Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248 Anisotropic tomography of the Atlantic Ocean Graça Silveira a,b,, Eléonore Stutzmann c a Centro de Geof´ ısica da Universidade de Lisboa, Edif´ ıcio C8, CAMPO GRANDE, P-1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal b Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro, P-1949-014 Lisboa, Portugal c Département de Sismologie, Institut de Physique du Globe, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France Received 18 June 2001; received in revised form 22 April 2002; accepted 8 May 2002 Abstract We present the first regional three-dimensional model of the Atlantic Ocean with anisotropy. The model, derived from Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocity measurements, is defined from the Moho down to 300 km depth with a lateral resolution of about 500 km and is presented in terms of average isotropic S-wave velocity, azimuthal anisotropy and transverse isotropy. The cratons beneath North America, Brazil and Africa are clearly associated with fast S-wave velocity anomalies. The mid-Atlantic ridge (MAR) is a shallow structure in the north Atlantic corresponding to a negative velocity anomaly down to about 150 km depth. In contrast, the ridge negative signature is visible in the south Atlantic down to the deepest depth inverted, that is 300 km depth. This difference is probably related to the presence of hot-spots along or close to the ridge axis in the south Atlantic and may indicate a different mechanism for the ridge between the north and south Atlantic. Negative velocity anomalies are clearly associated with hot-spots from the surface down to at least 300 km depth, they are much broader than the supposed size of the hot-spots and seem to be connected along a north–south direction. Down to 100km depth, a fast S-wave velocity anomaly is extenting from Africa into the Atlantic Ocean within the zone defined as the Africa superswell area. This result indicates that the hot material rising from below does not reach the surface in this area but may be pushing the lithosphere upward. In most parts of the Atlantic, the azimuthal anisotropy directions remain stable with increasing depth. Close to the ridge, the fast S-wave velocity direction is roughly parallel to the sea floor spreading direction. The hot-spot anisotropy signature is striking beneath Bermuda, Cape Verde and Fernando Noronha islands where the fast S-wave velocity direction seems to diverge radially from the hot-spots. The Atlantic average radial anisotropy is similar to that of the PREM model, that is positive down to about 220 km, but with slightly smaller amplitude and null deeper. Cratons have a lower than average radial anisotropy. As for the velocities, there is a difference between north and south Atlantic. Most hot-spots and the south-Atlantic ridge are associated with positive radial anisotropy perturbation whereas the north-Atlantic ridge corresponds to negative radial anisotropy perturbation. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Hot-spots; Atlantic Ocean; Mid-Atlantic ridge; Anisotropy; Tomography; Surface waves Correponding author. Tel.: +351-217-500-812; fax:+ 351-217-500-977. E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Silveira). 1. Introduction The Atlantic Ocean occupies an elongated S-shaped basin extending in a north–south direction. It is the second largest ocean and has a relatively small num- ber of islands. The most striking feature of the ocean 0031-9201/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0031-9201(02)00076-6

Anisotropic tomography of the Atlantic Oceanstutz/silveira_stutzmann_pepi_2002.pdf · 2003. 9. 17. · Montagner and Nataf (1986) proposed to describe the Earth by an orthotrope model,

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  • Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248

    Anisotropic tomography of the Atlantic Ocean

    Graça Silveiraa,b,∗, Eléonore Stutzmannca Centro de Geofı́sica da Universidade de Lisboa, Edifı́cio C8, CAMPO GRANDE, P-1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal

    b Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro, P-1949-014 Lisboa, Portugalc Département de Sismologie, Institut de Physique du Globe, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France

    Received 18 June 2001; received in revised form 22 April 2002; accepted 8 May 2002


    We present the first regional three-dimensional model of the Atlantic Ocean with anisotropy. The model, derived fromRayleigh and Love wave phase velocity measurements, is defined from the Moho down to 300 km depth with a lateral resolutionof about 500 km and is presented in terms of average isotropic S-wave velocity, azimuthal anisotropy and transverse isotropy.

    The cratons beneath North America, Brazil and Africa are clearly associated with fast S-wave velocity anomalies. Themid-Atlantic ridge (MAR) is a shallow structure in the north Atlantic corresponding to a negative velocity anomaly down toabout 150 km depth. In contrast, the ridge negative signature is visible in the south Atlantic down to the deepest depth inverted,that is 300 km depth. This difference is probably related to the presence of hot-spots along or close to the ridge axis in thesouth Atlantic and may indicate a different mechanism for the ridge between the north and south Atlantic. Negative velocityanomalies are clearly associated with hot-spots from the surface down to at least 300 km depth, they are much broader thanthe supposed size of the hot-spots and seem to be connected along a north–south direction.

    Down to 100 km depth, a fast S-wave velocity anomaly is extenting from Africa into the Atlantic Ocean within the zonedefined as the Africa superswell area. This result indicates that the hot material rising from below does not reach the surfacein this area but may be pushing the lithosphere upward.

    In most parts of the Atlantic, the azimuthal anisotropy directions remain stable with increasing depth. Close to the ridge,the fast S-wave velocity direction is roughly parallel to the sea floor spreading direction. The hot-spot anisotropy signatureis striking beneath Bermuda, Cape Verde and Fernando Noronha islands where the fast S-wave velocity direction seems todiverge radially from the hot-spots.

    The Atlantic average radial anisotropy is similar to that of the PREM model, that is positive down to about 220 km, but withslightly smaller amplitude and null deeper. Cratons have a lower than average radial anisotropy. As for the velocities, there isa difference between north and south Atlantic. Most hot-spots and the south-Atlantic ridge are associated with positive radialanisotropy perturbation whereas the north-Atlantic ridge corresponds to negative radial anisotropy perturbation.© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords:Hot-spots; Atlantic Ocean; Mid-Atlantic ridge; Anisotropy; Tomography; Surface waves

    ∗ Correponding author. Tel.:+351-217-500-812;fax:+ 351-217-500-977.E-mail address:[email protected] (G. Silveira).

    1. Introduction

    The Atlantic Ocean occupies an elongated S-shapedbasin extending in a north–south direction. It is thesecond largest ocean and has a relatively small num-ber of islands. The most striking feature of the ocean

    0031-9201/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S0031-9201(02)00076-6

  • 238 G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248

    bottom topography is a great submarine mountainrange, the mid-Atlantic ridge (MAR) which separatesthe ocean into two large troughs with depths averag-ing between 4 and 6 km. Transverse ridges runningbetween the MAR and continents divide the oceanfloor into numerous basins.

    The mid-Atlantic ridge axis is roughly north–southin the south Atlantic and deviates to the west in thenorth Atlantic. On the other hand, hot-spots are allaligned along a roughly north–south direction. Theyare located along the ridge in the south Atlantic andof the ridge in the north Atlantic. Understanding therole of hot-spots in the Atlantic opening is importantfrom a geodynamic point of view because hot-spotsand ridges are the two main forms of up-welling at theinterior of the Earth.

    Four cycles of closing and re-opening of paleo-ocean basins, the Wilson cycle (e.g.Windley, 1984),have been reported for the Atlantic, each of them last-ing 400–500 My(Anderson, 1982; Goodwin, 1985;Hoffman, 1989). The last re-opening of the AtlanticOcean started 180 My ago at the Mexico Gulf and theyoung mid-Atlantic ridge started to migrate southwardand northward. The south end of the south Atlanticopening started 130 My ago and migrated toward theEquator. The central and south Atlantic openings metaround 120 My ago in the Equatorial Atlantic. Finally,the north Atlantic started opening 113 My ago, pro-gressively dissociating Greenland from North Amer-ica and from Eurasia. Since 33 My, the morphologyof the Atlantic has remained stable and the currentmid-Atlantic ridge spreading rate is very small, vary-ing between 1 and 4 cm per year.

    For understanding the driving mechanisms of theopening of the Atlantic, the depth extent of ridgeand hot-spots is an important constraint. Seismic dataprovide unique information above the hot-spots andridge seismic signature via three-dimensional tomo-graphic images of the mantle. Global tomographicmodels enable us to distinguish only the mid-Atlanticridge (e.g.Li and Romanowicz, 1996; Mégnin andRomanowicz, 2000). Information about smaller scalestructures of the Atlantic can only come from re-gional studies. The first regional three-dimensionalmodel of the Atlantic was proposed byHonda andTanimoto (1987)using a waveform inversion tech-nique. Later,Mocquet and Romanowicz (1990)in-verted surface wave phase velocities andGrand (1994)

    inverted S-wave travel times to obtain new three-dimensional models of the Atlantic. The robust fea-ture of these models is the mid-Atlantic ridge whichis characterized by a low velocity anomaly down toabout 200 km.

    In order to better constrain the seismic structure ofthe Atlantic, we have constructed the first anisotropicthree-dimensional model of the Atlantic Ocean.The S-wave seismic velocity model is derived fromRayleigh and Love wave phase velocity measure-ments. The Rayleigh wave phase velocities were firstpresented bySilveira et al. (1998). We computed ourS-wave velocity model down to 300 km depth witha lateral resolution of about 500 km. Hot-spots andthe ridge are associated with low velocity anomalies.We discuss their depth extent and connections in theframework of mantle convection.

    2. Method

    We computed fundamental mode surface wavephase velocities for many epicenter-to-station pathsby cross-correlating data with normal mode syntheticseismograms using the PREM model(Dziewonskiand Anderson, 1981)as a reference. The influence ofcrustal structure on surface waves is very importantat short periods and decreases with increasing periods(e.g. Stutzmann and Montagner, 1994). It can biasdeep structure recovery, though the frequency contentof our dataset is dominantly long period, ranging from55 to 250 s. Therefore, phase velocity crustal perturba-tions were computed for the 3SMAC model(Nataf andRicard, 1996)and subtracted from our dataset.

    In a first step, phase velocities obtained path bypath were inverted to obtain their anisotropic lateralvariations. According toSmith and Dahlen (1973)fora slight anisotropic earth, the local phase velocityCat a given point M, can be expressed, for each angularfrequencyω,

    C(ω,M,ψ)=C0(ω,M)[1 + α1(ω,M) cos(2ψ)+α2(ω,M) sin(2ψ)+ α3(ω,M)× cos(4ψ)+ α4(ω,M) sin(4ψ)] (1)

    whereψ is the azimuth,C0 the azimuthal averagephase velocity (called hereafter isotropic phase veloc-ity) andαi are the phase velocity azimuthal anisotropy

  • G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248 239

    coefficients. Using this phase velocity expansion,Montagner and Nataf (1986)have developed a re-gionalization method which has been used separatelyfor Rayleigh and Love waves. The Rayleigh wavephase velocity maps are presented in a first paper bySilveira et al. (1998)together with the method andthe resolution tests.

    Montagner and Nataf (1986)demonstrated thatRayleigh wave phase velocity is mainly sensitive toazimuthal anisotropy via the 2ψ-coefficients (α1 andα2) of Eq. (1) and Love wave phase velocity via the4ψ-coefficients (α3 and α4). Therefore, we invertedversus depth Rayleigh and Love wave local phasevelocities parameterized using three parameters each:C0R, α1R andα2R for Rayleigh waves andC0L , α3Landα4L for Love waves.

    Montagner and Nataf (1986)proposed to describethe Earth by an orthotrope model, that is a transverseisotropic medium with a symmetry axis in any direc-tion. If the mantle olivine is oriented along the maxi-mum flux direction, then the symmetry axis gives thedirection of maximum flux. In an orthotrope model,the elastic tensor can be described by 13 parameters,A, C, F , L, N , Bc, Bs, Hc, Hs, Gc, Gs, Ec, Es. Thefirst five parameters (A, C, F , L, N ) describe theequivalent transverse isotropic medium with verti-cal symmetry axis. They correspond to the isotropicterm, C0, of Eq.(1) and the discrepancy betweenLove and Rayleigh phase velocities. The parametersBs,c, Gs,c, Hs,c describe the 2ψ azimuthal variationswhereas the parametersEs,c define the 4ψ variations.Starting from the partial derivative of a transverseisotropic medium with vertical symmetry axis, it isthen simple to compute phase velocity partial deriva-tives with respect to an anisotropic medium having asymmetry axis in any direction. We have the follow-ing relations (e.g.(Montagner, 1986; Lév̂eque et al.,1989)) for Rayleigh wave phase velocity perturbation,δCR:

    δCR = ∂CR∂A

    (δA+Bc cos 2ψ+Bs sin 2ψ+Ec cos 4ψ

    +Es sin 4ψ)+∂CR∂C


    (δF+Hc cos 2ψ

    +Hs sin 2ψ)+ ∂CR∂L

    (δL+Gc cos 2ψ+Gs sin 2ψ) (2)

    Similarly for Love wave phase velocity perturbations,δCL, we have:

    δCL = ∂CL∂L

    (δL−Gc cos 2ψ −Gs sin 2ψ)

    + ∂CL∂N

    (δN − Ec cos 4ψ − Es sin 4ψ) (3)

    The inversion is performed using the 13 parame-ters per layer but the dataset cannot resolve all theparameters. It has been shown that Rayleigh wavesare mainly sensitive to parametersL, Gc andGs andLove waves are mainly sensitive to parametersN ,Ec andEs (Montagner and Nataf, 1986). Then, thethree-dimensional model can be described by the fol-lowing parameters for a given depth:

    VSV =√L+Gc cos 2ψ +Gs sin 2ψ


    ξ = N − Ec cos 4ψ − Es sin 4ψL+Gc sin 2ψ +Gs sin 2ψ =




    where VSV is the SV-wave velocity andVSH theSH-wave velocity. Love wave azimuthal coverage isless uniform than that of Rayleigh waves and so theparametersEc andEs cannot be correctly retrieved.Therefore, we will not consider azimuthal variationof ξ parameter which becomesξ � N/L.

    The three-dimensional model can be obtained ei-ther by first inverting each path phase velocity versusdepth and then determining the lateral variations of themodel or by inverting versus depth the phase velocitylateral variations. This second procedure is preferredbecause the inversion for retrieving phase velocity lat-eral variations is linear whereas the relationship be-tween phase velocities and depth dependent velocitymodel is not.

    The anisotropic three-dimensional model is com-puted using an iterative inverse algorithm(Tarantolaand Valette, 1982)which takes into account the phasevelocity error maps as a priori errors. Depth is dis-cretized per layer and a Gaussian correlation is intro-duced between adjacent depths. Resolution tests arepresented in the appendix.

    The tomographic model presented in this paper isdescribed in terms of isotropic SV-wave velocity de-fined byVSV =

    √L/ρ, azimuthal anisotropy which is

    represented by an horizontal vector defined byGc and

  • 240 G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248

    Gs and radial anisotropy which corresponds toξ − 1parameter.

    3. Data

    The dataset consists of long period (LH) seismo-grams recorded by GEOSCOPE and IRIS stations inand around the Atlantic Ocean for events of mag-nitude 5.8–7. In total, 1300 Rayleigh wave phasevelocities and 600 Love wave phase velocities werecomputed. The dataset is limited because the At-lantic Ocean is characterized mostly by earthquakesof magnitude smaller that 5.8 for which no CMT iscomputed. Furthermore, there is an evident lack ofbroadband stations in and around the ocean.Fig. 1displays the data coverage. Rayleigh wave phase

    Fig. 1. Geographical paths between epicenters and stations for Rayleigh waves (solid black line) and Love waves (dashed grey line).

    velocity lateral variations and errors are presentedin the paper bySilveira et al. (1998). Love wavephase velocity maps have been determined using thesame technique.Fig. 2 presents the phase velocitymaps for both Rayleigh and Love waves at a periodof 88 s. Parameters used in this inversion and testson the inversion reliability can be found in the pa-per by Silveira et al. (1998). In Appendix A is alsopresented a synthetic test showing that phase veloc-ity and anisotropy are correctly recovered with thepath coverage ofFig. 1 in the area corresponding tothe maximum path coverage. InAppendix B is pre-sented a test on the phase velocity inversion versusdepth.

    The anisotropic three-dimensional S-wave velocitymodel derived from these datasets is presented in thenext sections.

  • G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248 241

    Fig. 2. Phase velocity maps at a period of 80 s for Rayleigh waves (left) and Love waves (right). From top to bottom: phase velocitylateral variations, phase velocity errors, and anisotropy.

  • 242 G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248

    Fig. 3. S-wave velocity lateral variations with respect to theaverage value written at the bottom on each plot for depths:(a) 110 km; and (b) 210 km depth; (c) plate boundaries, hotspot locations and some geological features-afterCrough (1983).

    4. Atlantic tomographic model

    Atlantic hot-spots are all aligned along a roughlynorth–south direction along the ridge axis in the southAtlantic and off the ridge axis in the north Atlantic(seeFig. 3c for a compilation of Crough (1983), Mel-son and O’Hearn (1986), Aslanian (1993)) Hot-spotsare clearly associated with negative S-wave velocityanomalies in our tomographic maps (Fig. 3a and b).These anomalies have a large amplitude from the sur-face down to about 200 km. The amplitude decreasesat greater depths but hot-spots remain visible downto the deepest depth inverted. The hot-spot velocityanomalies are much broader that the supposed sizeof the hot-spots and seem to be connected along anorth–south direction from the surface down to atleast 300 km depth (Figs. 3 and 4). Indeed, the Azoreshot-spot deviates from the ridge axis at depth towardthe south in the direction of the Capo Verde hot-spot(Fig. 4a).

    The mid-Atlantic ridge is caraterized by a nega-tive velocity signature between 100 and 150 km depth(Fig. 3a). Closer to the surface, The ridge is also sloweverywhere except in the part of the ridge having theslowest opening rate, that is between 20 and 30◦N,where we observe a small shallow positive anomaly(Fig. 4b). Deeper than 150 km, there is a striking dif-ference between the northern and southern ridge struc-ture (Fig. 4b). At the north (60–10◦N), the ridge is onlyassociated with low velocity at shallow depth (down to150–200 km). On the contrary, in the south (10–60◦S)the ridge low velocity anomaly is observed down tothe deepest depth inverted, 300 km. The main differ-ence between the northern and southern Atlantic is thepresence of hot-spots along or close to the ridge axisin the south. Therefore, the northern part of the ridge

    Melson and O’Hearn (1986), Aslanian (1993).CSh, CanadianShield; GSh, Guyana Shield;BSh, Brazilian Shield;WAc, WestAfrican craton; Cc, Congo craton. Circles designate hot-spots,from top to bottom: AZ, Azores; M, Madeira; B, Bermuda;GM, Great Meteor; H, Hoggar; T, Tibesti; C, Canaries;CV, Cape Verde;CM, Cameroon;SL, Sierra Leone (Shillinget al. (1994)); G, Galapagos;F, Fernando de Noronha;AS, Ascen-sion; SH, Santa Helena;TD, Trindade;SF, San Felix;V, Vema;TC, Tristan da Cunha;JF, Juan Fernandez. Lines correspond tohot-spot traces.

  • G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248 243

    Fig. 4. Map of the Atlantic Ocean with the cross-section locations. Cross-section of the S-wave velocity perturbation: (a) along the longitude24◦W passing through the Azores; (b) along the mid-Atlantic ridge.

    probably correspond to a shallow and passive feedingcaused by the plate separations, while the southernpart of the ridge is fed by a deeper source which alsofeeds the hot-spots.

    At 110 km depth, a fast anomaly is extenting fromAfrica into the Atlantic Ocean at 10◦E 10◦S betweenthe Guinea rise and the Walvis rise. It is located inthe zone defined byMcNutt (1998)as the Africa su-perswell area. Several models suggest that the super-plume is rising from the core-mantle boundary (e.g.Ritsema et al., 1999). Our model shows that the hotmaterial rising from below does not reach the sur-face in this area but may be pushing the lithosphereupward.

    The cratons beneath North America, Brazil andAfrica are clearly associated with fast S-wave velocityanomalies. In Africa, the two fastest anomalies are lo-cated beneath West African and Gabon cratons sepa-rated by an intermediate zone which is in line with theSaint Helena hot-spot track. The amplitude of the cra-ton positive anomaly is large down to about 200 km.Deeper, the anomaly amplitude decreases and the rootof these cratons is probably around 250 km depth.

    4.1. S-wave azimuthal anisotropy

    The S-wave azimuthal anisotropy presented inFig. 5 is quite similar to the Rayleigh wave phase

  • 244 G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248

    Fig. 5. S-wave velocity azimuthal anisotropy for (a) 110 km; (b)210 km depth. The S-wave velocity fast directions are given by thebars azimuth. The length of the bars are proportional to the intensitywith respect to the scale on top of the figure. (c) Current platevelocities calculated from model NUVEL-1(Gripp and Gordon,1990).

    velocity anisotropy pattern obtained in a previouspaper (Silveira et al., 1998)because S-wave az-imuthal anisotropy is mainly sensitive to Rayleighwave phase velocity. The resolution of anisotropydirection is best when the path azimuthal coverageis uniform which is the case in this study except atthe edges of the studied area (Pacific Ocean, NorthAmerica and Europe) where most of the path havethe same directions and therefore bias the anisotropyresults.

    As for velocities, the anisotropy pattern is differentin the north and south Atlantic (Fig. 5). At 110 kmdepth, south Atlantic anisotropy directions are consis-tent with current plate velocities relative to hot-spotscalculated from the model NUVEL-1(Gripp andGordon, 1990)(Fig. 5c). These directions remain sta-ble with increasing depth. At the Ascension Island(100 km west of the MAR), our anisotropy directionis consistent with body wave anisotropy measurementobtained byWolfe and Silver (1998)using SS-wavesplitting.

    In the north Atlantic, the anisotropy directions re-main stable with increasing depth except near the ridgebetween 20 and 30◦N, in the region characterized bythe shallow positive S-wave velocity anomaly. In thisregion, the anisotropy is weak at shallow depth androtate to become perpendicular to the ridge axis at150 km depth and deeper.

    The western part of the north Atlantic Ocean showsa roughly north–south fast direction which is paral-lel neither to present-day plate motion (Fig. 5c) norto a simple model of flow diverging horizontally fromthe ridge. This north–south orientation agrees withthe anisotropy direction obtained byKuo et al. (1987)from shear waves.

    Hot-spot anisotropy signature is striking beneathBermuda, Cape Verde and Fernando Noronha islandswhere the fast S-wave velocity direction seems to di-verge radially from the hot-spots.

    Beneath continents, we observe a rotation of theS-wave fast axis with depth. This effect is clear be-neath shields like the Brazilian, Guyana and WestAfrican Craton. Close to the surface the fast S-wavevelocity direction is nearly parallel to present absoluteplate motion. As the depth increases, the azimuthalanisotropy amplitude decreases and the directions be-come almost perpendicular to the present absoluteplate motion.

  • G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248 245

    Fig. 6. (a) Average S-wave velocity radial anisotropy,ξ , as afunction of depth for the Atlantic area (dashed line) and the PREMmodel (solid line). (b, c) Radial anisotropy lateral variation withrespect to the average value written at the bottom of each plotand for 110 and 210 km depth, respectively.

    4.2. Radial anisotropy

    The average S-wave velocity radial anisotropy as afunction of depth is very similar to that of the PREMmodel but sligtly shifted toward more negative am-plitudes (Fig. 6). It is positive down to about 220 kmdepth and becomes nul deeper. To a first order ap-proximationξ − 1 � 2 × (VSH − VSV)/VSV. There-fore, the positive radial anisotropy observed down to220 km depth means that SH-wave velocity is largerthan SV-wave velocity and the flow is dominantly hor-izontal in the area. Deeper, no significant anisotropyis observed.

    The average radial anisotropy presented onFig. 6a isused as reference model for plotting radial anisotropylateral variations as a function of depth onFig. 6band c. The anisotropy amplitude decreases with in-creasing depth but its pattern remain stable. In thesouth, the ridge and the Rio Grande Rise are associ-ated with higher than average anisotropy, whereas inthe north between 20 and 35◦N the anisotropy is lowerthan average, but its absolute value remains positive.These results are in agrement with the interpretationof the SV-wave velocity maps. The radial anisotropyindicates a rather horizontal flow in the north At-lantic where the mid-Atlantic ridge is a shallow seis-mic structure that may correspond to a passive feedingcaused by plates separation. On the other hand, the ra-dial anisotropy indicates a rather vertical flow in thesouth Atlantic where the mid-Atlantic ridge seismicsignature is deeper, indicating a deeper source.

    Fig. 6also shows that the cratons of Brazil, Guyanaand West Africa are all associated with lower than av-erage radial anisotropy at both 110 and 210 km depthindicating a dominantly horizontal flow. This result isconsistent with stable and old tectonic features suchas cratons.

    5. Conclusions

    Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocities com-puted path by path have enabled us to determinethe first regional three-dimensional model of the At-lantic Ocean that takes into account anisotropy. Themodel is defined from the Moho down to 300 kmdepth with a lateral resolution of about 500 kmand it is presented in terms of average isotropic

  • 246 G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248

    S-wave velocity, azimuthal anisotropy and transverseisotropy.

    The cratons beneath North America, Brazil andAfrica are clearly associated with fast S-wave velocityanomalies and negative radial anisotropy perturba-tions. The mid-Atlantic ridge is a shallow structure inthe north Atlantic corresponding to a negative velocityanomaly down to about 150 km depth and a negativeradial anisotropy perturbation. In contrast, in the southAtlantic, the ridge negative signature is visible downto the deepest depth inverted (300 km) and the radialanisotropy perturbation is positive. This difference isprobably related to the presence of hot-spot at or nearto the south-Atlantic ridge axis. Hot-spots correspondto negative velocity anomalies from the surface downto at least 300 km depth which are much broader thanthe supposed size of the hot-spots and which seemto be connected along a north–south direction in theentire upper mantle. Therefore, the northern part ofthe ridge probably correspond to a shallow and pas-sive feeding caused by the plate separation. On thecontrary, the southern part of the ridge and hot-spotis fed by a deeper source which also feeds hot-spots.

    At 110 km depth, a fast S-wave velocity anomaly isextenting from Africa into the Atlantic Ocean withinthe zone defined as the Africa superswell area. Thisresult indicates that the hot material rising from belowdoes not reach the surface in this area but may bepushing the lithosphere upward.

    In most of the Atlantic, the azimuthal anisotropydirections remain stable with increasing depth. Closeto the ridge, the fast S-wave velocity direction isroughly parallel to the sea floor spreading direction.The western part of the north Atlantic Ocean showsa roughly north–south fast direction consistent withbody waves measurements. Hot-spot anisotropy sig-nature is striking beneath Bermuda, Cape Verde andFernando Noronha islands where fast S-wave velocitydirection seems to diverge radially from the hot-spots.

    The Atlantic radial anisotropy pattern is similar tothat of the PREM model but slightly shifted towardweaker amplitudes. It is positive down to about 220 kmdepth and becomes null deeper. The radial anisotropyperturbations are consistent with the interpretation ofthe SV-wave velocity maps. Cratons associated withrather horizontal flows. The mid-Atlantic ridge cor-responds rather horizontal flows in the north Atlanticand rather vertical flows in the south Atlantic.


    This is an I.P.G.P contribution 1837, UMRCNRS 7580. The authors thank Jean-Paul Montag-ner and Luis Mendes-Victor for fruitful discussion.This work was partially sponsored by MASHA(POCTI/CTA/39158/2001).

    Appendix A. Tests on the phase velocity lateralvariation inversion

    Tests and parameters of the regionalization methodare extensively discussed in a previous paper bySilveira et al. (1998). Hereafter, we present a syn-thetic experiment to demonstrate the reliability of thephase velocity lateral variation and anisotropy maps.The path coverage ofFig. 1 corresponding to the realdataset is used. The anisotropic phase velocity modelis presented onFig. 7a and b. It has be chosen toreproduce the main features obtained by the inver-sion of the real datset. We consider several positiveand negative anomalies of±5% with respect to thereference model and anisotropy anomalies of 2% indifferent directions. The inversion is performed us-ing the same parameters (a priori error, correlationlength) as for the real data. The inversion results pre-sented onFig. 7c and d shows that the phase velocityanomalies are correctly recovered both in locationand amplitude though the anomalies are smoothedby the correlation length of 500 km used in the in-version.Fig. 7b and c show that the large anisotropyanomalies are correctly recovered in the areas wherethe path azimuthal coverage is uniform and that theazimuthal anisotropy results should not be interpretedat the edges of the area of interest.

    Appendix B. Tests on the inversion versus depth

    This appendix presents tests on the phase velocityinversion for retrieving the SV-wave velocity and ra-dial anisotropy as a function of depth.

    We considered a model perturbation located be-tween 100 and 220 km depth which respect the PREMmodel. We introduced a 5% SH-wave velocity pertur-bation and a 3% SV-wave velocity perturbation cor-responding to a 2%ξ perturbation (Fig. 8). Rayleigh

  • G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248 247

    Fig. 7. (a) Phase velocity model; (b) anisotropy model; (c) phase velocity after inversion; (d) anisotropy after inversion.

    Fig. 8. Synthetic test: (a) S-wave velocity as a function of depth; (b) radial anisotropy as a function of depth. The curves correspond tothe PREM model (solid line), the perturbed model that we want to retrieve (dashed line) and the inversion result (triangle).

  • 248 G. Silveira, E. Stutzmann / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 132 (2002) 237–248

    and Love wave phase velocities are computed for thismodel and used as data for testing the inversion. Apriori errors on data used in this synthetic test are thesame that are used in the inversion of real data and theywere obtained from the phase velocity regionalizationpresented in the paper bySilveira et al. (1998). Theseerrors depend on period, they correspond to the reso-lution of the local phase velocity which is a functionof the uncertainties along each path and the paths dis-tribution. Because horizontal seismograms are noisierthan vertical seismograms, the Love wave phase ve-locity a priori error is almost double that of Rayleighwave phase velocities.

    Fig. 8 presents the S-wave velocity and transverseisotropy for the reference model (solid line), for themodel to be retrieved (dashed line) and the inversionresult (triangles). Both perturbations are correctly lo-cated at depth and in amplitude, but their amplitudeslightly extends beyound the layer two edges becausewe use a Gaussian covariance function to correlateneighboring depths in the inversion versus depth.


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    Anisotropic tomography of the Atlantic OceanIntroductionMethodDataAtlantic tomographic modelS-wave azimuthal anisotropyRadial anisotropy

    ConclusionsAcknowledgementsTests on the phase velocity lateral variation inversionTests on the inversion versus depthReferences