Animal Adaptations Lower Elementary Class Mrs. Giles September 2013

Animal Adaptations Lower Elementary Class Mrs. Giles September 2013

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Animal AdaptationsLower Elementary ClassMrs. GilesSeptember 2013

Emperor PenguinTheir feathers keep them warm in the icy weather.

KoalaThey can climb trees by clawing the trunks and they can escape predators.

Bottlenose DolphinIt has a shaped beak and it can kill sharks with it.

ChimpanzeeTheir hands and feet are well adapted for grabbing branches and other objects.

SkunkThey have glands that make a toxic spray to predators. Their black and white stripes are known to predators.

Polar Bear

Bibliography http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gorillatourssafaris.com/transfer/chi.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gorillatourssafaris.com/3-days-chimpanzee-flying-safari.html&h=499&w=383&sz=58&tbnid=lOE4lLZCIMs7_M:&tbnh=94&tbnw=72&zoom=1&usg=__aM06yR9ZYtCjafOpRl3f-bN_bCU=&docid=OIVr02-WyqL3YM&sa=X&ei=LakwUt_sMJGA2AW0_oDIDA&ved=0CLYBEP4dMBE


