in here is depicted as corporates that is going global or simply

a local governments in the realm of international relations and they are conducting

diplomacy without the interventiom of their central government.

Diplomacy has many forms or ways in conducting it, either by states or by

non – state actors. But in this case, the form of regional autonomy that comes into

view from development of cooperation is the city diplomacy where cities are

conducting diplomatic relationship with other cities as a direct form of regional


City Diplomacy has become more abundant in the world as the central

government has given more local autonomy to the cities or a further

decentralization, it is also an effect of globalization according to the research done

by Gerrit January Scape stated that City Diplomacy is a process by which cities

engage in relations with actors on an international political stage with the aim of


Harvey, D. (2005). A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


representing themselves and their interests to one another, it is a measure to

achieve a social cohesion and to resolve many kinds of conflicts.20

From his perspective we can see that the cities are going into the global stage

in reaching the city interest or resolving their internal issues by conducting

diplomatic relationship with others cities, not by being reliant to their central

government. When relating conflict resolves with Neo – Liberalism, we can see

that this City Diplomacy concept is a form of Peacebuilding measures conducted

by the cities.

Figure 1.2 Decentralized Cooperation meets peace building.21

This figure shows that City diplomacy is a part of merging by three core

fields, coming from the parental fields of development cooperation and local

governments‟ international relation which also combined with decentralized

cooperation. From this figure also, peace building activities converge with

development cooperation and local governments‟ international relation.

Therefore, city diplomacy plays a role. Whenever peace building activities are


Schep, G. J. (1995). Local Challenge to The Global Change. The Hague: SGBO-VNG. 21 Ibid. P. 18


involved with actions of decentralized cooperation it can be seen as City


One of the programs of the City Diplomacy is in the form of Sister City

Program (SCP). It is quite a new phenomenon to be studied or observed in the

study of International Relations. Sister City program is a program or an agreement

between two cities or of the same level with a very notable distinction between

both of them, as a measure of Development Cooperation related to the City

Diplomacy concept.23

As time goes by, the number of Sister City Program has increasing around the

world. The academician have formulated a guideline to analyze how effective and

efficient the conduct of Sister City Program. There are five parameters that can be

used as a guideline in measuring the conduct of Sister City according to the

research by the Laboraturium FISIP UI.

Figure 1.3. The Sister City Program Effectiveness and Efficiency


These five parameters have precise indicators to analyze the effectiveness

and efficiency of Sister City Program. Consistency, Mutually Benefiting,

Incidental, Evaluation, Innovation, are strong parameters that can generated a

22 Ibid. P. 17 23

Ringrose, N. (2000). The Challenges of Linking: City-to-City Cooperation as a Development

Modality for the 21st Century. New York: United Nations Development Programme. 24 Laboratorium Ilmu Politik, F. U. (1996). Sister City Program Effectiveness and Efficiency

Parameters. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia.


good analyses result. The reliability of these five parameters will be further

elaborate on Chapter III Research Methodology, as the guideline of the research.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research will analyze how effective and efficient SCP that

held by Jakarta and Rotterdam. Here, the scope of this research is only about the

implementation of Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam, which is t to be

achieved by Jakarta City to develop the city to be greater. Since the cooperation

between these two cities has been linking for long time, writer will take from

2008 until 2014 as the period of the research.

1.8 Definitions of Terms

Effectiveness and Efficiency

Effectiveness is about doing the right task, completing activities and

achieving goals. 25

Meanwhile, Efficiency is about doing things in an optimal way,

for example doing it the fastest or in the least expensive way. 26

Sister City

Sister city is a concept of coupling two different cities with different

political administration by making cooperation agreement to establish cultural

relations, economic development or cooperation in other fields.27


McDonough, W. (2014). Effectiveness Vs. Efficiency. Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Diffen,

Compare Anything 26

Ibid 27

Government, J. C. (1992). Compilation of The Need for Overseas Comparative Studies of Sister

Cities of Jakarta. Jakarta.




2.1. Introduction In this literature review, the researcher will provide an overview,

description and a summary of the sources that includes scholarly articles, journals,

books and others that are relevant to the topic, which the researcher have used as a

guidance and reference during the writing of this thesis. Here are the lists of the

sources that the researcher has reviewed:


1. City Diplomacy: The Role of Local Governments In Conflict

Prevention, Peace-Building And Post-Conflict Reconstruction.

2. City Diplomacy: The Expanding Role of Cities in International


3. Compilation of The Need for Overseas Comparative Studies of

Sister Cities of Jakarta.

4. Regional Autonomy in the Sister Cities of Jakarta

Scholarly Articles:

1. City Diplomacy Practices, The Peace Building Tools and

Initiatives of European Cities

2. City Diplomacy: The Roles and Challenges of The Peace

Building Equivalent of Decentralized Cooperation

3. City Diplomacy: A Case Study of Velsen‟s Activities in Galle,

Sri Lanka.


2.2. Alexandra Sizoo (2008), City Diplomacy: The Role of Local

Governments In Conflict Prevention, Peace-Building And

Post-Conflict Reconstruction.28

The term city diplomacy has been applied to many types of international

action by local governments. Nevertheless, it has increasingly come to mean the

involvement of local governments in peace building (Musch, 2008).

This book have the purpose to analyze the running state of affairs in the world

of city diplomacy and is an inspiring aspect to local governments and

international organizations alike. This book is trying to identify and distinguish

between the conflict prevention, peace – building and post conflict resolution

made by local governments in the domestic scope and beyond the conflicted areas

and highlights the weaknesses of those efforts made by the local governments

The book presents the writer a very deep understanding about the theories of

city diplomacy and its conceptual framework. This book also highlights the legal

foundations of city diplomacy and states its justification in the practice of

conducting city diplomacy. It is also emphasizing the prominent actor of local

government in conducting diplomacies between cities that already became an

international issue and phenomenon.

However, this book is describing the term city diplomacy in a way that it will

only be conducted to prevent conflict and to reconstruct a city after a conflict,

even it clearly emphasize the role of local government in conducting city

diplomacy. This book fails to comprehend the broad aspect of city diplomacy and

thus only talks about city diplomacy in the perspective of conflict prevention and

reconstruction rather than cooperation between cities to develop a better

infrastructure and so on and so forth.

The correlation of this book with the thesis is that this book gives the writer a

comprehensive understanding of city diplomacy and and the role of local

governments in conducting the city diplomacy practice.

28Sizoo, A. (2008). The Role of Local Governments in Conflict Prevention, Peace-Building and Post-conflict Reconstruction. In A. Sizoo, City Diplomacy (pp. 18-24).


2.3 Rogier Van Der Pluijm (2007), City Diplomacy: The

Expanding Role of Cities in International Politics.29

After the Treaties of Westphalia, cities like Venice were not able to prolong

their monopoly over foreign policy and diplomacy became the the domain of the

newly established European states. The standardization of diplomacy after the of

diplomacy after the Congress of Vienna in 1815 and the co – evolvement of

diplomacy and states in the time thereafter further intensified state – centredness

in both the theory and practice of international relations in general of diplomacy

more specifically. Although ut could be argued that, at the beginning of the 21st

century, foreign affairs is still primarily a task of national governments and their

ministries of foreign affairs, the state is no longer the only actor on the diplomatic


This book have a very good explanation about the diplomacy and its history in

the field of international relations. It shows the history of the conducting of city

states in the Renaissance age Italy unto the Treaty of Westphalia where the states

are the centre of diplomatic relations until the trend where there are more actors in

the diplomatic field such as the NGO and Supranational bodies into its conduct of


This book gave the writer a very good history in conducting diplomacy until it

evolves into the form of city diplomacy with its conceptualization in practice.

This book argues that the cities in doing diplomacy are a form of decentralization

of international relations management, choosing the cities as the key actors of the

diplomatic practices. It also gave the writer a very deep understanding about the 6

dimensions of city diplomacy where the cities are actively involved and

participate in the stage of international politics to achieve and fulfill the 6

dimensions of city diplomacy.

In that sense, this book is undeniably a good source to write with in explaining

the theory of city diplomacy to further increase the scope in the conduct of politics

29 Pluijm, Rogier Van Der. City Diplomacy: The Expanding Role of Cities in International Politics. The Hauge,:

Netherland Instritute of International Relations, 2007. Clingdael.


between cities. Hence, this book lacks the illustration needed to better understand

the good theories it brought to begin with, it only focuses on the conceptualization

of multi – layered diplomacy between cities.

All in all, this book helps the writer to have an in – depth knowledge about the

concept of city diplomacy in writing this thesis. The statement of the 6

dimensions of city diplomacy provided the writer a very bold basis in further

developing the idea of city diplomacy in this thesis and the history of diplomatic

practices in this book gave the writer a picture of how finally other actors such as

Cities, NGOs and Supranational Bodies are actively participating in the conduct

of politics.

2.4 Cecile Barbeito Thonon (2006), City Diplomacy Practices,

The Peace Building Tools and Initiatives of European


City diplomacy is defined as the tool of local governments and their

associations to help local governments in conflict and war by means of concrete

and practical city – to –city cooperation with the aim of creating a stable

environment in which the citizens can live together in peace, democracy and


This journal emphasize that the cities or municipalities can and possible to do

infinite numbers of commitment to conduct city diplomacy on the immediate local

level or even at the global level. In this book they distinguished 2 different

condition on where city diplomacy are conducted, which are at peacetime where

they collect initiatives between the cooperating municipalities and at wartime

where they propose exterior actions of direct cooperation with the city or

municipality that are currently under armed aggression or violence.

30 Thonon, Cecile Barbeito. City Diplomacy Practices, The Peace Building Tools and Initiatives of European Citie.

Barcelona: Diputacio Barcelona , 2006. 31 Proceedings of the Conference on City Diplomacy held in Perugia, Italy on October 6 – 7, 2006.


In the sense of conducting cooperation between cities, this book gave the

writer a very good example in practicing city diplomacy during peacetime or

wartime. This book states that during peacetime or wartime, cities are subject to

different types of violence such as criminality that are targeting civilian

populations. Therefore, this book clearly demonstrate the cooperation between

cities in order to maintain peace and prevention of the violence in their cities by

sharing experiences since municipalities are the closest authority to the civilian

and the most appropriate for managing conflict within them. It demonstrates and

explains the full dimensions of know how in preventing violence with a rather less

theory and more study cases to further boost the understanding in conducting city

diplomacy as a tool for violence prevention.

However, this book covers only the cooperation between municipalities in the

European continent despite the in – depth of know how to conduct cooperation in

order to prevent conflicts within the city. We simply just can‟t apply the practices

that are done in Europe to Asia since the social environment and the city

development level are in contrast one another.

But this book gave a bridge for the writer to understand the practice of city

diplomacy in the sense municipal authority as the key actors in providing security

to the people within the city. It is a very good source for this thesis as it gave the

full dimension of cooperation between the cities led by the municipal authorities

and the know how knowledge in applying the cooperation of cities.

2.5 Fons Van Overbeek (2009), City Diplomacy: The Roles and

Challenges of the Peace Building Equivalent of Decentralized


Decentralization itself is generally considered as a response to the failure of

the state and the need to reform to counter economic inefficiencies ,

macroeconomic instability, and ineffective governance. These characteristics can

32 Overbeek, Fons Van. "City Diplomacy ." The Roles and Challenges of The Peace Building Equivalent of Decentralized

Cooperation (2008): 15 - 20.


also be seen in contemporary conflicts. Therefore it is not quire unreasonable to

think that there can be task for Decentralized Cooperations in the field of peace

building cooperation as well.

City Diplomacy seems to show a great potential in playing the role of an

efficient actor in a broad response in the post – conflict areas and regions. It often

happens in conflicted areas that foreign aid agencies and international NGOs

overwhelm indigenous coping mechanisms and displace local human, financial

and material capacities. This research paper emphasize the importance of

decentralization in conducting city diplomacy and the trend of city to city

cooperation as a form of decentralized cooperation. The cooperation between the

cities is not limited on projects alone because city diplomacy is an ever evolving

process as the history tells. It could be in the form of cultural exchanges to know

each other better.

This research paper is gave the writer a detailed explanation about the

Decentralized Cooperation as the byproduct of the City Diplomacy practices

between cities and gave a hands on case study with the Netherlands cities where

they apply all the indicators of the City Diplomacy theory with the conduct of

politics of cities in the Netherland with other cities and NGOs.

However, this research paper only focuses on the importance of Decentralized

Cooperation in the City Diplomacy theory, it only mentions a bit about the

correlations of Decentralized Cooperation and the Sister City concept that the

author would like to know more about.

As for the book itself, it helpss the writer to write this thesis with giving a

better understanding about the theory of city diplomacy itself with a very good

explanations and the adding of decentralization cooperation as the key of city

diplomacy theory itself in order to make up for what the central government

couldn‟t provide them as there will be ineffciencies in economy, macroeconomic

instability and ineffective governance. Therefore, the city authorities would seek

cooperation with other parties such as other cities and NGOs to develop its city

and its people.


2.6 Emmy Wijnen (2010), City Diplomacy: A Case Study of

Velsen’s Activities in Galle, Sri Lanka.33

City Diplomacy is all activities undertaken by local governments for their

counterparts in other regions in the world aimed at creating peace and

development. It started with city to city programs aimed at reconciliation after the

Second World War. Around the 1970s it developed into a practice of influencing

public opinion and national policy on international political matters.

This research paper of Emily Wijnen explains what is city diplomacy, its

development, motives for conducting city diplomacy, its weaknesses and its forms

of diplomacy. It relates the city diplomacy concept to the feeling of solidarity

between the citizens of a city toward a post conflict city‟s citizens. It mentions

that the societal relevance that conflicts disrupt societies, demolished

infrastructure, the lack of governance and societal ties are cut. Emmy Wijnen took

the cooperation between the Galle and Velsen municipalities in the field of

development cooperation.

This research paper is also researching about the cooperation between to cities

in order to compare the theory of City Diplomacy between the city of Velsen and

Galle. Therefore this research paper gave the writer a further insight on what to

analyze deeply to understand the practice of sister cities in the realm of City

Diplomacy. It also mentions the definition of what is city diplomacy and its

relevance in conducting city diplomacy between cities as a measure to relief post

– conflict condition.

But what is missing from this paper, is that the theory of City Diplomacy is

not properly explained and only in a brief instance. It didn‟t mentioned much

about the Decentralized Cooperation as it is an important aspect in explaining the

concept of City Diplomacy.

Hence, this research paper gave an insight to the writer on what is to look

further in writing this thesis as this research paper also investigating the

33 Wijnen, Emmy. "City Diplomac." A Case Study of Velsen's Activity in Galle, Sri Lanka (2010): 12-19.


cooperation between 2 cities and relate it with the theory of City Diplomacy in the

sense of solidarity with a conflicted area which in this research paper is Galle.

2.7 Jakarta Capital City Government (1992), Compilation of The

Need for Overseas Comparative Studies of Sister Cities of


In line with the globalisation era, the frequency of interactions and

communication between states are increasing steadily. This increase of frequency

is not only limited to the formal states, but are also involving the participation of

cities and its communities. Cities are become more increasingly cooperating each

other and form the sister city relationships in various states.

This book reveals the form of City Diplomacy of Jakarta with many other

cities in the world in the form of Sister City relationships as Jakarta realizes that it

still need many experiences to have a better understanding in city planning by

learning from the more advanced cities in terms of technology and

professionalism. It also emphasizes that comparative studies must be done

primarily in the Sister Cities of Jakarta to give an advantage for Jakarta itself and

its sister cities.

In this compilation of comparative studies gave a very detailed statistics of

what are the forms of cooperations between the government of Jakarta and its

Sister Cities as a part of their development program in enhancing the capability of

the city by exchanging experiences and technical efficiency advantages. It also

demonstrates that City Diplomacy is not limited on peacebuilding only but also in

developing the city itself as the main concern in the conduct of City Diplomacy.

However, in this book lacks the theories that the writer uses as the main theory

which is the theory of city diplomacy. This book only talks about the practicality

and the product of City Diplomacy in the form of Sister Cities such as between

Jakarta and Rotterdam which the writer would like to analyze.

34 Government, J. C. (1992). Compilation of The Need for Overseas Comparative Studies of Sister

Cities of Jakarta. Jakarta.


This book is really related with the thesis as it talks about the conduct of City

Diplomacy in the form of Sister City which the author is trying to analyze. This

book also talks about the cooperation between the local authorities of Rotterdam

that worked together with the authorities of Jakarta. It gave the writed a full detail

upon what are the cooperation that has been done between the 2 sister cities as an

embodiment of their Sister City relationship.

2.8 Jakarta Capita City Government (2003), Regional

Autonomy in the Sister Cities of Jakarta35

With the activation of Regulation number 22 from 1999 about Regional

Authorities, hence the Regional Autonomy is officially started. The main purpose

in the regulation was to give a broader sense of authority and freedom to the

Regional Authorities while still in the principle of democracy, the increase of

participation, local encouragement and to look out for regional potentials and


This book was made by the government of the City of Jakarta Authorities to

answer the problem of Regional Autonomy in Jakarta compared with its 10 Sister

Cities in all over the world. It tries to present the history of both cities and how

the Sister City program took place between the 2 cities. It is also a measure for the

City of Jakarta Authorities to know better what is missing in the chain of

Autonomies or what are the things that they haven‟t done in conducting the

Regional Autonomy practices from their Sister Cities.

Comparison studies from this book is a very good reference for the writer as it

presents the ups and downs from both Sister Cities and how they cope with those

ups and downs by exchanging experience program between the 2 cities. Also, this

book is focusing on the Regional Autonomy in the Sister City program

comparison, which is also part of a Decentralized Cooperation concept from the

theory of City Diplomacy. This book also gave a very good understanding about

35 Government, J. C. (2003). Regional Autonomy in the Sister Cities of Jakarta. Jakarta.


the structure of the Regional Autonomy authorities on the 2 cities especially in

this thesis is Rotterdam and Jakarta.

The focused materials in this book proves also to be a negativity for the writer

as it poses only the points of Regional Autonomy. Meaning that this book only

explains the application of Regional Autonomy in the Sister Cities of Jakarta with

Jakarta itself. It doesn‟t came to surface what kind of cooperation that might

happen between the 2 in the matter of improving their Regional Autonomy


In the end, this book is a very useful reference for the writer in writing this

thesis. Why? Because it goes straight in the element of Regional Autonomy in the

Sister Cities of Jakarta, and it includes Rotterdam, where in this thesis the writer

would like to analyze its cooperation with Jakarta. Knowing the structure of the

city would give a better perspective in understanding their policies between the


2.9 Chapter Conclusion

When came to the conclusion, the writer would like to conclude that the

practice of City Diplomacy is supported by many aspects and dimensions and also

by the structure of the local authority itself. The Regional Autonomy also played a

role in the theory City Diplomacy itself as the central government gave the local

authority to have the freedom to conduct diplomacies with sister city to cope with

the economic inefficiencies and unequal wealth distribution and infrastructure in

the cities. Therefore, it is the duty of the local authority to fulfill what is missing

from their people and to enhance the capabilities of its city by working together

with more advanced cities in this case Jakarta works together with Rotterdam.




3.1. Introduction

In order to get the best result, there is a need for a clear preparation and

this chapter will discuss about the method used in conducting this research.

3.2 Research Method

Qualitative research method is being used in this research to give

assessment of attitude, opinions and behavior of an issue.36

The writer decided to

use the collaboration between descriptive and analytical type of research to

explain the phenomenon discussed in this research. According to Kothari (2004),

descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries to explain the

state of affairs as it exists at present. This method often called in social science

and business research as ex post facto research. The characteristic of descriptive

research is that the researcher has no control over the variables presented and he

can only report what has happening or what is happening while he tries to

discover causes. The researcher used survey methods including comparative and

correlation methods in their research. On the other hand, analytical research

required the researcher to use facts or data available to make a critical evaluation

of the material.37

Those two methods are a perfect fit for this research, in order to analyze the

effectiveness and efficiency of SCP Jakarta and Rotterdam. The writer used lots

of books, reports, journals, interviews and other data presented by both

governments and experts in this field. While all the data is there, the writer has no

control about the variable portrayed by the books, reports and journals about the

36 Kothari. op. cit. P. 5. 37 ibid. P. 2-3.


all backgrounds so far. The writer will only be able to analyze the factors and the

programs of SCP Jakarta Rotterdam

In conducting the research, the writer mainly use library research to answer

questions in this research. Analysis of historical records and other documents are

essential in the process of making this research. The techniques of library research

are recording or notes, content analysis, tape or film listening and analysis,

statistical compilations and manipulations, reference and abstract guides and

contents analysis.38

The provincial government of DKI Jakarta published many

reports and journal regarding their sister city program activities. There are also

many other books and journals assessing the city diplomacy and reveal significant

information that are not available in governments report.

3.3 Research Framework

Figure 3.1 Research Framework39

In recent decades, international relations theorists have started to

acknowledge the existing link between domestic and international politics. For a

long time, such a focus on domestic politics and political structure was lacking in

theories of diplomacy as well. Indeed, long since the coming of modern

diplomacy age, academics continued their focus on the states and central

government. That is why city diplomacy appeared among the era. City diplomacy

could be defined in many forms; one of them is Sister City Program.

Sister City Program has delivered beneficial corporations for the city. As

the program that conducted between Jakarta and Rotterdam. That is why this

38 ibid. P. 7 39 Processed by the writer


research will analyze further about the effectiveness and efficiency in the

implementation of Jakarta – Rotterdam Sister City Program.

Along with the development of Sister City in the world, the

academicians are striving to create the guideline in order to complete the

activities assessment. As well as in Indonesia, Sister City has growing rapidly

with various activities that made the players searching for the right

assessment. The academicians were trying to find out what are the right

indicators that will complete the effectiveness and efficiency in the

implementation of Sister City Program.

Effectiveness and efficiency itself is a venturing issue for international

relation, because it is hard to elaborate the persistence answer for the

effectiveness and efficiency. However, the academicians are working for the

year to year, in order to find the right parameters.40 Laboratory University of

Indonesia, Faculty of Social Science as one of the best International Relations

(IR) in Indonesia is trusted to formulate the parameters for some IR issues.

One of that are the five parameters to measure the effectiveness and

efficiency in the implementation of Sister City Program. There are;

Figure 3.2 The Sister City Program Effectiveness and Efficiency


With these five parameters, researcher usually doing the analyses

combined with fact and data available, in order to measure the effectiveness and

40 Silalahi, R. P. (2014, 12 4). Sister City Program Implementation. (Najla, Interviewer) 41 Laboratorium Ilmu Politik, F. U. (1996). Sister City Program Effectiveness and Efficiency

Parameters. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia.


efficiency to the implementation of Sister City Program. These five parameters

are used by some institutions and researcher to complete the analyses of their

research, or it can be used as well as the measure guideline for report or

evaluation. There are;

No Year Institutions Name Title

1. 1996 University of


Roy V. Salomo Keberhasilan dan

Kendala Sister City:

Studi Kasus Jakarta -


2. 1997 University of


Robert P. Silalahi Dampak Hubungan

Internasional antara

Kota Jakarta -


3. 2000 Jakarta Capital City


Bureau of

Gubernatorial and

Foreign Cooperation

Evaluation, Report

and Documentation of

Sister City

4. 2005 Jakarta Capital City


Bureau of

Gubernatorial and

Foreign Cooperation

Evaluation Report and

Documentation of

Sister City Program

5. 2007 Netherland Institute of

International Relations

Robert Van Der


City Diplomacy: The

Expanding Role of

Cities in International


6. 2011 Jakarta Capital City


Bureau of

Gubernatorial and

Foreign Cooperation

Evaluation, Report

and Documentation of

Sister City Program

Figure 3.3 the List of Parameter Users42

From the research, report and evaluation above, the analyses are combined

with five parameters in order to find the precise answer for the descriptive and

analytical research. Mostly it is indicated with the study case of one city to another.

However, five parameters from time to time becoming an option for the researcher

as a guideline in measuring the effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation

of Sister City Program with the sample of the case by City A and City B.43


Silalahi, R. P. (2014, 12 4). Sister City Program Implementation. (Najla, Interviewer) 43



As consideration of using these five parameters as a guideline to measure

the effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of Sister City Program,

writer conducting the perception index about the strengths and weaknesses of

these five parameters.

The resources of perception index are people who ever used these five

parameters and people who is not conducting the analyses but more assessing the

continuity of Sister City Program in Jakarta.

No Name Occupation Perceptions Outline Conclusion

1. Drs. Jackson D.

Sitorus, S.Sos

Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


It might not be

precisely but it is a

right guideline,

because each

parameters are

completed the stage of



2. Syafrudin

Chandra, S.AP.


Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


Quite helpful. The

weakness is the

parameters should add

one indicators in order

to make perfect



3. Drs. Rinald Fitri Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


A bit absurd.

However, these five

parameters are created

from Laboratorium

Fisip UI which there

is no doubt for the



4. Yudi

Hermawan A,


Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


Smart parameters to

maintain the analyses

in having better

findings. There is no

weakness founded.


5. Sumartono,


Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


Resulting good

analyses for the report,

but it is only about the

implementation not for

the impact of the



6. Dra. Indrayani, Researcher It was made by Strong


MAP Laboratorium Fisip UI

which very interested

for researchers are in

using the parameters.

7. H. Muhamad

Mawardi, SH

Researcher Supportive

parameters, but it

could be so fragile for

the results


8. Drs. Amir


Researcher Horizontal parameters

to conserve the

analyses in having

better findings. There

is no weakness



9. Heru Budi

Hartono, SE.


Researcher It would not be always

precisely but it is a

right guideline


10. Drs. Irmansyah,


Researcher Resulting good

analyses for the report,

because each

parameters are

completed the stage of



11. Drs. Orrada

Sinurat, M. Si

Staff of Jakarta

Capital City


Subsequent worthy

analyses for the report,

but it is only about the

implementation not for

the impact of the



12. Puspla Dirdjaja,


Staff of Jakarta

Capital City


It would not be always

exact but it is a correct



13. Sonti

Pangaribuan, S.

Ip, M. Si

Staff of Jakarta

Capital City


It might be not so

good parameters. these

five parameters are

created from

Laboratorium Fisip UI

which there is no

doubt for the



14. Sis Supadmi,


Staff of Jakarta

Capital City


Helpful parameters,

but it could be so

vague for the results


15. Yudi Saherdi,

S.E, M. Si

Staff of Jakarta

Capital City


It was made by

Laboratorium Fisip UI

which very attentive

for researcher to use it.



Figure 3.4 Perception Index44

From the perception index above, the writer could conclude that there are

9 (nine) resources who agree with the strengths of those parameters and 6 (six)

resources who perceive the weaknesses as well. However, they possessed a

reliable perception for writer in having the consideration for using the parameters

further in this analysis.

3.4 Research Time and Place

President University Adam Kurniawan Library

Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Jababeka Education Park, Cikarang, West

Java 17550.

Jakarta Capital City Government

Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No 8-9, Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus

Ibukota Jakarta 10250

Department of International Relations Library, University of

Indonesia Gedung Komunikasi Lt. 2 FISIP UI, Kampus UI, Kota

Depok, Jawa Barat 16424.

Freedom Institute Public Library

Jl. Proklamasi No. 41, Kecamatan Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat,

Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10320.

3.5 Research Instrument


In the era of globalization, internet providing tons of reliable

sources that can be easily accessed from everywhere. It plays a significant

role for today„s researchers all over the world in conducting their research.

44 Processed by Writer


It contributes so much and gives a variety to research as it can enrich the

outcomes of the research. Some of the examples of websites used by the

writer are; jakarta-tourism.go.id, tradeexpoindonesia.com,

en.rotterdam.info, and statistic.nl.com

Books/ Scholarly Article

Old reliable sources that cannot be forgotten are books and scholarly

article. The writer got a better understanding about city diplomacy; the

characteristics, types and process of its practice. Some of the examples are

City Diplomacy: The Role of Local Governments in Conflict Prevention,

Peace-Building and Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Compilation of The

Need for Overseas Comparative Studies of Sister Cities of Jakarta and

Regional Autonomy in the Sister Cities of Jakarta


Reports from governmental institutions are the most dependable

resource for every research, more importantly in international relations

studies. This is a primary data that has to be used in every research to

support their argumentations and hypothesis. All the reports are obtained

from Jakarta Capital City Government, specifically from Bureau

Gubernatorial and Foreign Cooperation.


Interviewing is a way to collect data as well as to gain knowledge

from the people selected. The writer got a better understanding about the

sister city program between Jakarta and Rotterdam through some of

interviews with the experts in Jakarta Provincial Government. Such as

Governor of DKI Jakarta, the Head of Governors Team to Accelerate

and Development and the Head of


3.6. Research Design

This research consists of five chapters started by three background

chapters: Introduction chapter, Literature Review, Research Methodology;

followed by an analyses chapter; the effectiveness and efficiency in the

implementation of Jakarta - Rotterdam Sister City Program then closed by

Conclusion chapter.

Chapter I: Introduction

This chapter is discussing about the background of the study followed by

problem identification, statement of problem and significance of the problem in

order to give better understanding to the reader about the research conducted. This

chapter also talking about the research objectives, theoretical framework, scope

and limitation to the study and definition or terms that used in this research.

Chapter II: Literature Review

Literature review is a part in this research where the writer discussing

about the books, journals or reports that are relevance to this study and being used

throughout this research.

Chapter III: Research Methodology

Research methodology is a part of research where the writer informs the

reader about how the research was conducted. This part consists of Research

Method, Research Framework, Research Time and Place, Research Instrument

and Research Design.

Chapter IV: The effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of Sister

City Program Jakarta - Rotterdam

This chapter is the main part of this research. This chapter starts the profile of

Jakarta and the Rotterdam, and then followed by the sister city program between

both countries. The next part of this chapter is talking about the analyses of the

implementation sister city program between Jakarta and Rotterdam.


Chapter V: Conclusion

The last chapter in this research is consists of the conclusion of The Impact of

Sister City Program between Jakarta and Rotterdam to the Urban Planning of

Jakarta City

3.7. Chapter Conclusion

This research used qualitative research method with descriptive and analytical

type method with library research as the main source. It took about 5 months to

finish this research and the writer used many books, reports, publications,

interviews and internet; most of them are the primary data. Lastly, this research

consists of five chapters: introduction, literature review, research methodology,

the effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of Jakarta – Rotterdam

Sister City Program.






4.1. Introduction Jakarta and Rotterdam has a relatively active cooperation relationship.

From year to year the collaboration has produced many programs that have been

agreed together. In this thesis, the research question is "How effective and

efficient Sister City Program that held by Jakarta and Rotterdam?" which will be

further analyzed briefly.

In this chapter, the authors will describe the profile of Jakarta and

Rotterdam, historical background of cooperation between the two cities, programs

- programs that have been agreed and the last is an analysis of Sister City Program

between Jakarta and Rotterdam (2008 – 2014). At the end, this chapter will find

the answers of this research.

4.2. The Profile of Jakarta and Rotterdam To better understand about Sister City Program between Jakarta and

Rotterdam, writer provides the short profile about both cities in order to give a

view about the cities condition.

4.2.1. Profile of Jakarta

Jakarta is the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta is the seat

of the National Government and Parliament as well as the seat of Jakarta‟s

Provincial Government. Jakarta is the heart of finance and trade, education,

culture and also as the melting pot where culturally diverse nation gathered in one



Purnama, B. T. (2014, 11 3). Local Government in International Relation. (Najla, Interviewer)


Home to over 10 million people, spanning an area of 661 square

kilometers (255 sq mi) Jakarta is one of the world's largest cities.46

Jakarta is an

autonomous province consisting of five Administration City, namely; Central

Jakarta, North, West, East and South Jakarta and the District of Pulau Seribu or as

known as the Thousand Islands.

Picture 4.1 Enjoy Jakarta47

The economy activity depends on financial service, trading, and

manufacturing. The manufacturing industry is well-diversified with significant

electronics, automotive, chemicals, mechanical engineering and biomedical

sciences manufacturing sectors. Jakarta is the most luxurious and busiest city in

Indonesia. In 2014, GDP per capita is US$ 2,307 and Monthly Minimum Wage

US$ 87.48

Jakarta developed into a metropolitan city, skyscrapers increasingly

scattered throughout Jakarta. The rapid development of infrastructure makes

Jakarta is getting out of control. As same as other major cities in the world,


Government, J. C. (2014). Enjoy Jakarta. Retrieved January 5, 2015, from Greater Jakarta:

http://www.jakarta-tourism.go.id 47

Ibid 48

Jakarta Facts. (2010). Retrieved January 2007, 2015, from Trade Expo Indonesia:



Jakarta also save various issues that become an obstacle to the running of capital

city life such as traffic, flooding, and other basic problems of other big cities.

Climate issues the biggest challenge in Jakarta, seems to be a particular

concern of the government. Jakarta has a tropical monsoonal climate with a dry

season and heavy monsoon on the rest of the year.49

When rainfall is very high,

that's what triggers the emergence of flooding in Jakarta, in addition Jakarta has a

low ground surface that forcing Jakarta to make a change in Water Management

to prevent flooding on the next season.50

This is becoming the one of the problems

that eventually triggers Jakarta to have cooperation with Rotterdam on Water

Management that has been agreed since 2008.

4.2.2 Profile of Rotterdam

Picture 4.2 The City of Rotterdam51

The city of Rotterdam is the 2nd largest city in the Netherlands, it also

houses one of the biggest ports in the world. According to Statistics Netherlands,

Rotterdam has the population of around 618.357inhabitants estimated in 2014.


Climate and Temperature. (2014). Retrieved January 5, 2015, from Jakarta, Java:

http://www.jakarta.climatetems.com 50

Sarwo Handayani, H. o. (2014, 10 28). Sister City of Jakarta. (Najla, Interviewer) 51

The City of Rotterdam. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Landscape Picture:



52Rotterdam city is considered as the gateway to Europe because it is located in

the Southern Netherland and facing the port of Rotterdam is facing the North Sea

directly, the city of Rotterdam is also located in the Rhine – Meuse – Scheldt river

delta area and it served as waterways for goods and services to be transported

from and to the inside of Europe from those rivers via waterboats in the river.

Those rivers connected the Rotterdam to the centre of the European continent,

including the Ruhr industrial region.

The location of Rotterdam, is beneficial in some ways. Those ways are

connecting Rotterdam to the area of Randstad and hinterland by road, rail and

inland waterway. In addition, the weather condition in Rotterdam is a

temperate oceanic climate, similar to almost all of the Netherlands.53

Rotterdam the largest port city in the Europe, has served the Rotterdam to

become the most diverse culture that was brought by the immigrants from many

nations. These diverse culture has made Rotterdam become rich in culture and

also rich in art and architecture. The existence of the magnificent Rotterdam port

has stimulated the city to become the business centre for the Netherlands.

Excellent infrastructures made Rotterdam as the most important centre of

commerce activities of the Netherlands by providing the necessary channels to

reach the European market.54

Rotterdam has a good international reputation in the field of management

system of urban services. The ambition is to further improve this position in the

coming years. As a result, Government of Rotterdam for the coming years will be

mainly on strengthening relations with other Delta Cities inside and outside


This is why the author wants to analyze the cooperation of Rotterdam

and Jakarta in the issue of Water Management because the city of Rotterdam has

made many major developments and progresses in the field of Urban Water



Statistics Netherlands . (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Rotterdam Stastistics:

http://www.rotterdam.nl 53 The City of Rotterdam. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Landscape Picture:

http://en.rotterdam.info 54



4.3. Sister City Program between Jakarta and Rotterdam

4.3.1 Historical Background

In Indonesia, the relationship of city diplomacy has been carried out by the

city as the popular Sister City. As the capital city Jakarta should be the pioneer of

having a cooperative relationships between cities in the word. The corporative

relationships as well, must observe the principle of equality and the principle of

mutual benefit of the national interest relating to public order, peace, and the

public interest, foreign political stability, national unity and national identity.56

In its capacity as the capital country's capital Jakarta cannot escape from

the demands of the state to foster partnerships with cities abroad. The underlying

consideration in addition to the importance of a relationship of friendship and

mutual understanding with a big city and the capital of neighboring countries is

also beneficial partnerships improve the performance of city government in

various aspects of urban services.

Based on these considerations in 1973 the Government of DKI Jakarta was

initiate partnerships with cities abroad. In accordance with government policy, in

implementing the partnership town / area of the Jakarta administration put the

Sister City relationship management as the affairs of Local Government and

managed by Bureau of Gubernatorial Affairs and International Cooperation of

DKI Jakarta.57

The Relations of cooperation between the city of Jakarta - Rotterdam has

existed since the date of August 8, 1986 through the signing of a Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) in Jakarta.58 Cooperation in Jakarta - Rotterdam is initially

more grant aid in the framework agreement with the Government of Indonesia and

the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning technical

cooperation. But since 1992, when the Indonesian government refused any kind of

assistance from the Dutch government work, both cities agreed to continue


Sarwo Handayani, H. o. (2014, 10 28). Sister City of Jakarta. (Najla, Interviewer) 57

Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer) 58 Government, Jakarta Capital City. Evaluasi, Pelaporan & Dokumentasi, Kerjasama Sister City/

Sister Province, Jakarta: Bureau of Gubernatorial Affairs and International Cooperation of DKI

Jakarta, 2005


cooperation on the cost of each city.59

Moreover until now the cooperation still

continue better with the terms of development assistance.

4.3.2 Term of References of Sister City Program between

Jakarta and Rotterdam

Since 1992 various cooperation agreements set forth in the Minutes of

Agreement, while the implementation of program activities showcased in the

Term of Reference (ToR) for a period annual 2-4 (multiyear), the cooperation

program on each ToR varies in accordance with the agreement of both the city


Term of Reference (Jakarta – Rotterdam)

Year Program

1992 – 1995 Management Information System

Solid Waste and Garbage Disposal

City Terminal Cargo

Rehabilitation of Sunda Kelapa Port

1997 – 2000 Waste and River Management

Management Information System

Transportation of Goods/Distributions Centres

Transportations Planning and Management

Sunda Kelapa Revitalizations and Jakarta Kota


2001 – 2004 Waste and River Management

Management Information System

Sunda Kelapa Revitalizations and Jakarta


2005 – 2007 Museum Management

59 Ibid


Long Term Display of The Original Collection of

Wayang Museum of Jakarta

Management Information System

2008 – 2010 Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building

Operation and Maintenance

2011 – 2012 Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on

Operation and Maintenance, Institutional

Knowledge / Capacity Building

Development of a Coastal Defence Strategy for

DKI Jakarta

2013 - 2015 Capacity Building in Integrated Urban Water

Management with focus on Trainee and Exposure


National Capital Integrated Coastal Development

(NCICD) Programme

Figure 4.1 Term of Reference (Jakarta – Rotterdam)60

To better understand about the programs, here are some backgrounds of

the program from sister-city cooperation section at the Gubernatorial and Foreign

Affairs Bureau;61

- Management of Information System

Management Information System (MIS) is a partnership that has

long been planned since 1992. However, in the execution of the year

above 2000 can only too well visible step forward in setting targets and

objectives in the realization of its integrated MIS according to the pattern

of cooperation Jakarta - Rotterdam. Cooperation engaged in knowledge


DKI, B. o. (2014). Sister City Program, Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta: Jakarta Capital City

Government. 61 Ibid


and experience transferred from the Government of Rotterdam in the

management of electronic data management and information systems in

the Government of Jakarta.

- Solid Waste and Garbage Disposal

Solid waste and garbage disposal is a program that helps Jakarta to

have better system in managing the waste and garbage disposal.

Technology improvement and development assistance is one of this

programs mission. However, exchange programs with sharing knowledge

also becoming the main activity in this program.

- City Terminal Cargo

City terminal cargo is a program that helps Jakarta in managing the

terminal cargo system. Rotterdam helps Jakarta in making the master plan

of this program. But, through the time, this program has not found the

relevancies of terminal cargo systems in Jakarta.

- Waste and River Management

Waste and River Management is a program that is already held

Jakarta provincial government, with the Rotterdam since 1997. This

cooperation includes assistance expert knowledge Rotterdam to Jakarta

Provincial Cleanliness Office in Waste management and River

Management in Jakarta.

- Transportation of Goods/Distributions Centers.

Transportation of goods and distribution centers is the program

related to the warehouse project. The warehouse is the part of the

distributions centers. Rotterdam in this part was helped to make the

masterplan of how the goods could be distributed to the centers or

warehouse with systematic management.

- Transportations Planning and Management


Rotterdam also has a concern in transportations issue in Jakarta.

That is why this program was made to help Jakarta in having a better

transportations management. But, through the time, this program has not

found the relevancies of transportations system s in Jakarta.

- Sunda Kelapa Revitalizations/ Rehabilitation and Jakarta Kota


Cooperation in this program has a goal in the development of a

region which in this case in the area designated for Sunda Kelapa and

Jakarta Kota.

Museum management is the supported program from Rotterdam to

Jakarta Government in sharing knowledge, experience, qualities and

abilities of Jakarta Museum People.

- Long Term Display of The Original Collection of Wayang Museum of


In this program Rotterdam gave the original collection of Wayang

in the Wayang Museum of Jakarta from Rotterdam WereldMuseum to the

Jakarta Capital City Government.

- Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building

Institutional knowledge / capacity building in this case engaged in

the field of water management in Rotterdam on flood prevention process

and application of coastal defense in its implementation.

- Operation and Maintenance

In this program the government Rotterdam conducts training for

Jakarta Provincial Government regarding the operation of the dredger and

management / maintenance of canals.


- Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on Operation and Maintenance,

Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building

Experts of Rotterdam conduct training to employees of Jakarta

Public Works Department regarding the operation of the dredger. Within

this program Rotterdam also gave Jakarta the dredgers as a gift in this


- Development of a Coastal Defense Strategy for DKI Jakarta

Jakarta has asked by the central government to design a strategy

for sea defense or the defense strategy of sea water on the north coast of

Jakarta. Of the studies that have been done consortium Jakarta Coastal

Defence Strategy (JCDS), aid agencies of the Government of the

Netherlands is helpful Jakarta in the planning and development of this


- Capacity Building in Integrated Urban Water Management with focus on

Trainee and Exposure Programme

This program is about sharing knowledge related to Urban Water

Management with exchange programs activity. Rotterdam has trained

staffs of Jakarta Capital City Government to improve their knowledge

capacity in Urban Water Management.

- National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) Programme

NCICD program is a multi-functional program that integrates with

urban flood control infrastructure development. In terms of protection

against the threat of flooding, the program provides water storage Pond

River that can be used as raw water to be processed into clean water and

drinking water.

Furthermore, the programs will be analyzed in the next section.

Starting from the year of 2008 – 2014, the programs will be elaborated

more in terms of consistency, results achieved, problems obtained, and

many more. Term of Reference (ToR) will be one of references in the


analysis of this thesis to measure how effective and efficient programs that

have been agreed by Jakarta and Rotterdam. This thesis will only be

analyzed in 2008 - 2014. ToR 2015 could not be included in this analysis,

because 2015 is still ongoing process to be reviewed in terms of the annual


4.4. Analysis of the Implementation Sister City Programs

Jakarta – Rotterdam

To analyze how effective and efficient the implementation of Sister City

Program that held by Jakarta and Rotterdam, according to Laboratorium FISIP UI

that are five parameters that can be used as a tool in measuring the

implementation of sister city program. As wrote in theoretical framework those

five parameters are;

Figure 4.2 The Sister City Program Effectivenes Factors62

. As the guidelines, those five parameters will be fulfilling with facts and data

available from Jakarta Capital City Government to produce a critical evaluation.

4.4.1 Consistency


Laboratorium Ilmu Politik, F. U. (1996). Sister City Program Effectiveness and Efficiency

Parameters. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia


This principle is stating that the relationship between Sister City can be

called as an active one, when the two parties are consistent to the agreements that

has already been signed by both parties such as programs, fundings and the

timetable of.63

Consistency upon the agreements that is included in Term of

Reference is one of a way to find out how consistent the cities in maintaining their


As we can see from Term of Reference between Jakarta and Rotterdam,

the cooperation is well-run from time to time.

Timetable Consistency

Term of Reference (Jakarta – Rotterdam)

Year Program

1992 – 1995 Management Information System

Solid Waste and Garbage Disposal

City Terminal Cargo

Rehabilitation of Sunda Kelapa Port

1997 – 2000 Waste and River Management

Management Information System

Transportation of Goods/Distributions


Transportations Planning and Management

Sunda Kelapa Revitalizations and Jakarta

Kota Redevelopment

2001 – 2004 Waste and River Management

Management Information System

Sunda Kelapa Revitalizations and Jakarta


2005 – 2007 Museum Management

Long Term Display of The Original

Collection of Wayang Museum of Jakarta

63 Ibid. P. 20


Management Information System

2008 – 2010 Institutional Knowledge / Capacity


Operation and Maintenance

2011 – 2012 Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on

Operation and Maintenance, Institutional

Knowledge / Capacity Building

Development of a Coastal Defence

Strategy for DKI Jakarta

2013 – 2015* Capacity Building in Integrated Urban

Water Management with focus on Trainee

and Exposure Programme

National Capital Integrated Coastal

Development (NCICD) Programme


* 2015 does not included in analyses

= a sign for consistency of the programs that well-run from year to year

Figure 4.3 Consistencies of Programs64

According to Yudi Hermawan, consistency can also be seen from how the

two cities agreed to measure what programs will be developed. Looking from the

time-table, there are many programs that repeated in another year. It means there

is continuality and consistency to continue in the next year. If we see from 1992,

Jakarta and Rotterdam planned a mega programs namely Management

Information System and Waste and River Management, the programs are

evidence of the consistency of Jakarta and Rotterdam to continue to work

64 Processed by the writer


together, until the program is completed in 2001 and 2005. Evidence that

indicated on Term of Reference (ToR) are keys to see that cooperation between

Jakarta and Rotterdam have a good thing called consistency.65

As the meaning of consistency itself, consistency can be measured by

looking on the time-table. Here are the programs according to the year of research

(2008 – 2014);

Term of Reference (Jakarta – Rotterdam)

2008 – 2010 Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building

Operation and Maintenance

2011 – 2012 Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on

Operation and Maintenance, Institutional

Knowledge / Capacity Building

Development of a Coastal Defense Strategy for

DKI Jakarta

2013 – 2015 Capacity Building in Integrated Urban Water

Management with focus on Trainee and

Exposure Programme

National Capital Integrated Coastal

Development (NCICD) Programme

Figure 4.4 Term of Reference (2008 – 2015)66

As what have shown from the time table, we can say that Jakarta and

Rotterdam are consistent in maintaining the flow of program from time to time.

Whereby, there are many sister cities of Jakarta that inactive on Term of

Reference. As explained in Chapter 1, which is Figure 1.1 the List of Sister Cities

of Jakarta, not all the programs are running well and active. Most of that are not

consistent in maintaining the programs well.


Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer) 66 DKI, B. o. (2014). Sister City Program, Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta: Jakarta Capital City Government.


It can be seen that there is an ongoing consistency in program last between

ToR (2008-2010), ToR (2011-2012), and ToR (2013-2015).

a. ToR (2008 – 2010)

In the ToR (2008 - 2010) there are two programs that have been agreed,

namely; Insititutional Knowledge/Capacity Building and Operation Maintenance.

Two programs can be said as consistency programs because Jakarta and

Rotterdam are committed before to have a relationship in terms of Urban Water

Management. In this era, Mr. Fauzi Bowo, Former Governor of Jakarta has a big

concern in Urban Water Management. He is the one of originator of making the

cooperation with Rotterdam in terms of Urban Water Management and flooding


That is why capacity building of staffs DKI Jakarta, and sharing

knowledge about operation and maintenance is a result of his commitment to

continue the cooperation as well.

b. ToR (2011 – 2012)

In the ToR (2011 - 2012) there are two programs that have been agreed,

namely; Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on Operation and Maintenance,

Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building and Development of a Coastal

Defense Strategy for DKI Jakarta From this ToR we can see that now Jakarta is

having better programs in continuing what have done in previous ToR. The

consistency has brought to programs that more focus on goal, which is developing

the Urban Water Management. They are more specific in framing the programs,

which is a good view because consistency is crystal clear, happened in this

cooperation. Without Consistency there will be no improvement to continue the

programs on the next ToR.

c. ToR (2013 – 2015)

In the ToR (2013 - 2015) there are two programs that have been agreed,

namely; Capacity Building in Integrated Urban Water Management with focus on


Sarwo Handayani, H. o. (2014, 10 28). Sister City oF Jakarta. (Najla, Interviewer)


Trainee and Exposure Programme and National Capital Integrated Coastal

Development (NCICD) Programme

In this ToR, the co-operation is much more focused on the NCICD‟s master

plan and exchange the Civil Servants of Jakarta to study in Rotterdam. The

consistency of the previous program which is Development of a Coastal Defense

Strategy for DKI Jakarta has upgraded into NCICD Program. The methods of

consistency are always shown by how the programs could be upgraded from ToR

to ToR. It is not only about how the programs could be exist in the next Tor, but it

is how they could maintain the consistency and produce the improvement in

framing the programs. As we know that the focus of Jakarta Capital City

Government today is to be able to overcome the problems of flooding in Jakarta.

At the end we can conclude that Sister City Program between Jakarta and

Rotterdam is fairly consistent, from time to time. Rotterdam has consistently

assist Jakarta in the water management with various programs that have been

agreed. 68

However, consistency is only one out of five parameters. To analyze

further, we still need to take a look at the second parameter which is mutually


4.4.2 Mutually Benefiting

The succeed of the Sister City Program can also be seen from the benefits that

is gained by the cooperating parties or is it mutually beneficial or not, the benefits

is not only in the same sector and not always in the quantitative form.69

As well as the relations between Jakarta and Rotterdam plant the principle of

mutual benefit. Sister City Program is about giving, as far as this cooperation in

the wake of Jakarta and Rotterdam are mutually beneficial.70

Further review of the mutually benefiting cooperation that implemented in the

period 2008 - 2014, the authors will describe each ToR and ongoing programs. To

get an accurate analysis results, the authors interviewed informants that very


Purnama, B. T. (2014, 11 3). Local Government in International Relation. (Najla, Interviewer) 69

Laboratorium Ilmu Politik, F. U. (1996). Keberhasilan dan Kendala Sister City: Studi Kasus

Jakarta - Rotterdam dan Jakarta - Jeddah. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. 70

Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer)


precise, Mr. Yudi Hermawan as The head of the sister-city cooperation section at

the Gubernatorial and Foreign Affairs Bureau.

a. ToR (2008 – 2010)

In the ToR (2008 - 2010) there are two programs that have been agreed,

namely; Insititutional Knowledge/Capacity Building and Operation Maintenance

Two programs such cooperation can be said to be mutually beneficial for

Rotterdam in this case act as a development assistant. No one feel disadvantaged,

as both sides take advantage of equal value. Rotterdam contributes to the sharing

of information about Urban Water Management which can also be interpreted as

the Delta Cities Management and Maintenance Operation which on this occasion

were used for the use of the dredger. Jakarta also has made a right budget on

target, because the knowledge can be very useful for the development of the


b. ToR (2011 – 2012)

In the ToR (2011 - 2012) there are two programs that have been agreed,

namely; Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on Operation and Maintenance,

Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building and Development of a Coastal

Defense Strategy for DKI Jakarta

Program agreed at the previous ToR is now more in focus. Exchange

program of civil servants of Jakarta to Rotterdam for sharing knowledge has

gained for more quotas. Rotterdam which serves as the development assistance

provides a very useful knowledge for the civil servants Jakarta, obviously it can

be said that their knowledge increases. In addition, Rotterdam has donated two

dredgers for Jakarta, and given the knowledge of its operation and maintenance.72

From that prove it can be seen that cooperation between Jakarta and Rotterdam

71 Ibid 72

Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer)


has significance role for both sides. Rotterdam pleased to help Jakarta, as well as

Jakarta, which benefited greatly from this cooperation.

c. ToR (2013 – 2015)

In the ToR (2013 - 2015) there are two programs that have been agreed,

namely; Capacity Building in Integrated Urban Water Management with focus on

Trainee and Exposure Programme and National Capital Integrated Coastal

Development (NCICD) Programme

In the ToR (2013 - 2015), the co-operation is much more focused on the

NCICD‟s master plan and exchange the Civil Servants of Jakarta to study in

Rotterdam. Civil Servants who departed also entered the stage of selection in

order to get the best candidate to study in Rotterdam. According to Yudi

Hermawan, in this period Civil Servants that sent were much better, because they

get results that match and integrated with NCICD‟s program.73

Further review, it has become a very profitable partnership for both parties

because Government of Rotterdam also play a role in this project. Dutch partners

to the project include the Partners for Water Programme, of the Ministry of

Infrastructure and the Environment, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs.74

In this term Rotterdam also could gain their

industry into international level. Dutch consultants also involved in this project

such as Royal Haskoning DHV, Witteveen & Bos, Grontmij, Rebel Group,

Kuiper Compagnons and Deltares.75

4.4.3 Incidental

This aspect explains that the Sister City program must also accommodate

the will of one party to conduct incidental or non – formal activities such as

personal contact between participating officials, delegation visit, all the activities

that was not in the program but is conducted to strengthen the friendship ties


Ibid 74 Partners. (2014). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from NCICD: http://en.ncicd.com/ncicd/partners/ 75 Ibid


between the parties.76

These non – formal aspects is considered very important

because externalities could lead to a more sincere relationship while bolster the

birth of new ideas that is actual and concrete.

Periods Incidental

ToR (2008 – 2010) - Accommodation for Jakarta‟s delegations

to Rotterdam

- Accommodation for Exchange Program

in Institutional Knowledge and Capacity


ToR (2011 – 2012) - Two Dredgers with technical assistances

to show the Operation and Maintenances.

ToR (2013 – 2015) - Masterplan of National Capital Integrated

Coastal Development (NCICD)


Figure 4.5 Incidentals in Period77

From the figure above, we can see that Rotterdam has sincerity in helping

Jakarta. The incidental is not merely just to give, but rather than has a meaning inside.

Incidental is very important to become one of aspects in measuring the effectiveness and

efficiency. However, Jakarta and Rotterdam is standing for horizontal frame, where in

this case Rotterdam as the hero for Jakarta which has more things to be given. As the

analyses on mutually benefiting, it seems like it is the hallmark of how the Sister City

Program conducted, without feeling unilateral. That is also what is happened in

incidental, Rotterdam plays its role as the development assistant of Jakarta and it must


Laboratorium Ilmu Politik, F. U. (1996). Keberhasilan dan Kendala Sister City: Studi Kasus

Jakarta - Rotterdam dan Jakarta - Jeddah. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. 77 Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer)


be unspoken benefit for Rotterdam from this cooperation when Rotterdam does not

expect any material. Because, that is how city diplomacy work on.

4.4.4 Evaluation

The rate of success of the Sister City activities is also depicted by yearly

evaluation towards the program activities that was conducted. Evaluation is

needed to grade the rate of achievement and obstacles that were encountered in

the programs and agree mutually to enhance the programs by performing better in

the programs.78

Mechanisms of the evaluation must also be agreed mutually by

both city partners, either internal evaluation or external evaluation. Jakarta Capital

City Government possessing yearly evaluations for every ToR.

a. ToR (2011 – 2012)

Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building

Results Achieved Problems Obtained

- Increased the insight,

knowledge, and experience.

- Budgeting and execution

Future Chances Future Challenges

- The good relationship that will

further continues

- Global challenge that is

increasingly growing

Figure 4.6 Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building , Evaluation of Sister

City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam (2008 – 2010)79

78 Laboratorium Ilmu Politik, F. U. (1996). Keberhasilan dan Kendala Sister City: Studi Kasus

Jakarta - Rotterdam dan Jakarta - Jeddah. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. 79

DKI, B. o. (2014). Sister City Program, Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta: Jakarta Capital City



Institutional Knowledge/ Capacity Building are a starter of cooperation in

terms of Urban Water Management. In this program the results is quite good

when the government of Rotterdam has increased insight, knowledge, and

experience of the staffs DKI Jakarta and relevant agencies much influenced and

encouraged by this partnership program. Meanwhile, in evaluation we also will

find out the weaknesses in the cooperation. Problems encountered are related to

the budgeting of Jakarta Capital City Government that cannot fully meet the

requirements of this program. That matters somehow becoming the reason why

any programs in the Jakarta Capital City Government could not be well-run.

The opportunity in front of which can be seen in this case is a good

relationship that continues to exist between Jakarta Provincial Government and

the Government of Rotterdam. The Rotterdam showed his interest to be able to

continue to help the problems in Jakarta, especially in the field of Urban Water


That is why, when Jakarta facing the problems in this program

related to the budgeting, Rotterdam helping out through the accommodation fee,

as explained in incidentals section before. That kind of activity has brought them

to the effective and efficient cooperation.

Besides the opportunity inside the cooperation, it also has the challenges

further, and it is related to global challenge that is increasingly growing. Global

challenge is making Jakarta Capital City Government should continue to improve

the quality of urban service, especially in the field of water management.

The second program of this ToR is regarding to Operation and

Maintenance, in this program the government Rotterdam conducts training for

Jakarta Provincial Government regarding the operation of the dredger and

management or maintenance of canals.

Operation and Maintenance

Results Achieved Problems Obtained


Sarwo Handayani, H. o. (2014, 10 28). Sister City oF Jakarta. (Najla, Interviewer)


- Increased insight, knowledge,

and experience

- Budgeting and execution

Future Chances Future Challenges

- The Rotterdam showed his

interest to be able to continue

the program.

- Effects of climate change in


Figure 4.7 Operation and Maintenance, Evaluation of Sister City Program

Jakarta – Rotterdam (2008 – 2010)81

In Operation and Maintenance the results achieved and problems obtained

have similarities with Institutional Knowledge/ Capacity Building. Before

preparing to make something bigger, Jakarta Capital City Government wants to

make sure the readiness of the staffs. Insight and knowledge from Rotterdam are

becoming the main capital that Jakarta has obtained to accelerate the development

of city.82

In this case, the future challenge for Jakarta which cannot be resisted is

the effects of climate change. It will be resulted in a decrease in the height, limit

groundwater and seawater intrusion. Hence the need for anticipation by Jakarta in

water management is very important.

Meanwhile, there is contradict through the evaluation from senior of civil

servants of DKI Jakarta, Robert Silalahi that is There is no a real action that could

give the significance effect to the Flood System Management.83

However, what

writer noticed in this ToR that the concrete steps from program to program only

end up with the passive action. There is no a real action that could give the

significance effect to the Flood System Management. However, the good news is

Rotterdam will always be continued to help the problems in Jakarta, especially in


DKI, B. o. (2014). Sister City Program, Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta: Jakarta Capital City

Government. 82

Purnama, B. T. (2014, 11 3). Local Government in International Relation. (Najla, Interviewer) 83

Silalahi, R. P. (2014, 12 4). Sister City Program Implementation. (Najla, Interviewer)


the field of Urban Water Management. That is what raising the optimistic of

government to see the effectiveness and efficiency further on the next ToR.

Besides, society also should participate to face the future challenges.

b. ToR (2011 – 2012)

Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on Operation and Maintenance,

Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building

Results Achieved Problems Obtained

- Exchange knowledge about

Dredging Plan

- Two dredgers gave by the

Government of Rotterdam

- Floods are still happening in


Future Chances Future Challenges

- The Rotterdam showed his

interest to be able to continue

the program.

- Effects of climate change in


Figure 4.8 Long Term Dredging Plan with focus on Operation and

Maintenance, Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Building , Evaluation of

Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam (2011 – 2012)84

In this program the experts of Rotterdam conduct training to employees of

Jakarta Public Works Department regarding the operation of the dredger. The

materials that exchange have an objective to increase the capacity of the Jakarta‟s

84 DKI, B. o. (2014). Sister City Program, Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta: Jakarta Capital City



civil servants. They have been providing intelligent and innovative solutions to

reduce the floodwaters.85

In the year 2011 – 2012, Jakarta still faced the main problem which is the

heavy floods. Rotterdam as the development assistance of Jakarta granted two

dredgers as a gift to profound the knowledge in Dredging Plan, that is for the

Jakarta could accelerate in finding the floods solution

The opportunity in front of which can be seen in this case is a good

relationship that continues, in order to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of

the cooperation.

Until now, the city administration has been working hard to anticipate

problems by building flood control system. However, flood control system built

assessed not to be optimal if it is not supported by other measures such as keeping

rivers clean and intensive coordination with other areas around the city. In this

case not a lot of people and the environment take pleasure to participate in

supporting the Government.

The second program of this ToR is regarding to Development of a coastal

Defense Strategy. Jakarta has asked by the central government to design a strategy

for sea defense or the defense strategy of sea water on the north coast of Jakarta.

Of the studies that have been done as consortium Jakarta Coastal Defense Strategy

(JCDS), Jakarta acquired aid agencies from Rotterdam in the planning and

development of this program.

Development of a Coastal Defence Strategy

Results Achieved Problems Obtained

- Completed the studies of JCDS

- The process will be very time-


Future Chances Future Challenges

- The Rotterdam showed his

- Effects of climate change in


Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer)


interest to be able to continue

this program


Figure 4.9 Development of a Coastal Defense, Strategy Evaluation of Sister

City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam (2011 – 2012)86

In this program the result is completed the studies of JCDS which is helped

by Rotterdam that implemented forward to the development of the program.

Nevertheless, the problem is subsisted on the process that will be time-consuming.

But, as usual the opportunity in front of which can be seen in this case is a good

relationship that continues to exist between Jakarta Provincial Government and the

Government of Rotterdam.

Based on the projections made, natural phenomena and their impact will

be more severe. To overcome the natural phenomenon comprehensively, a

consortium of Jakarta Coastal Defense Strategy (JCDS) which is a relief from

Rotterdam‟s recommends the construction of a giant sea dike on the north coast of


This is good for the development of programs, because to see the good

achievement of cooperation is could be seen through the improvement of the


c. ToR (2013 – 2015)*

As the primary data of Bureau Gubernatorial and Foreign Cooperation

has, here are the evaluations of ToR SCP Jakarta – Rotterdam until the year of


2013 & 2014

Capacity Building in Integrated Urban Water Management with focus on

Trainee and Exposure Programme

86 DKI, B. o. (2014). Sister City Program, Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta: Jakarta Capital City

Government. 87

Sarwo Handayani, H. o. (2014, 10 28). Sister City of Jakarta. (Najla, Interviewer)


Results Achieved Problems Obtained

- The exchange of information and


- Sending 12 of civil servants to


- Budgeting and execution

Future Chances Future Challenges

- The Rotterdam showed his interest

to be able to continue this program

- Global challenge that is

increasingly growing

Figure 5.0 Capacity Building in Integrated Urban Water Management with

focus on Trainee and Exposure Programme, Evaluation of Sister City

Program Jakarta – Rotterdam (2013 & 2014)88

If we can see that the result of this program is exchange of information and

knowledge about the challenges and strategic issues faced by the delta city.

Rotterdam has increase the capacity of human resources in the Urban Water

Management through training programs. The best part is when Jakarta could sent

12 of civil servants to Rotterdam in order to learn about Urban Water


This program has achieved the objective which is to increase the

capacity of human resources in the Urban Water Management through training


Problems encountered are related to the budgeting of Jakarta Capital City

Government that cannot fully meet the requirements of this program. However,

Rotterdam showed his interest to be able to continue to help the problems in

Jakarta, especially in the field of Urban Water Management. Besides, Global


DKI, B. o. (2014). Sister City Program, Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta: Jakarta Capital City

Government. 89

Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (N. Hilabi, Interviewer)


challenge that is increasingly growing, making Jakarta Capital City Government

should continue to improve the quality of human resources.

The second program is regarding to mega project of National Capital

Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) Programme.

2013 & 2014

National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) Programme

Results Achieved Problems Obtained

- Master plan NCICD

- The construction of type A

- The exemption of land and


Future Chances Future Challenges

- The Rotterdam showed his interest

to be able to continue this program

- Global challenge that is

increasingly growing

- Internal threats

Figure 5.1 National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD)

Programme, Evaluation of Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam


In this ToR there is something new. One of goal has been achieved, which is

National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) or as know as Giant

Sea wall. If the previous programs is focusing on the capacity building and

dredging plan, this ToR could be a bit different. Rotterdam has recommended

Jakarta to build this program. That is why in this ToR this program came into

view. This time Jakarta Capital City Government is more focus on how to act fast

in order to get closer for the results. Even though, NCICD really takes a long time

to build, but better start now than never.

90 DKI, B. o. (2014). Sister City Program, Jakarta and Rotterdam. Jakarta: Jakarta Capital City



Until now, the city administration has been working hard to anticipate

problems by building NCICD. However, NCICD built assessed not to be optimal

if it is not supported by other measures such as keeping rivers clean and intensive

coordination with other areas around the city. In this case not a lot of people and

the environment to participate in supporting the Government.

Furthermore, there are many challenges that could be faced in the next day,

because making a mega- project was not an easy job, there will be an internal

threat related to the self-interest of some parties.91

However, in this program

Jakarta Capital City Government should be watchful in maintaining the program

well-run. Good Governance and transparency are totally needed in making

NCICD programs accomplished.

4.4.5 Innovation

Sister City Programs (SCP) must accomodate developments and

breakthroughs that was deemed necessary. Innovation is not in discordance with

the first principle which is consistency, because changes done after the conduct of


Innovation is related to what have been improved from program to



Silalahi, R. P. (2005, January 31). Sister City Program Implementation. (Najla, Interviewer) 92

Laboratorium Ilmu Politik, F. U. (1996). Keberhasilan dan Kendala Sister City: Studi Kasus

Jakarta - Rotterdam dan Jakarta - Jeddah. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia.


Figure 5.2 The Improvement of Relevant Programs on Sister City Program

Jakarta – Rotterdam.93

The figure shows that there is an improvement on every program to be

more relevant in every year. As shows in evaluation before, that every ToR has

the innovation to make program to program became more relevant. For example,

from TorR (2008 – 2010) to ToR (2011 – 2012) there is an innovation of the

programs which is Long Term Dredging Plan and Coastal Defense Strategy.

Coming to Tor (2013 – 2015) the master plan of innovation has made, which is

National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD). To be continuing all

programs will always have an improvement and innovation to make a better

cooperation and to accelerate in achieving the goals.

4.5 Chapter Conclusion In this chapter, the research question has answered. To measure how

effective and efficient Sister City Program between Jakarta and Rotterdam is

through the five parameters from Laboratorium FISIP UI , namely; Consistency,


Yudi Hermawan, H. o. (2013, 12 17). Story of Sister City Program Between Jakarta and

Rotterdam. (Najla, Interviewer)


Mutually Benefiting, Incidental, Evaluation, and Innovation. Jakarta and

Rotterdam has done a good job so far along the periods.

PARAMETERS TOR (2008 – 2010) TOR (2011 –


TOR (2013 –



The programs are

consistency because

Jakarta and

Rotterdam are

committed from

previous time to

have a relationship in

terms of Urban

Water Management

and they completed


The consistency has

brought to

programs that more

focus on goal,

which is developing

the Urban Water


The consistency of

the previous

program which is

Development of a

Coastal Defense

Strategy for DKI

Jakarta has

upgraded and

improved into

NCICD Program



Two programs such

cooperation can be

said to be mutually

beneficial for

Rotterdam in this

case act as a



Rotterdam has

donated two

dredgers for

Jakarta, and given

the knowledge of

its operation and


Rotterdam pleased

to help Jakarta


partnership for

both parties


Government of

Rotterdam also

play a role in this

project. In this

term Rotterdam

also could gain

their industry into

international level.


Accommodation for

Jakarta‟s delegations

to Rotterdam and

Exchange Program

in Institutional

Knowledge and

Capacity Building.

Two Dredgers with technical

assistances to show

the Operation and


Master plan of

National Capital

Integrated Coastal





Increased the

insight, knowledge,

and experience.

Besides the problem

is budgeting and

execution. The

chance is good

relationship that

will further

continues. The

challenges is Global

challenge and effect

of climate change

that is increasingly



knowledge about

Dredging Plan.

Completed the

studies of JCDS.

Floods are still

happening in

Jakarta. The

process will be very


The Rotterdam

showed his interest

to be able to

continue the

program. Effects of



Sending 12 of civil

servants to

Rotterdam. Master

plan NCICD. The

construction of

type A. The

problems are the

exemption of land

and execution.

The challenges are

global challenge that is increasingly

growing and the


climate change in

Jakarta internal threats.


There is an

improvement on

every program to be

more relevant in

every year.

There is an

innovation of the

programs which is

Long Term

Dredging Plan and

Coastal Defense


the master plan of

innovation has

made, which is

National Capital

Integrated Coastal



Figure 5.3 Conclusion of Analysis94

Starting from ToR 2008 – 2015 Jakarta and Rotterdam are focusing on Urban

Water Management and put it in some programs like Capacity Building, Dredging

Plan, and NCICD. It is a good thing even though we haven‟t seen the effect

directly because the programs will be running in a long period, but we can see the

optimistic of how all programs will be run so well. As we can see the results from

each parameter shows that all analyses are completed into a good result. At the

end we can conclude that Sister City Program between Jakarta and Rotterdam is

effective and efficient.

94 Processed by the Writer




The phenomenon of international relations between cities has been

growing rapidly in many countries, as well as in Indonesia. Until now there is a

lot of agreement and cooperation between major cities in Indonesia with major

cities abroad. Various policies and advice has been issued by the Government to

the Government of the city that can take an advantage of this relationship to

accelerate the growth of cities. One of this growing relationship also developed by

Jakarta Capital City Government with major cities in the world.

Forms of co-operation are quite diverse ranging from training, official

visits, projects, seminars, sports tournaments, exhibitions, agreement, anniversary

celebrations of the city, sanitation and hygiene programs to handle the

environment, arts and cultural performances, to program a comparative study of

local government.

This research is about an analysis of effectiveness and efficiency in the

implementation of Sister City Program, using qualitative research method with

descriptive and analytical type method with library research as the main source. It

took about 5 months to finish this research and the writer used many books,

reports, publications, interviews and internet; most of them are the primary data.

Lastly, this research consists of five chapters: introduction, literature review,

research methodology, the effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of

Jakarta – Rotterdam Sister City Program.

Sister City Program Jakarta – Rotterdam which has been created since

1986 is one of an active cooperation, comparing to the other Sister Cities of

Jakarta. This phenomenon could see from the relevancies and consistency of the

yearly programs that have been agreed from both cities as called as Term of

Reference (ToR).

Government of Rotterdam really gives the special attention to the issues of

the city development that Jakarta has obtained. This things are reflected to the

loyalty of Rotterdam in assisting Jakarta, even though problems likely to be


found. From the cooperation, Jakarta has earned many benefits, in terms of

knowledge, accommodations, assistances, and many things, in order to accelerate

the development of city.

From ToR 2008 – 2015 Jakarta and Rotterdam are concentrating on

Urban Water Management and put it in some programs like Capacity Building,

Dredging Plan, and NCICD. It is a good sign even though we haven‟t seen the

effect directly because the programs will be consecutively in a long period, but we

can see the optimistic of how all programs will be run so well.

Besides, the result of analyses shows that Sister City Program Jakarta –

Rotterdam is effective and efficient regarding through the five parameters from

Laboratorium FISIP UI , namely; Consistency, Mutually Benefiting, Incidental,

Evaluation, and Innovation. Jakarta and Rotterdam has done a good job so far

along the periods. As we can see the results from each parameter shows that all

analyses are completed into a good result.

Even though, Jakarta Capital City Government really need the

participation of society to always support all the programs that have been agreed.

From the analyses, we also can be optimistic to see that further both cities will

always be innovative in making those programs more relevant from year to year.



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5 (five) Staff of Sister City Program Section of Foreign Affairs, DKI Jakarta

5 (five) Researcher

5 (five) Staff of Jakarta Capital City Government


What is the strengths and weaknesses from the parameters above in measuring

the effectiveness and efficiency of Jakarta Sister City Program;

Source: Laboratorium Ilmu Politik, F. U. (1996). Sister City Program

Effectiveness and Efficiency Parameters. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia

No Name Occupation Answers

1. Drs. Jackson D.

Sitorus, S.Sos

Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


It might not be precisely but it

is a right guideline, because

each parameters are completed

the stage of analyses.


2. Syafrudin

Chandra, S.AP.


Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


Quite helpful. The weakness is

the parameters should add one

indicators in order to make

perfect analyses

3. Drs. Rinald Fitri Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


A bit absurd. However, these

five parameters are created

from Laboratorium Fisip UI

which there is no doubt for the


4. Yudi

Hermawan A,


Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


Smart parameters to maintain

the analyses in having better

findings. There is no weakness


5. Sumartono,


Staff of Sister City

Program Section of

Foreign Affairs, DKI


Resulting good analyses for

the report, but it is only about

the implementation not for the

impact of the program.

6. Dra. Indrayani,


Researcher It was made by Laboratorium

Fisip UI which very interested

for researchers are in using the


7. H. Muhamad

Mawardi, SH

Researcher Supportive parameters, but it

could be so fragile for the



8. Drs. Amir


Researcher Horizontal parameters to

conserve the analyses in

having better findings. There is

no weakness founded.

9. Heru Budi

Hartono, SE.


Researcher It would not be always

precisely but it is a right


10. Drs. Irmansyah,


Researcher Resulting good analyses for

the report, because each

parameters are completed the

stage of analyses.

11. Drs. Orrada

Sinurat, M. Si

Staff of Jakarta Capital

City Government

Subsequent worthy analyses

for the report, but it is only

about the implementation not

for the impact of the program.

12. Puspla Dirdjaja,


Staff of Jakarta Capital

City Government

It would not be always exact

but it is a correct guideline

13. Sonti

Pangaribuan, S.

Ip, M. Si

Staff of Jakarta Capital

City Government

It might be not so good

parameters. these five

parameters are created from

Laboratorium Fisip UI which

there is no doubt for the


14. Sis Supadmi, Staff of Jakarta Capital Helpful parameters, but it


SH . MM City Government could be so vague for the


15. Yudi Saherdi,

S.E, M. Si

Staff of Jakarta Capital

City Government

It was made by Laboratorium

Fisip UI which very attentive

for researcher to use it.


Strong = 9

Weak = 6