Oktatási Hivatal A 2009/2010. tanévi Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny első (iskolai) fordulója ANGOL NYELV I-II. KATEGÓRIA FELADATLAP ÉS VÁLASZLAP Munkaidő: 180 perc Elérhető pontszám: 100 pont ÚTMUTATÓ A munka megkezdése előtt nyomtatott nagybetűvel ki kell tölteni az adatokat tartalmazó részt és minden különálló lapon a versenyző nevét, osztályát! A feladatok megoldásához íróeszközön kívül más segédeszköz nem használható! A válaszlapon tollal kell dolgozni. A válaszlapon javítás nem fogadható el. Azokban a kérdésekben, ahol szavakat kell beírni, csak a tökéletes helyesírással beírt megoldások fogadhatók el (kis és nagy kezdőbetű megkülönböztetése nem számít). A feladatlapot a szaktanár (szaktanári munkaközösség) értékeli központi megoldási kulcs alapján. Továbbküldhetők az I. kategóriában a legalább 70 pontra értékelt, a II. kategóriában a legalább 75 pontra értékelt válaszlapok. A VERSENYZŐ ADATAI A versenyző neve: ............................................................................................. oszt.: .............. Középiskolai tanulmányait a 13. évfolyamon fejezi be: igen nem * Kategória: I. kategória II. kategória* (*A megfelelő aláhúzandó!) Az iskola neve: ..…………………………………………………………………..................... Az iskola címe: ……............. irsz. ………....................................................................... város ………………………….........................................................................utca ......................hsz. Megye: ........................................................................................................................................ A felkészítő tanár(ok) neve: ........................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................... Összes pontszám: ………………………

angol oktv 2009/10

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Page 1: angol oktv 2009/10

Oktatási Hivata l

A 2009/2010. tanévi

Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny első (iskolai) fordulója



Munkaidő: 180 perc Elérhető pontszám: 100 pont ÚTMUTATÓ A munka megkezdése előtt nyomtatott nagybetűvel ki kell tölteni az adatokat tartalmazó részt és minden különálló lapon a versenyző nevét, osztályát! A feladatok megoldásához íróeszközön kívül más segédeszköz nem használható! A válaszlapon tollal kell dolgozni. A válaszlapon javítás nem fogadható el. Azokban a kérdésekben, ahol szavakat kell beírni, csak a tökéletes helyesírással beírt megoldások fogadhatók el (kis és nagy kezdőbetű megkülönböztetése nem számít). A feladatlapot a szaktanár (szaktanári munkaközösség) értékeli központi megoldási kulcs alapján. Továbbküldhetők az I. kategóriában a legalább 70 pontra értékelt, a II. kategóriában a legalább 75 pontra értékelt válaszlapok.


A versenyző neve: ............................................................................................. oszt.: ..............

Középiskolai tanulmányait a 13. évfolyamon fejezi be: igen nem*

Kategória: I. kategória II. kategória* (*A megfelelő aláhúzandó!)

Az iskola neve: ..………………………………………………………………….....................

Az iskola címe: ……............. irsz. ………....................................................................... város

………………………….........................................................................utca ......................hsz.

Megye: ........................................................................................................................................

A felkészítő tanár(ok) neve: ........................................................................................................


Összes pontszám: ………………………

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Angol nyelv I-II. kategória Név:……...…………………… évf.:……. oszt.:……….

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ELSŐ /ISKOLAI/ FORDULÓ (A feladatlap iskolai példány, amelyet nem kell beküldeni!)

Tesztírás időtartama: 180 perc A feladatok megoldásához szótár nem használható. Fontos! A feladatlapon dolgozzon, csak akkor írja be válaszait a válaszlapra, ha döntése végleges. Csak a válaszlapon jelölt megoldások értékelhetők! A válaszlapon tollal dolgozzon. A válaszlapon javítás nem fogadható el. Azokban a kérdésekben, ahol szavakat kell beírni, csak a tökéletes helyesírással beírt megoldások fogadhatók el. I. Read the article below about the effects of danger on our body and mind, and complete the text by writing one word in each space. Write the word next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

Fight or flight?

What really happens to the body in a life-threatening crisis? The complicated emotions (0) _still_ felt by the Australian bushfire survivors cannot be explained simply (1)_____ saying they are in shock, or traumatised, Dr Rob Gordon says.

Survivors told The Times that as they fought or fled the fires they felt (2)_____ fear, but weeks afterwards they (3)_____ overwhelmed by exhaustion and despair. They found it hard to make any decisions and many could not (4)_____ fill in the forms to receive aid – a state that Kristine Conron called “bushfire brain”.

This is all the result of the physical state the body goes into during and (5)_____ a disaster. In a life-threatening crisis, the body goes into (6)_____ now widely recognised adrenalin mode, energising the body to fight for survival. It is (7)_____ just a short-term burst of energy as most people believe it to be but a more complex state (8)_____ can last for months after the immediate threat (9)_____ passed. In the adrenalin mode other senses and feelings — fatigue, fear, even hunger — are shut down (10)_____ a person can concentrate on the immediate crisis. “In the adrenal state people are (11)_____ busy to know how they feel,” Gordon says. Certain thought processes are also shut down, making (12)_____ difficult for people to absorb complicated information.

“People are highly functioning but only for a restricted set of activities. Comfort and security bring you out of adrenal mode, but when you (13)_____ lost your house, you remain in that state as you try to find new accommodation. It can last for years.” After the adrenal state, the body goes into cortisol arousal, to help it to cope (14)_____ continuing stress. It slows down to regenerate the energy reserves and this is (15)_____ people report feeling exhausted and depleted. Kristine Conron describes it as “walking through molasses”. “The cortisol state is about endurance and shutting down (16)_____ is unnecessary for survival,” Gordon says. “Their whole perspective becomes narrowed to their immediate circumstances and they become depressed, leading a grim, austere life. The important thing is not to push them too hard. They will come back when they’re ready.”

from: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/features/article6799290.ece

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II. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. Write the letter of your choice next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

Looking for an evening class? Try butchery

Britain’s recession has prompted a wave of self-help trends ranging from bee-keeping to growing vegetables – and one of the (0)__A__ growing is DIY butchery.

Witness the Ginger Pig butcher’s shop in the fashionable Marylebone area of London, where nine men and three women, (17)_____ in white coats stained with blood, are learning the tricks of the (18)_____. Some just want to know more about food, others are City high-fliers with time (19)_____. They pay ₤120 ($195) for a three-hour class, complete with French wine and lamb stew (20)_____. “They want something new to do and something cheaper than expensive restaurants,” says shop manager Perry Bartlett. “They come here and cook an equally good meal and have an education (21)_____ about meat. We have people from all (22)_____ of life. We’ve had surgeons, dentists, doctors, and normal people from down the street ... and lots and lots of girls.”

The shop opened in 2003 and gets (23)_____ meat from the Ginger Pig farm in North Yorkshire, where rare breeds such as Longhorn and Belted Galloway cattle, and Tamworth pigs are reared. Bartlett plans to build a bigger classroom (24)_____ up to 20 students, and (25)_____ strong demand in the run-up to Christmas. In the (26)_____ economic climate, he said more and more city bankers and businessmen were looking for fun and social gatherings. “It was a birthday gift from my girlfriend,” said Mark Mcardle, a 22-year-old private banker, standing in front of pig carcasses hanging from hooks in the shop. She is not here tonight, but she thought it would be a good gift for me to become a professional butcher, so I’ll have a (27)_____ at it.”

Borut Kozelj, Bartlett’s assistant, holds a Master’s degree from a butchery school in Slovenia and is one of about 20 butchers working at the Ginger Pig. “The business (28)_____,” he said. “More people want to cook at home in the recession, eat fresher meat and know where (29)_____.” Participants learn about different cuts of meat, how to prepare fillet, sirloin, rump or rib eye, and can take their juicy piece home afterwards.

from: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090901/od_nm/us_butchery_odd

0 A fastest B faster C more fast D fast 17 A are dressing B dress C dressing D dressed

18 A game B butchery C trade D profession 19 A on their hands B to go C behind them D flying 20 A after B after all C after preparation D afterwards 21 A as well B as well as C as good as D as good 22 A faces B walks C parts D scenes 23 A organ B organic C organised D organical 24 A holds B is holding C that hold D holding 25 A expects B waits C excepts D accepts 26 A today’s B nowadays C topical D current 27 A try B come C go D probe 28 A is exploding B is exploded C has been exploded D was exploding 29 A it produces B it is producing C is it produced D it is produced

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III. Read the text below about a book written by a geologist. Some of the lines contain an unnecessary word, which does not fit into the sentence. If there is an unnecessary word, write it next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. If the line is correct, put a tick (√) next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There are two examples (0, 00) at the beginning.

The Geologist’s Tale: A Storm, a Survivor and a Vanishing Island

When Asbury H. Sallenger Jr. first heard of Emma Mille, “I had to check the (0) __√__

references,” he said. The hurricane that has almost killed the young woman, (00) has_

and the doctor who tended for her injuries and won her heart, “just sounded (30)_____

Hollywood.” It was all true, though, and now Dr. Sallenger, a coastal (31)_____

geologist for the United States Geological Survey, has turned the 153-year-old (32)_____

story into a book he hopes will not only engage in readers with its tale of (33)_____

love, death and narrow escapes but also teach them about the hazards (34)_____

of living on the ever-changing coastal landscape, particularly enough in an (35)_____

era of climate change and rising of seas. The book is “Island in a Storm.” (36)_____

The island is Isle Derniere, one of the barrier islands that has run along the (37)_____

Louisiana coast, and the storm was a very ferocious hurricane that (38)_____

was roared out of the Gulf of Mexico on August 10, 1856. Even at (39)_____

the old time, Isle Derniere was not a particularly robust island. Its dunes (40)_____

were “insignificant,” Dr. Sallenger writes, but it was backed by stretches of (41)_____

glorious marshes, and its sandy beach, that lovely cottages and Muggah (42)_____

House hotel made it a more favorite of prosperous Louisianians seeking (43)_____

refuge from the summer heat. The storm, now estimated to have been hit (44)_____

the island as a Category 4 hurricane, washed all of that long away. About 400 (45)_____

people are believed to have been on the island that day; only about half (46)_____

survived. For Isle Derniere, Dr. Sallenger writes, the hurricane was “a tipping

point from which it could not recover.” It has lost more than three-

quarters of its land area and, like Louisiana’s other coastal barriers, it erodes

significantly each time a storm strikes. from: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/01/science/01prof.html?_r=1

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IV. Read the text below about the problems of disadvantaged children in education. Use the words in brackets to form words that fit in the gaps. Write one word only in each gap. Write the word next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

To unlock millions of children’s lives, Britain must look to the Harlem miracle

Here we are, still stuck. A fifth of Britain’s 11-year-olds, children not born when Blair was elected, can’t read well enough to cope with school. (0) __Statistically__(Statistics), they’re set for failure now. Only 5% will catch up enough to get five worthwhile GCSEs. Ministers confess they are puzzled by the continued (47)_____(fail) of those at the bottom to learn. Whatever we’re doing in schools to give all children a chance, it isn’t working. So what can we try next?

This is the holy grail of centre-left politics. How do you prevent poor children from being (48)_____(fatal) handicapped by their backgrounds? Across the ocean, President Obama thinks he’s found the answer. He plans to (49)_____(produce) it in 20 US cities – and it comes from a unique project in Harlem.

The Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ) is a fiercely (50)_____(ambition) programme to change the achievements and expectations of every one of the 10,000 children living in 97 blocks of one of the most (51)_____(devastate) communities in America. An eight-year-old boy from Harlem has a 33% chance of ending up in prison. Three-quarters of Harlem schoolchildren can’t pass the grade exams for their age. A third of students drop out of high school. Unemployment is double the average. The hundreds of millions in community support and educational (52)_____(initiate) tried in Harlem over the past decades have (53)_____(effect) achieved almost nothing. Some lives have been turned around, but the grim backdrop of most people’s existence has remained stubbornly (54)_____(change).

That realisation drove the HCZ founder, Geoffrey Canada, to (55)_____(revolution) the way he worked. Canada had been a community organiser in Harlem since 1990, and he was fed up with rescuing one drug addict, or criminal, or failing schoolchild, only to watch another dozen slip away. A radical change of approach was needed. In Harlem, (56)_____(poor) was so great, and crime and drugs so prevalent, that only the exceptionally lucky or driven child could avoid joining in. Canada wanted to raise the expectations of the whole community simultaneously, so that going to college or avoiding teenage (57)_____(pregnant) would become normal behaviour. Focusing on a minority of talented children wasn’t enough. But if 60% of the peer group were ambitious, hardworking and supported by adults, all those antisocial pressures would alter too.

from: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/aug/05/harlem-poverty-children-schools

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V. Read the text below about a reunion of astronauts in Washington and decide which answer (A–S) best fits each numbered gap. There are two extra answers that do not fit into any of the gaps. Write the letter of your choice next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

Neil Armstrong sidesteps Moon debate at Apollo 11 reunion The Apollo 11 commander, Neil Armstrong, shied away from a public clash of opinion with his two former crewmates in August, quietly failing to join their calls for America to re-examine its controversial plans to send astronauts back to the Moon. Sidestepping the debate as to whether NASA is wasting time and (0) __N__ on revisiting the lunar surface before launching more ambitious (58)_____ to Mars and beyond, Mr Armstrong instead reflected on the history of the (59)_____ as the three reunited to mark the 40th anniversary of their mission.

Delivering the annual John H. Glenn lecture at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, Mr Armstrong joined Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins in addressing a “who’s who” of (60)_____ heroes. But while his crewmates used the opportunity to deliver feisty calls for America to rethink its lunar ambitions and set its sights on loftier goals, Mr Armstrong – who is said to favour NASA’s plan for establishing a manned (61)_____ on the Moon before venturing beyond – stepped more cautiously. “History is a (62)_____ of random events and unpredictable choices, which is why the future is so difficult to foresee,” he said, adding with a wry smile perhaps intended for his Apollo 11 colleagues sitting in the front row: “But you can try.”

Mr Armstrong, 79, received a standing ovation as he took the (63)_____ from notables including the new head of NASA, Major General Charles Bolden, the crew of space shuttle mission STS-125 that repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in May, and what organisers called the “largest (64)_____ of Apollo astronauts for years”.

In a sometimes cerebral address whose subtext appeared to be a (65)_____ for more international partnership in space, the first man on the Moon looked back on the (66)_____ of rocket science and how America’s race to beat the Soviet Union to the Moon drove his and Aldrin’s successful landing on the Sea of Tranquility on July 20, 1969. “It was the ultimate peaceful (67)_____, USA versus USSR. I’ll not assert that it was a diversion that prevented war; nevertheless, it was intense, and it allowed both sides to take the high road with the objectives of science, learning and (68)_____,” he said. “Eventually it provided a mechanism for engendering co-operation between former adversaries. In that sense, among others, it was an excellent national (69)_____ for both sides.”

Mr Aldrin, 79, who began his address with a plug for his website and poured forth a range of futuristic (70)_____ for human space exploration, took a less measured (71)_____, calling for America “to boldly go on a great new mission of exploration”.

Michael Collins, 78, used his time at the podium to call for man to treat Earth better, and for improved environmental and economic controls, and to warn that humankind needs to move off the (72)_____ if it is to survive long-term – and that the next destination should be Mars. “Sometimes I think I flew to the wrong place,” he said, saying that he worried that the current (73)_____ on returning to the Moon would delay the exploration of Mars by decades. Tough problems littered the path to Mars, he ceded, “but I don’t see a showstopper that can’t be solved”.

from: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6720124.ece

A approach B aviation C base D call E competition F emphasis G evolution H exploration I failures J gathering K gravity L investment M planet N resources O sequence P space race Q stage R visions S voyages

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VI. Read the text about the changing agriculture in Cuba and choose the best sentence (A–J) from the list below to fill each of the numbered gaps. There is one extra sentence that does not fit into any of the gaps. Write the letter of your choice next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

The Vegetable Gardeners of Havana

Around Cuba’s capital, Havana, it is quite remarkable how often you see a neatly tended plot of land right in the heart of the city. (0) __C__. Some of the plots are small – just a few rows of lettuces and radishes being grown in an old parking space. Other plots are much larger – the size of several football pitches. (74)_____.

Twenty years ago, Cuban agriculture looked very different. Between 1960 and 1989, a national policy of intensive specialised agriculture radically transformed Cuban farming into high-input mono-culture in which tobacco, sugar, and other cash crops were grown on large state farms. (75)_____. In fact, oil was so cheap, Cuba pursued a highly industrialised fuel-thirsty form of agriculture – not so different from the kind of farming we see in much of the West today. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the oil supply rapidly dried up, and, almost overnight, Cuba faced a major food crisis. (76)_____. With no petrol for tractors, oxen had to plough the land; with no oil-based fertilizers or pesticides, farmers had to turn to natural and organic replacements.

(77)_____. Alamo Organiponico is one of the larger co-operatives. It employs 170 people and was built on a former rubbish-tip that now produces 240 tons of vegetables a year. There is a wide range of crops planted side by side and brightly coloured marigolds at the edges. “We produce all different kinds of vegetables,” says farmer Emilio Andres, who is proud of the fact that his allotment feeds the local community. (78)_____. “We don’t spray any chemicals. We only spray biological means like bastilos – a bacteria and fungus to kill the pests. And we use repellent plants like marigolds to keep away the pests. (79)_____.” Sticky paper or plastic funnel-shaped bottles are positioned throughout the beds to trap harmful pests that do get into the garden. And the methods work.

At the time of the oil shock, average calorie consumption in Cuba dropped by a third to dangerously low levels. (80)_____. The biggest difference is that a Western diet includes about three times as much food energy from animal products like meat and dairy. The Cuban diet is much less fatty and requires less fuel to produce. (81)_____. The standard lunch for the farm workers is black beans, potatoes and rice.

from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8213617.stm

A Sunflowers and corn are also planted around the beds to attract beneficial insects such as lady bugs and lace wings.

B However, Cuban agricultural researcher, Fernando Funes reckons the rest of the world has something to learn from the Cuban agricultural story.

C Sometimes smack bang between tower block estates or next door to the crumbling colonial houses, fresh fruit and vegetables are growing in abundance.

D Although it is a far less varied diet than in the West, it is much healthier. E Already affected by a US trade embargo, Cuba by necessity had to go back to basics to survive –

rediscovering low-input self-reliant farming. F Havana now has almost 200 urban allotments – known as organiponicos – providing four million

tons of vegetables every year, helping the country to become 90% self-sufficient in fruit and vegetables.

G Since then, these have bounced back and Cubans now eat just a little less than people in the UK. H Usually they have a stall next to them to sell the produce at relatively low prices to local people. I Cuba exchanged its abundant produce for cheap, imported subsidised oil from the old Eastern Bloc. J It’s important because it’s grown in the city, it’s fresh food for the people, it’s healthy food, and it

provides jobs for the people here too.

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VII. Read the text below about university admissions in England and put the verbs in brackets into a form that fits in the gap. Write the word or words next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There are two examples at the beginning (0) and (00).

Extra places but not at the top universities

For some of the hundreds of thousands hoping to start a degree this autumn, the chances of winning a place (0)_improved_(improve) markedly today – but not if your target is Bristol or Liverpool, and not if you (00)_are aiming_(aim) for any of the five most popular subjects.

The distribution of the 10,000 extra places (82)_____(announce) by the Government is particularly good news for budding scientists who have applied to Kingston or Manchester Metropolitan universities, which will be admitting at least 500 more students than (83)_____(expect). A total of 161 institutions will benefit from the latest allocation, although many are further education colleges gaining only a handful of places. The list on the website of the Higher Education Funding Council for England (84)_____(include) many leading universities, including Bath, Durham, Manchester and Sheffield. But, since the extra places are mainly in subjects that are expensive (85)_____(teach) and the only funding that will come with them is the income from students’ fees, many of the top universities (86)_____(opt) out. Among 27 universities that have declined extra places are Oxford and Cambridge, Imperial College London, Nottingham and Warwick. Another 19 have taken fewer places than they (87)_____(offer).

The absence of so many oversubscribed universities will be a disappointment to well-qualified applicants who fear (88)_____(squeeze) out in a year when the demand for places is up by more than 9 per cent. But the biggest increases in applications are at new universities such as Buckinghamshire New University, Bedfordshire and Portsmouth, which (89)_____(attract) large numbers of older, local students. Some famous names, such as Durham and Lancaster, actually have fewer applications this year.

Most of the courses that have additional places available are in so-called STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), but the scope of the plan has been extended somewhat (90)_____ (include) economics and business degrees. The list is still sufficiently restrictive to exclude the five most popular subjects, however. Law, psychology, design, medicine and nursing apparently did not meet the criterion of conferring the skills that are most needed by the economy. The same goes, obviously, for the remaining arts and social sciences.

from: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/education/good_university_guide/article6731858.ece

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VIII. Read these reviews of four major cities and the statements that follow. Then match the statements with the cities, according to the text. Write the name of the city next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

New York, USA

This was always the one to beat. New York regularly tops best-city polls and has come to symbolise the very essence of what a city should be, almost to the point of caricature. When we deliberated, in April 2009, the pillars of the old establishment tottering amid the financial crisis, there was a feeling that the Western old guard might cede its dominance to Asia and another city might come up on the rails to steal New York’s crown. However, when assessed in each of our headline categories – architecture, arts & culture, buzz, food & drink, quality of life, and world status – New York still proves hard to fault in any.

Its weakness is quality of life. Part of this is down to the poor public healthcare, but the rest are simply the urban problems besetting any large city: high cost of living, crime (albeit falling), housing pressure, a struggling transport system. Quality of life and buzz, it seems, are to a degree naturally opposed.

London, England

Though its citizens may have lost some of their pre-recession swagger, culturally London is still holding the world’s attention – its theatre, dance, art, heritage, literature, music, fashion and even what’s left of the film industry command international respect and continue to delight audiences.

Its street styles and subcultures are still places where eccentricity and creativity thrive. Food and drink, which not so long ago would have received nul points, have surprised everyone; London now has some of the best chefs exploring new culinary avenues, and a richness of international cuisines that goes unrivalled.

Predictably London is brought down by its everyday stresses – in particular its frequently dysfunctional transport system, the bane of the Londoner’s life, inadequate housing stock, and uneven educational opportunities. But the hardest-argued category was architecture, for which it was lucky to scrape a seven out of ten, compared to New York’s nine. For every landmark building and elegant terrace, there’s a piece of poor planning legislation or a lack of vision that has allowed mediocre architecture to flourish in and beyond the icon-studded centre.

Paris, France

Paris basks in the illusion of being the perfect city, but how much of this stands up to examination and how much is romantic fantasy?

Though once a city of global cultural importance – at various times leading the way in art, food, cinema, fashion, philosophy, and revolutionary tendency – contemporary Paris lacks the sense of urgency and vitality that previously meant you just had to be there. Its food and fashion are still international benchmarks of excellence, the black music scene has been vibrant, and Mitterrand’s Grands Projets of the 80s and 90s did much to reestablish the city’s reputation for architectural sophistication. However, the racial tensions and social problems of the banlieues suggest that quality of life is not of the same high standard for all its citizens. Recent public projects such as the Vélib bike

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hire scheme, new arts centres and free summer activities on the Paris Plage are inspiring other cities. Paris is in the ascendant.

Berlin, Germany

Though it entered the millennium still reeling from a turbulent century, Berlin has rebuilt and rebranded itself as a confident new capital that is going places. The arts have been reestablished to the point where bold museums are opening alongside independent galleries with international art critics a-twitter. The city hosts a prestigious annual film festival, and it is home to one of the world’s best symphony orchestras.

Superficially, Berlin’s flat sprawl does not have the beauty of Paris or Rome, but the rebuilding programme has included many new architectural landmarks. As for the imposing concrete throwbacks of East Berlin – you either love them or you hate them.

Despite Berlin’s rising importance in the global political and economic arenas, it is still a relatively relaxed place to live, negotiable by bicycle, fastidious about recycling, efficient with its public services, offering a good supply of spacious apartments, creative with its public spaces, and enlivened by an eclectic streetlife.

Where it fell down? The cuisine, the local delicacy being sausage seasoned with warm ketchup and curry powder.

from: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/travel/holiday_type/breaks/article6818787.ece

In this city

crime has been decreasing in the last years. (0) _New York_

you would be stunned about the wide range of exceptional dishes. (91)_____

there are some initiatives that other cities look up to. (92)_____

you find unimaginative buildings next to famous sights. (93)_____

getting around is often slow and difficult. (94)_____, (95)_____

everyday life is still not stressed despite its status in the world. (96)_____

This city

has redesigned its image in the last few years. (97)_____

used to do better in almost all assessment categories. (98)_____

does not provide quality treatment for its sick residents. (99)_____

still cannot be beaten in many assessment categories. (100)_____

Page 11: angol oktv 2009/10



VÁLASZLAP A feladatok megoldásához íróeszközön kívül más segédeszköz nem használható! A válaszlapon tollal dolgozzon! A válaszlapon javítás nem fogadható el. Azokban a kérdésekben, ahol szavakat kell beírni, csak a tökéletes helyesírással beírt megoldások fogadhatók el. A feladatlapot a szaktanár (szaktanári munkaközösség) értékeli központi javítási útmutató alapján. A feladatlapok beküldésének ponthatára: I. kategória: 70 pont vagy annál több II. kategória: 75 pont vagy annál több 1 30 58 82 2 31 59 83 3 32 60 84 4 33 61 85 5 34 62 86 6 35 63 87 7 36 64 88 8 37 65 89 9 38 66 90 10 39 67 91 11 40 68 92 12 41 69 93 13 42 70 94* 14 43 71 95* 15 44 72 96 16 45 73 97 17 46 74 98 18 47 75 99 19 48 76 100 20 49 77

*94 és 95 felcserélhető 21 50 78 22 51 79 23 52 80 24 53 81

25 54 26 55 27 56 28 57 29 Összpontszám: __________________ Javító tanár aláírása: _______________________