The writer uses composer’s last names and does not expand on them at all as they are expecting their audience to already be well acquainted with these names. It also talks about concert places without expanding on them, which is also expecting the reader to know of these places and be able to see the differences without the need for information. The article uses long words that are typical of adults to use. They can be complex like ‘transitional’, ‘harbingers’. ‘manifestation’ and ‘evolutionary’, which are words that are not typical of teenaged magazines. This shows the high level of education and the older age of the reader. This block of text is informative text rather than a personal article as there is no reference to the writer or to their experiences it is just talking about what happened to get this group to be the main story of the magazine. The text is referential as at the start it refers to a concert held for subscribers meaning that it is more addressing the people that know about this particular event. Also it refers to other concerts that have been held again talking to people that know about the concerts as well as informing those that don’t know. The article also includes words that are in a different language like ‘sans’ which are used to describe the state of the group which shows that the reader is either proficient in language, cultured to know the specific word used or have the intellectual level to use the word in conversation and understand it when reading a text. The article makes several references to subscribers and patrons showing that the type of people to buy this magazine are the type of people who have and know about the subscription to these events and things. This means that the type of people to have these subscriptions are people that earn enough money to buy the magazine as well as have money set aside that can pay for the subscription so they most likely to be in the upper working class as they have enough money to live comfortably as well as attend these concerts and have these subscriptions.

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The  writer  uses  composer’s  last  names  and  does  not  expand  on  them  at  all  as  they  are  expecting  their  audience  to  already  be  well  acquainted  with  these  names.  It  also  talks  about  concert  places  without  expanding  on  them,  which  is  also  expecting  the  reader  to  know  of  these  places  and  be  able  to  see  the  differences  without  the  need  for  information.  

The  article  uses  long  words  that  are  typical  of  adults  to  use.  They  can  be  complex  like  ‘transitional’,  ‘harbingers’.  ‘manifestation’  and    ‘evolutionary’,  which  are  words  that  are  not  typical  of  teenaged  magazines.  This  shows  the  high  level  of  education  and  the  older  age  of  the  reader.  

This  block  of  text  is  informative  text  rather  than  a  personal  article  as  there  is  no  reference  to  the  writer  or  to  their  experiences  it  is  just  talking  about  what  happened  to  get  this  group  to  be  the  main  story  of  the  magazine.      

The  text  is  referential  as  at  the  start  it  refers  to  a  concert  held  for  subscribers  meaning  that  it  is  more  addressing  the  people  that  know  about  this  particular  event.  Also  it  refers  to  other  concerts  that  have  been  held  again  talking  to  people  that  know  about  the  concerts  as  well  as  informing  those  that  don’t  know.  

The  article  also  includes  words  that  are  in  a  different  language  like  ‘sans’  which  are  used  to  describe  the  state  of  the  group  which  shows  that  the  reader  is  either  proficient  in  language,  cultured  to  know  the  specific  word  used  or  have  the  intellectual  level  to  use  the  word  in  conversation  and  understand  it  when  reading  a  text.  

The  article  makes  several  references  to  subscribers  and  patrons  showing  that  the  type  of  people  to  buy  this  magazine  are  the  type  of  people  who  have  and  know  about  the  subscription  to  these  events  and  things.  This  means  that  the  type  of  people  to  have  these  subscriptions  are  people  that  earn  enough  money  to  buy  the  magazine  as  well  as  have  money  set  aside  that  can  pay  for  the  subscription  so  they  most  likely  to  be  in  the  upper  working  class  as  they  have  enough  money  to  live  comfortably  as  well  as  attend  these  concerts  and  have  these  subscriptions.  


The  audience  for  this  magazine  is  people  that  are  adult  and  have  a  high  level  of  education.  Words  such  as  ‘adversity’  show  this  as  the  magazine  expects  the  reader  to  be  able  to  read  this  word  in  the  flow  of  the  text  rather  than  stopping  to  think  of  the  meaning.  

The  tone  of  the  text  is  formal.  It  uses  no  controversial  words  which  is  typical  of  this  style  as  adults  do  not  tend  to  read  the  types  of  magazines  that  do  which  this  style  of  music.  

The  text  is  about  a  conductor  who  has  died.  It  has  an  element  of  expecting  the  reader  to  know  who  he  is  but  does  give  some  information  in  the  form  of  praise/  respect  for  him  to  give  the  reader  an  insight  into  who  he  is.    

The  article  does  not  use  first  tense.  There  is  no  use  of  I  in  it,  the  text  is  in  3rd  tense  


The  language  used  in  this  article  has  specific  terms  that  would  be  known  only  to  those  who  buy  the  magazine  often  or  are  involved  with  this  genre  of  music.  Words  such  as  ‘maestro’  and  ‘virtuosity’  show  this  as  well  as  showing  the  age  of  the  audience.  This  shows  the  age,  as  the  words  themselves  require  an  amount  of  experience  to  be  able  to  read  them  smoothly  through  a  text.  Also  the  words  show  that  the  education  level  of  the  average  reader  is  high  enough  to  be  able  to  understand  the  meaning  whilst  reading  a  block  of  text  and  not  having  the  definition  given  to  them.    

The  tone  of  the  language  in  this  article  is  formal.  There  is  no  use  of  any  controversial  language  and  the  use  of  music  terms  show  that  the  article  is  well  articulated  and  educated.  The  tone  also  shows  that  the  magazine  would  not  be  for  typical  teenagers  or  tweens  as  they  are  looking  for  more  a  more  informal  tone  along  with  controversial  and/or  colloquial  language.      

The  article  doesn’t  go  on  a  ramble  about  the  person  the  article  is  about.  It  sticks  to  the  point,  providing  information  and  personal  opinion  of  the  person  in  question  and  so  doesn’t  reveal  anything  more  than  what  is  needed.  This  means  that  the  language  does  not  have  any  juicy  gossip  which  the  audience  of  this  magazine  would  appreciate  as  they  are  here  to  learn  more  about  the  music,  how  the  person  is  good  at  what  they  play  and  what  sort  of  brand  of  instruments  the  person  uses/  likes  so  that  they  can  use  it  to  inform  them  of  the  type  of  instrument  they  should  be  buying  for  themselves  or  maybe  their  child.  

The  article  refers  to  a  place,  which  it  thinks  its  audience  will  know  about.  It  does  give  some  explanation  to  the  place  however  only  the  parts  that  are  relevant  to  the  article,  the  rest  isn’t  mentioned  as  they  o  presume  the  audience  will  know  the  rest  of  it  and  so  the  explanation  is  more  of  a  way  to  get  the  audience  to  focus  on  a  particular  part  of  the  place  straight  away  rather  than  them  having  to  take  the  time  to  figure  out  what  part  they  are  talking  about.  

The  article  starts  with  a  drop  cap.  This  means  that  the  reader  can  find  the  start  of  the  text  without  being  confused  by  the  other  columns  of  text.  For  this  audience  they  are  fine  with  this  amount  text  so  there  are  several  columns  of  text  which  is  why  the  drop  cap  is  needed.