An Economic Plan for London The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify key areas to support jobs & growth There will be wide consultation on the emerging themes over the summer The final Plan is due to be published by the end of the year

An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify

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Page 1: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify

An Economic Plan for London

• The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify key areas to support jobs & growth

• There will be wide consultation on the emerging themes over the summer

• The final Plan is due to be published by the end of the year

Page 2: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify

European Structural Funds 2014-20 Overview

European Programmes, GLA 11 July 2014

Page 3: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify

European Structural Funds 2014-20

• €745m (plus €43m Youth Employment Initiative)

… including match funding = £1.3bn

• “European Structural & Investment Fund” Strategy submitted to Govt

• GLA manages the funds on behalf of the LEP and Govt

• Launch late 2014 – subject to Govt and EU agreement

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ERDF focus on


science & technological development

Supporting infrastructure & the low carbon

resource-efficient economy

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ESF focus on


flexibilities and funding


Informed Customers

Employer Engagement

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ESF-funded project

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COSME - competitiveness of enterprise and SMEs(€8bn) Horizon 2020 - research and innovation (€80bn) Creative Europe - media (€815m) LIFE - environment and climate change (€815m) Employment and social innovation (€815m)

Other EU Funding Streams include

Page 10: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify


Finn Wi l l iams

Regenerat ion Area Manager North West London

Development, Enterpr ise and Environment

Greater London Authori ty

Page 11: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify

THE DIRECTORATE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DRIVING THE MAYOR’S PRIORITIES ON JOBS AND GROWTH This includes del iver ing and implement ing the Mayor 's environment , t ransport and economic strategies and the ef fect ive implementat ion of the London Plan.

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THE REGENERATION TEAM’S OBJECTIVE IS TO DRIVE AND SHAPE GROWTH IN LONDON’S TOWN CENTRES AND HIGH STREETS We most ly do th is through strategic regenerat ion projects, including the Outer London Fund, the Mayor ’s Regenerat ion Fund, the London Portas Pi lots and the Growing Places Fund.

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2,700,000 jobs 54%

1,450,200 jobs High streets hold over half of

London's jobs outside the CAZ


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PARTNERSHIP WORKING London’s Great Outdoors High Streets SPG Pocket Parks Mayor ’s Street Trees Future Streets Incubator Fund Better Junct ions Mini Hol lands …

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£70M MRF

£40M OLF R2



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8 PLACES GROWING PLACES FUND With 14 addi t ional pan- london schemes

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30k 8 400

50 400 50

sq. meters of publ ic realm created or


new trader associat ions

have been formed

sustained job opportunit ies have

been created

people have been supported into

sel f -employment

young people have received business

train ing and support

empty uni ts have been brought back

into use

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Page 26: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify


Page 27: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify


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Page 29: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify
Page 30: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify
Page 31: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify
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Page 34: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify
Page 35: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify
Page 36: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify
Page 37: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify


Page 38: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify


Page 39: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify


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AUTUMN 2014: OPEN FOR BUSINESS Ful l launch of next funding round.

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Page 47: An Economic Plan for London...An Economic Plan for London • The LEP are working with London First and McKinsey & Company to deliver an Economic Plan for London – this will identify

FUNDING FEATURES As before: • Not prescript ive, outcomes dr iven • Predominant ly focussed on places • Focus on partnerships • Develop Special ist Assistance Team offer • Continue with faci l i tat ing networking.

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FUNDING FEATURES Emerging features: • Rol l ing programme with the abi l i ty to fo ld in

future funding • Staged and f lexible approach to funding • Provide for non- local authori ty appl icants.

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Jun LFA w alks Ribbon cutt ings

Jul Mayoral launch Conversat ions Ribbon cutt ings

Aug Conversat ions Ribbon cutt ings

Sep F inal ise cr i ter ia and process Ribbon cutt ings

Oct Open for business


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Jamie Dean North East Area Manager Regenerat ion

Development, Enterpr ise and Environment

Greater London Authori ty

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• Connect ion Voucher Scheme

funded by DCMS • £100 mi l l ion across 22 UK ci t ies • £23 mi l l ion in London • Grants for over 9,000 businesses • Live unt i l March 2015.

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CONNECTION VOUCHER SCHEME • SMEs and chari t ies • Maximum 249 employees / volunteers • 1 voucher per business • High-speed/high-grade broadband services • Up to £3000 towards instal lat ion costs • SME must pay VAT and ongoing monthly

charges • Contract is between the SME and service

provider • Joint appl icat ions from mult ip le SMEs are

permit ted e.g. same bui ld ing or business park - th is can reduce monthly charges

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BUSINESS BENEFITS • Reduced hardware costs • Quick data t ransfer • Super fast connect ion • Rel iable videoconferencing and IP te lephony • All onl ine services more quick and rel iable • Remote working capabi l i ty • Increased product ivi ty

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FIND OUT MORE AND APPLY Tuesday 15 July Event at Ci ty Hal l for landlords and property agents To apply: WWW.LONDON.GOV.UK/BROADBAND Queries: [email protected] Suppl ier l ist and technologies: CONNECTIONVOUCHERS.CO.UK

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• 1000 SMEs polled by YouGov in January 2014 • 26% of SMEs likely to get a Dot London web address

= over 200,000 businesses

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Shorter, more memorable addresses

More prestigious

A greater sense of trust

Generate more sales

Customers will find us more easily

Proud to be London based

Reasons for Registering a Dot London Domain

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metrobank.london symphonyorchestra.london

westhamunited.London zomato.london

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BUSINESS INTERMEDIARIES Reaching London businesses via • Local Chambers of Commerce • Local Business Associations • Trade and Sector Associations • Events Tools available: social media, videos, infographics, news articles and editorials

Please let us know of any engagement opportunities for Dot London

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[email protected] www.dotlondondomains.london

@dotLondon #DotLondon

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London Enterprise Panel Event

Mayor’s Export Programme

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The Mayor’s Export Programme • Formed under the London Enterprise Panel

SME working Group

• In partnership with UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) London – the Government department that helps UK-based companies succeed in the global economy.

• Support SMEs in seeking export opportunities

• £1.4 million towards supporting SMEs to export to new markets

• EU Funding from now until December 2015

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Enhancing Support for London Companies • We will deliver:

• Range of Export Events and workshops;

• Trade Missions

• Strategy & Marketing Programmes in India & China

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The Mayor’s Export Programme • September launch event "Beyond

London 2012 - Helping SMEs access the global market through international sport events“ with 250+ SMEs.

• 2 & 1/2 year programme providing 12 hours of export assistance to 240+ SMEs, particularly in tech & life sciences.

• Export focused events for 2000+ SMEs.

• Four trade missions delivered so far; Brazil, India, Austria and Mexico.

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Our Missions so far:

Mission Sector SME’S Sales/Wins Jobs Created

Brazil – Oct 13 Tech 11 £600,000 18

India – Oct 13 Multi 11 £467,500 3

Vienna – Nov 13 Life Science 17 -

Mexico – Mar 14 Consumer & Retail

7 £11,500 0

Total 46 £1,079,000 21

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Do You?!?........

Do you want to find profitable growth for your business? Believe you have a product or service with the potential to sell overseas? Have the ambition to push forward into new markets?

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More information • Website:

• www.london.gov.uk/londonenterprisepanel

• www.london.gov.uk/priorities/business- economy

• www.london.gov.uk/for-business

• Twitter:

• @LondonLEP

• Contact:

[email protected]