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Ancient Manifestation & Healing Fire Ceremony has been a roller-coaster ride of a ... planets went retrograde in July ahead of the Blue Moon this includes our sister planet Venus

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Ancient Manifestation & Healing Fire Ceremony

Sarah Negus www.sarahnegus.com




1. Welcome

2. Fire Ceremony

3. Amazon Jungle

4.About Sarah



Welcome 2015 has been a roller-coaster ride of a year for me and for many of my clients. The year of change, the year of acceleration, the year to find your authentic Self. We have seen, a lunar eclipse, a solar eclipse, and a Blue Moon. 6 of our planets went retrograde in July ahead of the Blue Moon this includes our sister planet Venus. All of our celestial bodies are asking us, as I write this, mid July 2015, to look at our past, to let go of everything that no longer serves us, that hides our light under layers of dusty old behaviours, the Blue Moon in July 2015 offers us the opportunity of new beginnings. Mainly in how we show ourselves to the Universe. Be brave, step into the light, be who you were born to be.




• Every person’s experience of a spiritual ceremony is different. So let go of expectation.

• There is no right or wrong in the process, it is an experience of love and light that is all.

• Set your intention for healing. • Set your intention for manifestation. • Be clear with these, the Universe cannot help

you if you are unfocussed or confused. • Universal timing is not the same as our

concept of time here on Earth. Just because something doesn’t happen in our time frame it doesn’t mean that the Universe and all your guides and angels aren’t working on it.



How to Prepare • Spend time in nature to ground yourself. A

few minutes outside without shoes, walking against the earth will do that.

• Clear your energy, whilst in meditation, use

your breathing to connect with your body as it sits on a chair on the floor. Feeling the power of your breath as it comes and goes…Imagine a beautiful waterfall of rainbow light falling over your head, down your shoulders all the way to the floor, knocking of anything in your aura that you no longer need. Leave your day and its events behind you.

• Sit quietly in meditation with your journal or

some paper and ask your guides to help you release whatever is no longer serving you for your greater good.

• Choose up to 3 things that perhaps have been

recurring in your life.



• Write them down, slowly, take your time, hear your voice as you say the words out loud, and open your heart to letting go.

• Fold up the paper until it is small as you can

make it. Keep it safe, ready for the Fire. It is very powerful and holds the energy of your intention.

• Then again find a meditative place and ask

your guides to show you what is in your highest interest to manifest.

• Choose 3 things that you could manifest in the

short term. It is important to note here, if you want to be able to measure your results it may not be feasible to use the fire ceremony to manifest a 10 year life plan. This manifestation is for the now, the short term future.

• Write them down, slowly, take your time, hear

your words as you say the words out loud, open your heart centre to the intention of manifestation.



• Then let go of any expectation of an outcome. Things may happen in ways that you could not imagine.

• Fold up this paper too, as small as you can

make it, save it for the Fire remembering its powerful manifestation intentions.



Sample Prayers and Requests for Meditations I use the following prayers and requests to help align for the highest and best interest of myself and my clients before the Fire Ceremony. Healing I ask my guides, angels and the Universe to help me for my greatest good, with love and light. Please show me, in a clear way that I can understand easily, what may be holding me back in my life now. Please give me an answer for the 3 things that I may let go of for my own healing. I thank you for your guidance, your love and your light. I send you my love. Thank you. You may receive answers as pictures or words on your mind. Or you may just have a strong feeling or knowing.



Manifestation I ask my guides, angels and the Universe to help me for my greatest good with love and light. Please show me, in a clear wa,y that I can easily understand, the best path for my life to take. I wish to manifest 3 things to move me forward on my life’s path, I am open to receiving your knowledge and wisdom. I thank you for your guidance, for your love and your light. I send you my love. Thank you. Your answers may not be in any form that you expect. Sometimes I see pictures, get given a word or a sentence, sometimes nothing comes. This is when I have to be patient and trust. And here is where you must trust what resonates with you most. Trust your heart, trust your gut and try to move away from the constant chatter in your mind. Feel the energy, move with the energy, write with the energy.



The Fire The Fire doesn’t need to be big or fierce. If you are able to light a fire outside then do so. Use logs and try not to use too much artificial lighting blocks. Keep the flame as pure as you can. If you cannot set a fire outside, and have a log fire inside, then this will work too. As will the simplest of candles. If you are using a candle and would like to make a sacred space or alter then do so. If you have any crystals, you can use them as well just make sure they are clean. Note: Make sure you follow the safety regulations pertaining to your Country/State/Area. Do not have a fire outside if you are in an area of outstanding beauty, protected forest, or are experiencing dry conditions.






A fire ceremony can be held at any time, all you need is a flame and the feeling that you would like to bring change into your life. During the time of a full moon, the energy is heightened and it is at this time that I like to hold a fire ceremony using the fire to transmute the energy of intention, letting go of the past and drawing in the new. So…. Build a fire…. If you can’t build a fire, light candles. Write down everything you want to let go of, that no longer serves you, that you want to release as you move forward in your life. Be STILL… sit with that intention, fold up your paper and burn it in the fire or with the candles… Talk to the fire, tell it what it is you are letting go of. The vibration of your voice will intensify the energy….. Watch the fire take your intention and transmute it to smoke that is carried up to the ethers… LET GO… SMILE!



Then….write down everything you want to create in your life in the coming months, your dreams, abundance, everything you would like to manifest for your greater good. Again, Be STILL…. Sit with this intention, fold up your paper and burn it in the fire or with the candles… Talk to the fire, asking it to bring that which you desire for your greater good, again the vibration of your voice will intensify the energy….Watch the fire take your intention up into the ethers… THEN LET GO OF EXPECTATION… allow the Universe to do its work….

It has heard you.



My Time in the Amazon Jungle During 2005 my life changed drastically. Everything I knew was swept away from me in the space of 6 months. The only thing I had, was my spirituality, and, in the face of the adversity this aspect of me blossomed. I had been working with Vivian Kay, for a few years, she is a world renowned healer and Shaman with close links to Peru. She was a United Peace Elder for Peru and privately supported a number of families in their struggle to send their children to University. Viv is a woman of substance, she has a determined nature is full of character and charm. When she said something was so then it usually was. This is how I came to find myself deep in the Amazon jungle of Peru, an hour’s river journey from Iquitos (an island town inaccessible by road), with no electricity, no running hot water and the deafening sound of the jungle all around.



This was not a holiday, this was an experience, I’ve never looked back. It was here that I learned the ways of a shamanic culture, it was here that my spiritual gifts opened up to me and it was here that I first purposefully set upon my path. I experienced Ayahuasca, a spiritual ceremony used by the Shamans to open up an individual’s consciousness, so they can see their own truth. It purges the body from toxins and it purges the spirit of illusions. There is a saying amongst those who have taken part in such a ceremony ‘you’ve got to be in it to win in’….. basically, each individual’s experience is a different one, so to try to explain mine to you would somehow dilute it. Suffice to say I’ll never forget the days that I was influenced in mind, body and spirit by ‘the dead man’s root’ – Ayahuasca. I fished for piranha in the Amazon, had encounters with the fresh water dolphins.. they feed on the piranha and turn pink in adulthood because of the colour of their diet. The local



people say that these pink dolphin can fall in love and mate with humans so women in the middle of their cycle don’t go to bathe in the river alone….just in case!

I was given the name ‘Queen of the Jungle’ and a hat to denote the honour by my Guide.

And then I took part in a Fire Ceremony. Now, I’d experienced these before, back home in the UK, but never with such intention. The fire was built, and set alight purposefully and with love. The timing around the Full Moon



discussed and pondered upon, the circle of people were gathered together, each Soul honoured for his or her being, and then everyone joined together to lift the energy and bring us as close to the higher realms as we could be while grounded on the Earth. We let go of the past with love, acceptance and forgiveness and beckoned in the future again with love, but with hope, excitement and commitment. Most importantly, we then let go of any expectation of the outcome that this ceremony would bring.



Sarah Negus



I am Sarah, I have been working as an intuitive healer and psychic channel for the past 12 years. My gifts give me such joy that I want to share them with as many others as I can. I work with other healers and energy workers supporting them on their path, helping them lift their vibration, increase and expand their gifts and Claire abilities, access their own ancient wisdom and talents so they can use them more effectively in this life time. I help them unleash more of their inner power and help them perform from a higher realm, stepping into their divine alignment bringing them to a state of mastery in their healing abilities. Want to know more about me and get in on my latest offers? Connect with me on facebook here https://www.facebook.com/sarahannnegus Ready to know access your own ancient wisdom and talents to use in this life time now? Message me and let's chat about that today. Email me at sarah.sarahnegus.com