Ancient DNA in Anthropology: Methods, Applications, and Ethics FREDERIKA A. KAESTLE 1,2 * AND K. ANN HORSBURGH 1 1 Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 2 Institute of Molecular Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 KEY WORDS molecular anthropology; biomolecular archaeology; aDNA authenticity; aDNA methods; human evolution; anthropological ethics; genetic anthropology ABSTRACT Anthropologists were quick to recognize the potential of new techniques in molecular biology to provide additional lines of evidence on questions long in- vestigated in anthropology, as well as those questions that, while always of interest, could not have been ad- dressed by more traditional techniques. The earliest an- cient DNA studies, both within anthropology and in other fields, lacked rigorous hypothesis testing. However, more recently the true value of ancient DNA studies is being realized, and methods are being applied to a wide variety of anthropological questions. We review the most common methods and applications to date, and describe promising avenues of future research. We find that ancient DNA analyses have a valuable place in the array of anthropo- logical techniques, but argue that such studies must not be undertaken merely to demonstrate that surviving DNA is present in organic remains, and that no such work should be performed before a careful consideration of the possible ethical ramifications of the research is under- taken. Yrbk Phys Anthropol 45:92–130, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 93 Background ............................................................................................................................................................ 94 Methods ...................................................................................................................................................................... 95 Applications ............................................................................................................................................................... 96 Human sources ...................................................................................................................................................... 96 Individual level .................................................................................................................................................. 96 Family level ........................................................................................................................................................ 98 Local level ......................................................................................................................................................... 100 Population level ................................................................................................................................................ 101 Species level ..................................................................................................................................................... 103 Nonhuman sources .............................................................................................................................................. 103 Environmental reconstruction ........................................................................................................................ 103 Insight into cultural practices ............................................................................................................................ 103 Seasonal population movement ...................................................................................................................... 103 Diet .................................................................................................................................................................... 103 Other biological remains ................................................................................................................................. 104 Animals as proxies for human population movement .................................................................................. 104 Infectious disease ............................................................................................................................................. 104 Nonhuman primates ........................................................................................................................................ 105 Applications summary ......................................................................................................................................... 105 Ethics of Ancient DNA Research ........................................................................................................................... 106 Ancient DNA and destructive analysis .............................................................................................................. 106 Grant sponsor: National Science Foundation; Grant sponsor: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; Grant sponsor: Indiana University David C. Skomp Endowment Fund; Grant sponsor: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research; Grant sponsor: Windward Island Re- search and Education Foundation. *Correspondence to: Dr. Frederika Kaestle, Department of Anthro- pology, SB130, Indiana University, 701 E. Kirkwood Ave., Blooming- ton, IN 47405-7100. E-mail: [email protected] DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10179 Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley. com). YEARBOOK OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 45:92–130 (2002) © 2002 WILEY-LISS, INC.

Ancient DNA in Anthropology. Methods, Applications Anf Ethics (2002)

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Page 1: Ancient DNA in Anthropology. Methods, Applications Anf Ethics (2002)

Ancient DNA in Anthropology: Methods, Applications,and EthicsFREDERIKA A. KAESTLE1,2* AND K. ANN HORSBURGH1

1Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 474052Institute of Molecular Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405

KEY WORDS molecular anthropology; biomolecular archaeology; aDNA authenticity;aDNA methods; human evolution; anthropological ethics; genetic anthropology

ABSTRACT Anthropologists were quick to recognizethe potential of new techniques in molecular biology toprovide additional lines of evidence on questions long in-vestigated in anthropology, as well as those questionsthat, while always of interest, could not have been ad-dressed by more traditional techniques. The earliest an-cient DNA studies, both within anthropology and in otherfields, lacked rigorous hypothesis testing. However, morerecently the true value of ancient DNA studies is beingrealized, and methods are being applied to a wide varietyof anthropological questions. We review the most commonmethods and applications to date, and describe promisingavenues of future research. We find that ancient DNAanalyses have a valuable place in the array of anthropo-logical techniques, but argue that such studies must notbe undertaken merely to demonstrate that surviving DNAis present in organic remains, and that no such workshould be performed before a careful consideration of the

possible ethical ramifications of the research is under-taken. Yrbk Phys Anthropol 45:92–130, 2002.© 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 93Background ............................................................................................................................................................ 94

Methods ...................................................................................................................................................................... 95Applications ............................................................................................................................................................... 96

Human sources ...................................................................................................................................................... 96Individual level .................................................................................................................................................. 96Family level ........................................................................................................................................................ 98Local level ......................................................................................................................................................... 100Population level ................................................................................................................................................ 101Species level ..................................................................................................................................................... 103

Nonhuman sources .............................................................................................................................................. 103Environmental reconstruction ........................................................................................................................ 103

Insight into cultural practices ............................................................................................................................ 103Seasonal population movement ...................................................................................................................... 103Diet .................................................................................................................................................................... 103Other biological remains ................................................................................................................................. 104Animals as proxies for human population movement .................................................................................. 104Infectious disease ............................................................................................................................................. 104Nonhuman primates ........................................................................................................................................ 105

Applications summary ......................................................................................................................................... 105Ethics of Ancient DNA Research ........................................................................................................................... 106

Ancient DNA and destructive analysis .............................................................................................................. 106

Grant sponsor: National Science Foundation; Grant sponsor: AlfredP. Sloan Foundation; Grant sponsor: Indiana University David C.Skomp Endowment Fund; Grant sponsor: Wenner-Gren Foundationfor Anthropological Research; Grant sponsor: Windward Island Re-search and Education Foundation.

*Correspondence to: Dr. Frederika Kaestle, Department of Anthro-pology, SB130, Indiana University, 701 E. Kirkwood Ave., Blooming-ton, IN 47405-7100. E-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10179Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.




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Human subjects ................................................................................................................................................... 106Ancient DNA and individual consent ............................................................................................................. 106Ancient DNA and living communities ............................................................................................................ 107

Suggestions for the future .................................................................................................................................. 108Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................................. 109Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................................... 109Appendix: Ancient DNA Methods .......................................................................................................................... 110

Potential sources .................................................................................................................................................. 110Will it work? ......................................................................................................................................................... 110Controlling for contamination ............................................................................................................................ 111Extraction methods ............................................................................................................................................. 112

Decontamination .............................................................................................................................................. 112Extraction ......................................................................................................................................................... 112

Phenol-chloroform protocol .......................................................................................................................... 112Silica-guanidinium thiocyanate (GnSCN) protocol .................................................................................... 112

Amplification ........................................................................................................................................................ 113PCR inhibition .................................................................................................................................................. 113

Electrophoresis .................................................................................................................................................... 113Sequencing ........................................................................................................................................................... 113Protocol modifications ......................................................................................................................................... 113

Decalcifying ...................................................................................................................................................... 113PTB ................................................................................................................................................................... 114Combined protocol ............................................................................................................................................ 114DNase ................................................................................................................................................................ 114Degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR (DOP-PCR) ................................................................................... 114Touchdown PCR ............................................................................................................................................... 114Various DNA polymerases .............................................................................................................................. 115

Important markers .............................................................................................................................................. 115Analysis ................................................................................................................................................................ 116

Phylogenetic trees ............................................................................................................................................ 116Networks ........................................................................................................................................................... 118Population statistics ........................................................................................................................................ 119Nonphylogenetic “cluster” analyses ................................................................................................................ 119Simulation models ........................................................................................................................................... 121

Literature Cited ...................................................................................................................................................... 121


The development of new techniques in molecularbiology in the late 1980s (Mullis and Faloona, 1987)rendered possible the analysis of the genetic mate-rial of deceased organisms. Physical anthropologistshad long used molecular characters of modern pop-ulations to elucidate human variability and humanprehistory (e.g., Wilson and Sarich, 1969). The ap-plication of the techniques of ancient DNA (aDNA)allowed, for the first time, a direct incorporation of atemporal component in molecular analyses. Anthro-pologists were quick to adopt these new techniquesfor the production of previously unobtainable data,which they have applied to the traditional suite ofanthropological research problems.

In the past decade, there have been several re-views of aDNA methods and results, some quitegeneral (Paabo, 1989, 1993; Paabo et al., 1989; Ro-gan and Salvo, 1990; Eglinton and Logan, 1991;Macko and Engel, 1991; DeSalle, 1994; Handt et al.,1994; Lister, 1994; Tuross, 1994; Poinar et al., 1996;Audic and BeraudColomb, 1997; Austin et al., 1997;Yang et al., 1997; Cooper and Wayne, 1998; Kelmanand Kelman, 1999; Wayne et al., 1999; Hofreiter et

al., 2001; Marota and Rollo, 2002), and a few specificto anthropological applications (Sykes, 1993; Brownand Brown, 1994; O’Rourke et al., 2000a; Brown andPluciennik, 2001). This review presents an updateddiscussion of recent research, organized by the levelof the research question, from individual to species.In addition, we present an extended examination ofaDNA methods, including data analysis. Finally, weinclude a substantial discussion of the ethical, legal,and social (ELSI) issues involved.

Application of aDNA techniques within anthropol-ogy permits analyses of patterns of molecular vari-ability in both human and nonhuman organisms, totest hypotheses about human origins and behavior.Population movement is often inferred as an expla-nation for rapid changes in material culture. Thisexplanation can be rigorously tested by the applica-tion of molecular techniques to the human remainsrecovered from both before and after the inferredpopulation replacement. Additionally, such data canbe used to reconstruct ancestor-descendant relation-ships between populations, and to discern patternsof interrelatedness between ancient groups withvarious levels of shared material culture. Further,molecular data obtained from ancient human re-

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mains can elucidate patterns of social structure.High-resolution analyses allow the sexing of humanremains (particularly useful with fragmentary orsubadult remains), as well as the development of anunderstanding of the spatial patterning of maternaland paternal lineages across burial grounds. Fromsuch data, light can be shed on issues of social sta-tus, marriage patterns, burial customs, and differ-ential patterns of disease and mortality by sex.

Nonhuman remains can also be subjected toaDNA analysis to illuminate several aspects of hu-man prehistory. The patterns of molecular diversityin nonhuman species can assist in the understand-ing of hunting and dietary behavior, to track thedomestication of various species, and to trace thehistories of ancient diseases. Furthermore, nonhu-man remains can be employed in environmental re-construction, in addition to being used as proxies forhuman movement, having been transported as com-mensal species.


The ability to extract and analyze DNA from an-cient remains has a relatively short history. Theearliest reported aDNA sequence came from thequagga, an extinct member of the horse/zebra family(Higuchi et al., 1984), followed the next year withthe first ancient human sequence (Paabo, 1985a; butsee Wang and Lu, 1981). The next few years sawseveral reports of additional ancient human DNArecovery (Doran et al., 1986; Paabo et al., 1988;Hagelberg et al., 1989), accompanied by minimalhypothesis testing. Initial studies were severely lim-ited by the degraded and fragmented nature ofaDNA, mostly a result of hydrolytic and oxidativeforces acting postmortem. However, the field wasrevolutionized (as was molecular genetics in gen-eral) by the invention and development of the poly-merase chain reaction (PCR) procedure for amplify-ing millions of copies of short fragments of DNA invitro (Mullis and Faloona, 1987; Saiki et al., 1988;Paabo, 1989; Paabo et al., 1989; for details, seeMethods, below). As discussed in Paabo (1993), PCRgreatly increased our ability to reliably and repro-ducibly type ancient genetic markers.

Early aDNA studies concentrated on the biochem-istry of DNA degradation, and simply confirmed theendogenous nature of the recovered DNA (Johnsonet al., 1985; Paabo, 1985a,b, 1989; Doran et al., 1986;Higuchi et al., 1987; Rogan and Salvo, 1990;Thuesen and Engberg, 1990; Lawlor et al., 1991).We now have a greater understanding of degrada-tive processes and potential complications (Lindahl,1993, 1997; Hedges et al., 1995; Hoss et al., 1996;Poinar et al., 1996; Bada et al., 1999; Arroyo-Pardoet al., 2002; Rollo et al., 2002), but there is still muchwork to be done.

Although early studies suggested that DNA wasrecoverable from remains more than a million yearsold (Golenberg et al., 1990; Soltis et al., 1992; Canoet al., 1992; DeSalle et al., 1992; Woodward et al.,

1994), recent studies have shown that these initialresults were due to contamination from modernsources (Paabo and Wilson, 1991; Young et al., 1995;Zischler et al., 1995; Wang et al., 1997; Yousten andRippere, 1997). It does not appear that DNA cansurvive significantly longer than 130,000 years,even under the best circumstances (Stankiewicz etal., 1998; Loreille et al., 2001), a figure which ex-ceeds some earlier estimates (Paabo, 1989; Paaboand Wilson, 1991; Lindahl, 1993, 1997; Poinar et al.,1996; Austin et al., 1997; Wayne et al., 1999; Hofre-iter et al., 2001). Nevertheless, studies of aDNAfrom remains within this time frame have the po-tential to add greatly to our understanding of hu-man/primate evolution and history, as discussedbelow.

Within the context of aDNA studies, there are twomain DNA sources: organellar and nuclear. Al-though the vast majority of genomic DNA is presentin the nucleus of a cell, each cell only contains twocopies of nuclear DNA (one paternal and one mater-nal). On the other hand, although the mitochondrialand chloroplast organelles only contain a small mi-nority of the total genomic DNA per cell, becausethere are hundreds of each organelle within the cell,each containing multiple copies of organellar DNA,there are often thousands of copies of mitochondrialor chloroplast DNA per cell. This higher copy num-ber per cell results in a higher likelihood of recoveryof intact segments of DNA from these organelles,compared with nuclear DNA, and most aDNA stud-ies to date have concentrated on this type of DNA.However, with improved extraction and amplifica-tion techniques, some researchers are beginning tohave success in accessing ancient nuclear DNA se-quences (Bacher et al., 1990; Hummel and Her-mann, 1996; Zierdt et al., 1996; Gerstenberger et al.,1999; Hummel et al., 1999; Schmerer et al., 1999;Schultes et al., 1999; Cunha et al., 2000). Thisbroadens significantly the horizon of potential hy-potheses that can be tested using aDNA, althoughsuch studies involve substantially higher failurerates at present.

Nuclear markers on the sex chromosomes aremost often used to genetically sex ancient individu-als (especially juveniles or partial remains; Bacheret al., 1990; Faerman et al., 1998; Schultes et al.,1999; Cunha et al., 2000), but can also be used toidentify maternal (X chromosome) or paternal (Ychromosome) lineages, and to detect genetic dis-eases. Autosomal nuclear markers (found on thenonsex chromosomes) can be utilized for paternityand maternity testing (especially using microsatel-lite markers), and to detect the presence/absence ofparticular genetic diseases or geographically specificvariation. Examining mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)allows us to trace maternal lineages through time(Spuhler, 1988; Wilson et al., 1985), as the mitochon-drial DNA is passed only from mother to child. Dueto a relatively high mutation rate (Brown et al.,1979; Harrison, 1989), mitochondrial markers are


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also often geographically specific, and in some casesare limited in distribution to a single tribe (privatepolymorphisms) (Schurr et al., 1990; Merriwether etal., unpublished findings). When analyzing multiplesamples from a population, the methods of popula-tion genetics, including construction of phylogenetictrees or networks, estimates of genetic diversity,genetic distance between populations, and estimatesof gene flow between populations, can be applied.When analyzing nonhuman animal species, mito-chondrial and nuclear DNA can be used in the sameways described above. However, to this point, non-human aDNA has been used (anthropologically)mostly to identify the genus and/or species of a mor-phologically indeterminate sample, or to inform phy-logenetic analyses. Chloroplasts, found in plants,have varied inheritance patterns (Birkey, 2001). Insome cases, chloroplast DNA could be used to tracematernal or paternal lineages of plants, but in gen-eral it is more anthropologically useful for the iden-tification of plant genus, and in some cases species(Brown et al., 1994; Rollo et al., 1994). DNA frominfectious organisms such as bacteria and virusescan also often be detected in ancient remains (Saloet al., 1994; Taubenberger et al., 1997; Braun et al.,1998; Donoghue et al., 1998; Guhl et al., 1999;Raoult et al., 2000; Taylor et al., 2000). The possibleapplications of these techniques for anthropologyare limited only by the imagination. The most com-mon applications to date are discussed below (andsee Table 1).


The following is only a brief summary of the meth-ods and considerations involved in aDNA analysis. Adetailed description of these methods is given in theAppendix. Ancient DNA has now been successfullyextracted from a wide variety of organic remains,including teeth, bone, and preserved soft tissues.Ancient DNA has also been extracted from otherresources, that while not “ancient” in the strictestsense, necessitate the use of techniques developed

for the challenges associated with aDNA, such asskins held in museums (Higuchi et al., 1984; Hors-burgh et al., 2002), hair (Morin et al., 1992, 1994),and feces (Gerloff et al., 1995; Launhardt et al.,1998). Like truly ancient samples, these resourcessuffer from a fragmented genome and the presenceof PCR inhibitors, which are coextracted with theDNA, frequently due to the preservatives that havebeen applied (Nicholson et al., 2002).

The quality of the DNA that survives in ancientsamples is highly dependent on the conditions of thearchaeological site from which they were excavated,much less than on the absolute age of the sample(Paabo, 1989; Rogan and Salvo, 1990; Tuross, 1994;Hoss et al., 1996; Austin et al., 1997; O’Rourke et al.,2000a; Kaestle and Smith, 2001a, b; Robins et al.,2001). The likelihood of success can be predicted, toa degree, from the gross morphology of the sample,as it is affected by many of the same factors as isDNA preservation. Except when the sample hasbeen mineralized, it has been our experience thatthe harder a bone or tooth sample is, the greaterthe probability of intact DNA being present in thesample.

Before DNA extraction can begin, the surface ofthe sample must be treated to remove contaminat-ing (exogenous) DNA. This can be achieved by phys-ically removing the surface of the sample, treating itwith bleach, irradiating it with ultraviolet (UV)light, or a combination thereof. Following decontam-ination, the sample is usually broken to expose in-ternal surfaces. Often, the sample is then treatedwith a proteinase and a detergent. The digestedsample is subjected to one of two protocols. A phenol/chloroform extraction involves incubation with anorganic phase (phenol and chloroform) into whichmany of the cell components migrate, leaving theDNA in the aqueous phase. The alternative ap-proach introduces silica powder to the digested sam-ple, to which DNA binds under the influence of gua-nidinium thiocyanate, allowing the remainder of thecontents of the digest to be washed away. Recently,

TABLE 1. Anthropological uses of ancient DNA

Application Implications Markers

Genetic sexing Understand marriage and burial patterns, differentialmortality rates between sexes, and differential patternsby sex of disease, diet, status, and material possessions

Sex chromosome markers

Nonhuman aDNA Understand hunting and dietary patterns, domestication ofanimals and plants, environmental reconstruction,commensal animals as proxies for human populations,and trace history and patterns of prehistoric and historicdiseases

Mitochondrial, chloroplast,and autosomal DNA

Maternal and paternal kinship Understand social structure, status, marriage patterns,burial customs, and migration

Mitochondrial and sexchromosome DNA, andautosomal microsatellites

Population continuity andreplacement

Trace prehistoric population movement, ancestor-descendant relationships between groups, andrelationships among ancient groups with similar/differentmorphology or cultural remains

Mitochondrial, sexchromosome, andautosomal DNA

Phylogenetic reconstruction Patterns of species evolution, and origin of modern humans Mitochondrial, sexchromosome, andautosomal DNA

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several methods combining phenol/chloroform andsilica were developed.

The DNA extract is then concentrated, and thesection of interest is copied (amplified) using thepolymerase chain reaction (PCR). The section ofDNA most frequently targeted is the hypervariableregion of the mitochondrial genome. This particularstretch of DNA is chosen because the mitochondrialgenome is present in multiple copies in most cells,increasing the likelihood that at least a few copieswill survive for substantial periods of time. Onceamplified, the DNA of interest can be examined bydirect sequencing, by using restriction enzymes thatcleave the DNA at specific sequences, or by otherstandard methods, to discern sequence differencesbetween individuals.

The resulting DNA data can by analyzed in myr-iad ways, but they all seek to recognize meaningfulpatterns in variability between individuals andgroups. These methods include genetic distance sta-tistics, phylogenetic trees and networks, clusteranalyses, and simulation analyses.

Proper extraction and analysis of aDNA are quitecomplicated, and methods continue to evolve (seethe Appendix for an in-depth description of methodsof extraction and analysis). Despite this, there isgeneral agreement on standard protocols to preventand detect contamination (see Appendix), which areespecially important to follow in analyses of uniqueor extraordinary samples. Unfortunately, this hasnot always been done (e.g., Woodward et al., 1994;Adcock et al, 2001a). We also note that aDNA re-searchers regularly experience failure rates of over50% (e.g., Malhi, 2001), often discard weeks’ (ormonths’) worth of data due to contamination prob-lems (e.g., see Kaestle et al., 1999), and speak irrev-erently of “PCR gods.” This is a task for neither theimpatient nor the ill-trained. However, this is alsonot magic. There is sufficient evidence today to beconfident that aDNA can be recovered from a mul-titude of sources, dating as far-back as tens of mil-lennia in the past.


Human sourcesIndividual level. At the simplest level, that of theindividual, aDNA studies allows us to determine thesex of an individual using markers on the X and Ychromosomes. Ancient DNA can also identify indi-viduals uniquely, using methods similar to thoseemployed by forensic scientists. In this way, mixedremains can be sorted into a minimum number ofindividuals, and disarticulated remains can be reas-sociated (whether they became disarticulated attime of burial or after recovery). If morphologicalattributes suggest that an individual suffered from agenetic or infectious disease, aDNA could be used toconfirm the presence of the disease-causing allele orinfectious agent. Finally, individuals with knownliving descendants could be individually identified

through comparisons of their aDNA with that oftheir putative descendants.

Genetic sexing is particularly useful in cases of re-covery of fragmentary remains or of juveniles and in-fants, who are extremely difficult to sex using stan-dard morphological methods (Schutkowski, 1993).Two interesting examples of genetic sexing of stillborn/neonate individuals are those performed on remainsfrom an Ashkelon bathhouse sewer (Israel, late Ro-man era; Faerman et al., 1998), and those performedon remains from the Aegerten burial site (Bern,Switzerland, 12–19th centuries; Lassen et al., 2000).

Excavations at Ashkelon discovered the remainsof approximately 100 neonates in a sewer beneath aRoman bathhouse, presumed to have been a brothel,dating between the 4–6th centuries CE (Smith andKahila, 1992; Faerman et al., 1998). These remains,found along with animal bones and other refuse, arepresumed to have been the result of infanticide,especially when compared with the careful burial ofan infant uncovered at the same site (Smith andKahila, 1992; Faerman et al., 1998). Genetic sexanalyses on 43 left femurs from these individualswere able to identify the sex of 19, with 14 beingmale and 5 female (Faerman et al., 1998). This highfrequency of male infanticide (!74%) is surprising,given that daughters were generally the less valuedsex in this society (Pomeroy, 1983; Wiedemann,1989). The authors suggest that these neonates werethe offspring of prostitutes/courtesans working inthe bathhouse who preferentially reared females tofollow in their professional footsteps (Faerman etal., 1998). However, it is important to note that, withsuch a small sample size, these results are not quitestatistically significantly different from the observednatural neonatal sex ratio of 1.05:1 (Cowgill andHutchinson, 1963) (chi-square " 3.8377, P " 0.0501;our calculations). In addition, the DNA fragmentsamplified from these remains are relatively long forancient nuclear DNA, which leaves us with ques-tions regarding the possibility of contaminationfrom modern sources. The publication of mitochon-drial sequences from these ancient neonates wouldhelp alleviate our concerns.

The Aegerton site is a cemetery site associatedwith a church, including 263 graves dating betweenthe 12–19th centuries CE, with an additional 132stillborn or neonate individuals (“Traufkinder”) bur-ied near the church walls (Lassen et al., 2000). Mor-phological sex determination of the infants showed askewed sex ratio, with 60% of individuals assignedas females (Bacher et al., 1990). This was a surpris-ing result, as the context of burial suggested thatthese infants had been natural stillbirths or neona-tal deaths buried without baptism (Bacher et al.,1990; Lassen et al., 2000), and thus should conformto the slightly higher mortality rate of males duringlate gestation and shortly after birth (Cowgill andHutchinson, 1963; Shapiro et al., 1968). The excessin female individuals is statistically significantly dif-ferent from the expected natural 1.05:1 ratio (chi-


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square " 4.002, P " 0.045; our calculations). Thisexcess in female individuals suggested, therefore,that some type of sex-biased neglect, or even infan-ticide, might be taking place. However, genetic sexdeterminations on 121 of the stillborn/neonate indi-viduals found that many individuals had been as-signed to the incorrect sex, and showed instead aslightly male-biased sex ratio (Lassen et al., 2000),as expected for natural stillbirth/neonatal mortalityrates. Examination of the morphometric vs. geneticsex of infants between ages 0–6 months from thissite also showed an underdetection of male infantsusing morphometric methods (Lassen et al., 2000).

A high error rate in morphological sex determina-tion of infant and juvenile remains, as seen in theexample above, is not terribly surprising (Mays andCox, 2000). However, evaluation of morphologicalsexing of adults using genetic techniques has alsoshown a relatively high error rate (Hummel et al.,2000). Even when limited to remains of fully adultindividuals with skulls and, in most cases, the oscoxa preserved, from a sample with strong dimor-phism of cranial traits, morphological sexing errorrates (determined by genetic sexing) were approxi-mately 12% (Hummel et al., 2000). Those subsets ofindividuals who were less confidently assigned tosex (deemed “ambiguous”) using morphologicalmethods were, in fact, incorrectly assigned in 33% ofcases (Hummel et al., 2000). These results confirmthose based on morphological studies of individualsof known sex (Weiss, 1972; St. Hoyme and Iscan,1989).

Identifying the sex of ancient remains, especiallythose difficult to sex morphologically, can help ustest hypotheses of differential mortality rates (eithernatural or through human action), as shown above.In addition, genetic sex identification can allow us toexplore differential patterns by sex of disease, diet,status, and material possessions (at least those rep-resented as grave goods), all of which have beenhypothesized to be important factors in prehistoricand historic human societies (Domasnes, 1991;Larsen, 1997; Grauer and Stuart-Macadam, 1998;Pearson, 1999; Arnold and Wicker, 2001). However,when interpreting our results, we must remind our-selves that the dichotomous nature of genetic sexdoes not always map one-to-one onto societies’ gen-der roles (whether dichotomous or more nuanced)(Rubin, 1975; Taylor, 1996; Pearson, 1999). In addi-tion, it is important to temper this “functionalist”viewpoint with the knowledge that “the arena ofmortuary rites [forms] a nexus of conflict and powerstruggle” among living agents (Pearson, 1999, p. 23).As such, mortuary practices are a reflection of theplace in society (in terms of age, sex, gender, kin-ship, status, etc.) of not only the deceased, but also ofthose still living (Giddens, 1984; Wylie, 1989; Met-calf and Huntington, 1991; Pearson, 1999).

Beyond sexing, individual variation on autosomalchromosomes could be utilized for several purposes.First, in cases where morphological (and/or histori-

cal) evidence suggests that an individual sufferedfrom a genetic disease, the region of the gene asso-ciated with that disease could be amplified fromaDNA, and mutations associated with that diseasecould be detected. For example, it has been sug-gested that we could determine if Abraham Lincolnsuffered from Marfan syndrome (McKusick, 1991;Reilly, 2000), which is caused by one of several mu-tations in the fibrillin gene, located on chromosome15 (Ramirez et al., 1993). Lincoln appeared to sufferfrom several of the symptoms of Marfan syndrome(e.g., extremely tall, with very long arms andhands), and descendants of his great-great-grandfa-ther (Mordecai Lincoln II) have been diagnosed withthe disease (Reilly, 2000). It has been suggestedthat, had Booth not assassinated him, he might havedied at a relatively young age due to the rupture ofhis aorta, a common cause of death in those withMarfan syndrome. Although Lincoln’s preserved tis-sue is held by the National Museum of Health andMedicine in Washington, DC, and several peoplehave proposed this research, it has not yet beenauthorized (Reilly, 2000). It has also been suggestedthat Lincoln suffered from depression, described bycontemporaries as “melancholia.” Although currentresearch has suggested that there is some geneticcomponent to many depressive disorders (Berrettiniet al., 1994; Ewald et al., 1995; Blackwood et al.,1996; Ginns et al., 1996; Reus and Freimer, 1997;Baron, 2001), thus far candidate genes have notstood up to rigorous scientific testing (Baron et al.,1993: Gomez-Casero et al., 1996; Smyth et al., 1997).This does not mean that genes increasing risks ofdepression will not be identified in the near future,and it has been suggested that Lincoln’s “melancho-lia” could be explored using aDNA as well (Reilly,2000). The ethics of studying diseases, especiallypsychological diseases, in deceased individuals ofknown identity, both for the impact on their reputa-tions and those of their descendants, is problematic(Holm, 2001), and is discussed in more detail inEthics of Ancient DNA Research, below.

Second, persons with known living descendantscould be individually identified through compari-sons of their aDNA to that of their putative descen-dants. If children of the individual can be identified,a “reverse” paternity or maternity test can be per-formed using microsatellite markers, as was done toidentify the remains of Josef Mengele exhumed inBrazil (Jeffreys et al., 1992). If direct maternal orpaternal relatives can be identified, mtDNA or Y-chromosome haplotypes can be used to test hypoth-eses of identity, as was done with much publicity inthe case of the Romanov family remains (Gill et al.,1994), and also to show that the remains buried inDelft as “Louis XVII” cannot be the son of Louis XVIand Marie-Antoinette (Jehaes et al., 1998).

Although recently deceased individuals with liv-ing descendants or known familial relationships canbe identified using aDNA, it is much more difficult toidentify the descendants of a single ancient individ-

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ual of unknown identity from hundreds or thou-sands of years ago. If we take mitochondrial DNA asan example, it could be argued that modern individ-uals possessing hypervariable sequences identical toan ancient individual are likely to be direct mater-nal descendants, while those without identical se-quences are not. However, there are several difficul-ties with this argument. First, most people alivethousands of years ago have either no direct mater-nal descendants or a great number of maternal de-scendants (scattered throughout many living popu-lations, most likely). Avise (1987) showed that if thenumber of daughters produced by females follows aPoisson distribution with a mean (and variance) ofone surviving daughter per female, the probabilitythat any individual mother’s mtDNA will surviveeven 100 generations (approximately 2,000 years forhumans) is lower than 2%. Thus, most females alive2,000 years ago will have no direct maternal descen-dants. Conversely, the vast majority of people alivetoday can trace their mitochondrial lineage to a verysmall number of women living 2,000 years ago. How-ever, since at least some of those “lucky” womenwere matrilineally related to those whose lineagesdo not survive, matches (or near-matches) betweenmodern lineages and those derived from prehistoricremains thousands of years old can be expected tooccur at a much higher frequency.

For example, if we examine mitochondrial se-quences from two ancient individuals from westernNevada (NSM 10, 1,620 # 50 BP and NSM 11,1,490 # 50 BP; Kaestle, 1998; Kaestle and Smith,2001a), and compare them with sequences publiclyavailable on the GenBank database (maintained bythe National Center for Biotechnology Information,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/, Benson et al., 2000),we find two very different stories. For the first an-cient individual (NSM 10, nucleotide positions (nps)16090–16330 " 241 base pairs (bp)), there are noidentical sequences in the database. Thus, we findno individuals (sequenced to date) alive today whocan trace their maternal lineage directly back to thisancient individual. On the other hand, for the sameregion of sequence for the second individual (NSM11), there are seven identical sequences found in thedatabase. These matches include three modern Na-tive American individuals: two from the Brazil/Par-aguay/Uruguay region of South America (GenBankaccession number AF243628, Alves-Silva et al.,2000; and GenBank accession number AF346984,Ingman et al., 2000), and one from the NorthwestCoast of North America (GenBank accession num-ber M76011, Ward et al., 1991). The remainder ofthe matches are individuals from Asia. These in-clude three modern Ainu from Japan (Genbank ac-cession numbers D84762, D84769, and D84773, Horaiet al., 1996), and a Kazak individual from far westernChina (Genbank accession number AF273575, Yao etal., 2000). Although it is possible that an ancient Na-tive American woman alive approximately 1,500 yearsago is the ancestress to living peoples in both South

and North America, it is unlikely. It is extremelyunlikely that she is also the ancestress of peopleliving today in northern Japan and western China.A more likely explanation is that all of these peopleare descendants of some earlier ancestress, probablyliving in Asia thousands of years ago, before thepeopling of the Americas. Although they are ulti-mately related to each other in some distant way, itis unlikely that any are direct descendants of theancient individual in question.

Another difficulty in tying living people to a singleancient individual is that it is impossible to rule outa direct relationship using maternal and/or paternallineages. Because mtDNA is inherited through thematernal line, but nuclear DNA is inherited fromboth parents equally, while one inherits 100% ofone’s mtDNA from only 1 of 16 great-great-grand-parents, that particular ancestress contributed only1/16 or about 6% of one’s nuclear DNA. Thus, mito-chondrial DNA is inherited from only one (female) ofmany ancestors, and only traces that one relation-ship of many. If an ancestral connection to an an-cient female individual includes just one male (e.g.,a great-great-great-grandfather), then the mito-chondrial signal of that connection will be lost. Thesame is true of Y-chromosome DNA, except that it isinherited exclusively through the paternal line.Thus, although specific modern individuals can beincluded as possible direct descendants of a partic-ular prehistoric individual (as above), no modernindividual can be definitely excluded as a descen-dant of any given prehistoric individual using aDNAdata.

Family level. The use of pedigrees has a long his-tory within the field of anthropology, and aDNAanalyses now allow us to extend these applicationsinto the past. At a basic level, maternal and paternallineages (but not necessarily maternity and pater-nity) can be identified using mtDNA and Y-chromo-some DNA, respectively. If long, highly variableDNA regions are examined, people from the samearchaeological site or region who share identical,relatively rare mutations are likely to be closelyrelated, because they are not separated by enoughgenerations for a mutational event to have occurred.However, this method does not allow us to identifymaternity or paternity with a high degree of confi-dence. An individual, barring a meiotic mutationalevent, will share identical mtDNA mutations notonly with his/her mother, but also with siblings,maternal grandmother, maternal aunts and uncles,maternal cousins, etc. Furthermore, males, againbarring a meiotic mutational event, will share iden-tical Y-chromosome mutations not only with theirfathers, but also with their brothers, paternalgrandfather, paternal uncles, paternal male cousins,etc.

To actually identify maternity and paternityamong ancient individuals, we must examine thevariation in a relatively large number of highly vari-


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able autosomal markers. Because children inheritone copy of each chromosome from each parent, halfof their autosomal mutations should match eachparent. Using these same markers can also helpidentify other familial relationships, such as siblings(Gill et al., 1994).

Identifying maternal and paternal lineages, oreven more specific familial relationships, within thearchaeological record represents a huge leap for-ward in testing hypotheses of social structure, mar-riage patterns, and burial customs of prehistoricsocieties. Although kinship relationships can be hy-pothesized based on burial patterns or morphologi-cal similarity (Larsen, 1997), they cannot be directlytested without the use of DNA (Stoneking, 1995). Aninteresting example of the elucidation of familialrelationships in an archaeological context can beseen in the excavation of St. Margareth’s Church(Reichersdorf, Germany) (Gerstenberger et al.,

1999; Hummel et al., 1999). Inscriptions on memo-rial stones at the church indicate that eight malemembers (from seven generations) of the Earl ofKonigsfeld family were buried there between 1546–1749. Genetic tests on seven of these individuals(the eighth skeleton having been destroyed by graverobbers) showed significant disagreement with thegenealogy as reconstructed from historical sources(see Fig. 1). Two of the 7 individuals were geneticallyfemale, and thus were not Earls. An analysis of theautosomal and Y-chromosomal microsatellites sug-gested further anomalies. The pattern of thesemarkers showed that skeletons of the two most se-nior Earls (Hanns Christoph and Hanns Sigmund)had been exchanged, probably during excavation,and that the most recent male interred (Georg Josef)could not have been the biological son of the previousEarl (Josef Wilhelm). Thus this individual is eithernot a member of the Konigsfeld family or is the

Fig. 1. a: Historical reconstruction of Konigsfeld family pedigree. Shaded individuals were not buried in the family sepulcher atSt. Margareth. Individuals in bold represent recovered skeletal remains, with skeletal ID number associated with each individualindicated. Data from Hummel et al. (1999, Fig. 2, p. 1718). b: Genetic reconstruction of Konigsfeld family pedigree. Shaded individualswere not buried in the family sepulcher at St. Margareth. Individuals in bold represent recovered skeletal remains, with skeletal IDnumber associated with each individual indicated. Data from Hummel et al. (1999, Fig. 2, p. 1718).

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product of a “nonpaternity event.” The autosomalhaplotype of one of the female individuals, previ-ously identified as Karl Albrecht (Georg Josef’s son)based on historical evidence, was consistent withher having been the daughter of Georg Josef, andthus she has been identified as one of Karl Al-brecht’s sisters. The autosomal haplotype of the sec-ond female individual is consistent with her beingthe mother of the first female (i.e., she was GeorgJosef’s wife Maria Anna). The authors propose thatthe presence of a complete family group (Georg Jo-sef, Maria Anna, and their daughter) in the Konigs-feld sepulcher suggests that Georg Josef was indeedthe product of a nonpaternity event, as it is “ratherunlikely that a family not belonging to the Konigs-feld genealogy was laid to rest” there (Gerstenbergeret al., 1999, p. 475). On the other hand, the remain-der of the historically reconstructed relationshipsfor this family are consistent with the genetic anal-ysis. It is important to note that, when dealing withidentifiable deceased individuals, one should con-sider the implications of potential results for thereputation and/or feelings of any living descendants(Holm, 2001), especially if nonpaternity events maybe detected (see ethics section below).

Local level. The distinction between family and lo-cal levels is somewhat arbitrary, in that some groupsare composed of only one or a few families, while manyof our questions about larger groups concern how theydefined kinship, patterns of marriage, and so on,which are ultimately questions about families. Al-though it has been suggested that archaeologicalgroups, especially those of hunter/gatherer societies,are likely to have low levels of diversity because theyhad small population sizes, leading to both inbreedingand high levels of genetic drift (Cavalli-Sforza andBodmer, 1999), studies of mitochondrial hypervariableregion sequence diversity in ancient groups with rela-tively large samples do not show reduced diversitycompared to modern groups (Kaestle, 1998; Stone andStoneking, 1998; Shinoda and Kanai, 1999; Wang etal., 2000; Malhi, 2001). In addition, a recent study,designed to mimic the sampling possible in aDNAstudies, showed relatively high microsatellite het-erozygosities, with observed genotypic frequencies ap-proximating those expected under Hardy-Weinbergequilibrium, among the Shamatari (Williams et al.,2002), a cluster of approximately 12 Yanomamo vil-lages (Chagnon, 1997). These reasonably high levelsof diversity suggest that it may be possible to dis-tinguish common inheritance/residence patterns (ei-ther general patterns of endogamy vs. exogamy, orspecific patterns of patrilineal/patrilocal vs. matri-lineal/matrilocal), either by direct examination oflineage patterning (Goldstein, 1981; Hummel andHerrmann, 1996) or through comparisons of esti-mates of levels of variation within maternally, pa-ternally, and biparentally inherited genetic markerswithin and between groups or classes (Lane andSublett, 1972; Spence, 1974). A simulation model

was recently developed to determine our ability todetect inheritance/residence patterns, using aDNAevidence (Usher et al., 2002). Preliminary resultssuggest that this should be possible, given largeenough sample sizes.

Previously, these methods relied on morphologicalevidence of kinship (Konigsberg, 1988; Buikstra etal., 1990; Johnson and Lovell, 1994; Larsen, 1997),which assumes morphological similarities are theresult of genetic relatedness. However, morphologi-cal traits are the phenotypic result of a complexinteraction of multiple genes and the environment,along with activity-induced remodeling, and thuscan be problematic proxies for genes (Larsen, 1997).For example, craniometric studies of Native Ameri-can individuals find that populations from Tierra delFuego and the Arctic cluster with each other, to theexclusion of other Native American groups (Hernan-dez et al., 1997). Obviously, these two groups do notshare a more recent common ancestry with eachother than with the other Native American groupsliving between them. It has been suggested thatadaptations to similar environments, such as coldstress or heavy mastication, have resulted in similarcranial morphologies for these two groups (Hy-lander, 1977; Lahr, 1995; Hernandez et al., 1997;Larsen, 1997).

With aDNA we can now test hypotheses of inher-itance/residence patterns directly. For example, Shi-noda and Kanai (1999) are examining the mitochon-drial DNA recovered from individuals buried in aJomon shell midden (4500 BP), located north of To-kyo Bay, Japan, to test the hypothesis that theseindividuals belong to a single (or small number of)family group(s). Their preliminary results from 29individuals show that more than 75% of these indi-viduals fall into just two mitochondrial haplotypes,suggesting that this population may, indeed, haveconsisted of two major families, defined maternally.However, complicating this interpretation is the factthat the remaining seven individuals fall into sevendistinct mitochondrial haplotypes. Without informa-tion on the sex of these individuals, one can onlyspeculate that these might be male “immigrants”into the family. In general, patrilocal/patrilinealgroups will have lower levels of diversity in pater-nally inherited markers, while matrilocal/matrilin-eal groups will have lower levels in maternally in-herited markers (Usher et al., 2002). In addition, itmight be possible to identify individuals as migrantsusing statistical analyses to identify “atypical” indi-viduals (Waser and Strobeck, 1998; Cornuet et al.,1999; Davies et al., 1999; Rannala and Mountain,1997; Vasquez-Dominguez et al., 2001). However, itmust be remembered that the application of popula-tion genetic methods to ancient samples is compli-cated by the temporal distribution of samples, cre-ating large margins of error in estimated variables(e.g., Hunley, 2002; Hunley and Merriwether, 2002).


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Population level. Events of prehistoric popula-tion movement and issues of population continuityor replacement, especially when a large number ofancient individuals are available for testing, can beexplored using aDNA. Because genetic variation isinherited from a group’s ancestors, modern groupsare expected to have similar frequencies of geneticmarkers to their ancestors, while ancient and mod-ern groups with very different frequencies are notlikely to be closely related (except in cases of ex-treme genetic drift or selective forces). In addition,certain genetic markers have limited distributionsand can be used as indicators of relationship. In thisway, we can approach questions of ancestor-descen-dant relationships at many scales.

At a fine scale, aDNA data can be used to testhypotheses of population continuity at a single site.For example, Wang et al. (2000) used mitochondrialsequence data from ancient individuals recoveredfrom the Linzi archaeological site, China. The au-thors compared data from remains at both the 2,500and 2,000 BP horizons of Linzi to those of moderngroups living both at Linzi and throughout centraland eastern Asia, identifying six major mitochon-

drial haplogroups. The frequencies of these haplo-groups have changed drastically in this region (seeFig. 2; the differences in frequencies are statisticallysignificant for comparisons of the 2,500 BP sampleto both the 2,000 BP sample and the present-daysample, but the 2,000 BP sample and the present-day sample are not statistically significantly differ-ent from each other in haplogroup frequencies, usinga chi-square test for homogeneity; p $ 0.05, ourcalculations), suggesting to the authors that therewas significant movement within this region duringthis time (consistent with historical records). How-ever, it is important to note that sample sizes, par-ticularly for the 2,000 BP sample, are not large, andthis might have contributed to the differences de-tected (or not detected) among these groups. In ad-dition, when compared with sequence data fromaround Eurasia, the 2,500 BP sample clusters withmodern European rather than Asian populations, apattern that the authors interpret as evidence of “agenetic shift in the Linzi area from a European-likepopulation to a population more like those found inpresent-day east Asia, probably caused by migra-tion” (Wang et al., 2000, p. 1,399). However, this

Fig. 2. Frequencies of mitochondrial haplogroups in ancient and modern Linzi groups (data from Wang et al., 2000).

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could also be an indicator of contamination of highlydegraded DNA. It is possible that laboratory re-agents or disposables were contaminated at themanufacturer, resulting in European-type se-quences. In addition, very weak signals and/or con-tamination from multiple sources may be recordedas a signal of the reference sequence, against whichmost sequences are “corrected” and aligned, which isof European origin (Andersen et al., 1981).

At a slightly broader scale, the exploration of hy-potheses of larger population movements has alsobenefited from aDNA data. For example, linguisticand archaeological evidence has suggested severalprehistoric population movements in the Americasthat are currently being explored using aDNA (Parret al., 1996; Hayes, 2001; Kaestle and Smith, 2001a;Malhi, 2001, 2002; Carlyle, 2002; Eshleman,2002a,b; Kemp et al., 2002). Although O’Rourke etal. (2000b) suggested that aDNA results from NorthAmerica show geographic variation similar to thatfound among modern Native North Americans,analyses at finer geographic levels (e.g., Kaestle andSmith, 2001a), analyses using simulations (e.g., Ca-bana, 2002), and new aDNA studies (e.g., Malhi,2001; Eshleman, 2002b) all provide evidence of pre-historic population movement and genetic disconti-nuity in some regions of North America. An exampleof such a project is that exploring prehistoric popu-lation movement in the Great Basin (Kaestle, 1997,1998; Kaestle et al., 1999; Kaestle and Smith,2001a). Both linguistic and archaeological evidencehas been used to suggest that the current inhabit-ants of the Great Basin, speakers of Numic lan-guages, are recent immigrants into the area (withinthe last 1,000 years) who replaced the previous in-habitants (Madsen and Rhode, 1994). However, oth-ers have interpreted this same evidence as a sign oflocal adaptation to a changing environment and in-creasing population density (Madsen and Rhode,1994). As part of a larger project to study the pre-history of the western Great Basin, begun by theNevada State Museum with permission from localNative American tribal groups, mtDNA from ap-proximately 30 ancient individuals from westernNevada was analyzed. Modern Native Americanspossess genetic markers in their mtDNA that dividethem into at least five maternal lineages, or haplo-groups, called A, B, C, D, and X (Schurr et al., 1990;Brown et al., 1998; Smith et al., 1999). These ma-ternal haplogroups represent a subset of those cur-rently found in Eurasia. Recent studies of ancientmtDNA from the prehistoric inhabitants of theAmericas confirmed that the majority of ancient Na-tive Americans also fall into these five haplogroups(Stone and Stoneking, 1993; Parr et al., 1996;O’Rourke et al., 1996; Kaestle, 1998; Kaestle andSmith, 2001a; Malhi and Smith, 2002). However, thefrequencies of these haplogroups vary significantlyamong both modern and ancient Native Americansgroups, often following linguistic or geographicboundaries (Merriwether et al., 1994; Lorenz and

Smith, 1996; Kaestle, 1998; Kaestle and Smith,2001a). Studies show that the frequencies of thesehaplogroups in the ancient western Nevadans werestatistically different from those of modern inhabit-ants, and in fact from all modern Native Americansfrom the western US studied, except for some groupsin California (Kaestle, 1997, 1998; Kaestle et al.,1999; Kaestle and Smith, 2001a). This dissimilarityin mtDNA haplogroup frequencies supports the hy-pothesis that the Numic presence in the Great Basinis quite recent, and suggests that the previous in-habitants are most closely related to the moderncentral California Native Americans (with whomthey appear to have had cultural ties; see Hattori,1982; Moratto, 1984). However, phylogenetic analy-sis of these data also suggests that there was alimited amount of admixture between the expandingNumic group and the previous inhabitants of thewestern Great Basin (Kaestle, 1998; Kaestle et al.,1999; Kaestle and Smith, 2001a). Again, it is impor-tant to note that these results may have been sig-nificantly affected by small sample size, and sam-pling across temporal boundaries. However, initialresults of simulations to model these effects con-tinue to suggest that genetic drift alone cannot ac-count for the difference in mitochondrial haplogroupfrequencies between the ancient and modern inhab-itants of the western Great Basin (Cabana, 2002;Cabana et al., 2002). Interestingly, Parr et al. (1996;and see Carlyle et al., 2000) showed that the ancientFremont inhabitants of the eastern Great Basin alsohad significantly different mitochondrial haplo-groups frequencies from those of the modern inhab-itants of the Great Basin. However, these frequen-cies are also significantly different from those of theancient inhabitants of the western Great Basin(Kaestle and Smith, 2001a), with the ancient west-ern Great Basin sample possessing haplogroup Abut not haplogroup C, and intermediate frequenciesof haplogroup B and D, while the ancient easternGreat Basin sample shows the presence of haplo-group C but not A, and extremely high frequencies ofhaplogroup B but very low frequencies of haplogroupD (for summary statistics, see O’Rourke et al.,2000b). Although both of these regions are currentlyinhabited by speakers of Numic languages, and aregenerally considered to be within the Great Basincultural zone (Driver, 1961), these results suggestthat biologically distinguishable populations wereinhabiting this region in prehistory.

Ancient DNA data has also entered the debate onlarge-scale population movements, such as the peo-pling of whole continents or the Pacific Islands (Ho-rai et al., 1991; Hagelberg, 1997; Stone and Stone-king, 1998; Smith et al., 2000a; Adcock et al., 2001a;Hayes, 2001; Kaestle and Smith, 2001b, 2002). Forexample, it was shown that the ancient Paleoindians(the first inhabitants of the Americas) are morpho-logically distinct from living Native Americans (e.g.,Steele and Powell, 1992; Neves et al., 1999), leadingsome to suggest that the initial colonizers of the


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Americas were not the direct ancestors of the livingNative Americans (Munford et al., 1995; Morell,1998). However, preliminary analyses of the mito-chondrial DNA from these ancient individuals hasbeen able to confirm the presence of mitochondrialhaplogroups found among living Native Americans(Smith et al., 2000a; Kaestle and Smith, 2001b,2002) in the majority of Paleoindians studied todate. This suggests that there is at least some mea-sure of continuity between these earliest inhabit-ants and modern Native Americans.

Species level. The clarification of relationshipsbetween modern humans and other hominids wasrecently approached with aDNA techniques. The po-sition of Neandertals in our evolutionary history hasbeen debated ever since they were recognized assimilar, but not identical, to modern humans.Krings et al. (1997) published a portion of a mito-chondrial sequence from a Neandertal type speci-men. When replicating their results in an indepen-dent laboratory, the replicating laboratory (A. Stone,Pennsylvania State University) amplified only con-taminating modern human DNA before amplifica-tion was attempted with Neandertal-specific prim-ers that had been designed from the sequencealready obtained in the original laboratory (Univer-sity of Munich). Adcock et al. (2001c) criticized thestudy for this, arguing that such an approach doesnot comprise an independent verification. However,the use of species-specific primers when possible iswell within the bounds of standard protocols.

Since the original publication of a NeandertalDNA sequence, mitochondrial sequences of two fur-ther Neandertal individuals have been published(Krings et al., 2000; Ovchinnikov et al., 2000), andwhile thus far represented by a sample size of onlythree, the Neandertal mitochondrial DNA se-quences do appear to consistently differ from thoseof modern humans. Precisely what such sequencedivergences mean remains unclear. The nature ofthe relationship between species or subspecies sta-tus, and genetic, specifically mitochondrial, se-quence divergence is not well-understood (e.g.,Morin et al., 1992), but there does appear to be arelatively high degree of divergence between thesepopulations, when compared with divergences be-tween living human populations. Naturally a sam-ple size of three leaves a great deal unknown, butthis is a worthwhile line of research.

Recently, mitochondrial sequence data from 10ancient Australians, including both robust and grac-ile types, and most controversially of LM3, a gracileindividual dating to about 60 kya (Adcock et al.,2001a), were added to the debate. Adcock et al.(2001a) argued that the sequence of LM3 divergedfrom those represented by modern humans beforethe most recent common ancestor of all extant hu-mans. The results of their phylogenetic analysisplaces the sequence of LM3 outside the clade con-taining all modern humans sequenced thus far, and

sister to the sequence of a nuclear pseudogene. Ad-cock et al. (2001a,b) argued that the presence of theLM3 sequence outside modern human variation isinconsistent with an “Out of Africa” model of theorigins of modern humans. This study, however, hasattracted substantial criticisms for the laboratorymethods employed, the analytical techniques, andtheir interpretation of the results of those analyses(Cooper et al., 2001; Colgan, 2001; Groves, 2001;Trueman, 2001). If the sequences produced in thisstudy (Adcock et al., 2001a) are indeed endogenousto the sample, further analysis is certainly requiredto determine what it is they really mean about theorigins of our species (Relethford, 2001).

Nonhuman sourcesEnvironmental reconstruction. Prehistoriansare frequently interested in reconstructing the envi-ronment in which ancient peoples lived. An under-standing of the ecosystem in which prehistoric peo-ples existed can provide insights into the culturaladaptations required by the environment, such asfood acquisition behaviors, and into patterns of sea-sonal movement. It may also inform our understand-ing of the domestication process. Environmental re-construction is typically undertaken by identifyingthe floral and faunal remains at a site, and inferringthe local environment from the preferred habitats ofthose species. Unfortunately, species identificationof archaeological remains is frequently inaccurate(Gobalet, 2001; Matisoo-Smith and Allen, 2001). Inaddition, closely related but morphologically indis-tinct species routinely prefer widely varying habi-tats. Thus, the accurate identification of species canbe critical to the reconstruction of local environ-ments. The techniques of aDNA can be employed inthis instance to accurately identify the speciespresent in an archaeological site. Barnes et al.(2000), for example, made use of the different envi-ronments inhabited by various species of geese (asdiscussed below) to draw inferences about the localenvironment.

Insight into cultural practicesSeasonal population movement. While theidentification of a species in the archaeologicalrecord can assist in reconstructing the local environ-ment during the period of prehistoric occupation, itcan also be used to discern a pattern of seasonal siteutilization. If organic remains are present that areeither only available for harvesting during particu-lar seasons, or are those of a migratory species witha seasonal pattern of utilization, a nonpermanentuse of the site can be inferred.

Diet. While the proximate goal of many aDNAstudies is the identification of archaeological species,the ultimate goal is frequently an elucidation ofdietary patterns. Barnes et al. (2000) undertook astudy to ascertain the species of geese at a ruralAnglo-Saxon settlement that was occupied from the

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7–12th centuries. There were, at the time and in theregion, six species of wild goose, which varied widelyin their habitat preference, as well as possibly onespecies of domesticated goose. In an effort to deter-mine if the geese at the site had been hunted, orwere domesticated and being bred at the site, Bar-nes et al. (2000) amplified sections of the mitochon-drial genome of the archaeological goose remains,and determined from those species identificationsthat the resident human population had been en-gaged in both wildfowling and husbandry.

Such studies have also been undertaken to iden-tify species of hunted animals (Butler and Bowers,1998), to study the process of animal domestication(Bailey et al., 1996), to distinguish domesticatedsheep from domesticated goats (Loreille et al., 1997),and to study plant domestication (Brown et al.,1994).

Stone tools have also been identified as a potentialsource of target DNA to study the diets of prehistoricpeoples. In an effort to investigate the feasibility ofstudying biological residues on archaeological stonetools, Kimura et al. (2001) undertook an ethno-ex-perimental archaeological study of the lithics man-ufactured by a modern group in Ethiopia that rou-tinely uses stone tools. They collected stone tools ina variety of stages from manufacture to discard, andsuccessfully amplified DNA extracted from them.They cautioned, however, that although they didamplify DNA from both the manufacturer of the tooland the species upon which it had been used, theyalso amplified DNA unrelated to the use of the tool.Additionally, Shanks et al. (2001) undertook an ex-periment on newly manufactured obsidian blades todetermine whether cells are preserved on them afterwashing. They soaked the newly made blades incell-sized fluorescently labeled latex beads, fluores-cently labeled white blood cells, or whole blood. Theywashed the stone tools and then, after drying, ex-amined them microscopically for fluorescence. Theydetermined that vigorous washing did not removecells from microfractures in the surface of the obsid-ian, suggesting that stone tools may indeed be aviable source of aDNA. The study, however, wasunable to ascertain the longevity of biological re-mains in microfractures.

Studying coprolites has also been used to studythe diets of prehistoric peoples. By amplifying sec-tions of mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes fromthree coprolites dating to greater than 2,000 BP(found at Hinds Cave, TX), Poinar et al. (2001) iden-tified several species of both plants and animals,including antelope, rabbit, packrat, squirrel, hack-berry, oak, and legumes. Analyses of the humanmitochondrial DNA present in the feces revealed onemember of haplogroup B, one member of haplogroupC, and a third individual that could not be conclu-sively assigned to a haplogroup. These haplogroupsare typical of both ancient and living Native Amer-icans (Lorenz and Smith, 1996; Kaestle and Smith,2001a). An earlier study (Sutton et al., 1996) suc-

cessfully determined the sex of 3 out of 4 coprolitesinvestigated, and suggested that such methodolo-gies could be profitably applied to the study of sex-based dietary differences.

Other biological remains. Ancient DNA hasalso been used to identify biological remains of cul-tural significance. Burger et al. (2000) successfullyidentified plant remains in an Aztec vessel as Mar-tinella obovata, a woody vine species used pharma-cologically by modern Native Americans as an eyesalve. They additionally extracted the DNA ofSalvia, a species of sage, from an ancient Celticanimal skin container (Burger et al., 2000). AncientDNA techniques have also been applied to the iden-tification of biological components of remains of ma-terial culture. For example, Rollo et al. (1994) havebeen investigating the clothing of the “Ice Man”found in the Tyrolean Alps, dating to 5,300 BP. TheTyrolean Ice Man had a “cloak” and footwear com-prised, at least in part, of plant remains. Analysesrevealed DNA from both grasses and microorgan-isms, thought to have been associated with the grasssince it was harvested. Additionally these tech-niques have been used to identify biological compo-nents of prehistoric art, such as in a study by Reeseet al. (1996), in which the fat used as a pigmentbinder in ancient Texan pictographs was identifiedas being of artiodactyl origin (but see Mawk et al.,2002).

Animals as proxies for human populationmovement. DNA extracted from faunal remainsexcavated from archaeological sites has proven to bea valuable resource in tracing prehistoric populationmovement. Human populations have frequently ma-nipulated animal species, by domestication, and bymoving them beyond their endemic range. Matisoo-Smith et al. (1997, 2001; see also Matisoo-Smith andAllen, 2001) have studied one of the species, thePacific rat (Rattus exulans), transported east acrossthe Pacific Ocean by the first colonizers of the region.By examining the patterns of molecular diversity inthis commensal species across the islands of thePacific Ocean, they have been able to clarify some ofthe paths of colonization and patterns of interactionbetween prehistoric Polynesians.

Infectious disease. Ancient DNA techniqueshave also been applied to questions of patterns ofprehistoric disease. Various infectious diseases canleave similar skeletal pathologies on human re-mains, and indeed infectious diseases can manifestin patterns indistinguishable from each other orfrom inherited diseases (Ortner, 1994; D.C. Cook,pers. comm.). Mycobacterium tuberculosis, thepathogen causing tuberculosis (TB), has been suc-cessfully amplified from a 1,000-year-old Peruvianmummy (Salo et al., 1994), two fused vertebrae froman Iroquoian ossuary near Toronto from 1400 CE,and a vertebra from a Middle Mississippian ceme-


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tery dating to 1020 CE (Braun et al., 1998). Theamplification of M. tuberculosis from precontact Na-tive Americans proves that TB was not introduced tothe New World through contact with European ex-plorers or colonizers. TB has also been identified ina 1,400-year-old Byzantine fragment of calcifiedlung tissue (Donoghue et al., 1998), confirming itspresence in the Old World before European contactwith the New World.

Taubenberger et al. (1997) took advantage of pa-thology specimens collected during the 1918 influ-enza epidemic that killed 20 million people world-wide. They extracted the virus’ RNA and, using RT-PCR (an amplification method that uses a reversetranscriptase enzyme to copy RNA into DNA), am-plified and sequenced fragments of nine influenzagenes. Contrary to previous speculations that the1918 flu had been so deadly because it was an avianvirus, the sequenced genes were most closely relatedto known swine flu.

Just as the precise identity of the deadly influenzavirus of the 1918 epidemic was unknown, the iden-tity of the pathogen that caused the 17–28 milliondeaths during the 14th century Medieval BlackDeath epidemic was unknown. Various pathogensproposed have been anthrax, typhus, TB, hemor-rhagic fever, or the plague (Raoult et al., 2000).Teeth were obtained from three individuals in amultiple burial in which an adult female, an adultmale, and a child were buried in a 14th centuryFrench grave (Raoult et al., 2000). One of the child’steeth, and 100% (n " 19) of the adult teeth, yieldedDNA from which could be amplified the pla gene ofYersinia pestis, the plague pathogen. Primers spe-cific to the other proposed pathogens were unable toamplify aDNA from any of the samples. More re-cently, Drancourt and Raoult (2002) also found Y.pestis DNA in tooth samples from individuals sus-pected to have died in the European plague epidem-ics of 1590 and 1722.

These techniques have also been applied to con-firming the identification of leprosy in human re-mains from a Norse cemetery in Orkney, Scotland(Taylor et al., 2000). The remains of two individualswere investigated, one of whom showed skeletal pa-thology consistent with leprosy, while the othershowed no discernible skeletal pathology. Amplifica-tion yielded Mycobacterium laprae, the leprosy-causing bacterium, in the skeleton with the pathol-ogy indicative of leprosy, but not from thenonpathological skeleton. Neither skeleton yieldedDNA amplifiable by primers specific to M. tubercu-losis, the pathogen responsible for TB.

Nonhuman primates. The phylogenetic relation-ships of many of the recently extinct Malagasy le-murs have also been studied using aDNA tech-niques. Because many of the now extinct lemurspecies of Madagascar survived until as recently as500 years ago, they can be considered the evolution-ary contemporaries of extant species. However, their

phylogenetic relationships remain unclear due tothe high levels of homoplasy present in the morpho-logical characters of Malagasy primates (Eaglen,1980). While early aDNA data have presented con-flicting phylogenetic pictures (Yoder et al., 1999;Montagnon et al., 2001), these lines of research showpromise for further clarifying the relationshipsamong these species.

The techniques of aDNA analysis can also be prof-itably applied to the study of living primate popula-tions. Frequently, traditional molecular techniquesthat demand tissue samples are unsuitable for wildprimate populations, because tranquilizing individ-uals for sampling is hazardous to both the subjectsand the researcher. Further, the trauma inherent inthe darting and tranquilizing may have substantialeffects on the natural behavior of a wild population(or the habitualization process). The application ofaDNA techniques, using biological materials origi-nating from the study organisms that can be col-lected without disturbing them, allows the molecu-lar study of wild populations without endangeringindividuals or perturbing natural behavior. Thesetechniques have been successfully applied to thestudy of chimpanzees, using hair left behind in nightnests (Morin et al., 1992, 1994), the feces of bonobos(Gerloff et al., 1995) and Hanuman langurs (Laun-hardt et al., 1998), as well as wadges and urine frombonobos and chimpanzees (Sugiyama et al., 1993;Hashimoto et al., 1996).

Applications summary

We have described several exciting applications ofaDNA studies of humans, applicable at the level ofthe individual, the family, the population, and thespecies. Although initial hypothesis testing us-ing aDNA data has concentrated on questions oflarge population movements (e.g., Hagelberg, 1997;Kaestle and Smith 2001a), there is an increasinginterest in smaller-scale questions such as local andkinship relationships. For example, at a recent con-ference on biomolecular archaeology (BiomolecularArchaeology: Genetic Approaches to the Past, the19th Visiting Scholar Conference organized by Dr.David Reed at Southern Illinois University, Carbon-dale, IL, April 19–20, 2002), of 11 formal paperspresented, 2 discussed continental-scale populationmovements (and the African Diaspora), 5 discussedregional-scale movements, 4 discussed local popula-tion movements, 3 discussed kinship relationshipswithin sites, and 1 discussed simulation modeling ofevolutionary processes (obviously, several papersaddressed issues at multiple levels). In addition, theuse of aDNA methods on nonhuman samples is in-creasing (including a paper on plant domesticationat the above-mentioned conference). Although themethods are new, they hypotheses addressed usingaDNA studies are clearly traditional anthropologyquestions.

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The need to understand the host of information often necessaryfor responsible and ethical decision-making may often demandthat . . . subdisciplinary boundaries be crossed. In that verycrossing, the discipline’s folk categories are at once acknowledgedand reshaped, thereby reaffirming the need for the discipline’sholistic four-field approach. —Cantwell et al., 2000, p. ix

The application of aDNA methods to anthropolog-ical questions holds great promise, as describedabove. However, as with any study of humans, it isimportant to consider the ethical, legal, and social(ELSI) implications of research efforts. Dealing as itdoes with the physical remains of deceased humansand their material culture, anthropological aDNAstudies straddle the ever-fluid boundary betweenphysical anthropology and archaeology. Conse-quently, many of the ethical issues being faced byresearchers in the relatively new field of anthropo-logical aDNA have been considered for decades byskeletal anthropologists, and more particularly, byarchaeologists. However, increased awareness of thepotential ELSI implications of archaeological andphysical anthropology research for living people andcommunities has reinforced the importance of cul-tural anthropology for our research. We thereforefind that the literature of all these fields may beprofitability plumbed for insights relevant to ourown research.

Ancient DNA and destructive analysis

Although it is possible to extract DNA from longbones with minimal damage, and to glue teeth backtogether after extraction of the dentin, in general,aDNA methods are destructive. Thus, it is impor-tant to bear in mind our obligation to proper stew-ardship of anthropological material (Lynott andWylie, 1995a; Monge and Mann, 2001; Turner, 2001;AAPA, 2002). Because these resources are irreplace-able (Lynott and Wylie, 1995a; but see Zimmerman,1995), destructive analysis should only be under-taken in cases where the results are likely to informimportant debates or provide data to test interestinghypotheses, and/or when their destruction does notimperil other research avenues. In many cases,aDNA may not be the most productive approach tohypothesis testing. For example, establishing cul-tural affiliation between a single very ancient indi-vidual and a living group is very difficult using ge-netic evidence, although perhaps not impossible,depending on what is meant by “cultural affiliation”(Kaestle and Smith, 2002, and see Applications,above).

Another significant concern is the likelihood thatDNA is sufficiently preserved in the sample in ques-tion for profitable analysis. Destructive analysisshould not take place when it is unlikely to yieldresults. Different approaches to assessing this like-lihood are discussed in the Appendix. In addition,some of the sample should be reserved for possible

testing in the future, whether to confirm results orto apply new techniques not available at the time ofinitial study.

Human subjects

A much more complex issue, or set of issues, sur-rounds the idea of accountability, sensu Watkins etal. (1995), including the responsibility of the re-searcher to consult with groups that may be affectedby the research, and the idea of beneficence(NCPHS, 1979; Turner, 2001), central to studiesinvolving human subjects, i.e., that research shouldstrive to avoid harm to subjects. A large body ofliterature discusses these issues as applied to ar-chaeology and physical anthropology in general(e.g., Green, 1984; McBryde, 1985; Fluehr-Lobban,1991; Lynott and Wylie, 1995b; Vitelli, 1996; Greely,1997; Cunningham, 1998; Foster et al., 1998; Fosterand Freeman, 1998; Juengst, 1998; Cantwell et al.,2000), the discussion of which is beyond the scope ofthis paper. However, there are several concerns spe-cific, or particularly relevant, to aDNA studies thatshould be considered.

Ancient DNA and individual consent. Today,biological studies of living humans generally involvevarying levels of informed consent from the studyparticipants, in compliance with both federal andinstitutional regulations. It is, however, impossibleto obtain informed consent from deceased individu-als, and anthropological research on them has notgenerally been subject to federal or institutional hu-man subject regulations (except when the project alsoinvolves the participation of living people). Philosoph-ical debate regarding the rights of the dead has a longhistory (e.g., Aristotle, translated by Rackham, 1962;Bellioti, 1979; Partridge, 1981; Marquis, 1985; Calla-han, 1987; Grover, 1989; Fisher, 2001; Scarre, 2001),and most discussions focus on the rights to privacyand preservation of the reputation or respect of thewishes of the dead (except for those who presumesome form of personal immortality).

Holm (2001) discussed these issues productivelywith respect to aDNA research. He first dismissedinterests ascribed to deceased individuals based ontheir beliefs if we do not know what these beliefswere (which will generally be true except for cases ofrecently deceased individuals). Even in cases wherewe have some knowledge of the common practices ofthe society of the individuals in question, the inter-pretation of this knowledge is difficult. Given thewell-established difficulties of extrapolating otherbeliefs from mortuary/archaeological data (e.g.,Pader, 1982; Giddens, 1984; Wylie, 1989; Metcalfand Huntington, 1991; Pearson, 1999), such as be-liefs about kinship and gender, the presumptionthat we can understand beliefs of prehistoric societ-ies (and more specifically, beliefs of individual mem-bers of those societies) regarding their interests inproper treatment of their remains after death isproblematic. In a similar manner, it would be diffi-


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cult to discern what individuals would consider to bea “slur” on their good name (Holm, 2001, p. 447).

If, on the other hand, the individual is known andhis/her beliefs on proper treatment of his/her re-mains or good name were made explicit during his/her lifetime, this must obviously have a large impacton decisions regarding aDNA research. This situa-tion is expected to be exceedingly rare.

Some form of proxy consent, usually made by thedescendants of the deceased, has been suggested asa substitute for the consent of the deceased. How-ever, proxy consent implies that the proxy is makinga decision based on the best interests of the de-ceased. As discussed above (and in Holm, 2001), theinterests of the deceased are very difficult to discern.Holm (2001) also points out that multiple descen-dants may disagree regarding the study of theirancestor. This also presumes that direct descen-dants can be identified, which is generally unlikely.

Increasingly, living people who are “culturally af-filiated” with the deceased are being asked to makethese decisions. The presumption is that these peo-ple, because they share a common culture with thedeceased, are more likely to make decisions regard-ing the study of deceased’s remains with which thedeceased would agree. Identifying cultures that are“affiliated” with that of the deceased is, at best,difficult (Haas, 2001; Barker et al., 2000; Killion,2001; Kemp et al., 2002). In fact, what constitutesevidence of cultural affiliation itself is an arena ofgreat disagreement (Kaestle and Smith, 2002). Inthe face of these difficulties, there has been a move-ment to define “cultures” in increasingly generalterms (National Parks Service, 2000). Implicit inthis suggestion is that any Native American groupcan serve as a proxy for an unidentifiable culturallyaffiliated group. Expanding the scope of what ismeant by cultural affiliation only increases the like-lihood that living groups’ decisions will not reflectthe beliefs of the deceased (Meighan, 1984; Renfrewand Bahn, 1996; Tsosie, 1997; Goldstein and Kin-tigh, 2000; Mitchell and Brunson-Hadley, 2001), andthat different living groups will disagree regardingthe disposition of the remains (for several conflict-ing/differing Native American and Australian viewson the treatment of ancient remains, see Tsosie,1997; Cantwell, 2000; Bary, 2001a). In addition, inthe case of many indigenous groups, members maynot belong to a recognized cultural group (e.g., in thecase of unenrolled Native Americans, who make upthe majority of individuals of Native American de-scent in the United States; Thornton, 1997).

Assuming that a living group can be identified toconsult, and a satisfactory method for that consul-tation can be established (a matter of great contro-versy; see Williams and Mununggur, 1989; Pyburnand Wilk, 1995; Pyburn, 1999; Weijer et al., 1999;Cantwell, 2000), we still must deal with the assump-tion that this living group is likely to make a deci-sion with which the deceased would agree. This maynot be a reasonable assumption, even for the re-

cently deceased (Meighan, 1984; Mulvaney, 1991;Hill, 2001; Holm, 2001).

On a side note, most discussions of these issues,including ours, center around consultation with in-digenous communities (Weijer et al., 1999). How-ever, much anthropological research is focused onnonindigenous communities, and this trend is in-creasing (Comitas, 2000; Silverman, 2000). Weijer etal. (1999, p. 279) point out the problems “with ap-plying protections developed for aboriginal popula-tions to other less cohesive communities, especiallyones without legitimate political authorities.” Thesedifficulties include delineating the community, iden-tifying legitimate political institutions or leaders ofthese groups (if they exist at all), and identifyingcommunity-wide consensus on needs and priorities.

For the reasons enumerated above, in most caseswe do not believe that the argument can be upheldthat culturally affiliated groups, even if they can beidentified, will protect the interests of the deceased.Using similar logic, Holm (2001, p. 447) concludedthat this type of study can be done “without seekingthe consent of the dead person’s descendants or hispresent-day culturally affiliated cultural commu-nity” in most cases. We are uncomfortable with thisconclusion, and feel that the issue is not quite sosimple.

Ancient DNA and living communities. Livinggroups have an interest in the aDNA research per-formed on deceased individuals independent of theinterests of the deceased. The results of aDNA stud-ies may impact the social, political, and legal situa-tion that living groups find themselves in, and maycontradict or offend beliefs about their ancestors andorigins.

As with studies on living peoples, the results ofaDNA studies may have implications for groupmembers, even if they did not participate in theresearch. Given the genetic essentialism (sensu Nel-kin and Lindee, 1995) so prevalent in Western soci-ety today, genetic evidence has the potential to takeon significant weight in social, political, and legalarenas. Just a few examples should serve to makethis point.

Because aDNA studies have the potential to pro-vide evidence of biological ties between living andancient individuals and groups (ancestor/descen-dant relationships), this type of evidence could beused to advance land claims (or other Native rights),or to reject them, in countries that recognize suchrights (e.g., the USA, Canada, and Australia). Forexample, the Western Mohegan tribe has undergonegenetic testing to support their claims of lineal de-scent from Mohegan ancestors to gain official stateand federal recognition (Lehrman, 2001; Tallbear,2000), and this claim could be supported by geneticevidence from deceased individuals buried on tradi-tional tribal lands. In fact, several tribal groupshave contacted aDNA specialists to explore the pos-sibilities of this type of research.

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Another example of the ELSI implications of aDNAresearch involves repatriation decisions (or identifica-tion of cultural affiliation) of extremely ancient NativeAmerican individuals. The Native American GravesProtection Act (NAGPRA) accepts both biological evi-dence in general, and molecular genetic evidence spe-cifically, for cultural affiliation (43 CFR 10.14 (c)(2)(i)–(iii)), stating that “genetic evidence is a kind ofbiological evidence that may be relevant in determin-ing cultural affiliation” (Department of the Interior,2000). Ancient DNA studies of both the Kennewickman and Spirit Cave man remains, Paleoindians fromWashington and Nevada, respectively, were consid-ered when determining their NAGPRA status (for de-tails, see Dansie, 1997; Jantz and Owsley, 1997; Pres-ton, 1997; Kaestle et al., 1999; Barker et al., 2000;Kaestle, 2000; Merriwether and Cabana, 2000; Smithet al., 2000b; Thomas, 2000; Tuross and Kolman, 2000;Chatters, 2001; Dewar, 2001; Kaestle and Smith,2001a). It should be noted that, although these exam-ples are of situations in which aDNA did not support aparticular cultural affiliation, this will not always bethe case, and aDNA results could be used by indige-nous groups to bolster requests for the repatriation ofancient remains, and could also be used to help sortmixed or improperly identified remains for proper re-patriation (Cantwell, 2000).

The implication that living groups do not, or can-not, know their own history without the interven-tion of outsiders/experts, can be deeply troublingand offensive to living peoples (Andrews and Nelkin,1998; Garza and Powell, 2001), and has been inter-preted as an infringement on their religious free-doms (White Deer, 1997; Pyburn, 1999; Deloria,2000; Mihesuah, 2000; Grimes, 2001; Haas, 2001).The control of ancient remains by nonindigenouspeoples has also become a focus of the debate onself-determination and colonialism (Pyburn, 1999;Cantwell, 2000; Frichner, 2000; Meskell, 2000;Riding In, 2000; Cash Cash, 2001; Zimmerman,2001).1 Thus, it is necessary to have full knowledgeof perceived potential hazards and the explicit rec-ognition of many different stakeholders to moveahead with ethically sound, scientifically based his-torical research. These issues are not limited tostudies of aDNA, but apply more generally to thestudy of ancient peoples and their cultures (Zim-merman, 1989; Echo-Hawk, 1992; Mihesuah, 2000;Grimes, 2001). As such, they are beyond the scope ofthis paper, but should be important considerationsfor those pursuing aDNA research.

We have established that living groups have aninterest in the use of aDNA techniques in anthro-pology. However, does this interest overwhelm thatof the scientist? How are we, as anthropologists, to

deal ethically with these issues? It should be notedthat the American Anthropological Association(AAA) code of ethics uses the word “can” rather than“must,” when discussing the possibility that our ob-ligations to the people we study may supersede ourown goals, and includes as ethical obligations, inthis same section, the long-term conservation of ar-chaeological, fossil, and historical records (AAA,1998). As Silverman (2000, p. 214) noted, the code“also enumerated responsibilities to the public, tothe discipline, to students, to sponsors, and to one’sown government and to host governments. Thatthese responsibilities were bound to clash, and thatit would be up to the individual to make ethicalchoices, was the necessary condition of anthropolog-ical work” (although Silverman (2000) is speaking ofthe 1971 AAA code, these responsibilities are alsoincluded in the current code). Thus, balancing therights of all the involved parties remains a complexprocess.

Suggestions for the future

Most suggestions on how to deal ethically withthese situations have involved consultation or col-laboration with living groups on a voluntary basis(e.g., AAA, 1998; WAC, 1991; Pyburn, 1999; Killion,2001; Loring, 2001; Spector, 2001). Unfortunately,the history of colonial interaction with indigenousgroups can only be described as abysmal. Non-Na-tive anthropologists have a large hurdle to clear indeveloping trusting relationships with these groups,and are distinctly hampered by our own historicalrecord of complicity with colonial powers (e.g.,Bruce, 2000; Killion, 2001). Ancient DNA researchhas been particularly hampered by negative percep-tions of previous interactions with human geneti-cists (e.g., Tierney, 2000; AAA, 2002). In addition,the process is made more difficult when scientists donot recognize themselves as nonobjective stakehold-ers. We discuss below several approaches to consul-tation/collaboration/cooperation that might be help-ful to anthropologists negotiating this space.

A “contact perspective” (Bray, 2001b) enables aprofitable conceptualization of the interactions be-tween anthropologists and other stakeholders. It al-lows the meanings of the interactions, as well as themeanings of the biological and cultural remains tobe considered both emergent, and contingent on theparticipants, rather than inherent or essentialized.This approach emphasizes cross-cultural communi-cation, often involving both linguistic and culturaltranslation (Jacknis, 2000; Bray, 2001b). Bray(2001b) suggested that this endeavor may also beaided by the notion of “embodied objectivity” (Har-away, 1991), which recognizes complete objectivityas an impossible state, but strives for situatedknowledge, with the acknowledgment of the impor-tance of individual perspective. It is our belief thatembodied objectivity should be made explicit in allanthropological studies.

1The assumption that repatriation is desired, and that scientificstudy is rejected, is also problematic, given that this will not always bethe case, and may result in reburials that are unwanted by thecommunity (examples in Cantwell, 2000).


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It has also been suggested that anthropologistswork with (or for) native peoples in what Garza andPowell (2001) call “covenantal archaeology,” Loring(2001) calls “community archaeology,” and Spector(2001) calls simply “partnership,” in which the goalsof indigenous peoples define the problems and re-search questions, and establish priorities for thesestudies (Garza and Powell, 2001; Loring, 2001;Watkins, 2001; Zimmerman, 2001). Pyburn (1999)made the point that the inclusion of indigenousviewpoints from within the anthropological en-deavor is likely to improve our field in a mannersimilar to that accomplished by the inclusion ofwomen. As she pointed out, women were once con-sidered inappropriate members of our profession,and yet we have made great strides forward as aresult of inclusion (see also Farnham, 1987; Har-away, 1989, 1991; del Valle, 1993; Lloyd, 1995; Con-key and Gero, 1997; Arnold and Wicker, 2001; Py-burn, 2002).

There cannot be a single standard when it comesto the ethics of anthropological research, or even ofaDNA research in anthropology. Because aDNA re-search generally falls outside the domain of institu-tional review boards, we must regulate ourselves,both through adhering to our field’s sometimes con-tradictory ethical standards as best as we can, andthrough serious case-by-case consideration and dis-cussion among ourselves, our colleagues within andoutside of anthropology, and other interested parties(stakeholders). We hope that the points enumeratedabove provide a starting point for these discussions,both within individual laboratories and for the fieldas a whole. The issues are complicated, but thisshould not provide an excuse to ignore them.

As the use of aDNA in anthropological researchcontinues to be mainly self-reviewed, and guided bya range of laws in different nations, we suggest thatthe following questions be addressed by researchersbefore they undertake a specific aDNA research pro-gram:

1) Does the application of the method address ananthropological question?

2) Are there nondestructive methods that can beused to achieve the result?

3) Do the conditions of the remains or other mate-rial suggest aDNA is more likely to be presentthan not?

4) How will different stakeholders view the destruc-tion of the remains in question?

5) What are the ELSI implications of possible studyresults, if any, for living groups?

6) Has a reasonable attempt been made to defineand receive informed consent from differentstakeholders?


Both within anthropology, and further afield inthe biological and paleontological sciences, aDNA

studies had a rocky start. Extravagant claims weremade, and retracted; studies were published,soundly criticized for their methods, and then hadtheir results revealed to be the product of contami-nation (Paabo and Wilson, 1991; Young et al., 1995;Zischler et al., 1995; Wang et al., 1997; Yousten andRippere, 1997). Such events led to widespread skep-ticism of the possibility that any aDNA study couldproduce real, reliable, and reproducible results.Nonetheless, with more careful analyses, and moresober discussion of the possibilities and necessaryprecautions, aDNA is becoming ever more respect-able. With such respectability come further chal-lenges for the field. Demonstrating the endogenousnature of aDNA is no longer newsworthy, and un-dertaking destructive analysis merely to prove thatDNA has survived in particular organic remains isno longer justifiable. Ancient DNA studies must nowbe undertaken to answer specific research questions,and to test specific hypotheses. Further, we mustnow strive to protect our hard-won respectability.We should resist the temptation to rush into printwith new and exciting results before we have appro-priately verified them. Retractions of our resultsserve to jeopardize our respectability in the wideracademic community, and to our respectability istied both our abilities to effectively disseminate ourresults and our access to funding with which tofurther our work.

We have devoted a substantial portion of this pa-per to a discussion of the ethical concerns involved inanalyzing the DNA of deceased organisms. We dothis because we believe that such considerations areimportant in influencing the paths of our research,despite our inability to offer concrete rules aboutappropriate behavior within our field. It is preciselythis lack of hard rules, offered by us or anyone else,which makes the ethical decisions so difficult. How-ever, the complicated nature of the ethical issuesraised by our work requires that we think aboutsuch issues more, not less.

In general, the tone of this paper has been somber,cautious, and highly concerned with the minutiae ofaDNA work. Lest we confuse a concern for scientificrigor with pessimism, let us note that it is preciselybecause we are so enthusiastic about much of thework that has already been done in the field, andeven more so about the potentials of aDNA studieswithin anthropology, that we treat it with such care.The application of aDNA techniques, explicitly in-formed and directed by traditional anthropologicalconcerns, is only beginning to exert its full impact onthe field.


The authors have benefited greatly from bothformal and informal discussions with people bothwithin and outside academia. Among these areFrank Dukepoo, Jason Eshleman, Debra Harry,Fiona Jordan, Susan Lindee, Jon Marks, Andy Mer-riwether, and Dennis O’Rourke. We especially thank

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Ripan Malhi, Dennis O’Rourke, Anne Pyburn, ChrisRuff, and an anonymous reviewer for their usefulcomments on the manuscript. Further, we thankDavid G. Smith and Lisa Matisoo-Smith for theirongoing mentorship. Naturally, the opinions ex-pressed in this paper are our own, as are the errors.Perhaps most importantly, we thank the many peo-ple around the world who have given permission forand participated in molecular anthropology studies.


The discussion of methods presented here as-sumes a basic knowledge of both theoretical andpractical aspects of molecular biology and genetics.For readers lacking such knowledge, we suggest con-sulting Witherly et al. (2001), Avise (1994), and/orLewin (1999) for basic details.

The great proliferation of methodologies for ex-traction and amplification of aDNA that took placein the 1990s has now been whittled down to twosemistandard protocols (Phenol Chloroform and Sil-ica), often with minor modifications to deal withspecific situations (see below). The first study tosuccessfully amplify DNA from ancient remains waspublished in 1984, in which the extinct quagga, amember of the horse/zebra family, was sequencedfrom a museum sample (Higuchi et al., 1984). Sincethen, there have been tremendous advances in thetechniques of molecular biology.

Potential sources

Ancient DNA can be found in a variety of organicremains. The more obvious sources of such DNA arethe soft tissues, teeth, and bones of ancient organ-isms, but less obvious sources, such as coprolites(Sutton et al., 1996; Poinar et al., 2001), can beequally valuable. Such materials can be housed in avariety of locations. It can be of great advantage ifthe remains to be studied are earmarked for use inaDNA analyses from the time of their discovery. Insuch cases, the handling of samples can be con-trolled by the person who will be performing themolecular analyses, thereby reducing the contami-nation problems encountered in many aDNA studies(see below). Frequently, however, the collections oforganic materials of interest are housed in muse-ums, medical collections, private collections, and artmuseums.

Will it work?

The likelihood of successfully extracting aDNA isaffected by the age of the sample. However, age is farfrom the most significant factor determining suc-cess. Of substantially more importance is the envi-ronment to which the sample has been exposed sinceits death (Paabo, 1989; Rogan and Salvo, 1990;Tuross, 1994; Hoss et al., 1996; Austin et al., 1997;Kaestle and Smith, 2001a,b; Robins et al., 2001).Depurination is the most important route of decay inaDNA (Lindahl, 1993; O’Rourke et al., 2000a), fol-

lowed by strand breakage and the destruction of theribose ring (Austin et al., 1997). The rate of DNAdegradation is affected by ambient temperature, hu-midity (including the relative location of a watertable), and the pH of the soil if the sample is buried.In addition, the DNA extraction process (describedbelow) frequently coextracts chemicals that inhibitthe PCR amplification reaction, such that any DNAthat is present cannot be accessed. While this prob-lem can be addressed somewhat with modificationsto extraction techniques (see below), high levels ofsuch inhibitors can prove an insurmountable prob-lem. Thus, the soils in which archaeological sampleshave been buried are of importance both in thattheir characteristics can affect the rate of DNA deg-radation, and in the inhibitors that can be depositedin the samples.

Many of these factors compound to influence thegross morphology of remains, so the potential ofmany samples can be reasonably predicted by anexamination of the samples. In particular, skeletaland tooth remains that are soft or crumble undermild pressure are unlikely to yield amplifiable DNA.Conversely, except when the sample has becomemineralized, the harder such remains are, thehigher the probability that there is sufficient intactDNA for analysis.

An additional predictor of the presence of ampli-fiable DNA in ancient samples is the degree of race-mization of amino acids. All amino acids in biologicalorganisms have a conformation described as laevo-rotatory, or left-handed, meaning that they rotateplane-polarized light anticlockwise. After death, thelaevorotatory amino acids begin to spontaneouslyalter conformation, or racemize, to become dextroro-tatory, or right-handed, such that they will rotateplane-polarized light clockwise. Many of the sameenvironmental conditions that affect the rate atwhich DNA is degraded affect the rate at whichamino acids racemize (Poinar et al., 1996). There-fore, an assay of the ratio of dextrorotatory to laevo-rotatory amino acids in a sample can give an indi-cation of the likelihood of there being survivingDNA. While a high ratio of dextrorotatory aminoacids to laevorotatory amino acids, indicating exten-sive racemization, reasonably accurately predicts alack of intact DNA, conversely, a low ratio of dextro-rotatory amino acids to laevorotatory amino acids,indicating limited racemization, does not necessar-ily imply that there is amplifiable DNA present,because additional factors affect DNA preservationthat do not influence the rate of amino-acid racem-ization. Because amino-acid racemization testing is,like aDNA analysis, a destructive technique, and itsdetermination is not an accurate predictor of thepresence of intact DNA, we do not, contrary to theopinions of others (Poinar et al., 1996; Cooper andPoinar, 2000; Hofreiter et al., 2001), advocate its useprior to DNA analysis except in unusual cases, or incases in which a large amount of material is avail-able. It has also been suggested that bone collagen


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content can be used as a rough indicator of biologicalpreservation (and thus likelihood of successfulaDNA extraction) (Taylor, 2001). As with amino-acid racemization, we do not advocate destructiveanalysis solely for the purposes of determining bonecollagen content. However, if dating of samples isplanned, bone collagen content may be determinedin the process, and could provide valuable insightinto the preservation of aDNA in the sample.O’Rourke et al. (2000a) advocated direct dating ofeach sample used in aDNA analyses, although thiscan be prohibitively costly.

Another potential test for intact human DNA at asite involves testing animal remains from the samesite for aDNA. This allows the confirmation of aDNApreservation under the conditions of the site, beforedestructive analysis of human remains is under-taken.

Controlling for contamination

Due to the sensitivity of the polymerase chain reac-tion (PCR, described below) and the degraded natureof DNA in ancient samples, the contamination of sam-ples and laboratory preparations by exogenous DNA isa constant concern. Such contamination can derivefrom a variety of sources, including the DNA of otherworkers who have handled the samples before theyreach the laboratory, such as archaeologists, museumstaff, and medical workers. Additionally, some rela-tively standard procedures for dealing with skeletalremains (such as stablizing with geletin-based glues;Nicholson et al., 2002) can serve to either worsencontamination problems, or degrade the endogenousDNA. For example, washing samples in water canfacilitate the infiltration of contaminating DNA deepinto the bone matrix, rendering more difficult thedecontamination process. Further, x-raying bonescan increase the fragmentation of the endogenousDNA (Gotherstrom et al., 1995). Several decontam-ination procedures (see below) are employed in anattempt to remove contaminating surface DNA fromsamples before beginning the extraction protocol.

Exogenous DNA can also be introduced into sam-ples from a variety of other sources. A substantialsource of contaminating DNA can be the modernDNA extracted in laboratories for other purposes, aswell as the DNA that has been PCR-amplified foranalysis. Consequently, the laboratories in whichaDNA analyses are performed must be physicallyseparated from other laboratories conducting molec-ular analyses, and must be dedicated solely to theextraction and analysis of DNA from ancient sam-ples. Additionally, workers cannot move from labo-ratories in which modern and post-PCR work is con-ducted directly into the aDNA laboratories becauseof the high probability of transporting DNA on theirclothing, hair, and shoes. While transporting mod-ern or amplified DNA is a particularly high riskassociated with moving from other laboratories, itremains a risk at all times. Therefore, the use ofprotective clothing is necessary. A combination of

laboratory coats, coveralls with hoods, hairnets,shoe covers, gloves, and facemasks proves effective.

A further source of exogenous DNA can be theplasticware and reagents used in the process of DNAextraction. The most effective strategy to minimizethe chances of contamination via this route is topurchase both reagents and disposable plasticwarethat are guaranteed to be DNA-free by the manu-facturer. Additionally, reagents should be aliquotedinto small volumes that will be used quickly to avoidthe introduction of DNA to stock solutions. Finally,laboratory surfaces need to be maintained to pre-vent the accumulation of DNA. Regularly wipingsurfaces with bleach, and subjecting them to periodsof UV-irradiation, can achieve this (Oh et al., 1991).

Even when all the precautions described are fol-lowed, contamination is an inevitable reality ofworking with aDNA. Recognizing that contamina-tion will occur necessitates the ability to identify itwhen it does. Negative controls are run in parallelwith samples throughout the extraction procedure,in which empty tubes are treated in exactly thesame manner as the tubes containing samples. If theproducts of these negative controls yield amplifiableDNA, it is apparent that the extraction has beencontaminated. A negative control of the PCR reac-tion is also run, to assist in determining at whichpoint in the procedure the contamination occurred.A further test for contamination is at the level ofanalysis. DNA sequences obtained from ancientsamples should be phylogenetically sensible.

A further method to assist in determining theveracity of obtained aDNA sequences is to quantifythe starting molecules in an extract. Handt et al.(1996) found that when amplification was startedwith fewer than 40 template molecules, several dif-ferent sequences were recovered from clones of theamplicons. Consequently, they advocated the quan-tification of starting molecules to determine whetherauthentic results are likely to be obtained. Thequantification of starting molecules is undertakenby a competitive PCR procedure (Hirano et al.,2002), in which a reaction is spiked with a knownquantity of constructed templates with the sameprimer binding sites as the target sequence, but ofslightly shorter or longer length. When the numberof introduced competitor templates is approximatelyequal to the number of endogenous target se-quences, the proportions of each amplified fragment(amplicon) should be approximately equal. The rel-ative quantities of amplicons can be determined byvisualization on a gel. Note that this method couldbe confounded by the presence of contaminating ex-ogenous DNA.

The final line of defense against contamination isreplication. In all cases, results should be replicatedin multiple independent amplifications from at leasttwo independent extractions, preferably separatedby at least a month. In addition, external replica-tion, in which a portion of the sample is sent to anindependent laboratory for extraction and analysis,

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should be performed on at least a subset of samples.Reciprocal arrangements between laboratories canbe established for the exchange of samples for themutual replication of results. While it is logisticallyand financially impractical to have all the results ofone laboratory replicated by another, replicability isa central feature of all good science, and demandsthat a subset of samples from each study be repli-cated. Any samples that yield surprising or unusualresults must be added to the randomly selected sub-set of samples sent for replication. This standardhas not yet been applied consistently across the dis-cipline (e.g., Adcock et al., 2001a).

Extraction methodsDecontamination. Before extraction can begin,any exogenous DNA contaminating the surface ofthe sample must be removed. This can be achievedphysically, (by removing the surface of the sample),chemically (by wiping with, or soaking in, bleach), orby UV irradiating all surfaces. Each of these meth-ods has advantages and disadvantages. Physicallyremoving the surface with sandpaper or a dremeltool is efficient, and should reliably remove all sur-face contamination. However, this method gener-ates significant amounts of dust, which can containthe DNA that was removed from the surface of thesample, and thereby provide an additional source ofcontamination. Wiping with bleach may not allowsufficient penetration of the sample to eliminate ex-ogenous DNA in pores of the sample, but soaking aporous sample in bleach may allow bleach to pene-trate to the core of a sample, possibly destroyingmuch of the endogenous DNA along with the con-tamination. Finally, UV irradiation can prove effec-tive, but can be difficult to undertake systematicallyif the sample is irregularly shaped. It also will notpenetrate the surface of the sample, and thereforecannot destroy exogenous DNA that has infiltratedthe samples. Many researchers in the field finda combination of these methods to be the mosteffective.

Extraction. In most cases, the sample is then re-duced to fragments or a powder to expose the sur-faces not treated by the decontamination protocols,and to increase the surface area available to chem-ical manipulation, but see O’Rourke et al. (2000a)for an alternative method. There are two major ap-proaches to extracting DNA from samples. One in-volves the introduction of an organic phase (phenoland chloroform), into which many of the cell compo-nents (but not the DNA) migrate, and which is thenremoved. The other approach involves binding DNAto a substrate (silica, or glass beads) and washingeverything else away.

Phenol-chloroform protocol. This protocol is an ad-aptation of a standard phenol-chloroform DNA extrac-tion procedure (Sambrook et al., 1989), in which sam-ples are digested with proteinase K, and a detergent

such as Triton X-100 or SDS, to break down the pro-teins in the sample. The digest is rocked with an equalvolume of phenol for 15 min, and then centrifuged for15 min at 13,000 rpm, and the organic (phenol) phaseis removed. An equal volume of phenol:chloroform:i-soamyl alcohol (25:25:1) is then added, and the samplesare rocked for 10 min and centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for10 min. This is repeated, usually once, until much ofthe discoloration has been washed away. To removetraces of phenol, 800 %l of chloroform:isoamyl alcohol(24:1) are added, and the samples are rocked for 5 minand centrifuged for 5 min. The aqueous phase, contain-ing the DNA, is then removed to a clean tube, and theDNA is either precipitated with ammonium acetateand cold 100% ethanol, or concentrated into a smallvolume using a centrifugal filtration system. Althoughthe aqueous phase is usually found above the organicphase during phenol-chloroform extraction, it is impor-tant to note that high salt concentrations can causephase reversals (Sambrook and Russell, 2001). This ismore frequently the case when extracting aDNA, be-cause the matrix itself may have a high salt contentdue to preservation conditions.

Silica-guanidinium thiocyanate (GnSCN) protocol.This protocol is a derivation of that of Hoss and Paabo(1993), which was adapted from that of Boom et al.(1990). The powdered sample is digested overnight in500 %l of 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 0.02 M EDTA (pH8.0), 1.3% Triton X-100, and 0.01 mg of proteinase Kunder constant rotation at 37°C. One milliliter of ex-traction buffer (10 M GuSCN, 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 6.4,0.02 M EDTA, pH 8.0, and 1.3% Triton X-100) is thenadded, and the digest is further incubated under con-stant rotation at 55°C for between 1 and several hours.The digest is centrifuged for 5 min at 13,000 rpm, and500 %l of the supernatant are transferred to a cleantube, to which is added 500 %l of extraction buffer and40 %l of silica suspension (Boom et al., 1990) or glassmilk (Burger et al., 1999). The mixture is incubated atroom temperature for 10 min to allow the DNA to bindto the silica under the chaotropic influence of theGuSCN.2 The silica is then washed twice with a washbuffer (10 M GuSCN, 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 6.4) and oncewith cold 70% ethanol. The pellet is dried, and the DNAis eluted in two aliquots of 50 %l of ddH2O or TE buffer,pH 8.0, at 56°C. The DNA extract is then frozen forfuture use. Kits are currently available from biotech-nology companies in which the silica or glass milksuspensions are confined to a column through whichthe digest is passed.

In extracting samples with substantial concentra-tions of coextracting PCR inhibitors, this silica methodcan have an advantage over the phenol-chloroformmethod because everything that does not bind to thesilica is washed away. However, probably because the

2A chaotropic agent is one that distrupts hydrogen bonds such asthose between water molecules and DNA, such that the solubility ofDNA in an aqueous solution is reduced. It thereby promotes theprecipitation of DNA, in this case, precipitation on silica particles.


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aDNA is damaged, researchers may find that aDNAdoes not bind to the silica as efficiently as modernDNA. Thus, the phenol-chloroform method may extracta larger quantity of aDNA.


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an in vitrotechnique used to synthesize copies of a fragment ofDNA under investigation. The total genomic DNAextracted from samples is subjected to a number ofcycles of heating and cooling, during which timecopies of a specific region of interest are constructed.Upon heating (usually to 92°C), the hydrogen bondsdown the center of the DNA molecule (the rungs ofthe helical ladder of DNA) are broken, and the DNAis then described as single-stranded. Upon cooling,short sections of DNA called primers bind to thetarget DNA. It is this annealing step that confersthe specificity of the reaction. The primers are de-signed, on the basis of known DNA sequences, suchthat they are complementary to the ends of thetarget sequence. The reaction mixture is thenheated to 72°C, which is the optimum temperaturefor the function of the Taq DNA polymerase enzyme.The Taq extends the complementary strand by bind-ing free nucleotides (dNTPs) to the template strandand to each other. After a period of time, the reactionmixture is reheated to 92°C to separate the originaltemplate from the newly synthesized strand, whichserves as an additional template in subsequentrounds of synthesis. Employing this technique al-lows the molecular analysis of samples with verylimited or degraded DNA.

PCR inhibition. As mentioned earlier, coex-tracted PCR inhibitors can be a substantial problemin working with aDNA. Employing the silica GuSCNprotocol in preference to the phenol-chloroform pro-tocol can eliminate some inhibitory problems, butinhibitors are frequently found to be in extracts de-spite using this protocol. Additional strategies in-clude diluting the DNA extract in the hope that theinhibitory elements will be sufficiently diluted forsuccessful amplification, before the target DNA isdiluted to such a degree that it is no longer amplifi-able. Further, bovine serum albumin (BSA) can beadded to the PCR reaction, which can serve to bindto inhibitors, thereby removing them from solutionand allowing the reaction to proceed. Other strate-gies include further digesting the samples with pro-teinase K or a collagenase, or adding NaOH.


Electrophoresis is a technique employed to size-fractionate DNA molecules. The PCR product isplaced in wells in a gel matrix, and being negativelycharged, is attracted to the positive electrode whenan electric current is applied. The rate at which aDNA molecule migrates through the gel matrix isproportional to its length. PCR products are sub-jected to electrophoresis to determine whether the

reaction has been successful, and whether the PCRproduct is of the expected size. If the amplification issuccessful, the PCR product can then be tested forthe presence of particular mutations, e.g., throughthe use of restriction enzymes, or further processedto remove unbound primers, dNTPs, and BSA, toallow direct sequencing.


Sequencing reactions are a variant on the themeof PCR. Only one primer is added to the reaction sothat all the DNA synthesis moves in one direction,and a portion of free dNTPs are replaced by dye-dideoxynucleotides. DNA is called deoxyribonucleicacid because a portion of the structure is ribose, atype of sugar, which, in DNA, has one fewer OHgroups than normal ribose has (i.e., it is deoxygen-ated). In normal DNA synthesis, the remaining OHgroup reacts with the phosphate group on the adja-cent nucleotide, forming a phosphodiester bond.Dideoxynucleotides are dideoxygenated, and so donot have this OH group necessary to form the bondwith the next nucleotide. For this reason, they arecalled chain-terminating nucleotides: they preventfurther extension of the DNA chain (Sanger et al.,1977). These chain-terminating nucleotides are syn-thesized to carry dye molecules, with each color dyespecific to the base of the nucleotide.

At some point in the synthesis of a complementarystrand, the DNA polymerase will incorporate a dye-labeled chain-terminating nucleotide. Synthesis ofthat strand will then stop, resulting in a fragmentthat is color-labeled specific to the final nucleotide inthe chain. This reaction then produces a populationof DNA fragments terminating at varying pointsalong the sequence that are color-labeled, specific tothe final nucleotide incorporated. By running thesePCR products on an acrylamide gel, the single-nu-cleotide length differences in fragments are re-solved, and the DNA sequence can be read from theorder in which the colors line up. Sequencing isautomated, and a computer reads and records thecolor of the dye, and hence the terminal nucleotide,of each fragment as it passes under a laser.

Protocol modifications

Slight variants of the protocols described aboveare used in different laboratories. Additionally, mod-ifications are made to improve success rates underparticular circumstances.

Decalcifying. The efficacy of the extraction proto-col can be enhanced by decalcifying the sample, if itis bone or tooth. The sample is incubated in 0.5 MEDTA (pH 8.0) for up to 72 hr, with a change inEDTA every 24 hr. This can be done before (Malhi,2001), after (Hagelberg et al., 1989), or if EDTAdecalicification sufficiently demineralizes the bone,instead of (O’Rourke et al., 1996, 2000a; Carlyle etal., 2000) reducing the sample to powder. This pro-tocol has been found to both increase the DNA yield

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from a sample, and to decrease the level of coex-tracted inhibitors.

PTB. It is frequently suspected that DNA of suffi-cient quality is present in samples that fail to yieldanalyzable DNA. Poinar et al. (1998) reported thatone of the potential reasons for this is the extensivecross-linking between macromolecules that occurspostmortem. They suggested that DNA can becometrapped within cross-linked products, preventing itssuccessful amplification. To release the DNA fromsuch cross-linked matrices, Poinar et al. (1998) em-ployed N-phenacylthiazolium bromide (PTB) tocleave the cross-links, and reported both an increasein the success rate per sample, and an increase inthe strength of signal obtained from samples.

Combined protocol. An additional method to im-prove the chances of a successful extraction wasdeveloped by Burger et al. (1999), in which theycombined both the phenol/chloroform and the silica/GuSCN protocols. Having conducted the phenol/chloroform extraction process as described above,they then precipitated the extracted DNA onto 10 %lof glass milk (Bio 101) with 90 %l of sodium acetateand 3.2 ml isopropanol (rather than precipitatingwith cold ethanol and no glass milk). After washingthe glass milk twice with cold 80% ethanol, it is leftto dry in an incubator, before eluting the DNA in 100%l of TE buffer. The glass milk is retained in theextract and homogenized throughout the sample be-fore it is added to a PCR reaction.

DNase. Even when all the precautions againstcontamination described above are adhered to rigor-ously, contamination by foreign DNA does occur,and one of the sources of this contamination may bedisposable labware or reagents used during the ex-traction and amplification procedures. Eshlemanand Smith (2001) advocate the use of DNase I todigest any potentially contaminating DNA in lab-ware or reagents prior to the addition of primers andtemplate DNA. The PCR master mix, containingPCR buffer, BSA, MgCl2, and Taq, was subjected todigestion with 0.4 %l of DNase I with 0.4 %l of DNaseI buffer at room temperature for 15 min, after whichthe DNase I was denatured at 70°C for 10 min. Thisprotocol was found to successfully eliminate DNAadded to the master mix prior to DNase I digestion,allowing successful amplification of template DNAadded following enzyme denaturation.

Degenerated oligonucleotide-primed PCR (DOP-PCR). The degraded nature of aDNA frequentlymakes the amplification of segments of interest dif-ficult. To ameliorate the effects of working with suchfragmentary DNA, Telenius et al. (1992) developed aprotocol to increase the quantity of DNA availablefor specific amplification. DOP primers are partiallydegenerated, and when used in conjunction with alow annealing temperature, they anneal throughoutthe genome and allow a general DNA amplification.

This amplified product is then used for specific am-plification with primers designed for the region ofinterest. While this method can prove successful, itsubstantially increases the opportunities for con-tamination, and thus must be employed with cau-tion.

Touchdown PCR. In the early cycles of a PCRreaction, primer concentration is extremely high,and particularly when working with highly de-graded aDNA samples, there may be very few targetsequences for them to bind to. As a consequence, alarge proportion of the early amplification productsmay be primer dimers, in which two primers bindtogether and the Taq amplifies new sequences of theshort overhanging primer ends. The vast excess ofprimers in early amplification cycles can produce asubstantial population of products of primer dimersynthesis, which can then outcompete the targetsequence in later cycles, resulting in a low yield oftarget amplicons. Touchdown PCR (Don et al., 1991)is employed to counter this problem, by systemati-cally reducing the annealing temperature, such thata substantial population of desired target moleculeshas been synthesized by the time the annealing tem-perature has fallen sufficiently to permit primers tobind to each other.

The annealing temperature in the first two cyclesis usually set about 3°C higher than the meltingtemperature of the most GC-rich primer with itsperfect hybrid template. The annealing temperatureis then lowered by 1°C for every two amplificationcycles. Thus, the onset of nonspecific primer anneal-ing is delayed.

Touchdown PCR can also be usefully employed ifthere is limited information about the absolute se-quence of the target. With limited information aboutthe target, it is impossible to calculate the meltingtemperature, and thereby the optimum annealingtemperature, of the primers for that species. Simplyamplifying the target with a low annealing temper-ature will likely produce multiple PCR products, asthe primers anneal in several locations throughoutthe genome. Employing touchdown PCR reduces thelikelihood of this outcome.

Finally, touchdown PCR can be usefully imple-mented when amplifying DNA from coprolites. Gen-erally, the DNA found in coprolites is analyzed forone of two reasons: to learn about the animal itself,or to learn about the diet of the animal. If the goal isto study the diet of the animal, nonspecific PCRpriming can be an effective approach. However, ifthe goal is the DNA of the animal itself, highlyspecific priming can be essential. This is particularlytrue if the organism consumes relatively closely re-lated species. In such an instance, the accuratepriming of the target-organism DNA, rather thanthat of its prey species, can be achieved by using theincreased specificity of reaction conferred by thetouchdown PCR protocol.


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Various DNA polymerases. In the early days ofPCR, new DNA polymerase had to be added witheach cycle, as the high temperatures required todenature the DNA target also denatured the poly-merase enzyme. Since then, there has been a prolif-eration of recombinant enzymes that amelioratemany of the problems associated with amplifyingproblematic templates. The stability of DNA poly-merases at high temperatures remains an issue,particularly when working with aDNA, because ofthe high number of PCR cycles generally employed.Even relatively thermostable polymerases can beginto denature after repeated exposure to high temper-atures. There are now recombinant DNA poly-merases available that have very long half-lives athigh temperatures, thereby eliminating this prob-lem (e.g., Deep Vent DNA Polymerase, New EnglandBiolabs).

Additionally, the low temperatures through whicha PCR reaction tube must be passed can causemispriming, and thereby produce nonspecific ampli-fication. Primers bind to random sites while thereaction temperature is low, and the DNA polymer-ase extends the strand before an increase in temper-ature can cause the primer to melt from themisprimed target. Mispriming in this fashion can beavoided by employing a hotstart protocol. If the DNApolymerase is either inactive or not present until thereaction mixture is at a high temperature, it cannotextend nonspecifically bound primers. This can beachieved by adding the DNA polymerase only whenthe reaction has reached a high temperature (al-though this method has the substantial side effect ofcreating an additional opportunity for the introduc-tion of contaminating DNA), or by placing a physicalbarrier of wax between the DNA polymerase and therest of the reaction mixture, which melts only whenthe reaction temperature is sufficiently high. DNApolymerases are now available that do not becomeactive until a high temperature is reached (e.g.,AmpliTaq Gold, Perkin Elmer; Platinum Taq, LifeTechnologies), thereby avoiding the need to open thereaction tubes or create a physical barrier.

Finally, DNA polymerases in PCR reaction tubesare known to incorporate mismatched bases period-ically, just as DNA polymerases in cells do. Theproduct with the misincorporated base is then atemplate for further rounds of synthesis. If such amisincorporation occurs early in the cycle sequence,then the daughter molecules of that mutated prod-uct can represent a substantial proportion of thefinal population of molecules, potentially resultingin an erroneous sequence. This problem can onlyever be fully addressed by direct sequencing of mul-tiple PCR products or clones of PCR products, but itcan be ameliorated by the use of a DNA polymerasewith a proofreading exonuclease function (e.g., DeepVent DNA Polymerase, New England Biolabs; Plat-inum Pfx DNA Polymerase, Life Technologies).

Important markers

The most common genetic markers used in aDNAanalyses are discussed below. Basic descriptions ofhow they can be applied to anthropological questionsare given, and some cautions are noted.

The most common method of genetic sexing takesadvantage of differences in the Amelogenin gene,present on both the X and Y chromosome, but withslightly varying sequences. The favored protocol in-volves amplifying a short segment of the Ameloge-nin gene that contains a 6-base-pair (bp) deletion inthe copy on the X chromosome, when compared withthe Y (Mannucci et al., 1994). Thus, the DNA frag-ment amplified from an X chromosome is only 106bp long, while that from a Y chromosome is 112 bp.Amplifications from a male individual will thereforecontain DNA fragments of two sizes, while thosefrom a female individual will contain DNA frag-ments of only one size (Fig. 3). Another sexing pro-tocol also utilizes the differences between the copiesof the Amelogenin gene on the X and Y chromo-somes, but rather than detecting size differences, itprobes the amplified DNA with oligonucleotides(short single-stranded fragments of DNA) that arespecific to sequence differences (mutational substi-tutions) between the X and Y versions of the gene(Stone et al., 1996). Amplifications from a male in-dividual will bind both probes, while those from afemale individual will bind only the probe specific tothe X chromosome sequence. A further method ofgenetically sexing individuals relies on the presenceof microsatellites (areas containing multiple repeatsof a few DNA bases, also called short-tandem re-peats or STRs) or other genetic markers that arefound only on the X or Y chromosome (Santos et al.,1998; Schultes et al., 1999; Cunha et al., 2000;Matheson and Loy, 2002). If Y-chromosome markersare detected, one can conclude that a Y chromosome

Fig. 3. Electrophoretic gel image for Amelogenin sexingmarkers (Mannucchi et al., 1994). Lanes 1 and 10 molecular sizemarker; lane 2 amplification negative control; lane 3, modernfemale sample; lane 4, modern male sample; lanes 5–8; extrac-tion negative controls; lane 9 ancient sample (morphometricallyidentified as female).

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is present in the extract (i.e., the individual wasmale). Genetic sexing should always be replicatedwith multiple extracts and amplifications, becausethe low copy number of nuclear DNA (one copy ofeach sex chromosome per cell for males) results in ahigh likelihood of allelic dropout, in which the am-plified product represents only one of the chromo-somes. This can lead to a false negative for thepresence of the Y chromosome, and thus the catego-rization of a male individual as female.

Another application of aDNA analyses is to usegenetic markers (usually autosomal microsatellites)to sort mixed remains into a minimum number ofindividuals. The use of several (6–13) autosomalmicrosatellite markers in combination has beenshown to differentiate between individuals very ac-curately (the results of such analyses have beendeemed admissible evidence in court cases; Lygo etal., 1994; Sparkes et al., 1996a,b; Chakraborty et al.,1999). Because of the increasing demand for thistype of analysis for forensic purposes, several pro-prietary kits, specifically designed for use with de-graded (ancient) DNA, are now available that allowstreamlined analysis of multiple microsatellitemarkers (Sparkes et al., 1996a,b). Although thismethod has been used forensically (Clayton et al.,1995; Corach et al., 1997; Goodwin et al., 1999), thistype of analysis is both time- and money-intensive,and no examples of such use have been found in theanthropological literature (but regarding the DeadSea Scrolls, see Watzman, 1995). As with sex chro-mosome markers, due to the low copy number ofnuclear DNA, there is a high probability of allelicdropout in this type of analysis, leading to apparenthomozygosity in individuals who are actually het-erozygous for a particular marker (Zierdt et al.,1996; Schmerer et al., 1999). Therefore, multipleextractions should be tested using multiple indepen-dent amplifications for each individual.

In the case of mtDNA, the most variable region isfound in the noncoding displacement loop (d-loop),where mutation rates are estimated to be between7% and 12% per million years (Stoneking et al.,1992; Horai et al., 1996). Mitochondria are mater-nally inherited without recombination (Merriwetherand Kaestle, 1999), and as such, people with identi-cal mtDNA sequences (having the same haplotype)for this region belong to the same matriline (i.e., arerelatively close maternal relatives) (Gill et al., 1994).Another region of mtDNA often examined for thepurposes of species identification is the cytochrome bgene (Newman et al., 2002). In the case of Y-chro-mosome DNA, the most variation found to date in-volves microsatellite markers, in which the numberof repeat units per locus varies among individuals(Jobling et al., 1999). Multiple microsatellite mark-ers can therefore be combined to define patrilines,and male with identical microsatellite alleles (hav-ing the same haplotype) are relatively close paternalrelatives (Roewer et al., 1992; Gerstenberger et al.,1999).

To identify parentage with confidence, enoughmarkers must be used to (statistically) eliminate thepossibility of a random match with a nonparent. Asmentioned above, due to the forensic demand, sev-eral kits utilizing highly variable autosomal micro-satellite markers have been developed specificallyfor this purpose, but the same technique can beapplied using researcher-designed sets of markers(de Pancorbo et al., 1995; Sparkes et al., 1996a,b;Hummel et al., 1999).

AnalysisPhylogenetic trees. A phylogenetic tree (see Fig.4a for an example) is an evolutionary hypothesisabout the proportional relatedness of individuals,populations or species (Hillis et al., 1996). The cen-tral premise of phylogenetic reconstruction is thatmeasures of similarity in some way reflect the re-cency of a common ancestry.

There are currently a multitude of methods forestimating phylogenies, which essentially breakdown along two lines, i.e., character methods anddistance methods. Raw sequence data are discrete,and they can be analyzed as such, using each nucle-otide site during the analysis. Alternatively they canbe converted to a distance matrix, in which sequencedivergence between each pair of sequences is calcu-lated. While there are several different methods forcalculating pairwise sequence divergences, eachtaking into account observed patterns of molecularevolution, distance methods nonetheless result in asignificant loss of information (Hillis et al., 1996).Steel et al. (1988) offered the example of nine taxawith 20 four-state characters. There are at least 10distinct sets of sequences that will produce the samedistance matrix. This loss of information is a definitedisadvantage associated with distance methods.However, by reducing the complex patterns presentin raw data to a single two-dimensional matrix, thecomputational power necessary to implement dis-tance methods is limited, making these analysesmuch faster than character-based methods.

The second dichotomy in phylogenetic analyses isthat between clustering methods and search meth-ods. Clustering methods use distance data and im-plement an algorithm which judges the best edge towhich to join the next sequence. Clustering methodsare fast and always produce a single tree (Page andHolmes, 1998). In contrast, search methods scanmany trees, judging them against an objective crite-rion, such as parsimony or likelihood. There areseveral search methods, but they all tend to have thesame faults. They are slow, requiring considerablecomputational power, and while still preferable to aclustering algorithm, they are only as good as theobjective criterion chosen.

The objective function against which trees arejudged is essentially a model of molecular evolution.It is generally chosen on the basis of previous evi-dence about the evolutionary behavior of the sectionof the genome being examined. For example, transi-


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tional mutations, the change from a purine to apurine, or a pyrimadine to another pyrimadine (suchas a C to a T), are more common than transversionalmutations, changes between purines and pyrima-dines (a C to a G, for example), because stereoscopicdifferences hinder mutations between classes of nu-cleotides (Aquadro and Greenberg, 1983). Conse-quently, a transition:transversion bias is often fac-tored into the model of molecular evolution. Inshallow evolutionary events, such as within the Af-rican great apes, transitions are slightly more thannine times more common than transversions(Spuhler, 1988). For deeper splits, however, as in thecase of primates vs. nonprimates, transitions makeup slightly less than half the mutational differences,due to mutational saturation obscuring historicalchanges (Hillis et al., 1996). It becomes a judgmentcall, then, to decide at what level to set the ratio. Itis also worth noting that mutational changes to thegenome do not fall simply into these two probabilityclasses of transitions and transversions (Hillis et al.,1996). There can be as many as six different muta-tional probabilities if mutations occur symmetri-cally, such that the probability of an adenine mutat-ing to a cytosine is the same as the probability of acytosine mutating to an adenine. If this is not thecase, there are up to 12 mutational probabilities.

Each of the phylogenetic methods operates on setsof assumptions about the nature of the DNA se-quences, as well as the populations from which they

were taken. When working with aDNA, one of thecentral assumptions is violated because the taxa arenot contemporary. The taxa at the ends of thebranches, in addition to not being contemporary, canrepresent entities at a variety of levels. The taxoncan be a haplotype, representing either an individ-ual or multiple identical individuals. It can be agroup, reduced to haplogroup frequencies, or an in-dividual representing a group. Likewise, the taxoncan be an individual representing a species. In theselast two cases, where individuals represent groupsor species, caution must be exercised in the inter-pretation, because a single individual, however “ran-domly chosen,” cannot possibly encompass the vari-ability and population structure of the group orspecies it is standing for.

It remains difficult to assess the accuracy of phy-logenetic trees, although some methods are em-ployed which are able to give a sense of the reliabil-ity of a tree. Bootstrapping (Felsenstein, 1985) is themost popular of these methods. It is a methodadopted from statistics to produce pseudoreplicatesof the data, in which data columns are randomlyselected with replacement to manufacture a varieddata set from the information contained among thetrue data. The bootstrap pseudoreplicate data setsare analyzed to generate a phylogenetic tree for eachof them, and then a consensus tree is calculated.Bootstrap trees have numbers associated with eachnode, representing the proportion of pseudorepli-

Fig. 4. a: Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of 29 contemporary Native Americans from the western United States, and oneancient Native American (Wizards Beach, 9,200 BP) from western Nevada. b: Statistical parsimony network of 29 contemporaryNative Americans from the western United States, and one ancient Native American (Wizards Beach, 9,200 BP) from western Nevada.Size of circle represents number of individuals possessing that haplotype, while pattern/shading represents linguistic affiliation ofthose individuals. Numbers represent nucleotide position of mutations defining each node.

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cates that generated that split. It is important toappreciate that a bootstrap value for a particularnode is no indication of the truth of that split, butsimply reflects the likelihood that the split will beretained as longer sequences become available foranalysis (Felsenstein, 1985).

Figure 4a shows an example of a tree, based onmitochondrial sequence data from the first hyper-variable segment (nps 16075–16394) of several con-temporary Native Americans from the WesternUnited States3 and from one ancient individual fromwestern Nevada (Wizards Beach, dated to approxi-mately 9,200 BP; Dansie, 1997). Genetic distancesamong haplotypes were generated by the DNADistprogram (Kimura-2 parameter model, transition:transversion ratio of 15:1; Felsenstein, 1993). Aneighbor-joining clustering algorithm was used toconstruct an unrooted tree from these data (usingthe Neighbor program, randomized input order;Felsenstein, 1993). Note the basal (underived) posi-tion of the ancient sample within this tree.

Networks. Another way to approach evolutionaryrelationships is a network, which allows reticulation(or cycling; see Fig. 4b). In many cases, this may bea more appropriate representation of our knowledge(or of reality) than a tree, which presumes dendritic(branching) evolution. For example, when workingwith autosomal DNA, there is the possibility thatrecombination between homologous chromosomeshas led to reticulate evolution for a region of interest(Templeton et al., 1992; Posada and Crandall, 2001).More relevant for aDNA research is the fact thathigh mutation rates (such as those observed in mi-tochondrial DNA) can lead to recurrent mutation atparticular nucleotides, which can cause ambiguityin the evolutionary pattern we are attempting todetect (Bandelt et al., 1999, 2000; Posada and Cran-dall, 2001), as can the generally small genetic dis-tances found between individuals within the samespecies (Bandelt et al., 1999; Posada and Crandall,2001). A network allows us to depict these ambigu-ities in connections between nodes in a topology byconnecting nodes through multiple pathways. Thesame types of data can be used to construct net-works as are used to construct trees (see above).Network-building algorithms generally begin withraw sequence or haplotype data, rather than dis-tance data, and generate their own genetic distancesfrom these data (Huson, 1998; Clement et al., 2000;

Bandelt et al., 2000; Posada and Crandall, 2001).These methods generally fall into two classes: thosethat begin with a tree and add reticulation, andthose that begin with a highly reticulated networkand eliminate reticulation. Both types often considersubsets of the data iteratively to generate or elimi-nate the reticulation. As an example, we will con-sider the median network approach (Bandelt et al.,1995, 2000). In this method, variant sites are sortedinto two classes: those that are compatible (do notrequire multiple mutational events per site andtherefore can be accommodated in a tree-like topol-ogy), and those that are incompatible (those charac-ters which cannot all be uniquely derived on a treewithout reticulation). The incompatible charactersare mapped onto unrooted trees produced from thecompatible characters (generally using parsimony,or step-minimizing, methods; Bandelt et al., 2000),with all possible reticulations included. A data setwith no incompatible sites will produce a networkthat is the equivalent of an unrooted tree. Once anetwork with all of the most likely reticulations isproduced (“most likely” being determined by a semi-arbitrary tolerance level chosen by the researcher;Bandelt et al., 1995, 2000), additional rules can beused to reduce the number of reticulations in thenetwork (Bandelt and Dress, 1992; Hendy andPenny, 1992; Templeton et al., 1992; Huson, 1998;Bandelt et al., 1999, 2000; Clement et al., 2000;Posada and Crandall, 2001). These additional rulesgenerally rest on our understanding of moleculargenetic evolution (such as rates of transition vs.transversion, described above, or observed variationin mutation rates among nucleotides in the geneticregion under study, or the observation that ances-tral sequences tend to be more frequent than de-rived sequences in a population), allowing us to ruleout “evolutionary pathways which are extremely un-likely” (Bandelt et al., 2000, p. 15).

As with phylogenetic trees, it is difficult to assessthe accuracy of network methods (Posada and Cran-dall, 2001), although networks are more likely to atleast include the true tree, simply because they en-code multiple tree topologies at once. Bootstrappingmethods can be used to generate pseudoreplicates ofthe data, and network results can be assessed in asimilar manner to tree results (Huson, 1998). A sim-ulation study on data sets of known evolutionarypathways, generated to mimic expected human de-mographic patterns, was performed to assess thegreedy reduced median (GRM) method of generatingnetworks (Bandelt et al., 2000). This preliminaryassessment of the method gave mixed results. Forincompatible sites produced by a single recurrentmutation, all reductions in the network were cor-rect. However, in cases where recurrent mutationswere more common (i.e., a single nucleotide mutatedmore than twice), the authors found that only 80% ofreconstructed networks contained the true tree.Nevertheless, when this method was applied to mi-tochondrial data sets from the literature (Oota et al.,

3Samples comprise only members of mitochondrial haplogroup Cand include 8 Washo (members of the Washo language isolate); 6Northern Paiute, 7 Pima, 1 Vanyume, 4 Luiseno, and 1 Tubatulabal(all members of the Uto-Aztecan language family); 2 Kumiai, 1 Achu-mawi, 1 Chumash, and 1 Diegeno (all members of the Hokan languagefamily); 1 Coos and 1 Wintu (members of the Penutian languagefamily); and 1 Yurok (a Ritwan speaker) (data from Kaestle, 1998;Malhi, 2001). Note that the inclusion of these languages within largerlinguistic families (Ruhlen, 1991) is for convenience only, and does notrepresent an endorsement of these particular linguistic divisions(which are, in some cases, highly questionable; Campbell, 1997).


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1995; Calafell et al., 1996), the GRM networks didcontain all of the most parsimonious trees estimatedwith phylogenetic tree algorithms (Bandelt et al.,2000). Note that these results are applicable only tothe GRM method of producing networks, and maynot reflect the reliability of network algorithms ingeneral.

Networks have several advantages over treeswhen working with aDNA. As mentioned above,they are more likely to reflect the ambiguities of ourdata. In addition, their structure facilitates the de-piction of temporally distributed samples (in thathaplotypes can occupy internal nodes, whereas treesrequire haplotypes to occupy terminal branches).Networks also simplify the depiction of sample andmutational data. In general, the size of a node re-flects the number of individuals possessing that hap-lotype, and pie charts or similar methods can beused to depict information on group membership.Networks traditionally also display mutationalevents on the links between nodes (although this canalso be done along tree branches).

Figure 4b depicts a network generated from thesame data used to generate the tree in Figure 4a.This network was produced using a statistical par-simony method (Templeton et al., 1992), as imple-mented in TCS software (with gaps treated as a fifthstate, using the default 95% parsimony probability;Clement et al., 2000). Note the central position ofthe node representing the ancient sample. The re-ticulation among two different sets of three haplo-types (located in the lower portion of the network)represents the different possible mutational path-ways between these haplotypes (in other words, mu-tations may have occurred twice at nps 16189 and/or16311).

Population statistics. In addition to represent-ing relationships with trees or networks, many sta-tistical analyses can be done to compare populationswith one another, or to derive estimates of impor-tant population genetic variables from observeddata (such as migration rates, effective populationsize, and the like). Most of these methods rely onestimating total variation within a population sam-ple, and comparisons of variation within and be-tween samples. The most common statistics used forthese studies are FIT and FST, the total inbreedingcoefficient and the coancestry coefficient, respec-tively (Wright, 1951; also estimated as F and &,respectively; Cockerham, 1969; Weir and Cocker-ham, 1986). As two populations become more differ-entiated from each other, FST increases. For exam-ple, if FST " 0.07, then two alleles or sequenceschosen at random from within a population are 7%more likely to be the same than if you pick twoalleles or sequences at random from the sample as awhole (the combination of two or more populationsyou are comparing). These variables can be esti-mated in a number of ways, such as from allelic (orhaplogroup) data, or from sequence data (Nei, 1975;

Jorde, 1980; Hartl, 1981; Lynch and Crease, 1990;Excoffier et al., 1992; Gillespie, 1998). These statis-tics allow a calculation of an estimate of differenti-ation between populations. Population differentia-tion is influenced by the elapsed time since commonancestry (with greater times leading to greater dif-ferentiation through the action of genetic drift; Slat-kin, 1991) and the level of migration between popu-lations (with higher levels of migration leading toreduced differentiation through the action of geneflow; Cockerham and Weir, 1993). Under a simplemodel of migration, for biparentally inherited loci,the equilibrium value of FST is estimated as

! "1

1 # 4Nm

where N is the effective population size, and m is themigration rate between populations (Weir, 1996).Unfortunately, it is difficult to separate the effects ofdrift and gene flow (dependent on N and m), andmigration between populations is almost certainlymore complicated than the model suggests. Thus,more complicated analytical and simulation modelshave been developed in an attempt to separate andestimate these two terms (e.g., Nei, 1975; Jorde,1980; Slatkin, 1985; Slatkin and Barton, 1989; Hud-son et al., 1992; Gillespie, 1998; Hunley, 2002). Inaddition, most population genetics methods assumethat a sample has been drawn from a single (orlimited number of) generation(s) from a population.This is generally not the case when dealing withancient samples, which may span hundreds or thou-sands of years (tens of human generations). Thistemporal scatter of the sample introduces an addi-tional source of error when estimating populationparameters, which is not accounted for in statisticalestimates of error on these variables.

Nonphylogenetic “cluster” analyses. In addi-tion to expressing relationships between popula-tions using trees or networks (as described in thephylogenetic analyses above), genetic similaritiesamong populations can be visualized on two- (ormore) dimensional plots. These graphical represen-tations of the relationships between groups have theadvantage that they do not presume any branchingorder, simply that some groups will cluster moreclosely with each other than with other groups (forwhatever reason). In addition, several of the meth-ods utilized to generate these relationships havebeneficial statistical attributes when dealing withDNA data.

The most common method of revealing these rela-tionships used with genetic data is principal compo-nents analysis (PCA). The aim of PCA is to identifyand represent the most important of these relation-ships between populations (or objects) with asmaller number of variables, allowing them to bedisplayed graphically along relatively few dimen-sions. This method discards some of the data fea-tures as uninformative, the result of “noise” (Krza-

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nowski and Marriott, 1994). This method utilizesvariance-covariance matrices to estimate a vector(eigenvector) that maximizes the variance amongpopulations, calling this the first principal compo-nent (PC) (Mardia et al., 1979). It then estimates asecond vector that maximizes the remaining vari-ance not correlated with the first vector, calling thisthe second PC. The method continues to estimatevectors, or PCs, until all of the variance in the inputdata is accounted for. The PCs are then assessedbased on the proportion of total variation that theyexplain (Mardia et al., 1979), and some subsets ex-plaining low amounts of variation are excluded(where this cutoff point is set can vary; Bartlett,1950; Kaiser, 1958; Cattell, 1966; Mardia et al.,1979; Krzanowski, 1987; Jackson, 1991; Johnsonand Wichern, 1998). Plotting the first two or threePCs against each other can reveal structure in thedata, and additional pairs of PCs can also be plotted(e.g., the third PC against the fourth, and so on)(Krzanowski and Marriott, 1994). This structuremay involve the clustering of a subset of the data, oran ordering of data points along an axis that appearsto represent some real-world variable (e.g., geo-graphic or linguistic groups; Kirk, 1982). It is impor-tant to remember that PCA can be sensitive to scal-ing of variables, and input data measured indifferent units (of noncomparable scale) must bescaled to equalize both unit of measurement andvariance (Krzanowski and Marriott, 1994) beforePCA is applied. This is usually accomplished bydividing variances by their standard deviations (cre-ating a correlation matrix in place of the variance-covariance matrix) (Krzanowski and Marriott, 1994;Johnson and Wichern, 1998). A PCA of the four mostcommon Native American mitochondrial haplogroupfrequencies in four modern Native Americansgroups (defined geographically) and one ancientgroup from western Nevada (discussed in more de-tail in Applications, above) is presented in Figure 5(data from Kaestle and Smith, 2001a, Table 3. Notethat erroneous haplogroup frequencies for the Bajagroup were reported in this table. The correct fre-quencies are: A, 0.02; B, 0.68; C, 0.30; D, 0; and X, 0).

Another method of describing population relation-ships based on genetic data of many kinds (haplo-type frequencies, SNP frequencies, or sequence dataas represented in genetic distance/Fst estimates be-tween groups) is multidimensional scaling (MDS).Multidimensional scaling is similar to PCA, in thatit detects relationships between objects (in this case,populations), and can depict them in a graphicalway using a plot. MDS, however, does not assumelinear relationships between these groups, nor thatthe data are distributed (multivariate) normally,can accommodate asymmetric matrices, and do notrequire the computation of a correlation matrix (La-louel, 1980). For these reasons, it is applicable tomany more types of data. The plot produced throughMDS usually depicts two or three dimensions forease of display, although the proper number of di-

mensions to use can be explored using a scree test orother methods (Cattell, 1966; Kruskal and Wish,1978), and may be significantly more than three, butin these cases the plots are so difficult to interpretthat other methods of analysis may be more fruitful.MDS essentially develops a '-dimensional plot of thepopulations that minimizes the differences betweenthe (usually Euclidian) distances between the points inthis plot and the matrix of input data (usually geneticdistances), using a stress function (Kruskal and Wish,1978). Another way of saying this is that the k-dimen-sional plot produced seeks to nearly match the originaldistances/dissimilarities, although in fewer dimen-sions (Johnson and Wichern, 1998). In many cases,interesting patterns (whether they are clusters thatseem to reflect significant differences, or sorting ondimensions that appear to reflect real-life variablessuch as geographic distance) can be identified simplyby visual inspection of these plots, but more objectivemethods also exist (e.g., Borg and Lingoes, 1987). Thisprocess, when performed with metric data (i.e., actualmagnitudes of differences or similarities betweenpopulations), is also called principal coordinate anal-ysis (Gower, 1966; Johnson and Wichern, 1998) orclassical scaling (Krzanowski and Marriott, 1994).Although sometimes also abbreviated PCA, princi-pal coordinate analysis should not be consideredinterchangeable with principal component analysis(Gower, 1966; Mardia et al., 1979; Lalouel, 1980;

Fig. 5 Principal component analysis of Native American mi-tochondrial haplogroup frequencies, including data from an an-cient western Nevadan group (Kaestle and Smith, 2001a), utiliz-ing a Varimax rotation to simplify the structure (Bryant andYarnold, 2001). The first principal component explains 58% of thevariance, and separates the Southwestern and Baja groups fromthe rest, while the second principal component explains 39% ofthe variance, and differentiates the Great Basin group from theCalifornia/Ancient Nevada cluster (and also adds to separation ofBaja/Southwest cluster from remaining samples).


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Seber, 1984; Krzanowski and Marriott, 1994). Prin-ciple coordinate analysis is only equivalent to prin-cipal component analysis when the dissimilaritymatrix utilized consists of Euclidean distances be-tween points (Gower, 1966; Krzanowski and Marri-ott, 1994), and in this case the principal coordinatesof the data matrix in “k” dimensions are given bycentered scores of the these groups on the first “k”principal components (Mardia et al., 1979). WhenMDS is performed on the rank orders of distances(i.e., ordinal information), this process is callednonmetric multidimensional scaling (Johnson andWichern, 1998).

Simulation models. In addition to the above-mentioned analytical models, the computing poweravailable on desktop computers now allows sophis-ticated simulation models to be developed to dealwith the complexities of aDNA analysis (and popu-lation dynamics in general) (Cabana, 2002; Cabanaet al., 2002; Hunley, 2002; Hunley and Merriwether,2002; Usher et al., 2002). This allows us to begin toexplore the special sampling problems inherent instudying ancient groups, and to try to incorporatemultiple processes that can affect population geneticvariables.

Cabana (2002; and Cabana et al., 2002) developeda model to test hypotheses of population continuitythat allows the effects of genetic drift, includingissues of migration and population structure andsize, to be examined over any number of genera-tions. This model uses aDNA data as a startingpoint to generate multiple populations of a user-determined size that are allowed to interact throughmigration (again, at user-determined rates) overany number of generations. The differences betweenthe starting and ending populations are noted, andthe results of multiple simulation runs are used togenerate a distribution. The actual differences be-tween the two populations (whether they are twoancient groups separated in time, or an ancientgroup compared with a living population) can thenbe evaluated in light of this distribution.

Usher et al. (2002) developed a simulation modelto evaluate our ability to detect some aspects ofsocial structure using aDNA data. Assuming partic-ular inheritance and residence patterns (patrilineal/patrilocal, matrilineal/matrilocal, or matrilineal/avunculocal), the authors simulated landscapescontaining multiple cemeteries, which they filledwith simulated individuals possessing mtDNA andY-chromosome markers, who belonged to simulatedfamilies. The spatial distributions of these markerswere assessed both within and between cemeteriesto determine if it was possible to distinguish be-tween different patterns of inheritance and resi-dence. Preliminary results suggest that patrilinealand matrilineal patterns, at least, are clearly distin-guishable.

Hunley (2002; and Hunley and Merriwether,2002) developed a general simulation model to in-

corporate several human behaviors that can affectpopulation genetics parameters, and in particular,effective population size. This model allows the userto vary human behavior, such as individual repro-ductive success or migration rate between subpopu-lations, while simulating the evolution of groups(composed of individuals possessing mtDNA and/orY-chromosome markers, which are assigned basedon the known frequency of these markers in a livinggroup). For each simulation, population parameters(such as measures of genetic diversity) are calcu-lated, and a distribution is generated. The observedvalues of genetic diversity in and among livinggroups are then compared with this distribution,allowing the generation of more informed estimatesof population parameters (such as migration rates).Although the data used to test this model were gen-erated from living populations, the model could eas-ily be adapted to incorporate data from both ancientand modern populations.


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