J. Korean For. Soc. Vol. 105, No. 1, pp. 132~138 (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.14578/jkfs.2016.105.1.132 132 JOURNAL OF KOREAN FOREST SOCIETY ISSN 0445-4650(Print), ISSN 2289-0904(Online) http://e-journal.kfs21.or.kr 거리독립 생장예측 시뮬레이션기법 적용에 의한 삼나무임분의 임분생장 탄소고정에 미치는 간벌시업 효과 분석 권기범 1 ·한 희 1 ·설아라 2 *·정혜진 1 ·정주상 1,2 1 서울대학교 산림과학부, 2 서울대학교 농업생명과학연구원 Analyzing Thinning Effects on Growth and Carbon Absorption for Cryptomeria japonica Stands Using Distance-Independent Growth Simulations Kibeom Kwon 1 , Hee Han 1 , Ara Seol 2 *, Hyejean Chung 1 and Joosang Chung 1,2 1 Department of Forest Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea 2 Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea : 연구에서는 거리독립 임분생장 예측 시뮬레이터 STEMS 기반으로 제주도 한남시험림 삼나무 임분에 대한 잠재직경생장함수, 수정함수, 수관율 고사함수를 추정하고, 이를 토대로 간벌시업에 따른 임분의 생장패턴 탄소흡수량의 변화를 예측하였다. 시뮬레이터를 구성하는 주요 함수는 연구대상지의 13 표본점으로부터 39 표준목을 선발하여 수간석해에 따른 분석결과를 토대로 추정하였다. 시뮬레이터를 적용하여 사례연구 대상 분에 대한 간벌시업체계를 무간벌 1 간벌에 간벌의 시기 강도를 달리하는 3 개의 시나리오로 편성하여 간벌 시업이 임분생장 탄소흡수 효과에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과 간벌시업과 지위지수에 따라 임분의 수고 흉고직경, 경급별 임목본수나 임분재적에 따른 생장패턴이나 탄소고정에 미치는 효과가 유의미한 것으 나타났다. Abstract: The objectives of this study were to infer the parameters of forest stand growth functions of STEMS for Cryptomeria japonica stands of Jeju Hannam Experimental Forest, Korea Forest Research Institute, and to investigate the effects of thinning regimes on the patterns of stand growth and carbon absorption. The forest stand growth functions for the potential diameter growth, modifier, crown ratio and mortality are the major ones composing the independent-tree/distance-free forest stand growth simulator, STEMS. The parameters were inferred using the sets of growth data obtained from stem analyses of 39 trees, chosen from 13 sample plots of the forest stands. The effects of thinning regimes on the patterns of stand growth and carbon absorption were investigated by simulating the stand growth patterns of the case study stand with 3 different thinning regimes: no-thinning, early thinning with low intensity and late thinning with high intensity using the simulator. According to the results of the analyses, the different thinning regimes cause significant effects on the growth patterns of average DBH, average height, diameter distribution and stand volume as well as the amount of carbon absorptions. Key words: carbon absorption, individual-tree growth simulator, forest stand thinning regimes, Cryptomeria japonica 제주도에서 삼나무(Cryptomeria japonica) 매우 통직 수형을 보이는 중요한 임목자원으로서 최근 탄소흡수 원으로의 가치도 크게 부각되고 있다. 산림이 지니는 소흡수원(Carbon sink)' 으로서의 기능은 산림이 제공하는 주요한 생태계서비스(Ecosystem service) 중의 하나로서 오늘날 이를 정확히 계량하고 관리할 있는 방법에 연구가 지역적·국가적인 차원에서 활발히 이루어지 있다. 국내에도 이러한 목적을 위해 집약적 산림경영이 이루 어지는 면적이 늘어나면서 탄소흡수원으로서의 기능도 증진될 것으로 기대되고 있다. 이는 집약적 산림경영 통한 간벌 등과 같은 산림시업(forest stand prescriptions) *Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]

Analyzing Thinning Effects on Growth and Carbon Absorption

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105(1)-01(75).fmJ. Korean For. Soc. Vol. 105, No. 1, pp. 132~138 (2016)
ISSN 0445-4650(Print), ISSN 2289-0904(Online)

1· 1·2 *·1·1,2
1 ,
Analyzing Thinning Effects on Growth and Carbon Absorption for Cryptomeria japonica Stands Using Distance-Independent
Growth Simulations
Kibeom Kwon1, Hee Han1, Ara Seol2*, Hyejean Chung1 and Joosang Chung1,2
1Department of Forest Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea 2Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea
, , ,
. 13 39
1 3
Abstract: The objectives of this study were to infer the parameters of forest stand growth functions of STEMS
for Cryptomeria japonica stands of Jeju Hannam Experimental Forest, Korea Forest Research Institute, and to
investigate the effects of thinning regimes on the patterns of stand growth and carbon absorption. The forest
stand growth functions for the potential diameter growth, modifier, crown ratio and mortality are the major ones
composing the independent-tree/distance-free forest stand growth simulator, STEMS. The parameters were
inferred using the sets of growth data obtained from stem analyses of 39 trees, chosen from 13 sample plots
of the forest stands. The effects of thinning regimes on the patterns of stand growth and carbon absorption were
investigated by simulating the stand growth patterns of the case study stand with 3 different thinning regimes:
no-thinning, early thinning with low intensity and late thinning with high intensity using the simulator.
According to the results of the analyses, the different thinning regimes cause significant effects on the growth
patterns of average DBH, average height, diameter distribution and stand volume as well as the amount of
carbon absorptions.

. ‘
(Carbon sink)'
(Ecosystem service)


(forest stand prescriptions) *Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]


. ,


. ,

(distance-free/individual-tree stand growth model)
, 1970
Daniels and Burkhart(1975), Hann and Leary(1979),
Belcher et al.(1982), Kurz and Appls(1999)

1981 Brand GROW




. Mäkelä and Hari(1986)
Scots pine
simulation , Kirschbaum(1999), Battaglia
et al.(2004)
process-based model
, Chave
et al.(2005)

Seo et al.(2005)



. Figure 1
1,191 ha
, 217 ha

Figure 1. Species distribution of Hannam Experimental Forest.
134 105 1 (2016)
, ,


13 20 m × 20 m (Table 1)
·· 39
(Table 2).

STEMS(Stand and Tree Evaluation
and Modeling System) (Belcher et al., 1982)
simulator . STEMS

(potential diameter growth function), (modifier
function), (crown ratio function)
(mortality function) .

Figure 2 .

Tree list, ,


Table 1. Summary statistics of sampling plots.
Attribute Average
(trees/ha) Basal area
(m2/ha) Age (yr)
Table 2. Summary statistics of stem analysis for Crytomeria
japonica in sampling plots.
Min. 11.8 8.3 23 0.12
Max. 49.5 24.3 68 1.69
Mean 24.8 15.2 37 0.71
Figure 2. Flow chart for individual-tree growth prediction in
the growth simulator.
Functions Equations form
Mortality function
DBH: diameter at breast height, SI: site index, AD: average DBH, BA:basal area, BA max
: maximum basal area, D: DBH growth, D: DBH at the 1st measurement, CR: crown ratio, DGR: observed annual diameter growth
PG D t
b 4 SI CRD
b 2 DGR
, ,

Figure 2
(, , , )
Table 3 .
SAS 9.3 .
Hahn and
Leary(1979) .

. ,

1 Chapman-Richards
Table 3 Hahn and Leary(1979)
Holdaway et al.(1979)
. ,

(Korea Forest Service,
2009) .
2(IPCC, 2006) .
Table 4 .

Table 5 Table

Figure 3
. 1 Chapman-
Richards (Index age) 40
Table 4. Carbon emission factors for Crytomeria japonica (Korea Forest Research Institute, 2010).
Basic wood density (g/cm3)
Age Site index
(m) Number of
Table 6. Scenarios for sensitivity analyses on thinning prescriptions.
Scenarios No. Thinning Rotation age
(yrs)Timing (yrs) % intensity
2 50 30
Figure 3. Site index curves for Crytomeria japonica stands estimated using Chapman-Richards equation.
136 105 1 (2016)

4 5) .
Figure 4 Table 8 Table 6 ( 24
, 14 m
50 80

Davis et al.(2001)
Table 7. Parameter estimates of growth functions for Crytomeria japonica stands.
Function Parameter estimates
Potential Growth 1.2000 -0.0160 1.1092 0.0014 1.000 - 0.55
Modifier 3.8847 -1.2810 10.0669 0.8003 0.2897 0.4224 0.69
Mortality 1.1973 0.5397 -0.9719 0.0691 0.0115 - 0.64
Figure 4. Changes in diameter distribution over time.
Table 8. Statistics of diameter distributions over time.
Age Number of trees
24 1,194 15.0 11.3
50 693 22.1 3.5
80 386 32.2 7.8
Figure 5. Changes in forest stand parameters of Crytomeria japonica over time.
8 ha

( ha
, , ha )
14 m
(Figure 5).


(normal forest stand)



, 30 20% ( ),
50 30% ( )


. , 20%

(base case scenario)
, 60

. 30%



Figure 7

. 2 (Wc)
(V stem
) (ρ 0 ),
(E) (C 0 )
Figure 6. The effects of thinning on forest stand structure and growth.
Figure 7. The effects of thinning on carbon stock absorption in Crytomeria japonica stands over time.
138 105 1 (2016)
(timber management)

, ·

STEMS(Belcher et al., 1982)

39 .





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(Received: October 2, 2015; Accepted: January 20, 2016)