_____ w * - * _ r 8 L I Reserve Wednesday Night for Prayer Meeting in Your HOLY COMFORTER CHURCH Rev, Robert W. Elliott, Rector Eighth Sunday after Trinity. -lit a. m.,-Mornins-tirftyei^-and ser- vice. There will be no other sorvico during the day. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. H. Carver, Pastor 10.30 a. m., Morning worship with sermon- by the Rev. Ernest R. Brown of Dunellen. 11.45 u. m.. Graded Sunday school with Bible classes for all agog. Ii p. m., Sunday school at Grand stroot chapel. "A Church for the People with Welcome ,tnr all." .FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Cranford, N. J. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sunday services at 11 a. m. (Regular Sunday evening services discontinued during July and August.) Subject, "Soul." Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room In church ediflca. Sprlngoold avenue, corner MUn is opon daily, except Sundays legal holldavs, from 10 a. to. to 4 p. m. SECOND BAPT4ST CHURCH Rev. A';-Wright, Pastor 11 a. m.. Mbrnifcg-service. .... l__u-Sunday school. _ <r p.:~__. B. y. P. xr. - 7 p. m., Ruth Missionary Circle. 8 p. m.. Evening service. Tuesday evening, August _9, lnwn party at Mrs. Gail's 199 Maple avenue under auspices Dunbar Improvement club. Wednesday, S p. _... Prayer meet- ing. ^ EBENEIBH JL-M. J. Francis Vandtrhorvt, P*etor Second Quarterly meeting. 10.00 a, m., Sunday school. 11.00 a .m.. Public worship with ser- mon by the pastor. 12.00 noon. Cia_g meeting. 3.00 p. in., Public worship with ser- mon by the Rev. J. W. P. Collier, o! Plalnflold. . 7.30 p. m., Allen C. E. League. Topic "How Do Men Sell Their Herituee?'* 8.00 p. m.. Public worship with ser- mon by the Rev. jjgolomon Porter Hood. D. D., presiding 1 eider of Tren- ton. Wednesday evening prayer and yea£_ ago, Observation. shows that It requires mow acres to maintain a cow nowadays, than it did years :i£O when more c_r*Iful attention was given to the quality of pasturajje- Pasturos seoined to be considered sort of a God given asset to the farm. .Tliey _u_3 j__Tch ngjglected In spite of the fact _a_t_sra_s_f lir and~~^iovers" respond well to good treatment— especially to lime. One way or in- other pastures cost the farmer be- cause upkeep of fences la necessary and Interest on Investment is contin- uous. They will uot j>ay dividends •ithout cure. There ore thre« or four things nec- essary In pasture Improvement- FIr_t tn importance, on moat of the areas, is--art- upplicatlou of lime. Fort_n__ly for the farmGr, lime may be applied to the pasture at a_y time in the year. best—tim_.—-Xhe-polnt is to get It on the land. The most con- venient time !_ undoubtedly In Full hen farm work has eased up. At :hls time lime may be carted and spread with little difilculty, especially the hydra ted lime which comes in )aj;s anoTtieetls no slaking. Generally •oads are also ebod in the Fall for lauling. A ton of lime to the" acre Is none too much, because lu most cases :he Boil has bt-come v *__" v ^ _?*L ** __ ln . 1 ? A hearty welcome to all. •- ' ATTHELYRIC"' The management of the Lyric has provided an excellent program. ^ To- morrow's bill Is featured by* the "ap- pearance of the popular actress Mar- ion Davies, who appears In "The Bell of New York.' 1 Miss Daviea has won great success In the silent drama. "In "Cecilia of the Pinlt Roses" she won instant fame and she ia al&o win- ning laurels as the heroine in "The' -Dark Star." Don't miso-zoning her to- morrow at the Lyric.Kj'"'_n Monday, "Three Green Eyes' with a star --^u^wi^jjjs^^ T^^'^'^cfiniiC'iS;'"?T-lSeT'Tt'G'(I "Glove f*"With TPntli'e" news. Tuesday's attractions are Emily —Wnytttri- In "A Fool "and"~HIs~'"Money" and'_ spocial educational Him "Care- less America." which all should see- Mary .Plckford is coming next "Wednesday. PIS MAKE? RrRrSTMK€S-l>N_AWPUt Stftphnn 1ft Kational Association of Manufacturers 1n a statement made yesterday hefore the House Interstate Commerce Com- mittee, suggested the following leKis- latlon to give the-pTesidont the power to stop—railroad-strikeai "FirHt, That whenover, in tho opln- * nn _.__f. Il' ft nrftftirtfmt, n fllFnntp over ^ I f hours, wages or working ~con_Tlfon_. threatens the interruption of a carrier -BBentlftl to civil or military govern- mental needs or the free mqvemont of commerce between the States, or with foreign nations, he shall appoint a commission toinvestigate and decide upon the merits of the controversy nnd> until euch finding is made any strike or lockout shall bo unlawful, "Second. That, under the JUithprit_ established by tho decision of the Su- prcmo •CourljJnj^GJ_j)bida_iBon caso. whenover a' labor dispute threatens the operation of au Instrumentality of intorntiite commerce, the president Bhnll luxe the power to appoint a com mifcBlfln which would write a contract partlo. Inrilspute7~ : tO't ing upon them until they reach Vol- which event- tholr agroomont-'Voulld Rticnr<II»B tho proposed plan* 'Mr. M_f.cm said: "It is. the first stop. tRvough tho gateway of Stato Soolal- IMPROVING THE PASTURE When and How This Can Be Done for the Best Results- Use Barnyard Manure to Good Advantage, Hlgh Grade Pasturage Provides More Feeding Capacity and Bigger Dividends In Milk Yields. When farm work slackens In the Fall after the corn has been husked and tho crops harvested, the farmer will do well to ap_ply Ume to the pasture. Tha pasture problem Is be- cominj; wore acute everywhere eacn year. The _ood palatable grasses are disappearing largely because the soil has become sour* and weeds, tough Inferior grasses, and ha many cases. moss, uro taking their place. Many pastures will not maintain one-half is many animals us they dicf a rew YANKEE INDUSTRY ABROAD ._. Watet Spocial 10 dozen ladies' white waists; value to"1.50;T slightly ^soiled from handling; to close out— UMMER G SALE ; to CIOM out— Wew 3ersct) Hbrocate « Rahway Nswa-Harmld, this 8uccei»or of tho Union Oamocrat. Ectabllshsd 1840 SERIAL NO IO25. Tola three-horse-drawn harvesting machine Is an American made aid to the PreBCh_pcasants who aro busv providlntf crops on the tields which W. b. b- helped to free from the Germans. period of many years of heuvv "po _, and uo treatment other than the dropinus of the animals which are never sufficient In themselves- Very Jnely pulverized lime Is especially .-uluable because it is so readily sol- aud- heglns to correct acidity ns loon as it Is applied. If applied m JIG Fall, its action by Spring will have »eeu sufficient to create fuvornM** •onditions for the growth of tho old >lunts or for the growth of new plums ;pringlng from seed. There must be sutlictent plant food n the soil. To supply ir, either burn- _n) manure or i-onuueniul fertllizerr- ly be used. It f^ fru*» that wlw»r+* nuuure Is used, it will keep the anl- nals away for a 0""*, but that Is an id vantage in one way at least. In that HOW MONEY -GROWS Showing Accumulation of Weekly Savings WitK Interest at 4 P«r Ccfi Per Annum, Compounded Seml-AhnuaMy. lc $ .53 S 1.0S 10<: 6.S0 1O.B2 25c 2 V 5 a r; 1&BO--- 60c 2 00 S0O 4 00 2452 SS.O3 100.00 15U.1S 212.18 54.12 10424 210.40 S24:ei) 432.03 S2.82 T 163.6S- S31.S0. 49494 6«2.6O 4V *?r.» 4SO.78 OTii.15 WH.55 B Year. __LT_ 575.00 j S82.5U' l 1150.13 Wai- Saving* Stamp* Pay 4 Per Cent. Per Annum, Compounded Quarterly. Fott 1 W.S.S. 1 v.ar S220.4S SfiSO.14. J919.38 STOCKHOLDERS GET I TELLS HOW OTHER U. S. THRIFT APPEAL PEOPLE GET AHEAD Corporations Mail War Savings Pamphlet issued by ii. S- Treas- Stamp Notice When Send- p ury Answers Question "How TnjpOut Dividends- 1 Cati-I Save-I/Toney. Not only Is thrift becomine a part at the general educatldn of the people f small and moderate means who are t mlse sa-vint imd sensible s p e n d K ; efforts are belnjt made to ut- truct to thethrift campaign the stock l truct to thethrift campg holders of practically every larea cor- o make n start. -_IL..__U L>_e bcneflcla! to work up_Uu i [Oil witll a sharp-toothed harrow TO nl_ the applied material ami prwpnr** better soil bed for the jiruss avm\ hut should be applied. Spring seed- is usually host. Where the land Is 00 steop to harrow, the seed should applied when the soil is honey- combed by frost. It in important that ___jng, vital seeda, free of liupurltte.s ire used, and they tUiould be of kinds ivhlch will guarantee a succession of p_st_ru£e. jjjftoeu to twenty pounds Is 1 generous appllcution. For most con- Utlons from Mutne to Vircluia, wh'_r\* lime has been uaed, the followlnc mix- ture will pro t*r_ss, 4; Meadow 'eecue, 2; Itiilian rye crass, 1; Red rlover, 6; Alslkc clover, 4. Many fartnors are aIn^ar!x_usInE thlw mixture. Some add a pound each of I'liite duver, alfalfu, und sweet clover. fc the ground is very dry, smooth irome crass should be substituted In :ho mixture for an equivalent atnouni if orchard grass and timothy. must have some opportunity to mukf :nou_h growth BO that they •will hare- vltallty to live thraueh the winter. And, once this treatment has been plvcn to a panture and edoagb Unit* applied ^o correct nt least u part of tlie acidity. It should be repeated iroro :lmp to time to maintain It In good eed und lime HhouIcTHBe repeated «yery five yeafA, t_:]v_clally tb» apptl< tlon of llmiij,- THff SUWMEH FALLOW, The effect of hurarrt_r f_U6wlb_ upon the rtmuervtttlmi of- JivolBture-ttloiie-U wortli _ie trouble and expanse. O_ten alfalfa planting comes when It is .very dry. It _ust have wolBture, abd It IK well to -onu-i-va the molstare at thu receding Klxwe*\;«i,"mot only"1t>e___Bc 1 he jiltmtfi need It, but l>«ca_se It la needed Irt the soil—pro__as__—which wc- dftrmnnt fornia of plant food to active. These processed are cr^&t lntf July olid __cust, wh*n the Weather Is warm and sumtaer fallow- ing promoteg condltioUB fav6r_blc~to """; M'IKB 0UVUaii~ ChrlRiophor han ro- READ THE RECORD orkina; of-the soil heltpit to lacornortite Units', fertiliser," hioculiitlnjf kuia.t_rlid. tpcurt. v -jin"qvciT _IfcLriUutl'<Tn"'oV al]. "Mr. Dubwaite Is tho kind of a man who dislikes to do odd jobs about .thti htmMc," remarked Mrs. Dubwalte. tjiy om*j of thoK^ombhm'tloa io'ola 1 «t a.hnrdwiirc storo. You know what lions..' I don't believe there's" a ranii Uvnc who cnii resist the temptation toi -rperb—ent with n thti)^ like* that"— B t h Age-HornlJ. ; Already tweuty-sts of tbe largest rrporatlons In the country have agreed to mail with notice, of dividend payments to stockholders inserts cull- ing attention to the desirability of Investing their stock earnings in War ._~Staiapa; "These" —co"nMrrirt!on_" which have an exceedingly wtdo dis- tribution of stork are anmnsj the largest dividend paying corporation^ In tho United States. Some of them already are inallln_ thrift inserts to their stockholders, and others tuivi* agreed to do so upon Hit* next dividend date. A trhiucc ut thti ll__t ot ..<;«>n i D«__.__..wlH £_>"*. un Idea. Df Uie extent of th»* impetus which wil be given the uaviiic plan by tills method. Here.are _oiue of. jhc corpor- Ma on answer to the question, "How Can I Save Money?" the Savings Divi- sion of the Treasury Department has Amerioan Agricultural Clu'inical Company, American Car und Foundry "_"onipu_"jv "Amcricam- iirott-oii Oil Oa: pany, ' American Radiator Company, _inericun Sugar Hetininjr Company, _merit>un Telephone and Telt*cniph mpmiy, Atchison. foptfta and Saula" Hailrnud Company, B»'ihtfti<-ni StOiA Corporal ion, Chesapeake and Ohio Northwestern R. R. Co., Clilcuco and SforthvreHtern R. R. Co., J. I. CilK_ rhrcshlng Machine Co., General Klec- ;rtc Go., (Jretn Northern R. R. Co., Ulinois Central R. R. Co., Kerr IJIU_ Ulninc Company, New York Cent nil R. R. Co., —oulsvlUe and NutdivUtu It Co., Muiue Central ki^rti>HHo^ItiiiltWay Steel "^pfliyp* 3o, Southern Pacific tt. R. Co., South- ern Railway Co., Union PaolUe ~VL R. ^ United States Steel CorpQrjltUm h H r \ S h i tnd. p Corporation. —- The inserts which stockholdfcrs r*^ ve ulong with their dividend notices ire us follows: BttriTby mVestTU(t - d* Itv» "You can begin at once u";y~Tn~v~egtfttg' all or part of your Eavinps- iu--\V«r Savlnca Stampfi of "the IGlfl te* which you can buy In uuy amount to $1,000. They bear four \u*r *u "If you tUiould have an unexpected de_m all or ^iny number of them at ony tlme^" for the full purchafl* prlc_, plui Interest. w Ko «th«* i -Invest_iejot._rf__a Hucb «n attractive combination at safety, In- COB_e._rede#mability. and eanv*»ni«*rtr BE YOUR OWNCREDITOR. Benjamin Fninklln, the * '"Tine borrower l_ Rlavo to the * lender, and the debtor to the Tlf~cntdH_r.--Xf yo_ would kmow-thc * value of money try to borrow * some/' * _e your own creditor. So r_c- * ulate your, c_i>e_dlt_r«s th_t t_© .* .firfit.charge against yottr-irtrrtfrmt., i * ! ^SylH be-._av1h_ik -Put aside _ tcr*' t^lti proportioB of your' mohey fir^^eces-iiry >)i)en(3lng In Ui« __our. savlncs arc.a.; against want In.-old'-iifcey and against the rainy day. They form « fund for that golden opport.r nlty. thnt mny beon tho.wny. lly HV[U * tbo eoyornmoot. and "ciirijini;*"^ *..Jior.. cont^liifcresC-cotnpo * Qxiurterly. . - * your W. S. S. «t tmituHty vill * Kivc you u hank uceount. . * ' - - - - " . * Get Ahead.** For indlvldu-ts and families whose Incomes are 1*^- than S5.000 a year this pamphlet oflVrs a number of <en- rseiiieiifc of iii'^^nit^a of various ioU_t— frono ?i."v u tfwk upwurd. Not only dwa ih*> umtorial furnish a idy _ss\v_r ti) the problem of ex- uses, but It afford.-, uu tiuthentlc- Special-Saturday, Angfrst 16th Monday, August18th SSc boysycr gi: suits; all sftea; tc Iris abbod tfuloa 47 59c Man's BalbrlKgan ijSirp or drawers; to tslos - S5o Ladles eh; ivhito. cray or out— ._ . !e gloves :o closa Me bluoT_d whlto stripe Galatea suitable for waah suits; to close out— 19 1.25 Ladies' Corsets; to close out— pair 10 _oi£n childreua* rompers; slae _ to _; value to 1.5t); to close out— 1.00 Boys- WMh-PMtaT grey, mixed _d-)l nen color . to 10.only; to close oui— Petticoats, black _j color,. , BEACHES HER 80THJIRTHDAY ^fieorie W. Hatiidd Ten- dered Surprise in Honor ~6i:the:Event / Each JS IN MIND 3Qc Ladies Lisle Hose Black, White and Colors Mca I 29c Children's Ribbed Hue, Assorted 1fte« J J pair | sizes. White aodfewtltck. to clou oat | «j pai AND BODY tho tighlietb milestone oX I.ls!e«!ull bo<iily and mental atrenjB—. Liti<k9_______? eI4 **"* "^dered I.OCAU ARTIST AT OCEAN QROVE Vaoi&i, violinist, of this city phiyod In til .Ocean Grovo Auditcrium. Thursday evening, Aug. T4J' Ho aaslatodtlio Criterion Quartot In a musical evening, which was en- Joyed by uevoral thouaand tnualc lovers. ilr. Vaulu gave twonumbers each ot which won his recall (or an encore. -His ^olectlona. \ were" ••Hubgarian Rhapsody/_.by. Hauaei fe*bP8EWRP FOR FALL WORK -received by'Miss MdcGann recently at which time ^ receWed her badge. be More Than Usually Attntctiw MAC CANN STATEOFFICER Appointed to High Position in .-PiX A.WorkinNl Without Solicitation _:._ flAS- FOREFFIOENey illss M. H- ilacCana _ Irrlng street has been appointed as one of the State Officer* of the S. P. C. JL| Notice ANOTHER ARREST IN BOLAND ROBBERYj The third of three colored men, who stole ten automobile tirea from the garage of Boland Brothers, on . Aug- 3, was arrested In Newark yesterday .by a patrolman of the Newark police department- - . . The man was brought to this city today by Detective Sergeant .James Thompson, .of .the local police force, and.locked up. He will probably be tried this week. The other two men wlio were im- plicated-ln the theft, "were arrested in stjweelt and:havgjipen-held IfAZELWOOD AVE. A COUNTY ROAD Freeholder's Committee Act Favorably and Will Recom :'.__ mend Its Adoption In the County 1 iaii at Jbinabetn, await^ ing action of the GrancL Jury. Besides^ the charges preferred against the trio, by the local authorities, the Newark Police have charges against the men or the theft ot an antomobllo in that city. The fact that there are only forty- reo-staie-omcers of the S. &*-C. A- only two of whom, are women it is an honor to ftahway to have one > of its residents appointed to this important AT P. 0 Hvinc co_t_. Tin* fiirur*^ were com- piled from—rx.wt»r<!> of **rtiolal -govifrtt- ment Invest I jrat inn s into the s«»vera 1 'und niity h_ n'gardo_ us up ttr-dntc and accjmto. This material raates possible a ts**w attack in the oiirupulcn to make thrift a Ufltioiiiil characteristic and to _6_t«r the habit of M Savo First—Sjxnu _Jft»-r- "W_rxt" It Ax-ill- baterestrpcaplcin snv-- lng more mouey by showing them h«w much other people flnd It possible to -_a~o.-.iu_i___o_ b^_jsbj__vlt>gLJthem hrm* i ~thBy~~cini CUT dowtJ~~thc~uosc o? living by compurlns their costs with average costa at the same lacome. au excellent "way to drive home tin* truths of ths? budget system Is to havo the schedules dtscui—ed at school and , taken home by .-il_5; children for eon-1 clderation by ibt? fainUIei?.; Another method is to organize u house-to-hous_ c__va_g through committees of wo- men who u-UI-.brluj; tho- budgets to the attention o_ families and secure their -acreenicnt to study their own situation. Saving and spending bud«t'i» htivo been prepared to iii " Plan ChanfedJ>y Department, Governor Will Apportion the Qootas of * her daughter, liS Jaanes avc- mitobo. of her childres. rela- c oce_ioa was a most enjoyable Z , ^-j ao oad present entered Into [estivitics -ore he_tUy-U_n-ta» ga«-ro OFFICIALS BDS3L0N_MANi The appointment was unsolicited by Hat-ieid has been a -weSl knows . tiui Is rprise, for the had _ofc received any Arrancomenia for _ vtsts In cohnec-1 intlmaiion that she «„ being con- tton with Uie winter frocrum ai the j atdered tot the position. T.T__CTA, aro_bein_ t£_de Ji^ihoaer In _]_„ Alias Mg______-h_- been a member Of r yoan«er days was ao- con- _dTEn-cf-l_—wor | atUulion, It. in the bl_a at the directors! Ladies' night £owns, laco and /i«_7fc_dery; full Ladies" BUomers; made of fin« long cloth and cr«p« cloth—in or whit Bust Binders In pink or icJve member* of the Caristian Teraeperanee to hav« the tal»-IaU and dent for a number of terms. MADE BY EXECDTIVE inter tappiamented by baxticniarjy active ia her work additional aitraetic js^Sahway and aas received the com- coontry -B««»en». plans. the -ciivldcs will opett the_te-idents—of -this city who arei congratulaticg her upon hit pir*_t* when IMrjeen Trears v^ vn t-rriwl lo Ccorps W. Ladlea' Fibre Silk Mo**; L__les" Corsets; two _o* fall buketbail kague her appointment as a State officer. Monday morning from the Pouriii As- sistant Postmaste of East Railway, in! tl 9 a to thea«-a«racii»_ tber* will be ' their solden 1 a BuslnewMenV Gyuaaaiam C!ub. as |a 1S-.S. S'ot _nc after that' " ^ *» too Dsnal boys clasites In the .»_; bir bjibaaj died. |_n__U<; work. N'o indoor sports «_ the re_nlent of a|wUl b* foreottea !a tanking the APPOINTED AS master Klrchgasner from which it will CENSUS SUPERVISOR Draws the Plum for known ~__b«voise ~__,fee; trtminB_:~ Iaccr and embroidery to~ SO— LADIES WASH SKIRTS s All Summer Wash Skirt* t^v Glose-Gitt—at-Grcatly Reduced Prices. The New Fall Fashion Book, Now on Sale. T r IcIsher*iTYarns in all INew _ a!T1S_l[_eSji^wTji_ : S_le = - : suiK-t-i'isioa o t i h j census-tflfelnK o Fttth ConBTOssioa.l District. ;>«*Vnt w e r e : "Mr.; lise purpose of tliiiej Tn charge of th 'J to. Ed _ M N'-yior. ilr. and 3Jr»- V. M. C. A. to make thVi.rosram this 'a _=«j H.tarU. Ur. _d MM. Jo_p_ winter lie. !>».„ that fa_ ever been i Embracing TTttloa ind Morris counties Jltl _d aiUshier Jessie. ilUSi-offelx-illnltMS-CiU^ i H " *** ^ ^ ^ for the post 7[ Deraocr-tTc^taia Con.m[necm.n D. r Ksv!cr. Mr. a_d Mm. AUrvd: |iilia:_. Mr. anj Slw. O. \V. J--_t6r- K ri In VIIT a;:J Chiirle- Xayior all ami £>rupar3tioa iot iho Viatei" lirO". l. h.-i>air« arc buirSK saaJo toports I Collins. Liieyir^lvaTreiraminjr-pDal-EtrojKaasc^d^Jor- t>ul iii drsl class coodltlori! ^ la oLber placea wbero ! IThei* ar^: itit also have boeu an- jlvc_£tt_j_c__ot_ ibi* tttrta Concros-ilonal districts. First, George B. Hurtt b«ea prepared to iiiw>i_ locuLcoiiiiltlima jJfctjl^^^g^^fei^3^5S_iJEi»i 1 rii :; "^erest'-'ln-_e-apV>llcatlon of the bmlc- ._; to the Is beinc man last- ._; to the catxibnicn Is beinc man last- ed In soctlous of the country where the _sTatlonal tTbrift Cahinal_a -ia U&~- Inp -atrricd "oofsucceKsfiiHy, _*J^£9PJ*J____§*__Jn_j?wparJnB cither Individual or funnily builcuts jnay ob- t_Io copies ot the pamphlet upon ap- plication t th G S t_Io copies ot the pamphlet upon ap- plication to the Government Savlncs V>l»-rfw»tr R r i F r t I "Double your^ivsources by Investing trlct, _20 Broadway, New York. i*=-=i=4Bait_boU£liI=;3Janlnittaii—Is— * t land for S2i. * the jjolntlto^thls storx fs tiiot * he had the $24. * There aw scores who complain * vociferously and frcuHcntlv that ~lr the road to wealth Is always A blocked. * to t _ * of It ifl luck- * e * * Where Is the man BO poorly * * Bald In the tJnlted Statw today * * that be cannot Buve a It-action of * * his earnlnc*? •/, * Accumulation of. the ttmailest * * noon will m time provide for •* * the purchase of a War gavlncs * * Stamp, which Immediately be- * * EinS-wbi-kinc for you. A tjs Tin Dollar' tj) VwhiS in Way through the. earth.'; SUil _• sign' of Itvii. —^^ patient. t_eave» coo,, out.' 'Budj open, lirl »o^otm._ Still nahirvMt .- ... It*;_ni!t filU out. -TrlpeM, It Close Thursdays At Noon During August Hints For Housekeepers :—-"iv-jfeirr! B«_?* Doable Stamps Wedneodap hn A* Pa Specials he IcttyTand get a set of diahcB. Mason Jars, quarts, ^Oc dozettT Knts^85c=dozen Beardsley's -•—Sb redded^— riirflllAt rln_ <§«>4er Ale, Saraaparilla, Birch Be«r $ 9 i LllCqUOl L\UD T Root Beer. p«r ca_s #OJ Mixed Vegetables,canl4c Tanglefoot 2c Bevo, $3 Zesto, Beertiver, lb - lOcr !3bl*e^SteaOC30^ tknsji Steak, Ib_^-30<- ftib Roast, ^^ We -R_i'«1_pf CORNED* |5 C OriSKei BEEF, pound * u r llMo_$t Priin^lb34c SKonldcr Veal, 1b 30c -y_;ts^=3^ "RAtfWAY N=J* Ko!K-rt, ilr.and Mrs. Henry ,__, y«. M. -llier. Miss Julia j TO LAUNCH DRIVE - ! M d j ' [Sirs. j >!1 of Miribelil and Mr. and j of~Brooldy_ | FOR MEW HOUSES LIKELY TOCOMBINE I A: a t_««ting v*i- c<tisBliit«ed from j I lie t«o oreaBt_Uoii«—_«i Baitlo of j _ Siire^ Asioclatioa and tho Di(-« t^* fa Meet Thursday to O<r*> aanlie for _mp_l 0 " (Captain Edward O: Howtfll. 3r.. Ava Man. Cajii Miy county; third: Francis !j». Coa». South Amboy. Middtci jjNJumy; sixth.-Evan G. Runner. Hack- .onsack. BerecQ county; seventh, Dr \ P. J. Van Koort. Paiersod. PaBK-k Tho cotntalttee appoints a! thd |county. S'o anpointmeBti ia__e fourft 3eciiii_ Of the Bo_rd of Tr_ile, DISTRIBOTION WILL BE FAMILY RE-UNION A family rounlon was held on Sun- day at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Harvey, 87 Monroe-Street Those present wore Mrs. W.illard Wil- liams and daughters, Doris and Prances of Oxford Furnace; Mr. and -Mrs. Walter Harvey__ and daughter Eleanor, of L-ate-s View","_r. and Mrs. Potor C. Voorhees and sons Howard and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. George -H Harvey and son Bruce and Mr. and Mrs: George W. Harvey. - - By unanimous vote yesterday after- noon at a meeting of the Finance Com- mittee of the Union County Board of ~Freel prfate lands for : ibe purpose~6TTy_vtn_r __si Hazelwood avenuo and take this thoroughfare over as ~_ county hlgh- -tcay. It Is estimated that it will cos£ appro_ixnately $^0,000 to place t_d avenue In tbe best of condition, but as East Hazelwood avenmi Is the mai_T ibn_ecting^-oad to Jlosevelt and btber towns In that vicinity. It was decided by the committee that tbe expenditure of this amount of money Is e_pedlont. At the last meeting of the Board of SHORT SELLING tives Visit Rahway and Get Results wh._n [mprove_,ont was ba noted that the salo oi food at the to Kast Haielwood avenue "brought before tbe body. It was de- clded to rofer tbe jiroject to the Finance Committee' "io~~aJ8o_rTai_: if funds are available for th& proposed improvements. At~tHe meeting ortbe Board on Thursday the Finance Com "mittee will report^That an appropria- tion for this purpose can be made and -wiU'Tcport in 'favor—of—the—1« ment- < That tho Board will Indorse the nendatlon of the Finance Com- FINED AND WARNED AGAINST REPETITION PRIGE THREE CENTS OPPOSITION TO THE DEMAN SITE Many Residents of Franklin Sehool District Sign Peti- j As a result of the vigilance of the bnty authorities, men selling io this city, jwere-f ound guilty ot-short weighing customers. Tha flrst case was against Rocco Fru, who drives a wa f mi fnr 1PT. V.. Piers, the local boun lathi dealer. - Hn^was-arrested Ausust~8i—In Eas Milton avenue. Diers was-then charg- ing a cent a pound for lea and Frt delivered a piece of ice weighing 2 frmnrin fnr lip rhnrsed_tlie_ci_ tomer 35 cents. Another case against Fru was foi poat oQice ha_ been ordered discon- j _Ittee, is understood to be certain, tinued. and will "be transferred to tbe I After the approval of the Board of State and municipal authorities. notice follows:.—- Postmaster:— - ' provemont will be drawn and adver- tisements for bids for the contract for the Improvement will be published. ond will be held against him If he 1: ever caught ahortweighing customer: again. The minimum fine for a second oi fence Is $50 but Judge Dey ,warnec him that a ftne^of. $200 can^bo im posed. ^ • __ *"*• "X_w Jersey and Connecticut, have' for some time, and to them much i ^ho otlidaJs who secured the xJbn Xotlco has just been received from Freeliolders Clifford B. Gehring and the war department thut all surplus. David Trembley of this city have army food-luffs In the New York Zone urgently and persistently supported-' the: stated, oE K_w York.' the project of improving the avenue charging 40 cents for a piece of Id which weighed only 3G pounds. A fine of 525 was imposed upoi been or u-ili bs turned~"over to the" credit is due for the decision of the Governorii of Uiose states for diatrl- Finance Committee to appropriate tho button through municipalities. j ne l cessary funds. East Hazel-wood —Yo_-^**iH their^oFe-discontinue all ; -av-c-n-ue—IIUH boon-In bad condition—for_ efiort- to dispose oi the foodstuffa by a long-time and tho news that arrango- parcel post, refund any snoney you. tnents. are being made to place It In with orders, and notify any news- gratification in this city, papers* that may havo beon given lu- ' ^'ii;hth and ninth di-trlcts have hue i annouucod y*t- .. j '., 11-^-- ^ J ' . _ _ '^_».-. -md * ~ _ H ^ *~.A-»K. ^^ ' - . . " - . — " " " * . ' ^ *^1. ^" a i l _ i - J J . J l • " * fornuKtlon recartlliic iho Proposed salo and" distribution by parcel pofit of tho thaaee in pla_m. JAS. I BLAKESIJEE. Fourth Assistant £•. M. GoneraL dltldns prevailing here, will have an- j i n men.. vy durinp J ^ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED -rl.CteStor 1 ? J.. announce, tho AUTO COLLIDES WITH TRUCK other mallas an Tb_»day-_--th#j-t.lni n i? «»>*-«ttlt-o*-B-chl*i •ywa-sw.. eflicci of the "iVbekteira~Co: at which I Ha has bean promineat in Democratic Other Cases Before the Local Police Court. A charge of assault and battery was brought against David L.. Scheid- lcd. of Windsor. N'. J-. as a result ot an j'te'r a hoarlnB he was helS awaitrng" the Gr-arid Jury under tlroe plans Dioj*-'ct ^1 ruTsine tfifnds for lbs j politics tn ElisabatB and throa years be xx>niplet_ It Is cx-jaeo was a candidate on tha Demo- ——-__— 1-crarlc rk'fcsl—foi---tbo ^Vssemblj-. H_ on« t ! r the post of the oaiw ..mil to form a. corporation lot Jur>- commieBloncr wWch went to |-M_.oac. Asuitable asuna will tneb l sjrofiabld ta si! Jnembers- iil.' U ;ipparcntly an-louj to r_d(tn# iho friciioa 'which jre»ultedT"t»,t» bubllc '= >!.• !..-Mlne of two *K>.J.«. and lh» posed at_ Everybody Interested in tha ' of tho cM?f of onumerators L^ of the oaiw p with ,»1»».<WO eapilal. 'sharea WOO ; Christopher J. «_h. Thi?iJ shares will be ottered 1 As census superiiBor In this district j TM-cGraih will have Ecneral oversieht aad shouETbe easily dlFT L_____^TLQMpJ0l=_E.j_J^a nualnesd men PattltuUrJy j Ct^is _*. u«d_2^ •S:rjclt by _n automobile a* hu was j ^ho-M i*?0 the knaiiy advahiagca I c_WBUh In 191S. nficdhU- bluycla ^_orLg:~St,—GeorKO f i n d - b e a eft is thle~^ proposition -toe_n_ 1V "-B B e_r Colo hi* SUBdny safternoon ^ ^ ^ ^ ^brehou__B, e was Sinfully t_JaT«d, S_uer was The had a. population «i £Cu___r~lHcTl a_L"__ _ _ral under the Stato Fancy of Berlin, N'c« Hampshire. one ot the jx.putar 11 o'clock Tuesday night^ when -a jidune nurses of the Uabway C*ty Hos- pital and a member o{ the icirst-Bap- tist church. Xfr. Fancy^lg-connectod with theColonia Hospital. Both have many friends in this city, who extend to .them their conErutuIatlons and bast e drlven by Mra RaadtaJi. of Colonia, and tho auto truck, driven by Scheldler coflidod o_ St. George avenue. The occupants of the touring car were badly shaken up und the car it- self was badly damaged. Witnesses The proposal to buy the Denman property, located on St. Georgo avo- nue, Factory atreot and Factory Lane-. aroused—much- .onno_mo_______j__ resldents of that district. They claim. that tho proposed location Is uot only unsuitable in many ways for a public school, but would bo most Inconveni- ent to a large proportion of tho pupUa •ho -attend^Pranklin school. It-is _la_T pointed out that it is so near St- Goorgo avenue, on which traffic" Is al- most continuous, that it will be an. ovcr-present menace to the lives <E_ pupils. Under the lead of Prof. I. W, Story and—W:HH.—Glarkson,- petitions—b~vn-- been circulated among residents of the district, andthey stato that almost- without exception, havo been sl£__s_, asking the Board of Education to locate~~the now school at or~ne_r*~"t__" ~ present site. As it has not been possible for th,enx to se_ every one in the district, they _—T^_had--p&tltkms driwri np TTTIT V^ff— vjctions were Assiutuut State Super in tendon t ot Weights and ileasurci A. W. Schwartz, and County Superin tundent-of Weight- mid Ia_ac Stieley. i They also secured a conviction agalnxr^Tacob Price, _ dc_ier_-£ro_i- RQ~- selle. who has many local customers. When they came to town Friday to testify against Fru, they decided to in- vestigate the other dealer's sales. They found two cases against him. In one instance he was found to have charged 45 cents for a 30 cent piece and in another he charged 20 cents for at the stores of J. P. Kindernay, _S Newton street, J. J. Dalton 241 "West Grand street, and Stutzlen's Drug" store, corner Grand and Irving streets, whero any who have not already signed- the-peUtion.-can- do eo^—-— The Board of Education will Hkoly appoint a time for hearing tho OIK poiients of tbe Denman propoBltloa- Thc petition as -prepared la as fol- io wa:— To the Board of Education, Railway, N. J. Gentlemen: — We. the undersigned taxpayers", residents and patrons of Franklin School District, respectfully request Meamiroc vour """°*'able .Board Jo locate the proposed new Franklin 'School Build- ing at or near the present slto-_£ the- . i « I old bulldliig. We believe tho proposed site on S_ George avenue will bo in the long run moro expensive", and we also beHove, - Xo»- many reasons, that it ia not a suitable place for* a public school. similar waruiUK to that which he gave Both convictions were secured - the ice by mediately : aftSr that the weight lost by melting was -Inconsiderable. Judge Dey said that in his opinion the dealers charged sufficient for tho Ice without any over-char^ine- He added that such short-weighting was Tho iincla -light. _j«' »li» inis- lr^t'torTI moroTr>cl« uiiiH-roo wiomobile _d i motorcycle, he was •«T?S by * _r coming from the oi>- »«He direction. " He was removed to the Rahway H °«pSi»!, wher«s i t w u found that he *M tafferunj trom B_S abrasions and ™»«. The bicycle -was sn__od. ™« Iict that the automobile which toy. POULTRV SHOW AT jmwfr**'*"" -with -inn-anthqritig- -TC irdinc tfeedelay I" »hlpmont of tho , J food.whlcll _c ri*> lmfi •purchased, for sale In this city, und has woxd-_at !_ all COMMANDER VAN PELT RETIRES FROM STATE OFFICE U the Stato Convention, held on Alonzo S. Van Pelt, of the StatoDe- partment of NowJersey,-Army.-anti: Navy Union, retired from that office*. Former Commander Van Pelt is a well known resident of this c*.y and Uv_ af 6S" Essex Btreet. The -headquarters- of the State department wblcn~ ; wa3lg_ ; JRahway while Mr. Van Pelt was Com- mander, will- be moved, as George S. Walker, of Perth Amboy has been elected to flll tbo vacancy. At the meoting it was decided to Orr. Harvey E. RoRers. superintendent of feL I, accounted tor tlie accident : hi only minor Injuries to the >. 6- PLA.8S ENJOYS OUTING. - T h«-membcrirort_T Sunday" «cho_ an outlnE to Seaside Part 'where •? Will *»y *ill remain unUl in the party In September. y. Su«i o and;lt01en DaFOree; Emily conalll. SoUa Brunt,and Jennie 'M Ann ' Anna icribe promptiy and liberally to tbe tock. Let, Hahway residents tackle this proposition !_» they have other prob- ems in the last two years, and suc- will follow without a question.* Is done, is to be done auick- hat iy We-are assured bytneinbers of the Committer^B.nd-it-18 proposod.-*a pnt tbls drive "over-the-top" Just as Boon s it is possible to do so. In order that rorJ_on_the proposed one__ hundred new houBCB, may bo promptly inauEUi^ ttedr-r •• " : : Pair. Entries close September IS. sales of stock are made and h Larg contracted for each year at this show. EojaHrvy pigeon und pet stock f_ders arc invited to make the Poultry bulld- ln« their hsadauarteri Every courtesy will be extended to them by Superin- tendent Rocers and bis stalf- Pll-eons wil} be In charge "t Mr. _ J. HopWnsTth"e wellTtnbwirfaneier-and- pscbibitor ot Hornerstown, N. J-. irrtijir- lnc the best of care of birds. . of Philadelphia, will place vjwr'P'"'"* 1 ; . thb awardn. All pigeon fanclens, know ill i th sauarsi^leaL "Thoro'Wlir pocket billiards thi«; evening, -pool rooms; of E. J. Conwiy, .Irving S^i -hafareen-Buhe Rll«y. of Eliza- beth ailil E. J. donway of "this city. e.,m»tch3s7Bure to^b6~closo ond-ln- terestlilB and will start at S ii. sharp. " " -.•**.. lay, la hU ubqtal nicetlri'e of tho'tjoanl, of u ..tlo» Judging at.America's^bs*? and; largest shows" tacluding Ma_son iihg> i b l t o r q thnt thP boat Wrf -will •«&• Thoyare all Jerscyman, too, -Inoluaini! Nowto.n Ci olu of Vlnaland, James OlaEgow, of 1 ami Chariofl Nixon..of Wash In^ton. hlblt" lnrper brwds ofpoultry. will bo ; ,'lldKiJ Jnnlos GlnnKOWWlU tttli jljigillK sticltlUlll. EOJlflSC" tlioj_ Olluy looldnK for winners. : no of our 'best— in<l -rani! - mwclnls-. as In. the received risions will bo in town ready for sale UtM. Lavlnla A. Brookfleld. Mrs. Lavinia A. Brookflold, widow j Two rases lwu ltt " J "' ""•"" ~ " local No. 3S7 of tbe Carpenters and wore broucht before the court. Both '_?" „_,__ __..„..„ „,„., arrests were made by-Offlter Hnrry I Joiner's Union. Saturday night. The offenders wore Adolph Schock a chauffeur of XrHngtoiT _t<I Lambert Mantelerolc. of Jersey city, j th Bmoker tbe . BUeipendcd sentence, after- offices in the election* as follows: Junior Vice-Commander Albert H- Renwantz. Quartermaster A. S. Vatt- A.--R. Hall-in S e p t _ _ _ - - _ A P ? _ . A___?» __=< InBt c J or .?__?. of the Union '^ v - Lanning. Quartermaster A. S. Van. elt and Commander G. S. .Walkor. | It was decided to hold- the smoker ] a reprimand in ea£h case. Mrs. Hoeie "fiownrth* -«rdB arraignecf on a chargo of -disorderly conduct. w.hQ .were.-PaHicip : ants^ in the war will be—welcomcd-borci —rRurine-ithe—meeting—one—a was initiated into m-mberuhip. next month. MEW BAKERY TO-OPEN The Federal System of Bakeries, ! Orange, Montclalr, Trenton and other SURPRISE PARTY ENJOYED Thomas Henry JHttzoldine, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hazeldlnb was tendered an enjoyable' surprise party oi'ts Malcom Brookfleld passed away She was released under asMspended this motnlns.. after an illness of over sentence otter a hearing. nvc months, aged 70 years. The death of Mrs. Broo£fleid~brInEs-Bincero" sor- p row to a btree circle of Mends andi ln = h 7,°rchota "ofTtoMB in"Newa"rk Sunday ""ernoon at tho home of hU relatives, to whom >bo was endeared wmco anB •- » •-»-• '- —'-' by her kindly nature and bright, liappy dlspoetltioii; " Mrs. Brookfield was born In Iowa, but hadspent tbe greater part of her ciii_. announce in columns) today, the opening of our advertising their The old-reliable tadse, Rudolph Hfe_in_thi8__c!ty. She was anactive parents in Lawrence street in celebra- tion of his third birthday anniversary. -A—program -including- ^vocal—and- In- strumental music was enjoyed. The house was prettily decorated in nation of First M. E. church, and deeply, interested in many of_tha ac- Uvitiea.of that organization. reri^-MrS/^fi&kr-MaAl-of ^ •= _ _ * . , ,«> ^.« > * . . . . _ * new store, in the Cries Bro's. building. ' "HOME-MXbE " BUG Elliiibeth, and Mrs. Virgil Shipley of sergeant Rower of. the local police this 'city;, also "two ' t r e a t 'cfrmdc-hfl- folw ; has'fouad a. "SUNS shot" for flip dri-n.'a step ..sinter and- t-go step- bro- ^, nr<w - whl< .), (3 nlayin»j havoc with there. oryiccii.-Will be hold "from hor lato home 84 East Mazelwood avo- nufl on Thursday oveiilag^at-.ffrQ ; clc-ck. Nvlll bo on Fri- way-cemelery.- ttitker of• Elia.-AvoniiCi liavo been visit ini! Mr. ami Mrn. William A. Bakor \hfl~pmTt two , Avon; ifr Hiboldlne, Joseph, William and Al- bert-, Victor and Thomas Hitzeldinc. vegetable Kardone. . It Is nothiiiR less than "sosp-sudo." After tho week's waylf^e tdoV^Titi _d_aBi:I»_Jed_._e ...fluld-fi-vor- beans 1 an(|" - bthor^"plants - in his suds the tlon. He wants all the owners of "Kar- dons to-know-ot thin dlsoovfivy—litihca- thls --Itenir —T~-,- Mlss Elonnor Xlllla and Mlsa-Garlofc- "tiivnod it two- w"e'(-k"8 itny An adjourned 'mooting of thoTJnttcd ITarniors' Ageoclatloti of Union ttnd Middlesex CountToa, will bo hold at "LbcusT"Grove School Houeo Xvednea MILTON CHAK^Ep'bUTING of the school will moat a lng- hmclvcs. BIG PLANT TO LOCATE AT SEWAREM Tbo American Chomlcal and Mamt- facturing Company of Norfolk. Vk.,. has purchasod a large piece of proper* ty inSewaren and will soon erect a. plant there. Tho concern manu- facturers an excellent iron preserve Pafnt tnat ban como Into great prom- inence and demand on the market. Ten acres of land are involved in the Sewaren purchase and werer 1! J i 3 » SI W 1 , 3 i* it< .) and Alurainum Co. and Boyntou Koat Katato Co. •Tbe' now "concern doclded upo__- Sb- eourch for loeatloii. From Now York. Newark and Immediate sections to- . Perth Amboy water fronts woro in- COMLM.I5SION-POSTPONES VISIT ifilx—CcurtnjiBsiou at India, which thoy woro to have mndn of the* ort fnr n-mnnth- ln thib countr>* tlie ralddlo of next WOiltli. . J'i- n

Angfrst BEACHES HER MAC CANN IfAZELWOOD AVE ......RrRrSTMK€S-l>N_AWPUt Stftphnn 1ft Kationa l Association of Manufacturers 1n a statement made yesterday hefore the House Interstate

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    L I

    Reserve WednesdayNight for Prayer Meeting

    in Your

    HOLY COMFORTER CHURCHRev, Robert W. Elliott, Rector

    Eighth Sunday after Trinity.-lit a. m.,-Mornins-tirftyei^-and ser-

    vice. There will be no other sorvicoduring the day.


    10.30 a. m., Morning worship withsermon- by the Rev. Ernest R. Brownof Dunellen.

    11.45 u. m.. Graded Sunday schoolwith Bible classes for all agog.

    Ii p. m., Sunday school at Grandstroot chapel.

    "A Church for the People withWelcome ,tnr all."


    Cranford, N. J.Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.Sunday services at 11 a. m. (Regular

    Sunday evening services discontinuedduring July and August.) Subject,"Soul."

    Wednesday evening testimonialmeeting at 8 o'clock.

    Reading room In church ediflca.Sprlngoold avenue, corner MUnis opon daily, except Sundayslegal holldavs, from 10 a. to. to 4p. m.

    SECOND BAPT4ST CHURCHRev. A';-Wright, Pastor

    11 a. m.. Mbrnifcg-service..... l__u-Sunday school. _

    until euch finding is made anystrike or lockout shall bo unlawful,

    "Second. That, under the JUithprit_established by tho decision of the Su-prcmo •CourljJnj^GJ_j)bida_iBon caso.whenover a' labor dispute threatensthe operation of au Instrumentality ofintorntiite commerce, the presidentBhnll luxe the power to appoint a commifcBlfln which would write a contract

    partlo. In rilspute7~:tO' ting upon them until they reach Vol-

    which event- tholr agroomont-'Voulld

    Rticnrlunts or for the growth of new plums;pringlng from seed.

    There must be sutlictent plant foodn the soil. To supply ir, either burn-_n) manure or i-onuueniul fertllizerr-ly be used. It f̂ fru*» that wlw»r+*

    nuuure Is used, it will keep the anl-nals away for a 0""*, but that Is anid vantage in one way at least. In that

    HOW MONEY -GROWSShowing Accumulation of Weekly Savings WitK Interest at 4 P«r Ccfi

    Per Annum, Compounded Seml-AhnuaMy.

    l c $ .53 S 1.0S1 0 < : 6.S0 1O.B225c

    2 V 5 a r ;1&BO---


    2 00S0O4 00




    S2.82 T163.6S-S31.S0.494946«2.6O



    B Year.


    575.00 jS82.5U' l


    Wai- Saving* Stamp* Pay 4 Per Cent. Per Annum,Compounded Quarterly.


    1 W.S.S.1 v.ar

    S220.4S SfiSO.14. J919.38


    Corporations Mail War Savings Pamphlet issued by ii. S- Treas-Stamp Notice When Send- p ury Answers Question "How

    TnjpOut Dividends- 1 Cati-I Save-I/Toney.

    Not only Is thrift becomine a part atthe general educatldn of the peoplef small and moderate means who are

    t mlse sa-vint imd sensibles p e n d K ; efforts are belnjt made to ut-truct to the thrift campaign the stock

    ltruct to the thrift c a m p gholders of practically every larea cor-

    o make n start.-_IL..__U L>_e bcneflcla! to work up_Uui

    [Oil witll a sharp-toothed harrow TOnl_ the applied material ami prwpnr**

    better soil bed for the jiruss avm\hut should be applied. Spring seed-

    is usually host. Where the land Is00 steop to harrow, the seed should

    applied when the soil is honey-combed by frost. It in important that___jng, vital seeda, free of liupurltte.s

    ire used, and they tUiould be of kindsivhlch will guarantee a succession ofp_st_ru£e. jjjftoeu to twenty pounds Is1 generous appllcution. For most con-Utlons from Mutne to Vircluia, wh'_r\*

    lime has been uaed, the followlnc mix-ture will pro

    t*r_ss, 4; Meadow'eecue, 2; Itiilian rye crass, 1; Redrlover, 6; Alslkc clover, 4.

    Many fartnors are aIn^ar!x_usInE thlwmixture. Some add a pound each ofI'liite duver, alfalfu, und sweet clover.fc the ground is very dry, smoothirome crass should be substituted In:ho mixture for an equivalent atnouniif orchard grass and timothy.

    must have some opportunity to mukf:nou_h growth BO that they •will hare-

    vltallty to live thraueh the winter.And, once this treatment has beenplvcn to a panture and edoagb Unit*applied ^o correct nt least u part oftlie acidity. It should be repeated iroro:lmp to time to maintain It In good

    eed und lime HhouIcTHBe repeated«yery five yeafA, t_:]v_clally tb» apptl<

    tlon of llmiij,-


    The effect of hurarrt_r f_U6wlb_ uponthe rtmuervtttlmi of- JivolBture-ttloiie-Uwortli _ie trouble and expanse. O_tenalfalfa planting comes when It is .verydry. It _ust have wolBture, abd It IKwell to -onu-i-va the molstare at thu

    receding Klx we*\;«i,"mot only"1t>e___Bc1

    he jiltmtfi need It, but l>«ca_se It laneeded Irt the soil—pro__as__—which

    wc- dftrmnnt fornia of plant food toactive. These processed are cr^&t

    lntf July olid __cust, wh*n theWeather Is warm and sumtaer fallow-ing promoteg condltioUB fav6r_blc~to

    """; M'IKB 0UVUaii~ ChrlRiophor han ro-


    orkina; of-the soil heltpit to lacornortiteUnits', fertiliser," hioculiitlnjf kuia.t_rlid.

    tpcurt.v-jin"qvciT _IfcLriUutl'un Telephone and Telt*cniph

    mpmiy, Atchison. foptfta and Saula"Hailrnud Company, B»'ihtftiHHo^ItiiiltWay Steel "^pfliyp*3o, Southern Pacific tt. R. Co., South-ern Railway Co., Union PaolUe ~VL R.^ United States Steel CorpQrjltUm

    h H r \ S h itnd. pCorporation. —-

    The inserts which stockholdfcrs r*̂ve ulong with their dividend notices

    ire us follows:

    BttriTby mVestTU(t -d* Itv»

    "You can begin at once u";y~Tn~v~egtfttg'all or part of your Eavinps- iu--\V«rSavlnca Stampfi of " the IGlfl te*which you can buy In uuy amountto $1,000. They bear four \u*r *u

    "If you tUiould have an unexpected

    de_m all or ̂ iny number of them at onytlme^" for the full purchafl* prlc_, pluiInterest.—wKo «th«*i-Invest_iejot._rf__a Hucb «nattractive combination at safety, In-COB_e._rede#mability. and eanv*»ni«*rtr


    Benjamin Fninklln, the

    * '"Tine borrower l_ Rlavo to the* lender, and the debtor to theTlf~cntdH_r.--Xf yo_ would kmow-thc* value of money try to borrow* some/'* _e your own creditor. So r_c-* ulate your, c_i>e_dlt_r«s th_t t_©.* .firfit.charge against yottr-irtrrtfrmt.,i*!^SylH be-._av1h_ik -Put aside _ tcr*'

    t^lti proportioB of your' moheyfir^^eces-iiry >)i)en(3lng In Ui«

    __our. savlncs arc.a.;against want In.-old'-iifcey andagainst the rainy day. They form« fund for that golden opport.rnlty. thnt mny be on tho.wny.

    -» lly HV[U

    * tbo eoyornmoot. and "ciirijini;*"^*..Jior.. cont^liifcresC-cotnpo* Qxiurterly. . -

    * your W. S. S. «t tmituHty vi l l* Kivc you u hank uceount. .* • • • ' - • • • - - - • " • . *

    Get Ahead.**For indlvldu-ts and families whose

    Incomes are 1*^- than S5.000 a yearthis pamphlet oflVrs a number of

    Saving and spending bud«t'i» htivobeen prepared to iii "

    Plan ChanfedJ>y Department,Governor Will Apportion

    the Qootas

    of * her daughter,„ liS Jaanes avc-

    mitobo. of her childres. rela-

    c oce_ioa was a most enjoyableZ, ^-j ao oad present entered Into[estivitics -ore he_tUy-U_n-ta»ga«-ro

    OFFICIALS BDS3L0N_MANiThe appointment was unsolicited byHat-ieid has been a -weSl knows

    . tiui Is rprise, for the had _ofc received anyArrancomenia for _ vtsts In cohnec-1 intlmaiion that she « „ being con-

    tton with Uie winter frocrum ai the j atdered tot the position.T.T__CTA, aro_bein_ t£_de Ji^ihoaer In_]_„ Alias Mg______-h_- been a member Of

    r yoan«er days was ao-con-

    _dTEn-cf-l_—wor| atUulion, It. in the bl_a at the directors!Ladies' night £owns,

    laco and /i«_7fc_dery; fullLadies" BUomers; made of fin«

    long cloth and cr«p« cloth—inor whit

    Bust Binders In pink or icJve member* of theCaristian Teraeperanee to hav« the

    tal»-IaU anddent for a number of terms.

    MADE BY EXECDTIVEinter tappiamented by baxticniarjy active ia her workadditional aitraetic js^Sahway and aas received the com-

    coontry -B««»en». plans. the -ciivldcs will opett the_te-idents—of -thiscity who arei congratulaticg her uponhit pir*_t* when IMrjeen Trears

    v^ vn t - r r iw l lo Ccorps W.Ladlea' Fibre Silk Mo**;L__les" Corsets; two _ o * fall buketbail kague her appointment as a State officer. Monday morning from the Pouriii As-

    sistant Postmasteof East Railway, in! tl9a t o thea«-a«racii»_ tber* will be

    ' their solden 1 a BuslnewMenV Gyuaaaiam C!ub. as|a 1S-.S. S'ot _ n c after tha t ' " ^ *» too Dsnal boys clasites In the

    .»_; bir bjibaaj died. | _ n _ _ U < ; work. N'o indoor sports« _ the re_nlent of a |wUl b* foreottea !a tanking the

    APPOINTED ASmaster Klrchgasner from which it willCENSUS SUPERVISOR

    Draws the Plum forknown ~__b«voise ~__,fee; trtminB_:~

    Iaccr and embroideryto~ SO— —

    LADIES WASH SKIRTS s All Summer Wash Skirt*t̂ v Glose-Gitt—at-Grcatly Reduced Prices.

    The New Fall Fashion Book, Now on Sale.TrIcIsher*iTYarns in all INew _ a!T1S_l[_eSji^wTji_:S_le=-:

    suiK-t-i'isioa o t i h j census-tflfelnKo Fttth ConBTOssioa.l District.

    ;>«*Vnt were: "Mr.; lise purpose of tliiiej Tn charge of th'J to. Ed _M N'-yior. i l r . and 3Jr»- V. M. C. A. to make thVi.rosram this 'a_=«j H.tarU. Ur. _ d M M . J o _ p _ winter l i e . !>».„ that fa_ ever been i Embracing TTttloa ind Morris countiesJ l t l _ d aiUshier Jessie. ilUSi-offelx-illnltMS-CiU^ i H" *** ̂ ^ ^ for the post

    7[ Deraocr-tTc^taia Con.m[necm.n D. rKsv!cr. Mr. a_d Mm. AUrvd:|iilia:_. Mr. anj Slw. O. \V. J--_t6r-Kri


    VIIT a;:J Chiirle- Xayior all ami

    £>rupar3tioa iot iho Viatei" lirO".l. h.-i>air« arc buirSK saaJo to ports I Collins.

    Liieyir^lvaTreiraminjr-pDal-EtrojKaasc^d^Jor-t>ul iii drsl class coodltlori!

    ^ la oLber placea wbero!IThei* ar^:

    itit also have boeu an-jlvc_£tt_j_c__ot_ ibi* tttrtaConcros-ilonal districts.First, George B. Hurtt

    b«ea prepared to iiiw>i_ locuLcoiiiiltlimajJfctjl^^^g^^fei^3^5S_iJEi»i1rii : ;"^erest'-'ln-_e-apV>llcatlon of the bmlc-

    ._ ; to the Is beinc man last-._; to the catxibnicn Is beinc man last-ed In soctlous of the country wherethe _sTatlonal tTbrift Cahinal_a -ia U&~-Inp -atrricd "oofsucceKsfiiHy,

    _*J^£9PJ*J____§*__Jn_j?wparJnB citherIndividual or funnily builcuts jnay ob-t_Io copies ot the pamphlet upon ap-plication t th G St_Io copies ot the pamphlet upon ap-plication to the Government SavlncsV>l»-rfw»tr R r i F r t I

    "Double your^ivsources by Investing trlct, _20 Broadway, New York.

    i*=-=i=4Bait_boU£liI=;3Janlnittaii—Is—* t land for S2i.* t h e jjolntlto^thls storx fs tiiot* he had the $24.* There a w scores who complain* vociferously and frcuHcntlv that~lr the road to wealth Is alwaysA blocked.

    * to t _ * of It ifl luck- *e *

    * Where Is the man BO poorly ** Bald In the tJnlted Statw today ** that be cannot Buve a It-action of ** his earnlnc*? •/,* Accumulation of. the ttmailest ** noon will m time provide for •** the purchase of a War gavlncs ** Stamp, which Immediately be- ** EinS-wbi-kinc for you. A

    tjs Tin Dollar' tj)

    VwhiS in Way through the. earth.'; SUil _ • sign'of Itvii. —̂ ^

    patient. t_eave» coo,, out.' 'Budj open,

    l i r l »o^otm._ Still nahirvMt .- —

    ... I t * ;_ni!t filU out. • -TrlpeM, It

    Close Thursdays At Noon During August

    Hints For Housekeepers:—-"iv-jfeirr!

    B«_?* Doable Stamps Wedneodap hn A* Pa


    he IcttyTand get a set of diahcB.

    Mason Jars, quarts, ^Oc dozettT Knts^85c=dozenBeardsley's

    -•—Sb redded^—

    riirflllAt r l n _ 4er Ale, Saraaparilla, Birch Be«r $ 9 iLllCqUOl L\UD T Root Beer. p«r ca_s #OJ

    Mixed Vegetables,canl4c Tanglefoot 2c

    Bevo, $3 Zesto,Beertiver, lb - lOcr

    !3bl*e^SteaOC30^tknsji Steak, Ib_^-30!1 of Miribelil and Mr. and j

    of~Brooldy_ |FOR MEW HOUSES

    LIKELY TO COMBINE IA: a t_««ting v*i- cniplet_ It Is cx-jaeo was a candidate on tha Demo-

    ——-__— 1-crarlc rk'fcsl—foi---tbo ^Vssemblj-. H_


    t! r the post

    of the oaiw. . m i l t o form a. corporat ion l o t Jur>- commieBloncr wWch went to|-M_.oac. A suitable asuna will tnebl sjrofiabld t a s i ! Jnembers-iil.' U ;ipparcntly an-louj to

    r_d( tn# iho friciioa 'which jre»ultedT"t»,t» bubllc'= >!.• !..-Mlne of two *K>.J.«. and lh» p o s e d at_ Everybody Interested in tha ' of tho cM?f of onumerators L^

    of the oaiw pwith ,»1»». i b l t o r qthnt thP boat Wrf -will •«&• Thoy areall Jerscyman, too, -Inoluaini! Nowto.nCi olu of Vlnaland, James OlaEgow, of

    1 ami Chariofl Nixon..of Wash



    lnrper brwds ofpoultry. will bo ;,'lldKiJ Jnnlos GlnnKOWWlU tttli

    jljigillK sticltlUlll. EOJlflSC" tlioj_Olluy looldnK for winners. :

    no of our 'best—inbo was endeared w m c o a n B •- » •-»-• ' - —'-'by her kindly nature and bright,liappy dlspoetltioii; "

    Mrs. Brookfield was born In Iowa,but had spent tbe greater part of her

    ciii_. announce incolumns) today, the opening of

    our advertisingtheir

    The old-reliable tadse, Rudolph Hfe_in_thi8__c!ty. She was an active

    parents in Lawrence street in celebra-tion of his third birthday anniversary.-A—program -including- ^vocal—and- In-strumental music was enjoyed. Thehouse was prettily decorated in nation

    of First M. E. church, anddeeply, interested in many of_tha ac-Uvitiea.of that organization.

    reri^-MrS/^fi&kr-MaAl-of^ •= _ _ • * . , , « > ^ . « > • * . . . . _ *

    new store, in the Cries Bro's. building.

    ' "HOME-MXbE " BUGElliiibeth, and Mrs. Virgil Shipley of sergeant Rower of. the local policethis 'city;, also "two ' t r ea t 'cfrmdc-hfl- f o l w ; has'fouad a. "SUNS shot" for flipdri-n.'a step ..sinter and- t-go step- bro- ^ , n r < w - w h l < . ) , ( 3 nlayin»j havoc with

    there.oryiccii.-Will be hold "from

    hor lato home 84 East Mazelwood avo-nufl on Thursday oveiilag^at-.ffrQ;clc-ck.

    Nvlll bo on Fri-


    ttitker of• Elia.-AvoniiCi liavo been visi t

    ini! Mr. ami Mrn.William A. Bakor\hfl~pmTt two , Avon;

    ifr Hiboldlne, Joseph, William and Al-bert-, Victor and Thomas Hitzeldinc.

    vegetable Kardone.. It Is nothiiiR less than "sosp-sudo."After tho week's way l f^e tdoV^Titi

    _d_aBi:I»_Jed_._e ...fluld-fi-vor-beans1 an(|"-bthor^"plants - in his

    sudst h e

    tlon. He wants all the owners of "Kar-dons to-know-ot thin dlsoovfivy—litihca-thls --Itenir —T~-,-

    Mlss Elonnor Xlllla and Mlsa-Garlofc-"tiivnod it two-

    w"e'(-k"8 itny

    An adjourned 'mooting of thoTJnttcdITarniors' Ageoclatloti of Union ttndMiddlesex CountToa, will bo hold at"LbcusT"Grove School Houeo Xvednea


    of the school will moat alng- hmclvcs.


    Tbo American Chomlcal and Mamt-facturing Company of Norfolk. Vk.,.has purchasod a large piece of proper*ty in Sewaren and will soon erect a.

    plant there. Tho concern manu-facturers an excellent iron preservePafnt tnat ban como Into great prom-inence and demand on the market.

    Ten acres of land are involved inthe Sewaren purchase and werer

    1! Ji 3» SI W1 , 3 i *

    i t < . )

    and Alurainum Co. and Boyntou KoatKatato Co.

    •Tbe' now "concern doclded upo__- Sb-

    eourch for loeatloii. From Now York.Newark and Immediate sections to- .Perth Amboy water fronts woro in-

    COMLM.I5SION-POSTPONES VISITifilx—CcurtnjiBsiou at India, „

    which thoy woro to have mndn of the*

    ort fnr n-mnnth-

    ln thib countr>* tlie ralddlo of nextWOiltli. .

    J ' i -


  • Record. Tue&day At%crnoQa


    XJ. S. Weather Bureau Will

    Report Dafly on tIie~Coi>~

    dition of Roads

    making roads reports was a part ot theWeather Bureau function.

    Mr. Marvin said the policy would betq_solicit a dally yolun^t'aryreportjfrom,roliablo men at different "points along"

    I the roads, just as the Weather Bureauj does n o * in different parts of the

    country as to weather condltlons.Thero aro five thousand.weathor observers giving this ser*vice to the Government every day.They are supplied with instrumentsand expenses nro refunded.

    By approval of tho Secretary of Ajjrl•culture of a suggestion made by itsChief. Charles F. Marvin a now ac-tivity has been added to the work ofthe Weather Bureau. It Is to be knowna s the Highway Weather Service.

    Every automobile tourist will re-joice at this. The service Is for himand for tho encouragement ot crosscountry transportation of freight inmotor trucks. It will have to do withmaking reports on tho condition

    probabilities of- sunshine or stormalong them.

    Tried out with success in a fo""StateST"th'd"sierv 1 cerls:"To "&&-•£» perated

    throughout the country on lineasimilar to forecasting weather. RoadInformation and the weather predlction will be given on tho same card.

    This means that an automobllist caaconsult the Weather Bureau card orcall up a X?C5:L branch and ascertain

    Thoro would bo no trouble in gettingan equally efficient corps of road-con-dition observers on like terms.

    All the additional expense would bethe pay of a few extra men at theBureau offices to handle the business.

    The headquarters for New Jerseywill be at Trenton and from therewill be furnished Information to desig-nated officials and telegrams and mapsand bulletins, give warnings of storms.

    Beets 5Lima beans . . . * . . -5-10Peas . . . . . . 5 . 1 0Spinach 15


    XsparaguS" ~ \ :;vr;r~'i5""T~"~~'~ "ISO-Swiss chard , 1 5 , 20Apples' . - _ • VA _ _. . 2 0

    Pears *% 2 0

    Peaches % 1G

    Do not forget in canning the t»*o-ducts with,water that one level foaspoonful ot salt should be added toevery quart and put In just before th<


    Helpful Hints for Housewives Anentthe Canning Season

    niimmnr tht* hnnsftlffmnftr -W3.

    Many people have trouble with bootsfading when canning them. The GO\Jornmont bulletins suggest leaving aiinch of top on the beets and all of th<root while blanching, and scraping tinskin from the beot. but not peelingthorn. Pack beets whole if possibleOften the color seems dull when firslifted from the canner, but come:back after two or threo daya.


    - what . kind, of "going" Is. a h e a d i i f himon his intended route, or cart get thatinformation in the post offices of thevillages en route whoro the cards fort l ie day aro always on view. Benefitof such information and the ease withVhich il may bo hud will be appreci-ated by every man who has. tried tofind out road conditions from localinformation-

    Tills information will have to do at

    first with the most important high-ways and iu most inclement seasonsfor the particular region. In NewJ e r s e y . New York and Pennsylvaniawhere there has been request for itthe service will Ue given foT^munTroads, from ..early fall; through thewinter and spring until till fear ofsnow has passed.

    So far twelve States and the Districtof Columbia, through local highways

    _..authorities or automobile- associations.have asked for the main roads and.bad season service.

    Conspicuous by Its absohce from"the list is New England, from whoseSta tes no request has come, owing, it

    —la—surmisel — 4o—the— limited -use- -of•automobiles in that section in the time

    dared that Republicans of Essex

    otiniy are "beginning to realize that


    San Francisco—Can you create theme word which will beat denote thoUnited States and all parts of Britsn-ila? If so, you will be paid at the rate

    of J100O a word The World Trad©Club of San Francisco has offered'

    1000 to the person who suggests theword which, in tfie "judgment of theclub's Metric Campaign Committee,s best adapted to world-wide use.

    The competition is open to allliumankind. The money will ba paid:o the winner at noon on the 15tb of

    y president W. H. Hammer of theWorld Trade club.

    'Brit-Am," 'Atnbria,* 'Ambrittica.'Br-Am' 'Sam-Bull.- are some wordshus far sucestocL New names arc

    constantly coming. Tho World TradeClub la offering this award becausein carrying on Ms present campaignfor the adoption of metric units by allEnglish-speaking people—the -UnitedStates, the Brltfehj_lsles. Canada, Aus-[•alia; NewZea&SJ; Tasmania, .UnitedSouth. Africa and-so on.—:it was ham^erod by the lack of a single short

    lien—who~are -. fondbrf, flnd that ancientfo'iiih. will be served.'

    I"*!1 ,, u all v


    attempts to comeill very weir to say that

    I „, wlH bJ'Serv*!.—bill the vet-r Y 0 / L oW Rahway A. A. ahowed

    o u nivdwldts Park: Saturday

    they a*9 t

    y have « streak of amokelock thatlput pep-in-jrpor-smokemotor, all tight if joaH

    j-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papeĵ ^nail some Prince Albert for parking!

    oorsalvas, yoa

    yoa can call a pipethen, to hit tho .

    yoa land squareMJ-tpaa-xobmcca,

    Prince Albert \ "Well, sir, ydcTl be so

    -happy yxraH 'want to got a photo-graph of yourself bre halt**", could do nothing but~rtUil>' at the almasphere-

    tfrhuitg relieved his. .'Honor

    ward short- Worth, however, raisedone band in the.drivo. and said.—'•"This Is so easy."

    nded the

    air. guthenid saidio h is rumored—•

    rias for tba af-

    Right sow whilo the gnrtgood yoa gat oat yoar old $nxs)

    1SU v veded to second by: ' tno j «.-i»w%.

    v **iiy*rout tH«i E- firOQEia. >f. .

    ;!* thirJ i t i&sa thd by tbu direction of the Surgeon-

    JJ gJGsaoraIonhe" J t (Bt tcd t Stains and or-0 o 1 ieinally published by th- Women's

    Municipal League of Boston. It iellswhat a menace the ra t is i.> healtproperty. In summing up tbe econ-omic destrucUveneS?^ of the rat laihia country alone, the Bulletin says:

    "r'nmnmim* tlie^ UDtc^^P °f the r a t

    as one-cent per day, and estimatingp-irYt rw*rsnn. the sum of

    2 * i "~ "' !1 1 i Totals - . . . « • 0 0 211 0 ' Home run. BraKKer; two baso hits J. j2 1 j Endow and Stewart; base on balls, off j

    1; off Xo. 1S21. 2; struck out;

    1 orn- rt1 siso.nno.000 per yearcounti-v- by the depredan

    to theof this

    It is 0U shipboard that rats com-mit the greatest damage. A ship re-cently entered a southern port u-ilb a« „ „ af--coft»a—feom- BraiiL

    [ r=bi-r. cisilr.i-thi-cijualiy report tor j Total.! rou:.! r.-jd four runn. i O. t'C X. .\ 1Si.it th,- Now A. A- tool: thtf a«U K- A. A "

    •i? fourth. !l 3p:waSx-4 t l i i t the-' Thrvv Ki».> till--

    atiicr? !:•"! »••hc< li«t Qi Mr.^S;is!:j fur t i


    4 2 0 0 0 «—9>'l 0 0 3 0 0—3

    Ruddy: two base

    hlu. K. Arttwlronj:; struck out. by ft.&cbuUj a, by Hu»f> 6. by K- Durand

    Rahway Will be Will Represented by j

    | discharging tbe careo(hat 30.000 bags out of the total of

    had bean BO damaKed that re-/ a-as necessary The cost of


    j thi' IHM:-ptritr. J=d •>

    At A. E

    boiichJwl ti-.il oil Kb*thins; for his

    K; Nick ttuiis.Hrornl.-rly^. to th«* tnbutiJ to

    ' J--or SartClso. toothBChc. palnn.( burn*, ical&i. *ore Hireal. try Or

    s-'»^n!»4v forO«. i te

    Wielders of tho Racquetprobably will be well rep

    at tha cottunj; Onion County \

    on the courts of the Elizabeth , m c n t

    and Coumry Club In September, ithe oxceptiou of one or twowJiFclt loom ui> at ^tbu present

    linn-. 11

    the procedure In value of material and ie D . i expense ot labor was .-stimated a t ,

    i 52.000. anil this sum. :iJ not Include!i the lows of coffee or damage adjust-

    ihipT'ersTT'etnie^VoTaT nunl- 'ber of nits on the ship was only some ,200."

    i Ot rats, aa d^.-asca transmitters. .the Bulletin says "Rats have been ,

    Sale of Winter Coats,at Very GreaTSavings

    All -ika-Hfav, BeMttiifal FabricsAro Included in This

    Advance* Sale

    At 39,50--- -S in thacounty.

    AccordlnK to the dopasters, U n Dun-ham, who is now playlnc under thecolors or the Elizabeth Toira.Countn' Club, may 1MB up withGeorK* ThrocUmorton. This combin-ation, althounh a strone one. will flndstiff opposition among the others whoprobably will enter. The Van Deven-

    -rtxn- +poUi«w«- f«>m- PlallifleJd, viha. haYC.' played In various Ildoran tournaments,

    will be .rieht attionK tho loaders, andwill be the Benedict -brothers of

    [>"' There iini 'no. mnicru, us yet.

    j ElCiabcth." whoj recently won tho^Caslna,i:up.JWJll tciim.«&

    with, but it-la-Csrtaln t h a t ho and -h

    found in rats, and these rodentaprobably

    OUR BIIn bora da


    flavor i


    BAKERY.Te»l. 366

    saut^uT- *flv«rtip-' bollvt* coais-the lovelyU-ao cord—crep* bolivte—hand.oma Saltexl tur-nl JuJ! S7'lnchJ»jsecIt


    aitintins bank-.-


    han foresigEt.

    foresight thei

    oufioresight by transMohey^tfairs hJS


    Capital 81O0.00O.O0; Surplus 878.O8O.O«

    Chameleon cord coil* wMb Trench seal collar*—Ulvertip bolivla model*—nutria-trimmed tlnmWtonB*

    iloom »eal cub) with raccoon collars and cuffs—eiver coat*, slik. lined.


    hard niht . ior the "holiOts.Jones and Cunningham, who won

    the Ilderan tournament this yearshould be listed as contenders In thaTOUrnarnrnr almrr—^T-HB—tsattl pIay»S I o i r r c a p e « » J e ^ » o n « ^ o 4 ^ i E i .with tails, and tnutfi'iri all tho fashionable shapes.

    BEAVER" neckpieces In cape, stole ^«d collarBlyloa, *ith smart muffs to oiatcb. made of rich, darK^WhsrbeauUfuJly~niai'ke. Hata Albright a a i L . ^ . - —C ( ) p l ) ,- . any be obtalhod irOJttJBCU neitcMcyor are playing together I ^ S a p e r l n t c n d e n t ot Bocuments.acaln. and they and Sedg. nyno and G o v c r m n ( m t P r ( nt lng Offlco, Washlnc-

    in the running-However. • this lfi enough cou

    ournamont dope for tho present. 'fnct remains, that when R."'"MaKlrkland, who is in charge of>\e.ttL. tlves the word to starts Uahway\%I1I bt> Mell represented llj'tl *1H bo^iM r lif •• nt«d "" t i l tlto Anal rouiidi i plnyoil - ~ /^~> I

    p«oplv peysigtent

    Interest will be credited at the rate of four per centper annum and be compounded semi annually.

    Residence 53 William Street



    causes hoaanono. -

    madlclno.uaft box at all Btoreo

    ^Q (

    ! cording to author:;.itive records, this ji disease has. In re. eut centuries, de-i stroyed millions of lives.- TodayI plagues uiista In the rats of severalEnglish seaports. Rats are frequently

    with interunal parasites,tapeworm. Trichina is also .

    aro ,cons'Merable factor in |

    transmitting the infection among hogs |from whence It miy infect men.""Of all disease-bearing parasites"rat"stands supreme in the costprosence has entailedta**toli!Fpf lives and monoy."

    It a.ppears that a ceaseless war-faromust-be-malntaiimd.

    Tho rat proofing of floors of«lther—by—ele

    tlon of the structurepinning open and tree or by marginal

    "routing tho rnt" aro summarized byfollows:

    :ta»ine_himJ__thtaujKh_.thc us!eof rat-proof receptacles for ioouV and

    Bj der.rlvln&jSl'n> of.places, throukb I'ed lards ind Pn

    *ltx reru^lnf, him tdniii i ion toi tlnciuth

    rat-proof construction, and. screenedbiistraumt ••-oponlnK"-

  • Rahway Record, Tuesday Afternoon,

    lb ,

    The Rah way RecordNew Jersey Advocate

    SEBIAL NO. IMS.tho

    " .Published Tuesdays and Fridays

    Uabway Publishing Corporation358 Irvlno Street, Rahway,—N—J:





    Bub-crlptlon rate $2.50 pel* year, pable In advance. Single copy 3 cer


    rortuna.tely.,liaaJ>rougiit about, the_re:suit that no" less than 80 per cent, ofthe Inhabitants of the republic lookat intervention with .indifference.

    "Perhaps on reading, this somechauvcJnlsta - will-call - us unpatrlotlp :-but this is the truth, supported bypractical proof. When society had notyot come to the moral wearinesswhich It feels today-and to the cor-ruption that is now defiling us, the

    port of Vera Cruz, overran tho "wholeState of Chihuahua- in a warlike wayIn tho face of tho indifference of theMoxlcan nation.

    "Bat" there Is something graver st!which must be stated with all civ:valor. Ninety por cont. of our edu.jpHted class, which has come to thiconclusion that there is no salvatio:for ifteiJoo except through, foreign irfluenco, -WQUld look at Intorventlonsad to say, alojoat with pleasure: Ou:present moral state Is far from thatheroic-Belgium or" of patriotic 3F*r_nowhich B_VO the blood of their Intellectuals to save national sovereignty.


    Important Matters Broughtto Public Attention by



    mi_i__r_ble,-les3e_.i__- of 4he broomosquitoes In Railway anH this"

    vicinity should follow iot tho balancof this yoar and in future years, as

    •suit of tho work of Middlesex com*:y Mosquito Extermination Com;ion iu dltchins tHe inland portion ©

    The activities of a Building andXoan Association are dependent uponthe funds placed with It by Its do-

    —jjositora—and— the—demand—for~"loairs^~eartcret—Moadowr~-."long—tha—south-~_aa*io by~lts~borrowersT ~~In̂ a growing

    community particularly where now_actorles havo been built there Isusually a large und pressing demandior housing accommodations and auAssociation has no difficulty aa a. ruleIn malting loans.

    In Rahway there has been a strongdemand for mortgage Toans "during thopast yoar and It la said that for sometime past every local Building & LoanAssociation hasjhacl more applicationsfor loans than it could handle withfunds available. Aa a result manypeople attracted to Rahway by ourthriving factories and seeking homeshere are unable to build them and goaway. Thus not only does the In-dustry lose an ~omployee _ut"-th« cityloses a prospective family and thelocal business men lose trade. Thisis a serious loss and hurts the city Inmany ways.

    ations of Rahway have done much to_>_JXd up the city. ^Fhey have workod•quietly, but effectively and they are"working-now. But they can -dgreater and more effective work

    bank—of-the -Rah way—river. —This meadow has for some yea:

    boon incompletely ditched and workwould have been started long ago tccomplete this meadow b'ut for th

    Bected with thorn, would acquainttiiomsolves with the!*- method of oper-ations and bocomo members.

    Tho Secretary or Treasurer or otherolllcer of every Association will glud-ly explain to any investor tho generalBuilding and Loan plan and more par-ticularly the operation of~tfae Assoclu-"lion with which be ib identified.

    It is an opportunity for our citizens"not only to make a profitable Invest-ment either for a Urge or for a smallamount, but Incidentally to help theircity by building it up. To invest sumsEafely at home builds up a town and

    • by tris assured by careful State super-vision.

    The outlook for Rah way's future"wus never moro favorable; thereforelot everyone lurn~to~an_ Tielp NOW!

    The following In order of age con-stitute the Associations In Railway:

    Workmens Building and Loan As-sociation.

    Uahway Building and Loan Associ-ation. ̂ _ _ _„_„

    Industrial Building and Loan As-sochition.

    Citlzens Building and Loan Associa-tion^


    tTtude of tlie "Meiiicau Government re-fctirdiug tho aafoty of American life_Jnfr property In Mexico, the Govern-ment of the United States is prepared

    T h e r e are at present ffiTWO Amorlcantroops massed on the bonier, includ-ing eleven regiments of-cavalry, Bovonot Infantry, six olHeld artillery, two

    fact that the United- States Govern-ment has been using the power ditch-ing machine of tho Middlesex County

    Mosquito Extermination Commissionfor tho ditching of the Raritan Rlv^rmeadows alongside of Camp Raritan;a groat Ordnance Training Camp .and.Arsoual at Plscataway.

    The War Deuartmont has just recently completed this work on Rarltan marshes, making the power ditch-Ing machine now available for thisCarterot Meadow work. Tho ditchingmachine ie-of th%-lateet -and-most Im-proved type, operating by gasodlnopower and Is able to cut with Its crewof three men and att engineer about4000 feet of ditching per day. It Is in-tond©d—to—keen, the ditchlng_niachinjsteadily at this work until severalhundred thousand feat QI ditching ;installed, to complete tho drainagesystem on this Carterot Meadow.

    Poveral large brood's of salt marshoaqtiitoear--^A.odes- Solllcltausr- -a_d-

    Aedos Cantator, havo been tracedfrom these uadraluod marches IntoRahway and Linden, and tho UnionCounty Mosquito Extermination Com-mission h_.y,e oeoporated with the Mid-dlesex County tomjiplssiou In fillingseveral of the w_r&* breeding spotson tbej Carted Meadow until suchtime aa the ditching machine can put

    permanent drainage.In spite of these temporary morg-

    ers, however ,a Targe brood

    quitoes have beenor mos-

    thoublesome InHahway as a result of the breeding onthe Carteret Meadow in Middlesex

    ty" "G-outrtyv after^the" monthly^ biEh~ tidesduring the summer have flooded thomeadow and mosquito breeding haataken place because of the lack ofadequate ditching to carry off thisflood water. ~~tt is expected thatenough ditching will have been In-stalled by the end of August to pro-vent the Issuance of any brood as aresult of the August high tide, which

    due at the extreme end of themonth. ,

    The American Cyanimid Companyare to put up dikea along^the Warnor-Quinlan Comany's plant, in the LindojaMeadows, and will fill in a large a^aahere with the hydraulic Gil during thefall und winter. Thoro will aleo bo

    filling -of the "Grassellt

    Company, which, will further tend ,*oeliminateuection.

    mosquito breeding In this

    Apparently the same species ofworm which has proved so destructiveto beans throughout New Jersey la

    tallon. fUtdbn airplane squadrons, nineballoon companies, one battalion of

    ,-Jsfgnal corps troops, seventeen pack. trains and tiUtoon motor transportcotnpup

    -technical troops. Tlio force of mount-ed soldiers' ready for service at vari-ous points along the Rio Grande andwest of El Paso is the largoet ever

    _.as declared that SO per cent or theMe_I_an people look upon tho possl-

    -liUervcntioii^-with90 por cent of the

    -educated classes would greet such In-nttioit—with' 'CTittmsiivyinT '

    of e_gine«3rti>-i6no machlno ppun bat-j also at work ~nn clover." Thisr

    is a recognized pest of clover midnormally confiueB Its attention prin-cipally to plants ot that character. No(Kmbt- the application of un arsenical

    i, \i_. addition to special apd dust in Buch a fashion, as thorouKhly'"*" *"""' a " "" to coa^ tbo plants would afford ado*

    quate protection to the clover. \\\The arsenical dust recommended by

    the entomologist of the State Agrlcul-mobli.ed^on or near tho Mexican fron- tural Experiment Station-la comtvoHftd

    ot 1 part.of-powdc^ed nr-souato of-loadOne loading paper in Mexico City to 5'parta-ot hydrateS limo. This ma-

    foic oxurnlninj, th_ forma of inontJon~oru Tn—anp~~« p~~

    a t t i t . jir* ->nt »,t it< of omr« 1 itfon tn

    (I i.wT v, \T In Vhichn jiinl. in:


    terial would probably havo to bo aj>plied by means bf a power blower1

    when tised on arnbld^_"e_Jo.~Tho mixture composed of 6 pounds

    of arsonato of load"and 6 pounds ofIroshly slaked stone iimo suapeHdod

    Tn "tho'nut_.___ o_-*Eallon__u&u_.lly U: "to an icro {50 to 100) tihould yrovo

    this IkiBOct It !•* probiblu that i nordinary potato

    ?cd In such a

    «_Ibllni, botwi n ull \U -lentil tholicl tif hopo lot i politic i l nnd sociilrogonoratlon, tho physical and montl

    the" iiation," the—tqtal-

    .... ,_ick__bfl tin __*miiii«!ntly__ religiousj^o ovhiclc ot

    sGrv'antsi, tho. ub-*̂_7It!£*O_l*?.2.?t- cf>niplot«

    lack of respect for private property,

    sprnyor c-ould bo-fanhlan nn to ritntrl-

    Tb.oplants should-be marto onlj. hitho plants In quodtlon »». rmullleast thrcd'oi* four weeks must o

    actions that the President and Congross of tho United States should Inquire, if they would discover thecauses of tho rise In the cost of living.

    The value of any commodity Is thoamount of labor that its possessioncommands. The desire to refrain.from enforced eiortion la a universaland constant law; and it Is to the ex-tent mat numan appetitie for posses-sion overcomes that de-Ire for to-action. that the value of a commoditydepends..

    "Supply and Dfl____d" determinevalue, as measured in terms ot labor,

    rn'onoy—itself a' commodity" usedmerely as a convenient ttax. throughwhich exchange may be accomplished—la subject to this law.

    The dictates of ordinary businessprudence cause merchants to with-hold from sale tnof which in exchange for money, mi"contlnu- to Increase, so long: as thosupply of money increase- la greaJratio to demand, than the supply ofmerchandise wlth-held. %

    Let tho government control Its ex-


    t h e Issue of loans which areL basis for inordinate In

    :la"Uon "oTTho money-marketf and let:onfldence of stable administration beissured, _nd" the" spectre ~of a~~revc

    tion caused by "the Tiiglx cost ofTMng,will vanish.

    Yours very truly,F. ERNEST GRUBB.

    pof mime Perusal

    ' " ~ " v Stone STarO.---*—9»- ^

    the aid of Improved

    Marsh of iG Race, are euests at theTO-NIGHT, TUESDAY—Emmy Wehlen In "Fool. M r f ~ ~JMpney." (Educational Special "Careless America") al«o u ' ' park, . •

    Mi_. *T«d B a u e r o f I r v l n s

    iPendinE ten days at DunWKDNESDAY-Matlucc

    Perrlne of Esterbrook


    Lillian Peto been enjoying an outing

    of Bryant terracevacation in the

    Camper of West

    t w o

    of Brown Gorrtaoa No.

    AU wortd war veteran*ENGLISH A . WORLD UNGUAGE NO C H V N € E I N P R I C E S

    John C « _ _ « . QeorseOWch h _

    to taVe charge of the m

    —Strong Indication of ItsSupremacy as On< Re__lt *

    t Wan


    atoros and a comedy—GHEATEST SHOW

    £ liy—CoxmaLuiancrstofflorrow momins-

    at all perform-*: with parade at 11.30 A. St tn conjuccjio- Brown Garrison.

    w - . r . . ^ _ r r _ ; ^ , , ^


    lov«l F«at of Engineering RecentlyPut to the Credit of American

    Bridge Guilders.

    'ot long n^o it was dlseo-ered thatpiers of the combined highway and

    d bridge "_t-roiw the Mis_ouHIver at S t Joseph, Mo, were In badmditloa and it would be n&c^ssary

    build new piers. At first it wasopo«#d^t» -build th* hew piers on« downstream side of the old bridge

    _d shift the bri«i_v laterally to theposition. In this way malnjalnlng

    wffic over the old bridsre while thew construction was going on- But

    war department required the !o-allation of a larger druw-span In th&ridge nnd so It was decided to build

    sew pleca between tbo old pl*>rŝ_ter they wore completed, the fixed1

    ans of th* brldfjo woro moved shore-ard endwise, so thnt they rested on

    t*oeh and Cloinftu-t-aa, bul tha Ul_cai^slons a t Piiris aini Vfrs_ill*»_ were Inthe tongue which rn'_l*l*.knt Wllsoa andmost of our peiiev delt?«_tos; huvd h£$iat their dispo-ul. I 'orbapii It i_ uocompliment to us tiuir the

    * Inliuif

    tou^uu.. but tb«? factts there.

    Thi* E*reach lau^uu^e vrill prosperafter the war. In mure *>r lea& perfectform It \viH_,t^ hroi'.hf b'i('k lot AT?>«*Tv

    leu, to Australia, to Omadit, t o SouthAfrica, by soldiors and auxiliary

    ih«sr ofof thousani-i, -But for a\__xou whom the war h__French- It is a sa i - cues* that there lirea h-ndr-d-'lnldJEurop^iins to \c_*om"=JlSft result of the veur, ompha-lslnc al-r«idy exisU]ag__coutllilous» the Kngllsh

    wili^ btt-bvousat dosuj to home.&• this t\&w C_tM.-ho-Slovak la t_u^t

    be In Intimate touch with a millionund S3ova_s la th.£ 0_itod

    Suites. bccdU-cj th**rv are several i_U-llou Polos lb thi- country, b^euui-*overy out* or tlw ti>\v uutlonalltit'jj Iucontra! Europe loots In the tlr_t pb_eeto these United Stiitea, the J_ni_ric_o

    will tv* familiar _moa_ all

    instructed to till tho cap thus 00-iloned, no that traffic was closed

    ver the brldce for less than ten hours.Turn work was begun upon tho new

    a~ca_tver In open positUm. To permit ofils, a portion of the old swing-span

    to be cut away and a temporary't-spnn wus put In to take enre ofor truffle. Thus the bridge was re-

    mstructed without ehahclni; i ts"nt.-—Scletitllic American.

    Our Book of Doom.A doomsday book of _ new sort hnsên produced by the alien property

    that linve been found in thenlted States. Tlic custodian tlitokala efforta buv__tu»oa without real cost

    ~ the country, since hft brought tf>Eh^ for the treasury to collect more

    $1100,000 In incomo^taxos whichere being, evaded. Beslufo jtho._____J "

    The custodian's new book, says Na-aa'm BnslocBS, contains o doitl o*smfort for Americans who havealms acnlosLGfinnimjLiindJtflioJiaM

    —they—adll—haitfl_ tnpayment tin til Oermany milked

    her mind ubout th» varloty of t^v-iraent she Hkos beat. The state de-

    lurtmcnt has hinted that Americanlnlmunts may t e t '..Inrtn'tdlBte' n\m-mjemTTMrt froni thv fuu1

    n n IIIIH mlleetcd

    HubbV« Bluwder.^Je. resided In the suburbs, and when)-jaccldontally--mot—an —old-£rlen«* to own *~^f. yoiiV* *wm ^OTO*M jfy' f r»V^tj_r . . i o - - ^•it r h s » g i » yt>or Y>o^tf >rtn*y If-VTM" f r o r g ifr* the worry -i! wbui will becoai* ** «_ you In your old _fc_t Frr^r to *

    LBsdro- yo-f -hljdren at_pl» 6p- .*jf* portnnlty snJ prot>er* to battle with lisa world* ** Cwiti_ your»>U. #* Join too croal movement for a *

    Mra. Harfy^ IflU and daughter. Ev^'*

    .- .• . . . • • ' • . • - • • y • • ' • ' » , . . • • • ' . - . - • . • i

    Rahway Record. Tu«»aay Aft«rno«nf August 19. 1919.

    Now Bedford. Mass.Mr. and Mrs. Waller B. Crowell, of

    IVeat Milton avenue, returnod Satur-iay from Point Pluaaaut • ' •-Elmer- and Arthur -Armstrong and

    Alfred Brooks were alaoug tile weekind visitors at Asbury Park.

    Kev. R. W. Elliou seriously strainedils arm a few duys ago, which hasilaced him hors du combat for tiierarmufc

    Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ohlwelien "of N'o

    .arsn OL iu IUICO sireuLThe Rev. Edward S. Ureurley, pastor

    „ of the Preabyterlan eliurch ot Ilope-i- well and wife and daushtor, Miss Ruth

    Broarley. are guests ai Mr3. x. D.Brearley of Harelwood avenue.

    Mrs. George Conner of 63 „ _ „ , .wood avenue, and her EranddaughterMiss Anna.-Mailer aro spending twoweeks In X_ to _f urs._and-it_l--sai d-thatanything with fur on It Is consideredtip to the minute,' Purs an4 even vel-vet haw in plenty have been seon onthe torrid streets of American cities insummon* Daati, so it Id best not to feeltoo self-righteous or to mak«? too much

    t h Pri h t DT

    The third degree initiatioa was work-ed on several hew mamb^rs tmd rou'tine business transacted.

    Bodwell is enjoying a vaca*"-Tom hi_~_Ti-:--~a-~Ieiier carrier

    at the local pojt offlco.

    comraerit xvhed Paris chooses to sufferIn the cause of fashion-

    The scatcor tli ysistaki y^roniroon

    Chtsrch on*

    aacc—rlhgarage on the Hlot lu

    V,i!ii» OMvtf B^dmau, danculer ol iir>

    »t,a iln. Ijxm tt^SmoB, b i t CaSnpbeIllML l« IlWUdlBS tWO We«ks Witt!t«htlv.?j it HrooktyS, K. Y.

    iiln Mars' -Bertha, of Brooklyn, h!b» eu.«: ot Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedt in ol C

    rSaturday after.

    >tay ill Ihi- Jer»£y Boy* Camp, W a y*^ayar,j3^-4n- Xorth—Jene?*—-

    J i n \ a l and famlb 1».H Thursiiy ' B-i-1! l l^Vtn where t h e j »l l l'"3 v

    — _ f ofooLxnaterials.-,nn mnrh \_ farThere la an lngihaB9tlblfcJynrletv-j



    trUnmlnc, Wool Is often coinh t e d d i


    of late summer models appear In tnah l i l d l f e

    The lasl and loveliest of Bummer te summer mode ppprabove-and-wtch-ls-entiiely—dlfe-V t


    in stripe*. Followlnc closely the Ideas I ceeded by less fanciful and less nlryof the dedsners. plaids, chockif nnd headwear for late snmmer nnd eariystlipefl are nlentifnl and colors are a taiL There Is not the prodigal nse ofshade or two more vivid than the —_teria-9 of late. Stripes are producedby open mesh maierial alternative withband- of the wool* the mesh belnff ofmetal thread loosely woven*

    _____a3t_o__tbese JkrJtted- novelties pro-vides the way for trimmb_£ either afrock or a coat without the _l'd"or~f_rat somewhat less expense- For fiport_

    falL There is not the prodigal nse ofzimmlncs on hats for late summer

    that appears In hafe for spring ̂ andearly aummer.; Things roast look sim-ple and cool for hot usys, and besidesthe pendulum of fushloo swings

    iLorctf Co.. ln_>L-_L B_un4_c

    ~ for the shade- afford _ dash of colorfARlOUS KINDS OP CHARITYT^1--11* &Modat«j with, such aothe-.

    Among other color- are dahlia, dt-»o_Ui ^d*?, kJnjf*s blue «nd-r_st brown,which arc used Separately or in combl-

    brought about tho throat and shonl-, - Lders. -This Is-a-very simple affair, but

    stantly arst"~towtfrd trlwmlnss and; |(. ^y , n c v c r p a s 3 jmBotlced or bethen away from them. In order to be; . q u l c k |_ forgotten for it has characterforever changing tlie fetylea. inasruuch t h a t u D n n g u l l , .

    Jnstjbelow at the right the wtBil-

    »d Greater Faf Ti^i the_OJy(na ofAinu Is the Practice of.Charity

    ~ tof^TltBUcht. ^—~~ ^ Crny_fnrS_sre^the Jref erencoa by the majority of Asneri

    the. wordoi trttil.Iy In th

    B 7 f a i . t I s tving Is merely oil.* form of charityTJi«v U a charily that w* mn

    of "b_~*oHow»ho «and in b« n>vd of alms. Tnere

    aw well pro-of thl* world

    of charity.

    are. taJoxl manywith

    ho *tand

    yth.> s

    Sho *tand In er

    ottrs. Tberw wit* at thi A__ j.-ar M Jin- ,

    toondlcnWBS e*jihlUiihi*Bt» la Oils Iconntrj-. Ttils l« eiclu«hv of iOlopswhen) nil kinds of prcctoiiii sionea arccot.

    The noniWr ef German* employedan diatoond cult.-ns did Hot exe^w! OV>befor* th» war. and of the=ii- only TS

    cent \>orkcx! for establishmentsitiv-.—Kuring-t—i v^r '"A' «r

    i^. ,UD cutter* *.vailtrnt*d to Eng-land ttbd orjanlxed as a branch of thoJLondon Diamond Cutters" union. They~did woftT r"riiiclivally~f6r~n«^i^ii^ nnd

    of Kolln.ky, Beautifully Cot*.c . ^ of Kolln.ky, yb!»ed, Afford, a Fitting Wrap for

    ferenV7ronrtne6ttersrAr_Btoir~tlte~eroap—a-dose-nttin»-tnrban- having a very narrow brim, covered witha light paon velvet, Is swathed with along scarf o£ figured chiffon In (heoriental manner. The chiffon windsabout the shape and traits off at theback In a long scarf end which Is

    d h l

    as changing styles are the breath ofmerchanatsingr

    The story of Ja-te summer millinery_j considerably loneer this year thanfor many summers past, in castingabout for- something new. designer'sused to tnnttithelr backs upon snmmerused io tnnfabrics and

    ck upon summeand forestall an-and irimTPlp and forestall a

    Timr* % jisjngJlH^materials m AngnstTWe were likely to see velvet hatslnthedog days and woolly felts long beforethey fit In with any backgronnd thatsummertime provides. In spite of theoutrage to their sense of fliness manywomen would follow ffils takhionIt proved bad business. Of course Ithad to end, and tixlai sumtaee there Isa world of _at_ mad© specially *r ^ t B

    _tj_u_ers of summer matfctials b u t dlf-hi Boveral ways from their

    loved big blade haTof Tnidsnmmer Inv-iressos us once again with its refine-ment and Its beauty. It has a braidcrown and a brim of black maUnes,with flowing lines emphasiied by loopsof braid. A collar of black velvet rib-bon Is Ued nbont_ the crown wJUî jawldebow-Bt»th«-frontrhavln*-B-Jetbar-at the center. At t ie left a pale pinksnmmer felt has Its npper brim cov-ered with satin jmd a sash of sat—ribbon abont t i e crown. A bow nnd

    bade and a flower




    >T] WS

    V- /I i

    Pot RoastSolid MeatNo Waste



    - urn

    Tel. 403 ROTH-CO. 14 Cherry St.

    account of themselves by furnishinga youthful trimming fo£ the. headwear

    La youof a young glrL

    LOnly three of all the lovely


    The total value of the produce of| Canadian fisheries during 19X7 was

    Material May B« Made Up (nto C«at ' $52312,014, compared with $30,208,378and Skirt, o r Into One-Piece^" I (^ j s i e BUd S"28,SC0.7S0 to 10XS. These

    Street D . . .

    GRE122 M*

    SOME BIG SPECIALSWcdticfda y/sand Thursday

    SPAN'S.Tel. 536-Pahway

    War Savings Stamps have helpedthis thrifty French peasant to redeemJhU war-wrecked farm land, Ai,»|rtBlmtionMl Impli'tnTOts Tf battle he I*already harvestlnB a late crop.

    Silver,ic a New Metal\ tiLW dudoprncat In tlio alloj lnc

    .*f nlmnluuin with Mher metals himJust l i w ncc'ompllahod by tho produc-tion- of "HllvTire?^TOTT5¥fr

    3D io»t_£hi(ka-n*ouso; con-venient Ik H«IVay cnWand Wctonottttion onk/BhUi, v_Uy^ R^R, Willnoil ehcapfto ifclck-buyer; Batlsfac-lory tormB, XV. HTScod, fleton. N.

    mlxturo of nUiinlbum and copper,ilnc nnd steol la varying proporiloaa,according to ro- fro< kt. ha\e founda-

    l»-pr4cUaJl!v_10«_eefoctlvo IB preventing»B5orplTo»-Trfwmter. particularly IB the toraE*

    h i t t80 her cent of the French propellers«rsduc>d are rejected by the pilots•__^^h^_g)rt^h»^MrB_outjBf bJl-a_ance This difficulty Is due largelyT>unciiunl abuorptlon or dUtributien ofmoliiure ami can Iw greatly reducedby an effective water-proofing coatlnc

    Stosp:t.d M Gwat Waste,Millions ot.'dollars' worth of fruit

    have 'bwiT waited"" liTnortdn- duringthe quarter of tt century; Hereafteraothlnt- will be wasted as the dropi

    iio and rtpes will all be uUlb»ll us an inof what one roleln have done, let theveil etch a mad dvsicn in one bold.

  • • « , . .

    Rahwa JLS05-



    Copyright fay Doablodiy. £**v«r*> A


    CHAPTER I.—Major Amberpon ha

    CEUJPTER HI.—By th« ilmo Gr«ors«^ta^v3.5tirColl5iroh«Tlidnot

    conceal bia belief that th« Amb«rMare about the most Important family i

    Tirld7^AX~!B~biili-iriv«n—in—hla—hotsowhen ha r«turned from college, O^orsmonopolized Lucy Morj^an. a stro&srer andthe prottleat girl present, and t*ot on fa-mously with Tier until ha learned that a"•Ulê sr looking duck"' at whom he hadb««n -poldnc" touch ton, •wraja th» youajTlady'a father. Ho was Eugene Morgan, aformer real do nt of Blcburc, and ha w ur«turnlnc thoro to erect a factory and tobuild horsoleas carriage* of hla own In-vtl

    CKLUFTER IV.—Eunme waa an old ad-mirer of Isabel's and they had bc«n on-Caevd when Isabel throw him ovor bo-cviflo of Eomo youthful Indiscretion andtoarrUd Wilbur Mlnafer.

    CHJU»TER V.—George mak*«procTcaa In hla courtship of JLucy,


    CHA>>TE& VII.

    When George regained some meas-ure of his presence of mind Miss Lucy

    "tiutyijpressldg his nose sightly to one side;and a monstrous amount of her furboa seemed to minglo with an equallyimplausible quantity of snow in hismouth. - Ho w«s coafUKodv - but •con-scious of no objection to any of tliest-juxtupositiouy. She was apparentlyuninjured, for she sat up, hatless, herhair down, and said mildly:

    "Good heavens!"Though her father had been under

    hlstraachine when they passed, he wasthe first to reticli them. He threw

    **i*cur-g-a in a' aDucKea tulXlecy. JFanny had already mounted to thirear seat, and George, after helpingLncy Morgan to climb up beside hisaunt, was following. Isabel saw thatbis shoes, were light things of eatenleather, and that snow was clinjto them. She made a little rashtoward him. and, as one of bis feetrested on the Iron step of the tnachlnIn taountlng1, sho began to clean_~tbsnow from his shoo with her almos1

    aerial lac© handkerchief. "You mustn*icatch cold!" she cried.

    7pfuriously withdrew his foot "Torheaven's sake get tn! You're stand'ing In the snow yourself. Get In !**

    Isabel consented, turning1 to Morgan,whose habitual cipbesslon of apprehenslveness was somewhat accentu-ated. He climbed up after her, GeorgeAmbcrson having gone to the otbeside. "Yoa'ro the same Isabel I usedto know!" he- said In a low voice."You're a divinely ridiculous woman.1

    *Ani I, Eugene?" she said, not dis-pleased. " TDlvinely' and 'ridiculous'just counterbalance each other, don'tthey7 Plus one and minus one equalnothing; so you mean I'm nothing inparticular?"

    "No," he answered, tugging atlever. "That doesn't seem to be pre-

    exclamation referred to_the_subterra-nean machinory, for dismaying soundscame from beneatn~tHe~ffoorT~umr~tlieyehide plunswl. then rolled! noisilyforward.

    'Behold I" Gcorjre Amberson ex-claimed- "She does move! It must

    mother accItfeuC'Accident1?'" Morgan shouted over

    •No'! She breathes;—shestirs; she seems to feel a thrill of lifealong her keel!" And he began toBlnjf "The Star Spangled Banner."

    Amberson Joined him lustily, undsang on when Mor-giin stopped. S i slephew, behind, was gloomy. He liadve-rheiird his mother's conversationL'ith the Inventor: It seemed curiouao him that this Morgan, of whom ho

    Jiod • never hoard until last night,should be using the name "Isabel" so

    ; and George felt that It was notlust the thing for his mother to—eall-Morgtm "Eugene;" the resentment- of:he previous niirht came upon Georgeuguln. Meanwhile his mother andMorgan continued their talk; but hecould no longer hear whit they said;

    cur Tintl~ bis"""uncle's-;ongful mood prevented. He markedlow animated Isabel seemed; It waslot at range to see bis mother so guy,>ut it WHS strange that a man not of:ho family should be the cause of,er guyety. And Oeorge sat frowning.

    Lucy turned to him. "You tried toiwing underneath me nnd break the'all for me when we went over." sheaid. "1 knew you were doing that,.ml—It was nice of you."

    "Wasn't any full to speak of," he•eturned brusquely. "Couldn't havemrt either of us."

    "Still it was friendly of you—andwfully quick, too,. _JPH. notr^l'U. notnrget It!"

    Her voice had a sound of p;enuine-ICBS. very pleasant, and George be-nn to forgot hla annoyance with her

    ter, but found her already Faugh Ing,and was reassured. "They're all

    ho called to Isabel, who was"t̂ >

    snowbank's u feather "bed"— nothingthe matter with them at ull. Don'tlook co pale!"

    "Georgie!" she gasped. "Georgia 1"~̂ ~"GrCoT£TcI"\vliB on—JHa- feet, -snow- -oil

    over him.IX^QDtJoake ô fUKS. mother! Noth-


    Sudden tourw Btood In Isabel'o eyes."To FOG vou down underneath—draff-glnc—oh !—" Then with Bhaklng

    to- brush -the snowfrom him.

    "Let me alone," he protested. "You'llruld you* gloves. You're gtjttinff Knowall over you, and—"

    "No, no!" RIIP cried. "You'll catchcold; you mustn't catch cold!" Audfche continued io brush him.

    Amberfton hud brought Lucy's bat;Mlis^anny acted us latSy^ maid; andboth victims of the accident werepresently restored to about their usualnniniaranca and condition Vf nppaVeLIn_fatt. -encouraged- by the two^-olderceatlemeh, the entire party, with oner

    decided that the eptaoden-merry oncratid~bcgatr

    to ltitijKh about It. But 'Ooore'o wasglummer than the December twilight,bow Hwlftly closing in. ' '.

    *"That darned horsel" he said-:In't bother about Pendennts,

    a mart out for" what's left oJ~that

    whats left oJthacutter tomorrow, andJPcndennls will

    ~:*:::mn.. . ...„*.. „ there a long while before wo •will, be-

    . ' - • -""cabHcTail WeV*^eotTto"depend on tous homo le dene Morgan's broicen-

    -down—rttflflnff- dish

    as he spoke, and his ft-iona. acaVn un-

    smiling. "Shell so," ho said,"What!"


    'other. This annoyanc*? of his had notbeen alleviated by the circumstancethat neither of the seats of the oldsewing machine was designed forhree people, but when his neighboripdlie " tiros —gni+efully—he---no-.lancet,ulnded the crowding—In fact, itpleased him so much that he began towish the old sewing machine would goeven slower. George presently ad-

    liiHjlJLucy luirriedly, almost trein-jloualy, ppp»Mnn cToiJfT tolufrVMir:

    'I forgot to tell you something:•ou're pretty nice! I thought so theirst second I saw you lust night. I'lL•orao for you tonight and take you tohe Assembly at the Amberson hotel.Tou're going, aren't you?"

    "Yes, but I'm going with papa andhe Sharona. I'll Gee you there."

    '\Well, we'll dnnce the cotillion jto;

    "What!" GeorBO's tone wasHhocked, us nt Incredible news. "Well,you could break that engagement, IBue«9r«-Tntr-p™irtcd-ToT—Gtt1S"in%a"yTcun get out of thlugs when they wantto. Won't you?"

    "1 don't think tjo."- " W h y n o m .— - _» .

    ons'; Its lighter load' consisting coof only Mr. Morgan and hla daughter,George went Into the house at once.

    He found' his father reading thevening paper In the library-

    xiyT* Mr. Minafer Inquired, not look-tag tip.

    "They're-coming,**' saW bis son; amcasting himself jieavily Into a chal:stared at the -flre-j

    His prediction was verifiedmoments later; the- two ladles camin cheerfully, unfastening their fur

    all ^Isabel. **Your Uncle George called tas that Pcndennls 'got home safely-Pat your shoes close to the fire, dearor else go and cbaJig© them.*'

    *TLook here," said George abruptly.•'How about this man Morgan and hiold sewing machine? iDoesn't he wantto get grandfather to put money intcitJ Isn't he trying to work UnclGeorge-for that? lsn*t that what ho*:up to?"

    It was-Mlss Fanny who responded.on little silly!" she cried, with sur-

    prising sharpness. "What on earthare yon talking about? Eugene Mor-gan's perfectiy able to finance his ownInventions these days."

    "Ho strikes nie as that sortman," Georye answered doggedly.'Isn't he, fiitherr1

    Minuter set down his paper for thmoment. *t3fc wait a fairly wild youo,

    r—ticanty— ht*—cin^ at hid wife absently. "Hlike you In one thing, Goorgie: h*>

    spent- too much monej"—only he dldn'have ony mother "to get money out o:a grandfather for him, so be was nsu-ally in debt But I belleveTx-e heard

    niOt\* * he xyQQld pot dancehe Would not favor her in the coill-iloii—he would not go near her 1

    . . He descended to dinner tiponthe third tirg^nt snmuums of the col-

    ic's doiaeNo, I can't say I think he's a swin-dler, and I doubt if he needs anybodyelse's money to back-bis horseloss-car-Huge."

    "Well, what's he brought the oldthing here for, then? People that ownelephants don't take their elephantsaround with 'em when they go visit-lug. What's he got it here for?"

    T m sure I don't know," said Mr.Minufer, resuming his paper. "You

    light ask him."Isabel laughed and patted her hus-

    in~d7s~ sboulder~ again. " **AJon*t youOlng to drees? Aren't we all going

    the dance1?"He aroaned faintly. "Arent your

    rother and Georgle escortB enoughor you and—E'nnny'?'*

    "Wouldn't yoa enjoy it at all?""You know I don't."Isabel let her hand remain upons shoulder a moment longer; ahe

    ieorge. watching her broodingly.nought there was more color in herace than the reflection of the flamesiccounted for. "Well, then." she saidnduljrently, "stay at homa and be

    "We Wont Ui-fle You If You'd Really

    dajris Sis*"'- ' - - - • - -» . - • _ - . . : _ _ . , ' , . ."See here !" Bald the stricken Georea.

    "li you're Kolnjj to decline to dano-that cotillion with nae simply because

    miserablered-headed outsider like STj-ed Klnney,whx w« mlEht as well aultl"

    "You know perfectly ~weil~what 3mean," he Enid huskily.

    "I don't*'


    —"Whar-In-th«-world—Id-the-mstter-•with you^w -she demanded* regardlnKnlm^wUh^ittle^amlnUHty^

    la a play.**His - expression cave • BO sign of

    yielding to thp Request-; on the COB-

    G-eorge, thoroughly hurt, stud tiot •little embittered, expressed himselfIn B short outburst of laughter: ""Well,I ought to have seen it!"

    "Seen what1?*'"Thut you might turn oot to bo a

    girl who'tLilke a' fellow ^f the_' red-beaded Klnney nort. I ought to haveEeen~it from'ihe"firstV* """"""

    Lucy bore her dlKcrace lightly- "Oh,dancing a cotillion with a person

    . doesn't mean. that. you. like him—butI doh't iveo anything In particular themutter with i lr. Klnney. What.Is?'*

    prefer not to discuss It/* said_£.̂ ?tly-__.. "He's an eneha'y_of

    "Why?" - - •""î prefeV not to discuss it,""Well, but—""1 prefer not to_ discuss It I"

    -nlrof-tl)e song -which^ »lr;Gcorce Am-berson wii's now discoursing, "O moonof'iuy delight-Unit known no w""^"—

    "i.,,,1-there was no further conversationon tho back seat. i

    * Tho contrivance Ktoppod withheart-BhitklBB jork before Isabel'ii

    tliere were friendly lonvetaldnerone-that^'us~?;ot~-preclsSy f rren

    "If ' ip y niliyT

    "Ifrt 'au rovolr' till tonight, Isn't it?'

    happy. We won't urge you If you'dreally rather not."

    I really waaMU*t~Tre Bald content-edly.

    J g g pperhalliixjiiibrobe Btag'e'of'prcparatlori"tot^the'nlng's gnyetlca, when ho encounteredhis Aunt Fanny. Ho stopped her."i3tTfi"~H~iaa:—

    to usnnmie tnax ra get your motnerto invite Eugene Morgan here on myaccount because "he's^a^widower!"

    **I ami** George'"gasped.s.nonplused.T m trying to insinuate that ̂ yoo'xis,setting sonr.cap.,atlhim and gettingmother to help you? Is that what youmeanT*. - - • .. Beyond a doubt that was what Sl!ss

    TP*anny meant. She cave him a x^hlte-hot look. 4 y " s o e u r t o f.:lr utonjrtiotfef "thanthey did m nrse. thn^* two elilliircti;*^Funny Mlqafor wild, sitting iK-̂ idi-her at llie Sharons' »lntic»y u weotafter tho Assonsbly. *̂ T(ioy cooiuod tobo always having littlo quiirrolsi ofsomo sort_ at Sr>t. At least G>iorc*-dld: he seomed to bo continuallypeeking at that lowly, dainty ilrt!"vLucy, and bvlnr criHu with bor overnothing."

    " •Pocking?'"Isiihol Iuualu-d. "What

    ent to the favor table and wereelven toys and trinkets wherewith todelight the new nartners It was nowheir privilege to select.

    George strolled with a bored air tothe tropical grove. Where sat his eld-

    rs, and seated himself beside hisJncle Sydney. Hla mother leanedcross Miss )fann#f«**rlslng her vole*-^^h*riSS^S*SS3PSBki^^llE35SS'

    T nobody will" be~ibl«'i;rtfssee;rod here. You'll not be favored. YouWight to.l}C where,.yoij-..can- dance.**

    "Don't care to,", ho returned.

    ' "Bur you ought—"*" She stoppedid laughed, waving her fan to direct

    his attention behind^ him. "Look-Over your shoulder i" ' - -— •

    He turned and discovered .Miss

    hhn i-'-parplV'J found you !** she laughed.

    George was startled.Bald: :

    "Wall^" be

    •«!> II-

    •mppose yoo don't know why fatherdoeBn't Want to EO tonight" he saidBoleinnly. .

    "He never wants to go anywherethat t ever beard of," said Fanny."What Is the (matter with you?"

    "He doesnt want to go becanse hedoesn'i-Uke this- man Morgan. Ixtokhere, what makes you. and^ano1" ev-erybody so excited over hlmr"

    •'•Excited!'" she Jeered. '"Can'tpeople be glad to see an old friendwithout BlUy children like ybttJiavlngto make a to-do about it? IVe Justbeen in your mother's room suggest-ing that she might Rive a little dinnerf r t h " ~~~

    —For whof*"^"For whom. Georgle f For Mr.Morgan and his dflticntcr.*'

    ^!Look bereJ" Gcorge-feald-ijulckly.*iD_on't-do-ihfiU- Mother mustn't do

    -tliat It wouldn't look weUrv ^*-^'-^" 'Wouldn't look well r" Fanny

    lenience betrayed n sumrlsing aeerb^Ity. "See here, Oeorglo Minafer rsuERcst that you just march straighton-lnto your room and nulBh your

    Qcatge wns no nstonnilcd by thlaoutburst that hl9 indlRnatlon ^As-do-b-V -h'a~emln.sltv. JWlVif,

    _"I.bnow-_what-you->neilu,-!i-Bh•cr ' i illl

    Lucy naked qulckjy as ho

    No," he said, rising. "It would bebetter to dance." Hln tone VI>BS sol-emn. and golemnly-he departed with

    danced with her.Pour times, with not the slightest

    encouragement, she brought him afavor: four Hiaes In succession.When the fourth came, "Look here!"said George huskily. "You going tokeep this up all night? What do your a e a u h y l t l ^ J j -' for an Instant she Keoemtd con-fused. "That's what cotllllonn arefor, aren't they?" she mnrmuwd.

    "What do you mean: what they'refort"" - - - - . . - . -

    "So that a girl can dance with »Person she wants tor"_ J « B 6 d .do you mean yoa—you want t«Witt (ne air the time—nil evening?"

    "Well, this much of it^-evldcntly i"she laughed.', "^Jl*-because" you want to 'even,jthlhCT--tiD:'̂ OTp^Tnff:^rn^VTi>t '̂I flQgry^_j-mcan Yor hurtln"ij>ttiy fcbllnpi on theway homer1

    nineteen can be as shy nB boys,sometimes — she. snld, "Well —youonly got anRry becauso I couldn'tdatica tho_ _cotJ!!!on__wlth you. I—X

    — "Wim-thcre ttny btlior re"»soa7~r>id"biy tclllnK you I liked, you Imve any-OiltiK to do Mith i t t -

    :ly and n« fi _Bltely-

    - • . - . . . . . r e tn.Uu* 'Instantly away, !1Ud, turning ran out

    'Coaie on!" ijbe cried. ^hai adaUco 1' i"

    He followed her,"S«o here—I—I—" he stammered.

    "Yon knean— Do yon—w—"itxr,—no"—she—Is

    —"He~t>trtr1his nra aboot-feer almosttremulously and £hny be£an to waiti.It was a happy dance for both of

    Christmas day is th« children's, butthe hoildays aro youth's dancingtime. The holidays belong io theearly twenties add the 'teens, homefrom school and college. It Is theliveliest time to life, the happiest ofthe Irresponsible times* In life. Moth-era echo Its bapplnete*—nothing Ulike a mother who bus a isoo home

    V e tWith a son home from college-they civo up their sotu* to theters of other mothers, and -find itproud rupture enough to be_ allowed

    OMI to use about COAr̂ leI never knew a mor** ujcamiable dl.stw>«lttoa In my life!"

    Miss Fauny eeljaixi hitt nlz


    Denizens of the Deep Simply Refusedto Be Decoyed Into Any~Wet -—

    Made of -Cotton.

    Even a fish knows that whenTah^ut-slder trios to monkey with Americanbusiness he. makes-trouble. .

    It was decided at Washington bytho powers that you should be coaxedInto a racinc fish hunger. Pieces InVke papors were written to-make yourtiiputh water for fish-; ixisters showingbouutlfuUy colored flsh. lylnc in bedsot pjil^it'y, nnd cool, fr*>sh vegetableswore stuck" tip in your town railroadstation Jtmlpost-.Gfilo?'. - ̂ yaU.-^W?3C-iv«rt calculations of the tiropacanaists^you \ver»* s«>on shriekinir for flsh; yonwere turned into 3 tnuii who wouldporiish It he coulduH have his fishovory day.

    **H!KMO!**'they said. "C^ttftn isntas strong* as Un«n, but we'll make ournets of cotton, with larser threads.We've cot folks hungry for lUh andnrtu* w,* tnust get the fl>s>i.*"

    S*> down iuto the cli-urjivatent of theGrout Lakes and into the coW depthsof the s*>u on the Shietflc const wherotin!- Siilniou disport w*vht the coffimnets In place of tht- linen, nets that

    It XVUM it Siecret in ̂ 'iif time,have Kiild. but I can toll It now:

    fir uothln^ with them. Uncn meshesure almost invisible to a fish In wa-ter. r»"rh:irv-s -intlrely so, Judtlns by thenumber of ash eaucht In them every

    Hut cotton meshes—a^cotton 1 ooks

    fence to a fiahr*T£aId an ex*pert- in Herbert Hoover** office InWashington. *"He tnniH around andpooa richt away troij it-


    Intareitlna to Speculate as to JuatWhjrt Would Bo Appropriate Unl-

    V«rslty Curriculum.'*

    The former Danish mlnlnter io To-trocr«^ i» authority for tho statement-that -the bolsherlkl havi> cstabll»heda-»perial-»eTolutlon4ry_sd!ooJ.. at Moa-cow tinder the direction ho_trl«l_to-la»-

    K. Suvtt boiJ dliUSKercJ aa of silver which nuiy W

    inade In a jilastlc form like wax atelay, ajsd alao Ojinn^lliownlolhe cvin-slsti'Hcy of twlnt, ucMTofdliia: to the Ul -

    p alloy* and bhinse-i toay b*worked !u the Sanle manner. By idm-plc- t'echnolosy tiie provartttlpn may bereduced io the pure metal \riihoat anychance In Its fona or

    or In the tvll.-f. 1u-it a« he does olsnsuaL matertiilit. or iu dilution it. maybe~applle




    New Jersey Y. M. C. A. BoyEnjoying Life in the Open

    ' at State Camp

    iiSIi.Andover, August- 16—-The—fourth

    section campers arrived today at thoJersey Boys' Camp. Among the nowleaders are Robert Purinton of Atlan-tic City, G. M. Alleman of SummitKenneth Bowles of New Haven, Matthew J. Bonnor of Passaic, Louis P.Hanson of Plainuold, George ElmerBlazler of Madison, Francis Forrio ofMadison, Harold Johnston of Uldgo-wopd, Olaf Olson of Perth Amboy aht

    J. R. Hoppeck of Lambortville.-Harry C. White, a Y..M. C. A. en-

    . . tertainer. recently back from Francogave nti nttf ertflintnont last night.

    --^--^will-^also-^entertaia—the—new—camp4rawith stories and Impersonations" atCouncil Fire tonight.

    r u e j jow library aiid reading riover the Boat-House has boon com-pleted by Wm. A. Boss of Andovor aArthur Reynolds of Newark andrustic correspondence table has been

    -installed. JQlWiioniUQffrom the neighborhood is being pro-pared by William Hairison of.Morris-town,

    Among the recent visitors were EC.E. Baldinger of Newton, the CountyAgricultural Agent, V. L. Strong, ThoAssistant Agent and G. I. Bawl ofHackensack, the creamery Inspector.Samples of the soil on the campproperty were taken and an examin-ation will be made. A largo gardenwin." be cultivated, next year so as toprovide the campord with £re&b vege^tables during the entire season. Thecampers are now enjoying fresh corn,

    —beana, - «ucunsb6ra and other "vege-tables.

    by the boys of tent No. 5 which In-


    ^ o r .First.Time..Jn__HJ«tory.. J?f V- s*Practical Education Aimed AgainUnrest Will be Scientifically Man-

    ." The results of the Knights of Columbus"Peace Convention, held in. Buf-falo last week. are.being felt in termsot intensified activity in every jurisdiction.of the Knights of Columbusrepresented by delegates to the con-

    -vontion:—With—approbatlon-from-thaChurch, in the form of cabled praisefrom Pope Bonedicf XV, and -with thecordial encouragement of the State, inthe romryof testimonials from Secre-tary of War Newton D. Baker, Assist-ant . Secretary of the Navy FranklinRoosovolt and Admiral William Benson. Chief of Naval Operations, theKnights launched, their wai-faro onBolshevism and all extreme radicalism—this warfare to take the form of anation-wide, .educational system des-tined to make for. improvement in the

    this country are belng-rapidly brought

    Into lino as focal points for the edu-vnt-

    od $50,000 to provide for the Initialfunctioning of the schema, which was"perfected by the K-C educational con

    ago, the-plan being, the embodiment, of

    The a.dvfco~oTtu eaters; '-

    Tho course of studies, which will beavailable to tho 600,000 members oftho K. of C. and others at a low feesufficient to pay operating expenses,rOl include: Accounting, banking and

    finance, marketing, foreign trade,management, business law, commer-cial correspondence private secretary-ship, junior clerksM nling and per-sonal development, languages. In-dustrial courses to be offered include:Airship construction, auto mechanics,motion picture operating, electrical

    jownlry making. Plumbing, in-dustrlal relations, employment man-

    printing. lithography, decor-ating, welding, ventilation, heatingand civir-"-service7" Stress is laid uponeludes Wm. G. Scott, Bayonne; Wai-'

    ton Moylo, Elizabeth; George Bennett, t h o c o u r s o l n citizenship, which willPassaic: Spcncor Anderson, Ridge- b e founded upon the Declaration of

    woodt—WnjT—Ok-Brown-,- Glen Ridge:Eugene Ross, New Brunswick; Donald

    . S. CoIIard, Belleville under the leader-ship of G. L. Trimble of Nowark. Itis located in tho woods under thehemlocks und the Wnwuyanda Tribeof the "Woodcraft League is holdingweekly meetings at this place. Rusticaeats""an"(l u large eoifnMl rock add tothe attractiveness of this Ring.

    Wilbur V. Day of Morristown, who

    and tho_ Constitution ofthe United States—their theory andpractice and application to everydaylife. Tho courses in citizenship willbe modified to suit the needs of differ-ent localities.

    Teachers will be chosen-from, menof standing in every community andthe" text books will bo tho'oest avail-able. Tho schools will be made asself sustaining as


    Governor Runyon and OtherOfficials to Attend—Fine

    Program Arranged

    Saturday. August 23rd, wlU be''Ne«Jersey Day" at the Navy Rifle Kingeat Caldwell where the^ National jUggMatches are noWirTprogress^• Governor Runyon and Senator Fre-llnghuysen and Senator Edge, also <number of delegates from Congresstogether'with many other distinguished men, have accepted invitations tobe present at the range on that day,

    A very interesting progTam hasbeen arranged. All guests are Inviti"tQ-arrtvB~betw.een "three—and—ioo*clock, ass enabling, at the club hou

    >n be^affortlairto~ witness 'the "firing "in"' the . riflo"matches, for inspection of range, and"the exETSltlbT^rTJarI0ua~ae5arrnloTrt5of the War Department, especially thegreat and most Interesting exhibitionot the Ordnance Department, and theexhibit of the Infantry S'cfiooTofi

    >rt Bennings.~Ga-," wh^ch willdemonstrate the Use of the Browningmachine gun with tracer and Incen-diary bullets, trench mortars, 37 mm.guns, etc.

    Reception and band concert willthen b̂e held at Headquarters' mess.-Dinner will be served about 6.13 forinvited guests, after which GovernorRunyon and the Senators Will speak.

    At dark tho Infantry School of Armswill" give an exhibition of signallingby pyrotechnics, star shells, smokascreen, etc.

    Ample restaurant accommodationsfor all visitors will bo found in thesncanipmtent; t^idies welcome. "

    Thursday, August 2Sth. will be

    A most Interesting day is assured.It ls hoped that all residents—of-NewJersey, who can possibly do so, willisit the range on that day.

    possible by tbo

    -has lieen-interested-in-tbe-camp for oharglng-ot-sniall-fees-to--thfi Btmifllts.a number of years brought up n large | r h a Knights have consulted withfreezer ot ice-cream and treated the 1 l a b o r Isadora lu all matters affectingboys and Stophon Wolf of Montclairj unionized trades and they have ro-

    Kiive the campers a feast of peanuts.James H. Boal, County Work Secro-tary of Morris County also visited the

    e ek\Special honors were awarded to

    Tent 6, George I. Rounds, lender, fortent Inspection nm| Tent 1 . KidnoyMedd, leader for table inspection.

    Over 150 visitors wore In canip dur-ing the week and among tho visitors

    ceived promises of the moat cordialcooperation and coustructivo advice.

    A central bureau is being estab-lished, . and -its_ JiQaclauarters _ willeither be in New York or Now Haven,the national headquarters of the K. of.C._Tbl8 will be the strategic centerof the K-C warfare on Bolshevism, andat this ofilco will be received the re-ports of progress that will determine

    over tho woek^eml are: A. D. Ken- t h o modification or extension of thonelly of Plainflold, Chairman of tha.' Program at prosont determined upon.Camp and Conference Committee, P. I Jamou Byrno ot Mew York. JosephG. Crudea, President of tho Bayonne Scott of Los Angeles, Gustave Strou-Y. M. C. A.; R. A. Woodbury, Boys'Work Secretary, Montclair; C. M.Peterson, Ch'airmamittee, Bayonne

    A Buccessful t

    Boys' Work Com-

    night has beenheld. The program was arranged byDonald Bate of Syracuse University."The Advantages or a College Educa-tion," "How to. Work One's Way

    jects were <

    benmullor of New York, Thomas W.Churchill and Arthur Somers, formerpresidents of tbo New York City Boardof Education. Edward D. Devine attho Dotroit Board of Education, Rev.John J. "Wynne. S. J: and other famous«ducii£oxa - aro directing the work un-der the supervision of a K-C commit-tee consisting of Supreme KnightJames A. Flaherty of Philadelphia. Su-

    liry^beek of Princeton, Donald Dowling o7M. I. T., C. -M. Shepherd of Dickinson.John R. Eeb.ven of Wesloyan; Dr.Frederick.Summerjll of the College of

    The TrTb~Camp . Athletic Moot be-tween the three Association Camps atNewton resulted in Kiamesha takingfirst place. Wawayanda second, andKittatinny third.

    Rev. J. It. Beeves of Keyport hadcharge of the Dible Study during theweek, taking an hie BubjecJ the Life

    fi'r V-Sl :;'*''


    On Saturday afternoon tha RahwayColored Giants Journicd to Ro'solle,

    ---where they wen a twelvo-lnnlng con-tcBt with tho itosolle -Colored GlantB,bJ'_0?e_i?we -SLAM-— Tbo .teattLS_are.particularly well matched, and thegame was exciting from start to finish,

    ~ ~3t~return game will bs played at"theJunction grounds Saturday afternoon.

    The score:

    M. C. G. 0 0 1 1 3 s o 0 1 0 0 0—-'S

    U M to Elliabeth Team.Sunday afti moon tho Rabway Col-

    ored A A pin} id the fast Court StreetLycdim tram in tilzabcth,

    •iB—-» Although thn Uahwn> boys lost.1ho> (IiRori(1 Kr.-'at credit •for-lhcirkliowiiiK rue local lads outhit theiruppAiuMitu foul to \>nc Tho final

    A return .game wIU._be...Played_onSunday afternoon at the Tabs'-groundsin Elizabeth and another close contest

    0 0 1 0.0 0—3-3~0 (V 0-0 0

    d Mm. JiAn \l i i i lar_nf TTnaolwood avonuo hnvo boon Blu>ndlnKeral wr'ius ib WuBhiliBton.D. C.

    of~NTeW~Yorlc~and ^Supreme Ad^ocalb7

    Joseph C. Pelletier of Boston.TUIH educational campaign waa the

    principal achievement of the K. of C.

    Irish nation, the resolution to thls-ef-feet being passed amid great enthusi-asm. Bosldcs being addressed by Sec-retary of War Baker and AssistantSocrotary of the Navy Roosevelt andAdmiral, William S. Benson, the

    Knights 'were officially compUmenteifor their work, by French High Com-

    'urner an<Shahan congratulated them upon theirwar record and prophesied great

    of the K-C educational-cam-

    -Tbe- $50,oOO—appropriateij-for-thlscampaign; makes- over $600,000 of-their.own funds which the Knights havecontributed to .what is called Ameri-canism. • . . •_- .—The Knights &1BO went on record attheir convention, as ready to cooperatewith all authorities, federal,. state and

    with the necessities of life and theyadopted a_resolutlon calling for rigidsuppression of Immoral motion pic-tures Tho Kmgbts will run tholr education work, a purely civilian enter-prise, BO- that it will harmonize withttioir camp school and employmentwork ~ ~

    " On Murch •-•0, 1T00, John Tyler,"tenth presidents of- tbo United States,

    -«MS-bflrn-in Chnrles Oiry county, Yir-

    ilcni" to HI! the phici! of William HenryIlnrrUmi,-wlio lind dy"a~dolliir at flrjt

    J5iS'.jLy°3l""r^"'' """mcthiiia^it-kKasjn-(BOwne itielf; it attracts other dollars to j t , _ .

    lne flollar that succeeds is energetic—hru«; *at turning H~ •*

    it *'h«LS tepn«y" nit W*ne,"aJto*«ihik. ordlnkry run

    tnbut* may "be""-jf

    li^iat- «i—anybody—7W-

    the t>«rson who *ids ou M. dlff«r«nc i4r

    superior to th« *foiVa- H* (or *

    MlCrtlE SAYS

    * pect•Jr ' If, y o u h»v« a. Uttl« money, no-$c. oody.-cata bully you- On th« other•ic hajid."'If you hav« ooaa. you ar»

    h«lp]ess atid Ho not 4ajr« to speik4c tap -for yotir rtuhta.it Without mon^y. one U b«Ces<it •arily - a t oth*r p«o0l«'a feiercy.'it Ther* • Is bo escaping* that t>ropo-

    * nunoasens i oiifht to•ic ha.Vfl.th* "rumptton" to mtmrt la*i l la lli1* AS t>osDlb)(i. to

    Jea and dlin*« toxvtkaj'ta a, Htll« cjpltaJ.i l hl» littl* capita) thiu created -

    it 'wlU, m e a n lttd«p«nd*nc*—t>ytJ"h*>*woatj>r*;!oM and •wortJb-

    i you to aequiru bti!lnK nldttg Ih*Strand. London, r.i- i>tiu-r day. BothJ*>Pi.'ml*?n

    O the other before, tb#y luvolim-tartly uo4S who hjiveServed their country'. But the blgg#»tof all Is the ouo that has no orcanlalnj;secretary, no central ortice*; and no

    It simply exists In thehearts ot the men who have suffered

    or-frccdom and Justice.


    Wh«-Th»t Ha»-Ev«r T».ted the Real

    "m" and a "p." Pumpk!iT pic iirlli£ltil delicadfed

    under tbe tfciiiis "plcM thebest Is "punkln." ' • .•*

    One grows hunfcry nt the thought of)unkia" pie—thfe-trlBp, crinkly crust;

    tbe, thick, rich, pungent fllllrie, with the

    top; the creisniy, dreainy, velvety, far-au-oy, UKts a! 6>c'u woulb clows ot>•' p i U e . Be

    -arey but -noae-that-exce«l« „ , .E piece of "punkln" pie, getting It Intoooe'e bauds, contmrj- to all noclnl

    bltiuc Into H until one almostup to one s| no»RWISHEP HOMEu' Propr »e U^rpatron ot this More. Sho 1

    tDaqwhatever herf^BbalotfT w» can I

    am b«rtI BiOttx


    _-... l»-lLS^Ktrh S e nIlinlnc Tal• lip

    wants, fronr her dining" Toocilto hMthem to Her entire «atHfactlon.


    OININQ ROOM SUITE tSSOOO— n announce-r K I toade to the effect that IfBoard receives petitions either

    ^_i5ror for the bayln« of the D«n-I BU bropcrty for UM as a aite tor the

    Udi=E °< a n o " Pranklls school, a

    . news of each aide of the questionI oa be nrtl»ented. '

    • Tie milter of objection to the Den-xrrr. was latnytaeed when aof tha Board said that ped-

    •_s vere belcs drcolajed by two

    ti»t » «!te nearer the present-.r.: b.- elected upon which to


    Only Chance to Visit \sboryPark This Season at Low

    Excorsioa Rates


    Encouraging Progress TowardsSolving Problem Shown in


    " Rahway"" residents will hare theirjrip to tho

    shore at.: excnrslon-^nusa^an"

    Thieves Gain ED trance EarlyThis Morning and Steal

    Eleven Tires


    At a meeting of ThV Committee ap-peiated-by .-fee-Board- of-JTrade--to- con-alder^ways '̂ apd~- meahs^ib - sbTyeTtha

    next. Aoxuat 2S. —The excnrUoo will W run hy The

    PeoujS7lvalna Railroiid u&d owing tothe demand for cars OS lia westerndlTUton at PtttabarBh. »U1 bo unableto provide (or only about 2000 pas-seagers. The cars used will have tobo retarnea-to-Pttabarga-that night.ao there will be bat oce .section re-turning, which win leive Asbary Parkat 6 o'clock p. xcL shjirp.

    The train will lei-re Rahway at 8o'clock a. m. Ticket* will be on sale



    Thieves brolce into the garage of Bo-

    land Brothers at the- corner of_ W^eat-i

    ^lXlib"nTrand7St7George7a.v^auea early ̂

    Much Needed Improvementis Now Ready for use by

    Patrons .


    The dressing rooms and bathd

    St, Geo vario'us atb1etlc~teams

    WILL CONCRETEHAZELWOOD TtVEVFreeholders Vote to Spend

    $60,000 on ConnectingRoad to Carteret


    The'Board of "yreeHoIders atspecial tocetingheid yesterday at theconrthoose~-1n~ SlfaabethrnnnnlTBon

    ffl^nmsg- ̂ stole eleven valuaBle "which play there, have at


    at the P. B- ticket office com-

    In this city, held yesterday afternoonIn the office of the Wheatena Com-panyrocelired and considerable enthasla&nishown in the. succesat_ of the move-ment. . ". ••-••-

    Reports were made by Uie varioussab-committees on Locations, Housingand Financial. The Committee on Lo-cation, submitted a tentative mropoal-tion relative to a very- desirable plotof ground, which met-with favorableconsideration by the committee.

    j approved~tSe recommendagon 6f fie^ jautomobile tires, loaded them" Into an J provided for.' For yeans tile teams Finance Committee that' "repairs be

    H l d ThJ

    aatomobile and made a safe get-away, j have had BO- rooms in which to dress_jnade Hazelwood avenue. The

    y ~oear-«h«•irucittre i» that known as ths>Gwrto plots and this brad

    e. An

    throosh Sonday and Monday to hoarof departnre. —*̂ î

    It will facilitate Baftsrs ln ' rSei^ence to prorldlns 3aSlywt?v^w1 e e b o i d e r s w U i go to Trenton

    Tnissloners; ;Mayor David Trembley reported;

    that complaints have been received byhim. that owners of houses havo re-cently Increased the rents to an e x -orbitant figure. He pointed out onespecific instance where & landlord hasincreased the rent five dollars permonth and at. the same time had notmade any improvements/ a&d that tha>articular dwelling upon which, t&er

    rent has been Increased does nott con-tain any of the modern imx>rovements_

    era who have increased tho rents^could be designated as nothing less-than "profiteers/' and that as a.."renied y7Tie~woiild~f e QUB strthairte nants~notify th Board of Assessors whenrents are raised, and that when th«property Is assessed for taxes the In-crease in rent will be considered and-tbe taxes will bo raFsed' accordingly-

    It Is tho opinion of the commission-ers that this step will chock the-

    locating the guilty parties and OaeyL . p c r r J . . o f O l a ! o c a l p u b U c

    if financial aid will b«

    v • I

    steady raise of rents, because, If the-taxes on property a re Increased

    Itordlng" to—increas&-ot lhc_J•or _the_ j G j r a ^ _ B c ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ a _ ^ r ^ a t « l c i I e d i t . . . _ m u s t — ^ J

    •^ury- ' - j given him for the Work he has ac-. connecting link between Rahway and] owners of tha houses would not profit.^ ^ — — ~ ~ ~ compllshed. Roosevelt, and other villages in that • by increasing the routs.\J2SLjrtJ&&y• - • The playgrounds are becoming more vicinity the importance of the im- A. communication was receivedtrom

    ' ; ' more and more t>opular, and the num- (provement to this thoroughfare can- the Aerial Department at Washington-'. - Edward J. McCloaUey. ber of -Children -who attend.-is. e-V&X--^^ DO- overestimated-. - ^ - — 4-stating—that Rahway is oa-one-ofr-Oia-..Kdward James McCloskey Jr.,- ol S2., increasing. A. new feature has been ( Much credit for the decision of the proposed odr routes, across the con-

    Commerce atre«t. died Tuesday night &dded recently which will add to tho Board to make the Improvement is tinent, aud iu order to facllltatG easyfollowing a long Ulne^, aged 20 years. ^ u m b ^ r o{ ̂ -°w« persons who attend. d u c ^-achoidera Clifford B. Gehrlng.' recognTHnn of tMB City_ by paaslng_ , "... . , ' ~ This is th