Announcing Gender

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  • 7/29/2019 Announcing Gender


    Excerpt copied from a previous edition

    (circa 1999?) of the bookGender in

    Canada; Adie Nelson (Ed.) p. 136

    [We] would like to announce the birth of Arju

    ______who arrived at 14:37 EDT on 17

    September 1992, at Kitchener-Waterloo

    Hospital weighing 3080 grams and measuring

    51 cm from head to toe. [The mother] wentthrough twenty-six hours of pre-labour and

    seven hours of active labour at home before

    going to the hospital; after nine more hours

    of labour there, our natural childbirth was

    facilitated by the team of______(our family

    doctor),______(our midwife), and______(the

    duty nurse). We left the hospital six hours after

    the delivery, and we are all resting at home,

    with all the phones unplugged.

    Some answers to questions you may have:

    Arju (pronounced Are-jew, factually if not

    grammatically correct, accent on the first

    syllable) doesnt mean anything. Its a nicesounding pair of syllables, nothing more, and

    we made it up more than a year ago, after

    trying lots of different combinations. We

    wanted a name that was short, sounded

    good with [the mothers last name], and

    didnt lead to any obvious derogatory

    nicknames. (If you can think of one well, its

    too late.)

    Please dont rush out and buy a gift. We

    stocked up on the basics before the birth,

    and it will take us a while to figure out what

    else we need, or what might prove useful or

    entertaining. If you still have the gift-giving

    urge a few weeks from now, we may be able

    to suggest some possibilities to you. But really,

    dont feel obligated to do anything morethan smile and coo when you first meet Arju

    (and you dont even have to do that, if

    youre really in a bad mood.

    No, we didnt forget to mention whether Arju

    was a boy or a girl, we deliberately left that

    out another decision made many months

    ago. We are concerned about early gender

    stereotyping. Studies have shown (see the

    bibliography at the end of this

    announcement) that adult perception of

    infant behaviour is affected more by the

    perceived sex of the child than the actual

    behaviour of the child. There is a difference

    in the way adults talk to girl babies and boy

    babies; there is a difference in the way adults

    hold and play with girl babies and boy

    babies. We think that the sex of a newborn

    child who will still be sorting out its senses for

    weeks if not months after birth is the least

    interesting bit of information about that child.

    We hope youll help us in our task of raising

    our child properly by focusing on Arju as a

    developing human being, with all the

    wonder that entails.

    No, we dont know when were going to

    have a second child. Shame on you for even

    thinking of asking!


    Pomerleau, A., Bolduc, D., Malcuit, G., &

    Cossette, L. (1990). Pink or blue:

    Environmental gender stereotypes in the

    first two years of life. Sex Roles, 22(5),


    Sidorowicz, L. S., & Lunney, G. S. (1980). Baby

    X revisited. Sex Roles, 6(1), 67-73.

    Stern, M., & Karraker, K. H. (1989). Sex

    stereotyping of infants: A review ofgender labeling studies. Sex Roles, 20(9),


    [Approximately three years later, a second

    University of Waterloo professors

    ______ and ______ , both of the

    Department of Computer Science,

    intentionally gave their babies first names

    devoid of gender implications and

    family names in alternating order. With

    the permission of the parent-authors, we

    reproduce their birth announcements,

    complete with an accompanying

    bibliography, as they appeared on the

    World Wide Web. We also reproduce,

    again with permission, comments from

    professor ______ on the reactions theproud parents have received to the


  • 7/29/2019 Announcing Gender


    birth announcement appeared, as follows...]

    We would like to announce the birth of

    Zazuki______who arrived at 8:06 EST on 24

    March 1995, at Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital,

    weighing 41600 grams and measuring 52 cm

    from head to toe. The birth was assisted byour midwife______and duty nurse______

    Labour started at 2:00, Elsie arrived at 6:00,

    we left for the hospital at 7:00. Weve been

    home since 11:00 and are resting

    comfortably with the phones unplugged,

    happy and healthy.

    Some answers to questions you may have:

    Zazuki is pronounced Zah-ZOO-key. Like

    Arju, it doesnt mean anything in any

    language we know or have checked. We

    tried a lot of combinations of syllables until

    we found one that sounded nice to us.

    Please dont rush out and buy a gift. We

    have everything we need and plenty that is

    sheer luxury, and there are Arjus feelings to

    consider. If you feel the urge to mark the

    occasion, please consider a donation to

    Planned Parenthood. Local councillors

    blocked a provincial grant to our local

    branch and they could really use the money,

    but wherever you are located, theres likely

    to be a branch near you. You get a nice tax

    deduction and you can feel good about

    helping others. (Yes, Zazuki was planned, and

    we dont plan on having any more.)

    As we did with Arju, we are not announcing

    Zazukis sex. We think it worked out just fine in

    Arjus case, and were used to dropping sex-

    specific pronouns out of our speech now. If

    you cant understand why were doing this,

    well be happy to pass on a copy of Arjus

    birth announcement, which includes a

    bibliography containing the articles which

    inspired us.

    ________ [The mother]

    ________ [The father]

    and Arju________

    Not everyone viewed these birthannouncements in a positive light. As the

    childrens father commented in a letter

    to one of the authors about the


    The first one of course caused quite a

    stir. We got almost no gifts (except from

    people who could handle the situation)

    because people couldnt think of what

    to buy without knowing Arjus sex! Others

    worried about the effect on Arju of being

    handled by people ignorant of this

    crucial fact even on Arjus sexual

    orientation For months afterward

    people would ask us if wed announced

    it yet. Strangers would quiz us carefully,

    hoping to catch a slip. (I slipped four

    times that I can think of twice for each

    pronoun he and she!). Regarding the

    second child, [professor] ________

    observed there was much less fuss;

    everyone was resigned to our

    eccentricities by then, and Arju would tell

    anyone who was really curious.