Announcements - September 1, 2019 Emanuel Lutheran Church // 324 College Ave, Modesto, CA 95350 // Phone: 209-523-4531 Pastor: Lyn Crase // Email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Paula Braxton // Email: [email protected] Church Website: emanuellutheran.org Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 am-3 pm // Friday 8 am-2 pm Welcome Guests and Visitors! Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ. We are glad that you have come to worship with us. Please help us to know you by introducing yourself to those you encounter and please be sure to sign our guest book (located on the stand in the Narthex). No Choir rehearsal today. Rehearsals will resume on September 22nd. Weekly Breakfast with MJC in Kaes Kitchen. You are welcome to come and enjoy breakfast with the students on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7 am. Text Study Tuesdays at 12:00 noon. Lively discussion on upcoming texts. Bring along your lunch. First Saturday Worship Every 1st Saturday of the month at 5:30 pm. An informal & interacve worship experience. 1st Sunday Care Cupboard Bring your donaons for the Care Cupboard (please refer to the list for current needs). Donaons are accepted anyme. Next Care Cupboard date is September 9th. Community Service Project—Alora Skustad Donaons are needed for those experiencing hospital stays, chemo treatments, etc. Please see Alora for a complete list of items and for further instrucons. Ministry & Council Meetings—both will be held on September 15th due to Labor Day weekend and Gods Work, Our Hands Sunday. Ministry Meeting: 11:00 am Council Meeting: 11:30 am Please use your softvoice during and following the Prelude, as others may be in prayer and meditation. Thank you. Current Prayer Requests: Lauras grandbaby (to be born in November & daughter Anjelica) — health & well-being; Neil, Linda and son, Gavin—recovery after auto accident (Watkins); Mary Murray—comfort & strength; Teddie Criscuolo, (Lois Silvas relative—age 3 1/2), healing & well-being following major surgery; Pam Thorkelson—health & healing (Maya); Aaron Strait—to continue on my path of sobriety! (Strait); Rob Crase—quick recovery and healing (Crase); Lori Skustad—healing and well-being (Skustad); Heidi Brockmann—healing and well-being (Petersen); Jennifer Turner—healing & health following surgery (Dieterich); Father Ignatius—healing after heart surgery (Crawford); Kim Hankal—cancer/healing (Kraft); Pete Van Diepen—healing (Van Diepen); Pam Wray—continued healing; Marsha Schlipman—serious health issues (Nelson); Stephanie Dishneau (niece of Yvonne Troedson)—serious health issues and well- being, Sherman and Carlene Russell (Stephanies parents) — strength & comfort in this situation (Troedson); Dawn & Alex (mom & son) - health, healing and blessing of opportunity for treatment; Ron Harris—health issues (Harris); Michael Romano (Barbara Baumans great-grandson) - healing; Priscilla Pino—health, healing & well-being (Ixcot); Penny Zaratte—health & well-being (Dieterich); Ian McKenzie—mental healing and acceptance (Schmidt) If our choir is going to add to the services, we need more voices to sing. Rehearsals are aſter the church service on Sundays from 11:00 unl 12:00, and the singing schedule is always available. Please consider joining as we need all voices. Barbara Vukich God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday is September 8th. We are one of over 9,100 congregations who participate in God's Work Our Hands Day of service. This year our project is to welcome & thank Modesto Police Department and Rank Security for all the times they have responded to a need on Emanuel's campus. We will bless completed quilts in worship, enjoy brunch together, and work on assembling additional quilts. Finished quilts will be given to the MPD officers for crisis care use. Let us all join in thanking MPD & Rank Security! The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God by the Epngs. Emanuel’s WELCA welcomes all women to a Potluck Salad Luncheon on Saturday, September 28th at 11:00 am. Pastor Lyn will have a Bible Study in Luther Hall prior to the Luncheon. Please come to learn, eat, and enjoy fellowship with others. RSVP to your Circle Rep or Barbara Crawford.

Announcements September 1, 2019...2019/09/01  · Announcements -September 1, 2019 Emanuel Lutheran Church // 324 College Ave, Modesto, CA 95350 // Phone: 209-523-4531 Pastor: Lyn

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Page 1: Announcements September 1, 2019...2019/09/01  · Announcements -September 1, 2019 Emanuel Lutheran Church // 324 College Ave, Modesto, CA 95350 // Phone: 209-523-4531 Pastor: Lyn

Announcements - September 1, 2019

Emanuel Lutheran Church // 324 College Ave, Modesto, CA 95350 // Phone: 209-523-4531 Pastor: Lyn Crase // Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Paula Braxton // Email: [email protected] Church Website: emanuellutheran.org

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 am-3 pm // Friday 8 am-2 pm

Welcome Guests and Visitors!

Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ. We are glad that you have come to worship with us. Please help us to know you by introducing yourself to those you encounter and please be sure to sign our guest book (located on the stand in the Narthex).

No Choir rehearsal today. Rehearsals will resume on September 22nd.

Weekly Breakfast with MJC in Katie’s Kitchen. You are welcome to come and enjoy breakfast with the students on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7 am.

Text Study Tuesdays at 12:00 noon. Lively discussion on upcoming texts. Bring along your lunch.

First Saturday Worship Every 1st Saturday of the month at 5:30 pm. An informal & interactive worship experience.

1st Sunday Care Cupboard Bring your donations for the Care Cupboard (please refer to the list for current needs). Donations are accepted anytime. Next Care Cupboard date is September 9th.

Community Service Project—Alora Skustad Donations are needed for those experiencing hospital stays, chemo treatments, etc. Please see Alora for a complete list of items and for further instructions.

Ministry & Council Meetings—both will be held on

September 15th due to Labor Day weekend and God’s

Work, Our Hands Sunday.

Ministry Meeting: 11:00 am

Council Meeting: 11:30 am

Please use your “soft” voice during and following the

Prelude, as others may be in prayer

and meditation. Thank you.

Current Prayer Requests: Laura’s grandbaby (to be

born in November & daughter Anjelica) — health &

well-being; Neil, Linda and son, Gavin—recovery after

auto accident (Watkins); Mary Murray—comfort &

strength; Teddie Criscuolo, (Lois Silva’s relative—age 3

1/2), healing & well-being following major surgery;

Pam Thorkelson—health & healing (Maya); Aaron

Strait—to continue on my path of sobriety! (Strait);

Rob Crase—quick recovery and healing (Crase); Lori

Skustad—healing and well-being (Skustad); Heidi

Brockmann—healing and well-being (Petersen);

Jennifer Turner—healing & health following surgery

(Dieterich); Father Ignatius—healing after heart

surgery (Crawford); Kim Hankal—cancer/healing

(Kraft); Pete Van Diepen—healing (Van Diepen); Pam

Wray—continued healing; Marsha Schlipman—serious

health issues (Nelson); Stephanie Dishneau (niece of

Yvonne Troedson)—serious health issues and well-

being, Sherman and Carlene Russell (Stephanie’s

parents) — strength & comfort in this situation

(Troedson); Dawn & Alex (mom & son) - health,

healing and blessing of opportunity for treatment; Ron

Harris—health issues (Harris); Michael Romano

(Barbara Bauman’s great-grandson) - healing; Priscilla

Pino—health, healing & well-being (Ixcot); Penny

Zaratte—health & well-being (Dieterich); Ian

McKenzie—mental healing and acceptance (Schmidt)

If our choir is going to add to the

services, we need more voices to sing.

Rehearsals are after the church service

on Sundays from 11:00 until 12:00, and

the singing schedule is always available.

Please consider joining as we need all

voices. ♬ Barbara Vukich

God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday is September 8th.

We are one of over 9,100 congregations who participate in God's Work Our Hands Day of service. This year our project is to welcome & thank Modesto Police Department and Rank Security for all the times they have responded to a need on Emanuel's campus. We will bless completed quilts in worship, enjoy brunch together, and work on assembling additional quilts. Finished quilts will be given to the MPD officers for crisis care use. Let us all join in thanking MPD & Rank Security!

The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God by

the Eptings.

Emanuel’s WELCA welcomes all women to a Potluck Salad Luncheon o n S a t u r d a y , September 28th at 11:00 am.

Pastor Lyn will have a Bible Study in Luther Hall prior to the Luncheon. Please come to learn, eat, and enjoy fellowship with others. RSVP to your Circle Rep or Barbara Crawford.

Page 2: Announcements September 1, 2019...2019/09/01  · Announcements -September 1, 2019 Emanuel Lutheran Church // 324 College Ave, Modesto, CA 95350 // Phone: 209-523-4531 Pastor: Lyn


Monday, September 2 OFFICE & DAY CARE CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY HOLIDAY 3:00 pm Lydia Circle

Tuesday, September 3 7:00 am Breakfast in Katie’s Kitchen 12:00 pm Text Study

Wednesday, September 4 7:00 am Breakfast in Katie’s Kitchen 10:00 am Weekly Staff Mtg. 7:00 pm Council Mtg. w/SPS

Thursday, September 5 9:30 am Adult Bible Study—Ezra & Nehemiah 10:30 am The Joyful Singers—meet at ELC & carpool to Stockton facility

Saturday, September 7 9:00 am Quilting Bee 10:00 am Organ Practice 2:00 pm Geraldine Walton Memorial Service 5:30 pm Evening Worship

Sunday, September 8 9:30 am Worship Service

God’s Work Our Hands Sunday

Just a reminder to check the Coffee Hour Sign-up Sheet >>Please consider volunteering to host a Coffee Hour, especially the 1st, 4th, and 5th Sundays of the month.

The Fellowship Committee

Worship Assistants

September 8—Pentecost 13

Asst. Minister—Fanney Bjargardottir

Min. of the Word—Mike Epting, Josh Hollinger

Cantor—Paula Barton

Communion Asst.—Epting/Barton

Acolyte—Chris Schmidt


Altar Care—Knoll/Nelson

September 15—Pentecost 14

Asst. Minister—David Holtz

Min. of the Word—Kathleen Reuter, Suzanne Wilke

Cantor—David Holtz

Communion Asst.—Addison Hoover

Acolyte—Chris Schmidt


Altar Care—Knoll/Nelson

Weekly Bible Readings

September 8—Pentecost 13

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Psalm 1

Philemon 1-21 Luke 14:25-33

September 15—Pentecost 14

Exodus 32:7-14 Psalm 51:1-10

1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10

The Joyful Singers' next opportunity to sing for the hospice

patients at the California Health Care Facility in Stockton will take place Thursday, February 7. Those who would still like to participate in our Outreach please contact Kim Petersen at: [email protected] or phone: 209-467-2518 to have her start the paperwork process. It will take a few weeks to finalize the clearance, so if you are not able to participate this time, your participation is certainly welcomed when you are cleared. We tentatively schedule our singing opportunities the first Thursday of each month. We will meet at 10:15 am Thursday, February 6 in the church parking lot on College to be able to leave at 10:30. David Holtz will provide the musical accompaniment. The singing will be for about 30-45 minutes once we are in the facility. We should be back at the church by 1:30. For additional information, contact Marsha Waggoner, 526-5104 or [email protected]

There's a convenient way to make donations to Emanuel. Simply

install Give+Church on your Apple or Android phone or tablet, or

with your computer, visit www.emanuellutheran.org. On the

website, choose the “Contact Us/Donations” menu item. Both

options are extremely easy and walk you through the process.

Katie’s Kitchen serves breakfast for MJC students and faculty two days per week. If you would like to be a part of this exciting ministry, you can help in several ways:

We always need the following: frozen orange juice, eggs, turkey sausage or bacon -- all are very popular menu items.

Another way of helping is a monetary donation, perhaps your tithe on tithe.

And if would like to actually be part of the serving team, come on down any Tuesday or Wednesday morning between 6:00 – 10:00 am. We’d love to have you join us. Thank you!

News from Katie’s Kitchen

We are expanding to include a Clothes Closet. If you have

clothing, shoes or accessories to give away, please consider

donating to this ministry. Sometimes these students need

to dress nicely for a job interview. Thanks, in advance for

continuing to support ministries aimed at helping MJC


Emanuel Lutheran Care Cupboard

Thank you! Thank you! The 1st Sunday each month is

Care Cupboard Sunday, but donations are accepted

every week. We are currently in need of: Top Ramen

and Cup of Noodles, shelf-stable milk, small jars of

peanut butter and jelly, individual servings of breakfast

cereals, Ritz crackers, Pasta-Roni, Hamburger Helper,

salad sides, tuna pouches, canned chicken. We also

need fresh fruit, canned vegetables, beans (canned &

bagged). Thanks so much for your generosity! =)

If you and your child, 6th-8th grade,

are interested in Confirmation

study, please come to a

brief meeting with Pastor

Lyn after church on

September 22nd.