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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas buku teks When

English Rings a Bell sesuai dengan kriteria buku yang baik menurut teori

Cunningsworth; 2) Untuk mendeskripsikan opini guru mengenai kualitas When

English Rings a Bell yang digunakan di SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta; dan

3) Untuk mendeskripsikan pandangan siswa mengenai kualitas When English

Ring a Bell yang digunakan di SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta.Dalam

melaksanakan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan tipe kualitatif deskriptif.

Analisis buku teks mendalam menunjukkan bahwa semua bab di When English

Rings a Bell memenuhi kriteria dari persyaratan standar Cunningsworth. Buku

teks itu cukup cocok untuk digunakan sebagai media dalam proses belajar

mengajar untuk siswa kelas tujuh SMP. Dalam opini guru, buku teks sesuai

dengan tujuan pembelajaran. Pernyataan guru ini sejalan dengan teori

Cunningsworth bahwa buku teks yang bagus harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan

pelajar. Dalam menggunakan When English Rings a Bell, para siswa masih

mendapatkan beberapa kesulitan. Pertama, mereka masih membutuhkan

bimbingan guru dalam memahami materi. Kedua, mereka membutuhkan bahan

pendukung lain dari sumber lain untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka. Buku

pelajaran itu juga kekurangan contoh. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara siswa,

kelemahan buku teks ini mungkin adalah kurangnya teori. Beberapa siswa

menyatakan bahwa buku teks memiliki cakupan yang kecil. Mereka sepakat

bahwa materi yang diberikan untuk digunakan di kelas harus bervariasi. Dari

temuan penelitian, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa When English Rings a Bell

dapat direkomendasikan sebagai bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa SMP

karena buku ini memenuhi kriteria buku teks yang baik menurut Cunningsworth.

Peneliti juga berharap buku ini dapat mempertahankan kualitasnya.

Kata kunci: evaluasi, buku teks, teori cunningsworth


The objectives of this study are:1) To describe the quality of When English Rings

a Bell textbook according to Cunningsworth’s good criteria of English textbook;

2) To describe the teacher’s views concerning the quality of When English Rings

a Bell used at SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta; and 3) To describe the

student’s views concerning the quality of when English Rings a Bell Used at SMP

Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. In connducting this research, the researcher uses

descriptive qualitative type. The in-depth textbook analysis shows that all chapters

in When English Rings a Bell fulfills criteria from Cunningsworth’s standard

requirement. The textbook was suitable enough to be used for media in teaching


learning process for the seventh grade student of Junior High School. In the

teacher’s view, the textbook is appropriate with the learning objectives. The

teacher’s statement is in line with the Cunningsworth’s theory that a good

textbook should correspond to the learner’s needs. In using When English Rings a

Bell, the students still get some difficulties. First, they still need the teacher’s

guidance in comprehending the materials. Secondly, they need other supporting

materials from other sources to improve their comprehension. The textbook was

also lack of examples. Based on the students’ interview results, the weakness of

this textbook might be lack of theories. Some students stated that the textbook has

a small scope. They agreed that the given materials to use in the classroom have to

be varied. From the research findings, it can be concluded that When English

Rings a Bell textbook can be recommended as learning source for junior high

school students as it fulfill the Cunningsworth criteria of good textbook. The

researcher also hopes that it can maintain its quality.

Keywords: evaluation, textbook, cunningsworth theory


English has long become an international communication language. It is used

when people meet each other in every international meeting such as conferences,

treaty of countries, lecturing, and others. Therefore, it is important for all people

for learning English. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language. For many years,

English has been taught at high schools in Indonesia. By teaching English, the

government can acquire knowledge and technology to build this country. Richards

(1985: 2) states that “in countries where English is not an official language it may

still have a significant role to play. It may be an important school subject and it

may be necessary to pass an examination in English to enter a university. It may

be the language of certain courses at a university, or at least of a large percentage

of the studemts‟ textbooks. It may be needed for people who work in tourism, and

for some sections of the civil service”.

In teaching and learning process of English, many aspects can affect the

outcomes of students’ learning. These aspects can emerge from the pre-teaching,

while teaching and post teaching processes. All of the process need the teachers’

role. The teachers should design the syllabus, materials and teaching procedures in

the classroom. Richards (2001: 1) argues that “teaching materials are key

component in most language programs. Whether the teacher uses a textbook,


institutional prepared material or make use of his or her own materials,

instructional materials generally serve as the basis for much of the language input

learners receive and the language practice that occurs in the classroom”. One of

the materials in learning English is textbook.

According to Cunningsworth (1984), textbook is a book written by

experienced and well-qualified people and the material contained in them is

usually carefully tested in pilot studies in actual teaching situations before

publication. Textbook is used in the teaching learning process exactly in teaching

English. Indonesia has been using textbook for many years in education.

According to Hutchinson and Torres (1994), textbooks provide input into

classroom lessons in the form of texts, activities, explanations, and so on.

Teachers and students will get benefits when textbook is used in teaching and

learning process (Harmer, 2007).

O’Neill (1982) added the reasons for the use of textbooks: Firstly, most

parts of textbook materials are appropriate for students' needs, even if they are not

especially designed for them. Secondly, they make it possible for students to plan

for future learning and also review the previous materials or lessons. Thirdly,

textbooks provide students with high quality materials at a reasonable price.

Finally, suitable textbooks allow teachers to adapt and modify them to meet the

learners' needs and also allow for natural interaction to happen.

Actually, the teachers depend on the textbook. Textbooks become an

important thing in the class for teaching and learning process. A textbook means a

created material designed as materials for teaching learning process in order to

increase the learners’ knowledge and experience. “Textbook are best seen as a

source in achieving aims and objectives that have been set in terms of learner

needs” (Cunningsworth, 1995: 7). Thus, textbook is one source of materials in

teaching learning process.

Textbook is one of the important media of teaching and learning activities in

the classroom. Therefore, it must have a good quality. To know how a textbook is

categorized in a good quality, the researcher provides some criteria from the


experts. Cunningworth (1995) proposes four criteria for evaluating textbook,

particulary coursebook:

They should correspond to learner’s need. They should match the aims and

objectives of the language -learning program. They should reflect the use (present

or future) which learners will make of the language. Textbooks should be chosen

that will help equip students to use language effectively for their own purposes.

They should take account students’ needs as leaners and should facilitate their

learning processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid “method”. They should

have a clear role as a support for learning . like teachers, they mediate between the

target language and the learner.

Selecting textbook is an important thing. A textbook should be suitable not

only with curriculum but also for the students. In Indonesia itself, textbook

becomes a controversial thing in education. Nowadays, many cases are reported

that textbooks contain unsuitable content or text for the students. The society,

especially the parents, are worried about this issue. Furthermore, the teachers

sometimes realize that the content is not suitable for the students when they are

teaching in the class.

Based on the phenomena, the researcher wants to conduct a research of

good textbook by Cunningsworth’s (1995)criteria of English textbook entitled

“An Analysis of English Textbook Entitled “When English Ring a Bell‟ Based on

Cunningsworth’s (1995). This study is hoped to enrich standardized English

textbooks and give better contribution of textbooks usage in teaching English,

especially in Indonesia.


The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. It is because in doing

this research, she only collects the data, makes an analysis and finally makes a

conclusion. The object of this study is an English textbook for eight grade

students and teacher of Junior High School entitled Bahasa Inggris “When

English Rings a Bell”. The focus is on the analysis English textbooks represented

in Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell”. The participant of this study is an


English teacher and six students from different classes of grade eight of SMP

Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. The data source of this study are document and

informant. The researcher uses document that is taken from an English textbook

entitled Bahasa Inggris “when English Rings a Bell”. The informants are an

English teacher and 15 students of eight grade at SMP Muhammadiyah 10

Surakarta. The researcher asked some questions to the informants to know the the

teacher and students’ perception on the textbook represented in English textbook

entitled Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell”.


3.1 How the Textbook of When English Rings a Bell Meets the

Cunningsworth’s Criteria of Good Textbook

Based on the first criterion of Cunningsworth’s criteria of a good textbook, When

English Rings a Bell matches the aims and objectives of the language-learning

program. The objective of English teaching learning for SMP/MTs students in the

first semester of class VIII as stated in Standar Isi is the ability to understand and

create various short and functional texts of monologue and essay in the form of

descriptive, narrative and recount. The gradation of teaching materials appears in

the use of vocabulary, grammar, and rhetorical steps. Based on the findings of

analysis, the objective of Chapter I until Chapter XIII confirms with the objectives

of English teaching learning for SMP/MTs as stated in Standar Isi. The objective

is arranged well through each Chapter. Chapter I is It is English Time; Chapter II

is We can do it, and we will do it ; Chapter III is We know what to do; Chapter IV

is Come to my birthday, please!; Chapter V is I’m so happy for you!; Chapter VI

is Our busy roads; Chapter VII is My uncle is a zookeeper; Chapter VIII is What

are you doing?; Chapter IX is Bigger is not always better; Chapter X is When I

was a child; Chapter XI is Yes, we made it; Chapter XII is Don’t forget it, please!,

and Chapter XIII is We got a lot of histories. There are also themes or topics in

each chapter that the students will learn. There are also exercises and tables that

appeared make the students to understand clearly. The content material in this

textbook is following the standard from the current syllabus in Curriculum 2013


but, there are some topics that only discuss one sub-topic not at all sub-topics.

This result is also in line with Hapsari’s research (2017) stated that English

textbook entitled When English Rings a Bell for te Seventh Grade fulfilled the

criteria proposed in Cunningsworth’s theory concerning the impressionistic/

surface textbook analysis with score 70 % and in-depth textbook analysis with the

summative score 60 %. From those summative scores, the textbook was

categorized as a good enough textbook and suitable enough to use as media in the

teaching and learning process.

According to second criterion, good textbook should be chosen that will

help equip students to use language effectively for their own purposes. When

English Rings a Bell matches with Generic Competence 3.7 Apply the social

function, text structure, and linguistic elements of spoken and written

transactional interaction text which implicate some actions namely; giving and

asking for information related to circumstance/action/activity/event that were

carried out/occur regularly or form of general fact, according to the context of its

use (Pay attention on linguistic elements simple present tense) and 4.7 Compile

brief and simple transactional interaction in spoken and written form which

implicate some actions namely, asking and giving information related to

circumstance/action/activity/event that were carried out/occur regularly or form of

general fact, by paying attention on the social function, text structure and the right

linguistics elements and according to the context of its use.

The researcher found that textbook performs tenses learning such as: simple

present tense; present future tense ( s+ will+ object+ complement); present perfect

tense (s + have/has+ V3); present continuous tense (s+ be (am/is/are)+ present

participle-ing); simple past tense (S+ V2+O); and past continuous tense (s+

be(am/is/are)+ present participle-ing). The tenses material are presented through

good organization of textbook. In every sub chapter, the students are informed

what they will learn with in the chapter. The dialogue and monologue are placed

in different space or sections. The exercise comes after every the end of the

explanation or dialogue in order to make easy the students in understanding the

material and there is a journal for the students in every the end of the exercise.


This result is in line with Arba’ati’s research (2015) stated that language skills in

this textbook (grammar and tenses) can be seen in the dialouges, pictures,

excercise in the table form and journal that refer to speaking, writing and reading

skills. In the speaking skill, the students can play a role based on the dialogues

and pictures. In the writing skill, the students can make a list or do on the table

form in the exercises. In the reading skill, the students can read first the dialouges

before they play a role.

According to the third criterion, a good textbook should take account

students’ needs as leaners and should facilitate their learning processes, without

dogmatically imposing a rigid “method”, When English Rings a Bell matches with

the students’ needs as learners do some learning activities. Developable learning

activities in this textbook are drafted pretty, varied, gradually so that learners are

motivated to learn more. In the learning activities are well developed with the

dialouges or conversations, pictures that refer to speaking and writing skills and

the learning activities are suitable with the Indonesian people. There are also

songs in some chapters. It can be seen as in every sub chapter, the students are

informed what they will learn with in the chapter. The instruction is “We will say

the words loudly, clearly, and correctly”. In addition, the activities and tasks in

When English Rings a Bell are found to be basically communicative and they

seemed to consistently promote a balance of activities approach. This in turn

encouraged both controlled practice with language skills as well as creative,

personal, and freer responses on the part of the students.

According to the fourth criterion, good textbook should have a clear role as

a support for learning. Like teachers, they mediate between the target language

and the learner. In When English Rings a Bell (Buku Guru), the teacher takes role

as a controller in classroom activities. The teacher controls students’ activities.

When English Rings a Bell (Buku Guru) provides activity guidelines for the

teacher. When English Rings a Bell (Buku Guru) provides observation sheet for

teacher. The teacher can observe the students’ activities and evaluate them. In

short, When English Rings a Bell illuminates each role of teacher, students,

classroom procedure, classroom activities, and media. Similar to the result by


Safitri (2014) show that the text books do not promote either the vocabulary

building or grammar exercise. In which, again, this proves what Tomlinson (2008)

explained that textbooks help the learners to make full use of the language

experience available to them outside the classroom.

Based on the discussion, the in-depth textbook analysis shows that all

chapters in When English Rings a Bell fulfill criteria from Cunningsworth

standard requirement. The textbook was suitable enough to be used for media in

the teaching learning process for the eighth grade students of Junior High School.

3.2 The Teachers’ Views Concerning the Quality of When English Rings a

Bell Textbook

The teacher said the textbook is appropriate with the learning objectives. The

teacher’s statement is in line with Cunningsworth’s theory that a good textbook

should correspond to the learners’ needs. It should match with the aims and

objectives of the language learning program. Thus, in the teacher’s opinion, When

English Rings a Bell handbook has already been appropriate with the students’

learning purposes. It is also in line with Tolinson’s theory (2012) that the material

should be relevant and useful.

The teacher said the layouts of the material are in accordance with the

sequence of learning stages of the students. She stated that the arrangement of the

handbook materials is already in order. The teacher’s answer implies that When

English Rings a Bell handbook fulfills the criteria of a good textbook according to

Greene and Petty (1971) in Tarigan (1993), that is, the textbook must be

interesting and attractive toward the learners. So, they will be interested in using


In using When English Rings a Bell, the students still get some difficulties.

First, they still need the teacher’s guidance in comprehending material.s Secondly,

they need other supporting materials from other sources to improve their

comprehension. Besides, the textbook’s content is relevant to the students’ need,

but not to the students’ interests. The teacher said When English Rings a Bell

textbook is not interesting enough for students to learn. They must be given

motivation to understand the material of the book. For active students, this book is


able to give motivation. But for less active students, they could not simply read

the handbook, but they needed the teacher’s support at school, in order to help

them comprehend the materials. The teacher’s explanation shows that When

English Rings a Bell textbook fullfils criteria of a good textbook based on

Cunningsworth’s theory, that is, it has a clear role as a support for learning, like

teachers, it mediate between the target language and the learner.

The teacher noticed that the textbook was also lack of examples.

Sometimes, when the teacher described a picture in the book, the teacher had to

work hard at explaining the materials because of the students’ background

knowledge issue. Based on the theory stated by Greene and Petty (1971) in

Tarigan (1993), When English Rings a Bell does not fullfil one of criteria of a

good textbook, that is, the contents of textbook are not clear enough in written to

avoid the children to be confused in using textbook. The researcher found that

there was some possibility of the classroom situation that had to be faced by the

teacher. While applying the textbook in teaching, the challenge faced by the

teachers was the students’ ability in learning English. Some of them were lack of

knowledge and other were less interested in learning. In some cases, they were

lack of vocabulary which makes them difficult to learn English. Thus, the teacher

should start the learning process from the very beginning to ensure the students’

understanding. The difficulties that the teacher found in selecting the textbook

was adjusting the subject matter to the school curriculum and deal with the

students’ habitual behavior. However, the result was different from the previous

research of Suryana (2017). The result showed that the difficulties faced by

teacher were the level of material difficulties and limited aids for teaching.

In the teacher’s opinion, When English Rings a Bell handbook can be stated

as a qualified textbook. It contains some materials, explanation of material,

discussion of some cases and some examples of exercises. Based on the theory

stated by Greene and Petty (1971) in Tarigan (1993), When English Rings a Bell

fullfils one of criteria of a good textbook, that is, the textbook considers the

linguistic aspect. Previous research of Lathif (2015) and Amrina (2018) perceived


that the textbook’s content should be accurate, up-to-date and relevant to the

students’ need. The textbook is suitable to the curriculum of the school.

The researcher asked the teacher about the appropriateness of When English

Rings a Bell textbook with 2013 Curriculum. The teacher said When English

Rings a Bell textbook is appropriate with 2013 Curriculum. Content aspect was

divided into three sub aspects, there are the appropriateness of materials

explanation with standard of competence and basic competence, material

accuracy, and supporting learning materials. It is similar to the Cunningsworth’s

theoy that the textbook matches with the aims and objectives of the language-

learning program. The teacher agreed that the textbook presented and offered all

of four basic skills in English. The textbook supported cognitive, affective and

psychomotor aspects in balance. It also provided some exercises along with well-

defined instructions. It could be concluded that the textbook used by the teacher

was a good textbook as Trigon (1993) saying that a good textbook is designed

with a clear instruction. In addition, the textbook also construed the activities and

exercises from the basic to the advanced level. For that reason, the textbook was

appropriate to be applied in teaching English for EFL classroom.

3.3 The Eight Grade Students’ Views Concerning the Quality of When

English Rings a Bell Textbook

Based on the students’ interview, the result shows that in order the students to be

able comprehend the materials in When English Rings a Bell textbook. The

teacher should explain the materials to them. The book is rather difficult to

understand the materials in When English Rings a Bell textbook, because the book

does not provide vocabulary understanding. It also less motivates the students to

learn, because most of them do not understand some vocabulary in it. Based on

students’ opinion, When English Rings a Bell does not fullfil Cunningsworth’ s

criteria of a good textbook in terms of language aspects. The aspects were

relevance of language towards learners’ cognitive development, relevance of

language towards learners’ socio-emotional state, message readability, grammar

accuracy, coherence and unity of ideas in each unit, and coherence and unity of



Based on the students’ interview result, the weakness of this textbook might

be lack of theory. Some students stated that the textbook has a small scope. They

agreed that the given materials to use in the classroom have to be varied. In

Ramazani’s research (2013), for that reason, the teacher should build the

classroom learning activities as creative as possible to attract students' interest in

learning. It was widely believed that teaching by using the textbooks make the

teachers and students easy to achieve the learning objectives. The teachers have

the responsibility to prepare the learning materials to bring to the classroom. In

some cases, the teachers need to use additional material sources in teaching.

Based on the interview, it can be seen that in students’ opinion, the teacher

uses two kind of books, When English Rings a Bell handbook and LKS. Faisal’s

research (2014) explained that the teachers need to concern the textbook

suitability to be applied in the teaching learning activities. They might find some

difficulties in selecting and applying the textbook. In case of selecting the English



According to the first criterion, based on Cunningsworth’s criteria of a good

textbook, When English Rings a Bell matches with the aims and objectives of the

language-learning program. Based on the second criterion, good textbook should

be chosen that will help equip the students to use language effectively for their

own purposes. For the third criterion, good textbook should take account students’

needs as leaners and should facilitate their learning processes, without

dogmatically imposing a rigid method, When English Rings a Bell matches with

students’ needs as learners through some learning activities. According to fourth

criterion, a good textbook should have a clear role as a support for learning. Like

teachers, they mediate between the target language and the learner. The in-depth

textbook analysis shows that all chapters in When English Rings a Bell fulfills

criteria from Cunningsworth standard requirement. The textbook was suitable

enough to be used for media in teaching learning process for the seventh grade

student of Junior High School.


Based on the teacher’s views, the textbook is appropriate with the learning

objectives. The teacher’s statement is in line with Cunningsworth’s theory that

good textbook should correspond to the learners’ need. The layout of the material

is in accordance with the sequence of stages learning for the students, thus it is

interesting and attractive toward the learners. When English Rings a Bell

handbook can be stated as a qualified textbook. It contains some materials,

explanation of material, discussion of some cases and some examples of exercises.

When English Rings a Bell handbook can be stated as qualified textbook. It

contains some materials, explanation of material, discussion of some cases and

some examples of exercises.

In using When English Rings a Bell, the students still get some difficulties.

First, they still need the teacher’s guidance in comprehending the materials.

Secondly, they need other supporting material from other sources to improve their

comprehension. The textbook was also lack of examples. Sometimes, when the

teacher described a picture in the book, the teacher had to work hard at explaining

the materials because of the students’ background knowledge issue. Based on the

students’ interview result, the weakness of this textbook might be lack of theory.

Some students stated that the textbook has a small scope. They agreed that the

given materials to use in the classroom have to be varied.


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