An overview

An overview. The Basin Conflict to Collaboration 2009 1995

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An overview

The Basin

Conflict to Collaboration



Headlines: The Path to CollaborationAugust 18, 1993 – 19 Earth First!ers arrested; tensions

run highJune 2, 2001 – Meadow Face puts its best foot forward;

Diverse group is pulling together to make project workSeptember 8, 2001 – Politics upset some friends of the

forest; Rules of organization are in midst of changeDecember 9, 1998 – For the elk of it; Elk hunters, other

interests will work together to strengthen herdsApril 26, 2003 – Judge drops lawsuit over Clearwater

accessMay 30, 2008 – Lawmaker looks for Clearwater


History of the CBC

Fish Lake Lawsuit (2000)

Konkolville Consortium

Clearwater Basin Collaborative

Formally Convened May 29, 2008

Senator Crapo’s Letter

“Please accept this invitation to participate in a broad-based collaborative effort to craft a vision for the Clearwater Basin contained in the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests. With a cooperative vision to enhance the ecological and economic health of our forests and our communities, we can work together toward a better future for the residents and resources of north central Idaho. . . .”

Regional Forester’s PledgeTom Tidwell, regional forester in charge

of national forests in northern Idaho and western Montana, pledged to work to implement whatever the group comes up with. He said anything done on Forest Service land will still have to go through the agency’s public process. But he said having broad agreement up front will make the process smoother. “Whatever comes out of this effort we are going to be supportive of it,” he said.

--Lewiston Tribune, May 30, 2008

Purpose and Vision

The purpose of the Collaborative is to provide recommendations for actions concerning the use and management of the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests within the Clearwater Basin in Idaho

Our vision is to enhance and protect the ecological and economic health of our forests, rivers and communities within the Clearwater Basin by working collaboratively across a diversity of interests.

--Clearwater Basin Operating Protocols

Strength in DiversityTwenty-three members representing

Nez Perce TribeState and local governmentsWoods products industryConservation interestsSportsmen and womenMotorized recreationLocal businessCitizens-at-large

Organizational StructureDale Harris and Alex Irby, co-chairs

Steering committeeFour subcommittees:

Landscape restoration Land allocation Recreation Rural economies

A forest landscape restoration coordinatorAn administrative assistant

Major Areas of EmphasisBuild understanding across the various interestsReview, advise and support Forest Service projects

Swede Fuels Robo Elk Interface Fuels

Develop a strategy/proposal in conjunction with the Forest Landscape and Restoration Act of 2008

Support critical basin efforts (e.g. Dworshak State Park; Clearwater County bioenergy feasibility study)

Define how the Collaborative and Forests work together (Memorandum of Understanding)

Develop legislative and administrative packages that address:

1. Land allocation issues2. Recreation issues3. Economic issues

Building RelationshipsDelegations from the Collaborative have been

in Washington, D.C. meeting with:Representatives from staffs for:

Senators Crapo, Risch, Tester, Baucus, Congressmen Minnick and Simpson Senate Energy and Natural Resources

SubcommitteeAgriculture Undersecretary Harris ShermanForest Service leadership including Chief Tom


Value to the ForestsClearwater Basin Collaborative is:A forum where a variety of interests sit at the tableA source of knowledge and ideasA source of constructive, and often positive,


Clearwater Basin Collaborative has:Facilitated a change in tone of the dialogue

regarding Forest Service projects in the BasinBeen an advocate and source of supportBeen a source of valuable informationWorked behind the scenes to resolve issuesInitiated proactive consensus-building efforts

Lessons LearnedMembershipProcess managementFundingProtocolsRecord keeping and transparencyFacilitation and meeting management

Learn Morewww.clearwaterbasincollaborative.org