AND UKRAINE MAY 1-9,2013 - Northstar Compass Archive · Harpal Brar -England Galina Savchenko - Ukraine Representative of the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party Dr. Angelo D’Angelo

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Page 1: AND UKRAINE MAY 1-9,2013 - Northstar Compass Archive · Harpal Brar -England Galina Savchenko - Ukraine Representative of the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party Dr. Angelo D’Angelo
Page 2: AND UKRAINE MAY 1-9,2013 - Northstar Compass Archive · Harpal Brar -England Galina Savchenko - Ukraine Representative of the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party Dr. Angelo D’Angelo

EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSCElected at the Third World Congress in 2011 - Canada



Michael Lucas -Editor-in-chief CanadaGeorge Gruenthal - NSC Webmaster - USA Helen Lucas-Financial Secretary- CanadaAntonio Artuso - Editor of French NSC - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichetti -Editor ol Spanish NSC - Chile Editors of Hindi NSC-Workers and Peasants Party of Nepal Maria Dochenko - Russian NSC Harpal Brar - England Frank Trampus - Canada Ray O Light - USA Irina Malenko - Northern Ireland Galina Savchenko - Ukraine Don Currie - Canada


Michael Lucas -Chairman of International Council -Canada Michael Opperskalski - Germany Maria Donchenko -Russia General A. Fomin - International Union of Soviet Officers - Russia Helen Lucas - Financial Secretary- CanadaEduardo Artes Brichetti - Chile Ray Berbling - Australia Manik Mukherjee - India Harpal Brar -England Galina Savchenko - Ukraine Representative of the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party Dr. Angelo D’Angelo - USA George Gruental - USA Rose O Light - USA Frank Trampus - Canada Alexei Maikov - Canada Antonio Artuso - Canada
















May Day-Victory Day celebrations in Russia - Ukraine Page 3-12Boston Massacre - then and nowPage 13-16US is on a war path against North Korea Page 17Who toppled the statue of Hussein in Iraq?Page 18What is US-NATO planning ton do with thousands of their war planes?Page 16Obama’s Syrian terrorists are using children as human shields - a war crime Page 20Democratic Korea is defending itselfPage 21-22The moral decoding of 9-11 - NATO plans for new world orderPage 23-26UN condemns Israel over treatment of Palestinians Page 27Militarism reigns supreme in theUSAPage 28What is happening in Slovakia now?Page 29-30Policewomen of the world where Americans stand out Page 31-32Friendship News from Canada Page 33-34 Letters to the Editor Page 35





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The turn-out of people on these two celebrations were excellent, with young people in very large numbers participating all over former USSR


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COLLECTORSWe have a large assortment of stamps from all over the world, ready to send you a packet for a

donation to NSC.


Since Putin returned to the Presidency, the Russian authorities have initiated criminal proceedings against any opposition activities against Putin and his controlled parliament, which has very quickly approved repressive Bills which sharply hiked the fines on any civil protests. Although these protestors never carried any Red or Soviet flags, the protestors chanted ’’Russia will be free” and "Throw Putin out of the Kremlin!"


Back to the future. Back the USSR


Thousands of people gathered in front of the Kremlin to support the jailed comrades for their part in the last year’s protests in Moscow. There were over 20,000 protestors taking part and venting their anger against the Kremlin and demanding the release of their jailed comrades.

Last year’s protest ended in violence between the demonstrators and the police. This protest was peaceful but there were very heavy police cordons around the protestors.


On April 17, 2013 - Day of the Independence of Syria, the All-Ukrainian Union of Soviet Officers went to the Syrian Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine to demand that NATO stop its aggression as well as that of some Arab countries, such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, against Syria!Long Live Syria and President


Galina Savchenko, Lieutenant of the Soviet Army


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MARCH 2 - The Social March MARCH 3 -Solidarity with Syria

MARCH 16 - 1991 Referendum anniversaryMARCH 16 - Solidarity with Syria MARCH 17 - Referendum AnniversaryMARCH 23 - Meeting on he housing feesMARCH 30 - Syria solidarity action MARCH 31 - Comrade Kirov BirthdayAPRIL 5 -Cuban Five solidarity APRIL 5 - Meeting for privatization results revisionAPRIL 6 - Venezuela solidarity APRIL 7 -Soviet concert APRIL 13 - Soviet Cosmonaut APRIL 13 -Conference in defense of childrenAPRIL 14 -Transfer of Russian budget from national to private action


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MISSILES FIRED AT RUSSIAN PLANE WITH 200 PASSENGERS OVER SYRIAINTERFAX - April 29. 2013Two missiles were fired by the Syrian terrorists and they exploded very

close to the Russian airline but the pilots managed to maneuver the airliner and thus saved the lives of the 200 Passengers. Russian and Syrian governments are investigating.

PUTIN IS SELLING OFF THE WHOLE COUNTRY!In March we in Mineralny Vody in Russia, gathered at the

monument to V I. Lenin. In front of the monument, across the street we hung a banner on which was printed: “EVERYTHING IS FOR SALE".

Putin is selling off - oil, gas, metals, acres of forest lumber, fishery industry, young girls, children for adoption etc. He made a deal with the company that builds the Boeing airliners and brags that each Boeing airliner has over 40% metal from Russia. We will buy more of these American planes! Meanwhile we do not even produce our own airliners now! Putin has now dismembered our production and is willing to sell anything and everything that US imperialism wants.

Wake up people! Listen to what the Communists-Bolsheviks are telling you!

Vladimir Shkarupa -Member of the AUCPB


Ukrainian nationalists-fascists were marching in the streets of Lvov on April 28 to mark the 70th Anniversary of the14th SS Volunteer Division - set up by Germany during World War II. This SS Waffen Division was most of the time even more brutal than the Nazi Germans - killing and brutalizing the Progressive Slavic people across Europe. Most of these war criminals escaped to the West, thus escaping the just punishments by the people. Neo Nazis from Russia and Lithuania also came to Lvov to take part in this Neo-Nazi celebration. But the people will never forget your war crimes.Your punishment is coming sooner or later!


President Leonid Tibilov of South Ossetia said that diplomatic efforts just a re not working even though South Ossetia has protection from Russian security forces as well as the Army of South Ossetia. Who is it now that is egging Georgia to attack Ossetia again?


President of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev is passing a Decree to lease to NATO-USA the Aktua Port on the Caspian Sea in order to help the United States- NATO as a “ trans it po in t' for war shipments from and to Afghanistan - if this allowed to be a NATO base on the Caspian Sea.

“A NATO naval base on the Caspian Sea will complicate the situation in the Caspian Region, Central Asia and the Caucasus” Dmitry Abzalov of the Russian Center of Strategic Communications s aid. “This situation may deteriorate rapidly, particularly since this is a promising oil and gas region or the new gas pipeline project. Relations are bound to cool d o w n .. ." the Russian s tatement concluded.


c o m p a s sWhen will all Communist Parties in former USSR unite against the present capitalist


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THE BOSTON MASSACRE — THEN AND NOW- Leading in Opposite D irections-

“As the citadel o f the current world empire, U.S. society, not surprisingly, is much more violent than the other 33 developed nations that make up the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. . . .No wonder millions of red blooded American boys' have gotten the message that might makes right and that mayhem and murder is the solution to their problems. There is an epidemic of mass murders in U.S. society. ... And there is every indication that tragic mass murder events in the USA will become not less but more frequent in the foreseeable future. ” ("The Brutal and Decaying U.S. Empire and the Newtown School Tragedy," pp.6 and 7, Ray O’ Light Newsletter #76, Jan-Feb 2013)

I penned these words in response to the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy that occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School last December. At that time, a lone gunman murdered twenty innocent six and seven year old children and six teachers. Barely four months later, on April 15th, during the celebration of Patriot's Day in Boston, near the finish line of the famed, annual Boston Marathon race, two bombs were detonated killing three people and injuring more than 280, almost all of whom were runners in the Marathon or those watching the sporting event. Many of the latter were at the finish line to welcome and cheer friends and family members who were able to complete the grueling race. Once again, as in Newtown, innocents were slaughtered.

- The Boston Massacre of 1770 and the Celebration of Patriot’s Day -

The terrorist attack targeted a holiday, Patriot’s Day, which celebrates the first military victories achieved by the people of the British colonies in North America against the British army in what became known as the American Revolution and also as the American War of Independence. [NOTE: Patriot’s Day is a public holiday only in Massachusetts and Maine. It should not be confused with the very different Patriot Day now held on September 11th to mark the anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the USA in 2001.]

Paul Revere, a well known silversmith and activist in the Sons of Liberty, became renowned for his role in warning the farmers in the Lexington area that “the British are Coming!” The victories at Concord and Lexington, outside of Boston, on April 19, 1775, were a major step toward the independence of the developing United States from the dominant colonial power in the world, Great Britain. The American Revolution was an historical advance for the world’s peoples as it struck a major blow against both Monarchy and Empire It helped inspire the French revolutionaries who made an even more thorough revolution a decade or so after the American Revolution. And these revolutions helped inspire other oppressed and colonized peoples to take up arms against monarchies and to drive out foreign occupiers in the years that followed.

On March 5, 1770, a crowd of jeering Bostonians threw snowballs at a small group of British soldiers guarding the Boston Customs House. The enraged soldiers of the British occupation army fired into the crowd, killing five colonists.[NOTE: Crispus Attucks, who had evidently escaped slavery some twenty years earlier and was a working sailor on whaling ships, was the first person shot and killed. This Afro-American working man became the first hero of the American Revolution.] The British government had been trying to increase its control over the colonies and raise taxes at the same time. And what began as a minor skirmish became a turning point in the beginnings of the American Revolution. The Boston Massacre helped unite the colonies against Britain and deepened their desire for independence. That 1770 Boston Massacre represented terror inflicted by the occupying power on the people of Boston But the people of Boston and of the developing United States were able to turn that tragic event into its opposite For it ultimately became a rallying point for the defeat of the British colonial power and for driving the British out of the new country entirely.

Compounding the tragedy of the 2013 Boston Massacre is that thus far it is leading in the opposite direction.

-The 2013 Boston Massacre and the Strengthening of the U.S. Empire-

In the 1770’s, the United States was born in the crucible of the revolutionary democratic struggle of about a dozen colonies along the Eastern seaboard Boston was arguably its most advanced revolutionary center of


GUEST EDITORIALPatriot s Day Terror

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resistance against the British colonial power, led by King George, an arrogant and ignorant monarch. In 2013, in sharp contrast, the United States has spent most of the past six decades as the hegemonic imperialist power in the world. It is the modern equivalent of the British colonial power of two hundred years ago. It has become the home territory of the U.S. Empire. Moreover, for more than a decade, the U.S. imperialist state has been waging a continuous war of terror against the world’s peoples.

By the time that George W. Bush left the presidency, it was clear to the world’s peoples that he was an ignorant as well as an arrogant helmsman for the U.S. state. His stature was low like that of Britain’s King George and some even referred to him as “King George.” Barrack Obama is clearly not an ignorant man. However, he has seamlessly (and shamelessly) carried forward the criminal war of terror against the world’s peoples that he inherited from George W. Bush. And, on virtually every front, the Obama Regime has intensified the authoritarian violence and repression!

Obama has greatly increased the use of unmanned drones to kill folks in Yemen, Pakistan and elsewhere. Just one of these lethal incidents in which much “collateral damage” occurs could be compared in its death and destruction to the terrorist bombing attack at the Boston Marathon. And Obama’s drone master, John Brennan, the chief of staff to Bush’s CIA Director and then deputy director of the CIA, has now become Obama’s CIA Director. Even Democratic Party- connected CREDO Action exposed that, “ In 2008, when President Obama was rumored to want John Brennan as his CIA director, Brennan’s complicity in Bush-era crimes led to an outcry that forced him to remove his name from consideration. Torture and extra-judicial assassinations are just as outrageous now as they were under the Bush administration."

This is a period in which the George W. Bush Regime and now the Barack Obama Regime, at the height of the arrogance and desperation of U.S. Empire, have tried to exercise imperial prerogative to pick which chiefs of sovereign states can remain in power and which need to leave their own countries, which rebel groups will be brought into power and which will be left out in the cold.

In addition to maintaining the U.S. military and mercenary occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan as long as he could, Obama ordered Libya’s Gadhafi to leave his own country. Obama then provided the logistical and military resources for U.S. imperialism, along with French, British and Italian imperialism (the traditional colonial powers in Africa), to unilaterally bomb and invade Libya, a sovereign African country. Whatever his other weaknesses, Gadhafi was one of the few remaining world leaders who had come to power through a revolutionary overthrow of a monarch, and over his decades in power he had provided some economic, political and military aid to African countries and others. In the aftermath of the chaos in Libya created by the Obama-led war there, Obama-Biden has established a


significant and growing U.S. military presence in about thirty African countries, all organized through AFRICOM.

Recently, the Obama Regime enabled French imperialism, which did not possess adequate logistical and military resources of its own, to invade and occupy Mali and encroach on its neighbors.

Currently the Obama government is refusing to recognize the new democratically elected Maduro government in Venezuela. On the same day as the Boston Marathon bombing, the U.S.-backed Capriles forces carried out terrorist attacks there, including the firebombing of eight health clinics, that resulted in eight deaths and many injured.

The colossal cynicism of the current Obama-Biden Regime is evident in relation to Syria. In the name of “humanity,” for months, U.S. imperialism has been arming the “rebels” and calling for Assad to leave. Beyond that imperialist arrogance and chauvinism, Obama has now asserted that chemical weapons have been used in Syria’s current civil war and that if the Assad government in Syria has used poison gas, U.S. imperialism will take direct action against the Assad Regime. Yet Obama is exposing himself for the anti­human, imperialist hireling he really is by being silent on what he will do if it turns out that the “rebels” have been the ones who have used poison gas. And no one in the UNO, or other regional and international bodies, no other major powers such as China, Russia, Germany, etc. has called him to account on this blatant imperialist hypocrisy.

Certainly the question of Chechnya’s fate is of little importance to the major powers as they play the twenty- first century version of the “Great Game.” In a period in which Obama now sends unmanned drones to destroy human beings all over the world with impunity, youth who have any respect for their own people will try to fight back. And, especially because the international working class and the oppressed peoples around the world are divided and disorganized at this time, many youth will be vulnerable to the pleadings of agent-provocateurs too. The resort to so-called individual terrorism is a reflection of weakness, not strength.

The monopoly capitalist-controlled media has told us that the alleged bombers were the Tsarnaev brothers who were from Chechen background and were immigrants in the USA. The older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, had permanent residency status. And the younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is a 19 year old citizen of the USA, raised and, by all accounts, assimilated into U.S. culture and society. The U.S. intelligence agencies had a long history of organizing and funding the terrorist organizations that fought against the Soviet Union for an "independent" Chechnya. Similarly to the U.S. Empire’s relationship to the mujahadeen in Afghanistan led by Osama bin Laden, after the fall of the USSR, the U.S. imperialists no longer needed to make a priority of backing these armed terrorist bands in Chechnya. As with bin Laden’s al Qaeda, the decay of the U.S. Empire had not allowed

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the terrorist organizations it created to remain permanently on the payroll of U.S. imperialism. It is possible that Tamerlan had connections with one terrorist band or another — a situation that both the Russian government as well as the U.S. CIA had apparently made the FBI aware of. Yet, supposedly, the FBI had “overlooked" the security risk posed by this Islamic immigrant who had spent months in Dagestan last year and allegedly met there repeatedly with “a known Chechen terrorist" (Dolgatov) in a fundamentalist Salafi Mosque.

In an excellent article, Professor James Petras states: “A more likely explanation is that the FBI was actively engaged with Tsarnaev and deliberately encouraged the conspiracy for self-serving purposes.” (“Boston Bombings: Detonator to Mobilize the Entire US Security Apparatus....” Global Research, 4-30-13)

Petras argues that, “The most likely hypothesis is that the FBI facilitated the bombing in order to revive the flagging fortunes of the ‘war on terror’ foisted on a war- weary and economically depressed American public.” (ibid.) Indeed, the week following the Patriot’s Day bombings in Boston seemed to unfold according to a strategic plan to do exactly that.

-Erecting the National Police State-

In the concluding paragraph of my article on Newtown, Connecticut four months earlier, I had linked the “epidemic of mass murders” to “the developing military- fascist state."

In a column on the front page of a pull-out section of the Boston Globe on Saturday, April 20th, five days after the Patriot’s Day terror attack, staff writer Andrew Ryan wrote that, “An unprecedented manhunt held metropolitan Boston hostage as police searched house by house for a suspect in the Marathon bombings, leaving almost one million people under siege. The region felt gripped by martial law.” (page A13) And this stark reportage was under the control of the editors who editorialized on the same day, as follows: “The odds of more terror attacks are greater than the odds of losing our essential freedoms. This week has shown that we should tighten our security and loosen our concerns about minor limitations on our freedom of movement.”

Somehow Ryan’s reportage of “metropolitan Boston held hostage,” “one million people under siege,” and a “region gripped by martial law” does, not equate to concerns about “minor limitations on freedom of movement."How quickly the Boston Globe editors, representing U.S. finance capital, are ready to advocate that, in the name of national security, we risk losing “our essential freedoms!”

To its credit, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), Massachusetts Chapter, protested the police-state actions during the week following the Boston Marathon bombings. In its 4-26-13 Press Release, the NLG cited the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (as well as a similar passage in the Declaration of the Rights of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) asserting that,

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." The Lawyers Guild chapter declared that, “This lock down and the widespread use of warrantless searches and seizures imposed by law enforcement on Friday, April 19, 2013 were unprecedented in our nation’s history." (My emphasis)

This NLG lawyers group continued: “These widespread searches and seizures, executed by heavily armed officers who more closely resembled special forces military units than they did law enforcement officers, occurred over a 20-block area of Watertown and in the context of a total lockdown of that area, and a more voluntary lockdown of the entire City of Boston, among other places.” The NLG reported that the Boston Police were “already seeking more cameras and drones to saturate the area with surveillance ability ‘to prevent a similar attack in the future.’’’ Finally, the NLG, Massachusetts Chapter, raises the question: “ If the police can shut down an entire city in pursuit of one suspect, albeit a dangerous one, what use of force will they consider to be justified when faced with a similar or greater threat?”

On Friday, when at least several thousand armed police from various law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, launched their massive manhunt for 19 year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick warned the people of Boston and nearby communities of Watertown, Waltham, Newton, Belmont and Cambridge to “shelter in place"—“stay inside, lock the door and don’t open it for anyone except police in uniform.”

Certainly, one intended result was reflected in an AP statement (4-22-13) that reported that “nearly 42 million people watched the last hour of Friday’s manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspect on television”... roughly double the amount of people usually watching at that time of the week! What a way to engender mass hysteria. And it worked. Following the capture of the wounded and hiding 19 year old, some Watertown folks waved U.S. flags, chanted “USA! USA!” cheered the police and sang “God Bless America.” Elsewhere college students celebrated in Boston Common, cheering “Boston Strong” and “USA.” As they did this, their Miranda Rights, along with those of U.S. citizen Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, were being violated and taken away.

As Professor Petras points out, “The ‘Boston Bombings’ served as a detonator to mobilize the entire US security apparatus; it has led to the suspension of constitutional guaranties. It has been accompanied by an intense mass media campaign glorifying police state operations and the imposition of virtual martial law in the Boston area of over 4.5 million inhabitants. The military police operation and media campaign aroused fear and terror


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among the public. Insta n t psychodrama produced mass worship of the ‘heroic’ police: they were portrayed as having saved the public from unknown numbers of armed terrorists lurking in their neighborhoods. The police, the FBI and the entire Security Apparatus — were repeatedly ‘honored’ at public spectacles, sports and civic events, lauded as guardians and saviors. (ibid.)

Professor Petras notes that, “The 'Boston Bombings’ coincided with the White house dictating a new round of domestic police state measures and launching a series of aggressive military moves in Asia The Middle East and Latin America."


In the spirit of Patriot’s Day, but not Patriot Day, we, like Paul Revere, are warning that “the British are coming. ' The U.S. imperialist ruling class is fanning the flames of anti-lslamic hysteria and anti-immigrant feeling and wants us to fight against our best friends, the international working class and the oppressed peoples, as well as the rest of the 99%. And the worst thing we can do in response to the 2013 Boston Massacre is to unite with Boston Mayor Menino, Massachusetts Governor Patrick and especially U.S. President Obama and the armed police forces that make up the most important part of the U.S. imperialist state apparatus at every level. Remember Obama has just launched his budget attack on our Social Security (“chained CPI”) while guaranteeing the profitability of the Wall Street banks that are ‘too big to fail.”

For the tyranny of the U.S. Empire today has much in common with the tyranny of the British Colonial Empire in the 1770’s. At an increasingly rapid pace, the U.S. imperialist oppression of the peoples in other lands is being introduced into the daily life of those of us living here in the belly of the beast. And the U.S. Empire is accomplishing this and making us more and more subordinate to the Wall Street imperialist ruling class in the name of protecting us from those other countries and peoples.

The bombing at Boston Marathon, the 2013 Boston Massacre, is clearly one more tragic event in which innocents are being slaughtered in “the growing epidemic of mass murders” in the USA In fact, a central theme of this year’s Marathon was “26 Miles for 26 Victims.” And relatives of those killed in the Sandy Hook school shootings were guests at the Finish Line tent near where the bombings occurred

I concluded the article on Newtown with the following: “Given the current political and economic developments in the USA, the only remedy to this sick situation, the only way to avoid an out-of-control epidemic of mass murders such as have occurred so recently in Aurora, Colorado and now Newtown, Connecticut and the developing military-fascist state is to defeat, dismantle and destroy the U.S. Empire. We need to replace the capitalist system, characterized by ruthless exploitation

of the many by the privileged few with the socialist system where those who labor have the deciding voice and vote For the world’s workers want a peaceful world in which to produce an abundant life for themselves their families and their neighbors everywhere ” (“The Brutal and Decaying U S Empire and the Newtown School Tragedy,” p. 10, Ray O' Light Newsletter #76 Jan-Feb 2013)

Whereas the m ost pos itive response to the Boston Massacre o f 1770 was to unite the co lon is ts against the B ritish M onarchy and its government, m ilitary, etc., the m ost pos itive response to the Boston Massacre o f 2013 is to re ject un ity w ith the U.S im peria lis t ru ling class and state apparatus and to forge un ity with the workers and oppressed peoples around the w orld figh ting against ou r com mon enemy, imperialism , headed by U.S. im perialism .


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The DPRK (North Korea) has been living under the threat of a US nuclear attack for over 60 years. Although the DPRK has faced and is facing hostile military exercises several times each year - all this represents a qualitative escalation on the part of US Imperialism.

Tensions now are extremely high on the Korean Peninsula and a very serious danger exists of a new war breaking out, whether by design or miscalculation.

US Imperialism and their South Korean stooges not only try to present the victim as the aggressor, they would also have

nuclear issue exists in and around Korea, solely due to DPRK’s possession of nuclear weapons.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only are the US Imperialists and the South Korean reactionary regime and various of their other allies currently engaged in a massive rehearsal for nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula - but the DPRK has lived under a very heavy threat over a US nuclear attack for over 60 years!

Faced with all these exceptionally serious threats by the most powerful warmongering state in the world, the DPRK and the Korean people have every right to defend themselves by any means necessary.



Number of Iraqis slaughtered in US War and occupation of Iraq 1,455,590Number of US soldiers slaughtered in the war in Iraq (officially acknowledged by the Pentagon)4,883Number of allies of NATO occupation soldiers slaughtered in Iraq 3,281Cost of War in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001$1,443,616,064,383.

President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela was elected by a clear majority of people of Venezuela, despite the reactionary sabotage, US instigated anti-Maduro victory. People came to celebrate the victory over US efforts to

sabotage the Venezuelan elections. Onwards in the struggle for Peace and Socialism.

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Hanoi. April 17. 2013 Two Vietnam students were killed

and six injured - these are the most recent Vietnamese victims of the explosives that the US bombing missions left all over Vietnam during the US invasion, that caused the Vietnam War in 1975.

Nearly six million hectares, representing over 20% of Vietnam territory, were strewn with fragmented bombs, unexploded landmines, grenades, missiles and countless other weapons, which remain hidden in bushes, below the surface and covered by soil - these hidden weapons are all over Vietnam Only about 300,000 hectares of Vietnam have been cleared up. These hidden bombs have killed over 104,000 people and left hundreds upon hundreds of maimed casualties since the Vietnam War ended.


Remember the Western media frenzy when former US President Bush gave the order for the invasion of Iraq, because Hussein had "Weapons o f mass destruction"? Western media went wild when the statue of Hussein was toppled “spontaneously by the Iraqi people. ”

Now it is admitted by the Pentagon that it was on thecommand of the US Marine Colonel and the White House “US Army psychological operations team” that their task was to make it appear to be a spontaneous Iraqi people undertaking.



SYRIAN TERRORISTS KIDNAPPED 2 ARCHB ISH0PSTwo Orthodox Archbishops were kidnapped last month when they

were carrying out humanitarian work in a village in Aleppo They are Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim and Greek Orthodox Archbishop Paul Yazigi Where is any statement and condemnation from the




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STORED IN JUST ONE AIRFIELD IN ARI20NAPEach one o f these aircraft has a multi-million dollar price tag.


“Those who beat the ir swords into plowshares, w ill p low those who did not!" Former US President Thomas Jefferson.



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These shocking photographs were taken by the Syrian FSA terrorists and sent as a promotion attem pt to try and show the world that “even Syrian children are fighting against the elected Syrian Governm ent”. Thanks to M ichael Opperskaiski fo r the photos.


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Articles sent by Professor Mirko Svoboda - Prague - Czech Republic

“Nuclear Game”

Nuclear confrontation between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic o f

Korea entered a new phase after the latter’s third underground nuclear test conducted last

February, a critical one which put the “nuclear game” played between the two for 20 years into

brighter limelight o f the world.

Entering 1993, the United States resorted to more vicious schemes to suppress the DPRK.

being carried away by a series o f “victory” in the Cold War and the Gulf War.

It, therefore, found an excuse for justifying their war o f aggression against the DPRK in the

latter’s “nuclear issue.” The US instigated the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to

adopt a resolution on forcing a special inspection upon the DPRK, clamouring about suspicions

concerning its nuclear development. At the same time it staged the Team Spirit joint military

exercise on the largest scale in south Korea, posing a military threat to the DPRK.

The DPRK responded to it by declaring a state o f semi-war and withdrawal from the Nuclear

Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The US had no other way but to change its tactics; it pursued a “delaying” tactics to wait for

the DPRK’s collapse, promising its provision o f a light-water reactor project.

The second nuclear confrontation

The Bush administration, upon taking office in January 2001, designated the DPRK as part o f

the “axis o f evil” and a “target o f its nuclear preemptive strike.”

It was met with the latter’s declaration o f the final withdrawal from the NPT. Having no other

way the US clung to its “delaying” tactics again. Availing itself o f the six-party talks for the

denuclearization on the Korean peninsula it tried to appease and exert worldwide pressure upon

the DPRK, while watching for a chance for military attack.

The DPRK made up its mind to prepare itself the nuclear deterrent in order to defend its

territory and sovereignty from the “superpower” attacking with nuclear weapons.

To this end it turned the US “delaying” tactics to its own advantage: it speeded up its nuclear

program in the severest economic difficulties, developing its nuclear power on its own

technology and resources and conducting in 2006 the first underground nuclear test.

The US frantically applied “strong sanctions” against it and took military manoeuvres, which

did not work.The DPRK conducted its second underground nuclear test in 2009, to which the Americans

The first US vs DPRK nuclear confrontation

failed to take proper countermeasures.


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The third nuclear confrontation

The recent round o f nuclear confrontation was also provoked by the US.

When the DPRK launched its first applications satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2 last December,

the US instigated its following countries to take another “tough sanctions” against the DPRK

The DPRK resolutely declared that it would turn out in an all-out confrontation, and on

February 12 this year carried out its third nuclear test as part o f practical countermeasures.

Taking the “all-out confrontation’' declared by the DPRK government into consideration the

recent nuclear test would be a prelude to its final offensive against the US.

It is recognized that it has already possessed the capabilities to attack the US mainland, such

as over 10,000-km-range missiles and a technology o f manufacturing smaller, lighter and various

atomic bombs.

After its underground nuclear test the DPRK solemnly stated that it would take its second and

third countermeasures in succession, should the US continuously make the challenges.

Americans, counterpart o f this “nuclear game,” must know better than anyone else what it


In a word it is the US that is caught in its own snare which it dug to entrap the DPRK, a


A south Korean internet newspaper carried an article, titled “The US caught in its own trap.”

It said that the United States itself fell into a trap o f “delay” it had dug to entrap north Korea

and it became clearer that it should inevitably choose one o f the following measures; to die a

gradual death in that trap, to surrender to north Korea and give up its policy o f military

supremacy or to start a war against it.

The international community is anticipating the choice o f the US, which will render its

coming nuclear game with the DPRK more interesting.

In Defence o f Sovereignty

The third underground nuclear test the DPRK carried out in February was a resolute

countermeasure it took to defend national sovereignty from the US hostile act o f having grossly

violated the DPRK’s legitimate right to the peaceful satellite launch.The DPRK successfully placed its scientific satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2, into orbit with

carrier rocket Unha-3 in December last year.French Le Figaro wrote that the successful launch o f Kwangmyongsong 3-2 demonstrated the

DPRK’s high technological level o f the satellite blast-off. It noted that the DPRK succeeded in

launching its satellite in spite o f unfavourable winter weather and placed it exactly into orbit,

through calculated trajectory, the fact which even the US recognized.This notwithstanding, the US instigated the UN Security Council to fabricate another

resolution on imposing further “sanctions” against the DPRK, abusing its launch o f peaceful

satellite as that o f “long-range ballistic missile” and a grave challenge to global peace and


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The plan’s next decisive steps were in fact already in m otion as Rockefeller expressed gratitude for the media black-out. A new strategic manifesto from the Pentagon was in preparation entitled “Defense Planning Guidance on Post-Cold- War Strategy,” completed on February 18,1992. [xvii] Prepared under the supervision of Paul Wolfowitz, then the Pentagons Undersecretary for Policy, it was disclosed in March of 1992 by the New York Times. After the first invasion of Iraq, it became known as the Project for the New American Century, publicly released from 1997 to 2000 prior to 9-11.

Again we may note the long arc of planning control, crisis and war as required. Item 6 of the strategic plan defined the agenda in general terms: “In the Middle East and Southwest Asia, our overall objective is to remain the predom inant power in the region and preserve U.S. and western access to the regions oil.”

Oil-rich Iraq had in fact been invaded - not only to privatize its peerlessly high- quality surface oilfields but to destroy its region-leading socialist infrastructure. Iraq becam e accessible for invasion as the arm s-bankrupted Soviet Union was in collapse. We may observe that the covertly genocidal destruction of Iraq bridged Republican and Democrat adm inistrations over three changes of governm ent - disclosing how the covert state operates as a m oral constant across party fronts.

The actions confirm and express the one supreme moral goal identified above. They bridge from Saddam him self as CIA-payroll killer and war proxy against Iran to recapture lost Iran oilfields dating from 1980 to 1988 to the fall o f the USSR in 1991 as the axis of the long-term strategic plan of global tu rnaround to “America’s century” still to come before and after 9-11. But between 1990 and 2003 Saddam was transm uted from former ally to aggressor against Kuwait in an invasion given an official green light from the U.S. government, to “m ushroom cloud”threat with invented “weapons of

virtually no economic options with Iraq because the country floats on a sea of oil.”

Observe how the invasion is conceived as obligatory for a reason that expresses the supreme value goal. Observe that it occurs less than two years after 9-11, which gave the open-cheque justification for the bombing and occupation which allowed the expropriation of Iraq’s society’s oil resources.

The problem was not the evil Saddam or the “weapons of mass destruction”, the standard reverse projection. [xviii]The problem was the Iraqi people themselves and their developed oil-funded social life infrastructure between the supreme oil-fields and their U.S. corporate control and privatization. 9-11 was,thus, first the justification for invading Afghanistan - to clear the way for pipelines into the former Soviet republics from the Caspian Sea region- pipelines that prom pted the U.S. representative to predictively warn the Taliban:“Either you accept our offer of a carpet o f gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs.”[x ix ]9 -ll was then the necessary basis of justification for the bombing of Baghdad for the unifying supreme objective.

In fact. seldom published in the corporate media keeping the glare of publicity away from the supreme m oral objective, the publicly owned and m anaged oil revenues of Iraq had been invested since the 1950’s in Iraq’s advanced social infrastructure, leading the M iddle East with free higher education, high health standards, and near universal livelihood security. The world’s oldest civilisation was robust in organisational capacities long before the CIA-asset Saddam was installed.

Despite his m urdering his way to the top in this function, even Saddam could not destroy the system because socialist government had been achieved decades earlier by a powerful oil-workers’ union base and a population glad to have all education free, an efficient low-cost foods delivery system, and the most advanced

moral cause, what the U.S. covert state always seeks to destroy by any means, isa successful social infrastructure without private big oil, bankers and transnational corporations free to control it towards higher profit opportunities.

Unravelling the Supreme Moral Doctrine behind the U.S. Covert State

JPEG - 23.1 kb The genocide of Iraq, as the long-opposing “evil empire” was in free-fall, is the most im portant strategic anchoring prior to “9-11 Covert strategic policy to forward the supreme goal is by now self-evident, but the inner moral logic is assumed not penetrated. The most influential o f Rockefeller’s proteges in this regard is the “philosopher king” of the U.S. covert state, Leo Strauss. W hile he never worked in a philosophy departm ent o r has any training in logic, his concept of “natural right” fits exactly to the “supranational sovereignty” of private money-sequence rule o f the world - what “the intellectual elite” Rockefeller refers to invoke as “moral anchor”, “right” and “justice”.

The moral thought system is not unlike that o f Mein Kampf without the racist rant, camouflaged everywhere in practice by the m ethod of big lies - “noble lies” as Strauss exalts them.[xx] The innerm ost value driver is a perpetual war of dispossession o f the weaker for the private transnational money-capital multiplication of the rich.

N othing in this doctrine is too mendacious, greed-crazed and murderous if it fulfills the plan of this limitless private-capital rule as ultimate moral ground and compass. In Strauss’s canonical teaching of U.S. national security advisers and intellectual following, the ruling moral absolute is expressed by the core master idea behind the “supranational sovereignty” of an “intellectual elite and bankers”:

“limitless capital accum ulation thehighest right and m oral duty”.[xxi]

This is the ethical absolute of the covert U.S. state and its strategic decision structure.


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But through the prism of U.S. global

In short, it is im portant to recognise how twisted the covertly ruling doctrine is. No element of it is life coherent or true to the classical thinkers in which it costumes itself. In the end, only the transnational U.S. money party has any place in its rights and obligations, and any sacrifice of other life to its supreme goal is legitimate - linking back to the Nazi-U.S. corporate axis that nearly destroyed the civilised world once before.[xxiii]

Money-Capital Power UeberAlles: How Economic Rationality Leads the Plan

The U.S. culture of money-sequence “rationality” is the underlying intellectual and moral disorder which leads to “limitless money capital accumulation” as the supreme moral goal. In formal terms, the equation of rationality to atomic self­maximization is assumed a-priori across domains. With globalizing Wall-Street- led “financialization”, this “rationality” becomes equated to private money- sequence multiplication across all borders as the ultimate Good. This is the innerm ost mutation of value logic and goal, the moral DNA, from which the cancerous world system develops on both sides of 9-11. [xxiv]

This first principle itself is,in fact,built into formal economics, decision and game theory, and strategic science, as I explain step by step in “Behind Global System Collapse: The Life-Blind Structure of Economic Rationality.” [xxv] It is axiomatic but unexamined, life-blindly absolutist but not recognised as morally problematic. To make a long story short, competitive self-maximization in the market is assumed to produce “the best o f possible worlds” by mathematical proof. “Pareto efficiency” is believed to demonstrate this by private money exchanges between self-maximizing atoms a priori stripped of all life properties, relations, society, conditions of choice, and all natural and civil life support systems. Pareto himself recognised outside this formula what has since been covered up.

Not only is the formula consistent with most having remaining impoverished by the “optim um ” of “no-one worse off”, what none who cite “Pareto efficiency” as a standard academic m antra ever


the inner meaning of the angst of artistic

acknowledge or even recognise. Pareto himself is in no doubt o f the implication. As the fascist party he belongs to rules Italy and Rockefeller creates the Council of Foreign Relations, he asserts with approval: “Very moral civilized people have destroyed and continue tp destroy, without the least scruple, savage or barbarian peoples”, [xxvi] We glimpse here at the roots the supreme morality built into “economic science” itself.

Yet, as dem onstrated in “Behind Global System Collapse”, even the most liberal canons of America, including John Rawls’ classic A Theory of Justice, are grounded in the same meta principle, [xxvii] Rationality and value are equated to self-maximizing gain with no limit within game-theoretic interactions as the sole limiting framework of “limitless money capital acquisition”. The generic equation defines, indeed, the dom inant intellectual and economic mind-set o f America and the global system in action since 1980. The cabal internal to U.S. national security strategic planning follows the moral logic to its most radical conclusions with no constraints by life or law.

The one absolute moral meaning is the spread of U.S. economic, military and political power as good for all, or, more exactly in Straussian language, limitless private transnational money-capital expansion as the highest right and moral duty. Only what is consistent with or serves this supreme morality, it follows, deserves to exist. This is the alpha and omega of the covert doctrine and state, and careful reading can find no disconfirmation beneath the rhetoric of “noble lies”.

The Iraq Paradigm: Genocide StrategyFrom 1990 On

The Iraq line of the geostrategic plan from 1990 to 2001 and after is a paradigmatic articulation of the covertly ruling moral logic. It launches into the theatre of war as direct war attack when U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, is instructed to green-light Saddams already known plan to invade Kuwait in 1990: “The US. has no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait”, she advises. To formalize the lie as official and traditional, she reports: “Secretary

Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America”, [xxviii |

The dispute was, in fact, over Kuwait’s drawing out oil from reserves underlying Iraq as enabled by the colonial split o f the oil-rich Kuwait province from Iraq - the classic divide-and-rule policy holding also in the division o f oil-rich Kurdistan among four manufactured states. Saddam had good reason to trust the U.S., not only by the long-term official promise o f neutrality but as blood-mix ally when he waged a U.S.-supported war of aggression against Iran - which still remains the target. Note the big lie to provoke the supreme crime of war has remained without any glare of publicity that might derail the plan.

W hen Saddam did exactly as planned by invading Kuwait, Bush Sr. raved about the Nazi-like aggression against a weaker country in the reverse projection that always defines the covert U.S. state before, through and after 9-11. So in the same name of “preventing aggression” U.S. “defense” forces invaded Iraq to destroy any life capacity it had to defend itself - always the strategy since the defeat in Vietnam. The genocide began by the massacre of many tens of thousands of fleeing soldiers. Recall the weeping young woman, the Kuwait am bassador’s daughter, planted next to baby incubators falsely claiming the m onster Saddam had m urdered the babies. This reverse projection was soon to be made real thousands of times over inside the victim society of Iraq.

Reverse projection of evil is the meta law of U.S. psy-ops propaganda in the deadly conflicts and wars it covertly starts. This is the supreme moral program in action as “noble lies”. In this case, the air-bombing after surrender continued from U.S. and “special ally” Britain as “sanctions of Iraq” to “prevent aggression” - again the reverse projection. In fact the bombs continually fell on the water and electricity infrastructures of the defenceless people and against all lines o f repair to restore either - “the line in the sand against Iraq aggression”. We might bear in m ind that Wolfowitz was Undersecretary of Defense under Secretary Cheney at this time, their positions not unlike those at the time of 9-11.

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Air-bombing, as Bertrand Russell long ago pointed out, is inherently fascist in erasing the killed and maimed from sight while ensuring im punity for the bombers of defenceless people. But all such mass m urder is only collateral damage to the supreme moral goal as “natural right and law”. The air bombing of Iraq’s water and electricity supplies dressed in one big lie after another continued in slow mass- m urderous destruction of the people and their social life infrastructures years on end.

Denis Halliday, United Nations H um anitarian Co-ordinator for the mission finally called it “genocide” (W ikipedia calls it “the Persian Gulf War”) when he resigned in 1998 to protest against “the crimes against hum anity”. But no-one knew until the U.S. D epartm ent of Defense Intelligence got out that the first sweep of Iraq was planned down to the mass killing of the infants and children. September 11 in 2001 is better understood in this wider context of strategic planning by the covert U.S. terror state. For years the non-stop bom bing of the peoples central life-water support system deliberately engineered mass dying from diseases of children in the hundreds o f thousands.

W hat was predicted by Harvard Medical School researchers from the continuous civilian infrastructure bombing by the U.S. military - the deaths of over 500,000 children- was verified by the counts scientifically taken at the risk of researchers as the bombing continued m onth after m onth with NATO support, [xxix]

Full-spectrum corporate money- sequencing through Iraq under the Comprehensive Privatization Program would only be enabled by “9-11 ’’down the road. But first the bases of advanced social life organization needed to be destroyed. The later-leaked U.S. Defense Intelligence docum ent entitled “Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities” expresses the m oral DNA at work. I cite the key lines of U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency reports because they reveal the character o f the supreme moral goal and its strategic planning.“W ith no domestic sources of water treatm ent replacement or chemicals like chlorine”and “laden with biological pollutants and bacteria”, the leaked and corporate interests - the hitherto favoured strategic-plan mode had been local death squads along with pervasive American media propaganda against the victims as “com m unists” and “sponsored by

Defense Intelligence Agency report says (italics added), “epidemics o f such diseases as cholera, hepatitis, and typhoid” will “probably take six m onths before the [drinking and sewage water] system is fully degraded”.

rhe docum ent continues, Conditions are favorable for com municable disease outbreaks [by the one-way air bombing] with the “most likely diseases during next sixty-ninety days of diarrheal diseases (particularly children) acute respiratory diseases (colds and influenza); typhoid; hepatitis (particularly children); measles, diphtheria, and pertussis (particularly children); meningitis including meningococcal (particularly children), cholera”. “Medical Problems in Iraq”, dated March 15, 1991, reports that the “water is less than 5 percent of the original supply - - diarrhea is four tim es above norm al levels — Conditions in Baghdad remain favorable for disease outbreaks”. The fifth docum ent in June reports “almost all medicines in critically short supply” and “Gastroenteritis killing children - - in the south, 80 percent o f the deaths are children”.[xxx]

In short, no limit to covert U.S. planning of indiscrim inate mass m urder for the supreme goal exists. The num ber who died in 9-11 suddenly pales in comparison. In all cases, it lets “those inimical to U.S. interests” know that there is no limit to how far the covert terror state will go for the supreme moral code not yet decoded. Com bined with wars o f aggression before and after 9-11, raining fire and explosions on civilians from the air so that no defense or escape can be made, saturating the fields of public m eaning with big lies civilly dangerous to unmask, and bringing vast enrichm ent and new powers to transnational corporate conglomerates and their past and present CEOs of the acting U.S. state - all become clear in their ultimate m eaning once decoded. As the Democrat U.S. Secretary of State responded to the question of the 500,000 killed children, “we think the price was worth it”. No price is too much to pay for fulfilment of the transcendent project of the global U.S. state and its private capital rule as “the Free World”. “Those inimical to our interests” are those who oppose or ar.e in the way o f it, and thus “hate our Somalians behind the primeval civil war ever since. These are merely expressions of the underlying logic of value and the plan for its supranational rule beneath the lights of publicity as “discretion”. The examples


The Strategic Logic of Value through 9-11

By 2000 it was very clear to the U.S. strategic planners that the opening up of the Middle East and Central Asia after the fall of the Soviet Union had to be further pursued before it was too late.The great regret for the planning personnel o f the com ing Bush Jr. adm inistration such as Paul Wolfowitz was that Iraq had not been taken over on the first invasion. The need for “full spectrum dom inance” across the Middle East and Central Asia was thus the essential argum ent of the Project for the New American C entury (PNAC), with the prescription that no other “regional power”was able to contest this dominance.

The PNAC more explicitly recognised the strategic necessity for what Zbigniew Brzezinski had already called for in 1998 in The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives - namely,“the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat” to ensure public support for “the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power”. The now once untouchable Central Asia, formerly of the USSR, was thus targeted as essential not only for its vast oil reserves, but to complete rule o f the “first truly global power”.

The Project for the New American Century was more explicit than Brzezinski in 2000, the year before 9-11. As former Defence M inister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, lucidly puts it in a recent address (italics added):

“The authors o f this American ‘Mein K am pf [the PNAC] for conquest recognized the difficulty of persuading sophisticated Americans to accept such a gigantic change in policy. So they wrote the following (subsequently removed from the record): ‘Further, the process o f transform ation, even if it brings revolutionary changes, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.”’[xxxi]

Excepting the Vietnam War ending in m ilitary defeat - but vastly enriched arm am ents and .connected private bank Yet despite this very narrow centre of control,almost no global territory or field of life is outside its rule and strategic plan.

The “Trans-Pacific Partnership” is but its25

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The tell-tale signs that it was not the “foreign act o f war” which was trum peted were that President Bush Jr. continued exposed in set-up photo ops with school children during the “attack on the U.S.” Not a wheel turned in U.S. jet intervention or homeland protection. No evident defensive action or response whatever occurred. Until strategic security from public uprising and awareness was established, the blame on foreign terrorists was repeated non-stop around the clock with no-one raising a question.

Weeks thus passed in inaction. As the future director o f the 9-11 Commission said years before 9-11: “The effort and resources we devote to averting or containing this threat now, in the ‘before’ period, will seem woeful, even pathetic, when compared to what will happen ‘after’.”[xxxii]And so one war of invasion after another was made upon entirely unproven sources of the “attack” who were, in fact,states and peoples standing in the way of vast publicly owned oil-fields. These had to be taken for control by U.S. and allied state armies for the private transnational corporations employing their leaders in and out o f office. Money- sequence oil to quadruple-plus more has been the story ever since, [xxxiii] If 80% of the 19 claimed suicide agents were from oil-ally Saudi Arabia, if none of their identity papers could have survived the destroyed buildings, and if several of these “hijackers” were apparently still alive, why did none of the vaunted “free press” ever investigate 9-11? The “noble lie” is built into every step.

The total demolition of the buildings on 9-11 was professionally executed - impossible to manage except by a technologically sophisticated state with intelligence support, as former State Secretary for Defense of Germany, Andreas von Billow,has concisely observed at the first-order level: “To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them

and melting car bodies nearby extends the problem of physical impossibility by jet fires. That is why the firemen were killed by being “falsely told it was a fire, not military ordnance’. The fire-squad com m ander who told me this asked me not to name him because of the harm that might come to him “from the media” - the 9-11 gag again. Yet the core and deciding issue is strangely avoided by all:

W hatever the technics, every step before and after 9-11 took place in accordance with the supreme moral objective and covert-state strategic m ethods to execute it. The smoking gun is incinerated buildings. Every step “before" and “after” goes back to the motive, the crime syndicate, the plan, the payoffs, the seizures and dispossessions.

Reducing the Auto-Determination of Nations Requires the Plan

To reduce the “auto-determ ination of nations practised in past centuries” for the “supranational sovereignty of an intellectual and banker elite’ could only be made possible through “full spectrum dominance” on the ground as the Project for the New American Century had independently explained, and“the catastrophic and catalyzing event” required was “9-11”, however it was accomplished.

Nicholas Rockefeller was already speaking of “the plan’ eleven m onths before the “9- 11” call for emergency help when he said to his close friend, Aaron Russo:

“There’s going to be an event A aron... We are going to go into Afghanistan so we can put a gas pipeline to the Caspian Sea... We are going to go into Iraq to take the oil and to establish a base in the Middle East and we’re going to go into Venezuela and try and get rid of Chavez - - -Through it, you fight the War on Terror and then you go into Iraq - - the media can convince everybody that it’s real - -”[xxxv]

-to acquire maximally more money dem and for private use and control with no public or other barrier across internal and external borders by war, trade treaty or any other means whatever the sacrifice of others’ lives. They do not count in the calculus. All life is an “externality”. There is no step of the covert U.S. state that does not obey the formula.

The legality o f international treaty was and remains the transnational legal method already established in the decade before 9-11 to provide the supranational framework of private transnational money- sequence rule as the moral absolute to which all conformed. Coded as “the global free market”, it is neither free nor a market, but oligopolist corporate control of supply, demand, and inert-state policy. In fact, the supreme morality as defined overrides all economic interests themselves by absolute protection of private transnational “profit opportunity” alone -with thousands of regulations across borders governed by this moral absolute. This too is testable by examination of the articles o f any transnational trade treaty in the NATO control zone.

Policy structures follow in line. Tax, financial, natural resource and investment policies are structured by law and right to ignore all destruction of social and natural life and life capital bases to grow transnational private money sequences to limitlessly more. This is why the self- multiplying money sequencing with no com mitted life function has expanded in accordance with this moral absolute through and after “9-11”. Observe how the ultimately regulating principles of value prescription and description all conform to one axiological syntax across controllable theoretical, economic, political, and other levels o f the global system, [xxxvi]

Thus whatever the world uprisings against it and however destructive o f the planet’s social and ecological life bases, this law of m otion remains the ruling constant.

With all regulating life standards thus erased and repelled, a direct question arises in the USA: Why would the sacrifice of a few thousand mixed people and two iconic buildings count against this covert value calculus if it reaped the world in a pay off to the under one percent and this could always be blamed on the enemy to achieve even more a full spectrum dominance of the globe and the resources?

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United Nations on April 17, 2013 has denounced Israel about the conditions of over 5,000 Palestinians, including 235 children and women that are held is prisons, apart from the 169 imprisoned Palestinians who are held in prison already for many years, with no charges and no trials. The UN charges that this is against the UN Charter as well as against the International Human Rights Charter.

More than 750,000 Palestinians have been held in Israel jails since Israel occupied the Palestinian lands since 1967.

According to the UN Children Fund about 700 Palestinian children between 12-17 years old are arrested, interrogated, and detained by the Israeli Army, police, and security agents every year - that’s

over 7,000 children in the last ten years.

According to this UN Report, these Palestinian children are systematically subjected to cruel and inhuman treatments, which are institutionalized by the Israel prison system.

Of course Mr. Obama, you are aware of this United Nations Report! It’s written in English !

WHY IS UN SILENT ON US/NATO CRIMES?Jcorlett1881@gm ail.com

The former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in an interview summed up exactly what the US thinks of the United Nations: “The UN plays a very important role. But if we do not like it, we always have the option of following our own security interests - and I can assure that we shall do so, despite what the majority of the UN says or does."

That’s how the Gulf War happened in 1991 - Iraq was invaded, the US-NATO bombed

Serbia in 1999 and invadedAfghanistan in 2001.

This Pentagon policy was revealed to the world media that - “Any strike at a country that results in 50 or more civilian deaths is unavoidable collateral damage". US

government simply excuses all civilian deaths above 50 as ‘‘collateral damage”.

By virtue of this Pentagon Policy, the United States is committing a war crime and that crime is murder!

APPEAL TO READERS OF NSC!We receive more and more

articles written by readers, for which we very thankful. Many times we are unable to publish them in full or the photos that do accompany these articles, because they are too lengthy. Please have your articles much shorter because of space available in each issue of NSC.

Sincere apologies to our readers and supporters of NSC.

Michael Lucas - Editor

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The United States should attend more to the American people, who are in need of assistance, rather than expanding its military all over the world.

The fact that, plagued with internal economic crisis as it is, the United States government persists in maintaining a growing string of military bases around the world at a cost estimated at way over $30,000,000.00 Billions per year - this is an indication as to the degree militarism reigns supreme in the United States of America now.

A new Congressional Report reported that the rising costs of keeping these massive US bases all over the world is rising to way over $10 Billions per year.

We Americans have to keep in mind that never before in our history has one nation (USA) divided the world into military commands. US has Six Overseas Military Commands that take in every part and country of the world. It also has six very large US Naval Fleets circling the entire Globe - according to US military analysts.

Yes US i s a Military Dictatorship!Editor of NSC


A report published by the French daily newspaper Le Monde admits that these foreign supported rebels are dominated by terrorist groups that are part of Al Qaida. This outright expose is to let the French people know that what the French Government media is saying is not the truth. “These insurgent forces that are terrorizing the Syrian people are NOT democratic revolutionaries or struggling for

human rights and government of Syria."

The article received from Prensa Latina on April 17, 2013 shows the following:

New confessions from captured members of the armed insurgents show that these insurgents have

received orders to figh t and establish an Islamic Caliphate in Syria They were also offered senior positions in the future government of Syria - and that they are going to be wealthy and have slaves in the Islamic Caliphate state of Syria."


This balloon has sophisticated cameras, large memory storage and transmission apparatus and USA is using these balloons to spy over the Syrian territory - and they are unmanned - the Pentagon stated in their official statement that “these balloons are no danger to Syria and cannot be considered as a provocation.”

Syrian forces have also uncovered and destroyed Israel spying devices made to look like rocks with cameras inside to film and transmit pictures of the surrounding landscape near the Mediterranean Coast.

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Dear friends at NSC:It has been a long time since I

wrote you last, but I did have some health problems. If I didn’t see what I’m sending you now, I would not have believed it, to see how the people now behave here. The few people that belong to the CP are now old, always drinking and hardly any party work is being done now as it was before when CSSR was existing.

The recent strike by the Slovak teachers won them some increase in their low salaries. But the Slovak Government said that they have to close dozens of schools - even though the finances were available, but already in the coffers of the Government. This was a very simple and very “democratic solution" by this Slovak

GovernmentThese photos are only of three

local schools - this situation is in other districts across Slovakia The Government says that because there is a decrease of students, the other students are then forced to surrounding district schools - by any means they can get to these schools. These schools are then abandoned. - then the Government in few months offers them fo r sale or rent - and of course the bourgeoisie gets it for a symbolic price - because now the school building is in “disrepair”.

But we must look at the statistics as to what was before in Socialist CSSR and what is now in capitalist Slovakia.

At the end of the Socialist school year, there were 95,000 new pupils in Grade One - every single year. Now in 2013 school year, there are only about 46,000 new pupils.


AFTER DISMEMBERMENT OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA?Sent in by one o f the many readers o f NSC

VANYA KALASHNiKOVKremnica - Slovakia

There is a practical explanation:* Dramatic decline in marriages. Young people now prefer free sex, without any obligations. Here the photo of the primitive billboards by the roads all over Slovakia.* Constant emigration to Western Europe. Over HALF MILLION Slovaks work outside Slovakia because there are no jobs in the country. They work - in spite of their high education - as caretakers, servants, prostitutes - or outright criminals. These people that emigrated rarely ever return back to Slovakia. They marry there, and have children. This is the price the Slovak people pay in the present capitalist economic bankrupt Slovakia.

In tha next article I will expose the role that the Church plays in these conditions - Taliban, the Slovak Way!

Billboards advertising sex across the country

Junior High School Nad Hronom

This Kindergarten was supposed to be the most modern school of its kind in SLOVAKIA - 24 hours care - 7 days per week

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The broken exterior windows, vandalized fences, and stolen furniture for firewood- all this damage caused somehow does not bother the Slovak, authorities at all - they are too busy with cocktail parties, travel to other countries on holidays - they are too busy over Slovak media that such conditions were only under Socialism! Now our Slovak people have freedom, democracy.


The black ceilings were caused by firs set by the homeless people and beggars, who must live and exist in

the present Slovak society - and since there is no other

accommodations available for the growing number o f economic

displaced Slovak citizens - they occupy these abandoned school

buildings.Oh yes - capitalist Slovakia is

certainly not the answer for the Slovak people!

Kindergarten building - wrecked interior - now a hardware store. Because o f the economic hardships - the birthrate of children has declined dramatically.


_ _ _ _ _ KLj?3|Fragments on the floor are leftovers of vandalized brick partitions from all over this school plus human excrement and graffiti.

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Members and friends of the Canadian Friends of the

Soviet People and readers of Northstar Compass gathered in Toronto at the Friendship House in order to celebrate the Victory Day over Fascism in 1945 - the victory that

saved humanity from the scourge of Fascism-Nazism - but at the cost of over c lose to Fifty Million people and untold devastation and terror that are still fresh in the memories of the people of the world.

The program that was arranged was very informative and appreciated by the people that were present in the Carpathian Room of the Friendship Society.

At the Head Table were 3 Canadian War Veterans - who were introduced by Michael Lucas, Editor of Northstar Compass, and Alexei Maikov, Chairman of the Toronto Branch of NSC (in Russian). The Veterans were - Robert McNicol, Anton Kulchin and Lloyd Redstone.

These Canadian War Veterans spoke about WW II and what they went through - how many of their comrades never returned back home. They appealed to struggle

even more for peace and against NATO and Imperialism who are at this moment fanning the flames of War and conquest all over the world.

There was a documentary film shown of the Soviet Red Army Victory Parade that was held on the Red Square - Moscow on May 9, 1945.

There was Soviet patriotic music p la y ing after the DVD Video as well as during the Buffet and refreshments were served. Many toasts were made to victory and to

the brave soldiers who fought during WW II.

A raffle was held with the prizes of a painting by M. Lucas, Moscow Victory Parade and other prizes.

This was followed by entertainment by Kosta Parousis, and Jesse Papas.

The event ended with many more toasts to this Victory Day celebration in the offices of CFSP and NSC. A special toast was made by a member of the Central




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Dear Editor and comrades of NSC,I thank you Michael for the

wonderful painting that you have sent me - that reminds me of a winter scene in the Urals.

I wish all of you comrades good health, dedication to our noble cause and to keep on publishing your wonderful Northstar Compass

In order for the struggle to go on and be successful, we all must learn to understand the dialectical theory of Marxism-Leninism - which will lead to the abolishment of capitalism-imperialism and the exploitation of man by man.

In this regard I am sending you a couple of articles in Russian on this important topic.

Your friend and comrade Margarita Goroshkova


How can all of us go to Heaven if we don’t do God’s will and deliver all of the Middle East to Israel as Israel says the Scriptures require? I mean really do you (USA) want to oppose God and burn in hell?

I'm not a conspiracy-minded person, But something definitely stinks about this whole Boston Marathon bombing story!

It seems that President Obama is very comfortable with former President George W. Bush who is riding very high, a mega-millionaire, from US taxpayer-subsidized Texas Rangers Company. He is now making over $200,000 per his speech - receives a very huge presidential pension and many support facilities. He has dedicated on April 25 ,2013 a $500 Million George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum (all paid for by US taxpayers.)

Long time reader of NSC - please call me a Red Star American


Dear comrade Michael and all of the comrades:

I have the great pleasure in conveying to you and the comrades on behalf of myself and our Slav Committee our warmest greetings upon the occasion of the Victory Day on May 9th.

Mirko Svoboda



* From 1798 -2001 - a total of 300 interventions (Congressional Research Service)

* From 1946-1975 - a total of 218 occasions where US used its armed forces as a political instrument (Blechman and Kaplan)

From 1899-1990- 60 Low Intensity Conflicts (J.M. Collins)

* Since World War II - US has conventionally bombed 28 countries (William Blum)

* A total of 500 US covert military interventions have taken place between 1798 - 2008. 170 of these interventions were between 1798 to 1945. 391 military interventions between 1945 and 2008.

* 20 Million deaths because of these US interventions

* Over 200 US military interventions in the Third World countries

J.L. Anti- Imperialist American

Dear comrades a n d friendsAlthough we have no reason here

to celebrate. I am sending you on behalf of the Socialist Workers Party and on behalf of myself sincere greetings in honor and memory of all the working class with its struggles and sacrifices had made as tc what this May Day now represents.

The current loss of all the sacrifices made over a century made should not discourage us, but encourage us to make additional efforts in our struggles to achieve social justice.Comradely yours

Vladimir Kapuralin President


Dear Helen Financial Secretary:Hope that everything is all fine

with you, Michael and all the comrades. I read in the last issue that the NSC donations are coming quite slowly! It is of course with regret that the excellent NSC is struggling financially, but this also a sign of the times, but we all must try to make regular donations, even if these are just small contributions - at least they will be regular - while some wealthier comrades can still make their generous contributions.

The latest NSC was really a good read, and well done comrades!Keep the subscriptions and donations coming in regularly!

Best wishesClifford F. Roe

Enclosed is my donation of 25 Pounds.

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